GreeniesChapter 12C free porn video

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"It appears at this time," General Wrath told the assembled reporters in the briefing room, "that the terrorist elements who are holding Mars somehow got lucky and were able to have a team of their operatives pre-positioned near the north side of the Eden landing site. My guess is that they placed several of these teams in likely locations where they thought our landing ships might come down and that the law of averages simply allowed this particular guess to be a correct one. This group of terrorists engaged some of our marines as they were on patrol around the northern perimeter of the landing zone. My information is that several marines were wounded during the exchange. I have just ordered a shuttle down to the surface to evacuate them. Our troops right now are sweeping the area where the engagement occurred and will capture or destroy these cowardly terrorists before they can make any more such attacks."

"How many were wounded?" asked the crusty old reporter from ICS. "And were any killed?"

"I don't have complete numbers on that yet," Wrath lied, "but my information is that there were a few moderate wounds from the exchange of gunfire and from explosive devices that the terrorists planted."

"Do you believe that any more of these teams might be in the vicinity of any other landing zone?" asked the pretty reporter from InfoServe. "And if so, what steps are you taking to ensure that they will not jeopardize the landing of the rest of the forces?"

Wrath, a veteran of live briefings, pretended to ponder her question, as if the reporter had not been briefed to ask that very thing in those exact words and as if he had not already formulated a response. "Well, Cindy," he said, addressing her by name, "I cannot actually guarantee that there are no other teams of terrorists lying in wait near any of the other landing zones, but I would guess that it is very unlikely. As I said, the terrorists probably placed several teams outside at several of the landing areas in the hope that we would just happen to set down near them. We just happened to show up next to this team. I hardly think that Laura Whiting and her thugs have an unlimited supply of such men to waste on futile attacks such as these. This attack will not affect the landing of the rest of the forces in any way."

There were a few more questions, most of them reworded versions of those that had already been asked, and then Wrath, citing the need to get back to work coordinating his assault teams, brought the briefing to an end.

Two minutes later he was back in the CIC, where Major Wilde delivered more bad news to him.

"Perimeter forces on the west side of the New Pittsburgh LZ are in contact with an unknown size force of greenies," he said. "Reports are that another patrol was taken down in almost the same manner as the patrol at the Eden LZ and that the responding platoon was once again ambushed from cover. Twelve dead, four wounded are the damages so far."

"I see," Wrath said slowly, with barely restrained rage. "And greenie casualties?"

"None as far as can be determined," Wilde told him. "We pounded the area where the fire came from with arty, but, just like at the Eden site, it took far too long for the rounds to get on target. It's the same situation. The lack of GPS data and our unfamiliarity with gunnery in that variable air pressure is making it extremely hard to put down accurate fire. By the time we plastered the hill and got some troops up there, the greenies were long gone. A sweep of the area is underway right now. So far it has turned up nothing."

"Nothing," Wrath said, shaking his head in frustration. Nothing was exactly what a sweep of the Eden ambush zone had turned up as well. "How in the hell are they getting away from us? How can they just disappear into the wastelands like that? There not a goddamned thing for them to hide behind out there."

"We don't know," he answered. "Intel says that the greenie biosuits have a lower infrared signature than the ones we wear, but even so, they have to putting off heat don't they? And then there's the fact that its broad daylight. They should be visible for up to two kilometers with nothing more than an eyeball looking for them. Goddamned if I know where they went, sir."

"Tell the commanders down there to keep sweeping until they find them. I want those landing sites secure in the next three hours so we can start bringing down our heavy equipment before it's dark at the LZ's."

"Yes, sir," Wilde told him. "We'll get them. After all, how many could there possibly be?"

"Those greenies have been supernaturally lucky so far," he said with a grunt. "Their luck will run out as soon as we get our armor down there though." He paused for a moment. "What about the evac shuttle? Is it on its way?"

"Completed it's de-orbit burn about forty minutes ago. It should be entering the atmosphere soon and down on the ground about twenty minutes after that. I sent two doctors, three nurses, and four medics down with it."

"Excellent," he said. "I guess we'd better send another shuttle down for the wounded at the New Pittsburgh LZ."

"I've already taken the liberty of arranging that, General," Wilde told him. "They should be leaving Mercy in about ten minutes. Estimated landing time will be..."

"Major Wilde," a young communications tech suddenly called from his terminal across the room. He sounded excited.

"What is it?" Wilde yelled over to him.

"I just received a message from Colonel Brandywine at the Proctor LZ. A patrol was just ambushed by a force of greenies on the south side."

"Fuck me," Wrath said, his words coming out almost as a groan. It was starting to look like things weren't going to go as smoothly as they had in the simulations.

Lon and his squad had tightened up into two teams of five apiece and were now deployed atop of a high ridgeline just over a kilometer from where they had made their attack on the squad of soldiers. They were all tired and increasingly cognizant that they were in hostile territory and being hunted but their spirits were high, particularly after their successful evasion of the manhunt that had been sent out after them.

After cutting down the squad of soldiers from the hilltops they had fled to the east, taking up observation positions on another set of hills and watching with amusement as the marine gunners tried to hit their previous positions with artillery. Their amusement had turned to fear however when they saw an entire platoon fanning out over the landscape thirty minutes later to track them down. They had moved off of their hillside and put into action their evasion plans, which took advantage not of their speed and agility in the wastelands but of the nearly zero heat emission qualities of their biosuits. They had spread themselves out in a large field of boulders in one of the many gullies, lying down at the base of rocks and remaining immobile. Since it was high noon on the Martian equator, the outside temperature of the air was about as warm as it ever got on the planet, a balmy sixteen degrees Celsius. This made it quite easy for the heat dissipation mechanisms of their suits to keep them exactly the same temperature as the ground around them, which kept them from registering in the infrared spectrum of the marine's combat goggles. And when lying in the boulders the camouflage patterns on their suits made them blend in almost perfectly with the background in the visual spectrum. From anything more than a hundred meters away they would look like nothing but rocks among rocks, dirt among dirt. A squad of marines had walked right by the edge of their hiding spot during the search, had looked directly at them, and had passed on without the slightest hint of recognition.

From there the squad had waited almost an hour and had then moved out again, dashing from one piece of cover to the next until reaching their current position. They were now looking out at the landing ship and the perimeter of the landing zone once more. To the east of them they could see another platoon of marines, or maybe the same one as earlier, still searching from hill to hill, trying to locate them, with no idea that the men they sought were actually between them and the safety of their trenches now. In the other direction, in the trenches themselves, other marines were lounging about, walking to and fro along the trench line, keeping half an eye out towards the wastelands beyond but mostly just chatting with each other based on the amount of radio waves that Jefferson was picking up. Beyond them was the landing zone itself, with the ship sitting on its supports. Well over two hundred marines were moving about in that area, some engineers setting up further landing areas for the rest of the ships to come down, others combat marines that were guarding them.

An encrypted radio message had just been broadcast from Eden special forces headquarters. The message had asked any team on the perimeter — and just how many teams there were neither Lon nor anyone else in the squad knew — to send in an activity report for the LZ itself. The message had not explained why HQ wanted this information but nobody really needed to know why. All of them knew that part of special forces doctrine was to send mortar teams out to the perimeter of any hostile landing zone. And mortars were much more effective when they had accurate targeting information.

"Can we transmit from here safely?" Lon asked Jefferson.

"I'm pretty sure we can," he said. "I can still get a lock on the com sat from here and unless one of those earthling fucks actually gets a visual on me they won't pick up the com laser."

"How about if we send a photo?" Lon asked.

Jefferson thought for a moment. "The transmission time will increase about tenfold for a picture," he said. "But again, it should be fairly safe."

"Okay, do it," Lon ordered. "Snap a frame shot with your combat goggles and be sure to get the ship in the shot. Be sure you label it as coming from the north side. I'm sure they would know that already, but its best to be sure."

"You got it, sarge," Jefferson said.

A moment later the shot was taken. He ordered his computer to download it to the communications computer and to then encrypt it for transmission. The communicator sent up its laser transmitter, locked onto the satellite, and sent out the laser pulse, which in this case took a full five seconds from start to finish. Two minutes later the photo was on the screen of Colonel Bright in the command center. Bright quickly made a few marks on the photo and then transmitted it through the satellite link to the six person mortar team that had been deployed on the east side of the Eden landing zone, about two kilometers from the perimeter, about four from the ship itself, a range that was well within the capabilities of the 80-millimeter weapons they fielded.

Armed with the picture and the GPS data that Bright had noted on it, the team set up their three weapons in a line and programmed the firing computers to stagger the rounds throughout the area of the LZ where the heaviest human activity was taking place. These computers, which knew exactly where the weapon they were mated to was located, exactly where the target area was located, what the barometric pressure was and what the current wind conditions were, quickly leveled the mortars and adjusted them to the proper angle. Green lights flashed telling the operators that the weapons were locked and ready to fire. The gunners then arranged a total of nine high explosive rounds around them — three for each weapon, which was as much as they dared fire from one location — and set them for ten-meter airburst. At a command from the sergeant in charge, the first three rounds were picked up and dropped into the tubes. They fired less than a tenth of a second apart. Before the rounds even reached the top of their ballistic climb, the next rounds were being put in. These too fired off, and then the last rounds were dropped in as well.

Like the artillery shells fired from the 150-millimeter guns, the rounds made no audible sound as they flew through the thin air. A search radar mounted on the landing ship picked them up in flight and automatically calculated their path both backward and forward, telling the operator both where the shells had been fired from and where they were heading, but there simply wasn't enough time to alert anyone. Some of the marines on guard duty saw them coming in as well, white spots in the infrared spectrum against the relatively cool sky. Cries of "incoming!" went out across the emergency frequency. Unfortunately most of the soldiers on duty inside the LZ itself were not combat veterans, and, as such, they did the predictable when they heard the warning. They looked up to see just what was incoming. As a result, most were still standing when the first three mortar rounds exploded ten meters above their heads. Razor sharp shrapnel ripped into a group of engineers that were performing a land survey, blowing off arms, heads, legs, exploding air tanks, shredding internal organs. The next salvo landed twenty meters further west, blasting a squad of MPs who were providing overwatch for the engineers. The third salvo did not cause any casualties but instead destroyed a generator and several equipment carriers. Eleven men were killed outright and eighteen were wounded, five of them serious enough to require immediate evacuation.

In all, the mortar attack lasted only four seconds and the team that had performed it was already packing up their weapons and hustling off into the wastelands by the time the last round exploded. The 150-millimeter guns atop the ship turned towards the west and unleashed a barrage of counter-battery fire, a total of fifteen rounds per gun, none of which landed within 400 meters of the spot that the Martian mortar team had fired from. Even before the counter-battery fire was complete a platoon of marines from the western perimeter were heading out beyond their trenches to try to track down those responsible. By that point they had heard about the ambushes that had taken place and they went out with a sense of wariness that even the combat vets among them had never experienced before. It was starting to seem that these greenies were a little more dangerous than Argentine or Cuban rebels. They stepped carefully and slowly, their fear increasing exponentially with each step that they took away from the safety of their sandbagged positions.

As it turned out, their fear was justified. They made it to the spot where the mortar fire had issued without incident. They found nothing there, not a body, or a limb, or a footprint, or an expended shell casing, or even an impact crater from the counter-battery fire. They turned to the south because their commanding lieutenant figured that that was the most likely direction the sneaking greenies would have fled in. They made it less than a half a kilometer before flashes began winking at them from the hillsides in front of them and bullets began to cut through their ranks. The attack lasted only six seconds, and in it, six of the marines were killed and nine wounded. Of the wounded, three would die before they could be carried back to safety.

The illusion that Callahan and the remains of his platoon held that they were safe inside of their perimeter was shattered about fifteen minutes after the word of the mortar attack on the LZ reached them. They were inside their trenches, looking out to the north. They could see nothing out there, though they knew that two platoons of marines were currently sweeping the area, searching fruitlessly for the greenie infiltrators that were causing them so much trouble. Callahan was feeling quite morose over the loss of so many of his men, including his first sergeant. He had lost people in combat before, of course. Every platoon commander that had served in Argentina had suffered losses. Never before had he had an entire squad decimated at one time though. He still couldn't quite believe it had happened, that they had been cut down almost effortlessly by a bunch of civilian greenies operating three hundred kilometers from their nearest defensive position.

It was now quite clear that his platoon's contact with the greenies was not just an isolated incident either. From the command channel he heard reports of quick, violent engagements from all sides of the perimeter. Hit and run attacks on patrols and the platoons going out to search the area by groups of greenies that struck like lightening and then disappeared into the landscape like smoke. Nor was the Eden LZ the only one under attack. Captain Ayers had told him that all four of the landing sites were reporting similar engagements.

"How in the hell are they doing it?" asked Sergeant Barley, who was sitting atop one of the sandbags, supervising the redeployment of a SAW. "How can they get those teams out there without us seeing them?"

"Those aircraft they have," Callahan said bitterly. "I'll bet you a thousand bucks to a bucket of shit that they're dropping them off outside of our perimeter with those things."

"Why ain't our sensors picking them up then?"

"They probably have a very low IR signature," he speculated. "They're winged aircraft, remember? Designed by greenie engineers to operate in this atmosphere. Since they have wings they don't need to use the same amount of thrust to keep aloft. Less thrust means less heat. They probably glide in low and set down on the flat ground somewhere close by, drop off a squad, and then take off again and go home. They can support them indefinitely that way and then pull them back out again when things get too hot."

"Yeah," Barley said, "but what about..." He got no further in his statement. His head suddenly snapped to the right as a single bullet penetrated through his helmet and blew out the other side. The red vapor that Callahan was starting to become horrifyingly familiar with boiled out of the hole and Barley fell lifelessly into the trench.

"Fuck!" Callahan barked, adrenaline flooding his veins. "Get down!" he called over the tactical channel. "We're under fire!"

Everyone quickly assumed attack positions, sticking their weapons out through the firing holes and manning all of the SAWs, all of them ready to pour fire onto the greenies that were attacking them. But there was no one out there. There were no flashes of weapons firing from the hillsides.

"Where the fuck did that shot come from?" someone yelled.

"A sniper," someone else said. "They got a goddamned sniper out there!"

Yes, Callahan thought sourly, it seemed that a sniper was just what they were dealing with here. He or she had crept up atop some hill, probably nearly a kilometer away, and had potted yet another of his sergeants right through the head. Such things had happened in Argentina from time to time but here there was no sound of a gunshot to help identify the location. "Did anyone see the flash from the shot?" he asked.

There was some muttering on the net, some profanity, even a few death threats, but no one was able to say that he had seen the shot. Even if they did have accurate artillery fire available to them, there was no place to call it down to.

"Everyone keep down from now on," Callahan said. "Don't put your head above the sandbags unless you have to. And if you do, make sure you keep moving. I'm going to get on the air with command and report this."

Captain Ayers was a twenty-year veteran of the Marine Corps. He had risen from a buck private manning a trench in Alaska to commander of Charlie Company of the 314th. During most of that time he had been stationed in hostile areas — parts of WestHem where the natives just didn't agree with federal rule and usually tried to show that by force of arms. He was about as effective a company commander as the WestHem armed forces — which relied on blind obedience and unwavering political correctness — could produce. And he most certainly didn't like the way his men were being whittled away by the invisible greenies out there in the wastelands.

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A very nice suspect and a very nice conclusion P

Had it been a while since this suspect had come to me, and if my beautiful sister was a little bisexual? perhaps because of his sometimes a bit too to be narcissistic for to the fact that it is a girl-woman very hottie :-P as I have already said several times in the my previous blog-stories :-P, the fact is that a day I'm go to do the sneaker :-P (and this is nothing new with my nice sister :-P), the reason why I came to this was our knowledge of a girl, white, namely russian like us,...

3 years ago
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Tracis Long Weekend

Frank's tongue stabbed frantically into Traci's mouth. He was a sloppy kisser, but Traci's attention wasn't on his saliva soaked lips and tongue. For the tenth time in the last five minutes Frank's fingers tentatively stroked her breast. Traci adroitly slid her arm inside his and pushed it away. Frank sat back in his car seat and whined, "Ah come on Traci, at least let me play with your tits." "Why are you so fixated on my breasts?" she asked. "Hell girl, they're like a third...

4 years ago
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A Case of Mutual Seduction

I guess you could say Janice and I were destined to be together. I first saw her at work. She was an intern with the company and there for three months of training. After she had been with us a couple of weeks, a group of us asked her to join us one evening for drinks at our favorite hangout. Once the evening got underway, I found myself sitting across from Janice. We both joined in conversations with those around us for awhile, but then our eyes met and almost immediately I became aroused. I...

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Sex and Arguments They Compliment Each Other

I married my first wife three times in 12 years. Now your thinking I'm either crazy or dumb. I was young and wanted my marriage with the mother of my kids to work out. It did not and I married my current wife and all has been good. My current wife does enjoy this story and has used this sometimes to push herself over the edge. I hope you find it hot and satisfying. ----------------------------------------- So, she was mad and I was mad and we were both mad. We had words and I wanted to...

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The guest and the Poker night part one

A fictionmania story, my first attempt! I have been reading the stories on this site for quite some time, so I decided to give it a go, it's my first story here! Warning, english is not my first language and although I manage it well, I'm sorry for any grammar errors that you may find! Title: The guest and the poker night Jimi is a freelancer videographer, and a closet crossdresser since he was very young. Througout his life we was never caught and had a few girlfriends, most...

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Earths CoreChapter 50 Coercing Yurnal

“Who then left, never to be seen again...” Supreme Ruler Ar Yen listlessly continued Elijah and proceeded to lift Yimin on his shoulder, inquiring. “Now for the other one or do you want to deal with Yurnal and Kartion separately?” “Kartion is too weak to pose a threat in a united front with Yurnal, however, we aren’t baiting for a fight. It’d be easier to convince one and then have him assist us convincing the other”. “Understood. Let’s pick up Yimin’s bodyguard and go”. Supreme Ruler Ar...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 69

AFTERWORD My good friend Professor Sabajhi Indira has decided to end this biography of "The McCock" at this point because what occurred thereafter is in the public domain. The affairs of the family are not public knowledge however, and Sabajhi suggested I summarise them. My youngest brothers, Charles David, Edward Garth, Stuart Leonard and Neville Harold are attending Naval College in Enkland and the Commandant has my heartfelt sympathy — four of us in the same term. Previously, the most...

2 years ago
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The new summer job part 12

On Monday morning, Daniel was naked and sitting on John's couch waiting forhim. He'd spent Sunday with no cock to suck, reflecting on the guys at themovie, and his visit to the neighbor. Most of all, he thought about passingup the sweet piece of ass he'd fucked so many times.That morning, he was shaved clean and smooth and more than ready for John'scock again, ready for his second week at the gym. As he sat waiting, Justinwalked in the office. He smirked at Daniel sitting naked ready for...

1 year ago
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Fucking sexy aunt

*** This story is completely fictional. Once my parents had to go out of town to see my sick Grandma. So, they left me at my uncle's house. My uncle was hardly home as he had to go to different country for work. During my stay, one day I was passing my aunt's room and saw her getting out of shower in towels. Slowly she took it off and I saw her naked. She had a beautiful pair of breasts and the most amazing body. I was so turned on. From then on I started masturbating about her everyday. I was...

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It was a powerfully hot day. Tim had been enjoying the company of various beach goers who stumbled into the farmer's market that weekday. Being a smaller guy, he always loved the fresh air and healthy living that gave him an attractive air to him. He had moved from his life inland farm to the small cove community that had very few people in it. He specialized in the foods that are rare, as one does to attract customers when they have little selection otherwise to get any food. Luckily...

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Tylers first day

Before leaving, Tyler quickly stopped to comb his hair at the mirror. He took a moment to look at himself. He stood just below six feet tall and had a slender build. Straight brown hair came down from his head, and rested slightly above his blue eyes. Tyler took a deep breath. He couldn’t help to feel nervous as he started his first day of college. People always seemed to love him, but that was high school. This is a whole new world. As he walked down his hallway, Tyler fished his schedule...

1 year ago
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New Orleans

This story really starts in February, 1996. I was working for a small "Mom & Pop" company that was going places. Well, it was. The owners had a son who was nothing short of a parent's worst nightmare. After three years, I'd had enough and started looking. I was offered a job at the first place I applied to and accepted their offer of one hundred fifty dollars per week over what I was making at the time. The eighty mile drive each way was eating my raise in gas. I had to move and...

3 years ago
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My new wife Chapter 8

Chapter 8: My third date with Layla, and some surprising realizations for me dating a "girl with male parts" As I was getting ready for work, Layla called. She began by saying that she had a great time last night, and was looking forward to tonight. She asked if I jerked off after she left? I confessed I had, thinking about her licking her fingers. She told me she was a little apprehensive about tonight, as well as our future. I asked her why? "When I came on your face, you put your...

4 years ago
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Stephanies Home Surprise

Introduction: Stephanie was told shed be fucked, just not by whom Stephanie came into the house and turned to close the door. Just as it closed a hand came across her eyes and another across her waist. Shhh., Erik said into her ear. His body was warm against her, she could feel his nakedness, she could feel his cock getting firmer against the jeans covering her ass. Close your eyes. Stephanie did as she was told, closing her mouth unconsciously as well. She tried to steady her breathing, but...

3 years ago
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RUNAWAY Chapter 2 Reason To Run

"Sure" Sammi replied noticing she was hungry and letting her mind wander to the question if the place was expensive? Only a few minutes after making the suggestion Joseph pulled the big rig off the interstate and into the truck stop diner. Before getting out of the truck himself, he instructed Sammi how to safely crawl down from the cab of the truck. As the two walked from the truck to the diner Joseph realized how short and petite Sammi stood. They both went to the washroom first...

2 years ago
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Na Friend Valla Amma Na Lanja

Hi I’m Anand, madhi nellore, chala years ga iss sex stories chaduvuthunnanu. First time naku jarigina visayam metho share chesukundam anukuntunna. Idi 3 years back start ayindhi. Apudu nenu b.Tech 2 year lo unnanu. Na friend peru arjun, nenu apudapudu valla intiki velthu undevadini. Valla amma peru neelima chala baguntundi, chudadaniki singer sunitha la untadhi, but koncham height untundhi, inka ah shape lu chuste evadaina bath room ki poyi oohinchukuni kottukovalsinde. Apudu valla amma naku...

1 year ago
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Deanara pulled the bow across the strings of her violin and magic wafted outward. The dignitaries, nobles and merchants from all over Vilders, were enthralled from the very first note. Up until today she had been called a prodigy. It was Deanara's sixteenth birthday. This day was her first as a virtuosa. Her head was lowered over the violin, reverentially and her thick chestnut hair flowed around her face, forming a cowl, out of which peered her piercing green eyes. Many thought her severe....

1 year ago
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Youre the Wife Now What if Magic Wasnt Real Part 11

Part 11 I stumbled out of the taxi, almost breaking my ankles as I placed my heeled feet onto the gravel driveway, before teetering towards the front door. I searched through my handbag, trying to find my keys but Robert must have heard me. He opened the door and noticed my obvious drunken state straight away. "Did you have a good night out with the girls?" he asked with a sly grin displayed across his face. He reached out and helped me into the house. "Yes, Jacqui and Andrea,...

2 years ago
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Joanie and the JunkyardChapter 7

We were only a few miles away from Gushing Springs when Katie said, “I’m at the peak of my cycle Sis and with as much sperm as has been swimming inside me the last few days Sis I’ve got to be pregnant. I only hope it was Lamar’s. Perry Diebold doesn’t know it, but we’ll be married within the next month. The moment I know I’ve got one in the oven we’ll be in front of a Justice of the Peace before the next day.” “But,” I said, “You told me that you haven’t had sex with him.” “Yeah, that I...

2 years ago
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A Cloak Of LiesChapter 4

How long she sat in the moldy cell, Camille had no way of knowing, but she was thankful for the company of the woman named Lorette. At first, she had been unsure of the woman, no longer knowing who she could trust or what to believe, but it was plainly obvious that Lorette had been a victim in all of this, just as Camille was. Lorette's story soon unfolded in the many long hours, or maybe even days, they spent together. She told of her father, a scientist who was being forced to create a...

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Nick High SchoolChapter 33

After the long night with the Tankov's I was ready for bed. Mom was glad that I was home, and Agent Crow could work on his own plans without me. On Sunday morning, when I woke up, I found that I had no plans, or obligations. It was cold, and snow was on the ground. Previously, I had caught up on all my schoolwork. I also realized that not one of my friends would be stopping by. What that meant was no one would be coming over to use the word processor, to type a report, or to join me in any...

4 years ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 63

Monday My head was screaming, new day, new day, come on, wake up, enjoy the new day. What's up with that? The two laying with me were so sweet. They each had a leg and an arm over me, protectively. For a couple of supposed lezzies, they sure were cuddly with me, a guy. The clock said it was almost six and my body clock was saying let's get up. My tank was telling me it was overfull and needed draining. Ever so gently, I got out from between the two girls and went to the bathroom. I...

2 years ago
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The Widow Part 4

Dozie and I had sex two more times, the first times for me since my husband had passed two years before. I loved it. It was great, I felt so alive again, and now I knew I was fully recovered from my grief. I would never forget, but I was now ready to return to a full life. I also knew I didn't want to stay with Dozie permanently. As nice as he was, as good as he had been to me, and as much as I had liked having sex with him, he wasn't the person I wanted to settle down with. Perhaps no-one was....

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College Sexscapades

(episode 17) After I finished writing and posting, “The Ménage-A-Trois,” I began to reminisce about all of the great times my friends and I had my last 2 years of college living in that rental house that we had restored in exchange for free rent. It was perhaps the most memorable 2 year period ever for me. It began with that friends-with-benefits period that lasted a few months peaking out during Fall semester of 2006 of my Junior year at the University of Georgia. Chip and Vic, my two best...

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Baby I Can Drive My Car

Baby I Can Drive My Car Caterpillar Girl 'These bars always seem too bright under the lights,' I thought as my heeled feet dangled well off the floor. Memories of the tangled web that brought me to this personal hell played in the back of my mind, as they did every time I sat behind those bars. If only I had thought my plan through as thoroughly as I should have, I would still be a man or at least be a woman in a better position. I was born a man named Jim Dorn. I was a...

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SHEILAChapter 6

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - S.H.E.I.L.A. I was fighting the numbing sensation that was starting to creep through my body. Finally unable to stand it I tapped Sheila on her back. “You’re going to have to stop; I can hardly feel my extremities.” Sheila stopped almost dead in her tracks as I finished my little speech. “I am sorry Doctor Gance. In my haste to evacuate you from the area I forgot to position you differently.” I groaned as Sheila put my feet...

4 years ago
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Old mand and the girl

He was sixty five and reading a naked girl magazine and stroking his sock. At his age he still had a nice hard cock that got very hard. He loved sex and never got enough. He looked up and saw the young cleaning girl watching him and playing with her small tits. He told her "Get over here now." As she got to his bed he grabbed her arm and pulled her shirt up to expose her little tits. As he played with her tits he asked her "Do you like my nice hard cock?" She replied, "Yes I do." He liked that...

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Little Monster Chapter 1

Chapter1 I was in the parking lot, in Tyler’s Mercedes, when I saw her for the first time. He parked in the back row, I was between classes and Tyler was blowing his off to stick his dick in me. He was in the driver’s seat and I was on his lap. I’m short, just 5’5” so I can straddle a boy in the front seat of a car and rock his world, even when he’s driving. But like I was saying, I was getting some vitamin D, Tyler was breathing into my neck and holding onto my hips while I milked his cock...

1 year ago
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College Ponygirl

College PonygirlBy SarahChapter 1: Arrival        Sarah sat in the back of her parents’ car as they drove down the rural highway towards a college that had accepted her, and given her a full ride scholarship.  She thought back on the letter she had gotten from a college up the road they were now driving on.  She hadn’t applied for it, but the school had heard of her, and sent her an acceptance letter.  In it, she had been offered a full scholarship, and a guaranteed job following her...

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Soul to the Highest Bidder Ch 04

I awoke to a faint clanking noise. It was my maid — Melanie, I think — taking the tray off my desk. She smiled apologetically for waking me. I just smile and told her that I was happy to wake up. I had had such a wonderful sleep. My weary bones and sore muscles were refreshed and aching to move. I wanted to walk, everywhere. I couldn’t help but romanticize the idea of just endlessly walking around and exploring this country, but, winter might pose a bit of a problem with that. Melanie left my...

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Seff Veronicas Sunday Continues

As she crossed the threshold of Seff’s house, Veronica’s eyes had to adjust to the dimly lit foyer. They walked through the living room and up the stairs to his bedroom. Once the door was closed they locked in a warm and loving embrace. They held on to each other as though each was a life raft of sorts, to let go would mean almost certain danger would occur. After a few minutes, they felt it was safe to let go, if only for a while. It had been a trying week for the both of them. Seff with his...

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The TreatmentChapter 10 Supermarket Fun

The girls seemed to be thriving on their diet of sex and love too. They said their sex drive was up significantly from their lives before they met me. Some had lost a couple of extra pounds and all said they felt better about themselves than ever before. I noticed that girls with small nipples had developed larger ones although I hadn't taken any measurements. Their breasts were all very responsive to the point where they frequently orgasmed with only oral stimulation (which I was always...

2 years ago
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Cautiously ignorant

They preferred to stay cautiously ignorant. Firstly, it wasn't clear if they were gonna continue all the sex related stuff. Probably, they didn't. Yet when it happened again none of them seemed amazed. Sure it was undoubtedly ambiguous. Someone could misinterpret it in a wrong way. So, at least for their own sake, they gave it a try to define things a little. It was good in a certain way. But Mike was aware of all the rest. Of course, to consider it all natural was very comforting, like......

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