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GEORGINA - Chapter 1: Spoilt Girl

Georgina looked from the upstairs window of her bedchamber at the dreary mill workers trudging to work.  She wasn't usually up this early but she had been awake with excitement for much of the night following the news that her father was going to let her go on the "Grand Tour" in the summer, with her older brother Rufus, his tutor, the elderly Colonel Wilson and his much younger wife, Charlotte.  Vienna, Amsterdam, Paris, Brussels and, she fervently hoped, Venice!  She broke away from her daydream and looked again at the shabby crowd entering the gates of her father's cotton mill.  Why did they have to walk past the front of their house, it was so depressing!  No doubt her father enjoyed being able to watch the minions over whom he now held so much power.  But Georgina couldn't wait to leave dull Lancashire for the colour and excitement of The Continent.

Georgina had enjoyed collecting together the essentials for her forthcoming trip: guide books, a silk lined canteen of silver cutlery, a fine  embroidered toiletry case to contain her absolutely essential make-up and perfumes.  She wondered how she would cope with getting dressed without her own personal maid, would hotel maids even speak English!  Rufus was like a child at Christmas showing off his pair of gilt patterned pistols, large black medicine bag and carefully researched details of steamer routes.  Georgina was a bit concerned when he explained how their two carriages would be dismantled and carried in pieces over the Mount Cenis Pass to Turin on the backs of mules.  She was slightly relieved to hear that their party would be carried in chairs fixed between poles by their Swiss guides and not suffer the indignity of sitting on one of the mules.  Although her father had given Georgina a fine dappled mare last year she had not really taken to riding at all and, though she did very occasionally get the groom to walk it around the grounds for her, she had never even got around to giving it a name!  She then started to daydream about watching the rippling muscles of handsome muscular Alpine chair bearers carrying her towards snow topped mountains.

It wasn't long afterwards she noticed her father was becoming increasingly morose and grumpy and reluctant to discuss details of her forthcoming trip.  One morning, six weeks before their planned departure, Georgina was suddenly ordered to go with the groom and Rufus to the stables and take the horses for a ride up to Hather Moor.  That was most definitely not her idea of fun but her father was most insistent.  Although it was a dry day there was a cold wind, after only a few minutes Georgina was getting painfully sore buttocks and then slightly twisted one of her delicate ankles when dismounting for the lunch which had been packed off with them.  As the groom led the horses back to the stables Georgina determined to tackle her mother firmly about father's unreasonable behaviour, however as they entered the house she heard her mother sobbing and her father arguing with the butler, who then turned and stormed out of the house brushing them aside. 

Her mother entered the hallway wiping tears from her eyes and sent her children to their rooms saying there would be no tea today but sandwiches would be sent up to them.   Distressed at seeing her mother so upset Georgina lost her earlier resolve and obediently obeyed. 

Long after dark no sandwiches had arrived so, feeling hungry and tired, Georgina timidly went downstairs looking for her maid.  Hearing her mother again crying quietly Georgina cautiously tiptoed towards the drawing room, but was intercepted by Rufus who instead led her to the library.

There he shakily explained that recently the Earl of Rawtenstall had ordered their father's mill to stop drawing the water essential  to power it from the River Douglas, because it was affecting the flour mills which were part of the Earl's estate.  Their father had brusquely told the Earl he had no need of his water as water wheels were old fashioned anyway and he was already planning to install steam engines to power the factory.  Unfortunately the bank, instead of loaning him the extra money to invest in steam plant, declared that his business would be unprofitable without the free use of the water power and immediately recalled all his existing substantial loans.  His appeal to the Bank's directors fell on deaf ears, which wasn't surprising considering that the Earl of Rawtenstall was its main shareholder!  As soon as the butler was aware of her father's predicament word had spread fast among the household staff, who were already owed several months pay, and they had all left fearing trouble from the mill workers once they learnt the news.

It felt strange putting herself to bed without any help and Georgina lay awake too troubled to sleep for much of the night.  She eventually fell asleep just before dawn only to be awoken soon afterwards by angry shouting outside.  She looked out to see the workers angrily massed before the locked iron gates to the mill.  As some of the angry mob started climbing over the wall surrounding the factory she hastily started to dress herself, hurriedly pulling on a petticoat.  Without her maid to fasten it she couldn't put on her corset so she quickly pulled on a cream skirt but couldn't arrange it so that it didn't drag on the floor.  Then she had difficulty doing up her bodice, eventually giving up leaving it unfastened at the top .  Outside she could hear glass breaking as the angry mob started hurling stones at the large windows of the cotton mill.  Glancing in the mirror she looked a mess, the poorly fastened bodice seemed to expose too much of her shoulders so she grabbed a shawl to cover them.  The sound of smashing glass suddenly got much louder and with horror she realised the the rioters were starting to direct their fury towards the house.  She grabbed a comb and frantically tried to get her tangled light brown hair into a presentable state, she so needed her maid to put it into a bun.  Rufus burst into her room, wide eyed he grabbed his sister by her slender wrist shouting "They're breaking into the house, they've all gone mad!" 

She pulled herself away from him and desperately pulled on the first pair of shoes that came to hand.  "Come on, you stupid girl" he yelled, then dashed back into his own room.  From downstairs came the sound of more glass breaking and of wood shattering.  Georgina again struggled to get her bodice properly fastened but as she released it it loosely slipped down again, and looking in the mirror it wasn't even straight!  Now she heard her father shouting furiously but slightly incoherently downstairs, no doubt he was drunk.  Frightened, she ran towards her parent's chambers in search of her mother.  The shouting and crashing got louder and she could no longer pick out her father's voice downstairs, Rufus emerged from his room brandishing his brace of pistols and joined her running along the corridor.

Entering her mother's room they saw her face down on the bed sobbing.  As Rufus tried to rouse her the mob followed them in, he grabbed his pistols and turned to face them shouting to the women to get out while they still could.  Georgina grabbed her mother by the arm and pulled her to the window which she struggled to slide open.  There was about a six foot drop onto the roof of the stable block, Georgina was thankful she had not been cornered in her own room at the front of the house from which there would have been no escape, but her mother shrank back sobbing "No, I can't."

Looking back into the room Georgina saw the angry workers closing on Rufus, several brandishing substantial pieces of wood from smashed furniture.  "Stop, or I'll shoot" he said, slightly uncertainly.

"Not all of us yer won't" snarled one of the men as Rufus backed off slightly.  With horror Georgina suddenly realised it was likely that Rufus didn't have a clue how to fire the pistols, in any case he'd probably had no time to load them.  After again failing to get her mother to climb through the window Georgina hoisted the hem of her own skirt up towards her waist and scrambled out, dropping feet first onto the sloping slates below.  When her shoes touched the sloping roof they slipped and as she slid down, losing one of them, she heard an explosion in the room above followed by furious yells.

She continued to slide on down the roof, rolling from her side onto her stomach as her fingers clawed at the smooth slates.  She heard her mother screaming "No, leave him!" somewhere above.   Her finger nails broke and tore as she failed to stop her feet from sliding off the edge of the stable roof, above she heard more furious shouting and a high pitch animal scream.  The front of her bodice caught on the iron guttering then ripped as she tumbled backwards into the yard.  Her bare left heel struck the hard cobbles first before she landed hard on her arse, luckily her shawl came between her skull and the ground, probably saving her life. 

Dazed, she stared upwards as two heavily built men started scrambling out of the window shouting "one of the bastards is getting away" before one dropped down onto the roof below. However the slates shattered under his weight and he fell through the roof up to his armpits.  Coming to her senses Georgina shakily scrambled to her feet, kicked off her remaining shoe, and painfully limped away towards the cover of the woods above the house.

As she tried to hurry into the shelter of the woods without putting any weight on her left heel Georgina twice tripped over the hem of her skirt which quickly became ragged and torn, with bloodstains from her bleeding heel.  Her heart pounding she gave up fleeing and crouched down looking back towards the house for the expected pursuit, but no-one seemed to be coming after her.

It was a couple of hours before the mob started to disperse.  Only a few stragglers, drunk on the contents of her father's wine cellar, remained by the time the Duke of Lancaster's Yeomanry,  who had been summoned by the Constabulary, arrived on the scene with the Magistrate who started loudly reading out "Our Sovereign the Queen chargeth and commandeth all persons..."  In her dishevelled state Georgina hesitated to approach the Magistrate reading out the Riot Act, who was a good friend of the Earl of Rawtenstall, and instead determined to make her way to Colonel Wilson's.

As darkness fell it started to rain and Georgina had only covered half the distance to the Colonel's house, having made slow progress with her bare injured feet, tripping several times on the sodden hem, until it tore and shreds trailed behind her.  She had to leave the road several times to avoid other travellers, finally, exhausted, she took shelter for the night in an almost empty coke store behind a roadside blacksmith's forge.  

She awoke startled by the sound of the smith opening the doors at the front of his forge in the morning and in daylight was horrified at the soiled state of her dress after lying asleep on the coke dust.  She ran limping past the astonished blacksmith who stood open mouthed at the apparition that had emerged from the back of his yard.  As soon as she was out of his sight she collapsed sobbing against a hedge at the side of the road and inspected the wound on the heel of her almost black left foot.  She slowly hobbled on to Colonel Wilson's house, carefully letting only the toes  take any weight on her injured foot.

It was with immense relief that she finally pulled the bell chain at the front door of the Colonel's house.  The maid who answered looked at her uncertainly, Georgina hoarsely pleaded "I need the Colonel's help, please, tell him it's Georgina Hudson.'

The maid disappeared leaving Georgina standing on the doorstep holding onto the door-frame for support.  It was several minutes before Charlotte, Mrs Wilson, came to the door and looked disdainfully down at Georgina who tearfully told her "They've murdered my parents and wrecked our house, please help me!'

'They're not dead, I've heard all about it.  Though your brother's in a poor way with a broken arm and leg they say.  Not that your upstart father didn't have it coming.  Thinking himself better than the rest of us, coming from the gutter to build himself an empire using other people's money" sneered Charlotte.

Horrified at the callous reply Georgina sobbed "Where are they, please where's my mother?'

"Sent packing by Earl Rawtenstall after all the trouble they've caused.  Your grand house and the mill were built with money he lent and now your workers have wrecked them!'

"Please what am I to do?  I must speak to the Colonel, please, no don't send me away" cried Georgina.

"The Colonel's resting" Charlotte dismissively replied.  "Why don't you try the workhouse, they'll soon put you in your place" and laughing cruelly she shut the door in Georgina's face.

Stunned Georgina sank to the ground with a rising sense of panic.  Conscious of the stares of two children across the road she got to her feet and limped away.   Having learnt that her parents were still alive after all she headed despondently back towards her home.

The sodden torn bottom of her skirt and petticoat clung uncomfortably to her legs and she realised the trailing shreds of the voluminous skirt looked pathetically ridiculous.  After first checking no one was watching, she tried to tear off the hanging strips of ruined silk and lace but collapsed in tears as she realised she had made even more of a mess of the skirt and that now much of her petticoat was visible through the rents.  Biting her bottom lip as she again painfully put her weight on her lacerated feet Georgina continued her slow progress towards home. 

She carried on until well after dark, trying to ignore the hunger gnawing away at her belly, her throat dry with thirst and rising panic at her situation.  Finally giving in to exhaustion she scrambled off the road where a small stream passed beneath it in a stone arch.  She scooped some of the water up in her cupped hands and desperately drank the slightly smelly silt laden liquid, spilling much down the front of her bedraggled clothes.  Exhausted she curled up and slept fitfully.

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OyeLoca Jen Snake Latina Dream Queen

It is always a new adventure in South America, and today is no exception as we meet up with Latina lover, Jen Snake. She is a gorgeous blonde babe with a penchant for thick penis that makes her a superstar in our book. Our team picks her up from the airport, and you can tell right away Jen is ready to go. She heads back to our studs place, and he spanks her round ass raw. She loves it so much that she sticks her tongue out and sucks his meaty dick. Then, she lets him plow her doggystyle before...

3 years ago
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Dagmars DiaryChapter 8

As we took our places in the courtroom, Aunt Margie was dressed conservatively in a medium gray two-piece suit and low-heel, sensible black shoes. She looked every bit the piano teacher and church lady we all know and love. Before the proceedings got started, I maneuvered Harley off to the side and asked him a big favor. It was in the big category because it might be construed as shady, if not downright illegal, and Harley is one of the most honest men I know. It took some tall explaining to...

3 years ago
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ChroniclesChapter 7

OK ... back to Debbie's perspective, again... It was an old building, but it had been looked after with some care. In fact, as hospitals go, it had a sort of reassuring solidity, Edwardian brickwork providing a sombre background to the constant bustle of staff and patients, and the technology and infrastructure more recently bolted on. And there was a lot of technology around ... a ventilator, portable ultrasound, more beeping machines that I could not begin to identify. Even as I...

2 years ago
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Life of a Wife Sex Slave

Mother and wife by day, sex toy by night.Chapter 1................My husband just came up the drive way, he must be home from work. Opps, I forgot. I run to my room and prepare his three outfit options for that evening. I yank my panties off and put on my skirt and low cut top with revealing bra.I return to the kitchen adjust my breasts and continue on with dinner. He enters into the kitchen via the back door and sees me attending to the business of dinner. He comes over and hugs me."Hi dear,...

3 years ago
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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 5

I liked a girl, and she liked me. If that had been the whole of it, I might have breezed through my decoy years of high school relatively pain free, but of course it was not that simple. Ben Collier was also a freshman, and very hunky. He asked me to dance three times at that first freshman dance and I said yes each time. He asked me to dance even after I danced a slow dance with Teddy, and that would have been reason enough to like him even if he wasn't hunky. But he was. It required a...

4 years ago
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Pete and his forbidden pussy

Jen was asleep on the sofa when Pete and Marie, Jen’s Mother and Step Father, had come back from their day trip. They had been shopping all afternoon and then had finished with dinner and drinks at Joe’s Bar. They had lost track of time and we’re both pretty drunk when they finally made it back home. “That was wonderful Pete thank you so much.” Marie slurred as she swung her shopping bags of new clothes around in her hands. “I had a great time too darling.” Pete said happily back at her through...

1 year ago
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Porn Movie Got my Wife Blacken PT2

Now I should describe my wife. She is a grade three teacher, is 5'7", 115 pounds, brunette, blue eyes, 32A breasts, and very, very sensitive nipples. She's in amazing shape for a 48 year old woman as she works out daily with Zumba, piloxing and yoga.At school she dressed as a professional to all who saw her, but underneath her conservative teacher attire, she wore a garter and stockings, lace push up bras that enhanced her small breasts, and thongs.Although we have a great sex life, I get head...

1 year ago
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Blue Ridge Beginnings

‘There’s nobody around for miles. The property is 11.4 square miles. We’re alone, this cabin is yours and mine for the weekend. There’s another note. Find it.’ After the long drive and trying to follow the written directions, you have arrived at your weekend destination. The Blue Ridge Parkway is beautiful this time of year, exploding with the brilliant gold and crimson of leaves preparing to cover the forest floor with a soft bed of cover for the coming winter. The driveway was the hard part...

3 years ago
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Cyber Lover Part 3

As the sun peeked over the horizon, Gary felt Donna stretching beside him, curving her body towards his as she sought the contact she craved, even in sleep. He looked down at her sleeping form, wondering at his good fortune. This red hot, sexy woman wanted him! He gently brushed her hair from her face and traced his finger across her full lips. Her lips parted with a deep breath and he wanted to possess them again. He loved those lips, loved what they had done to him. He wanted those lips...

1 year ago
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Me And My Sister Part3

Frankly speaking, this is my third story and I write only real stories.This is the story where I will tell you how I and my sister had sex with each other and how my sister lost her virginity. Feedbacks should be submitted on ” ”. Hi friends …. It’s me, Kannan. As promised I’m back with the third part of my story, titled “Me And My Sister Part-3”. Those who haven’t read my 1st and 2 nd part should read it as it’s the continuation of those 2 stories. Firstly I would thank all my readers for...

2 years ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 10 Sea Salt and First Sight

The city of Seacroft was a maritime success story that should have made the people who lived there happier. There seemed to be a permanent chip on the shoulder of every citizen I met, and I wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was the isolation. For such a successful place, it seemed stuck out in the middle of nowhere, the single jewel in the thorny crown that was the Sparine Peninsula. I had settled into an uneasy truce with the local criminals and the local busybodies too. As long as I was able to...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Danni Rivers 24113

Vacation time! Danni Rivers has been taking time off to stay at a time share with her friend and her friend’s family for six years in a row, and this will be the sixth year that her friend’s brother Lucas continues to peep on her! Danni and Lucas arrive at the same time while waiting for the rest of his family to get there, so Danni decides to give him a little bit of a show before the rest of the crew arrives. She strips nude in front of the window, then takes a shower with the bathroom door...

1 year ago
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Exposing Myself

This is a true account of a recent experience of mine that I wanted to share with you all, especially as it was inspired by my experiences here on Lush. Recently I’ve become quite excited at the thought of exposing myself in public. Chats with some of you and hearing about your experiences, and writing stories which include elements of public nudity and exhibitionism, have got me quite excited, and made me realise how much I’d like to take it a bit further for real. One of my old boyfriends...

1 year ago
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Womens Lunch

The first few weeks after I lost my job were really tough emotionally. Luckily, my wife Ellen was able to go from part time to full time at her job and I lined up a few document review jobs I could do from home on a contract basis. The toughest thing was accepting the switch in our relationship - she now was the main wage earner and I was the stay at home. Although it was never discussed, she certainly implied and expected that I would now do the majority of the house work, laundry, etc....

1 year ago
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Were Finally Legal

       All these events, including the good and bad, have happened this wonderful year. The year is wonderful, because the characters tried many things for the first time in their lives. There were two young girls of 17 in India and everyone had a crush on them as they passed them anywhere: at high school, at malls, on streets or anywhere else. Something special was in those nymphets, but they never were too stuck-up. One of them was a striking beauty named Naina and she was 5’5?. At her young...

2 years ago
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Blood and SandChapter 11

Both Running Bear and Brown Horse were a bit disappointed and disgusted with the Comanches. They had been on the road a week and had not yet been attacked. It was getting so that you couldn't depend on anybody! By this time, at nearly 9 years old, Running Bear had been given his own rifle, a nearly worn-out Spencer dating from the earliest days of it manufacture. Otto vowed that it would be replaced by a Winchester at the first opportunity, and he also planned to get the boy a pistol....

3 years ago
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Discipline From Daddy

I was out with one of my guy friends that night. I wore a short skirt and tiny lace panties to tease him. I was still a virgin, but I loved to tease guys with my tight young body. Things had gotten hot and heavy with my guy, but I wouldn't even let him finger me. My panties were soaked by the time I told him I had to get home. I crept in the door quietly, hoping my daddy would be asleep. I took off my jacket, revealing the tight V-neck t-shirt I was wearing. I turned the corner into the...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 36 Novel Ideas

We spent nearly 20 hours at Ibera’s. My old friend is now completely up to speed on how our Family became what it is and how we all developed our powers. First, how we developed them early on, then all the way to reacquiring them after CJ was born, then, to all the current iterations. He stopped us many times to relate how he’d been required to investigate different missions we’d been on. The CIA had been much more interested than I’d thought. Bill also made it clear that TJ and even Jim...

2 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 35 Marys Christmas

I got home a couple of days before Christmas Eve, and spent a little of the pre-Christmas time with mom and dad, most of it at the ranch. Somehow, mom didn't seem to notice I wasn't wearing a bra, and I tried not to wear anything that would make her notice. I told Aunt Bessie and Beth all about the study group and our guys and the horses and the business. I had brought a folder of copies Alex made of Will's drawings, the nudes of me, some of the erotic stuff. I gave Aunt Bessie a color...

1 year ago
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A ticket to a real fantasy Part 2

– I think I know what you need… Danny told me that in half whisper. I could hear his voice trembling and all I could do is take a deep breath. He stood up, knelt in front of me and pulled my hips up his legs. I was still lying on the bed and my arms lied freely above my head as I looked at him and saw him smile. My back in a perfect bow he could adjust my body easily to his moves. Danny grabbed my waist and went all the way inside. His face changed and he closed his eyes. He didnt move, just...

1 year ago
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Fucking my cousin widow

My cousin ,who was much senior than me died around nine years ago. His widow Lipika was then 25.Although she hailed from a poor family, she had good looks and a fair skin. She was just one year senior than me. The incident happened between me and her seven years ago and I still cherish about it. She lived in her late husband’ apartment and her kid was studying in a convent school far way, most of the time she spent alone in her apartment when she completed her office works. She earned a salary...

4 years ago
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BBC Assignment PT2

They flew me back to LAX on their private jet. I got back home about 5:30 p.m. on Sunday and told my husband that our flight had been delayed. He was so happy to see me and said he wanted to hear all about the trip. I told him it was fun and that we mostly drank and danced. He was really horny and suggested we go to bed early and have some fun. I told him "yes" but that I hadn't slept much and was pretty tired. I then lied and told him that all the girls had made a pact to shave their pussies...

1 year ago
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Property Sex

PropertySex! I tend to spend most mornings masturbating furiously to a variety of blowjob, titty fucking and hardcore explicit lesbian videos, so this morning was a little bit of a change in routine for me. Instead of popping a Viagra, lubing up and stroking it to HD porno, I had a cup of coffee and spent a few hours calling up real estate agents and making appointments to look at new homes. It’s not that I actually need a new masturbation chamber or splooge room, but the sexy bitches at...

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