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iBimbo "So, Cassie, "Jack Straw said, "your resume looks good and I'll get back in touch in the next few days. We would like a quick decision and start." Jack Straw rose from his corner seat in Starbucks and shook my hand. "Sorry, I have to rush to another meeting. Talk soon." Jack Straw was a young CEO of a startup and looking for junior software engineers. I had just graduated and was interviewing for the position. It was exciting to have the opportunity and it seemed the company was well financed and would do well. I looked at my watch. It was 4.25. If I ran I could make the 4.30 pm bus to the train station. I gathered my papers in a hurry and put my laptop away in my backpack, swung it over my shoulders and ran out. I had a few minutes and it was less than a hundred yards away. I saw the bus approach and dashed out toward the bus stop. In my haste I didn't see the person on the sidewalk and crashed into her. I fell on top of her. It took me a moment to recover and sit up. I was grateful that I had fallen on top of the lady and my backpack with laptop was still intact. I looked at the lady in stunned silence. I had bumped into a lady that I can only describe as a hooker. She looked at me too in shocked silence. The cigarette she had been smoking lay smoldering a few feet away. "I'm so sorry," I said. "I was rushing for the bus and wasn't paying attention. Are you ok?" The lady looked at me. Even with all that makeup I could see she was in some pain or discomfort. Luckily, nothing appeared broken. I stood up and tried to help her up. I don't think she wanted my help but obviously couldn't get up easily and so allowed me to help. She stood unsteadily on heels that were at least 4" tall. I had never worn heels that high except once to a Halloween party where I was dressed a showgirl. "Are you ok?" I asked again as I saw the lady fumbling with the purse she had over her shoulder. "Yes," she said and looked in her purse and brought out a pack of cigarettes. She took one out and lit it, inhaling deeply and kept it in her mouth. She took the cigarette out of her mouth and just "I'm OK," She stuck the cigarette back in her mouth, inhaling and blowing out smoke. She took out her cellphone and took a selfie and sent it to someone. Strange way to behave after that knock, I thought. I was glad she wasn't that badly hurt. "Can I get you a coffee?" I asked. "I really am sorry it was my fault." "No, thanks. I'm OK," she replied crushing out the half-smoked cigarette. "Do you have a car here? I can walk with you to the car." I had missed the bus and needed to wait at least forty minutes for the next one. "I live near here. Five minutes to walk, Thanks." Her voice was husky and I noticed her shift her weight. I think one heel was damaged causing the lady to be unsteady on her feet. "I'll be OK." I think she was trying to go back to her apartment. But I didn't think she would make it with that damaged heel. She found her balance and tried to walk away and the heel slipped. She was sure to fall. I wasn't sure why she didn't walk barefoot. "Look, I have some time until the next bus comes. Let me walk with you." I truly felt sorry for her. It wasn't deliberate but it was definitely my fault. Whatever she was doing dressed like that, it was not for me to judge. The lady looked at me silently. She was trying to make up her mind. She looked rather pretty but had make up plastered on with a trowel. Very heavy pink and dark-blue eyeshadow, large false lashes with heavy mascara and bright red lips. Large earrings dangled from her ears. Curly dark blonde hair framed her face. May be she was going to a party. It didn't matter to me. I just felt guilty. "Thanks," she replied. "It's not far. My name is Jackie." "Oh great," I replied threading my elbow through hers. "I'm Cassandra but everyone calls me Cassie. You can lean on me." Jackie lit another cigarette and kept it in her mouth. I tightened my grip on her elbow and we hobbled off. With that cigarette in her mouth she couldn't talk so I let her guide me. It was slow. Unless she really meant she didn't live far, I was going to miss the next bus too. The Starbucks was in a small strip mall along a busy road. There were some low-end shops and a small Italian bistro. Nothing special. Behind the row of buildings was a narrow path and through a gap in the hedgerow, there was access to a modest apartment complex three stories high. It was just a two minute walk at normal pace but it was six or seven minutes for us to arrive. There was no talk as Jackie smoked. I was still wondering why Jackie was dressed like this in broad daylight. I grew up in a small town of just under 2000 people the only child of a single mum. She worked hard and encouraged me to go to college. I managed to get into a local school and just graduated with my Computer Science degree. Mum was so proud of me. I was also pleased at this interview for a junior position at this start up. . Everyone knew there were corners at night where a few ladies displayed their wares. When I was at community college, I still lived at home and on a meagre budget couldn't afford to go out much. But there were parties and sometimes I would get out and see nightlife in the town nearby. We were at the entrance to the apartment building. Jackie crushed out her cigarette and said, "Thanks. I can manage." "No problem," I replied. "Again, I am so sorry." I turned away to head back and heard another crash. Jackie was thrown against the hedgerow as her heel snapped. I turned and saw her thrust against the hedgerow and rushed to her. "Let me help you in," I said grabbing her around the waist. Jackie looked at me. I thought she appeared frightened but I couldn't think why. I wasn't judging her and besides she may be dressing for a costume party or something. I tightened my grip around her waist. Which floor?" I asked. It would be a challenge if Jackie lived on the top floor. These low buildings didn't have elevators. "Just ground level." Jackie appeared to look scared now as she grabbed a single key out of her purse and opened the main door. Her apartment was immediately to the right and she opened it and I walked in with her. She looked very relieved as she slipped off her shoes, leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. A short hallway led to a small living area. My job was done but I needed the restroom first. I had a long journey back home. "Jackie, can I use the restroom please?" I asked. Jackie opened her eyes and looked at me. She looked at the other end of the hallway and I could see the bathroom. "Please," she croaked and pointed at the door. I went past the entrance to the living room to the bathroom and did my business. I took my time and rinsed my hands. I opened the door and heard voices. Was there someone else in the apartment? Was that why Jackie appeared scared? Her husband? Boyfriend? Pimp? As I took a few steps toward the living space, I heard a man's voice speak. It was stern and demanding. "Where the fuck were you?" the voice asked. I heard Jackie say that she had a small accident but was back now and that's why she was late. The voice went on to describe her as an ungrateful slut who would get her punishment tomorrow. She was to do exactly as he had said or else. Did she want all her friends and colleagues to see the pictures? I heard Jackie sob and repeat, "No, no, I'll do as you say." I was glad it was a phone call as I didn't want to meet that guy in person. The voice said 'good' and the call ended. I didn't know what was going on but it seemed Jackie was in some kind of trouble. I didn't need to know her to understand this and the threats. "Jackie," I said softly. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear that. Are you in trouble?" Jackie was seated at the small desk and turned around in shock. She had forgotten I was here. I saw black streaks of mascara filled tears roll down her cheek. She looked desperate and frightened. I didn't know the reason but I felt for her. I went up to her and hugged her from behind. Jackie pushed back and responded to my embrace. "Sorry," she said, holding my elbows and drawing me to her. "It's a long story." "I have nothing on tonight. Let me make a call and then we can talk if you like." I grabbed my cell and called my mum and told her I am meeting a friend and would call her later when I was on my way back. I told her the interview went well and I could hear how happy she was. Jackie had not moved from her seat at the small desk, the laptop still open in front of her. She suddenly got up, went to the small kitchen area and brought back two cans of diet soda. Silently she sat back at the computer, took a big swig out of the can in unladylike manner and turned to me. "You know who I am, right?" Jackie asked. I looked at her not really understanding her. I had just met her less than a hour ago. How could I know her? I looked at Jackie's tear smeared face. Black tracks of mascara stained tears were rolling down her heavily rouged cheeks. There was a lot going on and Jackie was in trouble with a guy. I went up to her, still seated at the computer, and hugged her from behind in a gesture of sympathy. She moved back in response and we stayed that way for a moment. As i moved away one of my long earrings got entangled in her hair. As i hurt from the tug in my ear, i used my hand to disentangle the hair and found a pile of blonde hair in my hand. I saw short brown hair underneath. Jackie let out a scream and started sobbing. I didn't mean to remove her wig. It was an accident. Jackie's hands searched for the wig but it was too late. I moved back to untangle the hair and it fell in a pile on the floor. Jackie turned around with the saddest look on her face, with a trail of tears ruining her makeup. "I am sorry," i said, "I was trying to disentangle my hair." The look in Jackie's face still haunts me: surprise, shock and horror. In the space of an hour I had managed to hurt her twice. "It doesn't matter anymore," she said, "my life's over." "Whatever do you mean?" I asked. "Who would care? It's only a wig." Jackie gave me a haunting look in disbelief. "What?" I asked. She looked at me strangely and then began to laugh in a wild belly laugh. After a few minutes, seeing my discomfort, she stopped. "You still don't know?" She said her laugh subsiding. "Know what?" I asked unsure between her bouts of tears and laughter. "I am boy under all these clothes and ruined makeup." Jackie's tone was serious. I looked at her in disbelief. She was dressed like a cheap streetwalker and nothing she did or said gave ne any idea that there was a boy underneath all that powder, paint and clothes. Jackie stood up now, she was about my height without her heels and still had a boyish female figure with short brown hair. She hugged me tightly. I could feel those massive breasts press into mine. "I need to explain. Give me a few minutes to change. I can drop you home." I was too shocked to protest and nodded. It was only 5.30 pm but mum would be worried. I called her and said i was helping a friend. She only asked if it was a boy or a girl. I didn't know what to say. I could hear her pleasure as i said "boy" and that i wouldn't be late. She sounded happy. How could i tell her who it was? It wasn't long before a good looking boy stood before me. He was slim and had nice features. This was quite the contrast to busty Jackie. I had seen boys dressed as girls before at parties, especially at Halloween, but i had never met and talked to one. I didn't even know his real name. He had scrubbed off the makeup but there still smudges around the eyes. He just wore a plain t-shirt and jeans. He was the image of the 'boy next door'. I was confused between Jackie and the boy standing in front of me. He looked at me. "I am sorry," he said softly. "I really appreciate your help. As you heard, i am in a lot of trouble." I looked at him unsure of what to say. "My name is Jason Armstrong." "Hi," I replied softly, "my name is Cassie Jones. I am sorry I bumped into you. It seems I caused you problems twice in an hour. Haven't done that before." I was feeling comfortable with Jason in spite of how he had looked earlier. "It's not your fault. I am sorry to put you through all of this." Jason looked really desperate and I really felt sorry for him. "I owe you an explanation." "You don't need to explain anything to me. But it does seem you are in trouble and need help. I'm here if you want to share. I don't know what I can do, but I am a good listener." I couldnt help but feel that running into him caused him more problems. "Ok," Jason said and sat down at the desk. "I've been cross dressing for some time now. I don't know what started it. My mom knew but didn't say much. She is a single mom and works two jobs." "My mom's the same," i interrupted. Jason looked at me with a surprised look. "Mum stayed silent and even saw me dressed. I didn't go out till Halloween one year and my confidence grew. I used to buy outfits and shoes in thrift shops. I borrowed lipstick from mom. I dressed occasionally through college and found a good job here at Cresswell industries as a graphic designer after I graduated. That was just some months ago. It is a good job and i met a girl there. We went out a few times and I was feeling good. On the days i was not meeting Lisa i used to come home and dress. I was able to afford some new things and so felt great. I had some money, was able to buy new stuff and had a girlfriend too. Of course i didn't tell Lisa about Jackie. Last Sunday Lisa was busy so i decided to try out some new things. I spent a lot of time on my makeup and I looked good." Jason showed me some pictures of Jackie in 'normal' girl mode on his laptop. She looked great and I wouldn't ever think of her as anything but female. "I was sure you were a girl even with the heavy makeup until the wig came off." I smiled at the memory. "You look really good. I like the dress and makeup. I cannot tell you are boy underneath." I volunteered. Jackie looked like a nice girl and I would be happy to be friends with her. Her dress was normal and her makeup was very subdued and matched her outfit. "Thanks," Jason replied with a wry smile. "Anyway Lisa came by in a surprise visit. I guess i had left the door unlocked. She found me all dressed up, fully made up and ready to party. I wasn't going out just trying my new clothes. Lisa thought i had another girlfriend and shouted at me. I was shocked of course and told her that it was I, Jason. After tears and shouting she told me to wait there and fix my makeup. I didn't know why but it was better to keep her quiet. Lisa went to the living room whist I fixed myself up. It didn't take long and i heard voices and so I stepped out of the bathroom. I saw a large man with many tattoos. It was Russ, Lisa's brother, who looked at me and broke out into a huge grin. I had met him once before. 'Lisa. I think the boys would like this sissy. Looks cute, doesn't she?' Russ said 'I am not sure what i saw in this faggot. Makes me puke to think of it. Show the bitch what you got.' Lisa was still angry and I could hear it in her voice, this guy could hurt me badly. 'Well, let's see how she does.' Russ said and dropped his pants in front of Lisa. There was a growing bulge in his boxers. I was scared and began to shake. Lisa saw this and pushed me to my knees. She reached down and put my hands on the waistband of his boxers. I was scared as i was forced to pull it down.' 'Russ rubbed his thing and moved it to my mouth. "Bite it and you'll need dentures," he said and forced it deep into my throat holding my head. In a few minutes he finished all over my face. Lisa was taking pictures with her cell phone. Lisa laughed and took more pictures. I have never done that with a man and was thoroughly disgusted. I didn't have a choice. "Jason started to cry. I had never done that either but I would have been happy to try this with someone I liked. 'I got to get to see the boys, Lisa. We have a game starting at the Boar's Head Bar soon. Why don't you see her outfits and plan on me and the boys having fun this weekend? We can start Friday.' Russ said pulled up his pants and left laughing. "Lisa asked to see my outfits. They were new and outfits for evening wear. 'We'll have to go shopping tomorrow. And then we can have some fun. I'll see you tomorrow in the office.' Before she left she took my phone and emailed all my contacts to her cell. 'Just insurance in case you decide not to cooperate Bring your credit card, we'll go shopping g at lunch time.' Lisa left me and I was frightened and also disgusted at what Russ had made me do." "On the Monday we went shopping to the cheapest stores in town. Lisa forced me to buy cheap, tarty outfits with matching shoes and purses. Also that cheap wig and makeup. Then we went to a special store and she forced me to buy those massive DD forms. She gave me instructions. Every afternoon after work i was to change into one of those hooker outfits and walk up and down the strip mall as if I was a hooker. I was to have a lit cigarette in my mouth and swish my butt. I had told Lisa i hated her smoking. I was to face time her at the start, during and after i came home. Russ would be watching. I would be making my debut with his friends on Friday and I was to be a party favor. I am not sure what he means but I know I will be abused." "Oh Cassie, i don't know what to do. I can't afford to lose my job. I wish I was dead!" Jason started to cry. I didn't understand anything about this. I had bumped into Jackie by accident and now found myself torn between pity and anger that somebody should be put through this. I didn't want to get involved but i had heard Russ yell at Jason. I knew Jason was scared. I didn't care how he wanted to dress. He didn't deserve to be humiliated or hurt. "Jason, it doesn't matter to me how you choose to dress. Whilst I don't understand it, you are not hurting anyone. I feel terrible that your so- called girlfriend started this. Can you drop me off? I want to help but need to think about this and find the right way." "Sure. I really am sorry to bother you but I am desperate. I can't take this. Let's go." Jason grabbed his keys and led the way out. "What's your cellphone? I'll send you my number." I gave him the number and I heard the ping of his text. We drove to my apartment block in twenty minutes in silence. My mind was racing. I had no idea how to help Jason. I knew mother would have plenty of questions too. How could I explain Jason and his penchant for female clothes? Jason gave me a hug and whispered 'thanks'. I really felt for him. I went upstairs wondering g how i was going to explain this to my mum. I had never lied to her nor needed to. Mum greeted me at the door with smiles. ."So, you had a good day, I see", she said. "Sit and tell me all. I just made a pot of tea." I was in a corner and needed to think. We went to the kitchenette and sat down. Mum poured tea for us and taking a sip looked at me patiently. "The interview with AB Soft went well. They are looking to hire a few junior programmers so I think they will contact me this week. If I get the job they want a quick start. Money is not bad either for a start." I took a big gulp of tea. "That sounds very good, honey, I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm sure you're top of the list." Mum was looking at me and I knew she was waiting for news on my other meeting. "So, who's your friend? Is he nice?" "Mum," i retorted. "It's not like that." "What is it like then?" Mum raised her eyebrows emphasizing the question. "Well, he is a little....different," i started to say "Oh really. In what way?" I did not know how to respond honestly without giving the wrong impression. "Well, after the interview i looked at my watch and saw I had just two minutes to catch my bus. I dashed out of Starbucks and saw the bus arriving. I wasn't looking and ran smack into Jac...I mean Jason. I knocked him down and he was also not paying much attention and fell down." "A new way to make friends." I could hear the humor in mum's voice. "Anyway, i banged into him hard and he was thrown and hurt his ankle. He didn't live far away so i helped him to his apartment. He was very grateful and we got talking. He was having problems with his ex- girlfriends brother and so was not concentrating. " "That's a new way to make friends. So, he drove you home?" "Yes. I missed the bus and would have had a long wait. We had a coffee and he offered to drive me home." I was trying desperately to make it plausible and not make Jason look like a weirdo. "Sounds like a very nice boy. You knock him over and he forgives you. He needs your help home but offers to drive you here. You should try to keep friends with him." I don't think mum was trying to be funny but it was her way to show there were holes in my story. "Yes we exchanged numbers. I said I would call him." "Good," mum smiled at me. She knew her daughter well. "You look tired. Get an early night." I went to my bedroom deep in thought. I took a long shower thinking about Jason and how I could help. I hated bullies and had confronted them in my early life. Mum had drilled into me to confront bullies. Jason didn't have a mum like mine I guess. I was still baffled at his desire to dress like a woman but I knew that this was not that uncommon and I didn't have any issue with it. Of course his exaggerated dress and makeup made it harder to accept Jackie as a normal crossdresser but i realized he was being blackmailed into this exaggerated role. He had shown me the pictures when he was dressed as a normal girl and he looked good and very natural. I felt sorry for him but wasn't sure what I could do to help. I went to my room and decided to call Shania. She was my closest friend. I had known her since 2 Grade. Shania was an outgoing girl with a great figure and tanned complexion from her Latin parents. But Shania was born here. We talked a long time and decided to meet early to hatch out a plan. I didn't spare any details and Shania had no issues with Jason's dressing up. She was also disgusted that he would be blackmailed and humiliated. I told her how nice Jackie looked when she was dressed normally. I fell asleep quickly I had a restless night. I didn't have any inspiration. I woke up much earlier than normal and needed coffee. I brewed a pot. Just as it was ready I saw mum in her robe looking at me. "I couldnt sleep either. What's troubling you, honey? The job?" "No, mum, it's something else." We both sipped our coffee. "Mum, i didn't tell you everything last night. Sorry." "Did you have unprotected sex?" Mum was direct. "No mum, nothing like that. We didn't do anything. We're just friends." I didn't recall why I added that. "In that case there are no problems we cannot solve. What is it?" "Mum, I left out somethings, bad things." I saw mum's expression change immediately. It took some minutes but I managed to tell mum all. I described Jackie and how Jason was being blackmailed. I didn't go into detail about the sex part and what Russ had promised Jason or Jackie for Friday. I could see mum' expression change but she didn't interrupt me. After I was done, mum filled our cups again and looked at ne intently. "Does Jason not have any friends or family nearby?" Mum asked. "I don't think so. I think he would have escaped if he did. What can I do?" "Let's think on it. I am happy you want to help and stop the bully but am also concerned you might get hurt. So be careful. I have to get ready for work." "I am meeting Shania this morning and maybe she can help." Mum knew and liked Shania. She was a bubbly personality and mum and Shania's parent knew each other. "Good." "Mum said, "I'm glad you can share that with her. Shania has good instincts." Mum gave me a quick kiss on my head and went to her room. I put the cups in the dishwasher and decided to get ready. I had plenty of time. On impulse I texted Jason and said I would be in touch later. His one word reply was 'Thanks'. I spent some time on the Internet and looked up crossdressing. From major stars to everyday people it appeared to be commonplace. I hadn't met one directly till yesterday. Some of the images showed "women" that looked prettier than many females with great figures too. I thought back to Jackie's normal figure and presentation and I was astonished. She looked great. I met Shania at a local coffee shop. She was already there. We got coffee and started to talk in a low voice. It was busy but not overcrowded. Shania was all smiles. "So, Cassie, what are you thinking?" she asked "Don't know. I want to help but don't know how. I told mum everything too and she had no ideas. I don't know if I should even be getting involved." Shania looked at me and said, "Think back to 10th Grade. Remember Derek? Remember Russ?" I cast my mind back. Shania and I had befriended a boy, Stuart, a small, skinny kid in our class, who was being bullied all the time. He had a troubled home life. I think he was drawn to us because we would speak normally to him. There was a big guy who always picked on him. Russ made him do humiliating things and run behind him. We had watched this for some weeks until big Derek showed up. He latched on to us, Shania in particular, and followed her around like a puppy dog. She would be able to get him to do anything. He was a gentle giant. Shania and I told him about Stu and Russ's bullying. Shania indicated she would be very 'grateful' if Derek looked after Stu when we were not around. The result was that a few days later Russ was off school for some days. When he did appear, he had a large bandage on his nose. It seems he had "broken it" whilst playing football. We knew the truth. Ever since that day, Russ left Stu alone. Today Russ was in some menial job. Stu had gone to college. "Well, yes, I remember," I said after a long silence. "So what?" "Well, Derek is back in town and dying to go out with me. He wants to meet you too, he knows we are close. I am still playing with him. I am sure he will come to Jason's aid if I ask him." Shania smiled confidently. She knew how to keep boys interested. I knew she didn't have any special boyfriends at the moment but she had had several in the past. Unlike me. I dated a boy once in college and things went well until he wanted me to do things with his thing. I refused. He never called again. "When you mentioned Russ, I remembered that the bully in school was also called Russ. Don't think they are the same guys though." "Why would he do that for Jason," I asked stupidly. "Well, he is not doing it for Jason. He will do it for me, especially if I agree to go on a date with him." Shania had thought this through. "How will we get him involved? Don't forget they have threatened Jason with things for tomorrow, Friday." "True, so we need to act today. See if Jason will meet us for lunch somewhere quiet. He should try to find out where Russ and his friends hang out. I am sure they will meet tonight to discuss and plan the big event for tomorrow," Shania seemed to be enjoying this. Without too much thinking I texted Jason. He replied immediately that he would be available. I told him to come toward our part of town as we didn't want to take buses and trains. He had no problem with that and so we agreed 12.30 as a meeting time at a small bakery caf? not far from us. "So what are you thinking Shania? I can see your eyes twinkle and some plot hatching." I had no ideas myself and so was grateful she had taken on the role to plan this. "Need to be careful of course. Jason/Jackie has to co-operate. She should come on to Russ in front of his friends. You, Derek and I will be silent observers at the same place. We should video the whole event. Then when Russ gets all worked up and wants to have fun, I am sure he will want a more private place. We will follow them discreetly. We get more photos and videos and break it up before Russ can hurt Jackie or do anything to her. He will hate having his friends see that he was making out with a boy. Hope Jackie agrees to be who Russ wants her to be tonight - temporarily anyway." Shania took out her cell and dialed Derek from memory. It was a short conversation. "Of course he agrees to pick us up, and then go out." I looked at Shania. "Don't worry, he knows we are like sisters and share everything and this is not an official date - for the moment anyway." Shania winked. "Seems like a lot of risk for Jackie. Will Derek be OK with it?" Shania smiled. "Of course. I'll call him later to explain. He has a car too so that would be another advantage for us." "This will only work if we know where Russ will be. He must also be with his friends. What about the sister Lisa? We also need to get his cellphone so we can copy his address book." I had some doubts but I didn't have a better plan. Shania always came through and I trusted her implicitly. We still had some time to kill and so Shania and I went to our apartment. I called mum and told her I was hanging out with Shania and that we were probably going to hang out tonight. Her only response was that 'we should be careful.' I think she suspected we would be up to something. But she was comforted in that Shania and I would be together. We walked to the bakery and Jason was waiting. He stood up shyly and hugged me. I introduced him to Shania who was eyeing him from top to bottom. I could read her mind: how would this guy look in a dress and heels? Shania hugged him at once. I think she liked what she saw. He had no traces of makeup and looked like a typical boy in jeans and open- necked shirt, quite a contrast to his female self. Jason bought us sandwiches and sodas and we sat at a quiet table. Shania's eyes never left Jason. "I took the afternoon off. Lisa warned me not to forget my afternoon stroll. She and Russ would be watching. What do you have in mind?" Jason took a sip of his drink and looked at us expectantly. "Jason, Shania has been my best friend since 2, Grade. I told her your story and she reminded me of something that happened in school when we were in 10th Grade." I was going to let Shania explain the plan. Shania looked at us and started to talk. "Before we go on, Jason, I am sorry this has happened. Do you really want to stop this? Otherwise this could go on for a long time and who knows what they might demand of you. Also, no guarantee they will not disclose all to your friends and family anyway." Shania was trying to be the social worker she was aspiring to be. Jason looked at me as if I had betrayed his trust. But I was out of my depth. I wanted to help him but had no idea how. Shania was practical and for some reason had fully engaged to find a solution. "You can trust Shani and me," I felt compelled to say. "We are only thinking about you." "Of course I want to stop this," Jason said quietly. "I don't know how and I really am dreading tomorrow. I know they will humiliate and hurt me." Jason sounded really down. I think he decided to meet us in the hope we could help. "Jason," Shania said quietly, "I am sure it is very difficult but we have an idea. We were able to take care of a bully back in school and we wondered if you wanted to try it." Jason looked up at us. I could see a tear forming in his eye. "What do you think? I will move away if I have to. I can't take this." "Jason, running away won't solve it. They will be more likely to send out those images if you run away. You may find yourself in the same situation. You can't run away. You have to confront it. We want to help. I promise you'll be safe." Shania patted his hand. "So what do you want me to do?" Jason asked, pleading with his eyes. "First, do you know where Russ will be tonight?" I asked. "We have to confront him tonight to avoid the action tomorrow." "He normally goes to the Boar's Head, it's a dive bar with pool tables. I heard Lisa talk about how he hangs out there with his cronies most nights." Jason took out a tissue and blew his nose hard. "I've never been there. Lisa goes there sometimes." "Let me ask you. How do you deal with bullies?" Shania took over. "You have to humiliate or hurt them in front of their friends, I guess. I don't know." "Yes. Exactly. That's is the plan. But we need your full cooperation." Shania was looking at Jason closely to see if he would back out. "What do you want me to do?" he asked quietly. "Well, we want you to dress as he wants and go to his bar. Cassie and I will be there with Derek. He is a big guy, football player, and he will protect us. We will go in a few minutes earlier and then you come in, walk up to Russ in front of his buddies and kiss him like a girlfriend would. He will be surprised and will show off in front of his friends. He will grope you a little we are sure. You need to come on to him strongly, rub his crotch etc and then get him high. We will be taking photographs and videos. You should ask for his phone and then say you would like to give him a photo together. Give his cell phone to one of us and ask for a photo. You should get close to him. He is your man, right? He should like that. Then, when he is hot enough, he will take you somewhere where it is quiet as he will need release. We will be not be far away. Just before he does anything, do something near his boy parts to dislodge your wig. You may have to hold his thing. We will take photos. We believe he won't want his friends to see that he was getting off with a boy. We can threaten to send this to all his friends and workplace if he doesn't stop. What do you think?" "I'm sure he will like showing me off to his friends. He promised that I would take care of his friends tomorrow...but if he gets mad, he will likely hurt me and you also." Jason was not too taken with the idea. "Don't worry about that. As we said, our friend Derek will prevent that. We may not be able to avoid humiliation though. I know this is a gamble but it should shut him and Lisa up." Shania and I looked at Jason. There was a big risk here. We couldnt guarantee anything. Jason stared into his coffee cup. He heard his phone buzz and we saw the message from Russ. 'Waiting for your strut.' Jason showed us the message. "I need time to get ready and need to go. I really appreciate your help but I don't know if this will cause more problems and get you guys hurt too." Jason stood up. "Jason, can you give Cassie and me a second please?" Shania took me aside. "Let's go with him to convince him. I'll call Derek to pick us up around 6 at Jackie's place. If Jason backs off, we three can go to dinner. If he agrees to do this, we will be busy making plans. OK?" I wasn't sure why Shania was pushing this. Jason seemed reluctant and was right to be careful. But I knew we had to try. "OK." I said. "Jason, we're going with you," Shania said. It wasn't a question. It was a statement. "Derek will join us later. If you change your mind, we will leave you alone." I looked at Shania. There was no way she was going to let this go. I didn't understand her motivation. She hadn't met Jackie yet but still seemed all in. I knew she hated bullies as did I. "OK," he said softly. It seemed that he was easy to impose on. He didn't fight back. He just accepted we were going there. We drove to his apartment. Jason was quiet. Shania was thinking aloud. "We mustn't be seen together," Shania said. "Just drop us off at the Starbucks and we can come to you a few minutes later. Maybe Lisa or Russ is watching." It was possible as Jason had taken the afternoon off. "I'll leave the front door open and the door to my apartment too. Cassie knows where it is." Jason was playing the game although I suspected he still wasn't convinced. "I need over an hour to get ready," he said softly. Shania and I looked at each other. This had better work or we would both be in trouble. Jason was deep in thought as he drove us. As agreed, he dropped us off. We wondered if we should stay in Starbucks or just give Jason a head start and make our way toward his place. We were impatient and with looks agreed that we wanted to see Jason transform himself. Shania suggested we walk around the apartment to see if there was another entrance. We still couldn't believe that Russ and Lisa would be waiting and watching. They thought Jason was putty and his FaceTime connections would allow them to monitor him remotely. We walked slowly along the path where I had accompanied Jackie yesterday. We walked along the hedgerow fence and saw that there was another entrance to the building with space for parking on the other side of the building. We couldn't tell which was the front or back entrance. As we approached the door, some boys walked out and held the door open for us. That was lucky and we could see the door at the other end of the long corridor where Jason's apartment would be. As he had promised, the apartment door was unlocked. We entered the apartment with a soft 'Hello' called out. Jason called "come in. I'm getting changed. I'm in the last room to the right." I had not noticed yesterday but there were two rooms on the right that led right of the hallway which ended at the bathroom. To the left was the open living room and the small kitchenette in an L shape behind it. The living room was small but certainly enough for one person or a couple. I noticed the laptop on the table on the left "Shania, I don't think our plan will work," I had been thinking the plan through. "What do you mean?" She asked a little brusquely. It had been her idea and I was raining on her parade. "Well, I mean the part about meeting him at the bar and then trying to lead him on. What if his friends decide to go outside too? Derek can't handle all of them, however many there could be." Shania had not thought of that and was scrunching her eyes, deep in thought. "You're right," she said slowly. "We have to entice him here tonight. But how?" I could the cogs at work. "What would lead a man like Russ to drop everything and come over?" Shania was thinking aloud. "What about Russ?" We turned to see Jackie. It was an incredible sight from the Jason we had left over an hour ago. The waist was small, the bust quite big, probably 38D or even DD, the dress a bright yellow of a PVC material that reached only a couple of inches below her crotch. She wore high heels that were at least 5" tall. I would have fallen down with smaller heels. I hadn't worn heels more than 2" high till now. The face was plastered with makeup. Heavy and large false eyelashes, heavy brows and bright, fire red lipstick. Bright rouge adorned her cheeks. Jackie looked like a plastic doll. She wore long dangling earrings I her pierced ears. The wig was the same as she had worn yesterday. She looked unhappy to present herself to us in this way. "Wow," Shania gushed. "That's quite an outfit. How'd you manage to grow those things so quickly? The makeup is quite dramatic. Where did you learn that?" Shania was impressed with Jackie. "Lisa wants me to dress like this to humiliate me. She hates the fact that Jackie looks normal," Jackie looked sad when she said this and we could understand. "Show her some normal Jackie pics," I suggested. Jackie brought the computer out of sleep mode and found albums of Jackie's pictures. She looked so normal, so confident that it would have been very difficult to know there were man parts under all those clothes. "What a beautiful girl you are," Shania said as she scrolled through the albums. "I can see why Lisa would be jealous." Whilst Shania browsed through the images, I turned to Jackie. "I think we need to entice Russ here. I was telling Shania that if his friends decide to go outside to witness you and him in action, we can't handle it. I mean whatever Russ will want you to do, it would be bad. Derek is big but I don't think he can handle two or three guys. What could entice him to come here tonight?" "I have to go, it will take about thirty or forty minutes for me to walk to the other side. They want me to be seen in broad daylight. I have to FaceTime them as I leave the building with a lit cigarette in my mouth. Also when I turn to come back and then when I am back here." Jackie had a small black purse across her shoulder. I had seen her smoking and sending images yesterday. "Can you delay talking to him when you come back? We may need to think of some ideas." Shania was still browsing the albums but her mind was working. "He doesn't like that and I would need a good excuse. He'll be angry like yesterday." I had heard that and that is what had led to Jackie telling me all. "Do you have other outfits here?" Shania asked. "Of course." Jackie led us to her bedroom and showed us his closet. It was full of female attire on one side. A brightly lit dresser held many pots and brushes. I was surprised how tidy everything was. "Why," Jackie asked quietly. "Don't know but it may be too much to resist if Russ saw two women here that would promise him some action." Shania was hatching a plan. "Who would that be?" Jackie asked. "I don't have anyone who would do that for me? I have to go," Jackie said taking a pack of cigarettes out of her purse. She put it in her mouth but didn't light it. She looked miserable. Jackie walked out of the apartment. We hurried to the 2nd bedroom and watched through the curtain as Jackie fumbled in her bag, lit the cigarette and then FaceTime with her iPhone. She was scared stiff. Soon she was out of sight. As soon as Jackie was out of sight, Shania hurried to the closet in Jason's bedroom and looked at the outfits. There were a few real nice dresses, some skirts and blouses. To one side there were the slutty and cheap outfits Lisa had forced upon Jackie. There were several outfits, gold in color, very short and low cut and a similar one in silver. There was a red dress too. "You or me?" Shania asked. "We have to get Russ here and get him hot and bothered, "What do you have in mind?" I asked. "I feel sorry for Jackie, very much so in fact, but I am not going to play with Russ." "OK, I'll do it," Shania said. No discussion. She accepted my decision. It seemed almost as if she wanted to be in that position. She took down the silver outfit too and held it against her. It seemed it would fit either one of us. Jackie was almost our size, but she had a bigger bust. Shania took the gold and silver outfits into the bathroom. Shania appeared a few minutes later in the gold outfit. She looked hot even if I say so myself. She was smiling enjoying the role. "Let's give Russ a reason to rush over," she said looking at the matching shoes. They were a little big for her but she wasn't planning on walking out. I was staring at her bust, bigger than ever and seemingly ready to burst through. "I used some cotton I found in the bathroom to give it some prominence. You like?" She asked coquettishly. "I like very much but I don't swing that way," I said, "or I would jump you now." "Can't let Russ look too close or he'll suspect something. You any good with makeup?" Shania was fiddling with the pots of paint on Jason's dresser. "It's got to be like Jackie, way over the top so he thinks I am like Jackie too." It was said in a matter of fact way. I just nodded my head in agreement. Russ had to believe that Shania was another crossdresser friend of Jason. Shania had some lightly tanned skin, going back to her Latin ancestry. She applied lots of bronze and gold shadow which seemed totally out of place with the Shania I knew. But this was like an actress playing a special role. She drew on thicker eyebrows with a dark pencil, thick at the broadest part and thin at the tapered end. Jackie appeared to have plenty of false eyelashes and I watched in fascination as she chose to glue on the biggest she could find. A heavy application of rouge highlighted her high cheekbones. Bright red lipstick completed the job. She looked exactly like an overdone hooker and matched Jackie's look quite well. I was glad that the dress didn't expose her cleavage too much but the bulge was unmistakable. There is no other way to describe her: hooker. But this was the look she had wanted to create. Jackie would be able to add to her features. It hadn't taken that long and we were expecting Jackie back soon. She would be using face time with Russ to show she was back, "This is the plan," Shania said. "Jackie will have to wait ten minutes before she calls Russ. This is because her "girlfriend". Shaniqua is visiting unexpectedly. Shaniqua was looking for a hot night with Jackie and was waiting at her for when she returned from her strut." Those words flowed fast and almost in one sentence. "If Russ thinks Jackie and Shaniqua are going out on the town, he would want to be the first here to ..to sample the wares. What do you think so far?" I had no words but knew that Jackie would be here any minute and she would decide what happened. If our guess was right, Russ would be here within thirty minutes of seeing Jackie and Shaniqua together. But where was I to go? Derek? So I asked Shania. "Let's talk to Jackie, but I think Russ will want to play with us both, I will try to be there but it is Jackie who needs to be released. So as soon as the action rolls, you and Derek have to start to take photographs. I am thinking that Jackie should be fully made up but without her wig so the shot will clearly show Russ with a male in drag." "Sounds risky," I said cautiously. "I don't know how we will get to take shots of Russ and you guys without being seen or heard." "I think you guys should be in the 2nd bedroom, lights off and the door ajar. If we have read Russ correctly, he will be thinking with his thing down there and will not inspect the room for others. In fact, I think I should open the door for him and get him to follow me into the living room where Jackie will be waiting. He will start to pounce on us immediately and you guys need to slide out carefully and noiselessly. We'll try to be loud so he doesn't hear the click of the camera. You must turn the flash off too." Shania was in form thinking as she went. We heard the door open and Jackie walked in. She looked in shock as she saw Shania and looked at her with open mouth. "We thought that Russ might come over if he thought he could get attention from two bimbos," Shania said. "I was explaining to Cassie. By the way Cassie, can you go and get Derek? He is at the Starbucks but hurry back. I'll explain to Jackie." I hurried out and left the front door ajar; also the apartment door. Jackie and Shania would be in the bedroom or living room. All I needed was a little over five minutes. Derek was waiting as agreed. He greeted me with a big hug. We hadn't seen each other in an year but that didn't seem to matter. We rushed back. As we entered the apartment, I saw that Shania had more makeup. Her mouth looked bigger and she had heavy black lines around her eyes. Jackie had her wig off and stood there like a deer in headlights as she met Derek. They stared at each other a second and Derek gave her a hug. "Don't worry," he said reassuringly. He was bigger than Russ. "I explained everything to Jackie. When she face-times Russ, she'll say that I was waiting for her as she returned and wanted to go out tonight and have some fun. With Derek here, we don't have to fear Russ. If he comes, we'll do as we discussed. If he says no, then we'll have time to find another idea. Ready Jackie? You guys have to be quiet and out of sight." Shania shooed Derek and me away and I took Derek to the 2nd bedroom. It was not big but held a single bed. We stayed in the hallway to be out of sight during the facetime call. Jackie nodded and sat at her computer with her iPhone. She dialed Russ. Shania was in the back near the kitchenette. "Where the fuck have y out been?" We're the first words out of Russ's mouth. "What happened to your hair?" He asked angrily as he saw Jackie without the wig. Jackie was scared and you could hear the quiver in her voice. "I had a surprise visitor," she began to say Russ interrupted her. "Who the fuck is she and when did you agree to see her." "Sorry Russ, I didn't know she was coming. Her name is Shaniqua and she is a girl I met online and have met a few times." Jackie was genuinely nervous and it could be heard in the voice. "We have been out a few times and.. and partied. Sorry." Derek and I were crouched in the entrance hall, well out of camera sight, and saw Shaniqua appear out of the kitchenette. Russ could see her as a background to Jackie. "Sorry Russ, Shaniqua hugged me from behind whilst I was dialing you and pulled my wig away. I didn't have time to fix it yet." Shaniqua came closer and said in a husky voice, "hey Russ, you want to party with us?" Shaniqua was in closer view now and Russ would have seen the overly made-up face and big bust. He would have to think of her as a fellow crossdresser. "Wh..what are you guys planning" Russ demanded "Why don't you come over and we can discuss," Shaniqua said in that husky voice. "I just need some loooove tonight," Shaniqua cooed. She went behind Jackie and grabbed her breasts. Russ would see two hands grab Jackie's massive breasts. We couldn't see Russ but I could just imagine what was in Russ's mind. "Don't fucking move," Russ demanded. "I 'm meeting the boys later but maybe a little action before won't hurt. Girls, don't go anywhere or Jackie gets it." Russ hung up. So Russ had fallen into that trap. If everything else went into plan, then Jackie would be out of her nightmare. "I will try to give you Russ's phone. Can you get his address base?" Shania was thinking through everything. "It can be done but will take time. I will need a few minutes to get some names at least and will need Derek's help. I only hope he has no password protection." There was no way to get all his contacts instantly, but if I could open his contact list, I could photograph some names and emails at random. 10 or 20 names would be enough. Besides, Russ would not know how many we had copied. In all of this I was surprised that Derek went along. He didn't ask questions and agreed with all our suggestions. He was a gentle giant. I was wondering about why he was doing this. He didn't know Jackie. He was doing this for Shania who kept leading him on. I thought he deserved better, but I knew Shania's flirtatious ways. She could get boys to do what she wanted. I was grateful and glad he was there with me. We went over the details. Shaniqua would meet him at the door and lead him to the living room. Derek and I would observe through the open door of the darkened 2nd room. Russ would be in a hurry. Jackie would be in the kitchenette area and open a beer for him and try to get him hot. Shaniqua would also make comments to get Russ steaming. He would only have one thing in mind. What we needed was to get Jackie's face close to Russ's cock. Without a wig, Jackie would look like a boy in a dress, especially with that massive bosom and overly made up face. That's when we would spring the trap and take the photographs. Derek and I would both have cameras ready. Jackie would need to hold Russ's thing very close to her face or mouth and I could see Shaniqua smile from behind the camera. We would have to play it by ear. Shaniqua asked Derek and me to go into the 2nd room. It was dark and the door was left ajar. Russ would be here soon. I could felt Derek near me and I reached for his hand to be sure. Shaniqua did not appear to have any worries. I was scared out of my mind. Derek seemed to go along with this without question. I was glad he was near me. We hear the buzzer go. We saw Shaniqua walk to the apartment door and press the buyer; a moment later Russ was at the door and she let him in. I wish we could have observed Russ meeting Shaniqua. We could hear them, but they needed to pass our door before we would have partial vision. "Hi Russ," we heard Shaniqua say in her husky voice. "You are a big boy." We heard Shaniqua emphasize "big". They must have hugged or something as it took a few moments for Shaniqua to pass our door. She was holding his hand and he looked like he had just won the lottery with a wide grin on his face. He still hadn't figured if Shaniqua was a boy or girl. They went past us and entered the living area on the left. "Hey Jackie, Russ is here." We heard Shaniqua call out to Jackie. "The poor boy looks thirsty - or is it hungry - so why don't you get him a beer?" "OK," is all we heard? Shaniqua was leading the discussion. Derek and I opened the door a little wider to hear them better. It wasn't time yet to move out. "Cheers, Russ," we heard Shaniqua's voice. I heard the clink of bottles. Was Shaniqua drinking beer? "So Russ, what do you think? Want to go out partying with Jackie and me? We know this little place that likes people like us and has a big dance floor." Shaniqua was pushing Russ. "Er.. No," Russ replied. "Sorry but have a meeting later but I couldn't resist coming over and meeting you before I go to my meeting." Russ didn't want to be seen with Jackie and Shaniqua. Dressed as they were, it would damage Russ's macho image. "Well, then, we may just have to show him what he is missing, right Jackie?" Shaniqua was taunting Russ. We couldn't hear Jackie. Derek and I crouched forward and saw Jackie and Shaniqua face the living area entrance; Russ had his back to us. Shaniqua and Jackie were close and had their hand around each other's waist. "Let's get a selfie, Russ, so you don't forget us." Shaniqua was provoking Russ. He took out his camera and took several pictures of Jackie and Shaniqua together. Derek and I slid back as Shaniqua pulled Russ between her and Jackie and had him take a selfie. He was grinning. "Take another, Russ," Shaniqua said as she and Jackie kissed Russ on the cheek simultaneously. We would see the bright red lipstick marks on Russ's cheeks later. "I think our boy is in a hurry," Shaniqua suggested. "He may need some.. some relief before he bursts his pants before the meeting. Shaniqua touched Russ's crotch and we had a good shot of Jackie's and Shaniqua's hands at Russ's crotch. "He does appear to be a big boy," Shaniqua said to Jackie. Shaniqua took Russ's phone from his hand, and took another selfie as she and Jackie snuggled real close to Russ. Jackie planted another kiss near Russ's mouth. Shaniqua put the phone down on the side table and handed Russ back his beer. They clinked bottles. Shaniqua had a bottle in her hand too. I dint know she drank. "To a good evening," she suggested and took a swig of beer out of the bottle. "Jackie, I think Russ is in a hurry here, and we had also better get going to have dinner and then the club. How about we give Russ something to think about? Let's show him what he is missing." Shaniqua walked over to the small sofa and threw down two cushions at Russ's feet. Although it appeared casual, the cushions on the floor would show Jackie's upper body well and Russ's side view. Shaniqua would be seen only in some images. It had to be unmistakably Russ. Derek and I saw Jackie looking nervous, not saying much. Shaniqua was doing all the talking. "Jackie, I think we need to help Russ here." Jackie and Shaniqua went down on their knees on the cushions. They both reached for Russ's belt. I took some pictures and switched my iPhone to video mode. They undid the big buckle and pulled down his jeans around his ankles; his tartan patterned boxers were next. Shaniqua and Jackie started rubbing Russ's stomach and we filmed the rise of Russ's somewhat large tool. From our viewpoint, we could see Jackie fully and a side view of Russ with rampant cock. Shaniqua was only partially visible. We saw Russ, bottle of beer in hand, take a big gulp and look at these two girls who were promising him a very 'happy ending'. "Just a moment," Shaniqua said and arose. She went to the table and produced a tube of lipstick. She gave it to Jackie and pursed her lips. Jackie got the message and applied several generous coatings of that bright lipstick on Shaniqua. Jackie handed the lipstick over and Shaniqua applied several coats of lipstick on Jackie. Derek and I were filming this and it was getting hot. I was worried that we would make a sound and spoil the surprise. Shaniqua led by grabbing Russ's cock and stroking it. She looked up at Russ. "Do you want us to continue," she asked coquettishly. Russ would explode in anger if they didn't finish what they started. Russ nodded his head and his grin was wide from ear to ear. Jackie now held Russ's cock and was looking up at him with those massive lashes. The short hair made it look just as we wanted. The bright red lipstick, freshly applied, was appearing very close to Russ's tool. A look passed between Jackie and Shaniqua and I saw a big red lipstick mark on the side on Russ' hard cock. Shaniqua also placed her hand on Russ's tool and turned to Jackie. "Let's show Russ how we do this," she said and planted a deep kiss on Jackie's mouth. They were still both holding on to Russ who was looking down in amazement as Shaniqua and Jackie had their tongues down the other's throat. They stopped and looked at Russ who must have thought he died and went to heaven. They began to stroke him and Jackie moved her face nearer to Russ's crotch. We had a perfect view and Derek and I were filming the action, mesmerized by the goings on. Shaniqua grabbed Russ's balls and was feeling them. She squeezed them looking at Russ. "How does it feel to have two trannies bring you off?" Shaniqua asked. "Oh girls this is hot. Until I met Jackie last week, I had never done this with a boy-girl." I smiled as I had been able to video that and capture the audio. Shaniqua was smiling. She too had noticed this. "Do you think Jackie makes a good girl?" Shaniqua teased, still massaging the sac in her hand. "Oh yes. I have a small party planned for her tomorrow. Can you be there too?" Russ was now speaking with gaps as Jackie and Shaniqua were stroking him faster. Jackie leant forward and gave another big kiss on the side of Russ's cock. We could clearly see the red mark. "Do you like Jackie?" Shaniqua asked. Russ nodded his head 'yes'. "Do you like to be sucked by boys dressed as girls?" Russ nodded again. "I didn't hear the answer," Shaniqua said "If you want her to put that in her mouth, you had better tell her you like it." Shaniqua and Jackie slowed down their stroking and were looking up at Russ, smiles on their faces. "Oh yes, I like her to do that?" Russ stuttered. The stroking began in earnest again, in slow strokes. "Tell her you like boys dressed as girls sucking you off. They know how to suck," Russ was close and we could see and hear his labored breathing. "Plea.." Russ pleaded, wanting Jackie to put it into her mouth. His tip was close to Jackie's mouth but not quite there "Say it then," Shaniqua insisted. "Yes, I like boys dressed as girls sucking me off..."even as he uttered these words, Jackie stroked him faster and was the recipient of a large glop that erupted on her face, running down his cheek. One glob actually hit her forehead. "Surprise," Shaniqua shouted and pointed to us. Russ watched with open mouth and shouted expletives. Even as he opened his mouth and raised his hand to strike, Shaniqua squeezed hard on the sac in her hand. Derek, rose to his full height and got to Russ quickly. "Just don't," Derek said softly holding Russ's raised hand. Even as Jackie had squeezed his cock hard, Shaniqua still was squeezing Russ's sac even harder and I could see the pain in Russ's face. All captured on my iPhone. Derek standing there immobilized Russ. The pants and boxers around his ankles gave Russ no movement as he tried to swing his hands to strike and he fell backward, hard on his behind. "If you or Lisa make any more demands on Jackie, be very sure where these pics and videos are going. I am sure the boys would love to see macho Russ being handled by a tranny." Shaniqua was still gripping Russ's sac. Russ looked confused and was grimacing in pain. "Derek here has a mean streak so any threat from you or Lisa, will get Derek all riled up. You won't like that," Shaniqua said rising. She let go of Russ and helped Jackie up. "Go, we know where your boys are." Russ pulled up his boxers and with belt and shirt hanging rushed out of the apartment. We watched him rush out red-faced and flushed with anger. We all looked at each other, pleased that things had gone as planned. Jackie and Shania held hands. I was pleased that things had gone without anyone getting hurt. As Derek and I turned we saw Jackie and Shania kissing deeply. They had shared something special. I looked at Derek. We stared at each other and then he leaned forward and kissed me briefly on the lips. It didn't take a second for me to react and pull his head forward and also give him the biggest kiss I knew to give. My first serious tongue kiss. It seemed the erotic events a little while earlier had affected us all. It was like getting excited by watching a porn movie. After we calmed down, we all breathed a sigh of relief. Things had gone as planned. We wanted to celebrate and agreed to meet at that little Italian bistro next to Starbucks. Jackie and Shania needed time to change. It was still early and after checking my face, Derek and I left to go grab a table. As we were walking to the bistro, hand in hand, my phone rang. The number was unknown. I picked it up and said "Hello." It was Jack Straw. "Hey Cassie, it is Jack Straw at AB Soft. I have been trying to reach you. We would like to offer you the job and hope you can start Monday. Are you ready for it?" After all that excitement today, this was the crowning glory. "Oh, yes, Jack," I said. "I would love that. I'll be there Monday." I was on a high. Not only had we helped Jackie, I had a new job and also found a special friend. I called mum and told her that we were having dinner and celebrating. She was very happy. Derek was beaming too very happy for me. Sometime later, Jackie and Shania entered the restaurant. Derek and I hadn't noticed as we were catching up on events. Jackie was dressed very nicely in a skirt and blouse and high heels. Her makeup was normal and she looked very attractive. She and Shania were holding hands. We ordered some wine and toasted the success of our mission and my job. A thought struck me. "What a shame we couldn't get Russ's contacts," I said. I had my left hand in Derek's and the right around the stem of a glass of wine. Shania smiled that big smile. She was also holding Jackie' hand. With the other she dug into her purse and pulled out an iPhone. "In his rush to exit, Russ forgot his phone. Cassie, you better get the data and give it to Jackie. She can give it to Lisa." She pulled Jackie to her and gave her a kiss on the lips in full sight of the diners in the restaurant. Two girls kissing on the mouth in public was not common. Jackie and Shania didn't appear to care. Neither did Derek and I. I was happy that they had found each other in these circumstances. Shania didn't appear to have any issue with Jackie's dressing. I was happy. I had found a special person too. "I think I want to get to know Jackie a lot better. We shared a lot tonight." Shania said softly looking at Jackie. I was happy to have been a help in bringing Jackie and Shania together. I squeezed Derek's hand. It seemed that Shania and I had not only helped Jackie overcome her problem, but also found a way to bring me a close friend.

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The Lesbian Factory

When Jill woke she found herself strapped to a bed, nude and spread eagle. Standing around her were several women, also nude. “What’s going on?” Jill said, confused. A beautiful redhead, with a shapely figure stepped forward. “My name is Erika. Welcome. You have been sponsored into our lesbian society.” “But I’m not gay!” Jill said. Erika smiled. “That will soon change.” “What? Untie me… let me go!” she said...

2 years ago
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Notable Last Words

Author’s note: I did not expect I was going to post my short stories on this site. They tend to be tragic, and Notable last words is no exception. It’s strange, I want my short stories to be powerful enough to punch someone in the gut. They probably aren’t, not yet, but I’m quite sure that there’s a glimmer of profoundness in each one of them. At least that what I tell myself. I want to make you think when you read this. Write your thoughts in the comments. Gift your insights and perhaps...

3 years ago
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The bitch

I hate my dad's new girlfriend. She was bossy and snotty towards me. I don't know why she had such an attitude towards me, but it did not feel good to be in the house when she was around.Sure she had a hot body and a very pretty face, but she was a total bitch to me! Kept asking myself how my nice and good guy of father could have this bitch around. I don't think he ever got to see her true behavior when he was around. She put this nice face and attitude, but as soon as my dad was far away...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 64

Kutzley got the message early on that this was going to be a bigger than normal council meeting, so he had Harry Masterfield roll out all the fire engines from the fire barn, and had a crew from the Department of Public Works bring a truckload of chairs over from the school and set them up. Mike's story in the Record-Herald the week after the first one hadn't done much to settle down the anger in Spearfish Lake, or at least in parts of it -- the parts shown in red shading on the two-color...

3 years ago
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Family SwappersChapter 2

Ella began to mindlessly shake her head from side to side as Erick bent over her. Underneath her bare back she could feel the shifting sand grinding into her sensitive skin. She was so frightened that she felt frozen to the spot. How had she ever gotten herself into this? But then his chest was pressing against her nakedly quivering breasts and pushing against her so hard that she was pressed deeper and deeper into the sand. All lucid thoughts were being erased from her mind. This familiar...

2 years ago
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Sharons Husband

My wife Sharon is turning the tables on me. She has asked me to write a true story about us. I told her OK; she has been such a willing participant to all my whims. I felt should oblige her and I hope all of you and her enjoy it. First let me tell you she is a wonderful person. I am lucky to have her as my wife. She has this smile that melts my heart; she is amazing in many ways. She loves to take care of her body, by exercising and eating right. She thinks of everyone before herself and does...

1 year ago
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Jane The Sequel

“Well, I don’t know about you, but after that fantastic experience, I’m ready to go all the way, lover. I ache to feel you inside me, and I’m not talking just about your fingers and tongue.” With that she kind of pulled us both over so that instead of lying across the bed, our legs dangling over the edge, we were more in the centre of the bed, lying up and down. She stayed on top and when we were comfortable, she started to kiss me again, a long sexy kiss, the tips of our tongues...

3 years ago
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SRU I Thought You Were Gay

SRU: I Thought You Were Gay By Paul G Jutras Steve had arrived at Fairy Tales Mall when he saw a mousy brown girl get out of her car and go in. She looked gorgeous in her green headband, dress and stockings and mid-heel boot. She ran up to a blonde woman dressed in a purple mid drift tank top and shorts. Even her nails were purple. Steve felt crushed at the passionate hug they gave each other and kiss on the check. When Steve followed her inside, she seemed to vanish instantly. He...

2 years ago
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Jisu Oh

I liked all of my students, even the rowdy boys who disrupted the class and distracted others, even the girls who sat as far back in the corners of the classroom as possible so they could use their phones. I could never be hard on them, considering they came to the academy after grinding out a full day of school. Instead of spending their afternoon eating snacks and unwinding in front of a television, like a young student is supposed to do, they had to grind out another three to four hours of...

2 years ago
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Suicide Squad Fuck The Justice League

Meet the Squad: Amanda Waller put a file on the table: "This is the squad I talked to you about. Do you think you can handle them?" William Butcher picked up the file from the table: "Well, let me see what kind of Cunts I'm dealing with." William opened the file and began to read it " 1.Harleen Quinzel AKA Harley Quinn: Ex girlfriend of The Joker Former psychiatrist and Professional Crimnal 2.Floyd Lawton AKA Deadshot: Professional Assassin and Mercenary 3.Jason Todd AKA Redhood: Ex Robin Rogue...

1 year ago
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Hardcore Coworker

The night begins as many have for me in the recent past. I’m in my own place all alone and just got done another day of work. I sit down to watch whatever I plan on watching on the television this night just like any other. I’m kinda tired and just lay out on the couch and just lounge out trying to fall asleep. Nothing good on so I just keep closing my eyes trying to doze off. I’m so tired that I actually fall asleep for a brief few minutes when all of the sudden my phone rings. I say to myself...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Sheena Ryder Ailee Anne Dear Miss Lonesome

Sheena Ryder wishes a good day to her stepdaughter, Ailee Anne, who is heading off to school. After Ailee leaves, it’s time for Sheena to get to work: she is a romance advice columnist known as the ‘Love Sage’. She reads an email from ‘Miss Lonesome’, who is in love with someone already in a relationship. Sheena advises Miss Lonesome to try finding out if her crush is interested in a change. Days later, Ailee is sweeping the floor, saying it’s because she...

2 years ago
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A Weekend Away With Christina Chapter Four

Christina slipped on the white dress with nothing underneath. I had her stand on the balcony and took a picture with the light shining through. If you looked closely enough, you could tell that she was panty-less. As far as her nipples were concerned, they were hard to see. Hers are fairly small and pale pink in color. Plus, the dress had flowers strategically placed, probably since most of the dress was white.Christina practiced bending over and asked me to take pictures at various heights....

4 years ago
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First Time With Sisters Feet

I have been attracted to my sister's feet since a very early age. I recall that even before kindergarten, I already had an interest in them. Prior to puberty, I didn't get an erection or try to jerk off, but I did enjoy sniffing my sister's shoes and socks. She once caught me sniffing her feet and simply asked why, as if it were a bit puzzling, but not too astonishingly sick. She didn't pry further, but it seems that she kept mental notes. Years later, we talked about fetishes. I told her...

1 year ago
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Group fun with my girlfriend and her mom

This is when I was in college guy and having so many girlfriends and some of them were having i*****l affairs with me. One day one of my girlfriend’s houses, Kusuma (mother of girlfriend) dressed up and came into the hall. Suma (girlfriend) was watching the TV wearing dress resembling swim suit.Kusuma came near and said, Suma, I am going out in urgency please look out the house. Be careful and be alone that means no boys. Okay mom, no boys will come for me, said Suma next time please wore a...

3 years ago
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Amy Ch 15

‘Oh yeah,’ Amy the woman-child agreed happily. ‘How soon can we fuck again, Loverman?’ John glanced down at his flaccid member and sighed. ‘A while I guess, but hopefully not too long.’ ‘What if I did this?’ she said and stuck some fingers in her mouth and wet them with her saliva and then slowly slid her hand downward to cup his balls. Her hand gently fondled him, then drifted up his still shrunken member to its head, which after spitting in the palm of her hand she rubbed with increasing...

1 year ago
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TSINF 82 The Deal 2

Author’s Notes: Last we saw Steph she was meeting up with Matt to find out what deal she made with him. And now without further wait… ********** Matt boomed a laugh, “See that’s why I’m beginning to like you. Straight to the point. No lolly gagging. No tip toeing around. Going right for the heart of the situation. Alright. They will be here in a few hours. What they would like for you to do while we are signing the contracts is to be laying down on the table with a platter of food...

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Azur Lane Foot stories

In here we will list all the possible options, stories, and girls being the focus/main character! For example, you'll notice that Yuudachi option is already there since she has a story started. But feel free to add your own options or simply a small chapter with your shipfu or girl you consider that deserves some nice pampering~!

3 years ago
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Should I

I leaned into the keyboard. After 20 years in business, I’d shifted gears, started philosophy graduate school, and was writing my dissertation on situational ethics. My actual essay would not interest most readers, but the parallel essay might. It’s written in case reports.

2 years ago
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It Started With Tattooed Eyeliner 3

Saturday morning. My dick was swollen and red, with some angry-looking abrasions from several hours of attention. Erin had forced me to masturbate twice in succession without lubrication, then had coated it in Tiger Balm, wrapping it in plastic wrap to keep it on my skin. She had "helped" remove it by scrubbing my shaft vigorously with an SOS pad. I was sore and raw and a little bit afraid. And hard. Erin was standing over me, where I had slept naked. "Damn, you're stiff again?...

3 years ago
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Fantasies Came Real With Kanan Bhabhi Part V

Once again hello to all, I am back with the 5th part of my story with my hot bhabhi Kanan. Thanks again for all your feedback. So coming back to the story as all of u know that night I almost touched Kanan bhabhi everywhere and cummed like anything. I almost made it to her pussy. So next morning I woke up late as the last night I cummed countless time and that made me very tired. I saw Kanan bhabhi getting ready for college. I was thinking that she must have noticed everything in the morning as...

2 years ago
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Behan Ko Patni Banaya 8211 Part II

Apni behan Neerja ko maine uss raat teen bar choda. Dono thak chukey thay. Mera lund bhi dard karne lag chuka tha, Subhah main Neerja ko ghodi bana kar chod raha tha jabgali se akhbar wale ki awaz sunayi padi. Hum bhai behan chudayi mein itna vyast thay ki raat kab beet gayi pata hin na chala. Agla din Ravi vaar tha iss liye koi problem nahin thee. Hum dopahar tak sote rahe. 2 baje jab meri ankh khuli to Neerja naha kar gusalkhane se nikal rahi thee aur ussne jism par towel lapeta hua tha. Jab...

3 years ago
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Aunty Unleashed 8211 Part I

By : D.Alexin Hi Guys, My name Alex, 28yrs old. I am from Chennai. This is story about me and my aunt. It happened when i was awaiting for my results after my final year exams. I was 19 yrs. My Aunt stays in abroad and she visited us in Chennai. After staying with us for a couple of days she said she wanted to visit her native in Kerala. She wanted me to accompany her with my cousin so that we could enjoy our holidays. My parents agreed and we were off to Kerala for a week’s vacation. We...

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Love Thy Neighbour Ch 1

We live in a neighborhood of small houses separated by short fencing, which enables us to look into each other’s garden and share small talks. Since most of us are office goers, the timings of the departure are almost same with the result that pleasantries are usually exchanged with each other’s families at the time of departure. Our neighbors are a couple with one grown up daughter. We are a bit older and our children are already away employed in different places. I have a habit of commenting...

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Mr Make Belief

I stood there inhaling a long needed drag of my cigarette, across from a drunken misfit who was desperately trying to pick me up with sad pick up lines. See this scrape, I got it when I fell in love with you he mumbled while pointing at the recent gash on his face caused by another drunken man who got a little to angry. He started laughing while making other jokes. I laughed trying to make him feel as if he was actually funny but I was deeply feeling bad for him, knowing he will not remember...

1 year ago
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Sunday night drive

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was Sunday and all day my son, Jake had been very cranky. He would not stop crying. Me and my fiance Mica had been trying all day to get Jake to settle down and have a nap but nothing would work. We asked Mica's mom, Cindy to come over and help get him to settle down to see if she could help at all. I loved having Cindy come over to help because she was such a nice lady and pretty just like her daughter. She was very slim and short and always wore...

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Ladies Room Service

                                Ladies Room Service!                                    TJ Ryder                               http://www.slavex.com/    The lushly built teacher in the form fitting high skirtand low bustline wasn't out of place at Glendale Academy forYoung Ladies, otherwise known as the finishing school forthe girls of the 'Rich and Powerful', and also to others as'Depraved and Decadent'!    All the rich girls dressed like tramps; were accustomed to treating everyone below...

4 years ago
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Bisexual Relationships Part Two Revised

-Madison's POV- I awoke to find Sara lying on the other side of the couch.  I looked at the clock, and I realized we had been asleep for about twenty minutes.  I tapped her on the shoulder and whispered for her to get up. "That was FUN!" she said excitedly.  I rolled my eyes, though I had to agree. "We gotta do that again sometime."  I said. "Well, my parents won't be back for the rest of the weekend.  Maybe we can."  she replied. I sighed.  We stared at each other.  "Does...

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Photographic MemoryChapter 12

We stayed at the beach for the rest of the afternoon, swapping stories and sunblock. Okay, so I applied most of the sunblock, and the twins told most of the stories. I took everything they said with a grain of salt, but even if some of it was true, the two of them were unstoppable forces. I just kept listening. By the time we ran from the water for the third or fourth time we'd all had enough of the heat, and Steph decreed that it was time to go back home and get ready for the evening at...

3 years ago
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The Disappearance of Big TonyChapter 3

Big Tony and Mort Michaels were not discussed again while Delores was in Greenfield. When she arrived to stay with Chazzy in her room, I broached the subject again. "I have been thinking about what I told you a week ago. I don't think I want to tell you anymore. You obviously loved your parents very much and I don't want to destroy the memory you have of them. Children can be so unaware of what their parents are doing unless it is pointed out to them." "Damnit, you've said too much...

4 years ago
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came to play pt2

I must have dozed off, when I came to I was being felt on by the janitor who I knew well, he seemed to really enjoy what had taken place, infact I dare say he has quite the soft spot for girls like me... Well anyway we chatted to ease the tension from me and we both finally got interested in fun time, he removed his cock which was roughly 4-5 inches and I asked him if I made him cum would he help me get home.. he chuckled and said if you make me cum ill give you a ride home and dinner honey......

1 year ago
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The Start Of Something Good

The night began as any other Friday—come home from university, have dinner with my parents then go out with my friends for a night out. My friends Ellie and Katie have both been known as notorious sluts and the people at my secondary school always wondered why I was friends with them. Many knew me to be a cocktease or even a bit frigid as the furthest I ever got with someone from my secondary school was a kiss. Ellie is 5’5 with dark, long hair and an athletic build as she frequently competed...

2 years ago
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First taste

I was not foolish enough to think this was going to be easy. If it were easy I do not think I would be so attracted to her. I whispered in her ear low and sweet, “Josephine, my dear, you are almost burning hot. Is there something you want from me?” My heart was racing at this point, I was keeping everything cool and calm internally under the hood. I couldn't let it out yet. Not here, but I could play a bit. A little internal chuckle of intention escaped my lips. She was barely speaking, a...

1 year ago
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Human Relations Officer

I took this job because it was in the city and it would give me a chance to find an apartment and move out on my husband, who hasn't touched me in over two years. I finally got to the point I was tired of being his maid, for absolutely no benefits and this company was perfect. It is an Architectural Design and Engineering Company with only four people employed there. Three men and one woman, the owner, his daughter who is an architect, the younger man who was also an architect and the third man...

Group Sex
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Hot Cousin Ko New Year Pe subah 4bje Tak Choda

Hello friends main “Tej” ek baar fir apni hot story lekar hazir hun meri pichli story ” hot bhabi ko seduce karke choda din raat” ko acha response mila to main aapke saath ek aur story share karne ja raha hu main punkab ka rehne wla hun meeri height hai 5’9 aur dick size hai 7 ye story meri aur meri cousin behan ki hai, jiska naam (Arushi) hai, jo k behad sxy hai, uska figure 36-30-34 bht hi kamal ka maal hai wo. Ab story pe aata hun to aat ab se 2 saal pehle ki hai jab main 12th main padhta...

4 years ago
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Mommy Mind Control Chapter 3 Mommys Naughty Disicpline

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Mommy's Naughty Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I was so angry with Melissa when I stormed out of my good friend Cathy Dawson's house. That little fucking skank. How dare she cheat on my son. I never liked little miss miniskirt. She was a slut. A whore. The type of girl who would get knocked up and make me a grandmother before my son turned twenty-one. I was glad I...

1 year ago
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My wonderful sister

First off all I should thank all the iss readers for giving a good response for my stories and it was so surprising to get lot of mails from both males and females. It was nice reading some mails and some people were asking for the email id of the gal and telephone number. Infect to be honest, I did not realize, that there were lot of sex starved women in India, especially in Hyderabad also. I am a regular reader of erotic stories so I thought to share my real life experience. I love all...

3 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 3

Several days since her betrayal to her fellow humans, Audra is awakened to noise. Not needing to don on any clothing, she leaves the small room she had been given for her loyalty. Rather than being turned into a breeder, she was told she was going to be made a stalker like Saige. Of course, that all still depended on the accuracy of the information she had provided. Once outside, she notices the bustle of guardians, stalkers and chasers. The queen isn’t taking any chances. Audra assumes that...

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Wife jerks off stranger at nude beach

This is a true story that happened to my wife and me while visiting a local nude beach for the very first time. My wife and I love our sex life and we are voyeurs in our own right. We have been married for past 34 years and have talked in length about going to a nude beach for some time now, so we finally decided to take that plunge. My wife is 56 years young and she still keeps up her very nice figure. She stands 5’2” tall with brown curly highlighted shoulder length hair with size D...

3 years ago
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Used by a gorgeous ladyboy

(Yeah it's been a while but i'v been busy … doing the thing in real life with a new guy i met and there is not much need for xhamster at the moment :) . The story below is based on a true experience and i just changed a few details to spice it up a bit)This story is based on a true experience and happened a few years ago, on a great night out in Amsterdam. It was before i had sex with guys on a regular base and i entered a complete new and exciting world...During that period of my life i was...

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The Log of the Retvizan TwylightChapter 5

The chimney opened out into the common cavern, 'malai farnia, ' about 9 metres from the floor. There were handholds, however, and Chino was able to descend easily. She found some cover and pulled her white robe over her head on top of her overalls. The overalls had been too big but she'd tied the legs with leather thongs so they didn't snag on the rocks. The robes were useless for climbing. She let her belt out a little until she felt confident she had access to the pistol, still...

2 years ago
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The Photographer

Nick was super excited. After saving up for a year, he finally had raised enough money to buy the camera he had been after. Paying for the $2,000 camera, he took it back to his apartment and put it on his desk in his home photography studio. Since he was a little boy, Nick loved taking pictures of things and when he found out about professional photography, he knew what he wanted to do with his life. Nick was a pretty attractive 19 year old guy, 6 feet tall, lean build, light skin and messy,...

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my sister and me in the shower

I was in the shower with my head under water enjoying the nice cooling sensations flowing over me. Meanwhile unbeknownst to me my sister had come home an hour early from work. She had had a rough day at work too seeing as how she lost her job and thats why she was home early. Normally our schedules work out so I have time to get a shower and then I leave the water running for her. She called out,"Adam you home?" Yet I didn"t hear it because my head was still under water. She came right in the...

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Cast Party

A Cast Party is what they call it, when after any kind of performance (Concert or Theatrical), everybody (the cast and crew) from the show goes somewhere and has a party. It may be at a business, like a nearby pizzeria that is going to stay open late because of you! Actors love pizza and beer! It could even be at the theater itself, if there was room to bring in some food and give everybody a chance to talk about their favorite moments. Or it could be at somebody’s home, typically someone...

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Kelly Went Back to Bayside

When Kelly Kapowski was 19, she went back to Bayside High School and interviewed a former teacher. The interview ostensibly was for a college paper she was writing, but she had an ulterior motive to explore the possibilities of maybe hooking up for a kinky little student-teacher sex encounter. Her paper was on something that had Interested her for quite some time, the subject of teachers becoming attracted to their students, and vice versa, and the way those individuals cope with it when to...

1 year ago
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MilfBody Christiana Cinn Fleshlight Aerobics

Christiana Cinn was looking super hot in her retro workout gear. She was ready for her daily aerobics workout via video instruction. She needed to pause the routine to find her dumbbells, but she had no idea where she had left them last! She could not find them after a few minutes of looking, but she did come across her husbands shake weight, or at least what she thought was a shake weight. She was shaking that thing like a tambourine until her husband got home and saw that it was actually his...

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Chanel and Ethan 7

Kissing, licking and biting and hair pulling and cumming and... fuck. Yes that too. Fucking. Two more times last night. I’m glad it’s finally my lunch hour. Between my thighs is now very tender, and the soreness keeps reminding me of Ethan. After we were both thoroughly satisfied, I decided to drag myself to my room. He offered to set an alarm before Nicole got home, but I refused. We both decided now wasn’t a good time to risk her knowing. I honestly never want her to know. And after the...

Straight Sex
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Auto Erotica Ch 03

Sheridan Avenue runs the North Shore and makes a few twists and turns onto Lake Shore Drive. I always raced there, it was like a highway in the middle of the city. I didn’t know any of the LCs and I had the Camaro and the Viper with me. To my chagrin the Viking had muscled his way in and that made four cars in three lanes. Fucking tough. I’d called at 30Gs and the Viking put up cash, the Yenko Camaro and the Viper put up the P’s. Cal and Suki held them and parked next to them was Patrick. Cal...

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Jennifer Submitted

Jennifer is 34, blonde, 34D breast with a tattoo on her left one. She is married with one child, and she works for me. I am 51, with salt and pepper hair, mustache and beard, slightly overweight and most importantly infatuated with Jennifer. After years of harmless flirting, I decided to try and take it to the next level. Would it work? I didn’t know, but I knew there was a possibility. I knew her marriage was not perfect. I also knew that when she read “50 Shades Of Grey”, it aroused her. So...

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Pygmies 1 by loyalsock

Rest at last, she thought to herself as they sat by the camp fire, finishing off their meals of curreid goat jerkie, maize-pudding and palm-wine, and settling down for what was to be their fourth night in the bush. She stretched her kahki-trousered legs out across the ground as Mkwambe, a local tobacco farmer and her chief guide for the journey, poked absently at the fire with a stick and puffed thoughtfully on his pipe. The air was thick with the sounds of crickets from somewhere within the...

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Play It Again SamChapter 15 Whats one more

Two hours later I found myself parked next to the Bronco in the underground garage at the beach house. I entered through the back door and then made my way into the kitchen looking for Maria. I found Pat rearranging food stuff inside the pantry. "Hello Pat." I called out announcing my arrival. Pat jumped at the sound of my voice. "Oh, Mr. Sam..." She stepped out of the pantry. "You startled me sir." "Sorry about that." I said offering her a smile. "Have you seen Maria? I need to...

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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 26

“So, you did go over there then, talked to them?” said Victoria. “Yes, and it was a battle. You were right; they hate us,” said Selena. “In retrospect, I can’t blame them. I guess my words hurt the woman real bad. I didn’t need to do that, say the things I said. It was just selfishness on my part. I see that now. The man has done so much for me and for your dad ... well, I just don’t know what I was thinking,” said Victoria. “Yes, and he is my dad too,” said Selena. “He was really hurt and...

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New SecretsChapter 2

I heard a slurping noise coming from underneath the sheets and warmth around my cock as I was awoken slowly. I looked down to see two little eyes peeping back, and I grinned. "Now you are awake," Sarah muttered and disengaged herself from my cock and spun her legs over mine to present me with her glabrous pussy. I was still shaking the sleep from my eyes when my tongue touched her moist slit and Sarah mewed. "Ahh, that's nice," she purred and my hands instinctively drew circles along...

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Tory DaughterChapter 32

A week later Anne awoke to the smell of smoke. She slid from her high bed, hurried to a window and saw an orange glow. She trotted down the hall to the back bedroom and could clearly see that her sheds were on fire. She hurried down the stairs, grabbed her long shawl, got her feet into her start-up boots and ran outside and right to her horses. She led them, one by one, to the well and tied their halters there and then saw that Philippa and Miranda were on the back porch along with the big...

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Dennis April Lorraine Chapter 2

When Dennis came back to his apartment from his college job, April and Lorraine were both out shopping. This didn't surprise him, of course. What DID stun him was the fact that Jake greeted him in the buff. That sight jolted him back to the memory that he heard his roommate admit to being bisexual yesterday. "Jake, I know that you swing both ways, but I'm straight! Not that I mind you sucking my cock, but meeting me at the door in the nude is a bit MUCH, don't you think? I mean, I doubt that...

Group Sex
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Jessica and Jonathan losing their virginity

Jonathan is a nineteen-year-old in his second year at University. He is extremely good looking, 6 feet tall, dark hair, handsome features, brown eyes, having an appearance of being always tanned, slim fit body on which no matter what clothes he wore, they always looked good. He is in his second year at university, into sports, playing soccer and tennis especially. He oozes sex appeal, and female heads always turn when he is around. But Jonathan is still a virgin. It is not for want of...

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