Saving Amy Part 6: The Cage free porn video

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SAVING AMY PART 6: THE CAGE Tiffany wanted to scream, but knew she couldn't. Not properly anyway, with a ring gag in her mouth that held it open, gaping obscenely. All the same, she let out a whimper as she felt yet another pulse from her trapped cock. She wasn't sure exactly what was in the pill that she had been forced to take, but she knew all too well what it had done. It had sent her into a state of frantic arousal, every nerve in her body aflame with desire. Her sensitive nipples, to which weighted clamps had been attached, were ablaze with a combination of pain and erotic stimulation. But the real problem was her groin, where her member had been locked tightly away in a silver cage. She desperately wanted to get hard. But the metal bands that bit so cruelly into her inflamed helmet, together with the band that was locked underneath her swollen balls, prevented any erection. The agony was exquisite. Nor could she touch her imprisoned organ - or indeed anything else. Not in her current and very painful position. She was strapped to an elaborate metal frame that held her a foot or so off the ground in roughly the same position as if she'd been on her hands and knees. Except that her arms, rather than going straight down to the floor, were splayed up and out behind her. Her wrists were affixed to the back of the frame, immediately above her ankles, with her butt protruding out and accessible to anyone standing behind the frame. Two poles ran from her wrist bindings to connect at their front ends with a leather chin strap that titled her head up and back, exposing her open mouth. Tiffany had been nervous about her latest Job for the Sissyfuckers Club from the minute she and her fellow escorts had arrived at Selvey Manor, a country estate set way back from the main road and surrounded by a forbidding wall. Or to be accurate, she'd been even more nervous than on her previous assignments for the organisation that had forcibly feminised and degraded the smart young man she used to be - then somehow induced her to believe that it would make sense to keep doing the same, for admittedly very generous wages. The crazy thing was that she had started to become, if not exactly comfortable with who she now was, at least resigned to it - and even able to enjoy certain aspects of her new role. She took some perverse pride in looking as feminine as she could, and she was also starting to feel quite close to Alyssa, another of the Club's sissies, with whom she now shared not just an apartment, but a bed. She wasn't sure why they'd been instructed to sleep together, but it made her feel less lonely. She had the distinct feeling that Alyssa would like to be more than just friends, though she wasn't yet ready for anything at home that resembled the sex acts she was required to perform while at work for the Club. Even her last assignment, which had required her to fuck a young accountant who was being sacked for repeatedly molesting his secretaries, then give bonus blowjobs to the three partners who'd used her to entrap him, had not been so bad. Certainly not compared to that horrendous night both at and getting home from the mansion at which she'd first been enslaved, or the time she had spent with a group of perverted teachers who had almost drowned her in cum. But today had been ... disturbing. From the first moment she'd seen the men who were trained, used and seemed to live on the estate as horses, she'd felt a terrible sense of foreboding. That had only grown as she was told about some of them being "serviced" by others who were used as stallions, and forced to endure mock pregnancies. Bad as that had been, however, it had paled beside the horror and revulsion at finding herself separated from the other escorts and taken away by Amy. The same Amy who had been a waitress at the cafe where Eric, the young man that Tiffany only dimly now remembered, had been kidnapped. The Amy who, strapped naked to a rack, had seemed to be under threat of torture and rape. The Amy that Eric had been trying to save, by agreeing to become a sissy maid and offer his mouth and ass to a group of dinner guests. And the same Amy who had turned out to be the daughter of the man who had set up the Sissyfuckers Club and organised his kidnapping. She had forced Tiffany into orally pleasuring her, while the other guests watched. But she had also complained vociferously that by learning the script she had been given too well, Tiffany had spared Amy punishments that she would have preferred to endure. She clearly had a warped personality. And judging by the venomous remarks she directed to Tiffany while taking her down into a dungeon at the base of the manor house, she knew how to hold a grudge. Even the outfit she was wearing, a red latex bodysuit with black riding boots, was scary. Tiffany was sufficiently fearful as to what might happen to her that, notwithstanding the prospect of retribution from her employer, she might have tried to overpower the slightly built Amy and make her escape. But she was not prepared to challenge the snarling guard dogs that accompanied Amy and watched Tiffany's every move with barely veiled menace. They were utterly terrifying - not least because they too were men, or at least remnants of men. She could not even begin to fathom how they had been persuaded or forced into that role - but they were utterly convincing in it. And so she had been strapped into this infernal device, and then left in the dungeon with a hood over her head. Every now and again, someone - perhaps Amy, perhaps someone else - would tiptoe into the cell and caress her naked behind, or derisively flick her caged cock, and just as silently leave again. Each time that happened she would shriek with fright - or try to. And then she would wait on tenterhooks for the next visit. Worse still, she could sometimes hear the dogs prowling around the dungeon. On one horrible occasion one of them actually touched her legs and then put his head between her buttocks and started licking her asshole. She screamed so much that she thought she was going to be sick. But then the hands (paws?) and tongue were withdrawn and she was once again left waiting for the next unexpected contact. For what seemed to be a period of hours, she was left in this state, her nerves stretched near to breaking point. She began to hear muted sounds from nearby, which she really hoped weren't screams, but she feared might be. Finally, the hood was taken from her head and she blinked in the dim light. A pill of some kind was dropped into her wide open mouth, followed by a glass of water that was much needed but nonetheless caused her to choke and gasp. "So, Tiffany the slut, how do you like the accommodation?" It was Amy's voice, dripping with menace. "There are a lot of dungeons in this house, and they have some fabulous equipment. I know, because I've tested most of it! But this one's my favourite. Mistress Leto only just had it installed, and as soon as I saw it, I knew it would be perfect for you ..." Tiffany could hear the blonde girl walking around her. There was a tapping sound, which she assumed was being made by the riding crop that she had noticed Amy carrying earlier. The footsteps stopped immediately behind her. "You see, what I love about this is not just the way you're locked up. It's how wonderfully ... accessible you are. And from both ends too. I mean, with that ass of yours sticking out, I can just spank it ..." Tiffany gave a muffled cry as she felt the slap of the crop against her naked buttocks. "Or put something in it ..." Her victim moaned again as the tip of what she assumed was the handle of the riding crop was pressed against her exposed anus, then pushed a little way inside. "I could even give the dogs a treat and let them fuck you ... you know, doggie-style." Amy chuckled and moved round to stand in front of Tiffany. She bent down and stared into the trussed sissy's frightened face. "And as for this wide open mouth of yours, well, maybe the dogs could have one end each. Or we could use you as a rubbish bin, or an ashtray. Or maybe a toilet. Come to think of it, I feel like taking a pee right now ..." Tiffany's eyes looked down at Amy's groin, prompting another laugh from her tormentor. "But it would take way too long to get out of this bodysuit right now. Besides, I have something more important to do, which is ..." Tiffany moaned again as Amy moved behind her and out of her field of vision. There was a click - and one of her aching arms was suddenly free to move. "... to let you out," finished Amy. Bemused, Tiffany heard and felt each of the locks being released, until finally she could scramble unsteadily to her feet. The clamps were taken off her nipples, and last of all the cage was removed from her cock. It instantly stiffened to an erection. Tiffany's hand moved almost involuntarily to grab it, but before she could so so, Amy seized her arm. "Hands behind your back. Now." She looked meaningful at the guard dogs, who were sitting nearby, giving every impression that they would be delighted to subdue Tiffany. The sissy did as she was told and her wrists were handcuffed. She finally found her voice. "What's ... what's going on?" "That was just to give you a taste of what you're in for later, sweets," grinned Amy. "Unless ..." "Unless what?" "You'll see! Now come on, this way." Amy led Tiffany down a corridor lined with doors to what she presumed were other dungeons, then up a flight of steps into the main part of the house. Tiffany walked like an old woman, her joints aching from her hours strapped to the frame, though they were gradually loosening up. The guard dogs followed them, snarling, until they arrived at what looked like some kind of ballroom - or at least, that appeared to be its usual function. But today, it housed a giant cage, with black metal bars. Surrounding it were raised steps, on which a crowd of spectators - who all seemed to be women - were standing. As Tiffany was led into the cage, through an open door, she noticed that ten or so people were already inside. But not any sort of people - they each appeared to be sissified men. Some were much more feminine than others, with a few even sporting breasts. But all, like Tiffany, had erect members and they were shuffling uncomfortably, suggesting that they too had been chemically aroused. They also shared the same attire - fishnet stockings, platform heels, and nothing else - while their hands were likewise cuffed behind their backs. Tiffany was struck by the appearance of one of them, a tall brunette who bore an uncanny facial resemblance to the singer Katy Perry. But she also had breasts that were far bigger than the original's, while the heroically sized cock that jutted upwards from her groin must have been at least twelve inches long. Tiffany strongly suspected that she had been cosmetically altered to look that way, either to humiliate her, or to cater to someone else's fantasy - or perhaps both. So struck was she by this amazing sight that for a moment Tiffany didn't realise that her fellow escorts were also in the cage. But Alyssa, Melanie and Vanessa were already moving forwards to greet her. All of them seemed to be sporting scratches and bruises of one sort or another. "Oh Tiffany!" cried Alyssa. "We were so worried! Are you all ri-" There was a flash and a fizzing sound, and Alyssa's greeting was choked off by a gasp of pain. Tiffany stared dumbfounded at her friend, who had dropped to her knees. Then her head swivelled to take in the hard-faced woman in a guard's uniform standing just outside the cage. She was retracting a long staff with wires curling round a metal tip, which she had evidently just used to prod Alyssa. "No talking," she growled, as Alyssa pulled herself to her feet. "No indeed," said an amplified voice, and the chatter of the spectators died as Amy, wearing a headset mike, stepped into the cage. "Welcome," she announced, "to what I like to call the cagefucking contest." This prompted cheers and laughs from the watching women. "You good women know the rules," continued Amy, "but for the benefit of these sorry excuses for men who've been chosen as contestants, here they are. The winner has to be the sole person left in the cage who has not been thrown out. You will be thrown out if you touch your cock, or spill a single drop of your seed other than in someone else's body, or if someone else comes in your ass. You will also be thrown out if you punch, kick, scratch or headbutt another contestant." Amy smirked. "There will be a time limit of one hour. If more than one sissy is left in the cage, everyone loses. And to make it hard for you to do nothing, we've given you all a pick-me-up that will have made you just a teensy bit horny. Or actually, very horny." More laughter. "But if you think you can keep your hands off your cocks, or stop someone else from making you come, by all means give it a try. But here's a hint: it won't work!" She nodded to the guards stationed on each side of the cage, who beckoned the sissies over and started unlocking their handcuffs. "If you lose, which most of you will, you get to go to your very own dungeon and get put back in whatever delightful equipment you've each just been testing out. And whoever has bid the highest for you at our charity auction will be along to play with you." She turned and looked directly at Tiffany, who with a sinking feeling knew for a certainty who would be tormenting her, should she not emerge from the cage victorious, "And if you win, well - you get to just watch the fun. Or join in if you feel so inclined." That prompted another bout of amusement. "And now - let the contest begin!" With that she stalked out of the cage and the door slammed behind her. For a moment, the sissies left inside stared at one another. Tiffany was desperately trying to ignore the urgent need to take hold of her rock hard member, and knew that the others were in the same condition. She wasn't sure she could hold out very long. As she shot a helpless glance at her fellow escorts, cries erupted from behind her and she whirled round to see several of the sissies grappling with one another. As the four of them were watching the wrestling, bemused, a tall, heavily tattooed sissy with blonde hair approached them. Sizing them up, she decided that the twins might be easier marks than the taller Alyssa and Tiffany, and made to seize Vanessa. With a cry, Melanie moved in to defend her sister, but was felled by a savage blow to the head. There was a crack, a fizzling sound and then screaming from the tattooed sissy as she was jabbed repeatedly by one of the guard's staffs. She fell to the floor moaning. Tiffany heard the sound of the cage door opening, and then two human dogs were racing past her to grab the aggressor and drag her out of the cage. She watched as the helpless sissy, still writhing in agony from the electric shocks administered to her, was removed. There was a cry from behind her and Tiffany looked round to see that Alyssa was battling unsuccessfully to prevent Vanessa being dragged away by Katy Perry and a mean-faced redhead. Behind the struggling foursome, an opportunistic brunette had pinned the dazed Melanie to the floor and was parting her legs, As Tiffany looked on, helpless, she watched the brunette thrust her fat cock inside the young sissy and start pounding her ass. It seemed to take only a few brutal strokes, and then the brunette was groaning in release. So Melanie was out, and so too it seemed would be Vanessa. She was being held in a choke hold by the strongly built redhead, while her accomplice was positioning herself to penetrate the young-looking sissy. Tiffany caught Alyssa's arm, worried that her friend would be hurt if she attempted a rescue. "Alyssa!" she called out urgently, then looked around frantically to see if she was going to be zapped. But the guards were watching impassively, so it seemed talking during the contest wasn't against the rules. Besides, it was hard to be heard amid the uproar among the watching women as they cheered and jeered what was happening in the cage, some of them disgustedly ripping up what might well be betting slips. "What is it babe?" asked Alyssa, reluctantly dragging her eyes off the struggling Vanessa, as a couple more of the contestants were escorted from the cage. "I can't - I can't hold on any longer," groaned Tiffany, grabbing one hand with the other to prevent it from seizing her throbbing organ. She had the feeling that even if she did nothing, her involuntary twitching was going to be enough to drive her over the edge. Her flatmate looked at her, wild-eyed, but then blinked a few times. "I've got an idea," she announced. "Down on the ground. Now!" Tiffany didn't argue, but lay down on the parquet floor, gingerly avoiding any contact with her straining erection. Alyssa positioned herself next to her friend, with her groin next to Tiffany's head. "Suck me," she urged. When the other sissy simply stared at her, mouth agape, she snapped: "Please! I'll do the same for you!" And without warning she brought her head down on Tiffany's cock and fed it into her mouth. For a few seconds, Tiffany was unable to move as the sensation of desperately needed contact rushed through her pelvis and up her torso. But then she forced herself to locate Alyssa's own loaded weapon and wrap her lips around it. This was the first time that Tiffany had touched her friend's sizeable member since their performance together for the Perverted Teachers Society - and she was shocked to realise that she actually wanted it in her mouth. As she ran her tongue over the head, and concentrated on directing its bulk down and into her gullet, she momentarily forgot everything else that was happening. Until, that is, she realised that she was pumping what felt like a gallon of sperm down her friend's throat. She opened her mouth to say something, but a muffled squeal from Alyssa quickly returned her to the task of servicing the other sissy. In no time at all Alyssa was pouring out her own load. Remembering the rules, Tiffany made sure that she licked and sucked every last drop of cum, not releasing the cock in her mouth until it was completely clean. She could feel her friend doing exactly the same for her. The two disengaged and got to their feet, grinning at one another. But something made Tiffany look round for Amy, who turned out to be watching them from the nearest bars. The slender blonde was applauding sarcastically. But then her gaze dropped slightly, and her grin broadened. Tiffany looked down to see what she was looking at and realised that her cock was still completely hard - and so too was Alyssa's. Moreover, the sensation of needing to be touched and stimulated was returning. Soon it was as strong as it had been a minute or two earlier. Tiffany started to cry in frustration. She simply couldn't help it. She felt Alyssa gather her in her arms and hold her tight, though twisting her body to avoid any contact between their raging erections. After a moment, Tiffany's sobs subsided, though she still trembled with the effort of withstanding the signals being sent from her groin. She lifted her head and kissed Alyssa softly on the lips, then tucked her head back down into the nape of the other sissy's neck. "Thank you," she said, "I don't know what - Oh shit, look out!" Catching a blur of movement out of the corner of her eye, and alerted by a sudden lift in the crowd noise, she flung Alyssa off to one side and jerked back the other way. The movement was barely enough to escape the clutches of the brunette who had fucked the stricken Melanie. With a snarl, the other sissy tried to follow and grab her. But from her staggering gait, it seemed clear that she was not used to heels of anything like the size she had been forced to wear. Both Tiffany and Alyssa, although still hampered themselves by the ungainly footwear, found it much easier to dodge around. As the brunette made a despairing lunge for Tiffany, she slipped to the floor. Before she could rise, she was set upon by Katy Perry and the redhead, who seemed to be working as a team. There didn't seem to be anyone else left in the cage. They had clearly either been claimed by one of the other contestants, succumbed to the desire to touch themselves, or broken the rules in some way. Alyssa watched the struggle for a moment and then turned to Tiffany. "I really don't want to fight them," she said, raising her voice so as to be heard over the clamour of the spectators. "And I've had enough of this stupid game, haven't you?" Tiffany nodded. "Well then," continued her friend, "let's go out on our terms, shall we?" And with what she stepped forward and once again embraced Tiffany, her mouth finding the other sissy's lips. But this time she reached down and gently grasped Tiffany's aching cock. Tiffany gasped and made to draw back, but then sighed in understanding. Relaxing as much as the frantic need in her groin would allow, her own hand reached out to find Alyssa's rampant organ. But rather than stroke it, she guided it until it was rubbing against her own pulsing member. "Aaahhh," sighed Alyssa softly. And then need took over and they were rubbing their dicks together, hands clasped around each other's rigid poles, while they kissed passionately. In the background, there was a roar from the crowd, as the Katy Perry lookalike suddenly and unexpectedly turned on the powerful redhead, pinning her arms and urging the surprised brunette to milk the redhead's cock. But the two escorts were oblivious, their focus only on each other and the growing tide rising in their groins. Alyssa came first, her cum spurting up to cover their bellies and then dribbling out to lubricate the two cocks. But neither interrupted their kissing or the motion of their joined hands, and just seconds later Tiffany provided a fountain of her own, her juices mingling with Alyssa?s as they poured out of her spasming member. Tiffany wanted desperately to stay where she was, safe in Alyssa?s arms and heedless of the sticky mess that now covered their lower torsos. But mindful again of her surroundings, she looked around and saw a guard raising her staff and preparing to target the two escorts. She held her hands up in supplication. ?We?re going!? she called, and grabbed her girlfriend by the hand to lead her out of the cage before they could be zapped. On their way out they were pushed aside by the redhead, clearly irate at how she had been treated. Almost everyone else seemed to have eyes on the final battle between the two remaining contestants. But as Alyssa and Tiffany exited, breathing heavily and looking ruefully at their organs, which were still as hard as ever, Amy was waiting for them. ?Pity,? said Amy, looking directly at Tiffany. ?I?d been looking forward to seeing Kaydee feed every inch of her meat into your useless ass. And yours for that matter,? she added, switching her gaze to Alyssa. Her tone was light, and she was smiling, but she gave the clear impression of barely restrained anger. Paying no attention to the commotion around her, she extended her hand, and used a couple of figures to wipe some of the accumulated cum off Alyssa?s belly. She tasted it reflectively, made a face, and spat it out. ?Never liked that stuff,? she said. ?But it has its uses.? She seemed to look off into the distance for a moment, as if thinking of something else. But then her eyes refocused and she beckoned to Tiffany. ?Come on. Time to get reacquainted.? Alyssa put her hand on Amy?s arm. ?But what are you going to -? Amy slapped her hard across the face. ?You keep your mouth shut, sissy,? she said furiously. ?You?re not paid to talk - and certainly not to lay your hands on me. If it was my decison you?d be in the stables providing some entertainment for the stallions - and staying there too. You?ve been auctioned off for the rest of the day, so I can?t. But I don?t imagine whoever bought you will be too happy at how little fight you put up in there. So just stay there and wait until you?re claimed.? She turned her attention back to Tiffany. ?You, with me. Now.? She gave Alyssa one last glare, then stalked off imperiously, with Tiffany and a couple of the guard dogs in her wake. As they left the ballroom, Tiffany glanced back, but Alyssa was not looking her way. She was with an older woman with bright red hair, who was in the process of attaching a collar to the sissy?s neck. Tiffany shivered. Back down in the dungeon, Tiffany was once again strapped to the metal frame, though this time there was no blindfold, nor a cage for her cock. Although she still had only a limited range of vision, it was enough to show her Amy stripping out of her bodysuit and boots. For one horrible moment, Tiffany thought that the woman was going to take a pee in her mouth. But Amy, who seemed to sense what her victim was thinking, merely mimed squatting over Tiffany?s mouth and then left the cell, grinning. If that was a relief, however, what she was wearing when she returned sent an icy shard of fear straight into Tiffany?s heart. It was a strapon dildo, almost as big as the Katy Perry lookalike?s cock, and studded with wicked looking spikes. ?Do you like it?? Amy asked, then giggled ?It does make a bit of a mess, I?m afraid, but on the plus side, after I?m finished you?ll be able to fit two cocks at once inside you. Once the stitches have been removed, that is ...? She disappeared behind Tiffany, who began to make guttural sounds of terror that only increased as she felt something sharp pressed against her rectum. She threw herself against the bindings that held her, in a desperate bid to break free, but to no avail. She almost fainted at the thought of the flesh tearing as the dildo ground its way into her rear passage, and was just taking in the breath for the loudest scream she could muster, when - ?What on earth are you doing Amy?? a voice demanded from the dungeon entrance. Tiffany couldn?t place it immediately, although it was vaguely familiar. She felt the brutal toy pull back from her ass and heard her captor snarl: ?None of your fucking business!? ?Yes it is - that?s exactly what it is!? came the response. ?Here, I?ve got Daddy on the phone - he wants to talk to you, okay?? There was a brief pause, before Amy said in a sullen tone: ?All right - give it to me.? Tiffany, who was sobbing with relief, heard the young woman walk away a few steps, and then a muted conversation took place. Amy seemed to be doing little of the talking, although the little blonde did at one stage loudly exclaim ?How much?.? The trussed sissy started as a figure appeared in front of her and patted her softly on the head. ?It?ll be all right sweetie, you?ll see.? With a jolt, Tiffany recognised Nancy, Amy?s sister. She had been present when Eric was first taken, and had then done the makeup job which had so skilfully transformed him into Tiffany. Later, she had recruited Tiffany and helped prepare her for her first couple of assignments. She seemed to have some kind of managerial position at the Sissyfuckers Club, though Tiffany hadn?t seen her now for some weeks. Unlike her sister, she seemed to have some level of compassion for Tiffany - although plainly not enough to prevent her from working for so appalling a business. Amy stomped back into view and slapped the phone into her sister?s hands. ?So,? asked Nancy, ?you understand why that? - she indicated the spiked strapon - ?isn?t a good idea?? ?Yes,? conceded Amy, unbuckling the harness. ?But can I at least let the dogs have some fun with her? Apparently their dicks have been modified to swell up, or something, so this kind of knot gets stuck inside the bitch they?re fucking. It?s supposed to be hilarious watching them trying to get free afterwards ...? ?No sis, you can?t,? said Nancy firmly. ?She?s off limits, understood?? ?Sure,? said Amy in a grumpy voice. ?All right then,? said Nancy, ?can we get her out of these locks?? Amy rolled her eyes and then threw a bunch of keys in her sister?s direction. ?Do it your fucking self,? she said, and turned to leave the dungeon. ?Amy!? The blonde stopped, and without turning round, muttered ?What is it now?? ?Don?t go taking it out on the other escorts, you hear? They?re assets too. If you need someone to play with, ask Mistress Leto. I?m sure one of her maids is in her bad books for something or other. Or even her husband...? Amy walked off without further reply. Nancy shook her head and began the elaborate process of freeing her employee. ?I?m sorry Tiff, sometimes I don?t know what to do with her. She gets a little crazy, sometimes ...? ?A little? might be the understatement of the year, Tiffany thought, but she held her tongue as the bonds came off and concentrated on trying to regain the equilibrium she had so badly lost. But it was difficult, with her dick still rock hard and demanding attention. ?I?m going to take you straight back to the city, and you can stay with me tonight, to make sure you?ve recovered properly,? Nancy was saying. She noticed Tiffany looking downwards. ?And I?ll give you something as soon as I can to, um, cool you off.? She furrowed her brow, then went on in a slightly different tone. ?In the meantime, can I ... help you out with that? You know, give you a bit of relief?? Tiffany stared at the manager for a few seconds, and then said: ?Uh, sure - if you like?? Nancy?s answer was to sink to her knees and take the sissy?s throbbing cock into her mouth ... ********************* Vance put down the phone and pursed his lips. He liked Amy and appreciated her kinky tastes - but sometimes her behaviour was borderline psychotic and she needed to be reined in. He wondered idly whether a stint at the Manor?s pony school might not be in order - and then grinned to himself. Perhaps that was taking ?reining in? just a tad too literally ... Nancy, on the other hand, was far more reliable. But she also had the habit of sometimes getting a little too close to some of the Club?s assets. As she plainly was with Tiffany, for example. Vance looked again at the email he had received earlier that day from the Sextel Corporation. The message had offered him a truly staggering sum of money to buy out Tiffany?s contract and have her go work for the Trans Dream Agency, which was just one of many businesses Sextel operated. TDA wasn?t a direct competitor of the Si Fu Club, because it catered to slightly different tastes. In particular, it required the sissies on its books to have surgical modifications to make them more obviously female. In fact he was pretty sure that one of their castoffs had been on show at the Manor today. TDA clearly had plans for Tiffany, though Vance wondered how it had come to value her so highly. Ordinarily, the business decision would be a simple one. The amount on offer was easily large enough to persuade Vance to sell. But Nancy was the complication. She was insisting that Tiffany be told about what would happen if she went to TDA and be given the choice to keep her current body. Vance chuckled. As if the Club would ever have become the success it was by respecting its victims? wishes! Still, he didn?t want to override his daughter without hearing her out. And it might not hurt to try and discover why TDA was so desperate to acquire this particular escort. But both of those things could wait until tomorrow. For now, it was time for some entertainment. Humming quietly to himself, and turning on the big screen on the wall, he settled down on the sofa in his office to watch a replay of the cagefucking contest ... To be continued

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Amy 23 Amys Revenge

Amy 23: Amy's Revenge Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I Want the Getaway One super nice spring day, feeling kind of self-conscious about my buzzed head thanks to Ms. Green, the school psychologist who had called me to her office as if my having short hair was a cry for...

2 years ago
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Amy 29 Amys Big Night

Amy 29: Amy's Big Night Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I Say I Will Not The night of the show, Sarah ruled the Mixer with her soulful voice but it was just too bad hardly anyone was there. Even though we all knew in advance it was going to be slack weekend because it was...

3 years ago
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Amy 17 Amys Shiny New Year

Amy 17: Amy's Shiny New Year! Copyright 2013 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2013 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Standing on My Own Life likes to punish people for doing dumb things. Not everyone, because obviously some people are rewarded, but life kicks the snot out of most people when they act stupid. So case in...

1 year ago
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A Reluctant Life Without Regrets Part 1 The Emergence of Amy

A reluctant new life without regrets Part 1. The emergence of Amy Chapter 1. The red dress Amy looked at her watch. "Only half an hour to my lunch date with the girls, I better hurry', she thought and turned back to the rack of clothes in front of her. She picked out a red ponti shift dress from Jigsaw that she new would look perfect with the 5 inch black patent heels she bought last week. The girls would understand if she was fashionably late, even if Tara was bring a newbie...

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Amy Part 2

September When September came, the students returned to campus, including Amy. I thought it might be awkward seeing her after three months of no contact. On the other hand, Amy had such great social graces (and managed to hide from the world what a slut she could be), I figured things would probably go smoothly. Amy arrived for our first meeting. We hugged in greeting, and I kept back so my boner would not poke Amy in the stomach. Amy gave me her sly grin as she sat down, but we both were...

4 years ago
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I Big Banged the Theory P1 The Amy experiment

CREATED BY BIGHORNYCOCK123Dr Amy Farrah Fowler was sat at the bar as i strolled in for drink, and after ordering one myself, i glanced her way and realised who she was."HI there! Are you Dr Amy Farrah Fowler the Nobel prize winner?" i asked."Yes. Yes i am!" she replied smiling back at me."Wow! I've never met a Nobel prize winner before! You must be really smart?" i then said smiling back at her."Well, the Nobel prize win does kind of suggest that!" she replied back with a grin."And your...

1 year ago
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Amy and Vivian Go Missing Part 2

Amy had already been raped twice - once by Karzec and once by Anatoli. Even after Vivian had been forced to lick out her sex and swallow their cum, Amy’s young cunt still felt unclean, and traces of leaking cum had dried along her inner thighs. She groaned, revolted with herself, remembering her orgasm as Anatoli had fucked her furiously from behind. What else could these psychos possibly dream up for them? Her eyes widened now at the new scene of horror unfolding. Karzec had thrust her into...

2 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 30 A Studio Photoshoot For Amy

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. Amy got scared when she fantasized about her Dad while masturbating in front of Elena. She freaked out and didn’t want to continue with that anymore. Elena: (One day, I will...

2 years ago
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Amy and The Lingerie Party

My name is Diana and I live a relatively normal life with my husband Tim on a quiet little cul-de-sac street on the outskirts of Fayetteville, North Carolina. I am a somewhat petite lady in the mid 30s with big breasts, long dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. "The girls" as I affectionately call them are 38D. A couple months ago some new neighbors moved into our little cul-de-sac, in the house that the Johnsons used to own before they moved to Florida to retire. We are a pretty stable group...

1 year ago
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Gothic Amy and me Part 3 a little fun in the night time

NOTE FROM AUTHOR KING OF REJECTS * Hey everyone I decided to continue the Series. And I know this is a sex story site and I'm glad everyone giving me there criticism good and bad. And I feel like I should tell everyone that I do put myself in this story I am John Fields. Eh Well my last name isn’t fields and I am how it says in the story. Tattoo on Arm piercing in left ear. Blonde hair blue eyes but no dick piercing…Not Yet. And I was reading the comments and if I sound like I'm...

3 years ago
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My brother and Amy The seduction

I had just turned seventeen and was completely inexperienced sexually. Although I’d had a few boyfriends, apart from kissing and having my breasts groped through whatever I’d been wearing, that was as far as I’d gone and was still a virgin. Of course, I’d masturbated but not very frequently, compared to now. Maybe once or twice a week. Nothing had really turned me on that much to want to do it more. I knew most guys found me attractive, regularly getting complimentary comments but when I looked...

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Amy and the Pool Party

“Are you ready, babe?” Rob called out. “We’re gonna be late!” Rob paced in the living room. Amy was always late when they went out but it was always worth it. At 40 years old Amy was absolutely stunning. She had a perfect hour glass figure and all the right curves. She had ample 38DD breasts and a nice round butt. Rob always knew he was a lucky man to have such a sexy, gorgeous wife. They were going to a party at their friends, Mike and Laura’s house. Nothing fancy, just a casual...

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Amy from the Church Camp Part II

Amy was a sweet nineteen-year-old and she was sexy as she could be and she knew it. She played like she was an innocent teenager, but she was anything but. I had known Amy and her parents for years and for years. Every summer, she attended a church camp where I was the camp director and counselor.Amy and I grew close over the years and even closer this past summer camp, closer than either one of us had probably ever meant to become.I woke up alone in my sleeping bag, having imagined, or so I...

2 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 29 Amy8217s First Handjob

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. After jerking myself, I was too tired. Amy and I both fell asleep pretty quickly. But it looked like Amy couldn’t sleep. She was thinking about what just happened. This thinking...

4 years ago
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Seducing Amy Part 2

Amy's legs wobbled as she walked away down the corridor. I bit my lip and suppressed the urge to jump with glee. She was clearly flustered. Her little dress was crumpled and out of shape, having been on my floor all night. Every few steps, she'd stop, pat down the creases, and pull at the hem to prevent it from riding up her juicy thighs.Whenever she moved, I gazed at the firm little humps of her ass swaying under the fabric. I wondered whether her cheeks were still pink from all the spanks...

2 years ago
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Making Amy Beg Part 2

Amy's legs wobbled as she walked away down the corridor. I bit my lip and suppressed the urge to jump with glee. She was clearly flustered. Her little dress was crumpled and out of shape, having been on my floor all night. Every few steps, she'd stop, pat down the creases, and pull at the hem to prevent it from riding up her juicy thighs.Whenever she moved, I gazed at the firm little humps of her ass swaying under the fabric. I wondered whether her cheeks were still pink from all the spanks I'd...

3 years ago
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Releasing Amy Part 2

Dedicated to Sheetal Randi, a friend and confidant. What an incredible night! Thought Amy as she rolled onto her back and felt the echoes of all the new things she had experienced the night before at Ms.Vandecont's mansion. Make that Lily's mansion, she told me to call her Lily. After all, we are on a first-name-basis since I went down on her. Of course proprieties have to be maintained in public. Amy padded naked to the shower, she had rinsed off last night but she needed to really...

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Amy Part 1

On a campus of beautiful young women, Amy stood out. She had no curves to her body, small breasts, but she did have a gorgeous ass. What stood out about Amy was her face. She could have been a model for a portrait of Queen Nefertiti on the wall of an Egyptian temple. She was of mixed ethnicity, her dad was German, her mom was Singaporean. The combination of these two ethnicities gave Amy an unbelievably beautiful face. High Asian cheekbones, skin not quite white, piercing blue German...

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Middle school classmate Jennifer part 2 with Amy

Middle school classmate Jennifer part 2 (with Amy)To recap part 1, Jennifer invited me over to her parents house and I masturbated infront or her in the pool, and then took her virginity shortly after in the backyard.After eating pizza and Jennifer suggesting I spend the weekend over at her parents empty house, she asked "should I call Amy to come over? I know she wants to have sex with you to". Amy and I sat next to each other in science class and she was a stunner. Amy had dirty blonde hair,...

3 years ago
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Pete and Amy Part 32 Little Dolly Lexa February 10th 2017

Note: This is Part 2 of my third time hanging out with Pete and Amy for intimate fun. We’ve had lunch several times since we met in mid-January, but our schedules have only allowed us to hang out for sexual reasons twice since I met them at the bar. This original plan for this night was entirely different and started out that way but during a break in the action, I was given an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I’d been interested in Dollification for quite some time but every time I met...

2 years ago
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Amy Part 4

I wasn’t really pleased with how I closed out the 3rd installation of this story, so in an author’s prerogative, I’m going to change it here. It should not really matter too much with the story overall. If you like the old, just skip the first bit. In the months since the last episode, I’ve read a lot of other stories and am exploring some of those avenues in the remainder of this series. I have no idea how many there will be, so I’ve kind of strapped on and just letting it go where...

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Amy and Rachel at the Beach Part 2

The house of the middle-age industrialist from Quebec was possibly the most modern structure on the beach. The design was austere inside and out, the décor all white or gray, including the furnishings, which were dramatically stark. Robert Bissett’s dinner guests, Amy and Rachel, were bedazzled, not only by the house, but by their host as well. Amy’s infatuation for the man was obvious from the clothing she selected for her first visit to his home. She pulled on a white T-shirt that advertised...

2 years ago
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Gothic Amy And Me Part 10 I Know Pronounce You

Introduction: Wedding and aftermath ,) Authors Note* I read a comment that gave me a good idea. But I have to say when I started this story I wanted it to be realistic. And slowly Ive been drifting from that but its all good. But Ive gotten suggestions for bestiality and pregnancy and I think someone asked for piss. Any thoughts or comments on these? Anyway&hellip,. REJECTS AND SHEJECTS&hellip,&hellip,I know pronounce you&hellip,. The moon glowed bright and the wind chilled my bones. It had...

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Middle school classmate Jennifer part 4 with Amy

Middle school classmate Jennifer part 4 (with Amy)To recap part 1 through 3, Jennifer and I were paired up for a class project. She invited me over after some strong flirting and I masturbated infront of her while Jennifer stood naked in the pool. A little while later I took Jennifer's virginity in her parents backyard, and we ordered pizza. Jennifer called Amy, who I sat next to in my science class to come over. We had a threesome the same night all caught on VHS tape.After I fucked Jennifer...

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Aunt Amy and My Mother

Before…“We’re lovers now,” mumbled my aunt. “This is so very special for me. How about you? How do you feel?”“Like I want to do it again,” I said as my cock twitched with desire.“Oh-ho-ho,” chuckled Aunt Amy as she went up onto an elbow. “The vigour of youth.” Her fingers encircled my girth. “I think you’re going to be fun, my gorgeous nephew.”For the following four days it was like a honeymoon with my aunt. We kissed and made love; we rutted, with me fucking into her body as we snarled and...

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Amy Emily and Me Part 6 Good Morning

Good morning stud, I heard Amy's soft voice whisper. Good morning sexy, I replied while trying to see her face silhouetted in the sunlight. Amy's fingertips were gingerly tracing my morning hard-on. Up and down the shaft and around the head. She tenderly squeezed my balls, feeling the rubbery firmness. Her ass felt so good against my cheek. I kissed it and asked how she slept. Pretty damn good. I had the weirdest dream though. She answered. Dream...??? Like what? I inquired. I dreamed...

4 years ago
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Amy and Her Massive Boobs Part 1

Just down the street from where I live is a gas station that I stop at regularly for cigarettes and coffee. One evening on the way home from work I stopped and found that a new girl was working there. I was immediately attracted to her. She is pretty, a few years younger than me, and mainly because she has a knockout body with a major rack. Her tits are full and round, and just stick out like they are on constant display. Six months ago my girlfriend broke up with me, she had a knockout body as...

2 years ago
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Pete and Amy Part 2

This third weekend back at school started with the girls coming over so we could get ready. We usually showered and shaved, and made sure we didn’t miss any spots through inspections and touch ups. Usually it was Robin, Charlotte and I with Madison talking to us from our room or standing in the doorway just chatting and watching our little ritual. This weekend however, after talking to Robin and Charlotte we talked Maddi into joining us. She had always been worried about upsetting Robin or...

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Amy made an offer to her brother 1

It was a bright sunny day. Alex and his family including his mom, dad and his sister Amy, every one were sitting near the pool having nice time. Alex was seventeen and was not feeling much comfortable around the pool, and it was not because he didn’t like to be with his family but it was just that he was having problem hiding his erection in his shorts and the reason for that erection was Amy. Amy was twenty-one years old and she was quite a hot girl. She had blonde hair, nice skin, tall enough...

2 years ago
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Amy made an offer to her brother 1

It was a bright sunny day. Alex and his family including his mom, dad and his sister Amy, every one were sitting near the pool having nice time. Alex was seventeen and was not feeling much comfortable around the pool, and it was not because he didn’t like to be with his family but it was just that he was having problem hiding his erection in his shorts and the reason for that erection was Amy. Amy was twenty-one years old and she was quite a hot girl. She had blonde hair, nice skin, tall enough...

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Middle school classmate Jennifer part 3 with Amy

Middle school classmate Jennifer part 3 (with Amy) To recap part 1 and 2, I masturbated infront of Jennifer naked in the pool and took her virginity in her parents backyard. Jennifer called Amy, she came over and I fucked Amy infront of drunk Jennifer while she masturbated next to us, capturing it on a VHS camcorder.After Jennifer ate my cum off of Amy's back and licked it all up off of her fingers infront of the camera, she realized we had a hour left on the tape to record on. She asked Amy...

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Amy Lusty Wife and Mother

Chapter 1 Hello, guys!!! If you think you know your wife or girlfriend pretty good, you'd better take another minute or two and consider whether you really know her or not. I'd love to have a dollar for every husband who thinks he can describe his wife and that he's got her all confined in his own little package. Believe me, from personal experience, very few of you guys really know what your wives or girlfriends are up to when you're not around to keep an eye on them. What am I trying...

1 year ago
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Gothic Amy And Me Part 11END

Introduction: A Twisted end to the series…thats why my name is Psycho AUTHORS NOTE* SORRY I HAVENT WRITTEN IN A WHILE IVE BEEN REALLY LAZY I KNOW IM SO SORRY BUT IM BACK. Im sorry to say&hellip,this is the end of the series. I have an idea for two series but I dont know which one im going to do first. This is going to be a P.O.V Story SO REJECT AND SHEJECTS THE FINALLY (SAD) FINALLY OF GOTHIC AMY AND ME! 11 A TRAGIC END OR THE TESR OF FUCKED UP LOVE I woke up to the sound of Amy humming some...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 14 Party and Amy

Amy watched from her sensors as her Admiral and his friends had their party. On the screen, her image wandered through the party chatting with her friends. The hours go by as off duty crew came in and had a dinner of the strange foods she has never tried. She vowed that Ken would share them with her one day. Over in a small meadow, some of the many kids played a game she'd had to look up. It was called baseball. Some others played volleyball. Going over the reports, she saw her shuttles...

4 years ago
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Watching Jessie part 9 breeding Amy

Watching Jessie (part 9)It was late Sunday night. I wanted to feel Jessie’s pussy on my cock. Tyson and Darin had just left. They had been fucking her for over eight hours almost nonstop. She had taken ten loads of cum. Her pussy was stretched out and overflowing cum. When I got in the bedroom Jessie was lying on the bed almost passed out. She had moved out of the pool of cum she had made on the edge of the bed. Another wet spot was growing from her pussy where she now lay. I stripped quickly...

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Amy and Her Daddy Part 6 Final Instalment

Introduction: Last bit of this story – Im bored with it now. John and Amys life settled down into a ritual of frenzied fucking. John would normally do Amy in the evening when he got home from work, she would then walk around the house with no panties on, semen dribbling down her leg. Occasionally if a friend came over she would put some pants on, but sometimes she would leave them off. At the weekend, they fucked almost all day, their fucking outside of home reached new heights. John found...

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Thomas and Amy Part 1

Now a little about me, I was your average twelve year old guy with dark brown hair, nothing that set me apart from friends at school. I took part in the normal sports activity but was not a jock, nobody showered at school so I never had seen other guys cocks. Over all I think I was pretty normal. I had a sister who was three years older and a sister who was two and a half years younger than me. Mom and Dad both worked until five and socialized a lot with friends and neighbors. We were all...

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Adventures of Amy Part Two

Adventures of Amy, Part IIAmy was stunned and could not help but watch. She had thought she was doing something strange, naughty, taboo.. but here was someone else, doing the same thing. Or, sort of the same… but not quite.The woman was tall, with olive-colored skin and raven-black hair tumbling in waves around her face. Her eyes were closed, and her soft, full lips were parted in a soft moan. Her body was… well, Amy had never really looked at other women in that way before, but looking now,...

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Amy Emily and Me Part 7 Feelings3

Amy suspected that Emily and I had done more last night than just take advantage of her passed out asshole and asked. Emily and I haven't told Amy all of the details of our incestuous relationship.... Yet.... We looked at each other and then at Amy. Emily said, I got turned on when you told me what you want to do to Kevin. Amy's eyes were wide while listening to Emily's confession. And...???? Amy asked. Well I was turned on because I had thought about doing it too. Amy asked,...

1 year ago
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Stephanies Fun With Amy Part 1

Introduction: This is the first part of Stephanies Fun with Amy so based on these comments I might make a part 2 It was a dark and cool night in Houston as I was getting ready to go over to the Johnsons to baby sit their little 12 year old daughter named Amy. I myself am 15 and developing quiet nicely, with 38C breasts and a tight round ass, I could get just about anyone even if I only wanted the girls. Now I am no virgin in fact far from it, but I have only ever done it with girls not boys. As...

2 years ago
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A Shy Guys Notebook Part one Meeting Amy

James had always been extremely awkward in social situations. Being painfully shy, he struggled to keep conversations going with anyone. At the age of eighteen, he was in his final year of sixth form (further education in England) and he knew that in a few months he would be venturing out into the big, scary world of university life. He was quite average in most aspects of his life. He wasn’t too tall or too short and not too overweight, but not exactly the poster boy for physical health. He...

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Tim Always Wanted To Fuck Amy But Never Had The Chance And Her Mother Well She Had A Great Body

Tim went round to see his friend, Amy one day. Amy knew he was coming, but she said she had just popped down to the shops and wouldn't be long, about fifteen minutes, she said. When he arrived, Amy's mum answered the door. Today being a warm day, she had a very short skirt on and a top with her tits bursting to get out.Tim had always admired Mrs Stevens' sexy body and wondered what she would be like in bed."Hello, Tim," she said. "Amy has just popped out to the shops, but won't be...

First Time
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Tim And Lorraine Enjoy Themselves While Amy Is Away

Tim thought about the invitation to go around and visit Lorraine that night. It was just for drinks she had said, so he presumed it was okay to go. He was a bit shy though and really did not want to be unfaithful to Amy, especially as they were now considered as an item by their friends.'What the heck,' he thought, 'it is only for drinks and some chat and I am just going to see my girlfriend's mother. We will both miss Amy for the time she is away and all this talk of her wanting a toyboy is,...

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Amy Emily and Me Part 5 Truth or Dare

We both stepped into the shower. Emily and I kissed passionately before she kissed her way down my body until she was on her knees. She then started licking the tip of my cock. She spread the tip open, exposing the inside of my pee hole. Emily took her tongue and pushed it inside a little. I could feel the pressure from her probing and my cock was getting hard again. I'm not sure if I can go with it hard and told her so. I can't help it. I want every drop you have to give me. I understood...

3 years ago
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Amy and her daddy Part 4

Introduction: Amy and new friend….. Amy has more fun….. John came home about an hour later, he started making dinner for the two of them. He found his daughter watching TV in her room, she was lying on her front on the bed. Her skirt was rucked up, he sat beside her and placed his hand on her legs. Hi dad, she said, without turning round. Hi honey he replied, he ran his hand up her leg, it felt a little damp, Amy hadnt cleaned the juice off her legs. His hand found her pert arse, he...

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Pregnant Amy8217s Secret Sex 8211 Part 2

When Amy reached home she couldn’t believe what has happened to her. When she analysed those things she felt ashamed and annoyed. It was evening and Richard came home after work. She told she was fainted and Dr.Paul helped her and she went to his house for check up. She was fearing that day to look into his face. He told her to take more care. As usual Richard cared her baby bump she felt really guilty. She felt slight pain when she urinated. The next day she didn’t went for the morning walk...

1 year ago
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Amy Emily and Me Part 4

I put on sweats and a tank top and Emily put on a tight pair of shorts and a t-shirt. We were sitting at the dining room table doing homework when mom came in. Hi kids. Mom said. We both looked up and replied, Hi Mom. She went to their bedroom to change and Emily and I smiled at each other knowing that we needed to keep quiet about everything so far. I can still taste it. I told Emily. I can still taste your cum too, she responded. Mom came in and said that she was going to make...

2 years ago
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Gothic Amy and Me Part 2 A sweet little emo helps out

After what happened with Amy and I it was the best sleep I ever got in my life. I didn’t even care that I was on the floor. Such a peaceful sleep. “Hey, wake up…wake up…HEY JACKASS WAKE UP!” I shook myself away staring at my ceiling. Sitting up and turning my head I saw Amy standing in the doorway in her Pajama bottoms and tank top. I checked the clock on my nightstand 5:07 A.M. “Why in the hell did you wake me up so early?” Amy responded by throwing a towel at me. “Shower, Breakfast. You...

1 year ago
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Amy and her daddy Part 5

Amy again, doing what she does…….. Friday came around fairly quickly. John had made contact with Lauras mum asking about babysitting, he had promised to be back by 10pm. Lauras mum had asked Laura, and she had readily agreed, and to make things better, Lauras mum said she could sleep the night at Amys. John was already home when Amy arrived home from school, he then went through the plan with her. Amy had told her dad Laura was a bit tarty, and that there was a good chance she would turn up...

4 years ago
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Gothic Amy And Me Part 6 Breaking Away

Introduction: Going to meet Vampiras sister AUTHORS NOTE* Sorry Ive kept you waiting so long. I didnt mean to do it on purpose. If u want an explanation I got put into an in-patient hospital. Lol But im out and I want to remind people John Fields In the story is me in real life. But I changed my appearance in real life so im changing the appearance in the story. Kid you not this is me now. Blue and Green hair. I dyed it blue around like a crown and green in the middle and up top. And I got two...

4 years ago
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Taming of Amy III My Mother in Law

"Where is my daughter?" Asked Sandra as she pushed her way past me when I opened the door."She will be along in a few minutes, Sandra." I said to her as she glared at me."You are a good for nothing bastard! I told her she could do so much better than you! Yes I am really upset! I have been trying to call her all week and she is always gone or too busy to talk! I think you have done something to her! I should have just called the police!" Sandra said in her threatening and theatrical style that...

3 years ago
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Amy Emily and Me Part 8 Fantasies

Amy turned around facing me and asked, How did Emily SHIT in your mouth...??? She was smiling with a curiosity but also looked a little jealous. You know that Emily sucked my cock and swallowed my cum Amy.... Right...??? Yes Kevin..... Well.... I felt like I needed to return the favor.... So.... I had Emily get on top of me and get in a sixty-nine position. I admitted. Yes.... And then what...??? Amy asked. I could tell that this was intriguing her. Her eyes were beginning to sparkle with...

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Amy and Her Massive Boobs Part 2

I had a long week and my flight didn’t arrive back home until 8pm. By this time Amy had a key to my place and I knew she would be waiting for me when I got back. One I landed back home, I called her up from my car and told her how fucking horny I was for her. She said, “You said a mouthful, hurry up and get your ass here.” Sometimes I would come home and she would be wearing sexy lingerie, or a Fuck Me dress, or sometimes I would walk into the bedroom to find her plugging herself with a dildo....

1 year ago
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Amy Affair with her older Brother Wife

It June and 18 year old Amy lives in Arizona and just graduated from high school and is off to university in the fall. Amy always wanted to go out to state university but her parents don’t want her on own. So the parents and Amy come to an agreement that she can only go to university out state if she moves to California where her old 23 year older brother Matt lives with his 23 year old wife Amanda. Her parents want her stay the older brother place which Matt and Amanda seem to be alight with...


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