Fighting Back free porn video

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Fighting Back Karla Reynolds knew that the man she faced would attack her but the suddenness was still a shock when it came. He was her height, muscular and very fast. He threw punches so rapidly that it was impossible to avoid them all and she found herself driven back under the onslaught. She wasn't alone although she may as well have been. Two men were close witnesses to the attack but they made no attempt to intervene or even comment. Karla tried to fight back but she was tiring rapidly and her efforts were being swept aside. Finally one of the men called out "Break" and the man immediately stepped back and lowered his hands. Karla was still trying to get her breath back when her attacker stepped forward and gave her a friendly hug, "All right, Karla?" he said. "I'm good Denny, I'll get you next time" Karla replied. The man who had stopped the fight climbed into the ring and took Karla's boxing gloves off and threw a towel over her head. "Steve, I'm not getting better," complained Karla, "When Denny kicked it up I had no answer." "You'll have to find an answer mate,," grunted her trainer. "That's enough for today get a shower and then we will talk." Karla slowly walked to the changing rooms, unwinding the bandages on her hands as she did. She felt frustrated, feeling that her training had stalled and that she was not reaching the next level which she knew was necessary for her ultimate goal. The Olympics were 4 months away and Karla had already been selected on the Great Britain team in the middleweight division. She was regarded as Britain's best chance of a gold medal in boxing, but standing in her way was the very formidable German Helga Muller, the defending Olympic champion. Muller was renowned as a very strong finisher, which usually proved decisive against opponents already taxed by her relentless attacking style. Karla who was more of a pure boxer knew that she would have to overcome Muller's late surge in order to win. Her training had been designed to test her in the later stages of a fight which was why she was sparing with her light-middleweight team mate from the men's division, Denny Wray, a fast and aggressive fighter. So far Karla had not found an answer to this problem and it had begun to play on her mind. She showered and changed before sitting down with Steve her coach to analyse the day's session. "Don't get down mate," he said, "We still have 4 months and need to stick to the plan. You are letting Muller get to you and that's not going to help. Take the rest of the day off and enjoy yourself." "OK Steve I'll try; see you tomorrow." As she was leaving Denny came over and said, "All right Karla? You're doing ok, just give it time. You are really making me work, so don't be too hard on yourself; fancy going for a curry?" "Sorry Denny I have to do an interview for the Observer magazine; they are sending some woman around to the flat. Thanks for the workout, it really does help and I am grateful. I'm just feeling pissed at myself; see you tomorrow." She left the state-of-the-art training centre, collected her bike and cycled the 2 miles to the subsidised flat she shared with another team mate in the lightweight division and another woman who Karla had known at school. There was no one home when she arrived so she made herself a cup of tea and finished the remains of a chicken salad from the day before. She was not in the mood to be interviewed but knew that she must as a commitment had been made. She had never met the journalist who was conducting the interview but had been told that her name was Lynn Morgan and that she was knowledgeable about boxing. Right on time the doorbell rang and Karla went to answer it. Opening the door she was surprised to see a young man with a worn leather satchel over his shoulder. He was slightly shorter than Karla, slim with long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. He smiled and said "Hello Karla, I recognise you from your pictures; I'm Lynn Morgan from the Observer magazine." Karla stared at him in astonishment. 'But you're a man," she finally said. The young man grinned ruefully and said, "Yes it fools a lot of people. Lynn is a boys name in Wales where I'm from." Karla scowled and snapped "Look I told the Assistant Editor who set this up that I would only do an interview if they sent a female reporter. That was the deal and now I find they've sent a man with a girl's name; not the same thing is it?" "No I suppose not," said Lynn apologetically. 'I'm sorry but no one told me about your request; does it matter a lot?" "Yes it fucking does," snarled Karla, her frustrations from her earlier training session suddenly boiling over. "I don't have a lot of time for men outside of my team mates and coaches and male reporters are the fucking worst. All they can talk about is me being a girl in a man's sport and all that shit. I clearly told those bastards not to send a guy around and what do they do, send a guy with a girl's name? Do they think I'm fucking stupid?" "I'm sure it wasn't intentional," said Lynn, "I suppose they delegated the job of getting a reporter to someone who saw my name and assumed I was female." "Well that makes me feel a whole lot better," said Karla sarcastically. "I get delegated to some junior office girl who doesn't know shit from clay. Well screw them I won't fucking well do it so you can just clear off and tell them that." Lynn looked disappointed. "Karla I said I was sorry; really this isn't my fault. I would really like to interview you; isn't there anything I could do to change your mind?" "Short of turning into a girl I would pretty much say you are stuffed," said Karla defiantly. "I'd do it to get this interview but without the magician Merlin, my ancestor, that's not going to happen," said Lynn starting to turn away. Karla thought for a moment and then said, "You'd do it if you could would you? Ok Lynn put your money where your mouth is; if you dress as a girl I'll let you interview me." "These clothes are all I have," said Lynn. "Oh I'll lend you a skirt and a top," said Karla with a sneer, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance." Lynn gave her a long look. "Show me where to get changed," he said. "Are you serious," asked Karla? "Are you," shot back Lynn. "Top of the stairs, first door on the right; you can use whatever you like but make it authentic." Lynn climbed the stairs and went into Karla's room. He was expecting to find clothes strewn everywhere and pictures of boxers over the walls but he was surprised to find a very tidy room with only two pictures. One was of the boxer Joe Calzaghe and the other was of a striking looking woman who he guessed was Karla's mother. She was beautiful with long dark hair and what looked like a combination of Caribbean and European looks. Lynn opened the closet and again was surprised. He expected to find a collection of jeans and athletic clothing but he did not expect to see the nice selection of dresses and skirts which shared space with Karla's training clothes, but then he remembered that Karla worked part time for a large national women's clothing store, which also sponsored her in return for advertising their clothes After a careful look he decided that if he was going to dress as a girl he would go all out and duly selected a pink pleated midi skirt and a plain white T shirt. Karla was around 5 ft. 10 in. and quite muscular. Lynn was an inch shorter and also slimmer but he found the clothes he chose to be a good fit. A casual pair of sandals completed the look. Lynn shook out his hair from the ponytail and arranged it into a more feminine style; did a last check in the mirror and headed downstairs. Karla gasped in surprise when he entered the room. "You look just like a girl." "Wasn't that the idea," replied Lynn sardonically? "Well yeah I suppose it was," said Karla awkwardly. "Let's get started and don't ask any stupid questions or I'm finishing this straight away." "Karla I'll ask the questions I want and if you don't want to answer I'll walk out on you and I'll be wearing your skirt which you would never see again." Karla gave him a sharp look which quickly changed into a grin. "I'm almost tempted to, just to see you leave wearing a skirt, but somehow I think you'd do it." She paused a moment and then said, "Do you know much about boxing?" "I boxed up until I was about 18," said Lynn. "I grew up in a small Welsh town that had seen better days. After mining collapsed there wasn't much else and it was quite rough. I was small as a kid and took up boxing because I was getting picked on by some of the town bullies. I did well enough that I was left well alone, but I could only dream of being in your class." Karla nodded grudgingly, "Let's get going then." Lynn opened his notebook and prepared to write. "Tell me how it feels making the walk from the dressing room to the ring. All eyes are on just you; are you conscious of the tension or do you just blot it out?" Karla looked surprised but she thought for a while before saying, 'It's tense, it's exciting, you are feeding off the atmosphere but it's also one of the loneliest feelings in the world. You have done all the training, had all the input from your trainers and now you are completely on your own but you know I love it. No one has ever asked me that before, I'm having to think; maybe this will be ok." Lynn then asked, "Let's say you are in a tough fight, your opponent is giving you a real battle. How much do you work out your strategies and how much comes from your corner?" Again Karla had to think before replying. "I can't rely on my corner; they do see things and pass them on during rounds but when it comes down to it I have to work things out on the spot." "Do you think about it like chess or is it all instinctive?" "Both I suppose," said Karla thoughtfully. "I do plan overall strategies but things can change so quickly that you have to be able to react without thinking." Lynn spent another hour asking penetrating questions before closing his notebook. "I'd like to see you in the gym and bring a photographer, if that's ok. Don't worry I'll make sure it's a she." "Yeah ok," said Karla. She thought for a bit and then said, "You did ok." "Thanks'," said Lynn with a grin, "It must be the skirt." "Then you should wear one more often," flashed back Karla. "Maybe I will but not to the gym," replied Lynn. After Lynn had gone Karla sat for a while deep in thought until her flatmate Dee came home. Dee was a long-time friend who had no connection to boxing, something that Karla found refreshing. "You look thoughtful Karla; bad day at the office?" "You could say that," replied Karla and she related the training difficulties and Lynn's visit. Dee was not amused. She always spoke her mind, which Karla really valued. "Karla I can't believe you did that," said Dee angrily. "It was hardly his fault that someone at his office screwed up; there was no need to humiliate him by making him dress like a girl." "He didn't have to," replied Karla sulkily. "Maybe not, but if he hadn't he might have lost his job. Pretty classless Karla," said Dee with disdain. Karla lapsed into silence and Dee got up and left the room; "I've got some work to do," she said shortly. Karla was angry but on reflection she had to admit that Dee was right and she began to feel guilty about her treatment of Lynn. That feeling stayed with her throughout the evening and she finally went to bed and lapsed into an uneasy sleep. The next day Karla arrived at the gym early seeking to work out some of her dissatisfaction. She was doing a session with the pads with Steve when out of the corner of her eye she saw Lynn enter accompanied by a young woman with spiky pink hair carrying a large camera. Karla did not have chance to greet them because Steve kept her working hard, first with him in the ring and then another session on the punching bag. She was vaguely aware of the girl snapping pictures as she rained blows on the heavy bag. She did about 10 minutes on the punch bag using different combinations of punches, always trying to move with maximum speed. After a short rest Steve had her in the ring again, sparring with Denny. After 3 sharp rounds she was allowed a 10 minute break. She posed for a couple of pictures by the photographer, whose name was Keira, but did not see Lynn. When she asked Keira where he was Keira replied, "Oh he got a call from the care centre about his sister and had to leave early. He said to thank you for doing the interview." "Is there a problem with his sister," asked Karla? "Oh I thought he might have told you; she was badly injured in one of the tube bombings 2 years ago. She suffered a lot of physical and mental trauma and the recovery is very slow. He is very grateful that you agreed to do the interview, especially as the office screwed up in not sending a woman as you requested. He was so glad to get the assignment because he is supporting his sister financially and needs the work." Karla suddenly felt very small indeed at the petty way she had behaved. "I'm really sorry to have missed him; I'm afraid I wasn't very gracious yesterday and I wanted to say sorry. After what you have told me I feel even worse." "Oh don't worry Lynn's pretty thick skinned, I doubt that he took offence. I can give you his phone number if you like and you can call him." It wasn't until the morning training was finished and Karla was relaxing with lunch that she got a chance to call Lynn. He picked up on the second ring. "Lynn Morgan here, how can I help you?" "Lynn it's Karla. Look I am really sorry about yesterday; I was a complete and utter shit and it's been eating at me ever since. I should never have humiliated you like I did and now I have learned from Keira about your sister I feel even worse." "No problem Karla, you didn't humiliate me. I wouldn't have done it if I had felt humiliated." "That's really nice of you Lynn. I'm so sorry about your sister; how is she?" "She's been better; she got really upset this morning which is why I had to leave. It won't matter about the interview because I have all the information I need and I'm sure Keira's taken some good pictures. I'll send you a copy as soon as it's done." "Lynn I really want to make it up to you, please let me buy you dinner". "No you don't have to do that," said Lynn. "But Lynn I want to, if only for selfish reasons, to make me feel better." "Ok here's what we'll do. You aren't taking me out, but I will agree to cook dinner for you this weekend. Just bring a good bottle of red and we'll call it quits. Besides I'd really like to talk to you about boxing but it will be off the record." They arranged a date for that Saturday at Lynn's flat in northwest London. Karla felt relieved that her apologies were accepted so graciously and returned to her training with increased fervour. That night when she got home Dee was in the kitchen making dinner and Karla greeted her warmly. "Well you seem in a better mood," she observed. "I am thanks to you. I realised what I shit I had been after you gave me an earful and fortunately Lynn was great about it. I wanted to take him out to dinner but he insisted on cooking for me, so I'm going to his flat Saturday." "I'm so glad you sorted that out Karla. I hope you have a great evening." Early Saturday evening Karla presented herself at the block of flats where Lynn lived. She was greeted by a stern faced security man who tersely asked her destination. When Karla replied that she was visiting Lynn the man's face brightened and he buzzed through to Lynn's flat. "Lynn said to go on up," said the man, "Number thirty two, third floor. When she reached Lynn's flat Karla found the door ajar and she called out. "Come right in and make yourself comfortable, I'll be right down," called out Lynn. "Oh and uncork the wine, there's a corkscrew on the counter." Five minutes later Lynn entered the sitting room and Karla gasped in complete astonishment. Lynn was wearing a black mid-calf dress with a full pleated skirt and lacy sleeves. His hair was arranged in a feminine style and his makeup was immaculate. In addition he was wearing 3 inch heels. He stood in front of Karla and did a quick twirl. "Well how do I look," he said? Karla was unable to speak for a couple of minutes. Finally she managed to say, "Lynn what is this? Are you trying to get back at me for making you wear a skirt?" "No, no, no Karla I would never do that. I thought that you might be more comfortable if I dressed en femme and besides I like wearing dresses and this seemed like a good opportunity." "Whoa time out," called out Karla. "Lynn I think that you had better explain." "Ok," said Lynn, "Pour us both a large glass of red and sit on the couch and I will try to explain." When Karla had done this Lynn sat down opposite her first smoothing his dress underneath himself. He began "First I love wearing dresses and skirts, which was why it was so easy to dress for you during our first interview. I've been a cross dresser most of my life, something my sister and I shared; it's one of the reasons we are so close. I hope this doesn't make you feel uncomfortable, if it does I can change back." "No please don't do that, really I'm fine with it, actually you look fantastic," said Karla. "The shock of seeing you dressed completely floored me for a moment, but to tell you the truth I feel more comfortable with you as a girl. I told you I don't relate well to men, but I believe I'm going to enjoy this evening a lot." Lynn smiled and raised his glass, "Here's to pleasant surprises," he said as they clinked glasses. "Karla pour us some more wine and I'll get our dinner on the table." Lynn had made a chicken casserole with rice and a salad. "I thought that you would like something healthy since you are training so hard," said Lynn. "Lynn this looks great. I often don't feel like cooking when I get home so this is a luxury." As they ate Karla began to ask Lynn more about his dressing. "You said that you have been dressing most of your life; do you do it very often?" "More now after what happened to Megan my sister," replied Lynn. "I have seen and felt so much of the horror that men can cause that I feel I want to be closer to women and I suppose that dressing like one helps me do that." "Do you go out," asked Karla? "No I'm not that brave," answered Lynn. "You should; I could help you," said Karla. "I don't think I am ready for that." "Well I'm here when you decide." "Thanks Karla that means a lot to me." Lynn was silent for a few minutes and then he said, "About this article could I tell you what I had in mind and get your reaction?" "Fire away." "I've been thinking that I don't want to do an easy story. The obvious line is a woman who is boxing but I want to talk about you as a boxer; your gender is immaterial. I want to present an article on some of the less known aspects of boxing seen through the eyes of a fighter, which is why I asked the question of how you felt when entering the ring. Do you know what I mean?" Karla stared at him. "I can't believe you are saying this. This is exactly what I have objected to, especially from patronizing male writers. They regard me in an amused manner; a chick trying to fight. You seem to want to write the story that I want to tell; you are the first person outside my group who sees me first and foremost as a boxer; thank you." "You don't have to thank me," said Lynn. "You are a boxer. I watched the way you move in the ring, the way you throw punches. Look Karla you are a very attractive woman, but as a boxer you are absolutely beautiful, I could watch you all night." Karla began to tear up. "Thank you Lynn, that's the greatest thing you could have said to me." "Well I'm really glad that we are on the same page. It will take me a few days to put this together but when I do I will send it to you for your input before I submit it to the magazine." They finished dinner and Lynn suggested that they move into the sitting room to finish the wine. They both sat together on the couch and Karla turned to Lynn and said, "Lynn you have respected my privacy and not asked me about my family and why I started boxing but I want to tell you. You can choose whether to use it in the article or not." Karla took a deep breath and began; "I grew up in the Midlands in a fairly poor area. My mother worked 2 jobs but my father was unemployed and drank too much. They were always fighting and our house was not a happy place. Often I would see my mum in the morning with a black eye; I don't know why she stayed with him, he was a bastard. I have one sister who is 3 years younger than me. Mum always did her best to protect us from my father but when I was about 12 he started abusing me. I was too scared to tell anyone, even my mum, but then one day when I got home from school he had my little sister in bed. I just freaked out; I grabbed a wooden stool that was next to the bed and hit him with it again and again. A few of the blows must have hit his head because he collapsed onto the floor. I got my sister out of there and went to a neighbour's house. She called my mum and then the police. I was terrified that I would be arrested and taken away to some awful place for bad kids, but they took my father to hospital and then arrested him. My mum pressed charges and he ended up doing time. He has been out a few years but we have never seen him again, thank God. It was after this that I took up boxing; I never wanted to be victimised again and this was what drove me to do well in boxing. We are ok now but it has left a terrible scar. In my case I can't trust men, which is why I took it out on you when you came to do the interview." Karla began to cry, quietly at first, "I should never have treated you like that Lynn, I'm so sorry," and she began to sob with increasing force. Lynn moved over and took Karla in his arms and held her tightly against him, speaking softly in a soothing voice. "It's ok Karla, its ok, I wasn't offended, and in fact I thought it was quite funny. Really you did me a favour by giving me a chance to wear that lovely skirt." This struck Karla as especially funny and in spite of her tears she began to laugh. Lynn found himself joining in and soon they were doubled over on the couch laughing uncontrollably. When they had recovered they both sat on the couch wrapped in each other's arms. Suddenly Karla pulled Lynn's head towards her and kissed him on the lips. Lynn responded and it was some time before they parted. 'Karla do you want to stay the night," whispered Lynn? Karla nodded and Lynn led her through to his bedroom. They began to slowly undress each other and then got into bed. "Lynn," began Karla, "I'm not sure if I can..." "Shh, shh," soothed Lynn "You don't have to do anything, let's just hold each other." They held each other and talked about life and their hopes and plans until they both drifted into a peaceful sleep. Karla awoke early the next morning to find Lynn turned away from her lying on his side. The duvet had slid down and Karla stared at Lynn's exposed back. There was a deep, ugly scar running from his left shoulder blade round to the front where the flesh was thickened and twisted. She ran her finger over it lightly until Lynn woke with a start. He turned and when he saw Karla looking at him he smiled. "Did you sleep well Karla?" "Best sleep for ages," she replied; "Must be the bed or the company or both." "Stay here," said Lynn, "I'll get us some breakfast. Scrambled eggs and toast ok?" "Perfect" 20 minutes later Lynn returned with a tray and placed it on Karla's lap. He got into bed beside her and they began to eat. "Lynn I couldn't help notice that scar on your back; what happened?" "Oh just an accident I had a few years ago, it's all healed up now although it does look a bit gross." He paused before saying, "Karla I have a favour to ask you." "Ask away," said Karla unsure what was coming. "I'd really like to get in the ring with you if that's possible. Not to spar," he added hastily, "I know I've boxed a lot but as I said I am not in your class. No I would just like to use the pads; it would give me the best insight into your art and would really help with the article." Karla looked surprised, as though she was expecting something different. "Sure Lynn no problem; but we can't use the Olympic gym because everything is so tightly programmed. I have a friend who runs a gym in the East End; we could go there. Let me talk to him and I will get back to you." They finished their breakfast and Karla got dressed. "Sorry to leave so soon but I need to get to the gym. I feel bad leaving with the dishes from last night, but time just seems to have slipped away." "No problem," replied Lynn, "It won't take me long." Karla gathered up her things and went to the door. She paused with her hand on the handle and turned to Lynn. "Lynn," she began awkwardly, "I'd really like to see you again, that is if you don't mind. I don't mean for training, I mean see you like last night." Lynn came forward and hugged Karla. "Karla I would love to see you again, same time next week?" "I'll be here," said Karla. That day Karla's training went particularly well, something her trainers and sparring partners couldn't help noticing. 'Well done mate," said Steve gruffly, "I think you may be starting to get somewhere." 2 days later Karla called Lynn with details of the training session at her friend's gym. Lynn found it a stark contrast to the Olympic center where he had previously watched Karla train. It was in a grimy industrial area in Whitechapel and the building had once been a print shop. The brick walls were damp and there was still a faint smell of some of the chemicals from its past. Where there was once the clatter of printing presses, now there was the smack of gloves hitting bags and the thrum of skipping ropes as a throng of teenage boys and girls went about the serious business of learning to box. Karla of course attracted a lot of attention. She was a frequent visitor and was idolised by all the young fighters. They quickly cleared the ring and stood around to watch as Karla climbed through the ropes. Lynn was wearing 2 thick sparring pads on his hands and he started by letting Karla warm up in an almost lazy fashion. He hadn't fought in years but the motor memory was so strong that it wasn't long before he began to move with more rhythm. Gradually he increased the tempo, moving around the ring always changing the position of his hands quickly. Karla glided after him firing off volleys of punches with unerring accuracy. Lynn moved his hands as quickly as he could but Karla's punches always found their mark with a sharpness that he could feel through the pads. They did this for 3 timed rounds and at the finish Lynn was sweating profusely and his arms ached; Karla looked as though she were just beginning. They showered, changed and left the gym together. Lynn saw an Indian restaurant and suggested that they eat there. "Well how did you enjoy the workout," asked Karla with a smile? "Karla it was amazing", said Lynn with awe in his voice. "The way you move, it's, it's like liquid poetry; I have never seen anything like it. You seem more like a ballet dancer, just beautiful to watch. You don't hit like a ballet dancer though, my hands and wrists are still feeling numb. Honestly I can't see anyone who can live with you in the Olympics." "Helga Muller, I've never beaten her, always come up short." "This time it will be different," said Lynn. "I hope you are right," said Karla, "I really hope you are right." After their meal they took the Underground across London and parted at Liverpool Street. "Lynn don't dress Saturday night just wear jeans," said Karla. Lynn looked disappointed. "Sorry Karla I thought you liked it." "Lynn I do, honestly I do, but not this time, I'll explain when I see you." She gave Lynn a quick kiss on the lips before hurrying away to catch her train. Lynn was just finishing the dinner preparations on Saturday night when the doorbell rang. Lynn opened it and gave Karla a warm hug before releasing her and pulling her inside. Karla was wearing jeans, a T- shirt and a leather jacket. She was holding a carrier bag which she handed to Lynn. "What's this," asked Lynn. "Only one way to find out," replied Karla with a grin. Lynn put his hand into the bag and pulled out a beautiful dress. He gave a gasp of surprise; "Karla it's beautiful, is it for me?" "Well I don't see anyone else here." "Karla you shouldn't have, this must have cost a fortune, I can't believe you did this." "What is so strange about a girl buying her new boyfriend a pretty dress," she asked with mock severity? "Well if you put it like that I suppose it is perfectly normal," said Lynn with a giggle. He thought for a moment and then said, "Karla did you mean that about me being your new boyfriend?" "Well of course I did silly, you men can be so..."; but she got no further because Lynn threw his arms around her hugged her fiercely and began to sob. "Sorry Lynn I didn't mean to upset you," said Karla looking worried. "Karla you haven't upset me you have made me so happy," said Lynn as he wiped away the tears. 'Thank goodness for that," said a relieved Karla. "Well Lynn are you going to keep me waiting, try it on you silly boy/girl", but Lynn was already rushing up the stairs clutching the dress. "Help yourself to wine, I'll be a few minutes", called out Lynn over his shoulder as he took the stairs two at a time. 15 minutes later Lynn entered the sitting room and stood before Karla. He did a graceful twirl causing his dress to float up revealing lacy white slip underneath. The dress was dusky pink, sheer around the shoulders and from the waist down it expanded into a gorgeous floral pattern of big beautiful flowers. There was a 6 inch black band at the hem which provided a striking contrast to the colour above. "Lynn you look amazing, I knew you would. As soon as I saw that dress on our racks I knew it had your name on it. Don't worry I get all my clothes free as part of the sponsorship deal. I don't often wear dresses outside of work but I love it when you do." Once again Lynn embraced Karla, close to tears again. "I can't believe you like me' he sniffed. "A guy who loves wearing pretty dresses must seem really weird and yet you seem ok with it." "Lynn I am more than ok with it. I told you that I don't care for men. I'm not lesbian, but I'm not comfortable with most guys, especially the macho types. You are very feminine in some ways but I think that there is a lot of strength under those frills. I would love to get to know the real you." "Let's have dinner first," laughed Lynn. Lynn was a very good cook and the meal did not disappoint. Slow roasted shoulder of lamb, scalloped potatoes and seasonal vegetables with a thick creamy gravy. When Karla had eaten her fill Lynn produced a chocolate souffl? that was incredible. 'Lynn I am going to have to dump you or I will be fighting in the heavyweight class in a few months," she protested. "Nonsense Karla you will burn it off in your first workout on Monday. This meal will make you even stronger." After dinner they sat and talked and sipped some fine Port. Eventually Lynn pulled Karla to her feet and said, "Time for bed I think." He led her upstairs and once again they undressed each other. Sensing Karla's growing unease Lynn said, "Karla relax, it's my treat tonight. I'm going to kiss you everywhere and all you have to do is enjoy it" And so Karla lay back and Lynn began to kiss her, first on the lips and then he worked his way slowly down to her small breasts where he lingered for a long time and Karla shuddered with pleasure. Eventually when he reached her waist he changed position, spread her legs and with the tip of his tongue began to search for her clitoris. When he found it Karla gave a gasp and then moaned softly as the pleasure began to build. Eventually she climaxed with a shout that she was sure would awake the neighbours. They lay quietly for a while until Karla said, "Lynn I", but she got no further because Lynn placed a finger over her lips and said, "Not tonight my sweet, we've lots of time ahead, just hold me." Karla wrapped her arms around Lynn and pulled his head down to rest across her breasts. Lynn sighed with satisfaction and said "Karla I love it when you hold me, I love to feel your strength." Karla shook her head in wonder; "Lynn you are the most unusual man I have ever met; you wear dresses and make love to me like a woman and expect nothing in return. I intimidate most men outside of my teammates, but you seem to almost relish the fact that I am bigger and probably stronger than you." "Why shouldn't you be strong," said Lynn in a puzzled voice? "You are a great athlete and I feel so privileged to be this close to you." Karla continued to hold Lynn close until they both began to become drowsy; she let go and they both fell into a deep dreamless sleep. In the morning Karla woke and started to get dressed until she thought better of it and climbed back into bed, kissed the still sleeping Lynn and went back to sleep. It was mid-morning when she awoke and the sun was streaming through the curtains. She looked over and saw that the bed beside her was empty but that there was a note on the pillow. She rubbed her eyes and began to read; "Karla my dear, sorry to abandon you but I had a call from the care center and I had to go in to see Megan. I have left breakfast things on the table together with a spare key. If I am not back by the time you need to leave please lock up. You can put the key through the mail slot or you can keep it; I hope that you will keep it; love Lynn." Karla smiled as she read the last part; "Oh I'll keep it Lynn, don't worry your pretty head about that." She started towards the kitchen and then gave a short cry of annoyance. "Shit, great time to start your period Karla, no clean underwear and no more sex till next week." She went to the bathroom and removed her stained panties, put them in a plastic bag and cleaned up. "I'll have to borrow some of Lynn's, I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Karla opened a drawer in the closet and saw a collection of frilly panties. "Yes this looks like Lynn's style; not my taste, but in a pinch what's a girl to do. I suppose that's the advantage of having a girly boyfriend." She was about to close the drawer when she saw something shiny through the pile of panties. Curious, she reached in and pulled it out. She was surprised to see a silver medal in the form of a cross, with a dark blue ribbon attached. Carved into the silver was an image depicting St George and the dragon together with the words "For Gallantry." Karla stared at the medal for several minutes trying to remember something she had read. Unable to retrieve it she placed the medal on the bed and photographed it with her cell phone. She carefully put it back in the drawer and went into the kitchen for coffee and a light breakfast. Lynn was still not back when she finished eating and so Karla cleared away the dishes, scribbled a quick note and left locking the door behind her and putting the key securely inside her jacket. She went home and changed for the gym. After a satisfying workout Karla went back home to rest. It was only later that evening that she remembered the medal. She went to her computer and checking on the photo typed "silver cross with dark blue ribbon," into the search engine. Karla stared with astonishment at the words and picture which came up on the screen and she felt a shiver run down her spine. "George Cross, highest award for bravery by a civilian; equivalent of the Victoria Cross, which is awarded to military personnel for unusual acts of bravery in the face of mortal danger." Eventually Karla went across to her laptop and typed in "Lynn Morgan George Cross." The screen filled with entries and Karla clicked on the first one which read "Journalist Honoured by Queen." It was an article printed in The Times and Karla sat down to read it. She continued to read with growing astonishment the article dated 3 years ago; it ran: "Today Her Majesty the Queen presented journalist Rhys Morgan with the George Cross for his acts of extreme bravery while attached as a correspondent to a patrol of the Parachute Regiment, who were on active duty in Afghanistan. The patrol was travelling in 2 Landrovers when one of them was badly damaged by an explosive device it ran over. The patrol immediately came under heavy fire from a Taliban ambush. The two vehicles were separated by about 50 yards and the damaged Landrover bore the brunt of the attack. 4 of the patrol members were wounded and their remaining companions were desperately holding off the enemy. The second Landrover was also under attack and unable to assist their fellows. Rhys Morgan, with complete disregard for his own safety crawled across to the besieged group and began dragging the wounded men to the comparative safety of the remaining vehicle. 3 more times he made this hazardous trip managing to rescue all the wounded despite being seriously wounded himself. The patrol called up air support and helicopter gunships were able to evacuate the entire patrol. Mr. Morgan was taken straight to a military hospital and after initial treatment was evacuated back to the UK." Karla continued to stare at the screen in a trance for several minutes. When she at last became aware of her surroundings she found that tears were streaming down her cheeks and she was shaking with emotion. Later that evening Lynn was surprised to hear the ringing of his front doorbell. He was not expecting a caller, but it was the incessant ringing that surprised him, as though someone was keeping their finger jammed onto the bell. He opened the door and Karla stumbled into his arms, tears on her cheeks and her eyes red from crying. "Karla what on earth is wrong," he said? "Oh Lynn I'm so sorry," she sobbed as he guided her inside and sat her on the couch. "Karla, Karla calm down. You look like you need a drink; stay here." Lynn went to a cupboard and poured a generous measure of cognac into a tumbler and gave it to Karla. She gulped down a mouthful and coughed as the strong liquor burned in her throat. After spluttering for a few moments she managed to compose herself enough to speak. "I know I shouldn't have done it, but my period started and I'd soaked my panties, so I went into your drawer and borrowed some of yours and..." Before she could continue Lynn burst into laughter until the tears began to roll down his cheeks; Karla looked bewildered. "Karla I'm sorry but it just seems so funny, you secretly borrowing your boyfriend's panties as though you were ashamed of it. I realise that they are not your style, but really there is nothing to be upset about." "Lynn, you don't understand, I'm not upset because I borrowed your panties, it's that I found your George Cross in your underwear drawer. I did some research on the computer and saw the whole story of how you won it. I've been such a shit to you. I can't believe I tried to humiliate you by making you wear a skirt and you have responded not just with kindness, but with love. You are a real hero and I'm a self- absorbed bitch, can you ever forgive me?" Karla relapsed into another round of sobbing spilling her drink in the process. Lynn held her tightly and made soothing noises until Karla eventually subsided and went limp in his arms. Lynn eased her away and looked at her fondly. "Karla come to the bathroom with me right now, you've got a delightful mixture of snot, salty tears and brandy all over your face and mine; we both need to clean up." They did clean up by taking a shower together, after which Lynn found a terry bathrobe for Karla and a rather more exotic one for himself. They went back from the couch and Lynn put his arm around Karla. "I should have known you would try to get into my panties," he said with a grin. Karla giggled, "You silly man, don't you take anything seriously?" "I take you seriously Karla; I think I'm falling in love with you." Karla stiffened and turned towards Lynn. "Lynn, you can't mean that," she gasped. "Karla I do." Karla flung her arms around Lynn's neck and began a fresh round of sobbing but this time for joy. Lynn led Karla back to the couch and filled her glass with cognac and poured one for himself. "Now you know why I am attached to the feminine," he said. "Because of your time in Afghanistan," asked Karla? "That started it", admitted Lynn. "I saw firsthand the destructiveness of man or more specifically men. The culture in countries like Afghanistan is so unbalanced; women are scarcely valued at all and I sometimes wonder about countries like ours. The macho culture which seems to permeate society is so destructive. Afghanistan was very traumatic, but then what happened to Megan was even worse. We live in a world of intolerance bigotry and hate." "Oh shit Lynn I am sorry I forgot to ask you how your sister is; of course you had to rush in to see her this morning." "Megan's ok," said Lynn. "Physically she has made a good recovery and that will only get better but mentally it is taking a lot longer. The horror of what she went through in the bomb attack takes a long time to heal. Every now and then she has a melt down and that's when they call me to go in and be with her. We have always been very close and she is always better when I am there. The National Health only covers basic care and I want more than that for Lynn so I have to subsidise her medically. Not so easy for a freelance journalist but we get by." "I wish I could help," said Karla. "You do and you will," replied Lynn "Being with you helps me keep going. We have a lot in common Karla; both of us have been victimised by violence; in your case entirely caused by men and in mine religion and men, which is a terrible combination. I was like you as well, always angry; felt I had to be to survive. I told you that I liked to play dress up with Megan when we were children. On one hand I loved it but on the other hand I was terrified that someone in my village would find out. I became very aggressive, perhaps to try and prove I wasn't a sissy. Megan really helped me to accept myself, be proud of who I am. After what happened to Megan I decided that I wanted to be more feminine; I was really sick of trying to be macho and all the terrible problems that macho attitudes brings. I used to be called by my first name, which is Rhys, but I decided to begin using Lynn which is for boys and girls." He paused for a moment and said "Karla you may not realise how much you have helped me." "You are right Lynn, I can't imagine how I could have helped," said Karla with a puzzled frown. "You are reminding me how strong a woman can be, both physically and mentally. When you bought me that dress I felt such a relief. Here was a really tough woman, one used to fighting with tough men, who encouraged me to express my feminine side by actually buying me a dress and encouraging me to wear it. You remind me again and again that being feminine does not mean being weak. Your approval matters so much to me." "You will always have my admiration Lynn, I don't care what you wear; actually that's not quite true, I love it when you wear a dress or skirt; I find you incredibly sexy and I also feel safe with you. That's something I have never felt with a man before." Lynn smiled and said "Wasn't it lucky our sub editor screwed up and sent me to interview you instead of a real girl?" They lapsed into a comfortable silence until Lynn drained his glass and suggested to Karla that it was time for bed. "Need any more panties," asked Lynn with a grin?" "No I'm fine," said Karla; "The next time I get into your panties it will be for real." Once they were in bed they held each other closely. Karla ran her hand down Lynn's back over his scar. "Does it still hurt," she asked? "It aches from time to time," he said, "But if you keep touching me I swear I won't feel a thing." "Well I'll just have to keep touching you," said Karla sleepily. In the morning Karla announced that she had to go away with the boxing team for an intensive training camp in France. "Can I see you as soon as I get back," she asked anxiously? "It's going to be a long week without you, hurry back," said Lynn. They kissed for a long time and Karla had to finally tear herself away and leave before she changed her mind. The week did seem to pass slowly even though both were very busy. Karla's training was especially intensive and Lynn spent most of his time finishing the interview for the Observer. A week later Lynn's phone rang and when he answered it he was delighted to find that it was Karla. "Lynn can I see you tonight," she asked? "Of course you can; I'll be waiting by the front door." "Lynn can I ask a favour please," said Karla? "Whatever you want," replied Lynn. "I would really love you to wear your new dress and make yourself as pretty as possible for me." "I'll start right now," said Lynn. An hour later the front doorbell rang and Lynn immediately answered it. Karla engulfed him in a powerful hug that made him wince. She released him and stood back for a moment to admire her lover. "My God Lynn you are so beautiful," she said. Lynn blushed; he was wearing the floral dress and his hair hung down past his shoulders in a feminine style. He had dangly earrings and a sliver necklace with a Celtic design around his neck. He had 3 inch heels and dark seamed stockings and his makeup was perfect. Karla gazed at him with love and lust in her eyes. She pulled Lynn forward into her arms and then suddenly lifted him off his feet and stepped quickly backwards outside and kicked the door shut with her foot. "Karla what are you doing," asked Lynn in alarm. 'You are coming out Lynn Morgan and I mean in more ways than one," said Karla firmly. Karla I can't," cried Lynn struggling to free himself. "It's no use sweetheart, I'm stronger than you are and if you won't come quietly I'll just have to carry you." "Where are we going," asked Lynn panic beginning to rise in his voice? "I'm taking you out to dinner; I'm not having my boyfriend hide himself away from the world any longer," said Karla firmly. "Lynn just relax, you are beautiful and no one will know you are not a girl." Karla kept a firm hold of Lynn's arm, but he did start to walk beside her. "Karla I'd rather face the Taliban than this," he said. "Hush my darling, you need to do this, the first time is always the hardest." Karla flagged down a passing taxi and gave the address of a restaurant one of her team mates had given her, which was about a mile away. Karla had made a reservation and they were ushered to a table for 2 in a secluded part of the Italian restaurant. As Lynn had feared he did attract a lot of attention, but it was in the form of admiring glances from the male patrons. Karla ordered wine and after they had studied the menu and given their orders they settled down to talk. "Feeling better my darling," asked Karla? "I always feel good when I am with you. Karla, I would never have done this if you hadn't made me. Thank goodness you are stronger." "Only physically my darling, only physically," said Karla. They began to talk about Karla's training camp and her preparations for the Olympics. "I'm just not sure that I'll ever be ready for Helga Muller," said Karla gloomily. Lynn reached across and took her hand. "Karla you are more than ready." He looked at her intently and then said, "Karla can I say something about your boxing?" Karla nodded and Lynn took a deep breath and went on. "Karla you are in a different class to Helga Muller. You are fighting the wrong way." Karla stared at him in amazement; "What do you mean," she asked? "Karla, forgive me for saying this, but you are always angry when you fight. You seem to be in a rage when you are in the ring, trying to punish your opponent. I told you once that you are a beautiful boxer; you should embrace that beauty. You don't need to overcome Muller with force; just get into the ring and box. Let your love of boxing show; express yourself like the great artist that you are. You are not fighting Muller; you are creating a masterpiece with your hands. Michael Angelo produced some of the greatest works of art out of granite; let Muller be your rock. Heaven knows this world needs beauty, why can't a boxer create her own beauty?" Karla stared ay Lynn with open mouthed astonishment. For a moment he thought that he had offended her, but she shook her head in admiration and said, "Lynn Morgan, you never cease to amaze me; I have never met anyone remotely like you. Apart from all your other qualities you are a poet and a very wise man. I swear I am going to do my best to act on your advice, but I want you to help me." "I'll help in any way that I can," assured Lynn. "I want to try this suggestion of yours because it sounds so intriguing. Steve and the guys are great coaches, but they are quite mechanical, which is good because I needed structure. No one has said I should create beauty in the ring, but I'm going to try. I want to practise with you and the pads first and then try it in the gym; oh Lynn I am so excited," cried Karla. As they ate their dinner Lynn was sure that when he looked at Karla he could see a new joy in her eyes. When Karla looked at her boyfriend she could see someone at peace with himself. The waiter saw two people very much in love. They held hands in the taxi as they drove home, talking and giggling constantly. When they got inside Karla held Lynn close to her and whispered. "Lynn I am ready; please make love to me, I want to feel you inside me." They undressed and got into bed. They kissed and hugged and then Karla rolled onto her back. "My darling man, I want you on top tonight, I want you to take me where I have never been before"; so Lynn did just that. He started slowly, kissing her lips and then her neck, gradually working his way down to her breasts where he stayed a long time, kissing them and then gently caressing them with his soft hands. Only when Karla begged him to enter her did he slide his very hard member inside her. Karla uttered a soft cry and wrapped her legs around him. They continued with increasing fervour until they came simultaneously in a titanic eruption accompanied by a loud shriek from Karla. They lay back exhausted with Karla cradling Lynn's head on her chest. "Lynn that was amazing, I can't believe it is possible to feel something that wonderful." "You bring out the best in me," said Lynn happily. For the next 2 weeks Karla practised with Lynn in his sitting room. They moved the furniture to create extra space and Karla concentrated on moving with a fluid grace, rather like a tai chi master. She gradually picked up the pace and began to throw punches with greater speed and not worrying about power. As the sessions wore on Lynn noticed that there was a deceptive power to her blows. The fast hands had developed a sharp snap when they landed. Karla's trainers also noticed the change in her, both inside and outside the ring. Denny her sparring partner noticed it too and found that their sessions were really helping his development. The time eventually came for the Olympic team to depart. Karla took hold of Lynn fiercely and said, "I don't want you to come to the airport because I don't want my team mates to see me crying. It's better if we part here." "I understand my love," said Lynn, "Just make sure you come back to me." "I will Lynn, I will, even if I have to walk and swim home, I'll come back to you." Lynn placed a small box into Karla's hand and told her not to open it until she was on the plane and then pushed her out the door. He watched as she slowly walked away not looking back. When Karla's plane began to taxi she opened the box and saw Lynn's George Cross, together with a short note. "Karla keep this beside you and take it with you into battle. Let it remind you of the one who loves you and your promise to make beauty in the ring." She closed her hand around it tightly and felt a deep emotion surge through herself. Epilogue As Karla walked slowly down the center aisle of the packed auditorium she felt the energy from the crowd build inside her. Instead of feeling nervous she felt an intense calm, a strange serenity she had never felt before. She climbed into the ring and began to warm up, briefly looking across at her opponent, the formidable Helga Muller. Both women had cruised comfortably through the preliminary rounds and the final was promising to be a classic encounter. The referee called the 2 women to the center of the ring for their final instructions. Just before she left her corner Karla placed Lynn's medal that she had been holding into the hands of her coach and corner man." "Take good care of this for me Steve," she said. As the referee gave his instructions, Muller fixed Karla with an intimidating stare, but Karla's face wore a serene expression which turned to a slight smile as they shook hands. Karla's handlers watched the fight in growing disbelief as Karla gave the greatest display of boxing seen in the whole tournament. For 3 rounds she moved around the ring like a tango dancer, completely out boxing her opponent. As she waited in her corner for the final round Steve leaned forward and said, "You've got this in the bag, don't fuck it up now mate." Karla merely smiled and as the bell rang glided from her corner. Helga Muller knew that she was well behind on points but was still confident that her strong finish could yet win the day. Part way through the final round she began a ferocious attack. Karla maintained her composure; moving with a fluid grace she avoided Muller's punches and countered with her own stinging combinations. Gradually she sensed Muller beginning to tire, which was the moment that Karla suddenly increased the tempo. A lightening quick left, right, left combination had her opponent reeling and Karla quickly followed up, pinning Muller against the ropes and throwing volley after volley of punches. The referee had seen enough and stepped between them, waving Karla away and officially stopping the contest. Karla sank to her knees in relief and joy before being mobbed by her ecstatic corner men. As the 2 fighters stood in the center of the ring awaiting the official announcement, Helga Muller, who was as friendly outside the ring as she was savage in it, turned to Karla and said; "Karla congratulations, you were unstoppable, what happened?" Karla hugged her opponent and said simply, "I'm in love." Helga looked bewildered, shook her head and muttered, "Shit, maybe I try that." A week later the Olympic team arrived back in London to a tumultuous welcome. Karla slowly pushed her way through the crowd of well-wishers to where she had spotted a slender figure in a blush pink floral dress. With a cry she flung her arms around Lynn and lifted him off the ground in undisguised joy. After a few minutes Lynn said, "Show me." Karla reached inside her team shirt and pulled out a shiny gold medal. Lynn's eyes misted over as he held it. "This is ours Lynn; I would never have won it without you," said Karla. She then reached inside her shoulder bag and produced a small box which she handed to Lynn. He opened it and stared at the 2 rings inside. One was a very feminine diamond ring and the other was a plain gold band. "Will you marry me Lynn," asked Karla? "Will you be both my wife and my husband?" She waited anxiously for an answer. Lynn's face was blank as though with astonishment; it slowly broke into the most wonderful smile. "Yes and yes," he said. The pair embraced again and both wept for joy. As they walked together from the airport Karla said, "Lynn I meant it about you being my wife and husband. I don't want you in dresses all the time; I want my Lynn husband just as much as Lynn my wife." Lynn turned to Karla and said, "Karla I'll be anything you want at any time, but which one of us will wear the wedding dress?" Karla laughed with delight and seized the hem of Lynn's dress, lifted it slightly and said "Make a guess my darling, think hard and make a guess." They both collapsed in a fit of giggles. 6 months later they were married in a small private ceremony with just a few special guests; some of Karla's team mates, Dee and 2 very tough looking sergeants from the Parachute Regiment. Megan was the bridesmaid and she escorted her brother, who was wearing a long white wedding dress, to the alter. As Karla prepared to kiss her bride they looked at each other and Lynn said, "Karla I will fight by your side but never against you my love" "There will be no need to fight any more battles," replied Karla, "We have both won the war."

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Fighting Passion

Highlands of Scotland February 14, 2004 Wynter Donal eyes flew open as her blankets were pulled off of her. She started to reach for the dirk she had hidden under the pillow she didn’t sleep on. Only to find it missing and at the same time she heard a chuckle that sent a chill down her spine. Then heat started to pool between her legs. Her frightened gaze flew to look at the source of the chuckle. Her eyes landed upon the very man - no vampire! - she was fighting. Ryder Xerxes, the King of the...

2 years ago
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Fighting temptation

Fighting temptation is the single most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life. My name is Jessie and for a while there was a time where temptation got the better of me. I first met Annie when she started working at the pizza place I was working at. She was the most beautiful woman I could have ever imagined. She had mid shoulder length sandy blond hair that was shining in the florescent lights of the store. I have always had a hair fetish but its not like most people would think. I...

3 years ago
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Fighting Tribe

Looking down from his high perch, the warlord watched the practice below. His eyes strayed to his lovely daughter Loua, her slim body glistening with sweat from her activity. Her male partner was withering under her onslaught, her practise sword getting through his defence again and again. He watched her technique as only a proud father could, His eyes roamed over her strong but supple legs and her naked, bouncing bust. His mind went back to last night when he had buried his stiff pole deep...

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Twisted Throwback

=== Twisted Throwback === by Trismegistus Shandy This novel is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Twisted universe. It's set about a generation later than his "Twisted," "Twisted Pink," etc. A somewhat different version was serialized on the morpheuscabinet2 mailing list in January-April 2014. Thanks to Morpheus, Maggie Finson, D.A.W., Johanna, and JM for beta- reading earlier drafts. Thanks to Grover, Paps Paw, and others who commented on the earlier serial. This work...

4 years ago
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Flashbacks"Here you go, safe at last: those awful people can't touch you here!" assured the good-looking brunette policewoman as her charge explored her new home. She kicked herself mentally as she saw the stunning blonde's gaze locked firmly on the handcuffs on her belt - standard police equipment, of course, but nothing but a liability on this very strange assignment: baby-sitting the former slave as she adjusted to life as a free woman again, keeping her safe until the trial.Jenny quickly...

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Permission given to post on Fictionmania and Crystals Story Site. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand...

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Fighting for Love Ch 0809

CHAPTER EIGHT Jake knocked on the door to Danny’s room before opening it and letting himself in. ‘What do you want Jake?’ Jessica asked from the rocking chair. Jake studied Jessica silently for a moment, and almost found himself feeling sorry for her. ‘I want you to leave. If Danny ever wakes up, he’s going to need to be able to get back up to speed without distractions. You and Will are distractions,’ Jake said. He stood over the crib and watched the baby wiggle in his sleep and couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Fighting for Love Ch 1112

These are the last two chapters of ‘Fighting for Love’ and I thank you all for reading it and your feedback. I am brainstorming ideas for a sequel, but I’m not sure if it should be about Jake or about Cal. I welcome all feedback, and if you have any thoughts about what you would like to see happen, send me an email and I’ll do my best to incorporate your suggestions into the next story. Thanks again for your support, ~Ashira * ‘Are you sure I’m still welcome?’ Jessica asked as Danny took...

3 years ago
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Fighting temptation

Fighting temptation is the single most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life. My name is Jessie and for a while there was a time where temptation got the better of me. I first met Annie when she started working at the pizza place I was working at. She was the most beautiful woman I could have ever imagined. She had mid shoulder length sandy blond hair that was shining in the florescent lights of the store. I have always had a hair fetish but its not like most people would think. I...

2 years ago
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Fighting Passion

Highlands of Scotland February 14, 2004 Wynter Donal eyes flew open as her blankets were pulled off of her. She started to reach for the dirk she had hidden under the pillow she didn’t sleep on. Only to find it missing and at the same time she heard a chuckle that sent a chill down her spine. Then heat started to pool between her legs. Her frightened gaze flew to look at the source of the chuckle. Her eyes landed upon the very man – no vampire! – she was fighting. Ryder Xerxes, the King of...

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Fighting With Mom

My name is Nick and my parents have had a rough marriage as long as I can remember. I am the youngest of four and the only one still living at home. Their place was a nice four bedroom brick house and I liked the suburban location in the outskirts of St. Louis. I had my own bedroom, my own bathroom, a newer Volkswagen Jetta, all my freedom...what more could I want? What I really wanted was my freedom, even more than the luxuries I had living at home. I was tired of hearing my parents fighting....

1 year ago
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Fighting a speeding ticket in court

I had never been to court before. I was so nervous as I waited for my name and case to be called that I debated leaving and just paying the ticket. But $500 was money I didn't have as a university student. The day I got the ticket was such a crummy day. I was coming back from an exam that hadn't gone well, despite me spending all weekend studying. I never speed but I was so distracted that I never saw the speed limit change. The cop had no sympathy as he wrote the ticket, my first ticket...

3 years ago
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Fighting Raiders

I was wounded during a raid on a rogue world. My term was almost up so they discharged me early and sent me home. There was no direct route but I caught a ship headed to Gilroy. It was a system with three beautiful worlds. The huge space station was the only one and I found out I would have a month to wait for another ship. Like most soldiers I did not have much to do so I drank cheap liqueur and slept in bars. I was passed out when the alarms for the raiders began and the station evac sirens...

2 years ago
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caught in the backroom

Kevin Longquirt was supposed to be doing inventory in the backroom of Warden Automotive parts. Instead he was rubbing his cock through his jeans while thumbing through an old porn magazine. He had found the dirty magazine hidden in the bottom of a dusty old filing cabinet. Kevin was a thin, sinewy 18-year-old with dark black hair and green eyes. He had played football on the high school varsity team and had developed a strong and lean body. What he lacked in bulk he made up in speed and...

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The man twisted the business card between his fingers with a terrible sensation in the pit of his stomach, like waves crashing against the rock he’d always considered his marriage to be; erosive powers eating away at it. He was in a car, his wife’s car. He’d only borrowed it because his own needed repair work. Forgetting for a moment that it wasn’t his car, he’d stuck his hand into the pocket in the door, and instead of a clock disc, he’d found a business card.BIG DICK McSHAGSATISFACTION AND...

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The Quarterback

I have always liked traditions. Christmas and Thanksgiving traditions. Graduation traditions. All kinds, really. A new tradition I got into was the one in my first year at college, when I was a cheerleader. It seems that the tradition there was that when there was a new cheerleader on the squad, the quarterback of the team was to have sex with her after the first football game of the season. Yes, I was the new cheerleader.I enjoyed sex. I had had my share of experience - at least. And I...

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I guess I was pretty clueless when I went to work at Thaxter’s. I knew it was a gay bar and all, but I assumed today’s gay bars weren’t that different from straight ones. I definitely didn’t expect getting hung from the fly loft like a random piece of meat. But apparently there’s a first time for everything.I should probably back up and say I was always a theater geek. You know the type: the guy who spent his teen years playing Troy in High School Musical, though he was really lusting after Zac...

Gay Male
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I Dream of Demie 10 The Cutback

--- I Dream of Demie 10 - The Cutback (MFF, caution, interr, magic, mc, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- 'We need to talk.' Those are some of the most dread-inducing words you can hear, or read for that matter, since they were written on the note that I found behind my apartment door. It was signed by Erica. She was my neighbor from down the hall. A few weeks ago I had pulled her into my apartment, thinking she was Demie trying to fool me with her shapechanging power, and...

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I started watching zoo porn and reading stories about human's and dog's as well as humans with other animals not that long ago. My cock gets incredibly hard when I see or read about a woman sucking or fucking a horse, or getting fucked or sucking off a dog. Tho I have seen a guy fuck a chicken and laughed my ass off. I remember thinking, how small is his dick that he could fuck a hen. So like I said, I recently started watching zooporn and liking it. I don't know how many load's of cum I...

3 years ago
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Wifes Birthday bonepaybacks

This happened about 18 months after I caught my wife with Butch our shepard and black mailed her into being my sex slut. It was Friday and Judith asked if we could go out and I said sure it would be fun to go out for some drinks. Judith dressed in a pink half bra and a thong, thin white bottom up blouse and a short black skirt with black heeled boots. Her double D tits sat nicely in her bra and their dark nipples shown through her blouse, she was hot and damn lovely as always. She...

2 years ago
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199394 Homeback

1993-94: Homeback Confidential Not much sex in the first part of this story. Much more feelings than fuckings, as this is an account of my return home after Operation ‘Restore Hope’ in Somalia. It was the moment in which I experienced the strongest feelings ever, the real turning point in my life. The story starts in October 1993 in the burning desert of central Somalia, and ends after New Years Eve in the cold and wet Dutch winter. We were close to the end of our turn of Mission. 76th Mech...

2 years ago
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Ninas Joke Backfires

38 year old Nina was in bed and heard the shower start up. This was going to be great she thought. She had doctored 18 year old Megan’s shampoo with colour, a bright red. It would last for days. Nina listened for the inevitable shriek. Megan would be so embarrassed with her red hair. It would only be another moment but just then Megan passed her bedroom door and Nina realised it wasn’t Megan in the bathroom. Then who was she wondered? There was only her Mum in the house. Then it hit her. Mum...

4 years ago
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My Fetish for Barebacking

If any of you have read about my other sexpereinces by now you know I like fucking strangers bareback. I developed this "fetish," if you will, from reading stories about it on some of the adult sites I frequented and in various online groups and bulletin boards. I figured most of it was fantasy. But it was a fantasy that I could not get out of my head. Anyway, I started going on adult dating sites and perusing CL to see if I could actually find women that wanted to do this with me ...When I...

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“This has got to be the sickest stunt us Delts have ever pulled,” Phoebe whispered. “Poor Colleen.”“Shh,” Brooke said. She watched Colleen through the gauzy curtain surrounding the bed.“I mean it,” Phoebe said. “I could puke. How can she stay so cool?”“Because she’s Colleen,” Brooke snapped sotto voce. “She’s our president and she’s got Delta in her genes. Mother. Sister. Grandmother. All chapter presidents too, you know. In this very house.”“This very house we’re gonna loose.”“We are not...

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A Booty Call Backfires

To men, women are fascinating creatures. Intriguing, unfathomable and, perhaps most importantly – formidable. Most of the time, they're one step ahead of us. They know how to get what they want. Usually they can convince us it's what we wanted all along. Guys catch on eventually. Usually after it’s too late to do anything about it. But every now and then, a guy outsmarts a girl. Or does he? In my senior year of college, after two years of putting in my time on the staff of my college newspaper,...

College Sex
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Phone Sex Backfires

Sex with us was always good, light hearted and most of all fun. My husband always said that good sex is a equal measure of moans and laughter. Toss in some screams and it’s great sex. We also enjoyed being pretty wound up, meaning a dirty text during the day or a sexy note found in your lunch or pocket. It’s those little things that feeds the fire. We were also not against making it hurt, as in wrong time to do such. This story was one of those times that took on a life of its own. One which...

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Anitas Backdoot

Anita’s backdoorThat summer time Anita and I accepted our friends Cecilia and Peter’s idea for sharing a vacation week with them at a nice Bahamas resort.The first two days we spent mostly of the time lounging by the pool, swimming and relaxing in the sun. During the day the pool was mostly crowded, but in the evening we noticed that the place became a desert paradise for lonely people.On the third evening, after dinner, Ana and I came back to our room to relax. Suddenly she told me she would...

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Caught FUCKING my Chinese Girlfriend in the backse

This is a true story and I’ve accompanied it with some pictures in my gallery – so please take a look!LiuChen was one of my Chinese girlfriends. I was her first lover and I busted her virginity in the backseat of my Ford Expedition. It was quite hard laying atop her body and penetrating her on that stiff bench seat, but I managed. She and I didn’t live close together so I didn’t like having to take her to my house, fuck and then take her back home where her retired parents resided. Every now...

3 years ago
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Aunty Revenge Hitback

Hi you all have read the last story aunty three plus one where I found the boys fucking my daughter and then they fucked me in my own home and my daughter at the same time. I am not writing more stories as am not getting more comments from you guys. So please encourage me to tell you more about my past.I was really angry on them and wanted to take revenge. So I thought of a plan and decided to make mihir and jatin ( my student/ master) to fight. So I bought slutty clothes and called jatin that...

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A coach and a quaterback

Jack sat on the bed his back against the head board. Now the head coach for his high school football team, and at 25, his years of sports and gym training left him with a hard hairy muscular body. At 6 feet his shoulders were broad and hard as steel. Big guns and thick muscled forearms. Hard chiseled pecs. Sexy cut abs with a dark trail of brown fur leading all the way to his dense pubic bush. Jack liked the way he looked with a slight 5 o'clock shadow so he managed to always keep that sexy...

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Remix Chapter 1 Backbeat

Remix, Chapter 1: Backbeat By Brevdravis The first thing that James noticed was the stiffness in the right side of his face. As he opened his eyes, the pull of the skin along his cheek caused slight pain when the scabs upon it tugged. Judging from the amount of hardness along his face, he realized he must have torn the flesh from at least half of it. He began to open his mouth, feeling the small scrapes of metal on the inside of his lips. Braces, twisted and protruding, which...

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Pregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking

Reciprocal NeedsPregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking.Barebacking is basically a selfish, lazy thing -- don't want to wear a condom, and just want to appeal to one's own pleasure. One can bareback with birth control, and not risk pregnancy (or at least, lower the risk).Pregnancy risk sex requires stalking the woman and getting familiar with her menstrual cycle, and watching carefully for signs of ovulation. It also requires arguing against birth control, so you know she's fertile....

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Switchback By DreamWeaver A Sequel to "Paprikash" One of the benefits of being a high school teacher was always the fact that I got the summers off. This allowed me a chance to do some writing for history journals, and sometimes for the local newspaper. I was considered something of an expert on the history of our town and county, and the summer I turned 41, I had been commissioned to write a series for the newspaper. It was a...

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Ninas Joke Backfires

38 year old Nina was in bed and heard the shower start up. This was going to be great she thought. She had doctored 18 year old Megan’s shampoo with colour, a bright red. It would last for days. Nina listened for the inevitable shriek. Megan would be so embarrassed with her red hair. It would only be another moment but just then Megan passed her bedroom door and Nina realised it wasn’t Megan in the bathroom. Then who was she wondered? There was only her Mum in the house. Then it hit her. Mum...

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Making a Point about Backgammon

Making a Point about Backgammon Ashley B. D. Zacharias When Craig answered the phone, he immediately recognized Leslie’s voice. ?I haven’t heard from you for a while,? he said, somewhat tentatively. He had been wondering if he had crossed the line the last time he assisted her. She had a habit of playing backgammon online and punishing herself when she lost. He sometimes oversaw her punishments to ensure her safety. The last time she had lost badly and, though her self-imposed punishment had...

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The Cruel Game of Backgammon

The Cruel Game of Backgammon by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?Why backgammon?? ?Because it has been called a cruel game and I want to play a cruel game.? Leslie smiled at her friend. ?It’s cruel because you’re going to give yourself a penalty for losing?? Craig frowned in return. ?No. The game is cruel in itself.? ?How can backgammon be cruel apart from your self-imposed penalties? It’s just a dice game.? ?It’s cruel because of the element of chance. There’s a lot of strategy behind backgammon, but if...

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Briannas Backdraft

There was a fire in me, and it took four of them to put it out. I played along with my husband’s sermon about me being a bad girl who needed this “punishment.” He was like a priest wanting to exorcise the demons out of me. I just wanted to close my mind, free myself of any pride, open my legs, and enjoy the pillaging these boys were about to commit on my body.Julian wanted me humble and hesitant, I guess. That’s probably why he was frowning as I danced my little butt off for the boys at his...

Wife Lovers
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Sexpionage 3 Blowback

'Blowback' is a term originating from within the Central Intelligence Agency, explaining the unintended consequence and unwanted side-effects of a covert operation. Reflecting signs of a rapprochement between Belarus and the USA, both countries had recently appointed diplomatic ambassadors to one another. Russia had stopped the energy talks but there was clearly a more determined intent to develop a mutual understanding between the USA and the Russian Federation’s near...

4 years ago
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babysitters Revenge Backfires

Jeana lies down on her bed flustered while scrolling through her Instagram feed, trying to get her mind of her coming week. Thanks to her loving mother, Jeana now was forced to babysit a little twerp named David; for an entire fortnight. Jeana scrolls from picture to picture looking at all the fun she could be having over Her summer holiday. Not to mention that she had spent the last few months going to the gym, enduring the constant stares from the 'chads' who roam the gym like they own it; at...

3 years ago
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Amas Paranormal Quickies 2 Greyback

Ama after her experience in her new house. Became a junkie. Addicted to paranormal sex. It took her a few weeks of digging but she believed she found another haunted location that would suit her... needs. She found an abandoned road where many women have claimed they were raped by a confederate ghost. She did research and found out a confederate unit was attacked by general Sherman located by the Mississippi. And one of many skirmish’s. She studied the geography and found the road was...

1 year ago
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The Backpacker

I loved the wide open roads of this land, far different from the roads back home where your views are hidden by hedgerows. The furthest one can see is about a hundred yards without seeing a house or habitation somewhere. Here one can see as far as the horizon with the road disappearing into space and not a sign of life either side. One has to be careful walking Australian roads, for drivers have a bad habit of trying to knock down walkers and cyclists. That is why there are so many bodies...

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