- 3 years ago
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A story by Tomatin
My name is Gina. I'm 26 years old now. They say it helps to tell your story.They say it's necessary to clear out your mind. Well, I definitively need toput my life back together. So here's my story…
Not more then five years ago, life looked wonderful. I studied sociologyat the university. For the first time our country had a democratic electedgovernment that tried to make things better for everybody. My friends and Ibelieved in this government. We went to political meetings, discussed the futureand drank wine till dawn in the downtown bars. We were convinced to be on thepath to a better future.
One morning, tanks ripped our world apart. The army killed our president,banned the government and installed a junta. The first days after the fallof democracy several people were arrested. Fellow students who were activein the former presidents party or the union vanished one by one. Were theyarrested, did they join the guerrilla or escaped abroad, we didn't know. Wewere scared but seemed to be left alone.
Until one morning. Soldiers blocked the whole university campus. They stormedinto our classes and ordered everybody out. Teachers, students, even the janitorshad to climb into the waiting army trucks. They brought us to the footballstadium just outside town. The playfield was already packed with people aswe arrived. Some of them had spend the night in the stadium. Without any foodor drink. Soldiers systematically took one of us to the basement of the stadium.It was already night when it was my turn.
'You. Come' was the short message as two soldiers took me by the arms andled me from the field to the inside of the stadium.
A few friends shouted 'bye Gina' and 'see you later in the bar'. One wishedme luck.
The soldiers took me down some stairs and trough long corridors. One theway we passed several other soldiers leading people to similar rooms. I understoodthat every 'prisoner' was to be questioned. I was brought to a small room.An officer sat behind a desk writing something down. The soldiers pushed meinto the chair in front of the desk and installed themselves by the door. Theofficer did not even look up as he asked my name and address. He kept on writingas he asked my age and profession. He asked some more general questions beforehe looked up. He stared at me with cold eyes. A subtle smile appeared on hisface. 'Gate 6' he said to the soldiers.
They took me by the arms and led me back into the corridors. First I wasrelieved. I was sure that they were leading me out to let me go. For a momentI was quiet exited about sharing my experience with my friends. But insteadof setting me free, they brought me to the parking lot behind the stadium andtold me to get into a van. I began to realise that something went wrong. Ihesitated to get in and asked the soldiers where we were going. The only answerI received was 'shut up' as they pushed me roughly in the back of the van.
Four other girls were already sitting on the benches. I sat down in one ofboth empty places. Armed soldiers guarded the van. In fact, the whole parkinglot was packed with vans, trucks and soldiers. The whole sphere was threatening.There was no way I could escape. Soldiers went off and on bringing people tothe vans. Inside ours, nobody said a word. I tried to start a conversationbut a soldier brutally told me to keep my mouth shut.
Minutes later another girl was pushed into the van and the doors were closedand locked behind her, leaving us in total darkness. As we drove off, I askedif anybody knew where we were going. Although I whispered, the soldiers inthe front of the van must have heard something. A small window between thefront and our compartment was shoved open and a loud voice barked 'SHUT THEFUCK UP'. We all did as ordered and waited our faith with growing fear.
We drove for more than an hour. Then the van finally stopped. I hoped tosee where we were as we stepped out of the van but it was parked in a way thatwe only could see the entrance of a building as the rear doors opened. Thesix of us were pulled out of the van and pushed into a large room. Once inside,the soldiers closed the door behind us and left. The room looked like a classroom but then without the usual furniture. The windows were painted white sowe couldn't see through them. Opposite to the door in which we came in wasa similar door. There were already several people sitting on their knees, handson their head and facing the soldiers in front of us. For a moment we stoodstill not knowing what to do. Then one of the soldiers yelled to us to kneeldown in the same position as the others. Down on my knees it suddenly struckme that the only men in the room were the three soldiers. They were obviouslycommenting us. The women were all young and rather good looking. It was obviousthat every girl in here was scared. So was I.
It was by that time hours ago since we were arrested and although I did noteat or drink since, I felt a sudden urge to pee. As if I was back at school,I raised my hand and asked humbly to use the toilet. At first the soldiersdid not react although they must have noticed my demand. As I repeated my questiona bit louder, one of the soldiers looked down at me and nodded me to come.Obviously annoyed, he took my arm and led me out. Besides a corridor with severaldoors on each side there was nothing particular to see on our way to the bathroom.Once inside, he pointed to a toilet and grinned. To my confusion there wasno door to the toilet. Did I really had to pull down my pants and pee whilehe watched me? I hesitated but he commanded me to hurry up. I had no choiceso I pulled my pants down with one hand and used the other to hide my privateparts. After I was finished, he took me back to the room. Back on my knees,the soldier told something to his friends who turned their eyes on me and grinned.I blushed and bowed my head.
A few minutes later, two other soldiers entered the room. Without sayinga word, they took a girl by the arms and left again. About every quarter ofan hour, the same scenario repeated itself. None of the girls came back. AsI was sitting in the last of four rows, I counted that it would be my turnin about three hours. But it did not take so long before they pulled me upby the arms and took me to a smaller room further in the building. A middle-agedman invited me to sit down. With a friendly smile on his face he started toquestion me about my family and friends. He even offered me a cup of coffee.Then the conversation turned to politics. I answered very cautiously to hisquestions, trying not to reveal to much about my opinion. I still hoped tobe out here soon. Suddenly the tone of his voice changed. He sounded almostdisappointed as he said that I was not telling the truth. He told me he hadsolid information that my friends and I were involved in left wing groups.He proposed me to tell him everything about this movement and his members.After that, I could go home. I told him for truth that he got the wrong information.I really did not know anything about a political movement against the military.He sighed and nodded to the guards. They pulled me up again, forced my armsbehind my back and cuffed them before they pushed me out of the room.
They took me downstairs to what seemed to be the basement of the building.A mean looking man waited me up in a sort of entrance hall at the bottom ofthe stairs. The cuffs were removed. He ordered me to undress. The order cameas a blow in the stomach. Because I didn't react immediately to his order,he repeated that I had to take my clothes off. All of them, he specified. Ina haze, I slowly started to remove my shoes. Apparently I acted to slow. Henodded to the guards who brutally removed my shirt and pulled my jeans down.Automatically I held one arm before my breast trying to hide my crotch withthe other hand. Needless to say that this position did not hold them back toremove my bra and cuff my hands again behind my back. As they held me by thearms, I stood there wearing nothing but my panties.
"Don't be shy", the man in charge said. "We've seen enoughpussy in here". He kneeled down and slowly pulled my panties down leavingme totally naked. I never felt so ashamed and vulnerable in my whole life.After he had a good look at my body, he stood up again and ordered the guardsto take me to 'the waiting room'.
First I got blindfolded. As we passed the only door from the entrance hall,It felt as if we entered a different world. I could almost taste the chillatmosphere in here what made me shiver. I thought to hear muffled cries whatincreased my feeling of panic. One of the guards placed his hand on my bottomas we stepped through the corridors. They both held my arms in a firm gripso I could not escape his touch. Suddenly we stopped and I heard a door opening.
"Here's another one, chief" said one of the guards.
"Well, well, well what a fine piece you brought me this time" anew voice said.
We stepped into what felt like a rather large room with a cold, probablya tiled floor. I sensed the presence of other people in here although nobodyspoke or even moved. They pushed me further down the room until my head toucheda chain or something dangling from the ceiling. The metal collar at the endof the chain was fastened around my neck. With a firm slab at my butt, theguards went away. I carefully moved my head and feet. But the chain was tooshort to leave me much movement.
"Open your mouth" said the new voice apparently very close to me.
Frightened by the voice I did as told. A ball was pushed in my mouth andtied behind my head. I felt a hand touching my breast and tried to jump backwardsbut the chain kept me on the same spot.
"Shhht baby. Relax" said the voice. "Try to sleep. You'llneed all your strength tomorrow".
He moved away from me and I heard him touch other bodies, followed by muffledsounds. I understood that the other prisoners in the room were gagged as well.That explained the unnatural silence.
"Sleep well, my beauties" the voice said.
Seconds later I heard a door open and close again. Although I was reallytired, there was no way anyone could sleep in this position. Beside the collarthat cut my throat as I dropped my head, It freaked me out that anyone couldcome in and do whatever they wanted with me. I suddenly felt more desperatethen I was already and started to cry.
Hours later the sound of somebody entering the room woke me up from a blurrymood.
"Good morning ladies!" yelled the voice I recognized from the daybefore.
"Today is gonna be a special day for you ladies. Let's be sure you'reat your best, shall we" he laughed.
I heard him pick up some kind of tool. Then I recognized the sound of a strongshower followed by muffled cries. I immediately realised what was going onas the spurt of icecold water hit me in the stomach. The man laughed out ashe squirted the water onto our bodies. The coldness of the water and the powerof the firehose, or whatever tool he used, really hurted. Especially as heaimed particulary at my breasts and crotch. After long minutes the water wasturned of and the man left us 'to dry' as he said.
More then half an hour later, different men came in. I could tell they weremen by the heavy steps of boots. They took one or two of the girls and leftagain. Within minutes, they came back to take another girl. It did not takelong before they came for me. One of them held my arms as the other untiedthe collar. They did not say a word as they took me outside by the arms. Iwas very alert to pick up the cries I thought to hear when I first enteredthis area but I could only hear men talking in a normal voice. No crying, noshouting whatsoever. It calmed me down a bit. But still I was very afraid ofwhat was about to come.
Suddenly we stopped and one of my guards knocked on a door and opened it.The screams of a woman in pain hit me in the face. As the screams faded away,the woman kept sobbing 'no more, please no more, …'.
One of my guards said: 'Here's number 9, sir'.
A harsh voice answered 'Can't you see I'm busy here. Let Fatman warm herup'. In panic, I began to struggle in a desperate attempt to escape this hell.Off course the guards had no problem to drag me outside to a nearby room.
A conversation between two men stopped as we entered the room.
'Hey Fatman, the doctor wants you to warm this one up' said one of my guards.
'Damn, can I never enjoy my meal in this place…hang her over there'answered a new voice.
They uncuffed my wrists and immediately tied them back together in frontof me. The cuffs were attached to a rope or chain and pulled up, forcing myarms over my head. I heard the guards leaving and stood there shivering infear for what was about to come.
Minutes passed. I heard Fatman and the other eating their meals. Meanwhilethe two men discussed their favourite food as if I wasn't there. I began tohope that they would forget me but then one of them stood up. Without warning,he punched me hard in the stomach. I gasped for breath. The pain was terrible.But ever so shocking was the fact that they kept on talking smoothly as ifI wasn't there. A next blow hit me in the kidneys. Then another one in thestomach which made me vomit. By the fifth blow, I hung limply in the chains.No questions were asked. I could not answer them anyway as I was still gagged.Nobody even spoke to me. I was not more then an object they could kick around.My head was pulled up by the hair followed by a vicious slap in the face. Icould only cry and hope that this would be over soon.
I must have fainted. Suddenly I recognized the voice of one of the guardsagain although I did not hear them come in.
"Damn, Fatman, can't you ever keep it neat? Clean her up, will you.The doc wants her now'.
'Do it yourself' answered Fatman.
Somebody roughly wiped the vomit of my chest with a rag and released me fromthe chain. With my hands still tied in front of me, they took me back downthe corridor to another room. It was a painful walk after the beating I received.
Once inside the other room, I could smell a vague mixture of blood, urine,ammonia and sweat.
'Here's number 9, sir'.
'Tie her up over there' said the harsh voice I recognized from earlier today.
Instinctively I began to struggle but they simply pushed me onto what seemedto be a metal table. Quickly my hands were untied and fastened to rubber cuffsover my head. My legs were spread open and tied as well.
Somebody gently stroke my hair.
'I'm sorry I've kept you waiting. But I'm sure Fatman welcomed you properly'said the doctor in a sarcastic tone.
'Lift your head so I can remove your blindfold'.
I did as ordered but could not open my eyes immediately because my eyes weren'tused to the light anymore. As I opened my eyes seconds later, I looked straightin the face of a man in his fourties wearing a white lab coat. He smiled atme but his eyes were stone cold. I would never forget these eyes again.
I looked around the windowless room. The table on which I was lying stoodin the centre of the room. I recognized a generator with control panel anddifferent tubes, clips and other equipment. I immediately realised the purposeof this material and started to cry.
'Now, now girl. Don't be childish. I did not even start yet' said the doctor.
His hand moved slowly from my face to my chest. He took some time playingwith my breasts. Ashamed, I looked away.
'Quiet sensitive, aren't they' he smiled as he squeezed my nipples betweenhis fingers.
Then his hands moved down my belly to my cunt.
I shook my head and tried to close my legs but the ties kept them wide. Icould not scream neither while the gag still filled my mouth.
His fingers first squeezed my cuntlips. Then he gently moved a finger betweenthem. Words can not tell how humiliated I felt.
He withdraw his fingers suddenly and turned away from me. He took two spongesout of a bucket of water and clamped them around both my ankles using coppershackles. A thick wire from each shackle went to the electroshock machine.I stared at him with wide open eyes. I simply could not believe what was happeningto me.
The humming sound of the generator brought me back to reality. A knob wasswitched. My body arched upwards, shaking hard as my muscles spasmed.
After long seconds the doctor suddenly cut the power. With a loud bang, mybare bum slapped down hard on the table as my taut, straining muscles suddenlyslackened. He gave me no time to recover. The voltage was raised and the powerswitched on again. The noise was deafening. The shock machine emitted an evilhigh voltage hum. The metal table rattled like thunder as my body strainedagainst the straps, shaking uncontrollably. I shrieked insanely, the spittleflying from my lips. As he turned of the power again, I glistened with sweatbut felt cold like hell. Again the voltage was raised and the jolts hit mybody. My bare, sweating torso arched upwards again only to fall down againas the knob was switched again. Panting hard, I stared wide-eyed at the doctor,unable to speak through my gag. He only smiled at me as he turned up the voltagea bit. I don't know how long the torture went on. I can only remember wakingup in a dark and tiny cell.
I was still stark naked but no longer cuffed, blindfolded or gagged. It tooksome time before the pain left my body. Far worse than the pain was my mentalcondition. The fear of more pain kept me in a permanent state of shock. I wouldhave done anything to avoid a new torture session. The guards knew this anddid not hesitate to take advantage of this situation.
After a few days they let me take a shower and brought me to a room wherea bed was the only furniture. In this 'fun-room' they made it clear that Iwould be send directly to the doctor as I refused to cooperate. I nodded, laidmy hands on my head and spread my legs as ordered. Tears ran down my face asthey commented 'the hot new bitch' while squeezing my tits and groping my privateparts. I almost vomited as I was forced to swallow their cum after I had tosuck both their dicks. After this degrading session, I was brought back tomy cell again where they assured me that they would be back soon for more fun.
It must have been one day later as they came back for me. I almost hopedthat they were taking me back to the 'fun-room'. I began to panic as we clearlymarched further. As always when outside the cell I was cuffed and blindfoldedso I was not sure where we went. It was useless to resist them anyway. As weentered a room and the door closed after us, I almost fainted as I recognizedthe voice of the doctor.
'Lay her down over their'.
I struggled and begged to let me go but they simply tied me unto the metaltable in the same position as a few days ago. The blindfold was removed andI immediately recognized the horrible torture room. This time I wasn't gaggedso I pleaded on and on that I would do anything he wanted. The doctor onlysmiled at me as he prepared his material. I cried as he connected the alligatorclips to my nipples. The awful humming sound of the generator almost made mefaint.
'Let's warm you up a bit' the doctor said as he threw the switch.
The shock machine droned its evil, crackling tune. I screamed and my bare,sweating torso arched upwards as the first jolts hit my body.
My bulging breasts burned bright red. It felt like my tits were being cookedfrom the inside. They shook wildly as jolt after jolt was send to them.
My body collapsed to the table as the switch was turned again. Seconds latermy body lifted from the table again as even more current passed through mynipples. My voice rose an octave as I screamed even higher than before. Thoughtfully,the doctor turned up the voltage a bit. My bare body bucked even more furiouslyas I screamed out impossibly high notes of raw pain.
After an indecently long interval of hysterical shrieking, the doctor cutthe power. I collapsed like a marionette whose strings had been cut. Again,my sweating body slapped down hard on the table. I was desperate, my heavingtorso slick with sweat, my voice hoarse.
I tried to control my respiration to tell him whatever he wanted but he ignoredme completely. I saw him pick up a speculum. Spreading my cunt wide, I gaspedas he delved deep with long nosed
pliers and snapped an alligator clip onto my cervix. I was near hystericalas he withdrew the long nose pliers and removed the speculum. Meanwhile I managedto control my breath enough to speak:
'Please! Please! Please! Speak to me! I'll do anything! I'll say anything!Tell me what you want!'
Oblivious to my pleas, he continued to work between my legs. I squealed likea boiled pig as his strong fingers peeled back the flesh, exposing the mostsensitive nubbin of flesh on my body and pinned an electrode to my clit. Hescrewed a small corkscrew electrode up my pisshole and a larger one up my rectum.He wired it all up and threw the switches. The electroshock machine
hummed wickedly, harsh and cruel.
My sweat-slick nude form arched up and vibrated in unbelievable agony. Mywhole naked body, jerking and heaving furiously, flushed a deep, deep red.My hips humped like a jackhammer. Underneath myself , the metal table shooksavagely. I screamed until the snot ran. My blood pressure skyrocketed. Mixingwith the snot, my blood ran in twin rivulets, like two thick red worms, frommy flared nostrils. My tits shook. My buttocks dimpled as my buns clenchedto incredible tightness around the anal electrode.
I was not longer conscious as the doctor finally cut the power. I woke upin my cell in utter agony.
It took days before I recovered a bit from this session. The guards leftme alone for quiet a while. When they assumed I recuperated enough, the tripsto the fun-room started again.
It became clear that most of the guards took advantage of the prisoners.As a new one, I was often 'chosen'. Most of the guards only fucked me or forcedme to suck them. Others were more perverse. The Fatman liked to fuck me inthe ass what really hurted. The Nose (he did not steal his name) liked to spankour bottoms. Sometimes the guards organised 'orgies' with two or more prisoners.At these 'parties' I saw some of my colleague-students. Jutta, the Swedishexchange-student who was arrested the same day as I, was a very regular visitorof the fun-room. She was not only a very beautiful girl. Her blond hair wasrather rare in our region.
It was Jutta who was once severely punished for refusing to eat another girlspussy. The guards installed 'the throne' in the center of the fun-room. 'Thethrone' was not more than a heavy wooden barstool with a large dildo placedon it. After lubricating the dildo generously, three guards forced Jutta uponit and tied her hands strappado-like behind her back. Then her ankles werelifted and tied to rings attached to the bottom of the seat so she could notuse them to push herself up. Gravity did the rest. Jutta was left for hourson the throne, crying and sobbing as a child. She was merely able to walk asshe was lifted off the throne and taken back to her cell.
Days, maybe weeks after the second torture session, I was brought back tothe torture room. As soon as I realised where they took me, I shouted to letme go and began to struggle. The only result was a painful blow in the kidneyswhich made me gasp and keep my mouth. Once inside the room (I recognized thesmell), I was pushed into a chair. Instead of the doctors harsh voice I expected,a rather friendly voice asked how I felt. It was the man who interrogated methe first day. I felt relieved. I thought for a moment they found out theywere wrong about me and I was about to be free again.
He asked me if I had anything to say. I rattled that I had nothing to dowith politics, that I must have been mixed up with another girl, that I wouldsay nothing about what happened to me here if they let me go…
The officer only sighed and left the room.
As they removed my blindfold, I saw the doctor smiling at me. He nodded atthe two soldiers who made me sit with my knees pulled up to my chest. My wristswere tied together in front of my knees with a leather thong. A metal bar waspassed under my knees and over my arms. The soldiers grabbed the ends of thebar and hoisted me into the air. The ends of the bar were slipped into deepslots atop two thick poles set in the concrete floor. I dangled by my kneesfrom the bar, upside down, stark naked and totally helpless. I know now thatthis position is called 'the parrot's perch' and that it's quiet popular intorture rooms around the world.
The doctor groped and fondled me intimately. I repeated again and again thatI knew nothing but he ignored me totally. He twisted and pinched each of mynipples until they were bruised and swollen. Then he picked up two heavy dutyalligator-clip electrodes and clamped them to them, squeezing hard to makesure that the tiny teeth bit in deep. Then he pulled a thick stainless steelrod out of a bucket of ice water and attached a wire from the electroshockapparatus to one end. Then he used one hand to open my cuntlips and slowly,painfully, inch-by-inch began insinuating the rod into my cunt. I shriekedand begged as he worked it in, brutally twisting and turning the ice-cold rod.When it had been inserted as far as possible, he pulled it out and pumped itin again 'to give me that well-reamed out feeling' he laughed. The doctor adjustedthe dials of his generator to set the voltage, duration and wave pattern ofthe shocks. My body was already glistening with sweat as the first shocks hitmy body. The doctor grinned and gave me a series of short, sharp excruciatingjolts, ripping scream after scream from my bucking body.
As I was about to faint, he cut of the power leaving me dangling on the bar.Only to switch on the power again minutes later. In my opinion the treatmentwent on for hours. In fact, I do not know how long I was tortured.
Finally the officer came back asking me about friends, political activitiesand so on. I gave them as much names as they wanted even though it meant thatinnocent people were going to receive the same treatment as I had. At thatmoment, I just did not care. Now, it drives me crazy.
I spend more than three months in that awful place. I forgot how many timesI was raped. My cunt still hurts from my turn on 'the throne'. Why they mademe take a ride on that awful chair, I don't recall. Perhaps they just likedto hurt and humiliate women. After a while they lost interest in me. I assumebecause 'fresh meat' was available. And the rapes and tortures made me tooweak to 'enjoy' their games.
Totally unexpected they released me. Without saying a word I was pulled outof my cell and pushed into the back of a car. As the car stopped after a longdrive, someone hissed 'you're finished, bitch' as he pushed me out. They draggedme into a forest and ordered me to kneel down. They uncuffed me but orderedme not to touch the blindfold. At that point I was certain that they were goingto shoot me. I cried and begged as a child to leave me alive. It took minutesbefore I realised that they were gone.
I was lucky to be picked up by friendly people who gave me food and clothesand brought me back to my family. Not much longer, I left the country. Now,I try to rebuild a new life here.
Off course I shall never forget what happened to me in my country. Neitherwill I forget the face of the doctor and his sarcastic motto he whispered inmy ear the last time I saw him:
"The precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, forthe desired effect"
Now Gina is 36yrs. 5'7" about 118lbs. married with two k**s a boy 10yrs. and a girl 17yrs. her and her husband Tom live a good safe life married 20yrs. both work good high paying jobs nice home the total package. There sex life is good not great but good. Friday at the start of the day Connie a girl at work comes in all happy and ask everyone to the bar after work she is getting married, Gina thinks I know Tom would not like me to go but why not I'll be home early it'll be fun, so she calls...
BOB`s side When I first met Gina I liked what I saw short bubbly blonde with big tits , we went to her local pub , and like all true gentlemen I treated to lunch , and what surprised me but pleased me as well was her willingness to drink a pint with me , I thought to myself , play it cool boy you`re going to do well with this one. I have over the years had many conquests it`s not just getting in her knickers its managing to change the woman`s preconceived notions, ( I`m a good...
Gina goes to the mall for a new dress to wear for her husband's company bash Tom her hubby was being honored for his 25yrs of servers to the accounting company. He started as a mail boy and now was becoming a partner in the firm. Gina was so proud that she had to look just right to support him. As she looked around the new dress store she was seen by Penny who was Tom's biggest rival at work she thought she was the one in line when they picked Tom and was not at all happy to stand aside. ...
The plane was about to land. All I could think about for the last five hours was Gina. I kept thinking about what she would be wearing and what she said the last time we met. Gina is about 15 years younger than I. She worked for me a few years ago when I hired her right out of college. I will never forget her first day in the office. She was wearing an off-white blouse with a short navy blue skirt along with 2 inch heels. Her brown hair glistened and her smile could light up a room. I always...
The plane was about to land. All I could think about for the last five hours was Gina. I kept thinking about what she would be wearing and what she said the last time we met. Gina is about 15 years younger than I. She worked for me a few years ago when I hired her right out of college. I will never forget her first day in the office. She was wearing an off-white blouse with a short navy blue skirt along with 2 inch heels. Her brown hair glistened and her smile could light up a room. I always...
Straight SexI love having sex with older women. I find they're usually so much better at it than their younger counterparts, plus they don't go gossiping to their friends after you've fucked them and quite a few of them are very grateful, especially the less attractive ones. I don't care myself, as long as they're over forty and not too fat, then they are fair game. My first oldie was a teacher from school. Miss Shaw was her name, Helen Shaw. She was fifty when I fucked her and still a miss. I was twenty...
MatureIt all began in August, a couple of weeks before school started. I was going to be a senior, and while I understood the importance of that fact, I was unimpressed. First, I was not going to go off to college. My grades were good, but certainly not stellar, which they would have had to be for me to get a scholarship. Failing that, my parents could not afford anything more than community college. I was also seriously considering the military as a way of making enough money to go. Second, I was...
As in my other story. Rudy my longtime friend was caught cheating by his wife,Gina. He paid the price of haveing to watch me fuck his wife and fuck her ass. Couple months have gone by, I keep in touch with Rudy, seeing if he is still fucking around on Gina. He swears he isnt,but is makeing excuses why he isnt comeing home on weekends for awhile. Gina is very suspious, cant blame her. So we decide to take a road trip,she wants to know if he is lieing! 3 hours later Gina and I check in to a...
Ginayou hate yourself. that's all you can think of. every day. every night. you hate what you are. you hate what you have become. it's been one year since you've been k**napped. one year locked in this house! in the middle of nowhere. one year since the last time you saw your office. your friends. your wife. your son! it's been one year since you were normal. if you only knew... you would never have opened the window of your car! that guy would never have sprayed you! you would still have your...
GEORGINA - Chapter 1: Spoilt Girl Georgina looked from the upstairs window of her bedchamber at the dreary mill workers trudging to work. She wasn't usually up this early but she had been awake with excitement for much of the night following the news that her father was going to let her go on the "Grand Tour" in the summer, with her older brother Rufus, his tutor, the elderly Colonel Wilson and his much younger wife, Charlotte. Vienna, Amsterdam, Paris, Brussels and, she fervently hoped,...
I love having sex with older women. I find they’re usually so much better at it than their younger counterparts, plus they don’t go gossiping to their friends after you’ve fucked them and quite a few of them are very grateful, especially the less attractive ones. I don’t care myself, as long as they’re over forty and not too fat, then they are fair game. My first oldie was a teacher from school. Miss Shaw was her name, Helen Shaw. She was fifty when I fucked her and still a miss. I was twenty...
The Original Candid has been around for a little over a year now, though you probably wouldn’t know that from stopping by the landing page. In fact, there’s basically nothing to be seen out front except for a header graphic of the site’s name in 3D letters. You’ll have to sign up for an account to see anything, but they’ve switched from their original invite-only model to free, open registration to anyone who loves candid is a good name for a site, because it tells...
Porn ForumsThis story is complete fictional! "Everybody ready to go?," the manager said as the 18 yearsung passengers bucked up and prepared to embark on a trip to Virgina to see and old boss. Amoung the passengers were the junior supervisor Plex, who was 19, and the delightfull student worker, Cya, who was 15. Plex was a Junior in college, and he had just returned to his job at the National Aquarium in his city, but this time he returned as a Junior supervisior instead of a stundent worker. He was chunky...
First TimeRegina 39 Jahre, war eine allein erziehende Mutter. Ihr Sohn lebte bei seinem Vater. Sie war schlank und hatte ein Körbchengröße von 75 D sowie kurze blonde Haare. Schon während ihrer Ehe, hatte sie immer wieder mit anderen Männern geflirtet, was zur Trennung geführt hatte. An jenem Tag war sie alleine im Hallenbad. Es war Freitagabend und sie wollte die Arbeitswoche ausklingen lassen. Im Schwimmbad war auch Chris, der gerade mit der Schule durch war und immer wieder kriminell aufgefallen...
She is 15 years old, 147 centimeters tall, with well-muscled thighs and a high bottom. Her breasts appear large for a girl her age, although an inspection of her underwear drawer uncovers only C-cup bras. Size in this case is an illusion, a contrast between the firm, fleshy bulbs and the diminutive frame. On a musicological whim, I dub them (her large breasts) “The Mighty Handfuls.” Her mother is frequently absent, leaving us (Regina and me) alone together. Three nights per week are spent at...
Georgina By Samantha Jay © January 2010 Chapter 1 "MOMMYEEEEEEE" I awoke with a start, my breathing was fast and shallow, and my heart rate was elevated. I couldn't remember who or where I was. A bedside lamp was switched on and its light illuminated the room. "You okay, love?" a gentle, but concerned voice asked. I closed my eyes and forced my heart to slow down. I willed myself to take slow, regular breaths....
Imagination Jayne Spenser I was thinking about what might have happened. It was a Sunday afternoon in the late 1980s and I was a fifteen-year-old boy, single-handedly operating the small motorboat that was the passenger ferry between Woodbridge Mill and the north bank of the River Deben where a pathway went up towards Sutton Hoo and the old excavations. The first half of the afternoon was always spent generally ferrying people north to the Hoo and then later returning them all to...
September 9, She:Hey…I thought of you last night.I thought of you when I was naked and alone in my bed.My pussy throbbed, already wet, thinking of you…thinking of your lips on mine…our tongues exploring…your mouth kissing its way down my neck.I rub my nipples, they are so hard and sensitive,sending waves of pleasure down my spine.I stroke my slit once and pull away,I imagine again...I imagine you kissing my tits, sucking and licking and pinching.I can’t stop moaning,I need you so much!You kiss...
Love StoriesI was looking at the picture of you, the one you first sent me in the see-through dress / blouse. In my imagination it is a dress, and you and I are alone in your own home. You are wearing that dress and standing in the doorway with the moonlight behind you. Your body is clearly on display to my eyes, you might as well be wearing nothing. I walk to you and put my arms around you, tilt your head up, and bring my lips to yours. The kiss starts gently, tongues stroking lips, lips massaging lips....
September 9, She: Hey… I thought of you last night. I thought of you when I was naked and alone in my bed. My pussy throbbed, already wet, thinking of you… thinking of your lips on mine… our tongues exploring… your mouth kissing its way down my neck. I rub my nipples, they are so hard and sensitive, sending waves of pleasure down my spine. I stroke my slit once and pull away, I imagine again… I imagine you kissing my tits, sucking and licking and pinching. I can’t stop moaning, I need you so...
© Sven The Elder - November 2004 We were taking tea when she asked the question. "What do you think of when you're making love?" I thought for a moment and then responded, "Many things, the pleasure of sliding into you, feeling you ripple around my hardness. The depth of colour in your eyes as we gaze into each others' soul. The feeling of your muscles as I cup your ass in my hands, pulling you even further onto me. Many things, but most of all the love I feel for you at that...
When I heard the car door slam I grabbed my towel and raced up the stairs. Just as I was closing my bedroom door I heard my mom shout, “Lois, how good to see you. Did Jason let you in?” “Yes, Connie he had just got out of the shower and as soon as he let me in he dashed off to his room.” Oh good I thought Mrs., Hansen was not going to let on what had just happened so I relaxed a little and got dressed. Descending the stairs I entered the living room where my Mom and Mrs. Hansen were seated on...
First TimeThe next day, Roxie was more embarrassed than ashamed of what she had done with her son. Her lack of shame surprised her very much. Usually she was very modest, always making sure that her knees were covered and together when she sat, and seldom did she wear reveal-ing clothing. Those women who wore short shorts, with half their asses exposed, were shameless, she felt. Her own shorts came to mid-thigh, and they were not at all tight around her hips or ass. What she had done was more...
“Wake up,” I said to Abby, poking her a bit. She swatted at my hand and mumbled, “Lemmesleep.” Because the Defender was loaded to the gills with gold, camping and telescope, the three of us, Abby, Myndee and I, were crammed into the front seats. Standard Defender seating is a pair of high backed buckets with an area where a console should go between the buckets. I ordered the “console delete add center seat” option when I bought the car. The center seat is narrow, thin and low...
The fewer sets of eyes around, the less chance of being spotted by someone we knew. From the footbridge above the tracks I saw Heather step down from the train. Her overnight bag was slung casually over her shoulder and her eyes flitted about the tiny rural station scanning for a sight of me in the fading evening light. As she saw me a smile spread across her face, and she bounded up the stairs two at a time. She threw her arms around me and kissed me with a force that momentarily knocked me...
Wife LoversIt had been a bad day, stuck for hours trying to get my truck loaded hoping to get home for the weekend.At last loaded and on my way home, or so I thought. An unexpected phone call from my boss, take that load and deliver it in the morning !!I knew I could never get to unload Friday so I went as far as I could pulled into a lay by and thought I'd have an early night.As I was sat there I heard a knock on the door, looking up I saw a woman in what I thought her 40s standing there, I opened the...
I waited as the secretary announced my name into her intercom. I was mildly surprised when she looked up at me, smiled and said, "Mr. Foster will see you now, Mr. Kite. Please take the elevator to the fourth floor and then go through the door on the left." I knew that George Foster was the manager of this Eastern Security franchise, a firm specializing in gathering information, for a fee. I knew from my internet research that the company had over fifty offices throughout eastern United...
This is less of a story, and more of a remembrance of something past. If you are going to pan it, do so for writing style and not content. This one is more for me than the audience. Thank you. I remember the first time we made love. We had discussed it, and mulled over if we were ready, and when we finally looked at each other and saw the spark in the other’s eyes, we knew it was time. Buying condoms was an interesting little task, since we were both a bit shy, but we knew it was worth it. We...
The email didn't come in until one o'clock, but the guys had been taking turns monitoring their inboxes, so they all went running for their computers when Justin yelled. This one was like the last one, addressed to all five of them by name. Hi Anthony, Steve, Gabe, Dieter, and Justin,Well boys, we think last night was a smashing success, even though it went quite a bit beyond the original plan. I trust nobody is complaining on your end. Monday 's face has been glowing all morning and Tuesday...
ExhibitionismHi all I am regular reader of ISS and I feel it is very good place to share your sex experiences . Let to introduce myself I am Sandy working as an software engineer in Bangalore, I am 5.9 height and body is well maintained. I will share my experience which happened two years back. Since I was in college I was fond of girls and I had lot girl friends. It all happened in Feb. 2008 I was staying in a flat alone and I got a call from one of my friend by name Sravya who stays in Vizag. I was...
I wrote this story at the same time as Conveyor Belt and they are two sides of the same experiment in writing style. While Conveyor Belt has no narrator at all, with Normal I have tried out a narrator that speaks directly to the reader. See what you think. As for the story, one note of caution. If you're either waiting for, or avoiding sexual content, there isn't any description of direct sexual acts until the end of the story, but when it gets there it's a fairly extended and explicit...
This is a true story. It all started in 1949 I was in the 6th grade. My folks moved from Los Angeles to a small town on the out skirts of LA. A family lived next door A mother that was a knock out, the dad, a son and two daughters. The youngest daughter got Polio. Both parents would be at the hospital a lot. This is when I started to baby set for them and got to be real good friends with the mother. By 10th grade I was six-three and about 219 lbs. I had been sitting on the porch and talking...
TabooJanice told Jane after church choir practice "I need to talk to you somewhere that we will not be over heard." "No problem come to my home next Saturday afternoon at 2pm. Ramsey will be away golfing."At the appointed time Janice arrived at Jane's door and was invited in immediately. "Would you like tea or coffee?" "Coffee please." "Come into the kitchen while I make it, we can talk there. At least we can start the talk there. This sounds very serious.""Jane, it might not be to you but it is to...
In the end, Ornias was forced to accede to everything that I wanted. However, the little sacrifices the demon made at the point of my Sharpie marker were, in the end, compensated by one request of its own that I did grant. I finished that first sentence with the words "Joe's Bar and Grill in Hoboken, New Jersey, weekdays from 9 AM to midnight and weekends from 6 AM to 1 AM." Even Ornias laughed slightly at that. The next sentence on the page was easy for him to digest, as well. "I,...
A short while later.There was a knock on my bedroom door."Come in," I called as I sat there at my computer desk fiddling with my tie. It was going on late morning and the blinds were closed with my overhead light on. I was suited and booted to go. White shirt. Black pants. Black shoes. I looked good enough for church.The bedroom door opened and in walked my first and only patient. "Mrs. Peterson," I said with a smile, "Please take a seat. How may I help you?"After a little hesitation, Mom...
Incest.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 64Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
Original: November 19, 2020 (Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: August 15, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, mystery, taboo ***** Hi there! Thanks for checking out this story! This series is written like a novel, so be sure to start at Chapter 1 if you want to avoid any confusion. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy! ***** - CHAPTER 15: Problem - A low growl unexpectedly startled me awake, my eyes popping open as all my...
I went to glenns but Alyssa answered the door. Come in Larry pulling on my arm. Door closes and Alyssa pulls me to couch. Mom and dad left me alone for three weeks and i’m afraid. Will you stay with me here tonight ang i’ll go to your place after that. Where will I sleep? Come with me and she undressed outside of bathroom then peeled my clothes off and led me toward tub. On went the shower and we both entered. She started lathering up my dick real sudsy and jerked on it real good. Oh yes Alyssa...
The tree’s leaves floated down the river bank, as the witch combed her long auburn hair with the pearl comb. Glistening blonde strands sparkled as she softly hummed an ancient song from her ancestors long ago, a beckoning song of lust, and as the tune raised and lowered the animals around her were enchanted by her presence. Her eyes were deep-set, with emerald jewel irises, and her reflection in the water mystify the fish that swam in the cavernous waters. One glance into her eyes can...
Follow the Rules By Margaret Jeanette Toby Hendrickson was checking for background on cases involving a husband raping a wife. He was a legal assistant for a top-notch attorney. He was happy to find many cases that showed a husband could indeed rape a wife. Clients were coming and going at a steady pace. He looked over at Karen Strong who had her desk in a corner. She was the prettiest woman he had ever seen, but he was too bashful to ask her out. Then he looked at Marcia...
When Trevor came in to the Environmental Awareness Center at ten a.m. for his Wednesday volunteer shift a new receptionist was on duty. She looked to be in her mid-twenties with long auburn hair, sparkling green eyes, a rosy blemish-free complexion and a buxom chest. “Hi, I’m Trevor Bridges,” he said extending his hand, “are you a new volunteer here?” Ashley Thomas accepted Trevor’s hand with a firm grip. “I am new, I had orientation on Monday and today’s my first full day, but I’m not a...
Wife LoversThere are a number of things I've always dreamed about doing but never had the courage to try or ask my wife Beth to try. I'm sure most people (including Beth) have similar lists. She always asks me if there is anything I want her to do or if there is anything I want to try, but I usually just smile and say "I love everything you do". Every once in a while my courage level goes up enough to drop a hint or get a little adventurous, and through the years I've found that she is almost always...
You called the plumber after your boyfriend complained again about the shower and the water flow problems that had been going on for too long. Yeah, sure, he said he would be there around 9:30. You have heard that one before you thought as you sat down to a morning cup of something hot. Never one to present anything less than an appropriate appearance, you look at your watch. You have at least an hour until the plumber shows, if not all day. Nothing much else you can do, having to wait here....
Straight SexSeptember 1973 Any time Jim had a project or an assignment he tried everything he could to meet the expectations of those who expected him to perform. He tried his best every time, but he wasn't successful on each and every occasion, of course. When that happened he felt bad and hoped for another chance. "Hey Rich—hey Rich, are you here?" Jim had his arms full with two suitcases as he shouted out his roommate's name. "Yeah, I'm here," was the muffled reply. "I'm in the can. Keep...
The Flower Dauphin To contact dauphin, send an e-mail to [email protected] Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do my best, but I am not perfect. I hope you like the story despite these. Some people are born smart. They know the answer to everything. Some people are born dumb, and they have troubles all their life. I don't know why I was born dumb. I really didn't think that I was dumb. I just thought about simple things and not big things. Like I wondered why does all...
[Ring. Ring. Ring.] The telephone interrupted my late evening meditation, stirring me out of my deep state of inner relaxation. After first considering ignoring it, I lifted the receiver. Assuming it was just a wrong number, I prepared to politely remind the caller of his or her error. ‘Hello,’ I almost whispered into the receiver, my mind still dazed from its altered meditative state. ‘Scott?’ a woman responded. I thought the voice seemed familiar, yet wasn’t expecting to hear from anyone...
Gordon Richards let out a long sigh of defeat and collapsed onto his bed. Staring up at his ceiling, he shook his head and grumbled to himself. "Can't believe Scott asked Mary out and she said yes. Man, why does he have to be so freakin' good with girls?" Scott Fisher was Gordon's best friend. The two had met in kindergarten and immediately befriended one another. The two of them were extremely alike in so many ways. Both had extremely nerdy interests that revolved around anime,...
This is a true story. It is also my first story ever written. So any advice is welcomed! Thank you! It was the summer and I was 16. My boyfriend and I had broken up about a month before and I was still pretty upset. My friend Krista suggest we have a Girls’ Night, and invited me over to her house. She lived in a small one bedroom apartment with her aunt who was never there. I agreed and was excited to pig out on junk food and watch girl empowerment movies! The night started out just as...
When Joey and I were little, we played all sorts of pretend games. Sometimes when would find a big piece of cardboard, Joey and I would put it down on the driveway and make it our ‘garage’. We would pull our tricycles or big-wheels up onto the cardboard and let whoever was the ‘mechanic’ fix whatever ailed our vehicle. Then when we got our bicycles, we started mimicking what we had seen Joey’s dad doing to his Olds, and by the time we got our ten speeds, we had learned enough through general...
Shocked, emotionally drained, and sexually overwrought, Laura locked the door and made herself another drink. She was very sad that this had happened, but in her experience--chiefly with Yvette, and Sholandra, and Jonelle--she had found that they always came back. Once they had tasted what Laura had to give them, they couldn't refuse it. Would it happen with Trina? Things were so different with her, complicated by the memory of Rina. How true might it be that Laura was trying to sleep with...
Samantha went back to school on Wednesday and when Tommy showed up to pick her up, he saw Sarah's SUV and he kept driving. On Thursday he visited Sarah like always. When he let himself into the house with his key, he found her crying. "Oh Tommy, my Samantha is pregnant," she cried leaning her head on his shoulder. "Oh no, she's what? Fifteen?" he feigned concern while gloating inside. His plan had worked. He'd gotten the mother and the daughter pregnant. This was his crowning...
But Bella had been avoiding Jacob over the past month, in the hope that it would temp her beloved Edward back to her. But during the long nights, as winter closed in on the town Bella would lie awake, tossing and turning, aching for the two superhuman beings who had bought her such pleasure that night! It seemed so long since then! Indeed, it had been a month, but to Bella it seemed an age! She would relive those moments each night, for the rest of her life. Being sandwiched between a...
Our raid to an island in a nearby chain was successful and we picked up some gold and silver jewelry along with food and drink. It was early evening when we returned and found nothing disturbed and no one missing. When I entered the hut, I found the girls locked in a torrid sixty-nine and, dropping my pants, slammed into the uppermost ass hole. I pounded Alice hard and fast not giving her a chance to adjust but raping her ass with my cock and releasing the excitement from the raid and from...
I've always fantasized about viewing a movie in an adult theater just to see if the rumors are true. I fantasize about being approached by multiple men, horny with lust for anonymous sex with me. Men wanting to ravage me, cum in and on me, raw sex, nothing but. I know it sounds sick, nasty and perverted, I don't really give a damn . It's my fantasy. It isn't like I'd ever really do it but the thought of it makes me wet.I'm a twenty nine year old single lady, currently dating a very...
Sexually Don and I got along very well. We tried it in various positions and various places. We seemed to do it every chance we got. Although we didn’t really do any kinky stuff, we talked about different things as we screwed which made things extremely exciting and resulted in mind blowing orgasms for both of us. We talked about dominance and submission, public sex, swinging with other couples, two women together and even two men together. One of the things Don liked to talk about...
The Irish are a wonderful bunch of people, always willing to help in a pinch... Shortly after take-off on an out-bound evening Air Lingus flight from Dublin to Boston, the lead flight attendant nervously made the following painful announcement in her lovely Irish brogue: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m so very sorry, but it appears that there has been a terrible mix-up by our catering service. I don’t know how this has happened, but we have 103 passengers on board, and unfortunately, we received...
It's a hot night. The summer makes it hard not to sweat even when you're just sitting in the shade. At work, while you were melting away behind the counter, dying for your shift to end all you could think of was sitting in your roommate's kiddie pool in the back yard. As you were sitting there, waiting and waiting, ringing up customer after customer's delicious ice cream, a woman came into your line. As you passed the ice cream sandwiches through the sensor, you noticed distinctive green eyes....
Robert when was in a bay that had 6 beds in it but as Annie walked she saw that only 3 of the beds were actually occupied and she smiled as she saw the three men all in a row with her husband at the far end, she said “it looks like the 3 wise monkeys in here!” and one of the men smiled and said “no it is just 3 of your admirers” Annie laughed and replied “Well hopefully two he doesn't really count does he” looking towards her husband! The third guy looked Annie up and down and said “Hey...