SamChapter 12C free porn video

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"If I'm not there, anyone who answers can be trusted with a message."

"You ought to get a cell phone," she said, handing me a card to keep.

"Next thing on my list. I swear. This is early days for me, here. I'm still getting the equipment sorted out."

'Equipment' to her meant only one thing. She asked, "What sort of piece do you carry? Or is that a question you can't answer?"

I grinned and looked around for something destructible. A few feet away, there was a temporary barrier fence around a work-site where they were putting up another one of those granite benches. I walked over and picked up a five-foot long steel fencepost that was lying on the ground beside some building materials and went back to where Gail was standing near the still-horizontal perp.

"See this?" I asked, holding the fence post out to her. She took it and hefted it in her hands. It was a standard fencepost, with a W-shaped cross-section and a coat of dark green paint. She handed it back and I did my trick and turned it into a big pretzel in one smooth motion. I dropped it on the ground, where it hit with a dull thump. The ease with which I did it surprised me. Apparently, in addition to the recent improvements in my eyesight, I was still getting stronger as well. That also explained why I had gone airborne while jumping over the bench.

Gail stared at the twisted post and then she stared at me. She blinked like she thought there might be something in her eyes that was affecting her vision. While I waited for her to say something, Neeka put in her two cents.

"You show-off! You love doing that, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. I enjoy seeing their faces. It's like they suddenly wake up and find that the world is a different place from what they thought it was. Right now, Gail looks like she just found out that Santa Claus is real after all. Wait a sec, where are you?"

"Still in the garage with the bike. And yes, our range does seem to have increased. I haven't been able to read you this far away before. We've been together all weekend, so I don't know if it's a sudden thing or if it happened gradually."

"Maybe it happened Saturday, when we... merged."

"More likely it's just part of an across-the-board improvement you're having. It seems to come in spurts."

"Don't talk dirty. Did you hear Gail talking about The Torturer?"

"Yeah. It must be bad if a veteran cop like her can't bring herself to describe it."

"We can only hope."

"Hush! You be careful! I think you're getting cocky."

"He, he! Must be all that testosterone in my system."

"You think you're kidding. Maybe you're not."

"Oh, no! I hadn't considered that! I'd just been happy not to have an itchy pussy every two hours. You think all this boy-juice in me might be affecting my behavior?"

"Too much of a good thing? It's a possibility."

It was true. I was feeling a little jazzed. I had been very quick to show-off for Gail, like she was a girl I was trying to impress. Actually, that's just what I was thinking at the time. I hadn't been trying to get her to like me as a person as much as I had been trying to impress her with my speed and my strength — just like a boy.

I thought back to yesterday when I deliberately turned my clit into a small cock, and then used it to pleasure a girl. I remembered the exquisite feeling of thrusting my organ into Jolene. I remembered the heady feeling that penetrating her gave me, her expression when she felt me enter her, and the feeling of power it gave me to make her cum. Could all of that been due to male hormones?

I was so deep in reflection that I missed what Gail said to me when she got over being impressed by my macho display.

"Hunh?" I said.

"I said, 'if I hadn't seen it, I never would have believed it'. That wasn't a trick, was it?"

"No, it was real," I said, apologetically. "Please excuse me. I shouldn't be showing off like that. It isn't ladylike."

"Not ladylike, she says." Gail picked up the ruined fencepost and turned it over in her hands. "It's warm," she said.

"It's the atoms of the metal being rubbed together. They are momentarily being forced to behave like a fluid and when the metal stops moving the energy gets released as heat. It's conservation of energy, the first law of thermodynamics." I suppose that's what I get for paying attention in Physics class.

"Please don't take this the wrong way," Gail said, "but are you from this planet?"

I started to laugh out loud at that one. It was the first time someone had accused me of being an alien from outer space. I stopped in mid-chuckle when I saw she wasn't kidding.

The temptation to spin a yarn for her about me being from the planet Zygnxx-Prime in a galaxy far-far away; being stranded on Earth when my flying saucer crashed; and having to wait ten years for an intergalactic tow-truck to pick me up was almost too much to bear. I managed to resist, but a smile fought its way to my lips.

"Somewhere else you might ask that," I said. "But I think you mean, 'you ain't fum 'round heah, are ya?'" I put on my best Southern drawl for that and it came out perfectly.

Somehow space aliens and Southern drawls just don't go together. Gail laughed so hard her eyes began to water and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"OK, I guess that answers my question," she said.

A car so plain it had to belong to the government pulled up in the boathouse parking lot. Sgt Adams collected her prisoner and marched him off. Since I was already halfway around the lake, I decided to keep going in the same direction.

As I jogged along, I was still smiling over the story I had been about to tell Gail. It sounded just dumb enough to be plausible and I wondered if I might be able to use it on someone later on.

There were even fewer people in this section of the park than there had been near the garage and the picnic area. I didn't see anyone other than a Sanitation worker with his trash-barrel on wheels and his broom. He was sweeping up some trash on the path ahead of me, so I slowed to a walk so as not to trip over the broad-headed broom.

He glanced up as I stepped past him and I nodded as I went past. I had only gone a couple of steps further when a hand clamped a cloth over my face and yanked me off my feet.

For an instant I was too startled to react. Since he seemed to be threatening to smother me, I took a deep breath to get some oxygen. I knew as soon as I did so that it wasn't a good idea. The sickly-sweet smell from the cloth told me he had dosed it with some sort of drug intended to render me helpless.

"I can deal with that," I thought. "I just have to crank up my metabolism and I'll burn it off before it can take affect. I just..." At that instant, everything went black.

I woke up with Neeka screaming in my head. Her lovely voice had acquired a distinctly unpleasant shrillness and I wished that she would be quiet and let me wake up without being screamed at.

"Sam! Sam! Thank goodness! You were..."

"Unconscious? Yeah. Thanks. I got that part." I swam closer to wakefulness and examined my most recent memories for clues to my condition. "Some guy chloroformed me. I just woke up. Ugh! How long was I out?"

"About an hour. I was so worried. I could hear you, but you weren't thinking or even dreaming. It was just black. Are you all right?"

"I don't know. I haven't opened my eyes yet. My eyelids feel like lead. Hold the line a minute."

"'Hold the line'? I was woozier than I thought. I concentrated hard, took several deep breaths and dumped adrenalin into my bloodstream to try to neutralize the drug. In books, everyone wakes up from being drugged with a bad headache. I seemed to have a more considerate kidnapper. Whatever he used left me with only a dopey feeling and a bad taste on the back of my tongue. While I concentrated, the fog parted and the fuzziness faded. Soon, I felt able to peek out at the world and see what was going on.

From the moment I opened my eyes, I knew I was in deep shit. The wooden beams, the rock walls, the glowing brazier, the smell of charcoal, hot iron, stale sweat and other, more disgusting things; all of this told me that I was in the hands of someone truly dedicated to his hobby. What kind of person builds his own medieval torture chamber? I was afraid the answer to that was obvious — the kind of person who is really into torturing people.

"Where are you?" Neeka asked.

"In a dungeon, as far as I can tell. A very authentic-looking one, too. It's got rock walls and torches and there's a big iron thing with hot coals and what looks like branding irons in it. Where are you?"

"Riding around the park, looking for you. I can't get a fix. You could be anywhere."

"In an hour, he could have taken me just about anyplace."

"Maybe not. You faded out when I got more than a mile away from the park. You're probably still in the area. He wouldn't risk carrying his victims very far, would he? I bet you aren't more than a few blocks away from where he grabbed you. Can you move? Can you get out?"

I tried to sit up. I tried to raise my arms. I tried to lift my legs. It was all a no-go. I could move my hands and feet, but not my arms or legs. I could raise my head, but I could not sit up because there was a wide strap across my upper chest and shoulders. I felt another one across my hips and there seemed to be one on each thigh and each calf and both my upper and lower arms. I was pinned very effectively to what felt like a metal examining table. There was worse news, however.

"Neeka? I'm naked. He took my clothes. I can lift my head, but that's about it. It feels like I'm strapped down on a big metal table. I can just see the edge of it. It looks like it's made in the outline of a person."

"Is he there?"

"Not at the moment. I can't see behind me, but I don't hear anything but the fire burning in the brazier. You might look for the smoke. With all the fire, it's pretty warm in here. It feels like being at the beach in July."

"Can you get free?"

I tried. I tried very hard and I tried harder than that, but I got nowhere. The straps looked like the nylon webbing stuff that seatbelts are made of; only these were at least six inches wide. Regular seat belts are made to hold against thousands of pounds of pull. These straps didn't even need to be very strong, because I could not get any leverage to push or pull against them. It seemed like the restraints were there as much to keep me from hurting myself as I struggled as to keep me from getting free. I tried to decide what that implied about what was going to happen to me, but I was still to groggy from the drug to think clearly.

"No. I'm strapped down so tight, I can't move an inch."

"Do you want me to call for help?"

I thought about it. Help would be nice. Rescue would be wonderful. For a moment, I indulged in the luxury of hope. Then, the reality of my situation sunk in.

"No. Unless we can figure out where I am, it would be useless. Remember, they've searched before and found nothing. He's been at this for long enough to feel safe and maybe he's so well hidden that we'd have to turn the whole city upside down to find him, but maybe he has also gotten complacent. Maybe he'll make a mistake and I can get free. I'm OK so far. Let's just wait."

"OK, it's your call. I'm going to park near where you were when he attacked you. I'll be ready if you need me."

"Thanks." It was with a great amount of reluctance that I cut off our mental contact. But I knew that my best chance of getting out of this alive would be to focus completely on my situation and exclude any outside distractions. Neeka understood this too, and while I was certain she listened in to what I was thinking, she kept perfectly quiet so as not to distract me.

I experimented by trying to move in various directions to see if there was any slack that I could exploit. The table shifted slightly as I struggled. It seemed to be hinged in various places to allow it to bend and the legs to pivot independently, but I could shift it only a fraction of an inch in any direction. Whoever built it had gone to a lot of trouble and taken his time doing it. This guy was very detail-oriented.

I tried twisting my head around to see more of the room. There were wooden trestle tables with what looked like tools on them. There were also boxes and bins. A row of pegs on the wall held an assortment of whips in various lengths and types. I hoped that those were just set dressing, like I hoped the brazier of hot coals with its cluster of metal rods sticking out the sides was also just a prop. With my head turned as far as I could get it, I noticed that there was a big bellows-thing on the floor under the metal brazier. It looked like it could be operated by foot to blow more air into the glowing bed of coals. Apparently red-hot wasn't good enough for this guy. He needed things hotter; and that was another bit of information that I could have gone without knowing.

As much as this place looked like a movie set, I kept remembering that whoever built it was not into play-acting. He had done some very real and very nasty things to some very unlucky girls, and now it looked like I was going to find out for myself just what those nasty things were.

If this were a movie, that would have been the bad guy's cue to come into the room. This wasn't a movie, however, and I had a long time to wait. A knot of fear grew in the pit of my stomach until it threatened to crawl up my throat and choke me. I started breathing so hard I almost hyperventilated myself into a faint. With a certain amount of difficulty, I got control of that before I passed out.

It came to me that maybe I wasn't as smart or as brave or as strong as I thought I was. I had fallen into the same trap as every other girl this guy had captured and now I was stuck on his working table, waiting like a fly in a spider's web for him to come along and devour me. Neeka was right. I had gotten cocky. I had lost much of the fear of things that I should have stayed afraid of and now that looked like it might just be a fatal mistake. The thought that I might die in this awful place scared me almost as much as the fear of being seriously hurt by some lunatic and I started hyperventilating again.

While I was working to control my breathing, I became aware of my heartbeat. It sounded like a drumbeat inside my head. The more I listened to it, the louder and faster it got until I felt that my heart would explode in my chest. That brought on another bout of paralyzing fear, since I knew I was quite capable of doing things to myself that I might not be able to undo before it killed me. That was humiliating. If my captor didn't do me in, I might let my own fear do it for him.

The understanding that I was falling victim to my own psychosomatic reactions was a nice intellectual victory, but I still had to fight to regain physical control. Every time I thought I had managed to get on top of things, something else distracted me. The sound of the coals cracking and metal popping startled me each time it happened. I imagined that I heard things crawling and slithering around me, just out of my sight. The flickering light from the torches made everything in the room seem to move and I jerked my head left and right, expecting to catch something in the act of creeping up on me.

When I heard the door open behind me, I jumped in surprise and almost screamed with both terror and relief. At last I would get to see the person behind all this.

When he stepped into view, I didn't know whether to scream or laugh. He was dressed completely in black leather with black metal studs all over. His head was completely enclosed in a leather hood with a studded flap across the mouth, and he wore heavy leather gauntlets on his hands. If he held his head at the right angle to the torchlight, I could just make out his eyes through the rectangular slits in the mask. He was the perfect image of Hollywood's version of a medieval torturer. It was almost funny, but very disturbingly real.

"Where am I?" I asked, more to get him to speak than from any hope that he would really answer the question and I could tell Neeka where to send the cops.

He said nothing. He went over to the table and opened a box and reached inside. he came over to me and held something up in front of my face. It looked like a big ring with straps on it.

"Open your mouth," he said. His voice was soft and high-pitched. It didn't go at all with the leather and the studs.

"Why?" I asked, trying to keep him talking.

Instead of an answer, he reached out to the brazier and pulled out a short metal rod with a sharp point on it. The point and about three inches of the rod was glowing cherry red. He held it directly in front of my eyes so I could get a nice close look at it. My face prickled from the intense heat and my eyes started to tear up. It was a very convincing argument for my cooperation and I opened my mouth wide without making any further comment.

He put the hot iron back into the brazier and held the ring in front of my mouth again. I strained to open my mouth wider, and then wider still when he didn't move. Finally, with my jaws about to unhinge, he dropped the ring into my mouth, where my teeth closed on it by reflex.

He fastened the straps behind my head, pulling the ring even further into my mouth. Then he bent over and looked through the ring into my mouth — what for I had no clue.

"Rules," he said, tersely. He had a slight lisp as well as a high voice and the hiss was starting to creep me out. "You may not talk. You may scream if you like. I expect that. If you try to talk there will be pain. Do you understand?"

Without thinking, I said, "Ah unuhhanh" and realized that I had just broken the first rule. Now I was going to suffer the consequence.

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Getting Dirty With Best Friend

Hey, everyone of indian sex storiesdot net, this is the first time I’m writing here. I’ve been reading the stories here since a year. So this is a story that happened around two years ago when I was around 18 years old. So a little bit about myself. I am 20 years old and a Keralite. I stay in the Middle East. I have an average body and I’m not really a gym person. So coming to the story, her name is Divya and we both were in the same grade in the school at the time. She has amazing thighs and a...

1 year ago
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Gay Experience With a Stranger Cross dresser Sex2 Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

This is the second part of my previous story. I will write about how I had rough Cross dresser Sex with him. Please continue to read the story, I know it’s a bit long story but I wanted to put in all details of my Gay experience. Ok, let’s move on to the story. We reached his place by a Cab. As we entered, he locked the door and grabbed me by surprise and pulled me closer. He planted his lips on mine, and I gave in too as we kissed deeply. He parted lips and walked me to his...

3 years ago
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Slave Sexual Conditioning

The searing pain is the first thing I feel as I become aware of my surroundings. As I struggle to try to find the source of it and to make it stop I begin to realize that I am held down by straps on my ankles, wrists hips, neck, and head. I cannot move except to squirm in my bonds. I try to look around, as I feel the pain ebb, but I realize that I must be blindfolded. I hear a soft, soothing woman's voice say "I'm sorry - we must have miscalculated your anesthesia." I try to respond, to plead...

1 year ago
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Amelias Awakening

Amelia woke with a start, sweat glistening on her ivory skin, her long black hair tumbled around her face. For a brief moment she thought she was back in the room...the image of the large wooden cross looming in her imagination. She shivered, pulling the Doona up over her shoulders as her sweat cooled in the early morning air. It was only a dream. And yet...the dream had been vivid, and the feelings she had experienced frightened her; yet also giving her a delicious sense of - she thought for a...

Erotic Fiction
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Chance Meeting

It had been one of those days. A three-hour early morning drive to a conference to give a presentation on my favourite topic and what felt like some endless meetings. Now it was time to relax and enjoy some dinner and wine at a highly recommended Italian restaurant.As I walked in, I couldn’t help feel at home. I’d never been there before but it felt familiar. Well-dressed staff moved easily round the elegantly decorated room. White tablecloths were de rigueur and lo and behold, there were...

2 years ago
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Enslaved by Professor

Your first night alone, in your college apartment, with your own laptop and broadband connected laptop was an eye-opening and life changing experience. There were no parents around and no child-protection software preventing you from total freedom on the net. Your first night alone started when you clicked a spam link out of curiosity. It led to a Russian site where the young women were being brutally used. Your hand shook as you clicked on images and then video clips.

3 years ago
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My wifes KIK account Part 3

Carol broke the silence when I heard the crack of a whip or crop. I jumped. I then felt her hot breath on the back of my neck followed by her soft, seductive lips on my ear.“You are MINE, boi” she said seductively, yet leaving no doubt that She was in-charged. I felt her tugging at my shirt buttons and soon it was off of my shoulders and down around my wrists, unable to come completely off, due to the wrists restraints. “Stand” She yelled, and Her command was emphasized by the sound of a slap,...

2 years ago
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I Take The Big Step And Go Meet The Guy I Met Onli

I am now 39 Years old been straight all my life but have for the last few years fantasized about sucking a cock, especially a black cock. I have visited all the sites with stories, I have a huge collection of pictures and videos hidden in my computer but until now, have never taken the next step.I finally decided to take the next step, but how do I start. I visited Yahoo personals, and a few other sites. Looked at over all the personal ads, wrote to a few and got some responses, but one stuck...

2 years ago
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PandoraChapter 15

Take Alabama Interstate 20 to University Boulevard, then to Colonial Drive, then to Magnolia Drive until you arrive at quaint historical Lane Hall House. Home of Kappa Omega Chi Sorority, or better known as the KOC girls. Lane Hall House is a sprawling three story red brick building spread out over an entire block within walking distance of anything on campus. Four massive Grecian carved marble columns frame it’s large white entrance doors. Chi Omega and Kappa Alpha Theta might have more...

2 years ago
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Allies Coming Out Part 1

Allie's coming out! By Robin Y. My life under the thumb...I mean guidance of strong women has been exciting, interesting and very fulfilling. I have learned so much that I feel like I have an advantage over most males....I have some idea what it feels like to be a girl....I am not female, so I can't ever know exactly, but compared to other males I am quite the diligent student of femininity. Some people might call me a sissy....but that is a label that only conveys a very small part...

2 years ago
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Memories From Down UnderChapter 2

Sunday, January 3, 1988 – Thirroul Beach, Wollongong, New South Wales Each troop in Subcamps Four and Five took buses down to Wollongong around 9:30 that morning. The half hour trip was hot, but at least the old school bus’ windows opened so we could get some air. Scouts speculated if the rumors they heard were true. Australians could go topless at the beach. Turn right when you hit the beach and head down to the southern end of the beach if you wanted to see some titties. I wasn’t sure if...

4 years ago
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The Fall and Rise of Sasha

The Fall and Rise of Sasha By Amanda Moore Two years ago I was just a normal straight guy. Late 20s, 5'9" tall, slim, not very athletic and averagely attractive. I was single but had my fair share of girlfriends, though nothing serious ever came of my relationships and only two of my ex-girlfriends had been my lovers, still never had I ever thought of having any form of sexual contact with another man. Now the only girl in my life is Sasha, the girl I, Josh, create from inside me. ...

2 years ago
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Wife used to pay husbands depts

One morning after Joe had gone to work and I was getting ready to go, three blokes arrived, and I told them he had gone to work. They said it is not him we have come to see, we were admiring your body the last time we were here, and decided we would like to see some more, but before we do make us some coffee. As they sat drinking, they introduced themselves as Marius, Florin, and Andrei and said we will have to come to some arrangement with your husband to use you to pay his dept so let us see...

1 year ago
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The Vixen and The Fox part 1

100% fiction!It was a beautiful spring evening in the hot redwoods of North America. It is here that Karre sat silently observing the most beautiful sight shed ever seen John hunting. Karres mate sat crouched behind the tall grass of the forest floor. Silent death stalking his prey, a grazing heard of deer a few yards away. He was glorious as he prepared to attack. Sweat gleamed off his back and broad shoulders his face fierce and focused A young deer foolishly strayed too far from his mother...

3 years ago
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Halloween With Shelly

I'm Tony. I have been retired for the past five years. Sixty years young and living by myself since my wife's death two years ago. Sure, I still get horny sometimes but at my age it's pretty easy going without sex. An occasional masturbation session satisfies me for a week or two. I have to admit that it's lonely sometimes. There are only so many books you can read or movies you can rent. Once in a while one of my old co-workers will stop by for a coffee or maybe a beer. So I am not...

4 years ago
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EdenChapter 65

If anything, the pace of that progress was even faster over the next few weeks. The scientists were gathering an immense body of knowledge about both the planet and the aliens themselves. After hearing Meiersdottir's description of the mating process Heisinger and Komosaki were avid for a first-hand view; the Edenites showed no hesitation about allowing them entry to the nest to witness not only that but an actual hatching. "It's unlike anything on Earth," Heising­er reported afterwards....

3 years ago
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The Author Pt 05

The Author Part 5: First Friday at the Circle B The following is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any person or place, living or dead, real or imagined, is purely accidental and unintentional. Bill turned down a small two-lane road and drove past a slight turn. The road widened and a large guard shack stood ahead near an open gate. A man in sports shirt waited in the middle of the road with a clipboard. Bill slowed and then stopped next to the man as he rolled down the driver’s side...

3 years ago
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Sunday Night Blues in the Middle Class

Sunday Night Blues in the Middle Class (Redux)        The people around us, whores, pimps, junkies and bums, stared in disbelief; but I was too high to care.  Time flowed past, slowly, like water; I looked down, into dark brown eyes, as my slave forced my hard cock into her throat.  My hand, wrapped in Jessica’s dark curls, pushed her even further and I moaned in pleasure.         It was late night in the worst part of town; my back was to an empty store front, the broken windows to either...

4 years ago
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Secret Sex And Affair With My Friend

Hi friends, I am Gopika, 28 years old with a decent structure 34-36-32. I got married very recently. My hubby is working in Gurugram as a teacher. He visits home only on weekends. I started missing him a lot. My hubby always encourages me to be active on social media. I too slowly started to use WhatsApp and had a habit of keeping the WhatsApp status regularly. I started posting my selfies. My hubby also encouraged me by giving good comments about that. My school friend Ganesh started to like...

4 years ago
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Shirley 8211 My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 10

Hello readers, this is Steve.. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 10 th part of the story series ”SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”… First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. and I am very sorry that I had been busy and not able to post the story since a long time..for the new readers starting with this part, I am providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.....

3 years ago
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KimberlyChapter 2

It was four months later — early February — and the work on her teeth had been completed. Dacey looked at herself in the mirror and conceded that her appearance was exactly the way Dr. Matthews’ computer had shown it would be. That had been a truly remarkable experience. Electronic pictures had been taken of her face and jaw and input into the computer. The doctor had played with the controls changing the size and position of teeth in tiny increments until the three of them found an image...

4 years ago
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My Beautiful Mami Reshma

Hello friends  mera naam hai Harry, main pune se hoon, meri age hai 29, main ek private company main job karta hoon, main dikhne main smart hoon, aur physique bhi achhi kasi hai, mere lund ka size bhi acha kasa hai, aaj main aapko joh story batane jaaraha hoon woh ek real story hai, joh phicle mahine mere aur mai ke bich main huvi, ki kaise maine enjoy kiya apne mami ke saath, abb apko jyaada bore na karte huve apni story batata hoon, Mere mami ka naam reshma hai aur woh 39 years old hai, woh...

1 year ago
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Kitty got caught in college

I love risky sex. I like to humiliation. I like to be treated as a useless piece of fucktoy for real men’s pleasure! I love the thrill in sex when there are chances of getting caught or something else that pushes me. So how did I figure that out?Dressed in lingerie and wearing pink lipstick in my college, kneeling on the floor beside the toilet, waiting for the door to open, my mind kept going around in circles to what led me here, wondering if I could have done anything different to prevent...

2 years ago
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My College Crush gets fucked

Disclaimer:I intend no copyright infringement nor monetary gain just a favourite!Elijah Blacked My College Crushbymmf4her©College is a time for sexual discovery and what I learned during my time in the dorms is that a lot of young women were discovering my neighbor in the room next door. My name is Tim and I'm your typical white guy on campus; I wear my polos, khaki shorts, boat shoes and I'm pretty attractive. I think I've got game and certainly have no trouble getting dates but I have a...

4 years ago
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Track Star Sissy

Track Star Sissy Author's Note - I actually ran track and cross country while I was in college. While I was never good enough to receive a scholarship like the protagonist in this story, the story is interspersed with tidbits from my time in college plus fantasies of mine. Some of the fantasies are somewhat dark and involve forced feminization or humiliation. I realize these aren't for everyone but I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did writing it. Chapter 1 -...

4 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 03

Bill lugged his overnight bag and two suitcases down the short hallway and into the bedroom. Rumpled sheets on the bed and bath towels strewn on the floor greeted the tired and grubby guest. ‘Bev must be a little behind schedule today.’ A search of the premises turned up nothing resembling clean linen, so he decided to at least change clothes before lunch. Sweatpants and a sweatshirt, worn under a fleece pullover, were barely sufficient to obstruct the brisk wind and dropping temperature as...

3 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 30

8PHE0030 word count 5958 ******** Day 30, Wednesday At two in the morning, Kinny rolled out the chair onto the floor. He didn't have words to describe the feelings, nor the pain, and couldn't have spoken if he did have words. He pulled himself to his knees, ignored the other views from his knees that Mem2 provided, and closed the console. Some time later, he was able to collect his thoughts. "Fuck me. I gotta stop doing this." He pulled himself to his feet. He swished...

3 years ago
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Fucking Your Wife Ch10

Jeff and Katrina left the beach about 5PM. Walking back towards the ship, Jeff asked if she would like to have supper aboard or on the island. “While I am not exactly avoiding my husband per-se, I could do with not dealing with him right now and so yes, I’d love to dine with you on the island.” Along the way to the beach, Jeff had noticed a picturesque looking pub called the Frog and Onion. Dressed in beach clothing the inside dining rooms weren’t available to them but there was an outdoor...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 251 HURRY GO ROUND

(The police boats have arrived. As Saitou directs the investigation of the island, Enishi is led off in custody.) Kaoru: Misao. Misao: Yeah? Kaoru: Did you bring what I asked you for? It's all right, isn't it Kenshin? Kenshin: Yes... That's best. Kaoru: Wait! (Enishi turns his head.) Kaoru (holding out Tomoe's old, worn diary): Here... take this. That was the last we saw of Yukishiro Enishi. When we reached Tokyo Bay, he had disappeared from the ship, along with Tomoe's diary....

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The Perils Of Pauline Brown

Was it only Wednesday? I was looking at the racing page, the 12.20 at Springfield, Hard Days Night at 500 to 1, I thought just imagine that coming in. I looked in the sideboard draw, yes it was there, a £50 note. I knew Daniel had left me that to pay the milk bill, could I bluff my way out of that for another week, I had bluffed most of the debt collectors why not again? I grabbed the note, put my coat on and went off to the bookies. Half an hour later I was back home I had the slip in one...

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Reginalds FamilyChapter 9

“In that case, my darling, I’ll be happy to make start on our baby as soon as possible. Even when we take our contraceptive implants out, it takes some time for the body to become fertile again.” “Ah, yes. I read something about that in a book about fertility; or was it an online article on the subject?” “The source doesn’t matter, Reg. All that matters is the reliability of the facts stated.” “Too true, my love. It is like those histories that claim Christopher Columbus brought Syphilis...

4 years ago
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Dysfunctional Lustful Incest 8211 Part 6

I was still on the sofa with my erected dick outside my pants which was wet with her orgasmic and pussy juice. She opened the bathroom door slightly and called me inside. I dropped the pant there only and walked towards the bathroom bottom naked with erected penis. As I entered, I saw her wet and naked. It was an erotic sight. She asked me to lock the door. The bathroom was big enough for both of us. She started to unbutton my shirt and removed it along with my vest and hung it on the hook. We...

1 year ago
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Phone Fun

The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. I had been thinking about her and looking forward to this all day. I had met Julie in an Internet chatroom and we had had fun talking to each other. We found we had similar interests and soon our casual chatting had become more flirty and sexy. One day we...


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