Cletus Tucker 4 Chapter 4
- 3 years ago
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Colorado Territory, December, 1870
"How the shit did I ever get myself into weather like this? One day it's warm enough for shirtsleeves and the next it's cold enough for an overcoat. I don't mind one or the other, but this changing back and forth really gets to me! I think I'll duck into that gun shop to warm up. If I get any misery about being in the store, I'll make like I want to buy something.
"Would you look at that. A pistol that uses the same ammunition as my Henry. And I can afford it! That pistol can be reloaded so fast that I don't need more than one. I've got to have it right now!
"Hey, mister, I want one of those Smith & Wesson #3 pistols in Henry rifle caliber. How much will you give me in trade for two 'Army Brass' pistols? That's all? OK, I'll take it anyway. How much for the holster?"
Cletus could hardly wait to try out his new pistol. As soon as the weather broke, He went out of town and shot off a hundred rounds or so. Man, that was a sweet pistol! Not only was it faster to reload and fire than the Army Brass, it was a Hell of a lot more accurate! Cletus expected to hit anything he shot at up to 15 to 20 yards away.
At this time, Cletus had a pretty good job as a night watchman for the railroad. The pay was $46 a month and he could sleep in the warehouse during the day. He could eat for less than $1 per day, so he was able to save a little money. That was how he could afford his new pistol. Cletus' only problem was that he was lonely. He had no friends and he sure didn't have a woman. He really wanted a wife, but couldn't find any Negro, Chinese, or Indian women in town. The White whores wanted nothing to do with him, so he had to keep himself happy. He planned to go looking for agreeable Indians as soon as the weather improved.
Colorado Territory, April, 1871
It was a relief to get on the prairie and away from town; Cletus was glad to escape those White people who could look at him only with contempt. He had met a few Whites who could treat him as a man instead of as a nigger, but they were few and far between. That attitude was really depressing; that was why Cletus generally preferred Indian society. Cletus had never met an Indian bigot! He was looking for Arapaho or Cheyenne camps; maybe one of them would welcome him.
Cletus saw some buffalo off in the distance, so he headed that way. Where there were buffalo, there were likely to be Indians. As he got closer, he saw some smoke; Cletus couldn't tell if it was from cooking fires or what? There would have to be one monstrous sized camp to warrant that much cooking smoke, so he was a bit concerned. He sped up, because he was sure that somebody needed help. As he got closer, he heard an occasional gun shot, but was already going as fast as he dared; it wouldn't do to have his horse step in a gopher hole.
At last, he could finally see the camp. The smoke was coming from burned tipis; it reminded him of the Yankton massacre. Cletus could now see the bodies of Cheyenne women and children, with a very few men. Well, now he knew who had been killed, but not who had done the killing.
Cletus had to get away from there, and fast. If any warriors rode in, and he expected them soon, he could be mistaken for an attacker. The safest thing for him to do was ride out exactly the same route he had followed coming in; that way he was least likely to see any warriors. He left without further delay.
Originally, Cletus had been riding east, so he had the afternoon sun at his back. That made him harder to see, and he hoped that would help as he rode away from the murdered camp. Once he was out of sight of the camp, he swung south to loop around the camp and resume his trek eastward.
Cletus had ridden for a few miles when he saw some Indians off to his left. He figured that if he could see them, they could see him. If they were from the murdered camp, he had only one recourse: Cletus frantically waved as if he were trying to attract their attention. He was sure that they would not expect an enemy to act that way. He started riding toward them and they rode toward him. When they got close enough, he saw that they were Cheyenne; he had probably guessed correctly.
Cletus did not speak their language and they did not know the dialect of Sioux that he knew, so he resorted to sign language. He couldn't convey any delicate or subtle nuances through sign language, but he was able to verify that they were from the murdered camp and were looking for the enemy. Cletus told them that he had not seen anything to help them, but would join them if they wished. They were glad to have him, one more warrior could come in very handy. They signed that they were one of four scouting parties looking for the attackers, but they didn't know who, specifically, they were looking for.
They rode until dark without finding any sign of the attackers, so the decision was made to camp where they were and return to the murdered camp in the morning. They were off at daybreak and returned to the site of the murdered camp by noon.
Cletus looked around the camp to see if he could spot any clue as to who the attackers had been. He couldn't find any sign of brass cartridge cases, but there was some evidence of rifle balls and he had heard shooting. Cletus talked (signed) with several of the warriors who were also examining the site; they reported that the men were scalped and hands were taken. All of this suggested that the raid had be made by Indians, not Whites. If the attack had been by Indians, they probably were Utes.
This was a little far east for Utes, but it could have been a band of young warriors out on a lark who just got lucky when they found an unguarded camp. It had happened, before. The consensus was Utes, so a search was mounted in a sweep from southwest to northwest to try to find some sign. A trail was found in short order. The attackers had made no effort to hide their trail, either from overconfidence or from a hope that they would be followed, or both! Both possibilities suggest youth and inexperience; it takes a while to learn the adage: "never underestimate your enemy!"
They started after them as fast as they safely could; fortunately they had some experienced warriors in the group who were able to restrain the younger ones. The camp that night was somewhat chaotic; the younger warriors could not calm down and get to sleep. Cletus did spend some time with the older men trying to learn as much of their language as he could. He seemed to have a knack for learning languages, so he was able to make considerable progress. It beat signing for communication during combat!
At the urging of the young ones, they were away before daylight the next morning and traveled straight through the daylight hours; they only rested when the horses required it. They thought that their camp that night would be the last before sighting the enemy. Even though there was much excitement in camp, Cletus was still able to find someone to help him with his language lessons. By this time, he had learned what he needed for war talk, but he still had a long way to go to have a peaceful conversation. That would have to wait!
At mid morning the next day, one of the scouts rode up to the war chief and said that he had seen about 30 Utes riding slowly, a couple of miles ahead. The war chief, Standing-Bear, called them all together and they discussed strategy. Since they were about evenly matched in numbers, it was decided to wait until the Utes made camp before they attacked. Standing-Bear thought that the Utes would continue to be careless and they could get very close before the Utes saw them. Cletus pointed out to Standing-Bear that his pistol gave him a distinct advantage in close combat, but he was willing to do any job Standing-Bear thought best.
Standing-Bear was a little surprised that Cletus did not want to lead the attack, but was willing to place himself under his command. Cletus said that he had been an "officer" in the US Army, so he knew how to take orders. Cletus also told him that he had been a war chief for the Yankton Sioux. At this, Standing-Bear decided to split his command and give Cletus the southern half of the attack, while he took the northern half. That way, he, too, could actually join in the fight and not have to be so concerned about directing it. Cletus agreed and Standing-Bear relayed this change to his men. Some were dubious, but enough were agreeable that they settled on that plan of attack.
Cletus called his men together so that he could get to know them a little bit. Most had breech-loading rifles and carbines, so they would be able to shoot more than once during the heat of the battle, but one of the men had only a lance. Cletus offered to lend the man his Henry, but made sure the warrior understood that it was a loan and not a gift. Cletus showed him how the lever worked and told him he had 15 shots. His eyes glowed at that news, so Cletus warned him not to waste bullets, since he could not reload during the fight. He calmed at that, and assured Cletus that he understood.
Colorado Territory, June, 1872 The aftermath of a hard fought battle is as hard on the winners as it is on the losers. It was at least an hour before anybody within the fort was able to move about. The women and children recovered first simply because they had expended the least physical effort. The children were hungry, so the women started preparing a meal. Nobody knew whether it was lunch or supper, it was just time to eat. The aroma of cooking food revived the men who were able to...
Colorado Territory, September, 1871 It was time for the big fall buffalo hunt. Cletus was looking forward to this, since he had missed out on the Yankton hunt. He had talked to Howling-Wolf, the leader of the hunt, about having Cletus shoot a number of animals with his Henry. Cletus proposed that he and one other man sneak up on the buffalo herd and Cletus would shoot those animals picked out by his spotter. As an experiment, they would kill up to 10 animals. Howling-Wolf agreed. On the...
Cletus drew the job of riding drag that day. He agreed that this was the best place for him, since he had no idea of the territory, except that there were hills and trees everywhere you looked. His job was mostly guarding the spare horses and mules, but he needed to keep a lookout for thieves and bandits who might attack the rear-most wagons of the train. There were 22 wagons in the train, 20 with people and their goods and 2 with general supplies and stuff belonging to the guards. The...
Missouri, late August, 1866 The wagon train was a little closer to Kansas City, but Cletus still doubted that they could make it to Nebraska before the weather got too cold to travel. He had seen snow, but he still thought people were teasing him when they talked about big snow drifts and a snow fall as much as 12-inches in one day. He had to see it to believe it. He wouldn't worry about it until then. Cletus was still acting as scout for the wagon train, and the guards were beginning to...
New Mexico Territory, April, 1876 Cattle rustling was getting to be a real problem. Cletus found himself and his Mexican vaqueros permanently assigned to riding patrol around the ranch. All of Cletus' men were bachelors so the long intervals away from the main ranch complex were not a burden. Some of the other patrols started having trouble when the married men were kept away from their wives for a long time. Finally, the foreman resorted to assigning only bachelors to the job of riding...
New Mexico Territory, September, 1876 Word of Custer's defeat at The Battle of The Little Big Horn swept the country. In most ways, it was more important, psychologically, to the Indians than to the Whites. The battle encouraged the Indians to fight and this proved very troublesome for all of the ranchers and townspeople west of the Mississippi River. With the buffalo practically gone in many areas, the Indians turned to the cattle ranches as a substitute. Most of the trouble with the...
New Mexico Territory, September, 1877 Cletus rode into Las Cruces with one thing on his mind: to find Ellie and Roland. As he rode down the street, all he could think of was the joy of seeing them again. He rode into the courtyard of the house and spotted Roland playing with some other children; of course, Roland did not recognize Cletus. That was OK, Cletus didn't expect to be remembered by such a young child. There was Ellie, carrying a basket in from the garden. Cletus called to her and...
Colorado Territory, June, 1872 Cletus asked the chiefs' council to call everybody together for a pep talk. "By now you all know that the Utes are very near. Tomorrow, we will have to begin moving into the fort. You have been calling it 'Fort Cletus, ' but I would like to call it 'Fort Defiance, ' because it is proof that nobody can push us around! Will you join me in changing the name?" After the cheering had died down, Cletus went on, "We are greatly outnumbered, but we can win if...
Wyoming Territory, May, 1874 The inherent problem the plains Indians always had when fighting the US Army was that the Indians never really operated as a coherent force. They might attack all at one time, but that was more to have an audience for deeds of daring and glory than to put added pressure on the opponent. The Indians basic intent was a one-on-one combat that had no overall purpose in mind. As a result, the Indians could win individual battles where they outnumbered the Army, but...
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I’m 25 years old, 5’9” tall, 190lbs, average to muscular build, smooth chest military haircut and clean shaved with brown hair and eyes. My story is just to share an experience. Look at the tags before you continue to read. If you don’t want to read man on man then stop here. I am currently serving in the military and was at a field exercise when it happened. We go out to the field for training purposes to simulate being deployed and getting used to everything. We trained all day long and...
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Wife LoversMy girl friend is out with her new 'friend'. She met him online from one of those sites where women hunt down bulls. I'm sitting in my arm chair, naked and aroused. I desperately want to touch myself, if only for a little bit but I was given instructions to not to do so. Not yet.My gf and Bull (that's what I shall call him) are at a bar. My gf took extra effort in getting ready and made a show of how slutty she was dressed before she left. Leather mini skirt that stopped just above the lower...
I will begin with explaining that there is nothing extraordinary about me. I was born into a modestly wealthy family of a reasonable social class. Having lost my parents rather early in life, I was shipped off to my grandmother’s where an army of servants and sycophants could ensure my proper education. In person, I am a tall woman with a dark look about me that has always ensued comparisons to gypsies or the fey. I am somewhat statuesque and have always maintained a wardrobe of jewel tones...
By : Harikrish Hi ISS readers. It’s me Hari. I’m gonna narrate my experience with my hot and sexy maid Deepshika. We recently shifted our home. As both my parents work we needed a maid to take care of the house keepings at our home. We found a maid named deepshika. She was around 28 and and her husband died within 2 months of her marriage. She was married in her 26. She didn’t marry after that. She had no child either. Let’s first explain about me. I was 18 years old then and 5.11 feet tall....
I was home and in bed by 8 AM. I rested peacefully until 4 PM. Nature called for a pee break so I got up, did the honors, went to the kitchen and made a pot of strong coffee. While it was brewing I went back to the bedroom dressed in sweats and tennis shoes, and made the bed. I had just made it to the kitchen when Jenny came in. She said," Let me change and I'll work out with you, while we warm I'll fill you in on the plans for tonight." While we did the warm-up routine she said, "Here...
Even though Donny had already been aroused by seeing and touching his mother in her bath, his excitement rose several degrees higher from what he saw and smelled as he entered her bedroom. All the lights had been turned off and sitting on the dresser and the nightstand were several brightly flaming candles. Also on the dresser was an incense burner, with tendrils of exotically perfumed smoke rising from it. The sheer sensuality of the room would have been arousing by itself, but what Donny...
Last night my wife and I were enjoying a nice evening at home , just sipping some adult beverages and recalling last summer. You see I'm her cuckold, she has multiple sex partners and I'm not allowed to have sex outside our marriage.Well she brought up this pasted June when she and I went on vacation in Panama City Florida. We met up with some of her friends after checking into the motel. Mike and Mark are two of her regular lovers and they were staying in the same motel as my wife and me. We...
….Continued I kissed on her back and then her neck and her lips she was still shaking and trying to recover from her orgasm, i went to open the door. There was another gal with shylu and she was in school uniform (not their school) and looked shockingly at me (nude and erect cock). Before she or shylu could utter a work, i dragged that new girl into the room and made her to sit next to varna(who was lying there, recovering back to her senses,) before i could make my new, the new gal pulled me...
Ken quietly put his key in the front door and opened it. He had been halfway to his office when he remembered he had left the contract he had been working on the night before on his study desk. He wasn't trying to be sneaky; he just didn't want to wake his wife. He and Cathy had been watching a late show on television and he knew she would probably still be asleep.As he tiptoed down the hall, he hears voices coming from the small room Cathy used as a study. At first, he thought it may be the...