lady earns her spurs
- 2 years ago
- 20
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Author’s note. This story was previously submitted as my Valentines Day Contest story in 2005
Lucky was in town for a Saturday night, him and the other hands at the Double 8 had just been paid. He had stopped off at Sal’s Tonsorial Emporium for a much needed bath, and a shave. He had changed into a pair of clean Levis and a clean shirt. And as usual he had paid the extra ten cents for the Wildroot in his hair, and the Bay Rum for his cleanly shaven face.
As he walked along the sidewalk his spurs rang like little chimes. He stopped at the corner for a moment. Should he go to the card room and play a little Faro, or should he head on down to Lou’s and see that girl?
Lou’s won out. He may have a few coins left after Lou’s for a couple of drinks and a few hands of Faro, but if he started at the card room first, he might not have any money left in his pockets for Lou’s.
As he passed over the railway tracks he could see the red light glowing dimly outside of Lou’s place. He smiled as he walked through the door. The girl of his dreams would be here, ready for thirty minutes of heavenly bliss.
‘Howdy Lucky,’ purred Lou, her expansive bosom threatening to break free from her dress at any moment. ‘Are you lookin’ for her again?’
Lucky smiled, a smile that went from the Pecos to the Brazos. ‘You know I am.’
‘Well, you take them damn spurs off this time.’ Lou pointed at Lucky’s boots.
‘But Lou, she likes it with the spurs,’ teased Lucky.
Lou shook her head and laughed, ‘You damned cowboys you’re all the same, well, it’s a buck extry then if you leave your spurs on, to replace the torn up sheets.’ Lou pointed to the stairs. ‘She’s up there, your favorite love, the girl with the round glasses.’
Lucky and Earl had worked together jingling cattle for eight or nine years. They rode quietly along the road out of town, heading back out to the ranch. They had decided to spend the night in town at the hotel. When Lucky had returned to the hotel last night, he had found Earl fast asleep, and snoring.
‘What did you do?’ asked Earl, he already knew the answer, but he wanted some conversation.
‘I went to Lou’s, and then over to the Cattleman’s for some cards and a few drinks,’ replied Lucky in a dreamy faraway voice.
‘Lou have any new girls?’ Earl looked over at Lucky.
Lucky shrugged his shoulders. ‘I dunno, didn’t ask.’
Earl grinned and shook his head. ‘Lucky if you don’t stay away from them whores, you’re gonna find yourself with a case of the drippin’ dick.’
Lucky blushed. ‘She always cleans me up right after.’
‘Not the one with the glasses again. Damn it Lucky, if you’re gonna spend money on a woman, at least try to get a good lookin’ one,’ Earl chuckled, ‘But then you always were a sucker for the homely ones.’
‘She’s not homely,’ Lucky protested. He felt his heart skip a beat as he thought of her. ‘I think Rose is a handsome woman, and besides, after our business has been conducted she sits and reads to me.’
‘What the hell,’ Earl snorted, ‘She reads to you. What does she read, the paper? The almanac? Don’t tell me, she reads the Word from the Bible to you.’
Lucky shook his head. ‘Nope, she reads poetry, beautiful poetry,’ Lucky sighed softly, ‘Poems of love and stuff.’
‘You’re going soft in the head,’ teased Earl. ‘Well I saw Budge from the Lazy J last night, and wait ’til you hear what he told me.’
‘How is Budge?’ Lucky was glad that the subject of the conversation had finally changed.
‘Good.’ Earl nodded. ‘But get this, he told me that there is some foreign Princess at the Palace of Pleasure in Cheyenne.’
‘Oh really, I’ve never seen a princess,’ Lucky commented.
‘Wait, it gets better,’ Earl continued, ‘Budge told me that for twenty dollars she will take your willywhacker into her mouth and do you that way.’
Lucky’s jaw dropped in astonishment. ‘No!’
‘Yup, at least that’s what Budge said, twenty bucks.’ Earl had been waiting all morning to spring this piece of information on Lucky.
‘I’ve never heard of that before, have you?’ Lucky still couldn’t believe what he had heard.
Earl shook his head. ‘Can’t say as I have.’
The two men road in silence as the town disappeared, the landscape of the open prairie rolling in front of them as far as the eye could see.
The rolling landscape ebbed and flowed like a sea of grass, rising and falling like waves on the ocean. It was just past noon when the two cowboys rode up to the ranch. They unsaddled their horses and set them out into the corral.
As Earl stretched out onto his bunk, Lucky grabbed a tin cup and poured himself a cup of coffee from the large pot that sat on the stove.
Lucky walked to the window and looked outside. ‘Wonder where everyone is?’
Earl was half asleep already. ‘Sleeping it off somewhere I would expect.’
Lucky nodded. ‘Yeah, I expect you’re right.’
Earl’s first snore caused Lucky to turn. He sighed softly and sat down at the table with his cup of coffee. He thought back to last night. Lucky could hear her voice in his head, and the words she read from the book. Lucky had never realized that there could be beauty in words until she heard her read for the first time. He closed his eyes, and her soft and gentle voice spoke to him.
When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss,
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.
The sound of the door opening and the stomp of heavy boots brought Lucky out of his reverie.
‘Hey Lucky, how was your night in town?’ asked Stubby, the short, stout ranch cook.
Lucky nodded. ‘It was good, I ended up six bucks to the good at the Cattleman’s last night.’
‘Faro?’ asked Stubby.
‘Naw.’ Lucky shook his head. ‘I got into a game of Three Toed Pete with some of them railroaders.’
Stubby grinned and winked at Lucky. ‘Did ya go to Lou’s?’
Lucky blushed, and nodded his head. ‘Yep, I sure did.’
Stubby sat down with a cup of coffee. ‘Did she read some more to you?’
A large sigh escaped from Lucky, ‘She sure did. Stubby I didn’t know people could make words that pretty, and when she reads them to me, I dunno, Earl thinks I’m goin’ soft in the head.’
‘You don’t listen to him, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with words like that,’ Stubby waved his hand towards Lucky, and then sighed, ‘I would like to hear her read them myself. I saw a girl in San Antonio once who spoke a recitation like that in a theatre, she damn near made me come to tears.’ Stubby pointed his finger at Lucky. ‘And don’t you go telling anyone ’bout that.’
‘Nope, I won’t say a word,’ Lucky promised.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, drinking their coffee, when Lucky spoke up, ‘Stubby you been around for a while, Earl said that Budge said that there was this princess at the Pleasure Palace in Cheyenne, and for twenty bucks, she will take your willy into her mouth, and pleasure you that-a-way. Did you ever hear anything like that before in your travels?’
‘No.’ Stubby shook his head. ‘But I have heard that some of them people in the old country have some odd customs. Maybe that’s one of them.’
Lucky thought for a minute, ‘Could be. Maybe next time I’m in town, I will ask Rose. She might know.’
It was late spring, and that meant one thing at the ranch that Lucky and Earl worked at. Branding time, all of the new calves would be branded, male calves typically would be castrated also, a job that Lucky preferred to leave to someone else. It meant long days in the saddle rounding up the cattle from the range and branding the calves that had been born earlier in the spring. Lucky and Earl were combing the range now for any missing cattle. They knew how many head th
ere should be, and as usual they were short from the count. This was not unusual as sometimes cattle died from natural causes, predators, and even rustlers.
The land looked flat, but it was deceiving, there were countless little depressions in the landscape where hundreds of heads of cattle could have stood without being seen.
Lucky stood tall in the saddle scanning the landscape with a pair of binoculars looking for any sign of the missing cattle.
‘See anything?’ asked Earl.
‘Nope,’ replied Lucky, ‘I think we need to keep goin’ north, there’s that little creek that runs in the spring up a couple of miles. We might find some a hidin’ up in there.’
Earl nodded in agreement and waited for Lucky to pack his binoculars away.
Lucky looked at Earl. ‘You never told me what you did in town. I got back to the hotel and found you dead to the world.’
‘Aw hell!’ Earl turned and spit his chaw of tobacco onto the ground. ‘I had me a few drinks, and got into a card game with Budge and his bunch. I drawed three jacks, and I got pretty frisky with the bettin’. Ended up with everything but the dollar I left up in the hotel room into the pot, and that son of a bitch Budge had himself three painted ladies.’
Lucky laughed. ‘That’s Budge for ya.’
Earl nodded. ‘Well, at least he bought the drinks the rest of the night. And then I just headed up to the hotel and went to bed.’
‘Well tell me, how much did you have in the pot?’ Lucky chuckled, he knew what Earl liked, and that was like a good card game.
Earl’s face turned beet red, and he exploded, ‘Twenty-two and change. Damn! I just knew I had that hand won!’
Lucky let out a low whistle, ‘That’s some serious coin old son.’
‘Yeah, tell me about it,’ Earl started to laugh, ‘And I had that, and the other sixty bucks in the pot spent before I had won it. Teach me to spend money in my head before I have won it.’
Lucky was pretty good with his money. Before he went to town after being paid he would leave a couple of dollars behind. Lucky was a top hand, he made good money for a cowboy, ten dollars a week plus room and board. This in a time when some cowboys worked for as little as room and board only, especially in the winter months.
Even before they got to the creek, they spotted fresh cattle track head in the same direction that they were traveling. Once they came up on the draw where the creek flowed they spotted cattle up and down both banks.
‘Well.’ Earl looked over at Lucky. ‘I guess this is where we start earning our keep.’
Lucky nodded. ‘Yep, I’ll take one side, and you take the other, and we’ll follow the creek as long as we see cattle, then head them back to the ranch.’
‘I’ll take the far side.’ Earl nodded at Lucky, and spurred his horse into a trot, and headed to the other side of the creek.
Lucky undid the tie that held his lasso to his saddle and slipped the loop until it was just a knot at the end of the rope. The two cowboys began moving the cattle slowly along the banks of the stream. By the time they headed their small herd towards the ranch they had collected twenty-one head of cattle and eleven calves. The bawling of the calves for their mommas always made Lucky smile.
They made it back to the ranch just in time for supper. Stubby was a good cook, and the men appreciated that. Tonight’s fare was beef stew, fresh biscuits, and a peach cobbler made with canned peaches for dessert. And coffee, Stubby’s coffee was always hot, strong, and fresh.
Often the cook was more than a just a cook, usually the he was an older man, wise to the ways of the cattle trail and the ranch. He would serve as an adviser to some of the younger hands, and confidant to the other men. He would be the closest thing to a doctor that many of these men would ever see. The cook would be called upon to set broken limbs, sew up deep gashes, and usually had a box of salves, powders, various elixirs, and tonics.
After supper most of the cowboys would sit at the table and listen to Stubby read the newspaper, which at the best of times might be a month or more old. Invariably someone would get a card game going.
Lucky walked outside. The evening air smelled sweet, a pleasant change from the dust he had endured for most of the afternoon while they herded the cattle back to the ranch. He looked up at the moon and softly sighed, he was thinking of Rose. He found himself thinking of her more and more often lately, and he got a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. Lucky wondered if she was looking at the big silver ball in the sky right now, and the thought that she could be gave him a warm feeling.
They worked five and half days a week right now, and there were times that they went seven days a week. But now, the ranch owner would pay everyone Saturday afternoon, and give them the rest of the day off. Lucky enjoyed working on this ranch, the pay was good, the food was good, and the bunks were comfortable. There wasn’t a whole lot more that a man like Lucky could want for. Or was there?
Every night Lucky found himself outside, preferring the solitude of his own thoughts to the raucous goings on in the bunkhouse. His thoughts were of Rose.
‘Earl is wrong,’ he thought to himself. ‘Rose is a handsome woman.’
He liked how her face softened when she smiled, and then when she set her glasses aside, he could see her green eyes sparkle. He always marveled at how soft her body was, how sweet she always smelled. It always reminded him of the smell of crocuses in the spring.
It seemed like Saturday couldn’t come soon enough for Lucky this week.
Lucky was pulling his pants back on when Rose looked up at him. ‘Can I ask you a question Lucky?’
Lucky couldn’t imagine what she would want to ask him, and nodded, ‘Sure go ahead.’
‘Well, you come in here every Saturday, and always ask for me, and I was wondering why? There are prettier girls here, and well, I just wondered why you always asked for me?’ Rose watched Lucky’s face as she asked him her question.
‘I don’t think any of the other girls are any prettier than you,’ Lucky blushed as he replied quietly, ‘And you never rush me out after we are finished, and you read to me. I dunno, I guess it’s because you make me feel special.’
Rose smiled. ‘Well Lucky you make me feel special too, because you always ask for me, and when you come here, you’ve just come from Sal’s, all clean and smelling like Wildroot, and Bay Rum.’
Lucky blushed. ‘Well I was always taught that a fella should get his self cleaned up before going out to see a lady.’
A little gasp escaped from Rose. ‘Is that how you see me Lucky, as a lady?’
‘Yup.’ Lucky nodded. ‘I do.’
Rose slid across the bed and kissed Lucky softly on the cheek. ‘No one has ever called me that before, and meant it. Thank you.’
Lucky’s face turned bright red, he looked down as he stammered, ‘If I-I came over on a S-Sunday, would you see me?’
‘Oh Lucky, you know we can’t be open on Sunday,’ Rose’s voice was soft, and gentle.
‘Oh no, I don’t mean like that,’ Lucky looked at Rose. ‘I mean, like go for a walk, or a picnic, like courtin’ folks do.’
Rose was taken aback, it wasn’t what she had expected to hear from Lucky at all. ‘I don’t know what to say. Wouldn’t you be afraid of what folks would say?’
Lucky shook his head. ‘There’s no one in this-a-here town that I pay much mind to, I uh, never had a girl before.’ Lucky twisted the end of the blanket in his fingers nervously, ‘You’re the closest thing I ever had and…’ Lucky looked up at Rose. There was a look of quiet desperation to him, ‘Oh hell Rose, I know I ain’t no prize, hell I can’t even read or write. I would be honored if you would accompany me out on Sunday next.’
Rose looked deep into Lucky’s eyes, and while it may be true that Lucky was not the world’s most handsome man, it also could be said that he was far f
rom the world’s homeliest man. What Rose saw in his eyes was a man who was simple and true, there was a straightforward honesty about him. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, she couldn’t remember the last time that someone had done anything for her just out of kindness.
She liked Lucky, he came to see her every Saturday night as clean and fresh as a spring flower. He was gentle with her in his lovemaking, she had come to enjoy sex with him. With others, when there were others she was impatient for carnal activities to end, sex with them was just another financial transaction. She had something to sell, and they were looking to buy. Lucky was different, more than once she had fantasized that he was her lover, like the ones she had read about in books. Rose felt her heart pound as she looked at Lucky.
‘I would be honored to accompany you on Sunday next, what time will you be calling on me?’
Lucky’s face glowed. ‘Would eleven o’clock be too early??’
‘No, eleven would be fine.’ She touched his face. Rose no longer saw the lanky cowboy, she saw a prince from a fairy tale in shining armor.
The look on Lucky’s face said it all.
The week seemed to drag by, each day seemed to be an eternity. Normally Lucky lived each day at a time, not worrying much about yesterday or tomorrow. Just taking care of what had to be done today.
Each morning he would look at the calendar on the wall and count off the days until Sunday. He wanted to go see Rose on Saturday night, but wasn’t sure if it would be the right thing to do, to visit her professionally Saturday night, and then see her socially on Sunday. He made up his mind to ask Stubby. Stubby would know the answer, and he would understand.
Thursday night after supper Lucky sat down with Stubby and explained his dilemma to him. ‘So what do you think, would it right for me to go see her Saturday night, I’m afraid that she will think that I have changed my mind.’
Stubby nodded his head, Lucky never failed to amaze him at times. ‘I think she would be happy to see you Saturday night Lucky, if it were me, I would go.’
‘That’s what I was a thinkin’ too.’ Lucky nodded his head.
Lucky blushed as he looked at Stubby, ‘I ain’t never taken a girl somewhere before. I don’t know rightly what I should do.’
Stubby patted Lucky on the arm. ‘What do you want to do on Sunday?’
‘Well, I was a thinkin’ of goin’ on a picnic, down to the river,’ Lucky replied.
‘You need to rent a rig from Hank at the livery stable, you should stop and see him on Saturday and let him know that you will be needin’ one. You need to go down to the café and let them know that you will be wantin’ a picnic lunch, and what time. If I were you, I might stop by the Mercantile and get a new shirt.’ Stubby rubbed his jaw. ‘I can’t think of anything else, unless you can lay your hands on some flowers. Women like flowers.’
‘Hey boys, Lucky’s gonna take one of Lou’s whores out,’ laughed Billy, one of the other cowboys from the bunkhouse.
Lucky went to stand up but Stubby pushed him back down on the bench. ‘I’ll take care of this.’
Stubby reached over to the stove and grabbed a long handled ladle and whacked the offending cowboy sharply on his rear end.
‘Ow!’ Billy turned and looked at Stubby. ‘What the hell was that for?’
‘For calling the woman that Lucky is going to stepping out with a whore,’ replied Stubby, ‘I think just maybe that an apology is owed.’
‘Christ on crutch Stubby, she one of Lou’s girls.’ Billy rubbed the spot on his backside that Stubby had whacked.
Stubby shook his head. ‘That don’t make no never mind, we all gotta do what we gotta to do to get through life, and from what Lucky has told me about her, she ain’t no whore.’
Billy still rubbing the knot on his back turned to Lucky, and extended his hand.
‘I’m sorry Lucky, I didn’t mean no offence.’
Lucky shook Billy’s hand. ‘None was taken.’
Satisfied that order had been restored in his small domain, Stubby sat back down with Lucky. ‘Damn kids. Just be yourself Lucky, and treat her nice.’
After Lucky had gone Stubby sat alone at the table and remembered a time in his life when there had been someone special in his life, and he sighed softly.
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When Peggy got home from Wanda’s place, she was exhausted. The bike ride, the rain, the incredible lesbian sex she had with Wanda, combined with all the wine made her desperate to go to bed. But hubby had other ideas. When she walked in, she looked pretty worn out. Her hair was a mess, her clothes were wrinkled, and she looked like she just woke up. The remnants of the little make-up she did wear was smeared on her face in an odd way. She also smelled like pussy. She had dried juices all over...
Weeks went by, and I continued to meet Tom after work, and sometimes John as well, mostly together but once or twice just with John. Whenever I got home after one of these sessions, my cunt was on fire, throbbing and swollen, as a result of the size of their cocks. Often I had drunk all of their sperm, several times, and wondered if the glow that I was feeling showed on my face or body. Luckily, Neal seemed oblivious, and anyway was working much harder and longer hours in his new role. When he...
Anna Nicole West is new to the porn world but this smoking hot babe knows just how to grab all your attention just like she was grabbing your throbbing hard cock! She teases you with her large voluptuous tits and can’t wait to slip a cock in her cleavage so she can show you how a real babe titty fucks! She loves Charles cock in her mouth while she fingerbangs her sweet hot pussy letting you see all her juices flow as she squirts. Charles loves that pussy and Anna begs you to fuck her like...
xmoviesforyouI had been shipped off to be raised by my grandmother Mary at the age of sixteen. My mother had disowned me due to me having sex with her live in boy friend that I called Uncle Bill. Grandma Mary was an understanding person and while she told me it was wrong what I had done. She also explained that Uncle Bill had just used me for his own pleasure. I moved in with her on her farm which was way out in the county. Come September of that year I would be starting at a new school where none of...
Forward: Please note that I am an aspiring author with a specific story to tell, of which this submission is a significant part. I greatly appreciate comments regarding style, composition, and similar related feedback as I am trying to hone (if not just plain develop) my writing skills. The following is a true story from our life. ***** Some situations in life are nearly impossible to find words for, even much later after they are long passed. My wife and I both found ourselves in such a...
It's a dark and stormy night that promises Laura a chance to unwindafter a long week with her flatmates at a club. Laura's a typical mid-twenties UK girl. Good job, a circle of close girlfriends/flatmates and her whole life ahead of her. She is very attractive, tall and statuesque brunette with a flashing smile. Men of all ages cast their eyes on her in appreciation. Her hopes include a husband, kids and a career. She has an active and imaginative sexlife but is not considered by any who know...
Supernatural"Fuck me!" Angie screamed, as Sven Gustafsen pounded her sweet pussy. Right next to them, on a nearby sleeping bag, Ronald Mitchell screwed Susie Davenport and Samantha sat on her face. There was no doubt of how great it felt for the Episcopal minister to have her own sister eat her out while Ronald went balls deep inside the teacher, but the noise made it even better, as Susie screamed her ecstasy at taking it from the detective's fine cock. Just in the hallway, Miles Sloane rammed...
Stan and I became cock buddies at high school. I have referred to early incidents in earlier stories. We first started by discussing Matron, she was, after all the only woman, in a school of over 1050 + boys and staff. A mature and attractive woman , we would watch her with interest. I started our relationship by mentioning that looking at Matron bending over in her tight white uniform gave me a hard on. Stan then told me he had one as well and moved around to show me the large bulge in his...
This is a timeless classic for those who can appreciate the knowledge and wisdom in this precious book. Henry Stanton's 1922 book Sex - Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English is intended as a frank (although consevative and moralistic) guide to human sexual behaviour and relationships. It is partly a self-help book, partly an attempt to relay the scientific knowledge of the day in relation to sex and reproduction in a way suitable for popular consumption. This is fundamentally wrong....
-Cotton Mather *** “Zoe,” Michele said, “I don’t think we should be doing this.” A draft blew through the basement as both girls crouched on the concrete floor, still wearing bits and pieces of their trick or treat costumes. Zoe was dressed as a witch; Michele was her black cat. It was almost midnight. They were supposed to be asleep hours ago, but Zoe‘s mother had gone to a grown-up Halloween party with her boyfriend, and as soon as their car pulled away the girls crept down...
“I hope that repair guy gets here in the next few days,” Aaron says, pulling off his one of his socks. “I don’t,” his brother Rusty says with a grimace. “Mom is home way too much.” “Or we are,” Aaron says, pulling off his last sock to toss into the laundry basket. “Oh shit, mom forgot this basket,” he says, bumping into the wall when he loses his balance. “Hey, careful. We don’t need you falling and breaking that,” his brother Rusty says, pointing toward his erection. “Yeah, no kidding,”...
There once was a girl named Jenni, She loved to be naughty and to be submissive to one master only. But the problem she had was finding a master who could do that for her. Then one day she found a glorious master who knew what she wanted. He knew that Jenni loved being controlled and he knew that she loved to please him. And one day she told him about a fantasy of hers. And he told her “play out your fantasy for me Jenni, like a good girl.” She did as she was told, she got on her knees and...
Hi. I’m Tarar Boy. As all you now I have published 2 stories and after it I’m back with another hot story. I used to write in Urdu/hindi. This sex experience is with my cousin Sister. Her name is Mahreen (Not Real Name) . Woh boht he khubsorat hai. Fair face , Lambi hieght Slim and Sexy Body. Aur uss ke age 18 hai. Uss ka boobs Size abhe Small hai lekin abb mene uss ko chodna shuru kia hai to badh jaye ga. So, abb mein story ke tarf aata hun. Actually, hum dono ekk dusry sy Love karty hain....
MILF superstar LaSirena69 is changing the game one video at a time. Today, she lets her awesome ass and buxom tits pop out of her tiny clothes while stretching and strutting her body in some MYLF brand threads. She takes off her sunglasses and makes some scandalous eye contact before drizzling her fat boobs in shiny oil. Then, she lets our stud slide inside her pussy from behind, making her moan like a wild animal. The doggystyle action turns into a pounding from every angle. She loves the way...
xmoviesforyouliving with mother and father about six years ago.She wanted to become a journalist and travelled around for a couple of years. When she returned home she got mixed up with some very unsavoury characters and eventually took off again with this guy, a real low life who was into everything...drugs, booze, you name it, he was into it. Pooja when young was a very sweet, beautiful girl, looking at her sat opposite me I realised she still was beautiful only now the look of innocence was gone and...
Day 1I was really horny and Little Dicks brother cam to visit us. He lives a few hours away and rarely visits. Little dick was working late, so I told my brother In Law I was going for a dip in the hot tub. . I wore my pink bikini into the hot tub,,, He joined me a few minutes later. We talked a while,, he knows how sore my shoulder is because of an injury I had. I kept rubbing it, and pretending to try to line my sore spot up to the jets. I rubbed it more,, and sighed,,, he asked me if I was...
The Black, burly sixty-something-year-old biker was peering over his cards and eyeing my oldest daughter Theresa. The beautiful young girl was bringing out another round for the group of older men, and everyone at the table paused for a moment. The low-cut black top she was wearing exposed a great deal of the milky smooth skin of her tits. She was wearing the usual for poker night, a short black skirt and a tight, low-cut top, the milky white skin of her tits jiggling slightly as she bent...
I’m your neighbor and you knock on my door and ask me if I can help you put up some shelving in your apartment. I get my tools and within an hour the job is done. You ask me how much you owe me and I tell you not to be silly. We’re neighbors.A few hours later I hear a knock on my door. I open it and you are there in what looks like a long t-shirt with a scoop collar. You are barefoot and holding a bottle of wine. You tell me that you wanted to stop by and compensate me for hanging the...
Wednesday Day and Evening “Seriously? I’ll tell you what. If you can give that kind of orgasm, when we get home, I’ll take you out to dinner at a top-notch restaurant; then I’ll take you home for the night and do anything you want to do.” “Deal!” I quickly answered. “That was fast,” she suddenly seemed to be very leery. “I figure that by the time these two weeks are over I’ll know more, and I’ll be able to take advantage of what you have to offer.” “What if you have someone special in...
“NUDIST family SEX CLINIC” PART 2 “Do you like big ones? she asked. Billy hung his head. “I guess…” “Please look at my tits, Billy.” His eyes flickered up to her offered breast. “There’s a powerful connection between the nerves in a woman’s nipples and the ones in her uterus, so, nipple sucking can be very stimulating for many women.” She gave him another one of those sleepy smiles, and repeated, “Look at me,...
Hi Guys, this is Sunitha back with other encounters of Riya. Thanks a lot for the feedback. I have sent all most of the emails you sent, she was overwhelmed. I encouraged her to write her story on her own. But she requested me to write her story. Hi, this is Riya, I am a North Indian settled up in Hyderabad. My husband works as a pilot. He is away most of the time for work. I worked as air hostesses earlier. I am completely enjoying my affair with our old servant, Kishan kaka. Now it’s been...
Hi guys I’m new…is the incident that took place nearly 2yrwen I was just 19 before when I was traveling to Gujarat to meet my parents who have gone there to look after their parents. So booked a ticket of bus n that to sleeper bus, I booked one whole double seat cabin which has space of double bed, n when I reached d stop saw my seat there was no one so I climbed up n locked d cabin, after about an hour d conductor came n told me that this old man would like to share d cabin with me n will pay...
Gay MalePushing Deep - Sammy's Story Samantha Spitzmen began her morning in much the same fashion she hadevery day for about a long as she could remember. She slipped and stumbledout of bed and onto the carpet of her spacious bedroom with dull thud in aburst of cheerful fervor. Her leg somehow always managed to become tangledin the silk sheets, and had tugged her backwards as she attempted hoppingfrom her king sized bed. The fall and subsequent noise hadn't so much asstirred a brow in Sammy's...
There Can Be Only One Chapter 13My door was slightly ajar as I sat at the computer checking for any messages on Facebook. I heard the door to mum’s bedroom shut. I quickly rose and darted to open the door just as mum was passing my bedroom. I could hear the girls laughing and giggling in the bathroom opposite. Mum had changed from her Sunday outfit into a shirt and some Capri pants. The way her tits were held I could tell that she was wearing a bra under the loose shirt. I was a little...
Monday at lunchtime, Kat was hanging out in Jackie London’s office on when a girl walked in who neither of them had seen before. She was a slim, tan blonde with a fresh-faced look, dressed in a pink blouse and a denim skirt. Approaching Jackie’s desk somewhat tentatively, she asked, “Are you Ms. London?”“I am,” answered Jackie. “And you are...?”“My name’s Lexi Borden,” said the girl. “I just transferred here. I wanted to ask you about maybe trying out for the cheerleading squad.”“Hmm,” said...
On Monday morning, Teddy was worn out, and Sara took the time to make him a big breakfast of eggs and bacon to get him through the morning. When she walked into her office, her secretary said, "Sara, you look terrific today, you must have had a wonderful weekend.' She had. In her office, Sara called Charity and arranged to spend the next weekend at the club, arriving Friday morning. Charity said she would meet Sara, and they hung up, but not before Charity asked, "How are you feeling...
Gamelin watched as his men finished loading the last of the wagons. The stench of the battlefield made it very difficult for all of them, but he'd known the importance of being with his men until their duty was complete. The last of the wagons creaked into motion and they finally left the slaughter behind. He could see Lady Judy and her people a little ways to the north, working over the pile of corpses that they'd killed first, the God-King's cavalry. Vosper saw his gaze and smiled....
Karen was ludicrously horny. She'd just sucked her boss's cock at work, was about to fuck her husband's best friend on the way home and would then just grind it all in her clueless husband's face with glee when she finally made it home late that night. But she needed sexual release and needed it now! "Fuck!" she yelled at the traffic and pounded her steering wheel. It wasn't even that bad, but she could see brake lights ahead starting to glow suddenly and brightly one after another like an...
Wife LoversAs Kathy suddenly let out a bloodcurdling scream and leapt at me, her face a twisted mask of hatred and her fingers extended towards my face like claws, I took a step back and threw up my hands to defend myself from this surprise attack. More by instinct than anything else, I managed to avoid her initial rush but she still had enough of an advantage to grab hold of me and to try drag me to the ground. I slapped her in the face and as she recoiled I attempted to twist away again but as I...
Hi. I am in my early 40’s well built 5’8 and crazy for mature women. This story is about my beautiful sister in law who is of my age and married to my cousin brother. She is 5’2 fair looking short hairs and full of flesh at right place otherwise fit as fiddle. She has great boobs of 36+ size to my knowledge which would make any man crazy. It is her boobs which attract me towards her. She wears tight fitting bras and blouses which make her boobs all the more apparent and jutting out of her...
When we were separated my wife went thru and ordeal that took her years to tell me about after we got back together. She wasn’t too used to being single and sort of went along with anyone in doing stuff. She had not been very experienced in sex before we wed but had gained experience quite rapidly with me. This didn’t help her on this episode. She had went dancing and drinking at a local night spot on this date and had met a guy she thought was nice and was good looking. He said his name was...
I did it! In her excitement, she wanted to dance around the bed. No matter how often she'd tried, she had never been able to coax a lover into finishing in her mouth. Sometimes she had to stop because it took too long and her jaw ached. Other times they pushed too hard and made her gag uncomfortably. Once a guy had been too freakishly big to fit in her mouth without her teeth scraping and the sex that followed had hurt so bad she'd had to break up with him over it. Zach was perfect. He was...
Now twenty-three-year-old Sharon Hughes (nee Patterson) returned to her family home after the collapse of her short-lived marriage and poured her heart out to her parents, Michael and Jane, and brother Ian.Part of the reason for the collapse of her marriage was her feelings for her brother, who was three years her junior, with whom she had embarked on an incestual affair. Ian had been devastated by the news of his sister's wedding two years previously because he was in love with her and could...
IncestSharon's Journey Part V - Storm Clouds Of all the sights she could take in looking out the French doors and across the park, the one Sharon loved most was the view of snow in the evening. As she stood in the far left corner at the front of the living room, she could look down Gramercy Park West to 20th Street. The ground and trees were covered in a thick white carpet, the lights were on in the park, the gaslights outside the buildings on 20th Street were flickering, their dancing...