Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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After the NFL scouting combines, the next important event for the careers of Harry and Bruce was the NFL draft. In that particular year because of television contracts, the draft was conducted on the last weekend of April, at the Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The draft was to be conducted on Saturday and Sunday. Because they had excellent results at the combines, both Harry and Bruce were a lock for first round picks. They had the same agent who was working feverishly to achieve the most lucrative contracts possible for them.
The school year was also coming to an end at that time. Brenda had maintained an advance pace in her studies that she was able to successfully complete her first year requirements by the time of the draft weekend. Connie on the other hand had to sit for two final term exams during the week after the draft. However because of her diligence in her school work these exams were mere formalities as she was bound to end up with a GPA in excess of 3.7.
As for Harry he had also completed his scheduled academic work by the draft weekend. His formidable football commitments throughout his four years at MSU were such that he was still 18 credits shy of graduation. He planned to take six credits each during the next ensuing three winter/spring semesters at MSU. That way he would graduate simultaneously with Brenda.
Harry was a cautious man, not one to count his chickens before they had hatched. That is why he had not entered into a formal commitment of marriage to Brenda like Bruce had done with Connie. He knew he loved Brenda and that is what prompted him during the time spent at the Combines, to draft his will in her favor in addition to give instructions to the agent to purchase life insurance with her as his sole beneficiary. He thought he wanted to have had at least a year of NFL experience under his belt together with a successful stint of extra studies confirming that he was going to graduate. Once such trend of future successful potential was established, then he would be comfortable in thinking of proposing marriage. He took marriage vows seriously and only wanted to undertake them when he was assured he would be able to fulfill what he felt was his husbandly duties.
However because of the spectacular results he had achieved at the Combines he knew he had no real financial worry for his future and thus there was no reason for him not to make a formal commitment to marry. The agent had advised that he was likely to be picked first overall which meant he would play for the Cleveland Browns. It meant that he would be very close to Brenda and she could continue her schooling. Accordingly he purchased an engagement ring to surprise Brenda and he intended to propose right after he was officially drafted.
In January, Harry had advised Brenda that he would not formally consider an engagement until a year from now for reasons he initially harbored. He was absolutely surprised that Brenda acquiesced without any protest. He would have thought that considering their intense relationship during the past months and the electrifying chemistry between them any female in Brenda’s position would protest at his caution. He was prepared to expect at the very least a demand for a declared unequivocal commitment to substitute for a formal engagement.
Although undeniably Harry loved Brenda and knew her character fairly well, he still was not cognizant of the dept of Brenda’s despair and low self esteem. Despite the evidence of his love and his regard for her, Brenda still did not trust it in her own mind. She fully expected him to tire of her eventually even if he never did develop a revulsion to her physical appearance. So the fact that he was stalling in declaring an engagement, was of little concern to her since she never expected him to propose to her in the first place. She actually expected that once Harry left MSU she would never see him again. Her main focus then was to enjoy all her time with him and to store her memory of the happy occasions for the purpose of recalling them to offset any future unhappiness.
With such mind set Brenda was shocked when Harry requested that after the draft, she accompany him to Buffalo to meet his parents and spend a week there. He of course made this invitation as a natural consequence of the proposal he intended to make as soon as the result of the draft was made certain. As he wanted to leave for Buffalo right after the draft, or at least by the next day, logistics required that he had to ascertain Brenda’s agreement to accompany him well before the draft.
Because of this unexpected invitation Brenda extracted an agreement that he meet her parents for an equal amount of time when he returned her. Besides it was her birthday the next Saturday (her 19th) so her parents were planning a party for her that night. She was of a mind that if he truly wanted her to meet his parents than he ought to reciprocate as a simple courtesy. She did not dare for her own sanity to read anything more than this when he readily acceded to her request. Of course in his own mind his acceptance was predicated on the premise he ought to become acquainted with his future in-laws.
Now Bruce unlike Harry was much closer to graduation. He needed to write an exam during the week after the draft which would leave him only three credits short of a degree. The way his credits were lined up he only needed to do a first year elective. He thus enrolled in the first year general history class a course that because of its popular demand was offered between mid May to mid July. That way he would be able to fulfill his BA requirements in time to report to the preseason training camp and which happily would not interfere with his upcoming NFL career. As Connie had acquired a server’s position at a nearby steak house, she was going to move in to his apartment in which he had extended his stay to the end of August. As she had taken that course she would be able to tutor Bruce to ensure his success.
Since Harry and Bruce were expected to be drafted very high, their agent had invited them to come to New York (at his initial expense but of course charged against eventual contracts) for the draft. Their agent had identified that the Cleveland team was interested in and expected to draft Harry whereas the Chicago team would be interested in Bruce. That being ascertained the agent had negotiated contracts beforehand with those teams to be executed upon the expected draft pick coming to fruition. Thus if Harry & Bruce were in New York they could sign on the dotted line and the teams were prepared to cut checks on the spot.
Since MSU had an excellent season that year culminating with the Rose Bowl victory and ending with a high ranking in the national polls, there were at least six other seniors on the team with realistic prospects of being drafted. Because of that, the team with the cooperation of the University arranged for the availability of the Breslin Center, the basketball arena of the school, for the draft. Refreshments were to be provided. Two giant TV monitors were set up, to allow the players along with their guests, friends & family, to view the proceedings of the draft.
Because of the efforts by the team and the school and in consideration of the obligation of team solidarity the boys opted to stay in East Lansing rather then venturing to the Big Apple. Probably though, the fact that the boys intended to celebrate the draft with a foursome with the girls (reprising their Rose Bowl victory) who could not really go to New York, was the determinative factor for the boys’ to decline their agent’s offer. Besides Harry had another ulterior motive to want to be with Brenda for the draft which was unknown to all.
The agent, who was most anxious to receive his commission as swiftly as possible, was not one to be foiled by such a minor paltry obstacle. He had the boys in conjunction with the team secure a fax machine and number at the Breslin Center. That way the boys could sign the faxed
contracts and return same to New York. Once the signed contracts were received back in New York, the professional football teams would cut the agent’s checks to him and wire the balance of the signing bonus monies directly to Harry’s and Bruce’s designated bank accounts.
On that April Saturday draft day, everything then transpired as anticipated. The Cleveland Browns did indeed draft Harry first overall and the Chicago Bears did indeed draft Bruce third overall. ESPN had sent cameras and a reporter to interview each of them after the selection. Harry had donned a Cleveland Brown team jersey for the interview which the team had provided for the expected occasion. Likewise Bruce was wearing a Chicago Bear jersey for his interview.
The prepared contracts were faxed within moments after the confirmed announcement of the draft selection to East Lansing. The boys immediately executed the same officially witnessed by their college coaches and they returned the documents by fax. By six o’clock that afternoon both Harry and Bruce had received confirmation that their bank accounts had received sizeable deposits and they were now multi millionaires.
Harry & Bruce still wearing their new respective team jerseys along with Brenda & Connie, trooped down to the Harrison Roadhouse to celebrate. As soon as they arrived and settled at a table, both Harry and Bruce each bought a round for everyone there. No one was surprised as news of Harry’s and Bruce’s selections in the draft was already common knowledge. Everyone was completely happy for our boys.
Periodically someone or a group of people would approach their table to express good wishes and congratulations and would spring for a round when leaving their table. Thus our two couples were into some serious drinking that night. Since everyone at the tavern was intent to ply our heroes with drinks, the boys decided to switch to beers after those initial two rounds. This kept the cost down for the well-wishers, but more importantly it helped prevent anyone of the party from getting prematurely blitzed.
Shortly after the initial two rounds, Harry had a pleasant and totally unexpected surprise for Brenda. He got off his seat and went down on one knee in front of Brenda. He flourished an open ring box containing a two carats diamond ring and said:
‘Brenda you are the only woman I want for a wife. I love you unconditionally. I can not imagine a more intense love than the one I have for you. Will you accept me as your husband? Will you accept this ring as a token of our future marriage?’
And what was Brenda’s response considering that he had previously intimated that he was not prepared to enter into a formal engagement until a year hence? Well she replied:
‘Is the Pope Catholic? Do bears shit in the woods? Of course I will marry you. Was there any doubt in your mind?’
Harry then put the ring on her finger and returning to his seat, replied:
‘Well I was fairly certain that you would accept but one can never be too sure. So that is why I had to make the formal request. Besides when we are at my parents’ place, they would be more tolerant of our fucking there, if you are my fiancée instead of a mere girlfriend.’
‘Oh ho! So now it comes out the true motive of you proposing so much sooner than you had led me to believe when you would. Apparently you can not leave my body alone for a week and so hence the need for drastic measures. But you did not have to splurge so much on a ring. I would have been just as happy with a much less costly ring.’
At this point Bruce chimed in:
‘Oh Brenda you underestimate the lure of your gorgeous naked body. No price is too steep to pay for the opportunity to play with your body.’
Brenda beamed with a huge smile at this compliment and replied saucily:
‘Well aren’t you the lucky one, Bruce. I understand you are going to be allowed to play with my gorgeous naked body tonight and all you will be out is your share in plying me here with food and drink. And since lots of people are buying drinks for us your share will be a mere pittance.’
At his point, Connie piped in mock alarm:
‘Well Brenda I trust you are not intending to hog all the body playing tonight. I could use some body playing myself and I would not demand any payment. Heck if necessary I would beg for it, even grovel if I must.’
Everyone laughed at the improbable picture of Connie begging to be fucked. Brenda snorted:
‘Ha! The day you need to beg to be fucked will be the day when all men become suddenly and mysteriously castrated.’
Everyone erupted into raucous laughter contemplating Brenda’s drastic scenario. Brenda kept beaming as she happily displayed her newly acquired engagement ring to her table companions including those who would visit their table. Bruce noted that Brenda’s ring was similar in value to the ring he had acquired for Connie. Knowing that Harry could have obtained a much more expensive ring, Bruce felt gratitude for his friend in refraining from a crass oneupmanship. The girls were likewise secretly happy that their rings were similar in value. As they loved each other it would not do if one of them was able to lord something over the other.
As the evening was progressing, our couples were becoming increasingly intoxicated. As it was nearing 1:00 AM, the guys realized that if they were going to have sex without passing out then it was time that they leave. Besides Harry was intending to leave for Buffalo the next afternoon so he would need an adequate amount of sleep time after their desired sexual activity. He wanted to be on the road no later than 2:00 PM to ensure getting to his parents’ home at a reasonable time.
There was some talk about walking over to the girls’ dorm room but that idea did not appeal. It was after all a tiny room and contained two single beds. For an individual couple fucking it would do, but for a foursome orgy it would be inadequate. The question then was whether to go to Harry’s or to Bruce’s apartment. Both were spacious but Bruce had a larger king size bed and so it was off to Bruce’s apartment. They wisely secured a taxi to get there. Once they arrived they all headed to the kitchen for some unexplained reason. Once in there Connie stopped and started removing her skirt while declaring:
‘Oh shit I got to pee. I don’t think I can make it to the bathroom. Will you help me Bruce?’
‘Sure thing babe.’
‘Hurry I think I will have to pee through my panties. I can’t hold it any longer.’
Initially Brenda & Harry did not quite understand what help Connie was expecting from Bruce, perhaps a pot to piss in was the first thing that came into Brenda’s mind. So they were absolutely stunned to see Bruce drop flat on his back on the linoleum floor. Connie had removed her skirt and kicked off her shoes as she squatted down straddling his head. Immediately her urine was flowing through her bright red panties and splashing onto his face. To Brenda & Harry’s utter amazement Bruce opened his mouth to catch some of her stream. He was actually drinking her pee and apparently appearing to enjoy doing so.
Connie had not exaggerated when she indicated she had an overpowering need to urinate. Her stream was strong and steady and remained so for quite an interminable long time. During this whole time Bruce displayed no distress or awkwardness. He appeared to be more pleased than Connie who was naturally enjoying the relief of emptying her bladder. Besides getting his face and hair wet, his souvenir Chicago Bear jersey was also getting soaked from Connie’s piss.
Finally Connie was done. She moved southwards on his body so she now straddled his chest and remaining on her knees was still hovering over him. In a more straightened posture she bent down to kiss him. While kissing him by sequentially lifting her legs she maneuvered to remove her wet panties. Once she had her freed panties in her hand she broke off the kiss. She then calmly wrung the pantie
s over him causing the squeezed drops of urine to dribble onto his face. Then she asked:
‘Want to sniff it?’
‘Do you need to pee?’
‘OK then.’
Connie handed the panties to Bruce as she got off him. She repositioned herself on her knees but fully upright. She removed her bra but kept her slip and blouse on. Bruce got up to face her. He placed her panties over his head and fit the crotch part to cover his nose to enable him to take in the full odor of her wet stains. He dropped his pants and briefs to expose his penis. He held his cock as he started to pee on her. Being a man he had full control in directing his stream. Thus once Connie had a mouthful, he then aimed at the rest of her face, hair and blouse. When not taking in his piss, Connie maintained a huge smile leaving no doubt as to her enjoyment in participating in their water sports.
Bruce had a very large bladder able to store quite a bit of urine. He peed noticeably longer than Connie had. As his urine flow started ebbing she kept moving closer to him so as not to lose any of the pee but catch every drop onto her body. When he finally finished her hair was glistening from the shiny drops of his urine. Her face was dripping and her blouse was visibly stained and soaked. She captured his cock in her mouth to slurp up any errant drop. She absent mindedly kept his cock in her mouth to calm herself down from the excitement that seized her body.
To say that Brenda and Harry were astonished at what they had just witnessed was truly an understatement. But that did not mean that they were disgusted by their companions’ antics. Indeed both of them were emotionally overcome by this kinky sight. No doubt fueled by the alcohol she had consumed, Brenda reacted by turning to Harry and asked:
‘You know what they say, Harry?’
‘No what?’
‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do.’
‘Yes I understand that is indeed an old Latin saying and so?…’
‘I need to pee Harry.’
At this point Harry had suspected where Brenda was going with her conversation. So there was nothing else to do but mimic Bruce, so he replied:
‘Sure thing babe. I’m glad to help.’
As Harry settled himself down on the floor, Brenda said:
‘At least I’m not as desperate Connie and I do not want to risk ruining my clothes particularly my cute thong.’
Accordingly while Bruce remained flat on his back on the floor Brenda removed her clothes. She was deliberate in her undressing and simulated a stripper dancing & stripping as she did so. Once she was completely naked except for her newly acquired engagement ring and a pearl necklace she had been wearing, Brenda positioned herself over him.
Her positioning though was different than Connie’s. She placed her feet flat on the floor spread on either side of his head with her heels touching his shoulders. She bent backwards and stretched her torso backwards over him. She kept her body over him without touching by placing her palms flat on the floor. She was hoping to produce a flow that would spectacularly arc from her urethra to his face. Brenda was thinking that she might as well give Connie and Bruce a show, and thus said to Harry:
‘Ok ready? Here it comes. Enjoy!’
Brenda’s stream was as strong and as steady as the others and she was able to produce the desired arc. She did have some maneuverability to move her torso forwards and backwards to ensure she was splashing Harry’s face. Brenda’s urine though had a strong powerful odor, which everyone in the room was immediately cognizant of. However Brenda had gotten so emotionally worked up with this bizarre sex play that she was unconcerned about the reaction the others might have to her unpleasant smells. And indeed so exciting was the scene that neither Connie nor Bruce was disturbed one bit by her odor.
As for Harry he had acquiesced to participate partly under the influence of the alcohol but partly just by plain curiosity. Prior to this night it had never occurred to him to indulge in this form of sex play. As he had watched Connie and Bruce the desire to copy them was his first reaction. As soon as Brenda’s urine started landing on his face, his consciousness and awareness of all his feelings, jumped into a different plane he had never experienced before. Without any prompting he opened his mouth to catch some of her urine. His mind was filling up with erotic and exotic pleasure sensations as his mouth was filling up with her piss.
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When Brenda, Connie and Vickie woke up that Saturday morning there was no inclination by anyone to start a normal day. Instead there was an unstated consensus to continue in their sex play at least for that day. Brenda was the first to awaken and she immediately turned to Vickie’s cunt and started licking it. Vickie then awakened to the feeling of a tongue in her vagina as her hips were moving automatically into Brenda’s face. After she became fully aware of what was happening to her, Vickie...
As the game ended the girls wended their way to the Harrison Roadhouse. This bar was in walking distance from the football stadium as well as from the girls’ dormitory. Given its locale the bar was very popular to MSU students and particularly after a football game on a Saturday afternoon the place was extremely crowded probably exceeding the fire marshal’s limit. Even though the girls arrived just ten minutes after the game the place was already jumping and they had a fifteen minute wait...
Brenda was soon to become a reluctant cocksucker. Before she and Bob were married, she was not a virgin but had never sucked cock. After the ceremony and reception, Brenda was hot for Bob to fuck her. She had never wanted cock more than that night. But Bob had other ideas.Brenda was a very ordinary-looking teen who had blossomed into a real beauty after she had graduated high school. She had attended two years of Junior College gaining a degree in Dental Hygiene. It was during those two years,...
CheatingAfter the Halloween Party, Harry Quinn maintained a most happy disposition. As the best friend of Bruce Fielding, he was well aware of Bruce’s infatuation with Connie Snyder, and had been puzzled by it. Of course he would concede that Connie was undeniably a most attractive girl, but so what? Good looking girls are a dime dozen for the likes of Bruce and him. As football studs they were constantly importuned by gorgeous looking females. Harry had become jaded to female pulchritude. A girl had...
Author: male raised in a rural area with not much to do when growing up, luckily sex was a big part of life in those days. While of average height and looks I was pretty tanned and toned due to an active outdoors lifestyle. These stories are true and not embellished * but names have been changed as I still know some of the subjects 40 years later &hellip, *This story is mostly true &hellip, I have just taken things a bit further than what actually happened by adding a bit of fantasy to the...
I know now how she must have felt, her 13 year old Daughter going to her brothers farm for a two week vacation all alone, frightening!. I was very excited going over a hundred miles all by myself but I was almost 14, I'm not a kid any more. The bus ride for me was an adventure in it's self and when we pulled into the termial, there was Aunt Lelie with Lynda my cousin who was almost 15. I was shaking when iI left the bus but calmed down with warm greetings from them with Lynda telling me all...
As Brenda and Connie arrived in Durham, NC to start their law school studies, they were now finally prepared to move on with their lives. During their years at MSU their goals were nebulous. During that first year with Harry and Bruce they had not given any thought about their future except planning to attain their degree and to become wives to their studs. With their deaths Brenda and Connie were back to the drawing board as to what their life goals would be. Because Bruce and Harry were so...
Brenda lay baking under the midday Caribbean sun, fantasising about black cock as she often did these days. A shadow appeared and Brenda turned her head, opened an eye - wincing a little against the bright sunshine, It was the Mango Man.‘Hey! - warm enough for you?” ‘Hi, yes, maybe a little too warm! have you sold all you mango’s?’ she asked in a well spoken voice.‘Every last one maam’ the man smiled extravagantly and pointing to his empty sack.‘Where do you get them from?’‘There is a grove...
All through college Brent was never seen without a camera. Brent was always trying to capture the best shot. It would annoy the hell out his friends when he'd make them pose for pictures and hold it while he moved around searching for the best angle, but they all appreciated the end result. Everyone said he had talent, but he just viewed it as a hobby. He never took a photography class or even considered pursuing it professionally. As the days since graduation passed, Brent found himself...
Brenda lay on the sandy beach and soaked up the midday Caribbean sun while fantasising about black cock, as she often did these days. A shadow appeared, and Brenda turned her head and opened an eye - wincing a little against the bright sunshine. It was the Mango Man. "Hey! Warm enough for you?” he asked. "Hi, yes, maybe a little too warm! Have you sold all your mangos?" she asked in a well spoken, slightly posh English accent. "Every last one ma'am," the man smiled extravagantly, pointing to...
First TimeNegotiatingI travel light,and packing was done in minutes. I left by the rear exit, to avoid Stanley. I wasn't afraid of him. I just didn't want the hassle of arguing or causing a scene.I was down the mountain and at Sandra's in less than an hour. I made my way inside, and at that hour- 10:45am , the place was pretty full. Donna waved from the juice bar as I carried my things to my new home. I just threw everything on the bed and went back down to the bar.“ Well Dano, I didn't count on seeing...
Meanwhile at the Halloween Party, Connie & Bruce had their own good time. Even though they had known each other for a very brief time, they interacted as if they had known each other for years. Their conversation was absolutely intriguing to each other and as a result they did not need any superfluous activity to keep themselves entertained. They did notice Harry and Brenda leaving together presumably to Harry’s apartment. They then only needed to exchange a few words to determine that they...
“What do you think?” Brenda gave a spin. John, who had been sitting on the bed watching her dress, gave her a soft wolf whistle.“Unbelievable, hon,” he replied. “You will get a lot of attention tonight.”Brenda gave him an appreciative smile, and turned back to the mirror to put the last touches on her make up.She was dressed in her white silk blouse, and short black skirt. Her freshly shaved legs were uncovered, softly tanned, toned, long, sexy. When she bent over, it was pretty clear that...
It came time to help my good sweet sissy move forward in her growth. Brenda needed me to keep her inline. She craved, and still does crave, an older man to be firm with her.I knew Brenda procrastinated in gathering all of the items I requested. She was nervous about keeping these items at her house for fear of being discovered. I had Brenda drop off the clothes and lipstick at my place. She was going to wear them at my place bust for me anyhow and she needed the “being discovered” excuse...
Brenda sat in her kitchen looking at her son Lenny for several seconds, “mom since you have joined the club what about a gangbang with a couple of the guys”? She was shocked at the request but at the same time excited at the prospect of it. “Well before I agree I’d like to know what exactly would be involved; well a couple of the guys would come over you would get fucked for a couple of hours. Would the guys come in me? Yes, ok so that means no condoms right yes but I can guarantee you would...
I’m Lenny. We were all growing out of our gawky 16-year-old stage. We had formed a ‘JO Club’( it stood for Jerk Off) because we were not getting any pussy. We would sit around one of our bedrooms and JO to hot girls we all knew, including our sisters and mom’s. We challenged ourselves to JO in risky places for bragging rights. At school was the very risky place. We all had found places to JO real, quick. Restroom stalls, under stairs and storage rooms. Then one afternoon, we all met something...
It is always a blow to your ego when you find out that your wife is fucking another man. Once you get past the, "Unfaithful fucking whore" and the I'll kill the mother fucker" stage you are left with all the questions of why. What did I do or not do that made her do what she did? What was I lacking? What did he have that I didn't? More energy and staying power? A bigger dick? A longer and more talented tongue? Maybe she just didn't like me any more or maybe I had a bad case of body odor....
After having just watched her mother's sister achieve a stunning climax with her new vibrator, Brenda's own pussy was engorged with blood and flushed wide open! "I really have a lot to learn," the young girl said in a shaky voice, "I-I hope that I can handle it all, I mean taking care of Freddy's pecker and all!!! Her mother chuckled a little before replying, "Oh, honey, don't worry, like we were both saying, you are going to get so attached to his cock that pretty much when ever you see it...
As Brenda and Connie recovered from their injuries, they had a hard time coping and adjusting to the new circumstances of their lives. Connie especially was having a miserable time of it. This was the second untimely death of a true love and she was feeling that she was cursed. Although her first love, Travis Williamson was of such a short duration, having died virtually within minutes after their only date, so it could not be said it was a grand love. Still there was no concrete evidence that...
Wake up....Wake up...Caleb If you don't wake up Brenda is going to school without you, I could vaguely hear older sister Jasmine scream in my half sleep state. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and I saw my sister standing over me, if you're not ready in fifteen minutes then we will be gone. Come on down for breakfast while you wait, I hear my mom call from downstairs. Well since Brenda, my sister's best friend, is my ride let me get out of this bed and as I walk to my bathroom shower let me tell...
Wake up....Wake up...Caleb If you don't wake up Brenda is going to school without you, I could vaguely hear older sister Jasmine scream in my half sleep state. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and I saw my sister standing over me, if you're not ready in fifteen minutes then we will be gone. Come on down for breakfast while you wait, I hear my mom call from downstairs. Well since Brenda, my sister's best friend, is my ride let me get out of this bed and as I walk to my bathroom shower let me tell...
As the girls were ready, Connie received a cell phone call from Walter who advised he had arrived earlier than expected and had already secured a table at the Roadhouse. The girls trooped over to the Harrison Roadhouse to provide a pleasant surprise for Walter. Instead of having just his sister to entertain he was to be introduced to the Porter sisters. When Brenda was introduced, Walter obviously noticed her disfigured face. Being good natured and without a malicious bone in his body, Walter...
As Connie & Brenda were sitting naked Indian style after the Halloween Party, Connie was recounting her senior high school year. After describing her gang bang experience Connie continued: ‘Not surprisingly the news about this gang bang was spread throughout the school. Everyone who knew who I was, were privy to my brazen sexual activity. The guys naturally in their telling cast me in the most sluttish light possible. Thus within a month my reputation as the ‘ice queen’ morphed to the ‘school...
When Connie arrived in their room, she immediately saw Brenda’s tearful ugly face. Setting aside her own complaints of the previous night, her compassion took over. She hugged Brenda and asked: ‘Oh my dear darling Brenda, what happened you look so sad?’ Brenda burst into a full crying jag and said: ‘Oh God Connie, I have had sex with a man but I am still a virgin.’ In between the sobs Brenda related all the gory details of her episode with Tom. ‘Well,’ said Connie, ‘I guess I can’t...
The two old girls who own the corner shop are a right dirty pair. I've known them for about 20 years. We often wondered if they were a pair of fannylickers, but they enjoy a bit of cock up their cuntyholes too much to bat for just the one side. Rube is about 63, she's got great big udders that spill out of her bra, fucking lovely they are. Brenda is a bit older and blonde with even bigger hangers. She likes to keep hers covered in tight t-shirts and tops , but makes up for it in the legs...
Tomorrow went on to become a string of new days. Brenda moved into her new apartment on the Saturday following her discovery of her husband’s infidelity. Her daughter and her son-in-law and I helped with the moving. What didn’t conveniently fit into the little one-bedroom apartment went into storage. Son-in-law and I struggled with the King-sized mattress for her bed. “Mom, I can’t believe you took the BED,” Ellie said. “Damned straight I did, baby,” Brenda replied. “I’m not leaving it for...
The next morning Linda woke up first. As soon as she was aware where she was, a huge smile took over her whole face. Determined to make the most of whatever time she had left with Walter she slipped down in the bed to take Walter’s cock in her mouth to wake it up. Apparently despite being still asleep, Walter’s cock quickly sprung to attention in response to Linda’s ministrations. Walter was dreaming, an erotic dream, actually a wet dream, indeed a wetter dream than the usual. He woke up with...
Brenda had brazenly walked up to the door that time, but one of the men standing at the door asked for a password. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. She hadn’t thought anything through. All four of the huge black men gathered close around her. There questions and comments were rapid and hostile. “Who are you?” “What are you doing here?” ”Did someone tell you to come here?” “What do you want?” She backed up until she bumped into one of them and he backed away letting her...
This is the story of when I was 18 I'd never had sex before until this one special day. Brenda lived next door she was married and they seemed like a normal couple she was about 40 years old she was quite chubby with big tits, I'd never really noticed her in a sexual way before she was quite conservative in her dress and she was older than me. It was on one summers day it was quite hot I was in the garden and Brenda came out into her garden she said hello how are you as she always did I said I...
For several years I talked with her online. “I want you to make me a girl and then I can be your girl” was something she would say often. Then she would eventually ask “how are you going to make me a girl?” My response was almost always the same. “You are already a girl. I’m just going to help you be who you already are” was my typical response. I don’t make anyone do anything. As human beings we have the ability to chose. Now guilt, shame, obligation, honor, fear, other emotions, and hormones...
The phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. Wasn't a number I recognized. I was getting mad, thinking of who had the gall to call me this late, or a wrong number or ... I answered. "This is Steve." The voice on the other end was familiar but tearful. Brenda. "Steve, I needed somebody to talk to." "Okay, Brenda," I said. "I'm here." "I moved out today, Steve." "Whaaat?!?!? Baby, what happened?" I was shocked. "I found out he's been cheating on me for years with a woman at...
When Connie woke up that Sunday after the draft day, she was aware that Harry & Brenda were gone. Next she noticed that she was suffering a splitting headache. It was obviously a hangover as a result of her previous night’s drinking. She then spied Bruce’s limp cock. She automatically popped it into her mouth with the notion that sucking his cock might reduce the pain in her head. Happily for Connie, this proved to be the right remedy. The concentration of sucking Bruce’s cock distracted her...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Part II Hand in hand, they walked through the airport, him leading of course. Her Master. Her Sir. She saw the slot machines, which always surprised her, and wondered which way her luck was going. What would good luck mean? What wicked things did he have planned? Ripples of nervousness and excitement pulsed through her body, and she could feel her thighs shaking as she walked. She already loved his touch--the feel of his hand, and the strength there. What would his hands feel like on her ass?...
BDSMThe Linda Porter-Walter Snyder romance which started during the Thanksgiving week progressed into a steamy, burning torrid relationship, in other words hot! After that initial Saturday night the two of them went to Linda’s apartment in Grand Rapids. Walter made excuses to his parents so that he did not get to their place until Wednesday night, being the eve of the holiday. Linda had to go to work the Monday morning for three hours to fulfill a work assignment commitment but she was then able to...
It had been a long time since I had somebody in bed with me all night. It was sufficiently alien that I awoke several times during the night at the feel of a soft form next to me, and I know that when I reached over to verify that I wasn't dreaming, she rolled against me and snuggled. The alarm went off and she reached over and turned on the bedside lamp. I was worried. I mean, lots of things make a lot of sense at ten o'clock at night with a bottle of wine inside you. The next day,...
My name is Brenda. I came to the university on my own. Parents gave me some money but I was working getting loans and grants for the rest. I had lived off campus with a dude who turned out to be a douce. He tried to put the moves on me and I wasn’t interested, for whatever reason. He just didn’t do anything for me. Anyway, I decided that day that I needed to move out and find a new room-mate. I couldn't afford a place by myself. But this time I was going to find a female room mate. So I checked...
Lesbianby bodaciousbob © In the last segment, "Brenda's Revenge", Brenda punished her Dad for what he had done to her and then left to make her way in the world. Brenda and Tai I was delicately putting rouge on my pink nipples and I could never do it without thinking about the older guy who had paid for my boob job three months prior. He wanted to do it for me just so that I would pay him some attention. I let him do it and then I left. I was getting real good at getting what I wanted from...