Reunited Ch. 05 free porn video

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Okay so I merged two chapters into one so it would be long enough to please those complaining. No guarantees about when I’ll post the next one though because I’m going out of town for a wedding and by merging these two chapters I’ve caught up to a couple portions that aren’t quite right yet. Please be patient and thanks for reading and for constructive feedback. ????


One month later

‘Reynolds! Where’s your head? You’re supposed to be looking at the case files, not staring off into space like a vacant idiot.’

‘Sorry sir,’ Alec muttered. Over the past couple of weeks, Alec had lost focus on work-oriented stuff. His boss had quickly noticed and had repeatedly berated him. But Alec had a hard time focusing on these mysteries when there was a far more confusing and intriguing one facing him.

He and Jake had gone to check out the address Carrie had given them. The place had been completely empty, with some signs that the previous occupant had been there recently. From there, they were lost. Jake had to return home once his business in the city was finished and at that point, Alec had only Ellie on his mind.

Jake had agreed to call a few of the friends he and Ellie had shared while Alec began searching online for people who had previously been connected to her. Something was fishy about the whole encounter with her. Why had she changed so much? Why did she look so afraid? Why had she been determined to convince them that she wasn’t his old flame? Why would she leave rather than face him?

That last question hurt to ask. Jake had been right all those years. He had known immediately that Ellie was the right girl for Alec and had repeatedly invited both to any event he hosted in a subtle and unnoticed attempt to set them up with one another. Little had he known they’d get together on their own only a few months later. Shaking his head, Alec pulled himself out of his daydreams and forced himself to focus on the file in front of him.

There had recently been crimes in the hospitals of large cities and they had hit the metro’s hospital just a couple miles from the station. While many believed the violence was all connected, no one had yet found the key.

‘Hey boss, do we have access to the files from any of the other cities?’

‘No the feds won’t give up their data yet. Maybe if we stop wasting time daydreaming and find something…’ he said that pointedly so Alec returned to the files in front of him. The patterns had been spotted but no one had figured out their meanings. Young females had been accosted each time. None had been injured. It looked like all the girls here had been doctors, residents fresh out of med school.

‘They’re searching for someone,’ he thought to himself before repeating the thought out loud. ‘Chief, they’re looking for a specific woman. That’s why they haven’t hurt anybody. They haven’t found her yet.’

‘Let’s see your reasoning, Reynolds.’

Alec walked him through his thought process and the chief quickly saw the same patterns he had. Young female residents, all between the ages of 24 and 29. Each had been cornered after leaving work, had their wallet stolen, and had been threatened but not injured. The few who had tried to resist had found their attempts futile. The thugs always had backup nearby.

‘Good work, Reynolds. Keep your mind focused from now on and it won’t take us so long to find these connections.’ The Chief raised his eyebrows meaningfully at Alec.

‘Yes, sir.’ He accepted the chastisement with grace, fully aware of his somewhat erratic behavior over the previous weeks.

Now that he’d done his job, however, his mind wandered. It figured that he could find nothing regarding Ellie in weeks but when given a completely unrelated case, he could find a clue in all of two minutes. Forcing himself back to the file in front of him, he kept his focus for the remainder of the day.


Rob Davidson was not a man to mess with, though few of his acquaintances were aware of it. His record was spotless, he was a part of the most elite social circles in the nation, and he masked his dangerous side with a handsome appearance and faux-subservient charm. Beneath the surface of his carefully preserved façade, however, he was also in charge of the most notorious crime syndicate in the U.S. Drug dealing and trafficking, illegal arms trades, and prostitution rings were just the tip of the iceberg for them.

Although the feds had long suspected that there was a corrupt government official helping the organization, they had never connected it to him, nor had they even suspected him as the ringleader of the entire thing. Since he was actually the co-founder and CEO of a multinational corporation rather than a politician, he had never been a serious suspect on any list. Of course, his deep pockets helped. He’d actually made charitable donations to several federal agencies and even had friends who’d mentioned the group in passing conversation, completely oblivious to the fact that he was the ever elusive ringleader.

It was a point of pride to him that he had never been linked to the group and that anybody who could testify to such a connection had always been eliminated. At least, they had always been eliminated until now.

Davidson was strolling along a path in the city park, outwardly seeming to enjoy the weather yet inwardly seething. In all his years, not one man had ever escaped after finding out just who exactly Rob Davidson was. The few men he did trust with his secrets had helped dispose of the bodies and make the disappearances seem random. There hadn’t been many, of course, merely a handful. However, his current situation was far worse than all of the previous confrontations combined.

Not only does the bitch know everything, she’s still alive and on the loose, he fumed. He couldn’t believe that none of his men—in either the gang or the government—had turned up a trace of her.

Of course, he’d always known she’d be a handful, but he’d liked that best in a woman. The more willful and stubborn they were at the beginning, the more he enjoyed cowing them to his own will. Ellie had been no exception: she’d come to him with full knowledge of her worth. He’d seen her reduce a man to nothing using only her razor sharp tongue. In fact, her pointed words were what had led him to her secret: she was vulnerable and had been hurt in the not-so-distant past.

Once he’d realized that the girl was longing for someone to want her, he’d had his ammunition. Within a few months, he’d gotten her to agree to date him. He’d wooed her into his trap and beaten her into submission.

That was the way with women, he’d found. They were all weak. He merely had to find the chink in their armor to bring them down and show them their true value. With Ellie, it had been almost too easy. Her desire to love and be loved had made her a practically eager victim.

He’d never felt as strongly about any of his other conquests. He’d showered the girl with affection, expensive gifts, and had even planned on marrying her eventually. She’d been on his arm at every event for two years, he loved showing her off to the glamorous capital crowd, something he’d never done for his previous whores.

Of course, none of them had flinched quite like she had. After giving her the perfect courtship for several months, they’d finally had their first fight. In the relationship timeline, the first fight was the moment when he decided whether or not a woman was worth any more effort. He knew how to twist their words to make the fight far nastier than it should have been, and they always ended with him finally getting to hit the woman.

With Ellie, the fight had been over something inconsequential. She’d wanted to visit her mother instead of attending a party hosted by some of his most elite clientele. Of course, he’d escalated it until she had snapped and screamed at him before turning away. He’d grabbed her, spun her a
round roughly, and backhanded her. He still remembered the way she’d flown backward into a wall with such a solid thump. Just thinking about it made him stiffen as pleasure coursed through his veins.

The girl had been naturally uncoordinated, making her an amazing target for his blows. When they were unexpected, he could easily knock her to the floor or into walls. Then he’d be so turned on by his power over her that he’d pick her up, rip off her clothes, and fuck her senseless. He’d never found a woman before or after Ellie who made his blood pound so hot and heavy. Sure, he had his whores on the side, but they didn’t care as much when he beat them. None of them ever pleaded with him to stop hurting them: they were accustomed to mistreatment, and some even liked it enough that they didn’t charge him extra. No, it was as if Ellie had been made for him. Or at least it had seemed that way until the little bitch left.

Now he was angry constantly, always watching over his shoulder. She knew far too much and was still out there. He had men checking every likely place for her in cities across the nation. He had wanted to institute a manhunt and claim that she had been kidnapped, but he had waited too long after her escape, he’d figured she’d be found and punished before too much time had passed.

She had never returned. She’d never come back for any of stuff she’d moved into his house. She had merely claimed that she was going shopping and she never came back. He’d found her car in the mall parking lot and no trace of her. She’d left behind her cell phone, identification, credit cards, everything. So how in God’s name had she managed to not only escape him in the first place but also to remain out of his grasp?

The mystery kept him up at night. He’d turned over control of his businesses to his partners so he could devote his time to finding her, but still there had been no leads. How could a girl with absolutely no backbone have defied him so perfectly?


Ellie stood behind the bar, taking orders as quickly as possible. She tried to focus solely on her work, but her mind was forever oscillating between Alec and Jake, Rob, and the years that had passed since college. She forced herself to focus for ten more minutes before taking a quick break in the back room. There, she allowed her memories to sweep over her.

After Jake and Alec had graduated, she had initially kept in contact with both. It was intermittent at best, but it was better than nothing. Jake was busy with graduate studies while Alec had gone to search for a job. When nothing was found, he’d finally decided to join his local police department. Training for that took up all of time and energy for months, and during that point they stopped talking.

She had been heartbroken when they’d broken up. She should have realized a guy didn’t start dating a girl just before graduating and then stick with her. But she had tried to maintain a strong face, she didn’t want him to know he’d hurt her as badly as he had. She remembered one of the last days before graduation.

One of the traditions at their school was a senior night off campus. It generally was just a giant house party at this old abandoned mansion not too far from campus where all the seniors and their friends got drunk and reminisced. Ellie and accompanied Alec and Jake, as well as some of their other good friends, to the party. They’d all had a blast, and after sobering up a bit, they’d separated for the night. Ellie had gone home with Alec, where they’d settled down for a movie.

Still a little tipsy, Ellie had quickly lost interest in the plot and had decided to flirt instead. She was lying on his couch with her head in his lap, so she sat up and switched positions to where she was straddling him and facing him.

‘Kiss me, Alec.’

She remembered he’d looked a little surprised, because she rarely demanded anything from him, especially physical stuff. She didn’t have much experience prior to him, just one long term boyfriend who had rarely wanted sex and had come out of the closet a year after their break up. They had yet to really move past passionate make out sessions, which he had told her was fine with him.

He kissed her, gently at first. As she sighed in contentment, he’d snuck his tongue across her bottom lip, making her gasp and open her mouth. He took advantage of this opportunity to deepen their kiss and grab her tightly. After several minutes of kissing, he paused.

‘Els, if we keep this up, I’m going to want more of you. I can always stop if you want, but I really don’t want to.’

‘Then don’t stop.’ She had felt so confident.

And he’d grabbed her hand then and led her to his bed. There they resumed kissing, but as they did so, he started teasing his hand under her shirt. Just enough to touch the skin of her lower back. That touch was enough to make him groan.

He stopped again, laughing at her pout, and grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it up and over her head. She had reciprocated, pulling off his shirt and pulling him back down on top of her. Their skin-on-skin contact was amazing, but her bra was in the way. She dispensed of it herself, reaching back and unclasping it quickly before tossing it to the side.

That was when she’d seen in his eyes how much he wanted her. He’d looked her up and down for a moment before zeroing in on her nipple. He’d lowered his head to the peak and taken it in his mouth, causing her to arch her back in excitement. Twirling it around with his tongue gently caused it to stiffen quickly and caused her catch her breath. He had soon switched to the other side, again taking her breast in his mouth, but had kept his thumb on the first peak, pressing in gently and still rubbing.

She had felt so turned on, more than she’d ever felt with her first boyfriend. ‘Alec!’ she’d gasped. ‘Please.’

He’d slowly kissed his way down her stomach, leaving feather-light tingles in every spot his lips left. Then he’d unzipped her pants and divested her of both jeans and panties in one quick motion.

‘God, Els. You’re so stunning,’ he had panted before spreading her legs. For a moment, she hadn’t understood, then she’d felt his tongue spreading her folds. He’d licked up and down her slit before pushing his tongue all the way up into her, as far as it would go. It felt better than anything he’d done so far and made her so wet. He’d continued flicking his tongue over her clit and then slowly inserted one finger, then another, sliding them in and out while sucking on her clit.

That was all it had taken to get her to beg for him. ‘Alec, please! I want you.’

He’d chortled before complying and taking off his pants and boxers. He’d crawled up to her and kissed her, holding himself over her long enough to ask, ‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes, please!’ she had begged.

He slowly eased himself into her, causing her to revel in the fullness of him. He fit so snugly she was afraid that she was too tight, too out of practice for him to fit correctly. But it felt so right.

Pulling herself out of her reveries, she remembered that poor Alec had gone so long without sex that he’d had an orgasm within a minute and had been mortified. She giggled at the memory. He’d been so ashamed and she’d felt so badly for him, but she had focused more on how much she wanted him again. That desire hadn’t faded over the next few weeks. Since Alec’s apartment was off-campus and his lease didn’t end for a month after graduation, she had spent every night of their remaining time learning just how pleasing a man could be. He teased her mercilessly, finding her erogenous zones and kissing her there right before they had to leave each morning, he for his last days working for the school and she for the summer class she had decided to take.

For four glorious weeks, everything was perfect. And then it was over.

Back to work, El. You know better than to get caught up like this. After giving herself a stern lecture, she retu
rned to the bar. Two hours of serving later, they were approaching last call when a new patron strolled up to the bar. Ellie’s back was turned, but she heard a familiar voice ask for a drink, she froze. How is this even possible?

This wasn’t Alec or Jake. But Ellie still recognized his voice, and that meant that she was in huge trouble. Careful not to face the man, she turned away from him and walked to the break room. There she took out her phone and called the only person she could think of to help her.

‘Carrie? Oh thank God you answered,’ she whispered. ‘It’s Ellie. I’m in trouble and I need someone to come pick me up immediately.’

She gave her friend directions and prayed Carrie was still reliable and trustworthy. Then she grabbed her bag and left out the back door.


Alec’s phone startled him out of sleep. Out of habit, he started to silence it, but then realized that if someone was calling him at nearly two in the morning, they probably had a good reason.

‘Reynolds,’ he answered as civilly as possible, but he couldn’t keep the hostility completely out of his voice.

‘Officer Reynolds, it’s Carrie. Ellie’s friend? I know where she is and she’s in trouble. I thought I should probably tell you.’

‘Where is she? Is she alright? Did she give you any details?’

As Carrie gave him directions and the few facts she had been able to glean from her friend, Alec threw on clothes and ran out the door to his car. She was on the opposite side of the city, hopefully someone would be able to get to her soon. Alec didn’t know what exactly was wrong, but he had instincts, and today his instincts were telling him something horrible would happen if he didn’t find her immediately.

‘Thank you, Carrie. I’m going to run and pick her up. Don’t worry, I’ll keep her safe.’


Ellie saw the car slowing down, but it wasn’t Carrie’s car. Maybe she’d sent a friend? She walked closer and the driver lowered the window, revealing himself to be Alec.

‘You? But I . . . Carrie called you, didn’t she?’

‘Yes. Now will you please come with me and tell me what in the world is going on?’

‘No. I think I’ll wait for my friend. I don’t even know you.’

‘Els. There’s obviously no time for that. I didn’t drag my ass out of bed in the middle of the

night to have you refuse my help. So get in the car now and tell me what the hell has happened.’

Ellie felt reluctant about getting into Alec’s car, but she knew she had to get away from the henchman at the bar. It was Mendon, Rob’s right hand man, the one who was most likely leading the hunt for her. She’d recognize his voice anywhere, it had been engraved into her memory after…she didn’t allow herself to remember what she had seen. With a quick glance around to make sure nobody had followed her, she hopped into the passenger seat.

Alec drove for a few minutes in silence, but all too soon for her taste, he asked, ‘Where do you live? Is that where you need to be taken?’

She gave him her address, hoping that would be the end of the questions, but of course, he didn’t shut up. She should have known he would want to figure it out. He loved mysteries and puzzles.

How many nights had they spent watching those mystery t.v. shows? He had always tried to figure out who was guilty before the show did. Don’t smile at those memories, El, she chastised herself. You of all people should know not to get lured in by Alec’s charms.

‘Why did you claim not to know us?’

She said nothing, merely looking out the window at the passing buildings.

‘Please answer me. I know you’re Ellie Burns, now called Ellie Brown. Something must have happened to cause that change, but you’re not wearing a ring and you’re acting like a fugitive.’

She continued to gaze out at her surroundings.

‘Are you hiding from someone? Can you just talk to me, for Christ’s sake?!’

His raised voice startled her into looking at him. She kept her cool and levelly stated, ‘I don’t see why any of this matters to you.’

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The sun was rapidly warming my bedroom when I finally awoke after my first good night's sleep in a week or more. I rolled over and looked at my watch, it was already 10 AM. I was still somewhat tired and might have been able to go back to sleep for another hour or so, but the increasing heat indicated that it was time to get up. The reason for my poor sleep in the days before was my panic efforts to finish out my freshman year at college without flunking out. I believe that I achieved...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Alix Lynx Jessica Jaymes Alix Gets Down With Jessica

With the body and face of a sexy, sensual, feminine woman but the mind of a tomboy Alix is a n aggressive woman. With a beer in hand and a game on the television she is most happy. And just like a man, she has a deep appreciation for woman. While watching the game she is interrupted by Jessica, saddened about problems she is having in her dating life. Alix is happy to console her. In the heat of Jessica’s vulnerability the two of them get closer than they have ever been. They passionately...

3 years ago
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Fast Times At Eden SM Chapter 1 Freshman In Paradise

Trevor was in that special time and place that, years from now, he would look back on fondly. That snapshot in time that adults dream of going back to for a second taste. He was a high school senior, soon to graduate. His crucial classwork was finished and all that remained was the last few weeks of school events, partying and soaking it all in. The strapping, six foot young man with brown hair and matching eyes was well known in his small town. He prided himself on being friends with just...

1 year ago
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Aunt Shannons House Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! She bit her lower lip and tried to fight back the pain. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. She hoped Jason didn't see them. If he did he might stop and she wanted to take this thing through to the end, no matter how much it hurt. She could feel every one of the twelve inches of his cock sliding into her. She hoped he didn't try to shove all of it in; she didn't know if her cunt was that deep. She felt Jason's breath on her shoulder. He kissed...

2 years ago
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Deconstructing the Nerd Ch 01

Reema Ahmed and her boyfriend’s fates were set when the acceptance letters started rolling in. It was a stressful time, and understandably so. The school they chose now would set the course for the rest of their lives. ‘I got early acceptance into Montgomery!’ she said to him as she waved the letter at him in the hallway of their highschool. The truth was she, like her boyfriend, Miguel Lopez, had the luxury of getting into all the schools she applied to. She was going to receive entrance...

1 year ago
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Stuart part 8

"Mmph," I moan as I feel a gentle breeze blow on my left ear, worsening the thumping headache caused by the alcohol I drank last night. "Wake up," a familiar voice whispers, before the breeze on my ear resumes. "Stop that," I moan. "I'm on holiday, I don't want to wake up..." "WE'RE on holiday," my fianc?e reminds me, her blowing turning from a gentle breeze into a hurricane as she blows directly into my earhole. "Ugh," I moan. "Can I at least shift this hangover first?" "Tell y...

3 years ago
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The Rivers Lodge on the HillChapter 4

Judy was sitting in the chair beside Charlie's bed. "How is Charlie?" "Not much change. He had a restless spell an hour ago. The doctor checked him right afterward. He says his coma is not too deep. Not as deep as yesterday." "This is good?" "The doctor believes so. How is the road?" "It might be open for a car by three this afternoon. I met Bob and Joni walking in. I borrowed Bob's car so I'm hoping I won't have to walk all the way home." "You didn't have to come...

1 year ago
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The God Sim

This is the Beginning. In the Beginning, there is nothing. Like the mysterious time before the Big Bang. An empty space, devoid of laws, rules and all life. You will be creating reality. The pawns you place will be your creation. The laws you make will shape their destiny. Create a fantasy world where the only currency was semen. Create a role playing game where the hero must fuck to earn experience points and loot. Load in reality as we know it. Change how the world works. At any time, you can...

2 years ago
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Naughty Neighbours

Naughty NeighboursIt was a Friday night and Paul was out with friends and I had just settled down on the sofa with a glass of wine to watch some TV, when the door bell went Jill from next door walked in with a parcel that had been left with her while we were out. I took it off her and asked if she wanted to join me for a glass of wine, she said why not we sat and chatted about allsorts and nothing as we do, I said do you another glass of wine she thought about it for a minute then said why not...

2 years ago
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Poppy Chapter 3

"Good morning," He said as she, startled, turned her head to Him. She quickly sat up in bed for Him. "I trust you slept well?" Her eyes were on the bedspread, but she nodded in reply. She couldn't help but bite her lip as she thought about yesterday. She had surprised herself and taken His anal toy with gusto and literally collapsed out of sheer exhaustion from the excellent fucking she received. "You behaved very well yesterday." He said, reading her mind. "I am pleased." She...

2 years ago
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Vampire Next Door

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Vampire Next Door By Paul G. Jutras Ssssssssss. Missy wasn't sure what frightened her most, being in the dark basement or being alone. Then she saw what was making the hissing sound and realized she wasn't so alone. She moved the flashlight beam from the fuse box and screamed in wide-eyed horror at the pale face of a vampire. Covering its face,...

1 year ago
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Whores And Pimps Part III

Whores and Pimps - Part III By Michele Nylons To be continued................. Michele pulled at her bonds, struggling and wriggling on the bed trying to break free for a few minutes until she realised that she was securely tied and had no way of escaping. Ellie sauntered over to the bed and looked down at Michele, "Well honey, looks like we have you just where we want you; I think we are going to start to really have some fun now," she sneered. Michele opened her mouth to...

4 years ago
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To Serve and Protect Temptation

Pat Gibson tipped the man who had brought her bags up to her hotel room and closed the door behind him. She looked around for a moment then closed her eyes and let herself fall backwards onto the king-size bed. Following a muffled "Oof" at landing; she relaxed, twisted her body and yawned. After 5 minutes she reluctantly opened her eyes and got off the bed. Too much to do to take a nap right now. She picked up the phone on the nightstand, checked the instructions and punched in a series of...

2 years ago
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In the Mens Room

I never knew why but I always found men's rooms sexy. That time people will go in and publicly do something private. Go over to a urinal and almost in the open piss. Or sit on a toilet with a door that seemed to be a few feet high up leaving anyone walking by at least a small view of what was happening just behind it. I went in just to sit in a stall. Pushing 30, I had not much of a life so I just squatted on a toilet and took my shirt off. For some reason I was gettin' myself so hot, I loved...

3 years ago
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Small Town Small StreetChapter 3 Number Three

Number three is one of the old fishermen's houses, restored and decorated in a classy, light blue colour with all the woodwork painted white. The narrow front garden is filled with glowing red and yellow roses of many different kinds, emphasizing the luminant blue of the house. I passed the old town only a month ago, and I couldn't help turning off the motorway to go back to Smallstreet to have a look. Ulla and Erik were still the inhabitants of number three, and I even had a chance for a...

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Tuition Pennai Caril Vaithu Oothen

Vanaam enathu peyar Ragul, nan sonthamaaga oru tution vaithu nadathi varugiren vayathu 24. Naan oru gramathil vazhnthu varugiren. Enathu orril ulla anaivarum ennudaya tuitionil thaan padika varuvaargal. Appozhuthu niraiya pengal enathu tutionuku varuvaargal. Naan niraiya tuition pengalai matter pottu irukiren. Appadi enathu vaazhvil migavum piditha mateer kathaiyai ungalidam solgiren, naan oru sumo car vaithu irunthen athu othuku puramaaga nindru kondu irukum. Naan car niruthum idathil aal...

2 years ago
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The Corporation Part 51

One week later… I contemplated the city bellow me as I leaned on the black balcony railing of the 10th floor ballroom. Given that it was 8pm, the city was surrounded by the usual darkness that came with the night, but since it was a large city, it was illuminated with bright lights and colorful video billboards. I briefly looked up at the sky, but there was no visible star that night, it was only the moon, silence, and myself. I raised the masquerade mask that I had in my hand up towards my...

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NOTE: You must press 'Start Game' from the menu (top right). All paths are complete and return to the same single path, so there is no missing out on anything. All characters in this story are above eighteen years of age. As you open your eyes and slowly regain your sense of sight, the world around you becomes clearer and clearer. You prop yourself up on your elbows, feeling the smooth grains of sand grip to your bare skin as the sharp point of your bent arm creates a cavity in the surface of...

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The Sex Rehab Diaries Broo

“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...

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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 27 Farewell

THE train left the station in a cloud of white steam, taking Mary away from me forever, it seemed. She was about to throw herself back into the charged atmosphere of make-believe adventure and romance that is the movie business, as a single, unattached, desirable and very beautiful woman, in my mind to be surrounded by slavering wolves in the guise of leading men used to getting their way with any women they temporarily desired. While I returned to my life as a single and seriously unattached...

4 years ago
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Its Gonna Be A Long Summer Part 1

Before I begin I should say I am about 6 feet tall 185 pounds. 50 percent Greek and the other half being Irish and English. -------------------------------------School has been out for 2 weeks now and initially I was estatic. Elated. But as most summers tend to go boredom crashes down rather quickly and I find my mind wandering. Sometimes I literally wander around the house just looking for something- anything - to do.And when I get bored (not unlike most teen guys my age) My hands wander...

1 year ago
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video prohibido Mamaacute

Mi madre se llama Maria es una señora de 60 años, no es gorda, solo un gran trasero que le han dado los años, ancha de caderas, pero no tanto, muslos torneados, chamorros flacos, delgada con cintura aceptable y unas pechos grandes, área pélvica abultada, es decir panochuda, se podría decir la mujer perfecta.Es morena, pelo quebradizo, siempre a los hombros, cara linda, labios carnozos.Ella esta divorciada de mi padre desde hace 20 años, el tiene 70 años.El video en mención data de hace 18...

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Devlins StoryChapter 58A

"Cute outfit," Lisa said as Devlin checked herself in the mirror. "Is that your new party dress?" "I found it in one of Laurie's catalogues," Devlin said. She smoothed it down over her hips, nodding at the way it looked on her. "I've had to have a few things changed." She turned to check the full open back of the dress. "But, yes, this is my new party dress. For regular parties, that is," she added. "What did you have altered, the bosom?" Devlin nodded. "I'm glad I'm not...

2 years ago
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It's not every day you walk in the door to find an elf in your living room – especially a female elf.Slightly under five feet, she was taller than I expected. She had long blonde hair braided down her back, so that it was easy to see her slightly raised ear lobes that were not as tall as I expected. Her brilliant blue eyes were slightly larger than I expected. Her lips were painted a bright, festive red color, and she wore a little makeup to enhance her beauty. Her skin gave a light golden glow...

3 years ago
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Wild Adventures

I tell him i cant remember anything from last night and he laughs saying that alcohol will do that. I try to stand up and i fall back down, he helps me to the bathroom and instead of standing i sit down to pee. Im sitting eye level and i can see the outline of his dick, he sees me staring but says nothing. He helps me stand back up and the side of my face hits his dick, i could feel that it was semi erect. We walk back into the room and he places me on the bed and says he will be right back,...

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After a long day at work I began my long journey home, the day had been filled with laughter, and flirtatious fun with male and female work colleagues, which had got me me slightly in the mood. Unfortunately my then partner Kelli (35) I knew would have been asleep at that time, so it was a case of rushing in, showering and then off to bed. Little did I know though what was about to greet me. The time was about 02:00am which was about my normal time on returning home, on closing the gate I could...

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The Education and Corruption of Joseph Potter Chapter Six The Weekend

SummerLate AfternoonThe girl carefully left her sun lounger, and although the pool’s edge was only a metre or so from where she lay, walked its full length, completely aware of the attention that she attracted, as men and women alike lowered their sunglasses and peered over the top of their books.It wasn’t difficult to read their minds; in fact, it was obvious really; they didn’t hide it. The women wished they were her age again, recalling a time when they too attracted the much sought-after...

Wife Lovers
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True story:My wife is the perfect petite asian bride 26 yrs old and very shy, we have been married for 3 years now. Being older and more experienced I wanted my wife to play catch up in the sex life so we could explore our future with no regrets before the drudgery of life begins. Abby has always been very conservative in all aspects of her life and it was very hard to convince her to start showing off that beautiful athletic body, with her perfect pert tits and bubble butt out in any of the...

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Happiness Found

I can't put my finger on the exact time it happened. It may have been after the surgeries. It may have been after we took that trip to Paris. It may have even been after I first took him in my mouth.... I just don't know. But some time ago... I started thinking of myself as a woman. And I started to enjoy this new feminine life. I guess I should start at the beginning. Years and years ago Calvin and i were buddies. We went to the same highschool, attended the same college,...

4 years ago
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Big FeelingChapter 4

The next week saw me descend into a gloom so dark that I was barely able to record anything worthwhile. Every night I'd return to the Bottleneck club hoping beyond hope that I would happen upon her but I never did. I trawled the length and breadth of Paris trying to find out where 'The Dreamers' was being filmed but to no avail. Putting it plainly, I gave up all hope of ever seeing her again. Then one day two weeks later, quite by chance, we found each other again. It was a glorious...

2 years ago
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Debts Repaid

© Copyright 2003 When Vivian said nothing for a moment, I found her eyes, discovering a strange look in them. For seconds, we simply sat with locked eyes and I found myself wondering what she could be thinking. "Take off your blouse," she said. I'm sure my mouth hung open. We were sitting in, well, what certainly was the nicest restaurant either of us had been to. To our right was what was surely a tourist couple in their Sunday best. The group on our left, I'd sensed they were...

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Sissy Blanes Liquid Assets

I became familiar with the Plumrose Dossier one cool February morning when it was read to me in the private rooms of Madame H at the Clinic.***I'd arrived that morning for my weekly 'therapy' and had only enough time to hang up my outer clothes in the Sissies' cloakroom and don my Eva Gabor wig before a facilitator poked her head in and told me I was wanted in Madame H’s office immediately. Even at that point I knew this couldn't be good so I shrugged into a nylon dressing gown and followed her...

2 years ago
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He Saw Mommy Fucking

He Saw 'Mommy' Fucking... 'Santa Claus' [M+m+/F, ir, slutwife, preg, Christmas] Chapter One: 'Twas the 'Nights' before ChristmasWhen I married Michael, I did love him... or at least his money anyhow. I guess. No... I think maybe I found him okay too. I didn't really know the family though until the wedding and that was when I discovered that the Knights were pretty much the biggest racists I had ever had the shame of meeting. I mean God, every other thing was 'nigger this' and 'nigger that,'...

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The next morning, I felt Alan’s hands reach around from behind and start fondling my tits to wake me up. I tended to wake up slowly, and as I stretched and yawned with my eyes still closed, I could feel Alan rubbing his morning wood against my naked back, clearly wanting some relief. Wanting to keep my eyes closed just a little longer, I reached behind me and started stroking Alan’s erection with my hand, causing him to let out a soft moan and to rock his hips against my fist. After a few...

3 years ago
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Simon Says

I found my self on my feet slowly walking to Simon, he smiled "Well..." he said in an impatient tone while holding him under his arms i closed my eyes and slowly pressed my lips against his...own, warm lips .. i pull back and stare at the floor hearing Aaron make gestures that i couldnt describe but found out to be some faces of disgust.. "Simon says go Aaron if this disgusts you so?" .. Aaron stop and fell silent " What?" "You heard me ... Simon..says...go" I turned my head to see him...

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