TangentChapter 21: Disaster free porn video

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Judy's eyes were fixed on Tuck, as he in turn was watching Gamelin's part in the battle. "They're away," Tuck said. "Clean away, no opposition. I don't think they took any casualties."

Judy breathed a sign of relief then that changed when Tuck spoke loudly, "Down!"

Everyone hunkered down lower, and then came an extremely large "boom" from the town. Tuck looked to his left and grimaced. "Big gun! It knocked down about an acre of corn. Gamelin's out of danger."

Judy breathed another silent prayer of relief.

Then it was back to waiting. The morning wore on, the temperature steadily increased, making the waiting all the more difficult. In the distance came the sound of cannon, then, not as loud, the slam of rifle fire. The sound was steady for about five minutes, and then the rate of fire slacked off considerably.

Tuck kept his attention on the town and Judy kept waiting for Tuck to signal the attack.

The sound of the distant firing had stopped before Tuck waved and one mortar fired an illumination round. It burst over the center of town, drifting slowly down. It was a bright spot in the daytime, leaving a trail of dark gray smoke as it descended. It went out several hundred feet in the air, the small parachute unaware and uncaring that the flare no longer burned.

There was a sudden creak as the gates started to open. Tuck popped his head up, looked for a long second, then was back down. "Pass the word, we will engage the troops exiting the town. A four count on the volleys. The first volley to come when I open fire."

The command passed swiftly through the force waiting. Tuck peeked again, a few seconds later. He came back down, grinned at Judy and Tazi. "It's going to be noisy for a finger-width... keep your heads down."

"What's happening?" Judy asked.

"There's a big bunch aiming to come out the main gate, probably intending to see what all the shooting was about. A couple of hundred of them it looks like. If we hit them right, they won't be able to close the gate."

He had been, Judy noticed, counting to himself, even as he talked to her. He popped up again, firing a single shot from his rifle.

Two hundred rifles spoke an instant later, and then the mortars added their weight to the volley.

There was a long, long count, before the next rifle volley; ten heart-beats. Rifles were going off from the town, bullets could be heard going overhead, others slammed into rocks and ricocheted noisily. Another mortar volley, a little ahead of the rifles. Then came the second rifle volley.

The number of bullets going by had become awesome. Every second or so, Judy could hear one go overhead. Tuck was a few feet away, looking at her.

A few feet away, the third rank rose to fire, and a trooper was hit in the throat, collapsing like an empty bag. That volley fired as well.

Tuck popped up, fired two shots and was back down. He turned to Judy. "Go over to the left. Tell Captain Mnestreus to watch out; they'll be firing grape shot here in a few seconds. Keep down!"

Judy ran, crouching down, along the line of the ditch. Several more times bullets whizzed overhead. She delivered her message to Captain Mnestreus, who grunted when he heard it.

"Down!" the captain called and his men knelt.

Bullets had been bad. What passed over their heads was beyond bad. Imagine a million angry hornets. Imagine more ricochets than you could willingly face. It was like that and more.

"Up!" the captain commanded and men were up, resuming the volleys.

"Tell Captain Tuck the Mexicotal here are pulling back. I'm going to advance after the next cannon salvo."

She bobbed her head and ran back to Tuck's position. When she sank down next to him he reached out and touched her shoulder. "Remind me next time," he told her, "to pick a shorter messenger."

Judy looked at him, confused.

He smiled. "You are drawing a lot of attention from the guards on the walls. They have enough elevation to see you and have been shooting at you. Fortunately, they are lousy shots."

"I didn't notice."

"Like I said, they're lousy shots."

"Captain Mnestreus says he's going to advance after the next cannon salvo."

Tuck reached out and touched Judy's cheek. "Don't take this personally, but Tazi is head and shoulders shorter than you."

He turned to Tazi. "Run and tell Captain Mnestreus to hold up until commanded to advance." Tuck pointed at Tazi and then yelled, "And keep your head down!"

Tazi nodded and she too ran along the line, hunched down in a crouch. It didn't seem to Judy that anyone was shooting at her.

Tuck touched her shoulder. "Listen."

Judy listened, not sure what she was supposed to pay attention to. There was a lot less firing from the town than there had been a few seconds before. And there was a sound like distant surf. She looked at Tuck.

"At a guess, the people of Xipototec have decided which side they want to go with," he told her.

Tuck called down the line, "Cease fire! Cease fire!"

With the cessation of firing, it was clear that what firing there was, was within the town. Not on the walls, but inside the town, but there wasn't much of it. The surf sound was now clearer, the sound of thousands of voices raised in anger.

Tuck looked at Judy. "Do you know what happened in France after the revolution? In Russia after theirs?"

Judy shook her head.

"It wasn't pretty," Tuck told her. "The people had suffered long and hard. They had a lot of grievances and they paid the nobles back a thousand times over. It won't be pretty, what we'll see inside there. Don't let it throw you."

Tuck stood then and stretched, his eyes intent on the town. Judy frowned. "Can I stand up?"

"Sure, why not? Might as well stretch."

She rose up and looked at the town. She'd seen it several times before now; now it was very different. There was a mound of dead men and horses a few feet from the gate. Then, in the gate area itself, the mounds were much higher. Her eyes went to a signal mirror flashing on the wall. Tazi had returned and now stood next to Judy, looking around.

Tazi walked over to Tuck, stared at him for a long time, then leaned close and kissed him on each cheek. Then she bowed her head to him.

Tazi's people, Judy thought, have been murdered for a long time by the Mexicotal. Her mother, her father. Who knew how many others? Tazi looked up at Tuck. "I would go to my sister."

Tuck bobbed his head. "It won't be safe, but yes."

More and more Hostigi heads were up, looking at the town. Tuck called out, "It's ours, lads! Don't go shooting any of our allies!"

There was laughter, a release of the tension that all had felt. A few seconds later, the cheers started.

Judy had a hard time understanding the cheers at first, until she realized the first word they were saying was "Lord" and not "Captain." Shouts started from the walls as well. The same words, with another accent.

Tuck climbed out of the ditch, and Judy was up a fraction of a second later to walk by his side. Ahead of them, Tazi passed into the town, while Tuck led a procession of Hostigi towards the gate.

Halfway there, Tuck turned to Judy and spoke in English. "You'll never guess why the Romans believed that a successful general, returning home to a celebration, should have a slave whispering in his ear, 'I am but a man.'"

"Because it would be very easy to get used to this," Judy replied.

"Exactly. Judy, please don't let me get used to this."

"Well, we could change what's whispered in your ear," she told him. She paused for effect, then whispered, "Your shit stinks!"

Tuck rocked with laughter. "I should wash your mouth out with soap!"

"Just trying to help!"

He could only grin, and then he walked faster, when he saw Tanda Havra on top of the wall, waving to him, signing him to hurry.

Judy glanced over her shoulder to the mountains, so distant. I hope you are okay, Gamelin. It would really wreck things if you're not.

When they reached the top of the wall, Tanda was looking off towards the mountains. She turned to Tuck. "Captain Andromoth destroyed the Mexicotal who pursued Lieutenant Gamelin. He reports two dead and a few wounded."

Tuck bobbed his head. "And what are the good captain's intentions?"

A signalman spoke up. "Lord Tuck, Captain Andromoth reports that the road is too obstructed to move his guns forward. He's sending some of his men up, but the guns and wagons can't move as yet. He's sending Lieutenant Gamelin forward with his company and he will come as fast as possible with the rest when the way is clear."

When a group of horsemen emerged from the mountains, Tuck studied them. "Mexicotal, but just a few hundred. It looks like Captain Andromoth really knocked the stuffing out of them."

Judy had been aware that Tanda was speaking with a tall man, wearing just a few feathers and not much else. There wasn't anything left to the imagination, Judy thought.

Tanda came back to Tuck. "You are in luck, Captain Tuck."

"I'm in luck?"

"Yes. This is Vertax, an agent of Manistewa's here in the town. He was the captain of the God-King's scouts. He reports that three days ago a wagon caravan arrived from the south. They camped here in town, because the road north isn't finished and they were afraid of an attack. More than a hundred wagons, nearly a thousand horses... wagons filled with fireseed and corn. Four parts in five, he says, fireseed."

The man said something else, in a language Judy didn't recognize. Evidently Tanda Havra didn't speak it either, because Tanda asked him to repeat. For a few minutes, there was much back and forth.

Tanda turned back to Tuck. "You need to send many men to the Governor's Palace. Vertax says that Xipototec is the main rally point for the Northern Regime. There are, he says, fifteen thousand stands of rifles in the palace."

"Three in a stand?" Tuck asked.

A brief conversation. "Four, Tuck."

Tuck turned towards where the Mexicotal survivors from the town were. They had stopped, several miles from the walls.

Tuck beckoned to Judy. "Find an artilleryman. Tell him I want a gun aimed at those men and fired. A ball, preferably, but grape or case shot will do. It has to be on line, even though the round will fall short."

Judy found one of the mortar lieutenants who was inspecting one of the big Mexicotal guns. She passed on the order and the lieutenant looked at the gun, then at Judy. "When in doubt, Lady Judy, ask your sergeant!" He was calling for the man, and Judy left it in their hands. Less than a finger-width later, one of the huge cannon on the walls boomed.

Again, a signalman reported, "The Mexicotal forces are heading southwest. Captain Andromoth says the Ruthani wish to destroy them."

"Tell Captain Andromoth," Tuck said, "that the Ruthani are to follow, observe and report. The Mexicotal aren't to know they are being followed."

Tanda looked at Tuck. "Tonight, when it's dark... we could send fifty men south. At daylight, the Mexicotal would bleed for every step they took south. By nightfall, none would live."

Tuck sighed. "Tanda, war is about what you think you see. You judge your enemy based on what you think you see. If your enemy lies, if what you see isn't the truth... then you don't know your enemy's true strength or intentions.

"Sure, we could destroy them. Odds are, Huspai, the town to the south, will learn of the attack, anyway. You can't attack a town this size, with this many defenders and expect the other side won't notice."

"They will notice! And fear us!"

"Exactly!" Tuck agreed. "And what would they do then? They would carefully assemble their forces, they would march against us cautiously and would attack us cautiously. How is that to our advantage? We want them to make mistakes. That would be encouraging them not to make mistakes!

"No, we let them go. They will assume we are over-extended and will assemble a force to move against us with the minimum of preparation before they march against us."

"They have forty thousand soldiers there. Half of them will come. We fought here, three to one against us and won. That is good! Before, we have fought many times our numbers and won and then we have withdrawn. We can't withdraw here. The Mexicotal will put everyone living in this town to death if they retake it. Twenty-five thousand men, women and children."

Tuck smiled. Judy wished she had his confidence. "Tanda," Tuck told his intended, "I've never given you reason to think so ill of me. I take my responsibilities seriously, as you should well know. I didn't come here to get everyone in Xipototec slaughtered by the Mexicotal."

He paused, "If there is a wagon train here, then this town must be on the Mexicotal road north."

"It is," Tanda Havra confirmed.

"Well, our mission was to cut that road. We've done it. Our next mission was to keep the road cut for as long as possible. That means we have to stop the Mexicotal who will march against us. You say there are twenty-five thousand people here?"

"Yes, Tuck." Tanda sounded unsure of herself, something Judy had trouble believing.

"They can have a party tonight. Tomorrow, we'll clean up the mess, then tomorrow night we'll have another party. First thing the next day, I'll be asking for volunteers. Sixty thousand muskets, eh? A hundred and sixty tons of fireseed?"

Tanda was patient. "Tuck, it will take the Mexicotal two moon-quarters to reach the town to the south. They will assemble and come north. A moon and a half from now, Xipototec will face twenty thousand Mexicotal regular soldiers."

"So, the locals will have a party tonight and a party tomorrow night. Then for the ten days after that we'll drill volunteers in how to load a musket. Then we'll give them some time to learn to aim, and the rest of two moon-quarters to learn to march on command. Then we march south. A few days south of here, we'll meet the Mexicotal."

"You can't train a soldier in a few moon-quarters!" one of the Hostigi onlookers gasped in shock.

"We can teach a man to load and fire in a moon-quarter. We can teach him to follow someone who knows what he's doing, on a march in a couple of days. We will line them up and have them face their worst enemy. And then they will learn that the God-King's soldiers die just like any other soldier, when you shoot them."

"Thousands of them will die!" Tanda said, obviously upset.

"I figure we'll get five to seven thousand volunteers," Tuck said, ignoring Tanda. "We will train them. It will be my job to put them in a place where they can gain confidence under fire, by killing their enemies and not getting killed themselves. So far, the God-King's soldiers have been very obliging."

There were laughs among the assembled men. They were deeper in Mexicotal territory than any army had ever gone, more successful than any army had ever been. And Tuck was right; the Mexicotal had been as stupid as the Zarthani had been, near Outpost. Judy nodded, sure Tuck was right.

"And if you make a mistake?" Tanda demanded from Tuck.

"Then they die, I die, you die, Judy and Tazi die. We all die. But what happens if we win? The Mexicotal road will have been cut for three hundred miles. Three hundred miles, Tanda! They won't be able to move forward this year, and if we do our jobs, they might have trouble next year. Count Tellan wanted two moons... we'll give him a dozen or two, if we win."

Tanda stared at Tuck, her nostrils flaring with anger. "You understand," Tanda said finally, "if you get us all killed, I will never marry you?"

There were a few gasps, but Tuck laughed.

"If I don't get us all killed, will you marry me? On the winter solstice?"

Judy laughed at that, as did Tazi.

Tanda Havra grinned then. "If you think you will be alive the day after our marriage!"

"The day after our marriage, Tanda Havra, you will say something polite about me in front of everyone."

Again, everyone laughed.

Judy saw the look that passed between them. Then Tuck turned to everyone present. "Have we got a war to fight or what? We need to secure the palace; we need to see if we can take a few prisoners. We need to get started on a rip-roaring party tonight!"

Gamelin and his men entered the city carefully, walking their mounts through the tangled mass of Mexicotal dead in front of the city's main gate. There were several hundred Hostigi regulars on guard at the gate, commanded by Captain Mnestreus.

"Lord Tuck is at the Governor's Palace on the other side of town," the captain told Gamelin. "Report to him there." Gamelin saluted and his men mounted again to ride through the town.

The area beyond the gate consisted of an open space a hundred paces on a side, then sun-baked mud brick buildings that essentially formed another wall, this one two stories high. There was a wide road that led into the town, also blank faced. The road went only a few hundred feet, before turning. They moved a quarter mile, with only occasional narrow alleys leading off from the main road; there were two more bends.

Vosper rode next to Gamelin and spoke finally. "Could you imagine how tough this place would be to take if we actually had to assault it?"

"You would need cannon," Gamelin said. "Stand off at a distance and blow down the walls inside, then go through the walls, not down the road."

Vosper looked at him, then smiled. "Lord Tuck is a good teacher!"

They reached the main square. It was much larger than Gamelin expected, with a large well in the center. One side of the square had the Governor's Palace, which backed into the wall around the town. There was a mass of wagons behind a barricade in another corner of the square, with a smaller fenced-off area filled with horses.

There was a tremendous mass of humanity atop a pile of something that was obscured by the sheer numbers of people atop it. It was, Gamelin thought, more people in one place than he'd ever seen in his life.

A Hostigi lieutenant grinned at Gamelin. "Lord Tuck is inside the Palace. The Governor and about fifty officers, priests and nobles fled through a postern gate."

"That's too bad," Gamelin said. "What's that?" he waved at what had to be the largest crowd of people he'd ever seen in his life.

"It was too bad... for them," the Lieutenant told Gamelin. "Lord Tuck had placed some of the Ruthani to hold the gate. The Ruthani skinned the ones they captured alive."

Then the lieutenant waved at the people obviously hard at work in the hot afternoon sun.

"That was the Temple Pyramid of the God-King here. Where the sacrifices were made. They're tearing it down, brick by brick, by hand. Great Galzar, do these people hate the God-King!"

Gamelin turned back and looked again. Tens of thousands of hands were tearing at the stones of the building, tearing it down. Men, women, children, the old... everyone it seemed who lived in the town. It was already visibly lower than it had been a finger-width before.

"Where are they putting the rubble?" Gamelin asked, watching a line of people that ran from the former temple, into the Governor's Palace.

"They are dumping it in the river," the lieutenant replied. "They say they are washing the blood off; a year from now, they will raise a new temple to their own gods, with the purified bricks."

A few minutes later Gamelin saw Lady Judy emerge from the palace with a dozen men, who trotted off on some errand. She saw him almost the same time he saw her.

Gamelin smiled in relief at her safety, from the sheer joy of seeing her again. She was so beautiful! Judy smiled back and then beckoned.

He was off his horse and nearly stumbled in his haste to comply.

"You have your company?" she said, looking at his men.

"Yes, Lady Judy."

"Captain Tuck says that you should take them over there, and guard those wagons and horses." She pointed to the area where the wagons were. "There is more than a hundred tons of fireseed in those wagons, plus tons of grain. Tuck says, remember the Zarthani fort! Be careful!"

Gamelin grimaced.

Judy finished up his instructions. "When you have your people settled in, the guards posted, return here, to the Governor's Audience Room."

Gamelin saluted, turned and got his soldiers going. It was one of the most difficult things he'd done in his life, turning his back on her, and even harder still, not to turn back for another glimpse. She was right, though. This was important. That much fireseed exploding would level the town, he was sure. Not to mention kill them all.

"Make a field camp here, outside the wagon enclosure," Gamelin told his men. "I want a rope corral for our own horses, based on that fence. Vosper, take a party through the wagon corral and count how many wagons there are, check the perimeter."

The sergeant nodded, pulled four men out and went inside.

"I'll make this short," Gamelin told his company. "These are supply wagons. They contain no beer, no wine, and some grain. Mainly the wagons are filled with fireseed. If I find a man smoking within a hundred paces of the corral, I'll kill him."

The small movements of the men vanished, leaving only the sounds of the horses, waiting patiently in the sun. "We will guard these wagons carefully. We've done a fine job today, we accomplished our mission!" He lifted his right hand high, thumb up. "Three cheers for Lord Tuck!"

The cheers were loud and enthusiastic.

It took a palm-width to get things organized. There had been a dozen men who'd been guarding the wagons before, now they returned to their own company. Gamelin stood with Vosper, watching the finishing touches on their rope corral. "A sergeant told me Tuck has announced a party tonight. Tomorrow we'll clean up battle damage and have another party. Then, so the sergeant said, we're going to train Mexicotal peasants to be soldiers of the High King."

"That takes a year," Gamelin said, dubiously. "I don't think we have a year."

"If the sergeant is to be believed, Lord Tuck plans on doing it in two moon-quarters."

"I've walked with him, I've talked with him, I've fought beside him," Gamelin told Vosper. "I stopped thinking of him as a sorcerer long ago. If he can train soldiers in two moon quarters, then he truly is a sorcerer!"

"The sergeant said that as well as the fireseed that we guard, we also took sixty thousand rifles. Rifles, not muskets."

That stopped Gamelin and focused his attention on Vosper.

Vosper met his lieutenant's eyes.

Vosper went on to say, "We looked at the wagons, opening one of the kegs of fireseed. Lord Gamelin, the fireseed does not bear either the Temple Mark of Styphon, or the Seal of the High King. Instead, there is a symbol like this." Vosper leaned down a drew a small circle in the sand, then eight elongated circles that didn't touch the one in the center, but the smaller end of the stretched circles all pointed inward.

"Mexicotal rifles, Mexicotal fireseed," Vosper told him.

"I need to report to Captain Tuck," Gamelin replied. Gamelin glanced across the square. There was just about nothing left of the Mexicotal temple. "When they get done there, quietly turn out the men. Keep all but a few out of sight, but ready to form up as needed. Those people really hate the God-King and I don't think anyone knows what will happen next."

Tanda wiped sweat from her forehead. How did the Mexicotal live in these buildings? They were much hotter than the houses she'd known in Mogdai and there was almost no air movement at all. They were on a balcony, overlooking the town square, watching as the activity around the temple started to wind down.

Tuck turned to Vertax, now wearing the uniform of a Hostigi private. "Now what will they do?"

Vertax shrugged. "I have no idea. We all knew they hated us; it's never happened before that the slaves and serfs have taken a town."

"This is not going to be fun," Tuck told him. "I want to speak to them. I hope you have a strong voice."

"Sounds like it," Tanda told Tuck. Vertax had a deep voice that sounded like it would carry.

"Okay, what we're going to do is I'm going to speak to you, you'll translate and talk to the people in my name. I'll keep it short and simple."


"First I'm going to get their attention, then call them over and tell them I want to talk to them."

The former Mexicotal officer bobbed his head in understanding. "I don't think they will hear," he told Tuck.

"They'll hear," Tuck said with calm assurance.

Tuck turned to one of the Hostigi lieutenants. "Get two dozen men, form them up in two ranks inside the room here. On command, march one rank forward; have them fire into the air on the third pip. Then have the second rank replace them, only to fire on my command."

The lieutenant was only too eager to please, and in a few moments, there was a single loud crash as a dozen rifles fired at once.

Everyone in the square turned to the palace, the sounds died away. Vertax began to shout his message in a loud voice. Promptly, people began to stream towards the palace and the balcony.

Tuck turned to Tanda. "That was easy enough!"

Vertax turned to Tuck. "The God-King's Governor spoke from here, whenever he commanded them. It's what they are used to."

Tuck looked angry. "It's too late to do anything about that now. Tell Vertax that the first thing he is to say is that tomorrow this balcony will be gone, and after this, I'll speak from the ground."

Vertax nodded. He called loudly a few more times, and then spoke a simple sentence. There wasn't much reaction, just a nervous silence.

Tuck spoke, "Kalvan, High King of Hostigos does not hold with slavery."

Vertax repeated Tuck's words, this time bringing murmurs from the crowd.

"Kalvan, High King, does not hold with serfdom."

More murmurs.

"Today, I speak in the name of the High King, and I tell you now this land is free in his name, and is under his protection."

The murmurs quieted, Tanda could see people looking at each other. This wasn't going well for Tuck, not at all.

"The Governor of Xipototec lies dead, his body stripped, his blood soaking your streets."

"The priests of the God-King lie dead, spilling their blood in your streets as once they spilled your blood on their temples."

"The nobles of the God-King lie dead, spilling their blood in your streets, as once your blood was spilled."

"The officers and soldiers of the God-King lie dead, spilling their blood in your streets, as once your blood was spilled."

"The custom of the High King is to claim half of the lands of his enemies that his soldiers capture. The other half he gives to the soldiers who conquered it."

"In the High King's name, I renounce his half. I renounce the part that would come to me. The High King will stand good for the rest himself, paying the bounty to his soldiers and officers from his own coffers.

"You are, this day, free men and women! Xipototec is now your town!"

The crowd was still for a few moments, then they realized the truth: they were free! The screaming was sudden, thunderous and lasted for a very long time.

When they were quiet again, Tuck spoke, "You must select leaders from among yourselves, to speak with me. However, today you are free!"

This time there were even more cheers, growing steadily.

When Tuck finally raised his hands, the sound declined rapidly.

"We have taken much today, from the God-King. Food and drink included. Tonight, let us celebrate! They are dead! We are alive! Long live the High King! Long live High King Kalvan!"

Tuck turned to Lady Judy. "Tell them to start rolling out the kegs of beer and wine. We seriously need to find some meat for a proper barbeque! If not for tonight, then tomorrow!"

Judy laughed, but dashed below.

Tuck motioned to Tanda and Vertax. "I don't think it would be a good idea for you to go out, Vertax, but Tanda, we need to know how the people really feel. Could you see to some of the Ruthani who speak the language going among the people, talking to them, seeing what they think?"

Tanda agreed and went to find some of the Ruthani. She found the Paracop, Xenos, and explained what was needed.

"I already have men who have volunteered." He grinned at her. "You understand that nine months from tonight, there will be a sudden surge of new babies?"

"Do what you must," she told him.

"I talked to one of the logistos. They haven't hardly begun to tally what's here. There are two palace levels above ground, and at least four beneath. Storerooms for everything you can think of! A treasure trove!"

"Gold?" Tanda asked.

He shook his head. "There's a fair amount of personal jewelry, some fancy bowls and plates. They don't use money, you know."

Tanda kicked herself. True, her job wasn't studying the Mexicotal, but you'd think her curiosity would have extended at least as far as knowing what they used in trade!

Same as Tangent
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Late summer surprises fall shockers and winter disasters

Note : This story is completely fictional! When last I wrote, I had enjoyed a very wonderful time with my sweet sister, Bobbie Sue. Times continued to be fun, for the next several weeks, because Bobbie dear, had gotten herself onto "ThePill", and we had fewer worries, as far as pregnancy was concerned..and boy were there some great evenings! In mid August of that year, our mother informed the three of us, Bobbie Sue, Jesse (our little bro) and myself, that she was bringing a friend to the house...

2 years ago
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Zoo disaster

Beth loved animals; she even gave cute nicknames to many of her favorite ones, but in all honestly she wasn’t the brightest tool in the shed. It was only because of her now ex-boyfriend Jim who was the owner that she got her job at the zoo. She was in charge of feeding the animals, but because of her lack in common sense, many who knew Beth well wouldn’t have been surprised if she somehow fed herself to the animals one day. It was this assumption from Beth’s friends that gave Jim a very dark...

3 years ago
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My skinnydipping disaster

It was a vibrant sunny day. I was sitting peacefully on the warm sand looking out aimlessly at the huge lake before me. The bitter wind blew gently around me, and it was silent. It was tranquil. I love coming here. It’s so amazing and so relaxing. It’s always quiet as only a few people mainly dog-walkers would come here which meant I could just sit here all day and just daydream. Undisturbed. However today it was exceptionally hot. The sun was shining brighter than ever before and I could feel...

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ENFEUF Muslim Girls Wardrobe Disaster

The alarm emphatically blared, interrupting Amira’s perfect dream. In her usual groggy state in the morning, the young woman smacked her phone a few times before returning to sleep. This process would repeat over the next hour 5 or 6 times. Fully aware of her inability to wake up on time, Amira set plenty of backup alarms, but only the final one did its job of breaking her trance. Unfortunately for her, it was already 7:45, fifteen minutes before school began. Seeing the time, she sprang into...

2 years ago
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First Time Disaster

So throughout his college days, Jason Smith tried like hell, but was totally unsuccessful in losing his most embarrassing character trait. He graduated with an impressive degree from a major university. The university only admitted perhaps seven percent of all applicants and had a significant flunk out rate, so being successful in attaining a Bachelors degree from this institution was in itself impressive and quite an accomplishment. Jason wasn't half bad looking, remaining trim and in fairly...

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Fun During Natural Disaster

Hi everyone, I have been an ISS reader since long. I always wanted to write one of my experiences here so that people like you can get ur hands inside ur pants and panties reading about me. Well now here is the story… This happened last year when I went to char dham yatra with my family. The trip for me started when I boarded the train on ahmedabad station. That is when I saw her first, Pooja, on the station. She was on the platform and my eyes couldn’t help but catch her. There she was...

3 years ago
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Sophia Bushs Dressing Room Disaster

It was a wet and windy day on the set of one tree hill, the cast and crew were filming a cheerleader catfight scene between the sometimes friends and rivals Rachel Gattina and Brooke Davis - played by Danneel Harris and Sophia Bush.The girls where rolling around on the ground pulling hair and ripping at each others uniforms... for the past 10 minutes, when the director yelled "CUT" that's a wrap for the day. About fuckin time screamed Sophia i'm fuckin freezing as she stormed off to her...

2 years ago
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Halloween Disaster

What a Halloween party it was! I'm calling it the night mine and my wife's lives changed forever. The night I became a voyeur a cuckold or whatever you want to call it. The night I unexpectedly watched my wife of eight years fuck a black man, and loved it! My wife Denise is stunning to say the least. She stand's 5'4", tall has long wavy sandy blonde hair, a nice womanly figure, with a great set of 36d's. She really light's up a room with her smile, it set's her apart. That's how I met her many...

4 years ago
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Dinner Party Disaster

It has been ages since we had seen our friends Renee and Jim so we decided to invite them to dinner and an evening of games and videos. Dinner was to be at six and I had been in the kitchen most of the day. I wanted to make everything just perfect. I tried to get as much done early as possible, the table set and the games out and so on, expecting that Leon would get home early. Actually, he promised to get home early. Knowing that the evening would go pretty late, we both knew it would be...

3 years ago
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The Dryden Dna Disaster

Doctor Mary Ellen Dryden never felt quite at ease with the world. She spent most of her forty-seven years as a bit of a loner, never daring to grow close enough to anyone else to establish a true and lasting friendship. Even while at college, she avoided any and all real chances to associate with her peer group. She felt more secure that way, even if she was lonely. The six foot seven redhead had even repeatedly been begged to join the woman's basketball team. Mary always politely turned the...

2 years ago
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Hard WinterChapter 7 Winter The First Major Disaster

Two days later we had the first major test of our defences. Graham had been teaching everyone to handle weapons. Kelly was one of his star pupils, she had a steady hand, a good eye and could decide which bit of the target she was going to hit. I was pleased enough just to hit the target! The call came in from the watchpost just before lunch. There was a group of between thirty and forty armed men moving towards the village through the snow. Graham had drilled us through several exercises...

3 years ago
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Gabatrix the First PeaceChapter 10 Triumph and Disaster

“Everyone,” Kane called out. “I had to make an official meeting of the recent discovery made by Doctor Aline. This meeting is crucial. I needed to have Ambassador Ifra, myself, Captain William, and Commander Ramírez all available to discuss what has been found.” It had been an hour later. Kane had made an official emergency diplomatic meeting that required as many essential people nearby to be present. He felt nervous, but the information was so vital that it could determine all future...

4 years ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 17 Disaster

Some three years after she took over as Madame, a new big-spending customer, Tonio, started using the House of Joy. He was a dream client; a big spender who always wanted the best of food and drink and didn't care what it cost. He always had three or four Submissive or Straight Sex girls for himself and if he brought a 'friend' with him the 'friend' would also have a couple of the Lesbian Section. According to the girls it was an easy evening. Tonio would first fuck one of them hard and...

3 years ago
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Better Living Through ChemistryChapter 8 Disaster

I answered the door and found two police officers looking very serious as if they were about to destroy someone's life. They asked, "Is Kimberly Adams here please?" I was immediately filled with a nervous feeling that something was seriously wrong. Had word of our sexual indiscretions gotten out to the wrong people? There were definitely dark clouds on the horizon for us I was sure. Incest was not only illegal but deeply frowned on by society in general. I was slightly relieved when it...

2 years ago
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Helen Space SlaveChapter 1 Disaster

Eventually the aircar stopped and she was hauled out of the cell and pulled at a run through some corridors to a bare small room with one door and a light high up in the ceiling. The policebot left, closing the door behind it and she suddenly realised that it had not said another word to her. Oh well, robots aren't very chatty anyway. She looked around and saw that the room was completely empty except for a small open box in the corner. In the ceiling was a utilitarian light fitting with an...

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CorruptionChapter 14 Preview of Disaster

Caleb was sitting in a road-side park, about five miles from the ranch, and he was fuming. Five other men were in the Suburban with him. They were crowded with all their gear, but they had nowhere to go. Two more equally packed vehicles were parked behind the Suburban. Two similar teams were on other roads, watching other exits from the ranch. The only thing they were authorized to do, so far, was stop the SUV if they saw it. The search warrant for the Mosque had been a state warrant,...

3 years ago
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5th NovemberChapter 4 Disaster

- "Hey I just thought of something ... why did they say October? Wasn't it in November that they caught Fawkes?" Kathy asked. - "The best laid plans of Grand Masters and knaves ... during the summer of 1605 a plague occurred in London ensuring that the Lords and the Kings families were in the country and wouldn't be back until after the plague had passed." Robert told her. - "A plague? But the Black Death..." Charlotte protested but was cut off by Robert. - "It wasn't as bad as...

4 years ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 10 Invitation to a Disaster

Seated in his living room, wearing a rented tuxedo, Jack McCullum was confused. He was still trying to figure out how his wife and daughter had talked him into going to someone’s house for dinner wearing a tuxedo. He had fought against the idea from the very beginning. His argument that it was just a waste of money should have been successful. Somehow, they had managed to win this one. For Jack to be confused wasn’t anything new. Just about everything concerning being a husband and father...

2 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 11 Disaster

The job in the perfume shop was much the same as all the others, but this time she made two mistakes instead of one. She couldn't afford the lovely perfumes, so she stole some; and she didn't like the oily little supervisor who caught her. When he made it plain that he would forget her theft if she would let him grope her tits and cunt, she refused. In a way she was right because he fully intended to blackmail her into his bed in the very near future. Unfortunately he was not only...

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The Strap on Disaster

I am writing an influencing story to prove that strap-ons should be used with due care and attention and this is to provide valuable knowledge and experience, to help all you dirty minded sex driven lesbians sustain a safe sex life. How the story begins: One day whilst my ex girlfriend was straddling my face, she whimpers intimately 'I want you to fuck me with a strap on'. On hearing this interesting suggestion I remove her from my face carefully placing her to my side. I decide to question her...

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Cruise Disaster

Younger Guy To start, I'm 46 years old, divorced for a year and a half after 21 years of marriage. A few months ago my best friend and I took a cruise which we had planned for some time.The second day of the cruise an attractive younger guy approached us at the bar and wanted to know if he could join us. We galdly told him sure.He bought us a couple of rounds and after some great conversation we parted ways.The next day we ran into him at to pool and again chatted for a while then he ask if we...

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Ffions ENF Disasters

Ffion is a 19 year-old girl originally from South Wales, but now lives with her mother, father and younger brother Lloyd in England. Her older sister Nerys is at university, but occssionally returns to the family home. In her final year of secondary school, Ffion is one of the most well-known girls in the school. Her favourite features are her light blue eyes and flawless long blonde hair. Standing at 5' 1", she may be short for her age, but with 34C breasts and a cute behind, she has already...

4 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 63 Surviving Disasters

I immediately got on the phone to Chaos and passed on the info needed to help with the kidnap victims. Between her and Law they got all the women corrected before the medics arrived. For all the women that acted as her entourage, I cleared out the code that had been entered and updated them. My four, Mandy, Alexandria, Carrie and Tanya, had the same short code from binding with me and just like the others it couldn't be removed. I also pulled up Agent Joan Davis after she left. I removed...

3 years ago
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My story Part 6 Marriage as a male disaste

Marriage as a “Male” disaster At a stage in my life I have doubts that I had a problem of being such a slut and wanting to be a women. So I decided to stop and try be normal, for sometime I could overcome my desires and so on. And thought I was cured, but actually it was all an illusion. So I decided to get married and try to live a normal live. After sometime I got married to lovely decent lady that I really liked. But it was not love or anything of that. We got married after half a year. My...

4 years ago
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When letting your wife try BBC can lead to disaste

Sharon and I had only been married three years and we were both 22. We had dated throughout school, married at 19, and on the whole, we were a very happy young couple. Sharon was a really sexy looking young woman, who was very confident and often quite outwardly flirty. She always looked and dressed sexy when we went out, and would often wear a lower top or shorter skirt to gain attention from any on lookers. She used to wear her make up quite heavy, and even for work she looked ‘over the...

2 years ago
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Celebrity Bondage

Female Celebrities both past and present have found themselves in a state of bondage. Who has done this to them? Was it of their own accord or the will of others? Is some higher being responsible for the celebrity’s current state of restraint or perhaps there is a supernatural aspect was involved? Are they the captive of some perverted wish made by a horny fan looking for some alone time? A clone of the original celebrity created by a mad scientist who wants a woman to warm their bed at night?...

3 years ago
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My first gay bbc experience

Of course all my responses were from men. But one of the responses had a dick pic and it was a BBC. Below is my response to his reply: ===================================================== Oh hell no! There is no way that monster could fit into my virgin ass. That thing would rip me in half. LOL. I know someone experienced could handle that thing but I have never done nothing like this before. Of course, if I'm really goin to do this and want to be dominated, then might as well go all...

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beverlys holo fantasy

said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by ourselves. You've got us too well trained....

4 years ago
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Found Out and Forgiven

FOUND OUT “Before you answer Gary, I think you’d better have a look at these,” I said as I opened the triple X file on my lap-top. Gary’s face was a sight to see as I flicked through the pictures that popped up on the screen, pictures of my wife sucking or being fucked by a variety of men. “Look Gary,” I said, “I don’t mind if you are fucking her but I would like to know about it.” I’d just accused my neighbour, Gary, of having an affair with wife and the pictures I was showing him were from...

2 years ago
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Adam and the Ants The BeginningChapter 7 Getting to Know You

Take it up or leave it, I'm not gonna change a bit If it means heartache, then leave it out for your sake I tried and I tried, to take care of my insides Nobody's perfect, so leave me if you object I want those who get to know me, To become admirers or my enemies. — Adam and the Ants, "Friend or Foe" (used without permission ) Tuesday, July 10, 4:07 PM Before I go any further, I should point out some differences between East Middle and West Middle. West Middle's territory is...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Cheerleading (what else?) Hey Em, it's your very-best-friend-in-the-world, but I guess you knew that when you saw the "from" line, right? Duh, my blond is showing again. Anyway, how are you holding up in godawful Cleveland... I still CANNOT believe that your parents could just up and move from beautiful SoCal to the midwest for gods sake... and break up the dynamic duo of Smithfield High cheereleading... but anyway, I still...

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Loving my wifes ass too much

I loved my wife, she has a perfect build, a perfect ass and a perfect asshole. I've always made comments to her like " I sure would love to eat your ass if you want me to". One evening she turned that comment back on me and that was when I learn how much I really love to eat her ass. She rolled off of me after we made love. My sperm was pumped deep into her ass, just a small amount dribbling out. She spun around and straddled my face. Ok, sweetheart. You want to eat my sloppy ass, here!" And...

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Jennifers ReeducationChapter 4

This final chapter of my story is intended merely as a lesson to those young female recruits out there that have not as yet experienced the chaos of combat. The fact that our fighting force was mostly female is a demographic reflection rather than a credit to female superior fighting skills. I had been guided into the “sniper mentality” by my ill treatment whilst a prisoner of the North Koreans and the slings and arrows of our own society that historically held feminine accomplishments...

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The Law of Unintended Consequences

According to Konrad J. Friedman, the law of unintended consequences is the proposition that every undertaking, however well-intentioned, is generally accompanied by unforeseen repercussions that can overshadow the principal endeavor. Last weekend, without telling my wife, Jennifer, that I was doing this, I undertook to save her some aggravation from the noises caused by my various vehicles back-up beepers. We live in a brick Federalist house more than big enough for our needs, behind which is...

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Definitely not WWF wrestling

I was cooling down from my workout in the basement of our gym, and was about to head for the shower, when the attendant appeared in the doorway and told me that the gym was closed and that i was the last member left. He said there was no rush as he had to clean up the locker room. As i tried to stretch out my hamstrings, he asked if i needed help in maintaining the stretch and i said sure. He came over and put his hands on my shoulders, gently pushing me forward so i could feel the stretch. He...

3 years ago
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Case Study One the Politics of Miscegenation

The story that follows is meant as satire. It was written to poke fun at the racist base that supports our current president, whose name must not be mentioned. I failed to point this out when I first posted it and someone was kind enough to point that out without raking me over the coals. (Thanks, Tony.) I do find that the fascination with interracial sex is indeed laced with a healthy dose of racism. To consider black men to be fundamentally different as lovers from anyone just because they’re...

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Cooking With Mom Part V

The anticipation of her gangbang was driving my mom Jennie into a frenzy. She was going to have me, Greg, his dad Bill, and our friends Pete and Ben this weekend. 5 cocks to pleasure her. We decided to have the guys over for a movie night Saturday and then turn it into a sex marathon for Mom. Of course, the only ones that weren't in on it were Pete and Ben but we figured they wouldn't mind the change in plans. Mom and I had a quick dinner and I cleaned up while Mom showered and got dressed...

4 years ago
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Houston 2Chapter 3 Tied Up and Surrogate School

Franck couldn't believe how excited he was at the thought of tying Felicia up and fucking her. His cock was leaking like a faucet. His slacks bore a large wet stain, and so the first thing he did on entering her apartment was to remove them, go to the sink and wash the pre-cum from the inner side of the material, and drape the slacks close to the air-conditioner that blew in cool air from its place in the living room window. Felicia was naked first and waited patiently for him to finish,...

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Naukrani bani gharwali

JK back again…Here is my next story. It will be in transliterated Hindi. So here goes the story…Vinod ek MNC mein Senior Executive tha. Unki age 35 saal, dikhne me wo kafi smart, lambayi 5’9 aur tandurust sharirwala insaan tha. Vinod ki salary 20,000=00 prati mahine thi. Unki patni Mala bhi kafi modern aurat thi, age 32 saal. Wo bhi ek private firm me Asst. Manager ki post par kam karti thi. Mala mahine ki 20,000=00 tak kama leti thi. Mala dikhne me behad sundar thi. Dono ki shaadi ke 4 saal ho...

3 years ago
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The Airport

Introduction: All Rights Go To Zane. The Airport by Zane From The Sex Chronicles: Shattering the Myth Copyright1997, 1998, 1999 All Rights Reserved You meet me at the airport right on time after my return flight from Jamaica. Even though I had a great time vacationing with my friends, I can hardly wait to see you. My eyes light up as I see you walking toward the gate to meet me. You look so sexy in the khaki slacks, black jacket and white button-down cotton shirt. I can feel my panties begin...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Seduction At College Hostel

Well, my name is Jessica and this incident took place at my hostel during my semester holidays. Let me tell you about myself. I am 19 with a sexy body as I like to always maintain it that way. Most of the boys in my classes at least once dreamt about me or at least that’s what my boyfriend used to say. Semester holidays started a week ago. I had to stay as my parents are on a business trip. As usual, my boyfriend left for his home and we won’t be seeing each other for a whole month now which...

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The Boss

Emily was a tall girl, 6 blonde woman who had men drroling all over her. Her breasts were a 32 B but you know she had a large pussy. She modeled for a while but she got tired of it so she wanted to work in business. Emily had a boyfriend who loved to fuck her. He had a huge cock and loved to shove it up her dripping cunt. He gave her the idean of coming to work at his job because there was a spot open and we could see eachother. He warned Emily about the boss becasue she was a bitch and didnt...

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Dost ki saadi ke baad

Hi dosto aap ne is story ke aage ke bhag padhe honge ye 4 part hai bahut lambi ho rahi hai kyu ke me jo hua wo pure ka pura sach bata raha hu taki aap ko maja bhi aaye. Ha to me rohit gujrat ke ahmedabad ke 1 gau se hu or me 25 saal ka hu me mere mayur dost hai ushki shadi me gaya tha waha ki bat hai.to aage ab story pe aate hai…. Me or payal bhabhi bike pe shadi me ja rahe the tab mene bhabhi se puchha tha ki bhabhi aap ki suhagraat kesi rahi thi. To bhabhi ab batate hai ki jab me shadi karke...

1 year ago
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Colors of the NightChapter 5

Although Anya had been suspicious of the ground beef, she mowed her way through the hamburger like it was the food of the gods. When the juices gathered on her lips and cheeks, her tongue would lewdly sop up all of the mess with gastronomic gusto. Travis noted. 'Food of the gods' was not an easy phrase anymore, because in Travis' mind they were godlike with their abilities. What were these 'gods' doing, what powers did they have that one could speak in his mind, one could give him an...

3 years ago
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I Walked Away With a RedheadChapter 13

Morgan had me carry some boxes to her car. We waited. At nine thirty, Morgan said, “Okay, let’s go. I don’t want to deal with her tonight.” Morgan was not happy but, at ten, we pulled in at my motel suite. She had a rolling case. We went inside. We rode up the elevator. Morgan said, “Is there an extra cost for me in your suite?” “No, dear. The suite is a flat rate and I get a discount for the long-term nature of my stay. We’re good.” I opened the door with my key card and we went...

2 years ago
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Change of Luck

Jason Lewis had considered himself one of the luckiest men in the world before that night. He had been lucky enough to marry the most gorgeous woman he had ever met. His wife Kelly stood 6 feet 2 inches tall and had the measurements of a playboy bunny at 36c 24 34 with an angelic face to match. At thirty three she still turned heads even in a room filled with women fifteen years younger than her. She had given him two wonderful children and was a wonderful homemaker as well. On top of all that...

4 years ago
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Of One Mind

1“Of One Mind” by The TechnicianBDSM  M/M   M/F  FantasyMy close friends who know me very well sometimes ask me how it feels to have so many people inside me.  I always reply, “There are only three of us, and it is only one at a time.”  People who don’t know me very well think I have catatonic epilepsy.  To the outside world, sometimes I just lock up for somewhere between a few moments to a few days.  That makes it a little hard to work, and even harder to have any close friends.  But inside, I...

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The Apartment Ch 2

Author’s Note: This series is a continuation of the story begun with introduction of the characters in ‘The Blissfield’ and continued in ‘The Log Cabin’. * * * * * ‘Morning, Baby,’ David said, sitting on the bed beside Holly. He was dressed in a light summer suit, and was slipping on his shoes. He ran his hand up over the sheet feeling her naked body shift underneath. She rolled over from her side to her back luring his hand to her breast. ‘Mmm, morning,’ she said as his fingertips grazed...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Liar

Why did it have to rain today-the day of all days??? The coldness and wind was bearable but not the rain. This meant a change of clothes and shoes not to mention being late. Well if this was nature's cruel way, so be it. Just as she was contemplating this thought the rain began to fall harder and faster. Wildly looking around her, she saw the pain path dashed through it and towards the house. "How can you lose her again Daniel?" his brother bellowed. This was the third time in two months...

3 years ago
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My Moms friend Ms April

It was a Friday night and I been home all day. Normally I’m alone on Friday nights unless a friend calls and wants to hang out. I mostly like to stay home on Fridays because that’s when I would have the house to myself. My mom goes out of town every Friday so I’m used to being alone most of the time. But tonight was different, something unexpected happened. So later when my mom left the house, I went to take a shower and most likely flop on the couch and watch some TV. I was sitting there...

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Intimitaumlt oder die Freuden des WGLebens

Liebe Leser,heute möchte ich Euch eine Erfahrung mitteilen, die wir als Paar vor einigen Wochen machen durften. Um uns kurz vorzustellen: Wir sind Alex, 24, und Anna, 22, aus dem sonnigen Süden Deutschlands. Wir studieren beide noch und wohnen seit zwei Wochen zusammen. Die folgenden Ereignisse haben sich allerdings einige Wochen vor dem Umzug abgespielt. Damals wohnten wir noch in getrennten WGs, ich mit zwei Mädels und einem Mann und Alex mit einem guten Freund von ihm. Die beiden hatten eine...

2 years ago
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 3 Meeting The Neighbors

Paige was startled at the knock on her door. She hadn’t been expecting anybody, and was working in her kitchen, putting away some groceries and trying to determine the best places to store dishes, pots, pans, and every other bit of kitchen stuff that she and Bob had acquired. Again, the door knocked, so she set down the Dutch oven she really didn’t know what to do with and wandered off to the living room. “Coming!” she called out. She opened the door to find a tall, statuesque blonde...

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