Dave's Diaper Disaster free porn video

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Dave's Diaper Disaster By Squeekdamouse "All right you kids, I'll see you in a week!" Mom shouted from downstairs, she was away to a women's empowerment retreat with her neighbour. "Bye mom, have a good time!" Dave shouted rushing downstairs hugging her tightly. "Seeya Mrs Leslie..." Fee said poking her head around the door. "Make sure he behaves himself Fee..." Dave's mom said. "Awwww Mom, I'm all grown up now..." Dave complained. Dave's mom ruffled the fur between his floppy ears and kissed him gently on the cheek. "Buh-bye sweetie," she said before running to the car and off to the retreat. *** Dave followed Fee into the front room where she had been watching television and slowly sipping a beer. "You want some kid?" Fee asked offering Dave a bottle. Dave blinked. "I'm not sure..." Fee smiled and opened the bottle for him shoving it into his paws. "You'll love it..." she said smiling brightly taking another swig. Dave drank some of the beer, it was unusually sweet and very tasty. "Hmmm... nice," Dave said greedily drinking more of the bottle. Very shortly the entirety of the bottle had vanished and Dave had started on a second and then a third. "Hey... Slow down there sport..." Fee said cautiously. Dave nodded and started on his forth bottle before suddenly passing out. "About time too..." Fee said somewhere in the distance. *** Dave awoke feeling very groggy, everything spun slowly and he was feeling very ill, so much so if he hadn't been lying down he would probably have thrown up. Dave struggled against the waves of throbbing churning feelings and managed to focus on the roof, strangely it seemed to have a much more solid structure then before and was a lot closer as well. Dave lay there in confusion and disorientation not even sure if he was actually facing up when there was a sudden tugging from his stomach. Terrified he was about to spew everywhere he tried to roll in a direction that seemed easiest when to his horror he felt his bladder suddenly start to expel followed instantly by a warm feeling flowing from his penis into the outside world. Dave mutely sat there, he'd just wet himself, that much he knew, but he also knew something was very wrong as the warm hot feeling of pee didn't drain away. Dave realised he must have wet the bed and his clothes as well. A horrific black and fuzzy blob suddenly appeared, somehow above the ceiling. "Arwwwww! Roo little Davey," its distorted voice bellowed, moving the ceiling out of the way and picking Dave up. Dave's vision spun violently, not able to focus on anything he could feel himself being carried roughly to a hard but padded surface, where to his dismay he felt the warmth vanish from his crotch knowing this could only mean someone had taken off his pants. Sniffling slightly he vaguely felt a new pair of pants being roughly put onto him then once more he was lifted up and placed on a soft mattress like thing before the ceiling was put on top again and Dave eventually returned to his intoxicated slumber. *** Dave woke up again feeling very thirsty and still rather disorientated. Cautiously he sat up only to bang his head on a solid wooden frame. "What the..." Dave said rubbing his head slightly. It was dark now but Dave could make out distinctive bar shapes just above him. "I'm... in a cage," Dave quietly whispered peering into the darkness, he couldn't make out much but this didn't look like his room. Dave sat there dejectedly trying to figure out how he was going to get out of this cage when he heard a soft noise coming from the corner of the room, he couldn't make out what it was yet however. "Ahh well in the meantime then..." Dave thought slyly moving his paw down towards his crotch. Before it got there however it brushed against something smooth and silky. Dave pulled at it and was amazed to find it was attached to the clothing he was wearing, quickly he felt up and down his body only to find a similar smooth silky fabric covering him in a very specific manner. It took Dave only a matter of minutes to realise he was wearing a dress and from the feel of it a very feminine and frilly dress too. Dave winced and wanted it to be light so he could see exactly what he was wearing but in the same instance he liked not knowing. Sighing heavily he put his paw under the dress and tried to reach inside his underpants only to find a sleek padded surface blocking him, he tried to force his paw past it but to no avail whatever they were there was no way to get past them. Dave feared this would also mean there was no way to get them off... Dejected and frustrated Dave kicked at the cell wall only for him to hurt his toe painfully. Miserable, in pain and upset Dave curled up and waited until morning. *** Eventually a soft light filtered into the room dispersed by the blinds so that it was hard to make out any specific shapes or colours but now Dave could at least see what was happening. He wasn't in a cell but a overly large crib with a top that could be closed to ensure no escapees, the mattress he was sitting on was covered with a waterproof sheet and had three large plushies spread around on the surface, each was wearing a disposable diaper. Dave gasped in shock at what he observed and with a distinctive sense of fear looked down at what he was wearing. Horrified he looked down at the frilly mass of silk that stuck out from around his waist, it looked like the kind of dress a three year old girl would wear. Shaking physically Dave gingerly lifted the frills getting a clearer view of what was blocking his only possible enjoyment from this situation. A deep coloured plastic panties revealed the very obvious disposable diaper underneath. Dave screeched in terror slightly before trying to remove the panties only to find a padlock at the rear kept them tightly secured. Sitting in mute silence Dave had no idea what was going on or how much time was passing. *** The light gradually grew in intensity until Dave could make out lots more, in one corner of the room sat a changing bed filled with disposable diapers and various oils and talc's that made Dave all the more worried, in the centre of the room was him in the crib so he could see a full view of the room around him. Opposite the door was a large cabinet the door of which was slightly ajar and various frills of different colours presumably all belonging to more feminine dresses inside. Dave shuddered and continued to look around the room, a roughly constructed playpen made of what appeared to be an inescapable mesh of wire. Finally the only other notable thing in the room apart from the door with a sinister gleaning keyhole was a large stereo unit, which intermittently let out a soft almost inaudible noise. Dave heard his stomach rumble slightly and tried to lift to top of the crib off only to hear a distinctive clink of a padlock, not that it mattered much even if he did get out of the cage he still had no way to leave the room without a key. Dejectedly Dave lay down gently hugging a Pikachu plushie that was wearing a disposable diaper and dark purple panties, which were also locked with a padlock and chain. Quietly Dave spent most of the time whimpering from inside the crib now it was quite light he had no way of telling how much time was passing. *** After what seemed like days Dave felt the need to pee again his bladder straining slightly from the build up of urine. He knew that it would only be a matter of time before the pee would be forced into the diaper he was wearing. Squirming vigorously Dave tried desperately to escape from the crib, to somehow force the panties off but it was in vain. Dave cried softly as he felt a trickle of warm pee slowly flow into the strange padding between his legs, quickly the trickle turned into a flow as his bladder screamed to be empty. A clammy warm feeling began to surround Dave's crotch making him sniffle more, as the full depravity of his act was made apparent. This was enough to make him break, no matter how embarrassing it was he didn't want to sit in a wet diaper it was just to disgusting. "Hello?" Dave sniffled loudly. His muted voice rebounded off the walls with no obvious reaction. Dave sat there quietly feeling the warm heat of his pee continue to invade his crotch sniffling constantly at his situation. Finally the flow of heat and liquid stopped leaving Dave just sitting there mutely. *** He didn't know how long he'd been sitting there before he heard someone come in to the house. "Hello?!!" Dave shouted loudly past the walls of his enforced prison. To his relief he heard someone start to climb some stairs before taking out some keys and inserting one into the door of this room. Dave held his breath, he didn't care how silly or embarrassed he looked he was going to get out now. *** Slowly the door opened and in walked Fee who was smiling brightly. "I see little sissy baby Davey is up at last..." she said with an impossibly huge grin. Dave looked up at her in shock. "... You did this to me??" Dave asked quietly Fee nodded and continued to smile at Dave. "Please... let me out, I... I need to change," Dave softly admitted. "Oh?" Fee retorted looking surprised. "Did you mess your cute little diapers?" Dave shook his head. "No... I... I only peed but I will mess them if I don't get out soon." Fee nodded. "Give me a big long cry when you do," she coldly said before leaving the room. "HEY!!" Dave screamed as the door closed. "...Hey..." Dave repeated softly realising Fee wouldn't be back for a while. He was hungry, very thirsty and sitting in a wet diaper, he believed things simply couldn't get any worse. *** Unfortunately it was just then that he felt a different call of nature. "Let me out!!" Dave screamed hopelessly as he could feel the cramping in his bum getting more and more urgent waves of intermittent pain washed over him as he tried to resist the urge to empty his bowels. Grunting painfully as he doubled over to try and ease the pain Dave turned bright red as he heard a loud wet farting noise from his butt and he could feel a strange slowly oozing substance crawl up and along his bum. "No..." Dave whimpered quietly as he felt the icky brown substance continue to force its way into the diaper he was wearing, he could even feel it trying to escape from past the diaper but much to his disgust he only felt the mush push against other mush and continue to creep up his crotch. All of this was too much and as the flow of lumpy mushy poop stopped spilling into the diaper Dave found himself crying loudly as without warning his bladder released. Dave sat balling his eyes out as the ooze in the diaper slowly worked it's way into new crevasses. "FEE!!" Dave screamed loudly, his call was responded to instantly by Fee standing in the half open doorway. Tears still rolling down his cheeks Dave managed to sniffle, "I messed myself." Fee nodded and took out a bunch of keys unlocking the crib and whispering "Rosebud" directly to Dave. Instantly Dave felt his body lock up, he found himself completely unable to move his body. Fee laughed loudly at this, "Oh wow! It worked!!" Gingerly Fee carried Dave over to the changing table, Dave helpless to stop this. "I didn't think the hypnotic tape would be any good and would have to strap you up but this makes it a lot easier," Fee said undressing Dave leaving him with just the locking plastic panties and a diaper. "Now let's get you clean..." she said taking a small silver key and unlocking the panties. Quickly Fee set about cleaning Dave up, removing all traces of bodily waste from him before applying a light greenish oil to his bum and crotch and dusting heavily with talcum powder. "Now... What shall we wear..." Fee said opening the large cupboard, Dave wanted to turn and see what was inside but found his head paralysed. After a few moments Fee came back into view with a light yellow dress with small lace ribbons all over and many layers of petticoat. "This one should do..." she said forcing Dave into the dress. Fee then lifted Dave up, she was amazingly strong for her age and with very little difficulty she carried Dave downstairs and into the kitchen. "Now then let's get you fed..." Fee said sitting Dave in a high chair. Fee proceeded to take out several jars of baby food and carefully spoon the contents into Dave's mouth, he still couldn't move but had already found that eating appeared to be an automatic reaction. He would have gagged over the food if he had been able to do so but found himself unable to take any action. She then took a large bottle of milk and poured several heaped tablespoons of sugar into the milk and several small vials of some strange liquid into the bottle. "Now drink all your milk..." Fee said looming towards Dave forcing the nipple of the bottle into his mouth, again Dave found himself unable to do anything accept suckle at the bottle swallowing mouthfuls of disgustingly sweet milk. Eventually the bottle was drained of its contents and Fee placed it down before turning Dave onto his back and gently rubbing and patting. Dave suddenly found himself burp loudly, the contents of the bottle settling into his stomach. "Now time for little girls to nap..." Fee said bundling Dave up and out of the chair. Carefully she carried him up the stairs and placed him back in the crib. "Sleep well little one..." she cooed gently smiling at him in the crib. Before leaving she changed the tape in the stereo so it now played a soft quiet flute tune. Fee was just leaving when she turned and smiled at Dave. "Almost forgot... Rosebud," she said leaving the room and closing the door. *** Instantly Dave found he could move again, not that it did much good finding that Fee had once again locked the crib shut. Dave whimpered quietly hugging the Pikachu plushie in a diaper once again crying softly as he felt a sudden warmth in his crotch. "What..." Dave said in confusion watching the diaper he was wearing turn a light yellow in colour. Slowly the yellow spread all around the diaper until some warm hot yellow pee started to leak out of the sides of his diaper. Dave cried loudly and hugged the Pikachu plushie tighter as he felt completely and utterly humiliated. The sound of the flute music drifting in the air Dave found himself slowly becoming more and more tired, despite the wetness he found himself slowly drifting into a dreamless sleep. *** Dave woke with a start, he was on the changing table in a clean diaper and noticed he was wearing a girls swimming costume a light pink in colour and with a cute print of a rabbit in a diaper on it. "What..." Dave said looking up at Fee. Fee smiled and gently fuzzed Dave's hair. "Do you know what day it is?" Fee asked smirking evilly. "Wednesday, why..." Dave asked squirming slightly. Fee shook her head. "Try Saturday." Dave looked confused until Fee pulled out some pictures and showed them to Dave. In the first set it showed Dave in the same dress and diaper as he was wearing before going to sleep and moved onto him being changed into a clean diaper and light blue frilly dress. The pictures continued to show him apparently enjoying himself playing in the playpen until dinnertime and then being fed and put into bed again. The final pictures had yesterday with Fee taking Dave into town and shopping for new clothes before returning home. "How..." Dave asked looking up at Fee. Fee smirked evilly. "I'll let you see before Mom comes home." Dave sighed as he was picked up by Fee who proceeded to cover Dave in an icky yellow substance. "Suntan lotion, we don't want you to burn now..." Fee explained. She then picked Dave up gently and took him outside where there was a small paddling pool with a little yellow duck swimming around in the water. Dave sighed unhappily as he was placed in the water and the diaper he was wearing sucked in the cool water from the pool turning into a slushy mush that was only held against him by the swimsuit. *** The afternoon crept on slowly and eventually Fee reapplied more suntan lotion to Dave when he noticed a strange warmth around his crotch again. Dave didn't think any more of it until he was placed in the pool and a light yellow stain crept into the water. "Oh..." Dave whimpered suddenly realising he must have wet himself whilst in the pool. Fee smirked evilly at Dave and continued to lounge in the sun. *** Slowly the afternoon dragged on and it became cooler until Fee picked Dave up and bundled him upstairs to be changed again into a clean and dry diaper when suddenly there was a slamming of a door from downstairs. "Hello??" Fee shouted downstairs. "Kids?" the voice of Dave's mom shouted back. Fee cursed under her breath and turned directly to Dave. "I was hoping for a little more fun with you tomorrow baby girl." With that Dave felt distanced from his body much like he had felt earlier but now rather then not being able to move he found he just could not control his body at all. "Emma..." Fee said softly directly to Dave. To his amazement Dave found his head turn directly towards Fee and break into a wide smile. He wanted to ask what was going on but found he couldn't even talk. "How's my little baby girl?" Dave's mom asked entering into the room. Dave felt a wave of shock ripple into him, fear, terror and humiliation swept over his body as he realised that it wasn't just Fee that had arranged this. "Emma is just fine Mrs Leslie." Fee said looking down at Dave. "Thanks Fee, you did a great job," Dave's mom said handing Fee a large envelope full of cash. Fee smiled brightly. "It was kind of fun Mrs Leslie, anytime you need a babysitter just call." With that Fee left the room leaving Dave and his mom. "Now sweetie..." Dave's mom said opening the cupboard, "What pretty dress would you like to wear today?" Dave tried to get his body to do something, anything which it did as he felt a hot warmth build up around his crotch yet again. Dave's mom smiled seeing Dave wet himself, "Excellent choice sweetie." She cooed gently. "A yellow dress will be perfect on you." [Break point] Dave found that for the next three weeks his routine was pretty much the same, at the time his persona trapped inside his useless body, which refused to do anything except respond how Emma the little girl he had been forced to become would. After about month, but it was hard for Dave to tell, his mom must have said something for he found that he could do things again, not that it helped much for his mom would just ignore any feeble protests he would put up and continued to make him wear a diaper and a dress for a whole three months. For those three months Dave was constantly humiliated, forced to pretend to be a little girl until one not so special day Dave's mom put him into some of his old boy clothes, still with a diaper but Dave was so very, very happy to be wearing boy clothes again he didn't care. Until he realised why, school was about to restart in the next few days. He'd was going to go back to school and he knew he'd have to wear a diaper all the time whilst there, that night he curled up in bed and hugged the Pikachu plushie tightly crying until he fell into a dreamless sleep. [End] Dedicated to: Dave, unsurprisingly really, it's his story. Thanks to: Camrath the plushie, for whispering ideas. Miles the plushie, for whispering more ideas. Pikachu the plushie, for looking so cute in a diaper. Bethany (Sharp HC-4600A palm top) for breaking down half way and forcing a re-write of the end. FAQ Q> What's a break point? A> A break point is a part of the story where you can go, "right beyond this point is just ideas of what may have happened next." Technically it's a 'soft ending' like in the movies where it would fade completely to black and maybe even roll the end credits before the 'hard ending' takes place.

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Daves Fairgound Background

Over the years in his steel fabrication business, he had always been very hands on and had learnt all the necessary skills to enable him to move his plans forward and was more than capable of making the adjustments to his rides. Dave had a very nice house in which he had built himself an underground secure playroom. He hosted many parties which often spanned a whole weekend, some guests were very happy to receive invites to these parties, other guests had no choice but to attend the parties,...

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Daves Fairground The setup

The rest of that weekend comprised of Dave and Paul checking over the rides and the woodland and setting up the rides so that they were ready for the actual day for the lifting process. In between the site visits they had some fun with Jen and Steve. Jen was physically and mentally worn out at the end of Sunday. Dave accepted the fact that she had endured quite a weekend of abuse and gave her a few days to herself to recover, he had plenty to amuse himself with setting up the final touches to...

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Daves Sister

However, the best thing about spending time at Dave’s was getting to see his sister Becky. Becky was two years older than me and Dave, but she went to the same school. She had big blue eyes that were complimented by full black eyelashes and an energetic frame of mascara. Her hair, which was full and wavy extended to halfway down her back. It was originally brunette, but was dyed peroxide blonde in a way that highlighted her roots and was almost kind of tacky, yet it gave her the appearance of...

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Daves Fairground The ducking Stool Game

The Ducking Stool Game The basic setup of this ride was very similar to the normal ducking stool you would see at fairgrounds and parties, there was a 5 feet tall tank of ice-cold water, although only shallow this was to ensure that the victims head after dropping into the tank would be out of the water to stop her drowning. Dave had managed to reverse engineer a swimming pool heater to cool the water rather than heat it up, this kept the water nice and chilled for the falling victim. The...

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From Dom to Diaperwetter

I wasn't always a sissy baby. I was a highly respected media academic, tall, handsome and confident, my girlfriend an up-and-coming psychology and hypnotherapy researcher. I also used to be quite an important mover and shaker on the fetish scene. As a dom, it was a great way to meet pretty girls on the side. I was very much cock of the walk. I sneered at those with "weak" fetishes. In fact on more than one occasion I'd been heard evincing "You'll never catch me doing that ABDL stuff -...

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Diapered and Dressed Part 4

Diapered And Dressed Part 4 By Laurie Ann Brown As we pulled into the drive and Mom reached over to undo my seatbelt I thought I saw a tear in the corner of her eye. We had ridden in total silence the entire trip from the school. I slid out of the car and followed behind her with my head bowed in shame for allowing what had been done to me to be done. I wondered what I could have, should have done to have prevented this. Mom never asks me why I was dressed this way. I knew she...

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Diapered and Dressed Part 1 Bobbys Start

This writing is designed for entertainment. It is somewhat fictional but the beginning is the truth as I remember it from long ago. It is not the typical story line of a boy coming to terms with dressing. This is a story of a boy who is embarrassed by what is done to him. Synopsis: At age 6 Bobby still had an occasional wetting accident. His Father decided to cure him once and for all. Little did he realize that the cure was the cause of Bobbie's life style change at such a young...

2 years ago
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Diapered and Pantied

Diapered and Pantied By Cissie Guy The taxi ride back home was long and mostly silent. Phil and Cindy sat in the back seat while his mom sat up front with the cab driver. Phil kept his eyes focused on his bare knees, not wanting to look up. Cindy watched Phil intently as she sat next to him. Her grin never fading as she runs a hand up Phil's legs. "Smooth" was all she said, as her grin got even bigger. Occasionally, his mom would turn around and stare at her 15 year old son, now...

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Diapered and Dressed Part 3

I was being dragged out of the ice cream shop with my cone in hand after the humiliation of being felt up by Mr. Vickers. Carol and Emily were all giggles and laughs, as they knew very well the humiliation I had just suffered at the hands of Mr. Vickers. I, on the other hand, just wanted to enjoy the oversized cone provided me as a girl and then get back to the safety of our house. The walk back was uneventful and I had almost forgotten I was wearing the Easter dress with all its...

4 years ago
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Diapers And Little Girls

Diapers and Little Girls Helen and Rose. Bobby (Helen's son) and Jeff (Rose's son); Jennifer, Bobby and Jeff's neighbor. Helen was beside herself. It was guilt mostly. Guilt that she would have to leave her son alone at home, sick. More importantly she felt bad for his embarrassment over wetting his bed the night before. Poor thing, she thought. He hadn't wet his bed since he was a toddler. He didn't have a fever, but he said his stomach was upset. Could be a virus that was...

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Diapered and Dressed Part 2

Diapered & Dressed Part 2 By Laurie Ann Brown I spent a fitful night in the nightgown and panties. Waking periodically expecting my Dad to be checking on me when he returned from work. Finally deep sleep took my exhausted body into another world and I slept. The bright morning sunlight streamed its harshness through out my room as I cracked open my eyes to see my Mother standing over me with a hand under my nightgown and her fingers inside the leg of my rubber panties and diaper....

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Tricked into Diapers

Tricked into Diapers By Tammie2 I. Nancy sat on the couch and frowned as she watched her friend Sherry nurse her one-year-old baby girl. It had been only a week since Nancy's 18-year-old nephew Tom had arrived to stay with her while his mother travelled around Europe for the summer, but she was already at her wit's end. Nancy's sister was a stern and domineering woman, character traits Nancy lacked, and Tom quickly took advantage of his newfound...

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Diaper Drabbles

The planting ground for your own ABDL (Adult Baby / Diaper Lover) and Infantilism scenarios. There are no set rules to this interactive story (aside from the website's rules about bestiality, underaged sex, extreme violence, etc.), so go nuts. To get things started, you best begin with what kind of story you intend to do.

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The Diaper Curse

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Joanne Abadila was at a loss. It was not the death of her estranged parents that got to her. Joanne's parents where a very traditional, conservative family. They had very strict, scheduled to the letter life-plan in mind for her since the day she was born. She was meant to go to the same law schools, have the same friends and get the same job as her parents did, all boiling down to looking after the family's estate just as her parents did...

1 year ago
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Diaper Secret

Alexa’s not the only one with a diaper secret… so let’s add some more. READ THE WRITER’S RULES All characters must be 18+ Please keep the rules in mind. This is an ABDL story and will contain such elements. Now let’s choose someone to follow

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Diapers Dresses and Domination

Diapers, Dresses, and Domination Or How in the heck did this happen to me? By Missy Satinpanties It started simply. I was fairly young, and a very successful stock broker. Thanks to some luck, a few shrewd guesses, and the guts to take a real risk, I was now sitting on a rather sizable nest egg, owned a nice house outright, and a beautiful Black Lexus. Nothing...

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How I Started as a Diapered Sissy

How I started as a diapered sissy By [email protected] I was born and raised in southern California with a sever foot deformity. I spent the first 10 years of my life in hospitals or at home with both of my feet and legs in casts or braces. At this time I could not walk by myself or get to the bathroom by myself so I was kept diapered with cloth diapers and rubber pants. To get around I was pulled around in a red wagon or pushed around in a wheelchair by my parents or my...

2 years ago
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 Diapers was a girl I dated fairly often back in the eighties. She was a cute and sweet young gal that always seemed happy and on the verge of giggling. She was in her early twenties and had a one-year-old son. Diapers lived with her parents who helped her care for her baby. She carried around a few extra pounds and, though not overly fat, she was nicely rounded. Like most heavier girls, she had a wonderfully large set of tits. I was beginning to really appreciate bigger girls and their big...

Straight Sex
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Diapered By His MotherInLaw

Diapered By His Mother-In-Law by Throne "Listen," Todd said. "The last thing I want to do is stop at your mother's house before we leave on vacation." "It will only be for a half hour," his wife Janet pointed out. He gave a theatrical sigh and shook his head. "Fine. Whatever." He was short, with a lightweight build. She was a few inches taller than him, a real looker, with curves to spare. Soon they had the car packed and Janet made sure the plane tickets were in her...

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Miss Disaster

...is about to find out that fantasies do indeed go wrong sometimes...  Her online nick name is Miss Disaster and he thinks it suits her perfectly. Not because she is clumsy, but because she brings destruction into his idyllic small town life (ok, maybe not so idyllic now, as he is on the verge of a divorce, partly thanks to this crazy one). More disturbingly, he welcomes the chaos that comes in the package with her. And only if he could just sit back and watch the destruction happen, but no,...

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Dressed for Disaster

FORWARD: Nom de Plume is the screen name for the author of The Jessica Project, a gender-bending thriller about a crossdressing assassin from Publishamerica.com. While doing research for The Jessica Project, the author discovered this site, and became intrigued by the dramatic potential of characters masquerading as the opposite sex under extreme circumstances. WARNING: The following story involves the events of 9/11. If those events are still too painful to relive, please...

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A Natural Disaster

Natural Disaster Author: Jon MadduxCHAPTER 1: The Hurricane     As the hurricane veers towards our area along the coast, most of people evacuate.  I decide to stay and send my family off to stay with relatives while I rough it out and protect our home.  It hits hard and brutally laying waste to most of the town much like Katrina had in Mississippi.       Our home being a newer one is built to exacting hurricane specs and isn’t damaged much at all.  The generator and underground tank of petrol...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 69 Disaster

September, 1985, Chicago, Illinois The plans for making the video quickly vanished as I followed Kara to the room then she and Bethany shared. I stopped suddenly, pained to see Bethany lying on her bed clutching a pillow with her knees pulled up. Her body was wracked by sobs as she cried into her pillow. “Bethany,” I said softly. I got no response so I sat on the edge of the bed and gently put my hand on her shoulder. “Bethany,” I said again. “It’s Steve and Kara. What’s wrong?” Once...

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Diapers was a girl I dated fairly often back in the mid 70s. She was a cute and sweet young gal that always seemed happy and on the verge of giggling. She was in her early twenties and had a one-year-old son. Diapers lived with her parents who helped her care for her baby. She carried around a few extra pounds and, though not overly fat, she was nicely rounded. Like most heavier girls, she had a wonderfully large set of tits. I was beginning to really appreciate bigger girls and their big...

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Back in Diapers

2) This story concerns toilet accidents, forced diapering and the humiliation of a nine year old boy. See the first note. If this isn't your cup of piss then move on. Prologue Mouse was 9 when his parents died in a car accident. He was sent to live with his abusive and alcoholic Aunt and Uncle Fox and his bullying Cousin Pig. Chapter One "Back in Diapers" I doubled over in my seat and undid my seatbelt. The cramps came in a new wave of pain as I struggled. With the...

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daves younger brother ken and my wife

After Peggy started fucking Ken, She couldn't get enough of him and he couldn't get enough of her. We were supposed to go out of town to her aunts for a party at their cottage and had shipped the k**s off to her mom's in Florida. We got a call that the well broke and they were going to have to get a new well dug. We sat down and said well there goes the weekend. I said maybe not. Call Ken and invite him over. She called and I listened to her talk to him as she said she was dying to suck his big...

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Diapered Rubber Maid

If your not legal age... don't read this... usual disclaimer... Diapered Rubber Maid ? by: Don Davidson Things were getting bad... I was strapped into the front seat of my ex- wife's car... she was looking at me ... shaking her head... "Ya know what... If you can't hold it until we get there... I'll take care of it for you... don't you dare wet the seat..." She pulled over to the side of the road... I had hoped she was just going to let me out and have a pee... but that was...

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Chapter 4 First attempt A bit of a disaster

I suppose I was very naïve, and looking back I think I was being groomed. Lovemaking with her became a regular and delightful part of my life, but increasingly she would tell me stories of the ‘special parties’ she and he took part with a group of other couples. Apparently there was one game that was played called ‘no rules ping-pong’ where everybody took a table tennis ball from a pillow case and whoever picked the only yellow ball was the ‘mark’ for the evening. The ‘mark’ male or female...

2 years ago
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Women and Children First II The Aftermath of Disaster

Women and Children First II: The Aftermath of Disaster AUTHOR'S NOTE: Many people have asked me to write a followup to my story "Women and Children First". I hope this satisfies their request. One has to first read the original story in order to figure out what has happened so far. -------------------------- The lifeboat containing Mrs. Wilkerson and her three daughters, Elizabeth, Anne, and Margaret, was picked up by the Carpathia and they were safely rescued and returned...

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Service SocietyChapter 4 Disaster

Dexter looked over at the cell phone when it rang. He was just getting ready to get into the shower. Wishing that he would get one morning without being interrupted, he answered the phone. “Hello, Mark.” “Are you on the crapper?” Mark asked. “No. I’m about to shave,” Dexter answered thinking he could put the phone on mute and shave before showering. Mark said, “Shit ... It rains a little and every asshole forgets how to drive.” “What do you want?” Dexter asked while picking up his...

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SurprisesChapter 7 Prom Disaster

That was the last chance I had to fool around with my parents before the prom two weeks later. Crazy weekends like that seemed to be restricted to wild ‘fuck weekends’ when we were going to swing parties. Anyway, Daddy was able to do me one last time that night, and Saturday and Sunday, Mom and I didn’t wear very much at all, to entice Daddy to do us again. It worked - Daddy was worn down to a nub by Sunday night! Even Viagra couldn’t have helped him by then! Prom weekend was two weeks...

3 years ago
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Cuckold In Diapers

CUCKOLD IN DIAPERS by Throne My wife Juno called me at the office in the middle of the day. She told me to pick up a few things after work and then hurry straight home. I wasn't sure what her intentions were but of course I obeyed. She is my goddess and I always do what she tells me to, even thought it often leads to humiliation for me. I stopped and got two bottles of red wine, some light snacks, and a case of creamed peas. That final item was baby food. When my wife wants to...

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Diapered Plaything

You always wondered how you ended up with your extremely beautiful wife, Julie. Until one fateful Saturday morning, she explains to you. “We have to talk sweetie. You see I don’t love you the same way, you love me. I am actually a lesbian, I know you are wondering why I married you then. Well first my family is a bunch of homophobic jerks. They threatened to disown me if I didn’t married soon enough. That is why I was in such hurry to marry. I chose you because you are kind of pitiful, I mean...

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The day I lost to my diaper

Hello my name is Harley I am 22 and I a pretty normal adult I go to collage and I do my work but today was like my normal days. My day started like any other It was early morning as I woke up and was getting dressed for breakfast I went down stairs and there was a knock on the door I just ignored it and went and had breakfast my mom had left me with some waffles so i throw them in to the toaster oven and start to fix them as I waited I went and cleaned some of the dishes and when the buzzer...


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