Cletus Tucker(4)Chapter 10 free porn video

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Wyoming Territory, May, 1874

The inherent problem the plains Indians always had when fighting the US Army was that the Indians never really operated as a coherent force. They might attack all at one time, but that was more to have an audience for deeds of daring and glory than to put added pressure on the opponent. The Indians basic intent was a one-on-one combat that had no overall purpose in mind. As a result, the Indians could win individual battles where they outnumbered the Army, but they could never hope to win the war. In fact, in the cases that counted, the Indians were not fighting a war, they were just having fun!

This was the spirit in which the Indians attacked the fort the next morning. There was a lot of yelling and shooting just to make noise and attract attention beyond the effective range of the weapons of either side. With orders to remain calm and not to waste ammunition, the soldiers just stood quietly at their places on the firing platform and watched the show. They were allowed to relax and smoke, if they wished, as everyone knew that it would be a while before the Indians worked themselves up to a fighting fury.

Finally, after an hour or so of spirited demonstration, the Indians began riding toward the fort. They appeared to be about to hit all four walls at the same time. This really was not very good strategy, but it fit the Indian psychology. It would have been much better for the Indian attackers to have rushed the fort's gate. If they could have broken through this weak point, the battle would have been over and the slaughter of the Whites could have begun. Fortunately for those within the fort, this never occurred to the attackers.

At first, there was a lot of riding around the fort in a great circle, with more shooting and shouting. The walls of the fort averaged 12 feet in height, so the attackers were going to have problems getting over them, no matter how brave or clever they might be. Somebody sitting at a desk in Washington, DC, had decreed that there would be firing loopholes in the wall, but these were not of much use because they were too small to see through and fire through at the same time. The limited visibility through the loophole, combined with the smoke from the black powder, dictated the defensive tactics.

Most of the defenders stayed down behind the wall and peered through the loopholes to select a target. They then stood up and fired over the wall. This gave them much needed protection while selecting a target and freedom of movement when shooting. Once the shooter ducked back to his loophole, he was looking below the smoke cloud and generally had an open field of view. The Indians found this particularly frustrating and led to some pretty stupid actions on their part.

The Indians found themselves trying to shoot at the small loophole while riding, a mostly futile exercise which rarely resulted in a hit. A bouncing horse was not a very stable platform for precision shooting. The Indians who realized this rode up to the wall and tried to use the horse's back as a stepping stone to scale the wall. The warrior could stand on the horse's back and jump to grasp the top of the wall. The loophole openings could serve as footholds so that it was possible to get over the top of the wall and reach the firing platform. This worked on rare occasions, but the soldiers in the watchtowers were usually able to pick off the Indians before they could get over the wall.

The lone Indian who successfully scaled the wall did not survive long. He might have been able to wound his soldier adversary, but he was attacked and killed by several other soldiers only moments after clearing the wall. It was always very exciting for all concerned whenever an Indian scaled the wall, but there was never any doubt about the outcome of the mano a mano battle. It was always one against many very soon after a fight started.

Cletus had been assigned to supervising the Gatling gun; strangely enough, this was the first major battle Cletus had ever been in where he never personally fired a weapon. The Gatling gun was an interesting case study for a military historian in this battle. It was murderously effective for the first few minutes of the battle as the Indians rode into range, but they soon learned how far to stay away to be outside the effective range of the gun. After that, the Gatling gun did not kill many attackers, but it certainly kept them away from the gate. Therefore, despite its relatively small number of kills, the Gatling gun was completely effective in its primary objective—protecting the gate.

The Indians did not give up easily, so the attack lasted well into the afternoon. The Indian host was quickly reduced to less than half its original complement, but the living warriors stubbornly refused to admit defeat. The attack never formally stopped, it just petered out as fewer and fewer Indians tried to fight an impossible battle. One day the Indians would learn that they could not take a determinedly defended fort, but would have to rely on attacking isolated detachments in order to gain victories. This was one of those lessons.

Before nightfall, the Indians rode out of sight and were never seen at the fort again.

Even before the last shot was fired, Major Roberts had his officers assess the result of the battle. Only three defenders had been killed and 11 wounded enough to be out of action for more than a few hours. Only 7 attackers had been able to get over the wall and they accounted for most of the Army's causalities. The corpses were stripped of potential souvenirs and tossed back over the wall.

The next day, the dead Indians and their horses were dragged to a large sink hole and dumped in. The Indians had been stripped of valuables by the burial details and a lively trade in souvenirs lasted for a week afterwards.

Fort activity returned to normal and Cletus was overworked somewhat as he was the only scout now working at the fort. He was no longer assigned to a particular patrol, but allowed to range free on the lookout for trouble. He never found any during the rest of the summer and life settled into a regular routine of riding out early in the morning and returning before dark. Ellie was happy with the way things were going, as she had made a few friends, and her time was fully occupied with these friends and her domestic duties. She had mastered the use of the stove and was a great cook, edging up to the level of chef, within the range of the raw materials she had to work with. Cletus found himself putting on weight and resolved to stop eating so much!

Winter came and went without disturbing their placid existence. Neither Cletus or Ellie had ever been so happy. This life was the nearest either had ever been to Eden!

Spring of 1875 brought ominous signs of increased hostile Indian activity. The Cheyenne, the Arapaho, the Sioux and the Utes were all stirring. The Crow were about the only ones who weren't making trouble. The fort was put on alert and patrols were increased, both in number and in duration. Cletus was still the only scout permanently located at the fort, so he was as busy as ever and more so. He was asked to swing his patrols out farther and to stay out overnight. Ellie was annoyed, but what could either one do?

Cletus found that the Indians were physically attacking the railroad itself, not just taking potshots at the trains as they rolled by. On several occasions, he found where fires had been built on the track and fed enough fuel to burn through the crossties. If a train hit this at speed, there would surely be a derailment, if not a major wreck. In every case, he put out warning markers on both sides of the damaged track and rode as quickly as he could to warn the railroad. He was not a telegrapher, so he couldn't send a warning that way.

Once, he did show up during one of these burning incidents. There was a group of six Indians whooping and laughing as they fed the fire. Cletus drew his Winchester carbine and began shooting as soon as he saw the fire. The Indians, Cheyenne, jumped to their horses and rushed toward Cletus. He managed to drop two of the Indians before he ran out of ammunition in the carbine, but the other four kept coming. He holstered his carbine and drew his pistol. Cletus surprised the Cheyenne by charging straight for them.

Four Cheyenne could reasonably expect an enemy to try to run away from them; Cletus' charge was completely unexpected! The Indians pulled their knives and hatchets; they were too close to use their Henry carbines effectively. Cletus waited until he was too close to miss and fired all five shots into the approaching Indians. He had his horse moving as fast as possible as he swept past the Indians, but he was still caught on the left arm by a hatchet swing. He reloaded as fast as he could, about 45 seconds, and turned to face the remaining Indians.

There was only one still on his horse, and he had a gaping wound in his side. He still had some fight left, so he swung around and charged at Cletus. He must have been the one who wounded Cletus, since he was swinging a hatchet with a bloody blade. Cletus sat quietly, waiting for the Indian to get to him. When the warrior was close enough, Cletus fired three shots into the man's chest. This knocked him off his horse and he must have been dead before he hit the ground.

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Hi ladies n gentlemen I’m gonna say a true life incident tats changed my sex life entirely. Hi I’m Vicky who is residing in Chennai. I live in a colony where many beautiful gals n boys would go around, this one is about an aunty who has a college going boy n just now twelfth finished gal, despite she looks gorgeous n sexy. Initially I didn’t have any sexual feeling against tat aunty but later on it got developed when I saw tat aunty staring at me. Lemma describes her she is Vijaya her age would...

3 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 67

“Allow me to present you with a gift, Master!” Nydia surprised me while I humped the hell out of Serena Moon on my new bed. “Gift?” I asked. “Yes, from your father. Your REAL father. You see, Jehovah stopped trusting human fathers with siring His Prophets and Lawgivers. He tasked two angels with impregnating a Jewish matron with proven fertility whose husband lacked interest in sex. Hershel was already born by then, of course. Not wishing to give just any angels the job, he sent Michael the...

3 years ago
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Revenge a mothers love

He was sweating beneath her. His cock, hard, thrust up, and into her. Pumping, thrusting. All the way in, then all the way out, almost. He was careful not to slip out of her wet cunt. He was coming. He gripped her hips, trying to go even deeper inside her, pulling her down, pushing up. She felt his hard cock throb. As she felt it, so she forced the knife deep into him, it was harder than she‘d expected, and took all her strength. She held him with her thighs, with her arms. His back arched, a...

2 years ago
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The Great Outdoors

Your name is Alex, and you are sitting in the back seat of a car. Of all of the strange and unlikely circumstances that could lead to you hanging out in the back seat of a vehicle, this one isn't so bad. You and three of your closest female friends have planned a camping trip for the summer, and unlike most of your plans, this one has actually worked out quite nicely. The four of you are headed out into the wilderness for a weekend that you can only hope will be filled with fun, adventure,...

4 years ago
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Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Every time I watch women basketball…a smile fills my face…pleasant thoughts and memories will flood my mind for the first minute or so before I can focus on the actual game… When I was in college…my house mate and I were sports celebrities…both of us were in the football team (sorry to the folks not clued in here…not gridiron…but soccer…we call it football down our way…)…and I was the college swimming captain while he was the star of the basketball team…. We shared our football...

2 years ago
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The Swinger Confessions The Anniversary Gift

Soft music, candlelight, and the sweet smell of lavender greeted Gary as he entered the comfort of his home. Walking slowly into the home’s warmth, he smiled and noted the pair of black stilettos strewn carelessly on the floor. Gary wondered what his wife had in mind for the evening, but quickly realized that he truly didn’t care. His mind was fixated on the black blindfold that sat snugly in the pocket of his suit jacket, so whatever she had on her mind would have to wait. He walked a few more...

1 year ago
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Family Girl Part 10

Family Girl Copyright (c) 2011 by Cody Although many elements of this story are fiction, much of it is based on my real-life experiences coming of age in the mid- to late-70's. Disclaimer: this story contains subjects that are not suitable for all audiences, such as underage sex, homosexuality, references to incest, and drug use. If such things are illegal in your area, stop reading now. If such things offend you, I can't help but to wonder: what were you were thinking when you...

4 years ago
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Surreal Sex 8211 The Genesis

This story is about the normal Indian couple trying to explore the untouched aspect of their sexuality. We both are mature enough at age around 27. Both of us are in a well-settled job and residing in a metropolitan city. She lives with her family whereas I live alone. Both of us are very calm and composed to the entire world. She is free-spirited and cool, laughs at my silly jokes and puns. We both loved going out for food and traveling. No drama, no typical nagging. We love each other,...

3 years ago
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Wendy Ch 06

“I had to cut one of the buttons off,” Wendy said. She turned to display the dress she had worn the previous Friday night when we had frolicked on the laundry appliances. I inspected the dress as this was the first time I had seen it in the light. It had obviously been laundered. It was remarkably similar to the dress I had described. The material and color matched those of the dress worn by Mrs. P on more occasions than I could count. The buttons were white and about one inch in diameter. I...

3 years ago
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Bending the RulesChapter 4

It only took me one day to completely sell out of all fifteen hundred steak pieces I'd been sent with my last order. Tuesday was the date for my next promised shipment, and Jim had said he was planning on sending me a special order of between five and six thousand steak pieces sometime in the next three weeks. He was also going to try to fit three hundred into each box the next time he tried shipping an order of just steak pieces. There was a weight limit for those big containers, and steak...

4 years ago
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Ericas Adventures Snowed in

It had seemed like a good idea when Darren, Simon and Wayne decided they would trek out to the forest to do a bit of winter fishing together. None of them had banked on there being the kind of snowfall you didn't often see in England, blocking off access to the road and snowing in the Land Rover they had brought with them. Under the circumstances, they had been quite fortunate. The cabin they were stuck in was heated and had plenty of food, so they weren't in any real trouble. It had a ham...

4 years ago
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Too good to be true pt2 My best friend Julie

It’s me again, still the average kid, just with a small turn of events that gave me a little boost of self-esteem. I’m not going out with Samantha, who I had sex with at her house at her request, which is strange to think about. She also rejected me again when I asked her out after our new found interest, saying she “didn’t want our friendship to end in a same lame high school break-up like John (my friend and her ex)”. But she did do me the favor of seducing Julie, her best friend, the...

2 years ago
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Our Night Together

I'm in the kitchen working on a baking project when I hear you come home. You come into the kitchen to greet me and smile. I have made a huge mess again, including getting flour all over me, even in my hair. "You are a beautiful mess," you say to me as you pull me close and kiss me. You have had a long day, I can tell by your voice. You seem tired and worn down. I pour you a glass of wine. "Take this and go shower. I will finish up here and join you in a minute." You head upstairs and a few...

Straight Sex
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John was a clergy man of the Papal Mainframe who had gone to place a guard and shield around the planet of Trenzalore to stop the Daleks, Cybermen and pretty much every other nasty creature in the universe from getting their hands on whatever was broadcasting a signal from the planet surface to every point in time and space, whatever the signal was it was impossible to decode and struck fear into the hearts of every creature that heard it. In a situation like this it was inevitable that sooner...

2 years ago
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ChangesChapter 13

After being in the hospital for almost a month, Jae was finally allowed to go home. Chase and a man that they told her was her father came to get her around noon. About two weeks ago, Chase had brought her clothing to wear from her apartment. She was shocked. Obviously this guy really knew who she was, if he was about to go to her home and pick through her clothing. It was shocking. Over the past week Jae had started therapy, not physical therapy either. They sent her to one of those weird...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 354

People of all faiths should remember these four great religious truths: 1. Muslims do not recognize Jews as God's chosen people. 2. Jews do not recognize Christ as the Messiah. 3. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian world. 4. Mormon's do not recognize each other at Hooters or the Liquor Store. 1 How do you turn a fox into an elephant? Marry It! 2 What is the difference between a battery and a woman? A battery has a positive side. 3 How do you make...

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