Postapocalyptic Reality 9 free porn video

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Postapocalyptic reality 1

Postapocalyptic reality 2

Postapocalyptic reality 3

Postapocalyptic reality 4

Postapocalyptic reality 5

Postapocalyptic reality 6

Postapocalyptic reality 7

Postapocalyptic reality 8

“The War will be over by Christmas.” everyone said. It wasn't. Nor the Christmas after that. As a matter of history, the Resource War did not end until over twenty years later in 2077, but long before that the US government made a massive U turn. About halfway into the 20th Century, the United States government was so in love with the Corporate State ideal that self dependency was seen as a serious threat, and there was an active campaign through legislation and media control to restrict home gardening to pretty flowers and smart lawns to ensure that food production was totally in the hands of the Food Industry.

But by 2072 the war had taken it's toll and food shortages were becoming a serious issue. It was then that the Government tried to turn back a hundred years of “progress” and urged citizens to dig up their rose bushes and instead plant root vegetables for the table.

It was thanks to this move that the Wastelands had any food at all after the bombs dropped in 2077. Even now, over two hundred years later, Jenny could sometimes find a small patch in the back yard of the skeletal remains of what was once someone’s home, where a couple of carrots still sprouted, or maybe even a Mutfruit bush or some small gourds. Usually, they aren’t too bad once cooked.

Her experience with her pack of do-gs had taught her that if you nurture something and take good care of it – it will thrive and grow. She was pretty sure the same would apply to plants, but being brought up a Scavver, she had no experience or knowledge of farming. It was one of those things that other people did. But now was different. She had a yard big enough to grow a few crops, and though her knowledge of plants was pretty much limited to what is poisonous, what is edible, and how do you cook it?, she felt it was time to start farming.

Her major problem was knowledge – or rather the lack of it, and normally the only way Scavvers learn about horticulture is by pretending to be a settler and spending a year or so working in a nascent settlement. That happens – new settlements crop up (if you'll pardon the pun) quite regularly, and need as much help as they can get at first. After a while, the farmhands either settle down as permanent residents, or decide that farming isn’t for them and move on (usually back to the city). Sometimes those settlers are Scavvers looking for a better life.

Jenny didn’t have time for all that, and anyway – her do-gs would not be welcome. So the other option was to find or buy that rarest of commodities – a text book. As a Scavver, she knew that old world books often contained valuable and useful information. That's why her mother taught her to read – so she would know the true value of any books she might find. In fact she used to have a library once – well, five books and a small pile of magazines and comics, but in the Wastelands that is a library.

Some enterprising souls had produced and published Wasteland Survival guides, and Jenny did own one of these, but there wasn't really any practical advice on farming in it. In fact, it wasn't a lot of use for anything – there wasn't really much in there that she hadn't already learned as a c***d, and some “facts” were totally untrue. She could write a better guide herself, and had often thought about doing so, but she couldn't do it herself. She had never in all her years of scavving found a workable printing press. She had found lots of typewriters, and had tried using one, but just typing one page took forever, and getting hold of good ribbons wasn't easy. Just typing one booklet would take a long long time, and she hadn't a clue of how to stitch the pages together.

She decided it was time to venture into the nearest town and look for a school, library, or bookshop. In the past, this had not been the goldmine of knowledge she expected – they had mostly been raided in the early days just after the apocalypse, and many books were used for making fires to keep warm after there was no power. There was rioting and chaos back then too – even more so than now, and in anger against the whole system of civilisation that had let them down, survivors took to torching Town Halls, schools, libraries, museums, science labs, and even churches.

But some repositories survived, and even now – two hundred years later – intact books could still be found. The old world had an awful lot of books, and there just wasnt enough fire in the world to destroy them all. Also, useful books on subjects such as agricultural texts, hydroponics. medicine, mechanical engineering, etc were taken into the Vaults. The knowledge was out there – she just had to find it.

She took the whole pack with her, because although she now had a tight enclosure and wanted to train the do-gs into taking turns guarding the place, she wanted full protection if she was exploring new territory that may be dangerous. Obviously, she would have done it alone in the days before she had do-gs, but she would have been very apprehensive and put more effort into looking out for dangers than actually scavving. With Alfred by her side, Torro scouting ahead, Soldier protecting the rear, and Rocket and Grey covering the left and right flank she was safe.

They came to the town about two miles south of the village. At first there were just a few streets of ruined houses, but gradually the main road led to a number of empty shells of what were once shops. She had scavved in towns before, so she had an idea of what to expect – homes on the outskirts, department stores on the main road, and civic buildings in the centre. Often there would be a mall or shopping arcade – these were bad, as they were usually used as bases by Raiders and Super-Mutants. Often she would be forewarned by gunfire as they fought over the territory. She avoided such places as far too dangerous, and the only spoils were ammunition and d**gs that the last tenants left behind. True, they were a veritable goldmine once, but by now they had been well and truly stripped of anything of value. Certainly there would be no books left, as these were often used to keep the braziers burning.

Small corner book stores were more likely to bear fruit, as they had little or no strategic value, but all too often the building would be so badly damaged that the contents were destroyed by the rains. Larger businesses were a more likely bet, as important people often had a small library in their office.

It took many hours to reach the town centre. Even though it was only a few blocks, one does not simply walk into a town centre – particularly with a pack of hounds. They will want to take time to get to know every square inch of the territory, sniffing for the scent of other do-gs, or the spoor of other a****ls. They will mark territory as their own as they lay claim to each area, and get a clear lay of the land so they know their way back, and know exactly which wrecked car, or which staircase to use for cover or vantage points should there be trouble.

Jenny was surprised and rather worried that they hadn't encountered anyone yet. Though the population of the Commonwealth was now just a tiny fraction of what it was before the bombs dropped, there were still a lot of people alive, and they usually tended to inhabit old towns. Why was this one seemingly deserted?

She soon had her answer. Alfred suddenly stopped in his tracks, sniffed the air, and whined. Jenny looked around and could see that Torro and Grey also had their necks craned high and were sniffing the air. Though she couldn't see them, she assumed the other two were doing the same. Then she heard the thunder-like rhythmic booming thuds and felt the ground shake as something heavy walked the streets ahead. She froze, knowing what it was even before she saw the huge horned head appear. She slowly edged backwards, recalling a broken doorway to the hardware store behind her. One of the do-gs – probably Torro – growled and the Deathclaw turned its head in their direction.

“Fall back! Take cover!” she yelled to the dogs as she bolted for the doorway. She could hear the thundering footsteps and feel the pavement shake as the giant reptile headed towards her.

“Torro! Alfie! Soldier! To me!” she yelled, knowing they were close enough to her to reach the safety of the hardware shop. She kicked the loose door aside and ran into the shop, hoping that there were no trip wires or booby traps. There was no time to check – wasting even a second would be fatal. As soon as she was in she ran towards the counter, almost tripping over Soldier who had quickly overtaken her in getting inside. She dived behind the counter in a vain attempt to hide, just in time to hear a loud crash. She peeked over the top to see the stunned Deathclaw pick itself up. It had tried to barge into the shop, but was far too big and the brick doorway was too strong for the creature. Alfred, Torro and Soldier were behind the counter with her – Torro had only just made it in time as he initially stood his ground growling until Jenny had called to him.

She didnt know where the other two were – she hoped they had the sense to stay hidden and not try to attack. Not that a d-og would be stupid enough to attack a Deathclaw, but it was not unknown. If cornered and desperate, a pack will sometimes try to take on a Deathclaw, and can inflict a lot of damage, but when all is said and done it only takes one swipe of a Deathclaws' talon to instantly kill a d-og.

The armour plated monster tried to get into the shop again, but couldn't. Jenny was safe for now, but trapped in the shop. Maybe the monster would eventually go away once it realised it couldn’t get to her, but then she noticed two things. One – her legs were wet, and two – clearly defined against the yellow scaled belly of the Deathclaw sprouted a bright pink appendage.


If it was just hungry it would eventually give up and find easier to reach meat, but if it smelled a mate, it would not give up so easily.

It couldn't get in, so that was one consolation. Jenny just hoped that Rocket and Grey didnt try to help her.

The be-ast was exposing its belly to her, so maybe she could pump enough shots into the crea-ture to kill it. She had two weapons with her – a hand lazer and her sniper rifle. She checked her ammo. Twenty rounds of .308 – certainly enough to kill even a Deathclaw, but it would take five or six belly shots and though she could do that from a safe distance, there is no guarantee that he would just hang around with his belly to the doorway whilst she reloaded and took aim.

That's the trouble with sniper rifles – if you didnt kill something in two shots, you were unlikely to get another chance. The lazer pistol was better for that – those fusion cells would be good for a lot of shots fired in quick succession. The only trouble is, they dont do a lot of damage – at least not against something as well armoured as a Deathclaw. Also, the range isn’t as good, so she would have to get uncomfortably close to the doorway. She wasn’t too happy about draining her fusion cells either – she was running low, and they are expensive babies, and there was no telling if there were more Deathclaws in the town.

She glanced around the store, and spotted something hopeful – a dead Gunner in the corner. He was minus an arm, so Jenny assumed he'd run into the Deathclaw and narrowly escaped, only to bleed to death from his horrific injuries. She searched the body and found a dozen caps, two clips of .22 ammunition, and a plasma grenade. He probably dropped his weapons outside, but she suddenly had a daring idea.

Sticking the grenade between her boobs, she dropped her pants and fearfully edged towards the door. The Deathclaw roared so loudly she felt the air vibrate, and she pissed herself again. All the better – the giant horned reptile smelled her and became even hornier. She ordered Alfred to keep back and guard the stairs – not that she expected any danger from upstairs, but it's best to play safe and it will keep the do-gs from trying to intervene and spoil her plan.

The Deathclaw lowered its huge head to sniff at her. It was like staring into the face of the Devil himself – two evil yellow eyes that seemed to glow with malevolence, jaws that could bite her in two with one snap, and two massive horns curled under each cheek. The b**st looked like one of the fierce dragons from the Grognak comics she read as a c***d. She spread her thighs apart, exposing her sex to him. She felt the hot breath waft over her thighs and pussy as he sniffed her, then he stood up again roaring as he tried to thrust his groin at her.

Bravely, she took the huge reddish pink penis in both hands and rubbed it between her thighs. She was terrified, yet at the same time exhilarated by the thought of this most powerful and feared crea-ture being to some extent in her control. She turned her back, still holding the huge throbbing member, and edged backwards a little as she rubbed the hot pulsing organ against her wet pussy. She felt the warm rubbery glans press against her cunt as her heart beat so loudly it thundered in her ears. Was this a mistake? Could she really do this? Then she screamed, more in shock than pain, as the Deathclaw thrust its groin at her violently, and the massive organ plunged into her quim, stretching her pussy lips wide as ten inches of reptilian flesh rammed deep into her womanhood.

The bea-sts cock was so thick she couldn’t get her hand around its circumference, but now that four inch girth was stretching her pussy so wide she was afraid it would split her open. The mon-ster swivelled its hips to withdraw a few inches, then thrust again, pushing in deeper, stretching her vulva wider. The thrust was so strong, it almost pushed her back into the store, and she had to grip the fallen lintel hard to stay upright. She had to keep control – even if it couldn’t get its claws on her, the Deathclaw could still literally fuck her to death if she let it thrust all fifteen inches of hard cock inside her. But if she let him pull back, he might be able to reach his arm in and grab her.

She had visions of the great mon-ster grabbing her by the waist and impaling her onto his erect member completely, slamming her frail body up and down on his massive cock until her insides were literally pulped to a jelly. With her legs spread wide, she bent over, grabbing the hot throbbing penis in her hand to keep it inside her, but not too deep. She was also aware that she was dangerously turned on by this, and risked losing control of herself and the Deathclaw. She was close to having an orgasm herself when she felt a tell-tale pulsing in the swollen cock that told her he was about to ejaculate.


She took the giant cock as deep inside her as she dared, reached between her boobs, then felt between the monsters legs behind his cock. Deathclaws don't have external testes, so it was not hard for her to reach under and finger the be-asts cloaca. She rammed her fist as deep into the reptilian anus as she could, then let go and propelled herself forward with all her strength. She had timed it perfectly, because that last trick was all the Deathclaw needed to make him cum with such force that Jenny felt like her stomach had been punched from the inside.

There was a sickening crack as she hit her head against a wall, and she was seeing stars. Then, just a few seconds later there was another loud bang, followed by some wet splats, and then the Earth shook as what was left of the Deathclaw fell to the ground.

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Buffys New Reality

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1 year ago
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Waking Up in a Alternate Reality

Something has shifted in the universe, and as such your character has inadvertently ended up in a completely different reality. It can be something small to something completely fantastical. However one thing is for sure, there is something off from this reality. Who knows what will be. Perhaps the world has turned gay or maybe all woman are futas. Maybe the socio-economic dynamics of the world has changed. Has it made your characters life better or worse. The universe has decided to change...

2 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 9 Nightmares or reality

Introduction: After surviving her rape and the medical exam at the hospital Tori continues her struggle to grow up. How much had she contributed to her own downfall? What responsibility did she have for the situation she found herself in? The story again returns to erotica as things began to happen to Tori again, but are they reality or nightmares, read on to find out. Sunday morning my mother told me the doctor had called Saturday night and had given her good news about my ribs. I did not have...

3 years ago
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Toilets in an Alternate Reality

You are in a deep dream when suddenly you feel a mysterious presence. You strangely feel at peace, but at the same time vulnerable, eventually this presence speaks. "You Are about to enter an alternate reality that is very different from your own. In your own world, you were raised since around two years old to pee into a strange bowl under a seat like contraption, with water that would carry your waste down pipes when you are finished. This contraption is found in private rooms, often...

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The Book of Reality

Authors note: Normally I wrote this story with Matt as the main character but I wanted to give everybody their own freedom. So I added something small as a first chapter. The Book of Reality went trough a lot of universes, to some it helped but in some cases it generated total caos. In every world there are some who prefers chaos to harmony. Each Master of the book was different sure some of the book inputs were the same or had similar meanings but The Book of Reality granted every input...

Mind Control
5 years ago
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Virtual Reality

Kelly stared at the paper in her hand with excitement, her heating beating rapidly in her chest. 'I can't believe it!' she thought, her eyes brightening. 'I've actually been chosen!' Nearly skipping in excitement, Kelly quickly reached her phone and dialed the number that she had gotten from the sheet, excitedly declaring her positive response. Now, to get prepared. "Virtual Reality is the most advanced gaming and training technology found on Earth," the man talking to her said. He was leering...

4 years ago
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Fictional Reality

You wake up to the sound of your buzzing alarm clock. After missing the mark a few times you eventually manage to hit the snooze button. Pulling your blankets tighter around yourself you let out a big yawn and try to fall back asleep but, before you can you hear the doorbell ring. You try to ignore it but they just keep ringing over and over again. Pulling your pillow over your head muffles the sound some but not enough to keep you from hearing the unknown guest begin to pound on the front...

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How I Came To Watch My Young Wife Being Used By A Hunk Part 2 The Stark Reality

                                                Part 2.I open the door to the stark reality of him as a flesh and blood male, no longer the fantasy figure he’d been when Abbi and I spoke about him in Greece. He is brutishly present, a monolith of muscle and bone. I stand on our front step with my feet six inches above his. Our eyes are dead level: he is six-three tall.  He seems taken aback to see me -- probably because it’s usually Abbi who answers the door. I ask him inside and take him...

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When Fantasy Becomes Reality

When Fantasy Becomes RealityLewis was Nigerian in origin but we had become friends in the gym.But there was a complication in all this: I found him sexually attractive. I couldn't look at him without imagining sucking his big black snake cock. He would just be running around the gym and I just could not help thinking about pulling his shorts down and taking his cock in my mouth.And when we met in the locker room showers, I couldn't take my eyes off his huge, monstrous cock, causing my shy...

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The Fantasy and Reality

From the netThe doorbell rang for the third time. I had no other option than getting myself out of the bed. Being alone at home on a Sunday morning does not guarantee peaceful sleep, I thought, while walking towards the door."Good morning, Mr. Handsome.""Radhika? How come...? Were we supposed to meet today? Did you call before leaving? Sorry, I didn't check the phone... And where's Madhav? You came alone?" I fired a round of not-so-significant questions, blocking the door."Wow. Is it a quiz...

4 years ago
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Lauras Hunger Fantasy Becomes Reality

It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...

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Fantasy and Reality

The conversation was not that unusual; we talked about sex all the time. It was where we were having the discussion that made it atypical: at dinner, before a warm, crackling fire, at an old colonial Inn, surrounded by a dozen other diners. It was our six month anniversary. We celebrated with an evening out and a quiet dinner; me in a suit and tie, Sandra in a little black, cum-fuck-me dress, which she insisted on wearing despite the frigid winter weather. Her long, strawberry blonde hair...

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Fanfiction to Reality

Fanfiction to RealityCarly opened a search tab on her PearPad as Sam sat down next to her. "What're you doing Carly?" "I'm curious about something. Our show is really popular. I was wondering if we had reached the level of popularity where people begin to write fan fictions about it." "Are you sure about that? There are some strange fan fictions. Are you sure you'll be comfortable with whatever you find?" "Of course, what's the worst that can happen?" Carly typed iCarly into the search bar of...

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226 JULIE KNEW IN REALITY.Her name was Julie, she is a pretty, 5ft 2” blonde, 34d perky breasts, a tidy bubble butt and a slim-waist, men would die for... in your dreams… sadly that’s not true, the real Julie is 5ft 4” dirty blonde, 36 34 38 and everything setting off south if it wasn’t for the support of a good bra and a strong corset. She is married to a no hope, layabout, gambling, drinker called Mac, Mac `s last job was milk monitor at the school, where they met. Julie is deeply in love...

2 years ago
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Fantasy to Reality

Both my wife and I really enjoy viewing videos, blogs and profiles of mature couples like ourselves involving wife swapping, cucks or just adding that extra person to share her body. We have yet to make that final move in turning fantasy into reality, this nearly happened during the summer. It was a hot a July day and we were teasing each other,touching, flashing etc,she was also being very verbal saying that she wants two cocks to tease rather than the one and the other needed to be bigger...

3 years ago
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Reality By Maid Wendy My story starts just seven months ago. A normal day of packages to deliver, and protective dogs to tend with. It had just snowed, and I was eager to wrap up the day, and head for home to get my driveway cleared. Just one more package stood between me and freedom for the day. Reaching back while the motor hummed at the stop light, I grabbed the small package, and read it's address... 213 County Rd 2. "Uhm, I thought that house was empty." The name read...

5 years ago
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My Dreams My Reality

Due to the limitations of plain text, I will be adopting a convention where the accent mark, ', will signify character thoughts for the Fictionmania version of this tale. My Dreams, My Reality By Kellie "Cowgyrl" Thomas "You coming with us tonight, Al?" Greg asked I hesitated. "I don't know. I..." "Oh, come on." He pressed. "It's the end of the semester. You need to unwind." He leaned in closer and whispered suggestively. "Besides this place has the hottest chicks...

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Email Reality

EMAIL REALITY by Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. This piece is about humiliation, degradation and other XXXX sexuality. This is a short story and not sure when or if I'll complete. If you read it I hope you like it and if it's not your thing just stop reading now. Thanks, [email protected] I know I'm neither pretty nor young but even though to the eye I'm visible as an older man that's on the outside it doesn't...

4 years ago
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Back to Reality

Back to Reality By Kasumi This is the direct sequel to The Castaway. If you haven't read that story yet, please do so before continuing with this one! March 1st 2013 It's strange to be opening this journal once more. I thought... well, I thought that once I was off the island, back to civilization, back to reality, that maybe things would just go back to the way they were. Actually I don't know if I really even thought anything about what would happen. I mean, when the...

2 years ago
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Fantasy becomes reality

Julie had left work early so she would have plenty of time to get home and ready herself before Matt got home from his business trip later tonight. Sitting on the train, her mind racing as she ran through everything in her head. Her heart pounding at the thoughts she was having. Her face flushed as she realised she was getting aroused at her thoughts. She looked around making sure no one was looking at her. She arrived home and went straight into the bedroom where she stripped off to her...

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A New Reality

A New Reality by Karen Beth (Karen Elizabeth L.) To say that my sister Karen and I don't get along is an understatement. She's fourteen and I'm fifteen, but to me, she's a bratty little kid who's always getting me in trouble with our parents. She always managed to know when I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing and made sure that our parents found out. Of course I happily returned the favor my telling our parents...

2 years ago
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An Alternate Reality

An Alternate Reality Written by Rikki "Kevin, get up. Breakfast is almost ready," his father called out. "Wake up." Kevin slowly got out of bed. Today was the first day after high school graduation and he was looking forward to sleeping in. It had been a long night. He looked at the clock. 7:00 AM. "Kevin," his father called out again, "let's go honey." Honey? His dad never called him honey before. Kevin pulled on a tee shirt and a pair of...

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A Beautiful Wish Chp 1 Waking from Reality

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 1:  Waking from RealityGeorge lazily opened his eyes to the sight of the ceiling fan in his room spinning slowly overhead.  Its hypnotic circles threatened to put him to sleep again.  He turned to the alarm clock next to the bed, it read just past 1:00 am.  He turned back to the ceiling fan and let out another deep breath as he rubbed his face, immediately grimacing in pain as he remembered his black eye.He laid there a moment trying to get his bearings. ...

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Ruptured Reality

My parents were both professors at a nearby college. Their work never interested me, yet I found myself front and center at their latest demonstration. Their department had finally finished constructing a particle accelerator. Science was not my area of expertise, in fact, I was not that good a student in any subject area. Everything went over my head. My Mom explained how the massive contraption worked, what it was used for, and the purpose of their research. Each time she spoke, it flowed in...

2 years ago
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Omni Reality

Within the Multiverse, we see the Supreme God of All. As he has a look of complete boredom on his face. He looked being a powerful god of the multiverse. However, he was also watching the multiverse with their boring lives to even some of them suffered. I just watched as he looked through countless universe doing what they always do, minding their own business. As he thought about a way to make the universes that he is watching more entertaining for himself. As he thought about the many...

Mind Control
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The Offer Part 13 A Womens Reality

I have included part 1 with this for those that had not read it. Part 1 The Offer, Regrets? She lay on her side, in their queen size bed. She gazed at the clock, 5.30 A.M. She would have 30 minutes to relax before she got up and made Ron's breakfast. She just started to doze off when she felt his arm reach round. His hand rested on her right breast and his fingers gently rubbed her nipple through the short filmy black baby-doll. He slid across the bed to spoon her. She felt...

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