Razor Ch. 06 free porn video

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Once more I stood in the shower, thinking about, longing for, craving sleep. I kept my eyes closed and tried to empty my mind, to clear all of the unfinished processes that kept buzzing up there. I felt the warm, almost hot, water caress my body and sooth the pain I felt in my muscles and joints. Warm water almost felt like the caress of another person’s hand, the whisper-like soft pressure nearly tricking your system into believing that you were being lovingly cared for. But just almost and nearly. I longed for that too, the feeling of someone else’s skin pressed against my skin.

I sighed, stepped out of the shower and walked, dripping wet, into my bedroom and threw myself down on the bed. I opened the small, secret compartment that was built into the bedframe and pulled out my trusted old friend, a powerful vibrator. I couldn’t do much about the skin-on-skin longings but I could most definitely do something about my other ever-present cravings.

God, there were so many things I missed, everything from long, slow kissing to the magical feeling of slowly gliding down a hard cock, that first eager stroke when everything was still new and you could feel every inch of lovely penetration, before lust forced you to start moving to create perfect friction. I missed all the different flavors of sex, everything from making precious love to fucking the living daylights out of someone.

It boggled my mind that I could still feel lust, that I still wanted, needed, despite what I had done, despite what had been done to me. It more than boggled my mind that I still used my vivid visual imagination to picture situations with definite dominant elements, where pleasure sometimes walked hand in hand with pain. The thought of being tied up, helpless, should be against everything I believed in, but still, it was what made me come, quick, hard and long, as it always did.

I lay there in my bed and stared at the ceiling. A control freak obsessed with thoughts of being tied up, I really was fucked up, wasn’t I? And how could the longing I had for soft caresses and caring, loving touches ever be combined with my need for rougher sex and domination games? And above all, would I ever get over my fear of showing myself naked in front of anyone I was interested in, sexually?

I laughed at my short list of requirements for a potential bedpartner, he should be blind and have a sensory deficiency preventing him from seeing and feeling the scars on my body. He should like both sweet loving and rougher sex. And yeah, he had to like screamers. I could see the profile I’d have to create on one of those sexual dating sites, and I could easily imagine the answers I would get, like ‘do you need lube when I fuck your ass?’ and ‘hey, me and my mate need a third for our threesome, you game?’. Actually answering those questions would be pretty fun, hilariously long answers with anything from Christian-church-lady language to European-whore-looking-for-a-pimp language. I sighed and shook my head, another day, it was time to get going.

My long nightly contemplation had shown me that I didn’t know enough about Rose and what had happened to her, and I had decided I needed to know more. As soon as I woke up I had called Samuel and told him that I would be late and why, that I needed to see Rose. I only had to find her first…

I suspected that I would find her wherever Sean was, he had after all been even more protective than he usually was. I started a simple phone tracker and found him, or at least his phone, a few miles outside of town. When I looked at the address and listed the house owners in the area I realized that they were probably staying with Sean’s aunt, Elena’s mother, a sweet woman I had met on just a few occasions.

I made myself my standard morning health-shake, chockfull with vitamins and antioxidants, not quite as pleasant in taste as I would wish, but then again, healthy things seldom came in chocolate-and-cherry flavor. My back was still hurting, forcing me to keep up my painkiller consumption. I sighed and walked out to my car, aiming for Elena’s mother’s house.

After driving a few minutes whilst yawning almost constantly I realized I should probably warn them I was coming. I dialed Sean’s phone number and waited for him to answer.

‘Hey,’ Sean’s tired voice answered ‘have you found anything?’

‘Hey, yourself,’ I said ‘and to answer your question, yes and no. I’ve found something but not enough.’

‘Right…’ he said, his voice still tired ‘you’ll keep looking won’t you?’

‘I will,’ I answered ‘but first I need a few answers, because it feels like I’m missing some important parts of the puzzle. I’m heading out to your aunt’s place, that’s where you are, isn’t it?’

‘I’m on my way to work actually…’ Sean answered.

‘What? Are you crazy?’ I answered, my voice loud and panicky ‘You’re leaving Rose and your aunt alone out there?’

‘Well, I didn’t really want to, now did I?’ he grumbled ‘But you have met my aunt, haven’t you? And how the hell did you know where I was?’

‘I tracked your phone…’ I answered.

‘You can’t just go around tracking people’s phones, you know that don’t you?’ Sean answered with an exasperated sigh.

‘I didn’t know that actually,’ I answered cheekily ‘but never mind that. I need to meet and talk to all of you, so you better get your butt back to your aunt’s house, I need to know everything from start to end, everything everyone has seen, said and even thought!’

‘Perhaps I should go get my uncle then, because he was the first of us to meet Rose…’ Sean grumbled.

‘See there, that’s important information too,’ I grumbled back ‘you’re the cop after all, you should know the importance of seeing the full picture!’

‘Don’t be such a bitch,’ Sean answered and I could hear his anger rising ‘I’ll go get Edward and meet you at the house. Make sure you treat the women nicer than you treat your male friends, huh?’

I nodded to the phone as he hung up, I had to get a grip, I couldn’t go around antagonizing people like that. There was no need to take my frustrations out on anyone else. I should focus on the task at hand, getting all of the information I needed to be able to see that full picture I was talking about.

I drove slowly down the small road where Sean’s aunt, Gabriella, was supposed to have a house, I wasn’t quite sure where though, it should be the first house by the lake to the left, ahh, there it was! I parked my car next to what I guessed was Gabriella’s and jumped out, scanning the surroundings for any signs of humans. It seemed pretty deserted? I heard a sound from further down, by the lake, turned around and saw Rose and Gabriella come walking towards me. I walked up to them and nodded hello. Rose looked at me, a worry-wrinkle between her eyes, her eyes meeting mine, her facial expression almost unreadable. A gasp from Gabriella pulled my eyes away from Rose.

‘What’s happened’ Gabriella asked loudly, pointing towards my lips.

I answered that I’d been hit by an old friend and asked them not to tell Sean, knowing that Sean would respond badly if he knew that there was yet another mistreated woman in his circle of friends. Samuel hadn’t exactly hurt me, not by my standards at least, and I did look and feel tired enough to have fallen off my chair after having fallen asleep by my computers.

They both nodded, and I could see the thoughts whirling in Rose’s head.

‘And Susan then?’ she asked softly ‘Did she fall and hit her face too?’

‘No, she was hit by a guy at work, a real piece of shit according to public and not so public records.’ I answered, surprised that Rose had been able to notice Susan’s injuries when she was brought to hospital ‘But he’s being handled as we speak. And well, Susan’s being taken care of too, but in a slightly different, and very much better, way.’

With a small smile I thought about the way I had found Susan’s coworker by analyzing socia
l media flows, using my new engine for speedy analysis of big data, there seemed to have been a lot of happy women at Susan’s workplace after the man had been removed from the company premises. And I had sent the man a digital storm of epic proportions, a more efficient way of punishing someone, if not nearly as fulfilling as using your fists.

From wicked punishments to wicked pleasure, I smiled when I thought about the many ways Susan could find to entertain herself with two healthy, eager men. If memory served me right the brother who’d helped me in my apartment had been both attractive and charming, in a shy sort of a way. Rose looked at me with questions written all over her face, but before she could pose any questions another car came rolling up the driveway.

An older man came walking towards us, he nodded to me and then walked up to Rose and gave her a warm hug. He was followed by a dog, who gave Rose the doggy version of hugs and kisses. I saw Rose fall to her knees and heard her giggle and then laugh loudly, in what sounded like true happiness.

Sean came walking up to us, a wide smile on his face, probably from hearing Rose’s laughter. I looked at him and saw that his eyes were glued to Roses laughter-pink face and realized he had already fallen and deeply. I felt no waves of worry in my stomach over the thought of him and Rose giving it a go, somewhere in the future, it only felt surprisingly right.

Sean introduced Edward and his sweet dog, Alfred, to me before we all walked into the small kitchen. We all fit snugly by the table, and I couldn’t help noticing that Sean made sure he was placed right beside Rose. I also noticed that Rose had a slightly furrier canine suitor on her other side.

‘What’s happened to your face?’ Sean asked me, and I almost laughed out loud because he’d been so busy looking at Rose that he hadn’t seen my split lip until then.

‘It was an accident, I fell asleep and hit my face when I fell from my office chair…’ I answered with a wide smile ‘do you want to kiss it and make it all better?’

Sean stared at me and turned his eyes up to the sky, signaling the inappropriateness of my suggestion. He sighed and leaned in closer to Rose, another very obvious signal, and I had to fight hard not to laugh at him, because the big man was just too adorable.

‘Right,’ I said ‘we’ve been able to hack the backup facilities of the phone service provider of your husband’s. We’ve found some pictures that were backed up from his phone and they seem to be connected to the missing blonde girls.’

I pulled my hand through my hair and hoped they didn’t want to see any of the pictures we’d found, and luckily no such requests were made.

‘I had to get in contact with an old friend, Samuel, perhaps you remember him from school, Rose? No?’ I continued ‘Well anyways, he’s helping me push through the last layer of security on a really well-protected cloud storage service that your husband is using. Some say that the cloud services of today are even more secure than having in-house servers providing you with what you need, and perhaps they’re right. It’s taking us longer than estimated to crack through the inner walls of it, but Samuel said it should only take a few more hours.’

Everybody nodded and I smiled, glad that I had at least been able to tell them something, to ease their worries somewhat. I looked at them all and could easily read the warmth and love they all radiated, the way Edward, Gabriella and Sean were all concentrated on Rose’s well-being.

‘So…’ I said to them ‘if Sean hasn’t told you why we’re all here, it’s because I wanted to hear your stories, to be able to see the full picture. Let’s start from the beginning shall we?’

We sat around the table for a long time, and I listened to their stories and asked them question after question until I thought I’d been able to get every single important fact out of them. I could easily see how and why they were all connected to each other, simple reasons and in uncomplicated patterns. There were a few strange things in their stories that made me think that I still couldn’t see the full picture, some even worried me enough to be worth an extra look.

I stood up and looked at the sweet, loving people in the room. I smiled at Sean and Rose, sitting so close, his arm around her and I so wanted to tease him about it, but I let it rest. I asked Rose to walk me to my car instead, hoping for a few words with her, alone. We walked out and Sean and Rose almost made me laugh out loud when they passed each other, it was silly and adorable in a sweet, but very laughable mix. I asked Sean to contact his friend at the homicide unit, and then I walked out of the house.

I stopped by my car, leaned against the driver door and looked at Rose, who seemed much calmer than she had been the day before. She was still in pain, and still pretty frightened, but there was some hope behind it all as well. I sighed and pulled at my hair, wondering if I should ask how she was feeling, or if I should just trust my senses to tell me the truth. She didn’t seem to want to talk about what she’d been through, so I decided to shut up about it too.

‘We have a plan, something tangible that we’re working on to capture the devil you married, and to free you from the life you should never, ever have had to live. But at this point, when I can’t do anything to help, when I can only await the result of someone else’s efforts, all this anger and frustration that I have inside is almost killing me. I need to kick something, break things or scream.’ I told Rose softly ‘Or… I can find another way of using this energy I have inside… but I wanted to ask your approval first. It seems that your husband’s family haven’t really treated you right either. And I wanted to ask you if you’d be very sorry if I put some effort into breaking down the little empire they’ve built for themselves? I am quite capable of tearing it and them into tiny, little, non-important pieces of pocket lint. So may I… please?’

I smiled widely when Rose nodded and then I happily jumped into my car. I hadn’t thought that she would say yes to my suggestion, but I was happy that she did. I wasn’t really sure I would have been able to stop myself from destroying the people who’d been all too aware of my friend being badly treated for all those years.

I drove to Samuel’s place by way of his favorite sandwich provider and gained a happy smile and a quick ‘you remembered’ before we both settled down by the computers, him happily pulling down the fundaments of the backup facilities, me happily pulling down the fundaments of the most powerful family of our small city, both of us loudly chewing on that same city’s most delicious Italian sandwiches.

Hours passed and it felt like seconds, but I finally had to pull myself away from the wonderful land of computers, to be able to make it to my appointment with William. The upcoming talk didn’t worry me as much as it really should have, considering the next part of my story.

* * * * *

I spent a calm and pleasant day at work, listening to my patients and gently guiding those in need of help. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but I was filled with a strange nervous energy that made the calm of the day seem anything but relaxing. Between my appointments I kept busy, documenting each visit thoroughly, performing administrative tasks, organizing papers and even cleaning my office some, and I knew it was all because I had agreed to see Mary again.

I stopped alphabetizing the books in my bookshelf, sat down and forced myself to sort through my thoughts and emotions. Mary, I thought, there’s something about Mary, just as the old movie with Cameron Diaz stated, but without the crazy stalker, or perhaps with the roles reversed, Mary being the stalker and me being the innocent victim. And that was the problem wasn’t it. She saw too much, knew too much and what she had revealed had made me feel persecuted, watched, almost paranoid. S
he had rocked my world, not in a good way, on three separate occasions, and I feared that she would continue to do just that.

I was frankly afraid that she’d been able to dig up something more about me or my family, but except for the sad story of my wife, which I guessed she already knew everything about, there really wasn’t that much to be found. My mother was still alive and healthy, my father had died in a heart attack just a few years back and I lived alone with my two girls in a small house. I didn’t have any dirty secrets, there was nothing adventurous about me, I hadn’t had even one major life crisis, what you saw was what you got, every calm, almost boring inch of me. There really was no need for me to be afraid, because there was nothing more for her to reveal, no more strange connections between her story and my life.

Still, if I removed every reference between her life and mine, what she had told me about herself and the dark sadness I sensed in her also shook me in a very unpleasant way. Chances were that there were more painful revelations to come, more sad music to listen to, more confusing thoughts to be had and more compassion to be felt. For some reason she’d made me lose my ability to distance myself, and I still hadn’t quite figured out how she’d done that, it seemed it wasn’t just the way she drew parallels to me, my life and my history. If I could just focus enough on keeping my cool, staying calm, not letting my emotions get involved, then I’d be able to live through one hour without any bigger problems, perhaps even a second hour, because I had after all promised. And if there were no if’s then the cat would be a dog, I added with a skeptical shake of my head and a smile on my face as I contemplated my grandmother’s old saying, origin unknown.

I sighed and thought about my grandmother’s many words of wisdom, where ‘a promise is a promise’ was a favorite of hers. I had promised Mary to give her four hours to tell her story, and I had only given her two, not giving her a third and a fourth hour wasn’t acceptable. No matter what she told me that day, I would make sure she had her last hour, and then I would decide what to do about her. I took a deep breath and stood up, preparing myself for what was to come.

I walked past the reception area and informed the assistants that I would fetch my next appointment myself, there was no sense just sitting down letting that nervous energy flow through my system. And perhaps I’d be able to see Mary and what mood she was in before she saw and read me, and maybe that would help me prepare for our meeting.

Just as I reached the waiting room I saw her walk in, wearing black sunglasses and really big headphones. She had her hands in her pockets and stared down at the floor, barely avoiding hitting people that got in her way. She stopped, tilted her head slightly to the right and then looked up to stare straight at me, one eyebrow lifted above the glasses. I waved for her to come with me, and she walked up to me with long, quick steps.

When we reached the hallway leading up to my room I turned back to watch her and saw her remove both her glasses and her headphones and shove them into the pockets of her light jacket. She looked up at me with a silly smile and we kept walking, straight into my room. She closed the door after us and we sat down, in the same old chairs, like nothing had happened. I felt I needed to ask her about her strange accessories, if she usually wore glasses indoors and what she was listening to in those big headphones.

‘Why…?’ I started, not really sure how to pose the question without seeming too curious ‘Why are you wearing glasses indoors? And… headphones? With music?’

She laughed softly and shook her head.

‘Sometimes when I’m really tired, my system gets overloaded and I start sensing things even stronger than I usually do…’ she answered ‘and I have to shield myself by blocking some of my senses. I try to stay away from people when that happens, but I wanted, or more like needed, to come here today.’

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A Call Center Incidence

Hi friends I am a reader of sex stories, not so frequent but depend on schedule. Would like to share with you an incident of my life which happened some 5 years back when I was 23, I was in Bombay. Know I am in Kolkata. The incidence goes like this- I was working in an international BPO in Navi Mumbai, we used to get pick up and drop from office to residence and again back. That was a common pick up; tata sumo was there which used to pick 7-8 employees from the same area one by one and after...

4 years ago
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AIChapter 54

To my considerable surprise Lee wasn't all that upset when I told her Spook was gone. "Maybe it was time," she said after she'd got over her initial surprise. I looked at her, astonished. "I thought you liked him, too, that he was our friend, not just mine." "I did like him, Jackie," she told me. "I liked him a lot. And I'll miss him, nothing like the way you will, but even so ... I mean, look at all he did for us." She gestured vaguely around her, encompassing the house, the...

3 years ago
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First Ever Foreplay At Home

Hi, guys and girls. This is my first sex story. I was hesitant to publish a sex story. But now I feel like I also must contribute something. Let me introduce myself. I’m Michael, 5’10” tall, athletic build, fair in complexion and from Bangalore. I’m currently 25 years old. This took place in 2011. I used to study in the Middle East before I moved to Bangalore. I had joined a school in Bangalore for my 12th standard and that was the first time I was in a co-ed school where boys and girls study...

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Hot Sex Tube

HotSexTube! You’ve basically seen it all, and you are just looking for a free porn site that has a lot of random porn videos, in hopes that you will find that one porn video that will make your fap session fun? Well, hot-sex-tube.com is a place just like that, and you do not have to dedicate yourself to this site, or so to speak. If you do not know what the fuck I am talking about, just continue reading.A stereotypical design for a basic site.This is exactly what I expected to get when I...

Porn Aggregators
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Manipuri moms

Hi, my name is Ronel (name changed). I belong to Manipur in North-Eastern part of India. This is a story of me getting lucky to fuck my own mom and also my aunt Kamala (Uncle’s wife) after fucking my mom. I am fan of incest stories especially ‘mom and son’ and ‘sister and brother’. It is also great to read family incest where anyone can fuck everyone, two sons fucking their mother and also brothers fucking their sisters. I just wanted to write my incest fantasy with my mom and aunt, and had...

2 years ago
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In a New Light Ch 02

Hey guys! Here is chapter 2. I suppose you could read this one without reading the first, but it will make more sense if you read the first. I am continuing the story. I’m not sure when I am going to get chapter 3 done, but I will try to update when I can. Also big thanks to Lindsey44 for editing this chapter. Hope you enjoy. **** Slowly, Adele woke up stretched and sighed at the wonderful warmth and very explicit dream she had had about her best friend. ‘Mmm what a wonderful dream,’ she...

3 years ago
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Meri Maa Ki Vaasna Part 8211 2

Toh ye hai 2nd part meri chudakad life ki.Toh jab vo cigarette pi raha tha toh main gayi aur tv par blue film lagayi aur mere bete rajesh ke sine pe sar rakh ke so gayi aur film dekhne lagi . Toh us film main yek milf aurat aapne bete aur apne baap ke sath chudai kar rahi thi. Ye dekh kar meri chut aur bhi gilli hone lagli.Aur mera bhi maan kar raha tha ki mujhe mi double penetrate kar koyi.Toh maine mere bete ko kaha . Bete mujhe aur use karo na.Chod dalo muhje aur .Apni rakhel maa ki chut...

3 years ago
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Princess SaraChapter 8

The day had come to say goodbye. It had taken longer than Sara, the vagrant Princess, would have wished once she had resolved to send her friend, the once bewitched, but now restored, Countess Martha back home. They had worked hard in the fields for three weeks, the Princess still naked, of course, and Martha dressed in a rough peasant's smock and working boots, before sufficient gold pieces had been earned to buy Martha a fine horse and provisions for her homeward journey. Her friend had...

1 year ago
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Sex with a crack whore PART 2

Now I stood behind her, and slammed my cock into her wet, slippery pussy as deep as I could go. My cock was rock hard now, and I started pushing into her with a fast rhythm, my balls slapping against her with every thrust. It was not that long since I had come before, so I was able to keep this up for many minutes. I slipped out of her because I wanted to take another hit of crack. I gave her a hard slap on her round, perfect ass as my dick sprang free. After loading a big rock onto the end...

4 years ago
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Becoming The Favorite II Formatting Fixed

Introduction: Big brother finds himself addicted to the charms of little sister… Becoming Big Brothers Favorite Part II : When Henry is Horny Big brother finds himself addicted to the charms of little sister… THIS IS A SEQUEL. I tried to make it where you dont have to read part 1 to understand this, but it might help! If you dont understand something, read part 1 first. —————————————————- Hi, my name is Henry Harrington. Im a Sophomore in college and I have two sexy younger sisters named...

2 years ago
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There Goes the Neighborhood

That Friday started out like most others. I rode my bike to my friend Myra's house. It was about an hour since school had ended but I didn't have to attend. As I had finished much of my classes for the year, I just stayed around the house. I gave a knock on the Jackson home side door. After a few seconds, Audrey Jackson, Myra's mom came to the door. The first thing I noticed were the protruding perky 42D breasts almost spilling out of her shirt. Though having noticed many times before, I had...

Group Sex
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The morning wake up kissfor the girls

You are sleeping next to me as I start to wake up and look over at you, feeling horny at the sight of your sleeping body.   I move my hand over to you, moving slowly across your belly.   You look so sexy lying there on your back with your legs parted slightly under the thin sheet.   I slowly crawl under the covers, sliding down your leg smelling the scent of your body as I go.   I reach out and pull your t-shirt up to your hips, exposing your sexy love box to me.   I slowly start to kiss the...

Straight Sex
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Virgin Girl Scout Ripe to Eat

Jane Mayon undressed in her bedroom and put on her girl scout outfit, picked up the cloth bag filled with boxes of cookies, and then headed out. She called to her mother as she went through the living room: "Mom, I'm going." Her mother answered from the kitchen: "Hold on, dear." Jane waited impatiently at the living room door. Her mother came from the kitchen and asked her: "Where exactly are you going? Are you selling or are you delivering?" "I'm delivering," Jane replied. "I'm...

2 years ago
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Jessicas StormChapter 7

Cassandra McKoy was indicted on two counts of felony child endangerment, one count of conspiracy to commit felony child endangerment, and embezzlement. After the investigation into Ms. McKoy's sister and her common law husband, it was found that they were secretly video taping the girls while in the bathroom and bedroom. The videos were being sold over the internet. In a plea bargain, Ethel McKoy confessed that it was her sister's idea, and said she had suggested placing a couple boys in...

1 year ago
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The Terrible Secret of Dexters Diner A Star Wars Story Commission

"Are you going to take care of that or not?" came the phlegmy, rumbling complaint of Tyrel's superior. "On it, on it," he replied irritably, ducking between moldy, customer packed booths. He hated this job. Dexter's was a run down, antiquated diner located in one of the less prosperous districts of Coruscant. All the pomp and glitter of the Galactic Republic's capital was a quick air cab away, but you'd never know it from the stained, run down buildings that surrounded the...

3 years ago
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Going Homewards A DOTA Defence of the AncientsTale

"It is the perogative of all summoner servants to do as their master bids, no matter what is asked of them." It was a rule Lina and Rylai the crystal maiden knew well. Sometimes even appreciated. Whenever they had made a bad tactical move, their summoner and master would be there to correct it. True, summoned fighters could not die. Feel pain and be incapacitated for a long amount of time, true, but not killed. As soon as their summoner gathered enough energy, they could bring them...

2 years ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 28

Resuming his position at the kitchen doors, the old Chinese carefully controlled the waiters as they successfully served Dingo’s guests. Then, tiring of the charade, he turned, pushed on the swinging doors into the kitchen and grunted an order in Cantonese. Carrying a roasted pig’s head on a huge platter, two waiters appeared. They followed the old Chinese as he painfully hobbled to stand behind Jennifer. Unable to restrain himself any longer, Peter placed his hand on Jennifer’s shoulder as he...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Holly Wellin Sex Adventures With Naughty

Charles Dera is deep in the secret garden of naughty seductress Holly Wellin who takes him on a psychedlic sexual adventure in today’s premium Penthouse porn scene. The well-hung stud is pushed to the edge with the black-haired vamp’s blowjob skills and can barely contain himself from busting a nut when she slides her juicy pussy down on his big cock to ride him hard in reverse cowgirl. Finally after deep missionary fucking, he unleashes his load all over the kinky sex...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter 9 SEX DISEASES

STDs can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Examples of the most common STDs are listed on this page. The term sexually transmitted disease (STD) is used to refer to a condition passed from one person to another through sexual contact. You can contract an STD by having unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the STD. An STD may also be called a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or venereal disease (VD). That doesn’t mean sex is the only way STDs are...

2 years ago
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Makan Malik Ke Biwi Ko Choda

Hi friends, my name is sandy and I am from pune. my email address is my age is 20. This is my first story on ISS. I am gonna tell this story in hinglish. Yeh mere jivan ki sacchi ghatna hai which is happened 2 months before. I am an engineering student. Hamre makan malik ek MNC me job karte hai. Unhone apne bunglow ka first floor rent pe diya hau hai jaha pe hum 3 friends as a P.G. rehte hain. Unke family me woh unki patni aur ek beta hain jo U.S. me padta hain. Uss din ki baat hain jab mere...

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Horror Movie Leading To Love Making 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone,This is My first story in this website. Small introduction about me before moving on to the story, I’m Arjun(pen name) 23 from Chennai, tall,athletic built and sports enthusiast and critic.I don’t wanna give you fake measurements which is not worthy of anything. without boring you people much I will move on to the story.I’m not gonna add any masalas to make it interesting. I prefer serving this story with it’s originality. please send your feedback to ( ) Well this will be a...

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Hiring the Construction Managers Assistant

She read an ad online for a position that had recently opened up, Construction Manager’s Assistant. Though it was thousands of miles away, something about it sounded very appealing to her. Abbey’s a college grad, very intelligent, extremely organized and has excellent people skills. She grew up in a military family consisting mostly of brothers. As a result, she tended to be more aggressive, able to work with her hands, very mechanically inclined, disciplined and a very good athlete. Kind of a...

3 years ago
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Hot Time at the Lake

It was a hot sunny day and we went to the lake. We boarded his boat, the sunny was shining and the air was hot. Later that day thing would get hot between us. I was sipping Serria Mist with orange vodka laying of my stomach. He laid next to me and started to rub my shoulders. This felt so good with the hot sun beating down on me. He slowly moved down my back rubbing and massaging his way, all the way down my legs. His fingers moved between my thighs and rub up against my most private area. I...

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she is sexyy in chudidhar

Hello ISS readers I am Amit of age 17yrs living in Hyd i want to tell you a true story with took place in Oct month of 2007 i used to live in Hyd and we had a maid who was 20 yrs and her name is Sunitha she looked amazing she was very slim and had round boobs i used to see her whole body while she was working one day it was raining heavily and my parents have to leave to their native place for 2 days they called Sunitha to stay with me to cook food me she came to my house at 9 pm he became wet...

2 years ago
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Community TooChapter 47

Cindy’s turn: “Weren’t you here, like, a couple of weeks ago?” That was Barry Rotkopf, the FAA designated flight examiner at the big airport in Mobile. “Feels like it,” I smiled. “Yet here I am again.” “Wally warned me. He says if I pass you for your commercial, he’s coming gunning for me. Show me your driver’s license.” I whipped it out and put it on the desk in front of him. ““Good, Lord, Cindy, you’re eighteen years and ONE DAY old.” “I didn’t want to dawdle,” I said. “You’re gonna...

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The washing line

Michelle had recently moved in next door and had spent most of the summer teasing me with her wonderful body. As the weather had improved, she would quiet often wander out into the garden with a glass of wine in hand and lounge about in a lovely but somewhat reveling bikini. She was well aware that I often watched her from my window and I think she took great satisfaction of flirting with me – if I didn’t know better, I suspect that she was a bit of a secret exhibitionist. Occasionally Michelle...

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Auntie Claire and Amy

Auntie Claire and Amy’s massageClaire woke knowing today was the anniversary of when her husband left her and she was going to go out and treat herself and that meant another pair of shoes. She dressed as she always did which was smart and elegant with stockings and a pair of high heel shoes, although as she was now in her mid-fifties the heels were just a little bit shorter than they used to be. She still liked to hear the clip clop of the heels on the ground and knowing that many men and...

4 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal Moving to Philadelphia Chapter 3

After school I met with George, Hannah and Linda outside and we then headed to my house. Entering my house I shouted "Dad, I'm home!" "I'm in the kitchen" came the reply. We headed in to the kitchen. Dad was wearing a white sweater, jeans and white sandals. His brunette hair was tied behind his back in a long ponytail. He seemed to be in the middle of baking something as he had a bowl of flour in his arms and he was stirring it. "Oh hi guys" he said as he saw us enter "back again?"...

2 years ago
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Sarah and Ben Ch 02

My husband has told his part now it is time for me to tell mine. I have been in love with Ben forever. Well, since I have known him. We had been a very happily married couple. I had some friends and he had some of his own. We also had a few friends together. June was one of my friends and I had been a bit jealous of her for a long time. June was one of those girls who looked sexy in anything she wore. I had seen Ben look at her in ‘that’ way more than once. I had also noticed him looking at...

3 years ago
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Useful Humilation

Useful Humiliation ã CarmenicaDiaz Rosehad completely shocked me with her casual announcement, so shocked I almostspilt my wine. I peered at her through my glasses and she smiled at me. 'DidI hear you right? You're going away for two weeks with your boyfriend?' Shenodded, laughing at my consternation. 'Yes, two wonderful weeks in Jamaicaand I'm going to drink cocktails, eat and eat, lay on the sand and,' shewinked, 'have lots of great sex with Johnny.' Iblushed at that, I had seen Johnny...

1 year ago
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Breaking the MoldChapter 5

On the way to the motel in Tony’s car, afraid that someone might recognize her, Mary shielded the side of her face. God forgive me, I’m such a fucking whore. Though she toyed with a way of escaping her mind refused to stop thinking but you love it so much. “You’re not a whore Mary,” Tony assured her, “You’re an incredibly exciting woman. You have arrived at a point in your life where you are exercising your sexual freedom. It’s your right, ya know? It’s your obligation to yourself. Today is...

3 years ago
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A high school student part 3

Introduction: Part 3 of the story I woke up what I figured to be a few hours later in Rickys bed alone. I looked around to see if I could find a clock anywhere. I saw an alaram to the side of his bed. It read 8 oclock. I had slept for roughly 3 and half hours. I started to get out of the bed when Ricky walked in. Rise and shine sleeping beauty. Here, I brought you a brownie. He handed me the brownie with a smile. I smiled back and took a bite. Woah, thats amazing. What did you put in it? I...

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Hi, my is Amari, Amari Taylor. This is my last year at J. Kole High, and this is my year to make it in the rap game. Right now I'm in the struggle, money is extremely tight nowadays, plus my mother is sick. And the only source of money coming in is from the shows I do around the city. And with that little bit I have to pay for my moms medicine as well as my senior dues and put food on the table, then I have to have money to pay for studio time to finish my mixtape. No lie, times are rough for...

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Just For LaughsChapter 9

Whoever said that 'politics is a dirty business' knew exactly what he talking about. There were so many lobbyists with open wallets and purses offering bundles of money that'd choke a horse, Chris advised Gabrielle she should receive them in her office but don't take a thing. There just might be just one that had something they could offer that was good for the country, not just to get their own interests passed. Representative Cunningham avoided all improprieties by not accepting any...

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Breaking of Ranma

Ranma never liked rainy days. Well, you simply have to hate rain when even slight contact with the cold water turns you into girl. All because of that cursed Chinese lake. Aware of that, Ranma already turned himself into girl before leaving the Tendo Dojo and dressed girl school uniform. Running fast, she jumped into the city bus that was just about to leave bus stop. But for a martial artist it wasn't a problem to reach and sneak inside. Sadly, the rain was so intensive that she was...

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