La Corista Capitulo 7 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 7 - Hola Mi nombre es Vanessa yo soy la verdadera corista a la qu? beso Carlos Castillo y este s?bado contar? lo que pas? en realidad, en el Show de Don Fernando- -Corte y queda- Daniel se qued? sorprendido al terminar de grabar el v?deo -Es todo lo que voy a decir?, cre? que iba a aclarar todo de una vez!- A lo que Alex el manager de Carlos le dijo- Eso ser?a lo m?s pr?ctico pero a la gente le gusta el el chisme, hacerse ideas en su cabeza de lo que va a pasar. De esta forma despertamos la curiosidad de las personas para que m?s gente vea el programa y as? matamos dos p?jaros de un solo tiro limpiamos el nombre de Carlos y tenemos publicidad gratis en todo el continente porque tambi?n vamos a anunciar el nuevo disco de Carlos- -Pero el show de Don Fernando es en Miami!-exclamo Danny - Y por eso tiene cita ma?ana en el consulado para sacar tu visa de trabajo- - y porque no me sacan una visa normal?- -Porque despu?s de tu declaraci?n en el show todo mundo te va a querer entrevistarte e invitarte a su programa y nuestra agencia les va a cobrar porque vayas- - Y van a pagar para que vuelva a decir lo que todos ya saben?- - Van a pagar porque en cada entrevista vas a dar informaci?n nueva y exclusiva. En una vas a platicar c?mo se conocieron en otro vas a preparar la comida favorita de Carlos, en otro vas a platicar sobre c?mo festejaron el 14 de febrero etc?tera ya tengo a todo el departamento de mercadotecnia y publicidad trabajando en eso- - Cre? que solo tenia que hacer el video y una entrevista - -Mira Danny $20,000 dolares al mes es mucho dinero para que la disquera me lo soltara, as? que tuve que presentarles este plan como una campa?a de publicidad super econ?mica para el nuevo disco de Carlos y promet? que le sacar?amos todo el beneficio posible. As? es el negocio de la m?sica- -Cielos no sabia en lo que me estaba metiendo!- -Pero en este negocio todos ganamos y si salen contratos para comerciales o si quieren que vayas alg?n evento la agencia te pagara como cualquier artista- Al d?a siguiente volaron a la capital para mas sesiones de fotos y tuvieron un d?a muy ajetreado hasta que por fin llegaron a descansar al hotel.- Qu? d?a tan pesado hermanito y eso que yo s?lo te acompa?e-- Ni me lo recuerdes, jamas cre? que los famosos trabajaran tanto- -Pero que hermosa saliste en las fotos!- -Ya deja de molestar que estoy muy cansado- -Es enserio, mira las fotos que me pasaron de la sesi?n- Daniel miro las fotos y se sorprendi? de lo femenino que se ve?a que hasta parec?a modelo, fueron tantas las cosas que ten?an que hacer ese d?a que no tuvo tiempo para ver como hab?a quedado maquillado. Fue a mirarse al espejo para ver mejor su maquillaje-Rayos entre mas quiero dejar de ser mujer, mas quieren que parezca una, pero solo es por el maquillaje- Pero al salir de ba?arse volvi? a contemplar su reflejo, y tuvo que admitir que su cara era un poco mas femenina de lo que esperaba, su piel se sent?a mas suave, tambi?n hab?a perdido peso, sus brazos se hab?an vuelto delgados, su cintura ... Pero al salir de ba?arse volvi? a contemplar su reflejo, y tuvo que admitir que su cara era un poco mas femenina de lo que esperaba, su piel se sent?a mas suave, tambi?n hab?a perdido peso, sus brazos se hab?an vuelto delgados, su cintura mas delgada, con el ejerci? creci? su trasero y se tonificaron sus piernas, con las hormonas y sin el maquillaje ni la ropa, la faja y los rellenos su figura era mas bien androgina-femenina.-Quizas si uso ropa holgada pudiera verme un poco mas masculino- El viernes llegaron a Maiami y las recibi? Johnny el ch?fer de Carlos El viernes llegaron a Maiami y las recibi? Johnny el ch?fer de Carlos. En lugar de llevarlas a un hotel llegaron a un departamento donde las esperaba Alex el representante. - Voy a ser sincero tenemos mucho trabajo que hacer- -Si si te refieres a lo que tengo que decir en la entrevista todos los datos que que tuve que aprender ya estoy lista- -Si, yo la he estado ayudando a estudiar todos estos d?as - -Gracias Julia pero tenemos que trabajar en su lenguaje corporal, ya saben "su forma de moverse"- - A qu? te refieres con eso? Yo me muevo como una persona normal- - No quiero ofenderte, pero no tenemos tiempo as? que ser? directo: Eres un poco... masculina, parece como si te hubieras criado con puros hermanos lo cual no esta mal pero para este trabajo necesito que seas m?s femenina y con m?s clase- -Nos est? diciendo vulgares!- - No busco ofenderalas Julia pero a las dos les faltan m?s modales a la hora de comer y de c?mo se desenvuelven en p?blico - - Lo dices porque como le grit? la gente en el tr?fico?- -Por eso y porque ?l otra vez casi te agarras a golpes con un trailero- - Ah s? ,qu? lindo me dio su n?mero- - Ya madura hermana, entiende que todos los traileros son casados! - -Y a esto me refiero a c?mo se comportan en p?blico!- -Ya c?lmate Alexito, t? eres de confianza por eso nos mostramos tal y como somos contigo, pero con extra?os somo todas unas damas- -Pero si tenemos menos de una semana de que conocernos Julia!-Alex respiro profundo y prosiguio-En un par de horas va a venir una maestra para qu? les va a ense?ar modales y a ser m?s femeninas, como no tenemos mucho tiempo hoy s?lo le va a ense?ar a Danny c?mo se tiene que mover cuando la entrevisten en el "Show de Don Fernando". Luego practicar?s todo el domingo y el resto de la semana lo har?s por la noche ya que esperamos que vayas a muchas entrevistas- Cuando se quedaron solas Daniel le coment? muy molesto su hermana- Yo no quiero ser m?s femenina!, cre? que con lo que me hab?as ense?ado era suficiente hacerme pasar por una mujer-- s?lo te ense?ado a ser como yo soy, pero la que s? soy un poco tosca en mi forma de ser- - Yo dir?a m?s bien que eres como una se?ora de rancho jajaja - M?s tarde Lleg? la maestra que era una se?ora de unos 50 a?os, su porte y actitud eran como los de ...c?mo decirlo como una mam? que trabaje en la oficina.Saco una computadora y un proyector procediendo a darles la clase de feminidad.-La imagen lo es todo, una mujer fuerte y exitosa debe ser elegante y segura de s? misma con un toque de sensualidad.- durante varios minutos les mostr? varias fotos y v?deos de mujeres haciendo eso. -Maestra con todo respeto- dijo Daniel- pero ellas son modelos y estrellas de cine- - Adem?s tienen mejores cuerpos que nosotras y ..usted, ademas de una actitud y presencia casi inalcanzables por simples mortales como nosotras- -T? lo has dicho Julia, ellas tienen esa presencia no porque hayan nacido con un aura m?gica que las hace ver como reinas o seres divinos, sino porque ellas llevan a?os practicando lo que yo les estoy ense?ando, con pr?ctica y disciplina ustedes tambi?n pueden verse as?- la maestra enderez? su espalda, cambi? su mirada, la forma que mov?a sus manos, c?mo caminaba y el tono de su voz.- Para verse asi tienen que sentirse c?mo las mujeres m?s hermosas del mundo-Danny y Julia se quedaron con la boca abierta al ver la transformaci?n de la maestra, de una mam? cincuentona a una hermosa mujer madura MILF. -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sen... -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sensual pero sin caer en la vulgaridad. -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sen... -Maestra Pero por qu? tengo que ser sensual y elegante s? ya soy la novia de Carlos?- -Para estar a su altura. La mayor?a de las de los fans de Carlos son mujeres, si ?l sale con una mujer com?n y corriente van a creer que tiene gustos vulgares, eso va a provocar que dejen de admirarlo y que a ti te odien- - Pero si soy m?s elegante y hermosa no me van a odiar m?s?- - S?lo si creen que pueden ser igual o mejor es que t?, as? que vas a tener que trabajar muy duro para todas las admiradoras de Carlos crean que no importa qu? tanto se esfuercen jam?s podr?n ser mejores que Vanessa Velazquez!- Una vez que Danny entendi? la importancia de ser mas Femenina continuaron el d?a con la maestra ense??ndoles c?mo caminar c?mo sentarse , c?mo comer, etc?tera hasta casi la medianoche. Una vez que Danny entendi? la importancia de ser mas Femenina continuaron el d?a con la maestra ense??ndoles c?mo caminar c?mo sentarse , c?mo comer, etc?tera hasta casi la medianoche - Qu? bueno que ya se fue hermanita, esto es ser femenina es muy cansado y competitivo - -Por eso me cae mejor los hombres ellos jam?s van a competir contigo para ser m?s femeninos...exepto tu jajaja- Ya estando en su recamara Daniel intento dormir pero no pudo porque se la paso pensando en la entrevista de ma?ana. Jam?s hab?a salido en la televisi?n y pensar qu? lo iban a ver en vivo en varios pa?ses lo puso a?n m?s nervioso, que tal si se equivocaba y se dieran cuenta que estaba mintiendo, o si alguien lo reconoc?a como Daniel, o si se daban cuenta que era hombre!. As? que se levant? para platicar con Julia para ver si se tranquilizaba, pero ella estaba tan dormida que roncaba como un tronco. Necesitaba hablar con alguien y se le ocurri? mandarle un mensaje al ?nico amigo que ten?a: Arturo. Pero y si ya estaba es viernes en la noche , debe de andar en una fiesta don de va a conocer a una mujer que si es un amujer de verdad y que lo har? feliz, o quiz?s ya no quiere habar con migo porque me odia... Danny lleno de dudas arrojo su telefono celular en un cajon. Durante mas de una hora trato de dormir, pero los nervios no lo dejaban as? que agarro valor y mando un mensaje D-Hola- se quedo mirando la pantalla unos 10 minutos, y penso " tenia raz?n" cuando de repente A-Hola!- D-Te desperte?- A-No, los viernes normalmente me desvelo- D-estas en una fiesta? A-Jajajaja no, estoy jugando en linea con unos amigos- D-estoy interrumpiendo tu juego? A-No,- D-Te puedo marcar?- A-Claro!- D-Estoy en Miami, as? que deja me conecto por video llamada- A-Que haces en Miami ?- -Es un poco complicado, la cosa es que estoy nreviosa ye se me fue el sue?o- -Vamos tranquilizate, que tan malo es?- -Voy a dar una entrevista en el "Show de Don Fernando"- -Wow! y eso es bueno bueno...o es o malo?- -Es para ayudar a alguien- -Y lo que vas a decir para ayudar a ese "alguien" va a perjudicar a alguien mas?- -No, pero tengo que decir algunas mentiras y fingir ser alguien que no soy...- -Lo poco que se del mudo del espect?culo es que nadie se muestra tal y como es, todo lo que dicen en los programas ya esta escrito en un guion dise?ado para entretener, as? que tranquil?zate, todo va a salir bien, ya deben de tener todo planeado para que lo que digas les genere mucho rating- -Y si me equivoco y lo hecho todo a perder!- -Danny hasta donde te conozco, tu no tienes experiencia dando entrevistas ni saliendo en la tele, "tu eres cantante" y eres buena en eso porque tienes muchos a?os de estudio y practica- -Tienes raz?n!- -Ademas los que te metieron en este li? deben de tener mas experiencia que tu en esto, as? que si algo sale mal, deja que ellos lo resuelvan- -Gracias Arturo, que bueno que tuve el valor para hablarte- -Valor para hablarme, pero porque?- -Cre? que estabas enojado con migo y que ya no quer?as saber mas de mi- -Danny, cuando te dije que siempre pod?as contar con migo como amigo lo dije de coraz?n- -Gracias Arturo! tu tambi?n puedes contar con migo- Y as? mas tranquilos Danny y Arturo siguieron platicando un par de horas mas...

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Matt had been waiting for this chance for a long time. Finally he had rounded up some of his friends and their girlfriends for an all-out sex party. He told them to bring whatever they liked for their enjoyment. He himself had set out a table of fun sex toys for the group. Waiting by the door, he was ready to spring forward to answer it when they arrived.

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The semester was finally over and I rushed from my last exam to thebus station to start my trip home for Christmas. I was attending a smallliberal arts college in Minnesota and was apparently surviving a toughfirst semester. Coming from a small town in Illinois where everyone knewme and my family, the adjustment had been difficult but, at the same time,exciting. I knew now that I would never return to that highly-predictablesmall town existence. I had been shocked by many things these last...

2 years ago
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Xmas High Jinks

Xmas High Jinks By Gambler Dec. 14th Santa Claus couldn't believe his eyes; FBI and SWAT team sharpshooters surrounded his secret house in North Pole. The siege was a total surprise to him and his trusted elves, not even the best security systems in the world installed around his house had detected the covert teams of law enforcement officers. They skillfully took positions that covered all possible escape routes. A few squadrons of F-15s and F-16 fighters from USAF...

2 years ago
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In the Lounge 2

I leave the lounge telling you that I’m going to grab a shower and that you should help yourself to anything that you might want out of the kitchen. I go into the bathroom, turn the light on and close the door. I slowly remove my clothes starting with my top, then my trousers and my boxers. My cock isn’t completely soft from our recent adventures in the lounge. The image of you gently rubbing your clit and sliding your fingers into your pussy is still fresh in my mind.I step into the shower...

Straight Sex
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 430 42000 Marks We Go Clothes Shopping

Tuesday, July 1 to Thursday, July 10, 2008 It was much easier to get the non-Mom members of my family onto my side. I went running with Donna the next afternoon. We had a long conversation about topics that I knew were important to her. Naturally there was a lot of talk about sex, as Donna was very curious about it anyway and had been bursting to ask me about what she'd observed. She already knew enough about sex to know that she'd seen something very unusual. She was also amazed that...

1 year ago
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Breeding Brides Chapter 3

Breeding Brides Chapter 3 By Kyng Kooba & Haley Bishop It was late Saturday morning as we drove up at Bob and Vikki’s home. Kathy had wanted to arrive in plenty of time. Unable to hide her excitement yet growing apprehension over what was in store for her that day. Then we had never had secrets from each other. My wife was wearing a long white, sleeveless summer dress with a smart, gold belt and white heels. Looking perfect as ever, although I had mentioned several weeks ago that I wanted her...

4 years ago
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Your future life passes in a glimpse

Your future life passes in a glimpse Beat heard the door open and turned around in panic too see his mother entering. He was a boy of 13 years but presently not dressed that way. Instead he wore a brown boucl? pullover with a wide turtle neck and a knee lenght brownish checked skirt. Both were his mother's. He had started to try on his mothers clothes just a few months ago. He could not explain why but he did it with a lot of guilt and shame. Nevertheless, despite the fact that a...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Valentina Nappi Italian Sex Goddess Fucks Salesman

Just because Valentina Nappi’s husband is away on business doesn’t mean that this Italian sex goddess doesn’t have intimate needs that must be met. Enter Alex Jones, insurance salesman who has caught the gorgeous busty brunette housewife home alone, and horny. The glamour model invites the man in for some coffee, but she’s really after a taste of his cock. See the mini-skirt clad cutie seduce the stranger and get the good pussy fucking and dick sucking that her husband...

2 years ago
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Hot Aunty Steals a Young Virgin Cock before Suhaagrat

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read Velamma and Ramesh received an invitation in the mail for a wedding. Ramesh’s brother’s step-son, Ramu, was getting married, and neither of them could believe it. They arrived a few days early and checked into the resort venue, as planned. Once they were all settled in their rooms, Velamma and Ramesh headed to the pool. Velamma’s son, Vijay, and his wife had just arrived, and they walked over to Velamma and Ramesh. They...

3 years ago
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So, here I am, on vacation. And you wonder what I’m doing with all of my ‘free’ time (I hesitate to call it free because I worked for this time off). As I type this, I’m fresh out of the shower and I’m lying on the bed. Yes, naked. It would be so nice if you could join me. No kids, no distractions (except the usual bark of our dogs). Otherwise it’s just me in all my naked glory. I take a second to wipe the moisture from between my legs. You know being clean-shaven down there causes it to stay a...

3 years ago
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Barbara Ch 02

This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * I was in my photo studio early the next morning when I heard the knock on the door. It was Barbara. She sure was early today. ‘ I was wondering if I got the modeling job and to see what else you had in mind for me like you said last night.’ she asked. I told her the job was...

4 years ago
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Aunty Pam Chp 21

I heard her in the kitchen talking. Oh shit I thought to myself. Was someone here with her? I grabbed my pants and put them on and peered out the door. I saw her standing over the kitchen counter looking out the window, talking on the phone. I let out a sigh of relief. “No I haven’t seen him. After he helped me last night, he said he was going straight home. I wouldn’t worry too much; he probably just went to a friend’s house. You know how teenagers can be. If I see him I will call you.” She...

3 years ago
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PT1: Pink Envy, PT2: Ockham`s Razor and this is PT3: No Harry Potter. This is also just an ALPHA DRAFT, based on reviews I will make some changes. [Warning contains R18 content Minor Incest and other adult topics] NO HARRY POTTER [Alpha Draft] By Britney Kandey What a strange dream Gilbert thought to himself, as he tapped away on the controller of his Nintendo Gamecube. It had been a very wired dream the night before, almost as wired as the events that had led Gilbert...

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نا بنت عمري 18 سنه اسمي نورا حلوه وجسمي ناعم وشعري اسود وبزازي متوسطه وطريه وبطني ناعمه ومليانه بسيط وكسي طري وريحته حلوه وانا من صغري بحب الجنس اوي لاني كنت بشوف ماما الشرموطه وهيا بتلعب في جسم جارتنا وبيمارسوا السحاق مع بعض وده الي عرفت اسمه لما كبرت ماما حلوة اوى و جسمها سكسى كتير بزازها كبيرة و حلمتها بنى غامق وواقفة و طيزها مليانه و طرية جدا و على طول بتلبس فى البيت عريان يعنى بالسنتيانة و الاندر او بقميص نوم عريان وكان لينا جاره اسمها اماني عمرها 27 سنه وكانت تمتلك صدر كبير وجسم حلو اوي...

2 years ago
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My First MILF Part 2

This is the ongoing fictional saga of the best summer of my life … the summer of my "first" … which also just happened be my first experience with the MILF of my fantasies. To maintain the continuity of the story, I strongly urge that you read Part 1 before reading this submission …My First MILFPart 2 The following Monday afternoon, I was back in the shed waiting for Brenda to get home. I felt like I still needed to hide; despite what had happened in Brenda’s dining room, I still didn’t feel...

4 years ago
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My first older woman on the way to boot camp

(Women will like this TRUE story more than guys) I met my older brother and several of his friends at a bar to say goodbye one evening shortly before I was shipping off to boot camp. I was leaving in four days and wouldn't be seeing him again. I was only 18 but had a fake ID as most of us did in those days when the drinking ages were all on the rise. My friend David was with me; he and I planned to just bum around together for the next few days.I ended up sitting between my brother and his...

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Becoming a bisexual cunt

Just for background, I’m 26, black, and have been blessed with a good height at around 6’5 with an athlete’s body. Muscular chest and shoulders, big arms and good abs. I guess it’s the years of sport and copious fucking I’ve done in my time. Anyway, there is was in my hands, light blue with a soft rubber feel, raised dimples and ridges lining the shaft in rows spiraling to the engorged head. The cock itself was smaller than my own in both girth and length, but that was not what interested me....

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Product Testing Chapter 2

Tony could sense her urgency and it drove him wild. Though he was hesitant to leave her sweet delectable peach, he pulled his lips from her pussy and stood up, pushing the chair away behind him. Catching her legs behind her knees, he moved his hands up to and planted them on either side of her waist. Her feet now rested on his shoulders and he held them there by wrapping one arm around them.With her legs held firmly in place, he moved forward slightly until the head of his cock was pressed...

1 year ago
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POVLife Jill Kassidy Hot Chick Gets Cooled Down With Dick

Jill Kassidy was fooling around with her air conditioner and ended up breaking it! She called a repairman but had to find a way to cool down in the meantime. She grabbed one of the last popsicles from the freezer and started licking away. She greeted the repairman with popsicle in hand and escorted him to the thermostat. It turns out that Jill actually just shut the system off. It was fixed with the flip of a switch! Jill was so grateful that she asked the repairman to stay. He could not help...

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Blind Obedience Chapter 7

"I can totally see that in you, Master. If I had been in school with you, I would have followed you too... like a little puppy!" she said."jewel, my dear, had we met in school we may not be together now at all. It took what we went through to make us appreciate what we have now. Had I not had the pitfalls and stumbles and mistakes I made, I wouldn't know just what a treasure you are. You don't how good it is to be full unless you've been hungry a time or two.""Well, I am sorry that you had to...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 32 The First One Ever

Tom had often pulled ‘all-nighters’ trying to get school assignments done but nothing quite like this. Those twenty pages of questions and demands for information on all sorts of stuff proved very taxing indeed on Tom’s poor brain. A lot of the questions seemed to be duplicates of other questions further back in the document and made it quite confusing as to what the officials were actually after. There was also a whole section on how Tom, Belinda and Jamie were going to handle the ‘freedom...

4 years ago
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Hockey Buddy and His Wife Part 7

I had not seen Pete or Katie in over a month because one or the other of us had been out of town or not well. I was looking forward to going to their house after the game. We were in the shower after the game and I was looking at Pete's little dick in the shower. “Are we on tonight?” I asked. “Absolutely.” Pete replied. I was starting to get semi-hard thinking about what might be ahead so I finished quickly and headed out from the hockey rink. I arrived at Pete and Katie's house before Pete....

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Filipino Slut Wife

My wife and I were camping with several other families over the holiday weekend at a state park right on the beach. We decided to stay an extra day so Monday we helped everyone pack up and said our goodbyes late morning. We they had all left we put on our bathing suits and walked the 100 yards to the beach. I picked a spot near a group of 5 younger guys, all looking to be in their mid 20s. I had noticed them a couple of days ago when walking to the bath house from our site. From our site...

1 year ago
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The Christmas Party

I am a bi-sexual lady who loves sex any way I can get it, but lately I’ve been leaning more towards pussy then cock. I work for a lady who owns a packing design company, since she first went into business about three years ago. This year was a banner year, we finally broke through, getting a lot of new clients and making a lot of money. We only had three employees, Grace, the owner, a prim and proper lady about mid forties, Carol, our gal Friday, a really nice, kind of reality, I would like to...

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Magic FingersChapter 1

Did you ever snoop around in your parent's room or in your brother or sister's room when you were growing up? I did and I'll bet you did, too. I lived with my mom growing up and I did nose around in her room, especially in the recesses of her closet and, one afternoon, I found a videotape up on a high shelf under a stack of old clothes. It had a label on it that read, "The Art Of Sensual Massage: Women," and the label showed a man massaging a woman on a table, she was naked, and it...

3 years ago
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A evening at the fair

We take out time getting out of the car and off the ride. I do not want to get off this ride with a raging boner trailing this young girl. After we exit she turns to me and says thanks, she really enjoyed the ride. I ask if she wants to ride something else. Again with the little girl excitement, she says “YES”, as she jumped up and down again. We walk around some and find “the Bullet”. This is a tight little cage shaped like a bullet that swings in a big circle vertically. We get in the...

2 years ago
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The Sunset

My buddy picked me up from the airport. We have spoken over the web hundreds of times and have talked over the phone a lot as well. We decided it was finally time to bring our friendship to the next level and meet. Seeing him for the first time, even though I've seen so many pictures, it's still hard to put his voice to his face. He has quite the manly figure, which is understandable since he told me he works out at least 5x a week. He picked me up in a work truck that something with "meats" on...

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Historical Erotica Ch 02

Note to Reader: It’s 1532 and the main character, Leyla Khanom, is a Harem girl of Turkish Anatolian origin. A raven beauty with dark hair and eyes with light skin, she is a woman of great intellect, culture and possess artistic and musical qualities. A great conversationalist who can hold discussions on Greek Philosophy, Astronomy, Theology, Political strategy, Poetry and great works of literature. But Leyla is not just dinner entertainment, she has political ambitions and wishes to use her...

2 years ago
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Seeberger ChroniclesChapter 4

After going through Mickey D’s and getting our breakfast, she was helping me to eat, while I drove. My driving partner said, “How long before our first stop?” “After visiting my uncle, who lives on the northwest side of town, plus a few other people, we’ll be heading to El Dorado, about 90 minutes to the south. Rest if you want. We’ll be looking for where my grandpa’s buried.” “OK, you’re the boss, Jeff.” We ate and drove, pulling up to a very old house on the edge of Abilene. “Who’s...

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