Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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When Connie arrived in their room, she immediately saw Brenda’s tearful ugly face. Setting aside her own complaints of the previous night, her compassion took over. She hugged Brenda and asked: ‘Oh my dear darling Brenda, what happened you look so sad?’
Brenda burst into a full crying jag and said:
‘Oh God Connie, I have had sex with a man but I am still a virgin.’
In between the sobs Brenda related all the gory details of her episode with Tom.
‘Well,’ said Connie, ‘I guess I can’t complain about my night. Tom sure turned out to be a toad and you know what they say- you got to kiss a lot of toads before you come across your prince.’
This cheered up Brenda somewhat & Connie related her experience with Spencer. Brenda laughed at Connie’s wry sense of humor in the way she related her disaster. With Brenda finally mollified, Connie said: ‘At least Brenda we can remedy something from your disaster. On Monday I will take you to the University medical clinic and get you a prescription of birth control pills. Don’t fret about Tom there are other fish in the sea. We all learn from our mistakes. It does not pay to kow tow to a boor as you can not possibly get decent sex from such ilk.’
Connie’s suggestion to get the Pill cheered up Brenda even more so that by day’s end she was almost back to her normal self and more determined than ever to lose her virginity status soon.
The next day Monday, Brenda with Connie’s help got her first prescription of birth control pills. This gave Brenda more self confidence. Previously she had just been desperate to having sex so that birth control was the farthest thing from her mind. It is axiomatic if you are not having sex then you are not going to become pregnant.
Now that she had the pills though, a psychological hurdle had been crossed. The pills in essence legitimized an active sex life since the fear of unwanted or unplanned pregnancy was removed. Brenda then started giving some new thought as to how to plan on a new sexual experience and finally get rid of her virginity officially. She decided she should give her original idea a try i.e. cultivate a sex starved nerd that could not afford to be offended by her ugly face like Tom was. So this will be Plan ‘B’ she thought.
The next day, Tuesday, Connie commenced her campaign to meet & hopefully eventually to bed Bruce Fielding. She had met the boy that had deflowered her, by accidentally bumping into him in the high school corridor. The subsequent conversation led to a date & to sex. She thought she could engineer something similar to meet Bruce.
She first had to get his class schedule so that she could accost him. She approached her sociology professor with the suggestion that for one of her required assignments she do a paper comparing student athletes with regular students. For research and statistical purposes she would require the class schedules of the school’s football players. Connie’s natural beauty & winning personality overcame any resistance the male professor may have had to her entreaties. Accordingly, a day later the professor, utilizing his status, was able to hand the requested class schedules to Connie.
With the class schedules in hand, Connie was able to kill the proverbial two birds with one stone. Obviously her main goal was to get Bruce’s schedule to plan an encounter, but she could use all the information provided to actually do her proposed assignment for course credit.
Having perused his schedule Connie opted for trying to meet him about a week later on Wednesday around two o’clock in the afternoon. She stood waiting at the corner of a corridor where Bruce would have to pass by when leaving his class. She waited patiently and she was rewarded as she spotted him approaching her.
With a lump in her throat, knowing it was now or never, she started walking towards him. Just as she was about to pass him, she stumbled, seemingly by accident, and started falling towards him. He caught her before she would hit the floor. He straightened her up and had her standing fully upright. He continued holding her waist as they wordlessly stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.
At the football game Connie was absolutely mesmerized by his good looks and she also had an intuition that Bruce was something special. Now seeing him close up she knew her instincts were right on. Bruce was a hunk! He was very tall, 6’6′ tall, and that made her feel petite despite her six feet height. His all powerful, no apologies masculinity made her feel that she was a dainty female and she loved that feeling.
As for Bruce he remembered having seen her before, but this time he was totally enchanted by her pulchritude. Connie was by all objective standards a drop dead gorgeous woman which no one, male or female would dispute. However Bruce saw more beauty in her than that. He saw that she had a beautiful soul. As he kept staring at her he developed a huge erection that was absolutely obvious to anyone within his presence.
Connie immediately grasped his erection and began fondling it through his pants, as she huskily said:
‘It seems like you are happy to see me.’
Bruce gasped and all he could say:
‘I need to fuck you.’
She huskily replied:
‘I need to fuck you now.’
‘I mean I need to fuck you right now. Immediately.’
‘Of course.’
‘There’s got to be a restroom or closet around here we can use.’
Now Connie having scoped the immediate area in her planning to accost him, knew exactly where there was a suitable restroom, and so she grabbed his hand to lead him there and said:
‘Yes there is- follow me I know where there is one.’
She led him to the restroom which was unisex that had an inside lock so that they did not have to worry about an intruder and being interrupted.
Without exchanging any words he undid his pants and lowered them & his briefs to free his male appendage. He sat down on the toilet seat awaiting her to straddle him and riding his cock.
She took off her blouse and bra so he could see her tits & maul them if he so desired. She removed her panties and then mounted him. Despite the lack of physical foreplay, her cunt was thoroughly wet. She had become so excited that she believed her cunt could not have been wetter or more prepared for his cock.
Good thing too since he had a monstrous cock. Her wet cunt could take it all in but she had never ever been as filled up. She felt his cock make contact with her womb. And the feeling was heavenly!
Spurred by a need to assuage her tingling sensations coursing throughout her body Connie was riding him like a demented banshee. Luckily for her, Bruce was holding her waist as she was bouncing up & down on him, preventing her from falling off. Her motion was so furious that here tits flopped at a rapid pace.
For his part Bruce was frozen in his ecstasy. The circumstances placed him into an unusual passive role. However this suited him as he sensed that he had fallen under a bewitching spell. He was happy to surrender because he sensed he was about to experience a sexual passion which heretofore had been missing in his life.
Connie soon lost all dignity as her mind turned into mush. The friction produced by his cock in her cunt spread exquisite pleasure spasms which overtook her body & soul. She was grunting like an animal which would have embarrassed her if it would have been recorded and played back to her. When her orgasm overwhelmed her, she was perspiring and was mewling. She was absolutely drained.
Bruce automatically was ejaculating precisely at the same time as she was orgasming. He was in a fog of emotions when he was cumming. Afterwards he could not pin point what triggered his climax. All he knew at the time was that he was experiencing the fuck of all time and he did not even know his partner’s name.
Connie slumped forwarded and
kissed him fervently. Then she said:
‘Oh thank you Bruce. That was the greatest. You have a magnificent cock. You filled me up. Oh you fucked me good. Thank you big boy.’
‘You know my name?’
‘Of course silly. I saw you at the Western game. You were magnificent. I cheered as you scored two touchdowns.’
‘Yes I do recall seeing you in the stands.’
‘Oh I see. You don’t even know my name. Well it is Connie Mae Snyder. I am a freshman so I live in a dorm.’
‘Well nice to meet you Connie,’ and they both started laughing at the incongruity of this greeting. Then Bruce said:
‘This has to go further but I have to go to a football practice right now.’
‘Yes I understand.’
‘Look why don’t you go to the Harrison Roadhouse at 6:30 and I will meet you there. We can have a bite to eat.’
‘See you then Big Boy!’
As Connie met up with Bruce at the Roadhouse later that day, the chemistry between them was palpable, even to indifferent onlookers. Connie’s physical beauty was obvious to everyone & she naturally attracted admirers for that reason alone. However, Bruce’s interest in her extended far beyond such mere artificial attraction. He discerned that she was his soul mate. She was his woman. He did not know how he knew this but he believed it with the same certainty that he believed the earth is round and orbits around the sun.
That is why his conversation with her leading up to their copulation in the restroom had such a cave man like quality to it. That she complied in kind without any hesitation was proof positive of the existence of the chemistry between them. During the football practice that afternoon, it occurred to Bruce while he was mulling over this encounter with Connie, that the normal reaction to his words to her would be a slap in the face prior to running away.
As for Connie, her attraction to him was established as soon as she first glimpsed him at the football game. She was instantly smitten with him just as if she had been pierced with Cupid’s arrow in accordance with that mythological legend.
She would have gone home after the game to gather up her emotions and scheme to set in motion plans to meet Bruce. But of course she felt obligated to support Brenda in her quest for sexual intercourse. Given the tryst with Bruce and in light of Brenda’s failure with Tom, she considered her dalliance with Spencer a complete waste of her time, with less significance to her life than the time she spent in the toilet relieving her physical needs.
As they ordered something light to eat, Bruce could not snap himself out of Connie’s seemingly bewitching spell on him. He continued in his sparse dialogue with her & she replied in kind:
‘I need to fuck you again.’
‘I mean right after we leave here.’
‘Of course.’
‘I have a car we can get a motel room. OK?’
‘Yes, of course.’
No further conversation took place between them while in the restaurant. Had anyone pointed out to Connie how weird was their conversations, she would not have agreed. From her point of view, Bruce was THE MAN. Her intuition assured her that Bruce considered her as THE WOMAN.
Besides there was no denying that their bodies craved each other. There was no need for superfluous conversation. No doubt courtship and seduction were pleasant activities between the sexes but Connie did not need the same to discover that she was in love with Bruce.
When they arrived in the motel room, they embraced and commenced a long & languorous kiss. Connie was tall enough that Bruce was not uncomfortable in bending down to kiss her. Because of the certainty that uninterrupted sex was available to them, the two of them knew they need not be desperate in their love making. Because Bruce was not in a hurry, Connie could savor the kiss. Bruce had apparently daubed some after shave cologne on his face when he had finished his shower after the practice. The fragrance was driving Connie crazy and she would forever link its scent to Bruce.
As the kiss continued and intensified, Connie was becoming more & more hot & bothered. Her panties were soaked by now probably beyond recovery. Her nipples had been rock hard for some time and had become sore for lack of soothing touching. Her toes had curled from the passion of the kissing. Yet except for placing a hand behind her head to facilitate the kissing, Bruce had not ventured into any foreplay.
The kissing though was enough to send her hormones into overdrive. She reached her apex of sexual excitement and needed fulfillment. Thus she broke off the kiss and practically screamed:
‘Enough Bruce! I can’t take anymore. I need your cock in me. I need you to fuck me now.’
As she was saying this, she was literally tearing her clothes off her. She popped all the buttons off her blouse and ripped her blouse in a desperate attempt to get naked instantaneously. She even broke the hooks off her bra in trying to remove it as fast as possible. She was able to remove her skirt & panties without any damage and she was nude shortly after she finished her plea to Bruce. She ran & jumped to the bed as fast as she could. She lay flat on the bed spreading her legs wide open leaving no doubt as to what she wanted.
In reaction to Connie’s impetuousness he was removing his clothes at a deliberate slow pace. As soon as Connie saw Bruce’s mocking antics she started kicking her legs empathically pounding the mattress with her heels and squealed:
‘Please Bruce don’t be a tease. Hurry! Hurry! I need your big cock in me NOW!’
‘Patience Connie, is a virtue that enhances the enjoyment.’
‘PLEASE BRUCE…’ pleaded Connie almost in tears.
Bruce finally heeded her desperate entreaties, got naked and joined her in bed. Connie immediately embraced him, and grabbed his cock to direct it into her pussy. As soon as she was penetrated she started moving her hips, thrusting into him, not waiting for him to do anything. She heaved a huge sigh as soon as she was assured of his cock in her.
The friction in her vagina had become an absolute necessity to preserve her sanity. The kissing had build up this need and as Bruce had made no aggressive masculine move towards her she had reached a crisis point. Any further delay might have caused a complete emotional break down, so enthralled was she.
The presence of his cock in her cunt provided instant but only temporary relief. A new round of pleasure sensations was gripping her body. New lustful tingling excitements were originating from her vagina and were entering into her blood stream. Her blood was boiling from pure hot passion.
She held on to him tighter. She dug her heels on to the back of his legs. Thrusting her hips more forcefully and grunting vociferously, her passion was overwhelming. To assuage the powerful erupting emotions within her, she started a rather loud nonsensical patter:
‘Oh fuck! Oh Bruce! This is soooo good! Oh you’re good. Give it to me. I need it. Your cock is wonderful. Your cock is driving me crazy! You’re driving me crazy. Oh yes! Yes! Harder Bruce. Fuck me harder. Deeper Bruce. Fuck me deeper. Faster Bruce. Fuck me faster. I need your beautiful cock. Your magnificent cock. Oh yeah! Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Oh yes! Oh yeah. Do it. Do it to me….’
This continuous non stop sexual banter delivered in an agonizing pleading voice was having an effect on Bruce. Connie’s obvious excitement was driving his passion. Upon her urging he was fucking her with an energy that he normally did not exert in sexual intercourse. He was soon aware of the production of his sperm in his sacs getting ready to travel. And he was soon exploding his cum in her vagina, at precisely the same time as she was screeching out her orgasm:
‘Oh fuck Bruce! Oh fuck Bruce! Fuck! What a cock! Your cock! Thank you for giving it to me. Oh fuck! Oh… oh…gosh!’
Connie was hyperventilating. She briefly broke out into hysterica
l laughter. She was totally disoriented. Although sane she was momentarily incapable of a sentient thought.
Although their copulation lasted for only a relatively short time, Bruce was drained. Totally exhausted he rolled off Connie and rested face down on his stomach beside her to regain some of his strength. He was actually panting despite being personally in top physical shape as a result of his football participation. Of course it was the emotional strain that was debilitating and not the physical exertion.
Connie felt like her head had exploded since all she was seeing was exploding stars and fireworks. Her orgasm was intense. She had never experienced anything like this before.
Now prior to Bruce she had experienced one terrific mind blowing satisfactory orgasm. However since that lover died in a car accident just shortly after the sex no doubt she had elevated the memory of that pleasure to a higher level than it deserved because of such tragic circumstances. This was now clear to her since fucking Bruce had engaged her entire body and her soul completely. She had not thought that this was possible.
She knew she was in love with him. She knew, just like how Bruce felt about her, that she was in love with him with the same certainty that she knew the earth was round and not flat. Furthermore, with that same certainty, she knew he was in love with her. Because of that belief she knew she would never be jealous since she would not have to fear that some other female could tempt him away from her. And this was not an arrogant or conceited feeling on her part but simply her acknowledging the chemistry between them.
Intellectually she knew she could not justify her reasoning logically. After all they did not know hardly anything about each other. Despite having now fucked twice they had yet to have had any real conversation between themselves. Nevertheless every fiber of her being, of her body, of her soul was shouting in her mind HALLELUJAH you have found your man.
Her head was full of such thoughts and it made it impossible for her to normally calm down after her orgasm. Her restlessness and her agitation were making her uncomfortable despite having just experienced the fuck of her life.
She would have loved at this point to have sucked his cock. Gently at first of course given the just completed workout by his cock but eventually to have sucked it to a new hardness. Yes that would be just what the doctor would have ordered for what ailed her. But alas he was solidly on his stomach and his cock was not accessible to her. She did not have the strength to roll him over and she was afraid to ask him to move for fear he would refuse to let her suck his cock so soon after ejaculation.
‘Well,’ mused Connie to herself, ‘as Brenda would say beggars can’t be choosers.’
She approached his ass and with her hands spread his cheeks apart. Then she started kissing and licking his crack and ass hole. Ah yes that was the tonic for her. This had to be more intimate then cock sucking. She was thinking that almost every girl was willing to give head but not too many were willing to do what she was doing. Thus she felt she was marking him as her own by licking his anus. She giggled at such an animalistic notion.
As Connie continued licking Bruce’s bottom she was in a sexual zone. Her mind blocked out all extraneous thoughts and just concentrated on giving pleasure. The certainty that she was giving pleasure caused her to make continuous guttural sounds which in essence were an involuntary signal that she was deriving pleasure as well.
Since Bruce had had a shower after the football practice, he was absolutely clean in his nether region. Even had Bruce’s anus & anal canal contained some fecal matter Connie would not have minded. It is not that she had a peculiar fetish craving for the taste of shit, but that she was a firm believer of accepting consequences of one’s actions. It was her view that if Bruce enjoyed this type of sex play and would want her to do it frequently, it would behoove him to keep clean in that area.
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As the game ended the girls wended their way to the Harrison Roadhouse. This bar was in walking distance from the football stadium as well as from the girls’ dormitory. Given its locale the bar was very popular to MSU students and particularly after a football game on a Saturday afternoon the place was extremely crowded probably exceeding the fire marshal’s limit. Even though the girls arrived just ten minutes after the game the place was already jumping and they had a fifteen minute wait...
Brenda was soon to become a reluctant cocksucker. Before she and Bob were married, she was not a virgin but had never sucked cock. After the ceremony and reception, Brenda was hot for Bob to fuck her. She had never wanted cock more than that night. But Bob had other ideas.Brenda was a very ordinary-looking teen who had blossomed into a real beauty after she had graduated high school. She had attended two years of Junior College gaining a degree in Dental Hygiene. It was during those two years,...
CheatingAfter the Halloween Party, Harry Quinn maintained a most happy disposition. As the best friend of Bruce Fielding, he was well aware of Bruce’s infatuation with Connie Snyder, and had been puzzled by it. Of course he would concede that Connie was undeniably a most attractive girl, but so what? Good looking girls are a dime dozen for the likes of Bruce and him. As football studs they were constantly importuned by gorgeous looking females. Harry had become jaded to female pulchritude. A girl had...
Author: male raised in a rural area with not much to do when growing up, luckily sex was a big part of life in those days. While of average height and looks I was pretty tanned and toned due to an active outdoors lifestyle. These stories are true and not embellished * but names have been changed as I still know some of the subjects 40 years later &hellip, *This story is mostly true &hellip, I have just taken things a bit further than what actually happened by adding a bit of fantasy to the...
After the NFL scouting combines, the next important event for the careers of Harry and Bruce was the NFL draft. In that particular year because of television contracts, the draft was conducted on the last weekend of April, at the Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The draft was to be conducted on Saturday and Sunday. Because they had excellent results at the combines, both Harry and Bruce were a lock for first round picks. They had the same agent who was working feverishly to achieve the...
I know now how she must have felt, her 13 year old Daughter going to her brothers farm for a two week vacation all alone, frightening!. I was very excited going over a hundred miles all by myself but I was almost 14, I'm not a kid any more. The bus ride for me was an adventure in it's self and when we pulled into the termial, there was Aunt Lelie with Lynda my cousin who was almost 15. I was shaking when iI left the bus but calmed down with warm greetings from them with Lynda telling me all...
As Brenda and Connie arrived in Durham, NC to start their law school studies, they were now finally prepared to move on with their lives. During their years at MSU their goals were nebulous. During that first year with Harry and Bruce they had not given any thought about their future except planning to attain their degree and to become wives to their studs. With their deaths Brenda and Connie were back to the drawing board as to what their life goals would be. Because Bruce and Harry were so...
Brenda lay baking under the midday Caribbean sun, fantasising about black cock as she often did these days. A shadow appeared and Brenda turned her head, opened an eye - wincing a little against the bright sunshine, It was the Mango Man.‘Hey! - warm enough for you?” ‘Hi, yes, maybe a little too warm! have you sold all you mango’s?’ she asked in a well spoken voice.‘Every last one maam’ the man smiled extravagantly and pointing to his empty sack.‘Where do you get them from?’‘There is a grove...
All through college Brent was never seen without a camera. Brent was always trying to capture the best shot. It would annoy the hell out his friends when he'd make them pose for pictures and hold it while he moved around searching for the best angle, but they all appreciated the end result. Everyone said he had talent, but he just viewed it as a hobby. He never took a photography class or even considered pursuing it professionally. As the days since graduation passed, Brent found himself...
Brenda lay on the sandy beach and soaked up the midday Caribbean sun while fantasising about black cock, as she often did these days. A shadow appeared, and Brenda turned her head and opened an eye - wincing a little against the bright sunshine. It was the Mango Man. "Hey! Warm enough for you?” he asked. "Hi, yes, maybe a little too warm! Have you sold all your mangos?" she asked in a well spoken, slightly posh English accent. "Every last one ma'am," the man smiled extravagantly, pointing to...
First TimeNegotiatingI travel light,and packing was done in minutes. I left by the rear exit, to avoid Stanley. I wasn't afraid of him. I just didn't want the hassle of arguing or causing a scene.I was down the mountain and at Sandra's in less than an hour. I made my way inside, and at that hour- 10:45am , the place was pretty full. Donna waved from the juice bar as I carried my things to my new home. I just threw everything on the bed and went back down to the bar.“ Well Dano, I didn't count on seeing...
Meanwhile at the Halloween Party, Connie & Bruce had their own good time. Even though they had known each other for a very brief time, they interacted as if they had known each other for years. Their conversation was absolutely intriguing to each other and as a result they did not need any superfluous activity to keep themselves entertained. They did notice Harry and Brenda leaving together presumably to Harry’s apartment. They then only needed to exchange a few words to determine that they...
“What do you think?” Brenda gave a spin. John, who had been sitting on the bed watching her dress, gave her a soft wolf whistle.“Unbelievable, hon,” he replied. “You will get a lot of attention tonight.”Brenda gave him an appreciative smile, and turned back to the mirror to put the last touches on her make up.She was dressed in her white silk blouse, and short black skirt. Her freshly shaved legs were uncovered, softly tanned, toned, long, sexy. When she bent over, it was pretty clear that...
It came time to help my good sweet sissy move forward in her growth. Brenda needed me to keep her inline. She craved, and still does crave, an older man to be firm with her.I knew Brenda procrastinated in gathering all of the items I requested. She was nervous about keeping these items at her house for fear of being discovered. I had Brenda drop off the clothes and lipstick at my place. She was going to wear them at my place bust for me anyhow and she needed the “being discovered” excuse...
Brenda sat in her kitchen looking at her son Lenny for several seconds, “mom since you have joined the club what about a gangbang with a couple of the guys”? She was shocked at the request but at the same time excited at the prospect of it. “Well before I agree I’d like to know what exactly would be involved; well a couple of the guys would come over you would get fucked for a couple of hours. Would the guys come in me? Yes, ok so that means no condoms right yes but I can guarantee you would...
I’m Lenny. We were all growing out of our gawky 16-year-old stage. We had formed a ‘JO Club’( it stood for Jerk Off) because we were not getting any pussy. We would sit around one of our bedrooms and JO to hot girls we all knew, including our sisters and mom’s. We challenged ourselves to JO in risky places for bragging rights. At school was the very risky place. We all had found places to JO real, quick. Restroom stalls, under stairs and storage rooms. Then one afternoon, we all met something...
It is always a blow to your ego when you find out that your wife is fucking another man. Once you get past the, "Unfaithful fucking whore" and the I'll kill the mother fucker" stage you are left with all the questions of why. What did I do or not do that made her do what she did? What was I lacking? What did he have that I didn't? More energy and staying power? A bigger dick? A longer and more talented tongue? Maybe she just didn't like me any more or maybe I had a bad case of body odor....
After having just watched her mother's sister achieve a stunning climax with her new vibrator, Brenda's own pussy was engorged with blood and flushed wide open! "I really have a lot to learn," the young girl said in a shaky voice, "I-I hope that I can handle it all, I mean taking care of Freddy's pecker and all!!! Her mother chuckled a little before replying, "Oh, honey, don't worry, like we were both saying, you are going to get so attached to his cock that pretty much when ever you see it...
As Brenda and Connie recovered from their injuries, they had a hard time coping and adjusting to the new circumstances of their lives. Connie especially was having a miserable time of it. This was the second untimely death of a true love and she was feeling that she was cursed. Although her first love, Travis Williamson was of such a short duration, having died virtually within minutes after their only date, so it could not be said it was a grand love. Still there was no concrete evidence that...
Wake up....Wake up...Caleb If you don't wake up Brenda is going to school without you, I could vaguely hear older sister Jasmine scream in my half sleep state. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and I saw my sister standing over me, if you're not ready in fifteen minutes then we will be gone. Come on down for breakfast while you wait, I hear my mom call from downstairs. Well since Brenda, my sister's best friend, is my ride let me get out of this bed and as I walk to my bathroom shower let me tell...
Wake up....Wake up...Caleb If you don't wake up Brenda is going to school without you, I could vaguely hear older sister Jasmine scream in my half sleep state. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and I saw my sister standing over me, if you're not ready in fifteen minutes then we will be gone. Come on down for breakfast while you wait, I hear my mom call from downstairs. Well since Brenda, my sister's best friend, is my ride let me get out of this bed and as I walk to my bathroom shower let me tell...
As the girls were ready, Connie received a cell phone call from Walter who advised he had arrived earlier than expected and had already secured a table at the Roadhouse. The girls trooped over to the Harrison Roadhouse to provide a pleasant surprise for Walter. Instead of having just his sister to entertain he was to be introduced to the Porter sisters. When Brenda was introduced, Walter obviously noticed her disfigured face. Being good natured and without a malicious bone in his body, Walter...
As Connie & Brenda were sitting naked Indian style after the Halloween Party, Connie was recounting her senior high school year. After describing her gang bang experience Connie continued: ‘Not surprisingly the news about this gang bang was spread throughout the school. Everyone who knew who I was, were privy to my brazen sexual activity. The guys naturally in their telling cast me in the most sluttish light possible. Thus within a month my reputation as the ‘ice queen’ morphed to the ‘school...
The two old girls who own the corner shop are a right dirty pair. I've known them for about 20 years. We often wondered if they were a pair of fannylickers, but they enjoy a bit of cock up their cuntyholes too much to bat for just the one side. Rube is about 63, she's got great big udders that spill out of her bra, fucking lovely they are. Brenda is a bit older and blonde with even bigger hangers. She likes to keep hers covered in tight t-shirts and tops , but makes up for it in the legs...
Tomorrow went on to become a string of new days. Brenda moved into her new apartment on the Saturday following her discovery of her husband’s infidelity. Her daughter and her son-in-law and I helped with the moving. What didn’t conveniently fit into the little one-bedroom apartment went into storage. Son-in-law and I struggled with the King-sized mattress for her bed. “Mom, I can’t believe you took the BED,” Ellie said. “Damned straight I did, baby,” Brenda replied. “I’m not leaving it for...
The next morning Linda woke up first. As soon as she was aware where she was, a huge smile took over her whole face. Determined to make the most of whatever time she had left with Walter she slipped down in the bed to take Walter’s cock in her mouth to wake it up. Apparently despite being still asleep, Walter’s cock quickly sprung to attention in response to Linda’s ministrations. Walter was dreaming, an erotic dream, actually a wet dream, indeed a wetter dream than the usual. He woke up with...
Brenda had brazenly walked up to the door that time, but one of the men standing at the door asked for a password. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. She hadn’t thought anything through. All four of the huge black men gathered close around her. There questions and comments were rapid and hostile. “Who are you?” “What are you doing here?” ”Did someone tell you to come here?” “What do you want?” She backed up until she bumped into one of them and he backed away letting her...
This is the story of when I was 18 I'd never had sex before until this one special day. Brenda lived next door she was married and they seemed like a normal couple she was about 40 years old she was quite chubby with big tits, I'd never really noticed her in a sexual way before she was quite conservative in her dress and she was older than me. It was on one summers day it was quite hot I was in the garden and Brenda came out into her garden she said hello how are you as she always did I said I...
For several years I talked with her online. “I want you to make me a girl and then I can be your girl” was something she would say often. Then she would eventually ask “how are you going to make me a girl?” My response was almost always the same. “You are already a girl. I’m just going to help you be who you already are” was my typical response. I don’t make anyone do anything. As human beings we have the ability to chose. Now guilt, shame, obligation, honor, fear, other emotions, and hormones...
The phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. Wasn't a number I recognized. I was getting mad, thinking of who had the gall to call me this late, or a wrong number or ... I answered. "This is Steve." The voice on the other end was familiar but tearful. Brenda. "Steve, I needed somebody to talk to." "Okay, Brenda," I said. "I'm here." "I moved out today, Steve." "Whaaat?!?!? Baby, what happened?" I was shocked. "I found out he's been cheating on me for years with a woman at...
When Connie woke up that Sunday after the draft day, she was aware that Harry & Brenda were gone. Next she noticed that she was suffering a splitting headache. It was obviously a hangover as a result of her previous night’s drinking. She then spied Bruce’s limp cock. She automatically popped it into her mouth with the notion that sucking his cock might reduce the pain in her head. Happily for Connie, this proved to be the right remedy. The concentration of sucking Bruce’s cock distracted her...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Part II Hand in hand, they walked through the airport, him leading of course. Her Master. Her Sir. She saw the slot machines, which always surprised her, and wondered which way her luck was going. What would good luck mean? What wicked things did he have planned? Ripples of nervousness and excitement pulsed through her body, and she could feel her thighs shaking as she walked. She already loved his touch--the feel of his hand, and the strength there. What would his hands feel like on her ass?...
BDSMThe Linda Porter-Walter Snyder romance which started during the Thanksgiving week progressed into a steamy, burning torrid relationship, in other words hot! After that initial Saturday night the two of them went to Linda’s apartment in Grand Rapids. Walter made excuses to his parents so that he did not get to their place until Wednesday night, being the eve of the holiday. Linda had to go to work the Monday morning for three hours to fulfill a work assignment commitment but she was then able to...
It had been a long time since I had somebody in bed with me all night. It was sufficiently alien that I awoke several times during the night at the feel of a soft form next to me, and I know that when I reached over to verify that I wasn't dreaming, she rolled against me and snuggled. The alarm went off and she reached over and turned on the bedside lamp. I was worried. I mean, lots of things make a lot of sense at ten o'clock at night with a bottle of wine inside you. The next day,...
My name is Brenda. I came to the university on my own. Parents gave me some money but I was working getting loans and grants for the rest. I had lived off campus with a dude who turned out to be a douce. He tried to put the moves on me and I wasn’t interested, for whatever reason. He just didn’t do anything for me. Anyway, I decided that day that I needed to move out and find a new room-mate. I couldn't afford a place by myself. But this time I was going to find a female room mate. So I checked...
Lesbianby bodaciousbob © In the last segment, "Brenda's Revenge", Brenda punished her Dad for what he had done to her and then left to make her way in the world. Brenda and Tai I was delicately putting rouge on my pink nipples and I could never do it without thinking about the older guy who had paid for my boob job three months prior. He wanted to do it for me just so that I would pay him some attention. I let him do it and then I left. I was getting real good at getting what I wanted from...