- 2 years ago
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It’s Friday night, and she’s getting out of the taxi. She’s very tired, and longs for a hot bath and her bed. The bath will have to wait. She can’t pour a tub in the middle of the night, the neighbors will complain if she wakes them up. She’s gonna straight to bed. Someone’s using the elevator. Oh, good, here it comes! She checks her reflection in the mirror as she’s going up, and makes a face. She’s tired, and she looks tired. Who knew office parties were so tiring? A lot of people getting drunk and shedding their inhibitions, doing and saying things they’ll regret on Monday morning. Maybe she’ll put on a mud mask tomorrow… The elevator doors open, and she stares at the scene in the hallway. A woman is standing on her hands and knees outside Sam’s door, scooping up things from the floor and putting them in a small, red purse. She stands up, sees Ellenor in the elevator, and her chin drops. Ellenor’s brain doesn’t want to work, it’s tired, she’s tired, she wants to go to sleep in her comfortable bed with the featherfilled bedthrows – but this annoying little voice at the back of her head is listing all the evidence, the strange woman’s cheekbones, her eyes, her adam’s apple…
Ellenor steps out of the elevator.
“Hello, Ellenor.”
His voice is tense, his body’s stiff, as if he expects her to hit him.
“Wow,” she says, eyeing him. “You look good!”
He’s still not sure of her reaction, she can tell.
“How about a cup of tea?” she suggests. “My place?”
“That would be nice.”
He walks with her into her apartment. Ellenor kicks off her shoes.
“What a relief!” she says. “One more minute in these and I would have had to amputate my feet!”
“Mind if I take off mine?” says Sam, and puts his red purse on the little table in her hall.
“Sure, make yourself comfortable,” she says, and walks into the kitchen.
Sam sits down at the kitchen table, is unusually quiet while she tells him about her night. Ellenor fixes tea for them. Not until they’re sitting there with their cups, does he speak.
“My name’s Samantha.”
Ellenor fidgets with her hair.
“I had no idea you liked this,” she says.
“It’s not a hobby,” says Sam. “It’s a way of life.”
“What’s the attraction?” she asks. “I mean, why do you do it?”
“I like to look pretty,” he says. “I go out with friends, we go to clubs… I want to be beautiful. I want men to look at me and think that I’m a princess! I want to feel good about myself!”
“Just like I do,” Ellenor says.
Sam nods.
“Yes,” he says. “You dress up to feel sexy, to look incredibly hot, to turn a few heads… upstairs and downstairs.”
“But why as a woman?” she asks. “You’re gorgeous as a man. Why do you want to look like a gorgeous WOMAN?”
“I like it,” he explains. “All of it. The preparations. Lotion, silk, perfume, make-up… I love it. It makes me feel beautiful, in a way that dressing up as a man doesn’t. I feel… sensual.”
Ellenor bites her lip.
“Why have you never told me about this?” she says. “We’ve been friends for 5 years, but I had no idea that you… liked this.”
“I wasn’t sure how you would react,” Sam says. “It’s happened to me before that friends have drawn away from me when they find out.”
“I’m not like that!”
Ellenor gets out of her chair, runs around the table, and hugs him.
“You’re my best friend,” she says. “What do I care if you wear pants or skirts?”
He hugs her back, hard. She sits down again, and gets herself a refill of her cup.
“I don’t know anything about this,” she says. “Do you and your friends go to, like… special clubs?”
“Sometimes,” he says. “If you want, you can come along next time and check it out.”
Yet another Friday night. Her life seems to revolve around these nights alone. Tonight, she’s accompanied Sam to his favorite club, QUIRK. She’s still not used to seeing him in drag, but she likes Samantha, she’s like a new great friend, a friend that has shared a secret with Ellenor, just like little girls do to prove that they’re indeed best friends. Apart from the dress and the hair and the make-up, it’s still Sam, though. She finds herself thinking, over and over again, “I gotta tell Sam that she said that”, and then she remembers. It’s strange. But she likes it. She likes to go out with Sam, no, Samantha! She likes it that guys are staring after them, the two pretty girls in their sexy dresses. She likes the comfort of having a girlfriend to talk to, especially a girlfriend who’s big and strong. OK, Sam’s no beef, but he’s still stronger than she is, thanks to all the workout, and that makes her feel good. They get out of the taxi in front of QUIRK, and Samantha waves at old friends while she escorts Ellenor into the club and up to the bar.
“That’s Ted, he’s an asshole, there’s Lisa and Jennifer, they got married in Denmark last year and are trying to have a baby with Fred and Ali over there. Over in the corner you have Danielle, oh my god, he’s finally got the breast implants done, good for him, he’s been waiting for that for years, oh, dear, here comes Ruby and Jake…”
Ruby’s a very tall, black, model-esque woman, or so Ellenor thinks, until Ruby opens her mouth and speaks with a deep, deep bass.
“Samantha, DARLING! It’s so good to see you!”
She bends down, and they exchange cheek kisses. Jake, a short, fat man, merely smiles and nods at them.
“And who’s this?” says Ruby, fastening her huge, hungry eyes on Ellenor. “Some fresh blood?”
She gives Ellenor a sudden vision of a vampire, a seductive, dangerous vampire.
“This is Ellie, my very good friend,” says Samantha. “She’s never been to this perverted part of town before.”
Ellenor smiles and shakes their hands. Ruby grins, showing all her teeth. They’re shining white, and rather big, but they’re not sharp and pointed, as one might have expected.
“You’re throwing this little lamb chop to the big bad wolves?” she says. “Samantha, you should be ashamed of yourself!”
“Don’t let her looks fool you,” says Samantha, and puts an arm around Ellenor’s shoulders. “She may look innocent and girly, but in reality, she’s a 4-time martial arts champion!”
Oh, is she, now? Ellenor smiles widely to hide her surprise. Ruby raises her eyebrows in disbelief.
“She doesn’t talk much, though,” she remarks. “You’re not mute, are you, dear?”
“No,” says Ellenor. “But I tend to keep my mouth shut when I don’t have anything worth saying.”
Samantha smiles, and Jake takes Ruby by the arm.
“Ruby, precious, I see Jimmy and Carla over by the door,” he says. “We simply HAVE TO say hello to them!”
He drags her away.
“Was I terribly rude?” Ellenor asks.
“Not at all, you were great,” says Samantha. “That Ruby’s a real hyena.”
She orders a glass of wine for herself and a glass of mineral water for Ellenor.
“Is Jake her boyfriend?” says Ellenor.
Samantha laughs.
“Try her sugardaddy,” she says. “Quite disgusting, really!”
They get themselves a table, and sit and watch the crowd. There are all types of sexual preferences in there. Transvestites in full outfits are flirting with the gay guys, or standing in their own little groups. The only thing that tells the S/M dominatrices and their slaves from the militant dykes and their girlfriends, are the suits and ties on the men. A group of gay men are standing next to the men’s room, looking like they’ve just stepped out of a Tom of Finl
and – artwork. And over by the speakers stand a handsome man all alone, looking uncomfortable.
“Straight guy, tricked into coming here by friends, and now he’s alone and terrified,” is Samantha’s theory.
“He’s cute,” says Ellenor.
“Go get him!” says Samantha.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t! I’m out with you!”
“And I’m not gonna fuck you, but he probably will,” says Samantha. “Now go get him before I do!”
“Are you sure you don’t mind?
“Not at all. I’ll buy Danielle a beer, and listen to all the gory details from his operation!”
She walks up to the handsome man. He looks at her, almost fearful.
“Hi,” she says. “Wanna dance?”
He leans over to talk in her ear.
“No offense… but I’ve seen `Crying Game´ like, 3 times!”
He thinks that she’s a man? She starts to laugh.
“Don’t worry,” she says, moves in closer, and puts her hands on her own breasts, squeezing them together to make the cleavage look deep and interesting. “These are for real!”
He’s still not convinced.
“So are those!” he says, and points at Danielle.
Samantha is apparently checking Danielle’s new body parts for cancer, as far as Ellenor can tell. She turns her attention back to him and smiles. He really is cute. He’s got thick blond hair and pouty lips. He looks good in a suit. Either she snatches him, or one of Tom of Finland’s fans are gonna take a shot at him. A cute, nervous guy, in his early 30’ies… She feels strong and powerful. She wants to play. And she wants to play with this cutie. She takes his hand and quickly places it under her skirt.
“Did the guy in `Crying Game´ have one of these?” she says.
He stares at her. He moves his hand a little. He can feel that she’s moist. He licks his lips and slides a finger inside her underwear. She shifts her weight so that his finger reaches just the right spot. She’s getting turned on, by his touch and by the incredible fact that she’s letting a guy finger her inside a nightclub. Thank goodness it’s so dark in here! He whispers in her ear:
“You’re not into any kinky shit, are ya?”
“Like what?”
“You know… S/M, toilet things – it’s not me, you know.”
“Me neither,” she reassures him.
They take a taxi home, as soon as she’s got Samantha’s blessings. He tells her a little about himself in the car. His name is John, he works with finances, and he only came to QUIRK to accompany a friend on his bachelor party. He got separated from his pals, and was just about to flee through the emergency exit when she walked up to him. He behaves like a good boy until they get into the elevator, then he kisses her and puts his hand back inside her panties. Not another one! What IS it about this elevator that turns every man she takes home into a drooling octopus? Maybe it’s the intimacy of a small space? She has to ask Sam about it one day. They get inside her apartment, and he takes her hand and puts it on his crotch. He’s hard and ready. And as far as she can make out, he’s even more well equipped than Mark. She leads him into her bedroom, he trips over the carpet, and they fall onto the bed, with him on top of her. He’s good. Way better than the others. She leans back and lets him undress her.
“Can you turn on the lights?” he asks. “I want to see how sexy you are!”
A man to her liking! She turns on her reading lamp, and watches with pleasure when he goes down on her. Oh, yes! He’s good, all right! She moans with delight.
“Do you have any protection?” he asks, and she gets a condom out of the drawer in the bedside table.
He’s naked in like no time, and she watches greedily as he puts the condom on. He’s MUCH more equipped than Mark! Yum, yum! She eagerly parts her legs for him. He comes to her, and for the next 10 minutes, everything’s just fine, then he suddenly pulls out.
“Turn around!” he says.
Oh, he wants to do it doggystyle? Sure, she likes that one! She gets on her hands and knees, he moves closer – and then she screams, and jumps out of bed.
”Jesus!” he says. “What’s the matter?”
“That was my ASS!” she says.
“I know.”
“I never said you could fuck my ass!”
“Hey, come on… I’m sorry. Will you gimme your ass now?”
“Why not?”
“Because it hurts, and I don’t like it!”
“I’ll be gentle.”
“Come on… it can’t be that bad. Lemme have your ass!”
What’s his problem? What part of “no” doesn’t he understand? What man keeps begging after a woman has said “no”? What’s the fun in doing something that he knows that she doesn’t enjoy? Then she spots something in the open drawer, and gets an idea. She grins wickedly.
“Tell you what,” she says. I’ll let you fuck my ass – IF…”
She picks up her “9 pink jelly dildo out of the drawer.
“…IF you’ll let me shove this thing up your ass first!”
“No way!” he says. “I’m not GAY, for fuck’s sake!”
“It’s not gay,” she says. “It’s just so that you will understand how it feels like, what you’re asking me to do.”
“But that’s different!” he says. “Girls like that!”
“Says who?”
“I’ve seen it in every fucking porn flick I’ve ever watched!”
She stares at him. Is he mocking her, or is he really that stupid? She grabs her sweater from the chair in the corner of the room, and puts it on.
“What’s your problem?” he says.
“I want you to leave now,” she says.
“Oh, come on!”
“Hey, OK, you don’t want it anal, I get it. But could we do it the normal way? I haven’t come yet.”
“Get out!”
Grumpy, muttering, he takes his clothes and gets out into the hall.
“Could you at least give me a blowjob?” he says, getting his shirt on.
She opens the front door and pushes him out, and throws his clothes out after him. She quickly slams the door shut and locks it. She can hear him swearing loudly out there. What an asshole! She leans against the door, slides down on the floor, and sits there, crying, waiting for Sam to get home. Assholes are even worse than bimbos.
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Now, I'm gonna pretend this didn't happen, 'cause it's too bizarre to believe. You see, I'd run to Wally World for some stuff ... you know, groceries and toilet paper, crap like that. Wally World was the usual madhouse, crowded as hell, with no registers open, so the lines were halfway back through the store. The normal stuff was happenin' for a Sunday ... the Mexican families were there. They bring every damn kid in the neighborhood to the store with 'em. Shit, I bet they bring kids...
Need a waifu sex simulator? Nothing can beat the thrill of finding your favorite waifu. Not when it means you are an apple of the eye to each and every sexy babe in a whole group of waifus. There are playful 2D girls counting on you to entertain, feed, clean, and put them to bed. In addition, use your gaming prowess to satisfy their unending sexual drive. The game is published by Super Hippo and pays homage to the iconic Tamagotchi, meaning it brings nostalgic feelings while also adding an...
Best Porn GamesWe located a vacant spot, stripped off, grinning stupidly at one another like we were a pair of shy girls changing for gym class, laying down in the hot sun. After a while we both needed to cool down and paddled out into the water to soothe our sun baked skin. As I turned to face the beach, I pulled Alice’s back to my front, the water was shallow enough for me to stand with my shoulders just out of the water but Alice trod water. I pulled her closer, her tits bobbing in the water, I reached...
Susan was a bartender at a local sports bar where I had gone to watch Green Bay Packer games for a couple of years, being in the U.S. Army, I tried to keep up on my favorite team when ever I could. I would just show up on Gamedays, but after a couple of years I started to frequent the bar more and more, happy hour, Saturday afternoons and weeknight evenings. I got to be a regular and got to know the locals and the staff pretty well. As time went on Susan and I got to be great friends, we...
Janie looked up, her eyes full of suppressed panic. “How? Did he tell you?!”Bella laughed, “You’re not the only one who’s good at picking up on things.”“I really did not want you to know.” Janie set her quill down. Her shoulders slumped. “I didn’t want you to be upset with me, and I didn’t want to have to explain myself. I don’t really know why I did it. The whole night was very strange.”“Please don’t lie to me, Janie. I promise, I’m not upset. I think it’s wonderful,” Bella reached across the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe wait finally ended, Phil felt peculiarly unrushed. As they say, he'd waited over two and a half years, what's a few hours? Sitting in his old red VW beetle, probably on its last legs after the long journey from Cambridge to Chicago, he watched for the motherfucker Marisol married to leave the house. Arriving in Chicago late in the evening, he had slept at his fellow Harvard graduate's parents house. Despite the dark cloud of lost love and the unresolved discord with his parents, by...
Friday finally arrived, like a slow train ... it seemed to Lynn that the day would never pass. Lynn checked the kitchen clock over and over, it never seemed to move. Finally it was time to get ready to go. Her husband Don did not seem terribly unnerved, and was sitting by the TV waiting for Lynn to get ready. She packed a few naughty, new outfits, boots, and assorted BDSM items in her bag. She donned a pair of hot-pink, thigh-high, ballet-boots, a pink and white vinyl, paneled flare-skirt that...
IncestT Ladies Orgy(T minus three weeks)Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' wherethe quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until theyare triggered by a significant event.Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he had suppressed thefeelings for so long...
These are compliments of Smokey Joe There was this preacher who was an avid golfer. Every chance he could get, he could be found on the golf course swinging away. It was an obsession. One Sunday was a picture perfect day for golfing. The sun was out, no clouds in the sky, and the temperature was just right. The preacher was in a quandary as to what to do, and shortly, the urge to play golf overcame him. He called an assistant to tell him that he was sick and could not do church, packed the...
Brian's Long Walk Brian is a 21 year old bum. He's been living with Maria, a 22 year old care assistant for five months. He's also been sleeping with Christine, a 19 year old student. Maria has to work a sleepover in the care home one Friday and Brian seizes his chance to see Christine in the evening. Unfortunately for him, things are not quite what they seem... INFORMATION - this story deals with themes of enforced infantilism and feminisation and contains mature adult content and...
"Hello, D u home” my brother Darion called out as he came to babysit me when he came home from work "Yea I’m taking a shower" I yelled out to him from the bathroom. I came downstairs and gave my brother a kiss on the cheek and I saw his friend Anthony a.k.a Ant when I saw him he was looking at as always but I mean what boy wouldn't I’m 5'2, sexy Carmel color, round eyes that fit my round face, nice round bouncy D cup boobs, big juicy booty, nice long golden legs, but I’m 15...
Me and hubby decided to make a trip to Kerala like last year, so we call Jeena my friend in Kerala. Actually last year we stayed at her house and we became friends and we were like sisters. I was in Kerala for some months lastyear without my hubby. (Now I'm writing this from her house)We are staying upstairs and Jeena with c***dren down, her husband is a military doctor and not at home.After we decided a trip to Kerala, we book air tickets and so on. As usual i didn't wear anything under my...
This story is 100% true that happened mid-December. Even though I am studying for my finals, I still need to get the car fixed, hang with friends and eat Wing Stop. Even though I did get fired from Wing Stop when the fall term began, I know I can get free food from there since I was very nice to the cooks, cashiers and the customers. I refused to cuss out the customers when I was mad and I know when my blood sugar is low enough, it feels like I’m high which made me nicer to deal with. If there...
InterracialThis is the second part Introduction To Sex. If you haven’t read the first part, click on my username and read part 1 first. Thanks. Both I and Tina went downstairs to join my parents and my Aunty Leela. They had stopped talking about the events of the year and there was food and drink on the table. As me and Tina started tucking into the food, my parents said that they were going to bed as they would like an early start in the morning to avoid the morning traffic. With the goodnights said all...
By Blackdawn Morgan had always been curious of herself and her surroundings, and when she begun hearing the noises coming from her older brother’s room had brought it to the attention of her parents, thinking he might be hurting himself and hoping to get the approval out of her parents that she had done something good, that she was looking out for her older brother, making sure he stayed out of harms way. She was surprised when everything backfired and turned around on her, she found herself...
Jake's shoulder felt a little better the next morning. More stiff than sore, it didn't hurt him too much so long as he didn't move it too much. The bandaging helped with that. Lisa had rebound it after breakfast and, while it restricted his movements, it also stopped him hurting himself too much. The young couple walked to the stable to collect their horses. They had been taken there the night before, along with the two extra ones from the men that had been shot. It was the first time...
Walking into my room, I see you waiting for me. As commanded you are bent over my bed, naked, presented, and rubbing; the moisture visibly running down your thighs from the work of your busy fingers. I was a little later than I expected, and I wonder just how long you’ve been like this, exposed, vulnerable, and eager for my touch. I see your legs trembling and I have my answer—it’s definitely been a while. I can see that you're close to the edge but I know that you’ll follow my rules and won't...
Straight SexAs I rested myself into the soothing hot tub, I heard a voice call me. I had just entered the hot tub with my drink only moments ago. Since I didn't want to exit the nice hot water immediately, I answered, "I'm here in the hot tub." This tub is in the backyard. The voice was coming from the front of the house and sounded like that of my neighbor. In a few seconds I saw my 19 year-old neighbor, Mary, come around the side of the house and walk up to the tub. I had just placed my towel on the side...
Pam saw me stir and cooed, "Good morning Mr. Wood." She reached for my erection. "Very funny." "You mean you're not Mr. Morning Wood?" "Pam, I've got to go. Can you give me a moment?" I almost ran to the bathroom. Returning to the bedroom, I saw Pam looking out the window at the sunrise. I walked to her and lifted her into my arms like a baby. Pam squealed with excitement and wrapped her arms around my neck. With one arm under her knees and the other supporting her back, I...
For several years I want to put down my own feelings towards everything as it is. But the society morality e.t.c has restrained me to put down my feelings which hope the feeling of every human being. But the FSI has given me the opportunity to fulfill my desire. So I am greatly thankful and indebted to them.This is the true story of my life. I tried to factual as far as possible. I tried to keep my feeling and views honest. A few feeling were from the point when I see the incident when it...
IncestI continued stroking James’ rapidly growing erection and very soon my hand failed to close even halfway around him. He was now kneading my swollen breasts and nipples and his tongue was working its magic in and around my very sensitive left ear. His hot breath, his ministrations of my breasts and the feel of his enormous and weighty cock in my hand were combining to make my head spin with lust and anticipation. I felt his right hand travel down over my hip and onto my soft belly and I swear...