Andys new life ch2
- 3 years ago
- 71
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"This place is pretty nice, and that man was so polite to me," my mother said, looking around Gabriel's restaurant as we settled into opposite sides of our booth.
"Yes, he's a great guy. Connor and I have been coming here for a while now and he's always treated us really nicely." I looked across at her, a warm smile turning up the corners of my mouth as I took in the relaxed look of contented happiness on her face. I knew my father had rarely taken my mother out to dinner and I wanted to make this spontaneous little venture out something she would enjoy. How was that going to happen; well, hopefully it would start with the outfit I'd gotten her that she hadn't opened earlier in the day.
After finishing our shower, I had told her I wanted to take her out to dinner to celebrate our new son/mother teacher/student relationship. She'd been excited; especially when I told her I had bought her something that I thought would be perfect for where I planned on taking her. I could see from the expression on her face that she was anxious to see what I'd gotten her. We quickly dried off, and as I knotted another towel about my waist, she donned her big fluffy robe before we both made our way back to the living room.
"Which one is it?" she'd asked excitedly as she surveyed the remaining unopened packages.
"Uh ... that one there," I said, pointing to a colorful bag, the tiny handles tied together with strips of curling ribbon. Like a kid on Christmas Day, I watched as she deftly picked open the shiny ribbon and drew out the tissue-wrapped package from within. Setting the package down on the dining room table, she carefully undid a couple of pieces of tape and peeled the tissue to each side.
"Oh Andy, it's so pretty," she'd cooed as she picked up the dress and let it drape down in front of her. She turned it back and forth and then held it in front of her, and I knew, even though she still had her robe on, that it was going to look amazing on her. I had seen it on a mannequin in one of the stores I'd been in and loved it. I'd picked this dress out knowing that it would look great on her, and yet still be practical enough for her to wear to her part-time job at the library, or even to church. I personally would have liked something a little more daring, but that would come later. Right now, I had to continue to move her along slowly, especially where having clothes to wear out was concerned.
This dress was a warm royal blue color, which I thought would vividly draw out the enchanting deep blue of her eyes. It had little cap sleeves and a squared-off open area at the top of the bodice. It would cover more of those sublime breasts of hers than I would have liked, but if it ended up looking like I thought it would once she had it on, there would be no hiding the sumptuous upper swells of those incredible mounds, plus there should still be a teasing glimpse into the deep line of her inviting cleavage. The dress was designed so that the material formed to the wearer's body, but was not of a purely elasticized material that would have clung to her every curve lewdly. No, this was just a nice form-fitting dress, so I knew it would look fantastic as it drew your eyes to those enchanting curves of her lush body. The lower part of the dress was similar to the other pencil skirt I'd gotten her, narrowing at the bottom with a small vent at the back. It would end a couple of inches above her knees; like I said, practical yet still incredibly sexy. I couldn't wait to see it on her. But, I had a couple of other things for her that she'd need to make the outfit complete.
"Take a look in that box there," I said, pointing towards another shoe box with a little ribbon around it. She carefully laid the dress over the back of one of the dining room chairs and opened the box.
"Oh Andy," she said with a happy sigh as she drew out one of the sexy shoes. It was almost the identical color of blue as the dress, a stylish pointy-toed pump with cut-out sections at the sides. Her delicate little feet would slip into the triangular-shaped cap over the toes; then be open most of the way back, with another piece of leather at the back that would cup her heel and hold the shoe in place. Her eyes were big as saucers as she turned it over in her hands, taking in the slim 4" stiletto heel. "They're beautiful."
"Just a couple other things to make this outfit complete." I reached forward and passed her another gift bag, one of the purchases Jessica had helped me with at 'The Cat's Pajamas'. She set the shoe down and excitedly undid the little strips of shiny ribbon. I wondered if she'd had as much fun watching me open presents on Christmas Day as I was having watching her now. It struck me as funny how the tables had kind of turned in our relationship. Now, I was the one teaching her a few things, and making sure she was showered with kindness. Of course, I was getting something out of this too.
"I love the color," she gushed as she reached into the bag and drew something out from beneath the covering tissue. She held the tantalizing garment out before her and I looked at it myself, glad I'd made the purchase of this alluring piece of apparel. It was a satin bra in royal blue as well; as close as I could get to the color of the dress. The huge cups of the 32G bra were sensuously smooth, the shininess of the satin drawing your eyes like a magnet. Like all bras of her size, it was heavily structured, the strengthening underwire wonderfully hidden beneath and around the massive supporting cups.
"One more thing." I pointed back to the gift bag and she reached inside and pulled out a matching pair of satin panties. Like the ones I'd gotten her yesterday, they were cut wickedly high on the hips; still somewhat practical but deliciously sinful as well.
"Oh Andy, everything is perfect." She dropped the items onto the table and wrapped her arms around me, showering me with kisses. I was so happy to see her overjoyed like this. I could see that having new clothes like this, so different from what she was used to, seemed to mean so much to her. If it was this easy to make her happy, I had no problem continuing to surprise her with these little gifts.
"Okay, I'm getting hungry," I said as I playfully pushed her away from me, big smiles on both of our faces. "Let's get dressed. I want to take you out so the world can see how beautiful my mother is." My words made her blush as she stepped back and gathered up her new things.
"With the color of this dress and these shoes, do you think I should wear those black stockings you got me yesterday?"
"That would look fine, but I think it would look even better with just bare legs. I think those shoes were made for that kind of thing."
"Okay. Since this outfit is so nice and we're going out, would you like me to try a little of that makeup you got me too?"
I looked at her, seeing the pure joy in her eyes, her new presents slung over her arm as she waited for my reply. As I looked at her pretty face, I was amazed once again at her natural beauty. "You don't need anything, Mom. But if you want to try it, I think a little lipstick and one of those pink eye-shadows would look great with that dress."
She nodded and disappeared into her room while I went into my old bedroom. I pulled out a clean pair of fitted boxers I had there, and then slipped on my work shirt and pants I'd worn over. I kept a navy blazer in my car at all times, just for unexpected occasions like this. The classic navy blazer never failed when needed in a pinch. Gabriel's restaurant wasn't exactly The Ritz, but it wasn't just a dumpy diner either. With my mother's new dress and me in my navy blazer, we'd fit in fine.
"What do you think?" she asked a few minutes later as she rejoined me in the living room. I could only stand and stare as she walked into the room. The dress looked even better on her than I had imagined. It fit her perfectly, the soft-looking rich blue fabric wonderfully following the inviting contours of her womanly figure. It was not too tight, but the way the material accentuated her generous bust and matronly hourglass figure left no doubt about what kind of body she had; one that any woman would want, and any man would want to fuck ... all night long.
"Mom, you look fantastic," I uttered as I let my eyes roam down over her gorgeous form. The bodice fit as I imagined, the squared-off opening between her shoulders and breasts covering most of her full breasts but leaving a portion of the curving upper swells visible, as well as teasing glimpse of her deep cleavage. My eye moved downward, following the subtle flow of royal blue down past her waist to her flared hips, the dress hugging in nicely as it drew my eyes further south in a V-shape to where it ended a few inches below her dimpled knees. Her smooth tanned legs looked great as they contrasted with the vivid blue of the dress. I followed the alluring line of her shapely legs down over her toned calves to those shoes ... fuck ... those shoes ... they looked amazing. The slim 4" heel made her legs look fantastic and the lustrous blue shade of the shiny leather made her feet look incredibly sexy, the pointy toe and heel piece wonderfully cradling her foot while the open sides seemed to sensually suggest something wicked and naughty for the wearer's partner. Just looking at those shoes sent a chilling shiver right through me.
I finally tore my eyes away from her gorgeous body and looked up at her face, that enchanting lovely face of hers. She had quickly done her hair, the lustrous chestnut waves falling sensuously to her shoulders as it framed her attractive features. Her eyes shone, the warm blue shade echoing the blue of her dress as I'd hoped. I could see the soft warm pink of the eye shadow she'd applied, subtly enhancing the inviting beauty she naturally had. I looked at her mouth, her full lips looking bee-stung and sexy as hell with the bold red lipstick applied to them. Her wide mouth and pouty lips looked fantastic with the lipstick on them. It looked like a perfect cock-sucking mouth. As I looked at that gorgeous inviting mouth of hers, it wasn't hard to think about what the next lesson in her 'education' was going to be. I planned on using that mouth more than once later on, but right now, I needed some fuel inside me if I was going to do anything.
"Andy, this outfit is so nice, I love it." She turned from side to side as she looked at herself in the mirror near the front door, a look of pure joy on her face. It warmed my heart to see her so happy; making her feel this good about herself was what it had been all about; plus getting my rocks off at the same time, I couldn't deny that.
"I don't really have a purse to go with this; I guess my black one will have to do." She picked up her purse as I held the door open for her.
A matching purse ... something that had never even registered on my radar. I had the shoes to match, even the underwear to match, but a purse was something I had never even thought of. Not having to ever carry one myself, I had no idea about such things. "We'll get you one tomorrow, I've got some more shopping I want to do for you," I said as I opened the car door for her. She slid into the car, her tanned legs following as I watched her draw them in one at a time, my eyes instinctively going to the alluring display of her shapely thighs. I closed the door after her, grabbed my blazer from the back seat, slipped it on and fired up my Ford Fusion.
I know what you're thinking, a Ford Fusion isn't a very exciting car for a successful young guy in Las Vegas with his own computer consulting firm and a penthouse apartment, even if that was courtesy of my inheritance. Well, they were all out of Ferrari's when I went to get one, so I picked a Fusion instead. Seriously, I never really wanted a showpiece car like that; it wasn't important to me to show off like that. I was probably a little too practical for my own good, something my friend Connor never ceased to tease me about. He'd look at the sporty lines of a car, or the color, or what he called the "chick magnet factor", while I'd be concerned about reliability, safety and practicality. Anyways, you don't want to hear all that crap, I'm just telling you, my car is a silver Ford Fusion, and I'm happy with it ... end of story.
"Andy, I didn't mean that I wanted a new purse," my mother said as I pulled out into traffic. She gestured towards the black purse on her lap. "This one's fine."
"No, I insist. We'll look for one tomorrow."
"What did you mean when you said you had more shopping to do for me? You've given me far too much already. I don't need anything else."
"Do you like the things I've gotten you so far?"
"You know I do, Andy. I love everything. You just shouldn't be spending your money on me like that. And really, I don't need anything else."
"Mom, my business is really doing well. Don't worry about the money. I want to do this for you. Seriously, I want to make up for all those years when Dad wouldn't let you have things like this." I paused and she seemed satisfied with my reasons for wanting to do this. "Besides, I can think of one new thing you definitely need right off the top."
"What's that?"
"A new bathing suit. We've got that pool in the backyard and I hardly ever see you in it. And that bathing suit you've got ... really Mom, how old is that thing." I could see her in her conservative black one-piece. It couldn't hide her tremendous tits, but the boring design didn't do much for the rest of her body.
From the way she slowly nodded her head, I could see that she agreed with me. "Well, you're right; I have had it for a few years now."
"Exactly. So tomorrow, you and I are going shopping together. A new bathing suit is definitely at the top of our list. Okay?" I looked at her with a little grin on my face and watched a warm smile spread over her own.
"Good. Now are you hungry?"
"I'm starving actually."
"Yeah, me too. I guess we worked up quite an appetite." I watched her blush as she thought about what we had done to work up that appetite. I knew she had enjoyed it just as much, if not more, than I did. "Ah, here we are; Gabriel's."
I pulled into the parking lot and held the door open, my eyes feasting on those sexy shoes and her shimmering tanned legs as she slid out of the car and took my arm. I loved that titillating "click-clack" sound her stiletto heels made as we walked towards the front door. As usual, Gabriel himself was manning the door and ushered us in.
"Ah, Senor Andy, buenas noches."
"Buenas noches, Gabriel."
"And who is this beautiful woman who is your guest tonight?" Gabriel asked as he gave my mother a little bow of respect.
"Oh, this is my mother. Gabriel, this is Cynthia. Cynthia ... Gabriel," I said, introducing one to the other.
My mother nodded politely in his direction and I turned towards him as well. I was surprised to see the dumbfounded look on the Spaniard's face as he looked intently at my mother. He always seemed so proper and composed. "No, I don't believe it," he said emphatically. He looked from my mother to me, and that back to my mother again. "This could be your sister, no? But your mother, I don't believe it."
"I'm afraid it's the truth. I have painful stories about his birth I can tell you, if you'd like," my mother said good-naturedly. It was so nice to see her have the confidence to say something like that with such ease.
"No ... no," he replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I have two of my own and from what my wife tells me of their birth, well, it is at times like those that I'm glad to be a man." We all had a little chuckle at that. "I am truly sorry. It's just that you are so young and beautiful, I would never have guessed you as being Andy's mother." He seemed to think about what he had just said and shook his head as if to correct himself. "Not to say mothers can't be beautiful ... or young ... or ... oh dear, I'm making a complete fool of myself." He stopped and gestured gracefully to my mother. "How about we start over? Cynthia, welcome to Gabriel's. We are honored to have you and your son as our guests tonight." His kind words brought a smile to all our faces.
"It's very nice to meet you, Gabriel," my mother said, extending her hand which the Spaniard took in his own and shook gently. "Your place is so nice, and Andy's told me how much he and his friend Connor like coming here. I'm just glad he made me his date tonight instead of Connor." We had another laugh at that.
"Your son and Connor are two of our best customers. And you young lady, you are welcome here anytime. Now, let me find you a nice table."
"Is our usual table available?" I asked as I noticed the booth Connor and I preferred was currently empty.
"Yes, if you wish." He led us to our usual place and my mother slid gracefully into one side while I took the other.
"My daughter Silvia will be taking care of you tonight." He turned to my mother. "If there's anything you need, my dear, just let Silvia know and I will see that it's taken care of."
"Thank you so much," my mother replied, giving him a warm smile. "This is perfect."
"Enjoy," he said with a theatrical sweep of his hand as he went back to his post. Which takes us to the starting point of this part of my story...
"This place is pretty nice, and that man was so polite to me," my mother said, looking around Gabriel's restaurant as we settled into opposite sides of our booth.
"Yes, he's a great guy. Connor and I have been coming here for a while now and he's always treated us really nicely."
"He seems like such a charming man," she said, watching him walk away.
"See, I told you that you didn't look old. He thought you were my sister."
"I think he was just trying to be polite," she answered, her eyes looking around the place. It was pretty busy, with nearly all the tables being occupied. It looked like he had the full complement of waitresses on duty, all of them sharing a similar trait. Besides the fact that the food here was fantastic, one of the main reasons my friend Connor and I came here regularly was because of the waitresses. Whether it was intentional or not, Gabriel seemed to have the habit of hiring busty girls for his staff, including his own two daughters, Marta and Silvia. Our table was usually in their serving area and Connor and I had come to know them a little bit over the last year or so. Both girls were in their early twenties, with Marta being a couple of years older. She was much bolder and gregarious, while Silvia was more demure and quiet. Both were great-looking, Marta being a little taller. I would have pegged her at about 5'-7" with Silvia being about 5'-5". Marta had shoulder-length brown hair and deep brown eyes while Silvia had short black hair and dazzling hazel eyes. Both of them a similar generous bust-line; buxom being a perfect description of the way they both filled out the standard waitress' uniform Gabriel asked all his girls to wear.
My friend Connor had a continuous flirtatious relationship with Marta going; the two of them verbally sparring every time we came in. I was more drawn to Silvia, losing myself in those brilliant hazel eyes of hers more than once when she'd looked at me. I was both excited and nervous that Silvia was going to be our waitress tonight. And right now, she was heading our way with a couple of menus.
"Andy," she said with a nod, a somewhat diffident expression on her face as she slid the menus in front of each of us. I wondered what that was all about, and then I saw her kind of checking my mother out. A thrill went through me as I realized that Silvia seemed to be a little bit jealous; the wary look in her eyes as she looked my mother over testifying to that. It dawned on me in an instant that this was the first time I had been here with anyone other than Connor. She was used to seeing just the two of us in here, and then all of a sudden, one of us shows up with a woman; and a fantastically attractive woman at that. As much as I was reveling in her little predicament, I figured I'd better straighten this out right away.
"Hi Silvia. This is my mother, Cynthia," I said as I gestured across the table.
"Your ... your mother?" she asked cautiously as she looked from my mother to me, and back again. I could see her turning red with embarrassment; obviously my thoughts of her being jealous were true.
"I'm afraid so, my dear," my mother said as she gave Silvia a big smile. "I guess I have to take my share of the responsibility for putting this young man here. He and his friend Connor don't give you too hard of a time, do they?"
"No, they're great customers," Silvia all but gushed, and I was thrilled to see the look of happy relief on her face. "They're no trouble at all. It's so nice to meet you." Silvia extended her hand and my mother shook it, both of them smiling from ear to ear. Now, that was a sight I could get used to, my mother and Silvia together. I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm such a perv, but once I saw their hands connected, I pictured both of them together with me, one on each side of me with their kissing mouths servicing my cock. "Andy, you never told us you had such a beautiful mother." Silvia's words snapped me out of my reverie and with my mind being temporarily elsewhere, I was the one who ended up fumbling for words.
"I ... well ... she..." I mumbled incoherently, picturing Silvia's pretty lips wrapped around one of my mother's massive tits.
"That's very sweet of you to say that," my mother interjected, saving me. "I don't get out much. Andy came over to my house to help me with a few things, and we got so busy, we lost track of the time." Yeah, busy cumming all over each other. "I offered to make dinner, but my son here insisted that we come here for dinner instead. I had a new outfit to wear, so this was a perfect opportunity to try it out." My mother gave me a secretive little smile as she said this.
"That's a beautiful dress," the young Spanish girl replied as her eyes roamed over my mother's lush form, "and those shoes are gorgeous. I'd love a pair of shoes like that."
"Thank you so much. Andy said it looked nice too, but it's nice to hear what another woman thinks." I could tell Silvia was pleased that my mother had referred to her as 'another woman', not as 'a girl' or 'young woman', even though they were about twenty years apart. It showed that my mother had a level of respect for her that she may have found surprising. I'm sure hearing my mother say that made her feel good; I know it made me feel good about the two of them as well.
"So what's your mom's special of the day?" I asked before turning to my mother to explain. "Silvia's mother runs the kitchen and does most of the cooking."
"Chicken Pepitoria is today's special."
"Oh, I love that. How about we have two of those?" I looked at my mother questioningly and she nodded, trusting my judgment. Silvia pulled out her little pad from her waitresses' apron and jotted something down. "And what's today's soup?"
"It's my mother's Seafood Chowder."
"Is that the one with the tomato and brandy base, with the prawns, clams and monkfish?"
"That's it."
"It looks like we picked a good day to come. How about two bowls of that as well?" Once again, my mother nodded in agreement as Silvia made a quick note.
"Then I guess you won't need these," she said as she gathered up the unopened menus. "Would you like something to drink while you're waiting?"
"I'm fine with just water," my mother said.
"Mom, come on, we're celebrating with a nice dinner out. Have a glass of wine."
"I ... I'll be fine," she replied politely, but I could see her wavering.
"Could you bring us a couple of glasses of your house red, please?" I asked, knowing my mother had a preference for red.
"Sure, coming right up." I watched Silvia's sumptuous rump sway enticingly as she made her way towards the waitresses' station, menus in hand.
"What a lovely young woman," my mother said, her eyes following Silvia as well.
"Oh, I ... I guess so," I replied with an unknowing shake of my head as I turned to face my mother across the table.
"Oh Andy, I can see how much you like her." I felt myself start to blush, knowing after all these years my mother could see right through me. "And I can see she likes you too. Did you see how the look on her face changed once she realized I wasn't just some woman you were here with on a date?"
"I ... uh..." I stammered once again, unsure of what to say.
"Trust me; a woman can see these things in each other; and that one, whether you see it or not, she likes you."
I looked over to the bar just as Marta walked up to her sister and said something as she gestured towards our table. I could see Silvia speaking excitedly and then Marta's mouth dropped open, a shocked look on her face. I figured Silvia must have told her in that instant that the stunning woman with me was actually my mother. As I looked at the two of them talking, I only had eyes for Silvia. Her short black hair framed her pretty face nicely, accentuating her attractive features, enchanting hazel eyes and the warm comforting smile that lit up her face. I had always been attracted to her, but I had never been too sure about what she thought. Maybe my mother was right.
"She's very pretty, isn't she?" Once again, my mother's words pulled me back to the moment.
"I ... I guess."
"I think you should ask her out sometime. You're not getting any younger, you know."
"Mom, I'm only 27. And besides, right now ... today, I'm pretty happy with the way things are." There could be no denying the intent of my statement; that I was talking about what had happened between the two of us over the last couple of days. Just as I finished saying that, Silvia arrived with our two glasses of wine, placing them in front of each of us before turning away with a pleasant smile for each of us. The little interruption gave me mother some time to think about what I had just said.
"Andy, I love what has happened between us as well; but I want you to listen to me." Her voice had taken on a more serious tone, and I knew that what she was about to say could possibly impact our lives from here on out. "I know a young man has certain needs, and I understand that you want to take care of those needs." She paused and I could see her try to search for the words she wanted. "And I have to admit, I ... I like it that you want me to help you with that. It makes me feel so special ... and so close to you." This sounded good so far, but I had the feeling there was a 'but' coming here soon, and I didn't have long to wait as it was the next word out of her mouth. "But I think you know, we can never ... you know ... never do ... that."
The way she said it, there was no mistaking what she meant by 'that'. I had the feeling she was going to bring this up sooner or later, but I figured after the way things had been progressing so far, it would only be a matter of time before I broke down her resistance and was able to fuck her within an inch of her life. I was quite willing to quietly agree with her at this point, happy to take my time without pressing too much. With that amazing body and inviting mouth of hers, there were still plenty of things we could do to bring each other pleasure. I wasn't going to push it, but I wanted to hear a little more on what she had to say on the point. "But haven't you been happy with everything we've done so far?"
Once again, I could see her blushing as she paused to take a sip of her wine. "I ... I have. I've loved everything we've done. I never knew I could feel as good as you've made me feel; and I love you so much for showing me." She paused again, and I could hear a small degree of hesitancy in her voice as she resumed speaking. "But that's different Andy. You know how the bible frowns on..."
"Incest?" I interjected, knowing she was having trouble even saying the word.
"Yes. And if we ... you know ... did that, it would be incest." Ah, there it was, my mother seemed to believe in the old presidential definition of incest. I had to suppress the grin I felt wanting to turn up the corners of my mouth as I thought about everything we'd done so far; and that she hadn't felt incestuously guilty about that. Yeah, I was quite willing to accept the presidential definition of incest as being prohibitive ... for now.
"I ... I think I understand," I replied, wanting to see what she'd say next.
"A man needs a woman in his life, someone who he can share his life with, who can give him children." I wanted to say something about my own father at this point, and what a fucked-up job he'd done with her life, but I sat quietly, keeping those thoughts to myself. "I can't be that woman, Andy. I can help you with certain needs, but I can't be that woman."
"I understand." I nodded and took a drink of my own wine, knowing she needed to see that I was not upset by what she'd said. I set my glass down and gave her a warm smile, letting her know everything was alright.
"I love you so much, Andy."
"I love you too, Mom."
Silvia broke the mood by arriving with the soup, sliding the two bowls of steaming goodness in front of each of us.
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RING! RING! Ah shit. Just as I started pulling at my tie, my cell phone rang. I hated all those different distinctive cell phone rings that people put on—I just wanted mine plain and simple, so it sounded just like a regular old phone. As much as I wanted to let it ring, the number of people that had the number of my cell was limited to a select few, so I figured this call might be important. "Hello," I said as I pulled it out of my jacket pocket. "Andy, we need your help—right now." A...
Andy thought it was odd when he was asked to include a full length photo in just his swimming trunks with his job application. But then it was for a sales assistant at a lingerie firm. Maybe it was normal – to test his commitment – that sort of thing. The salary was £40,000. That was £15,000 more than anywhere else he had applied for. The hours were good too. It was almost too good to be true. Andy arrived for his interview in his best suit. He cut a dashing figure and looked nice, especially...
"Does this look okay for going out tonight?" my mother asked as she walked into the living room. I'd been checking my e-mails as I waited for her to get ready, but as I looked up from the screen, I realized the wait had been worth it. She was wearing some of the new things we'd picked up for her that day, and my eyes immediately went to the soft pearl-gray sweater tightly adhered to those spectacular breasts of hers. It had a small turtleneck collar and little cap sleeves, but the way...
Real life isn’t perfect, Real men aren’t perfect, they don’t always have giant penises and a rock solid hard on to be proudly waved in front of your face and therefore sometimes there are less than perfect stories. This is Andy’s story. “Don’t worry about it” I say as you huff and puff before rolling over. “It happens to everyone” I tell you as I stroke your shoulder reassuringly. What I’m really thinking is ‘For gods sake, I really needed a really good fucking, and you’re not up to the task’...
"Andy, wake up ... wake up!" "Huh?" I said as I quickly came to, my mother's hand shaking my shoulder as she leaned over me, those huge pendulous tits swaying hypnotically before my eyes. "We slept in. We're going to be late for church." She slid out of the bed, her body still clothed in that sexy black bustier I'd gotten for her. I watched her lush tits bob deliciously as she hurried into the en-suite bathroom, my morning hard-on twitching beneath the sheets. Her sexy voice came...
When Andy took the job at DC Lingerie, he hadn’t expected to be in the position he was in now. It was his first day and he knew something was up when Ashlie, the office junior had slipped off her panties before entering the boss’s office. His boss Danielle, was, in his estimation, the best looking woman he had ever set eyes on. It wasn’t just her luxuriant blonde hair or even her amazing breasts. The way her bum twitched as she walked, the way her silky voice compelled him to follow her...
Educating A Sissy Cuckold by Throne "Let's make sure that you're at least presentable, Chrissy" said Miranda. "The last thing I want is for Link to get here and be distracted by you not looking sissy enough. All his attention needs to be on me." The sexy dark-haired woman inspected her husband with a critical eye. He was short and slender, with sandy blond hair that had been allowed to grow to collar length, and was now put up in two ponytails at the sides of his head. His face...
Prologue Readers of a curious disposition may find it of interest to know something of the source of the text they now hold in their hands. Let me simply say that the information was bequeathed to me by a friend, a man who devoted his adult life to educating the young, spending much of his career in the European school which I have here named Von Hoffman’s. Toward the end of his life, aware of the illness which was soon to claim him, my friend requested that I take possession of a...
Shweta was one among those several parents who had queued up before the correspondent’s room. The final results for admissions to +2 have been just put up on the notice board and her worst fears have come true. She couldn’t find the name of Rakesh, her only son’s name anywhere. Rakesh had been studying in the same school from childhood and his lackluster showing in the 10th standard meant that he might not be allowed to continue in the prestigious school. Shweta knew that she had an uphill...
IncestIntroduction: Second part of a fictional story Educating Bobby And Debbie Part 2 Debbie and Diane Introduction: My fourteen year old son Bobby has been seeing a fourteen year old girl named Debbie, for the last few months. I had given them a good education on the real sex between two people that schools wont teach and all teens should learn, as they gave their virginity to each other. Last week my brother Larry invited my son Bobby to go to a Nascar racing weekend at the Texas motor...
Stan was my third husband, I met him while visiting my friend Judy in Florida. He was a young sailer, barely nineteen, and I was twenty four and married twice before. I guess you could say that I was his first real love and absolutely his first sexual experience. We had been dating for almost a month before we had any intimacy at all. He was so sweet to me, which was charming but I was a woman in my mid twenties and needed some dick. It occurred to me that Stan was probably a virgin and I...
This is a true story that happened when I was in high school.My cousin Sylvia and I were exactly the same age. Our families were close, but we lived in different cities, so we only saw each other for holidays or for a week on a summer vacation every once in a while. When we were younger, she was just like any one of my many cousins, someone to run around and play with. As we became teenagers, like any teenage boy, I couldn't help but notice that Sylvia was becoming a woman, getting tall, with...
This is a true story that happened when I was in high school.My cousin Sylvia and I were exactly the same age. Our families were close, but we lived in different cities, so we only saw each other for holidays or for a week on a summer vacation every once in a while. When we were younger, she was just like any one of my many cousins, someone to run around and play with. As we became teenagers, like any teenage boy, I couldn't help but notice that Sylvia was becoming a woman, getting tall, with...
This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Educating Danielle Part One By Karen E. Lea Chapter One Nearly four o'clock, Friday. I looked out from my office window overlooking the photo-graphic studio where the days work was finishing up. I had dinner plans for...
The after dinner conversation continued with Ms. Lee alternating between friendly champion and professional counselor roles. "Kaylie, I tried to convince Dr. Taylor that you needed medical help right away to prevent unwanted puberty. Unfortunately, the referral to Dr. Taylor did not work out as I hoped. She could have helped, but she decided to go by the book and insist that you have the personality assessment and get documentation from the psychologists first. Doctors acting as...
He waited Tuesday morning, busying himself with work but his mind never wandered far from thoughts of his plans for her. She would be here, promptly after class… he had no doubt in his mind. Indeed, as the clock rang the half hour, he heard a car pull into the garage. Smiling to himself, he waited. He’d left an envelope prominently located on the tool bench, and knew that shortly he’d be hearing the garage door close as he’d directed, hiding her car from view and rendering her at his mercy and...
Educating the Capo Ch. 3 A lot of people have asked me to continue this novel so here is the next chapter. I apologise for the long break in the story but I made the mistake of starting another story, The Real Estate Connection, and falling in love with the characters and plot of that story. I felt I owed it to you folks and myself to continue this work too… so here it is. Hope you enjoy it folks. Kiwiwolf * Carol rolled over and slid off the bed. ‘I’m heading into town today baby. Maria...
Educating Ariel, a story by Ariana! – My actual name “Ariel”, I whispered as I came to sit next to you on your bed, you were taking a nap and looked up at me and smiled. I remember that smile, it was the same one you’ve given me the previous few weeks when we sat next to each other in math class. I didn’t pay much attention then but I can now remember how you moved your leg under the desk so that it would touch mine, your summer dress revealing your gorgeous leg up to mid thigh level – I made...
Introduction: Cindy was only 13 Educating Cindy Cindy was 13 and in Junior high. She was a tiny little thing and her little titties had just started to develop. She hadnt developed pubic hair yet but her period had just started and she was experiencing new feelings. Her Mom and Dad were divorced and she lived with her Mom and she missed her Daddy. When Mom got a new boyfriend Tom, she liked him right away and being an affectionate little girl she always gave him hugs and kisses before she went...
Introduction: Arriving home the girls could not wait to try out their purchases Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 6: The Orgy Arriving home the girls could not wait to try out their purchases. Conrad told them to put them in Bonnies room for later. Hearing Conrads car pull up Jerry went to check with Angela and to find out from Conrad how things went. Conrad told him everything and left no detail out and Jerry was well pleased. Now he could fuck his own daughter any time he...
Introduction: Conrad looked round the room there were several booths all round the room and at the other end a section had been curtained off Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 5: Angelas cherry They were led down another passage and through a small door .Joseph helped Conrad and the girls carry the clothing they had yet to try plus the ones they had not rejected. Settling back to the task Conrad was left to help the girls choose. Joseph kept popping in and out to check how they...
Introduction: Bonnie was the first down to breakfast. Her parents had seen her naked and her Father had fucked he Educating the girls By anon y mouse Chapter 3: Showing off Morning was a heady one as all 3 woke they all had nice thoughts about the previous evening and what lay ahead. Bonnie was the first down to breakfast. Her parents had seen her naked and her Father had fucked her so she saw no harm in being naked. Conrad was the next to arrive but he was wearing his shorts Morning...
Introduction: Maybe we should be in the movie business Beth exclaimed ]Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 9: Help me please Jerry and Conrad put the girls to bed. With the video Jerry and Conrad were able to show Beth and Ruby how the day had gone and both women were impressed Maybe we should be in the movie business Beth exclaimed That would need distribution and costs replied Jerry Besides it depends if theres a market for this stuff and the legal crap True Beth answered Just...
Educating Ariel, a story by Ariana![/u] - My actual name :)“Ariel”, I whispered as I came to sit next to you on your bed, you were taking a nap and looked up at me and smiled. I remember that smile, it was the same one you’ve given me the previous few weeks when we sat next to each other in math class. I didn’t pay much attention then but I can now remember how you moved your leg under the desk so that it would touch mine, your summer dress revealing your gorgeous leg up to mid thigh level - I...
Educating Danielle Part Two By Karen E. Lea Chapter Six We arrived home and I let Daniel put the Rover in the garage, then took him home. Laura greeted us at the door and Daniel couldn't tell his mum about his day quick enough. She studied Daniel's face while he spoke, when he had finished she said, "Daniel have you been wearing makeup?" He froze, and then hesitantly said "No." "Please don't lie; I can see some on your neck." I stepped forward,...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Three Chapter Nine We rushed home in the peak hour traffic, fast as it would allow. Seemingly, everybody was going in the same direction as us. Eventually I turned into our street; we could see Laura watering the garden in the distance. I told Danielle to wave to her mum as we drove into the driveway. Laura must have heard the Rover slow for the driveway, as she looked up, we both waved. I accelerated up the...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Four Chapter Sixteen The Saturday morning of Lady Carrington's daughter's wedding dawned bright and clear. Thursday night, Laura, Danielle and I as Karen, had gone shopping for clothes, a uniform so to speak. We settled on white short sleeved blouses with navy blue above the knee skirts, tan panty hose and three inch navy blue pumps with a block heel. After a small breakfast, I went through my bathing ritual, then...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Five Chapter Twenty One Next day dawned overcast, but no rain in sight. I had the Rover outside idling, when Danielle and Laura came out with lunch in a soft chiller bag. Laura looked good in a cotton dress and sandals. Danielle had on a white sleeveless top, a black mini skirt and her white sandals with the two inch heel, her makeup immaculate. "Hi daddy." "And where do you think you are going, dressed like...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Six Chapter Twenty Nine The next week flew by. Monday, I organised Laura's present, arranging for delivery on the Friday at her work. Laura came and saw me when I arrived home from the studio. She related the events of the day. His friend with the coach, faxed over a bill for the fuel used. Mister Faraday had apoplexy when he saw the price. One hundred and twenty three dollars and fifty cents. He rang his friend and...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Seven Chapter Thirty Four Friday morning dawned clear and bright, after a light breakfast, I met the girls out at Laura's car and took them to the hair salon for their appointment. We walked in to a deserted reception area, I was about to ring the bell, when a flamboyant guy came out and in a French accent, "Madame, Mademoiselle, welcome to Pierre's' trained in Paris, how can I be of ze assistance." "Knock it off...
Educating Danielle Part Eight By Karen E. Lea Chapter Thirty Nine We entered into a large motel suite. It was chaos. A guy sat at the table reading the paper, obviously the father, and a young guy watching music videos on the television. Two girls sat on the lounge. It wasn't a happy room. There was crying coming from the bedroom; I know knew who had the room I had originally booked. Tanya introduced her father Mark who was pleased to meet Laura, and her...
Educating Danielle Part Nine By Karen E. Lea Chapter Forty Four Next morning I awoke entwined with Laura, I don't think we had moved all night. It had gone six and I rose to have a shower. After I finished, Laura took my place after a quick kiss. While I was dressing I could hear Daniel moving around in the kitchen. This was a new experience for me, having other people in the house. We ate breakfast together, Daniel promised to have the washing done...
Educating Danielle Part Ten By Karen E. Lea Chapter Forty Seven We drove down the motorway heading towards the studio; we decided Danielle to dress as femininely as possible. She had on a mid thigh black skirt, three inch court shoes and a sleeveless figure hugging white top. Her makeup was flawless. We were first in this morning; we opened up, turned the lights on, started the computers and threw the junk mail faxes into the recycling bin, where in the hell do...
Educating Danielle Part Eleven By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty The Entrance is a large holiday town, sitting on the entrance to Tuggerah Lake, one hundred kilometres north of Sydney, with the ocean to the east and Tuggerah Lake to the west. Two hours after leaving home, I drove in to the underground security car park, having done some grocery shopping on the way. Pulling in to one of my allotted spaces, I turned the Rover off and slid to the ground. My name...
Educating Danielle Part Twelve By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty Four Next morning we had breakfast, during which I made arrangements for them to visit the accountant, once that had been done, to open a bank account, using his advice. Sam was waiting for me when I arrived, he followed me upstairs and I sat at my desk and read the contract, "Sam, Sam, Sam, where's the domestic/worldwide clause and payment terms?" "Well...we thought, you know, she's...
Educating Danielle Part Thirteen By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty Six The next morning we rose early and readied ourselves to go and meet Danielle at the driving school. After a light breakfast, we showered and dressed. I put on a black skirt, three quarter sleeve blouse and three inch black sandals. Laura had a black skirt and a white sleeveless knitted top with a cowl neck. She finished it off with shoes with a three-inch heel. Our plan was to go shopping at...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Fourteen Authors note: I commenced writing this story in 2002, so any time line reference or dates in the story are based on 2002. Karen. Chapter Fifty Nine We arrived at Kim's place at two. The butler took our bags from the car and showed us to our room. We freshened up and went downstairs to the party. We scanned the guests for Danielle. Laura had a death grip on my arm, "Don't you dare leave me by...
Educating Danielle By Karen E. Lea Part Fifteen Chapter Sixty Four By six that night we had settled in a caravan park at Bathurst, two hundred kilometres west of Sydney. We rose early the next morning and headed west, through Bathurst, Orange, Molong, Wellington arriving at Dubbo. After lunch we visited the Western Plains Zoo, and found half a day not enough time to see all the animals. Five o clock we headed off to find...
Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...
Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...
I was fresh out of my second marriage and was tired of the same old places and faces. At the ripe old age of twenty four, I was bored to tears. My best friend Judy was home from Florida where she had moved with her husband when he joined the Navy a couple years before. We were visiting one night and I was venting to her about how I needed a change of scenery. Everywhere I looked all In saw was reminders of my failed relationships. She suggested that since her husband would be out to sea for...
It was the second week of Andy’s time at DC Lingerie. He had been overjoyed when he had landed the job, which came with good hours and a salary, which paid well over what he could have got anywhere else in that sector. When he signed the lock in contract, little did he know what was waiting for him. For seven hours a day it was like any other small business. He would be busy making phone calls or spend some time on the road visiting clients. When he was in the office he would be managing the...
"How about having dinner with me tonight?", Phil Russell asked, although he knew he would be turned down. He still had to try. After all, Sue Brown was someone whom many men privately referred to as an 'instant hard-on'. Every time he looked at her, or heard her voice, he had to concentrate very hard, so he would not cream his pants right then and there.The recipient of his admiration and lust turned toward him with a smile. Her soft voice made him shiver. Her green eyes danced merrily as she...
POV: Joy"So, you're not the only one that likes to fuck her mom?" I pondered, closing the gap."Yes, perv, how long have you been watching?" Kaylee asked, leaning up to me"Just a few minutes," I answered, before kissing her. "If you did leave me for a woman, I'd want it to be your mom," I pointed out, prior to checking her body. "Shit on a stick, Darcie, you have somebody.""Thank you, Joy," she responded, rising to me too. "May I kiss your girlfriend, Kaylee?""Sure, Mom."Darcie...
IncestKyle was half listening to his eighth grade teacher as she droned on about recent history because he was furtively reading ahead in the book as usual. There were topics in the book that he knew Ms. Jayne Wood would be skipping over, and he was curious about them. He was well aware that boys were discouraged from independent reading or any independent academic activity, but the girls were encouraged to be learn and study whatever they wanted. Girls could even select their own books to...
She tells me her much older husband died a year ago. The only man she has ever had. “I realise now I have missed out on a lot in life. A sex life and sexual pleasure especially, I am naive when I compare with my girlfriends. They tell me my past sex life could only be described as vanilla at best. I need a man to educate and show me what I have been missing.” She has me intrigued. I do love an articulate woman who can talk about her sex life and discuss it without any embarrassment. “How...
Chapter 1 My name is Samantha, but most everyone calls me Sammie, or sometimes just Sam. It's a boy's name, I know, but nobody ever really accused me of being a boy, I was just teased sometimes by the kids at school. They stopped doing that last year though, right after I had my little 'growth spurt' or whatever you want to call it. I called it a miracle. It was like overnight I grew from just five feet nothing to 5'4" and all the baby fat around my tummy moved up to my boobs. Well,...
If anyone has read ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry then they might understand this story better. I wondered what happened after/if the little prince went back to his planet and this is just my little experiment that I went with. I wrote it all in one breath, and I hope it makes sense. I’m posting it on here to see what people think of it, and if you guys like it, I’ll continue it. Any and all comments are very much welcome. I hope you like it! ———————————————– She was born...
I didn’t pay all that much attention to Holly Blake when we were growing up. She was a tomboyish skinny kid that crossed paths with me from time to time but we had nothing in common other than the neighborhood where we lived just outside of Columbia, South Carolina. Everyone knew that her father had died when she was very young and that her mother had never remarried, choosing instead to sell real estate and devote the rest of her time to raising her daughter. From my perspective, that wasn’t...
I had no idea where we were, and the name on the sign in the terminal didn't help. "Welcome!" That was eal informative. We were definitely in a tropical climate. In the early evening I could see palm trees, people in shorts and tees, and the women were in sandals. I couldn't smell much, just hot asphalt, slightly scorched rubber, and jet fuel. Maybe those are the smells of the tropics. There was a woman standing in a corner. Dad asked her something and we were directed to a open air bus...
Growing up started puberty early compared to most boys. At age 10 I started to grow noticible hair on my balls and around the base of my cock. My own mom seen this and took note.. But my step mom did not see me naked until I was 13. At age 11 I also learned about masturbation and would often do it daily, if not several times a day... At age 11, I already had alot of hair growing thick around my balls and a happy trail of it growing from above. I had my own room and it overlooked the pool where...
My name is Zack.I was born on 11th May 1981 and my zodiac or starsigns are Taurus.My first time with my dearest Mom happened under the very weird circumstances.This wasn’t something planned by me or my Mom and it happened due to my boldness and persistence.Everything started at early September 2002.It was midweek.I had visited my parents to eat when my Dad asked if I would like to accompanied my Mom to a wedding ceremony.I learned that the 2nd cousin of mine was getting married and my Mom...
But Mommy, I mean Mom!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Chris, Chrissie 18-years-old Amy & Jill 5-year-old twin sisters Miley 12-year-old sister Mom/Mommy single mom 42-years-old but looks 25 Jenny my 18-year-old girl friend All, I was transferring files from my old laptop to my knew MacBook Pro and found some stories I wrote back in 2011 and never put on line. Here is one of them. I hope you enjoy...
“Hey, baby,” sniffled Linda Perkins.“Hey, mom! I missed your calls. I was seeing patients,” Rochelle explained.“It’s okay. I was just calling to tell you G-momma passed away in the nursing home last night.”“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, mama!”The older woman sobbed, “Thank you! I’m workin’ on the arrangements with Paul and Dianne. I’ll let you know when the service is gonna be.”“Okay! Take your time. Is Clarence around,” she inquired about her mother’s husband.“He’s mowing the lawn.”“Alright. I need...