Reunited... free porn video

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I walk through the gardens outside Bamebridge Boarding School when I hear a scream come from the old barn. Everyone else is meant to be in class. I immediately run to the barn and find a tall man clutching at Daisy, a young student.

“Hey! Don’t you dare hurt her.”

The young man turnd to face me, and my heart sinks. His lips spread into an only too familiar smirk as his deep blue eyes graze over my body, taking in every part of me. He pushes his dark brown hair off his forehead with his free hand, still holding Daisy’s arm. My heart skips a beat, unnerved by the hungry look Tom gave me.

“Well, it has been a long time, Miss Grey, hasn’t it?”

“Don’t play with me, Tom, let her go.” His grip loosens and Daisy runs towards me, desperate to escape.

“I wasn’t going to hurt her, she was just in the way,” Tom says as he looks down and kicks two bags of corn at his feet.

“Daisy, go back to the house and tell everyone to lock the doors.”

“What about you, Miss Grey?”

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,” I reply, never breaking Tom’s gaze.

As soon as Daisy leaves, Tom laughs bitterly, “Lock the doors? Are you really that scared of me?”

Anger starts to cloud my vision. I can’t believe how selfish and ignorant he is. Does he not realise how much he hurt me when he left me five years ago, alone, with no-one? And now what has he done with himself – become one of the most feared vagabonds in the country, living on stolen goods and killing anyone who gets in the way?!

“Are you serious? Fuck Tom, two people were killed by your group only a week ago in the next town over! Do you really have no clue how much fear you, and your so-called friends leave in your path?”

Tom looks at his feet, shame painted plainly on his face. It startles me to see it. I know he left the life we had to escape reality, escape the loss of his father and the empty shell of a mother that remained after his father’s death. I told myself he left with those thieves because it was an exciting new start for him, one that I couldn’t and would never want to be a part of. But if he's ashamed or unhappy, then why hasn’t he left?

“I have never killed anyone Mya, I thought you would believe that I’m not capable of that” Tom mumbles before staring at me, the accusation and hurt in his eyes.

“Right, but you stealing from families who will starve as a result of your visit is okay, is it? Worse than that, you watching someone get murdered without saying a word against it. You’re capable of that? Where is the line, Tom? Can you really blame me for thinking you would be capable of killing somebody? I don’t know who you are anymore!” As I talk, he shakes his head furiously, starting to pace in agitation, his hands clenching into fists of anger.

“You don’t know what it’s like!” he shouts. “Within a year of leaving you, all I wanted was to come back, to have what we once had again. I would have done anything to come back to you. But you were engaged to that arsehole Christopher and I had to pay my debt to Donovan.”

“What debt?”

“Yes, now you ask what debt.” He stares outside the barn towards the green fields, his eyes sad and full of regret. “To join the group, Donovan makes you pledge to serve the group for as long as it takes to earn 500 points. You get 1 point for each item you steal and 5 for each enemy murdered, although everyone is the enemy these days, even children,” he mutters sadly, shaking his head. “It was meant to be a way for us to thank him for the opportunity to go on the road, become one of the group and to keep us alive. But I have never killed anyone and never will. That is why it is taking me so fucking long to get out of this! But I have 498 points, Mya, two more and then I’m free.”

“And then what? Then where will you go?”

He looks at his feet again. “Well... it wasn’t entirely a coincidence that I showed up where you work...” I stare at him in disbelief.

“Are you insane? You think after how you left me and everything you have done with Donovan’s group that I would be able to let you back into my life again?” Now I start to pace, desperately trying to control the anger and the flood of tears that are threatening to break free. “Take the bags of corn and get those last two points. A friend of mine in Glasgow is looking for a stable boy, I can get you the job. I want you to leave and never come back again.” We stare at one another in silence.

That isn’t true. Some part of me has always dreamt of this reunion, for Tom to beg to come back to me, to have that life we had five years ago. But the audacity to assume that I would have been waiting for him all of this time and that I would welcome him back into my life straight away after everything. I can’t do that to myself. I am stronger and have more respect for myself than that.

Tom looks pale and sick, like I have crushed his last dream. “Mya, please just give me a chance. I promise you, I am not so far from the man you knew five years ago, he is still in here, I just need the chance to get away from this madness and find him again.”

“You can do that in Glasgow. You don’t need me.” I turn on my heels and start to storm out of the barn but a rough, calloused hand grips my arm.

“I’ll make a deal with you.” Tom whispers, his eyes desperate. “Spend one weekend with me and then I’ll leave and never see you again, if that is what you still want.”

He wants a chance to explain himself, to try to reconnect. Maybe if I give him this time, it will help him see how serious I am. “What will we do in this weekend?” I question.

He smirks, the playful young man I used to love coming to the surface, “Whatever I want to do.” His words are followed by his gaze travelling down my face to stare longingly at my lips. I swallow nervously, my breathing coming faster once more. How can I go from wanting to never see him again to considering spending a weekend with him? Memories fill my head: of us walking hand in hand through the markets, stealing kisses every chance we could get, long hot nights touching and kissing one another until we fell asleep exhausted. For those five years, we had everything. I turn away, feeling my cheeks heat up.

Maybe one night wouldn’t be so bad?

I turn to face him again, “I’ll give you 24 hours.” He nods. “And I can leave whenever I want to.”

Tom’s smile spreads into a wide grin. “Of course.” He takes two steps forward, his hands gently clutching either side of my face as his lips collide with mine and he pushes my body backwards. My back slams against the barn wall with more force than I expect. I don’t have time to say anything as Tom’s tongue spreads my lips apart. His kisses are feverish and overwhelming but nostalgic and addictive at the same time.

Hidden by shadows in the corner of the barn, my hands run up his back over his shirt and rest in his hair, desperately pulling him against me. “Tom...” I try to say breathlessly before my lips are enveloped by his again. “Tom... what are we... we doing?” I eventually get out. But I’m not committed to hearing the answer as his lips trail down my jawline to my neck and his hands roam down my back, massaging my ass through my dress before travelling round to my breasts. He lightly brushes my nipples with his thumbs, recalling exactly how to make me weak at the knees. I quickly grab his wrists. Breaking us out of the trance we were in before we go too far. He looks up at me and we both stare at one another, the silence filled with our heavy breathing. He presses his forehead against mine and closes his eyes, his hand moving gently to my hips to hold me.

He nods slowly, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”

“Me too,” I reply breathlessly, my eyes closed.

“I’ll come pick you up tonight then?”

“No, I don’t want anyone to see you. Send me where to go and I will meet you there at six o’clock.” I reply, pushing him away gently as I come back to my senses.



I arrive at the large wooden doors to the boarding school and ring the doorbell. A small wooden panel at my eye level lifts up and Mr Moore’s nervous eyes blink at me. Immediately the doors are pulled open – “Oh thank goodness you’re okay Miss Grey! I was starting to think we would need to arrange a search party soon! How did you escape that scum?”

I smile gratefully and step inside. “Thank you, Ryan. I can assure you that there was no need for a search party. The thief ran away with the corn bags as soon as Daisy left and I hid in the forest awhile to see if there were any others around. We seem to be safe now. I will go and rest in my room for the evening I think” I say, giving him a polite nod as I walk past him and up the stairs to my room.

After two hours staring at my ceiling trying to comprehend what happened today, I am startled by a sharp knock on my door. I quickly rise to my feet, met at the door by Christopher, my ex-fiancée and the school’s postman. “Christopher...” I mutter in impatience.

His lips flatten into a single line as he presents a large, rectangular, blue box held together by a red bow with a small note tied to the middle. “For you.”

“You can keep your gifts to yourself” I reply and go to shut the door.

“Mya, it isn’t from me, it was found outside the main door on the ground. Strange people you must be hanging out with these days, leaving secret parcels on the ground. I always knew you would go to the dogs after leaving me,” he annoyingly smirks.

And with that I pull the box from his grasp and slam the door in his face. “Fucking prick,” I mutter under my breath, sitting down on my bed again. This is just another reason why I need to find myself a new job, I think to myself. It had been one year now since Christopher ended our three year engagement. I wanted to focus my time, money and energy into furthering my career as a teacher instead of a wedding, house and children. Granted, I didn’t know it would take more than five years to do so but Christopher always said he was fully supportive of my dreams. Until he told me one day that at 27, I was too old to be his fiancée and he couldn’t wait any longer to get married and have kids. If I’m honest with myself, I have never been sure about having children anyway. I probably wouldn’t have been able to give him what he needed in a wife. He didn’t have to be such an arsehole about it though. 

I prise open the box and found two beautiful silk garments – all black lace. Butterflies rise in my stomach as I read the note attached to the ribbon:



“I remembered you talking about these years ago,


wear them for me?


6 Saddlebrook Road


 - Tom


P.S. In case you were worried, I paid for them myself”


I untie my dress from behind and let it fall to the ground, before removing my plain, well-worn underwear. The silk and lace make me feel beautiful again, strong and confident, matching my long, brown hair and blue eyes.

He’s right. I have always wanted garments like these, but never wanted to spend my money on such frivolous things. How on earth did he afford these? I glance over at my bedside table and see the clock hands almost touching six! “God, I’m going to be late!” I think, hurriedly pulling my nicest dress over my head. He didn’t need to know that I was wearing the underwear he bought me, right?



Within ten minutes, I'm standing in front of a black gate with 6 Saddlebrook Road signposted on the front door behind it. My heart starts to race. What am I doing? I could tell him that I don’t want anything to do with him, that I want him to leave me be and move on without me. But do I want that? Today has scrambled my thoughts, dreams, hopes and fears.

I don’t know what I want any more.

Before I have the chance to unlock the gate, the oak front door is pulled open revealing Tom, grinning. He tucks his hands in his pockets and leans against the door frame, clearly amused.

“Are you going to stare at the gate all day?”

I glare at him, push the gate open and walk past him into a small cottage.

“I have many questions,” I reply.

“Okay, hit me,” he prompts as he closes the front door and leads me into a small room. To the left is a stove and kitchen, to the right a fireplace is roaring on the far wall, two couches nestled opposite each other, against the other two walls with a table in between.

I lie down on one couch forcing him to sit opposite me. “Why do you have a place to live if you were until today, part of Donovan’s crew and how can you afford expensive underwear?”

He smirks at the second question. “Ah you got my gift then? Did you like it? Are you wearing them?” His gaze travels down my body.

“Will you just answer me?” I reply, struggling to keep a smile off my lips.

Tom sighs quietly, his eyes returning to mine, “Donovan likes to stay in a town for a few weeks at a time. I knew that at the end of this trip I would be done and I wouldn’t want to sign on for another round. So, when we arrived, I found a place I could go after I left the group. I have managed to save up a decent amount of money –“

“You mean money you have stolen,” I reply coldly.

“Not always,” he pauses. We deliver correspondence as well, and our clients would pay well if we were discreet.”

A silence lingers in the air, before Tom sighs.

“Look Mya, I know that you’re disappointed in me and probably hurt and angry still, but I do want to change. I know I chose this life at the start but I had no idea what it would be like. I was young and naïve and stupid and I have been stuck for five years now with no way out. I watched men try to run away but we always tracked them down and Donovan killed every single one of them. He sticks to the pledge though, I have completed my time and I am free now.

“What made you think that I would have space for you in my life? That I wasn’t married to Christopher or with someone else?” Tom looks down, his expression unreadable.

“At the start of this year, I sent someone to find you. They watched you for a few days and reported back to me that you were a teacher at the Bamebridge Boarding School in Wickem and you appeared to be unattached.”

“And you just thought that –“

“I never assumed that you would want me back.” He says steadily. “But I had to try.”

Clasping my hands together, I stare at the ceiling. The more information I get from Tom, the more confused and lost I feel. I shake my head.

“I’m over the hurt and anger Tom. God, I was engaged to Christopher for three years -”

“You and him were never going to work out –“

“Don’t you dare comment on my last relationship. Not after what you did. I don’t think you realise how devastating it was when you chose to join Donovan and leave me, Tom. I’m over it now, but I never want to put myself in that same position where I let you have the power to hurt me like that, ever again.” He stares at me earnestly, reality hitting him.

“Right, will you give me the house tour then?” I ask after a long pause, desperate to change the subject.

Smiling weakly, he nods and springs to his feet. Stretching his arm out, he offers me his hand. I let his fingers gently slide between mine, the warmth comforting. He leads me towards the front door again and turns right down a narrow, cobblestone hallway. We pass the bathroom on the left and end up in a brightly lit bedroom. He pulls me to the right to a balcony and leans his arms against the metal bannister, pressing his shoulder against mine. It's getting dark now. The sun almost set behind the hills surrounding Wickem, the moon peeping its head out from behind a blanket of twinkling stars.

“You look gorgeous tonight,” Tom states. I look to my right to see him already staring at me. My smile blossoms before I can stop it. His free hand gently caresses my cheek, jawline, neck, his eyes taking in every feature. I look down, a giddy feeling rising inside of me.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to pressure you into any-“

“One night,” I whisper.

“What?” He asks, surprised.

“Let’s have one night, just you and me, just like we used to be...”

“Are you sure?” he asks, already facing me. His blue eyes still shine with kindness after all of those years. I nod and wrap his arms around my waist. My arms circle around his neck and draw him closer towards me. I watch the lust and need only grow as his gaze sweeps over my body, lips, neck, breasts.

“You know we used to be pretty dirty...” I whisper, biting my lip at the memories, waiting to tip him over the edge. His breath hot against my ear. “Can you remember what you used to call me? What you would do to me?” His fingers grip my hips tighter, pulling me hard against his chest as he begins to growl in my ear.

“Tell me what you want, fucktoy.” My whole body is on fire, my thoughts flooding with memories of Tom and me.

“Nobody has ever, been able to make me as wet as you have. I want you to use me, harder than you have ever done before.” Suddenly I’m pinned between the balcony bannister and Tom’s body. He desperately kisses me, covering my neck and lips with impatient kisses, his tongue dancing with mine. I run my hand down his left leg until I feel his hard erection throbbing against his clothes. His gasp at my touch fills the night’s silence before I feel him bite my bottom lip, sliding his hand up to close firmly around my neck.

“It’s been way too long since I’ve done this, slut.”

“You had better get me inside before we disturb the neighbours,” I reply breathlessly. Strong hands easily lift me up and doors slam behind me as I am shoved against a cold wall of Tom’s bedroom, the room illuminated by a single candle.

“You sure you want all of this, fucktoy? I won’t hold back if you say yes.” I nod, biting my lip in anticipation of what’s to come. He grips my hair tightly, dipping his head to suck and bite my neck before forcing me down to my knees.

“I want everything, Sir. All of you. Fuck, please use me, please use your dirty slut.” He smiles down at me as he unbuckles his belt. The sound makes me shiver, my thighs dripping wet now. The belt loops around my neck and is pulled tight, the feel of the leather gripping my throat making me gasp and reach down to touch myself.

As Tom’s trousers fall to the ground, he pulls his hard cock out of his pants and using the belt, tugs my face towards him, forcing my mouth open. Holding the belt in one hand, he grips my hair tightly with the other, giving him more leverage to use my mouth. He pulls me up and down his cock, shoving me down harder each time so it slams against my throat making me gag. He twists his hand around the belt making it tighten around my neck.

I gag with every thrust, spit starting to drip down my chin and his cock. “Fuck! Yes, fuck toy, your throat feels amazing,” he groans. The belt tightening makes my throat grip his cock, barely enabling me to breathe. I slip the sleeves of my dress down so Tom can see the underwear I’m wearing. He immediately pulls his cock out and loosens his grip on the belt, his cock glistening in my spit.

“Look up at me, fucktoy,” he says pulling my chin up. I smile just before he spits on my face rubbing it over my eyes and mouth before pulling my head down onto his cock again. The room is filled with me gagging and Tom groaning, my head hitting the wall repeatedly as he speeds up. Just before I use our sign to slow down, Tom drops the belt and grips my hair tighter before shoving his cock balls deep down my throat, holding me there. His spare hand reaches down to stroke my neck, rubbing his cock.

“Fuck, look at what a good cumslut you are. You like having my cock deep down your throat?” I nod and moan “yes” before choking spit onto his cock again. “Fuck yes, get me ready to fuck you. Choke on that cock.”

He reaches down to pinch my nipples as he speaks, making me squeal. “I am desperate to fuck you properly, but before I do, I just need to test one more thing...” His fingers release my nipples and cover my nose, cutting off my final supply of air. I throw my head back at how dirty this is, he knows I love him controlling my breathing.

Spit and drool pour from my mouth and onto my chest as Tom forces my face down so my nose is touching his balls. “Touch yourself, fucktoy,” he whispers before realising that I am already rubbing my clit. “Good girl, touch yourself for me.” I squirm and wriggle on my knees, overwhelmed by how amazing everything feels but starting to feel dizzy from the lack of air. I tap Tom’s knee and he instantly drops his hands and takes a step back, bending down to kiss my forehead.

“Come with me,” he holds my hand and guides me to the bed, my dress falling to the ground as he gently pushes me down on my back. I wipe some of the spit from my face, my breathing slowing and open my legs for him. “God, you’re beautiful,” Tom whispers, the candlelight flickering across his face. He slides the black lace panties off my smooth legs and uses his finger to feel how wet I am. “Fuck, it has been way too long since I have made you this wet.”

He brings his finger to his lips and licks it clean. I am entranced by the pure lust written all over his face, mixed with adoration for me. My thoughts are broken by his tongue flicking over my clit. Moans escape my lips and I do nothing to hold them back. His touches become needy again, his fingers clutching at my hips and thighs, scratching marks into my skin. My hands fist the sheets as his tongue dives deeper inside of me, making my body ache for him more.

“Fuck... Tom...” I say breathlessly. “Please... please fuck me.” Tom breaks away from my body for a second to strip his clothes off. Beneath his shirt he reveals a strong, toned body, his muscles more defined than when we were last together. He climbs on top of me, I am overwhelmed with the warmth of his body pressed against mine, his hard cock light against my thighs.

“Say that again.”

I grin at him, loving how badly he needs to hear me to beg. “I need you Tom.”

“More,” he growls, grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head.

“I need you to use me, Sir.”

“Hmm, more...” his fingers tug and pinch my nipples before taking my left one between his teeth, rolling it around in his mouth.

“Fucckkkk,” I groan. “Fuck me, please please fuck me, as hard and rough as you want to, Sir.” Both of his hands run up my body to circle my neck again making me smile, as he slams his cock balls deep inside of me, holding him there. “I’m not letting go of your neck until you cum on my cock, whore.”

My eyes roll back and my hands grip Tom’s hair, pulling him harder against me before moaning as loud as I can and scratching down his back. He only tightens his grip around my neck before pulling his cock out and slamming into me again and again. I reach down to rub my clit again, getting closer and closer as Tom fucks me.

“Open your mouth, slut,” he demands, my breathing rasping as he chokes me. I do as he asks to see him drip his spit into my mouth.

“Fuucckkk,” I mouth, only opening my mouth wider to accept more of his spit.

“Good girl, fuck I love how dirty you are, how much you love being used by me.” I nod, getting closer and closer to cumming, his grip on my neck and cock pounding me, driving me crazy.

“I’m not stopping, slut. I’m not letting you breathe or rest, until you cum all over my cock.” Tom leans down and kisses me with such passion that I feel my orgasm ripple through my body. His tongue teases mine, playing with my tongue and lips as I shiver underneath him, cumming harder than I have done in years. He releases my throat and starts to fuck me slower. “Do you have any idea how hot you are?” I smile and bite my lip.

“I want to make you cum,” I say, licking my lips.

“Oh, you want to swallow my cum, you little whore?” I nod desperately. Just thinking about tasting his cum is driving me crazy. He pulls out of me slowly, my cum pooling on the bed, ruining the bed sheets, as he moves up my body to straddle my chest. “Open wide, gorgeous,” he demands, pressing his hard cum-soaked cock against my lips and pushing it into my mouth. I start to lick and suck my cum off him, my hands massaging his balls, sticking my tongue out to lick them, the deeper he goes. My moans send vibrations up his cock, making him use my face harder.

Tom’s movements become stiffer, more urgent. The whole time I stare up at him, his cock stretching my mouth wide, my face covered in our spit, which he only adds to the closer and closer her gets. With one last thrust, his cock flexes in my throat and he forces my head down, giving me no choice but to swallow every last drop of his cum.

Tom kisses my lips gently before rolling off of me. We both stare at the ceiling, waiting for our breaths to calm down.

“Um, that was –“ I start

“Amazing,” he finishes.

“Yes,” I laugh back turning onto my side to face him. “I am going to go and freshen up.” In the bathroom I wet a face cloth and wash my face and body before trying to tame my tangled hair. I sigh, gripping the sink and stare at myself in the mirror. “It doesn’t mean anything, Mya, it’s only one night,” I tell myself, trying to suppress any emotions I once had for Tom from resurfacing. 

I return to the bedroom and Tom is sitting under the bed sheets, two glasses of water and a plate of cheese and crackers on the table beside him and an oversized shirt for me lying neatly on the bed. “I remembered that we didn’t get around to dinner,” he said cheerfully, nodding at the plate of food. I smile back, pull the shirt over my head, to Tom’s exaggerated disappointment, and seize several crackers from the plate, suddenly realising how hungry I am. Tom stares at me smiling until I ask him what is on his mind.

“I’m just happy,” he replies, shaking his head. “Will you tell me more about the last five years then?” I raise my eyebrows but nod, still munching on my crackers. “So how on earth are you not principal yet? You’re smart, caring, compassionate and would be an amazing head teacher!” I chuckle at his enthusiasm.

“Well, thank you. I too, ask myself that but every day,” I laugh in reply. “It really all fell apart when Christopher and I broke up. He may be the postman but he is friends with everyone. Of course, he didn’t want our engagement to seem like a failure on his part and so he told everyone, and I mean everyone, that I cheated on him and that I can’t under any circumstances be trusted.” Tom stares at me in disbelief.

“Did nobody believe you?”

“I have never had many friends at Bamebridge, Tom. The main reason I came here was Christopher. And for the past year, I have been searching every week for a new position away from here so I can make a new start, but nobody wants a 28 year-old single woman. They believe I will bring trouble to the school because I am not settled and married.”

 “I am so sorry, Mya. You deserve better than Christopher. Hell, it breaks my heart to say it, but you deserve better than me too.”

I sigh.

“I know,” I reply, a small smile on my face, because if I don’t laugh then I’ll cry. “I need to sleep now Tom,” I whisper, already closing my eyes. I feel his stubble brush my cheek as he nods before sweeping his lips across mine.

“Sweet dreams, gorgeous,” I hear as I curl onto my side, facing away from Tom, his arms wrapping themselves around me.

Just like they used to. 







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true..recent story..mum, now 55yo juz arrived from the philippines a week ago to come live with me here in l.a.this story happend it juz ended.m ryt now layin down wit my mum n s*s..mum juz arrived today from philippines. she got to my house thinkin i wouldnt find her attractive no more now that shes 55yo. my s*s pikd her up from the she entered the door i hugged her n felt dat her tits were a lot bigger n dat she felt awkward..aftr talkin over dinner..she went to change...

2 years ago
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Colton came up to Joan and pulled her hair back, gently kissing her and pulling her tightly against him. He stroked her hair and gently nuzzled her hair, "I need you Joan... I need you right now." He whisperd against her throat. Joan moaned softly and pulled him closer, grabbing his hand pulling him up the stairs to her room. They went inside and both layed down on the bed. Joan looked at Colton, she saw his deep dark brown eyes, with dark black flakes in them. She loved his eyes. She tangled...

Love Stories
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As soon as i see him i run into his arms nearly knocking him over and placing kisses all over his face, holding him tightly. We collect his bags and head to the car. I slip behind the wheel and he sits in the passenger seat. I lean over placing my hand on his cheek and kiss him deeply, passionately. I feel so loved, so special. After a few min i break the kiss. He is tired after his long flight and i want to get him back to my place so he can rest.   We arrive at my place and i show him...

Straight Sex
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Hello darling :) How has your day been? I hope you had lots daydreams concerning me and my cock. I can't wait till i can crawl up on top of you and make you scream again :)???  Part 1- Chris' POV?I would start by pulling you by your hands to the bedroom. Then I would slowly lift up your nightgown till it was over your head. I would push you gently towards the bed till you fell backwards, at which point I would lift up your legs as I spread them. I would slowly lower my face towards...

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When she was 23 she married a very nice young man who was 28 and they appeared to be very much in love. Eighteen months later she presented him with a healthy son. Two years later she called me in the middle of the night from the hospital to inform me that Jim had died from a massive coronary. I found out later that they had been making love and when they had finished she went to the kitchen to get them something to drink and when she returned he was gone. That was four months ago. The phone...

1 year ago
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"You look nervous," said the cabbie, glancing in her rearview mirror. June looked at the posted license. "I am Sharon. I am going to meet my brother. I haven't seen him in nine years." "Nine years! Sheesh! Where's he been? The French Foreign Legion?" June snorted. "Not likely! My father snatched Mike and fled the state." "I've heard of things like that. Never met any one that it happened to." "Well it happened to me. Dad picked up Mike at school, one day, and I never saw...

3 years ago
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The old-style Checker cab inched away from the congested airport loading zone,then pulled out into the cold, rainy January evening and headed for a downtown hotel. Inside, Gwen studied Mark’s face. For all she knew, he might have found someone special while back home. Hesitantly, even shyly, she asked, ‘Did you miss me?” Mark nodded, ‘You were all I could think about on the flight up. Then the damn landing was delayed. Were you waiting long?” Gwen felt her tension begin to ease. She’d worried...

2 years ago
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Charlie and the Seven SistersChapter 8

The fact that the FBI had taken over the investigation of the carnage in the valley led every news story in California from Sacramento to San Diego. The female AIG (Agent in Charge) was a closet lesbian and she seldom wore male clothes for fear her secret would leak out to people that mattered. Her room-mate and best friend, Doctor Angie Murphy was a skilled rug eater but still had deep-seated liking of cock in any form. Doctor Angie was on a fast-track to County Coroner and she was willing...

2 years ago
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Risky EncountersChapter 3 At the Mall

Saturday, I picked up Jim and Meg and headed for the shopping mall. Meg was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans and a frilly pink and white halter-top. Jim and I both wore loose fitting knee length short pants and pull over cotton shirts. The mall was a favorite hang out for a lot of teenagers. We walked around saying hi to a number of other kids we knew. We looked in the windows and were always on the lookout for chicks. Of course, Jim didn't know it but I was not looking, I already had my...

3 years ago
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My Dear Rebecca

Rebecca was her name, a very pretty girl. Slim and well fit; perfect curves, tits that really can attract most boys. And the lust in her eyes told me, she wants me. So one day, as a normal day at school came to an end. She brought me back to her house. We jumped off the bus together and made our way. We arrive at her house and She says, "Wait a minute." She opens her front door and enters the house. She comes back and tells me. "All clear." I take her hand while smiling. She...

1 year ago
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WaitressPOV Keira Croft Burger Shop Bitch

Smoking hot young waitress Keira Croft thinks she’s got slick customer Tony figured out. When he ask for her number she says it’ll cost a 100$, thinking he’s not loaded. Guess again, slut! Tony takes out a stack and next thing you know this curvy cutie is flashing her tits at him in the back alley. Once they get to his place intense cock sucking and pussy pounding action ensues. After drilling her cunt like a machine in several positions, Tony sprays her with a huge facial...

2 years ago
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Cousin Sister Ko Pata Ke Kiya Pyar

Dosto aj main ap sab ko ek story batane jar aha apko sirf entertain karne ke liye hai. han dosto ye story meri or meri cousin sister ki hai. woo bahut hi sundar or gori hai.Ab main apni story pe ata hun. Ye tab ki bat hai jab main b-tech 1st yr me tha or woo 12th me thi uske shar me koi acha school nhi tha or na hi koi achi coaching tabhi use hamare ghar me rah kar parai karni pari. To woo hamare yahan hi rah kar parai karne lagi. Pahle to mere man me uske liye aysa kuch bhi nhi tha. But...

3 years ago
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It was the opportunity she needed. And at just the right time.Diane had been out of work for a month, and her finances were running low. Very low. She had enough to pay her rent for two weeks, as long as she ate meagrely. But she had been doing that since she lost the job to that bitch Ann. Ann had been taken on trial at the same time as Diane, but where as Diane did her job, Ann was doing the boss. It was no contest. When the time came to make a choice. Jeff had chosen Ann, and more sex, over...

3 years ago
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Grey Dream

A dream... The scene is clearly one of a dream. The big, floppy recliner I sit in is the only thing really in focus. The room is bright, but grey and indistinct, because it's not really important.You are there. I see you are... smaller than you are. And grayer. And cold, sad. I beckon you to me and you climb onto my lap. My arms encircle you as you curl up. I feel larger than I am. Stronger. I hold you, stroking you hair and back through your sweatshirt. You are shivering. You may be crying....

Straight Sex
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Becoming a Sissy

Previously published, but in separate parts, this one is the whole story start to finish.This is the story about how I went from being an inadequate husband to being a porn addicted goon and finally in the past year fulfilling my sissy ambition to worship a big cock and balls. They belong to my best friend Tom who I have known for 20 years. It was a journey that took a few years but if I had been brave enough when I was younger would have taken no time at all and spared me lots of humiliation...

1 year ago
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Naughty FourteenChapter 2

Jim Sanders and Alex Cranston, Inspector of Police, had been friends since high school. Jim Sanders knew exactly how to please his friend and to stay on the right side of the law. There was a lot that went on at The Meadows Trailer Park that went beyond the law but Alex Cranston threw a blind eye to it all, the gambling, the prostitution, the lot. As long as he had his needs taken care of, he was content. Now, happily tucked away in the back room at the Trailer Park Nightclub, waiting for...

4 years ago
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Kay reads of my sexual journey

Kay had me sit on the floor at her feet as she read the pages detailing my sexual development. I watched her brown eyes go back and forth across the pages and then I saw what I had looked for. She sucked her lower lip in and began to chew on it. I knew that she was getting excited. Her breathing grew shallower and within a few minutes, her lovely full nipples began appearing, poking through the material of her tee shirt. Suddenly she stopped reading and looked over the sheaf of papers at...

1 year ago
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KarenChapter 6 Back Seat Driver

“Look, want to go into the back seat?” “Ted! I’m not going to...” “Make love? In a Toyota? I’d have to cut your legs off. Anyway, sex in the back seat is so high school!” “And you’ve been a college student for nearly a month?” “Well, yes, but you’re a college woman. You’ve got to behave like one. Anyway, these seats are impossible. come on back.” “Okay ... Satisfied?” “Well, Mmmmm ... Now, I’m satisfied. You look so pretty and feel so nice. Mmm. And you’re such a hot kisser.” “Mmm....

2 years ago
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Annas release Chapter 2

Anna woke with a warm, satisfied feeling.   She rolled over to find Glen gone, and her heart sank.   It had been an evening of discovery for her, and it was hard to express the disappointment she felt to find that he’d left without saying anything.   There was a gentle tapping at the door, and it opened to reveal a naked Glen with two mugs, his cock swinging heavily between his muscular legs.   “Hello beautiful.   Thought you might fancy a cup of tea” he said smiling, and put the cups on the...

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PureTaboo Giselle Palmer Uncle Fucker

SCENE opens on Jessica, a precocious 18-year-old girl, as she sits knees tucked on her bedroom floor finishing her makeup in front of a mirror. She smiles and pouts at herself, taking a few selfies, before overhearing her father call her into the kitchen. It’s Sunday, the day of the big game, and he is having several buddies over … including John, a man who’s always been like an Uncle to Jessica and someone she’s crushed on for years. When she struts in the kitchen,...

2 years ago
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Breaking the MoldChapter 5

On the way to the motel in Tony’s car, afraid that someone might recognize her, Mary shielded the side of her face. God forgive me, I’m such a fucking whore. Though she toyed with a way of escaping her mind refused to stop thinking but you love it so much. “You’re not a whore Mary,” Tony assured her, “You’re an incredibly exciting woman. You have arrived at a point in your life where you are exercising your sexual freedom. It’s your right, ya know? It’s your obligation to yourself. Today is...

3 years ago
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The aroma of fresh coffee tempted me to rise from my in-laws bed. I lay back and stared at my wife recalling the lewd frenzy we'd enjoyed during the night. Julie sat on the edge of the bed looking though the window. She was thinking and choosing her words.She suddenly got up and stretched in front of the mirror and tossed her hair from side to side. Her fingers smoothed the tousled hair and then caressed the soft skin on her throat while she toyed with the strange velvet bowtie that was still...

2 years ago
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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 7

Buffy looked at the man who was both the man who she felt like she might be falling in love with, and the man who Jennifer might be having fantasies about. "How are you two doing?" she asked. "He's nice." said Jennifer. "So what have you decided?" asked Buffy. "I don't know." said Jennifer. "I look around and all the other women are acting so ... slutty." She said it without heat. "But they look like they're so happy. I don't understand it at all." "Why don't you and...

4 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 42 Opening Moves

We found the girls on the basketball court playing one on one. Lizzy felt me arrive as usual and stopped. Allison stopped and followed her gaze. "Hello pretty ladies," I said. "I have to go do some work so you need to decide whose dream you want to be in until I get back." Lizzy looked surprised but didn't ask what was going on, "Doesn't matter to me, I trust all of you guys." she said, glancing at Allison. "You wouldn't take advantage and try to cheat so you could win, would...

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Private Henessy The Maid Wants Anal

Today, in our Private’s, Naughty Maids 2, Alina Henessy returns to Private as a super slutty servant. While wearing her short uniform, stockings and a sexy set of lingerie, she tempts her man into a wild session. She soon finds herself tonsil deep in cock, giving her man deep throat during a sloppy blowjob. He gets this babe creaming wet by eating her out and then puts her pussy to work with some intense pounding action, but things don’t stop there! He opens out that tight ass and gives this...

4 years ago
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Unknown Lady Ko Choda

Hey guys Mera nam abhay hai , mujhe story read krna pasand hai , so socha ki apna experience bhi share kru aap sb ke saath , ye meri 1 story hai . Mujhe ladki aur aunty aur bhahbi ko chodne me bhot maja aata hai , me 20 saal ka hu B.Com last year me hoon abhi . Agar koi bhi ladki bhabhi aunty mere sath sex chat karna chahti h ya sex karna chahti h wo log mujhe kariye main apko bahut maja dunga aur apki full privacy ki guarantee . . Meri story kesi lagi uska feedback mujhe meri I’d pe jarur...

3 years ago
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A fuck in close quarters In school

My first and favourite sexual encounter, was while I was still in school... I was gazing longingly at the girl sitting next to me, Georgia was her name. She had large tits, which she left in the D-cups of her black, lacy push-up bra. It was a hot summers day so she had all the buttons on her T-shirt down and her boobs were clearly visible, almost popping out. She also had a lovely ass, the kind that is perfectly round, while also very large and firm. Not only that but the pleated school skirt...

First Time
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FamilyStrokes Vanna Bardot His Hotdog Her Grill

When Vanna Bardots step brother went off to college, he had no idea that when he returned for a visit, she would be so hot. But expectations were made to be upended, and Vanna certainly leaves him with his jaw on the floor today. While their dad is busy manning the grill, Vanna has her mind set on another kind of hotdog. Her step brother comes over to put some suntan lotion on her, and the seduction begins. Soon, they are in the house, and he is sticking his hotdog deep in her love bun. He...

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The night before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and nothing was stirringThe cat by the fireside were dreamily purringThe c***dren in bed in their dreamy heads rompingWith Goblins and Fairies on whom they were stompingThe snow lay so thick that the rooftops were coveredAnd in bed many ladies with kisses were smothered.Each Daddy was giving each Mummy a treatBy filling her up with eight inches of meat.While mummy sighed softly and whispered her loveAnd urged her man on for that hard final shove.“Oh fuck me, you...

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a game

It started with just me and my wife having a little fun well really turns me on when other guys want her so we used to go to the bar and we can go in separate and I would sit there watch all them horny guys hit on her and she would flirt back she's a little want to be s*** even though she pretends not to be and of course I get a little jealous but I like that as the years went by watching guys touching on my wife it kind of got boring to me little did she know I wouldn't mind sharing her so as...

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We are are an attractive forty-ish professional couple, both of us have good sexy bodies, Charles loves my ‘glorious big ass’ and legs while I am constantly impressed with his toned body and thick, eight-inch erection. I do enjoy my man licking my cunt lips while I watch another man sucking his cock. Or perhaps another woman blowing him while he licks my cunt lips. One of my favourites - and his - is watching him masturbate while I blow another man with another woman licking my cunt. In turn...

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A Chance Encounter or Was ItChapter 2

Several hours later, Elizabeth walked by with a tray of cold water. Kevin stood and followed her into the galley to take a cup. "Elizabeth, I trust everything is fine with you." "It is Mr. Larkin. As I mentioned to you on a previous flight, I was married last month and we've just found an apartment that we both like. That's always a challenge in Singapore." "I'll bet it is. Is your husband from there?" "Yes. He was born there but went to school in Hong Kong. He's a civil...

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The Adjustment of Nicola JamesChapter 12 A Meeting

I have always enjoyed railway stations. Their existence speaks of the energies of our Victorian forebears. I had been happy when Mr James had suggested Euston as the venue for our meeting as he passed through London en route to some meeting or other. Entering the terminus of the London and North Western Railway through Hardwick's great Doric propylaeum is one of life's pleasures for me. The first class traveller's lounge sits high above the platforms looking out across the concourse and...

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Desi bhabhi ka sambandh bete ke dost ke sath

Ye aaj se 2 saal pehle ki baat hai. Iss kahani mein apko ye bataungi ki main kaise ek gharelu aurat se ek randi bani. Main ke behkawe mein a gayi aur ye shuruat ne mujhe uske pita tak ke saath sone ko majbur kar diya. Mera naam Renu hai aur main tab 38 saal ki thi. Mere ghar mein mere pati aur ek beta hai. Woh tab 18 saal ka tha. Mere pati ka kafi achcha business hai aur woh business ke silsile mein kafi busy rehte hai. Main housewife aur aur saath hi ek yoga teacher bhi hu. Mera figure bohut...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriend Shreya 8211 Part II

Hey all ISS readers, the new, the old and the veterans. My name is Ummm Jason. Yeah, can call me so. 26 years old, 5.9” ht , beyond average and closer to good looking, athletic body, unemployed and passionate about basketball and me bike. The other thing I am passionate about is SEX. I had sex with my neighbor’s daughter when I was in 4th standard, standard 5th with a girl who stays nearby my house, not one but two of my class teacher’s in standard 6th , all in the world of my imagination and...

1 year ago
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Whippings in Moscow

Our recent Business trip to Moscow and Eastern Europe found us staying at the Hotel Metropol in the heart of Moscow, just down the street from the Bolshoi theatre and surrounded by history. We were staying there for a few weeks and James and I quickly became friends with the Hotel manager Vladimir and his gorgeous young wife Natalya. Their relationship was similar to James and I because Natalya was much younger than him but there was an even bigger difference in age than ours. James made a lot...

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Ana in our black neighbors bed

Two days after my sensual wife had fucked our black neighbor Sam; I arrived home late from my office and I could not find Ana.It was strange; since her car was at the front driveway.I wrote her a text on the cellphone, asking where was she.A few seconds later, I read her answer: “being naughty…”I rushed to the back yard, to look over Sam’s house; but all lights there were out. It seemed nobody was there inside.Then I asked Ana what she was doing. A couple minutes later, I received a short...

3 years ago
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Barbaria Act 2 Chapter 6

PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF TARQUIN – 30-YEAR-OLD OVERSEER AND SLAVE TRAINERThe voyage was longer than on most expeditions and I felt some trepidation as we moved further and further into the Eastern Sea. This was unknown territory for all of us. But, of course, the expedition was very necessary in view of the rumours we had heard about Sythia. No one should be permitted to challenge the might of Barbaria!I was on one of the transports in the reconnaissance fleet. As usual on an outward voyage, it...

4 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 53 The Offer

Stacy’s advice literally added a zero to Wally Walters’ offer to assume control of the Peachy Keen world. Happy Walls would pay me $64 million for the publishing rights to all my existing books. Each new book would earn me another $500 K, to be placed in my brand new Caribbean offshore account. The kicker was that there were also movie and TV rights to a Peachy Keen series being acquired. His offer, which I accepted in about 2.5 seconds: $1.4 billion American. Paid in one lump sum, from one...

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it all started in 2005

I took my daughter Kim 11; swimmg to our local pool, she had been going a while with my wife. My wife Pam has just got a promotion in her job; she doesn’t have time to take her, I seem to have plenty of time. I inherited a small two screen cinema in the UK, back to the story I took Kim swimming, I sat...

3 years ago
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It Happened In KathmanduChapter 3

Sunday, 21st May (continued): 'Theek hai lakin apna laurda dheere se meri gaand main gusserdna kyon ki woh bahut mota hai (All right but insert your cock gently in my asshole because it is very thick.' 'Of course, ' I said. She got into gaand fuck position. I applied vaseline on her asshole. Then placing my cock on her back door I lunged forward. 'AAAAYYYYYYYIIIIIEEEEEEEE, ' she screamed as my cock was buried to the hilt inside her butt. 'SAHEBJI, I SAID GENTLY, ' she...

2 years ago
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The Answer

The sound of the trash truck clanging and beeping its way down the street heralded a new day. Mornings have a sound all their own. The breaking dawn was peeking through the blinds as I watched Lexi, so peaceful in her sleep - a stark contrast from what happened yesterday. I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about how our lives were seemingly spiraling out of control. How could I have let it progress to this point, and what, if anything, could I do to stop it? I keep going over it all in my...

Wife Lovers
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When Did You Fall in LoveChapter 5

Of course the answer to my offer was yes. The Junior Prom was a blast, with Sam and I dancing the night away and sharing many of our private jokes. The beauty of our friendship allowed for merely a glance, or a wink, sending us into a gasping-for-air-giggle fit. Since we had made a promise to each other about not saying something mean about others, we had become quite adept at the wiggle of the eyebrows and the occasional fake cough for punctuation. At the end of the evening, we went to my...

1 year ago
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AmlieChapter 21 Samhain

[Samhain, 1678] Near Oxford, Oxfordshire THE DANCERS WERE nude. All of them, as far as Amélie could tell. Men and women, although more women than men, not a surprise, given that it was Samhain, she thought. She shivered, but not entirely because of the cool night air that became chillier with each hour. Without the bonfire that must have been twenty feet high to dance around it would have been impossible to enjoy the celebration. Beside her she felt rather than saw Sandrine moving in time...

1 year ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 84

Jeff was right. So much of that stuff seemed stupid and almost pointless. Was it possible that in all those countless weddings before ours nobody had questioned them? We heard the band leader introduce us. ‘Do I wave like a political candidate or a beauty pageant contestant?’ ‘Don’t you dare. Just smile and walk to our table.’ I don’t think he would have done his wave. I suspected he was joking. We walked to our table for two. Jeff got a funny look as he saw the table. ‘We’ve been living...

1 year ago
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I see her every Friday. Sitting in the front row, her shoulders straight, her music held in front of her, watching the conductor without concession, her focus complete. Eve. Her auburn hair pinned in a elegant twist over her shoulder, the strong, sweet line of her jaw set and the sound she makes… it would damn near melt your heart to hear her sweet, pure soprano reverberate around the room. Most amateurs like me watch her in awe and adoration, those in the choir who are more professional watch...

Love Stories
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Black Security Guard Gets his Man Gay

"Don't move, you little bastard!" A gruff voice said above him. "You fuckin' broke into this place for the last time!"Shading his hands in front of his eyes he saw the huge black security guard sitting in chair in front of him. He was one of the biggest men he'd ever seen. The guard was wearing some sort of dark blue security outfit that barely fit his massive, muscular frame; huge muscles threatened to tear through the short sleeves of his shirt as he leaned over for a better look. "Who the...

4 years ago
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The FavorChapter 41 The Prom

Prom time was here, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Surprisingly, Jeff had asked me to go to the prom with him. I think that he had been deluding himself to believe that others were not aware that he was the puppeteer with his hand up my ass, metaphorically speaking (although that was an interesting picture). When Brittany explained to him that everyone knew, his behavior towards me in public changed, albeit only marginally. He no longer hid his command of me, though neither did he revel...

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