Pete And Amy Part 3-2: Little Dolly Lexa, February 10th, 2017 free porn video

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Note: This is Part 2 of my third time hanging out with Pete and Amy for intimate fun. We’ve had lunch several times since we met in mid-January, but our schedules have only allowed us to hang out for sexual reasons twice since I met them at the bar. This original plan for this night was entirely different and started out that way but during a break in the action, I was given an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I’d been interested in Dollification for quite some time but every time I met someone who said they could do it, they made it more of a joke and it came nowhere close to what I wanted it to be. With Dollification, you become a living Doll and the other person is your “Owner”. In this case, it was Matt. He was the owner I’d always wanted and this turned out to be the Dollification experience that I had always wanted. As part of my therapy, I like to write about all my experiences, if to only take down some notes. I’ve been doing this for years and I usually spend the day after writing down everything I can remember about the encounter form the day/night before. At first, I didn’t know if I was going to share this experience and it took me almost a week before deciding that I would. As I have said previously, I am treating this story site as an open and public diary. And now, for the story…


We laid in bed for a few more minutes and it hit me, should I shower real quick. I asked and Pete said maybe and Amy said “I have an idea, if you want to do this, let’s do it right.” She knew a little about Doll play as I had mentioned it to her earlier in the week when we talked about Thor. Apparently she had read a little on it. She said “If he wants a dolly, he is going to have to work for it.” And she went to the closet to grab and old pair of shorts and a tee shirt. She grabbed her robe and left the bedroom with the clothes.

Pete and I laid there and he told me he would stake our relationship on Matt and that he was nice and safe. He mentioned he’s let him have Amy several times while he would sit in the swing and masturbate while they played. I laughed and said “So it was your fat ass that broke the swing and not mine.” He laughed reached over and pinched my nipple. I leaned over and kissed him and we started making out. A few minutes later, Amy walked back in with the clothes and a bowl then took them into the bathroom. I asked her what was going on and she said it was just an idea she had and we might find out later. She crawled onto the bed with us and gave me a deep passionate kiss and told me Matt was a real cool guy and he was very nice, and that he had a gorgeous cock. She then asked what I was going to do about Thor and I told her “Please, don’t be mad, but maybe another time?” I had been anxious about it all week, and only couple people online knew I was worried about it, One a friend, the other, an acquaintance I no longer talk to. I told her “I just think I need more time before I take that step.” She told me “Why would I be mad? I would never be mad for something like that. It’s your body and your choice. We told you we’d never do anything to hurt you and that includes forcing anything on you. Just take your time, Thor isn’t going anywhere.” We laid there for another 5minutes before we heard a knock on the door and Pete got up to go let Matt in.

Amy told me to get up and grab the robe she had laid out for me. I put the robe on and she led me out to the Living room to meet Matt. I stepped into the room and saw him for the first time and immediately started thinking of all the things he might do to me. He was, and I’m guessing here, about 6’, fit but not muscular, around 190lbs. Short dark hair, not brown but not black, kind of a graying dark blonde. He walked over and held out his hand, I thought to shake, but when I reached for his, he lightly grabbed my fingers and pulled my hand towards his face and kiss the top of my hand. I felt my cheeks start to warm quickly, as well as other parts. He told me his name was Matt and he was looking for a particular toy that he heard I might be able to help him with. We sat and talked for a few minutes while he sipped on a glass of whiskey Pete had poured for him. Pete asked if he wanted a refill and Matt waved him off without taking his eyes off me. I wanted to get right into things but Amy cut in and asked if we were going to play. Matt said he would very much like that. Amy took that as her cue to pull me to my feet and hold my robe closed, telling me not to give up all my secrets yet. And she walked me back to their bedroom and into the master bath.

As we entered the bathroom, I saw the clothes she had taken outside earlier and a bowl of dirt. She grabbed some and rubbed it in patches on my neck, face, chest, back and legs. The clothes, a pair of loose fit jeans and an oversized tee shirt, looked like they had been kicked around the yard for a bit and had some dirty a scuff marks on them. She told me to put them on. Just then, it hit me what she was doing. She was going to make him work for his toy. I quickly dressed and she handed me a dirty snapback of Pete’s and I put it on. I went to adjust it and Amy said to leave it loose as she turned it to the side slightly. She led me out to their bedroom and told me to sit on the floor. She told me that after I mentioned exactly what Dollification was, she remembered seeing a video she thought was hot and this is what she had seen. A forgotten doll left in an alley, just then she yelled for Pete to come show Matt what she had found in the alley. I sat against the wall on their bedroom floor and the Butterflies I had all week returned.

As I sat there, I could hear my heart beating in my ears. I saw Pete step into the room and chuckle a little bit and he asked Amy what she’d done. Amy looked at him “Shush! This is for Matt and Lexa.” Matt kneeled next to me and I wanted so badly to look into his eyes, I wanted to look at him when he entered the room and saw me sitting there all dirty and scuffed looking. I just held my gaze straight forward looking through him as he got directly in front of me. He smiled and said that he liked this doll and would very much like to use the facilities. Pete told him anything he wanted as long as they could watch. Without taking his eyes off me again, he told Pete “Sure, you guys have gifted me this lovely doll and I just want to clean her up.” He stood and hooked his arms under mine and raised me to my feet. I wasn’t sure what to do and he pulled my leg under me and I took that as a hint to put weight on it. He looked at Amy “Oh nice, this is an articulating doll” and with that, he bent to move one foot forward and lean me to that side. I took a step as he positioned my legs and he walked me to the bathroom.

He led me to the shower and reached to undo my pants and a quick whisper “May I?” I shook my head and whispered back “I’m your toy.” He smiled and let my pants drop to the floor. He tossed my hat on the floor while I stood there with nothing but a tee shirt and a pair of pants around my ankles. He grabbed my wrists and lifted my arms straight up over my head. When he let loose, I held the position as he lifted my shirt and I heard him give a quick inhale. He slid the shirt up over my arms and dropped it on the floor. He took me by the wrists again and lowered my arms to my sides. The water was turned on and the temperature adjusted before I was moved me into the stream. Amy handed him a body sponge and body wash. He squirted some on the sponge and started rubbing my back, arms, and sides. Matt brought the sponge around with one hand as I felt the other hand slide down my back and over my ass. It was slow and light but it made my heart race. He raised the sponge to lightly scrub the dirt from my face and neck and then moved further down my chest to wipe the dirt from my breasts. Further down my body he went with the sponge as he ran it over my thighs and just then, he reached lower to grab my ankle to pull my legs apart. I stepped to allow my legs to go slightly more than shoulder width apart as I stood still, looking forward and waiting in anticipation of what was about to happen.

He continued wiping the dirt from my legs and inner thighs while moving higher and higher. I wanted him to touch me; I wanted him to run his finger between my lips. I wanted him to feel how wet he was making me. He ran the sponge up over my mound without lingering in any one spot for long. Just then, he reached for the body wash and put some in his hand and ran his hand up my inner thigh and across my slit, up over my mound and then back down, through my slit and all the way back to my ass. I felt him run his fingers over my butthole but it was not in a teasing way. It was more deliberate as were his stroked through my folds. He finally leaned over to turn the water and grabbed a towel and began drying me off. After I Was dry, he asked Amy about clothes and she led him out of the bathroom. They retuned a few minutes later with a black and pink babydoll and matching G-string. He bent down and lifted my ankle to slip the G-string over my foot before reaching to the other side to slip them over the other foot and up my legs. This time, he seemed to caress my legs as he slide the underwear up and he slid the string over my ass and pulled up slightly in the front to pull the string between my lips. I could feel my juices soaking the underwear already. He raised my arms as Amy handed him the babydoll and said “Here is the babydoll for the baby doll.” and giggled.

After I was fully dressed, he lowered my arms and led me into the bedroom. Throughout my whole shower I could sense Pete silently watching from the open bathroom door. He was now sitting in the pleasure swing in the corner of the bedroom and Amy went to sit next to him on the small end table they had in there. I was placed on the edge of the bed facing Pete and Amy as I saw Amy reach into Pete’s shorts and start tugging on his cock. Matt began running his hand up and down my thigh before switching to the other side. He finally placed his hands on my knees and spread my legs apart. I was hoping he was ready to touch me, tease me, and do anything to me. I was so wet; I just wanted to be touched, I wanted to be played with. He stood up in front of me and I could see a huge bulge in his pants. He ran his hands over my boobs and pinched and twisted a nipple. He continued squeezing and massaging my breasts as he leaned down to kiss my cheek and whispered that I did not have to remain emotionless and he would enjoy the visual feedback. I let out a small grin and shook my head. He smiled back and kissed my cheek before moving to my lips. His tongue stretched out and I could smell the whiskey on his breath from earlier as he licked and sucked on my upper lip. Finally he kissed me as I opened my lips to let his tongue slide in to tease mine. I wanted to grab him but I remained in the same position that I was placed in on the edge of the bed.

He made out with me for another minute before standing up and unzipping his pants. He pulled his cock out and held it firmly with one hand wrapped around the base with what looked like over half still sticking out. He rubbed the head over my lips with one hand on my boob as he squeezed and kneaded it. He brought his hand up to my chin where he placed his thumb and with little pressure, lowered my jaw to open my mouth. I was enjoying every second of this whole experience. He placed his hand on the back of my head as he pulled me forward and flexed his muscle to raise his cock to my lips. He pulled me forward more as he leaned into me, forcing his large cock between my lips into my mouth, over my tongue and to the back of my throat. Very slow and meaningful, like every movement was planned out and he was executing his plan very carefully. I began sucking with more force and sliding my tongue under and around the head as I slid forward over his shaft, forcing him deep into my throat. As he got to the back, I would swallow and notice his face as I looked up at him with my light brown eyes. He had both hands on the side of my face as looked down into my eyes as he would thrust forward, over and over, fucking my face. I felt his sack on my chin as it began to twitch and draw up a little. He quickly pulled out as I took a deep breath. I looked up at him and his eyes were closed. He finally looked back at me and said “I almost soiled my nice clean doll.” I was pushed back to lie down while he examined my outfit and dropped down on his knees. He ran his hands up my thighs and belly before slipping under the babydoll to move over my breasts. He rested his chin on my mound as he massaged my boobs. I could feel the breath from his nose on my skin, through the G-string. Just then I felt his chin move and felt something on my slit. The thin fabric from the underwear prevented me from feeling much but then I felt his tongue lower, down to the point that the string had been pulled between my lips as I was dressed. I felt his tongue slip under the fabric and barely into my slit. I wanted to grind into his mouth but I held my position. The anticipation was getting to me and I thought I would break. I wanted to reach down and pull my panties to the side, giving him complete and total access to my warm, wet, aching slit. I wanted him to shove his tongue deep inside me. I wanted to feel more than I was, more than he was letting me feel. I held my position thinking if he did give me release, it was going to be incredible.

I laid on the bed looking at the ceiling, trying to think of something other than me wanting to have an orgasm. I wanted this to last a while and Matt was being amazing so far. I felt a finger run along my skin in the crease between pelvis and thigh. It ran up along the edge of the G-String and I felt him hook his finger under them and slide back down. I began to shake or shiver a little as I felt goosebumps form on my arms, belly, breasts, and surely my legs where he could clearly see them. He stopped at the top of my slit as I felt him apply slight pressure to my hood and press down on my little button underneath. I remember exhaling and my belly sucking in as I did, at which point he increased his pressure and began to rub in circles. Having my arms kind of to my sides, where they fell as I was pushed back onto the bed, allowed me to grip the bedcovers as he was starting to rub me into my first orgasm with him. He increased his speed and I felt a second hand pulling the panties to the side. I began hoping he was going to shove his fingers deep inside and pull my G-Spot, I was praying he would. What I got instead was just a good. I felt his tongue run from the bottom of my slit to his fingers circling my clit like hungry sharks. More pressure was applied as he ran his tongue back down to my entrance before sliding it in, then out, and in again. He slowed down on my clit a little before I felt his lips suck mine into his mouth. I felt him sucking and playing with my pussy lips with his tongue inside his mouth. He released my lips from his and licked lower, my perineum, and then I felt his tongue brush against my butthole. I could feel it quiver as he traced circles around it, across it, then he put some pressure on the middle. It felts so incredible and all I could feel was the quivering feeling and it spasmed. I wanted him to slide his tongue into my ass. I wanted anything in my ass, and my wet little cut for that matter. I needed to be filled and sated.

After several more minutes of licking, my breathing began to pick up and I guess he realized this as he began to slow down. Just then I heard Amy step over and whisper something to him and the only word I could make out was “multiple”. Just then he increased pressure and speed, bringing me back to where I was only a moment ago, the pressure building in my pelvis, I could feel my outer lips swelling, getting warmer, and feel myself getting wetter. Abandoning my doll persona, I grabbed the sheets beneath my hands and balled them up in my small fists. My breathing was faster as my chest and stomach would rise and fall. He slid his hand up my thigh, stomach, and to my breast as he reached and squeezed it, then gripping my nipple and rolling it between his fingers. With a slight tug, he pulled slightly, dropped it, and then gave it a playful little smack. He reached for the other one to repeat the process. I could feel my legs start shaking and tensing, then shaking again and my orgasm broke loose. All this time I was trying to remain still for my owner to enjoy me. He rose to his feet and was walking his way up the bed with his hands to hover over my body. He pushed the babydoll up above my breasts and lowered his face to tease my nipples with his tongue. I could smell his coconut shampoo very clearly now and it made me think of walking the beach with less coverage than I currently had. I saw His cock come into view when he raised up to switch sides. Just then I felt something touch my wet little pussy, then slide down and rub my asshole. He pulled back and it slid back up to my slit where he rubbed it over my entrance and up to my clit and over my hood.

Again, I had to fight just raising up and making him shove his cock deep into me. I felt the muscles in my back and legs begin to tense up so I could lift my body but I stopped and relaxed. He lowered himself again and slid in a little and pulled out, and not from lack of lubrication, I was beginning to realize part of his play was to tease me and it was working quite well. He was driving me wild. He slid a little further into me as he lowered his face to my cleavage and began to kiss and lick before sliding his tongue up to my neck and giving me playful little bites. I felt his teeth very lightly clamp down on the edge of my chin then let loose to come up and suck my lower lip into his mouth while shoving the full length of his cock deep inside me. He began kissing me and pumping his large cock in and out with a speed and pattern I really loved. Incredibly fast for a few second and then slowing and barely sliding the tip in, maybe a long slow deep stroke, then a few short strokes and finally speeding up with long quick strokes. I wanted to grab his face while we were kissing but I didn’t. My breathing and moaning were getting louder as I licked his lips before shoving my tongue deep into his mouth. He seemed to sense I wanted something as I felt his hand grab my wrist and pull it to his neck. I let my hand rest on the back of his neck when he dropped his hand to the bed and grabbed my other wrist and did the same. He pulled back and looked me in the eye and with a small smile, shook his head. I grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him to my mouth with more force as he pumped his cock deeper into my wet cunt. Pushing into me with all he had and pulling out slower each stroke. I felt one hand begin pinching and tugging my nipple as my breathing increased once more and I began biting his lip and pulling him to me with much more force. I had another orgasm building fast.

He started slamming into me harder than before and looked me in the eye and only said “You’re close.” He kept slamming his hard cock into my hole and it felt like I was sliding a foot further up the bed with each stroke. My legs kept me from moving as they were hooked over the edge of the bed. He pounded me faster and harder until my legs went straight and I could not stay still. My entire body began to shake and my breathing turned to quicker, stuttered breaths. As I began to relax, he put my arms to my sides to roll me over. As soon as I was on my belly, I felt a hand grab my hip and lift slightly as the other hand grabbed my leg and pushed up toward my body. I realized he wanted me on my knees so I drew my leg up into position, the other his was raised and the process repeated. I was no ass up and face down on the bed as he pushed the babydoll up over my head. My shoulder was lifted and my arms were put into position as he got on his knees in front of me to position the other arm, I took this as an opportunity and let his cock slide into my mouth. He fucked it back and forth in my mouth a few times to keep his level of arousal up and withdrew to let my babydoll fall down over my arms. He reached down to lift my hand from the bed and then the other to remove it completely. He moved off the bed to the side and I turned my head slightly to see Amy walked up and drop to her knees and slipped her lips over his cock. Matt just said “Make me ready for my toy baby. This is your thank you for finding her for me.” After bot 15 seconds, I heard him tell her “Slow down. This is for my doll.” I felt his weight back on the bed behind me as his hands slid over my ass.

He continued running his hand up and down my ass and I felt his thumb sliding down between my cheeks and rub my little asshole. I felt something wet hit my ass and run down over my butthole and then, his thumb began rubbing it with more pressure and in circles. As I relaxed, I felt him slip inside. I started thinking he was about to fuck my ass when I felt his cock at my entrance again. Feeling one hand on my hip and one on my ass with his thumb inside, I was confused when I felt another hand on my clit. I heard Amy telling Matt she was going to make me ready as he began stoking in and out. I heard Matt ask Pete “Would you like to join?” and only a few seconds later, Pete was on his knees in front of me. I had been staring down at the bed when Pete gently grabbed the sides of my head and moved it upward to look ahead to him. I looked up at him with a grin as he slid his semi-hard cock into my mouth while I ran my tongue over and around it to feel it hardening inside my mouth. Once he was a little harder I let the force of matt fucking me push me onto Pete’s cock farther and farther. I was being bounced back and forth between the two of them as Pete began fucking my face with more force. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Amy lay on the bed to my side and roll over on her back. She slid underneath my chest to tease my nipples with her tongue before sucking one into her mouth and massaging the other breast with her hand. I could feel Matts thumb still in my ass as he used it to slide me forward off his dick and into Pete, then tug me back onto him. His strong hands doing a lot of the work with one hand on and in my ass and the other hooked under and on my upper thigh. He told Pete “This is your thank you for thinking of me when the subject of this beautiful little doll showed up.” I could feel Matt pumping away faster and faster, still varying his pattern and speed before settling into a fast, steady pattern. After 10 to 20 seconds I felt him slam into me hard a couple times before feeling his cock pulsing and he began moaning. After a few second, I felt him pull out and lean down to kiss my back.

Amy was still underneath tugging on my nipple with her teeth when she released and slid out from under me. I heard her say “Oh, nothing for me to clean up?” I then felt Amy’s hand on my ass and then her other hand, I then heard her say “May I?” I was about to answer when I heard Matt say “Of Course.” I felt Amy slide her tongue down my ass, over my quivering butthole before plunging into my pussy and her chin press against my clit. She was bumping into it over and over as she tongue fucked my little, wet hole repeatedly trying to bring me to another orgasm. Pete kept shoving his cock back into my throat as deeply as he could with his hands down on my shoulders. Matt walked over and began massaging my breasts with some slight tugging on my nipple. I felt him run his hand along my back and across my ass before giving it a light smack. I could feel Pete speeding up a little as Amy kept licking me from behind and forcing me into her boyfriend. I felt a hand on the back of my head and as I looked up into Pete’s eyes, Pete looked down at me and had this look of pure pleasure which gave me a rush and it felt like I instantly got wetter. I began swallowing with my throat to squeeze and stroke Pete’s cock as it was in my throat and drive him wild. Pete kept fucking his cock into my face, faster and faster, Matt pushing my head into him until my face was against Pete’s body. I could feel Pete’s cock starting to pulse and twitch in my mouth. Just then, I felt Matt hold me against Pete as he began to shake and moan. His cum shot back into my throat several times and slid down. I swallowed as he was pulling out and I caught the last couple drops on my tongue as I stuck it out to look up into his eyes and show him. With a smile, he placed his hand on my cheek and sat back on his feet.

Amy was still trying to push me to another orgasm I could feel the very beginnings of one but it was not close. Matt was wiping sweat from my back with a cloth or towel and I held my position on all fours with my head slightly hanging down. He noticed and pushed my head downward so I could rest my neck for a few minutes. I felt Amy move away and Matt moved back in. He gently grabbed my hips and rolled me onto my side then onto my back. He told Pete to slide me up the bed a little bit as he crawled between my legs and pressed his once again hard cock to my little wet cunt and slid it up over my slit and hood then down and in deep. He pulled my knees up beside him as he began pumping into me with long, deep strokes. He was being very deliberate in his motions as he raised my legs so my feet were next to his shoulders. He was able to lean down and kiss my ankle and shin as he fucked me hard and deep. When he finished kissing my legs, my legs were pushed down towards my own chest. This positon rolled my pussy into more of a straight up position as he slipped out. With one hand holding both ankles near my body, his other hand grabbed his cock as he pressed it against my butthole and he slowly pushed in. At first, only the head, then a little more, back out, then a little deeper, Within a few strokes, His entire cock was sliding in and out of my ass as easily as it was sliding back and forth in my pussy. Matt began rubbing my clit with his thumb with some pressure and my once, weak orgasm was building up again.

Still pounding away at my ass, and rubbing my clit with considerable pressure, Matt was beginning to sweat and his chest reminded me of a statue, he amazing muscle tone, a six pack, and the “V” leading to his very nice cock. I was starting to moan as Matt was fucking my ass harder and harder before throwing his head straight up and moaning quietly. A few quick jerks and pumps in and he was finished. He held in and made a few more stroked while increasing pressure and speed on my clit as my breathing was rapidly increasing and my legs were shaking slightly. A couple heavy presses from his thumb sent me to the edge as my legs began shaking more and a long moan escaped my lips. He raised my legs and dropped them to his side. The change in positions caused him to slide out of my ass and I looked to see another condom. This was a comfort although Pete and Amy both assured me he was clean. I laid there catching my breath, not sure if we were done or not, but knowing I had an amazing experience. To me, this is what I always felt it should be. Just then, Matt grabbed my wrists and pulled me up into a sitting position, then put his arm under one of mine and round my back to lift me to my feet. He hooked his other arm under my legs and picked me up to carry me into the shower and stood me where he washed me once more, telling me he had to leave his toy in good condition if he ever expected to play with it again. I smiled and he smiled back.

After he finished washing me down and turned off the water, he grabbed a towel and handed it to me “I’m releasing you…” then with a grin he said “For now.” I shook my head and dried myself off, while he grabbed another towel and dried my back, then left me to finish on my own. After another minute, I felt my eyes welling up and tears forming. Just then Amy walked in and saw me beginning to cry and hurried over to ask if I was ok. I told her “I don’t want to sound sappy or anything but this was a spiritual experience for me. It was something I wanted for a while but never found anyone serious enough to give me the experience he did.” She put her arm around me, grabbed my clothes, telling me Matt was in the other bathroom as she walked me to the bedroom to get dressed.

As we left the bathroom, Pete rushed past me into the bathroom and closed the door. I dressed then walked to the living room to see Amy sitting there with Thor on the couch next to her, passed out. I sat and we talked for a few minutes until Matt and Pete came out. I walked over and wrapped my arms around Matt’s neck and held him tightly “This whole experience has been amazing and if you’ll have me, I would love to be your Doll again sometime?” He smiled and said “I was going to ask if you’d like to be my only Doll? You were incredible; I enjoyed the visual feedback you gave me. You held position perfectly; even in times I tried to break you. You were great and I would love to have you again sometime.” I smiled, jumped up, and gave him a quick smooch on the lips and squealed, knowing I had an owner now.
Amy got dressed to drive me back to campus. We sat in the car and talked about everything for a little bit before she mentioned Thor, reminding me he’s not going anywhere and would be there whenever I was ready. I kissed and thanked her for everything and told her to thank Pete for me for everything he gave me that night. I got out and ran to the side of the building to avoid the lobby so I didn’t have to answer any questions and went in the side door we all sneak in and out of after they lock up for the night. I made it to my room without even seeing and R.A. and saw Maddi sound asleep on her bed, completely nude. I wanted to climb in with her, but I was still dealing with my own feelings from my dollification. I slept in my own bed and talked to Maddi the next morning about it. It took me a week before deciding to share this story here, but I am glad I did.


Same as Pete and Amy Part 3-2: Little Dolly Lexa, February 10th, 2017 Videos

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On Tour with Mrs Dolly Part

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....You can call me Mrs. Dolly..I had been driving a limo for a few months. I worked for an elite car service. I usually picked up sports players, actors. I am very discreet and keep my mouth shut. I never talk, unless spoken to. I was a very good limo driver. I know Manhattan and all of NYC, like the back of my hand. I got a text from boss. I was sleeping on the couch in my one bedroom apartment in the city. I should say my one room apartment. It was...

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Dolly Part 2

Just to clarify, in this story, Dolly is Amanda's son, he is above the age of consent, but he has had some learning issues and is a little simple. He still calls his mother Mummy as he has always called her, but he is shy and has difficulty making friends, he is very much a loner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The next morning Amanda was up early, as was usual on a working day, to shower and dress ready for work before waking her son to ready...

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Dolly Part Two

DollyPart TwoBy theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.Dolly had two sisters. They were as different as could be. No one that did not know them would never connect them as being family. Dorothy was rather large framed and stable, she had married a nice man and a true outdoorsman. He had leased public land that had lots of Salal Brush and harvested it selling it to...

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Dolly Part Seven

WARNING this is part seven of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms Lawrence got immense enjoyment manhandling Daniel into pink tights, an overly flouncy...

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Dolly Part 3

WARNING this is part three of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. Thanks so much for the response it blew me away again. People seemed ok with the short instalment plan so I will go on with that. I hope to have next part up within two weeks. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the...

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Dolly Part One

Dolly Part Oneby theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.The year was 1965 and I was going through a divorce. My wife had become a party girl and was spending more money than I could bring into the house. That is what brought on the divorce. I could not stop her spending habits. Dolly was one of my favorites. I still think about her after 1969. We met at church...

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Dolly Part Two

WARNING this is part two of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. Thanks so much for the response to part one, this is a short update I intend to release brief updates roughly weekly but if people prefer I am happy to release longer instalments but less often. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Dolly Part Five

The handful of society bimbos in cosmetology class had no urgent work. Cosmetology was a joke subject and mostly an unsupervised gossip session. The girls had put on enough makeup to last most women a lifetime. However, they were excited to grill their new sissy classmate and 'help' show him the ropes. "Hi cutie I didn't know much about you but some people shared with me your emotional Facebook coming out and it touched my heart. I can't imagine how hard it has been for you pretending...

2 years ago
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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 28

Chapter 28 — Epilogue Ruth Burnside did not return to her classes in the fall. Being one of the first voices against the abuses being committed in the stock market, several Illinois state legislators decided to nominate her to lead a commission studying the effects of the recent corporate scandals on state pension and school funds. Burnside, in her new role, was vicious to anyone who tried to avoid telling her the truth. CEO’s were afraid of the former professor and her ability to remember...

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Dolly Part Eight

WARNING this is part eight of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel regained full consciousness lying on a rubber sheeted hospital bed, the overhead...

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Dolly Part Three

Dolly Part Threeby theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.My wife and I decided to build a log house so we bought some acreage out in a very wooded area that had a nice pond on it. There was a hill on one side that was perfect to build on. It just needed some minor excavating and we’d have a nice view of the Olympic Mountain Range. But where the property is...

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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 29 Amy8217s First Handjob

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. After jerking myself, I was too tired. Amy and I both fell asleep pretty quickly. But it looked like Amy couldn’t sleep. She was thinking about what just happened. This thinking...

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Amy and Andrea 1

"Andy, what are you doing in my room, oh my god, MOTHER!" screamed Andy's twin sister. He tried to escape the wrath he knew was coming by dashing for the door, but Amy was faster, and Andy twisted his ankle around in the three inch heels he was wearing as he sprawled on the floor under her as she pinned him down. the broken heel barely hanging onto the rest of the shoe. Fearing that her son was once again caught by his sister pawing through her panty drawer, and knowing how badly...

2 years ago
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Crimson Cheeks 2 Disciplining Dolly

Sophie Bennett looked in the mirror and smiled. She had graduated recently from college with a degree in journalism and found a job with a small, independent magazine in New York City. She’d moved there three weeks ago and was lucky enough to have found a roommate, Dolly, who also just got hired at the magazine. Neither of them could afford an apartment in Manhattan, even sharing the rent. So, they found a little flat in Queens, near the Number 7 Train which they could ride all the way to...

1 year ago
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Momma and her Dolly

Part One: A Surprise Visit from MommaFrom mid August to late May, Siobhan's life revolved around her job as a middle school drama teacher. She was well respected in her community, and well liked by her former and current students. After all, drama and speech were easy A classes, so the kids didn't resent her the way they did their tyrannical English and math teachers, always after them for homework. Siobhan put a lot of time into the seasonal productions, and while it was mostly fun, it was...

3 years ago
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My Pretty Dolly Part 3

The final chapter based on reader comments. All the usual and customary disclaimers apply. Maybe downloaded for personal use only. Any other use by author's permission only. Rated X and not for the sweet/sentimental reader although Allen is free to be himself in the end. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. My Pretty Dolly Part 3 By Cheryl Lynn Brian was in his late fifties and lived on a two hundred acre farm/dairy. He never married, kept to himself and had a...

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Dolly Takes A Lover

Rob was dead! Gone after 20 years of marriage! GONE!! And the nagging empty loneliness was starting to tell on his stunning mature widow, Dolly. Rob and Dolly had been through and seen it all in their long union. A May-December marriage that started out like a torrid sexual inferno had subsided into a friendly sterile cohabitation, only to be thunderously resuscitated when Dolly had been repeatedly raped by escaped convicted rapist, Lyle Buhr. Buhr’s monster cock had stretched Dolly’s...

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Dollys Affair

Dolly's AffairDolly and I had been married for 15 years. During that time she had given birth to two k**s and put 60 pounds on her once petite 5'3" frame. At 165 pounds Dolly was certainly chunky but to me she was as beautiful and sexy as our wedding night. We were both over 40 but we both looked and acted younger. Dolly's tits were full, surprisingly firm 38dd and her thick curvy body turned me on more than the Hollywood stick figures on TV ever could. Despite the fact that I adored my wife's...

2 years ago
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Dolly Takes A Lover

Rob was dead! Gone after 20 years of marriage! GONE!! And the nagging empty loneliness was starting to tell on his stunning mature widow, Dolly. Rob and Dolly had been through and seen it all in their long union. A May-December marriage that started out like a torrid sexual inferno had subsided into a friendly sterile cohabitation, only to be thunderously resuscitated when Dolly had been repeatedly raped by escaped convicted rapist, Lyle Buhr. Buhr's monster cock had stretched Dolly's...

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Dolly Time with Sammy

Dolly Time with Sammy(Note: There is a “daughter” version titled “Dolly Time with Sasha”)Scott: Several years ago when I was just out of my teens, I fell in love with a wonderful guy. Sammy was several years younger than me and incredibly beautiful. He was petite, with longish red hair and a ton of freckles. He wore braces and his glasses did not block me from seeing his enormous blue eyes. He had tiny hands and feet and very delicate facial features. He had a tiny little penis, perfectly...

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Dolly Time with Sasha

Dolly Time with Sasha(Note: There is a “son” version titled “Dolly Time with Sammy”)Scott: Several years ago when I was just out of my teens, I fell in love with a wonderful girl. Sasha was several years younger than me and incredibly beautiful. She was petite, with long red hair and a ton of freckles. She wore braces and her glasses did not block me from seeing her enormous blue eyes. She had tiny hands and feet and very delicate facial features. She had only slight curves and hardly any...

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Dolly Steps Into The Corporate World 8211 Part 1

Hello, everyone, my name is Sneha. But you all can call me Dolly as I like it so much. I am 24 years married woman working in an MNC located in Hyderabad, India. This is my first story in online sharing platforms. So please pardon me for any mistakes. Any suggestions or remarks will be gladly welcome. Coming to the story. This happened just 3 months after I turned 19 years of age. I was a major then which meant I can marry or I can have sex. (I am talking in liaison with legality and official...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 13

Chapter 13 – Paul Amy’s relationship with Robert had changed radically by the beginning of her second year of college. Amy was now Robert’s equal, and his friend. She still approached him for advice when she felt that she needed it, but as a friend, not as a surrogate daughter. She still felt a deep respect for him and cared for him deeply. He had saved her life. He had guided her into the path where she was now. Most importantly, in no way did he attempt to exploit her vulnerability when she...

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Annie and Dolly

Dolly pushed Annie on the shoulders, causing it to lay down on the bed with his back, and was now able to kiss her nipples. Having a tongue tip around the circumference of each nipple, she first swallowed and gently sucked the lips first one, then another. Dolly slightly biting their hands and crumpling the entire breast. Annie already furiously rubbing your Clit, causing her pussy softly smacking their lips.Opening his eyes, Annie saw his face chest Dolly. She also began to lick and suck. Her...

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Dolly aur Didi

Soni 22 saalon ki thia aur uska chota bhai sonu us se 5 saal chota yaane 17 saalon ka tha. Soni ek bahut hi khoobsurat aur milansaar ladki thi. Woh sabse prem ka vyavhaar karti. Logon ki peeda usko ek aankh nahi bhaati thi. Uski ek kutti thi jo ab jawaan ho chuki thi aur jawaani ke naaye naaye andaaz seekh rahi thi uska naam tha dolly. Dolly ko soni ne apni aunty ke yahaan se jab woh paida hoyi thi tab laaya tha.soni dolly ko bahut pyaar karti thi aur usko apne hi saath sulaati thi. Pichle dino...

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From Donny To Dolly

From Donny To Dolly by Throne First Donny had an argument with his girlfriend Tess. He stormed out of the apartment they shared and went for a coffee. He hoped she would be over the upset he had caused, by the time he got back, so he could get some afternoon delight. On his way home he ran into her friend Merlina, the oddball who insisted she was some kind of a witch. Tess had just phoned her and poured out her heart. Merlina had never approved of Donny to begin with. She stayed...

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When Dolly Catches Me With My Bhabhi And Then On

Hi everyone, this is ilrumjack again with another of my episodes. Hope you have read my earlier story about how my bhabhi had seduced me and we ended up having sex. This episode was about some months after I had begun to have regular sex with my bhabhi. I will talk a little about the set up for this story. My bhabhi used to live at my place as my parents were posted abroad. She was staying at my place so that she could take care of me in my parents’ absence. She has two kids and my cousin (my...

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Dolly part 3

The next morning I woke to the smell of coffee. I could hear Mummy downstairs. I got out of bed and read the instructions about using the epilator. Then I carefully used it. It was surprising that it found a few hairs that I hadn't noticed. There was a little prickling sensation as each hair was removed. Each time, it felt as if the epilator was removing a bit of my maleness. This was quite a pleasing idea, but I realised that it would be rather painful if the epilator was able to grab a...

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Dreams With Dolly Comes True 8211 Part I

At this portal I would share few erotic experiences. Presently I am a s/w consultant in an MNC located in a metro. The seeds of this incest were sown 6 years back when my elder brother got married. The girl was chubby at that time, pure white big eyes and everything on the bigger side. The relatives of girl said she was like a doll when young hence they named her Dolly. Well now she wasn’t a doll but surely a chubby like a barbie stuffed around busts and buttocks. I was studying in school at...

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The Taming of Amy IV Sandra

I woke up and felt my wife Amy stir next to me. I looked over and could see her nude body under the thin sheet. Her face looked so relaxed. She had been such a bitch for so long. Just a week ago she would have probably scowled in her sleep. I was convinced she was a bitch even when she was sleeping. Then that wonderful potion came along and now she was the sweetest, sexiest and most submissive wife any man could have!I was pondering all of this when another slender arm moved across my chest and...

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Sweet sister Dolly

My name is bobby, I am 21 yrs old and my younger sister dolly is 19 years old. She is 5’6″ with very good figure. She have breast of 32 and waist 27 bat garmiyo ke din ki hai,mai dolly ko pahle aisi nazro se nahi dekhta tha,ek bar maine us kapde change karte samay dekha aur uske bad kisi ur ladki ko dekhne ka man nahi karta.karib ek mahina pahle humare yanha kafi sare guest aaye the to hum sabhi log ek hi hall me soye mai rat e kafi late ghar aaya,sabhi log so chuke the mai b dolly ke as so...

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Brolly Dolly Part 2

Brolly Dolly Part 2 © Elaine 2021 This story was inspired from watching girls on the grids at Motorsports events and who are employed as eye candy in amongst all the high technology and high-octane world. Have you ever noticed that on the motor racing grids, it is usually the men who race and it's the glamorous ladies usually holding up the umbrellas to shield the riders or drivers from the sun or the rain? Just what would it be like for a boy to be suddenly exposed to...

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Amy and Andrea 2

Megan woke up the next morning with Marks arms around her, she couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so relaxed. So satisfied, both sexually as well as mentally. She was half afraid to move, afraid it might just be a dream. But then Mark nuzzled the back of her neck, nibbling gently as his stiffening member stirred twitching in the cleft of her buttocks. The warm feeling spread through her rapidly as she remembered the night of sex. How she'd told him she wanted to know what sex...

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Meri Darling Dolly Aunty

Hi mera naam keshav hai , 6feet tall handsome ladka hu abhi graduation final year mai hu from Hyderabad , lamba aur exercise yoga ke wajah se mai aur mera Lund healthy aur fit hai 6ft ka mai 7inches ka woh ! Meri kahaani kaafi softcore aur slow hai taaki aapko har pal ka mazza aur anand mile , patience rakhiye enjoy karoge/karogi ! Yeh story meri dolly aunty ki hai Jo mere ghar ke paas rehti hai dolly ki ek badi shaadi shuda beti thi aur ek mujh se chota beta , woh 35-26-36 wali badi kaamuk aur...

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My Pretty Dolly

All standard disclaimers apply and this story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use, strictly prohibited unless approved by the author. This is a short forced baby story. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. Constructive comments are welcome at [email protected]. My Pretty Dolly By Cheryl Lynn Allen Finch was covered in mud and slime from the lake. His cousin Bertha Lou had shoved him off the wharf into the shallow muddy water. Now she was...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 00

Introduction – Author’s notes about ‘The Wanderings of Amy’ and other erotic discipline fiction The ‘Wanderings of Amy’ was my first effort to write fiction of any sort. I had prior experience writing works of non-fiction, journalism, and academic research. However, I had always wanted to write fiction and have had ideas for a couple of political novels for many years. During the summer of 2002, for reasons I myself do not understand, I started to write a story in which I sought to explore a...

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Dreams With Dolly Bhabhi Comes True 8211 Part 2

So Dolly bhabhi had come to stay with me in the metro city, with her 2 siblings ( 5 yr old Amit and 1 year old baby who is feeding on her milk ). She willingly leaves behind bhaiya, who gets caught in professional commitments. After a good dinner we slept on the 2 mattresses on floor and gasping at her body in the semi dark room I dozed off, while she and her kid remained in that pose….. Next morning I woke up at around 8 oclock. I found Amit and the kid beside me and Bhabhi was in the...

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Dolly From Another Planet

Dolly From Another Planet By Kim Babes Meet the characters: Jenny -- Almost 6 years old, blonde hair with ponytails, blue eyes, the perfect little girl. Pete Johnson - Skinny, dark hair - think of the nerdish guy from the TV show "Yes, dear". Grandma Thift - In her eighties, very feeble and in love with her granddaughter. Jenny's parents - Mid thirties, attractive, and both fit. Roberta - The computer. Thoughtful, resourceful, but has a mind of her own on what's best...

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Death Row for Dolly

The echoes of the retreating footsteps of the female guards made Dolly Madison feel isolated and alone. The fact that she was the only female prisoner on death row made her sort of unique in a way that she totally hated. It was one thing to be ogled when part of her ass was sticking out and guys had their tongues hanging out. It was quite another when the press were lining up to watch her last dying breath when they gave her the injections of poison into her main arteries like a sick bitch...

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WARNING this is part one of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. I am a complete novice author who has loved forced feminization for years, Cheryl Lynn is by far my biggest inspiration and influence but I also love Kate, Alice Trail and have borrowed ideas from them and other...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 18

Chapter 18 – A night in Burnside’s office Amy’s time was full that semester, as full as it could be. Although Amy was becoming somewhat better with the math requirements of her field, she was grateful to have Wendy present at all times to ask her for help on formulas for her economics classes. Wendy seemed to have a talent for numbers totally out of reach for Amy. Occasionally Amy thumbed through Wendy’s accounting textbooks out of curiosity. She was intimidated by the content. I’m glad not to...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 14

Chapter 14 – Wendy’s Ghosts People are full of surprises, as Amy was about to learn. The person you think you know the best, your closest friend, your family member, your lover, can conceal any number of dark secrets from you. It is human nature that all of us have our failings. It is human nature that each of us tries to conceal those failings from those closest to us, from those who we love the most. It is the fear of judgment, of rejection, over those failings drives people to do strange...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 10

Chapter 10 – Photo Shoot Robert, Amy, and Suzanne spent Thanksgiving together. Robert and Suzanne tried, not very successfully, to conceal their relationship from Amy. It didn’t matter, Amy had it figured out within a few days after Suzanne and Robert fell for each other. She still did not understand what on earth Suzanne had in common with her father’s law partner. That Thanksgiving was special for each of them, given that each had spent the previous Thanksgiving alone. Amy had spent her...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 16

Chapter 16 – Paul’s Secret Desire Amy and Paul returned to Chicago greatly refreshed from their trip to Pennsylvania. They spent nearly three weeks with Paul’s family. As had been the case going out, Amy and Paul took their time coming back, spending three days traveling along a different route. Amy thoroughly enjoyed her time at Paul’s house, in spite of the family’s depressing living situation. She liked his relatives. She was pleased to have put a spark of ambition back into Julie, and to...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 06

Chapter 6 – Halloween Party Midterms snuck up on Amy before she realized it. While it was true that Suzanne had her on an aggressive photo shoot schedule, it was also true that Amy had not put forth as much effort into her classes as she had during the spring and summer semesters. Amy’s most pressing problem was a term paper due October 24 for her modern history of economics class. Amy hated both the subject and the professor. Just two days before the deadline Amy remembered the paper. Two...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 24

Chapter 24 – Paul’s roommate problems Paul and Amy accompanied Suzanne and one of her ex-classmates from the art department to Central Wisconsin for three days just before the Spring semester started. They rented a camper for Amy and Paul to change and warm up in, as well as a snowmobile and skis as props. Only Paul knew how to ski, and not very well. No one knew how to use the snowmobile, but Suzanne’s classmate read the instruction manual and figured out enough to be able to turn it on and...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 04

Chapter 4 – Modeling for Suzanne Spring Break came and went. The week leading up to Spring Break was particularly hard for Amy. The mention of the party spots that Amy and Courtney had been to last year forced Amy to remember the ‘better’ half of her road trip. As the memories of the different party spots popped up in her mind, she began to realize that even at the beginning there were indications that the whole adventure with Courtney was going to end in disaster. The sight of drunken...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 27

Chapter 27 – The Final Summer At the end of May Burnside was in a rare upbeat mood when she returned from Europe with Wendy. She had met with the directors of several economics institutes and obtained what she wanted, scholarship slots for several of her students to study in different locations in France, Belgium, and Great Britain. Burnside already had picked the students. Now they were on their way to Europe, for stints ranging from six months to a year. Burnside’s way of operating was to...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 22

Chapter 22 – New Year’s Eve Robert had to work starting on the 27th. A potentially huge case landed into his firm, a liability suit resulting from the collapse of some decorations at a discount store onto several customers shopping under them. A couple of children were seriously injured in the accident. The store quickly offered compensation to the families, but a consumer protection group decided to sue to force the store to comply with numerous safety rules. The families agreed, and the...

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