- 3 years ago
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It all began in August, a couple of weeks before school started. I was going to be a senior, and while I understood the importance of that fact, I was unimpressed.
First, I was not going to go off to college. My grades were good, but certainly not stellar, which they would have had to be for me to get a scholarship. Failing that, my parents could not afford anything more than community college. I was also seriously considering the military as a way of making enough money to go.
Second, I was -- well, not a geek, exactly, but far from popular. I was good in math, and I had tutored enough jocks to have friends in cool places. Put it this way: no girls would fuck me, and no guys would fuck with me.
It was a tradeoff, sure, but one I could live with.
Anyway, as I say, I wasn't a geek, exactly, and I wasn't a jock. I was in pretty good shape, though. I had always loved running. I had even considered trying out for the track team, but there were too many guys faster or in better shape than I was who also wanted to be on the team.
Gina was my best friend and fellow running enthusiast. We had known one another since kindergarten. We had shared in the good times and the bad, made it through the cooties stage with our relationship intact, and generally propped one another up.
We were not, however, dating material.
I thought, at the time, we both realized that any attempt to move deeper into the relationship would potentially ruin what we had. We were perfectly content to let the status be just as quo as it could.
So to tie these threads together...
Gina and I were running around the track that outlined the football field. The football jocks were on the field doing whatever they were doing to prepare for the coming season.
Well, someone was definitely doing some kicking. A ball landed on the track in front of Gina and me. It made a loud SMACK and startled the smack out of us, then skittered under the risers.
"Hey, Jeff, get that, wouldja?" called a voice. It was Hank Benson, one of the stars of the team and someone I had once tutored in math, enabling him to stay eligible to play. We weren't great buds, but we were certainly friendly enough.
I looked at Gina; she shrugged. I reached under the risers and pulled out the ball, then drop-kicked it. I'd seen it done, and imitated what I'd seen. Gina and I started running again when we heard another, louder voice yelling.
It was the coach, and he was screaming something like, "How did you do that, young lad?" Or words to that effect, if you catch my drift. Gina and I came to a stop again, as the coach and a group of players, Hank among them, approached us.
"I wanna see you do that again," blustered the coach.
I was genuinely taken aback. "I'm sorry," I said, "I was just returning the ball."
"No," Hank interrupted, "you kicked it like nobody's business. We wanted to know if it was just luck."
"I never tried before," I said honestly.
"Get on the field," grumbled the coach, "and kick it again." There was a chorus of "Yeah," "Hell yeah," "Kick that sumbitch,"and the like.
Again I glanced at Gina, who was by now smiling at my predicament. I shrugged and trotted onto the field.
"Put the tee on the thirty," ordered the coach. He turned to me and said, "See that? See the uprights?" pointing to the goal posts. "Send it straight through."
I complied.
Coach said, "Back it up to the thirty-five," and we repeated. "Forty," he barked. Once again, I did as he asked.
We went through this process about seven or eight times before we found I had a limit of about fifty-two yards, reliably; further was hit-and-miss. Then we went through kicking it from a snap.
When all was said and done, Coach said, "You're my kicker." He hadn't even asked whether I was interested in playing. In the end, though, I knew I had to do it.
My parents went through the usual it's-dangerous-and-you-have-to-keep-your-grades-up objections, but signed the consent form. I think my dad was actually puffed up with pride.
Our team went 9-1 that year, for the first time ever, and made the state playoffs. It wasn't all because of me, but I added to the team by subtracting from the field. My contribution was genuine.
I was a senior, with no prior football experience, and so it was a little late for most of the big schools to take an interest in me. A couple of smaller schools, though, heard about my accomplishments and sent representatives to woo me. I ended up taking the one, solitary full-boat scholarship I was offered.
My college days were memorable, and beyond the scope of this tale; but all is not lost.
You see, Gina gave me a going-away present.
As I mentioned, Gina and I never dated. We never properly had the hots for one another, though I'll admit I had fantasized about her from time to time.
Right after graduation, we were back on the track, doing our usual running. It was late May, and the weather was pleasant after several hot days. A cool front was pushing through; the skies were darkening, threatening rain.
We finished our run, walked a lap to cool down, and sat on the risers to relax a moment before heading home. She was a little pre-occupied. Finally she said, "Why don't we head to my place and get cleaned up?"
As if on cue, at that moment several large, noisy raindrops plopped on the hot surface of the track. We were close to her car -- I had ridden with her that morning -- and so we hightailed it. We closed the doors just before the rain really settled in. It wasn't torrential, but I was glad we hadn't gotten caught out in it.
As we drove, she was silent; unusual for her.
At length she said, "Did you ever wonder why we never dated?"
I pondered. "Yeah, I guess I have. I guess we're too smart to ruin a good friendship."
"Do you find me attractive?" she asked.
"Well, sure I do. You're very pretty," I responded.
"But are you attracted to me?" she pressed.
I was getting a little annoyed. "Yes, Gina, you give me a hard-on. Is that what you want to hear?"
"I'm sorry," she said, looking sad. "I'm not handling this very well, am I?"
"Just say what you want to say," I said firmly. "We've known each other for too long. Just spit it out."
She was silent for a moment, then said, "Okay. I used to think you and I would eventually get married, have kids, stuff like that." I said nothing, and she continued. "A couple of years ago, I realized I was never going to love you that way."
I guess that should have stung, at least a little, but it didn't. "Oh, well, that's nothing to get worked up about. We're still friends. Right?"
She paused, then said, "No, what I mean is, I met someone else. A friend of one of my cousins." There was a pregnant pause, then: "A girl."
What might have been a body-blow to others was sort of a relief to me. It answered a lot of questions, cleared up a lot of things that had occurred over the previous year or so.
I nodded slowly. "So, you're a ... lesbian."
She grinned a little. "At least you didn't call me a dyke."
We were silent for a moment; then, I said, "So, who else knows about this?"
"No one. Not around here. My folks don't even suspect. At least, I don't think they do."
Another lightbulb moment for me. "And you told me because you wanted to unburden yourself to someone who wouldn't gossip."
She smiled again. "That's my Jeff."
We rode in companionable silence the rest of the way to her house.
Her parents had set up a small additional parking spot for her, to the side of the detached garage, meaning we had to cover thirty feet or so. We ran to the house, getting soaked yet again by the rain, a hard, steady, insistent downpour.
Her parents' house had a side door that entered the kitchen; just to the left of the kitchen was a laundry alcove, and that's where she guided me.
"Strip," she commanded.
"Gina!" I exclaimed.
She looked at me. "What? We've seen one another naked before."
"We were barely seven," I answered.
"Besides," she continued, as if I hadn't said a word, "you know you're not gonna get laid. You know who I am now." With that, she stripped off her A-shirt and sports bra.
I couldn't help stare. Her breasts were ... well, perfect. I had never seen any others for comparison, not in person; but, damn!
She saw me staring, and I blushed and averted my gaze. She giggled. "It's okay," she said. "I know you like boobies. It's kinda nice to know they get your attention."
As I undressed -- I had surrendered to the inevitable by this point -- I said, "I'm very impressed. With your breast," I added, and we both laughed.
Now Gina is 36yrs. 5'7" about 118lbs. married with two k**s a boy 10yrs. and a girl 17yrs. her and her husband Tom live a good safe life married 20yrs. both work good high paying jobs nice home the total package. There sex life is good not great but good. Friday at the start of the day Connie a girl at work comes in all happy and ask everyone to the bar after work she is getting married, Gina thinks I know Tom would not like me to go but why not I'll be home early it'll be fun, so she calls...
BOB`s side When I first met Gina I liked what I saw short bubbly blonde with big tits , we went to her local pub , and like all true gentlemen I treated to lunch , and what surprised me but pleased me as well was her willingness to drink a pint with me , I thought to myself , play it cool boy you`re going to do well with this one. I have over the years had many conquests it`s not just getting in her knickers its managing to change the woman`s preconceived notions, ( I`m a good...
Gina goes to the mall for a new dress to wear for her husband's company bash Tom her hubby was being honored for his 25yrs of servers to the accounting company. He started as a mail boy and now was becoming a partner in the firm. Gina was so proud that she had to look just right to support him. As she looked around the new dress store she was seen by Penny who was Tom's biggest rival at work she thought she was the one in line when they picked Tom and was not at all happy to stand aside. ...
The plane was about to land. All I could think about for the last five hours was Gina. I kept thinking about what she would be wearing and what she said the last time we met. Gina is about 15 years younger than I. She worked for me a few years ago when I hired her right out of college. I will never forget her first day in the office. She was wearing an off-white blouse with a short navy blue skirt along with 2 inch heels. Her brown hair glistened and her smile could light up a room. I always...
The plane was about to land. All I could think about for the last five hours was Gina. I kept thinking about what she would be wearing and what she said the last time we met. Gina is about 15 years younger than I. She worked for me a few years ago when I hired her right out of college. I will never forget her first day in the office. She was wearing an off-white blouse with a short navy blue skirt along with 2 inch heels. Her brown hair glistened and her smile could light up a room. I always...
Straight SexI love having sex with older women. I find they're usually so much better at it than their younger counterparts, plus they don't go gossiping to their friends after you've fucked them and quite a few of them are very grateful, especially the less attractive ones. I don't care myself, as long as they're over forty and not too fat, then they are fair game. My first oldie was a teacher from school. Miss Shaw was her name, Helen Shaw. She was fifty when I fucked her and still a miss. I was twenty...
MatureAs in my other story. Rudy my longtime friend was caught cheating by his wife,Gina. He paid the price of haveing to watch me fuck his wife and fuck her ass. Couple months have gone by, I keep in touch with Rudy, seeing if he is still fucking around on Gina. He swears he isnt,but is makeing excuses why he isnt comeing home on weekends for awhile. Gina is very suspious, cant blame her. So we decide to take a road trip,she wants to know if he is lieing! 3 hours later Gina and I check in to a...
Ginayou hate yourself. that's all you can think of. every day. every night. you hate what you are. you hate what you have become. it's been one year since you've been k**napped. one year locked in this house! in the middle of nowhere. one year since the last time you saw your office. your friends. your wife. your son! it's been one year since you were normal. if you only knew... you would never have opened the window of your car! that guy would never have sprayed you! you would still have your...
GINA A story by Tomatin My name is Gina. I'm 26 years old now. They say it helps to tell your story.They say it's necessary to clear out your mind. Well, I definitively need toput my life back together. So here's my story… Not more then five years ago, life looked wonderful. I studied sociologyat the university. For the first time our country had a democratic electedgovernment that tried to make things better for everybody. My friends and Ibelieved in this government. We went to political...
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I love having sex with older women. I find they’re usually so much better at it than their younger counterparts, plus they don’t go gossiping to their friends after you’ve fucked them and quite a few of them are very grateful, especially the less attractive ones. I don’t care myself, as long as they’re over forty and not too fat, then they are fair game. My first oldie was a teacher from school. Miss Shaw was her name, Helen Shaw. She was fifty when I fucked her and still a miss. I was twenty...
The Original Candid has been around for a little over a year now, though you probably wouldn’t know that from stopping by the landing page. In fact, there’s basically nothing to be seen out front except for a header graphic of the site’s name in 3D letters. You’ll have to sign up for an account to see anything, but they’ve switched from their original invite-only model to free, open registration to anyone who loves candid is a good name for a site, because it tells...
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She is 15 years old, 147 centimeters tall, with well-muscled thighs and a high bottom. Her breasts appear large for a girl her age, although an inspection of her underwear drawer uncovers only C-cup bras. Size in this case is an illusion, a contrast between the firm, fleshy bulbs and the diminutive frame. On a musicological whim, I dub them (her large breasts) “The Mighty Handfuls.” Her mother is frequently absent, leaving us (Regina and me) alone together. Three nights per week are spent at...
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September 9, She:Hey…I thought of you last night.I thought of you when I was naked and alone in my bed.My pussy throbbed, already wet, thinking of you…thinking of your lips on mine…our tongues exploring…your mouth kissing its way down my neck.I rub my nipples, they are so hard and sensitive,sending waves of pleasure down my spine.I stroke my slit once and pull away,I imagine again...I imagine you kissing my tits, sucking and licking and pinching.I can’t stop moaning,I need you so much!You kiss...
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September 9, She: Hey… I thought of you last night. I thought of you when I was naked and alone in my bed. My pussy throbbed, already wet, thinking of you… thinking of your lips on mine… our tongues exploring… your mouth kissing its way down my neck. I rub my nipples, they are so hard and sensitive, sending waves of pleasure down my spine. I stroke my slit once and pull away, I imagine again… I imagine you kissing my tits, sucking and licking and pinching. I can’t stop moaning, I need you so...
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“You three seem rather familiar with each other, do you do this often?” I asked gesturing to the pushed together sectional couch and the four of us naked. “This is the first time with a guy.” Gina said. “Normally it’s just the three of us.” Stacey added. “And our toys,” Kat stated, “Stacey has an awesome collection.” “It’s not that great,” stated Stacy, “You just made it sound like I’ve got the mechanical stuff on that web site.” Gina giggled, “Only because of how much it costs. You’ve...
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In her father’s house, she had known her place. As the oldest daughter of her father’s first wife, she had enjoyed a position of privilege in Basil al-Zafir’s house. Among her sisters, she was Basil’s favorite. He called on her service when he entertained merchants and leaders from other clans. She moved silently among the reclining men, keeping their glasses filled with sweet drink as they discussed business and treaties with her father. She listened the whole time and the men would talk...
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It is a dark and cloudy night, the weather person had said we could get an evening storm. The wind is currently howling through the trees and rattling the windows of the office. It looks like they could be right.. Although the rain has not started yet, you can still smell it in the air. Checking the compound is secure one more time before deciding it would be best to stay over near the car just in case… You see I am helping my friend, they are short one security guard for this evening.The...
Reddit Jerk Off To Celeb, aka r/JerkOffToCeleb! Another day, another subreddit, and this one might be the one to seal the deal when it comes to hot celebrities. Everyone likes watching gorgeous celebs on the internet in skimpy outfits. So much so, that some of the singers in the industry are selling their music videos as virtual sex tape of some kind. You get to see gorgeous celebrities show more and more of their bodies to the public when they go out or when they’re acting or singing or...
Reddit NSFW ListSo, the next day was Sunday and, again, we were all out by the pool, Joey, naked, Mom topless and me in my bikini. He jacked-off twice and my own mother was urging him on, it was shameless. And I masturbated twice again after I went up to my room. On Monday, I went out to the pool and my brother was nowhere in sight. Hurrah. So I stretched out to get some sun and, wouldn't you know it, out he comes, naked as usual and dives into the pool. After swimming around for a bit, he's out and...
He woke up from his vague dreaming to the sound of soft clinking and rustling at the foot of his bed. He instinctively moved to pull the fluffy pillow from off of his head, but found that he couldn’t pull his hands down from the upper corners of the bed. he tried to sit up, but his ankles were held fast, bound like his wrists so that his legs were pulled spread eagle, almost to the point where it hurt his hips. His wife’s voice greeted him as she lifted the pillow away from his face. “Morning,...
It had been months since I had Sex and was feeling very horny one Friday afternoon. I left work for home where I had a nice hot shower and a couple beer. I sat naked on my couch thinking about what I should do tonight since I had no plans, I got out my Toy spread my legs and started diddling my Pussy, I turned the tool on to full and pushed it against my clit then slid it inside my Hot Cunt, I was getting wet, started Moaning as I was Cumming!Once I came down I decided that's it I'm going out...
Brook slipped out through the front door and crept quietly around the side of the house. Her mother was in the hot tub with Tom tonight, and after listening to them play naked under her bedroom window almost nightly for the past two weeks she found herself overcome with curiosity to watch them. She’d peeked at them through the window as well, but the angle from there didn’t provide the curious fourteen-year-old a very satisfying view. She wanted to see as much as she could. The compactly built...
Jenna Noelle is up to her mischievous ways and returns to fuck LIVE. She absolutely loved her solo show and had to come back and bring a guy with her to fuck too! A real cock is so much better than a dildo and Jenna is eager to get Davids cock deep in her pussy. David may be newer to the industry but he puts her into the positions like a pro; pile driving her on the bed letting you see as his cock drills deep into her while Jennas toes are right in your face. Jenna can not stop cumming on that...
xmoviesforyouCHAPTER FOUR When I woke up the next time, he finally allowed me to wake up. I was lying on the coffee table in the TV room, and the room was very bright. He was sitting on the couch beside me, watching both me, and a TV program. It took me a while to get my eyes open, keep them that way, and to fully wake up. But I finally did so. He looked at me and winked. Then I noticed that my shirt was rolled up around my chest, just underneath where my sports- bra ended - showing my entire stomach and...
I connected my shield to my implant and let it pull in the energy it wanted. A few seconds later, I began repeating short sequences of what seemed to be random letters, but not those Sherry used. I watched Sherry slip off too. The place in my head tapped into both girls’ brains and monitored for responses to a specific sequence of random letters. It could figure out patterns compared to those Eveline and Sherry had used. “Molly, I need your brain,” I said, reaching out to her. After I sent...
Cory Chase is remarried and has Nathan Bronson as a stepson. Nathan is just so yummy for this busty mommy to daydream about. Cory catches Nathan perving on her once, but he listens to her lecture and starts helping around the house. Later, when Cory walks in on Nathan in the shower, she realizes that she’s a woman with needs and her husband isn’t around much. She doesn’t necessarily plan on seducing Nathan as she dresses in sheer lingerie, but when she sees him perving on her...
xmoviesforyouKARINS CASTLE KARINS CASTLEA medical phenomenon, wreaks her revenge on innocent young men and women. By Tiffany Part 1 This is my first try at writing. Don't expect fine grammar, punctuation and spelling perfection. If you need them to enjoy the yourself the aggravation and skip it. If I get your attention and you enjoy it those things won't matter anywho! If enough people enjoy it there could be more. M-F/mf, f/mf, modification, size,cbt, BDSM,...
Hello Friends I am a regular reader of ISS and after reading about your experiences I am sharing with you all my experience. I am not a good writer and please forgive me if you find my storing boring or uninteresting. I would like to get your responses on I am from Chandigarh a business man my current age is 35. This story is of about 2 yrs ago. We needed an assistant in our office and had advertised for a female office assistant in local newspapers. We got a good response to our...