Fighting Irish free porn video

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I was in a foul mood.
I wasn’t dressed for running errands. In my opinion you
don’t run errands in black nylons, a long, black, stretchy
skirt and an oversized white tunic shirt knotted at hip
level. It helped that I wore white tennis shoes, but I still
felt overdressed. I also hate skirts, not to mention nylons.
This pair’s suspender-style; technically, crotchless. And
they’re about a size too small. I’m full figured so this
causes my legs to bulge over the top edge slightly. It was a
detail that didn’t matter when we were home or when I
wore pants. It became critical walking around in a skirt.
Basically my thighs were chafing.
Pearce had selected my wardrobe for the day so most of
my mood was directed towards him, which he had noticed.
As we stood in the checkout line at the market he crowded
me, his torso pressing against my back. He slipped his
arms under mine to catch the handle of the cart, pulling it
tight against my stomach as he dropped his voice to an
intimate level, his Irish brogue putting a dangerous accent
on the pronoun.
‘I’m knackered, girl, and I’m warning ye – adjust the
eejit attitude or I will.’

Leaning back against him to intentionally imply
compliance, I lay my head against the crook of his neck.
Pearce shifted his stance to support my change in position
as I spoke softly.
‘Yes, sir.’
‘It’s a bit late ta be playing nice,’ he noted dryly, his
voice still pitched for a private conversation. ‘And
agreeing terribly quick weren’t ye now? Are ye doubting
I’ll adjust things ta my satisfaction?’
‘Not at all, at all.’
‘Don’t be sassing that fake Irish ta me. Answer honest.’
‘No doubt.’
‘Emmm. Make yerself useful then.’
He tapped the counter as he straightened away, the
lilting accent threading through his words making the
instruction sound less important than it was. It had
repeatedly proved all too easy for me to get lost in the
melodic sound of Pearce’s words. Pair the musical quality
of his voice with the fact that he was filled with your basic
never-met-a-stranger Irish blarney charm and it was easy
to miss that his laid-back good humour was backed by
steel. Most people missed it most of the time, just as they
missed that Pearce was dominant in our relationship.
Granted, we didn’t wear stereotypical fetish gear. The
only fetish item ever seen regularly between us was
Pearce’s collar around my neck. To those who understood
the nuances of domination, the collar was a clear symbol
of my submission. But in general it was simply an artistic
statement. The narrow, rounded sterling band created a
unique necklace that no one realized was bolted in place.
To remove it, Pearce would have to use a special wrench.
In the same way we chose not to hide the collar, Pearce
and I chose not to completely hide our relationship. If
people paid attention it would became apparent he was in

charge. The thing was, no one paid attention. We were
hidden in plain sight.
As I unloaded the cart Pearce stood hip-shot,
emphasizing his pelvis in an utterly distracting way. I
wasn’t distracted enough to fail to notice when he picked
up a tabloid.
‘Don’t even think about buying that trash.’
‘Right, you’ll be thinking ta tell me what ta do now,
Rach?’ he shot back absently, not looking up from a story
about a potato possessed by the spirit of a dead celebrity.
‘You need to maintain some decent standards. That
isn’t it.’
Pearce rotated his hip even farther out to the side,
throwing himself off balance to bump me as he
taunted,‘Ye could maintain decent standards by not staring
at my crotch, longing fer a ride.’
‘Not so loud.’
‘Who’s listenin’?’
‘Everyone in this line,’ I snapped.
His casual cheer, which put the engaging light in his
sea-green eyes and lent a captivating openness to his
features, disappeared. In a deceptively natural move he
squared his weight onto both feet. The subtle shift in body
language, like so many other things about my complicated
Irishman, was one more thing people usually missed about
him. When he squared his feet the width of his shoulders
he was, in essence, squaring off for a fight. He was also
sending a clear signal that I was not to contradict whatever
he said next.
He replaced the tabloid in the rack with careful
deliberation. Sliding one hand around the nape of my
neck, his fingers curled around my collar, pulling it back
against my throat. Stepping closer, he thoroughly invaded
all of my personal space. His lips grazed my cheek just in

front of my ear, giving his command the appearance of a
kiss as his words vibrated against my skin.
‘Stop yer chat.’
The no-nonsense tone of his nearly inaudible statement
made my heart pound and my mouth dry. Our days were
filled with conversation fuelled by Pearce’s gift for gab.
He talked as automatically as he breathed. By stopping
me, he was, in effect, cutting off his own conversation.
Obviously I had irked him far more than I had intended.
Pearce tilted his head slightly to the left, the black
whiskers of his weekend beard dragging against my skin
with a shiver-inducing rasp. Brushing his lips over mine,
his tongue sought entry into my mouth. The intimate
caress tasted of the cinnamon mints he favoured,
immediately eliciting erotic memories of other cinnamon
encounters, making my heart pound and my knees weak.
Pearce lifted his head, running a thumb over my lips,
taking in my flush, effortlessly reading my response.
‘Och, ye can be so easy, Rachel Anne.’
His comment made me blush even more. It was true, I
melted at his touch and we both knew it. Pearce spent the
majority of his time guiding my reactions, the past minute
being a perfect example. After issuing an order sharp
enough to make my heart thump, he poured on the charm
so my heart thumped for an entirely different reason,
creating two opposing reactions within seconds. He was
controlling me and I knew it, but I couldn’t resist. I didn’t
want to.
The foundation of our relationship was the power of
control. Anticipating, conditioning, and controlling
responses from me was a critical part of our daily life. A
very large part of Pearce’s interest in having a relationship
with me was his ability to have control. In order to sustain

an intimate relationship he had to have authority not only
in general, but also over me. He needed to dominate.
In the same way, a very large part of my interest in
having a relationship with Pearce was his ability to be
successfully dominant. In order to sustain an intimate
relationship I had to have someone else in control. When
Pearce fastened the collar around my neck he took
ownership not only of the relationship, but of me. I needed
to be submissive.
Like yin and yang, Pearce and I were polar opposites
creating the whole.
His touch interrupted my thoughts. Carrying the bags in
one hand, he used his other hand on the small of my back
to guide me to the car. To my surprise, he elected to drive.
Having emigrated at twenty-eight, Pearce first drove in
Ireland. Eight years later he still complained about driving
in America. Five minutes later Pearce’s preference for
being a passenger was proved wise as I disregarded his
order to not talk with a sharp order of my own.
‘Look left!’
Pearce slammed on the brakes, his right arm
instinctively shooting out to brace me as the car jerked to a
stop. A truck blasted past the bumper, making Pearce
swear bitterly about focking Yank drivers. He ran a
shaking hand through his black hair, pushing it into spikes.
‘Ye all right then?’
‘I’m fine, honey. Want me to drive?’
‘No. Apparently I’m needin’ ta practice.’
Carefully looking both ways, he crossed the
intersection as I settled back into silence. Tense with
concentration, his hands at the traditional ‘ten and two’
positions on the wheel, it took him a few minutes before
he could relax enough to speak.

‘Ye’ve common sense, Rach. Ye use it against me,
makin’ me crazy. Point being, even when ye know not ta
talk ye know when ta.’
He drummed his fingers on the wheel absently, slipping
back into the rhythm of driving as he continued talking.
‘Originally I wanted – em…what do ye call ’em? –
Doormat submissive? Someone ta be seen, not heard, do
me bidding ta the letter. Before ye it was girl after girl
who woulda let me pull in front of that truck because they
were under no-chatting orders.’
He half-laughed at himself with a shake of his head.
‘I need submission, I don’t need ta be hit by a lorry. I
need a relationship, not blind obedience.’ He hesitated,
then admitted, ‘Ye’ve taught me that. And ye’ve taught
me ta enjoy someone strong. I don’t want ta change the
way we are, Rach, but I need ta temper yer ways. Ye push
too hard, or yer tone gets away.’
Pearce subsided, clearly debating what to say next.
When he went into lecture mode it meant he was stating a
case as he saw it and presenting what he felt was the best
solution. There would be no room for rebuttal. My
stomach knotted as I waited for him to continue.
‘Inna reg’lar relationship,’ letting go of the wheel, he
put air quotes around the word regular. ‘There’s no
problem, is there then? But, we’re only mostly reg’lar.
There are rules. First, I’m in charge. Second, ye submit, no
questions asked. Thing is, ye bloody well don’t keep the
rules. Which forces me to correct ye.’
He sighed, the candour of his next words surprising me.
‘It’s bollocks, Rach, when ye’re not ta chat I don’t have
anyone ta chat ta, it’s punishment for me. I hate it.’
Pearce spun the car into a strip mall lot. Parking, he
turned the car off and twisted to face me as he continued
to speak.

‘The whole point of a submissive is giving me pleasure.
Not chatting with ye gives me irritation. And it doesn’t
modify yer behaviour. C’mere, Rachel.’
Unwillingly I met his eyes. Pearce propped his elbow
on the back of the seat, his head braced on his hand. With
his other hand he reached out, playing with an errant curl
of my hair.
‘Next time ye smart off too much or push me authority
too far,’ he tugged the strand of hair in his hand. ‘And ye
know what I mean by too much, too far – I’m going ta
paddle ye,’ he tucked the curl behind my ear and cupped
his hand along my jaw. ‘Consider yerself fairly warned,
girl. Ye know I’m enough of a sadist ta pull it off once. Ye
push me wrong and ye won’t sit for two days.
I nodded.
‘Say it.’
‘I understand.’
‘I’m gonna do it until yer behaviour modifies ta me
satisfaction. I don’t care if I paddle ye six times a day.
‘Yes, sir.’
‘Subject closed, Rach. Although I still don’t want ye
talking. Out of the car, there are things ta be done.’
After running errands at stores within walking distance,
Pearce took me to a small tattoo and body-piercing shop
tucked into the corner of the strip mall. Holding the door
open, he vaguely waved in the direction of the chairs
lining the perimeter of the lobby. Understanding the
pleasing power of instant gratification I immediately
dropped into one. He spun back, his brow furrowed.
‘That was terribly compliant, luv,’ he tucked his hands
into the front pockets of his jeans, rocking his weight back
on his heels. ‘What’s this, then?’

Careful to maintain my silence, I shrugged, surprised
not only that he was questioning that I had followed his
directions but that he was doing so in public, using a
normal tone of voice.
‘Go on,’ he amended belatedly.
Following his lead, I answered with the casual respect
we rarely used in public.
‘Nothing, sir.’
‘Em. Is this from the conversation, then?’
Although I had taken the conversation in the car
seriously, I knew he wasn’t asking me about it. He wanted
to know if I trusted him or if I was worried about the level
of correction the next time I crossed him. I rolled my eyes,
my answer dripping sarcasm.
‘Like you scare me.’
He burst into laughter, chucking me under the chin, his
brogue flaring thick.
‘Och, there’s me Rachel Anne. Just checking. Sit tight,
Slouching in the chair, I watched Pearce have a
conversation at the counter until a casual nod summoned
me to his side. Dropping his hand to my waist, he guided
me to a private room.
‘Jump up,’ he suggested, patting a padded, semireclined
gynaecologist’s table.
Awkward in the skirt, I obeyed. Pearce claimed a seat
on one of several wheeled stools s**ttered around the
room, spinning himself lazily as we waited. Drumming my
heels, I wondered what was going on and debated
questioning his intent.
Since I had several already, tattooing wasn’t out of the
question. Pearce knew I had something of a fetish for
symbolism. Periodically the topic of permanently putting
his ownership mark on me came up, but as far as I knew

the concept hadn’t gone beyond idle conversation. I
certainly hadn’t seen him designing a mark. Not that he
needed my opinion, but he hadn’t solicited it, which was
out of character.
‘You’re waiting me out.’
‘You, the compulsive talker, haven’t said one word,
you’re trying to goad me into asking why we’re here.’
The look he shot me had me amending my statement,
correcting my flip, disrespectful tone.
‘You’re hoping I’ll inquire why, sir.’
He grinned impishly.
‘So ye’ll be wantin’ ta know then?’
‘No, sir.’
‘Stubborn is as stubborn does.’
Before I could think of a snide comment about who,
exactly, was being stubborn, the door opened. A man
came in, greeting Pearce by name with a friendly
‘Ready?’ he inquired, shutting the door.
Pearce gave his stool a push, rolling over to me in one
‘Shift over, Rach. Put yer legs over the short side.’
As I did, the man I didn’t know sat on a stool close to
the short end of the table. As soon as my legs were swung
over completely he unbuckled medical stirrups from the
sides of the bench and locked them into place. My mouth
went dry. Catching one of my feet in his hands, the man
spoke to me for the first time.
‘Lean back.’
Before I could react he lifted my foot into the stirrup,
throwing me off balance. Before I could voice the s**thing

words that came to mind, Pearce spoke, sliding
dangerously on the stool as he lunged to brace me.
‘Careful there, Michael.’
A second later I was laying against the reclined back of
the table, both feet in the stirrups, my skirt tenting over my
‘I told her to lean back,’ Michael grumbled.
‘Don’t be dumpin’ her ta the floor.’
‘She always so slow to do what she’s told?’
‘Don’t be a wanker. She moves at my speed, not yers.’
‘And it has nothing to do with the discipline problems
you have with her.’
‘There’s that, too,’ Pearce agreed. ‘Especially taday.’
‘Why today?’
‘It’s been a bastardly morning.’
‘Why?’ Michael asked idly, busy doing something out
of my sight. Pearce leaned an elbow next to my hip, his
back to me as he continued his conversation about me as if
I wasn’t in the room, ignoring the hole I was attempting to
stare into the back of his head.
‘Rachel has a corporate job, sometimes her transition
back ta me isn’t smooth.’
‘How long have you had her? Two years?’
‘There abouts.’
‘Her professional life still affects you? And you’re
letting her keep that job?’
‘I thought about having her quit,’ he shrugged. ‘Then
decided not ta.’
My blood ran cold. Moving in with Pearce meant
moving control of my life to him. Even so, I had
maintained de facto management of my career. Pearce had
the final decisions, but until five seconds ago I had no idea
he had considered anything about my professional life.
‘I wouldn’t put up with it.’

Not only was I tired of being excluded from a
conversation of which I was the topic, but I was tired of
having a stranger judge me poorly. And I was enormously
tired of not knowing what was going to happen. Before I
could give voice to my mounting questions, Pearce leaned
his head against my angled thigh and answered Michael’s
disapproval with a mild question of his own, his Irish
accent rolling heavily.
‘Ye don’t have ta put up with it, now do ye?’
‘Nope, she’s your handful, not mine.’
‘That she is.’
Listening to Pearce I had an epiphany. The only reason
I had the urge to talk was to exert control. But it wasn’t
my conversation. It didn’t matter that I was the topic, none
of it concerned me. Pearce was in control and I needed to
leave it in his hands. Trying not to draw attention to
myself, I tipped my head back and closed my eyes,
inhaling deeply, willing myself to relax.
‘Pearce, tell me placement.’
Michael pushed the stirrups to the farthest outside
point, taking my feet with them, forcing my legs to spread.
A second later his hands were on the insides of my knees,
pressing them down and out which pushed my thighs
achingly wide as he shoved my skirt all the way up.
‘Cut these?’
I froze from the outside in as scissors slashed my
panties. I could feel my face flaming at being fully
exposed. Instinctively, I wrapped a quivering hand around
my collar for support and waited. Gritting my teeth I
concentrated on ignoring the touch of unfamiliar fingers
between my legs. My heart thundering in my ears blocked
all other sound. Eventually a clamp was positioned on an
outer lip and screwed down tight.

Terrified, it was all I could do not to react. Pearce knew
how negatively I viewed genital piercing. Focusing on the
fact that I trusted him, I forced myself to breathe deep and
slow, counting to five with each breath. A minute later I
relaxed completely, soaring into the warm silence in my
The clamp being removed without a piercing happening
pulled me back. Pearce pushed my knees together before
he lowered my legs. I kept my eyes closed, drifting, letting
the warmth of his familiar touch guide me. It wasn’t until
he started talking that I started to really pay attention.
‘Yeah?’ He echoed with a terrible American accent,
making me laugh.
‘Don’t imitate me.’
‘Och, don’t be so casual.’
‘No, sir.’
‘Are ye back, Rach?’
‘Yes, sir.’
‘So what’s this then? I was pushing, but enough fer ye
ta go inna subspace?’
‘I didn’t mean to –’
‘I know,’ he caught my wrists, pulling me to a sitting
position. Kissing my brow, he rested his forehead against
mine. ‘I was focking around. Ye wasn’t ta go all soft.’
‘You were just fucking around?’
‘Don’t take that tone,’ he warned, framing my face in
his hands. ‘I’ll fock with you when I want, Rachel Anne.’
‘Yes, sir,’ I agreed without conviction.
Understanding the implication of my tone, his jaw
muscle knotted and his hands clenched, his wrists
tightening against my chin.
‘Ye’ll be recalling what I said in the car?’

‘Yes, Pearce.’
‘Don’t push.’
‘No, sir.’
I held absolutely still as Pearce studied me for a long,
silent moment. Finally, in a lightning-quick change of
mood, he banked his simmering anger, his hold softened
and his tone became gentler.
‘That’s yer only warning. Now, ye don’t melt like that,
help me with the how come and why now. Put me in yer
He sank down on the stool, supporting his crossed arms
over my knees as I protested, ‘Not like this.’
He snapped his fingers and conditioning took over. My
eyes locked onto him, my mind and body going still as I
refocused on him, the small impersonal room fading away.
I wasn’t allowed to look away, but I couldn’t meet his
gaze. I slid my attention to his eyebrows. On one hand I
hated this sort of intense interest in my thought process.
On the other hand, this was exactly why I chose to be
submissive. I needed him to know me inside out, I wanted
to submit to this kind of stripping away of privacy, to not
even have my thoughts be my own. It was unbelievably
difficult and unrelentingly intimate.
‘I relaxed, sir.’
‘Over talking about ye like ye weren’t in the room, aye,
but body piercing?’
‘I didn’t know about that.’
‘But ye never reacted.’
I wanted to shade the truth, to be less vulnerable.
‘It was you,’ I declared, meeting his eyes.
There was a second of incomprehension then
understanding dawned.
‘Say it.’

‘What’s the rule?’
‘If I can’t say it then I’m not ready for it.’
He cocked an eyebrow, waiting. A long minute later I
swallowed and began to speak,
‘I decided to relax because you control everything.’
‘Define everything.’
‘Everything,’ I repeated helplessly. ‘I love you. I trust
you. I agreed to submit to you. So I decided to stop
fighting, sir.’
‘Just like that?’
I shrugged, giving up and relaxing into the inescapable
honesty he demanded.
‘It wasn’t that easy, but yeah, just like that,’ I smiled, a
feeling of relief spreading through me as I admitted, ‘I’m
yours. You own me. And you don’t have to look so
‘Ye do this now?’ he protested, burying his head in my
‘Honey, I told you: not like this,’ I reminded him, my
fingers playing in his hair.
His voice was muffled in my skirt as he spoke, ‘I didn’t
realize ye were finally admitting me ownership.’
‘You’ve been taking ownership since the day we met.’
‘I know that, ye eejit. It’s slow because you, luv, fight
accepting my control.’
‘I know that,’ I echoed his words. ‘But you put up with
it and you’re everything to me. So I got with your
He kept his head down in my lap for several minutes
without speaking. Lifting his head, he stroked the back of
his fingers along the line of my jaw.

‘Right, so ye’ve stopped fighting, have ye now? I’ll be
believing it when I see it, but it’s the thought that counts,
I opened my mouth to protest then thought better of it.
Pearce watched me make the decision and laughed at my
final conclusion, tapping my nose as he stood.
‘Careful, that was a decision based on how yer owner’ll
react. Ye may want ta ease inta that thinking, not over-tax
yerself the first half hour of it.’
‘Rude, Pearce.’
‘Rude, sir,’ he corrected good-naturedly, holding me
captive with his assessing gaze. ‘Yer mine, eh Rach?’
‘Yes, sir.’
He dug a hand into the front pocket of his jeans.
‘Hold out yer hand.’
I obeyed, unable to still my trembling fingers. Pearce
supported my hand in his, raising it to his mouth to kiss
my palm. Lowering my hand he dropped a smooth, round
silver charm onto the spot he had kissed. The interlocking
engraved letters centred on the charm were his initials.
Flipping it over I found three delicate lines of engraving,
my name, the word owned, and a series of numbers.
‘You planned this,’ I accused as I realized the numbers
were today’s date.
Pearce laughed at me again, the lilt of his accent
turning his words to music, ‘Of course I did.’

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"Bella! Fifteen more minutes and you're on!" came the call from one of the stage hands. "I got it, thanks!" I yelled through the door. I stared at my reflection in the mirror of my locker room. For a thirty six year old woman, I thought I was in good shape. Luxurious dark hair, large breasts, firm stomach, an ass that was thick and firm. Part of it was genetics, I'll admit. Being of half Filipina and Latina descent, I somehow got the best of both worlds. From the first, that sort of Asian...

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Catfighting Sorority Sluts

Catfighting Sorority Sluts. Catfighting Sorority Sluts. By GabbyLez ([email protected]) Story Codes: F/F, F+/F, humiliation, reluctant, nc, BDSM, lactation, w/s, urination, toys, costumes. Summary: The vicious rivalry between two snotty sorority houses heats up into a sadomasochistic orgy of catfights and BDSM sex. Lots of preppy outfits, strap-on dildos, panty-gags and kink.  INTRODUCTORY NOTE: When this story was originally posted, the readers may have missed the fact it was supposed...

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Fighting To Stay Frosty

Follow me on instagram @raqm0900Fiction, Consensual Sex, First Time, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female, v******e, VirginityIntroduction:A teenager discovers that his ability to fight can bring about many of his desires to become a reality after he fights in the defense of those he holds dear and those who need it."Jason!! You got school in an hour, get out of bed NOW!!!"Opening his eyes to the blinding light shining through his window blinds, Jason Frost groaned loudly as his hand fumbled to his...

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Fighting To Stay Frosty

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Jason!! You got school in an hour, get out of bed NOW!!!" Opening his eyes to the blinding light shining through his window blinds, Jason Frost groaned loudly as his hand fumbled to his nightstand, where his phone rest, and pulled it to his face as he checked the time. "Damn," he thought, as he realized his mother was right, it was 6 o'clock...

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Fighting for Love Ch 0607

: Chapter Six : Danny and Jake had just reached the main gate of the compound when Devon and Melly pulled into the driveway. ‘Danny, Jake, wait!’ Devon shouted, getting out of the car. ‘Where the hell have you been?’ Jake wanted to know. Both his and Danny’s eyes narrowed when they saw a bruised and battered Melly get out of the passenger side of the car. ‘Long story. To make it short, Clark had Melly, said he’d kill her if I didn’t spy for him. Jessica traded her freedom for Melly’s,’...

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Fighting Helen

The thing about Helen Eriksen was that she was utterly beautiful. This was the problem with fighting her; it was also the reason that when you lost to her, you didn’t mind. She was about six inches shorter than I, with short black hair and dark brown eyes. She had a sweet, angular face and looked damn-near otherworldly when she smiled. Over the last few months she and I had become close – more as friends than as lovers – and I in my ignorance of future events had no real reason, to start...

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Fighting your ex

You recently recieved a phone call from your ex girlfriend, Stacy. Things didn't end well between you two, so to finally quell the negative emotion and put your relationship in the past she challenged you to a fight. The rules were simple, fight until only one of you is left standing, then the winner can do whatever they want to the loser. The thought of getting to square off with Stacy made you excited. You pictured her long blonde hair, D-cup breast, round ass, and curvy figure. You figured...

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Fighting with Mom Really Fighting

OK, this happened last weekend and it was the last thing I expected to be doing.Mom’s been staying with us for a few days while her house is being fumigated. Last weekend, Janice and Ginger were out of town on a girls weekend, so it was just me and mom. Now mom and I have been having sex regularly lately, but it’s been nice, touchy feely sex. On Saturday morning, I planned on getting out of the house early to check on the mom’s place, hoping they would be finished soon. Having sex with mom...

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Fighting Terrorism Finding Love Sequel

In response to several readers who wanted me to provide more details regarding the romance between Rick and Erika I’ve written this sequel. While it could be a stand alone story I strongly recommend that you read ‘Fighting Terrorism – Finding Love’ first. I hope you enjoy reading the sequel as much I did in writing it. I, also, wish to thank Blunajana for her help in correcting some of my German terms and translations. I hope they have all been addressed in this sequel. Thanks for reading...

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Fighting Passion

Highlands of Scotland February 14, 2004 Wynter Donal eyes flew open as her blankets were pulled off of her. She started to reach for the dirk she had hidden under the pillow she didn’t sleep on. Only to find it missing and at the same time she heard a chuckle that sent a chill down her spine. Then heat started to pool between her legs. Her frightened gaze flew to look at the source of the chuckle. Her eyes landed upon the very man - no vampire! - she was fighting. Ryder Xerxes, the King of the...

2 years ago
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Fighting temptation

Fighting temptation is the single most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life. My name is Jessie and for a while there was a time where temptation got the better of me. I first met Annie when she started working at the pizza place I was working at. She was the most beautiful woman I could have ever imagined. She had mid shoulder length sandy blond hair that was shining in the florescent lights of the store. I have always had a hair fetish but its not like most people would think. I...

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Fighting Tribe

Looking down from his high perch, the warlord watched the practice below. His eyes strayed to his lovely daughter Loua, her slim body glistening with sweat from her activity. Her male partner was withering under her onslaught, her practise sword getting through his defence again and again. He watched her technique as only a proud father could, His eyes roamed over her strong but supple legs and her naked, bouncing bust. His mind went back to last night when he had buried his stiff pole deep...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 211 on the Lam With the Irishman

'What the fuck?" Martin asked in a weak voice. "Suicide bomber, gone wrong," I replied. It was what I said, but it wasn't what I thought. "Okay, so tell me how you found me?" he asked. "The chick that exploded pretty much found you," I said it more than a little angry. "If your friends in the CIA or Swamp Thing had been able to find your coordinates, they wouldn't have needed us. We didn't know it but our job was to get them the targeting information." "Yeah, when I saw the...

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Fighting for Love Ch 0809

CHAPTER EIGHT Jake knocked on the door to Danny’s room before opening it and letting himself in. ‘What do you want Jake?’ Jessica asked from the rocking chair. Jake studied Jessica silently for a moment, and almost found himself feeling sorry for her. ‘I want you to leave. If Danny ever wakes up, he’s going to need to be able to get back up to speed without distractions. You and Will are distractions,’ Jake said. He stood over the crib and watched the baby wiggle in his sleep and couldn’t...

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Fighting for Love Ch 1112

These are the last two chapters of ‘Fighting for Love’ and I thank you all for reading it and your feedback. I am brainstorming ideas for a sequel, but I’m not sure if it should be about Jake or about Cal. I welcome all feedback, and if you have any thoughts about what you would like to see happen, send me an email and I’ll do my best to incorporate your suggestions into the next story. Thanks again for your support, ~Ashira * ‘Are you sure I’m still welcome?’ Jessica asked as Danny took...

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Fighting temptation

Fighting temptation is the single most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life. My name is Jessie and for a while there was a time where temptation got the better of me. I first met Annie when she started working at the pizza place I was working at. She was the most beautiful woman I could have ever imagined. She had mid shoulder length sandy blond hair that was shining in the florescent lights of the store. I have always had a hair fetish but its not like most people would think. I...

2 years ago
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Fighting Passion

Highlands of Scotland February 14, 2004 Wynter Donal eyes flew open as her blankets were pulled off of her. She started to reach for the dirk she had hidden under the pillow she didn’t sleep on. Only to find it missing and at the same time she heard a chuckle that sent a chill down her spine. Then heat started to pool between her legs. Her frightened gaze flew to look at the source of the chuckle. Her eyes landed upon the very man – no vampire! – she was fighting. Ryder Xerxes, the King of...

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Fighting With Mom

My name is Nick and my parents have had a rough marriage as long as I can remember. I am the youngest of four and the only one still living at home. Their place was a nice four bedroom brick house and I liked the suburban location in the outskirts of St. Louis. I had my own bedroom, my own bathroom, a newer Volkswagen Jetta, all my freedom...what more could I want? What I really wanted was my freedom, even more than the luxuries I had living at home. I was tired of hearing my parents fighting....

1 year ago
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Fighting a speeding ticket in court

I had never been to court before. I was so nervous as I waited for my name and case to be called that I debated leaving and just paying the ticket. But $500 was money I didn't have as a university student. The day I got the ticket was such a crummy day. I was coming back from an exam that hadn't gone well, despite me spending all weekend studying. I never speed but I was so distracted that I never saw the speed limit change. The cop had no sympathy as he wrote the ticket, my first ticket...

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Fighting Raiders

I was wounded during a raid on a rogue world. My term was almost up so they discharged me early and sent me home. There was no direct route but I caught a ship headed to Gilroy. It was a system with three beautiful worlds. The huge space station was the only one and I found out I would have a month to wait for another ship. Like most soldiers I did not have much to do so I drank cheap liqueur and slept in bars. I was passed out when the alarms for the raiders began and the station evac sirens...

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Fighting for Survival

Disclaimer: This story is a complete work of fiction. It does not depict any actual person or events. There are elements of stalking, rape, and violence. If any of those elements disturb you, please navigate away from this page. I do not condone the acts in this story in any way. It was born from a dream that I couldn’t get out of my head and bloomed into the somewhat lengthy but intense story you find below. Feel free to comment, send feedback, and rate this story. I always enjoy hearing what...

4 years ago
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Fighting It Out

There was my older sister, me, and our Mom. Dad has passed on when I was 17 and my sister Hanna 18. Mom was super protective of us after that. We had to stay close to the house if not inside. Just to amke sure that nothing happen. Mom was good that way.Like most k**s we fought all the time. Being control by Mom we got on each others nerves really quickly. Hanna and I came to blows many a time. Mom would yell and we'd say sorry. Hanna was faster then me and a good 4 inches taller, she always won...

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Fighting for FamilyChapter 6

When getting dressed that morning, Vicki found a yellow sundress hanging in a back corner of her closet. It had been hanging there for six years. It was old and worn, but sundresses were timeless. They never went out of style. She put it on and examined herself in the mirror. She liked the image of the woman reflected in the mirror. She looked over at the empty bed. John had not slept with her the previous night. He had said that he was through with sleeping with Victoria and he would wait...

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Fighting for a New Life Ch 0203

CHAPTER TWO Ariana woke up slowly, blinking as she tried to figure out where she was. She wasn’t home, or her father would have been yelling at her to get breakfast started. She gasped when she sat up and saw Bobby laying next to her. ‘What the …’ Ariana shook her head as the events from the day before flooded her. ‘Good evening,’ Bobby murmured. ‘Evening?’ Ariana repeated. Bobby nodded. ‘Yes, it’s almost dinner time,’ Bobby told her. ‘Seriously?’ Ariana slid out of bed, wrapped a robe...

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Fighting for a New Life Ch 0607

CHAPTER SIX ‘Why can’t we call your parents or Melissa?’ Ariana asked. ‘Because we don’t know if whoever is after you is watching them. I’ll call mom later from a pay phone when I go into the city,’ Bobby told her. Ariana pouted. ‘I hate feeling so cut off,’ she grumbled. ‘I know, but it’s for your own safety,’ Bobby said. Ariana let out a half shriek, stood up and ran from the house. Bobby shook his head with a sigh, knowing it was futile to run after her. In the months that they had been...

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Fighting back my bad mood at the gym

Friday evening, I was at the gym, trying to get rid of my bad mood.My beloved hubby was out of town in business, so I would be alone for the whole week end.I was running in a tread mill, when a tall handsome black man came into and started running on next to me. He was in great shape with a muscular build, a nice and shiny dark skin.After jogging for a few minutes the man removed his sweat T-shirt.I did my best to keep my eyes forward, but I could not do it. I glanced over and saw his muscular...

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So mom and I went at it again, this time with Ginger there to see her in all of her glory.Mom came over last night, to celebrate Ginger's clean bill of health with being pregnant. Mom was a little upset when she first heard, but Ginger and Janice convinced her that we were all so very happy and looking forward to becoming parents. And truth be known, mom wants grandc***dren, as well.Janice went to bed with a migraine, and mom and I were toasting the night away sipping our beer (while Ginger...

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Fighting for FamilyChapter 5

Victoria asked, "Where are the kids?" "I took them over to John's Farm. They'll spend the night there," John answered. "Will they be okay alone?" Victoria asked. John answered, "They promised they wouldn't ride their dirt bikes." "Dirt bikes? What kind of dirt bikes?" Victoria asked. "They've got Yamaha dirt bikes," John said. "Those are motorcycles." "Yes," John said. "Don't worry. They've got all of the proper safety equipment." Victoria sat there staring at...

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Fighting for FamilyChapter 8

Saturday morning, Vicki wandered around the motocross track aimlessly looking for something that looked like a starting line. John had told her that they would be there for two hours that morning. Parents would watch their kids from various places along the track, but the best spot to watch would be near the starting line. She would be able to identify the kids before they put on their helmets. Giving up on finding the starting line, she decided to join the first group she came across. She...

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Fighting for FamilyChapter 11

Vicki wondered who could possibly be knocking on the door at that time of day. She went to the door of her little flat and opened it. John was standing there wearing a sport coat, white shirt, and tie. The only thing marring the image of a business professional was the pair of blue jeans. He looked uncomfortable. Whether it was due to being there or his clothes, Vicki wasn't sure. She stepped back and gestured for him to come in. "I didn't expect to see you," Vicki said. While entering...

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Fighting The Temptation

The wild life in the ski resorts, yeah right, Matt thought. His only wild life in this godforsaken town was the occasional wild animal he saw. He hated it out here in the mountains of Colorado. He had been lured here by the prospects of making good money working the slopes only to find out the recession of the country had hit here as hard as everywhere else. His dream job lasted a few months and he was laid off.So, after months of just scraping by, he was delighted to get a response to one of...

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Fighting for Love Ch 01

‘I’m trying to build up slowly so there isn’t any sex in this first part so if that’s what you’re looking for, I’m sorry, you’ll either have to wait while I write or read something else. Please leave feedback!’ * : Prologue : He watched her as she slept, loving the way her hair curled, making it look like she had a halo on top of her head. Under the closed, creamy eye lids, he knew she had beautiful eyes that looked like a cross between tiger’s eye and amber. His own brown eyes were troubled...

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Fighting TempationAnd Losing Ch 05

Chapter 5 – Michael & Faith ‘Well, today we meet Michael & Faith at the cabin,’ Monsignor Sheamus O’Shaunessey said as he prepared to leave the house to go to the church for morning services. ‘I should be back in a couple of hours and we’ll leave directly. Do you mind getting our stuff together?’ ‘Oh course not,’ Rosaria O’Shaunessey replied. ‘Have you figured out how you’re going to deal with this?’ ‘Not really. It all depends on Holly. I think Michael will do anything to get beyond this,’...

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Fighting for a New Life Ch 10

CHAPTER TEN ‘Ariana.’ She looked up, surprised to hear her father calling her name. ‘What do you want?’ Ariana asked, clasping her son to her breast as if to protect him from some evil force. ‘To talk. To explain why I did things the way I did them,’ Glen answered. ‘Explain what? Why you imprisoned me after mom died? Why you tried to force me to marry someone as despicable as Jack!’ Ariana exclaimed. ‘Yes, I would like the chance to explain,’ Glen told her. ‘Explain then,’ Ariana said. ...

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Fighting TempationAnd Losing Ch 02

Chapter 2 – Sheamus & Rosaria ‘Mmm, hello!’ Rosaria de Gama O’Shaunessey said as her husband pulled her into his arms and kissed her as he came home for the day. ‘Somebody’s happy to see me,’ she said, reaching down and grabbing his rapidly hardening cock through his pants. ‘Well, it has been a very interesting day and somebody is very happy to see you,’ Sheamus O’Shaunessey said, releasing the hook at the top of Rosaria’s dress and stepping back a step to watch as it slid down her body to...

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Fighting for Love Ch 10

I’m almost done with ‘Fighting’ and I am considering a sequel, would you rather see a sequel about Jake or Cal or both? Thanks for reading! CHAPTER TEN Danny found Jake in the weight room heading toward the locker room. Danny grabbed him by the arm and slammed him into the wall. ‘Why did Jess leave?’ Danny asked. Jake shrugged. ‘How the hell should I know?’ Jake muttered. Danny threw the letter at him and Jake scanned it quickly. ‘Why did Jess leave?’ Danny asked again. Danny glanced...

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Fighting TempationAnd Losing Ch 04

Chapter 4 – Special Counseling, Part II The four of them sat comfortably on a sofa, wearing house robes that Rosaria had provided. The house robes happened to be very short, only just past waist length, but having them on gave everyone a sense of being dressed as opposed to being naked. Monsignor Sheamus O’Shaunessey went to the bar and made everyone a drink, a bit on the strong side, before joining them. ‘So, how do you both feel?’ he asked after they had all taken a nice swallow of their...

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Fighting for Love Ch 02

‘Warning: This chapter contains graphic details of labor and childbirth. If you’re squeamish, just be glad you’re not watching … as someone who has lived through the joyous agony of childbirth twice, I can tell you that it’s much worse in person.’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : Chapter Two : Jake carried Jessica inside the medical facility and set her on the exam table. ‘She’s Danny’s girl Doc, so take care of her,’ Jake told the young doctor standing at the sink,...

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Fighting TempationAnd Losing Ch 01

Author’s Note: I’ve tried something a bit different here, deliberately setting myself up to write follow-ups, something you’ve probably noticed that I don’t really do. Hope you enjoy it, but don’t get all freaked out if my interest in continuing this story as opposed to playing with some new idea causes me to not be as dedicated to its continuation. For those who will wonder, I do not believe in the concept of religion at all, yet I have studied and extensively read about many of the world’s...

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Fighting for a New Life Ch 01

CHAPTER ONE As the sun began rising in the sky, a small figure crept from a small house. The further the figure got from the house, the more confident it became. Finally, the figure straightened, revealing a young woman with golden blond hair and enchanting green eyes. The sun was shining brightly as she walked into the small town. She hadn’t been to the town since she was a child, but she knew she had friends and enemies here. The young woman looked around carefully, her eyes lit up when...

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Fighting for Love Ch 04

: Chapter Four : Jessica peeked in the window of the oven and smiled when she saw the corn bread rising and getting golden brown. ‘Jess, do you have a minute?’ Jake asked from the doorway. Jessica nodded. ‘What’s going on Jake?’ she asked, standing up and turning around. Jake hesitated. ‘Danny was hurt on the op,’ Jake told her. He watched all the color drain out of Jessica’s face. Danny had been gone for nearly four months and she really missed him, even if she wasn’t ready to admit it. ...

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Fighting for a New Life Ch 07b10

CHAPTER SEVEN ‘I thought you could use some home cooked food.’ Ariana looked up to see Rebecca, Martha and Annie walking into the room. ‘Thank you, it smells wonderful,’ Ariana said softly. She accepted the basket of food from Rebecca and pulled the container of pancakes out of the basket. ‘Has there been any change?’ Martha asked. ‘Not yet,’ Ariana murmured between bites of pancakes. Martha peered into the bassinet at the foot of Bobby’s bed. ‘She is so little,’ Martha marveled. ‘They...

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Fighting for a New Life Ch 0405

I apologize that it took so long for this update to be posted and regret to inform you guys that it may take awhile for future updates, classes begin for me on Thursday and due to previous events, if I do not get straight B’s this semester and next semester, I won’t have a high enough GPA to graduate and believe me, in my opinion, I’ve given the University more money and time then I want to. I will try to get in updates as quickly as I can, but my school work and my family take priority over my...

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Fighting for Love Ch 05

: Chapter Five : ‘Jess?’ Jake asked as he walked into the small office off the mess hall. Jessica looked up and wiped her eyes. ‘Hey Jake,’ she said softly. ‘What’s wrong?’ Jake wanted to know. Jessica shook her head. ‘Nothing, I’m just a little emotional today,’ Jessica lied. Jake studied Jessica’s face and shook his head. ‘There’s something bothering you, what is it?’ Jake asked. ‘It’s nothing Jake. Have you seen Danny?’ Jessica said, putting a sack of brown sugar on one of the...

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Fighting TempationAnd Losing Ch 03

Chapter 3 – Special Counseling Promptly at 8:00 on Thursday evening the doorbell rang as Rosaria was wrapping a sarong around her hips after taking a shower. ‘Sheamus, will you get that?’ she called out, sticking her head out the door from their bedroom, her beautiful breasts swaying in front of her. ‘I’m still getting dressed.’ ‘No problem,’ Monsignor Sheamus O’Shaunessey replied. Putting on her brightly-flowered halter top as she looked in the mirror, Rosaria de Gama O’Shaunessey smiled...

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Fighting for Love Ch 03

: Chapter Three : Danny stood at attention as Cal yelled at him, the urge to hit Cal was intense and Danny had to remind himself of the consequences of striking a superior. ‘What do you have to say for yourself Storm?’ Cal asked finally. Danny took a deep breath. ‘I know I disobeyed a direct order but under the circumstances, I’d say it was forgivable sir,’ Danny said. Cal looked at Danny in surprise. ‘How so?’ he asked. Danny looked Cal in the eyes. ‘Cal, you know how hard it was for me...

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