TangentChapter 27B free porn video

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Gamelin watched as his men finished loading the last of the wagons. The stench of the battlefield made it very difficult for all of them, but he'd known the importance of being with his men until their duty was complete. The last of the wagons creaked into motion and they finally left the slaughter behind.

He could see Lady Judy and her people a little ways to the north, working over the pile of corpses that they'd killed first, the God-King's cavalry. Vosper saw his gaze and smiled. "Lord Tuck is a canny man."

"I don't understand," Gamelin told him. "We searched them already."

"Lord Tuck thinks that the man who commanded the God-King's soldiers here was a cavalry officer. He thinks the man died there, as well as their van commander. Lord Tuck thinks it would be nice to see if there are any interesting messages with him. We searched rather fast the other day, Lieutenant."

"Sometimes," Gamelin said glumly, "I feel like a fool."

The sergeant shook his head. "Lieutenant, you're a young officer. Now, more experienced than most, which isn't the same thing as experienced. In truth, I've never served with an officer as good as Lord Tuck. I think the High King is better, but I honestly don't know. I certainly know that Lord Tuck has an uncanny way of shaping events so they go his way."

"A sorcerer?"

Vosper made a rude noise and Gamelin looked abashed. "No more than Lady Judy!" the sergeant told him a heartbeat later.

That was something that didn't bear thinking about. Gamelin was sure he knew Judy's mind. If both of them were sorcerers, then everything was a lie. He couldn't accept that.

His sergeant waved at the setting sun. "It'll be dark soon. We should get into position."

That was easy enough. He gave the orders and they headed for the gap between the hills. What a clever idea! He thought as they approached. It would be the work of perhaps two palm-widths to switch the artillery to the other gap. He'd made sure the captured guns were loaded and ready. The only advice he'd had was from a sergeant who usually commanded one of the Hostigi field guns and now commanded the battery of captured cannon.

"Case shot, sir," the sergeant had told Gamelin. "Ball is nice for reaching a lot further, but at long range balls just scare people. We need to kill them, sir. Balls just kill one or two. When they get close, Lieutenant, case shot! Ah! Case shot! We will do more than scare them and we will kill more than one or two!"

In spite of his nervousness, Gamelin fell asleep a little before midnight. Vosper woke him a few hours later.

"Lord Tuck and the others are perhaps a palm-width away."

Gamelin got up, rubbing his eyes. He took a quick swig from a wineskin, rinsed his mouth and spat it out.

Lord Tuck appeared out of the dark at Gamelin's elbow and grinned at him. "I see the guns are in position!"

"Yes, Lord Tuck!" Gamelin tried to pretend he wasn't startled. That had been a very short palm-width!

"We killed a couple of hundred at the wash. After a bit, they started east like I wanted. Then they turned north like I wanted. We were preparing the first night attack on their camp when all of sudden there were bugles and commands. A few heartbeats later they were all up, vanishing towards the east."

Gamelin recalled the map and shook his head. "There are mountains there."

Lord Tuck smiled. "Yes. The last report I had from Lady Tanda's Ruthani was that they were toiling up a six thousand foot ridge. Vertax says that from there, if they were to head northeast, they would come to some decent passes, then could turn due north, to reach one of the other main towns of the Northern Regime of the God-King. He thinks that word has spread there of our attack and success, and that they are having trouble keeping order."

Gamelin shrugged. "They could also go north and then turn northwest and cut us off from Outpost."

Lord Tuck nodded. "They could. But we have a base close by and they don't. Forty thousand men will eat several wagonloads of food a day. Assuming they can get the wagons over the mountains."

"You think they're gone?" Gamelin had trouble imagining that.

"I think it means they think they've broken contact. We'll let the men sleep tonight. Tomorrow we too will head east. I'm sending some of the captured artillery and all but six mortar tubes back to Xipototec. In Xipototec, there are now three thousand men to man the walls, and they've been exercising the big guns as well. A thousand women are also learning to shoot. Another few moon-quarters and the God-King will need forty or fifty thousand soldiers to take Xipototec."

"What if they send more men from the town to our south?" Gamelin asked.

"If they are having trouble to the east, it means likely they are also having trouble in the south. Troops would be held back, to make sure they had things under control. They would have logistical problems trying to move north."

The council of war was short, and then Lord Tuck and his men collapsed on their blankets. They'd marched forty miles in a day, fighting two big battles and a skirmish. Gamelin could only shake his head in wonder. A soldier could dream of winning one battle like that! Lord Tuck won them again and again, with as little seeming effort as a man pulling on his boots!

He stared for a short while towards where Lady Judy and her people were camped, several hundred yards away. Lord Tuck had done them no real favor today. They'd marched just as far as his men, but his men were camped well away from the stench of the battlefield. He laughed to himself. To think he thought this was favoritism!

Meeting Captain-General Harmakros the second time was anticlimactic for Legios. The other had taken his salute, and then had stared appraisingly at Legios.

"So, now you've seen the elephant."

"Yes, sir."

The Captain-General smiled. "Were you afraid?"

"Yes, sir. At first. But Brigadier Markos knows what he's about. We made short work of the first Mexicotal attack. They didn't come at us yesterday at all."

"Indeed they didn't. They did, however come after the rest of us. As Brigadier Markos, I too know a thing or two."

"It was a great victory, sir!" Legios said stoutly.

"A double victory, Legios. A double victory. We beat them, and more importantly, allowed the High King to get behind them. We no longer face an army, we face a rabble. A dangerous thing, a rabble, but not as dangerous as an army."

"Yes, sir."

"Captain Count Nicomoth has asked that you come to him, young man. How say you?"

"An engineer, Captain-General?" Legios was stunned.

"Yes. You won't get to do any engineering for a while, though... just supervision of troops under someone else's command. Of course, that's going to be your lot no matter where you fetch up. However, if you do well the High King would undertake your education at the University of Hostigos. The fly in that ointment is that every year you spend in school, you owe the High King another year of service."

That was fair and Legios was pleased. Such employment was offered only to the very best officers.

However the Captain-General wasn't finished with choices. "Brigadier Markos, however, suggested you might be better employed in something more active."

Legios swallowed. He was going to be given a choice? He swallowed again. How could he know what was right? He looked at the Captain-General. "Sir, I want to do whatever is best for Hostigos."

"Then I have just the thing for you." Harmakros looked at Legios and smiled. "One of the High King's secrets... not so secret now, since we used mortars to slow the attack in the west."

"Mortars, sir?" Legios asked, running the unfamiliar word around his mind, trying to figure out what it could possibly mean.

"It wouldn't be a secret if every man in the army knew it," the Captain-General said and laughed. "Report to Captain Halkon of the Heavy Weapons Company. They are currently camped a bit north of the western-most hill.

"You are now junior Lieutenant Legios, and you will do whatever Captain Halkon asks of you. He needs a capable second-in-command. You're a little young, but you've seen the elephant. Go, Lieutenant!"

Legios went outside and found that the old sergeant, the one who'd given him the magnificent horse, was waiting for him again, again with the same horse.

"Why, sergeant?" Legios asked.

The veteran smiled. "Our Captain-General is a man with tastes as large as he is. Women and battle, those are the center of his life. Occasionally, Lieutenant, things happen. Once such a thing happened to Harmakros and he became father of a boy he couldn't recognize because the boy's mother was a tavern wench in Hostigos."

Legios had a momentary fear that it was him that the sergeant was talking about. But it wasn't true.

"The boy was a fine strapping lad, brave as any man. He wanted to serve the High King. But he didn't know who his father was, although the reverse wasn't true. Harmakros got the lad enrolled in the officer's school and the boy did well, very well. Top marks. Two days before graduation, his horse stepped in a squirrel hole while they were at the gallop. Both died. And a good bit of Captain-General Harmakros.

"Now, when the Captain-General has to send someone like you into danger atop a horse, he sees to it that you have the best horse around. Now, Lieutenant, you need to forget all of this, accept the gift in the spirit it was given and get yourself to Captain Halkon. He's busy this morning and needs an extra hand."

After listening to the sergeant's story, Legios felt a great desire to walk his horse to his new assignment. Except he had several miles to go and he'd been told to be quick. A gallop would be too much, but the horse covered ground at a trot quite fast.

He pulled up at a cluster of wagons and looked around. A few hundred yards away was a cluster of senior officers. Legios swung down from his horse and was debating what to do when a man with sergeant's stripes beckoned to him. "Sir, what may we do for you?"

"Is this the Heavy Weapons Company? Captain Halkon?"

"Aye, sir. But the captain's busy at the moment. Do you have a message for him?"

"No, I've been assigned to him."

The sergeant grinned then. "Ah, just in time! If I say mortar, Lieutenant, what do you say?"

"I say I was told it was a secret."

"What do you know of the secret?"

"Nothing. I never heard the word before today and the Captain-General didn't explain what he meant."

"Perfect!" The sergeant spun on his heel and whistled loudly.

A man who had been sitting with a group of other soldiers stood up.

Legios paled. That was the largest man he'd ever seen! He was head and shoulders taller than any man in the camp, and as wide as two normal men. His arms were like the thickest limbs of a tree, his legs veritable tree trunks.

"Brother! We have our trainee!"

The big man bent over and picked up some things that Legios couldn't clearly see. The other men trailed the out-sized sergeant as he came towards Legios.

"Sergeant Big Mortar, sir, at your service!" the mountain saluted.

Legios saluted back, not sure what to do.

The sergeant's eyes drifted to Legios' horse. "Cavalry, sir?"

"Sixth Mounted Rifles," Legios informed him, standing proud.

"Ever fire a cannon before?" the big sergeant continued his questioning.

"No, sergeant. I watched it done a whole bunch of times the day before yesterday."

The sergeant clapped Legios on the shoulder, careful not to dismember Legios with the blow. "Outstanding!"

He turned to the others. "Make up the packs. The tube goes to the lieutenant, I'll carry the base plate and Corporal Hollar will carry the bipod. The rest of the team carries rounds for the mortar. Move!"

Hands gripped Legios. Gently, politely, but very firmly he was spun around and he felt a pack being cinched to his back, then abruptly, it was a very heavy pack. He staggered, but recovered, working his shoulders to get it set right. When he finished he was aware the big sergeant had been watching him.

"Ready, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, Sergeant."

"Just follow me, sir."

The sergeant hoisted a pack and slung it one-handed around his shoulders. It seemed to be a large, heavy, odd-shaped piece of metal. "Move out!" the sergeant commanded, and started jogging towards the group of senior officers.

Legios turned and followed him, not knowing at all what was going on and hoping that the sergeant wasn't about to humiliate him. Legios had taken a half dozen steps when he realized that the pack wasn't just heavy, it was really heavy. He focused, watching his step, not wanting to trip. A glance over his shoulder showed a corporal close behind, with what looked like a heavy backpack himself, then three more men following in his footsteps, the first sergeant he'd met bringing up the rear.

The huge sergeant trotted past the group of senior officers, made a square turn and headed for the man who stood in front of the rest.

The sergeant stopped and turned to face the assembled officers and Legios followed suit. The others did as well.

The officer in front of the group, a lean, rather short captain, waved at the sergeant. "This, my brother officers, is the High King's secret weapon."

One of the colonels laughed. "Aye, give me a thousand like him and I'll be in Baytown before winter!"

There was a chorus of laughter from the other officers.

Legios sensed the sergeant lean close, so that his mouth was an inch from Legios' ear. "Watch carefully, sir!"

The man's voice was a soft whisper, his lips scarcely moving.

The sergeant shrugged out of his pack and took off the metal plate and placed it on the ground. While he was doing that, someone was fumbling with straps on Legios' pack. Another man was taking something off the third man's pack. The man from behind Legios appeared, carrying a metal tube about three feet long and big enough around to swallow an arm.

The other man with something in his hands was carrying what looked like a "V" of metal not quite as tall as the tube.

They worked right in front of Legios, and Legios could see well enough. There was a flange on the tube and a piece on the legs slid inside it. The man with the tube leaned down over the metal plate, set on the ground, slid a piece at the bottom of the tube in a flange in the plate on the ground, then turned the tube a half circle, then lowered the metal pins to the ground. Now the tube leaned at an angle, resting solidly on the ground.

"There it is, my brothers! The High King's secret weapon, called a 'mortar.'" The officer Legios assumed was Captain Halkon told his fellow officers.

He paused, and then pointed to Legios. "You, Lieutenant. Are you my new officer?"

"Yes, sir."

"Name, rank, last unit, duties."

"Legios, lieutenant, Sixth Mounted, messenger for Brigadier Markos."

"I understood you also acted as the Brigadier's aide."

"Sir, for one battle. Two, if you count yesterday."

There were guffaws among the assembled officers. "You mean," one of the colonels said, "yesterday wasn't hot enough for you?"

"Sixth Mounted wasn't engaged yesterday," someone else replied. "Two days ago they were. Hot enough and then some!"

"You understand, Lieutenant," Captain Halkon spoke gently to Legios, "that the rational plan for the Mexicotal would have been to send their entire force up the road. Yesterday would have counted then, eh?"

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A Day to Remember Sequel to A Night to Remember

I squirmed and let out a mix between a moan and a yawn as I was awakened from my sleep. I felt something heavenly happening between my legs, and wondered what it was. “Mmm, that feels so…oh god,” I moaned sleepily. I arched my back, wanting to feel more of that pleasure.It felt like someone was licking my already wet vagina. That person was flicking his tongue in and out of my moist hole. I knew who was doing this to me, and I loved it. “God, yes,” I whispered hotly. “Mm baby,” my boyfriend...

2 years ago
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The Role Exchanger 3

This story was written as a serial for my Yahoo group The Role Exchanger 3 By Morpheus Part 1 A glowing ball of blue light slowly moved through the atmosphere, guided by an alien intelligence as it sought out its next destination. Humans who knew of this strange being called it the Role Exchanger, though it didn't think of itself as such. In fact, the very idea of names was alien to this being. The Role Exchanger shifted direction and descended from the...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 73 Aftermath

Warren was in the hospital for a week. He was recovering, physically. Warren and Tim's next door neighbor, John, had a double room but had never had a roommate. They talked it over, and agreed. Tim offered to move in with John, so Sophia could stay with Warren. "He's gonna need you, Soph. I know how shook up he is." Sophia gratefully accepted their kind offer, and helped Tim move his stuff. When she brought Warren home from the hospital, that's the first thing he noticed. "Where's...

4 years ago
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Catching Mommy 8211 Housewife Lesbians

After a long shower where I replayed the final seduction of my mother, I smiled at how successful it had been. I then shifted my focus to the next part of my master plan…to seduce Olivia. I got out of the shower, tossed on a robe and went to mom’s room with an idea of emailing Olivia while pretending to be my Mom but was surprised to see she was already on her computer sitting in the middle of her bed. As soon as she saw me enter the room, she quickly closed her computer, her red cheeks...

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Priscas And Stellas Quarantine Experience The Second Day

After a late breakfast and a shower that was badly needed, Prisca and Stella turned to their laptop computers. After all, they were not on holiday, so the company might have a word to say to them. And it had. They were both given home office assignments for the day. Soon they were taken up by their work.After about an hour Prisca began to feel ticklish between her thighs. She wasn't made for a home office: all too often she ended up fantasizing and, instead of the keyboard, she was touching...

1 year ago
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LatinaPatrol Kendall Woods E07

Latina Patrol Kendall Woods – Caged Violator During a routine house search the Agents get surprise-attacked by their suspect, tiny terror Kendall Woods. This feisty petite Ebony Laatina has a history of domestic assaults, fortunately the agents manage to subdue her quickly. Once they’ve got her calm and talking, Agent Bruno decides to see just how desperate she is by offering her a “special deal”. This little slut is soon suckling cock, getting her pierced tits teased...

1 year ago
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Unexpected benefit

"... with nice partners. As I said, it is amazing role-playing in "Torment"... I gotta go, bye!" - you end your chat about new amazing RPG you played last (whole) night, put cellphone aside and return to your work. You don't notice that someone looked at you with interested. Later, when a lot of people left, one of the colleagues approaches you. "Hi, John. I don't really know about that "Torment", but I ..."

2 years ago
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Hi Im Dirty Sluts Vagina

All human beings are born "A" Sensual, and innocent. Hi! I'm Dirty Slut's Vagina, or as some would say her Pussy, and others more vulgarly; her Cunt, Twat, Bearded Clam, Snatch or what ever else they can come up with to humiliate, or minimize a body part's importance for such as myself. I mean, that unless you are the original Adam, and Eve, then you likely came out of one such as myself, and that makes me a very important body part. True, women pass urine through one such as me, but if they...

3 years ago
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In My Mothers Shoes

Image and perception do not always provide you with the full picture. I look like a woman in her early 30's, and you could reasonably assume that I have always been a woman, but I was once a teenage boy. I will never be that boy again, and I no longer want to be him. I did not know it at the time, but a trip to the local convenience store would change my life. I walked to the store to buy a loaf of bread, and I made my way down the damped street after I finished my transaction. I...

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Winters Embrace

"CUT!”The director yelled loudly over the din of the set. "Fuck, you guys, be quiet. How do you expect her to say her lines with all that fucking noise?"Choruses of "sorry" filled the air as the crew set back up for another take, ensuring to be silent as Pam prepared to do her scene."Okay, so you are in Europe, searching for your father, finally found the town... and GO!"*Pamela Winter - her stage name - had worked hard to get this role. There were so many others at the auditions, so many women...

First Time
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Fucking Pooja Aunty

Hello ISS readers, this was an incidence which happened when I was in college, I used to stay in Thane, Maharashtra and aside my flat was a Maharashtrian family…Uncle was working in Government and Aunty was a teacher in a government school and they had 2 kids. The star of this story is Aunty and her name is Pooja….she is short around 4 ft 11 inch….milky white skin…. little healthy….with a big ass and a juicy lips which is ready to be sucked as soon as somebody c it…As soon as I saw first...

4 years ago
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First holi after marrige

Mera naam nisha hai. Meri age 22 years hai. Ye story meri shaadi ke baad pahli holi ki hai. Meri shaadi ko abhi teen mahine hue the pehle to main apko apne parivar ke logo ka introduction deti hu. Mere naam nisha hai. Mera figure 34-28-36 hai. Main bahut hi sunder aur sexy lagti hu. Mere pati navin height 7ft hatte-katte naujawan hai.unke lund ki lambai 5.7 hai. Unke baad mere pati ke bade bhai ashok aur unki wife neelam. Dono hi bahut khubsurat aur dikhne me acche aur sexy lagate the. Neelam...

2 years ago
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P90SEX adventures part 2A

The P90SEX Adventures Part #2A What an experience; last night was simply incredible! Who’d have known that this type of thing happened behind the closed doors of none other than the Penthouse suite of a reputable downtown hotel? Such beautiful views from both the inside and out! Allie and I laid in our own bed back in our hotel room, not saying a word. We had spent a lot of energy last night and were taking the time to rejuvenate and enjoy each other’s company. She felt so good lying...

Group Sex
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A Clear Conscience IV

I told Fay that we couldn’t have sex anymore now that Lanie was back, and she agreed, but we still remained friends, and luckily for me, Lanie and Fay seemed to really hit it off when I introduced them. But my conscience was still filled with guilt, and everyday, I felt as though I was the scum of the earth, and so I treated Lanie as nicely as possible, and didn’t try to do anything with her until she was ready to jump back into our old routine. That night my Dad and step-mom were going...

4 years ago
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Dear Amy Schumer 1

Wow, The Amy Schumer, to me truly my absolute dream girl, and dream person, a comedic genius and a literal Goddess, I can only imagine, the hardships & heartache you have been through. For me personally as a man to get to a very comfortable place, to incite and basically write the future, how they may quite well transpire. When John Meets Amy Schumer... Well it would most definitely start at the John's Erotica Headquarters aka Starbucks Coffee Cafe, I sometimes catch you sneaking by looking...

3 years ago
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Office Strapon And Femdom

Hi all. This is my first writing at ISS. I’m not spending much on the boring introduction part but the below is a pure fictional fantasy of mine. My name is David(fake), a submissive femdom lover and i’m working in an IT company in Trivandrum, Kerala. My office has around 500+ employees. There are lot of beautiful young and matured girls, some of them are timid but there were dominating type also. I actually had a crush on a lady named Jishna who is married already but she’s attractive and have...

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Jessica My Horny Tutor0

My name is Luke. I'm a senior in high school. I'm just a typical kind of guy. I'm 5'8 with a nice build and a great tan. I work out as much as I can. I play lacrosse for my school. My life is great. I already received a scholarship to my first choice college, Stanford, to play lacrosse. My family just booked me a surprise vacation for three weeks in Cancún Mexico to start my summer. I only have 2 weeks left in school. My three best friends I grew up with John, Pete, and Derek are all...

3 years ago
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An Adventure in the Life of Lisa CornellChapter 5 Modelling The Second Session

It was nine o'clock in the morning and I was sitting at the table in alcove off the kitchen dressed in a hot pink dressing gown, keeping me company was a delightful middle-aged man from two doors down who had recently lost his wife after a ten year battle with cancer. And yes, in case you're asking he did spend the night, and no, we didn't have sex, fuck or make love if you prefer, I'm not that insensitive. I was just a warm naked body for him to cuddle up to, and yes he does know about...

2 years ago
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Santa Claus is Cumming Part 3

Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure naughty fiction. Any similarities to any person living, dead, undead, fictional, et. al is purely coincidental. This is the 3rd part of my first story. Critiques are welcome.1 more day until Christmas. But first I have to make it through the office party. Work's been crazy, we're all working overtime, plus with my stint as Santa I just want to head home. Nope, it's been "highly recommeneded" we attend. Ah hell, might as well enjoy some free food. I have...

2 years ago
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Margaret Talks Dirty

‘You want me to spank you?’ I stared at her, shocked. This was not at all where I thought the conversation would lead when she had suggested that we have a talk. A talk which turned out to be about the state of our marriage. ‘I’m not saying its compulsory. But I want us to talk about the things that will put the spark back into our sex life,’ she said. ‘We didn’t need to talk about sex when we first married, we just fucked like rabbits whenever we had the urge, which was often.’ I grinned,...

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Landlord8217s Three Daughters 8211 Part 1

Leaving hostels to live in a rented room giving an excuse that studies are disturbed in hostel atmosphere can sound silly though true enough, but living in town is damn expensive. Well, all my regrets vanished when I came to the place I rented, it was a fine room on 1st floor of a bungalow, just a room with a vast terrace, plus the house itself is at one end of the town, may be that is why I could get the room on rent, in this old fashioned town, usually it is almost impossible for a college...

2 years ago
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Rachels Fire 12

(A TIGER) *Do you have a husband?* you ask. The question seems somehow comical once the words have left your mouth. You cough/ feeling strangely uncomfortable. Something about the way Maria Marquez is staring at you. Shaking her head: *I have many boyfriends but they dont know how to make love to a woman. They only know how to FUCK FUCK FUCK and fall asleep.* Youve arrived at a quiet stretch of the beach. Behind you the town is hidden by the trees. As the Brazilian touches your arm you...

3 years ago
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Just a Crush Ch 03

Thank you to everyone for voting and sharing your feedback. Everyone has been patient with me and giving me good constructive criticism. I hope you enjoy this next chapter, and again let me know what you think. I woke up to the street lamps peeking through the window, letting a soft white light cascade over the sheets and onto our bare legs. His arm was wrapped around me protectively and I traced a scar that ran up his forearm almost connecting with his hand. He had gotten it a few years ago...

1 year ago
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Tim picked up his coffee and headed toward the door of the shop, eager to get home. His guild had a big raid planned for the game tonight, and he didn’t want to be late. He started when someone grabbed his arm as he walked past. He was even more surprised when he stopped and turned to see it was a hot girl. “Timmy, right? You’re good with computers, aren’t you?” She knows my name? He thought. Kelly had run with the popular crowd in school, and he was surprised she even knew he existed. “Yeah,...

3 years ago
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My Wife and the Big Black Cock pt 1

PART 1"No, I'm not doing it, now please shut up," said an exasperated Sally to her husband who for the hundredth time that day had asked her to fuck a black man so he could watch."You're fucking sick, do you know that, now leave me alone and let me get on with dinner."Sally was a very attractive thirty four year old housewife, she was married to Bruce, a successful businessman, they had two c***dren, Aaron fifteen and Annmarie, f******n.Sally and Bruce had an open marriage, both were having...

4 years ago
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Lifes wondering path

Life’s wondering path By SG [email protected] is a concept story. The story is meant to explore an idea I had about the possibilities of required surgeries. As a result some people will find this story to not be to their tastes.        The other day when I was surfing the internet on my fianc?e’s computer I came across something rather interesting. I was over at his place looking on the internet which made things even more surprising. His place was actually the house he had grown up in....

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My white BBW with big juicy tits and fat pussy lips is making breakfast. She bends over and her juicy fleshy pussy is exposed and I can see her big juicy nipplies is hanging. I pour syrup on her pussy and started nibbling on her clit and sucking her pussy lips. I start licking her asshole and fucking her asshole with my nipple. Our latin girlfriend comes in I made the both of them push their pussies very close together. They are so close their clits are touching. I started sucking and...

3 years ago
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A craving for cock pt1

Now that Toni was 18 she knew it was time to break out of her shell. Her best friend Wendy had thrown her a surprise birthday party to celebrate her "coming out". She couldn't believe how many k**s from school were there. She had always been shy and was more than a little nervous. Fortunately she had her good friend Wendy to show her the ropes. Sexually, Wendy was light years ahead of Toni. They had been friends most of their lives. Wendy was always trying to get Toni to experiment more, expand...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Little Lady

"The Perfect Little Lady" I could hear my aunt downstairs at the kitchen door talking then heard the door close. I stood near the upstairs window looking out through the curtains and watched as my new friends walked across the back lawn talking, roughhousing and tossing the football around as they made their way down the alleyway and out of site. I then heard my aunt returning upstairs to her bedroom where I was instructed to wait for her. She entered the room with purpose and...

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