Out Of Afrika, Chapter 49 free porn video

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Out of Afrika

A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf and Wunderboi

Chapter 49 - The Diary explains it all


Our story thus far:

The welcomed arrival of Rhino the South African electronics conglomerate to impoverish town of Hawksville transformed the lives of many of the original inhabitants and at the same time attracted many outsiders to come and work for the dynamic company. What was not initially understood was that the products Rhino manufactured and the services they provided were all embedded with software which transmitted mind-controlling commands that compelled the recipients to accept and encourage the domination of the black man over white women and for their husbands and partners in one way or another to become subservient cuckolds.

Rhino had over the years devised many innovative methods of sending out this message and now the surrounding area state-wide was fully compliant with most white women having experienced black cock to their immense satisfaction at the cost of reducing their white partners to gaining their sexual relief by masturbation or playing with other cuckolded men.

Janice Baldwin, a personal assistant to one of Rhino's top executives who regularly got her share of black cock from her boss as a work-related benefit, had a husband who was totally conditioned and indeed revelled in being a full-blown sissy. Janice enjoyed nothing more than to humiliate him in the presence of her boss when he called by the house but recently her attention was taken up by the discovery of an old journal written by an ancestor who had been privy to the Slave Trade between Africa and the Americas back in the 18th Century.

Written in cursive script and fading in places, it was hard-going interpreting the account but Janice was a game girl and she was keen to find out what happened next once the slave ship had reached its destination in the new world.

She was also destined to discover the reason for her permanently tanned complexion.


It had been another tough week at work and the prospect of an even busier one to follow after the weekend meant that Janice had no interest in doing much more than being pampered by Herb her wimpy husband and to spending some 'quality time' in the Den reading the diary of her Great-great-great-great Grandmother (she thought she had the relationship worked out right!). Already she felt a close bond with her ancestor not least of which that they shared the same name which made it was easy for her to imagine herself as being the one relating the story. The thought of being dressed in crinoline frocks and no knickers, which was the style of those times, excited her greatly and now that her ancestor was at the point in the tale where she was in close proximity of muscular, strong, half-naked black men who were subservient to their white masters was situation that made her head swim.

Herb made himself look busy when he heard the sound of Janice parking up outside; no way did he want to incur her wrath by claims that he hadn't done his chores, not when he had plans of his own that evening which would require her approval. He opened a bottle of her favourite wine which had been chilling nicely in the fridge and poured a glass just in time before she came through the door.

"Hi, sweetheart. How was your day?" he said waiting deferentially whilst she took off her coat and parked her purse. He wasn't really that concerned for he knew that she would have very little interest in him. She mumbled an 'it-was-OK' answer and passed him by to go through to the lounge.

"I've poured you a glass. Why don't you sit down, put your feet up and I'll get your supper prepared."

She looked sideways at him as he handed her the glass and thought to herself as he scuttled back toward the kitchen that maybe, just maybe, she had been treating him a little too harshly lately. Perhaps she ought back off on the humiliation treatment for a while; give him a break.

She called out to him, "Don't worry about making anything special. Maybe a plate that I can take to the den so I can catch up with a work project. We're not entertaining anyone tonight and I need a few hours on my own, undisturbed."

He couldn't believe his luck. Usually Friday nights she had one or other of her bosses and co-workers over and he was expected to be at her beck and call whilst she 'entertained'. The entertainment always culminated in her being fucked in imaginative ways by these black men and he invariably had to clean up the mess once they had left. Not that he really minded for he felt he was making himself useful and certainly everyone gained great amusement from the sight of him dressed in his girly clothes and revealing from time-to-time the cage that so effectively entrapped his little cock.

"Uh, that's fine. Umm, so I'm guessing that you have no objection to me going out this evening."

"No, why should I? What are you doing, where are you going?"

"There's a WIMPS meeting at the church tonight that I would like to attend."

"WIMPS, what the hell is that?"

"You know, it's the 'Women Instruct; Men Provide Support' group led by Melanie Baker and tonight there are a couple of new recruits that she would like us to meet."

"Ah, yeah. I remember. Isn't that the thing where you sissies get together and swop notes and look at each other's little limp dicks?," she said with a laugh in her voice.

Herb blushed at hearing it put so bluntly. He thought their activities deserved more respect than that throwaway remark. "Um, yes, something like that," he answered meekly.

"So, I'm guessing you might want me to use this," she said hooking a finger under her necklace on which a small key hung.

"Um, yes. I would appreciate that."

"OK, go make me a sandwich, a little salad on the side and then you can do whatever you please. Come here, lift up that ridiculous-looking apron and I'll get you unlocked."

Herb sighed with relief for two reasons. First that she had so easily conceded that he could go out and leave her alone; secondly that his cock which had been getting stiffer as he thought of the possible joy he would be experiencing at the church was suddenly released from the painful restraint of the chrome cock cage.

"Thank you; I'll get your supper and I'll be off then."

Janice waited to hear the sound of the front door being closed before she took her supper into the study. She cleared a space on the desk top, opened up the old journal and found the bookmarked page she had last reached. She took a bite of her sandwich and read on.

"With the midday sun beating down and threatening to redden our pale skin Kathy and I were most grateful for the attention of two young midshipmen who had been instructed to hold parasols above us so that we might be shaded from the fierce rays. We were much amused to be in close proximity of these young men for they were the same whom we had seen regularly being 'buggered', a word that dear Kathy introduced into our conversations when we had been observing them from our secret vantage point in the evenings at sea. I was tempted to loosen the britches of the young man who attended me so that I might give him some gentle attention to compensate for the distress he had suffered from the hands (and cocks) of his rough sea-mates but I knew that Kathy might not approve of such dalliance with the lower classes, particularly not when we so exposed to every passer-by's view.

It was a measure of how worldly I had become during our voyage to even to be thinking of doing such a thing. I flattered myself to think that such ideas would never have occurred to the young girl who had set out from our refined English country manor all those weeks ago.

Aunt had disappeared into the building that held the offices of the Harbourmaster. I assumed that her departure from my sight was due to some business requiring completion following the sale of the slaves but Kathy appraised me that this was not the reason for her absence. She asked did I not see the licentious behaviour that passed between our Aunt and the Harbourmaster whilst the slaves were being inspected and sold. I had not.

Kathy assumed in her worldly manner that, yes, business was being concluded but it was not of a nature that involved anything other than quelling the fires that must have been building between them as they had been making their lewd suggestions during the sale. Those fires she assumed were now being truly stoked. She added that we would not be waiting long for the Harbourmaster had a reputation for concluding business very quickly.

And she was quite correct in her prediction for as I fanned myself a call from the Quayside indicated that the business of selling and distributing the slaves had been completed and we took our leave of our two attendants and joined our Aunt who was simultaneously smoothing her dress and shaking the hand of a very flushed Harbourmaster.

We alighted the waiting landau which would transport us to the plantation which was destined to be our home for the next few months. As we drew away I observed the slaves chosen by my Aunt (which included the magnificent Samuel) loading our trunks onto a cart which I presumed would shortly be following us.

We quickly left the confines of the seaport and the dwelling shacks that comprised this rude town and were soon into a landscape that appeared to be covered with tall vegetation the like of which was unknown to me. Both Aunt and Kathy laughed to witness my ignorance, as they so often did whenever I displayed my naivety, and educated me as to these plants being the source of our wealth and good fortune. Such was my introduction to Sugar.

We proceeded alongside these fields and I often glimpsed half-naked black workers both male and female within the fields who were wielding long blades to cut down ripened stalks and then bundling together their harvest. Our slow pace over the uneven road gave me ample opportunity admire the physic of both sexes and I swear that I detected a similar catching of breath from Kathy as we looked upon the bare chests and breasts of these black bodies before us. She squeezed my hand in recognition of our mutual interest.

Such was the wondrous scenery that passed before my eyes as we made our journey that bought us to gates that were sentinel to a magnificent mansion which stood at the top of the hill in the centre of the plantation , known as Sugarhill estate.

We were met at the entrance to the house by two liveried footmen who looked most splendid in their uniforms of red jacket and light breeches. Aunt alighted first from our carriage and as the magnificent looking Blackamoor assisted her I could not fail to notice that the size of their manhood was prominently suggested by the restrictive nature of the cloth that covered their legs. I nudged Kathy and whispered to share my observation and she smiled and conveyed something to the effect that we would likely be observing much more quite soon if she knew anything about what was in store for us here at Sugarhill.

We alighted and followed Aunt into the house where she was greeted with much enthusiasm by her other brother who was the master of the estate. They appeared most familiar to each other and by their actions I found it confusing to believe they were siblings and not of some other more intimate relationship. Kathy did not share my bewilderment and indeed when she greeted her uncle he took the same liberties with her as he had with her mother and I was much perturbed to observe how his hands lingered and caressed her breast as he kissed her. I was introduced to him and, for shame, I blushed at the remarks he made about my appearance and how he was looking forward to making my acquaintance. I was not to know at that moment to what he was referring but did catch Kathy's eye as she listened to our converse and again she had that knowing smile on her face.

After he broke our embrace he became the perfect host and summonsed a fulsome black lady who had been standing to one side to come to our aid. She was introduced as 'Mammy' and we were told she was to be our 'maid of the bedchamber' who would care for us during our stay. Her title suggested a degree of intimacy and I was soon to discover that the suggestion was real for it was revealed to me that Mammy had been a nursemaid to Kathy and had taught her well throughout my companion's upbringing and annual visits to the family estate.

We followed her to our suite of rooms in this superbly furnished house and we were shown a comfortable drawing room which had doors leading to our separate bedrooms which in turn had common access to a bathroom. When we entered the bathroom Mammy instantly turned the faucets to draw a bath for she had recognised our flushed and somewhat uncomfortable countenance caused by the heat and the dusty journey we had endured. Mammy instructed us to go to our rooms and disrobe.

I did as I was told for although I did not know this person I recognised that she was despite her lowly station just carrying out her duties and as such I should have no concerns of proprietary or immodesty. Kathy for her part already knew what to expect and it was a measure of her keenness that by the time I returned to the bathroom I was somewhat perplexed to see Kathy was already standing naked in the warm water of the bath with Mammy washing her down with a soft sponge.

They looked up at my appearance in the doorway and I was admonished for not having complied fully with the instruction to get undressed for in keeping with my moral values I had retained both my chemise and my petticoat. I was told quite forcefully by them to remove the last vestiges of clothing before being assisted by Mammy to stand in the bath alongside Kathy.

There was no shame shown by either of them when I held onto Kathy's arm to steady myself as Mammy began to wash me down in the manner which I had observed she had applied to my voluptuous cousin. I suppressed a nervous laugh as I felt the sponge being drawn between my legs and for my cunny to be attended to in such an intimate fashion. Mammy commented that I was a lucky girl to have such a pretty cleft and that she would always make sure that I was properly prepared. I was not to know to what events to what she was referring that required such preparation.

Kathy, a previous guest at this house, was more aware than I at what went on and being concerned at my show of ignorance she turned me so that she could give a reassuring embrace. I responded with passion to her display of care and without shame and with a sense that such hedonistic behaviour was the normal course in this tropical land I excelled in feeling our wet titties pressing against each other. I felt my pulse rising as we kissed and then without breaking our embrace I felt her hand wend its way between us and her fingers to find the entrance to my cunny. It felt divine as she wiggled her hand against that place that she knew so well would please me and I gave myself up to receiving her attentions. All the while Mammy kept up with her task of washing us down and I was sure that I could hear her crooning some melody as she looked on approvingly at our actions.

Kathy paused her embrace of me much to my disappointment and stepping out of the bath commanded of Mammy to remove her blouse which had become soaked. Mammy did as she was told without hesitation and I was treated to the sight of a pair of luscious black breasts that were heaving I assumed from the exertions of her efforts in applying her ablutions. Kathy then assisted me from the bath and we stood side by side to be patted with drying cloths by bare-breasted Mammy who applied herself with much close attention to her task.

She spoke all the while to neither one of us in particular and my ears were unfamiliar to her way of speaking but I concluded that she was making compliment to our countenance and form as she sighed with not a little degree of passion as she smoothed the cloths over our nakedness. Once again she took great care with her attentions between my thighs I became certain that her interest was not directed purely toward ensuring that my body was being dried but rather that she was attempting to give me some pleasure and satisfaction. Kathy observed my palpable reactions and by way of rewarding Mammy for her diligence she reached out and stroked and caressed those fulsome black breasts.

I should have been shocked at taking such familiarities with one's servants but in the short while I had been in this strange exotic land I had learned that such behaviour which would be unthinkable back in the land of my birth seemed to be of no consequence here in Hispaniola. I was sufficiently intrigued at the sight of Kathy's white hands on those black titties to want to feel for myself and so I joined in the attention by adding my hand and was fired with further passion as I felt the smoothness of that ebony skin and to touch the stiffened nipple. Mammy ceased her unintelligible talk and gave a small moan as she stood obediently with her two charges pawing at her naked teats. Her moans became louder when Kathy leaned further forward and dipped her head so that she could begin to kiss and suckle at her globes.

Mammy patted and smoothed the hair on Kathy's head and for the first time I could understand her words when she said something to convey, 'Welcome home my baby girl ... Mammy will look after you just like she always do ... ' It was most curious but I was to learn that Kathy had been wet nursed from birth by this black lady and what I was witnessing was an extension of that ritual that they re-enacted whenever Kathy returned to her Caribbean home. It was to be another scene to which I would become accustomed whenever we would be in the privacy of our quarters as was the next.

Kathy released her hold and with no ceremony whatever turned and went into her bedroom and bid me to follow. She lay on her bed and patted the space alongside indicating that I should emulate her position which I meekly did so that we were side-by-side on our backs with our legs trailed over the edge of the mattress. Bare-breasted Mammy followed and went to a cabinet from which she removed a bowl of perfumed unction. All was done without any instructions being given and I knew that I was about to witness another step in their unspoken ritual of ablutions.

Mammy took a smear of lotion from the bowl and standing to one side of the bed began to smooth and spread the sweet smelling unguent over the prone body of my dear cousin who's hand I tightly held. I watched with fascination as Mammy's black hands massaged the cream over her lily white body taking the greatest of care that no part from her head down to her toes was left untouched. Great attention was paid to her hirsute cunny and I was treated to the sight of that coral coloured slit being disturbed by the black fingers of our servant. Kathy made no protest at this intrusion and indeed by her reaction (for I observed that her nipples had become quite stiff) encouraged her 'Nanny' to linger. It was a most invigorating scene to witness and I knew that once Mammy had completed her endeavours to the satisfaction of my cousin that my turn would come to be the recipient of such attention.

I was not to be disappointed for under the skilled hands of Mammy and with her leaning over Kathy so that she could once more suckle on those magnificent black breasts I heard my cousin give what can only be described as a whimper as she clearly reached that wondrous plateau of delight and had made her spend on the black hand that was between her thighs.

Mammy gave a smile that said her work was done and she picked up the bowl and came to my side of the bed and began to apply the same ritual to my willing body. Just as she had done with my cousin lotion was applied and I marvelled at the skill as I felt the warm hands smooth salve over me; she fondled my little titties; rubbed the cream between my thighs and after she directed me to turn onto my front she caressed the cheeks of my derriere with her oily hands before smoothing her way down to my toes. I was much disappointed when she stepped from my side so that she could return the bowl to the cabinet for she had not done to me as she had done with Kathy.

I thought I was to be left unsatisfied and would be left with the fire that was by now raging in my belly but my distress was short-lived for Mammy returned to the bed and under the instruction of Kathy I rolled over so that once again I was on my back. Mammy kneeled at the end of the bed and on parting my legs I reacted with shock at what I suspected was to come about. I made to close my legs but she was stronger than I and she held me apart and said in her curious accent in so many words, ' you must not, my sweet girl, think to hide all these treasures from me. My sight must be feasted as well as my touch . . . I must devour with my eyes this springing bosom . . . Suffer me to kiss it . . . I have not seen it enough . . . Let me kiss it. . . What firm, smooth, white flesh is here! . . . How delicately shaped! . . . Then this delicious down! Oh! let me view the small, dear, tender cleft!'

She bought her face toward that precious part of me that she had so diligently lubricated with her unguents and began to lick at my wet slit and so I was introduced to what I was later told was the practice of cunnilingus. It felt divine and as her tongue worked its way between my lips I was transported to a heaven that I never knew existed. Mammy showed evident skill and soon I was taken to the same plateau and I helplessly made my spend over the black face that was being so attentive between my thighs.

When I recovered from my ecstasy I looked upon Kathy who was still at my side holding my hand. She smiled to see the evidence of my pleasure and said to me something to the effect of, 'welcome to Hispaniola, we are going to have such fun'. ....

... and she was correct for the experience with Mammy was just the beginning to our hedonistic existence where away from the censorious gaze of English society we were treated to much delight at the expense of those who were our social inferiors. I quickly became versed in the manner in which one should regard and treat slaves for they were indeed, as Kathy often mentioned, there to serve and provide for our pleasures.

Our daily routine was to be awoken by Mammy who would attend to us and provided whatever pleasure we may demand to assist our awakening. She was an attentive servant and needed no encouragement. After a repast of fresh fruits or something similar for our breakfast we would dress in our finest crinoline day dresses which had been tailored to be both fashionable and cool attire for the oppressive heat of the tropical island where we now resided. As walking out was an uncomfortable prospect Kathy and I would often summon one of the landaus so that we might tour the estate and observe the slaves at work in the sugar fields or take the ride into the town whence we arrived so that we might accompany Aunt who had business affairs to attend with the Harbourmaster and the occasion allowed Kathy and I to explore the few shops and markets.

It was not a particular exciting pastime for Kathy and I, we much preferred the alternative pursuit when with the assistance from the servants we would take a picnic, a book and maybe our needlecraft and repose beneath the shade trees that overlooked the sugar fields. There we could observe the black slaves at their labours under the watchful eye of the overseer, a Spanish man of cruel countenance who urged his charges to greater efforts whilst from time to time taking great liberties with the females who had no defence from his demands.

The first time I noted his behaviour I was shocked that he could be so brazen in his conduct for he took no account of our proximity when he would take one of the black women from the field and with little ceremony he would lay her down on the ground and drop his pantaloons to expose a reddened stiff peggo which then without concern for the women's condition he would violently frig her. Once he had had his way with her she would be just as quickly dismissed and commanded to get back to her work.

This performance would be enacted before our gaze twice, maybe thrice, during the duration of our stay and, for shame, I became used to seeing this and indeed began, just like Kathy, look forward to watching the vigorous manner in which this insatiable man would conduct himself.

The evenings were passed in more civilised comportment for we would dress for dinner under the attention of our beloved Mammy who would quell the fires that had been stirred by the sights of the day and we would repair to the dining room to enjoy a meal served on fine china and wine from crystal glasses. My presence in the company was now complete and I was accepted as being one of the family and no familial pleasures were denied me. Indeed my Aunt and her brother (my Uncle I had to continually remind myself!) regarded me in the same light as cousin Kathy and I was much pleased to be attended to so.

After we had been satisfied by our repast we would take our drinks into the parlour where the events of our day would be shared. Kathy had no qualms about retelling the behaviour of the Spanish overseer and it was then that I learned that the reason why he was allowed to conduct himself with such vigour and without shame. Uncle explained for my benefit that his foreman was not indulging himself for his own selfish pleasures but it was an on-going attempt to impregnate the black females. He justified his behaviour saying that the mounting costs of transporting and buying slaves from across the ocean could be ameliorated if slaves were bred once they had been conveyed to the estate which explained why he turned a blind eye to the insatiable demands of his foreman. It was a long-term solution to tempering the cost of maintaining the estate but it all made perfect sense to my naive understanding of how such matters of business were conducted.

Following my acceptance of this elucidation Uncle decided that we should extend the practice so that it could become a matter of entertainment for us. So it was that the two liveried black servants would after they had completed their duties of restoring the dining room to be available for the next meal would be despatched to the slave's compound in the dip of the valley where they were commanded to select two females who were ripe for breeding. It was a task which all parties involved relished for the servants knew they would soon be performing for their own pleasures, the females knew that they would be receiving special favours that was in contrast to their own miserable existence and we, the spectators, would be entreated to the sight of stiff black peggos being fucked into the willing cunnies of their black sisters.

At first it was a matter that a space was cleared in the middle of the parlour and we would sit facing the participants and simply would delight in the sight of these black creatures fucking each other with much vigour up until the point when the footmen would spend their seed into the womb that their long cocks had penetrated. Kathy and I followed the example of Aunt who would be softly rubbing herself through the material of her dress and I am certain by our sighs that we all experienced that most delightful feeling that overcomes one at such a time of passion. Uncle similarly had no qualms about loosening his restricting trousers and putting his hand inside so that he could grasp his own peggo which I assumed must be as stiff as the black boys we saw before us. The evening would pass in relative silence punctuated only by the grunts and moans of the rutting of the black participants before us and be joined by the soft sighs of congratulation as we met our own climax.

Such entertainment became more familiar between us when after a few evenings of witnessing such pleasure without discussion or plan Uncle removed his trousers completely and I was much discomforted to see his stiff peggo exposed for all to view. He had no such qualm and commanded that one of the black females who had been selected for the evening come and make suck . She being of a complete subservient nature didn't hesitate and quickly did his bidding. Uncle then looked over to Kathy and I with languid eyes and indicated that we should lift our dresses. Aunt had already done so. He then leaned back in his chair to allow his charge to have unfettered access to the cock she was enthusiastically sucking and with an imperious wave of his hand he indicated that the other three naked slaves should attend to us three ladies. So it was that the black boys quickly came over to Kathy and me and the other female went to Aunt. The boys dropped to their knees and tossing our petticoats above our waists acted on that a****l instinct that I had observed so many times during our travels and buried their heads between our open thighs. Aunt was receiving the same attention from the female slave and soon we were all experiencing the delights that a willing mouth and tongue can provide.

I lost count of how many times my servant made me spend. Indeed, I was not always sure which one had applied the sweet conclusion for as time went by and our familiarity with this entertainment grew we seemed to become indulged in a merry-go-round of different tongues and cocks. Indeed, it was cocks for Kathy could not contain herself when she was presented with a stiff black cock that might be poised by her face and she would turn and lick and give suck at the deferential footman. I was soon to follow suit with such behaviour but we would not bring the recipient to conclusion for it was accepted that the place for the potent black seed was destined for the waiting cunnies of the female slaves. Not so for my Uncle for we would delight in the sight of his attention from one of those slaves and see his peggo spout and spurt his seed as they would so cleverly bring him to ecstasy.

Such was our hedonistic existence and one that I had no suspicion would come to an end in such a dramatic fashion. I was not to know that this part of the world amongst its other deprivations suffered storms of the most frightful magnitude at a certain time of the year and it was without any warning that with the summer months beginning to fade that such a storm struck and our island was subjected to what I was advised was known as a Hurricane. I had never known such a force could be inflicted from the heavens and I was wont to believe that I was being made to atone for my sins and the licentious behaviour to which I had become accustomed.

The storm did rage for two or three days and we were ensconced in a small cellar which had been built beneath the house in anticipation of such ferocious events. The servants other than Mammy were not allowed to invade our refuge and had been despatched to find their own haven from the storm. I knew it to be a decision that they bore with much resentment. Mammy attended to us to the best of her endeavours but we had little resource to sustain us and inevitably she was commanded by my Uncle to accompany him as he left us in the cellar whilst he went above to forage for provisions. He chose his moment unwisely for no sooner had he left us the storm sounded to magnify its force and with a final act of vengeance the winds did strengthen and we heard the sound of destruction as the wooden framed house collapsed above us. My misery was compounded when after the winds did abate that Mammy returned to our shelter looking much dishevelled and declared the dreadful news that Uncle had perished when a falling beam had crushed him below its weight. We were all bereft at the news and I feared for Aunt's sanity as she wailed her distress.

Darkness fell and with it the storm seemed to have spent its destructive nature and a relative calm was restored. Aunt had by this time regained her senses and become the formidable lady who we much respected. Seemingly putting the death of her brother to one side she declared that help must be summonsed and she despatched Mammy to go to the slave compound and seek assistance. She departed on her mission but our anxieties increased when she did not return.

The daylight dawned and hearing nothing that indicated that help was at hand we emerged from the cellar and picked our way through the wreckage of the house which had collapsed above us. We feared not to look for the remains of our dear departed Uncle but instead made our way to the brick built stables where there was but one horse remaining in its stall. The a****l seemed unperturbed by what had befallen us and Aunt found a saddle and in her indomitable fashion mounted the a****l and said that she would go to the harbour and seek help from the Harbourmaster and his compatriots leaving Kathy and me to hurry our own way down towards the slave compound to find shelter there. It was to be the last we would see of her or any other white person for a few days.

Our expectations of finding solace were soon to be dashed for when we approached the compound by way of passing through the flatten fields it was clear that all was not as we might have expected. The slaves were meandering about with no clear sense of purpose and more importantly with no evident supervision of their Spanish overseer. We passed into the compound much relieved to reach this sanctuary only for our relief to be dashed when Samuel the slave who we had made acquaintance on our voyage appeared amongst the melly of half-naked blackamoors and informed us with a degree of relish that the overseer, just as Uncle, had perished when a falling tree had crashed through the roof of his quarters. His evident delight of sharing this news was increased when he said that they were now no longer to be considered as slaves because the Good Lord had bestowed up them their freedom by the miracle of sending this storm to punish their white masters for their cruelty toward them. My blood was chilled when he declared that he had assumed the role of leader and that from thenceforth onward he would be extracting his own retribution for the indignities and suffering that had been inflicted upon him and his race. He looked at Kathy and me and there was no doubting from the look in his eyes that he had us in mind to begin that extraction and the restoration of his dignity.

The compound because of its sheltered position in the dip of the valley had been spared the full destructive force of the storm and the huts that populated it were relatively sound in structure. It was toward one was one of these that Kathy and I were roughly pushed and there inside was Mammy who smiled to see us enter. However, her smile was not one of welcome for she clearly had taken profit from the circumstances in which we found ourselves and had joined in the declaration of freedom with her peers; it was a look of triumph that creased her face and my heart sank further when I realised we were not to expect help from that quarter.

My fears were made manifest when I felt a push in my back and I was propelled toward the crude pallet in the middle of the hut that served as a bed. My shins hit the wooden frame and I fell forward much pained from the force of contact and began to cry my protest . A pair of hands turned me to lay me on my back and as I looked up through my tears I saw the triumphant countenance of Mammy who moved to hold my arms fast above my head and then saw to my horror Samuel who was standing at the end of the bed already divested of his cloths and with his fearsome affair with its fat purple head atop the ebony shaft. I had the presence of mind to recall the times on the ship when I had seen him being so cruelly abused by the sailors and it took no time at all to know he was now looking toward bringing about retribution and punishment for my being complicit to his shame.

He tossed up my petticoats; and seeing, I suppose, there was nothing to stop or dash him, he feels out, and seizes, gently, the center-spot of his ardours. Oh then, the fiery touch of his fingers determines me, and my fears melting away before the glowing intolerable heat, my thighs disclose of themselves, and yield all liberty to his hand. A favourable movement and giving my petticoats another toss, the avenue lay too fair, too open to be missed and Samuel was upon me. I wailed my distress but could not suffer to stop myself to make my cunny as commodious and open as possible to his attempts. His machine, meeting with no inlet, bore and battered stiffly against me in random pushes, now above, now below, now beside his point till, burning with impatience from its irritating touches, he missed the mark. Mammy released her hold of me and reached down and guided his furious engine to where my young pink slit was now to be taught its first lesson of pleasure from a proper peggo and not the playthings that Kathy had thus far used on me. Thus under the guidance of Mammy's hand he nicked and the warm and insufficient orifice was made to find no breach impracticable and as young and unversed as I was in the ways of the flesh he entered my virgin canal which was still far from wide enough to take him easily in.

By Mammy's direction, however, the head of his unwieldy machine was so critically pointed that, feeling him forthright against the tender opening, a favourable motion from me met his timely thrust, by which the lips of it, strenuously dilated, gave way to his thus assisted impetuosity, so that we might both feel that he had gained a lodgement. Pursuing then his point, he soon, by violent, and, to me, most painful piercing thrusts, wedges himself at length so far in, as to be now tolerably secure of his entrance, here he stuck, and I now began to feel such a mixture of pleasure and pain, as there is no giving a definition of.

I dreaded alike his splitting me farther up, or his withdrawing; I could not bear either to keep or part with him. The sense of pain however prevailing, from his prodigious size and stiffness, acting upon me in those continued rapid thrusts, with which he furiously pursued his penetration, made me cry out, "Oh, you brute, you are hurting me so!"

My remark was enough to check Samuel in his midcareer; and he immediately drew out the fat shaft which was the cause of my complaint. His eyes shewed no grief for hurting me, and his reluctance at dislodging from quarters of which the warmth and closeness had given him a gust of pleasure only served to make him now desire-mad to satisfy his lust on this novice and not be afraid of my withholding his relief, on account of the pain he had put me to.

I knew that my state of affairs was dire and that with no help or sympathies at hand I decided I ought make the best of my circumstance and so I relaxed as much as my distressed mind would allow. I was far from being pleased to believe he had much regard for my tender exclaims but, for now, I became more fired with the sight of the object before me, as it still stood with the fiercest erection, unbonnetted, and displaying its broad purple head, I first gave the brute a reproachful look but he took that and repaid me with a fervour that seemed to have interpreted my expression as a bribe of my farther compliance and he soon replaced myself in a posture for me to receive a renewed invasion. He did not delay an instant and once more with Mammy's hand grasping his girth and with words of encouragement from the spectators standing around the bed I once more felt the smooth hard gristle forcing an entrance, which he achieved rather easier than before.

Pained, however, as I was, with his efforts of gaining a complete admission, which he was so regardful as to manage by gentle degrees, I took care not to complain. In the meantime, the soft strait passage gradually loosens, yields, and, stretched to its utmost bearing, by the stiff, thick, indriven engine, I became sensible, at once, to the ravishing pleasure of the feel and the pain of the distension and I let him in about half way when all the most nervous activity he now exerted, to further his penetration, gained him not an inch of his purpose. He hesitated there, and with no warning the crisis of pleasure overtook him, and the close compressure of the warm surrounding fold drew from him the ecstatic gush, even before mine was ready to meet it, kept at bay by the pain I had endured in the course of the engagement, from the insufferable size of his weapon, though it was not as yet in above half its length.

I expected then, but without wishing it, that he would withdraw, but was pleasantly disappointed for he was not to be let off so. The brutish Samuel, hot-mettled, and flush with genial juices, was now fairly in for making me know my driver. As soon, then, as he had made a short pause, waking, as it were, out of the trance of pleasure in which every sense seemed lost for a while, whilst, with his eyes shut, and short quick breathing, he still kept his post, yet unsated with enjoyment and solacing in his continued stiffness, which had scarce perceptibly remitted. Feeling no resistance from my prone and captured body he proceeded afresh to cleave and open to himself an entire entry into me, which was made easy to him by the balsamic injection with which he had just plentifully moistened the whole internals of the passage. Redoubling, then, the active energy of his thrusts, favoured by the fervid appetite of my motions, the soft oiled wards can no longer stand so effectual a picklock, but yield, and open him an entrance. Now, with conspiring nature, and my industry, strong to aid him, he pierces, penetrates, and at length, winning his way inch by inch, gets entirely in, and finally mighty thrust sheaths it up to the guard. On the close jointure of our bodies (insomuch that the hair on both sides perfectly interweaved and incircled together), the eyes of the black brute sparkled with more lustful, vengeful fires, and all his looks and motions acknowledged excess of pleasure, which I now began to share, for I felt him in my very vitals!

I could not say it or reveal my true emotions but by now I was quite sick with delight! I was stirred beyond bearing with the ebony erection's furious agitations within me, gorged and crammed, even to surfeit. Thus I lay gasping, panting under him, till his broken breathings, faltering accents, eyes twinkling with humid fires, lunges more furious, and an increased stiffness, gave me to hail the approaches of the second period. It came and the grunting blackamoor, overpowered with the ecstasy, shot that genial warmth into the innermost recesses of my body; every conduit of which, dedicated to that pleasure, was now on flow to mix with it.

He rolled off and his deflating peggo slipped from the hot and overflowing recess of delight, the widened wounded passage refunded a stream of pearly liquids, which flowed down my thighs, mixed with streaks of blood, the marks of the ravage of that monstrous machine of his, which had now triumphed over my maidenhead.

I thought that my ordeal was over and that perchance by my show of willingness and compliance to this assault that we might be given that assistance that bought us to this place. I was quickly disabused of that naive notion for no sooner had Samuel rolled off me, sated from his exertions, than another slave who I had seen before in Samuel's company was upon me and sliding his equally large stiff erected peggo into the wet maw that Samuel had created. I looked about me and saw others who were standing stroking their fat affairs and waiting their turn to be at me or Kathy who I then saw being similarly ravished on another bed. I felt my consciousness slipping away as I realised that far from being given help from those who had previously been our charges and subject to the whim of their white masters that we were now in the position of being treated just as they were, their playthings.

Thus for the next two or three days we continued for some instants, lost, breathless, senseless of everything, and in every part but those favourite ones of nature, in which all that we enjoyed of life and sensation was now totally concentred. I had been transformed from being a lady of privilege and purity to be nothing better than a slave myself, a slave to black cock.'


Janice carefully closed the journal, her heart racing, her emotions on fire as she absorbed what she had just read. Her ancestor, her great-great-great grandmother (or however many greats it was) had been ****d by black slaves and survived to tell the tale. What a story.

She sat back in her chair, pleased that she had remembered to place a towel on the seat and lifted the hem of her skirt and slid off her panties. She opened the desk drawer and removed the 'Oskar' black dildo then with eyes closed reimagined the scenes that she had just read. She would return to the journal later ...


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Out Of Afrika Chapter 11

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 27

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 7

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Out of Afrika Chapter 13

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 29

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 21

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 24

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Out of Afrika Chapter 19

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 19

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 26

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Out of Afrika chapter 20

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Out of Afrika Chapter 2

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Out Of Afrika chapter 4

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Out Of Afrika chapter 2

OUT OF AFRIKA, Chapter 2Simone and Janice drove their regular route to the premises of Rhino IMEX to begin another day of - what to them was laughingly called - work. In truth they both could not believe their good fortune in being recruited and then employed by this dynamic fast-growing foreign company. Neither of them considered the fact they possessed any specialist skills relative to the high-tech enterprise that was Rhino IMEX but having been approached and then hired they both agreed that...

3 years ago
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 31

Out of Afrika, Chapter 31A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and Wunderboi******Seydou mused over the past few years since he retired from Rhino and set-up his photography business. It had been the best move he ever made and he was still excited with how things had worked out, especially from the aspect that a lot of his work most recently resulted from his previous association with Rhino industries which often sent customers his way. Indeed, he never knew...

2 years ago
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Out Of Afrika chapter 3

Out of Afrika – A fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B******Chapter 3Ian parked up on the drive and carefully stepped out of the car holding the Birthday cake that Simone had ordered from the local bakers. She had called him at his office (despite knowing that he didn’t like to be disturbed by domestic matters when he was so busy) and given implicit instructions for him to do so after finishing work. He had taken the call and attempted to remind her he might have more important things to do. She...

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Out Of Afrika Chapoter 34

Out of Afrika, Chapter 34A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and Wunderboi******Three months had passed and the new immigrants from India to Hawksville felt that at last they had settled in to become a part of the community. It had been a difficult and sometimes traumatic transition from the hustle and bustle of their home in Southern India to the relative calm of the US Eastern seaboard but with the help of her husband's new employer, Rhino Industries, the...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 39

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf and Wunderboi ******Chapter 39 - The Good works of the Church******​Our story thus far:The Church of the Black Staff was established in Hawksville in parallel with the arrival of Rhino Industries to the small town on the Eastern Seaboard. The faith and philosophy is loosely based on Pentecostal beliefs but with a difference, it is all about the superiority of the Black Man over the White. With the...

4 years ago
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 45

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******​Our story thus far:Hawksville with the assistance and influence of its major employer, Rhino Industries, has become a truly interracial community where complete harmony between Black and White and every colour in between exists. Interaction between the races is encouraged and because there is no stigma or shame attached to having a mixed race c***d inevitably there have been many...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 41

Out of Afrika, Chapter 41A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******Chapter 41 - Family History (with acknowledgement to John Cleland and Fanny Hill)******Our story thus far:Hawksville, a small town on the Eastern Seaboard had become the center of excellence for the application of Rhino's mind-controlling systems and understanding and acceptance of the superiority of the Black Man and woman over the White. The many inhabitants of Hawksville bear...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 23

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 23Professor Colin Steeves slowly awoke and blinking the sleep from his eyes became aware of two new sensations. First was the pure bright sunlight that was streaming through the open window of his bedroom of the guest lodge on the high African plateau, it was quite unlike that which usually greeted him back home in the grey suburb where he lived. The second awareness was the feeling of a soft...

2 years ago
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 44

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******Chapter 44 - Retirement comes in a Rush******​Our story thus far:The continuing story of the Town of Hawksville's acceptance of the massive black African-owned and operated Rhino Industries Inc. This is a continuum of our OOA tale with a follow up on the 75-year-old lawyer, Rush, who is Rhino's lead legal authority, and his busty bombshell wife Rosie, who is thirty-three and developing a...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 35

Out of Afrika, Chapter 35A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and Wunderboi******Chapter 35 (by Wunderboi)My Wife's Sexual Awakening, Pt. 02By: wunderboi©Emily twisted on the bed trying to accommodate the heavy load as Ma'Bill took her from behind in the age-old doggy style position, She was now crying out demanding more and more of the fulfilling feeling of Ma'Bill's big cock in her soaking wet pussy. Ma'Bill rotated his hips expertly as he thrust into the...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 1

Out Of Afrika, Chapter 1 Chapter 1Simone and Ian watched as their daughter fumbled with the small tightly wrapped package looking for an edge where she might get a finger nail to tear at the gift-wrap. They looked on amusedly as the box was rotated and then, at last, Chloe found a weak spot and with a small cry of triumph the paper was ripped off to reveal the last of her gifts; an anonymous plain white box.It was the morning of her 16th...

3 years ago
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Out of Afrika Chapter 9

Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B******Chapter 9 (written by Wunderboi)Clarissa slipped behind the wheel of her pearl white Mercedes. She had insisted on the most expensive paint option and the car glowed in the early morning sunshine. She smiled to herself, remembering her father's advice many years prior, which was to marry a much older very rich white man of the controlling class of Americans so that she would have a full life of ease and importance. She had pleased her father...

4 years ago
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 9

Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B in conjunction with Wunderboi******Chapter 9Clarissa slipped behind the wheel of her pearl white Mercedes. She had insisted on the most expensive paint option and the car glowed in the early morning sunshine. She smiled to herself, remembering her father's advice many years prior, which was to marry a much older very rich white man of the controlling class of Americans so that she would have a full life of ease and importance. She had pleased her...

2 years ago
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Out Of Afrika SsynopsisPrologue

Out Of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B.Synopsis;Rhino Electronics, a South African company, successfully negotiates setting up a US subsidiary to manufacture and market its innovative Mobile Phone. However the phone is not all that it seems for it has capabilities that are hidden to the user; in truth it is a portal for posting subliminal messages to the user to do very explicit and compelling things when told by the Black managers of the company. The residents of Hawksville have no...

2 years ago
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Safarie in Afrika... wie hatte ich mich nur dazu Überreden lassen können? Jetzt befand ich mich mitten im Nirgendwo des afrikanischen Busches. Während mein Vater mit meinem Onkel gemeinsam rausgefahren waren um lauter als jeder Elefant zu Jagen versuchten, hatte ich mich alleine auf den Weg gemacht. Zwar hatte mich der Führer gewarnt das es hier wilde Stämme gab die noch etwas rückständig seien aber nach der "Siedlung" in der wir wohnten ging es wohl nicht noch primitiver. Nichteinmal Wind...


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