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The first few calls were horrible. My voice trembled and cracked, even though I had a written script in front of me for each one and I had practiced them. I even had prepared answers for any possible questions. Or so, I thought. But nothing could prepare me for the awkward silences, the soft laugh, or a nervous cough. I could tell what I was asking and telling them was for many, way beyond their experiences or imaginations. But I got through them. Not all at once, but gradually and it did get easier, I guess, although my nerves were shot after each call. I wavered so many times, second-guessed myself and this radical decision, but I steadfastly continued. I had them all done. Except one. I had to call Jackson. He would be the hardest, the most embarrassing, and certainly the most humiliating. It was a call I would never have imagined I would make. I'm certain, too, it was a call that Julia had never imagined she would need or want me to make. But I had put her in that position. My offer to become our family's domestic servant, their maid, was countered with a proposal to become her secretary as well. But she had realized, much sooner than I had, that this move would require more changes than just job assignments. If I wanted to be a full time feminine maid, then how could I remain her lover and bed partner? I would not have felt comfortable if she told me she wanted to be a man. Or at least comfortable having sex with her any longer. So I had to understand her needs and wants as well as mine. Knowing that didn't make the call easier. The first call to her lawyer sort of set the tone for the process. I wrote out a script and showed it to Julia. She had offered to help me with the calls. During her review, the enormity of this move became apparent. I had introduced myself as her husband, Darby. For most of these contacts, they had never met me or at most only once or twice, so I had to establish who I was. Julia made it clear that I could use that identifier in the initial call, but after that, I would refer to her as my employer. She reasoned if I was to be the maid, then I had to cast off titles like husband and father, and the sooner the better. Ms. Ansley was very quiet during the call, as I explained what I was doing and in general what Julia wanted. I finished the call, as I would all of them, by asking her to call Julia for further details. When I hung up, I was shaking and started to cry. But my desire and determination to make the change was not reduced. After Julia talked with the lawyer and explained fully what was required, we met, in Ms. Ansley's office three times, the first and last with Julia. The last meeting we signed all the paperwork, and the transition was fully initiated. It took several months for all of the changes to become final, but when it was done, Julia now controlled our finances, we had a signed agreement specifying our new relationship, and I had a new name, Darla Giles. By the time it had become complete, I was well into my other training and adjustments. Still having an identification paper to take to the DMV to get a new photo driver license was like climbing over a huge barrier and then beginning a free fall descent. The next two calls were made in short order after we had begun the legal process. I contacted both Ms. Jones and Ms. Methuen, the cleaning service and catering contacts. For these, Julia didn't need to meet with them, only described what she wanted over the phone. So I began my training as a free intern to both women, working about sixty hours a week, usually every day but Sunday, alternating between them. Both jobs were challenging in their own ways. Julia insisted I dress in a semi- uniform. For the cleaning I wore form fitting pants, women's styles in pastels with a coordinating blouse. For the caterer, they had a standard uniform of black pants and white tops. The cleaning was straight forward, but not surprising, physically demanding. I started out helping the crews cleaning businesses, and spent two weeks on that duty. Then Ms. Jones assigned me to a house cleaning crew. That was more what I needed to learn and I picked up lots of helpful hints and learned how to properly and thoroughly clean a house. The crews got paid by the number of houses they did, so there was an emphasis on speed as well as effectiveness. When the crews found out I was working for free, they took advantage and gave me the harder and dirtiest jobs. I really learned how to clean toilets, as I did them all. It was also an eye opener, sort of a preview of how my life might be. I was the only man on any of the crews which were predominantly non-white women. But they were friendly, especially as I did all my work with no complaints or refusals. I wound up working the full two months, even though I had learned what I needed. Julia thought it was important I live up to my commitments. The caterer required much more study. I began just doing grunt work and prepping for the serving. I did all the cleanup and during events, was restricted to bringing stuff in and out of a location and during meals, gathering dirty and used dishes. During the food prep before we went to an event, Ms. Methuen showed me how to cook different items, basics of meal planning, and how to select the best and freshest foods. I was always tired at the end of the day, but learned something each time. After a month, she allowed me to serve at events and actually begin to cook. I also tried a few of the meals out on our family with general success. By the time, my internship was over, I felt like I could handle both our family dinners and any special event for Julia or the girls. With my heavy training schedule, I expected some questions from the girls, but as long as things were the same at home they were okay. Of course, at their ages, school and boys were starting to be their main concerns. Cary was fourteen and her younger sister, Sarah was 12, so their whole world more or less revolved around doing well in school, meeting cute boys, and shopping for clothes. So, the fact that I was gone much of the time was not a big deal. Their main complaint was not my absence but increased household duties, like doing their own laundry, for them. For Julia, my absence and her extra chores were acceptable, for now. It was more an acknowledgment that this was temporary. So any added work for her, would soon be over. The reports she received from both women were positive on my progress so that also tempered her attitude. About half way through my internships, Julia had me call her seamstress, Dorothy Miller, to begin creating my maid wardrobe. The first meeting with her was far worse than I had imagined. She had agreed to stay late, so I could come after my cleaning service work. So I showed up, in my peach pastel pants, and matching blouse with the white Keds sneakers I wore while working. I felt immediately uneasy, as soon as she let me in her shop, locking the door behind her. I followed her into a private area in back where she had me sit on a stool, while she sat at a desk, and got some forms and a pen. Ms. Miller was dressed very nice, professionally with a gray hounds- tooth checked dress suit, black hose, and short heeled pumps. She was a petite woman in stature, perhaps mid-40s, but with a large bust and full figure. She was immaculately coiffed and made up. She would be a perfect example for her business. The way she looked at me was a cross between amused and I guess affirmed. I had never met her before, but it looked like she had an image of me in her mind and I met that expectation. "Welcome Darby, it's nice to meet you in person. Julia has told me all about your offer, as well as her counter-proposal with her expectations. You mentioned a little of what you wanted in your introductory call to me, but I still feel a little uninformed. How about we start by you outlining what you see as your new role and how you should be attired to meet that goal." This was totally unexpected. When I arrived at the two internships, both women felt fully informed as to my role and what they should do with me. To have to explain my situation, in person and on the fly, to a total stranger, made my anxiety, which was already peaking, off the chart. But I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, to just begin. "Well, Ms. Miller, I've always had a desire to wear women's clothes, openly, and I decided it was now or never. I also knew that was unfair to my wife without some compensation. So my offer and her counter proposal were aimed at both allowing me to dress femininely and yet provide a service to her and my family in exchange. I had a much more sedate and neutral image in mind when I made my proposal. A sort of acknowledgment that I wasn't a woman. But Julia insisted I be attired in a uniform, a maid's uniform with proper accoutrements. Both so I would look as passable as possible and it would be clear that about my domestic role. I had assumed she'd told you all this. But if you need more detail, I can answer any questions. Honestly, I don't do well in presentations and probably left out information you might need." Although I gave her a good synopsis, I delivered it in a halting, drawn out way. Lots of stuttering, pauses, space-filling noises while I searched for the right words and in a tone that reflected both my extreme nervousness and humiliation. When I finished, I opened my eyes, finally, to face her again. "Well honey, that's not bad. It's in fact the impression I had of the whole thing, taking what you and Julia had told me. I assume you will be making personal changes as well? Grooming and hygiene requirements more in line with a woman's appearance?" "Yes Ms. Miller, I will be going to a salon, run by a Ms. Giselle Boucher, to learn how to keep my hair, do my makeup, and all the body preparations of a real woman. Again, this was more than I had imagined but something Julia insisted on." "Well it certainly would be a necessary requirement in my opinion, so of course Julia is right about this. Okay, I see you've been letting your hair grow, so I can imagine you with a nice feminine hair style. After talking with Julia I put together a starting wardrobe, a sort of maid's trousseau, that I think will meet her expectations. It's pretty clear in this scenario, hers is the opinion that counts, is that correct?" The blush in my face, which had been residing slowly after my initial stumbling explanation, flamed up. It still humiliated me to tell others that I was no longer important, as far as making decisions over the course of my own life. But I forced myself to answer, in a soft whisper, that yes, Julia's decisions were final and of the utmost importance. "Good, as long as I know who the boss is. To start, I'll need full measurements and then I can try out a few items to see if they work as well as I expect them to work. Why don't you go ahead and undress, down to your underwear. I assume you're wearing panties?" I nodded my head, which brought a stern look from Ms. Miller. "Darby, please answer me vocally when I question you. First me or my assistants, may not be looking at you when we ask, second its good manners to answer your superiors fully, so there is no doubt. Now try again. Are you wearing panties?" "Yes, Ms. Miller. I'm wearing panties, Ms. Julia told me I should wear women's underthings ever since we signed the legal paperwork crystalizing our arrangement." "That's much better. Do that from now on. By the way, do you go by Darby still or have you adopted your new name?" "I use my new name, Darla, more now Ms. Miller. But I answer to either one." "Darla it will be with me from now on. Now strip, it's late already and I'd like to get your situation on track." I thought I could handle this, but removing my clothes as a professional woman watched me was almost too much. But I worked as quickly as I could, finally straightening up, after pulling off my pants. I was glad my panties were a plain white pair. I technically met Julia's requirement but had avoided more femininely trimmed styles, in case they might show through my pants. Ms. Miller stood up and came around the desk. She was holding a clipboard and a cloth measuring tape. I tried to act calm, only glancing down once to be sure I was not tenting my panties. Thank god, I had remained soft. I shouldn't have worried. Her touch actually caused the opposite reaction, as I got smaller. I guess from embarrassment. She worked quickly, another example of efficiency and soon had most of my measurements. The two most embarrassing were her measuring my hips, the tape was close to my shrunken cock and then when she measured my inseam. I swore, she put the tape by it intentionally. After stepping back and looking at her clipboard, Ms. Miller held out the tape for me to take. I took it, a bit puzzled. "Darla I need you to take a measurement for me. Although, your wife didn't specify it, I expect she may be interested eventually in adding this to your uniform. Please pull down your panty and use the tape to make a few measurements of you penis. Oh, and by the way, as per your employers' preferences, don't wear such a plain panty in the future. We'll order you some that are more appropriate for your new position." I wasn't sure what or why Ms. Miller needed such a personal measurement. I hesitated momentarily and looked down at my panties and then back up at her. "Ms. Miller, why do you need such measurements? There aren't any lingerie items that require that are there?" She just looked at me, with an aggravated look on her face, shook her head, and waved me on. "Your right, there aren't any clothing items that need your penis measurements. But there is a specific device, a tool, to control male erections. Something that you'll have little use for going forward in your new role. They're called chastity devices, and can either be a cage or belt. When Julia and I talked about your changing role in her household and your new duties, it came up. I suggested she considered putting you in some sort of control device. Not constantly of course, but it would serve as a good motivator if needed, a way to punish you for bad behavior or insufficient performance of your duties, or if you were in a situation where you might be tempted to have a sexual experience that you weren't allowed to have. Julia told me you accepted the fact that she would need to replace you, as a man, in her life. Is that not true?" I felt my face redden, more so than at any point with her so far. I looked down again. "Yes that is true, Ms. Miller." "Well if Julia has a new man in her bedroom, she might feel better if she knew your sexual desires were under wraps, so to speak. I imagine her new lover might feel better as well. Even though you will have all the appearances, outwardly, of a female, that added knowledge of how you've been rendered impotent, might make it easy for a man to accept your cuckold status. So let's get on with it. Normally, I wouldn't tolerate such an inquisitive attitude about your new wardrobe requirements, but given this is so new to you, I've coddled you in this. But please pull down your panties." I complied and took the various measurements she asked for. Each one, was embarrassing as they seemed so small. I never considered myself to be anything but normal, down there. But putting inch measurements to length, girth, and other dimensions of my sexual organs made them seem small somehow. Also it was awkward to be touching myself there, in my most private spot, in front of a woman, I had just met. I was just relieved when Ms. Miller told me I could pull up my panty. My face was still a pink tint when she had me try on a few items. The most impressive was a waist corset. She called it a trainer. When it was wrapped around my body, she cinched up the strings in back, pulling it as tight as she could. That brought a smile to her face and she showed me how effective it looked in the mirror. She measure my reduced waist and was pleased. I was to take this with me, wearing it under my regular clothes during the day. A second one would be worn at night. My new uniform, the one I would wear for my employer, would include a corset that would be similar to these, but a more complete design, with garters and a longer torso. Before I left, she showed me how to tighten the laces myself and had me wear it home. I was to return to her shop, in a week to get some of my new wardrobe, but the maid dresses and special corset would take longer to make. She would wait until they were complete before giving me the clothes I would wear as a secretary as well. That was the change that really signaled how different my life would be from then on. The corset was a constant reminder of what I had agreed to. I adjusted, surprisingly well, to wearing it and even cinching up the laces on my own. I managed to gradually reduce my waist and made another visit to Ms. Miller's shop, on a lunch break, so she might confirm the smaller sizes in my new wardrobe. She also gave me my new lingerie. An assortment which included very frilly, lace covered panties, in various pastels, black, white, and red, matching bras, sized with large cups, several slips, a couple of panty girdles with garters, stockings, and even night gowns. Along with the lingerie were two breast forms, looking huge in the box. I blushed when the assistant put them in my bag. Ms. Miller made it clear as the young girl showed me all the items. "Darla, after I measured you, I checked with your employer about sizing. She felt it would be appropriate for you to have a large cup size, since we could do so easily. Julia told me you'd always had a thing for women with large breasts, so it seemed only natural that given a choice you would have a full bust too. Of course you aren't quite ready to wear all of these on a daily basis, but you can start enjoying the pretty panties now. It shouldn't be much longer before your custom items come in and we can complete your wardrobe. I assume at that point you'll start making your salon visits and transition to your new role completely." With my wardrobe lined up and just about finished with my internships with the cleaning and catering businesses, I made two more calls. I did call Ms. Boucher and went to her salon to start transforming my body. I also called Mr. Tom Hurts. I explained that Julia wanted some modifications to her home and arranged for him to come by. When he came, Julia explained what all she wanted, while I stood silently by. Her outline of the changes in the basement solidified how my role in her house would go. Luckily, his schedule coincided with ours. Julia and her daughters had a vacation trip to Hawaii planned for three weeks, plenty of time he'd need for the work. I was to remain behind, not to supervisor his work, but just to open the house for him and clean the work area at the end of each day. This was another example of how my life was different now, as normally we'd vacation as a family. Julia said I would occasionally accompany them in the future, but this would be a good way for everything to change. While they were in Hawaii, I'd start at Ms. Boucher's salon, getting my new look. I'd also start wearing my new clothes, so I'd appear completely as their maid when they returned. Julia would explain to my daughters how and why I was taking a new role in their lives. How I was not be seen as their farther any longer, but a devoted servant. A maid who would catered to all of their needs and relieve them of the chores they so hated. They would also start using her maiden name as their own, as part of the new life. Julia explained all of this to me, as we sat at the breakfast table ready to start our day. When they returned, Julia planned to start her own real estate business, so I would also start as her secretary. To be sure that I was ready for that role as well, she wanted me to arrange to work, as an intern again, for Mr. Jones. I was to call him, offer my services and tell him that Julia would be receptive to his advances now. Now that I was her maid and not her husband. That was the call that would be the real test. But first, I wanted to discuss the Hawaii trip. "Julia, I understand your schedule and how everything is laid out. But I was thinking it would be better if I were there to tell the girls about my change. Why it was important to me and why I wanted to take the step. Not as a rejection of my role as their father, but to be sure I would not interfere or confuse their lives when I became the maid. I think it would be best if I tell them that kind of thing directly. As I don't want them to think I love them any less or won't care for them more now than before." Julia looked at me, smiled and put her hand on my thigh, patting it gently. "Darla, I understand your feelings and view point. I knew this was going to be the hardest part, the crucible of your transition. That is one reason I wanted to do it abruptly and quickly, like ripping off a band aid. But having you present will only make it more difficult, not easier. If I tell the girls about this while we are out of the house, they will time to process it, think about it, and understand. When we return, you will be there. Our new maid, ready to serve her family. It will finalize the change for them. They will see that you still love them by how you serve them. That is a domestic's role, to serve. And obey. Once they see you cleaning for them, ironing their clothes, running errands and making them dinners, they'll realize how much you love them. Plus it will make it easier for them to accept that their father has left, replaced by an obedient maid. I also think you're romanticizing how well you could deliver this message. You can barely talk with me without stumbling and bumbling your way through the conversation. How convincing will you be with them? If you read from a script, like you have with all these phone calls, is that going to show them how heartfelt you are? I think it will be hard for you to deliver you explanation in person and it will be harder for them to hear it from you. Trust me, I will be sure they know you did this as much for them and me, as you did it for yourself. I will be sure they know, like I do, that even if we have a new dynamic in our house, your love is still there for them. Personally, I think this will bring you closer because they can see you do stuff every day to make their life easier and better. The good part, is the preparation is almost over and you'll soon be the family maid that you dreamed of being." The discussion ended like all of them had lately, Julia's made her decision and I went along. As much as I was being trained by others on how to cook, clean, and dress, Julia had also been training me. Hers was more subtle, but every time she made a decision, alone, that we'd made as a couple in the past, the change was emphasized. As a domestic, my role was to obey, do as I was told, and do so willingly. Julia had taken over the leadership role of our family and I had stepped aside. The change wasn't as obvious to others, even the girls, other than I now deferred to Julia when they asked about something. My standard answer was now, 'ask your mother'. Before I had only said that when the question involved some feminine issue not requiring an evaluation of cost or timing. Now, no matter what they asked, I would send them to her. It hadn't been missed by me, either, that those questions had gone down in frequency the last couple of weeks. The girls had learned too, to just go straight to Julia. So when Julia told me to contact Mr. Jones to start my internship the next Monday, I agreed. Even if it meant they would leave for Hawaii without me taking them to the airport, saying goodbye or watching them fly away. I would be asking for the tutelage on being a secretary from the man would be my wife's lover. Julia had arranged the timing perfectly. Their flight left at 3 PM. My visit to Ms. Boucher's salon was at 9 AM, followed by picking up my custom uniforms at 11 AM, and changing into my secretarial clothes, at Ms. Millers'. I was then to report to Mr. Jones's firm at noon. I would already be under his thumb when they set out for the airport. But calling him would still be the hardest thing. I had delayed it a while, longer than I should have. Finally there was no more time to put it off. I made the call. The phone rang three times, before it was answered. A sweet feminine voice, telling me that I had reached Jones Business Solutions and how could she help me. I asked to speak with Mr. Jones. She wanted to know who was calling and for the last time I told someone, Darby Stevenson, Julia Giles' husband. When he picked up the phone and answered, his voice was deep, but fluid. You could almost hear his confidence and control. "Good morning, Mr. Jones. I'm Darby, Julia Giles' husband. She asked me to call you about a couple of items. First, I will be assisting in her new business, her own reality firm. I will be acting as her secretary to handle many of the business paperwork and serve as a first contact for her clients. As I've never had such a job before, she wanted to know if you'd be willing to train me on proper procedures for a secretary-receptionist role. Of course, this would be like an internship, as I would work for free for a few weeks, while you and your staff prepare me. I am fluent in use of a computer, including the prominent software for document preparation, spreadsheets, data base management, presentations, and business communications. I would just need guidance on how these are used by a successful business operation. Julia told me you have the best run organization she knew of and would be her first choice to train me. Secondly, Julia and I have come to another agreement on my relationship with her. Not only will I be her secretary for her business, but I will also serve as her family domestic at home. Seeing as I will be assuming a feminine role, in every detail of my life including appearance, Julia also told me to relay some information to you. I know you two have been friends for several years, business associates, but she has informed me that you have shown a deeper interest in her. A personal interest. An interest that she appreciated but had to refuse because of her marital status. Until now. Seeing as I will no longer be the man of the house, or fulfilling my role as her husband, rather becoming her maid, she wanted me to let you know that she will now be receptive to a more personal relationship with you. If you want to pursue such a relationship, I will step aside and welcome you into her house. She's told me she found you very attractive and engaging and only her wedding vows kept her from pursuing a more personal interaction with you. So please follow up with her, upon her return from her vacation. I will have my own sleeping quarters by that time and she will no longer be my wife, but rather my employer. Given those circumstances, do you think you could take me into your firm for training? I so, I will let Ms. Giles know and be prepared to show up for work, as Darla Giles." There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. I had stumbled through my speech, especially the last paragraph. Telling another man that I wasn't my wife's husband anymore and if he was interested in her, sexually, or otherwise that it was fine by me, was the most difficult part of my transition. Now I worried that perhaps she had misread his interests, overstated his desire for her. The silence worried me almost as much as what I had revealed to him. His breathing showed he was still there, then a soft chuckle, let me know he'd understood. "Well, Darla, that was a very surprising soliloquy, very, very surprising. But I admit you make an interesting offer. So I take it you will work for free, in exchange for learning how to be a secretary. Is that correct?" I took a deep breath, trying to settle my nerves. The most difficult part of any of these phone calls is the initial conversation after I have finished my prepared text. And this was the hardest. I knew Julia had expected me to show him respect and obedience, from the beginning. "Yes Sir, if that is agreeable. My employer feels you are the best at what you do and will train me to strive for that." "So Julia is now your employer and not your wife? Plus, it sounds like you're dressing like a girl? " "Yes Sir, in a practical manner. I have taken her last name and we are still technically married, but I no longer serve as her husband and she is the head of the household. And yes, I will be dressed and appear as a female." "Julia is forcing you to do this, to become her secretary and servant, and dress like a girl?" "No Sir. I made her an offer to allow me to dress and act as I have always desired to act. That in exchange for that, I would serve as her maid. She countered with a proposal that I also serve as her secretary. Further, as it was clear I could not keep my role as her mate that she be allowed to engage with men to fulfill her needs. It was a negotiated deal suitable for both parties." His laugh filled my ears. It seemed both full of relief and expectations. A sort of hearty laugh that men do to release tension. "Well that certainly sounds like Jewel to me. She is the most effective and fierce negotiator, man or woman that I know. By the way, I'd taken to calling her Jewel because of the way she sparkles and brings light to my life. It is a pet name I used when we were together. Her acceptance of it, was one of the things that told me she did indeed find me attractive and kept my interest alive over these years we've known each other. So if the two of you have an agreement, where you've become her female servant and secretary, and that frees her from any traditional marital restraints, then I am certainly more than interested. I'm thrilled. Jewel is everything I sought in a woman. Sexy, pretty, strong, intelligent, funny, and a great business person. As far as your business training that should be straight forward. Providing top notch support staff is how I make my living. I have a short but effective training protocol that will turn you into an ideal administrative staff member for her. A perfect secretary and receptionist. It does sound like you have what it takes, although your verbal skills need lots of work. Something that will take longer than three weeks. But I'm sure Jewel will allow me to train you for as long as I need. Right? Of course, much of your time at my firm, you'll be learning from my assistants. They're wonderful too and can be even stricter than me. I assume you'll like that too. Does that suit your needs?" "Yes Sir. I will do any and everything required to become proficient in providing the best support for Julia that I can. I agreed to that in our contract and I will do my best." "Wonderful, then we'll start on Monday. But what I need, is a little more information on how you and Jewels are handling your personal lives. If she is now the head of the house, and you are her maid and secretary, does that mean you will be open about that? Dressing as a woman all the time?" "Yes Sir, I made a choice to be open about my desires. I didn't want to sneaking around, hiding and feeling guilty. This way I'm being honest. I expect there will be unforeseen and sometimes painful consequences but still it seems like the best course." "Very good, that is a step in the right direction, as far as I'm concerned. But what about your sexuality? Are you going to date men? Be active sexually? More specifically, what is Jewel allowing you to do? I'd like to know your status. Even if you appear as a female, I want to know what to expect. I find it difficult to believe you'd just allow another man, or men, to be intimate with your wife." Again, I choked up. Talking about Julia being intimate with other men, after having her as my wife all these years was difficult. Also, admitted to a suitor that I was, effectively neutered, was painful. But I knew, he'd find out eventually, so I should be honest and upfront. Julia was expecting that from me as part of our agreement. "Sir, I won't be dating. I don't really find men attractive and Julia forbade me from pursuing other women while I was in her service. In fact, she has insisted, at the suggestion of our wardrobe advisor, that I wear a chastity device. Something to prevent me from expressing my masculinity in a sexual manner. It is a small metal cage, that locks my privates up so that I can neither get erect nor orgasm. Julia told me I must wear it, at least while we transition into this new life, so that her new male friends can be absolutely sure I pose no threat as a suitor. So I assume I will be wearing it when you two are together. She thought it would be the proper way for me to show you I respect men who will be taking my place with her." Again, that deep laugh rumbled over the phone. It was a few moments before he finished. I realized how hard working for him would be. "Well that beats all. Jewels has literally negotiated your own cock from you. What a business woman. It does make me feel better, knowing this isn't some secret sexual kink you two are playing. When do she and her daughters leave on the vacation? I'd like to see her first, if possible, to let her know in person, how much I like her new arrangement. Would that be possible?" "Of course Sir. Julia wants you to call her and confirm what you and I have talked about. She always talks with the people who are helping transform me to be sure they understand what she wants. They don't leave until Monday, so I imagine you could see her this weekend. That will be up to her of course. Do you need her cell phone number?" "Wonderful, I'll call her right now and I have her number, don't worry. I look forward to seeing you, 'Darla', and helping you adjust to your new life." I felt drained. My hands were trembling and I wondered whether it was too late. Whether this had all been a big mistake. Could I possibly change the course I set out on? I looked down at my hands, putting them together to stop the shaking. I knew it was too late. I'd already told another man that I was no longer my wife's husband, rather I was her maid. Even if I wanted to go back, Julia had accepted that I was more girl than man, inside at least, and would never see me as the man she'd married. So, I knew this would continue. Worst of all, Jackson was the type of man I could never be. I could almost feel the smug attitude over the phone, when he realized he would be able to pursue my wife. I couldn't believe he had a pet name for her already and wondered if Julia hadn't been unfaithful. I shook that out of my head, as all the changes I was facing I didn't need to doubt her. She had been, in her own way, fully supportive of my switch. Even pushed me to do more than I had expected. What would be hard is working for him, and seeing him with Julia. I knew that kind of man. They were super confident, very forceful and demonstrative in how they acted, especially with women. I had actually met him, briefly, at a party some years back, when Julia first joined her firm. Their reality company had a Christmas dinner where all the clients, contractors, and other business parties attended. He was certainly handsome, in the classical way. Tall, dark hair, not overly muscular but very trim and fit. Julia told me he'd played sports at the small college he attended and then got an MBA in business management at a larger university. Even then she seemed impressed by him. Now she'd find out even more what kind of man he was. I was on pins and needles the rest of the weekend. Julia had me packing their clothes and making final arrangements. I spoke with both Mr. Hurts and visited Ms. Boucher's salon. They did an evaluation of me, to determine what makeup colors and hairstyle would be best. She seemed pleased at the steps I had made, at home, to begin preparing my body for a feminine appearance. This evaluation would help so they could be efficient on Monday. Julia had talked with Jackson and she thanked me for contacting him. She seemed giddy about how they were going to see each other after her trip. I sensed it would be hard for her to wait that long, except for how excited the girls were about the islands. What struck me too, was how they didn't seem surprised that I wasn't accompanying them. They were obviously attuned to how Julia and I had changed our personal interactions. Finally on Sunday night, the last night I would be sharing a bed with her, she told me she'd come to a decision. "Darby, from now on, we will live our lives differently. When I return from my trip, only Darla will remain. I want to impress upon you how important this change is and how much I want you to demonstrate your acceptance of our agreement. So, I stopped by Dorothy's shop today and picked up something. She's been very insistent that I use this tool she ordered for you. It is her belief that it will make your transition smoother and impress upon you from the very start how your status has changed in my home. She has concerns that you will resist once the moment arrives and you realize the enormity of your situation. I tend to agree. I've seen you in the past, begin something and at the first sign of problems abandon the effort. Now this time, I have to admit you've been fairly persistent. But I'm worried that persistence is partly because you've not really faced the hardest parts of our agreement. In my conversation with Jackson, he suggested something much the same. Therefore, I'm taking Dorothy's advice and requiring you use this until we've settled into our new life. I'm not sure, at this point, how long that will take. I assume it will be clear when the moment arrives. But here, take this box, you probably know what's in it." Julia reached out her hand, holding a small box. I reluctantly took it from her, alternating between looking at her, almost pleading and then down at the box. Finally, I removed the lid. Inside was the thing I had expected and feared. A shiny, metal cage like apparatus, with a built- in lock, the keys inserted into it. I had looked online after Ms. Miller had me measure myself that first meeting. This was one of the designs I had seen. A small, effective design. A metal cage that locked around my genitals. Small and tight enough so it couldn't be removed without the key but loose enough so as to not cause physical damage. I didn't want to touch it or take it out of the box. Maybe I could convince Julia otherwise. "Julia, I don' think..." "Darla. Don't argue. The time for negotiations is past. You signed the deal and it was clearly stated that this type of control, by me of you, was in the agreement. Like you will from now on, just do as I say." Her voice was firm, controlled and signaled there was no point trying to argue. The tone of voice I could never muster. I looked down from her face at the box again. This time I picked it up. It wasn't as heavy as I had imagined, but the dread was worse. It looked so small. I held it in my hands a moment. "Do you know how to put it on? If so, remove your pants and pull down your panties, so I can watch." My throat was dry and I wasn't sure I could speak, so I nodded my head in agreement. I put it back in the box and wiggled my pants down to my thighs followed by my peach colored lace panty. I took the cage and turned the key. It fell apart into three sections. I had looked online and saw how they worked. So I carefully maneuvered the ring over my cock and balls, stretching through until the ring as flat against my body. I took the cage and slipped over my cock. It looked a little big for me, as my cock was in full turtle mode. Adjusting the clasps where the ring met the cage, I slipped the lock in and turned the key. The lock engaged allowing me to remove the key. I held it there momentarily as I looked at my cock. It had fit so easily. I was stunned and stood there. "Well that looks like a perfect fit. Let me see." Julia reached out and tugged on it, once and then again. I guess to see if it would come off. But it felt secure. Inside I realized this was the first time in months maybe years she'd handled me and now only with the metal cage in between her hand and my cock. Smiling she looked up at me and let go. "Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Of course, you won't be able to keep the keys yourself, as your weakness and lack of discipline is why you're wearing this in the first place. But I don't think I should take them with me, as we would be too far away if you had an emergency. So, I asked someone to help out, to hold them while we're away. So Monday when you meet Jackson, please give him your keys to hold. When I return, then he can give them back to me. If he tells me you've been obedient, proper, and met his expectations, then I might considered unlocking you so you can get some relief. But I expect you'll wear this for several months, as you settled into your new life. Now pull up your panties and finish getting my stuff ready for the trip." The rest of the night was torture. First I couldn't fall asleep and I kept fingering the metal contraption around my cock. It seemed so foreign, like a parasite or alien invader. When I finally decided to get out of bed, I took a shower and dressed, simply. I gathered the luggage and put it by the door, so when the Uber came to take Julia and the girls to the airport, everything would be ready. I also unlocked the basement door for Mr. Hurts' crew to start demo on our remodel. I could hear everyone starting to stir by the time I left to go to Ms. Boucher's salon. I felt like I was leaving my whole life behind as I drove away. The next few hours, in contrast to my sleepless night, flew by. I got my hair and makeup done at the salon. They chose simple, easy to duplicate looks. The makeup was understated, focusing mostly on lips and eyes. I did get lash extensions and my brows shaped to help feminize my face, even without cosmetics. The hair cut was a short but feminine style, with bangs and loose curls, again giving me a woman's look even without using a curling iron. Ms. Boucher's stylist colored it first, so I was now a softer, brighter blonde look, with hints of highlights. The finishing touch was to shape and polish my nails. The bright red on my toes and the slightly longer fingernails flashed as they moved, almost always in my vision. After the salon, I drove to Ms. Millers'. They had my complete wardrobe, showing me what all to wear and when to wear it. Her primary assistant, Melanie, laced me into my new, everyday corset. Along with a tight padded panty girdle, and bra with my large forms, I now had a very feminine body profile. I dressed in a pencil skirt, sleeveless blouse, and a tight cardigan sweater in subdued colors. Matching pumps with four inch heels and a hobo purse, completed my look. I had to admit I could see the image in the mirror as a secretary at any firm I had worked for. Except for perhaps the large breasts straining against my blouse. I could already feel their pull on my shoulders and back from the weight. I put the rest of my wardrobe in my car and made my way toward Mr. Jones's office. Even if I hadn't been laced into a super tight corset, my breath would have been rapid and shallow. I was so nervous, for so many reasons. This was my first true exposure in my female form. This was my initial meeting with the man who'd train me to be a secretary, but more important the man who would replace me as my wife's lover. And this was the man who would hold the key to my caged cock. These were all steps where I voluntarily surrendered my masculinity to begin my journey as a submissive feminized male. Walking into the building where his office was, I felt like everyone was starring. But I made it to the third floor, and hesitantly, told the receptionist I was there to see Mr. Jones. She picked up a phone and made a call. "Mr. Jones is tied up at the moment, so he won't be able to see you yet. Since you're here for training, I'm going to send you on to Ms. Downing. She'll do your introductory evaluation and start you on your assignments. Her office is down the hall and on your left. She is expecting you." "Thank you Miss." "Oh I almost forgot. Jackson said you were to leave your keys with me. He'd get them later." The receptionist, held out her hand, with manicured nails similar to mine. I felt my pulse stop. But reached into my purse, fumbling a moment as I tried to find them. I placed them in her hand, feeling like I was giving away my soul. Her hand closed around them and then put the keys in her desk drawer. "Thanks, Miss Giles, I'll make sure he gets these. Good luck with your training, I'm sure you'll do fine." I made my way toward the office, like a man walking to his own hanging. Ms. Downing was waiting and the process began. Despite my misgivings, I was soon lost in all the tasks she had me do. First, I had to do a series of tests and exercises to determine my exact skill level on a wide range of business software. After I completed those, I did some interactive training modules, where I alternated between watching a short video presentation and them repeating the lessons contained in that section. By 4:30, she'd done all the initial phases, and told me she was taking me to Mr. Jones' office where we'd review my current status and outline the different training I'd need to be a competent administrative assistant. I followed her down the hall, past the receptionist to a large office. She knocked and the deep, masculine voice told her to come on in. I meekly followed, dreading this interaction. He was seated behind a large desk, looking at a couple of computer screens and finalizing a conversation on his cell. Swiveling around in his chair, he turned to face us. I recognized him, but he was a little different. A touch of gray in his hair, at the temples, but still a chiseled face and indication of a trim body under his suit. His voice was strong and in control, as he wrapped up his conversation and clicked off the phone. Smiling, he indicated a chair to Ms. Downing, but leaving me to stand in front of them. "Well hello, Ms. Giles, Darla isn't it? I trust you've got a good start to your training. I wanted to meet you first thing, but clients come first. So how did she do, Madison? Well I hope." "Not too bad, Jackson. She isn't quite as skilled on the computer as she indicated on her application, but nothing that some lessons won't correct. Darla did follow orders well and passed all the hidden checks in the initial work we did. I was impressed that she stopped working when told to, but if there wasn't a time limit, she made sure to finish the lesson completely. Good indication of her work habits. She made it through almost every first day lesson and with a full day tomorrow, I'm sure I can get her on track with her lesson plans. I expect her to have the same procedure as most of our short-term trainees. The first week will be all computer lessons and software skills. The second week will be a mix between helping some of our staff, so she gets real life experiences, and additional computer training. Then the last week, we will work on her most glaring weakness, her verbal skills. I'm confident I can whip her into shape so she'll be ready to work for your friend, Julia." "Excellent. Jewels told me she was a good worker, very obedient, and a prime candidate for her new role. Darla, Ms. Downing is a superior teacher, and as long as you obey her instructions to the letter, you'll do fine. I am impressed with your appearance. A nice business look, attractive, functional, without being too trendy or overtly sexy. That is just the right balance for an admin assistant. Of course I told your employer that I would personally supervise your training for these three weeks and beyond if necessary. Clients like Jewels, are the most important part of my business and satisfying all of their needs and requests is my top priority. I'm sure she told you that. So just be here on time first thing tomorrow morning and all will be well. You're dismissed. Madison make sure she understands her assignments for the next few days." We started to leave, when he spoke up again. "Oh by the way, Darla, Lee Ann out front gave me your keys, so don't worry about those. That was another promise I made to Jewels. That I would be sure everything was secure and under control until she returned. And longer, again, if necessary. Have a good night." Leaving his office I had a sinking feeling. It had been awkward last night and today wearing the metal cage. But knowing that the key to my sexual freedom was being held by the man who was replacing me in my wife's bedroom, was gut wrenching. He would have no reason to give them to me. In fact, although his demeanor was friendly and business-like, I felt he was enjoying my transition from Julia's husband to her maid, a little too much. I gathered my things, got my instructions on when to be there tomorrow from Ms. Downing and headed home. I knew I had a lot to do and more exposure of my new identity as Darla. When I pulled in our driveway, most of the workers had gone, but Mr. Hurts' truck was there. I went to find him first, and he was in the basement, sort of laying out the design. I was surprised at what all had been done, the place was gutted. Apparently, it was demo day and the crew had removed almost everything, down to studs in some places. I carefully walked in as my heels were not exactly the right shoe for a construction area. I knew Mr. Hurts would be surprised, as he'd not seen my female persona. He saw me approach, and I swear he had to stifle a laugh as I came up to him. But he was professional, told me what they'd done today and laid out the schedule for the rest of the work. I would just need to be sure the basement door was open. Generally they'd work 8 to 5, so when I returned they'd be finishing. As he wrapped it up, he told me I'd be happy with my new space, as Julia had selected a nice palate of colors and styles for both my bedroom and her office. His final comment that there would be plenty of closet space for my new clothes, was a subtle dig at how I was dressed. But by now, I was getting used to the men that Julia knew, taking a few jabs at me. They certainly couldn't understand my motivation. When he was gone and I was alone in the house, I brought in all of my new clothes that Ms. Miller had provided, as well as my cosmetics and hair products from Ms. Boucher's salon. I was torn, about how much to unpack. I knew all my new things would have to be moved to the renovated space at some point. But I would need my secretarial clothes, at least, these next three weeks. Plus, Julia had told me to donate my male clothes, all of them, before they returned. Darby was to be gone from her house. I got that and practically there was no reason to keep any of them. Except this might be the last time I would be in men's wear. I had been so eager to commit to my cross-dressing desires that I hadn't fully realized how drastic it would be. But perhaps cold turkey was best. Just flip a switch. Darla was on and Darby was off. I bit my lower lip as I stepped into the closet and looked at my things. Suits, dress shirts, oxfords, ties, and all the casual clothes I wore when doing my husband and dad things around the house. I took a deep breath and began to remove items from hangars. I went through each section, neatly folding and stacking them on the bed. Some items were a bit too worn to donate, so I put them on the floor. When I was done, all of Darby's identity was stacked in nice piles, ready to be taken from the house. I went to the mudroom, where I had been storing a small collection of boxes, scavenged from Amazon orders or stops at the package store. I brought up the cardboard containers and filled them with my past. A large trash bag was also full, mostly casual tee shirts, pajamas, and underwear. Items that couldn't be donated. When I was done, I slowly carried them downstairs. I would put them in the car later, but for now I was getting hungry. I was also way past my tolerance of my tighter corset. Ms. Miller had told me that I would adjust and get to a point where I would be so used to wearing one that I would forget about it. But initially, I would need to switch after a long day to a less restrictive one, so my body could recover some, without losing its 'compressive memory', as she called it. So I undressed, completely. I took a quick shower. Just enough to wash off my body and remove my makeup. I knew I'd have to redo it all in the morning but since I was alone, I could go without for the evening. But I did lace up my training corset and slip into a nightgown. I still couldn't get over Julia locking me in the chastity cage, and I throbbed thinking about her soon to be lover, holding my keys. But I put that out of my mind by doing chores. First, hauling all my male clothes downstairs and putting them in the trunk of my car. I'd stop by the charity thrift store sometime this week. Then I ate one of those frozen diet meals, enough calories to keep me going but help me lose that last five pounds I wanted to be rid of. Feeling a little better, I hung up my work clothes in the empty space in the master bedroom closet and put a few of my lingerie items in the dresser drawers where my male items had been. I only unwrapped the minimum I needed to make it until my new bedroom was ready. The next morning, I got up two hours earlier than normal. It was a good thing too, as doing my own hair and makeup took more than an hour. Also, lacing my new corset was harder, partly because it was so tight and partly due to my new longer fingernails. I tried to remain positive, as I figured I get better at all of my personal needs, so I would eventually need less time to prepare. The rest of the week went okay. Ms. Downing was a strict taskmaster, making me repeat several exercises that she felt weren't up to her standards. My computer skills did increase, partly because I became more adjusted to my longer fingernails. Seems some of my errors were more typing mistakes than process errors, and as I learned how to type without hitting the tips, I improved. I also began to relax in my new persona. I started to realize I did look feminine, passable, and was being treated as a girl by Mr. Jones and his staff. I was also happy at the progress being made in the basement. By the weekend, they had framed the new layout, installed new electrical lines, and put up drywall. They looked like they would easily be done by the end of next week. I could see why Julia was so attached to Mr. Hurts for all of her remodeling needs. The second week at work, was in a way harder than the first. I had to mix both online training plus real secretarial tasks. But I was learning. The other staff held me to the same standards as both Mr. Jones and Ms. Downing, so I felt like I would be able to do everything Julia needed in the way of admin support. Still, I had multiple humbling moments when I couldn't quite do the task correctly. Also, every time I went to Mr. Jones's office, which I did at least once, at the end of the day, I was reminded of how my life was changing. As part of his d?cor, he had an area behind his desk, where he displayed a variety of awards, trophies and plaques related to his success in his business, his tennis competitions, and even his old college degrees. Amongst them now, pinned to the board, was his latest prize. My keys. I had to see them every visit and be refreshed about how agonizing these last two weeks had been. I had never gone this long without an orgasm, and my needs were creeping into my everyday thoughts. The good thing about the second week was that the renovations were completed. The basement now had my new living quarters, an office for Julia's business and a laundry area. Mr. Hurts' crew even moved the furniture in, as Julia had purchased it and stored it at his warehouse. The office was standard, with a new computer, printer, and multiple line phone system. It also had built in files, a large desk for her and a smaller clerical style desk and credenza for me. It was setup so she could have clients visit, as her office had a door, but it was mostly for me to handle phones, online sales, and paperwork. Still her space was easily twice the size of my area, a reflection of her importance as the head of her firm. My section of the basement now included a small bedroom, a walk-in closet and even a small nook with a loveseat and television. It was nice, livable, but again much smaller than the master suite Julia had to herself now. A further reflection of the bargain I had made with her. The walls were a very light blue, with white wainscots on the lower half of the walls with multiple full length mirrors throughout the space. The furniture was white with a flowery detail that matched the blue on my walls. They were not quite a teen girl's look, but certainly not a masculine one. It included a canopy-covered, single bed, a dresser, vanity with mirror, and a tall lingerie chest. Next to my area were the bathroom, with a tub shower and the laundry room, which should be convenient for me to iron and hand wash items at the end of the day. The flooring was all a vinyl planking, functional, but hard and cold. Also when I walked on it in my heels, they would click- clack away, reminding me of my feminine style. The only soft spot was a fluffy area rug with a blue floral design near my bed. With my new space finished, I spent the weekend transferring everything from Julia's master bedroom to my area. I finally hung up all my maid uniforms, laid out my shoes and filled my dresser and lingerie chest with my pretty underwear. On Saturday afternoon, I finally took all of my male clothes and donated them to the thrift store. That night I slept in my new quarters for the first time. It was nice in its own way, but lacked the connection to my former life. Right before bed, I went around the upstairs to shut down the house, locking outside doors, turning off the lights, and clicking on the security alarms. When I walked down the stairs to my new place, it was like leaving the house, going to an apartment, very symbolic of how I was leaving my role as a husband and dad, to become the domestic help. I felt like I should cry, but I was resigned or more accurately accepting of the change. It was what I had wanted and made a deal to get. The past two weeks had been stressful, humiliating at times, and always challenging. Being bossed around, learning new skills, subordinate as they were, reminded me of how I would be a full-time follower from here on out. I would not make decisions, or offer any leadership in my work or private life. But I had enjoyed it too. I loved being dressed as a woman. I was even fully embracing my large breast size and tight corseted waist. The longer time to prepare in the mornings and before I went to bed at night, although tedious, reinforced my new femininity. Now all I had to overcome is the gnawing desire for an orgasm and the shocking embarrassment of the moment when I faced my family for the first time. I could see from my work experiences that it would be devastating, at first, but I felt positive that the girls would get past the change quickly and come to love their own maid. Not the same kind of love that they had for their father but still love. I could sense Julia had already made that adjustment. She just wanted to test me more at the start to be sure this was what I truly wanted. It was. The last week at Mr. Jones's business was horrible. First Ms. Downing made me work as part of a call center, where I had to answer phones all day long. Even though I was in a small private office, the works was anything but. The first day, she stood there watching me work, making me nervous. I messed up almost every call and she got more and more frustrated. The next morning it started off with much of the same. Finally, she reached a breaking point. She leaned into where I was sitting and asked if I really wanted to be a secretary for my new employer. I answered yes, more than anything, almost on the brink of tears. Well she told me, I was the worst she'd ever trained and asked if I was really willing to do anything? I was fighting back tears but I nodded my head again, but she forced me to speak. Yes, yes I was. She straightened up, smiling and told me there was one technique she'd used, successfully, in the past for a girl that was similarly challenged verbally. But it was embarrassing. Painful and not a regular technique. Was I willing to accept that to learn? I spoke as strongly as I could, yes I was. Hearing that she had me stand up and she took my chair. She opened the desk and took out the ruler stored in the drawer. Looking at me with an evil grin, she lightly tapped the ruler against the palm of her hand. "Darla, this will either make you or break you. Remove your skirt and any foundation garment you're wearing but keep your panties on. Then put on your phone headset, stand next to your desk, between me and the desk. When you answer the phone, if you do it well, nothing will happen. If you make a mistake, or ask them to repeat their question, then I will whack you across your buttocks, hard. Hard enough to leave a nice red mark. If that doesn't motivate you to concentrate, take your time to listen and then respond in a fluid manner, then nothing will. You'll be a failure. But honestly I'm sure you can do this. I see no reason, not lack of intelligence, poor motor skills, or lack of vocabulary that should prevent you from being successful at this task. Now get ready and turn on the phone system." I was trembling as I followed her orders. I unzipped my skirt and stepped out of it. Followed by me slowly working the padded girdle down past my butt until it rested just above my knees, my stockings loosely bunched up around my lower legs. I wore only a small tanga panty, so most of my butt was exposed. Then I began to answer phones again. The first two times I did okay, but then I messed up. Ms. Downing's reaction was swift and powerful. The smack of the ruler against my cheek reverberated in the small office and sent a shock of pain through me. I began to get nervous and messed up the next four calls in a row. Each time I was rewarded with a swat of the ruler, maybe more than a swat as they were hard blows. When I messed up the fifth call, I got two blows, one on each cheek. The sixth call went okay, no need for correction from her. The rest of the morning, I gradually improved, so that I was averaging about one spanking for every five calls. Finally the last hour I went without any errors, and once I was past the fear of being hit across my rear, my difficulty speaking seemed minor. I really focused on the caller, what they asked, what they wanted, and then concentrated on the answer needed. Apparently, Ms. Downing's extreme, almost sadistic, method worked. When she told me I could get dressed again and take a break for lunch, she was smiling. I had been humiliated by having her see how I was dressed. And worried she'd seen the metal chastity cage outlined against the thin fabric of my panty. I hurriedly pulled up my girdle, even though its pressure on my bright red cheeks only increased the pain. As I tugged and pulled my stockings into place, she got a call on her cell. "Yes, hello Jackson. We are at a good stopping point. I think Ms. Giles has made great progress this morning in addressing her major weakness. We'll be right up to your office." Ms. Downing told me we had to go upstairs to his office and I followed her, ass throbbing but surprisingly proud of my work. I did feel like I had gotten over the mental hurdle represented by my previous nervousness when I answered a phone. When we got to his office, he was giving his secretary some orders, and packing a few things in his briefcase. Looking up at us, he smiled and waved us into his office. "Madison, Darla, I am glad to hear that the training is going well. I had intended to oversee her progress this last week, but that's changed. I'll have to do that next week in some sort of follow-up, when I return. I've had a change in my plans. Turns out, I've got an opportunity for some R&R, a tropical holiday. I'm flying out to Hawaii to meet up with a friend, a very close and special friend, for a few days of fun, both in the sun and not. Darla, I know your employer asked me to watch over you and represent her while she is out of town. So I want you, Madison, to take over that task for me. Here, these keys are for emergency use only. If for some reason, they are needed, use your best judgement. Darla will tell you if it is important and you can judge for yourself if it is a true emergency, okay?" Jackson handed her a set of keys. The keys to my chastity device. She took them, wrapping her hands around them, and then glancing my way. I stood there motionless, as I had been blindsided by his short speech. First hearing he was going to Hawaii, to see a friend, for fun. It was clear who he meant. It was also clear what it meant for me. My time, as my wife's lover, was over. Her new freedom was starting. Second it was also clear my chastity, the fact that my cock was locked away, that it was no longer mine to control, was also clear. Madison held them which was almost worse than Jackson having them. I had worried she had seen my secret as she spanked me. Now did it matter? "You have a good time Jackson. I'll handle any problems Darla might have. As I trained her this morning, I noticed she had a singularly unique method of control. It seemed unusual at the time, but now it makes sense. Perfect sense. Oh, and say hi to Jewels for me, will you? Okay Darla now that this is settled, go get something to eat. You need to be back on the phones in twenty minutes. I'll check up on you later this afternoon to be sure the progress I witnessed this morning is continuing. I promise you if you slip into your poor ways again, I won't hesitate to use the necessary discipline to be sure you succeed. Dismissed." I stumbled out of his office in a daze. I went to the small cubicle I had been allowed to put my purse and small lunch in while I worked. I drank some water and slowly nibbled on the cheese crackers I had. I knew this day was coming. Julia would be making love with another man. But to have it be so soon and on her vacation seemed quick. But then I remembered her words, that Darby would be gone by the time she returned. It made sense then. If she'd already fucked another man when she returned, then that memory, that ghost of as husband would be excised as well. Likely she'd go the pool or beach with him, certainly have dinner together, so her status would be clear to her daughters as well. Julia had indicated that she was going to tell them about the change, about Darla their new maid. It made sense, she do so early in the trip to allow them time to adjust to the idea before they saw her. Now it made sense that they see their mom with another man. At some exotic locale, rather than at the breakfast table as I served him coffee after he's spent the night fucking my wife, in my old bed. Yes, Julia was logical about this process. But in reality, it was probably the fact that she was horny and couldn't wait to fill his cock and taste his kisses. It was true, she was logical but she could also be very passionate. A fact I had forgotten too easily. By the time Ms. Downing checked on me again, I was easily handling the phone calls. But I was doing so standing up. Even after several hours, my cheeks flamed and hurt anew when I sat on them. Her lesson about focus and concentration would not be soon forgotten. Pleased, after a half hour of observation, she left. Gently tapping my left cheek as she left the room. I should have been embarrassed, or angry perhaps at being treated so dismissively. But instead, I felt proud. I had been able to overcome one of my greatest weakness, my poor vocal skills, and now I was sure Julia would fine me an excellent secretary. After that watershed moment, the week improved, at least at work. At home, living in my new quarters only reminded me of what my wife and Jackson were doing. What my daughters were understanding about me in a most impressionable way. I tried to distract myself by trying on my new uniforms, making sure they fit properly. I also practiced doing my makeup and styling my hair, so I might be quicker in the mornings. I had a feeling that once I became my family's domestic that my own time would be scarce and precious. Minimizing the time I would need to assume my role as Darla would be useful. I didn't have to, but I stayed in my own suite most of the time, unless I was tidying up or making something to eat. I wanted to adjust to being near but not in my family's space. I also set up Julia's work area, putting her laptop, unopened mail, and all her work materials in files or on her desk. On Friday, Ms. Downing did a final check of everything she'd taught me. I passed with flying colors and she seemed very pleased. I could tell that transforming me into a serviceable secretary was important to her. But I could also tell she was just curious. About me, Julia, and our unique arrangement. So when she asked if I would join her for a celebratory drink at a nearby bar, I accepted. I felt nervous, as socializing in my feminine persona, was not something I had done. But I followed her lead, letting her order our drinks and then sitting with her at a secluded booth. After our drinks came, she toasted my successful training. Then she brought out my keys. Playing with them, she asked if I minded explaining how I got where I was now. So I began to explain. My offer and what it meant to me. Julia's counter proposal, with all the requirements. The process I completed, including assuming a feminine persona all the time, and culminating with my secretarial training and eventually with her boss being with my wife. Madison was very intrigued by how I let another man take my place. But seemed pleased that I realized Julia deserved her sexual pleasure and in a way that met her needs. Then she asked about the chastity. Whose idea was it? How long had it been? Was it frustrating? My answers seemed to please her, especially when I confessed that the three weeks without a climax were the longest I could remember ever being celibate since puberty. Madison then confessed that my training, the corporal punishment while I spoke on the phone was something she'd never done before. That her story about using it before was fake and just so I would agree. That in fact, the idea was suggested by Julia via Jackson. That my wife had noticed when I was distracted, very distracted by some challenge that my verbal skills improved. So she suggested I be physically distracted. It was Jackson's idea to use spanking but Madison's idea to do it while I was semi-nude. She'd seen my figure under the tight pencil skirts and wondered about my foundation items. Plus she liked spanking men, had done it once with a boyfriend and wanted to see how I would react. Realizing after she started that I was wearing a chastity device only made it better. As she talked, she played with my keys, so that we both could see them. My cock was throbbing during the conversation as it was swollen inside the cage. Then she admitted that she was turned on by the whole training thing. "Darla I absolutely loved spanking you. I secretly hoped that you'd mess up so I could make your cute little ass quiver as I hit it. Watching it turn red was such a turn on. The way your girdle was stretched across your thighs and your silky stockings bunched up at your knees just accentuated how vulnerable you were. I actually had a small orgasm while I spanked you. I'd love to do it again. Maybe this time, with your hands cuffed behind your back and maybe even let you out of your little cage. Would you like that? If Julia is allowed to have a man please her with his cock, are you allowed to let a woman use you for her pleasures? Who knows it might be the only way your employer will ever let you out of that little prison. So do you want me to ask her when I give your keys to her? If so, then I want a look. I want to see how your cock is locked away. How the cage keeps it tight and tiny. You seem to like making bargains with women. How about this deal. You go, right now, out to your car and crawl into the back seat. Then remove your skirt and put your girdle in the same position as it was the other day, only pull down your panties too. That way I can see it. See it all. Of course, you'll have to let me spank you too. Do that, and I'll talk with Jewels about letting me help you cum. I'm pretty sure from your description that she has no interest in helping you out that way any longer. But I do. Very much so, if you're willing to let me play too. Do we have a deal?" The whole conversation seemed unreal. But her interest in me was real. Given my extended period of chastity, it sounded exciting to me too. In a way. Her assessment of Julia's future involvement with me sounded right. I couldn't see her doing anything for me again. I didn't know if she'd even unlock me so I could masturbate. But was the idea of letting her spank me, so I could cum, a better option? I knew my heart was racing at the idea. Given that she'd basically seen me caged, under my panties, it wouldn't be bad to let her see it uncovered. It was hard to decide what to do, but watching her twirl my keys in her hands let me know what to do. I should let her have her way if that is what she wanted. I had been trained to submit to women, so it wasn't my decision. "If that's what you want me to do, then okay. Just give me a few minutes before you come out. I need some time to get in position." "That's the ticket. But not too long. I'll wait five minutes, but not any longer. You may go." I slid out of the booth and stood up, smoothing out my skirt before I started walking toward the door. When I was dressed in femme, I always thought people starred at me. It felt even more so now. That they knew what I was going to do. I walked quickly, as quickly as I could in my tight skirt and heels. Outside, I made my way toward my car. When we left Jones's office, I'd followed her in my car. She'd pulled into the bar parking lot, and parked at the far end. I'd parked next to her car. Now it was clear she'd chosen this spot because it was a little isolated. Not private, but no other cars were nearby. I got to my car and opened the doors. I stood by the back seat, and pulled down my skirt. My head was swiveling around to see if anyone was near or might see what I was doing. The bar was visible, but a patron would only seem the upper half of my body, even if they were looking. The skirt was stretchy without a zipper and came down my legs easily. I quickly stepped out of it, the cool evening breeze making goosebumps on my exposed thighs above my stockings and below my open bottom girdle. I hurriedly draped it over the back of the front seat. Then I wiggled my girdle and panties down into positon. Ready, I sat down on the backseat, facing the door. My caged cock, throbbing in its cage was there for her to look at. Then I waited. It seemed like forever, that I sat there, exposed. Then I heard footsteps. I glanced back through the rear window and could see her coming my way. My keys were still in one hand and her purse was in the other. She came around the back of my car and stepped next to me, beside the opened rear door. I was trembling, scared, excited, and anxious. She was smiling but silent. She dropped my chastity keys into her purse and took out a small, black cylinder. It was an LED flashlight. The kind you'd use to see your door lock. She switched it on and the pinpoint, focused light seemed so bright. She shown it on me, my caged cock. I began to panic, my heart racing, and feeling so exposed. But Madison was calm, smiling, and she reached out to fondle me in the cage. At the click of the light, my desire had evaporated and with it, my cock shrunk up, no longer hard and excited, but soft and timid. Her fingers played over the cold steel and then over my smooth balls, stretched out between the ring and the cage, trapped and exposed. Her touch felt like lightning, as she scraped her nails over them. Then she lightly pinched one, sending a shock wave of pain over me. She was smiling more now. "I like that. I like how your little balls are out front, on display, but your cock isn't. They look like plums or grapes, ripe to be picked. I didn't realize you were so small. You look more like a baby boy than a man. I can see why Jewels was willing to let you become her maid and secretary. She made a nice trade, Jackson's thick cock for a new maid. What women wouldn't make that deal? Well you're what I want too. I have no need for a cock from you. I like it this way better. I'll talk with your employer and make her an offer. Maybe you'll get to cum too. But first I want to remind you what you have to pay. Roll over and lay down on the seat. Now." I was scared, but did as she asked. A light tap and she told me to raise my butt up in the air. So I lifted it up, off of the car seat, my feet planted on the ground outside of the car. She began to rub my butt with her hand and leaned over, telling me to count for her. She wanted to give me twenty-five 'reminders'. A sort of promissory note of what I might expect if she struck a deal with Julia. She started, alternating between cheeks. She actually giggled as she swatted me. Each blow wasn't that hard, I think because she was using her hand this time. But cumulatively, the blows produced the effect she was after. I began to redden up, and my whole ass stung and throbbed when she finished. After I counted out twenty-five, she leaned over, while she rubbed my butt, to whisper. "That wasn't so bad now was it? I bet you'd get used to something like that from me, if you might get to come, wouldn't you? I know I liked it. Just the way you turn so red, so quickly. It makes me hot. Good thing I've got a date later. He's wonderful in bed, skilled and big enough to please a woman. I hadn't planned on fucking him, but now, he might get lucky. Okay pull up your girdle little miss, that way you can keep those little buns warm all night." She laughed as she said the last part. Madison stood and watched as I struggled to pull up my panties and girdle while lying on the back seat. I finished by smoothing my nylons back into place. When I was done, she patted me on the head. "Now you been such a good girl, I've got a treat for you. I paid for another drink for you. The bartender will have it for you at the bar. I want you to go, sit on one of the stools in front and take your time sipping it. I want you to feel the heat while you think about me, think about the men looking at you, and think about how your wife, and now me, are going to get a good fucking while you're all locked up. Go on, you're dismissed." Madison watched as I made my way back to the bar and then once I had entered she drove away. I was tempted to just leave myself, but was paranoid that somehow, she knew the bartender and would find out I'd not done as she said. So I sat down, which really caused my cheeks to burn, got the man's attention and slowly drank my 'reward'. Madison was right, several guys eyed me and one even sat down next to me and sort of chatted me up. I was friendly but not too much, as I had no interest in men. When he offered to buy me another drink, I politely refused, saying I needed to be going. By then my butt was really tingling, and all I wanted to do was go home and get ready for my wife and daughters return. I finally left, driving home quickly, as I suddenly had to pee. I pulled into my driveway, hurried inside, and despite a bathroom being right there on the first floor, I forced myself to go into the basement to use my own facilities. I knew from now on, I would not be allowed to use the family's bathrooms, only those in the servant's quarters. Just saying that to myself, made my situation real to me. After I used the bathroom, I decided to check out the house one more time. I wound up cleaning, dusting, and arranging everything for the next four hours, so it would be just right. Despite my impending life change, I was so eager to see my family again. I had missed Julia and the girls, and even knowing I would no longer be in the same role with them, I needed to be with them. I also felt more confident that I could actually talk with the girls about my switch. With the house ready, I went down to my quarters. I finally undressed, and took a long, warm bath. I soaked and with my stress released, shaved so I would look as neat as the house. When I finished, I shampooed my hair and put it in rollers. I selected the uniform I was going to wear to greet them and finally went to bed. In a way, I was past being nervous as I knew there was no recourse for me at this point. Plus I seemed to focus on how my cheeks still throbbed and the possibility Julia would actually allow Madison to see me. When I accepted her counter proposal, that part of my life wasn't discussed. I drifted off to sleep with those thoughts in my head. I woke before my alarm, as I had since they'd left for vacation. I got up, and prepared for my day. Even though they wouldn't be arriving until midday, I wanted to be ready. I knew that with flight time, getting to and from airports, and with the time zone changes, their flight would be a red-eye and likely they'd be tired after getting home. So I would be prepared to fix them a late dinner after a nap, if needed. In any case, I would be ready to serve. I did my morning business, shaved my face, and put on my bra with forms, matching panty, and then laced up my corset. Even though I had been getting coffee and fruit dressed like this with a robe over my lingerie, while they were gone, I knew I had to change. From now on, I would only be upstairs, outside of the servant's quarters, if I was fully dressed. Either as their maid or Ms. Giles's secretary. So I continued to get dressed. Even though wearing a long leg panty girdle compressed my caged cock in a painful way, I wanted to wear it so my rear would have a more rounded shape from the padding. I also attached stockings to the garters. At this point, I did my makeup and unrolled my hair, styling it like Ms. Boucher had shown me. Before she'd left, Jules had looked at photos of my new maid's dresses and told me which one to use for my debut. I had several traditional styles, in black with white trim, but also a couple more colorful ones. She'd chosen one of these, a light blue and white striped one. It had blue collar and cuffs, with a blue half- apron, ruffled at the edges, a blue hair band with ruffles, and matching blue high-heel pumps. I think she'd chosen in part, because blue is seen as a boy's color and since I was technically still a male, it was appropriate. I would have preferred one of the black dresses as they fit my image of a maid, still my role was to do as I was told by the head of the house. So blue it was. Once I was dressed, I set about doing what I hoped would develop into a routine. I made a sweep of the house again, dusting lightly. I checked to be sure everything was neat and in its place. I did these things, not because they were needed, but to fill my time and occupy my mind. Ever since I awoke, I'd been plagued with doubt. As the time approached for my debut, my nerves became so tense, my hands trembled and even my legs seem unsteady. I was just about to panic and run downstairs to change, when I heard it. The limo from the airport. My first inclination was to wait inside for some sort of grand reveal. But I knew Julia would expect me to come out to carry in their luggage. It would be the first sign, to the girls, that I would do all of the trivial and menial tasks they hated. So forcing a smile onto scared face, I opened the door and headed out to welcome them home. The girls were already exiting the vehicle, chatting away and obviously glad to be back home. As I made my way down the sidewalk, expecting a big reaction, I saw Julia tip the driver, after he had set out the luggage to the side. He headed back to his driver positon, ready to go on his way. The girls had made their way around the car, coming to where their suitcases rested. The limo drove away, leaving me with my family. "Girls you can leave the luggage, the maid will take care of that. Just take your backpacks to your rooms and I'd suggest you take showers since it's been a long day already. Hello Darla, it's good to see you and be back home again." "Welcome home, Ms. Giles. It's so good to have you back. The house is so empty without you. Hello girls, welcome home." By now, both my daughters were standing next to my wife, their faces still smiling as they looked at me. Their former father, now their maid, who stood there waiting to serve them in his pretty light blue dress and matching heels. I could hear my own breathing and my heart was racing. I was prepared, I hoped, for any type of reaction from them. I could see them hating me, being disgusted by the sudden revel of my unnatural feminine desires, or embracing me for being so open, or even just ignoring me, sort of how they had done since they became teenagers. Cary, the older at fourteen, stepped toward me, as she was ready to go on to the house. "Hello Darla, mom tells me you're our new maid. I'm Cary, and very pleased to meet you. It will be so nice to have someone around the house full time and so nice not to have to waste my time with chores. I'm sure we'll talk later, but now I've got to have a shower, as the flight was horrid. Please wash everything in my suitcases. Even if it's not dirty, I'm sure they're wrinkled or stale. Just be sure to hand wash my undies, as mom insists on that, okay? Plus I insist all my blouses and skirts be ironed, as I want to look nice. Oh, and from now on I prefer you refer to me as Miss, or Ma'am rather than my name unless absolutely necessary. I think it will help me remember your new role. Thanks." She was grinning the whole time, as it was clear she recognized me but was treating this like a first meeting. I sensed right away that she was more than okay with the switch, especially since she had no desire to do any chores. The little comment about her lingerie was something that she and her mother fought over constantly, as Cary thought they could go in the washer but her mom wanted them done by hand, because they lasted longer. Now that it was my duty, she was fine with it done her mom's way. Also the request that I not use her name so she'd get used to my new status hurt, as it was the first real acknowledgment that I was no longer in the father role. Sarah, the younger one just turned twelve, had held back next to her mom. She'd watched her sister's interaction with me intently, I think to see how she should act as well. Once Cary finished, she came up the walk as well. "Hi I'm Sarah. Mom told us you'd be here. Dressed like this. She said you'd rather be our maid now. I guess that will be fine. I assume you'll be doing my chores as well as Cary's? That'll be nice too. You do look rather pretty, your uniform is very cute. Mom's friend told us, he was training you to help mom with her new business, that you'd be her secretary as well as our maid. I think that is great that you'll help mom with everything. That way she can have more time for fun as well as work. Jackson told me he'd make sure she had a good time from now on. As far as my clothes, do mine like Cary's but bring the suitcase to my room first, I have a few things I want to take out. I don't mind if you want to use my name, but it would probably be best if you include Miss or Ms., with it. Will that work?" "Yes, it's fine Miss Sarah. I'll have your case up to your room shortly." The way the girls treated me was emotionally cooler than I had expected. I had secretly hoped they would say more about my change, that they supported me or understood. That they might see me as another girl, in a way. Only Sarah's comment that I looked nice was anything close. Maybe it was the way Julia told them about my switch, but both seemed content with seeing me as a servant and were happy at being relieved of any chores. Sarah's comment about Jackson also stung, as she seemed to see no reason why Julia wouldn't want to have fun. With him. Their rule about how I should address them had to have come from her too. I now regretted not telling them about this myself. As I reflected on this, Julia came closer to me, leaving the luggage behind her. "As you can see, the girls were told what to expect. That they would not see their father but a maid. I told them a few ways they could interact with you to help make the transition easier. I was worried about their reactions, since this could have been a traumatic event. But they both seemed to realize the change had positive aspects for us, all of us. Don't be surprised if they are a little distant from you for a while and bossy too. I suggested it would help you, if they gave you specific orders, sort of guiding you on how to serve them. Also to remove some of the familiar ties that held you to them, as their father. I know it must be a shock to not be allowed to use their names, but it will seem natural to you very quickly. If you are truly a maid, you must respect everyone in the family, not just me as you employer. Normally I wouldn't allow my daughters to be so callous even rude, but in this case it will help you settle into your new life. So don't be surprised if they ask you to do trivial tasks or are extremely picky about how you wait on them. Once you're fully established as the family maid, I imagine it will be friendlier and more relaxed. Thankfully, both girls had no problems with me and Jackson. He hit it off wonderfully with them and I think they fully understood why I needed a boyfriend now. To help again seal our relative roles, you should expect to see him here quite often. In fact, we're going to have a dinner Tuesday night. I'll tell you what I want you to make and how to decorate for the event. I imagine he'll spent the night too. You'll be allowed to wear one of your fancy maid uniforms to help establish the contrast between your new role as the maid, and his as my lover. I want my girls to see that plainly. By the way, I'd almost forgotten what it's like to have a strong, masculine lover. Someone who can take me and give me the pleasure I deserve. I have to admit I feel more alive, like a young woman, and my desires are much stronger. I'm not doing it to be cruel to you, but I will be having sex with him often. Jackson also told me you still have some training to do, although he is pleased with your progress. Apparently, one of his assistants, Ms. Downing, has worked wonders with you. I plan on having my agency up full time next week. At that point you can rotate between my maid and secretary. Just plan on being the domestic full time this week. I think if we fully involve with you that way, it will make everything smoother, especially for the girls. It will help establish roles, levels of control, and respect. That brings me to another aspect of control. I hope your period of chastity worked to help you acclimate. Jackson was certainly a proponent of it. He said your focus and attitude were strictly on your work. He felt it added a definite incentive for you to obey and follow every instruction to the maximum. Now I had intended to use chastity only infrequently and more than likely, that will be your ultimate situation. But until I see that you have no issues in your new life, you will stay caged. Your instructor, Madison I think it is, sent me a surprising email, offering her view. She said that it was instrumental on you overcoming your verbal deficiencies. She also found it intriguing, personally. I know we didn't discuss it explicitly, but if I am having new partners maybe you should too. Well, certain kinds of partners. The way she explained it, she thought you should earn your releases so that it would motivate your job performance. She offered to handle that for me. Her opinion is that you would benefit from her type of training so you don't regress on any of your office skills. She was more than happy to apply the discipline you need to become a better servant. I do feel that we should not have that kind of intimate relationship any longer, as we are now more employer and servant. So I see no issues with her suggestion. I'll get Jackson's opinion on it as well, since he knows her. But until that is decided, you'll remain chaste. An extended period of self-control won't hurt you. Once we recover from our trip, we can go over more details about your service. But I want your respect from the beginning. I stressed that to the girls as well. A simple indictor like how you address us, shows a lot. They gave you their requirements. Mine is similar. You are to refer to me as Ms. Giles until told otherwise. You are not to be chatty, I expect you to work quietly and efficiently. A nod of the head, or simple bow will do for entering or leaving a room. A curtsey is a little too much. If you have a question, move in front of me, with your head down. I'll give you permission to speak. As far as you, I will refer to you by your first name or title, Darla or maid. I'm considering using Darla when you're my secretary and maid when you serve us in that capacity. I think that will do, for now. Oh, by the way, Sarah is quite right. You do look good in your uniform. I think your hair and makeup gives you the feminine look I wanted, without being excessive. It's clear that Dorothy found the right garments to give you a curvy feminine figure. I especially like your full bust, given how you drooled over women with that feature, I think it is appropriate you have it too. Combined with your corseted waist, you have little connection to your past image. That should help everyone see you as who you are now. Hurry up and bring in our luggage. I'm going to shower and change into something comfortable. Later you can show me your quarters and my new office. That's all, maid." Julia turned on her heel and left me there. I was still processing the moment. Having my daughters be so blas? about seeing me, as the maid, surprised me. Especially Cary who seemed to really relish the idea of having a maid. Maybe she saw it as a status symbol or maybe she lust liked the idea of not having to do her own chores. Sarah's refreshing take on my appearance being nice was offset with her request that I call her Miss, which was a touch more aloof than I expected. But it was really Julia's dialog that floored me. I knew that she and Jackson would be dating and had been together in Hawaii. I accepted that. But to have her tell me face to face, that she needed sex from a man like him, and that I would be serving them in my first few days, dinner and probably breakfast too, was a shock. I had hoped it might be less visible or take longer to reach that level. But the worst part, was hearing she was keeping me in chastity and allowing Madison to 'instruct' me. My cheeks were still sore from last night and the thought that I would be exposed to more of her sadistic torment was depressing. But it was clear, that my needs and wants were no longer a consideration. The reality of my offer and Julia's counter proposal was here. It wasn't a fantasy now. I had made the deal to sacrifice my male image, as a father and husband, to pursue my female fantasy. I had obviously not looked at the details of how such a role would be lived. How my life would really be. I had dreamed of dressing up, but did so most often with my hand wrapped around my cock, pulling and stroking it in a masturbation relief. Now I was dressed as I dreamed but I had no sexual release. The only possible route would be at the hands of a young, ruthless woman. "Hurry up maid, what are you waiting for?" "Sorry, sorry Ms. Giles, I'll get right to work." My self-absorbed review was broken by Julia's angry inquiry. It rang out and broke through my fog. I bowed my head, to signify my obedience. I turned to pick up a couple of my employer's suitcases. As I did, I saw Mrs. Turner, the lady who lived across the street. We'd known her for years, but not really socialized with her. She was sort of the neighborhood gossip. During my preparation, I had occasionally appeared outside as a woman, shocking enough. But now, she'd seen me dressed as a domestic servant and labeled as the maid by my wife. My only hope would be that she didn't recognize me. But even that I knew would soon disappear. My fate was now cast. My reality was set and I would have to live with my choice. So having the whole neighborhood know me as Ms. Giles' maid was my new reality. One of my own making.

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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 4

She wished she could have reciprocated the feelings to her brother yesterday, after the moment in the lounger that he gave her, but the moment was so intense, she had no energy after the orgasm he gave her. Her body had been spent and to tell the truth, all sexual energy had left her.Today was Friday, however, and for the first time in less than a week, she intended to be sexual with her brother again. Her body had a good night’s sleep, she felt renewed, and most importantly, she felt sensual...

3 years ago
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On The Lake

In my first story, "At The Gun Store," you met my very attractive and adventurous wife, who got a large charge out of showing off for strangers when the circumstances were right. One of her favorite places to get naked was on the shore of a local lake, in a cove that only a few locals actually frequented, and that was usually on weekends. On week days, she'd take our large, white German Shephard to the beach and play fetch with him. He would go into the water but usually stopped before he was...

4 years ago
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Defloration Of Pooja In Lucknow

Hi its vishal again. Today I will tell u how I took virginity of my sexy gf Pooja. U can respond on her mail As u know about her in our previous stories. But for new readers I will tell about us. N story will b in Hindi mixed with English. My gf Pooja is 24 year old n studying in college. She is 5 foot 5 inches tall, with awesome figure of 34-26-34. She has nice slim waist with large round n soft boobs. Her cleavage is deep n any1 can get crazy to lick it. Her nipples r pink n invites when get...

2 years ago
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Another bus wank with a difference

I am a girl who is a sucker for a hard cock, perhaps I am wired slightly different from most women, but like my male counterparts, I see sex in every situation, the weirder, the more appealing it is, and the more excited I become, I invite men to grope and feel me, reveling in their hands exploring my scantily clad body, letting them almost **** me in public, and having quiet and powerful orgasms, standing or sitting, on packed commuter buses and trains.Today was different though, I turned the...

2 years ago
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Wife Version of First Time Shared

This is my side of my husband's story, How Another Man Ended Up Taking My Wife Sexually. My husband used the idea of sharing me with another man to spice up our sex life. It was only a fantasy. Yes, it turned me on because it turned him on. When he outright asked me if I wanted to do it for real, I never would commit. I would talk on the computer to men. My husband knew what I was doing. The guys would, in time, get around to sex talk. It was my husband's idea for me to have cyber sex with the...

First Time
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The MeatChapter 5 The Enslavement

It wasn't long that I was instructed to take Suk to another party and drop her off with instructions to pick her up the next morning after eight AM. She wore a simple white, unlined cotton dress that we received in the mail, and heels with no underwear. Her hair was tied into a pony tail and she wore no make-up. I dropped her off as instructed and watched as the doorman removed her dress at the front door while still open and led her naked into the large house before closing the door. I...

2 years ago
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Old convertible

I have this wonderful old convertible Sprite. It runs beautifully since I had been taking it in to this vintage repair shop. They recently sold the business and I haven't found anyone who treats my car the same way and it hasn't been into the shop for at least 6 months.It was a beautiful day and I didn't have to work. I had only plans to go to dinner with my friends at 7pm. I decided to take a drive around the lake,the long way, enjoy the scenery and the weather. So I dressed in comfortable...

2 years ago
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Futile Resistance Ch 09

I apologize to those of you who have waited so long for this to be posted. I broke my arm while on vacation in September and then I had hand surgery (unrelated to the broken arm) in late October. I’m not 100% yet but I was bored stiff! It’s good to be back. ~ Quint * French arrived at her cousin’s Paris apartment mid-afternoon the following day. She was utterly exhausted after the overnight flight and navigating from Charles de Gaulle Airport to central Paris. She had opted to take the...

1 year ago
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In the woods fictional

It was a warm day, she felt sweaty and hot, her jeans sticking to her legs. She still had a long way to walk before she got home. Her bike got stolen at the park, she forgot to lock it and she didn’t have a cell phone, her dad took it from her because of her stupid brother, it was his fault the lamp broke and now she had to pay for it.She had to rest somewhere in the shade, she started towards the woods, did not look very inviting, littered with garbage, but at least it would be cool. And it...

2 years ago
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Sara lusts for a college boy

I was a mid-forties divorced woman living alone and quite sexually frustrated when I got a call from my old college girlfriend, Vicky. I was more than happy to help out my old college girlfriend, Vicky, when she asked me if could put her son up at my place for college. Her son, James, was starting his sophomore year and his mom was trying to cut costs with dormitory costs. Vicky also told me that James would be more than happy to help out around the house to help with his keep. Another reason...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 2

The Greatest Lie, Chapter 11 - A Whole New Me, The Same Old World ? by: Alexandra Rios "En Francais", they say "plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose:" the more things change, the more they stay the same. When Tran and I got back to Minneapolis from our trip to Thailand for our sex change operations, it was every bit as dark, frigid and depressing as it had been when we left. I returned to the same tiny, dreary apartment in a drug infested, sleazy stretch of Hennepin...

4 years ago
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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 1 The Beginning

The end of the school year was always a stressful time for me. Not only do I have to administer and grade over 100 final exams, but grading final projects, completing report cards, and of course, the dreaded packing of my classroom. I wasn't sure which part I hated more as it was so much work at a time that was filled with so much joy and sorrow as I closed the chapter on another school year. Two years ago, I took a transfer from my elementary school to the local middle school and discovered...

2 years ago
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The mission impossible

Hai readers here are another super anal Incest story. My hands were shaking. The knot in my stomach was a constant reminder of what I had to do if I was ever going to be sane again… She, who is my own mother, was sitting on the couch reading one of her many romantic novels, oblivious to my pain. Before I get into my problem allow me to describe what has been torturing me for the past five years: My mother is what I would call cute and pretty. She’s a natural beauty who never needs more than a...

3 years ago
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Baby Sitting The Niece Part 2

Baby Sitting The Niece Part 2Few weeks go by since the last incident.. Things felt a little different after leaving a little cum on my sister in laws face. Not sure if this what a regular person would catch but anything she wore.. I could see through it all.. Her nipples through her white shirts with no bras or when she's wearing her leggings her pussy lips just seem to shine through. It's hard for me not to get hard but I hide it as much as I can. Ever since then whenever I had my own solo...

1 year ago
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My Boston Vacation Part 4 Ft Danielle

This is the 4th and final part of my story with Jen. My Boston friend when I went on vacation. She was 5’11 green eyes chubby but sexy. We just came back from the mall. What a day it has been already. I fucked her in a changing room and in the backseat of her car. Now we were back at her place. She told me that we should go meet some of her friends at a bar near by. I said why not I could use a drink. We got to the bar around 9pm. The bar wasn’t that packed. I followed Jen to a table...

3 years ago
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Cobra 3

In the last chapter, after being changed into a twenty two feet cobra hybrid, Sandra went to a doctor and find out that she really is a Cape Cobra and that venom is powerful. She starts to sell her venom and was surprised when she was informed that it's quality was improving. Sandra also start to change more and goes to the doctor again. She find out that her vaginal fluids have a lot of viruses. They meet Mandy, their contact at the pharmaceutical company that was buying her venom....

1 year ago
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Rising Ch2

Ahma woke to the same routine. But Ahma did not feel the same. She was usually able to go through her days with a surprising measure of cheer and grace for her station. Her stomach felt as if it had half devoured itself. She had never gone to eat after yesterday’s unpleasant events. Despite the gnawing of her belly not a tingle of appetite came to her this morning. She felt heart-sick with loneliness and misery, sitting upon her bed while Hannah’s deft fingers worked her hair into a braid as...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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CastleChapter 2

She took a laptop computer, then went on line somehow. When she finished her research she said, "This one is an ace inhibitor. It might control your heart rate and your blood pressure. Since you aren't going to be shot at again, you might not need the other blood pressure one. However, if it goes up again, you are going to take the pills even if I have to dissolve them in your coffee. "Most of the others are crap to make you relax. I don't figure you are going to need them anyway. I am...

4 years ago
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spqr cheetos

It was five o’clock in the evening, and Martha was happier than she had been in a long while. It wasn’t just that Bobby was taking her out that night for Valentine’s Day— OK, it was mostly that. She had been very surprised when Bobby had asked her out six months ago: he had never said more than a few words to her. But over time she had gotten rather accustomed to having him, and rather more annoyed by the legions of girls who trailed after Bobby at every turn. She had been one of those girls...

2 years ago
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It has been way too long Part 1

We met at a neighborhood bar near her home. She had already grabbed a small table, out of the way, but knew I was the one as soon as I walked in. She was small with greying short hair. She was in jeans and a sweater and my first impression was that she was not particularly pretty. But her smile was very welcoming and she made me feel at ease. The first words from her mouth after she introduced herself as Anna were: "I don't know what made me write to your ad, but it is kind of exciting now...

2 years ago
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Rum Sodomy and the Lash Ch 04

Kitty watched him descend the ladder from the deck, easing off her work as soon as his luxuriant black mane fell below her line of vision. Scurvy knave! What gave him the right to treat her like this, she, The Hon. Catherine Tremayne, on her hands and knees scrubbing like a scullerymaid. And a scullerymaid with a very sore behind and little to cover it at that. She knelt up, chewing her lip and making plan after plan, all of which ran out of steam the minute a theoretical Captain Prince caught...

1 year ago
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road trip in INDIA

I am from INDIA and for my indian freinds i have added hindi text and english too............well as it happened i had to go out of town for some work and since i was travelling alone in my car i carried my bra n panty with me. i had to go to delhi and i got free around 9 pm and i started the drive back to my place abt 3-4 hrs drive on the way ii stopped on the out skirts of Delhi on a dark road and went behind bushes and wore my bra and put soft cloth pads in it then i wore my lace panty and...

3 years ago
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office seduction 2

It was a friday afternoon when i had some extra paperwork to do when my p.a was about to leave. she came into my office as i was busy slaving away at the papers. as she sat on the couch keeping me company for a while. i moved over to take a break sitting next to her.she was wearing her gym outfit as she was heading straight to gym after knocking off. she got up and asked me. does this tights fit properly? it feels so uncomfortable she said. pushing her ass out almost in my face. i grabbed her...

1 year ago
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Interview With the BimboChapter 10 The Birth of Venus

"Michael?" asked Annabelle "Yes Michael Williams, or Mike as I came to know him." Replied Lulu, "It was 1993, the year we first met and he was a junior scientist working for a company named Sleek Curvosity: a company with what some may consider somewhat questionable ethics with regards to the sort of research it did." "In what way?" "Well let's just say that I would not have been out of place coming off of their production line." "Oh I see, that sounds ... well typically...

2 years ago
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Lawyers in LoveChapter 2

The exchange of offers and counteroffers had been fast and furious over the course of a month, but an agreement had been reached. Benedict Flanders would end up retaining twenty percent of the company he had started although he would be relegated to a minor board position without significant contact with employees. The former Mrs. Flanders ended up with thirty percent of the company while the ten sexual harassment victims ended up with five percent each. It was a far better deal than anyone...

1 year ago
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Curiosity Vol1 4CCG

Volume 1: Curiosity By John Morrison Creator of “The Adventures of John and Holly” With an anonymous collaborator Chapter 1: Curiosity Killed the Pussy October, Freshman year The sun rose, turning the room a light yellow. The girls slept through the morning sun. Cynthia awoke later. “Hey Julie, you...

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I Cant Waste Any

I eased the screen door closed trying not to make noise. The summer night air was warm. I looked left then right to make sure the coast was clear. I quickly took off down the side walk. Two blocks later I pulled my phone out. “I’m here where are you?” I muttered under my breath and hit send on the text. Seconds later my phone buzzed with Joel’s reply. “Pulling onto Oak St... be there in a sec.” I typed a quick response and waited in the shadows trying not to be seen. I wore a red and black...

3 years ago
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A couple visit an Army Camp and the wife ends up getting gangbanged

We had been invited to an army camp to collect an award for my wife’s late father. They were having a Naafi dance that evening and we were invited to attend and as the camp was in the middle of nowhere, we were provided with a room for the night. The dance started off very slowly as the WRAC’s who were coming from the next camp, some distance away, were late in arriving. There were a few officer’s wives and daughters but the men far outnumbered the women, so Vy was in great...

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Finding HomeChapter 36

After waking up, getting ready, and having breakfast, it’s shopping time for us with work for Dad and his two ladies. Lia insists on a hair trim for all of the new people, and the standard stops at Victoria’s Secret, the accessories store next door, swimwear, and the cosplay store. Next we visit our favourite jewellery lady to get necklaces for the new slaves. She also has some nice ones I asked her to make up for my daughters, which makes them happy to have their own special items of...

3 years ago
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My first adult cock

When I was young my parents moved into a new house that was located about ½ mile from a drive in theater. Since I didn’t have a car I would walk to the drive in and enter thru the Exit drive way. I would set in the patio area and watch the movie and chat with some of my school mates that had come in by car with friends or parents. I would often check out the men’s restroom and was fascinated by the piss trough on the floor instead of the traditional urinals. I already knew I was attracted...

1 year ago
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Girls in the Window

I graduated high school second in a class of twenty-four. I was one of the few in the whole town who got into college, which meant I would leave the small town where I was born and raised for the big city and an entirely new life. I was nervous as hell when my parents dropped me off that first day in the dorms. The dorms were huge: two ten-story towers stood facing each other, one for boys, and one for girls. When I got to my room on the eighth floor, my roommate was already there. "Hey," he...

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Black Muslim Cuckoldress 02

As Salam Alaikum, people. The name is Farah Hussein and I’m a young Black Muslim woman of Somali descent living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. I was born in the City of Mogadishu, Somalia, and raised in provincial Ontario. These days, I’m studying police foundations at Algonquin College, and life simply couldn’t be better. I recently got out of a bad relationship. Actually, make that two bad relationships. Let me explain. My Somali ex-boyfriend Rahman Sharif cheated on me with my gal pal...

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The Apartment revised

The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, lesbian sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.The Apartment (revised)(A legal specialist performs exhibitionist lesbian acts for her client’s entertainment)Saturday evening 10pm. Driving rain lashed the dark floor-to-ceiling penthouse windows of an expensive apartment tower. A storm front had descended on downtown Boston. A...

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Garima My Roomie My Love

Roomie Sex Hey ISS readers, my name is Rani and I was 18, in my first year engg from a reputed college in Mumbai, when this happened. I am 26 now. I have been reading stories on this site for a pretty long time and trust me, I have loved many of the entries about girl-on-girl action. So you must have guessed it that I am a Lesbian. Well actually I am bi-sexual. I got an equally hot and interested babe for a roomie in my first year. Her name was Garima. I found Garima to be a wonderful girl to...

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Les with older lady

Hi my name is Lucy 32 yrs I am working in a concern as a receptionist in Chennai ,I am regular reader of ISS for the past 5 months married with 1 kid ,my body shape is 32-26-32 this is first lesbian exp which I am going to share with u all. Last week 1 post for lab technician is vacant has been put in the paper ,in our concern and a lady aged about 39 yrs has joined she has been married and having one boy 15 yrs and one girl of 12 yrs, she is of good figure 38-32-36,she has got big boobs and...

2 years ago
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Like Mother Like Son 8

Edited by Victor G. 16 year old Darren (Nancy) Peterson and his mom pay a visit to Dr. Girardi, a psychiatrist who specializes in transgender issues. Afterwards, Nancy has dinner alone with her father and asks his advice. ************** Chapter 8 ************* When I woke up Tuesday morning, it felt like Christmas had arrived early. I still had to go to school and football practice, but not until later in the day. This morning was devoted all to Nancy, and I couldn't wait. I still...

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FantasyMassage Amilia Onyx Loves Getting Wet

A plumber, Amilia Onyx, is standing in the shower of a massage parlor with her toolkit nearby, tinkering with the showerhead. Even though she’s concentrating on her work, her mannerisms are bubbly and energetic, clearly showing that she’s a happy-go-lucky person that enjoys her job. Meanwhile, the clueless masseur Van Wylde walks in, carrying a towel, and is startled to see a woman in the shower. At the same time, the shower head turns on. Amilia lets out a squeal and tries to stop...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a BoyToyPart 8 Happy Birthday to Me

S U R P R I S E ! ! ! ! the shrill voices yelled as someone turned the lights and music on. Confetti went airborne and noisemakers rattled and honked wildly. "What the heck?' I stammered in total shock. I stood stunned for a long second before realizing what was going on. Then I looked at all the happy faces gathered for this little surprise 21st birthday party of mine. Except for Charlie and his band, it was all women. To be more specific, I quickly noticed that it was mostly my customers with...

4 years ago
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Halloween Fun

A little late, but this story was based around Halloween, Hope you enjoy.The Start of all the Fun The night started out like a normal night between friends. We were setting up the haunted house that we had, and of course had stocked the fridge for afterwards. There was 6 of us that were there for this night, and we were all working the fun for the k**s. It was at Kristen and Jack's place, had Michelle, Jeff, Angie and me, Steve there to work different areas and none of us expected it to be...

3 years ago
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Chances AreChapter 6

“Enough!” I loudly decided, more than an hour later, when I could start to see the sun setting in the horizon, outside the glass penthouse walls and the angry voices had at least for now subsided enough that I could begin to hear myself think again. Mostly, I was thinking about getting some food! I was starving, having had nothing but those cookie snacks a few hours ago to eat in several days. “Alright ... enough already!” I repeated, standing up from my chair to project my voice ... and a...

1 year ago
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Absolute DelightsChapter 2 The First Day Of The Rest Of His Life

At the airport there was some delay after the aircraft stopped before a Rolls-Royce arrived at the bottom of the steps. This delay caused very worried looks among the officials, but one of them said eventually that it was only because the chauffeur was avoiding any mistakes. The Emir's palace was visible from some considerable distance away as the Rolls-Royce sped towards it from the airport. It looked the sort of building a child might have made, if given a truly tremendous number of Lego...

2 years ago
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Fucking In The Club Toilet

Hey, all Dani back again with another story for you all. Firstly, I would like to thank you all for all the valuable feedback and comment on my earlier story . Shaila and I met many times after that and had erotic fucking sessions for the whole month that she was there. Shaila had been so addictive that I missed her once she went back to India. After no luck in getting a job in Dubai, I was frustrated. So, I and my friends planned a clubbing night. My friends had called in their other friends...

2 years ago
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The Arrangement Ch 02

Daniel awoke to the smell of pancakes. It took a moment for him to place where he was. It always did. His dreams were sometimes more vivid than reality, whether of smoke-filled battle fields or limp, lifeless blondes. This morning in particular the confusion hung over him. He ran a hand across his face as if to clear the cob webs from his brain. Pancakes? His mother had not made pancakes since he was in kindergarten. Eggs, bacon, toast, sure, but not pancakes. Then he remembered. The woman....

1 year ago
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The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 12

Saturday MorningI woke up with the sun starting to brighten our bedroom and Jeannie still snuggled in my arms. I slipped out of the bed to pull the curtains to darken the room and to order breakfast from room service. I eased back in bed with my young beautiful lover to wait on our breakfast to be delivered.Jeannie woke up enough to snuggle back against my side and laid her head in my chest. I stroked her hair and unbraided it from last night's french braids. She nuzzled tightly against my bare...

2 years ago
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A Linda Christmas

Chapter One I got home from work last Wednesday and the light was flashing on the machine. Probably someone who wanted to know when I was going to make my overdue payment. The voice was hesitant, but that Chicago accent was definitely Linda’s. She wanted to know if I was cousin Pete, said she didn’t want to go into anything on the machine, but if it was me, she needed me to call her as soon as possible. She was in a motel in Anaheim, 35 miles south of me. I called, the number she left was for...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Kiara Cole Let Me Touch It

Codey Steele and his stepsister Kiara Cole made a bet, which Codey lost. His punishment is that Kiara gets to see his dick three times. Today, Kiara has decided to call in her third and final viewing. Codey is in bed and Kiara just knows he has morning wood, so she wants to check his cock out at its biggest and hardest. Eventually, Codey gives in and lets Kiara have her glimpse of the D, but when she wants to do more than look he gives her a firm no. Kiara eventually leaves, but she’s not...

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Brendas alien abduction

She drove her BMW convertible to the beach about eleven just as the sea fog was receding from the land. She spread her blanket out at her favorite spot and rubbed on her tanning lotion. The surf was predicted to be low that day so she did not even bring her board. She lay on her stomach looking at the water and untied her top string so as not to have a tan line there. She took out the novel that she brought with her and split her time between looking at the ocean, her book and the...

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My Life8217s First Sex Experience

Hey friends how are you, I hope you’ll be well and happy. Ab mai apna intro deta hu… Mera naam shyam he from rudrapur uttarakhand. Meri height 5.5 and average body skin color like wheat finally land ka size 5 inch width normal. Mai sex aur sexy kahani read karne ka bahut shaukin hu aur logo ki real ‘and’ unreal sex story padke mera dil bhi kahta he ki apni life ka first sex experience share karna chahiye. To ab aap sab log dhyan se padiye… Meri life ka first sex sep.2011 me hua tha ye mere...

1 year ago
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Boss Me Part Two

"Stay put." His direct, piercing eye contact and gravelly tone made it very clear that this was a command and not a request.A first order masochist, I sat back down on my hard chair and embraced the stinging burn, while I waited for him to shake hands and dismiss people at the door. I tilted my head down and closed my eyes as the room grew silent. The door clicked shut and the soft swoosh of the descending window blinds filled me with a confusing sense of combined dread and excitement. If I...

3 years ago
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Backstory to Asians Like It Rough vid

xxx310: remember that video of us I said I madeyumi:No!! Lol video?!xxx310: you dont be listenin man, I told you like twice... I even pointed to the camera. you was like "HUH"yumi:Lol oh.... Lol I can't really listen anything while I'm getting fucked lolxxx310: lol damnxxx310: Ive had it like 4ever... I wondered why you never asked about it againyumi: Lol u should've told me! Lol was it good?yumi: U did tell me huh lolxxx310: yes luv I did...twice...ehhh yea its good... its mostly my huge legz...

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