La Corista Capitulo 7 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 7 - Hola Mi nombre es Vanessa yo soy la verdadera corista a la qu? beso Carlos Castillo y este s?bado contar? lo que pas? en realidad, en el Show de Don Fernando- -Corte y queda- Daniel se qued? sorprendido al terminar de grabar el v?deo -Es todo lo que voy a decir?, cre? que iba a aclarar todo de una vez!- A lo que Alex el manager de Carlos le dijo- Eso ser?a lo m?s pr?ctico pero a la gente le gusta el el chisme, hacerse ideas en su cabeza de lo que va a pasar. De esta forma despertamos la curiosidad de las personas para que m?s gente vea el programa y as? matamos dos p?jaros de un solo tiro limpiamos el nombre de Carlos y tenemos publicidad gratis en todo el continente porque tambi?n vamos a anunciar el nuevo disco de Carlos- -Pero el show de Don Fernando es en Miami!-exclamo Danny - Y por eso tiene cita ma?ana en el consulado para sacar tu visa de trabajo- - y porque no me sacan una visa normal?- -Porque despu?s de tu declaraci?n en el show todo mundo te va a querer entrevistarte e invitarte a su programa y nuestra agencia les va a cobrar porque vayas- - Y van a pagar para que vuelva a decir lo que todos ya saben?- - Van a pagar porque en cada entrevista vas a dar informaci?n nueva y exclusiva. En una vas a platicar c?mo se conocieron en otro vas a preparar la comida favorita de Carlos, en otro vas a platicar sobre c?mo festejaron el 14 de febrero etc?tera ya tengo a todo el departamento de mercadotecnia y publicidad trabajando en eso- - Cre? que solo tenia que hacer el video y una entrevista - -Mira Danny $20,000 dolares al mes es mucho dinero para que la disquera me lo soltara, as? que tuve que presentarles este plan como una campa?a de publicidad super econ?mica para el nuevo disco de Carlos y promet? que le sacar?amos todo el beneficio posible. As? es el negocio de la m?sica- -Cielos no sabia en lo que me estaba metiendo!- -Pero en este negocio todos ganamos y si salen contratos para comerciales o si quieren que vayas alg?n evento la agencia te pagara como cualquier artista- Al d?a siguiente volaron a la capital para mas sesiones de fotos y tuvieron un d?a muy ajetreado hasta que por fin llegaron a descansar al hotel.- Qu? d?a tan pesado hermanito y eso que yo s?lo te acompa?e-- Ni me lo recuerdes, jamas cre? que los famosos trabajaran tanto- -Pero que hermosa saliste en las fotos!- -Ya deja de molestar que estoy muy cansado- -Es enserio, mira las fotos que me pasaron de la sesi?n- Daniel miro las fotos y se sorprendi? de lo femenino que se ve?a que hasta parec?a modelo, fueron tantas las cosas que ten?an que hacer ese d?a que no tuvo tiempo para ver como hab?a quedado maquillado. Fue a mirarse al espejo para ver mejor su maquillaje-Rayos entre mas quiero dejar de ser mujer, mas quieren que parezca una, pero solo es por el maquillaje- Pero al salir de ba?arse volvi? a contemplar su reflejo, y tuvo que admitir que su cara era un poco mas femenina de lo que esperaba, su piel se sent?a mas suave, tambi?n hab?a perdido peso, sus brazos se hab?an vuelto delgados, su cintura ... Pero al salir de ba?arse volvi? a contemplar su reflejo, y tuvo que admitir que su cara era un poco mas femenina de lo que esperaba, su piel se sent?a mas suave, tambi?n hab?a perdido peso, sus brazos se hab?an vuelto delgados, su cintura mas delgada, con el ejerci? creci? su trasero y se tonificaron sus piernas, con las hormonas y sin el maquillaje ni la ropa, la faja y los rellenos su figura era mas bien androgina-femenina.-Quizas si uso ropa holgada pudiera verme un poco mas masculino- El viernes llegaron a Maiami y las recibi? Johnny el ch?fer de Carlos El viernes llegaron a Maiami y las recibi? Johnny el ch?fer de Carlos. En lugar de llevarlas a un hotel llegaron a un departamento donde las esperaba Alex el representante. - Voy a ser sincero tenemos mucho trabajo que hacer- -Si si te refieres a lo que tengo que decir en la entrevista todos los datos que que tuve que aprender ya estoy lista- -Si, yo la he estado ayudando a estudiar todos estos d?as - -Gracias Julia pero tenemos que trabajar en su lenguaje corporal, ya saben "su forma de moverse"- - A qu? te refieres con eso? Yo me muevo como una persona normal- - No quiero ofenderte, pero no tenemos tiempo as? que ser? directo: Eres un poco... masculina, parece como si te hubieras criado con puros hermanos lo cual no esta mal pero para este trabajo necesito que seas m?s femenina y con m?s clase- -Nos est? diciendo vulgares!- - No busco ofenderalas Julia pero a las dos les faltan m?s modales a la hora de comer y de c?mo se desenvuelven en p?blico - - Lo dices porque como le grit? la gente en el tr?fico?- -Por eso y porque ?l otra vez casi te agarras a golpes con un trailero- - Ah s? ,qu? lindo me dio su n?mero- - Ya madura hermana, entiende que todos los traileros son casados! - -Y a esto me refiero a c?mo se comportan en p?blico!- -Ya c?lmate Alexito, t? eres de confianza por eso nos mostramos tal y como somos contigo, pero con extra?os somo todas unas damas- -Pero si tenemos menos de una semana de que conocernos Julia!-Alex respiro profundo y prosiguio-En un par de horas va a venir una maestra para qu? les va a ense?ar modales y a ser m?s femeninas, como no tenemos mucho tiempo hoy s?lo le va a ense?ar a Danny c?mo se tiene que mover cuando la entrevisten en el "Show de Don Fernando". Luego practicar?s todo el domingo y el resto de la semana lo har?s por la noche ya que esperamos que vayas a muchas entrevistas- Cuando se quedaron solas Daniel le coment? muy molesto su hermana- Yo no quiero ser m?s femenina!, cre? que con lo que me hab?as ense?ado era suficiente hacerme pasar por una mujer-- s?lo te ense?ado a ser como yo soy, pero la que s? soy un poco tosca en mi forma de ser- - Yo dir?a m?s bien que eres como una se?ora de rancho jajaja - M?s tarde Lleg? la maestra que era una se?ora de unos 50 a?os, su porte y actitud eran como los de ...c?mo decirlo como una mam? que trabaje en la oficina.Saco una computadora y un proyector procediendo a darles la clase de feminidad.-La imagen lo es todo, una mujer fuerte y exitosa debe ser elegante y segura de s? misma con un toque de sensualidad.- durante varios minutos les mostr? varias fotos y v?deos de mujeres haciendo eso. -Maestra con todo respeto- dijo Daniel- pero ellas son modelos y estrellas de cine- - Adem?s tienen mejores cuerpos que nosotras y ..usted, ademas de una actitud y presencia casi inalcanzables por simples mortales como nosotras- -T? lo has dicho Julia, ellas tienen esa presencia no porque hayan nacido con un aura m?gica que las hace ver como reinas o seres divinos, sino porque ellas llevan a?os practicando lo que yo les estoy ense?ando, con pr?ctica y disciplina ustedes tambi?n pueden verse as?- la maestra enderez? su espalda, cambi? su mirada, la forma que mov?a sus manos, c?mo caminaba y el tono de su voz.- Para verse asi tienen que sentirse c?mo las mujeres m?s hermosas del mundo-Danny y Julia se quedaron con la boca abierta al ver la transformaci?n de la maestra, de una mam? cincuentona a una hermosa mujer madura MILF. -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sen... -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sensual pero sin caer en la vulgaridad. -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sen... -Maestra Pero por qu? tengo que ser sensual y elegante s? ya soy la novia de Carlos?- -Para estar a su altura. La mayor?a de las de los fans de Carlos son mujeres, si ?l sale con una mujer com?n y corriente van a creer que tiene gustos vulgares, eso va a provocar que dejen de admirarlo y que a ti te odien- - Pero si soy m?s elegante y hermosa no me van a odiar m?s?- - S?lo si creen que pueden ser igual o mejor es que t?, as? que vas a tener que trabajar muy duro para todas las admiradoras de Carlos crean que no importa qu? tanto se esfuercen jam?s podr?n ser mejores que Vanessa Velazquez!- Una vez que Danny entendi? la importancia de ser mas Femenina continuaron el d?a con la maestra ense??ndoles c?mo caminar c?mo sentarse , c?mo comer, etc?tera hasta casi la medianoche. Una vez que Danny entendi? la importancia de ser mas Femenina continuaron el d?a con la maestra ense??ndoles c?mo caminar c?mo sentarse , c?mo comer, etc?tera hasta casi la medianoche - Qu? bueno que ya se fue hermanita, esto es ser femenina es muy cansado y competitivo - -Por eso me cae mejor los hombres ellos jam?s van a competir contigo para ser m?s femeninos...exepto tu jajaja- Ya estando en su recamara Daniel intento dormir pero no pudo porque se la paso pensando en la entrevista de ma?ana. Jam?s hab?a salido en la televisi?n y pensar qu? lo iban a ver en vivo en varios pa?ses lo puso a?n m?s nervioso, que tal si se equivocaba y se dieran cuenta que estaba mintiendo, o si alguien lo reconoc?a como Daniel, o si se daban cuenta que era hombre!. As? que se levant? para platicar con Julia para ver si se tranquilizaba, pero ella estaba tan dormida que roncaba como un tronco. Necesitaba hablar con alguien y se le ocurri? mandarle un mensaje al ?nico amigo que ten?a: Arturo. Pero y si ya estaba es viernes en la noche , debe de andar en una fiesta don de va a conocer a una mujer que si es un amujer de verdad y que lo har? feliz, o quiz?s ya no quiere habar con migo porque me odia... Danny lleno de dudas arrojo su telefono celular en un cajon. Durante mas de una hora trato de dormir, pero los nervios no lo dejaban as? que agarro valor y mando un mensaje D-Hola- se quedo mirando la pantalla unos 10 minutos, y penso " tenia raz?n" cuando de repente A-Hola!- D-Te desperte?- A-No, los viernes normalmente me desvelo- D-estas en una fiesta? A-Jajajaja no, estoy jugando en linea con unos amigos- D-estoy interrumpiendo tu juego? A-No,- D-Te puedo marcar?- A-Claro!- D-Estoy en Miami, as? que deja me conecto por video llamada- A-Que haces en Miami ?- -Es un poco complicado, la cosa es que estoy nreviosa ye se me fue el sue?o- -Vamos tranquilizate, que tan malo es?- -Voy a dar una entrevista en el "Show de Don Fernando"- -Wow! y eso es bueno bueno...o es o malo?- -Es para ayudar a alguien- -Y lo que vas a decir para ayudar a ese "alguien" va a perjudicar a alguien mas?- -No, pero tengo que decir algunas mentiras y fingir ser alguien que no soy...- -Lo poco que se del mudo del espect?culo es que nadie se muestra tal y como es, todo lo que dicen en los programas ya esta escrito en un guion dise?ado para entretener, as? que tranquil?zate, todo va a salir bien, ya deben de tener todo planeado para que lo que digas les genere mucho rating- -Y si me equivoco y lo hecho todo a perder!- -Danny hasta donde te conozco, tu no tienes experiencia dando entrevistas ni saliendo en la tele, "tu eres cantante" y eres buena en eso porque tienes muchos a?os de estudio y practica- -Tienes raz?n!- -Ademas los que te metieron en este li? deben de tener mas experiencia que tu en esto, as? que si algo sale mal, deja que ellos lo resuelvan- -Gracias Arturo, que bueno que tuve el valor para hablarte- -Valor para hablarme, pero porque?- -Cre? que estabas enojado con migo y que ya no quer?as saber mas de mi- -Danny, cuando te dije que siempre pod?as contar con migo como amigo lo dije de coraz?n- -Gracias Arturo! tu tambi?n puedes contar con migo- Y as? mas tranquilos Danny y Arturo siguieron platicando un par de horas mas...

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The Instructions. Now, sitting alone in the café, she fought to remain calm. The note was typewritten; the previous ones had been scrawled, almost illegible. The instructions were clear; she must wear a dress, no bra. Suspenders and stockings, but not panties. High heel shoes with ankle straps. Jill was surprised by the "no panties" rule; he had seemed to like tugging them down her legs, then ordering her to step from them. Perhaps he just wanted some variety this time. She found herself...

2 years ago
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My Favorite Public Cuckold Sex Moment

About 15 years ago, I was dating my husband‘s boss, Guy, from the construction site he was working on. We had been dating for about 5 months and one of the first weekends we went away together, we took a trip to Santa Cruz for 4 days. We were pretty pent up and eager to be together even before we got driving, so the prospect of spending the next 4 hours focused on driving to our destination was frustrating to say the least.We spent a good 20 minutes debating exactly how to handle the excessive...

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Next Door Aunties 8211 Fucking Awesome And Thrilling To Seduce And Fuck

Hi everyone, My name is vicky and i have written 2 of my intimate stories earlier, have been thinking to post my another experience which happened with my neighbor recently but did not get the time.. now enough of boring u, lets start with the story from the beginning.. My name is vicky (real name), i m from Mumbai, 27 yrs, 6 ft, fair n slim, with a decent size tool… so coming back to the story.. we stay in a rented apartment in Mumbai suburbs and after every 11 months we are suppose to change...

4 years ago
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Nymph of the WoodChapter 4

I was really enjoying my stay at the Bed & Breakfast. After returning from my ride, I stopped in town and did a little shopping. When I returned to the B & B, I was surprised to see that the "professor" was still there. While enjoying some wine and hors d'oeuvres, I began to engage her in some small talk. I think she began to see that I had a little more depth than she had previously thought. For this occasion, she was wearing shorts and a light blouse that exhibited a titillating...

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That funny feeling in my stomach

Being half cast boy, I’m considered quite good looking by many different types of people. Even gay people. In my native country it was normal for me to be hit on by girls and guys. But getting to NZ it felt different.  I guess it may have been from the fact that I got here just before I hit puberty. I was a late bloomer however. Everyone got bigger and hairier earlier than I did. It seemed a lot earlier. And I was left in awe whenever I saw someone else’s penis. How much larger it was than...

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Rob Jenkins Part IIIChapter 3

Carolyn met Becky in the lobby, and they came to my office. I greeted them and tried to encourage Becky to be relaxed. Carolyn showed her around the Jenkins Bank floors, and they took a less extensive tour of the law firm's offices. She introduced Becky to the group that handled my personal business. Carolyn found the contact person who would handle Becky's accounts and left Becky with the bookkeeper. Becky was told how she would be reimbursed for expenses and paid for her contract; it...

3 years ago
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My friends dad 15

Then John gave me another kiss. “Go talk to her, she is your mom, you love her and she loves you,” John whispered in my ear. So I walked over to her. “OK mom, what’s on your mind?” I asked. “John how much longer until the pancakes are done?” Christina asked. “About 10 minutes now,” John replied. “OK, can we go to your room and talk please?” Christina asked. “Sure,” I replied. I could only think of one thing that she wanted to talk about, but how could I say no? So we went over to my...

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In my story WHILE MY MAN IS AWAY I detailed how I made up a threesome for much younger Maria and her man Karl. “Magic sex session, when can we do it again,” they both asked as I departed satiated. I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience. “When was the last time...

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Research & Development Kelly rushed over to Dave who was now on his second coffee. "Sorry, Dave." She said, "Professor Higgins wanted a chat." "Oh," Dave replied. "Hope the thesis is going well. Coffee?" "Yes, please," Kelly said "I need a moment to calm down." Kelly was just 24 years old, the same as David and doing her Masters in Sociology. She was 5'2" tall, 115 lbs. heavy and fresh faced without any makeup. She was a natural beauty with sparkling blue eyes. Her long...

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Colleague Taking Over Control

Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @, would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @, would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add even...

4 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 32 The Men Are Not at Their Best

By the time I get to the hospital, they have reduced Gran’s oxygen flow, and she has gained enough strength to talk. It is nice to see Gran with a little more strength. We hug our hellos. She is like me and likes to get down to business, so I don’t pussyfoot around or delay with niceties. Instead, I say, “We need to plan your funeral. You know that you and I are the only ones mentally capable, so it falls to us.” She gives me a look of sorrow and says, “This shouldn’t fall to you. I know you...

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WednesdaysChapter 35 Meeting of Minds

When the four women met in Toni's office, they settled down quickly, opening sacks and handing sandwiches around. Toni said, "Okay, who's in charge?" Jenny spoke up. "I want to talk about something else. Either now, or later, but I don't want to miss it." "Go ahead..." "Get it off your chest..." "Do it now, might as well." "Well, I want to talk about what happened while you guys were gone. I started telling Dana, but she suggested I wait and we'd all talk about it." She...

4 years ago
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The Natural Chapters 15

"C'mon little man. You're really gonna talk yourself up like that, only to back out now?" "Ummmm, no" Cole mumbled as he began fumbling with his belt. At 14 years of age, Colton Grey was a player beyond his years. A player, but still a virgin. He'd spent all night working his way into the pants, or at least the mouth of Katie Allen, the hot blonde 17 year old. Katie didn't know what had come over herself. She'd be ridiculed if she was ever caught having sex with a middle schooler,...

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Chapter 1The room was crowded with furniture, mainly old, leather-bound chairs. Thecoals from a log fire gave out a glow. In front of the hearth was a long, lowcouch with no back to it. A man in his early thirties, tall but thin, lay onit. Upon his chest and stomach sat Kath, a large, fat woman perhaps ten yearshis senior. She had short, dark hair, a strong upper body. With her thighs spread apartshe looked relaxed and self assured, as though this was a familiar positionto her. The man under...

2 years ago
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passed out

My name is John and my wife Kelly and I have been married for about 5 years (I am 27 and she is 25) and we enjoy a pretty active and varied sex life. We like to take pics and videos of each other while having sex and, on occasion, we also like to use various toys. We have a pretty good collection consisting of about 10 dildos/vibrators that vary in size from a small finger sized vibrator to a giant 18" black rubber dildo with a suction cup on the base. I am open enough that I like to use these...

2 years ago
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Deep Anal

DEEP ANAL“FUCK ME!” Stacy cries as another orgasm washes over her from Luke's tongue penetrating her tight ass. Luke pushed his tongue deeper into Stacy's ass as her hands gripped the mattress. Laying on her stomach with her ass in the air Stacy looked in the mirror by the bed and watched as Luke slides 2 fingers deep in her tight ass and fucked it hard. Her screams echoed off the walls as Luke flicked his tongue repeatedly over her Clit over and over again while fucking her ass with his...

3 years ago
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Work Slut Unexpected Call

If you read my stories you will have read about the slut from work who I fucked in the office within minutes of a flirty suggestion. One fuck soon became two and two soon became many, but I had no real feelings for her and it was clear she was developing them for me. After a few months of us fucking here and there I had moved jobs and whilst we had initially kept in touch via text and email it became clear we wanted different things. I would initiate sex talk when pissed or horny to which she...

4 years ago
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The first day to school part 1

The first day to school, where I really do not feel like after that wonderful weeks on vacation in Rome. I really reluctantly went to school and then I had to also introduce my self to all the new people. Phew! I pulled me nothing and looked around to find. Place a free Back I saw an empty seat and I walked past the other students back to the table at the back of the room, where I then took place. I looked a bit around me and saw people chatting with each other, it was mainly girls I saw...

2 years ago
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Sissy Slave Requirements

Minimum Sissy Slave Requirements:A SISSY GURL IS KEPT IN CHASTITY: A sissy must be ‘permanently’ locked into a chastity device at all times, (except during supervised cleaning), her orgasm’s denied and any discharges graciously granted will be 100% controlled by her key holder and under the proviso that the sissy will consume them. The sissy no longer has a penis; she has a “clitty” and will always refer to it as such, the “clitty” is for her Alpha owner to control and use as their...

2 years ago
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SisLovesMe Dylann Vox Getting Even With Some Semen

Dylann Vox looks super hot in her schoolgirl outfit, and the way she lets her long blonde hair sway back and forth as she taunts her stepbrother only adds to the allure. But today, she is losing her cool a bit. She missed the school bus, and if she is late again, her mom is going to kill her. She asks her stepbrother to give her a ride, but the poor guy is resting. She will not take no for an answer, so she pulls off the covers, revealing his huge boner. She laughs at him but is intrigued by...

5 years ago
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Love at the Masquerade

It had been little over a week since the fateful day when Bella had broken up with James, her long-term boyfriend. She'd heard rumours that he’d been cheating on her with a waitress at his catering firm. When confronted, James would neither confirm nor deny the gossip — and so Bella ended the relationship on the spot.In that following week, a distraught Bella thought hard about the next step to take in her life. Eventually, she decided to seek advice from the one friend she trusted the most,...

Love Stories
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Toms AdventuresChapter 8 Faces of Change

It was in the middle of summer when Moon Flower and the girls cornered Fighting Hawk about the woman. He had just returned from hunting and the woman was unloading the deer from the horse. They said that she needed a name, and that he needed to take her as his woman. He looked at them without speaking. It was Moon Flower that spoke, "There are new captives in the village, and she should be dressed. She does not complain at still being naked, or having a rope around her neck. We have to lead...

1 year ago
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The Long Road

I love to watch my wife with other men,I've had this desire almost as long as I have known her. We were both teenagers & virgins on our first encounter so neither of us had ever had sex with anyone else. The desire to see her with other men all started for me one night on a date with her when we parked in a neighborhood park. We were in the back seat totally nude & enjoying each others bodies. Suddenly a light was being shone on us & the car door opened,we were startled & scared as we could see...

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My first timean unexpected pleasure

I spent the summer of 1983 in New York with my dad and stepmom. I was 18 and was in between my freshman and sophomore year of college. I had a cool job as a bank messenger on Wall Street and plenty of time on my hands. I used that time to hang out in Times Square which, at that time, was porn heaven. Many hours were spent looking at all kinds of loops in the peep booths. Everything from guy/girl, lesbians licking and sucking sweet pussies to shemales and crossdressers. I had seen my first...

4 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 13 Little Lost Sheep

We set off for home with me slowly negotiating through traffic while Cate called our parents and Chalise called Kitty to relate everything that had happened. While they were busy I gave my girls our schedule, so they'd know when to expect us. We had only gone a little ways, just passing the Scott Air Force Base exit, when we suddenly saw a car in the far lane of the divided highway honking its horn and flashing its lights. "Quick, Alex, pull over," Cate insisted. I put my blinker on and...

2 years ago
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Under The Moonlight

She had been my girlfriend for 6 long happy years, All it took was baseless rumours and it all fell apart. She became more suspicious, paranoid, never believed a word you said. And then, that fateful argument. Everything we were feeling at spilt over. Plates were thrown, voices were raised and eventually, she grabbed her stuff and left. She was a bitch anyway, but this took the piss. So now, I'm living with my old college flatmate and work colleague Andy. He's a chill, supportive guy who always...

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MyFamilyPies Jane Rogers Have You Been Fucking The Maid

There’s some serious tension between Robby Echo and his stepsister, Jane Rogers. Their family h as a maid who comes in and cleans, but Jane really likes to leave a mess. Robby is sweet on the maid, so he tries to get Jane to clean up. While they’re bickering, Robby realizes that Jane has a maid outfit on her bed. He questions Jane about it, and she claims that she purchased it for the maid to wear. Robby accepts that and takes off. Later, Jane decides to try on the sexy maid...

2 years ago
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September Chapter 2

Meg stretched her legs out along the length of the hammock. ‘I really need to get some sun on those legs,’ she thought. College was done, over. She had returned home last night and was taking advantage of the quiet of an empty house. Everyone was gone running errands, working and she had the place to herself.Unless you have lived the dorm life you have no idea what “alone” means to a person. No more sharing a bathroom, no more listening to techno music whether you want to or not, no more...

College Sex
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Blind Date

The second dates are always the favourite of mine, the second date will determine what happens next in the liaison. Once the first date over-pleasantries and pretext over false niceties are out of the way the real fun can begin. Incidentally, Janey seems quite a nice girl if a little unsure of herself, both of us had already worked out that we would get along from the site that we were members of. This was confirmed at the social evening that turned out to be effectively the first date. I had...

3 years ago
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Pati Ne Chudai Patni Ko Muslim Lund Se

Hello my dear sweet n sexy friends….. Kaise hai aap log…… Mai moin from vadodara Mera Mail ID- ”, Ye meri ISS me 2nd story hai… Aaplogo ko apne bare me kuch bataa du… Mai bachapan se hi Ladkiyo / Aourto ke bare me thoda kamina type tha…… Jis bhi Badiya ya mast Maal ko, Matlab Ladki ya Aourat ko dekhta to uske Choochi our Choot ke bare me sochne lagta… Our hamesha mere Lund Maharaj Khade ho jate… Par chudai ka pahla mouka mujhe 18 saal ki age me mila… Uske baad to mai ek number ka chuddakad hi...

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Reunion weekend later that day

Jane looked at Maureen, and then at me, and asked Maureen again if she was sure? Maureen said “YES, you are my best friend, I know you need to get laid bad, I want you to be safe, and not be hurt. I know he loves you as much as he loves me. I know how good the sex is, and I want you to cum like I do” “Jane looked at Maureen and said she wasn't sure if she cold do this with her watching. Maureen replied that she was ok with her and I having sex, as long as she could be in the same room. Jane...

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