La Corista Capitulo 7 free porn video

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LA CORISTA CAPITULO 7 - Hola Mi nombre es Vanessa yo soy la verdadera corista a la qu? beso Carlos Castillo y este s?bado contar? lo que pas? en realidad, en el Show de Don Fernando- -Corte y queda- Daniel se qued? sorprendido al terminar de grabar el v?deo -Es todo lo que voy a decir?, cre? que iba a aclarar todo de una vez!- A lo que Alex el manager de Carlos le dijo- Eso ser?a lo m?s pr?ctico pero a la gente le gusta el el chisme, hacerse ideas en su cabeza de lo que va a pasar. De esta forma despertamos la curiosidad de las personas para que m?s gente vea el programa y as? matamos dos p?jaros de un solo tiro limpiamos el nombre de Carlos y tenemos publicidad gratis en todo el continente porque tambi?n vamos a anunciar el nuevo disco de Carlos- -Pero el show de Don Fernando es en Miami!-exclamo Danny - Y por eso tiene cita ma?ana en el consulado para sacar tu visa de trabajo- - y porque no me sacan una visa normal?- -Porque despu?s de tu declaraci?n en el show todo mundo te va a querer entrevistarte e invitarte a su programa y nuestra agencia les va a cobrar porque vayas- - Y van a pagar para que vuelva a decir lo que todos ya saben?- - Van a pagar porque en cada entrevista vas a dar informaci?n nueva y exclusiva. En una vas a platicar c?mo se conocieron en otro vas a preparar la comida favorita de Carlos, en otro vas a platicar sobre c?mo festejaron el 14 de febrero etc?tera ya tengo a todo el departamento de mercadotecnia y publicidad trabajando en eso- - Cre? que solo tenia que hacer el video y una entrevista - -Mira Danny $20,000 dolares al mes es mucho dinero para que la disquera me lo soltara, as? que tuve que presentarles este plan como una campa?a de publicidad super econ?mica para el nuevo disco de Carlos y promet? que le sacar?amos todo el beneficio posible. As? es el negocio de la m?sica- -Cielos no sabia en lo que me estaba metiendo!- -Pero en este negocio todos ganamos y si salen contratos para comerciales o si quieren que vayas alg?n evento la agencia te pagara como cualquier artista- Al d?a siguiente volaron a la capital para mas sesiones de fotos y tuvieron un d?a muy ajetreado hasta que por fin llegaron a descansar al hotel.- Qu? d?a tan pesado hermanito y eso que yo s?lo te acompa?e-- Ni me lo recuerdes, jamas cre? que los famosos trabajaran tanto- -Pero que hermosa saliste en las fotos!- -Ya deja de molestar que estoy muy cansado- -Es enserio, mira las fotos que me pasaron de la sesi?n- Daniel miro las fotos y se sorprendi? de lo femenino que se ve?a que hasta parec?a modelo, fueron tantas las cosas que ten?an que hacer ese d?a que no tuvo tiempo para ver como hab?a quedado maquillado. Fue a mirarse al espejo para ver mejor su maquillaje-Rayos entre mas quiero dejar de ser mujer, mas quieren que parezca una, pero solo es por el maquillaje- Pero al salir de ba?arse volvi? a contemplar su reflejo, y tuvo que admitir que su cara era un poco mas femenina de lo que esperaba, su piel se sent?a mas suave, tambi?n hab?a perdido peso, sus brazos se hab?an vuelto delgados, su cintura ... Pero al salir de ba?arse volvi? a contemplar su reflejo, y tuvo que admitir que su cara era un poco mas femenina de lo que esperaba, su piel se sent?a mas suave, tambi?n hab?a perdido peso, sus brazos se hab?an vuelto delgados, su cintura mas delgada, con el ejerci? creci? su trasero y se tonificaron sus piernas, con las hormonas y sin el maquillaje ni la ropa, la faja y los rellenos su figura era mas bien androgina-femenina.-Quizas si uso ropa holgada pudiera verme un poco mas masculino- El viernes llegaron a Maiami y las recibi? Johnny el ch?fer de Carlos El viernes llegaron a Maiami y las recibi? Johnny el ch?fer de Carlos. En lugar de llevarlas a un hotel llegaron a un departamento donde las esperaba Alex el representante. - Voy a ser sincero tenemos mucho trabajo que hacer- -Si si te refieres a lo que tengo que decir en la entrevista todos los datos que que tuve que aprender ya estoy lista- -Si, yo la he estado ayudando a estudiar todos estos d?as - -Gracias Julia pero tenemos que trabajar en su lenguaje corporal, ya saben "su forma de moverse"- - A qu? te refieres con eso? Yo me muevo como una persona normal- - No quiero ofenderte, pero no tenemos tiempo as? que ser? directo: Eres un poco... masculina, parece como si te hubieras criado con puros hermanos lo cual no esta mal pero para este trabajo necesito que seas m?s femenina y con m?s clase- -Nos est? diciendo vulgares!- - No busco ofenderalas Julia pero a las dos les faltan m?s modales a la hora de comer y de c?mo se desenvuelven en p?blico - - Lo dices porque como le grit? la gente en el tr?fico?- -Por eso y porque ?l otra vez casi te agarras a golpes con un trailero- - Ah s? ,qu? lindo me dio su n?mero- - Ya madura hermana, entiende que todos los traileros son casados! - -Y a esto me refiero a c?mo se comportan en p?blico!- -Ya c?lmate Alexito, t? eres de confianza por eso nos mostramos tal y como somos contigo, pero con extra?os somo todas unas damas- -Pero si tenemos menos de una semana de que conocernos Julia!-Alex respiro profundo y prosiguio-En un par de horas va a venir una maestra para qu? les va a ense?ar modales y a ser m?s femeninas, como no tenemos mucho tiempo hoy s?lo le va a ense?ar a Danny c?mo se tiene que mover cuando la entrevisten en el "Show de Don Fernando". Luego practicar?s todo el domingo y el resto de la semana lo har?s por la noche ya que esperamos que vayas a muchas entrevistas- Cuando se quedaron solas Daniel le coment? muy molesto su hermana- Yo no quiero ser m?s femenina!, cre? que con lo que me hab?as ense?ado era suficiente hacerme pasar por una mujer-- s?lo te ense?ado a ser como yo soy, pero la que s? soy un poco tosca en mi forma de ser- - Yo dir?a m?s bien que eres como una se?ora de rancho jajaja - M?s tarde Lleg? la maestra que era una se?ora de unos 50 a?os, su porte y actitud eran como los de ...c?mo decirlo como una mam? que trabaje en la oficina.Saco una computadora y un proyector procediendo a darles la clase de feminidad.-La imagen lo es todo, una mujer fuerte y exitosa debe ser elegante y segura de s? misma con un toque de sensualidad.- durante varios minutos les mostr? varias fotos y v?deos de mujeres haciendo eso. -Maestra con todo respeto- dijo Daniel- pero ellas son modelos y estrellas de cine- - Adem?s tienen mejores cuerpos que nosotras y ..usted, ademas de una actitud y presencia casi inalcanzables por simples mortales como nosotras- -T? lo has dicho Julia, ellas tienen esa presencia no porque hayan nacido con un aura m?gica que las hace ver como reinas o seres divinos, sino porque ellas llevan a?os practicando lo que yo les estoy ense?ando, con pr?ctica y disciplina ustedes tambi?n pueden verse as?- la maestra enderez? su espalda, cambi? su mirada, la forma que mov?a sus manos, c?mo caminaba y el tono de su voz.- Para verse asi tienen que sentirse c?mo las mujeres m?s hermosas del mundo-Danny y Julia se quedaron con la boca abierta al ver la transformaci?n de la maestra, de una mam? cincuentona a una hermosa mujer madura MILF. -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sen... -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sensual pero sin caer en la vulgaridad. -Ahora que ya capte su atenci?n, vamos a trabajar- La maestra explic? Daniel que ten?a que trabajar es su postura, ten?a que sacar m?s el pecho y hacer los hombros hacia atr?s , aprender c?mo mover las caderas al caminar para verse elegante y sen... -Maestra Pero por qu? tengo que ser sensual y elegante s? ya soy la novia de Carlos?- -Para estar a su altura. La mayor?a de las de los fans de Carlos son mujeres, si ?l sale con una mujer com?n y corriente van a creer que tiene gustos vulgares, eso va a provocar que dejen de admirarlo y que a ti te odien- - Pero si soy m?s elegante y hermosa no me van a odiar m?s?- - S?lo si creen que pueden ser igual o mejor es que t?, as? que vas a tener que trabajar muy duro para todas las admiradoras de Carlos crean que no importa qu? tanto se esfuercen jam?s podr?n ser mejores que Vanessa Velazquez!- Una vez que Danny entendi? la importancia de ser mas Femenina continuaron el d?a con la maestra ense??ndoles c?mo caminar c?mo sentarse , c?mo comer, etc?tera hasta casi la medianoche. Una vez que Danny entendi? la importancia de ser mas Femenina continuaron el d?a con la maestra ense??ndoles c?mo caminar c?mo sentarse , c?mo comer, etc?tera hasta casi la medianoche - Qu? bueno que ya se fue hermanita, esto es ser femenina es muy cansado y competitivo - -Por eso me cae mejor los hombres ellos jam?s van a competir contigo para ser m?s femeninos...exepto tu jajaja- Ya estando en su recamara Daniel intento dormir pero no pudo porque se la paso pensando en la entrevista de ma?ana. Jam?s hab?a salido en la televisi?n y pensar qu? lo iban a ver en vivo en varios pa?ses lo puso a?n m?s nervioso, que tal si se equivocaba y se dieran cuenta que estaba mintiendo, o si alguien lo reconoc?a como Daniel, o si se daban cuenta que era hombre!. As? que se levant? para platicar con Julia para ver si se tranquilizaba, pero ella estaba tan dormida que roncaba como un tronco. Necesitaba hablar con alguien y se le ocurri? mandarle un mensaje al ?nico amigo que ten?a: Arturo. Pero y si ya estaba es viernes en la noche , debe de andar en una fiesta don de va a conocer a una mujer que si es un amujer de verdad y que lo har? feliz, o quiz?s ya no quiere habar con migo porque me odia... Danny lleno de dudas arrojo su telefono celular en un cajon. Durante mas de una hora trato de dormir, pero los nervios no lo dejaban as? que agarro valor y mando un mensaje D-Hola- se quedo mirando la pantalla unos 10 minutos, y penso " tenia raz?n" cuando de repente A-Hola!- D-Te desperte?- A-No, los viernes normalmente me desvelo- D-estas en una fiesta? A-Jajajaja no, estoy jugando en linea con unos amigos- D-estoy interrumpiendo tu juego? A-No,- D-Te puedo marcar?- A-Claro!- D-Estoy en Miami, as? que deja me conecto por video llamada- A-Que haces en Miami ?- -Es un poco complicado, la cosa es que estoy nreviosa ye se me fue el sue?o- -Vamos tranquilizate, que tan malo es?- -Voy a dar una entrevista en el "Show de Don Fernando"- -Wow! y eso es bueno bueno...o es o malo?- -Es para ayudar a alguien- -Y lo que vas a decir para ayudar a ese "alguien" va a perjudicar a alguien mas?- -No, pero tengo que decir algunas mentiras y fingir ser alguien que no soy...- -Lo poco que se del mudo del espect?culo es que nadie se muestra tal y como es, todo lo que dicen en los programas ya esta escrito en un guion dise?ado para entretener, as? que tranquil?zate, todo va a salir bien, ya deben de tener todo planeado para que lo que digas les genere mucho rating- -Y si me equivoco y lo hecho todo a perder!- -Danny hasta donde te conozco, tu no tienes experiencia dando entrevistas ni saliendo en la tele, "tu eres cantante" y eres buena en eso porque tienes muchos a?os de estudio y practica- -Tienes raz?n!- -Ademas los que te metieron en este li? deben de tener mas experiencia que tu en esto, as? que si algo sale mal, deja que ellos lo resuelvan- -Gracias Arturo, que bueno que tuve el valor para hablarte- -Valor para hablarme, pero porque?- -Cre? que estabas enojado con migo y que ya no quer?as saber mas de mi- -Danny, cuando te dije que siempre pod?as contar con migo como amigo lo dije de coraz?n- -Gracias Arturo! tu tambi?n puedes contar con migo- Y as? mas tranquilos Danny y Arturo siguieron platicando un par de horas mas...

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Ma K Chudai Papa K Sath

Hi frnds mera nam sachin h mai b.E. K student hu. Aj mai apko ek shi kanani sunata hu, mere mere ghr me 3 log rhte hai, mai meri ma aur papa, hm log bhpal me rhte h.Ek bar k bat h samay tha mere b’day k. Jo k ane wala tha isliye hm log gao jane wale the, kyuki mera b’day gao me manaya jata, h hm log b’day se ek din phle gao phuch gye, gao me 8-10 log rhte h isliye bistar kam pad jate h jb koi bahar se ata h, hmara ek room h jisme ek bed hmesha rakha rhta h, hm tino log usi pe sone k plan bnane...

3 years ago
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Anas Story

before we fall asleep but that night I really was feeling completely shattered. Ana is very understanding but needs those cums. In fact, she left her last BF because he drank too much and couldn't satisfy her - so I was tense and that made things worse concerning getting a hard-on, Then, out of no-where Ana started telling me this story about the sleep-over she'd had at her divorced mother's house about a month ago. I got an idea as to what she was up to when she started fondling my...

3 years ago
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Reunited Ch 04

So here’s the deal, y’all. If you don’t like the brevity of the chapters, sorry. But no one is forcing you to read them, and as the author, IdowhatIwant. ???? Thanks for those who say positive things. Thanks for those who write negative ones, though if they have nothing to do with content and are mainly just complaining about time/length, they’re not really all that helpful. To the person with the suggestion to put two chapters together: that would totally work, but my next chapter takes place a...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 11

The thirty-eight-year-old divorced mother had heard noises coming from the back bedroom and slowly walked down the hallway toward her son's bedroom. As Barbara got closer to Tommy's room, she heard the unmistakable sound of moaning. It was faint and muffled, but it was still moaning.She slowly approached the door and peeked through the narrow opening and saw Connie, naked on the bed with her ass high in the air, moaning with pleasure. Tommy was directly behind her, also naked, and plowing...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 23

The Adventures Of Reggie Starr Book 2 - Chapter 3. The City of New Orleans. I was in the company of Mary Kate Bishop, Marine Body guard, extra ordinary. (I was not a slouch myself.) My problem was not that anyone could hurt me, but that I would hurt someone. That has a habit of bringing attention to us. That is not good. The way we were going to look was going to send the NSA into spasms of regret in giving me that stupid security clearance. I was going to have a good...

3 years ago
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Breakable Lily

He was moving inside her with sharp thrusts caused by the exuberant passion that had overwhelmed him. He was not careful, but had to, because ... Lily told herself that she should not think about her illness in these blissful moments of supreme delight when her whole being yearned for more and more and more... They unstuck their lips only briefly, just long enough to gasp with excitement and longing. The act continued for half an hour and there was not only sexual but also emotional charge in...

1 year ago
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Padosan Bhabhi Ko Jamkar Thoka Part 8

Hi, girls, aunties, bhabhis First of all, I would like to thanks to all your lovely comments… main unn sab bhabhiyo ko aunties aur ladkiyon ko thanks kehna cahata hun jinhoney merey ko meri e-mail id par apney comments bhejey aur apni sex problems share ki…. Thanks for all the nasty chat girls…. And sorry for my fans jinsey main kaam ki wajha sey itney din dur raha Yeh meri kahani ka seventh part hai so please pasand aye toh mujhey pehley ki tarha mail karna mat bhulna meri id hai ; ; ; Mera...

3 years ago
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Helens Revenge on racist hubby

My husband, Luke and I were brought up in a very strict religious cult in Nebraska and our parents organised that we be married at sixteen. It seems very young, but that was usual for our community and it did seem to work since it is now 20 years on and I am just approaching my 37th birthday.

To say we were naïve was an understatement. Nobody smoked, drinking was only on special occasions and wives did as they were told by their husbands and bible class was compulsory every Sunday afternoon....

4 years ago
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ValerieChapter 4

Lisa nearly stumbled when she saw me blow the kiss at her. I don't think she'd been expecting any response and she merely blushed and walked on. Still, I thought, she knows I'm interested, the next move is up to her. Until Jean had mentioned Lisa to me I'd have put her way out of my league, assuming I'd even considered her sexually. She's mid-thirties and despite having two sons is super-model fit, long dark hair, slim and tall, nicely proportioned boobs and very long legs with a...

2 years ago
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Nikki part 5

I brush my shoulder-length hair out of my eyes and tuck it behind my ears as I listen to the middle-aged woman talk as she makes notes on the whiteboard. I fidget a little in my seat- I've been wearing my school uniform all day and even though three months from now I'll have worn it for the very last time, I'd pay anything to go home and slip into something more comfortable... Like a cute skirt and a pair of warm tights, as opposed to my itchy cotton shorts and polyester...

4 years ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven: The Blindfold Test After I had showered, got dressed and returned back downstairs, both Julia and Amanda stopped me to inform me that the two of them were heading into town to do a little shopping together and be back soon. They went off, and returned a few hours later with bags in their hands of clothes. We sat down to eat our lunch and then settled down upon the sofa with a nice cuppa. I was sat between the two hot girls, as they teased me slowly by placing their hands upon my...

3 years ago
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A New Friend

I met this girl at work and we would go to lunch and talk at work, she was cute, hair down to her shoulders and had a nice shapely figure a bit on the thick side. We became pretty close at work and built a good friendship. We would talk about her k**s, grandk**s and he non-existent sex life. Well being married and my wife and I had an open relationship. I volunteered to come over and have some fun with her. At first she declined, said she liked me a lot and enjoyed our friendship. She would...

3 years ago
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A Not Soon Forgotten Anniversary

A Not Soon Forgotten AnniversaryIt's a scene that won't soon be forgotten. Through the trees and looking out through the mountain peaks is a glorious sunset. Their faces turn a beautiful shade of orange and pink as the sunset reflects on them. The sun shines through the clouds sending rays of light bursting into the sky above them. The Aspens have turned lovely shades of yellow and orange. They provide a beautiful complement to the shades of the sky. Hand in hand they walk the rest of the way...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Dirty Chudai 8211 Part III

Thode aaraam ke baad raat ko humne pizza mangvaya to bhabi ne fir shaitani ki aur sause me thoda mut diya hamne vo pizza bhi bhar pet Khaya aur bacha sause hum dono ne pi liya aur hamne aise hi sex kiya bhabi raat me bhi muze utha utha kar gand chatwati thi aur mere muh me paad ti thi. Mara muh to ukne liye toilet ka seat hogaya tha, Kabhi bhi bhabhi aati thi aur mere muh pe gand rakhkar baith jati thi aur muze chatne k liye kahti thi aur muze bhi unke gaand k niche rahna accha lag raha tha, wo...

3 years ago
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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 10

“Head on up to the University an hour away, I’m sure there are some college boys who would love your big ... smile!” I said, with Sari kicking me under the table. In front of me is the exact reason that I didn’t go looking for female companionship, either in high school or college. The girls, who were worth your time, were just as busy with schoolwork as you were. The other 88% were airheads with their bust size rivaling their IQ. If Marsha goes to college – a mighty big if – she’ll either...

1 year ago
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Stories I like Our first footsie

Our first footsie Micha had always had a fascination with women. Not in a sick and perverted way, but in a admiring and loving way. He thought there was nothing more beautiful than a woman that took care of herself and had self-confidence. From her hair, soft skin, luscious lips, curvy hips, round stomach, down to her soft legs. Including, of course, her well pedicured nails. However, as much as he loved beautiful women, there was one part of a woman’s body that he had only recently begun to...

3 years ago
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Geschichte einer christlichen Ehefrau

Mimi legte ihre Hand zwischen ihre Beine und streichelte sich sanft, stöhnte sanft vor Wonne und beinahe Glückseligkeit, ihre Schamlippen wurden prall und feucht. Das Chatten mit Mu auf ihrem Laptop füllte einen wesentliche Teil ihres Tagesablaufs. Sie hatte versucht, sich dagegen zu wehren. Gelegentlich hatte sie es geschafft, einen ganzen Tag lang nicht an Geschlechtsverkehr mit einem Araber denken zu müssen, von dem sie geträumt, sich danach gesehnt und sich dabei zu ihrer eigenen sexuellen...

2 years ago
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Continuation of my first human insertion

I lay in the fetal position, my thighs convulsing as little spasmodic sensations reverberated through my loins, I was still receiving orgasmic sensations my young body locked into such an adult experience, even touching myself between my legs put me on the verge of yet another orgasm.He sat naked beside me, his legs wide apart, his long penis touching the grass, it was still semi-swollen as he surveyed my nudity, it would occasionally twitch, as if readying itself for another journey inside me,...

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Sex Relationship With My Mom

Hello. My name is Ravi. I’m from Andhra Pradesh India. This story is about my sex relationship with my mom. From many months since I was 18, I had lust towards my mom. My desire for her started on the day when I saw her in a saree that was almost transparent. That was the first time she wore a sexy dress. I jerked for almost 3-4 times that day imagining her. From that day I used to see her body differently. Whenever she was cleaning the house and wiping the floor I used to see her with lust and...

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Fun at the mall

“He what?!” I didn’t even try to hide my confusion; she just wasn’t making any sense.“Aaron totally has the hots for you Lily. I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth.” Marcy’s head nodded with excitement. She was always looking for the next piece of gossip, but I felt like she sometimes stretched the truth a little too far.Aaron and I had been friends for about a year or so. Despite becoming friends for not very long we talked to each other about everything. I couldn’t help it, I felt so...

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The Crusader Chapter 3 My Way

Another story about the adventures and life of Rollie Chambers. Constructive comments and emails are more than welcome and appreciated. Detective First Grade Rollie Chambers stood to leave the small office. He'd just spent 40 minutes talking about his plans to resign from the St. Louis Police Department. "Are you sure this is what you want to do Rollie?" Captain Pete Mallory had asked. "You're too young to retire. You've got a good career started with the Department and could become...

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This is fiction:-I was in both the Scouts & the Boy’s Brigade, there must be something about the leaders in these groups having control over young boys, as there always seems to be at least one pervert amongst them. I seemed to have managed to get fucked in both lots, go figure!!It was bob-a-job week, personally, it should have been called blowjob-a-bob week in my case. My group leader took me round the houses in the evenings, supposedly there was no-one else to pair off with, aye right...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 470

Denver As Mike and Marie approached Denver, the young wife turned to her husband. “Okay, you said you would tell me when we got to Denver. So, what’s the big secret? Obviously, we aren’t going back to the Retreat tonight, because you insisted that we pack our bags for several days. Are we going on to Colorado Springs after we eat, or are we going to stay in Denver?” Mike grinned as he glanced at his wife. “As a wedding present – well, make that another wedding present – the Matthews –...

1 year ago
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College Part I

I want to relate a story from my college days. It concerns a night I spent with my party. Her name was Cathy, and she was pretty as a picture and as horny as anyone I've ever known. Cathy was about 5'6" and 115 lbs. She had bleached blond hair, blue eyes, and a killer figure. She was a little on the flat-chested side, but had the greatest ass you've ever seen. We went to a frat of one of my friends for a party one Saturday night. We spent most of the night drinking grain punch and smoking pot,...

Group Sex
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The Compromise Part 2

Andre and his three girls, me being one of them, piled into his car. Andre assumed his role as the driver, Mikayla grabbed shotgun, and my wife, Ally, and I got into the back seat. My heart pounded in my chest with nervousness, as this was my first time going out en femme.Ally no doubt saw the fear in me and scooched closer, taking my hand in hers. "Baby, don't be scared. We're just a couple of girls out on the town tonight, okay? We're not Sam and Ally tonight, we're Ally and Sarah. I want you...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Ex Gf Friend

Hi all, this is Sonu from Hyderabad. This is my real indian sex story. I am 6 ft tall and weighs 78kg with a good body. After completing my engineering. I was searching for a job when this incident happened. Coming to the story while doing my B.Tech, I broke up with my girlfriend. However, I met her again while attending an interview in an MNC company. Both my ex-girlfriend and her friend were there. My ex-girlfriend introduced her friend to me. Her name was Mona. We had a casual conversation...

1 year ago
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Whore 94

------------------------------------------------------------- Ch.03: The Promotion (She signs off her rape) --------------------------------------------------------- I didn't get any work done that morning. I spent most of the time huddledin a corner of the ladies washroom, crying my eyes out, trying to make senseof what had happened. I had been raped, hadn't I? I washed and scrubbed myself furiously, trying to clean the CEO off me, desperateto purge every trace of him from my body. I...

1 year ago
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The convention that changed my life

The convention that changed my life. By Our Dairywoman Angel. When I found out that the actor Jay Rosewood was going to be attending the comic and science fiction convention that was being held in my hometown, I was so excited. I was a big fan of him and the role he was best known for playing. For many years, he had played the older but heroic captain on my favourite science fiction show. I became even more excited about the fact Jay was attending the convention when I found out...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 07

VII Girl next door The events of the day had stunned me. I had had no idea things might go this far. Not only had I just rendered worthless the marriage vows on which I had based my life for twenty years, not only had the sex been utterly out of this world, but to cap it all this sexy, vivacious young woman, her whole life before her, had just pledged herself unconditionally and with every appearance of desperate sincerity to a fat, bald, middle-aged married insurance manager. I thought long...

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Perverted Indian Wife

PERVERTED INDIAN WIFETheir?s was an arranged marriage .Sudhir was28 years old, average looking guy, who had inherited huge amount of wealth and property from his father, besides a very successfully running hardware business. He had quit his studies after class 12th and was into his family business after that. His family consisted of a younger sister ,Nimmi, a 22 years old commerce graduate who was perusing her master?s degree. His mother Vimla Devi was an kind hearted Indian woman, with a very...

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Mera naam shalini hai. Meri shaadi ko 2 saal ho chuke hai. Main apni sex life ke baare mein likh rahi hoon. Mere husband ka naam Rajat hai. Main bahut hi sexy hoon. Jab meri shaadi huyee thi tab main ek dam dubli patli thi lekin ab kuchh moti ho gayee hoon. Aaj bhi main bahut hi jyada sexy hoon aur khoob maze le le kar chudwati hoon. Meri umar ab 24 saal hai. Jab meri shaadi huyee thi tab meri umar 22 saal aur unki umar 25 saal ki thi. Mera husband ka lunD bahut hi chhoTa hai. Unka lunD khada...

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