1993Chapter 3 Sammy is vindicated
- 4 years ago
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1993-94: Homeback Confidential
Not much sex in the first part of this story. Much more feelings than fuckings, as this is an account of my return home after Operation ‘Restore Hope’ in Somalia. It was the moment in which I experienced the strongest feelings ever, the real turning point in my life. The story starts in October 1993 in the burning desert of central Somalia, and ends after New Years Eve in the cold and wet Dutch winter.
We were close to the end of our turn of Mission.
76th Mech Regiment came to relief us in the North, and we left Belet Weyne in the end of October.
WHA had left just a week before us, probably after confirming the information that ENI gave up with the prospections… Just as Total and Aral did a month earlier.
In Balad, Legnano Brigade took over Folgore Brigade responsibilities, and our term of duty in Africa was close to end. We withdrew our forces in our larger camp in Bulo Burti, where our logistic assets were, and handed over the troublesome Northern Sector to our cousins of the 76th, getting ready for home. Voice was that our replacements were going to be the last in UNOSOM.
I agreed. There was no point to be there and risking our boys for people who couldn’t care less for peace, Democracy or even for their own children’s life. They weren’t starving anymore, so our main humanitarian task was accomplished, as for our economic interests were concerned, it was pretty clear that there was no interest in staying, so it was due time to make it for home…
We made a last attempt at helping while in Bulo Burti. The Hawadle tribe, the one that represents the majority in our region, were bordering to their South with the Abgal, another tribe that was dominant down to the coast including our sector of Mogadishu. Along their border lay a small canal, which took the river water inland for a few kilometres and was called ‘Chinese’ since it had been dig by them during the previous regime.
Well, the two tribes were clashing nightly to control it. Hundreds of people died since we came in the area, to no avail.
We called a conference, and offered them a solution: we were to dig a second canal in the opposite side of the river, so each tribe could have its own one and cultivate along its banks.
The Somalis looked at us like if we were stupid.
It didn’t work like that, they finally explained to us: it wasn’t a matter of simple ownership of the canal, which was irrelevant to them as such. The canal was just a prize to fight for, and eventually win. Fighting was for men, cultivating was for women, and the second didn’t matter to them…
‘We will dig the canal anyway,’ our Colonel said, ‘And then we will see.’
‘Okay,’ the two chiefs said, satisfied: ‘And we will fight for it too.’
At that point, we just kicked them out of our camp.
I visited Gialalaxi small hospital.
There was an Italian civilian missionary there, working alone. She was a professional nurse who spent all her life in Africa, mostly in Senegal. She was disgusted.
‘You see that old woman sitting next to the bed where the girl is lying down the ward?’
‘Yes, I see.’ I said, ‘Is she her grandmother?’
‘Nope. She’s her mother, but it doesn’t matter. Do you know why she’s sitting there?’
‘I suppose she’s caring for her child.’
‘Nay. She’s waiting for me to look away, so that she can steal the food in her tray.’
‘What! She will steal the food to her own ill child?’
‘That’s right. She says the child has to die anyway, so she should get the food instead, since she does gonna live.’
‘That’s disgusting!’
The older woman looked at me: ‘No, that’s just Somalia. There is much worse. Have you ever seen how girls get infibulated at birth? Almost one third of them die of it… And all the others will bear the pain for the rest of their life.’
Infibulation… Female castration. We knew about it. It was the second reason, after the stench, why during the whole tour only two soldiers of our Regiment went with local girls. They reported their comrades the worst sexual experience of their whole life. The poor girls were not simply dirty and smelling beyond tolerance: they were like dead corpses during coupling, since they were simply not feeling anything, and nobody could ever teach them how to fake…
But you can’t ever criticize that tradition, since it was a religious local belief and you should never criticize religion… It’s not politically correct.
We weren’t the only ones that were departing.
Suddenly, there were lots of US convoys moving along the Imperial Road, reducing the UN stockpiles in Belet Weyne German camp. These convoys were usually spending the night at our camp, so we saw scores of their giant trailers, carrying hundreds of German containers up and down from Moga.
One day, one of those columns that stopped in was commanded by a female colleague.
In her case ‘Female’ was just a definition, since she clearly wasn’t a male, but the poor lady is still the ugliest human being I saw since I was born. She was peer-shaped, so small and fat that it was faster to climb her over than pass round her, and all her skin was ruined by acne.
If women were all like her, I would be gay, and happy.
Still being the guy in charge of security, that night I took just another tour of the camp, inspecting the defences and the people on duty.
Everything was on order, but in the guards tent a man on rest shift was missing.
He might as well be at the toilet, but hell, I had nothing to do, so I went looking for him.
It took over half an hour to find him. I started getting worried, when I suddenly heard a moan coming from underneath one of the parked US trailers.
I went for the sound and suddenly enlightened between the wheels with my maglight.
And there my missing soldier lay, together with the American Captain.
He was taking her like a dog, and I can’t blame him for the choice of the position, since that way he wasn’t seeing her face…
Okay, I got my man. He was sound, safe and happy, and I was happy for him too… I switched the torch off and said: ‘Sorry guys, go on.’
Then I went.
I heard a gasp, a groan, scruffy movements, and then somebody running after me.
I turned, and there the colleague was, running for me while desperately trying to pull her trousers up.
‘Sir,’ she called in a raucous whisper, ‘Sir! Please…’
I was sorry for the anticlimax, it was the second time during my mission in Somalia I interrupted someone having fun. So I offered, ‘Don’t worry, and get back at it. It doesn’t matter…’
She was panicking: ‘Sir, please, do not report! I didn’t intend to… I’ll never…’
I turned again, trying to dismiss the case: ‘Don’t worry, really. There is nothing wrong for me… We have no regulation about this, so go on and have fun…’
She grabbed by arm: ‘Sir, you don’t understand! He’s a private, I’m a Captain… I’d lost my ranks, they will court-marshal me…’
‘No, they won’t,’ I tried to reassure her, still trying to walk away, growing more and more embarrassed with her still clumsily trying to make herself presentable while still holding my arm: ‘You can screw whoever you like here, as long as you are off-duty, consenting adults and there is no danger for the camp. So go back to your friend, he must be so frustrated!’
She was almost crying, and I wonder weather she was understanding me: ‘Sir, please…’
‘Leave me alone!’ I ordered, now really pissed, getting rid of her grip: ‘I told you it’s okay. Go away!’
She gave up. I walked away and she disappeared in the darkness.
The day after, during the morning parade for the flag rising, I reported the night news to the Colonel, and mentioned the sexy detail. The US column had left at first light heading south, and there was nothing w
rong to smile a bit…
‘Really?’ he smiled, flabbergasted: ‘That Captain? But she was ugly!’
I smiled: ‘I know, sir. But still, it’s six months now since…’
‘Take the guy to me. I want to talk to him.’
‘Sir, I remind you our Regulation doesn’t mention…’
‘I know. I just want to ask him a question.’
The young Bersagliere wasn’t so happy when I took him to the Commander, but wasn’t worried either. I suspect he didn’t want his comrades discover he had been so desperate…
‘Okay, child,’ the Colonel said in his tent: ‘Don’t worry, no harm done. But you have to explain me: she was really bad. How could you?’
The soldier looked his commander as if he couldn’t explain. Then he shrugged: ‘Sir, you stand right. She was revolting. But see it under my point of view: I did fuck a goddamned Captain!’
The Colonel and I burst into laughing.
Time to go home.
The 3rd Bersaglieri Regiment came to relief us, and I was placed in charge of the very first party on the way back to Europe. I suppose it was kind of a reward from the Colonel for my work, and also an acknowledgement of my family problems.
I had managed to re-establish contact with Karin and told her I would be back around the 15th of November. She jumped with joy back in Holland, and just told me she would be there.
And then, I lost contact with her again.
Why my life always has to be so complicated?
I drove my column south along the Imperial Road, dreaming of my girlfriend and thinking back of all what had happened since we came. I arrived as a rookie: however experienced in my own business, I had never been in operation before. Now, I was leaving as a veteran: I got my first fire and my first blood. I have seen the real thing. I met enemies. I killed enemies. I have seen death and challenged it.
I was changed forever, and knew it.
It was like a turning point. I left a boy, I was coming back a man. I felt like the preparation phase of my life was over, and I was ready to live and experience life under my own, firm control.
I felt ready to meet the World as never before.
As for Africa, I was glad to leave it forever…
If I only could imagine!
We settled in Moga airport camp, the same I arrived six months earlier as green as you can be.
We weren’t green anymore. We were tanned, almost burned. I had lost all fat deposits, and my cheeks were gone forever… Something my mum would miss.
We had to stay a couple of days in that hell of a place, with absolutely nothing to do and nowhere to go, in the goddamned transit area, with sand and wind and the noise of the helicopters, and soldiers from over thirty nations roaming around in an apparent total chaos… And I wonder how apparent.
Our flight was taken over by wounded, the 76th Regiment took casualties in Belet Weyne, including their own Commander. They went for the only target in town we hadn’t been through, the one I had briefed about requiring at least a full coy to sweep… And they went there with a platoon.
Bad idea. Seven wounded boys, luckily none too serious. And about twenty Somali killed. I wondered how bad mutual relationships were now in the smelly town… Maybe, knowing how the Somalis think, they may well have been improved.
We got to board our C-130, both the casualties of the 76th and us. I sat close to the wounded Commander: he got a stone in the eye, badly, and his retina had fallen. He was bloody angry, and looking forward to come back and break a few heads in payback.
I couldn’t blame him.
The flight was long, and this time I got no wine tetra packs to lie on: the plane was crowded. But I didn’t care.
I was going home.
This time the stop over in Luxor went on unnoticed, and we finally landed in Pisa late in the afternoon… To realize in Europe it was winter.
Damn it was cold! We were acclimatized to the Equator, and still wearing tropical uniforms, our sleeves up and no jacket… But we didn’t care.
We were going home.
A bus from my own Regiment picked us up. A bus!
God, I remembered the thing that surprised me the most was the traffic lights. They looked so strange!
We drove from Pisa to Milan, and then to the Regiment base, in Legnano, where we arrived around midnight.
It was unreal: we gave our weapons away. We lived with them for so long, I felt castrated handing over pistol and rifle. But no, I didn’t care.
I lined up my soldiers, including my Intelligence aid, and they saluted. I saluted back.
We were at home.
I couldn’t wait.
I made a call to the hotel next to the camp, where my parents were waiting, and had my dad waken up.
He run to pick me up by car… It was weird to see him. The old soldier had been a boy partisan during the last year of World War two, and then in the Army for the rest of his life, through all of the Cold War, without shooting a bulled. Then I joined the Army myself, and he was just the veteran looking down at me. Now, it was different: I was the veteran now, back home from war overseas.
We shook hands, and then we hug. I was embarrassed how dirty I was, still with my sweat- and sand- stained battledress uniform.
‘Where is mum?’ I asked.
‘She’s waiting for us at the hotel… Let’s go.’
‘And… Do you know anything…’
‘Karin is here,’ dad said: ‘She’s in our same hotel.’
We jumped in the car… I think I’ve never been happier in my life. I was back home from war. I was satisfied with myself. I got back my family. And the woman of my life was there, waiting for me!
There was something wrong, but I couldn’t see what. How could something be wrong? I was home!
My mother was walking up and down in front of the Hotel entrance. I run to her, and I saw she was crying. I thought it was joy, and felt so happy…
We hug, and I kissed her.
She kissed me back, and then her first words were: ‘Oh my God, Roberto… Let go of her!’
My mother lost me forever that very moment.
‘W-what do you mean?’ I stumbled.
‘Let go of Karin,’ she repeated, as clearly as she could. ‘Send her back where she comes from, and forget her!’
I couldn’t believe it. Her son was back from war, sound and safe, happier than he has ever been in his whole life to meet back his parents and the girl he loves, and the very first thing his mum tells him is not, welcome home, but leave the girl you love!
I knew they never met before. I knew my folks couldn’t speak English. I knew Karin was different…
But I could never think of this.
It was a nightmare.
‘Mum, what the hell are you saying?’
She cried.
My father came in: ‘We met her in her room this morning. She was drunk.’
‘And?’ I could only say.
Fucking hell, of course the poor girl was drunk! She left all what she had to come to see me, all her world was behind her shoulders, and there she was, stuck in a hotel in a small town abroad, not ever knowing when her lover would show up… No money, nobody to talk to… Plus, she was Karin. Of course she was drunk!
But I couldn’t say anything like that, and anyway they would never understand. It was too far away from their world and mentality, the pure idea of Karin loneliness, of her desperation, and of her wholehearted hope in me.
‘Her bedroom was a mess, there was an empty bottle of spirit on the drawer, and she smelled of alcohol so bad…’
‘Did you ever think of warning her you were going to her room?’ I asked.
‘How could we, she can’t say a word!’
My God, it was a nightmare. I wanted to wake up.
‘Get rid of her…’ my mother sobbed again.
‘Are you asking me to choose between you and her?’ I asked, cooler than I had ever been.
They couldn’t see it, I had changed so much. I felt so much different from when I left,
and suddenly I realized that something had broken down, and would never be back as before. Damage was done, and since I had changed so much, I could not recover it. Suddenly, my parents didn’t matter as much as they used to be anymore.
I felt betrayed. Taken aback in the moment that I thought of as the finest of my life.
They said nothing, so I spoke.
‘Well, that’s fine,’ I said: ‘I chose Karin. Goodbye.’
I moved past my mother into the hotel, ignoring any further words from them.
I Heard: ‘Roberto…’ but it was too late.
Too late forever.
I asked the reception where Ms Van Heineken was sleeping, and the receptionist asked me who I was.
I told him, and he smiled: ‘Oh, yes. Ms Van Heineken was waiting for you any time. Her room is 65, just beside yours, which is 64.’
She was waiting for me…
I run upstairs.
Room 65. I knocked, nothing. I banged, nothing.
I could cry, the urge to see her was so strong. I rushed to my room, opened it, threw my backpack on the bad and grabbed the phone.
I called her room.
It rang. And rang.
Oh my God, possible that she was stoned? Oh my God…
Karin. Her sleepy voice… Her sweet voice.
‘Karin, my love…’
‘Roberto! Where are you?’
How many feelings in one time you can hear in somebody’s voice? Excitement. Relief. Love.
‘I’m here, my love. Just next room! I couldn’t wake you up, so…’
‘Oh God, I was sleeping so deep… Come!’
I run back to the corridor, and didn’t manage to bang door 65 again, because she opened before I reached it.
No, she wasn’t stoned at all, my poor love! She was there, more awake and more beautiful than ever… Only a tee shirt and knickers on, and her wonderful blue eyes so big and open!
I clashed into her so strongly that I worried to hurt her… And then I reminded how strong her ballerina body was, and we just rolled on the carpet floor holding each other, laughing and crying and kissing like young sweethearts…
And we were… Young at heart, and so much in love!
Have you ever been back at home from war? Only the ones of you who did can truly understand. People back from Vietnam, from the Falklands or from Iraq, who made it back to see their beloved ones… The ones who held their promised girl in their arms feeling all her relief and love after the long separation. The ones who can finally feel all the hope in an easier, happy future together.
Only you, comrades and friends, you who probably withstood much worse than I did, you can understand what I felt, finally holding my girl at my chest and kissing her breathless, feeling like the World a wonderful place is after all, and our home is the best place in the world… Because there is where our love is!
It was the best moment of my life, just as I had been foreseeing for so long, in the dark nights of Somalia.
I whish I had shared it with my parents, but I didn’t. Still, it was like paradise on Heart, only it was just for the two of us.
Karin, my sweet fallen angel, so beautiful, so strong and weak at one time, and always so brave… Karin was in my arms, and never, never going to part again.
We kissed passionately, almost desperately.
We kissed for what seemed to me hours, like if we needed to compensate for the lost time. And we did need to compensate… After a while, my hands started to move along Karin’s body, slipping down from her back to her bottom, grabbed her small, firm buttocks and squeezed them tight.
She was getting wild herself, shacking and moaning while playing with her tongue like she knew and grinding with her groin against mine like she was trying to fuck me through my fatigue.
I slid her panties on the side and slipped a finger in the crack between her buttocks, finding her blond, soft bush already moist.
‘Hmmm…’ she moaned in my mouth, ‘Oh my God, Yes! Yes, you’re touching me, at last…’
I felt her hands working on my groin, trying to free my manhood from its camouflaged prison, and I lost any control. I pushed her away a second, and revered into her enlightened smile, her beautiful hair, her joyful eyes, and more down, her already hardened nipples trying to pierce her thin tee shirt.
Then everything happened in a blur. Karin jumped on me, pulling away my belt, unbuttoning my jacket, tearing open my trousers, and throwing everything away as soon as she managed to. I just filled my hands with all her gorgeous curves and ripped her panties in the urge of getting rid of them.
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IncestI'll Give You a Ride Home By Jessica Aireson When I was in college I met an older divorcee by accident when she knocked on the wrong apartment door, mine. She was a very attractive woman and we hit it off right away. We started dating soon thereafter. I loved the way she dressed and she soon learned that I had a fetish for high heels and always wore five inch pumps or sandals to my great appreciation. I also had a serious fetish for sexy girls smoking long menthol cigarettes and...
“Gods should be exempt from human passions.” -Euripides, “The Bacchae” *** Eros arrived. He could already tell he had quite a mess on his hands. There were two of them, a man and a woman, both in love with the other, though neither knew it yet. Eros plucked the string on his bow over and over (an idle gesture that annoyed friends, but helped him concentrate) while the two humans slept and the red numbers of the clock glowed in the dark. Why did he always show up for the hard...
This happened around 5 years back when I went to a marriage of a distant relative with my mom. We went to Mumbai for the marriage. We reached around 2 days before the marriage of my relative who was 5 years elder than me. Bride side was also from Delhi and so all the arrangements were to be looked after by the groom side. I was doing my bit by helping my cousin with the marriage arrangements. On the day of the engagement, I became friends with Shweta, the girl whom my cousin was getting married...
The low, flatbed ranch truck with the generator mounted on it was slowly making its way to the switching station from the helicopters. As the crowd parted to let it through, the camera’s flashed and the news cams rolled, recording each segment of the activities. There was a large, temporary stage built near the main switch that would divert the Oklahoma City utilities to our New-Age Power Module. On the stage, I saw the President and Vice President, and many of the top military brass. The...
The Day After By Bill Hart It was the day after Halloween once again. I thanked my lucky stars that I remained unscathed and had somehow managed to live through another of those dreaded celebrations of Samhain. After finally arriving home from an exceptionally long and tedious day at work, I'd locked all my doors and turned out every light. I wanted nothing to disturb my retreat from the revelers of the day. And I certainly wanted no annoying disturbances from any wayward...
My best friend that I grew up in elementry school with and I met this girl in our late high school years. She was so good looking. Brunette hair, blue eyes, the face of a model, 5'9", c cup and 130 lbs. She always turned heads when she walked into a room. We both had a crush on her and he was what the girls called a pertty boy. She ended up being his girlfriend and I was her good friend. That sucked for me because I was head over heals for her and I had to watch him be with her. We all hanged...
Her point of viewSandra has been excited all day long. Tonight was going to be the night she would feel a hard big black cock for the first time in her life. At work she couldn't keep her mind on her job, it just kept drifting back to last week. Driving home with her husband Jim, from a night on the town the converstation turned onto fantasies.She couldn't remember what brought up the subject, but it got her arroused, arroused a lot.Thoughts were racing through her mind, 'could she tell him...
The New Slave The New Slave Putting down my paintbrush, I looked at the clock and saw I had only ten minutes until Master William would arrive.? I covered up the painting and put the brushes away, thinking all the time about the strange direction my life had taken over the last two years.? By the time I had put away my paints and put on the handcuffs Master William insisted I wear each time he visited, it was almost time. I felt the rush of fear I always felt before he arrived and worst...
I saw her coming out of the shower naked one day. I had just woken up and my bedroom door was open. I know I had closed it when i went to sleep in the early hours that morning as I always did as I preferred to sleep naked..I was staying at a friend’s house whilst working on a contract in Richmond. Due to the nature of my job, I got in at about 5am, and went straight to bed. John would be away by 8am and I normally got up around lunchtime. Jessica and I would normally have lunch together and...
She heard him approaching from behind. Putting down the vegetables and peeler, she stepped back, spread her feet apart and bent over on the countertop. He raised the back of her short dress and his hard shaft probed for the familiar target. She made small pleasure noises as it gained entry and filled her warm and wet receptacle. She could tell it was the wider and circumcised brown cock, even if the longer and uncut black one hadn’t just been in there ten minutes earlier. His brown hands cupped...
Lessons Learned Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I walked in the house and saw my parents sitting there, you could have killed me with a feather! They weren't supposed to be home, so I had gotten dressed and gone out with my best friend to a show. We traded stares for a moment, then I started for my bedroom to change and go to bed. Wait a minute young...lady" came dad's voice, "come back in here right now!" Now, since I am their son, you can guess how I was...
5. Hastings Branding.Some years ago I was a resident of Hastings Sussex, amongst other things I had an allotment and a young couple used to have a plot near mine, (well she did really he just had a deckchair and watched!)She was a pretty little thing and like all men when the wife was not with me I spent a bit of time chatting her up, nothing serious just in passing, but we built up a sort of rough friendship, her partner [I thought hubby] was an out and out layabout of the first order.Anyway...
Charles: To form a more perfect Union 1) ________________ 2) Public face 3) Arguments 4) Bills 5) Cooking 6) Sniping 7) Workdays 8) Decor 9) Socializing 10) Kath stays solvent Kathleen: It will be OUR house. (1) Society (and church?) (3) All sorts of pleasure from sex (6) Learn to clean (4) Mrs. Johnson? (2) Time for ourselves (9) Allowing me freedom of judgement (10) Expanding the menu (7) Entertaining your family (8) Contribution to HB clinic (5) After dinner Sunday, Kathleen and...
Hi me aniket .Me 1st year engg madhe ahe. Mazda ghari me ani maze mummy pappa rahatat.Pappa business man ahet mummy housewife ahe.Mummy 39 years chi ahe goripan sexy .Ti nehami saree nesate tichi saree nesaychi paddhat khup vegali ahe ti nehami bembichya khup khali sadi nesate . Sadi pan transparent aste.Tichya hya paddhati mule sagle lok tichyvar line martat ti nehami madak makeup karte . Tichi bembi nehami ugadi aslyamule khup lok tichya potala ,gorya dandala pathila hat lavaycha prayatna...
After having my first S&M session and enjoying the power that my alter-ego of Danica exuded, I wanted more. I had a few more weekends with my original transvestite sub, but I was always left with the impression that he wasn't into it as much as I was. As I cleaned up my make-up and put on my male attire one Saturday afternoon, I told him that I'd had a wonderful time with him, but our time together was at an end. He didn't protest. 'If you think it's for the best..' he meekly proclaimed. 'I...
Hello friends mera naam pat 29 yr male from mumbai, meri behan ka naam smita hai, uski uamr 24 yr hai, dikhne mai savli hai, par uska figure bahut hi mast hai, uska figure 36 32 38 hai, mera ek dost hai uska naam amit hai, hum dono ko randiya chodne ka shauk tha, hum mumbai ke kamatipura mai randiya chodne jaate the, waha humare kuch dost ban gaye the jo ki waha ke dalal the, unka naam rashid, usman aur shakil hai, ek din woh charo dost diwali pe mere ghar aaye the, maine unko meri behan smiat...
It was one of those boring days again. John would make me sit as still as I could, and use me as he always did whenever he had a sudden epiphany to paint. “keep quiet and just help me, darling,” he would mutter whenever I made a peep of complaint, and he would silence me completely with a long and hard kiss before he stepped away from me, his eyes never leaving me, and sit again at his infernal favorite position, behind the painting easel with the paintbrush held in his left hand.You see, John...
Quickie SexWhen Michelle got into Seattle and checked into her hotel, she texted me that she had arrived and sent several pictures of the suite. The honeymoon suite was absolutely beautiful. It had a sunken hot tub in one corner, a king size bed, and mirrors on the ceiling over the bed. I had ordered roses on the nightstands and a bottle of their best champagne. A few minutes later, she sent another text, “Are you sure? Can stay in room and come home tomorrow.” I was imagining how beautiful my wife was...
Shower Sex with her Best Friend (3) He came and looked around the corner, sleepy eyed, saw two humps in the bed, and went back to bed. We waited. Soon we heard him snoring. We slowly moved and giggled. She turned and laid on top of me. We resumed our quest to have a dual climax. I could feel our wet pussys together. We were both dripping our juices. I felt her body up and down as she sucked on my tits so nicely. Without saying we wanted to climax together, and it built up higher as we...
An envelope was handed to me by someone I didn’t catch the face of - its markings were striking and familiar. It was pink in color, with yellow decorative ribbons along the side, and sealed with a wax imprint of the most famous letter in Davinci High - K. I hurried into a bathroom stall and paused, staring at the letter for a moment, before, as carefully as possible. In my haste, I broke the wax imprint in half. Ms. Doe, We’ve been watching you for some time and we believe that you may have...
LesbianInked MILF Ivy Lebelle has been doing porn for about two years, and she has discovered a lot about her sexuality since then. She’s learned that she loves rough sex, and she gravitates to BDSM scenes the most. She can be an intense dom, but she can also be submissive. Today, this beautiful-eyed MILF punishes a horny boy, teasing him with her perky tits. She sits on his face and makes him worship her juicy MILF slit. Then, she finally lets him slip his dick inside her pink pussy and fuck her...
xmoviesforyouFather Son Bonding I heard the SUV coming up the dirt road, and I quickly told Tom to hide in the other room. Peeking through the blinds, I saw my wife Jenny at the wheel and ... damn ... my daughter Amanda beside her. I would have expected they would be quiet and even nervous, as I was, but they seemed to be sharing a joke. The back of the Yukon, I could tell, was filled with boxes and bags, so at least, I figured, had brought everything we'd asked them to. Jenny was first to the...
Matthew was immediately struck by Cupid’s arrow. David, on the other hand, was riddled with guilt over his encounter with Matt. He cried most of the night as he lay in bed with a picture of Joshua. He could not escape the words that Josh recorded on the CD he burned for him. David got out of bed and retrieved the CD and slipped his headphones over his ears. He knew it by memory because he’d listened to it so many times before. He also liked to listen to the song that Josh burned. The song meant...
GayOk, this is my revised story, hopefully all the horrible grammar errors are gone as well as a few new things added. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. * The air was crisp as I walked down 7th avenue. The air was always crisp this time of year. It was especially cool this morning. I used to love walking in the mornings, it always made me feel healthier. I didn’t always get to walk early though. My job always had me working nights, so I cam home and crashed. I would get up around noon...
ARTICLE FROM; PROFESIONAL BULL’S JOURNALCASE: 203 LAUREL & DAN, HOBOKEN, NEWJERSEYBY: BRONX-BULL JOEA large number of the cuckold stories that I have read take the point of view ofthe husband because it is sexually exciting to many to read about the physical and psychologicalturmoil that he goes through in learning to take his place serving his wife and her lover. However, Ithink you will gain a much better understanding of what it is like to be a dominant man if I tell my storyfrom my...
Whitney Wright is ready to have some hot fun with all of you but she is super excited to meet and fuck the gorgeous newbie Kiarra Kai! She strips from her pink shirt and shows you that sexy ass that you crave to see and gets all naughty stripping down Kiarras bra with her teeth and sucking on her toes! Kiarra just loves all the attention and must find her way to Whitneys hot little pussy to return that pleasure right back! They scissor on the hitachi and even bring out the Sybian to end the...
xmoviesforyouShe entered the room softly on bare feet, midnight blue silk of her robe skimming her curves and fluttering around her thighs with the gentle sway of her hips. She saw him sitting in the chair, candlelight glinting off the silk of his black robe. He held a crop in one hand, tapping it into the palm of the other. Their eyes met and electricity crackled in the air between them. Her arms reached up to loosen her hair, the lustrous black mane flowing about her shoulders, tumbling to her waist and...
MAAN MARYADA-PRATEEBHA KI ATAM KATHA-II “Prateebha, tumhara “Maan Maryayda” mein swagat hai. Main sab se pehle sabhi ghar ke members se tera introduction karwati hoon. Pehle tum milo mere bade bete Kunwar Raj ko jo ke Kunwar Suraj ka bada bhai hai aur yeh hai Prabha uski biwi,” Maine dekha ke Suraj ka bhai koi 24 saal ka 6 feet lamba gora mard tha jis ka badan kafi shaktishaali lagta tha. Vo hamesha muskurata rehta tha. Uski brown akhon mein shararat dikhayi padhti thi aur Prabha bhi bala ki...
CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE "Don't you look cute!" Mom said when she saw me. I turned slowly and modelled the little nightie for the three of them. "Adorable!" Mom said. "Wow!" my brothers both said. "Do you like how you look in that, sweetie? I bought it because I thought the girl in the picture looked a lot like you, but I thought you'd probably never wear it." "I like it a lot," I said. "It's cute. But you guys can see me like this and still treat me normal, right?" They all promised me that...
I posted this on my blog some time ago, lost my nerve and deleted it... now I want to write it again.One afternoon when I was in university, I was about to join a lecture in a very old building. First I needed to visit the toilet which was in the basement.As I exited the toilet, I noticed that the female toilet entrance was directly across the hallway. It was very quiet - not many people came down here apart from between lectures. I realised that I could easily see when the female toilet was...
I am 20 years old with a handsome look, and i have a special attraction towards women with large boobs and ass. One such women was my bhabhi she was 26 years old and she was from west bengal. She was very good looking and she could lure anyone at the first sight. It was hot summer and i was at my brothers place who used to stay in delhi and i was there on a official trip. My brother used to go early in the morning to his office and return late in the night. They did not have any children as it...
A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? This time: Rob deals with more humiliation from his wife as he descends further into his feminine persona. Chapter 7 Rob found his way back to the house with little trouble. He was in no hurry because he was spending as much time thinking as he was driving. Why did it feel so good while he had been...
Something about holding a woman in my arms again lulled me off to sleep. For several hours the hurricane raged without me. Truth be told, I was too tired to keep vigil and the sleep I got was the good kind. When I awoke the next time, Ann Marie was still using me for a pillow but her eyes were open and she was watching me sleep. I know something about watching people sleep, because I loved to watch my loves sleep for hours at a time. I especially loved watching Colleen and more recently,...