Rob And Gina free porn video

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Once upon a time I loved my wife and I thought she loved me. I thought we had a good marriage, but time changes all things and our relationship was no exception.

I met Gina by accident - literally - when she ran into the back of my car while I was sitting at a stoplight. It wasn't her fault; she was rear ended and pushed into me. When we got out of our cars to check out the damage I paid more interest to her than I did the damage to my car. Visually speaking, she was my ideal woman. Tall at five-nine, long hair down to the middle of her back, she looked great without any makeup on and she had legs that seemed to go on forever. It didn't hurt that she was showing off those legs by wearing four-inch heels.

While we were waiting for the cops to come and take the accident report we exchanged names, phone numbers and insurance information and while doing that I checked out her left hand and saw no rings. I decided that I had nothing to lose in going for it so I did and to my great joy she said yes when I asked her to have dinner with me. By the fifth date we were making out like teenagers and by the tenth she was giving me hand jobs while I finger fucked her. I tried to take it to the next level and she shot me down.

"Not until Rob, not until."

"Not until what?"

"Until I decide."

Well fuck this shit I thought and I put an end to the finger fucking, breast play and I kept my dick in my pants and when she reached for it I pushed her hand away.

"What's wrong?" she wanted to know.

"You want to wait, we will wait, but I'm not going to spend anymore nights going home all worked up."

I still kept asking her out and she still kept saying yes and then one night while sitting on the couch in her apartment I went and did it - I asked Gina to marry me.

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow," she said.

"Why tomorrow?"

"Because I need to see if we are a good enough fit for each other."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Come on" she said, "I'll show you" and she took my hand and pulled me up off the couch and led me into her bedroom. When she was done with me I was too wiped out to even sit up. She smiled at me and said:

"You'll do. Yes, I'll marry you."

When we said "I do" I was looking forward to a sex life and a half and for the first three years I had it. We started out our married life as a couple of sex fiends who could not leave each other alone, but somewhere along the way the fire, at least on Gina's part, went out. My fire stayed lit, my desires were still there, but for all practical purposes I was alone in our queen-size bed. It didn't matter what I did or what I tried I was the recipient of less and less sex with each passing month. More and more nights were spent in bed with Gina lying next to me, but with her back turned to me. Any attempt I made at intimacy was met with " Not tonight Rob, I don't feel like it" or the old standby, "Not tonight Rob, I have a headache."

Other than the sexual all other aspects of our relationship seemed fine, but a sexless marriage is no marriage at all unless both partners are on the same page and that was definitely not the case with Gina and me. Lack of sex was turning me bitter and I seriously began thinking of divorce, so serious that I brought it up one night at the dinner table. I wasn't at all subtle about it either.

"If you were making a list of what items you wanted to keep in a divorce what would be at the top of your list?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Just looking ahead."

"Looking ahead at what?"

"A divorce."

"A divorce? Why are you thinking of a divorce? Why in God's name are you thinking of something like that?"

"It is the usual way of getting out of a marriage that isn't working."

"That's nonsense! There isn't anything wrong with our marriage."

"Maybe not from where you are sitting looking at it, but the view from where I am sitting is that we are about to crater."

"What is that you see that I'm not seeing?"

"An absence of sex."

"That again?"

"Yes Gina, that. It is a basic human need as far as I'm concerned and since I have no intention of becoming a monk or an eunuch and I refuse to cheat a divorce that will free me to go looking for the sex I want and need seems to be the only option."

"You would throw away everything we have over a stupid little thing like sex?"

"It isn't a little thing to me Gina. Maybe if you hadn't been such a nympho when we first got married I wouldn't miss it so much, but miss it I do and I'm not going to go through the rest of my life without. I don't know what suddenly turned you off, but nothing has turned me off."

"Well I'm sorry Rob, but I just don't have any interest in sex anymore."

"Your choice Gina" I said as I got up and left the table.

I had hoped that the talk at the kitchen table would serve as a wake up call to Gina, but nothing changed in the following weeks as I made attempts to get something started only to be rebuffed. A month later I made one more try and I asked her to see a doctor and find out if there was a medical reason for her sudden lost interest in sex.

"Good God Rob, is that all you think of anymore? You are behaving like a little kid. Grow up Rob, get a grip."

A couple more months went by and I don't know how much longer it would have gone on, but everything came apart at a cocktail party at Gina's boss's house. It was held to celebrate something that I've forgotten, but I was like a command performance for Gina - she had to be there and it was expected that she have her significant other with her. I didn't really want to go, but not because I thought it would be boring, but because I knew it would cause me to smolder and there would be no way to put the fire out.

I had attended two of Gina's company Christmas parties and one company picnic and at all three I saw more sexy women than the law should allow. It must have been in the company policy and procedures manual that you couldn't work for Herb unless as a women you were a fox or as a man you were married to one. And you put that many beautiful women together in one place and they purposely try and outdo each other as far as drawing attention is concerned. I left all three with a raging hard on. I was lucky after the first one because Gina was still making love to me, but the next two came after she decided to become celibate and I suffered.

The party was just as I feared. There were gorgeous, sexy women almost wall to wall. Gina and I circulated and socialized for about an hour and then I got involved with a group discussing the upcoming Bronco's/Browns game and Gina wandered away to find a group talking about something more to her liking. It was maybe twenty minutes before I left the group and went looking for Gina. Someone said they saw her heading for the restroom. I needed to go so I headed that way. No one was in the bathroom so I went in, took care of business and when I came out I thought I heard, "Oh come on Gina" from the room across the hall. I opened the door and there stood my wife in the arms of another man and they were kissing.

"I guess he can see to it that you get home," I said as Gina turned and saw me just before I turned and walked away.

I went straight through the house and out the front door, got in my car and took off. On the way home I was making a mental list of what I needed to do to get the divorce going, but by the time I got home I was steaming and muttering to myself:

"Fuck a bunch of divorces. Why waste the fucking money."

I went down in the basement and grabbed some suitcases and started packing. I had almost all my clothes, guns and fishing gear loaded in the car when a cab pulled up in front and Gina got out. I headed upstairs to get the last bag out of the bedroom and Gina came into the room just as I closed it and set it on the floor.

"What are you doing Rob?"

"What I should have done a year ago. Getting the fuck out!"

"Just sit down Rob; calm down and let me explain. It is just a big misunderstanding."

"What's not to understand? I get no sex at home because my wife says she just isn't interested in sex anymore. Yeah, right. Just not interested in sex with me, just the assholes you work with. No wonder I never could get any; you were too fucking busy giving it to everybody else."

"Honestly Rob, you are ac..." and when she said "Honestly Rob" I lost it. I grabbed her, threw her on the bed on her stomach and then put a knee in her back to hold her down while I ripped her panties off her and threw them on the floor. I unzipped myself, pulled her up on her knees and drove my cock into her as she yelled, "Damn it Rob, let me go."

"I'll let you go when I'm good and ready you worthless cunt! This is something else I should have done long ago. To hell with the begging, whining and pleading and trying to get what you were giving away to others. I should have just taken it."

"Damn it Rob, stop right now. You don't und ... OOOF," she yelled as I gripped her hips and slammed my cock into her.

"Rob, please, ' she moaned, "You need to..."

"All I need to do you unfaithful whore, is finish and then walk away from your sorry ass."

I held her hips firmly and pounded my cock into her cunt. Unfortunately, since I hadn't been laid in forever I wasn't going to last long enough to punish the bitch the way I really wanted to. She was dry and I had to be causing her a lot of discomfort and maybe even some pain, but then that is what I wanted to do.

"Please Rob, please" she moaned and I ignored her.

"Unhappy with me Gina? Not to worry. When I finish I'm out of here and you will be free to drag all your fucking asshole lovers home with you all you want."

"No Rob, please, you don't understand. Please let me exp..."

I slammed myself into hard and held myself tight against her as my cock sent my cum boiling into her. I pushed her away from me and she fell forward on the bed. I put my cock away picked up the last bag and headed for the door. I was almost to the front door when she came out of the bedroom:

"Wait Rob, don't leave, talk to me, please Rob, please talk to me."

I kept walking and I was already in the car when she came out on the front porch. She was running toward me across the yard as I backed down the drive into to street and drove away.

I drove to the closest motel and checked in for the night. In the morning I called work and told them I would be in late. Then I hit the bank as soon as it opened and took half of everything and left the other half for Gina. She could also have the house. The payments were low enough that she should be able to handle them on what she made. Next stop was the Post Office to rent a box and fill out a change of address card so my mail would be forwarded to it.

When I got to work Marge (the secretary/receptionist) handed me a handful of message slips and I saw that all of them were from Gina so I dropped them in the trash can. Business had been slow and Harvey (my boss) had been contemplating cutbacks. I wouldn't be affected because I was his very first hire, but I walked into his office and told him I'd take a voluntary layoff so one of the younger guys, especially one with kids wouldn't have to take the hit. He argued that he couldn't afford to lose me, but when I told him it was either the layoff or I would just resign he accepted it. I told him to hold my last check until I called him and told him where to send it.

If I were careful money wouldn't be a problem. When my parents had died in an auto accident I was their only living relative so I got the insurance money and after taking care of the funeral arrangements I put the balance in a money market account. This was pre Gina so she had no claim on it when the divorce rolled around. It wasn't a ton, but I could live off it for a couple of years if I was careful.

By noon I was on my way out of town and I didn't have a clue as to where I was going or where I would end up.

I had stopped in Denver for a bite to eat and was idly looking through the Rocky Mountain News as I waited for my food and I saw that there was plenty of work in my line and Denver was far enough away from Kansas City so I ended up staying. Four years went by and I was never served divorce papers and I never saw a lawyer so I didn't know whether Gina knew where I was or not, but then I didn't much care either. I hadn't seen a lawyer because my mind set was let Gina or her lover pay for it.

I had no family and no really close friends in Kansas City so the only one I had been in touch with was Harv. He told me Gina called a dozen times a week until she finally accepted the fact that I didn't work there anymore. Business had picked up and he kept after me to come back to work. I did give it some thought, but I liked Denver and the mountains and I had a pretty decent job so I kept putting Harv off.

And the women, good lord yes, the women. It seemed like Denver had more single women than men and I capitalized on it. No steady relationships - I wasn't going to do that again - but I was never lonely.

The company I was working for sent me to Kansas City to attend a seminar on quality control methods. I stopped and shot the bull with Harvey and he made another pitch to get me to come back to work and I gave him the usual "I'll see." I stopped at a restaurant for lunch and I was sitting in a booth reading the menu when I saw Gina walk in. I quickly turned my head so she wouldn't see me, but I wasn't quick enough and thirty seconds later she slid onto the seat across from me.

"Hi Rob."

"Hello Gina."

"How have you been?"


"Not very talkative are you?"

"Don't have anything to say to you."

"That's too bad considering we have so much to talk about. Going to be here long?"


"Got enough time to stop by and meet your kids before you leave?"

"Kids? What kids?"

"You left me pregnant when you split."

"I left you pregnant? Not fucking likely. We hadn't had sex in almost six months. The daddy is most likely Tom (the guy she was kissing) or one of your other boyfriends."

"You are forgetting what you did on the night you left me. No Rob, they are yours."

"Yeah, right."

"Easy enough to prove Rob. Come see them, take them to a clinic and have a DNA test done."

I didn't believe her, but what if? "If I have the time I might stop by. Give me your address."

"I haven't moved."

She sat there and looked at me in silence for several seconds and then said, "You don't feel anything for me at all, do you?"

"I put you behind me four years ago Gina."

"Call before you come so I can make sure they are there. Here's my cell number" and she wrote it down on a napkin and handed it to me. Then she got up, went to another booth, sat down and ordered her lunch.

I didn't get much out of that afternoon's session, not because of lack of content, but because my mind was elsewhere. Could I have gotten her pregnant on that last night? She said kids, as in more than one and I hadn't asked. I didn't know if she was talking twins, triplets, or even more. All girls, all boys, or boys and girls? No, they couldn't be mine. She was just trying to run a mind game on me. But still, what if. It worked on me all afternoon and when the afternoon's session was over I called Gina and made arrangements to stop by that evening.

I rang the bell and then waited and when she opened the door she said:

"You didn't have to ring. This is still your house."

"I don't see it that way."

"Let's go into the kitchen. The kids are in the backyard playing in their sandbox. You can see them through the window."

"As opposed to meeting them?"

"I have no idea what you will do Rob. You might take one look at them and run. I'd rather not have that happen to them during a face to face meeting."

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Walk with Gina

Gina is 5ft 8ins tall, size 14, 36C with red hair. We met when I stopped at a country pub for a quick bite to eat. It turned out not to be quiet so quick. After talking for an hour I suggested we take a walk along the path. The sun was shining, Gina was wearing a soft flowing white dress, it was loose and her tits are wobbling as she moved. I was fascinated and started to desire her massively. By chance I was commando and my cock was aroused. We walked into the woods following the path. ...

3 years ago
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Dirty Gina

 The place was always crowded on a Friday night, and, following his usual scanning of curvy female dancers and picking out one or two who might succumb to his well worn chat-up line. He sat down at a table to give a deeper consideration to his selections. Harry Laine had no real belief that he was one of the world’s great lovers, but he was aware at the age of twenty-two that young women, and some not so young, found him attractive. He was also very aware of the advice both his parents had...

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I was just 16 years old, still slim and quite flexible. I went through puberty early at 13 and as my hormones went into overdrive a lot of things started changing, My pubes grew in and my cock grew out, I would get a boner every time in the showers after GYM class surrounded by all the other guys in my class. My best friend at the time was also in a similar way. He live a block over from me and we would often camp out in my tent in the back yard. I kept a stash of girly magazines for us to look...

1 year ago
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As in my other story. Rudy my longtime friend was caught cheating by his wife,Gina. He paid the price of haveing to watch me fuck his wife and fuck her ass. Couple months have gone by, I keep in touch with Rudy, seeing if he is still fucking around on Gina. He swears he isnt,but is makeing excuses why he isnt comeing home on weekends for awhile. Gina is very suspious, cant blame her. So we decide to take a road trip,she wants to know if he is lieing! 3 hours later Gina and I check in to a...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

3 years ago
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Rob and Amanda Lundsford

I'm Robert Lundsford, age thirty-eight; stock broker for Hilling's Investments, husband, and as I now know an unknowing cuckold. My wife of ten years is Amanda Lundsford age thirty-six; works for Hammond Industries, wholesalers of kitchenware; she's a receptionist—oh—and a lover of men. We'd moved to Des Moines almost immediately after marrying. I had a friend, Bret Hilling's. He and I had attended state college together; his offer of employment was an opportunity too good to pass...

3 years ago
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Ginayou hate yourself. that's all you can think of. every day. every night. you hate what you are. you hate what you have become. it's been one year since you've been k**napped. one year locked in this house! in the middle of nowhere. one year since the last time you saw your office. your friends. your wife. your son! it's been one year since you were normal. if you only knew... you would never have opened the window of your car! that guy would never have sprayed you! you would still have your...

3 years ago
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Rob anderson naked mishap

From they original netflix speaical film Naked 2017 movie comes a new version of the story. Lets just picture it shall we Rob is in a elevator laying on a floor. There he is unconcious laying on the floor and as he wake up he comes to the realisation that he is naked in they elevator. Then as he's there naked in they elevator he is now panicking because he is now hearing the elevator coming to a stop. Then the elevator stops he is now panicking as the reality hits him that as Rob is literally...

2 years ago
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Rob Summer Pt2

Please read Part one of this story to get the background.Can be found here. you like it, please comment, I'm still a novice writer and feedback is always helpful, and makes me want to write more!!Part 2.Rob looked fondly at the sleeping form cuddled next to him, the soft white sheet covered most of the delicate creamy flesh, but it did show a creamy white breast, the soft pink nipple resting against his ribs.With his free hand, Rob reached...

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Aunt Gina

It was the beginning of a summer that would be hot in more ways than one. My mother had dropped me off to stay with my aunt Gina as mom was heading out of the state on business. Even though I was an adult she hated the thought of me being alone. Growing up in a single parent household you learn to be close and keep each other company. I loved my aunt Gina and was looking forward to the summer at the cabin in rural Minnesota. After I got settled in the guest room at aunt Gina's I decided to go...

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Tittyfucking Gina

Sliding my penis in and out of Gina’s vagina felt wonderful. Her fluids ran so freely that my penis sloshed—not enough friction to make me cum but plenty to keep me going. Gina was approaching her second climax and was augmenting my penis by rubbing her clitoris energetically with her finger. Her first climax had come from my tongue. In the bathroom I’d lifted her nude body onto the valet. I dropped to my knees and slowly spread her legs. Her vagina was beautiful. Her black pubic hair was...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Rob Fucks A TrollKind of

Rob stretched his arms above his head and twisted his body to get the kinks out of his back while looking out the window of his bedroom. It was early morning in the city of Sundsvall in Sweden. Located about six hours north of the capital of Stockholm by car it was what Rob considered a town, not a city. Being from Chicago, anything with less than five million people was a town or village to him. It had taken him a month to get used to his new environments and the darkness that held the city...

3 years ago
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Rob Deb and Sue ndash Playtime

You may want to read our previous post on the preparations for our summer cruise and our first swinging encounter for this all to make sense. To summarise we met Rob and Deb whilst out shopping and ended up having a great evening of sex with them.We kept in contact with Rob and Deb after our encounter and respective cruise holidays, we spoke about meeting up around Christmas for a weekend in the country however that didn’t happen. Sue and I were both back at work full time and weekends seemed...

3 years ago
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Rob And Sarah

Rob and Sarah considered themselves a typical American professional couple. Both worked in America at the start of this tale. They lived in what might be described by an Englishman, in typical American, white, suburbia. Lawns, gardens, driveways, spacious homes, spaciously apart, professional mediocrity where life changes little. Everybody is polite and superficially neighbourly. They had seen very few Black Americans. They considered themselves educated, and sophisticated. Americans who knew...

1 year ago
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rob and azmat 2

The next morning as Rob Taylor sat in the coffee shop, Azmat came up to him and said "Hello Mr. Taylor."The 39 year old British technician looked up, his hazel brown eyes showing his pleasant surprise to see her; she usually was part of the afternoon shift in the coffee shop."Hello there" He said with a big smile and a sparkle in his eye"You're here early today"Azmat made a fuss of straightening the tableware and replied "Shift change. I am on early duty for the next month."Azmat stood beside...

2 years ago
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Rob Summer

Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...

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Rob fucking my wife

Me and Rob was hanging out at our apartment. Linda was getting ready for a girls night out with her BFF Stacy. Linda came out in a black dress, it went down to her knees. Spaghetti straps, no bra.Linda came over to me, straddle me and whisper in my ear. She said, I shaved my pubic hair off and I’m not wearing any panties. I started nibbling on her neck. She said, Tonight. She got off of me and said by, and said by to Rob too.It was getting late and the fight we were watching was over. Linda...

2 years ago
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Rob Would Not Be Denied

I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sl**ping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...

1 year ago
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Rob Would Not Be Denied

I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sleeping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...

4 years ago
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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 03

** This story is the third segment of this series. I would suggest reading the1st & 2nd chapters if you are new to the series. The story is about two young college grads and how the women of the church offer no end of opportunities for their sexual fulfillment (some willingly and some with a little pressure applied.) On Saturday morning, Joe and Rob were looking forward to the party at the house of the pastor that evening. Since they had done all of the landscaping and beautification of the...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

2 years ago
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Rob and GailChapter 2

I lost myself in work and fortunately there was so much of it that I never had a free moment to spend thinking about Gail. I hadn't been home five minutes when the phone rang and caller ID showed that it was Gail. I didn't take the call or any of the four others that came after it before unplugging the phone and going to bed. I skipped gym the next morning for the same reason I had skipped the day before and instead went for my run in the morning rather than in the evening after work as...

3 years ago
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Rob and Jane Part 3 Public Relations

After Rob and Jane’s wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn’t stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...

3 years ago
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Rob and Jane Part 3 Public Relations

After Rob and Jane's wild weekend antics it was back to normal on Monday morning and back to the nine to five slog. That didn't stop them exchanging raunchy texts and emails throughout the week. Jane loved the thrill of sitting at her desk, pretending to concentrate on a file, while reading all the naughty things Rob was promising to do to her. Their excitement and libidos had been building all week and by Thursday it all got too much. They decided to meet. They met for drinks after work and...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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rob and azmat 1

The 39 year old, British technician, Mr Robert Taylor, sat alone sipping tea in the lounge of the Sheraton hotel Karachi.He had finished early for the day and sat watching people, especially the women, go by in the hotel lobby.Rob had been surprised at first by how more liberal Pakistan seemed. The women did not walk around in black sheets or veils as he expected. The majority seemed content to be in a loose trouser and shirt suit known as Shalwar Kamiz. It had not taken Rob long to see that...

1 year ago
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Rob Jodi and Pete a hot threesome chapter 1

Rob and Jodi satisfy their needs while her husband, Pete, watches and eventually joins the fun... The following is a work-related sexual adventure. Jodi and I knew each other from working together, years ago. We weren't particularly tight but liked to talk...go to lunch...gossip. It was left that way because we were both married and had too much in common...always seemed to be a little attraction floating through our relationship. I ran into her at a conference and decided to drop her a line...

2 years ago
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Rob Joe Women of the Church Ch 02

Ch 2 Sex in the Fitting Room This story picks up the activities of two rich young men who have found ways to maximize on the sexual needs of the women of the congregation. Following the pastor around town leads them to sexually deprived women. The most deprived are the pastor’s wife and her twin sister. Read Ch 1 to meet Helen (Pastor’s wife) and Margaret (Her twin sister). We join Rob and Joe as they leave an afternoon of sex with the twins. ………………………………………….. As Rob and Joe meet each...

4 years ago
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Rob and the Kiss of Death

She used the key I'd given her to let herself in. I wasn't expecting her so I was sitting on the couch reading James Lee Burke's latest, "The Glass Rainbow." I put the book down and gave her an appreciative look. She was drop dead gorgeous and the sexiest looking woman I had ever laid eyes on. She was the kind of woman that a star had on his arm at the Academy Awards or some MTV award show. She was the kind of woman you saw with super stars, famous athletes or some extremely rich bachelor....

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