ShawnChapter 22 free porn video

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I went out at dusk to hunt and plotted my course to efficiently get to any of the water holes in the vicinity. My eye had found most of the surrounding features and I took to the air to make better time. A sluggish river over twenty miles away, just over a high ridge, also gave me hope. The first oasis was certainly beautiful but didn't have that much in the line of large animals. I didn't want to deplete any particular area to feed our growing number. We had ten prisoners, 130 passengers and stewardesses, the old man, the co-pilot and engineer to take care of.

The river though was very wide and had a large crocodile population. I chose two and butchered them beside the river. I flew the much lighter burden to our camp and started to cook them. I had even brought a dead tree for fuel.

The girls wanted to know where the food came from but were very hesitant to ask me. I explained how to prepare the food and they went to it. It was still night and the fire would allow them to get on with the job of making breakfast.

Susan was not presently on duty and wanted me away from the rest. I knew what was to happen so I went with her. In two minutes I was inside her and starting her on her first orgasm. It happened again and again till she had to sleep.

Peter was in the corner hiding and I said, "Come out now Peter." The boy came thinking he was in trouble and also worried that I didn't want him any more. I kissed him then got him to kneel. He opened his mouth to say something and I pushed slowly into his mouth. "Taste her Peter. She is good but tastes somewhat different from a boy." He enjoyed me more but he found the girl's taste only acceptable. This was the best way I know to introduce this boy to what a girl would be like.

I pulled out and took his clothes off and slipped into him. I went slowly and my power had opened him gently and he felt no pain or discomfort. I was soon pumping hard into his rectum and he had another orgasm with me. I pulled him over to Susan and spread her legs. "Lick her for me Peter. The taste is good and you just have to get used to it." The boy was still in the after stages of his orgasm and didn't mind as much doing something he thought kinky. He was shown that girls had a lot to offer. He was at that stage where he could go either way in life. Possibly now he would take the path that would lead to a family and far less to hide.

He liked what he was doing especially when I caressed his butt. When he pulled up for a break he smiled. I simply picked him up and kissed his wet lips and sent him off. Susan got up later and sucked me too but I had cleaned myself already and she tasted nothing nasty. I had another dry orgasm and Susan was happy for pleasing me. I helped her dress and she left.

Some of the crocodile was done and I sampled it and said it was more than just good. The others sampled it too and didn't find the taste that unusual. The cooks though felt good at their accomplishments. Both animals had to be cooked or they would go bad in the heat. This would take until well into the morning and I gave the cooks some help. When everybody else had some meat I fed the prisoners and gave them water.

Susan brought in three of her friends and said, "Shawn this fear is making very tense and perhaps horny. Is there anything you can do about it to help?"

"Get some blankets and I will give you my prescription."

They hurried back with the blankets and undressed for me. I removed my own clothes and started on Susan because the others would see that she was done right. I kissed and nibbled and seemed to be going slowly but I was using my power to manipulate all her erogenous zones. She had an orgasm even before I entered her. A probe entered her anus after two more orgasms causing her next to make her scream and faint.

The next was actually a virgin hoping to relieve that condition finally. She had heard of me and couldn't think of a better person to do this for her. This girl I sat beside and held for a moment. "Rachael, do you want me to be your first? You are here with your friends but I don't want you pushed into doing anything you are not ready for."

"Oh I want you. I want you bad. How did you know about me?"

"I can see that you are very worried. If you had been with a man before you would not act that way." I could see that she was still eager and I said, "I will be gentle, baby."

Rachael had two orgasms before I entered her and she only grimaced for a few seconds then started to respond again. She had four more because it was her first time then I left her to sleep.

The next was not a virgin but had her own problems. This one had a hooded clit and could not feel the sensations like other girls and as a result her only orgasms were from her own hand. I worked on the girl's mind instead and made what sensations that came to her much stronger than other girls felt. She had just as many orgasms as the virgin before and I laid her to rest on her blanket.

The last girl had played with her clit and had many orgasms before even touching me. Sofia had a very sheltered upbringing but seemed to get involved with these girls. It had been so much fun, that is till the kidnapping. She had done nothing sexual with them other than talk but she had played with the little man in the boat many times after. She was another virgin except that a brush handle had been the only male substitute she ever had.

She had other girls when she was younger but never a male until now. She was on pins and needles and I knew she would scream her joy to the world and almost any touch I gave her would give her what she was after. She reminded me of a bomb ready to go off at the least touch.

I took her wet panties and pushed them into her mouth. This reminded her of both bondage and felt very kinky about tasting herself and had another orgasm. She needed no foreplay and I slipped into her vagina and stroked only twice before she screamed loudly and her hand came to her mouth to muffle the sound. I took out the panties and fastened my mouth and probed with my tongue as I worked on her anus with my 'finger'. She would take one breath and scream then another breath and scream again till she fainted like the rest.

Girls and boys were all around the area came peeking in to see or hear everything. Some had hands in their panties and had their own orgasms. Two of the boys had wet underwear and to others would if they could. I went back to the old carrot and a stick. "Marcie Sanders, come in here please."

The woman in the back was caught and came in to me with her hand still in her panties. When she got to me she said, "Yes sir."

"If you wish you may remove your clothing and come to me."

Her clothing came off so quickly that her panties even ripped. She kneeled in front of me and sucked me into her mouth tasting my last lover. I pushed her over and she went to her back and automatically spread her legs. I bent over and returned the favour then sat up and licked my lips. She smiled and I slipped forward and into her depths. She had many sexual partners and was not nearly as tight. I did find all her spots and worked to make my own member as large as it would go. She groaned and held tight and I just held her down and pumped her like a machine that knew exactly where and how much force to apply.

She came loudly too and then continuously as I strummed her brain like a fine instrument. She gasped and floundered because she did not know how to deal with her emotions. He vagina tightened up and I too was able to have my joy even if it was short lived.

I called eight more women and pleased each of them more than they had ever been pleased in their lives. I placed the women together for warmth and covered them all. I walked out of the room naked and everyone not on duty looked at me with want. Even the boys that were mainly heterosexual wanted me. I was the number one male and they would be my woman if I wanted it.

After cleaning in a cup of water I got dressed in tight shorts and visited my patients. I checked the sentries twice and they couldn't understand what they were seeing or the reason for my lack of suitable attire but didn't mind the view. My body was very well developed especially since I drove it so hard so that I would never be caught wanting that extra bit of strength that should have been there.

I cast my mind toward the nearby town and found it of the very sleepy sort. I could see the empty buildings where we were to be kept but there was nobody there now. The men I had killed were supposed to do the majority of the training. Some of the now dead men had images of their employer and knew how to get to his home. Perhaps I could find out something even from here.

The outskirts of Addis Ababa was much further away. I traced the route to a large villa with many guards. This scene was in two of the minds of the men that I had captured or killed. There were many residents. Twelve concubines of European ancestry, their children and another group of two wives and their children. They all looked to be slaves of the slaver who had fabricated this kidnapping. I searched for a safe and saw that the owner had his dirty fingers in just about any deal that would get him some money. He could and would bring the military in to take me if he thought it necessary.

Six guards patrolled the grounds and were housed in a separate building. They had a fair arsenal of good weapons, some even modern. I found a hidden passage while looking for an escape tunnel. It had two more safes. One was even hidden here. Both were heavily booby trapped. There was enough wealth behind those thick walls to alleviate some of the abject poverty Ethiopians worked with every day of their lives.

The owner was in the minds of the people and his likeness was in the paintings and photographs on the walls but the man himself was absent. I came back to my camp and looked about. There were so many things to juggle and most had actually been prioritised before I had originally landed the plane. This new data fundamentally changed the way things had to be done. This could not be a simple 'kill the bad guy and return' to what I knew of as civilization. There were many old wrongs that had to be set straight or at lest straighter than they would get normally.

With dawn an hour away I drove a large truck down the track towards Debre Tabor. The town had a market and I would be able to purchase more vegetables to supplement our basically carnivorous diet. The thirty mile distance turned out to be half that again along the path I took. The market was already doing business as I started my purchases. The people had a light skin but had never seen mine before or the shade of my hair. My forceful manner let them know that I was not a child to be trifled with.

I bartered, cursed and summed up their dubious ancestry enough to be respected in my dealings. As my purchases grew I was forced to hire a man with a lame leg to watch my property as it came to the truck. Along with the food I bought rolls of cotton cloth and footwear for my girls and boys. The girls had raised platform shoes, good for displaying their breasts but bad to walk in and especially bad in the broken soil of our camp. Two large tarps that had seen better days were thrown on the top along with some wooden poles and some rope.

When I came back the last time I had a special purchase in my pocket. Tamirat, the man of about 25 who was still guarding my property, was failing his family because of his infirmity and that meant he could find little work. But the solution was easy for me. "Tamirat, you see me as a boy but I am also a physician. Your leg can be repaired and you will have to wear a cast but that is no different than you using your crutches now. In a few months you will be able to throw your crutches away if I help now."

"I would like that very much but I think a boy as young as you cannot do this." I overruled his brain and searched for the way to his home.

I found the local equivalent of plaster and some small strips of wood. With these I helped him into the truck and we drove to his hovel he called home. The man went inside and we talked to his wife and children. He was not quite a zombie but he was not acting exactly as he should. I gave the family a portion of the food I had bought and the man was compelled to lie on his bed.

With his wife watching I put the man to sleep and removed his cotton trousers. I shaved his hairy leg. The wife was instructed to mix the plaster now and when she turned to do this I re-broke the leg. The woman turned at the noise but said nothing. I made a small incision and sculpted his bone ends with my power and removed the deposits.

In my pocket I removed a stainless steel bolt and hid it from view as I squeezed it into the shape of the internal structure of Tamirat's leg bone. I removed some of the bone marrow and slid the steel pin into place. I realigned the bone and slid the steel up half way to reinforce the break. My kit was open but I used my mind to align the ends of the blood vessels and got them to form connective tissue. The wound was closed and sutured.

His leg was prepared further and the wood and plaster applied, because I would not be back. I left an open space over the incision and completed the cast. I told his wife, Buzayue, "In six days the small stitches may be removed. The cast will come off in the usual amount of time but the leg needs to be exercised and a new cast applied." I showed her how to push on her husband's leg and flex it but only after the cast was to be removed. I paid her for her husband's work and a lot extra. "He will wake up tomorrow morning. Leave him where he is until then."

"Why are you giving me all this money?"

"Your husband worked for me and this is the payment plus something more for the children." She just cried into her hands at the windfall thinking of how badly off her family was. I left for camp after saying goodbye to her children.

The girls at the camp were relieved to see me and came running to the truck as I approached the hangar. There was so many assisting in removing the produce that I didn't have to do any more. Susan came up and gave me a hug and Peter hung back wanting the same thing but afraid to ask. I pulled him in with my other arm and hugged him too.

"Susan, have the girls been working? I am a little concerned with some shirking their share of the labours."

"I had a talk with the ones that were not too energetic and it looks like they are coming around. It is surprising what someone would do if their mommy and daddy aren't around to do it for them. The younger ones are the easiest. It is the older ones that put up the most fuss. The boys seem to do anything I ask. They are so sweet." Peter blushed at the comment and all of us knew why the boys acted this way. I could see that even Peter was beginning to change some of his views.

We had our lunch and most commented favourably on the crocodile. For some of it was still warm. It took a long time to do up the two of them. The fresh fruit was different than we usually had but was still good.

The tarp, poles and rope went into a small truck after I repaired the steering linkage and I drove off again after checking for threats approaching. This was my method of getting them out of the way for the time when the large attack would come. The oasis was about a half hour away by bus or truck and the area was not large but everybody could fit in the water but there was not that much room for each of us to have some place to rest or even sleep.

I drove a few miles away and then carried the heavy tarp, poles and shovel the rest of the way. I stood at the top of a hill and looked down into the hidden depression far below. It had trees though not many and I could see how I could make a bit more area to rest in by moving some rocks to one spot.

I picked up the equipment again and flew down. A hole was dug for each post and then the earth was packed hard around each pole. The tarp was held by many fingers as I tied the it off to the upper portions of the poles. The lean-to was large but not enough for everybody. Another tarp used a tree and two poles and would handle more. The water in the pool was tepid and was fed from a small underground stream that didn't flow very fast this time of year. I searched out any threats like leaches and other waterborne parasites. In a moment there was none alive to bother us. There were some fish but these were not harmed.

When I got back the girls were resting from the heat. "Girls get up." They looked at me but did do as I asked. Pack lots of food and blankets. We are going on a picnic."

There was lots of excitement at this. The co-pilot and Engineer were loaded into the bus and in their fatigued state they needed help to stay in place on the sometimes bumpy trip. The trucks and bus were all full but I made sure the old man came with us. There was no way the prisoners could escape and were given extra water and food.

The procession looked very long and we went slowly because of the sick. We turned off the already very bad track to travel along an even worse one for about twenty minutes. There were natural hills hiding the oasis and I didn't want to destroy the site by digging. When we all got out, the people were not impressed. The country looked like any other area and only had a long hill in front of us.

"Peter, take the boys and the younger girls up the hill and put your things down on the far side. Come back for more. Now get going."

I heard a little grumbling even from the older girls. The youngsters scampered up the hill and when they were over the top they disappeared on the flat top. They cheered to each other at what they saw but we didn't hear that. The bigger girls helped the two men up the hill and had to get relieved part way up and again at the top. Without using my mind I knew that they were angry at me for the useless work I was putting them through.

I carried my share but came up last. The boys and young girls ran by me going the other way and some girls stopped to give me a quick kiss. Since last night they wanted to do more but had to work up the gumption to take the plunge. Most young girls and boys were virgins these days but I didn't know how long this would last. The world was changing dramatically and even I could not see the end. The older girls were running down the hill and I was worried for the two men in their care.

The oasis was in a depression with rock strata showing on two sides. Sand filled an apparently ancient river bed behind me which continued for a few hundred yards before ending in another wall of sand. The rock walls were at least a hundred feet wide and the water itself occupied a scant 120 feet by 80 in an elliptical pattern.

There were a few dozen palms and no wind to speak of in the depression. The girls ran to stake out areas and put their blankets down and ran to the water.

Marcie came to me and said with a put on pout, "Shawn you should have told us about the water. We could have brought our suits."

I started taking off my clothes and put them by the food. I stood naked and ran quick toward the water and jumped more than any broad jumper ever did and landed close to the middle of the pool. Laying on my back, I said, "Marcie, come here. I want you to teach you how to snorkel."

Most of the girls did not understand but did get the idea of removing their clothes. Some kept their panties and bras on while other went buff. Peter was the first to get in with me and shivered in the warm water. He stroked to me and when beside me whispered, "I would like to learn too but not with all the people around."

"Peter you are free and outgoing. I love you and wish you could join my army at home."


"It is really an academy. The boys run around naked half the time and have lots of fun with the other boys. The girls there play mostly with the boys but like to be with girls too. Most are black but some are white. The girls and the boys would not give you any rest."

"I would love to go."

"I know. Later I can talk about it but your parents will have other plans and I doubt if you will be allowed. You have to also understand that girls have to be a large part of your life even if you do not understand that yet."

Marcie had come to us and while treading water asked, "What was that about?"

"I run an academy for boys and girls. Most but not all are black and almost all had problems. I teach them some of their courses and hire soldiers to teach them others. It is a lot of fun but there is a lot of love in the school and very few go a night without having at least one orgasm."

"Ohhhh, sounds like my kind of place."

"Well go underwater now and see if you can breathe."

"Ahhh someone is here."

"And last night almost everybody was there."

She smiled in acceptance and sank under the water and held me tight so she would not have to fight her buoyancy. Her lips found me and she sucked for almost a half minute before coming up. After flinging the water from her face she said, "It was starting to work. Let me try again." She submerged again and tried to get me as close as possible but she couldn't hold her breath enough.

I said, "Let me try now. Peter get behind Marcie and hold her under the arms and on her pretty breasts. You are to keep her from sinking."

"Ok Shawn. That sounds easy."

"Marcie, that thing you are going to feel behind you will not be a torpedo but close enough." Both laughed as they got in position then I breathed deep and sunk. I got Marcie to hold her knees at her breasts and started to feast. My fingers explored her holes and my lips fastened onto her clit. With two fingers working into her anus I felt her tremble and forget to hold her knees in position.

I came up ten yards from them and approached as if for the first time. Marcie couldn't breathe properly and was gasping for her life. Many people were in the water but all had stopped at what Marcie must have done.

"Peter, what did you do to this young lady? Were you playing with her?"

"Ahh ya, I guess I was. What do you mean?"

"The poor lady was overcome by what you were doing. You better take her to your blanket and rest with her till she recovers."

"But it wasn..."

"Peter, be a gentleman and do the right thing." He still didn't understand but I helped him take Marcie to the shore and both of us carried the girl and placed her down on his blanket. Her legs came apart and Peter just stared.

"Peter, people can see inside her. Lie down and put your hand over her private area and keep people's eyes away." Peter was young and didn't know what was happening until he got into position, then a gigantic smile came over his face. A breast was nearby and he had to sample it as his friends looked on. Each one of the boys were sporting a lot of wood.

The others got back to playing and most that had clothes on soon removed them. I looked around and the two injured men were sleeping and had missed the show. The old man had his own clothing off and his hand was rapidly stroking his thin dick. He had seen nothing like this in all his life and had not even imagined it.

Within a half hour blankets were being moved from the tarps and to the base of the date palms. Not all girls were about to start a lesbian act and have the rest say something of it when we got back to civilisation but with a few it was close. I walked around to different girls and took their hands and joined them with others that perhaps they did not know very well.

Marcie had awoken and felt Peter and with me not around had to have him. She pulled him on top of her and got him inserted. Peter started to thrust and I got too them just before he shot. I slapped his ass and the pain made him stop. "Marcie you are fertile today. Peter has just started making seed but it is possible that he might have enough to make both of your lives miserable."

"Oh," came from both.

"Peter get up and sample that little bump between her legs. Quite tasty even without additional seasoning. Wine does go good with it but I have to say that we are out." Peter did get up and went so fast his small dick almost struck Marcie in the eye. Her stronger hands moved his hips and soon both were back to enjoying themselves.

The old man was tired. I read his mind and he had three orgasms and his dick was starting to get sore. The boys sneaked off and were doing the same thing. Some of the girls just sat with their knees up and hid their hand and fingers under a blanket.

Later we had a leisurely meal and just laid around enjoying the first enjoyable part of this nightmare. I went over to the two injured air crew members and helped them sit up and watch the now more chaste action in the water. They did see the boys with perpetual hard-ons and then they saw Peter and Marcie. It looked like Peter had fallen in love but I knew it was just a passing thing. I did hope that he was now on the right path though.

Some of the girls I had put together were playing stinky finger and enjoying the excitement of doing it with so many others around. Two were doing themselves and then getting the other to lick her fingers. I knew what they got together later they would get the taste from the source.

My eye had been keeping track of an approaching column of trucks and even an old one man tank that came on a large truck. No planes were evident but when I scanned their minds I knew that two were coming to give intelligence. The military had donated their use along with the pilots. It looked like approximately a little over an hour till the bullets would start flying.

I found six of my leaders and two of the stewardesses and told them to stay here. "I have a job to do and it will be a lot safer here."

One of the stewardesses asked, "What are you going to do?"

"What I always do when people come to hurt my people."


I climbed the hill after getting dressed and once out of sight started to fly while looking for prying eyes. I made it back to the airport without incident and I checked the prisoners. They had tried valiantly to escape but had not made it. I dressed some of the scrapes and bandaged some of the raw areas. When I was done I moved heavy machinery around them to give them some protection from stray bullets. "Your friends are coming. I doubt they are here to rescue you but to regain the slaves they want. Stay low and you should be all right."

Twenty minutes later the two planes approached. I didn't want them to know that the people had left so I had to chase them away. They were military and just doing a job that their commander had given them. I was outside and picked up some pebbles. I sorted them for shape and then threw them one at a time at the planes almost ten miles away. They hit like cannon fire and destroyed many nonessential parts of the planes but killed nobody. One was leaking hydraulic fluid while another was belching smoke but I thought they might be able to make it to their base safely.

They frantically radioed their base telling them that they were taking heavy fire and had to break off. The planes looked quite a sight as grooves and holes were all over each of the craft. The tank on the other hand was already being lowered for use. The front wheels of the truck that carried it were lodged in the pit across the roadway. I watched the procedure with interest as the machine and the trailer itself almost killed some of the attackers. The tractor was just over the hump of a hill while the trailer was on the uphill slope.

The machine was small and old. The barrel was only two inch and much smaller that regular tanks but still deadly. I flew closer to the attackers and saw them fan out to use the tank as a way to get through an unknown enemy's perimeter. At this range it was easier to read their thoughts and saw that now they were to take us and to hell with the casualties on either side. Apparently the money from the sale of slaves was not enough for the man to risk his other assets. Either we were to be taken or killed.

Some of my opponents were just hired mercenaries who would be killed after the excitement was over. Others were long time employees of Alem Neh Mebreatu and would do his bidding or face his wrath. The men were worried about unknown forces that had taken their prizes and then defeated the small forces sent afterwards. This time they were taking no unnecessary risks. The small diesel in the tank fired up then settled to a steady rhythm. There was nothing more to be gained and I was about to put them out when I heard shots from the hangar. I quickly sent my eye there and found another group had flanked me and shot all my captives. Checking the first group I saw that they did not know of this group at all.

I put everyone to sleep and raced back to the hangar and saw that there was little I could do to save my prisoners. The killers had been given explicit orders and told to kill these witnesses and provide a second attacking force with the other crew meant to occupy me. It certainly worked for I only considered one attacking force and these men had managed to gain their objective without me seeing them.

There was nothing worth saving in this group. I removed their clothing and the fetters from my prisoners and flew all of them to the other group and placed them in a now empty stake truck. I sorted through the men sleeping and killed all the old hands and placed their bodies in the truck with the rest.

Same as Shawn
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Well, the ambulance pulled into our driveway and they opened the back doors and got me out. I almost felt like throwing up when I saw the dark stain on the grayish asphalt of the road. It looked like someone had tried to clean up Wes' blood but it had left its mark. Mom pulled up and had to park in the street, her car blocking my view of the accident's remains. The two attendants were able to muscle me up the stairs and into my room. It's not real easy to carry a wheelchair up a flight of...

3 years ago
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Debauchery With TV Mechanic

Hello! Dear ISS Patrons, I am Girija and am here on this site for the first time to make a true confession about my debauchery, after enduring 6 months of mental torment due to shame & guilt. I am 35 yrs old, married to Anantha who is 37. I am a South-Indian fair skinned woman. Men & women from my community are generally brilliant in academics; my husband & I are both Post-Graduates in Metallurgy & Science respectively. Even at this age, I look very fair & attractive; I stand 5’9” tall, which...

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Fulfilling one of my sexual fantasies last year you know the one where I turn up with a long coat on and not much else

Introduction: Well, it does if Im sitting here thinking about having that woman in front of me, her body to touch and play with, but I have to be feeling kinky I was flicking through the late night porn channels on my cable when my doorbell went. Id been waiting for Sam – a guy I didnt know well, but I had been working with remotely. Getting flyers designed and printed. I let him in and lead him into the living room, he sat down and lit up a smoke. We descended into some small talk until his...

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Older Lover

Thick. Juicy. Delicious. The first words that come to mind when I imagine the woman I've been dreaming of getting my hands all over for the longest time. The thought of her lips wrapped around the tip of my throbbing cock with suction that would rival that of the strongest vacuum on the market. Her tongue wriggling and writhing like a ferocious snake on the under side of my shaft and head. The look in her eyes as she gazes up at me as I lay my fat, heavy meat on her beautiful face, my big...

4 years ago
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It was Christmas and he gave me something for life

We had arrived a little worse for wear, and finished up standing in the doorway of my communal entrance, my pants down at my ankles, and my skirt raised, when my old age pensioner neighbour walked into the building, and caught us engaging in sex.It was December 19th, and I was so pissed I never even clocked him as he walked past us humping like a pair of bunny rabbits, up against his wall.I had been drinking since I had entered the office, and the whole day was turned over to boozing, groping...

1 year ago
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You notice I'm not in bed. You call out for me again as you reach to turn on the lights. Before your hand reaches the light switch someone grabs you roughly from behind. You try to cry out but a hand clamps over your mouth. You start to panic and struggle until you hear a whisper in your ear. "You're going to do whatever I tell you to do. If you resist you will be punished. Do you understand?" You recognize the voice as mine and you nod, starting to relax. "If you try to...

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My Sons Girlfriend

I’m a happily married man of twenty years, we have just the one son, Iain, who is attending college. Both my wife (Sue) and I are 42 and have kept ourselves in good shape. Perhaps I’m a few pounds overweight but not bad for my age. The truth be told we would have liked more kids but we’ve had lots of fun trying over the years and even now we still make love at least twice a week. The great thing about being together so long is that we know what each other likes, it could become boring but it...

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Hot Coming FamilyChapter 7

After Pattie lost her virginity, she became more and more curious about sex. She began fucking a few boys in her class at school and she and John fucked regularly. After a while she became curious about older men. Specifically one older man. Her father. At a time she knew they would be home alone, she deliberately went to sleep naked and lay in bed for a long time the next morning. Eventually she knew Fred would knock on her door and ask if anything was wrong. She left her door open very...

2 years ago
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Irvin and Isabel Davis

"I don't know, Minnie, it's just so damnably frustrating," said Isabel. "Izzy, count your blessings. Your last husband, Hollis Cort, beat you up—regularly!—and that the whole one and a half years you were married to the asshole," said Minnie. "The way I see it, you've got no gripe. So what if Irv is kind of a pussy. He works, pays the bills, and treats you pretty good as far as John and I can see." "Yes, he pays the bills—barely. But, he's been passed over for promotion at least...

1 year ago
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Lexies Master Part One

I opened the door and saw a man standing there. He was good looking, extremely tall, and he had a very annoying smirk on his face. He was wearing a suit. He was standing on my porch like he was meant to be there, and I disliked him immediately. "Alexandria?" he asked. "Lex," I replied. "What do you want?" "I'm here to take you home." "Is that right?" "Maybe it would be better to invite me inside so we can talk." "We can talk here." "You're being rude, love." I considered this for a...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 30 The Twins Come of Age

Chapter Thirty – The Twins Come of Age Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, mmf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, magic, orgy, preg, spank, voy As March wound down and April approached, the school was abuzz from the latest sex scandal involving Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and nearly half of the school. So prodigious were the circumstances of the abnormally...

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Fun with sr Ch1

*Note that this is entirely a work of fiction, even though I may wish it was true…* When I’m not in college, I live in a very small house that doesn’t afford much privacy. My older s****r’s room is just a few feet away from mine and night after night I would lay awake in my bed, watching porn on my laptop and thinking of her. I got into i****t/taboo porn and I would imagine my s****r and I in those situations. Of course my cock would get instantly hard at the thought of seeing my s****r’s...

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My Wife On The Porch Part twentythree

Sara and I are so much in love; we now share everything, including our fantasies. She loves to dress and undress as I ask her to and she is now completely happy with her naked body and loves to show it when I ask her. One of her fantasies is to be naked in front of strangers. Pat sees her naked almost every day now; she walks naked to our bathroom from our bedroom and he slaps her naked ass whenever possible. Sara knows that one of my biggest fantasies is to watch her fuck another guy and she...

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Die Referendarin und ihre Schlerinnen

Ich bin Lisa eine bildschöne junge Frau von 23 Jahren und hatte mit meinen 172 Zentimetern und meiner schlanken, hochgewachsenen Statur eine wahre Modellfigur. Wer immer mich ansah, war von mir begeistert. Denn ich hatte neben meiner beeindruckenden, sehr weiblich Formen lange, hellblonde Haare und die unvermeidlichen tiefblauen Augen in einem absolut ebenmäßigen Gesicht. Ich achte sehr auf meine Figur, ernähre mich sehr bewußt und war, dank meiner zahlreichen sportlichen Aktivitäten, mit...

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Me And My Brother Sex

Hi, it’s Sonia, after a long time, thanks to all my readers who were patiently waiting and following me through emails. For the people who don’t know who I am, can read and After the whole New Year night and the day episode, I know I can’t avoid sex, so decided not to stop Rohan if he approaches. The clock struck around 7 pm, my mom shouted from the balcony,...

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Oh what a night

Dirty dancing, filthy fuckers.My daughter Katie Lynne, brought over her friend Emma Jo, to show us their dance routine and this is how it all got out of control….It was Saturday night and my mates, Shaun, Colin and Brian were over watching the early evening game on TV, when Katie Lynne came over with her friend. They were both wearing gold tracksuits and eager to show us their new dance routine.“Daddy this is Emma Jo, we’re practicing for our dance finals tomorrow and we’d like to show your our...

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College Roommates Pt 1

Moving day at the dorms is always fun and also nerve-wracking. Glennon Hall is a mixed class dorm where freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors all are intermingled. It’s meant to promote mentorship and solidarity. It’s a good idea but most juniors and seniors don’t stay in the dorms. They often find off campus apartments. But still, some stay in the dorms with the freshmen and sophomores. Tyler has lived in Glennon Hall every year and never had an urge to move off campus. He’s a...

1 year ago
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Jacks Big Life Chapter 11

Jack meets Tina Suarez...Miss Simpson chuckled and said "Give me a few minutes, Jack - I'll make a couple of calls, then I'll call you back!" As he hung up, the stud was almost panting. He actually began sawing up and down the massive erection in his swimming trunks, proudly watching his pecker create a lump every man at the hotel would be jealous of. Finally, after the longest 10 minutes of his life, Jack's cell phone rang. It was Miss Simpson calling back. She said, "You are in serious debt...

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Helens second story

I had arranged a meeting with Dave from Sydney, Australia; it was evening in the UK and early morning for him. We were discussing the new campaign and had been talking intently for half an hour when he said he needed to go and get a drink of water. When he returned, as he climbed back into his chair I noticed that he was wearing shorts (and that he had long tanned legs) and commented to him about how nice it must be to live in such a warm climate and not to have to wear too many clothes. He...

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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 9 Sc 13

Glamourous, extremely busty Asian-American MILF Kianna Dior teases in a crimson string bikini, her long hair blowing in the photo shoot breeze. Skilled pornographer Jonni Darkko shoots POV-style footage as he plows her cunt. Kianna unleashes her trademark dirty talk, rooting on the intense pussy pounding. Jonni bangs her box doggie-style. They share a lube-soaked titty fuck. ‘Exactly what I wanted, right in that canyon,’ the pervy lady coos as Jonni pumps his rod between her big...

3 years ago
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My Good Friend8217s Wife Enjoyed 8211 Part I

Hi Friends, This is zaks from Pune. This story is coming after a long gap. This story is a real story which happened some 2 months back. I had a Punjabi friend in our office, Jassi . When I joined this office and was new to the system Jassi helped me lot. Soon we became good friends and begun socializing together. Often I started visiting his house. He stayed with his wife Rimmi. She was a very beautiful PUNJABI KUDI. She was very fair, tall around 5’8″, slim, big boobs which protruded out of...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 11 Maralon

***ARAN – Maralon, Capital of Ekistair*** Aran had thought Ironshire was impressive when he first saw it, but Maralon would swallow Ironshire ten times over! He tried not to gawp as he threaded his way down one of the wide, cobbled avenues through the bustling throngs of citizens going about their day. He wove through the crowds as smoothly as he could, wishing he could use his vala to enhance his senses. At the very least, it would save him from being jostled so thoroughly. Amina’s warning...

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Mom's New Year's Recordbyzipadofan©First of all, let me say that I fucking hate my cousin Shawn. I fucking hate him. But I guess if it weren't for him I wouldn't be writing this story. My name is Chris. I just turned 18 and I live with my mom (Lana) and dad (Eddie) and my older sister (Sarah). So anyway, my parents have a New Year's Eve party at our house every year. We have a lot of bedrooms so my parents usually get a pretty big crowd since people can drink as much as they want and not have...

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Padosi Ladki Ne Mujse Chudvaya

Hi, friends… Mene kuch dino se sex story padhna suru kiya he.. Mera nam ashish he.. Me engineering kar raha hu.. Meri umar 18 he.. Me rajkot me rahta hu.. Muje laga sirf story padhna acha nahi hoga.. Muje bhi apni story ser karni chahiye.. Me apni story aapko sunana chahta hu.. Suno.. Me jab 10th me tha tab apni padosh ki ladni choda tha.. Vo umar me mujse badi thi.. Uski umar lagbhag 20 hogi.. Uska nam kajal tha.. Me roj use apni balkani mese dekhta tha.. Vo subah kapde sukhane aati thi.. Uska...

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Erica Loves It Part 1

For my entire life, I've always thought it was so unfair that girls gotto wear all the really cool clothes. They were softer material, better color choices, and looked so much better. In fact, when I was very young I wore dresses whenever I got to play with the girl next door, but that was always for the tea parties and such we liked to have. But by the time I discovered sex and masturbation I really did want to wear a dress and not just for a tea party. When I was sixteen, I began wearing...

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Gypsy Alf

The day was glorious – sunny and bright and I was going to be stuck at the University planning for a conference. On my way into the city on the train I wondered how Alis day would go. She was planning to sunbath and work on a tan. She had a short workout and a little steam and drug out the sun lounger from the shed and set it up in the sun. It was a hand-made wooden affair from the local trees. We have had two of them for years. She laid out her nice and plush bath towel and oiled herself up...

2 years ago
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Remembering Tracey Part Ten

Tracey is bent over, holding onto a bookshelf attached to the wall. Her shirt is pulled up to reveal her breasts. Her skirt is bunched up on her waist. Her legs are spread just wide enough to give me access. I’m standing behind her with my shorts unzipped and underwear pulled down enough to release my cock, which is sliding in and out of her wet pussy. My hands alternate from gripping her waist and grabbing her gently swaying tits. We’re being as quiet as a couple can be when they’re fucking in...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Charly Summer Gets a creampie from her stepdad at school

Charly Summer tries to get a ride home from her stepdad Professor McLane, but he is busy grading papers and quickly tells her no. Charly isn’t happy with having to sit at school though, so she convinces her cute stepdad to take advantage of her hot teen pussy right there on his desk. Professor McLane is unsure at first but with her amazing body it doesn’t take him long to bury his face in that tight teen ass. Then he gets her on his desk and pounds out his frustrations into her pussy blowing...

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My Picture Perfect Revenge

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” My voice boomed throughout the small 2 bedroom apartment. “Damn. What the fuck are you yelling for?” Jason asked me. Sometimes I wondered about him. Does he act dense because he’s really not that bright? Or does he do for the sole purpose of agitating me? if it’s the latter, he’s doing a damn good job of it. “Mr. Thompson told me he called you because I put you down as a reference! Why the FUCK did you give me a evaluation?! What kind of insensitive asshole...

Cheating Wifes
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A Little Favor

A Little Favor Day 1 - Friday My neighbor Kathleen called me up one Friday evening and asked me if I could come over to her apartment and help her with something. She lives in the apartment next to mine, so I went over there. She was sitting at the kitchen table talking to a girlfriend. They were finishing up a bottle of wine and opening up another one. Kathleen invited me to grab a glass and sit down with them. We sat around the table talking and drinking wine. We drank that bottle...

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Slave to a Vampiress Part XVIII

Slave to a Vampiress Part XVIII - Tulip reminisces about her third date with her beloved Mistress. And ........ this is far as I have written. (I'm always a few months ahead of my stories, I've been coasting on this one since late December.) I feel like I have lost my audience, I went back and forth between Tulip's past and present way too much, which was clearly confusing people. Whoops. I have a really good finish for this story. At least I think it's a lot of fun, but I have'added...

2 years ago
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SamChapter 29

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Both Sam and Mellos could feel when the seven melded Tetricon council, smashed against the shield. Sam turned to look at Mellos as they both held fast. A moment later Sam felt a small nudge, (Sam, how can this be of help to you? We will do as you ask though for now, we are confused.) Came the thoughts of the male elite. (If I have this calculated right, you’ll see what I am trying to do, ) returned Sam’s thoughts. Sam could feel that both...

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The Maid

I had been staying with Gloria for two weeks, and healing up rather well. One morning, I heard her alarm and felt her slide out of bed. Through half-open eyes, I watched her stand up, stretch, and pull off the black filmy baby-doll nightie she had worn. She laid it on the bed next to me, and went to shower. I could smell her scent on it, and it was making my loins stir. Soon, she emerged from the shower and I watched her apply lotion to her body. She pulled on a pair of nude pantyhose, and sat...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 36

GORLOK The rising sun was red over the Highland Rift, casting the silhouettes of trebuchets and ballistae in a bloody hue. The morning was still, interrupted only by the annoyed cawing of a distant crow. To my left, the horde’s line stretched to the northern horizon. To my right, there was no one. The tundra grasslands gave way to pine trees, and the Highland Rift ascended into thousand-foot cliffs all the way to Castle Thorum and the Knife River. I sat atop Ginger, my prize warg, the beast...

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Shipwrecked Temptation part 1

We were two days out of Hawaii, sailing a nice twenty footer and really enjoying the warm tropical sunshine. Just the two of us, heading out to New Zealand with perfect weather. The boat was well stocked, and fitted with good navigation aids, including a satellite locator system. Sailing had now joined flying in sophistication of radar and sat-navigation electronics, taking one of the oldest forms of travel into the twenty-first century. Lena took every opportunity to work on her tan, since her...

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Loosing my Virginity

I was 18 when I had my first sexual intercourse with someone. Though I knew about sex from my friends, I had never got a chance to do it. I was all excited about doing it, but I never had a chance. And then my friend Lucy came to me one day. Lucy was from an ordinary middle class family, who used to study in my class. We became friends a year before. She always had enough money with her. I never asked her where she gets all those money from, but she used to spend on things like . My family...

First Time
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Affair With The Newest Neighbor

Hello to all readers. This is happy chap here again from Bangalore and I am 30 years old. I would like to thank those who shared their responses for . I am writing another one of my experiences here. Let’s go to the story without wasting any more time. This story involves my neighbor and her name is Chaya (name changed). Her husband and she recently moved into our neighborhood. She was of medium height but having a good figure with the curves at right places. I got to know her as she would also...

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My Mean Milf

(The story is just fantasy and three of the female characters and the male narrator are complete fictional. One of the four women is an exact description of myself, but don't bother to ask which, I won't tell anyway.) I am 35 years old now and I have always been fond of mature women. I must say I still find them sexy and arousing after all. But they have ruined my life. It began as we got a new executive secretary in our company, Sammy Warren. I never knew why she hated me, but she did...

4 years ago
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Time Waits For No OneChapter 9

What a fine kettle of fish. I walked into the portal anticipating to be going back to Beth at Crossroads. It was quite a shock when it wasn’t Beth standing there but two thin men instead. One of them took a hold of Joan and held her as a human shield. Beth was nowhere to be seen, so I did what came natural from being on Chaos and went into attack mode. It was a trait of the Heroes I had read about. When in mortal danger, they used their skills to bring the fight up close and personal. The...

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Janani Makes Her Brother Suck And Lick Her As I Watch 8211 Part 7

This is a continuation from my previous stories in the Anjan series (links on top) so read them first. Comments welcome at “So? Either of you know what a clit is?” Anjan and I looked at each other, half smiling, half worried. We both knew in theory everything about a woman’s pussy – we had zero experience with it. “Um… We know what it is and all, akka. But…” Anjan began when Janani interjected, “But you gayboys are virgins, eh?” Well, your tongues showed their skills off on my body, lets see...

1 year ago
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From Math Teacher to Online Whore

I was still single. I had just broke up with a girl at the beginning of school. She caught with her Mom having sex. She walked in her Mom bedroom to see me fucking her Mom in the ass. Damn her Mom could fuck. After that she started some rumors around school I was a bad guy. No harm. I was not looking to get tied down. I was over skinny high school girls. I was more into curvier ladies. The bodacious hottie with the voluptuous curves. The wider the ass and the bigger the boobs was my new...

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When Ladies Were Ladies Part 1

Things at home were not good for myself or my three elder brothers. Our father was killed whilst working down a coal mine and our mother was in a deep depression. The boys all worked at the coal mine it was the town's biggest employer. To help with the family financesI left school at fifteen and went job hunting. Our house was almost derelict, small, and at times very cold indeed. It was usual for me to sleep with one or more of my brothers just to try and stay warm.There were vacancies at the...

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Experimenting III

Third installment of my “Experimenting” series... I recommend reading my first two stories first.... true stories of my “sexcapades”. =D Hope you enjoy, if you do then tell me, I love comments, and meeting new people, guys and girls. My cross dressing never stopped. I loved female panties, and my sister didn't even notice they were gone. It turned me on when I was walking threw school. When I was in the locker room I get even more turned on with all the half naked guys. One day a bunch of...

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My Night At The Tyrant Inn

Copyright© 1992-2003 There was a young cook with the art Of making a delicious tart With a handful of shit, Some snot and some spit, And he'd flavor the whole with a fart. The Sleeping Tyrant Inn was very full. Before I even entered the smoke filled building I could see the packed humanity within. If another wayside stop was within twenty miles I would have kept going, yet this was my only possibility. A night upon the lightly covered snow did not impress me. I had to reach my...

1 year ago
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This story takes place in the same universe as my stories Bit by Bit and The Neighbors Curse. Since this is the third time that I have used it and I do plan to use it again, I have decided to refer to this as my Curses universe. Fempire By Morpheus I closed my eyes and leaned back against the bench, smiling faintly as I soaked up the warmth of the sun as it beat down on me. At the same time, I listened to the sounds that surrounded me, the cries of birds, the yells of children...

2 years ago
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A Real Sugar Daddy

Introduction: He was more than I had hoped for A Real Sugar Daddy My name is Jake and my story begins about 6 years ago when I had just graduated from college. It was very difficult to get a job and so I decided that I might have to move to another state if it comes to that. Anyway after many disappointments I was finally rewarded for my hard work when I got a job with a small marketing firm. The only thing is that I had to move closer to my work so I would not have to travel so long to get to...

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A Correct DestinyChapter 11

Alaska Air Flight 366 arrived on time, the wheels of the 737 touching down on the runway of Sacramento International's Runway 16R at precisely 3:30 PM. The aircraft taxied slowly to Terminal B and parked at the jetway at 3:38. First class passengers were allowed to deplane first although this did not do them much good since the baggage unloading process moved at its own pace. As such, it was almost four o'clock before Ken, waiting at the bottom of the escalator that brought passengers down...

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Dont You Dare Come

“Doctor Jacobson. Doctor Jacobson. Charlotte!”The voice cut through the haze in Charlotte’s mind. Though she snapped back into reality, it didn’t prevent the reflexive and quite embarrassing, “Huh, what?” from slipping past her lips. She clutched the clipboard tighter to her chest as she managed to tear her gaze away from the patient lying on the hospital bed.The attending look annoyed, “Please provide a summary of the patient’s symptoms and what you believe should be our prescribed course of...

Straight Sex
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The Breeding of Kris Jenner

[Contains: M/Mature F, Celebrity Breeding, Impregnation & Babymaking]* A snapshot into Kris Jenner's desire to breed, and scenario on how she conceives black babies *Khloe, Kim, Kourtney, Kylie, and Kendall were present for this "special" occasion as their mom Kris was bent over a bench and ready to be taken from behind. Kris reached out with both hands, and her daughters grasped them and held them in support for what was about to happen. They watched and smiled as homeless black men, one...

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