TangentChapter 27B free porn video

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Gamelin watched as his men finished loading the last of the wagons. The stench of the battlefield made it very difficult for all of them, but he'd known the importance of being with his men until their duty was complete. The last of the wagons creaked into motion and they finally left the slaughter behind.

He could see Lady Judy and her people a little ways to the north, working over the pile of corpses that they'd killed first, the God-King's cavalry. Vosper saw his gaze and smiled. "Lord Tuck is a canny man."

"I don't understand," Gamelin told him. "We searched them already."

"Lord Tuck thinks that the man who commanded the God-King's soldiers here was a cavalry officer. He thinks the man died there, as well as their van commander. Lord Tuck thinks it would be nice to see if there are any interesting messages with him. We searched rather fast the other day, Lieutenant."

"Sometimes," Gamelin said glumly, "I feel like a fool."

The sergeant shook his head. "Lieutenant, you're a young officer. Now, more experienced than most, which isn't the same thing as experienced. In truth, I've never served with an officer as good as Lord Tuck. I think the High King is better, but I honestly don't know. I certainly know that Lord Tuck has an uncanny way of shaping events so they go his way."

"A sorcerer?"

Vosper made a rude noise and Gamelin looked abashed. "No more than Lady Judy!" the sergeant told him a heartbeat later.

That was something that didn't bear thinking about. Gamelin was sure he knew Judy's mind. If both of them were sorcerers, then everything was a lie. He couldn't accept that.

His sergeant waved at the setting sun. "It'll be dark soon. We should get into position."

That was easy enough. He gave the orders and they headed for the gap between the hills. What a clever idea! He thought as they approached. It would be the work of perhaps two palm-widths to switch the artillery to the other gap. He'd made sure the captured guns were loaded and ready. The only advice he'd had was from a sergeant who usually commanded one of the Hostigi field guns and now commanded the battery of captured cannon.

"Case shot, sir," the sergeant had told Gamelin. "Ball is nice for reaching a lot further, but at long range balls just scare people. We need to kill them, sir. Balls just kill one or two. When they get close, Lieutenant, case shot! Ah! Case shot! We will do more than scare them and we will kill more than one or two!"

In spite of his nervousness, Gamelin fell asleep a little before midnight. Vosper woke him a few hours later.

"Lord Tuck and the others are perhaps a palm-width away."

Gamelin got up, rubbing his eyes. He took a quick swig from a wineskin, rinsed his mouth and spat it out.

Lord Tuck appeared out of the dark at Gamelin's elbow and grinned at him. "I see the guns are in position!"

"Yes, Lord Tuck!" Gamelin tried to pretend he wasn't startled. That had been a very short palm-width!

"We killed a couple of hundred at the wash. After a bit, they started east like I wanted. Then they turned north like I wanted. We were preparing the first night attack on their camp when all of sudden there were bugles and commands. A few heartbeats later they were all up, vanishing towards the east."

Gamelin recalled the map and shook his head. "There are mountains there."

Lord Tuck smiled. "Yes. The last report I had from Lady Tanda's Ruthani was that they were toiling up a six thousand foot ridge. Vertax says that from there, if they were to head northeast, they would come to some decent passes, then could turn due north, to reach one of the other main towns of the Northern Regime of the God-King. He thinks that word has spread there of our attack and success, and that they are having trouble keeping order."

Gamelin shrugged. "They could also go north and then turn northwest and cut us off from Outpost."

Lord Tuck nodded. "They could. But we have a base close by and they don't. Forty thousand men will eat several wagonloads of food a day. Assuming they can get the wagons over the mountains."

"You think they're gone?" Gamelin had trouble imagining that.

"I think it means they think they've broken contact. We'll let the men sleep tonight. Tomorrow we too will head east. I'm sending some of the captured artillery and all but six mortar tubes back to Xipototec. In Xipototec, there are now three thousand men to man the walls, and they've been exercising the big guns as well. A thousand women are also learning to shoot. Another few moon-quarters and the God-King will need forty or fifty thousand soldiers to take Xipototec."

"What if they send more men from the town to our south?" Gamelin asked.

"If they are having trouble to the east, it means likely they are also having trouble in the south. Troops would be held back, to make sure they had things under control. They would have logistical problems trying to move north."

The council of war was short, and then Lord Tuck and his men collapsed on their blankets. They'd marched forty miles in a day, fighting two big battles and a skirmish. Gamelin could only shake his head in wonder. A soldier could dream of winning one battle like that! Lord Tuck won them again and again, with as little seeming effort as a man pulling on his boots!

He stared for a short while towards where Lady Judy and her people were camped, several hundred yards away. Lord Tuck had done them no real favor today. They'd marched just as far as his men, but his men were camped well away from the stench of the battlefield. He laughed to himself. To think he thought this was favoritism!

Meeting Captain-General Harmakros the second time was anticlimactic for Legios. The other had taken his salute, and then had stared appraisingly at Legios.

"So, now you've seen the elephant."

"Yes, sir."

The Captain-General smiled. "Were you afraid?"

"Yes, sir. At first. But Brigadier Markos knows what he's about. We made short work of the first Mexicotal attack. They didn't come at us yesterday at all."

"Indeed they didn't. They did, however come after the rest of us. As Brigadier Markos, I too know a thing or two."

"It was a great victory, sir!" Legios said stoutly.

"A double victory, Legios. A double victory. We beat them, and more importantly, allowed the High King to get behind them. We no longer face an army, we face a rabble. A dangerous thing, a rabble, but not as dangerous as an army."

"Yes, sir."

"Captain Count Nicomoth has asked that you come to him, young man. How say you?"

"An engineer, Captain-General?" Legios was stunned.

"Yes. You won't get to do any engineering for a while, though... just supervision of troops under someone else's command. Of course, that's going to be your lot no matter where you fetch up. However, if you do well the High King would undertake your education at the University of Hostigos. The fly in that ointment is that every year you spend in school, you owe the High King another year of service."

That was fair and Legios was pleased. Such employment was offered only to the very best officers.

However the Captain-General wasn't finished with choices. "Brigadier Markos, however, suggested you might be better employed in something more active."

Legios swallowed. He was going to be given a choice? He swallowed again. How could he know what was right? He looked at the Captain-General. "Sir, I want to do whatever is best for Hostigos."

"Then I have just the thing for you." Harmakros looked at Legios and smiled. "One of the High King's secrets... not so secret now, since we used mortars to slow the attack in the west."

"Mortars, sir?" Legios asked, running the unfamiliar word around his mind, trying to figure out what it could possibly mean.

"It wouldn't be a secret if every man in the army knew it," the Captain-General said and laughed. "Report to Captain Halkon of the Heavy Weapons Company. They are currently camped a bit north of the western-most hill.

"You are now junior Lieutenant Legios, and you will do whatever Captain Halkon asks of you. He needs a capable second-in-command. You're a little young, but you've seen the elephant. Go, Lieutenant!"

Legios went outside and found that the old sergeant, the one who'd given him the magnificent horse, was waiting for him again, again with the same horse.

"Why, sergeant?" Legios asked.

The veteran smiled. "Our Captain-General is a man with tastes as large as he is. Women and battle, those are the center of his life. Occasionally, Lieutenant, things happen. Once such a thing happened to Harmakros and he became father of a boy he couldn't recognize because the boy's mother was a tavern wench in Hostigos."

Legios had a momentary fear that it was him that the sergeant was talking about. But it wasn't true.

"The boy was a fine strapping lad, brave as any man. He wanted to serve the High King. But he didn't know who his father was, although the reverse wasn't true. Harmakros got the lad enrolled in the officer's school and the boy did well, very well. Top marks. Two days before graduation, his horse stepped in a squirrel hole while they were at the gallop. Both died. And a good bit of Captain-General Harmakros.

"Now, when the Captain-General has to send someone like you into danger atop a horse, he sees to it that you have the best horse around. Now, Lieutenant, you need to forget all of this, accept the gift in the spirit it was given and get yourself to Captain Halkon. He's busy this morning and needs an extra hand."

After listening to the sergeant's story, Legios felt a great desire to walk his horse to his new assignment. Except he had several miles to go and he'd been told to be quick. A gallop would be too much, but the horse covered ground at a trot quite fast.

He pulled up at a cluster of wagons and looked around. A few hundred yards away was a cluster of senior officers. Legios swung down from his horse and was debating what to do when a man with sergeant's stripes beckoned to him. "Sir, what may we do for you?"

"Is this the Heavy Weapons Company? Captain Halkon?"

"Aye, sir. But the captain's busy at the moment. Do you have a message for him?"

"No, I've been assigned to him."

The sergeant grinned then. "Ah, just in time! If I say mortar, Lieutenant, what do you say?"

"I say I was told it was a secret."

"What do you know of the secret?"

"Nothing. I never heard the word before today and the Captain-General didn't explain what he meant."

"Perfect!" The sergeant spun on his heel and whistled loudly.

A man who had been sitting with a group of other soldiers stood up.

Legios paled. That was the largest man he'd ever seen! He was head and shoulders taller than any man in the camp, and as wide as two normal men. His arms were like the thickest limbs of a tree, his legs veritable tree trunks.

"Brother! We have our trainee!"

The big man bent over and picked up some things that Legios couldn't clearly see. The other men trailed the out-sized sergeant as he came towards Legios.

"Sergeant Big Mortar, sir, at your service!" the mountain saluted.

Legios saluted back, not sure what to do.

The sergeant's eyes drifted to Legios' horse. "Cavalry, sir?"

"Sixth Mounted Rifles," Legios informed him, standing proud.

"Ever fire a cannon before?" the big sergeant continued his questioning.

"No, sergeant. I watched it done a whole bunch of times the day before yesterday."

The sergeant clapped Legios on the shoulder, careful not to dismember Legios with the blow. "Outstanding!"

He turned to the others. "Make up the packs. The tube goes to the lieutenant, I'll carry the base plate and Corporal Hollar will carry the bipod. The rest of the team carries rounds for the mortar. Move!"

Hands gripped Legios. Gently, politely, but very firmly he was spun around and he felt a pack being cinched to his back, then abruptly, it was a very heavy pack. He staggered, but recovered, working his shoulders to get it set right. When he finished he was aware the big sergeant had been watching him.

"Ready, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, Sergeant."

"Just follow me, sir."

The sergeant hoisted a pack and slung it one-handed around his shoulders. It seemed to be a large, heavy, odd-shaped piece of metal. "Move out!" the sergeant commanded, and started jogging towards the group of senior officers.

Legios turned and followed him, not knowing at all what was going on and hoping that the sergeant wasn't about to humiliate him. Legios had taken a half dozen steps when he realized that the pack wasn't just heavy, it was really heavy. He focused, watching his step, not wanting to trip. A glance over his shoulder showed a corporal close behind, with what looked like a heavy backpack himself, then three more men following in his footsteps, the first sergeant he'd met bringing up the rear.

The huge sergeant trotted past the group of senior officers, made a square turn and headed for the man who stood in front of the rest.

The sergeant stopped and turned to face the assembled officers and Legios followed suit. The others did as well.

The officer in front of the group, a lean, rather short captain, waved at the sergeant. "This, my brother officers, is the High King's secret weapon."

One of the colonels laughed. "Aye, give me a thousand like him and I'll be in Baytown before winter!"

There was a chorus of laughter from the other officers.

Legios sensed the sergeant lean close, so that his mouth was an inch from Legios' ear. "Watch carefully, sir!"

The man's voice was a soft whisper, his lips scarcely moving.

The sergeant shrugged out of his pack and took off the metal plate and placed it on the ground. While he was doing that, someone was fumbling with straps on Legios' pack. Another man was taking something off the third man's pack. The man from behind Legios appeared, carrying a metal tube about three feet long and big enough around to swallow an arm.

The other man with something in his hands was carrying what looked like a "V" of metal not quite as tall as the tube.

They worked right in front of Legios, and Legios could see well enough. There was a flange on the tube and a piece on the legs slid inside it. The man with the tube leaned down over the metal plate, set on the ground, slid a piece at the bottom of the tube in a flange in the plate on the ground, then turned the tube a half circle, then lowered the metal pins to the ground. Now the tube leaned at an angle, resting solidly on the ground.

"There it is, my brothers! The High King's secret weapon, called a 'mortar.'" The officer Legios assumed was Captain Halkon told his fellow officers.

He paused, and then pointed to Legios. "You, Lieutenant. Are you my new officer?"

"Yes, sir."

"Name, rank, last unit, duties."

"Legios, lieutenant, Sixth Mounted, messenger for Brigadier Markos."

"I understood you also acted as the Brigadier's aide."

"Sir, for one battle. Two, if you count yesterday."

There were guffaws among the assembled officers. "You mean," one of the colonels said, "yesterday wasn't hot enough for you?"

"Sixth Mounted wasn't engaged yesterday," someone else replied. "Two days ago they were. Hot enough and then some!"

"You understand, Lieutenant," Captain Halkon spoke gently to Legios, "that the rational plan for the Mexicotal would have been to send their entire force up the road. Yesterday would have counted then, eh?"

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Breaking Sarahs Will with my Friends Help Part I ReCut

When the skies turn cloudy on a cold november day, theres not much left for a boy in his late teens like myself to do, which is why I was sitting down infront of my computer. Sitting down infront of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked, that is. I had my best friend, John, to thank for those images - He was always fond of emailing the very best he could find to me. Earlier in the day John and another friend, Rowan, had called to see if they could...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 6 Given Back

Some months later General Mustapha greeted His Magnificence, the Emir Ibrahim with a cup of thick sweet coffee, a pile of cakes and a selection of the youngest and most attractive of the inhabitants of his harem. "Help yourself," he offered, waving at the girls, "by the way, do you want the left hand end one returned?" "Oh, yes, I remember now," said the Emir, "The kitchen virgin. It was the most extraordinary thing. I went into the harem kitchen and there was this eighteen year old...

2 years ago
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High Stakes Rolling

Quick Disclamer; This story is being built off of scoobaluba’s. For they have not added anything and intrigued me too hard. The universe quickly made it known what sort of time it had in store for James, with the day starting having to hunker down in a strange novelty store to avoid the ever increasing rate of rain outside. When he opened the door to the establishment, the smell of the place seemed to punch him in the face, that strange waft of old books and even older carpet not the best...

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Stopped from Getting Home

I was in line waiting for the bus, which was extremely late this day, we had moved some distance away from my high school and I had to take the bus home after school. As I waited and watched the road, Charlie came up behind me, Charlie the brother of Daniel and cousin to Bruce and nephew to horse dick Harry. He leaned close to my ear and whispered '...I want to see you on the football field, don't make me wait to long...' I looked around annoyed as to why he would do such a thing only to see...

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Dream Vacation

This story draws on a conversation 'driving home from the Cartwrights' I sketched several years ago, forgot, partly used in "Coupled," then forgot again. I'm embarrassed to see I used some of it here too. With a different POV and leading elsewhere, but still, if a few lines of dialogue early in this story seem a little familiar, that's why. That's not why, as some observe, my other stories also somewhat resemble each other. The reason for that is, I like them that way. ...

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Thanks to my Hubby

This is dedicated to the man of my life, the man who made sex a playful and joyous thing. He is a few years older than I, and had far more sexual experience when we met. During the first couple of years he presented me with many challenges and provocative sexual situations for which I will always be grateful. I thank him for allowing me the opportunities to explore and experience all that sex is about without jealousy or inhibitions. I love the way he casually introduced me to...

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CAROLOne of Carols main fetishes, of many was being helpless, it was a main them removing any ownership she did not want to show while I was slow fucking her, telling her what I was going to do to her. When she came, it was hard. The location was on a section of the state park beach we went to a lot. If there were any people they were usually lone men rock hunting or walking their pets. She would be off the beach, behind a sand mound. with three sides woods the other the lake. I would tent...

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Dobara Shaadi 8211 Part 4

Alka aur Bina ko khushi is baat ki thi, ki un dono ne meri gaand maari aur mujhe dard hua. Fir bhi maine unke upar bilkul bhi krodh nahi kiya, balki unke dard ko pahchana. Alka aur Bina dono hi bhawuk hui, aur unki aankhon mein aansu the mere is vyawhar pe. Fir Alka boli- Alka: Behanchod, tu bahut hi pyara hai. Tumne to apne vyawahar se hum dono ko gulaam bana liya. Ab hamari chut faad ya gaand, haste-haste sab tere upar kurbaan hai. Bina: Tumne dard diya, lekin dard liya bhi aur mahsoos kiya....

4 years ago
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© Copyright This story was written for a special friend of mine and you will see I use her name a lot in my stories. I love you baby. Walt has been a loner since he graduated from high school. He's not had any close friends, just a few people that he knows in town. It never really bothered him much at all. The only time it does, is when he needs female company. Then there are the local bars that Walt visits on the weekends, and most of the time he can find a woman to go home with. He...

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First time CockSucker Get to work bitch

I had worked out for over two hours in my favorite gym and all the while I kept seeing this big guy ripped enough to play professional football, glancing over at me. This guy was big and he kept looking at me, especially when I was doing my squats. It's getting late and the gym would close in about an hour call it a night.I returned to the locker room, and got undressed, and washed off all of the sweat in the showers. Then as usual I went into the steam room, with only a small towel to cover my...

3 years ago
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Sex Proposal By Husband to Fuck Her Wife

Hi, everybody I am here again with another erotic experience of mine I have posted couple of stories earlier in the same website and i got a major response from the fans..and that led me to another experince to share with you all…i’ll give u a short introduction of myself Im Imran 29yrs old from Hyderabad working as an H.R executive in an M.N.C.Once I was checking my mailbox and I saw one interesting mail..it was regarding to my earlier story “wife fucked by a doctor”..the sender of the mail...

2 years ago
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Chapter 4 FemDom pt4

"Am I interrupting?" Baroness said"no Baroness." i blurted out before Mistress could get a word in. "Mistress was just giving me some much needed encouragement and instruction Baroness."Baroness smiled at Mistress. Mistress smiled at Baroness."Good bitch, you will need it." Baroness said"yes Baroness, and thank you Mistress." i said."You are such a good boy." Mistress said as she reached down to give my cock a few hard slaps before returning to her seat of luxury. Baroness released the leash...

4 years ago
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AwakeningsChapter 4

The Captain was upset. The east division had reported that they had lost several agents. Looking over the reports again, he knew that it was the work of the doctor's group. Sighing he picked up the phone calling for Tahir. This was only 2 days after Tahir had eliminated the group's four main energy wave protectors. Tahir had started looking at all the 12 seer posts. The way he figured it, if their boss wanted to take him out, then he'd have to get someone closer. He had started by looking...

5 years ago
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Nisha bhabhi kay mummay

Mein 35 ka hun. Ider body fit rahe, uder ladki khush rahe yeh tamanna shuru se hi raha hei. Aankhey band hon ya khuli, kareeb 18 saal ki umar se aur aaj bhi mein mummon ke size aur vazan measure karne men masroof hun. “Sambhog se poorav rati-krida anivarya hei. Rati-krida na ho to manush aur pashu ke sambhog men antar hi kaya hei.” Rishte men meri badi saali ki badi beti Bangalore men hi rahati hei. Uska naam , umar abh 24 saal , married,mother of 2/m kids, hubby a businessman. Mein aksar uske...

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AbuseMe Kiley Jay Everythings Got A Price

My girl Kiley Jay always had this fantasy of being taken advantage of in the middle of nowhere. I decided to put this little role playing game together for us. I rolled up on my van down a desolated street. She waved me down because her car had broken down and she needed help getting to the nearest town. The poor girl was out of money for gas, so she had to offer up something else in return for the ride. I made her chock on my cock until her throat couldn’t take anymore, Then My huge cock...

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Tre Lloyd Adventures Ch 04

I pulled away from Freyja’s mansion, my mind clouded with thoughts that the talk with the vampire Duchess had unleashed once more. I turned the motorcycle towards home and wound it up as fast as it could go, not particularly caring about the speed limit. As I swung the bike off of the interstate down the exit ramp, I turned up into a liquor store with a drive thru window and grabbed a bottle of scotch and stored it in the under seat compartment before again turning the bike towards home. After...

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The Cowboy and the College Girl Chapter 22 23 24

Chapter 22 The Fertility Clinic Susan stares at Dr. Vanderhoost, hoping for answers and says ‘Kenny and I have tried for four years to get pregnant. We just can’t do it. ‘ Dr. Vanderhoost is very sympathetic with his comments. ‘Society places a lot of pressure on young couples to produce off spring and it is often times that societal pressure that causes the issues to intensify. We will run some tests to determine the best course of action’ He says with smile as he peers over his glasses. Kenny...

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Wife Training Chapter 3

I had both girls just where I wanted them, stacked on top of each other with pussies at the ready. Both were dripping and eager to be filled. And I was ready too - with a raging hard-on looking for a warm, wet hole to crawl into! I moved into position, taking aim at Angela's waiting cunt. Laying on her back with her legs spread, she had just taken a good paddling so I figured I owed her the first fuck. Besides, I wanted Roberta to stew a bit more before she felt my cock for the first time. I...

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return to the sex party Priapus

After my first time at the sex party I was well I'm not sure how to describe it, my confidence was up and I felt empowered.The parties were monthly, just about rightmore frequent and they wouldn't be special but less and I would start to stray.For my return visit I did some shoppingI went online and did a bit of researchthen purchased something special which arrived on the morning of the party.I have a summer dress that was ideallloose and flowing, slightly hippie anda bit girlie, I felt like...

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She Got to be a Cake

"I'd love to french kiss you," she said. "Oh?" he teased. She replied insistingly, " I'm going to French kiss you, put my lips on yours, part my lips, then push my tongue through my lips and into your mouth, swish it around in a little mating dance to attract the attention of your tongue, and then do the most French of all kisses." "I can do the Belgian kiss, which is similar because they speak French there, and at the end we spit out a waffle. Also, it might take a little more to seduce my...

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Interracial Matters Jans Story Part VII

Richard stood by the bed watching Jan as she stood in front of the wardrobe mirror looking at her reflection. She wore a long white silk chemise which gave her a virginal look and although not see-through it didn’t leave much to the imagination of the delights waiting underneath. “What do you think?” she asked him as she ran her hands down the sides of her body. “He... he’ll go nuts when he sees you in that,” Richard responded. “You mean he will give me both nuts in quick succession,” she...

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Mama Told Me Not To Cum

I told her I would be inside in a minute, but wanted to take a quick look at her outside unit first. Everything appeared normal, her pressures were fine and the condensing fan was doing its thing.. The door was ajar, so I easily slipped on in. The house felt pretty cool for a hot August day. Her name was Marsha, and I was just about to ask her where she was when I caught sight of her in the back bedroom, fingering her cunt.and moaning to a Z-Z-Top tape. As of yet, she had not seen me, so I...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Fagpig Ch 1

This story is entirely fictional. Any resemblance to or similarities with other persons, places, or events, real or fictional, are purely coincidental. This story contains graphic de***********ions of sexual activities between men and a fagpig. These activities may include oral and anal sex; scatological and urological play; forced, coercive, or non-consensual sex; vomiting, degredation, and violence. All depictions are purely fictional and are NOT to be acted upon. This story is a FANTASY...

4 years ago
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Fucking Lustful Servant8217s Daughter

Hey friends and I am a huge fan of ISS, and by reading the stories I decided I should share mine too. My name is Ankit and I am 19 years old and I have a good body and I am currently living in Kolkata This a true story of how I fucked my neighbours servants daughter, her name was Reema name changed she was 21 when I met her and she was very pretty and hot girl, her boobs were not all that big but they were good enough and firm. Now coming to the story, I live in a colony and she is present in...

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Pinni Tho Suryakanth Dengulata

Na peru suryakanth vayasu 19 degree chaduvuthunnanu. Nenu vizag lo maa babai gari daggara undi chaduvuthunnanu. Maa pinni peru madhavi ( peru change chesanu) chala baaguntundi. Heroin soundarya laga bodduga untundi. Maa vansham lo nene chaduvulllo first vachchevadini kabatti andariki nenu ante chala istam. Andaru naatho chala close ga unde vallu. Maa pinni kuda naatho chala close ga move ayyedi. Maa babai pinni ki oka babu 5 years. Maa babai marketing business chesevadu. Month lo chala rojulu...

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MeNigel Andrew Stephen Uncle Brian

Nigel, Andrew, Stephen and I were downstairs in Nigel’s house, we sat in the garden smoking and drinking Cokes all in our underwear, laughing and talking, it was warm outside, and what we had just done was awesome. It was turning out to be a really good day. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door, Nigel looked at his brother, then at us, then Andrew went to the door and standing behind it he opened it slightly.“Uncle Brian” Andrew said astonished, “I promised your mum and dad that I’d...

2 years ago
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The Lonely Salesman Ch 03

Ch 3 – Holidays are for hearts. My alarm went off at 7 AM. I reached up to hit the snooze button and felt her warmth beside me. Connie’s sleepy eyes opened and she half grinned at me. I pushed the snooze and wrapped my arm around her soft shoulder and pulled her tighter to me. Connie sighed and just snuggled in closer to me. Neither of us wanted to get up, both of us wanted the warm comfortable feeling of waking up in your lover’s arms to last forever. A new day was dawning, and with it a...

3 years ago
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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 8

For the second time that day Laurel sat in front of a blazing fire combing her fingers through her hair trying to get it to dry, wrapped in a towel she wondered when the maid would either return with her clothes or bring some others for her to wear while her own were cleaned. She giggled wiggling her toes in the thick fur rug she was sitting on, hearing the door open she was about to tell the maid to set her clothes on the chair, instead of the maid she found herself looking up at Alex as he...

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Six Days on the RoadChapter 32

Catla and the girls showed they had the buttered biscuit deal well in hand the next morning and they had plenty of them cooked and a slice of ham to go into each one. We had plenty of scrambled eggs too, and it reminded me I hadn't shown them how to put a fried egg in a sort of sandwich yet. Zakkon and Mendal headed out with Daro and Rayta as overwatch again this morning, and I hoped they'd be done with their business by the end of the day. Meanwhile I stayed behind to help the women and...

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Second ChanceChapter 6

When I finally dragged my exhausted butt out of bed the next morning, I discovered that the Pearl Harbor area and its bases were repaired, running smoothly and everything had the patina of success attached to it. Apparently our changes, wrought against the Japanese in the opening salvo of our entry into World War Two, were even more dramatic than I realized. Being out of the loop chasing spies for almost two years meant that I was ignorant of much of the war news. Japan’s Navy was a shell of...

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