The Wanderings of Amy Ch 00
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 10 – Photo Shoot
Robert, Amy, and Suzanne spent Thanksgiving together. Robert and Suzanne tried, not very successfully, to conceal their relationship from Amy. It didn’t matter, Amy had it figured out within a few days after Suzanne and Robert fell for each other. She still did not understand what on earth Suzanne had in common with her father’s law partner.
That Thanksgiving was special for each of them, given that each had spent the previous Thanksgiving alone. Amy had spent her Thanksgiving in a daze on a bus, Robert spent his having dinner alone, and Suzanne spent hers alone in her apartment developing photos. None of them could have anticipated the strange turn of events that would bring them together a year later.
Amy’s friendship with Wendy developed throughout November and December. They went out to a couple of times to movies and met for lunch or coffee almost daily. They liked the same music and planned for concerts they wanted to attend over the next few months. For Amy, having a person in her life with who she could share her interest in music was a nice change from Suzanne, who mostly listened to European New Age or Classical music.
During the days immediately following Burnside’s party Amy and Wendy pulled down their jeans to study each other’s welts whenever they met to work on their paper. They had a fascination with the experience they had endured together, and studying the marks as they slowly faded became part of that shared experience.
Wendy was simply curious to see how long it would take Amy’s bottom to heal. Amy, however was fascinated by Wendy’s bottom as well as by the welts from Burnside’s switch. Wendy had been more severely marked than Amy during her punishment because Burnside had hit her harder, and also because her skin was more delicate. On the first day they got together to study at Amy’s apartment, Wendy lay on Amy’s bed with her jeans and underwear around her ankles, while Amy put lotion on Wendy’s welts. Amy was fascinated in tracing the marks on Wendy’s bottom with her fingertips as she gently spread the lotion. Wendy, still traumatized by her experience in Burnside’s house, was content to just lie there and let Amy do what she wanted.
As Wendy’s welts faded and her soft brown skin recovered, Amy remembered how fascinated she was watching the beginning of her friend’s punishment, seeing her bent over, that smooth flesh on her bottom stretched tight as she waited for the first stroke of Burnside’s switch. Amy had a guilty fantasy, she badly wanted to punish Wendy herself. She remembered a time in high school that she and Courtney had tried spanking each other and how much fun it had been. Amy wanted to have a similar experience with Wendy, nothing severe, but some nice sharp smacks on that soft petite bottom of Wendy’s. Amy figured that it was just a fantasy, since she would have a hard time finding a reason that would convince Wendy to submit to a punishment.
Amy’s fascination with her friend’s body increased the week after Thanksgiving, when Wendy realized that Suzanne knew how to give massages. As her photography took off, Suzanne had slowly reduced her massage schedule, but she still had a few regular clients. Wendy badly wanted a capable massage therapist, and offered herself to Suzanne as a model in exchange for massages. Suzanne gladly accepted the arrangement. Within minutes Suzanne had some backdrops put up on one side of the spare room and Wendy had her clothes off, waiting for the photographer’s instructions. As Amy helped her roommate put the lighting in place she could not keep herself from continuously glancing over at Wendy.
The photo shoot itself was brief, since Suzanne only intended to test the lighting on Wendy’s body. The only pictures she planned to use would be a couple of portraits of Wendy’s face. For the figure studies she called to reserve a studio at the art department for a more serious shoot for the next day.
Once Suzanne put down her cameras Wendy lay face-up on the massage table. Amy watched as Suzanne calmly spread massage oil on her friend’s dark skin. She worked from the feet up to her neck, then finished with Wendy’s arms and shoulders before having her turn over. When Suzanne started massaging Wendy’s bottom, kneading and pressing the soft flesh and the muscles underneath, Amy’s imagination was fired. She felt her heart pounding in her throat when Suzanne finished the massage by lightly slapping Wendy’s skin. Suzanne was too involved in her work to notice Amy’s expression, which was lucky for Amy. Had Suzanne realized what her roommate was thinking, she would have ordered her out of the room.
The next day Suzanne and Amy prepared the lighting and selected backdrops for the studio at the art department. Suzanne had all of her cameras with her and an assortment of tripods and flashes. Wendy arrived in a sweatsuit with nothing underneath, following Suzanne’s instructions to avoid pressure marks from underwear or other tight-fitting clothing. She stripped and stepped into the center of the room.
Suzanne shot roll after roll of film in different lighting arrangements. She learned to her great pleasure that her new model had been a gymnast as a teenager, and still had incredible flexibility in her body that Amy did not have. Suzanne was able to experiment with Wendy on poses totally different from the ones she had taken of Amy. There would be pictures out of this shoot that would sell for sure, thought Suzanne.
Suzanne realized that Amy and Wendy were the same height and had the same build, the only difference being that Amy’s hips were slightly wider and her breasts had a slightly different shape. The similarity between Amy and Wendy gave the photographer an idea. She decided to do another shoot the next day with Wendy and Amy together. They would shave their pubic hair and have the same hairstyle, which would make the two models almost mirror images of each other. Amy and Wendy agreed immediately and took off to Wendy’s hairdresser to agree on a hairstyle and cut.
Suzanne decided that not all of the photos of Amy and Wendy would be figure shots. That evening the three women went to various clothing stores to buy matching outfits, ranging from business attire, to formal dresses, to leather jackets, to jean clothing.
Suzanne and her models spent an entire day in the studio. They put on different clothes, posed nude together, posed topless, posed bottomless, posed one nude and the other fully clothed. They took opposite sides of each other and mirrored each other’s movements. The shots were excellent and many of them would be marketable. Suzanne was very pleased with both of her models.
However, as the day went on Suzanne began to see much greater potential in the shoot. She decided that she wanted more from Amy and Wendy. She wanted their faces to come alive with intense emotion. She wanted the shoot to be a real experience. She wanted to experiment with her two models and do something really on the edge. Suzanne decided to reserve the studio for a third day and ask the two young women to give her another day out of their lives. ‘Tomorrow I want to do something really intense. We have some excellent energy going here and I want to take you two to your limits.’ Suzanne was all business now. Amy and Wendy nerved themselves for what promised to be a difficult, but interesting day.
That evening, Suzanne still did not know exactly what she wanted from Amy and Wendy. She randomly developed several pictures from the first shoot of Amy and Wendy together to see if she could get any ideas from the pictures taken so far. One picture she developed was of Wendy and Amy taken from the back. They were wearing nothing but matching jean jackets and sneakers. They were holding hands, but at the same time pulling away from each other. The muscles in their legs and bottoms showed the tension. Suzanne studied their expressions, then their bottoms. Suddenly she had an idea. Had Amy and Wendy
been spanked, had their bottoms been pink and their faces reflecting the emotion of just having been punished, this picture would have been shocking indeed.
Suzanne decided that what she really wanted to do for the next day was to spank Amy and Wendy during the photo shoot. There was no question that punishment would give Amy and Wendy the intensity of emotion that Suzanne wanted. She remembered the effect that paddling had on Amy during the exercise photo-shoot in June. She approached her roommate with the idea. At first Amy objected.
‘Uh, I still don’t get it. Why do you want to punish us? We didn’t do anything!’
‘Amy, it’s not about punishment. It’s about the intensity of your experience in the studio. I want everything from you. I want all of your emotion to come out in those pictures. I want to see the fear and nervousness in your eyes come through. I want you to be scared about not knowing what’s going to happen next. I want the pain and passion of your day tomorrow to jump right out at the viewer.’
Suzanne was dead serious. Amy knew that she was on to something. Her heart pounded. ‘What are you going to use on us?’
‘I still have my father’s old paddle, the one I used on you in June. I’ll use that.’ Suzanne looked at her roommate. Amy’s face was full of concern and worry. Suzanne put her hand on Amy’s arm. ‘It would really mean a lot to me if you and Wendy could do this. I know it’s a lot to ask, especially of Wendy.’
Amy sighed. ‘OK, I’ll do it. I’ll talk to Wendy and try to get her to go along as well. I need you to take me over to her place and drop me off. I need to explain this to her in person.’
Wendy was surprised to see Amy at her door. As soon as Wendy closed the door behind her Amy began:
‘I need to talk to you about the photo shoot tomorrow. It’s going to be pretty rough.’
‘I gathered that. What does Suzanne have in mind?’
‘She wants to paddle us.’
‘WHAT?! Why? Is she mad at us?’
‘No, not at all. Actually she was real happy with our work today. So much so that she wants to take it further. It took me a while to figure out what she wants. The way I understand it is that she thinks we are on the edge of something really…exciting, I guess. She thinks that if she can somehow give us an extra push of emotion her pictures will really be something special.’
Wendy shook her head. ‘No way. I don’t want to…It’s too much for her to ask.’
Amy paused. She had her doubts as well. She put them aside and defended her roommate.
‘Suzanne is a good photographer. She knows what she’s doing. I know that she wouldn’t ask us to do this for her unless she had a really good reason.’
Wendy sighed. ‘Amy, what exactly did you tell her?’
‘I told her that I would do it, and that I would talk to you about it. Look, I’m nervous too. The only thing that I can tell you is that she used that paddle on me back in June. It hurts, but it’s not as bad as what we got from Burnside.’
Wendy was silent for a long time. Finally she sighed again and looked at Amy nervously. ‘Alright. I just hope it’s worth it.’
The next day Suzanne, loaded down with her photographic equipment, led her two models, who were loaded down with suitcases of clothing, back into the art department studio for a third day of shooting. She quickly turned up the heat in the studio and started laying out her supplies and cameras. She snapped at Amy and Wendy to unpack their suitcases and systematically lay out their clothing for quick changes.
Suzanne became a different person during a photo shoot, especially one in a studio. Amy was amazed that the dominating, no-nonsense photographer in the art department was the same person who just a few days before had driven her to Detroit and knelt with her in an ally.
Suzanne decided to use a white backdrop for most of the photos. She planned to experiment with other colors and designs, but would mostly stick with white. She checked the other backdrops, then turned her attention to the lighting. Amy and Wendy, wearing sweatsuits, stood together watching Suzanne move about the room.
Suzanne suddenly left the studio and returned with a small wooden stool. She reached in her camera bag and pulled out the paddle. She placed it on the stool. Amy and Wendy exchanged glances. Both were visibly nervous.
Suzanne turned to face her two models ‘OK. Wendy, Amy, drop your sweats and move to the center of the room.’
Amy and Wendy complied. The nervous tension in their eyes pleased the photographer, this was what she wanted. She shot a couple of close-up shots of her models’ faces, then backed off for the poses. The close-up shots would work for sure, thought Suzanne. There was an intensity in the eyes of her subjects that was lacking the previous day.
Suddenly Suzanne ordered Amy and Wendy to the stool. ‘Wendy, pick up the paddle. Look at me.’ Suzanne took another series of close-up portraits of Wendy. ‘Wendy, hand the paddle to Amy, put your hands on the stool and spread your feet a little. Please try not to cry.’
Suzanne snapped more pictures of Wendy once she was in position. Wendy looked back at Suzanne with a sad, nervous expression. Amy suddenly felt incredibly aroused, seeing Wendy’s body once again bent over for punishment. Suzanne took the paddle from Amy, and swatted Wendy hard 10 times. The loud pops reverberated in the room.
‘Amy, your turn.’ Wendy’s eyes had tears in them, but she managed not to cry as she stepped aside for Amy. Amy placed her hands on the stool.
‘Amy, look back at me.’ Suzanne’s camera snapped a couple of times. Suddenly Amy felt the sharp sting of the first swat. Amy bit her lip against the pain. Like Wendy, Suzanne swatted her hard 10 times. Suzanne snapped two pictures of Amy still bent over.
Quickly Suzanne ordered Wendy and Amy back to the center of the room, for a long series of dual poses. She had been right, there was an intensity of emotion that was not in the pictures from yesterday. Suzanne knew that the pink color on Amy’s bottom and the pinkish tone on the brown skin of Wendy’s bottom would add shock value to the pictures.
Suzanne was now ready to re-do the jean jacket shots. She ordered Wendy and Amy back to the stool. She wanted more color on her models’ bottoms for the next series. The two girls exchanged a glance of nervousness and fear that Suzanne just happened to catch with her camera.
Once again, Wendy took 15 hard swats on her bottom. This time it was even harder for her not to cry, but she managed to stay quiet. It was Amy’s turn. Again came the sharp sting. It was worse this time, having the 15 new swats laid on top of the first 10.
Quickly Suzanne ordered Amy and Wendy to get their jean jackets and tennis shoes on. She re-posed all the shots from the previous day with the jackets, including the one that gave her this idea in the first place. As Amy and Wendy pulled against each other, their teary eyes and nervous faces, as well as their pink bottoms, exhilarated Suzanne. She ordered her models to clasp their hands and press together, front to front and stare straight into the camera. Amy felt Wendy’s bare thighs against her own.
Suddenly Suzanne ordered the models to put on their matching business outfits. As Amy and Wendy posed fully dressed the only evidence of their pain and emotional turmoil was in their faces, but it was clearly present. Suzanne then ordered Amy to strip again but for Wendy to stay dressed. She handed the paddle to Wendy and ordered Amy to move to the center of the room and to bend over with her hands on her ankles. She positioned Wendy and took a couple of preliminary shots from different angles.
‘Wendy, I want you to start paddling Amy. Go slowly and take your time between the swats. Amy, please keep your eyes on me.’
Wendy hit Amy almost as hard as Suzanne had, laying a third set of paddle swats on top of the first two sets. This time the stinging was
almost unbearable. Amy struggled not to cry. Suzanne was fired up, taking pictures with two different cameras. She did not tell Wendy to stop paddling until Amy had taken 20 hard swats. It took all of Amy’s internal strength to stay quiet.
Suzanne quickly switched rolls of film. ‘Amy, Wendy, stand face to face. Hold hands and look at me.’
Tears were rolling down Amy’s cheeks. They both looked into Suzanne’s camera. Suzanne took several shots.
‘Put your arms around each other. Hug and make up.’ Amy’s face, full of tears, came closer to Wendy’s intense wide-eyed expression. Suzanne snapped some close up portraits then stepped back to snap some shots of the contrast between Amy’s naked body and Wendy’s business attire. Suzanne then ordered Wendy to change into a formal dress for another set of poses with Amy still naked. Suzanne re-took all the pictures with Wendy dressed differently. The dress gave the new pictures an entirely different mood than the ones with the business suit. Suzanne had Wendy change yet again, this time into jeans and a leather jacket. She re-took all the poses yet again in this new variation of Wendy’s attire.
Suzanne moved a wooden chair into the center of the room. She ordered Wendy to sit down and Amy to go across Wendy’s lap. She switched to a high-speed camera. ‘Start spanking Amy. Put some force into it.’ Once again loud slaps rang through the studio. Suzanne quickly moved about her two models, taking dozens of pictures.
Amy struggled yet again not to cry. Wendy was not showing her any mercy, which of course, was what Suzanne wanted. Wendy had become as enthralled with the session as had Suzanne. Wendy was not spanking Amy full force, but instead with calculated precision to maximize the effectiveness of the swats. Wendy’s eyes met Suzanne’s camera. Suzanne had found her moment with her model. She took several close-up shots of the intense expression in Wendy’s face.
Reluctantly Suzanne broke the spell with Wendy. She ordered Wendy to let Amy up. Wendy stopped spanking Amy, although it was clear that she wanted to continue. Amy struggled to her feet, trying with all her effort not to cry. Through her teary eyes Amy gave Wendy a hurt look, which Suzanne was able to capture on film.
Suzanne handed Amy her jean jacket. With trembling hands Amy managed to put it on and close the buttons. Suzanne ordered Amy to turn her back to the camera but then look over her shoulder. Amy’s red bottom contrasted with the dark blue denim of the jacket. Amy was still hurt that Wendy could have spanked her so hard over the three paddlings she had already received. That hurt in her eyes became the focus of the next series of shots. Suzanne had found her moment with Amy.
Suzanne shot a couple more rolls of film on facial and figure shots of Amy and Wendy, but she already had what she wanted. She briefly thought about having Wendy and Amy switch places, but she realized that the moment to do that had passed and that the shots would not be as good as the ones she already had taken. Thus Wendy was spared any further punishment and Amy never got the chance that day to get even with her.
While Amy and Wendy studied for their finals, Suzanne spent days in the darkroom developing the photos. These were good, she thought. Suzanne had been pleased with the pictures from the first day of Amy and Wendy together, but the first day’s shots were nothing in comparison to the shots from the second day. Suzanne showed some of the better pictures to her models, who were amazed that they had actually been the subjects of the photos. Suzanne, in her usual way of dealing with her best subjects, offered them half of the income from the shoot, this time to be split evenly between Amy and Wendy.
Suzanne quickly asked Wendy and Amy to sign model releases and visited her publisher with the complete set of photos from both days of shooting. Suzanne’s editor looked through the pictures in silence. The pictures impressed him, something that clearly showed in his face. He called two assistants to have a look, as Suzanne sat nervously watching. No one said anything, but every so often the editor exchanged glances with the two assistants as they nodded. He dismissed them, folded his hands on his desk, and looked at Suzanne.
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Here is the story of how I seduced my beautiful blonde friend, Amy. We were both eighteen at the time, and in our first year at college. It was the start of my first proper lesbian relationship and my second relationship involving BDSM. This all happened a few years ago, but thankfully I wrote detailed diaries about what happened at the time.In retrospect, there is a lot that still makes me smile, and a few things that I regret... but let's leave that aside for now. Why don't we start at the...
BDSMAuntie Claire and Amy’s massageClaire woke knowing today was the anniversary of when her husband left her and she was going to go out and treat herself and that meant another pair of shoes. She dressed as she always did which was smart and elegant with stockings and a pair of high heel shoes, although as she was now in her mid-fifties the heels were just a little bit shorter than they used to be. She still liked to hear the clip clop of the heels on the ground and knowing that many men and...
I didn’t know where I was or who I was with. Then it hit me. I was interrogated, raped, then now cuffed naked on a lonely table. What the fuck happened? One day I was boring Amy, thinking she was going through a phrase. But then, everything changed after I received a package. Before any horrible thing happened, a month ago before any of this shit. I began to change and I regretted it. “Derek we need to talk.” I said while cleaning the dishes. Derek glare with a smile on his face. Derek...
Introduction: This is my first time writing a erotic story. Please tell me if its good and critic the writing please. More chapters will come soon. Enjoy the story Chapter 1 I didnt know where I was or who I was with. Then it hit me. I was interrogated, raped, then now cuffed naked on a lonely table. What the fuck happened? One day I was boring Amy, thinking she was going through a phrase. But then, everything changed after I received a package. Before any horrible thing happened, a month ago...
My doctor and my wife were both nagging me about stimulating my mind since I retired at 52. "Your brain is going to turn into mush!" was my wife's favorite barb. "Volunteer,” she said. Not having any grandkids of my own, I decided to help out at the neighborhood school near my home. I went into the office and told the volunteer coordinator of my thirty-seven years of service back in the Galveston Independent School District and even though it was not classroom related, I still knew my way...
Straight SexAmy watched from her sensors as her Admiral and his friends had their party. On the screen, her image wandered through the party chatting with her friends. The hours go by as off duty crew came in and had a dinner of the strange foods she has never tried. She vowed that Ken would share them with her one day. Over in a small meadow, some of the many kids played a game she'd had to look up. It was called baseball. Some others played volleyball. Going over the reports, she saw her shuttles...
My k** sisterMy name is Allen I'm 17 and this about my k** sister Amy she is 16 our sexual relationship started when I was a junior in high school . We share a bathroom and it's not uncommon to see her in just her bra and panties , but lately she leaves her door slightly open and she walks around her room naked at first I thought she might have accidentally not closed the door completely so I closed the door to protect her privacy . I could not shake the vision of her naked so I ran to my room...
This all started one day when my wife was sat on a bar stool. We were having lunch in a pub and my wife Amy decided she needed to go to the toilet. As she spun around her dress seemed to catch and as she lowered herself from the stool her dress rose up her thighs. The lads sat down across from us had a clear view up her skirt and they can't but have seen her panties. This innocuous incident changed our lives. Amy was really seriously embarrassed, and anyone else would have thought that she was...
Amy reached from beneath the sheets and groped around clumsily for her alarm clock as it beeped cheerily on her bedside table and knocked it to the floor. As her hand slid from the nightstand, following the clock to its doom, she let her arm hang lazily from the side of the bed. As she slowly rolled over onto her stomach she felt something squashing against her upper thighs. Something hard. Warm and damp, it pressed against her skin, bunching her panties to one side and making...
It had been several weeks since I fucked my cute 18 year old neighbor, Tori, in my jacuzzi tub. This particular afternoon, I was on the patio relaxing in the tub with my eyes closed while mentally reliving the wonderful experience of burying my hard cock deep into that tight teenage cunt when I heard “Hi, Mr. Mac!”. Startled, I sat up straight and turned my head to see little Tori standing there along with a tall, cute blonde who was smiling shyly and cupping her hands. Tori said “Mr....
First TimeI grew up in a big family, as the oldest of 4 I was always being annoyed one of my younger sibling. My sister Becky is 2 years my junior, but as I got older I found her less annoying as her friends started to get hotter. By the time she was 16 I was 18 and some of her friends were just stunning- all heights and shapes but every night I would lie in bed thinking of one (or more) of them. I used to trawl their Facebooks and MySpaces to find pictures of them, especially in the summer when the...
Middle school classmate Jennifer part 4 (with Amy)To recap part 1 through 3, Jennifer and I were paired up for a class project. She invited me over after some strong flirting and I masturbated infront of her while Jennifer stood naked in the pool. A little while later I took Jennifer's virginity in her parents backyard, and we ordered pizza. Jennifer called Amy, who I sat next to in my science class to come over. We had a threesome the same night all caught on VHS tape.After I fucked Jennifer...
Impatience drove his tapping on the steering wheel, the blue hue from the digital clock glowered back at him. He’d been here at least half-an-hour and ran the engine again to stay warm. “Come on Laura, where are you?” With a jolt of surprise, she arrived without him noticing. The cutting chill of December air and the scent of perfume filled the car. Slumping into the front seat, the door slammed shut. The cloying tackiness of Laura’s lipstick left a small smudge on Nathan’s cheek. “Hi...
Group SexI didn't say a word when I saw her outfit, if that term could even be applied to what she was wearing tonight. Charlie and John came into the kitchen behind me—I caught the quick smirk that passed over their faces when they saw her."Guys go in and get a seat. You know how to work the remote, right?"They both nodded, and I watched them walk out towards the living room. "I thought we talked about this?" I said, glaring at Amy from behind. "What?' she answered smartly, not even turning around to...
I turned around when I heard a little cough behind me. My sister Amy, stood there with a big grin on her face. "Hey, do you work all the time? I went by your house and Ellen said you were still working. I came by to see if you had your secretary bent over the desk or something." "You just missed it. She's a hot little Latino and demands it twice a day at least." Sis and I kidded each other a lot about our love lives. I was happily married. Sis and I had always discussed our dating and...
I stood between Anna and Penny, as everyone boarded the coach. They were still discussing the party while I was scanning the area for problems. "So far, so good," I thought. Kip suddenly appeared, speaking to Penny and Anna. "All clear," he reported. "Okay, Michael. We've got it. If you'll get onboard now, we can get going," Penny said. "Nicky? Could I meet with you and Vickie for a minute?" I thought to them as I took a seat near the center of the coach. As before, the adults...
Introduction: My father had some rental houses on our property and we had this young single mother with 2 young daughters to rent one of them. I could not believe my eyes when Janet came in to rent one of my dad houses that was right there on our property . God she was beautiful. Dark hair, olive skin and brown eyes about 5 3 tall and every thing in the right place. When she told my dad she was single I could hardly believe it. Expecially since she had two young daughters. I found out later the...
Middle school classmate Jennifer part 3 (with Amy) To recap part 1 and 2, I masturbated infront of Jennifer naked in the pool and took her virginity in her parents backyard. Jennifer called Amy, she came over and I fucked Amy infront of drunk Jennifer while she masturbated next to us, capturing it on a VHS camcorder.After Jennifer ate my cum off of Amy's back and licked it all up off of her fingers infront of the camera, she realized we had a hour left on the tape to record on. She asked Amy...
Those of you that read my stuff (thanks) know how my wife Kat works on married women most with k**s all who have never had sex with a women before, well now and again something happens that is just too good not to tell others about like this. Tuesday moring 7am Steve Kummings leaves for work his wife Helen is in bed still alsleep and my wife slips under the sheets kissing and licking her way to Helen's 42year old light brown cunt as she does Helen moans and subconshionly spareds her legs...
Amy 33: Beach Blanket Amy! Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: We Play Hour by Hour Heidi Fleegleman, my mortal enemy, wasn't too pleased to see my little Japanese ass in her personal, private swimming pool, the Gulf of Mexico. But there I was with my black hair blowing all...
Introduction: This story is purely fiction. Any similarity to any persons or circumstances is coincidental Chapter I The summer when I was eleven, Amy came to stay with us for a month. This was not the first time she had stayed with us in the summer, of course. Amy was my cousin, the daughter of my fathers twin brother, and until we were six years old, lived next door to me. We were only two weeks apart in age, but because our birth dates came at just the wrong time, she was a year ahead of me...
Introduction: I am republishing this chapter, since there seems to be some problem with the first on I posted. I can find and read it just fine, but it seems others cannot. This is the first chapter, which ends where Chapter II — Mark picks up. The summer when I was eleven, Amy came to stay with us for a month. This was not the first time she had stayed with us in the summer, of course. Amy was my cousin, the daughter of my fathers twin brother, and until we were six years old, lived next door...
I woke up a bit dazed, then almost immediately remembered the night before and buried my head under the pillow. Reverberating in my head was the realization I had sucked a cock. I felt Amy's hand run down my naked back. "Good morning, lover," she said. She moved closer and slid one leg over my thigh and I felt the warmth of her bald pussy against my butt. "That was so wild, last night," she cooed. I moaned and wrapped the pillow tighter around my head. "What's the matter, Andy? Having...
BisexualSAVING AMY As Eric came awake, he realised several things almost simultaneously - and none of them good. He was naked. He was chained upright, against a cold stone wall in what seemed to be some kind of cell. There was something stuck in his bottom. And he had not the faintest idea of how he'd got here, or where he'd been before this. A groan of terror and incomprehension forced its way out of his throat. The answering moan from away to his right told him something else. He was not...
Deconstructing amyAuthor’s note: It’s been a while since my last story. This mainly due to the fact that I am now very happily married to my biggest fan and thus have practically no time to write for the library anymore. Since I keep getting applications from potential online slaves though, I decided to write this one as a blueprint. I have neither the time nor ambition to take on any online slaves, but if you are determined to be my slave, feel free to follow amy’s path.It was late in the...
You are the first person to read this and this is the first thing I've ever written *Warning*In case this is ever a piece of evidence - just let me formally state for the record. This story is strictly meant for viewing by consenting adults in an environment in which all others do not have access. If you are offended in any way, to any degree, by any aspects of forced sex, rape, nudity, skipping church once a month or anything involving fantasy, things the devil is said to have done, or...
Copyright© 2004 "Damnit girl! Watch what you're doing!" I wasn't normally this harsh with waitresses, but then, I didn't normally get hot coffee poured in my lap! "Oh! I'm sorry, Sir!" the auburn-haired young lady cried. Something in the way she said it... or maybe it was her posture... Whatever triggered it, I was beginning to get a feeling about this young lady. 'Let's just see... !' I told myself. There weren't many people in the cafe, and none nearby, so I quickly...
Chapter 1 Awww that feels so good Mistress Amy Sharon moaned as Amy fucked her ass & cunt with nine & ten inch cucumbers . Amy had brought her home about 25 minutes earlier & after have a glass of wine each , Amy was now fuckin her new momma bitch with the veggies . Once Sharon reached orgasmic bliss , Amy sat on the stacked old hags face , Sharon had 40d natural slightly saggy tits , which she slapped while Sharon ate cunt . Sharon was an expert pussy licker , often she would lick pussy...
Swinging is not an activity for all people. By definition, it is a couple’s activity, and it requires a couple that is strong in their commitment to each other and open to new experiences. Here is the story of how my wife and I got started.My wife might say that she and I had been more or less happily married for fifteen years when we decided to explore. I am the story-teller, and I am very certain the story started long before that.Before we got married, my wife was a player. She might not see...
SwingersI wasn't at all sure I was going to let myself get DP'd again, but when I finally did, Janet was on her hands and knees beside me, kissing me, getting DP'd herself.There was a lot of coke at this party. I don't think I ever saw people using it like they were here. I don't know who paid for it, but there was a lot, and everybody could share. People got so high, and in this place, with all this sex everywhere, people wanted to fuck, and fuck and fuck. I was wondering if the parties I was going to...