La Corista Capitulo 7 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 7 - Hola Mi nombre es Vanessa yo soy la verdadera corista a la qu? beso Carlos Castillo y este s?bado contar? lo que pas? en realidad, en el Show de Don Fernando- -Corte y queda- Daniel se qued? sorprendido al terminar de grabar el v?deo -Es todo lo que voy a decir?, cre? que iba a aclarar todo de una vez!- A lo que Alex el manager de Carlos le dijo- Eso ser?a lo m?s pr?ctico pero a la gente le gusta el el chisme, hacerse ideas en su cabeza de lo que va a pasar. De esta forma despertamos la curiosidad de las personas para que m?s gente vea el programa y as? matamos dos p?jaros de un solo tiro limpiamos el nombre de Carlos y tenemos publicidad gratis en todo el continente porque tambi?n vamos a anunciar el nuevo disco de Carlos- -Pero el show de Don Fernando es en Miami!-exclamo Danny - Y por eso tiene cita ma?ana en el consulado para sacar tu visa de trabajo- - y porque no me sacan una visa normal?- -Porque despu?s de tu declaraci?n en el show todo mundo te va a querer entrevistarte e invitarte a su programa y nuestra agencia les va a cobrar porque vayas- - Y van a pagar para que vuelva a decir lo que todos ya saben?- - Van a pagar porque en cada entrevista vas a dar informaci?n nueva y exclusiva. En una vas a platicar c?mo se conocieron en otro vas a preparar la comida favorita de Carlos, en otro vas a platicar sobre c?mo festejaron el 14 de febrero etc?tera ya tengo a todo el departamento de mercadotecnia y publicidad trabajando en eso- - Cre? que solo tenia que hacer el video y una entrevista - -Mira Danny $20,000 dolares al mes es mucho dinero para que la disquera me lo soltara, as? que tuve que presentarles este plan como una campa?a de publicidad super econ?mica para el nuevo disco de Carlos y promet? que le sacar?amos todo el beneficio posible. As? es el negocio de la m?sica- -Cielos no sabia en lo que me estaba metiendo!- -Pero en este negocio todos ganamos y si salen contratos para comerciales o si quieren que vayas alg?n evento la agencia te pagara como cualquier artista- Al d?a siguiente volaron a la capital para mas sesiones de fotos y tuvieron un d?a muy ajetreado hasta que por fin llegaron a descansar al hotel.- Qu? d?a tan pesado hermanito y eso que yo s?lo te acompa?e-- Ni me lo recuerdes, jamas cre? que los famosos trabajaran tanto- -Pero que hermosa saliste en las fotos!- -Ya deja de molestar que estoy muy cansado- -Es enserio, mira las fotos que me pasaron de la sesi?n- Daniel miro las fotos y se sorprendi? de lo femenino que se ve?a que hasta parec?a modelo, fueron tantas las cosas que ten?an que hacer ese d?a que no tuvo tiempo para ver como hab?a quedado maquillado. Fue a mirarse al espejo para ver mejor su maquillaje-Rayos entre mas quiero dejar de ser mujer, mas quieren que parezca una, pero solo es por el maquillaje- Pero al salir de ba?arse volvi? a contemplar su reflejo, y tuvo que admitir que su cara era un poco mas femenina de lo que esperaba, su piel se sent?a mas suave, tambi?n hab?a perdido peso, sus brazos se hab?an vuelto delgados, su cintura ... Pero al salir de ba?arse volvi? a contemplar su reflejo, y tuvo que admitir que su cara era un poco mas femenina de lo que esperaba, su piel se sent?a mas suave, tambi?n hab?a perdido peso, sus brazos se hab?an vuelto delgados, su cintura mas delgada, con el ejerci? creci? su trasero y se tonificaron sus piernas, con las hormonas y sin el maquillaje ni la ropa, la faja y los rellenos su figura era mas bien androgina-femenina.-Quizas si uso ropa holgada pudiera verme un poco mas masculino- El viernes llegaron a Maiami y las recibi? Johnny el ch?fer de Carlos El viernes llegaron a Maiami y las recibi? Johnny el ch?fer de Carlos. En lugar de llevarlas a un hotel llegaron a un departamento donde las esperaba Alex el representante. - Voy a ser sincero tenemos mucho trabajo que hacer- -Si si te refieres a lo que tengo que decir en la entrevista todos los datos que que tuve que aprender ya estoy lista- -Si, yo la he estado ayudando a estudiar todos estos d?as - -Gracias Julia pero tenemos que trabajar en su lenguaje corporal, ya saben "su forma de moverse"- - A qu? te refieres con eso? Yo me muevo como una persona normal- - No quiero ofenderte, pero no tenemos tiempo as? que ser? directo: Eres un poco... masculina, parece como si te hubieras criado con puros hermanos lo cual no esta mal pero para este trabajo necesito que seas m?s femenina y con m?s clase- -Nos est? diciendo vulgares!- - No busco ofenderalas Julia pero a las dos les faltan m?s modales a la hora de comer y de c?mo se desenvuelven en p?blico - - Lo dices porque como le grit? la gente en el tr?fico?- -Por eso y porque ?l otra vez casi te agarras a golpes con un trailero- - Ah s? ,qu? lindo me dio su n?mero- - Ya madura hermana, entiende que todos los traileros son casados! - -Y a esto me refiero a c?mo se comportan en p?blico!- -Ya c?lmate Alexito, t? eres de confianza por eso nos mostramos tal y como somos contigo, pero con extra?os somo todas unas damas- -Pero si tenemos menos de una semana de que conocernos Julia!-Alex respiro profundo y prosiguio-En un par de horas va a venir una maestra para qu? les va a ense?ar modales y a ser m?s femeninas, como no tenemos mucho tiempo hoy s?lo le va a ense?ar a Danny c?mo se tiene que mover cuando la entrevisten en el "Show de Don Fernando". Luego practicar?s todo el domingo y el resto de la semana lo har?s por la noche ya que esperamos que vayas a muchas entrevistas- Cuando se quedaron solas Daniel le coment? muy molesto su hermana- Yo no quiero ser m?s femenina!, cre? que con lo que me hab?as ense?ado era suficiente hacerme pasar por una mujer-- s?lo te ense?ado a ser como yo soy, pero la que s? soy un poco tosca en mi forma de ser- - Yo dir?a m?s bien que eres como una se?ora de rancho jajaja - M?s tarde Lleg? la maestra que era una se?ora de unos 50 a?os, su porte y actitud eran como los de ...c?mo decirlo como una mam? que trabaje en la oficina.Saco una computadora y un proyector procediendo a darles la clase de feminidad.-La imagen lo es todo, una mujer fuerte y exitosa debe ser elegante y segura de s? misma con un toque de sensualidad.- durante varios minutos les mostr? varias fotos y v?deos de mujeres haciendo eso. -Maestra con todo respeto- dijo Daniel- pero ellas son modelos y estrellas de cine- - Adem?s tienen mejores cuerpos que nosotras y ..usted, ademas de una actitud y presencia casi inalcanzables por simples mortales como nosotras- -T? lo has dicho Julia, ellas tienen esa presencia no porque hayan nacido con un aura m?gica que las hace ver como reinas o seres divinos, sino porque ellas llevan a?os practicando lo que yo les estoy ense?ando, con pr?ctica y disciplina ustedes tambi?n pueden verse as?- la maestra enderez? su espalda, cambi? su mirada, la forma que mov?a sus manos, c?mo caminaba y el tono de su voz.- Para verse asi tienen que sentirse c?mo las mujeres m?s hermosas del mundo-Danny y Julia se quedaron con la boca abierta al ver la transformaci?n de la maestra, de una mam? cincuentona a una hermosa mujer madura MILF. -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sen... -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sensual pero sin caer en la vulgaridad. -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sen... -Maestra Pero por qu? tengo que ser sensual y elegante s? ya soy la novia de Carlos?- -Para estar a su altura. La mayor?a de las de los fans de Carlos son mujeres, si ?l sale con una mujer com?n y corriente van a creer que tiene gustos vulgares, eso va a provocar que dejen de admirarlo y que a ti te odien- - Pero si soy m?s elegante y hermosa no me van a odiar m?s?- - S?lo si creen que pueden ser igual o mejor es que t?, as? que vas a tener que trabajar muy duro para todas las admiradoras de Carlos crean que no importa qu? tanto se esfuercen jam?s podr?n ser mejores que Vanessa Velazquez!- Una vez que Danny entendi? la importancia de ser mas Femenina continuaron el d?a con la maestra ense??ndoles c?mo caminar c?mo sentarse , c?mo comer, etc?tera hasta casi la medianoche. Una vez que Danny entendi? la importancia de ser mas Femenina continuaron el d?a con la maestra ense??ndoles c?mo caminar c?mo sentarse , c?mo comer, etc?tera hasta casi la medianoche - Qu? bueno que ya se fue hermanita, esto es ser femenina es muy cansado y competitivo - -Por eso me cae mejor los hombres ellos jam?s van a competir contigo para ser m?s femeninos...exepto tu jajaja- Ya estando en su recamara Daniel intento dormir pero no pudo porque se la paso pensando en la entrevista de ma?ana. Jam?s hab?a salido en la televisi?n y pensar qu? lo iban a ver en vivo en varios pa?ses lo puso a?n m?s nervioso, que tal si se equivocaba y se dieran cuenta que estaba mintiendo, o si alguien lo reconoc?a como Daniel, o si se daban cuenta que era hombre!. As? que se levant? para platicar con Julia para ver si se tranquilizaba, pero ella estaba tan dormida que roncaba como un tronco. Necesitaba hablar con alguien y se le ocurri? mandarle un mensaje al ?nico amigo que ten?a: Arturo. Pero y si ya estaba es viernes en la noche , debe de andar en una fiesta don de va a conocer a una mujer que si es un amujer de verdad y que lo har? feliz, o quiz?s ya no quiere habar con migo porque me odia... Danny lleno de dudas arrojo su telefono celular en un cajon. Durante mas de una hora trato de dormir, pero los nervios no lo dejaban as? que agarro valor y mando un mensaje D-Hola- se quedo mirando la pantalla unos 10 minutos, y penso " tenia raz?n" cuando de repente A-Hola!- D-Te desperte?- A-No, los viernes normalmente me desvelo- D-estas en una fiesta? A-Jajajaja no, estoy jugando en linea con unos amigos- D-estoy interrumpiendo tu juego? A-No,- D-Te puedo marcar?- A-Claro!- D-Estoy en Miami, as? que deja me conecto por video llamada- A-Que haces en Miami ?- -Es un poco complicado, la cosa es que estoy nreviosa ye se me fue el sue?o- -Vamos tranquilizate, que tan malo es?- -Voy a dar una entrevista en el "Show de Don Fernando"- -Wow! y eso es bueno bueno...o es o malo?- -Es para ayudar a alguien- -Y lo que vas a decir para ayudar a ese "alguien" va a perjudicar a alguien mas?- -No, pero tengo que decir algunas mentiras y fingir ser alguien que no soy...- -Lo poco que se del mudo del espect?culo es que nadie se muestra tal y como es, todo lo que dicen en los programas ya esta escrito en un guion dise?ado para entretener, as? que tranquil?zate, todo va a salir bien, ya deben de tener todo planeado para que lo que digas les genere mucho rating- -Y si me equivoco y lo hecho todo a perder!- -Danny hasta donde te conozco, tu no tienes experiencia dando entrevistas ni saliendo en la tele, "tu eres cantante" y eres buena en eso porque tienes muchos a?os de estudio y practica- -Tienes raz?n!- -Ademas los que te metieron en este li? deben de tener mas experiencia que tu en esto, as? que si algo sale mal, deja que ellos lo resuelvan- -Gracias Arturo, que bueno que tuve el valor para hablarte- -Valor para hablarme, pero porque?- -Cre? que estabas enojado con migo y que ya no quer?as saber mas de mi- -Danny, cuando te dije que siempre pod?as contar con migo como amigo lo dije de coraz?n- -Gracias Arturo! tu tambi?n puedes contar con migo- Y as? mas tranquilos Danny y Arturo siguieron platicando un par de horas mas...

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A good boy that was good pt 1

As a boy I had always been the helpful type from helping old ladies across the road to taking the rubbish out, as people would say a do gooder, and as I got older I would bend over backwards even more, at 18 and living at home mum always had friends popping in and out for coffee or a chat, and this one particular day was no different.Living in a small village of about 30 houses everyone knew everyone and all the c***dren where about the same age well within a 10 year age gap, we lived next door...

2 years ago
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Adventures with Devin Pt1

(Everything in Adventures with Devin are based off true events.)When I was thirteen my best friend, Devin, introduced to me the world of porn. I had only jerked off a couple times before he showed me some porn one night when I spent the night. He flicked on some porn and asked me if I had ever jerked off. I said yes, so he stood up took off all his clothes and started beating off to some porn. At first I didn't know what to do, but soon found my self naked and jerking off with him. For about a...

3 years ago
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Strawberries Champagne

The evening began with dinner, as any fine evening with a fine woman should. The car arrived promptly, right on time, the two of us, dressed to kill, sitting comfortably in the back seat while the driver guided the car through the noisy city streets with skill. We lazily spoke of the day, how your day at work was, what stresses were involved in my hectic day at the office. Our hands clasped together lightly on the seat between us . . . you were beautifully decked out for the evening . . . black...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Horny AUNTY

Hello to all readers! I am love from Lucknow (u.p). It was my real life experience. I am very thankful to this site which opened way to share life experiences to others. There must be some mistakes as my English is little poor. Lets come to the story. Last year I completed my ba & get job at one reputed company in Lucknow. My aunt was living there near by my office, so I decided to stay at my aunt house until I get my own flat from the company. My dear aunts’ name is ritu. She is of age 35...

3 years ago
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The Interview

After a frosty, failed attempt at marital Monday morning sex, joint company directors Mr. Christian Lawson-Smith and Mrs. Naomi Lawson-Smith sat in swivel chairs in a miserable minimalist office, high up in the sky of London , on the sixteenth floor. They had no words for one another, each had retreated to lick their wounds concerning the misguided experience. Yet work must go on. Christian Lawson-Smith was 38, tall, broad, olive skinned but a pain in the ass to work for, he had zero patience...

3 years ago
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Chennai Lover Turned Into Lesbian And Had Threesome

Hi everyone this is my second story in this site.My previous one was .So in this story I will introduce my lover and her friend.I am male 24 and working in chennai in a reputed company. Now I will go into the story.I have a lover from college days and her name is slviya and she is working in bpo and her schoolmate close friend merlin she is also working in same company.Both girls are from same area and they will get in same cab and same office timings.Now about my lover age is 23 has a boob...

4 years ago
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My Sisters Sleepover Pt 2

Waking up with a devious grin on my face, I make my way downstairs and casually stroll into the kitchen. As I hunt for something worth eating in the cupboards, I begin to feel as if I’m being watched from behind, but just before I have the time to pick myself up and turn around to find out who’s watching me, I painfully feel this huge, powerful slap across my arse. ‘What the fu..!?’ I scream, suddenly turning around. ‘Hey, you, thanks for last night, I totally enjoyed having you between my...

2 years ago
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Cards Part 3

Claire’s body tensed as she felt the tip of Belinda’s tongue press into her anus. Still, she could not entirely believe what was happening; how could another woman want to do such a deviant thing to her? But she was so aroused; so thrilled by Belinda’s wickedness. Each nerve ending in her body was on fire as she felt Belinda’s wet tongue pushing inside her, wriggling, opening her ring of muscle which gradually slackened as it was massaged and lubricated. Belinda worked the orbs of flesh which...

2 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 11

I woke up Friday morning in the same spoon position with Vicky as when we went to sleep. It was a great feeling to wake up with her in my arms each morning. I reluctantly let her go when I looked at the clock and saw it was already seven. I rushed through a quick wake up shower and went to grab some clothes. "That's what I wanted to see Sweetie; looking real good there stud" Vicky said in a sexy voice. "Thanks Honey" I replied with a smile. She crawled down to the end of the bed and...

1 year ago
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NSFW Japan

Reddit NSFW Japan, aka r/NSFW_JAPAN! Is there anything hotter than a Japanese slut that seems to do anything when a camera is on her? If you can name it, I want to fucking hear it! The notion that a bitch from Japan will do anything and everything to you makes me nearly cum in my pants right where I sit. So when I discovered that is essentially a curated subreddit featuring Japanese girls naked, I had to take a fucking look.And my fucking God, am I glad that I did! The...

Reddit NSFW List
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Trip To Haunted Forest

Hello, girls and guys, first of all, I want to thank all of those people who emailed me after my first sex story. Those who want a nice chat with me could mail me at are most welcomed. Now I am here with a new sex story I know it’s a bit long story and sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes in it but I am sure that you are gonna enjoy this because this is has a horror touch I want to say that it is a story of three friends Amit that’s me, Varun and Adi. At first, I would like to introduce...

4 years ago
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She never expected this but i did it

She came over to my apartment one day as she often did, usually on my days off. I made us a nice breakfast that morning. She always loved when I made her breakfast, and I think I loved making it for her even more. So, after eating, we ended up on the sofa and put on Netflix. She must have been wet already in anticipation because she wanted to spoon. So, we put the cushions on the floor, lying down on my side, she lies down in front of me, and it did not take long at all for my cock to get hard...

Straight Sex
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Türkenspielplatz Arkan und seine beiden Kumpel saßen auf einer Bank am Kinderspielplatz und tranken Bier aus Dosen. Um sie herum hatte sich ein ansehnlicher Haufen von leeren Dosen und Zigarettenkippen aufgehäuft. Obwohl es erst 17 Uhr am Nachmittag war, waren die Drei schon völlig dicht. "Alkohol, Zigaretten, jetzt bräuchten wir nur noch was zum ficken!", lallte Hassan, der in der Mitte auf der Bank saß. "Ja, das wäre jetzt dringend nötig!", pflichtete ihm Murat der dritte im Bunde bei. Die...

4 years ago
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Fun With Friends in DorsetChapter 3

Once the action had completely subsided, we all agreed it had been a fantastic evening and that we were all looking forward to more fun the next day. Louise and myself went for a shower to clean the several loads of cum from our faces and bodies. The guys all quickly got dressed and we had a final nightcap before it was time to head to bed for some rest. This brought up the question of where on earth everyone was going to sleep. Ron had two spare rooms. One which Sam was obviously taking,...

4 years ago
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Her Him MePart Three

An hour or so passed and Nicki got up to have a shower, leaving a sleeping Jack and myself in her room. I reached across Jack to pick up my cigarettes and a lighter. As I lit up he rolled over and in his deep, husky voice whispered ‘Morning beautiful’… I think he noticed my face light up as I tried to hide my grin behind the cigarette. He still had a thin sheet draped over his legs held up by his erection. At first I thought he didn’t think I noticed but it soon became apparent that he wanted...

3 years ago
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StepsChapter 3

Samantha brought her fiancé, Marty Allinson, to Carlton Parva to meet her parents. They both appeared to like him. The engagement was a short one. Rupert and Henrietta flew out for the wedding but Henry was still stuck in Afghanistan. Samantha described Marty in a letter to Henry as a tall, strong, laughing man. He had been a college footballer and still kept himself fit. He was considered by their firm to be top class. "I'm sorry you weren't able to vet him, sweetie, but I know you would...

2 years ago
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She still a hot fuck at 63

Right around the time that my wife's 63rd birthday began to approach, our sex life changed dramatically. At first, it completely disappeared. I mean completely. Then we finally addressed the problem and we both realized that she was afraid she was "passed her prime". After a nice heart to heart conversation, I convinced her that she was just in her maturity and combined with her sex appeal and bedroom skills made me look forward to the coming years with great expectations.She didn't understand...

1 year ago
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KinkySpa Brenna Sparks Sexy Asian babe Brenna Sparks gives her client the full nuru massage treatment

Brenna Sparks’ new client is a little nervous, he’s never had a nuru massage before and he’s not sure what to expect. Brenna puts him right at ease though. She starts him out in the shower, soaping up and rubbing their bodies together and stroking his cock. Once they’re all cleaned up she brings him to her massage station where she pulls out her special nuru massage gel. She gives him the full treatment rubbing him all over before stroking his rock hard cock with her hands and feet. Once he’s...

3 years ago
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Shy Wife To Shameless Exhibitionist To HotWife Part 2

Susan was forever changed by our naughty honeymoon. Going topless in Tahiti was very sexually exciting to Susan as she exposed her naked tits to strangers. It had always been my fantasy to have Susan go topless in public.  What I didn't anticipate was that Susan would embrace her exhibitionist behavior and push the boundaries.  Her fantasy is now getting fucked by another man while I watch. Part of me does want to watch Susan get fucked by a stranger, but that is my fantasy.  I'm not sure I...

Wife Lovers
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Neighbor Hood Friends

I live in a pretty cool neighborhood. There usually isn't a day that goes by that we all aren't hanging out at someones house. All of the neighbors are married with k**s. I am the only single guy in the group. A few weeks ago some new neighbors moved in. Haven't seen them at all. But on Friday when I was walking my dog they were out. So I stopped by and introduce myself. Her name was April and his was Tim. They had two k**s, Sara and Brandon, ages 6 & 8. I told them that some neighbors...

4 years ago
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Going Both WaysChapter 1

Who woulda thunk it? I really like dick. I mean I like to play with them, lick them, suck them, be fucked my them and just about anything else having to do with dick. Oh yeah, I love pussy too. The juicier the better. But then I'm a guy, I should love pussy. You know, I could be a true sex addict as I do love sex of almost any kind. My body demands some form of sexual release at least daily. If I don't have a playmate, I'll use my hand or any other means available to release gob after gob...

1 year ago
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Private Marina Gold Influencer Fucked On The Beach

Debuting today on is Marina Gold, a super sexy Latina influencer who is tasked with finding lost paradises in Private Specials, Sensual Summer Babes, and today she’s hit the jackpot! A secluded beach is the perfect place for Marina to enjoy the sun, and it’s also the perfect place for some hot summer action as she gets down and dirty with Jesús Reyes right there on the sand. Then watch and enjoy the rest of this Private new girl’s stunning debut as she takes Jesús back to the...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 33 The Whole Truth

February 10, 1989, Syracuse, New York After the revelation about my sister, and the promise that it would never start again, we’d drifted into a conversation about how things had been going back home since Jessica had left. I told her about work, karate, and the things that had been going on in everyone else’s life, but avoided discussing any of the girls that I’d been with. I’d decided I was going to completely level with Jess on the topic, though I felt the conversation could wait. We...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 32 The Cherry Popsicle

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

4 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 20 Grande Finale

By the time Neil arrived to eat, the kitchen staff were clearing the buffet. He'd slept late, barely managed to stay conscious in the shower and wandered to the Cave like a zombie. Dave was still there with a hangdog look on his face. Neil was going to go over and talk, but by the time he'd swiped a plate of food from under the annoyed stares of the staff Dave had left. Neil grabbed the duty roster sheet and scanned it, hoping to avoid parking cars again. He was on dropoff detail, meaning...

1 year ago
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Bi Foot Fetish Blowjob

First of all, I highly recommend masturbating while reading this. It's a long story but an extremely horny one. I am a 30 year old male with an intense foot fetish. The site of sexy female feet drives me wild. This is the story of how I gave a guy a blowjob while he was sucking on sexy female feet. He has an equally intense foot fetish, which drives him wild. But first, let me digress to just how horny I get over female feet. As I sit and write this my dick is growing hard. The mere thought of...

4 years ago
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Strip Poker

Well, it all began last Saturday when we went rafting with another couple, Todd and Robyn. After a day of sun and a lot of drinking, not to mention some real good pot, we went to Todd and Robyn's for dinner. After dinner and drinks, everyone was feeling pretty relaxed. When Todd suggested some fuck flicks, he and I left for the video store in a flash. During the flicks, my wife Geri suggested we all play stop poker. Everyone just laughed and kept watching the videos. Well, Todd and I quickly...

1 year ago
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The Vermont Boarding School Part 3 bottoms up rev

This is the third part of "The Vermont Boarding School, Part 1, the first two nights," and "The Vermont Boarding School, Part 2, pump and swallow." To recap the previous stories, Sean and Noah were assigned mentors named Reese and Sanford. One of their duties was to suck their mentors' dicks each night. In part two, two weeks later, Sean and Noah have to not only suck but also swallow their mentors cum, but are rewarded with fewer of their other duties. Now Part Three. Noah and Sean had just...

First Time
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So He Wants to Be a Millionair

It was a rainy dark evening in south Arkansas along highway 71 as the dark sports car thundered along the highway. Suddenly there was flashing lights behind the sports car, which pulled off the highway down a dirt side road. Watching the side mirror it was as he had hoped, as there was a glimpses of blonde hair in the cruisers head lights. He had watched his prey for several weeks and knew she worked this stretch of road. She was around 23 or 24, 5'10", 120lbs, long blonde hair, shapely, good...

4 years ago
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About her…… She was from the far east. From a country ravaged by decades of war that now simmered with a truce that had been put in place before she was born. She grew up there but had been drawn here to the US by the prospects of a better life. Her family wasn’t poor, but they weren’t rich either. There was a large gap between the have’s and the have-not’s. Like many third world countries, the rich in her country made sure that they remained rich and in power. Her family and others like...

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