Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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The gate clicked closed behind me and I started walking toward my sister's car. I took a deep breath. The air where I was walking was the same air that was on the other side of the wall, but some how it smelled fresher and sweeter. Marci gave me a hug and said:
"Before I take you home is there anything you want to do? Any place in particular you want to go?"
"Yeah. I guess there is. I'd love to have a cold beer."
"You got it. Bud's Bar do it for you?"
"You bet."
As we drove away from the gray stone walls I thought back to what put me there. It was a divorce. It was a very, very nasty divorce; an event you would never have imagined on that beautiful July day when Amy walked down the aisle toward me on the arm of her father.
Amy and I were a pair since the second grade. There was no doubt in any ones mind that wouldn't end up married. We were forever. It was a storybook romance that was supposed to have a fairytale ending – "and they lived happily ever after" – attached to it. We agreed to wait until after we had graduated college to get married and we also agreed to hold off on having kids until we were thirty. We wanted to go places and do things before we settled down.
It wasn't all 'pure story book' of course. Twice, once in eleventh grade and again in our sophomore year in college, Amy felt that she should know what other guys were like. The period in high school only lasted three weeks. Amy came back and said she was sorry and what she did was dumb."
"I dated five guys and they were all assholes. I had the best and I almost screwed it up."
I was so busy with classes and sports that I gave no thought to going out with other girls.
Both times it hurt, but when she did it again in college I got my back up and said to myself, "Okay! You want to find out about other guys I'll just go out and find out what other girls are like." I quickly found out that a lot of other girls were not as insistent as Amy that they walk down the aisles as virgins.
In a five week period Bev Holbrook relieved me of my virginity, Nancy Neubert introduced me to the joy of blow jobs and Harlena Collins introduced me to anal sex. Pauline French taught me the proper way to eat pussy and then demonstrated how best to do 'sixty-nine' (woman on top according to her). The only fly in the ointment was the thought in the back of my mind that Amy was receiving the same education. It was 'double standard' thinking and I knew it, but I still felt that I should have been the first one to do those things with Amy.
One night, about six weeks after Amy went off to see what other guys were like I came home from class and found Amy sitting on the front porch steps. It was a repeat of the high school episode.
"I had the best all along and didn't realize it. Forgive me?"
I loved her – had loved her damned near forever – so of course I forgave her. We never spoke of what we had done while apart, but when I tried to 'get sexual' with her she told me she wanted to wait until we were married and I didn't push it. Still, it was no surprise to me when she didn't turn out to be a virgin when we went to our marriage bed. I didn't mention it, but I could tell that she was aware that I knew I wasn't her first.
We both found good jobs in our chosen fields and the next four years were pretty good ones. I had to travel some with my job, but it wasn't all that often and the trips were never longer than three days.
It was the day after her twenty-sixth birthday when Amy told me that she was pregnant. I was surprised since we had agreed to wait until we were thirty to start our family. She told me that according to her doctor the drugs she took when she had the flu had negated her birth control pills. Nine months later Brian Louis joined us.
Amy was only off work six weeks. The place she worked had a day care center in the building so she started back to work and took Brian with her. Nine months later she said that now we had started the family she wanted to have the next one so the two would be close together and easier to raise. I didn't much care so I said okay and six weeks later she told me I was going to be a daddy again.
In her eighth month she said that she thought two kids were enough and would I mind if she had her tubes tied. My attitude was that it was her body and if she didn't want to spend nine months walking around pregnant who was I to say she had to. A month later we were blessed with Susan Marie. As with Brian Amy was only off work for six weeks and then she went back to work taking both babies with her.
Over the next six years Amy and I were both promoted twice and we were making pretty good money between us. We seemed to be the perfect couple. We rarely argued over anything and we were still pretty active in the bedroom. We were averaging three times a week which I was led to believe was pretty good when compared to other couple with children married the same length of time. We had similar likes and dislikes, enjoyed going places and doing things with each other and were happy to see each other when we got home from work every day.
But the happy home life/loving couple thing was a lie as I found out one day in July.
I had flown to Denver to visit one of our suppliers and see if I could find out why they were having trouble making their delivery dates. It was scheduled as a three day trip, but when I got there I found that the company had been seized earlier in the day by the IRS for non-payment of payroll taxes. It turned out that the company had been in financial trouble for some time.
I turned around and headed back to the airport and caught the next flight home. It never occurred to me to call Amy and let her know I was coming home early which was a good thing because if I had called I might never have found out what I did.
I got home at five-twenty and Amy wasn't home from work yet. I thought about starting dinner, but then decided to take Amy and the kids out for dinner. I was in the room that we had set up to be a home office when I heard the garage door opener start to run and that told me that Amy was home. By the time I went through all of the motions to save my work and then back out of the computer program I was in Amy was coming into the house. I was just opening the office door when I heard Amy say, "Stop that!" and a man's voice say:
"You don't want me to stop it and you know it. Matter of fact I don't even want to wait until we can get to the bedroom. I think I want to do you over the back of your couch."
"Jesus Hal; you have to be the horniest man I've ever known."
"Yeah sweetie and you love it."
"Well, it is kind of nice. Over the back of the couch? Do I get to take my panties off or are you just going to push them to the side?"
"Take them off. I almost rubbed my dick raw the last time when I just pushed them aside."
"We definitely don't want to hurt your dick."
There was a break in the conversation and then, "Oh yeah! Oh God yes that feels so good" followed by, "You know what I love about you? You are always soaking wet when I slide my cock into your sweet pussy."
"That's because thinking about your cock makes me start to drip."
And then there was the sound of flesh smacking flesh along with all the moans and sounds from Amy that I was so familiar with. Sounds that had me dying inside. I took out my cell phone and set it for taking pictures and then headed toward the living room. I knew who I was going to see when I walked in on them. Hal was Amy's supervisor at work and I'd met him and his wife at Amy's company Christmas parties, picnics and other company social events.
Amy had no way of knowing that I was home. I had dropped my car off at the dealership for a factory recall on the brakes on my way to the airport and it wouldn't be ready until the next day so I had cabbed home from the airport. They were going to be very surprised when I walked in on them.
I got five good pictures of them before they realized that I was in the room and I got three more as they frantically pulled apart. I dropped my phone into my pocket and headed for Hal. He read what I planned to do on my face and unfortunately, at least from my standpoint, I wasn't between him and the door. Fortunately, at least for him, he hadn't taken off his pants to fuck Amy and instead had just unzipped, taken it out and shoved it in her. Thus he was able to turn and race for the door before I could get to him. I still might have gotten my hands on him, but as I went by Amy she stuck out her foot and tripped me. By the time I regained my balance Hal was out the door and gone.
I turned and walked past Amy into the kitchen and got the phone book out of the cupboard where we kept it and paged through it until I came to Harold Bartram. I picked up the phone and was punching numbers into it when Amy walked into the room and asked:
"What are you doing?"
"Calling Janet Bartram so I can share the news with her."
Amy hurried over and pulled the phone cord out of the wall socket as she said:
"Don't do that. You will just cause problems."
"You don't think that we don't already have problems?"
"I mean between Hal and Janet."
"It is okay for Hal to fuck up my life, but I have to be careful to not fuck up his?"
"It isn't that. There is no need to hurt Janet. She is an innocent party here."
"I don't see it that way. She is married to a cheating asshole and she needs to know it. If she accepts it fine, but starting now I intend to make his life a living hell. I'll start by telling Janet and offer to show her the pictures if she would like to see them. Then I'm going to get a lawyer and go after him at work. I'm sure that you company has a Policy and Procedures Manual and I'll bet there is something in there about a supervisor having sexual relations with a subordinate and then I'm going looking for him and when I catch him I'm going to beat him half to death."
"You don't want to do any of that because it will cost you too much."
"How do you see that?"
"You go to Janet and she kicks him out and I'll kick you out and move him in here with me and our kids. You file suit against our company and I'll end up getting fired along with Hal and with no job that just means that I will rape you in the divorce and get huge alimony and child support. You go find him and beat him up you will go to jail for assault. The best thing for you to do is forget all that and we just get on with our lives."
"You have to be kidding! Get on with our lives after what I've just discovered?"
"Why not? Hal and I have been getting together for a long time and it has never hurt us. We have a good life. I've been a great wife for you, we get along great and I do love you."
"You can fuck that asshole and then tell me you love me?"
"Why not. It is true. All Hal is to me is sex. Damned good sex, but just sex."
"Nothing like adding insult to injury. I catch you cheating and you tell me I'm no good in the bedroom."
"I didn't say that you are no good in the bedroom."
"Then why are you fucking other men?"
"I'm not fucking other men. I've only been with Hal since we have been married."
"You know what I mean."
"Look honey, you are a great guy. You are a great husband and father and you are okay in the bedroom, but Hal gives me something that you can't."
"Marvelous, simply marvelous. I'm a great husband and father, but I'm only okay in the bedroom. That is just so good to know."
"I didn't mean for it to sound that way. There is nothing wrong with you in the bedroom. We have a great sex life."
"Not good enough apparently."
"You are fine baby; I swear to you that you are just fine, but Hal offers me something I need that you just can't give me."
"Oh yeah? And just what would that be?"
"Size. Hal has eleven inches and those eleven inches do things for me that you just can't do. It shouldn't matter honey. We've had a perfect life right up until today. There is no reason that we can't continue to have a good life."
"As long as I don't mind you playing with eleven inches from time to time."
"It hasn't hurt us honey and it has been going on for years. We will be okay; I promise."
I just shook my head and said, "You are unreal Amy; just totally out of it if you think we can continue after what I saw. But I do have to admit to some curiosity. You say it has been going on for years. Just how many years and how did it start?"
"It started before I met Hal. It started when I was in college and we split up because I wanted to see what other guys might be like. One of the first I hooked up with had ten inches and it drove me wild. Apparently guys with big cocks share information and the guy with ten inches told some other guys about the girl who went wild over his big cock. I went through five of them and loved every bit of what I got from them before I decided that you were the one I needed to be with."
"That brings up two questions. First, why didn't you marry one of them if you were so hung up on big dicks?"
"Because they were all assholes. They all seemed to think that a big cock was all that they needed and the girl should be grateful that they allowed her the experience. I needed more than a stuffed feeling and I loved you so I walked away from them."
"The second question is why, after you had given up your cherry to a big dicked asshole and fucked several of them for almost six weeks did you tell me we couldn't have sex until we got married?"
"I loved you and I knew I loved you, but I was down on men in general after my experience with the five. I just didn't feel like having sex. It wasn't fair to you, but that was my thinking at the time.
"Things were fine until one of the company Christmas parties you couldn't make because you were on a business trip. To Seattle I think it was. Anyway, I had a few more drinks than I should have and I was feeling a little playful when Hal danced me under the mistletoe and kissed me I felt his hard cock poking into my leg. Like I said I was in a playful mood so I did a Mae West impression and said:
"Is that a roll of quarters in your pocket or are you just glad to be with me?"
"Hal said, and remember that he had been drinking also, that it was a lot bigger than a roll of quarters and I laughed and said, "That's what all the guys say." He said they might say it, but he could prove it. I laughed again and told him to prove it. He did and I spent the next two nights with him.
"We hit it hot and heavy until he met and married Janet. We still flirted with each other, but it wasn't until Janet got pregnant and started saying no to sex that we started up again and then we just never quit. Again honey, it hasn't hurt us a bit. I've got to run over to my sister's and pick up the kids."
"You even have your sister covering for you while you cheat on me?"
"Don't be silly Rob. She thinks I'm working late. I asked her to watch the kids when they got out of school. They went right from school to her house and now I have to go get them. When I get back I'll show you that nothing has changed."
I stood there and stared at her in disbelief as she went out to get in her car. Hadn't hurt us? Only because I never knew. Going to show me that nothing has changed when she got home? She expected me to take sloppy seconds after her coupling with Hal? Not bloody fucking likely! I plugged the phone back in and called Janet. She was not pleased to hear what I had to say and she asked me when we could meet so she could see the pictures that I had taken and we made arrangements to meet for lunch the next day. She asked me not to tell Amy that I had called because Amy would be sure to call Hal and let him know.
"I'm not going to do anything until I have the evidence and then I'll confront him."
I went upstairs and started moving my things out of the bedroom into the guest bedroom. I was hanging my suits up in the closet when a very bad thought came to me. When Amy said that she would kick me out she had said:
"He can move in here with me and our kids."
It didn't register when she said it, but thinking about it after the fact it sounded like she was saying the kids were hers and Hals. Could it be? I thought back to when she told me that she had started up with Hal. My trip to Seattle had been about a year before she told me she was pregnant with Brian so Hal could very well be the father of my kids. God help the both of them if I found out that he was.
I was just putting the last of my things away when Amy came home with the kids. She came looking for me and when she found me setting up in the guest room she asked:
"What are you doing?"
"Putting space between us."
"Why? I told you that when I got back I'd show you that nothing has changed."
"Have you forgotten what I witnessed two hours ago? You expect me to take Hal's sloppy seconds?"
"Oh for Christ's sake rob; it has never hurt you before, but okay, I'll take a shower first."
"You just don't get it do you. I don't want to have anything to do with your cheating ass."
"You are being stupid over this Rob. I don't love Hal; I love you. I have sex with Hal, but I make love with you."
"You sure didn't sound like you loved me when you told me you would kick me out and let Hal move in and I didn't detect a whole lot of love when you were telling me how you were going to rape me in a divorce."
"I didn't mean it. I just wanted to make you stop and think before calling Janet."
"Well I did do some thinking Amy and that's why I moved to this bedroom."
"We are adults Rob and we can talk this out and get by it. Nothing has changed. I still love you."
"Just not enough to keep from hanging horns on me. Just leave me alone Amy."
I left the room and went to see the kids. I helped them with their homework and then played with them until their bedtime. Once they were tucked in I went into my new bedroom and got ready for bed. I heard the shower running as I turned out the light and thought back to what Amy had said.
"It has never hurt you before."
God, what a stupid bitch!
I was just nodding off when the door opened and Amy came into the room. She got into bed and I felt her naked body move against me as her hand took hold of my cock. I quickly sat up and pushed her away from me so hard that she fell off the bed and onto the floor.
"What part of "I don't want anything to do with your cheating ass" didn't you understand? Stay the fuck away from me Amy!"
"Damn it Rob; I love you. We can work this out. I know we can."
"No we can't Amy. Not a fucking prayer! Now get the fuck out of here."
She got up off the floor and left the room and I tried to go to sleep.
I had a rotten night and was a bit groggy when I got up in the morning. Amy was up and had breakfast ready, but I just walked past her, got my car keys off of the pegboard and left the house. I had breakfast at a Village Inn and then went into work.
At ten I called Mike Hooper, a good friend who was also an attorney and told him my sad story and then asked if I could make an appointment to see him and talk divorce. He told me he would meet me at Bud's Bar at five-thirty. I plugged my cell phone into my computer and transferred al the photos I had taken of Amy and Bartram and then I printed three sets and put them in envelopes.
At noon I arrived at Mario's and saw that Janet was already there. She rose to meet me and I kissed her cheek and said, "I wish we were meeting under happier circumstances." We made small talk until after we ordered and then I described what happened the previous day. I passed her an envelope with the photos I'd taken and she took them out and looked at them. I was surprised at how calm she was as she went over them. She slid them back into the envelope and said:
"What are you going to do?"
"Divorce her."
"No chance of fixing things?"
"Not after seeing it with my own eyes."
"Well I guess I'm going to have to do the same. This is not the first time his large penis has gotten him in trouble. The last time it happened I forgave him, but did tell him if it happened again he would be history."
"You may not get the chance to kick him out. I'm going to be looking for him and when I find him I'm going to beat him half to death. He could end up in a hospital. You could take all of his stuff and stack it up in his hospital room."
"If you do catch him kick him a couple of times in the balls for me."
I told her I would and then we got up and left.
My meeting with Mike only confirmed what I already knew. We lived in a no fault state so everything would be split fifty-fifty. Amy would get the kids and I would end up paying child support, but since our incomes were pretty much equal I wouldn't have to pay alimony, or 'separate maintenance as it was called in our state. I told him I was concerned that the kids were not mine and he told me to have a DNA test done. I gave him two sets of the photos and told him I wanted Bartram sued for alienation of affections and the company where they both worked sued for not enforcing their CP&P where it said that there could be no fraternization between supervisors and their subordinates.
"Are you sure you want to do that? It could cost Amy her job and then you would more than likely end up paying separate maintenance."
"I don't care Mike. Just do it."
We discussed a few other things and he cautioned me against moving out of the house and giving her possession. I couldn't throw her out because of the kids so I should just do my best to co-exist until the situation regarding the divorce firmed up and the court gave directions. Let the courts decide who stayed and who went.
"But be aware that the courts in this state almost always side with the wife if there are children in the equation. You are in for a rough ride bud. Are you sure that you and Amy can't work things out?"
"Just look at the pictures. They don't have the sounds that I heard when I watched the two of them, but the visual and the sound are burned into my brain so no, there is no chance that we will be getting back together and working things out. Just get the ball rolling and serve her as soon as you can. Have her and Hal served at work if you can arrange it."
Amy was not smiling when I got home.
"You just had to do it. We could have worked things out and gotten by it, but you just had to go and tell Janet. She kicked him out of the house and all because of you."
"Not because of me Amy; because of what you and he were doing. And I'm sorry that she kicked him out. It will just make it that much harder to find him and when I do I can promise you that that huge cock you are so in love with isn't going to be working at that well for a while."
"Just remember that I warned you Rob."
That night I got up at three while everyone else in the house was sleeping and using Q-Tips I swabbed the cheeks of my sleeping children. I dropped the swabs off at a local lab on my way to work and offered to pay extra if there was anyway that the tests could be expedited.
Something in the way that Amy had said, "Just remember that I warned you Rob" got to me and I was at the bank when the doors to the lobby opened at nine. I cleaned out all of the accounts and the safe deposit box and went down the street t another bank and opened an account in my name only. I'd have to account for it later on in the divorce, but at least I would have the funds to make the house payments and take care of the kids.
Back at the office I had another thought and I called up and cancelled all of our joint credit cards so Amy couldn't run up the balances getting cash advances.
It was a good thing that I'd done all of that because when I got home that night a man walked up to me, handed me an envelope and said:
"You are served and I would suggest you move at least five hundred feet from this house because there is a temporary restraining order in that envelope."
I opened the envelope and there was indeed a restraining order saying that I couldn't come within five hundred feet of the house, Amy or the kids. Her attorney obviously worked a hell of a lot faster than Mike, but I guess in his defense he didn't know that speed was required and for that matter neither had I. I looked up at the house and saw Amy standing there smirking at me.
I backed the car out of the drive and drove down to the corner and called Mike on his cell. I brought him up to date and asked how I could go about getting into the house to get my things and he told me he had some friends in the sheriff's department and he would see what he could do and call me back. While I had him on the phone I told him to change the divorce from irreconcilable differences to adultery and to go after Bartram and Amy's and Bartram's company with a vengeance.
"Burn them Mike; burn them bad."
He called me back in fifteen and told me that two deputies would be there within a half an hour and would see to it that I gained access to the house, but that until he could get to someone from the court to make further arrangements all I would be able to remove from the house would be my clothes and toilet articles.
Twenty minutes later two patrol cars pulled up in front of the house and I started up my car and drove and parked behind them The introduced themselves and told me to stay where I was until they called me and then they walked up to the house and rang the bell. Amy answered and after a moment of talking the deputies waved me forward. They cautioned me that I could only take clothes and my toiletries and then I followed them into the house.
As I was walking toward the stairs I glanced into the kitchen to see if the kids were there. They weren't, but Hal was. He was sitting at the kitchen table with a beer in front of him. A beer that I had bought and paid for. It was all I could do to keep myself from going after him, but it would have been stupid with two deputies' right there.
Amy followed us upstairs and stood in the doorway and watched me pack. It was childish of me, but I couldn't resist so I lied and said without looking her way:
"You blew it Amy. You really fucked up this time. I spent most of the day at the office thinking about us and I finally decided that we could sit down and work things out. After all you did swear that you loved me. Some love Amy. Mental cruelty? A restraining order? No chance for us now Amy. Think about that after I leave. We were hours away from staying together, but you fucked it up and Hal sitting in the kitchen drinking my beer put the nail in it."
I closed the suitcase, turned and walked out of the house.
The next day Amy called me at work. "In light of what you said at the house last night I'd like to sit down and talk with you."
"Not a chance in hell Amy. What you did to me yesterday plus Hal sitting in the house you locked me out of put an end to it and killed any chance for us. Besides I can't sit down and talk with you. You set it up so I can't come within five hundred feet of you, remember? Goodbye Amy.'
Two days later I was back at the house with two people from the court who would supervise the removal of my things from the house. The entire time I was there Amy kept after me to sit down and talk with her, but I ignored her right up until I was taking the last load out to the U-Haul. We were in the bedroom and she was babbling that we could work things out if I would just talk with her. I motioned her over and when she came I pointed into the master bedroom bath area. She saw what I was pointing at and her face fell. On the counter were a man's toiletries and they weren't mine. I didn't use Old Spice or Mennen Speed Stick.
"Goodbye Amy. Just remember that what is coming you brought on yourself and it could have been avoided."
Things moved quickly after that. Amy was served at work with papers counter-suing her on the grounds of adultery. Hal was served, also at work, with papers suing him for alienation of affections. Their employer was sued for not enforcing the portion of their policies and procedures manual pertaining to relationships between supervisors and subordinates the result being the dissolution of my marriage.
Three days later both Hal and Amy were fired. Hal, being Amy's supervisor, was screwed, but Amy fought her termination claiming that Hal threatened to cost her her job if she didn't give in to him. The company didn't buy it and upheld her termination so Amy got her lawyer to sue them for wrongful termination. She and Hal must have agreed that Amy's claiming what she did was the way to go because while all of it was going on they were still living in our house.
Three weeks after having me served we had the hearing on extending the temporary restraining order and the judge denied it and chastised Amy's lawyer for even filing it. A week later we had the preliminary hearing on the divorce. Mike warned me that things were not going to go in my favor.
"They will almost certainly give Amy temporary custody of the children and full use of the house until the terms of the divorce can be worked out and you will be required to keep up the house payments and pay the utilities. You will also likely be hit with temporary alimony and child support. Her attorney is also pressing to get the money you took out of the accounts and I'm sure that the judge will bring that up."
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MatureYou may want to read our previous post on the preparations for our summer cruise and our first swinging encounter for this all to make sense. To summarise we met Rob and Deb whilst out shopping and ended up having a great evening of sex with them.We kept in contact with Rob and Deb after our encounter and respective cruise holidays, we spoke about meeting up around Christmas for a weekend in the country however that didn’t happen. Sue and I were both back at work full time and weekends seemed...
Rob and Sarah considered themselves a typical American professional couple. Both worked in America at the start of this tale. They lived in what might be described by an Englishman, in typical American, white, suburbia. Lawns, gardens, driveways, spacious homes, spaciously apart, professional mediocrity where life changes little. Everybody is polite and superficially neighbourly. They had seen very few Black Americans. They considered themselves educated, and sophisticated. Americans who knew...
The next morning as Rob Taylor sat in the coffee shop, Azmat came up to him and said "Hello Mr. Taylor."The 39 year old British technician looked up, his hazel brown eyes showing his pleasant surprise to see her; she usually was part of the afternoon shift in the coffee shop."Hello there" He said with a big smile and a sparkle in his eye"You're here early today"Azmat made a fuss of straightening the tableware and replied "Shift change. I am on early duty for the next month."Azmat stood beside...
Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...
Me and Rob was hanging out at our apartment. Linda was getting ready for a girls night out with her BFF Stacy. Linda came out in a black dress, it went down to her knees. Spaghetti straps, no bra.Linda came over to me, straddle me and whisper in my ear. She said, I shaved my pubic hair off and I’m not wearing any panties. I started nibbling on her neck. She said, Tonight. She got off of me and said by, and said by to Rob too.It was getting late and the fight we were watching was over. Linda...
I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sl**ping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...
I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sleeping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...
** This story is the third segment of this series. I would suggest reading the1st & 2nd chapters if you are new to the series. The story is about two young college grads and how the women of the church offer no end of opportunities for their sexual fulfillment (some willingly and some with a little pressure applied.) On Saturday morning, Joe and Rob were looking forward to the party at the house of the pastor that evening. Since they had done all of the landscaping and beautification of the...
It was 6th period lunch on Thursday at East High School. Amy was sitting at the popular Freshman Table with all her friends, and was about to be surprised by Nick, a popular senior. Nick motioned over to Amy for her to come over to him. Amy looked at her friends and shared a few giggles and then got up and walked over to him. Nick watched as she walked over to him and thought she looked really hot in her Freshman Cheerleader’s Uniform. When Amy got over to him he asked, “Can we talk...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
(John and Thomas conspire to seduce Amy)John Slater and Thomas Johnson sat on the patio of the Northwest Country Club watching the rain fall from the sky in sheets. It rolled off the roof in torrents, splattering noisily onto the exposed section of the cement patio. The sound almost drowned out the grumbling golfers who were crying into their beers.The two friends had barely gotten in five holes when the heavens opened. Now, they waited, hoping that somehow the weather would clear in the next...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Amy suddenly farted – or at least, it sounded like it. And it also sounded really wet.She gulped, sheepishly looking around to see if anyone noticed. Luckily, the lobby of her downtown Los Angeles apartment building was empty save for the front desk clerk, who was far enough away from her now.It was just past 10pm on a Friday night. Amy hurriedly walked into a corridor where the elevators were located, carrying two paper bags full of groceries.Another wet, squishy sound emanated from Amy’s ass....
LesbianHer Parents had a big family get together at her Uncle John's house to celerbrate her birthday, and had invited many of her friends to the party. The party started at 12:00 with a DJ playing Happy birthday and everyone singing to her. On each birthday the birthday person would stand in front of the tables set up for the food and everyone else would walk past giving them a hug or kiss and wishing them happy birthday. As each guest past they gave her a hug and some gave her a kiss on her cheek,...
Amy was a 15 year old Freshman at East High. It was the 2nd week of school and she was still getting used to the school. Amy is a very pretty girl. She’s 5’1, has long blond hair, good sized breasts for her age, and one of the best butts in the school. All the guys in the school wanted her since the first time she walked into the schools door. Nick was a Senior and the star running back on the football team. He had entered into a pool with the other seniors on the team about who would...
Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. Amy got scared when she fantasized about her Dad while masturbating in front of Elena. She freaked out and didn’t want to continue with that anymore. Elena: (One day, I will...
IncestI lost myself in work and fortunately there was so much of it that I never had a free moment to spend thinking about Gail. I hadn't been home five minutes when the phone rang and caller ID showed that it was Gail. I didn't take the call or any of the four others that came after it before unplugging the phone and going to bed. I skipped gym the next morning for the same reason I had skipped the day before and instead went for my run in the morning rather than in the evening after work as...
After Rob and Jane’s wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn’t stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...
After Rob and Jane's wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn't stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...
Quickie Sex### LCS-60007 ###Waylaid Wifeby Marvin CoxCHAPTER ONEAmy Miller sat smoking a cigarette in the semi-darkness of the bedroom, trying not to look at her husband's naked body. Every time she did, her pussy itched even more. She spread her legs, trying to relieve some of the pressure, but it was useless. The constant throb wouldn't stop."Cock," she whispered. "I need a big, hard cock in here." She thrust her middle finger deeply inside her burning hole and felt the sucking muscles pull hungrily....
The Doctor had said to stay in the TARDIS, and for once neither Clara nor Amy had objected. He had intended to bring the two of them along for a casual visit to the famed Planet of the Ood and its breathtaking snow-peaked landscapes, but as usual, he had quickly detected danger among the tentacled aliens and had run out of the TARDIS to save the day. For the entire journey, Amy had been standing on the glass floor of the TARDIS, and Clara, feigning an interest in the Doctor’s tinkering under...
The Doctor had said to stay in the TARDIS, and for once neither Clara nor Amy had objected. He had intended to bring the two of them along for a casual visit to the famed Planet of the Ood and its breathtaking snow-peaked landscapes, but as usual, he had quickly detected danger among the tentacled aliens and had run out of the TARDIS to save the day. For the entire journey, Amy had been standing on the glass floor of the TARDIS, and Clara, feigning an interest in the Doctor's tinkering under...
A reluctant new life without regrets Part 1. The emergence of Amy Chapter 1. The red dress Amy looked at her watch. "Only half an hour to my lunch date with the girls, I better hurry', she thought and turned back to the rack of clothes in front of her. She picked out a red ponti shift dress from Jigsaw that she new would look perfect with the 5 inch black patent heels she bought last week. The girls would understand if she was fashionably late, even if Tara was bring a newbie...
It had been almost five full weeks since Amy last visited Ted. That was the fifth time she had left me at home alone while she met another man for sex. Like the previous four times, when the sun rose on the day after her last visit, she acted as if it had never happened. She again returned to being Miss Prim and Proper around me and around our friends. No one would have ever suspected that this church-going, choir-singing, demure little housewife behaved like she did when she let her hair...
CuckoldPOOR AMY Chapter 1 Amy stood, as she had so many times in the past year, tearfully naked and trembling, her arms wrapped behind her neck, awaiting whatever punishment her ?parents? would decide to bestow. Her situation was probably unlike 99 percent of the other kids in the world. These weren’t really her parents. The woman sitting on the couch glaring at her was her dead father’s second wife and the man happily ensconced in his easy chair, scowling at her as his eyes roamed over her nubile...
Once upon a time I loved my wife and I thought she loved me. I thought we had a good marriage, but time changes all things and our relationship was no exception. I met Gina by accident - literally - when she ran into the back of my car while I was sitting at a stoplight. It wasn't her fault; she was rear ended and pushed into me. When we got out of our cars to check out the damage I paid more interest to her than I did the damage to my car. Visually speaking, she was my ideal woman. Tall at...
Synopsis: When John Kramer inherits his aunt's estate he finds paintings she had done of a mystery woman among the things. Intrigued he tracks her down and discovers that she is more than meets the eye. A Portrait of Amy By Belle Gordon A willowy young woman wearily pushed her bicycle up the hill. The sun blazed down on the quiet country lane and bees and flies droned around her. Wheeling the...
The 39 year old, British technician, Mr Robert Taylor, sat alone sipping tea in the lounge of the Sheraton hotel Karachi.He had finished early for the day and sat watching people, especially the women, go by in the hotel lobby.Rob had been surprised at first by how more liberal Pakistan seemed. The women did not walk around in black sheets or veils as he expected. The majority seemed content to be in a loose trouser and shirt suit known as Shalwar Kamiz. It had not taken Rob long to see that...
Chapter 1Amy had just finished a lovely meal after an evening out with a few of her work colleagues. She was in her late 20's, around 5'6" tall with long brown hair and curves in all the right places and was wearing a white top, black slacks and a light grey leather jacket. She had parked up in the opposite direction to her friends so when they left the restaurant she said goodbye to them and started the short walk back to her car alone. Even though it was around 9 pm and just starting to get...
Rob and Jodi satisfy their needs while her husband, Pete, watches and eventually joins the fun... The following is a work-related sexual adventure. Jodi and I knew each other from working together, years ago. We weren't particularly tight but liked to talk...go to lunch...gossip. It was left that way because we were both married and had too much in common...always seemed to be a little attraction floating through our relationship. I ran into her at a conference and decided to drop her a line...
GroupDuring my second year of college I moved into a group living situation, muchlike a dorm, but without big brother looking over your shoulder all thetime. Well, after about a month, one of the girls there caught my eye. Itwas a co-ed place, so there was a lot of fucking going on, with everyoneseeming to be fucking everyone else, hooking up, breaking up, and all that,playing the game for all it was worth. I hadn't gotten involved in any ofthat yet, both from a lack of...
Ch 2 Sex in the Fitting Room This story picks up the activities of two rich young men who have found ways to maximize on the sexual needs of the women of the congregation. Following the pastor around town leads them to sexually deprived women. The most deprived are the pastor’s wife and her twin sister. Read Ch 1 to meet Helen (Pastor’s wife) and Margaret (Her twin sister). We join Rob and Joe as they leave an afternoon of sex with the twins. ………………………………………….. As Rob and Joe meet each...
Author's Note. If your looking for a story with sexual activity in it, this is not the one for you. This is not an Adult story. It is a Sci-Fi with a Transgender nature I would be appreciate your comments on this story and also any suggestions for future story plots. Donna Allyson McCleod; Email via: donna- [email protected] Amy dear Amy By: Donna-Allyson McCleod Chapter 1 The accident had shaken up the community. Not that accidents had not happened before in...
Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Three A Woman Named Amy Year 1 A.S. Day 170 Amy had a busy day. They had left the camp earlier this morning and gotten on the road to go home. The other ladies there had gathered around her before they left, to pray the Lord strengthen her and her husband, as they ventured out into the world of the tribulation. It would not truly be safe for the Lord's people yet, but it had to be done. While she and her sisters in faith prayed, Joshua had gathered with...
Bystanders identified the man they observed having sex with the warm female corpse lying in the alley. He didn't kill her but he was eventually indicted, found guilty and sentenced to twenty five to life for her death. It seemed like an apt sentences, for what he did to the unidentified body seemed equally as gross as killing her. Sarah threw the novel down on the night stand in dissgust. She was sick and tired of reading shtty best sellers, books with no redeeming value whatsoever ... novels...
She used the key I'd given her to let herself in. I wasn't expecting her so I was sitting on the couch reading James Lee Burke's latest, "The Glass Rainbow." I put the book down and gave her an appreciative look. She was drop dead gorgeous and the sexiest looking woman I had ever laid eyes on. She was the kind of woman that a star had on his arm at the Academy Awards or some MTV award show. She was the kind of woman you saw with super stars, famous athletes or some extremely rich bachelor....
It was 1990, and I had been at my company for about a month when I discovered email. I finally got my own computer and a 286 at that. This was pre-Windows days but it came with a GUI interface and was connected, not to the Internet (that had been invented but was not yet a widespread phenomenon) but to a popular service provider. There was an email program as part of the GUI, and very soon I learned how to use it and emailed many people around the company, who like me were getting their own 286...
Straight SexAuntie Claire and Amy’s massageClaire woke knowing today was the anniversary of when her husband left her and she was going to go out and treat herself and that meant another pair of shoes. She dressed as she always did which was smart and elegant with stockings and a pair of high heel shoes, although as she was now in her mid-fifties the heels were just a little bit shorter than they used to be. She still liked to hear the clip clop of the heels on the ground and knowing that many men and...
Rob knew the hospital's legend for lab results highlighted was red: panic and yellow: abnormal. He saw from the display he was in serious trouble. Dr. Angell returned the page and called Dr. Kournikova. She answered and said, "Rob Jenkins is in my lab. His rbc is 3.0, his wbc is 2200, his platelet count is 754, his absolute retic count is 579.4, his blast count is 12 and his creatinine is 6.4. I suggest an immediate bone marrow biopsy, and then a PET scan. I've admitted him overnight to...
I gawked when came out onto the decking. I was sitting half-reclined on one of the loungers next to the pool. It was shady under the big parasol shade but I still had sunglasses on. And I was grateful to have them because at least they gave me some cover to mask my surprise and delight at seeing my ripe, voluptuous Aunt Amy in the two-piece swimsuit.“I hope you don’t mind,” she said from behind her own huge sunglasses, “but it’s too hot to wear mush else.”I gulped down against the inappropriate...
AMY BETRAYED AMY BETRAYED ?So you come up on Saturday evening and release me?? Amy was about to undergo her first self bondage in a fashion that she would not be able to release herself, and would need help to get free. Her friend Sheila had agreed to come to where Amy would be, and release her, Amy started the car that Saturday morning, wearing a short skirt, and a top, no underwear and no bra. Neither of these were going to be needed for the rest of the day, as in fact, nor were the...
'The little bastard!'Amy snuck one hand across his mouth, the other under the waistband of his jeans, and jerked him backward from the cracked open door he'd been peering through. Tim jumped with shock and tripped over his feet because Amy pulled him so hard. Still, she managed to keep him upright, and stifle the grunt of surprise he made, as she bundled him through the adjoining door into his own bedroom."What on earth do you think you're doing, Tim?" She asked in an angry whisper as she...
When I married Amy, I didn't really know what I was letting myself in for. I didn't realise I was virtually marrying her sister Jill as well. Well, that's what it felt like. You see, when I first met Amy, Jill's husband Ron was on a company posting in Singapore. Ron works for some bank in the city and they had sent him out there for a few years. Apparently he was in for a big promotion when he returned. Jillian had gone with him, of course, so when I met Amy and fell in love with her, I...
It had been several weeks since I fucked my cute 18 year old neighbor, Tori, in my jacuzzi tub. This particular afternoon, I was on the patio relaxing in the tub with my eyes closed while mentally reliving the wonderful experience of burying my hard cock deep into that tight teenage cunt when I heard “Hi, Mr. Mac!”. Startled, I sat up straight and turned my head to see little Tori standing there along with a tall, cute blonde who was smiling shyly and cupping her hands. Tori said “Mr....
First TimeNine weeks had passed since Spencer had made the audition film with Kate and she had started her 90-day program with the directors of Zander Corporation. He had seen her in the office a couple of times at a distance, but they hadn’t spoken. Once he had considered going to her office just to see how she was doing, but changed his mind deciding that it would be best to avoid her until her Zander contract was completed. He had made twenty or more audition films for Zander since he had been hired,...
Straight SexNine weeks had passed since Spencer had made the audition film with Kate and she had started her 90-day program with the directors of Zander Corporation. He had seen her in the office a couple of times at a distance, but they hadn’t spoken. Once he had considered going to her office just to see how she was doing, but changed his mind deciding that it would be best to avoid her until her Zander contract was completed. He had made twenty or more audition films for Zander since he had been hired,...
Middle school classmate Jennifer part 2 (with Amy)To recap part 1, Jennifer invited me over to her parents house and I masturbated infront or her in the pool, and then took her virginity shortly after in the backyard.After eating pizza and Jennifer suggesting I spend the weekend over at her parents empty house, she asked "should I call Amy to come over? I know she wants to have sex with you to". Amy and I sat next to each other in science class and she was a stunner. Amy had dirty blonde hair,...
Judging Amy Everyone was glad Amy was coming, everyone except me that was. It wasn’t that I hated my younger sister’s best friend, just that I was always unsettled around her. But, here I was, facing Amy’s company for two whole days before my sister flew in from Atlanta and my girlfriend headed off to Las Vegas for a girls’ weekend. Being alone with Amy for nearly two days did not fill me with enthusiasm. “You should take Amy out to dinner tonight, take her into the city.” Carrie urged me as I...
When I first met Amy she was just 16 in high school with me. At that time she was only 5' 2" and weighed less than 100 lbs. Her tits were flat fried eggs and her butt was cute and small. She has red hair and lots of freckles with green eyes. I could tell the first time I met her that she really fell for me and we became a couple right away. We ended up taking each other's virginity about three months after we met. Amy never had sex with another man before me and never wanted to. When she hit 18...
I saw her when she walked in from the parking lot and nothing had changed. My heart still did flip flops and my blood started racing. I was surprised to see her alone and then I thought he had probably dropped her off close to the group and then went to park the car. I knew she would be there and I knew how I would react to seeing her and that is the main reason that it took my twin brother Rich so long to talk me into coming. For some reason that I didn't understand he attached great...
Amy watched from her sensors as her Admiral and his friends had their party. On the screen, her image wandered through the party chatting with her friends. The hours go by as off duty crew came in and had a dinner of the strange foods she has never tried. She vowed that Ken would share them with her one day. Over in a small meadow, some of the many kids played a game she'd had to look up. It was called baseball. Some others played volleyball. Going over the reports, she saw her shuttles...