1993Chapter 4: Reaching Florida free porn video

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We slept through the eleven o'clock checkout time and had to pay for a second night so we decided to stay in St. Augustine for another day.

It was too late for breakfast. In fact, the lunch hour was winding down. The waitresses were seated at a table at the rear of the restaurant. One of them rushed to meet us at the door, warned us to stay clear of the wet floor where a busboy was mopping, and guided us to an out-of-the-way table.

"You look like you just got out of bed," she said, as she placed menus in front of us.

"We had a long travel day yesterday," I explained.

"The specials are all gone. Everything on the left side of the menu is available. Would you like coffee or something to drink?"

We'd had coffee in the room, but Megan and I looked at each other before saying, "Yes, coffee."

She walked to the table where her co-workers were seated, spoke to the youngest member of the group, and took a seat at the table. The younger girl put on a fresh pot of coffee, and came to our table to tell us that it would be ready very soon. Her name tag read, 'Sally, ' and she couldn't have been over seventeen.

"You all know what you want or do you need a minute to decide?"

"We haven't decided yet," Megan said, smiling at the girl. "What do you recommend?"

"The cook's on his break until four. Molly makes a pretty good turkey club. Would you like fries?"

She was posed to write our order on her pad, but paused when she saw that we were undecided. She leaned down and whispered, "The turkey's fresh, and I'll make sure she cooks the bacon good."

We grinned at each other and nodded at Sally.

"Is pumpernickel okay?"

We told her pumpernickel would be fine.

"Fries?" she asked again.

We nodded. She took our menus and left to hand the order to the older waitress who had seated us. She was back in seconds with two steaming cups of coffee.

"What's there to do here?" I asked.

Sally was not tall. She shifted her weight to her right foot, stretching her uniform to the side.

"There's not much. We work and go to the beach. That's about it."

"Are we keeping you from going to the beach?" I asked, noting how tan her arms were.

"No, we go in the morning. My boyfriend works the night shift. We like to get there before the crowds, when it's not so hot."

"What about school?" Megan asked.

Sally frowned. "How old do you think I am? I graduated last year."

Megan started to apologize for assuming the girl was still in high school, but Sally was gone, probably to make sure our bacon was cooked 'good'.

Our sandwiches arrived, covered with French fries. Sally brought the coffee pot to the table and refilled our cups. I tried to find out if the town had a running track, but all Sally was sure about was how to get to the beach. "You should go," she said, speaking more to Megan than to me.

After lunch, we walked around aimlessly until we approached a man sitting in a horse drawn carriage.

"I'll show you this old town," he said, and for the next hour, he drove us through the streets, talking constantly about the history of the town. It was five o'clock when we got back to the place where we'd first seen him.

"What now?" I asked.

"Let's go back to the room," she said. I smiled to show her that I liked the idea. She bumped my ass and slipped her hand in mine.

It was a four block walk, and I teased her the entire time.

"I want to see it," I said.


"You know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't," she said, blushing to show that she knew, exactly.

"Did you shave it for me?"

"No," she answered, indignantly.

"Is that the first time you shaved it?"

She tried to look thoughtful, like she couldn't remember. From the way she was blushing, I knew that it was. "No," she said, bluffing.

"It was the first time, and you did it for me, didn't you?"

She bumped my ass again. "Did you like it?"

Now she was the one teasing. I couldn't let her get by with that.

"I need to see it to see if you did a good job."

"You liked it in the dark and you'll like it in the light."

"Why didn't you stay on top of me last night?"

I felt her squeeze my hand before she answered. "It's not as easy that way as it is when you're on your stomach, and anyway, you're thing woke me."

"My thing woke you? Are you saying I got hard?"

Megan stopped walking, and took on a serious look as we stood face to face. "Sammy, don't try to tell me you slept through that."

"Slept through what?"

She started to walk again, faster than before. I asked repeatedly what she was talking about. She wouldn't tell me. When we got inside the room, she began stripping off her clothes.

"I'm going to show you, and then we'll go for a run. Do you know which direction we should go, or do we need to ask someone?"

"Megan, what did I do? Why are you acting this way?"

Her T-shirt was on the floor, and she was unhooking her bra. I watched her kick off her sneakers and unbutton the shorts she'd put on that morning. I stopped her when she was down to her panties.

"Megan, I was teasing. You don't have to show me unless you want to."

"You want to inspect me and I want to show you that I did a good job," she said, lowering her panties to the floor and stepping out of them. She came to within a foot from me and stopped, watching me for my reaction to her bald pussy.

I could have easily reached out and touched her, on the tummy, her inner thigh or even her pussy, but there was something about the way she was watching me that made me hold back. Her gaze was steady, and there was no sign of arousal.

"You did a good job," I said, looking up at her.

"Thank you," she answered, moving away. "Let's get ready to go."

"Go? It's too early. Let's wait until it cools off out there."

She was going through her bag, pulling out running gear. Did she know that the way she was bending over was giving me an erection? "Sammy, we agreed that we were going to run. Get ready and let's go."

"I don't think you realize how hot it is. Anyway, I didn't finish inspecting the job you did."

"You said it was a good job," she reminded me.

"That was based on a preliminary examination. Visually, it looks like a good job."

"What other kind of examination is there?" she asked, dropping her running shorts as she turned to expose her naked pussy. I decided she knew the effect she was having on my cock.

"There's the touch method."

She looked at me, dispassionately, like the touch method was new to her. "You want to feel it, with your finger?"

"That's one way," I conceded.

"Is there another way?" she asked, showing mild interest.

"The lips are more sensitive than the fingers."

"Which lip?" she demanded to know.

"The lower one, I think, although, I could be wrong."

"If I let you feel me with your lower lip, will you be able to tell me if I did a good job?" she asked, as she approached.

A naked beauty was standing a foot away. I looked into her eyes, wondering how much more I could take.

"A thorough examination would involve feeling one side with my lower lip, and repeating the process on the other side with my upper lip," I said, looking for any indication that she was crumbling, and seeing none.

"The process?" she asked, incredulous.

"Yes, will you permit me to exercise the process as I described it?"

"You propose to feel one side of my pussy with your lower lip and the other side with your upper lip, and you call that a 'process?'"

"While my terminology may be somewhat ... ah ... primitive, I believe you get the idea."

"How long will this process take?"

"Not long at all," I said, encouraged by her question.

"How would we go about it?"

"You will lie on the bed."

"On my back?" she asked, already moving to the bed.

"Yes, please."

"Should I open ... why are you taking your clothes off?"

"Didn't I tell you? This is an important part of the process."

"No, you didn't tell me, but if it's important to the process, I suppose..."

Her legs were open, bent at the knees as she watched me lower my shorts to the floor. A gasp came to her lips when she saw how my cock was waving, fairly jumping really.

She sort of squirmed on the bed as I approached, repositioning her ass, making room for me. She showed definite signs of arousal. Her pussy lips were open, the aroma was pungent, and her breathing had quickened.

I watched with satisfaction as she gave me a 'get-on-with-it' look.

I expected her to complain that it wasn't part of the process when I blew hot air on her pussy. I looked up to see a shudder rock her body. Her mouth was open and her eyes were closed.

My lower lip brushed the side of her pussy. I did it again to make sure there was no stubble, and felt none. She opened her legs when I moved to the other side. My upper lip detected absolutely no stubble. A second pass confirmed my finding.

Her eyes shot open when she felt me move backward. "You're right. That was an excellent job you did."

I was on my feet when she spoke. "Sammy, the tongue is even more sensitive than the lips."

"Are you suggesting that I amend the process, Megan?"

"It's true. Everyone says the tongue is more sensitive than the lips."

"Everyone? Do you have proof that the tongue is more sensitive than the lips?"

She repositioned her ass, and I feared that she was going to give up. Couldn't she see the way my cock was waving? She closed her legs, and then opened them wide, to reveal a collection of moisture.

"It's only a theory that needs to be proven. It's worth a try, isn't it?"

She was no longer teasing. She was begging me to lick her pussy, and I was in no mood to tease either. I went right for her slit, not caring if she'd done a good job shaving or not.

Megan's hands were on my head, and she was making noises that I'd not heard before, raspy little votes of approval, as I wiggled my tongue from side to side, and furiously tried to suck her inside out. By the time I moved to her clit, she was screaming, "Don't stop, stop, don't stop, please stop!"

I paid no attention to her pleading until I felt her fingernails digging into the side of my head.

She was attempting to smile, but there were tears streaming from her eyes. I could see that she needed a minute to recover. I was wrong. At the end of three minutes she was still trembling.

I didn't want to wait any longer. My cock was aching. I moved up to take one of her nipples between my lips. She cradled my head in her hands, cooing to me. I glanced at her face as I switched to the other nipple. She must have recognized the need in my eyes.

"Hold that thought," she said, slipping out from under me and disappearing into the bathroom. She was back in seconds, taking her position on her back.

"I'm sorry, Sammy. I'll never tease you again," she said, as she guided my cock into her opening.

"Don't stop. I enjoy it."

"Not half as much as you're going to enjoy this," she said as she tucked her knees against her breasts, and used her arms to hold me close. I slid my hands under her ass to give her leverage. We didn't talk more. The teasing had gotten the better of me, and as hard as I tried, I didn't last long.

Megan just laughed at my attempt to apologize, saying she understood. "I got the best of that round," she giggled.

We lay side by side on our backs, resting, too exhausted to even think about getting off the bed.

"Does that mean you want another round?"

She wrinkled her nose, "Maybe."

"You're cute when you make that face."

"You're cute when you make up stuff like 'the process, '" she said, laughing as she placed her head on my chest.

I stoked her hair. "What did I do last night that aggravated you?"

She lifted her head. "It's what you didn't do."

"Did I really have a hardon? You could have had your way with me."

"No, I couldn't."

"What do you mean?"

"I tried. You just lay there, like you didn't know I existed."

"You tried? Does that mean what I think it means?"

"You wouldn't fuck me back," she said, so softly that I wasn't sure if I'd heard her correctly.

"Did I go soft?"

She absent-mindedly licked my nipple before answering, "No."

"What made you stop? Why didn't you have your fun?"

"It's not the same if you don't fuck me back."

"It had been a long day. I was tired," I replied, trying to justify the reason I had not done my part.

"I know, but I took it as a rejection."

"Come here," I said, pulling her to me. "I would never knowingly reject you."

Her lips were soft, but her kiss was brief. "Hey, let's go for that run. That way, we'll only need to take one shower."

"Okay," I said, getting to my feet, "but don't be so sure that we won't need more than one shower."

She looked at me, suspiciously, before she understood my point, and then she smiled that cute, affectionate smile.

We must have reeked of sex as we ran through the streets. I didn't mind the smell; it distracted me from the oppressive heat. If the heat or the smell bothered Megan, she didn't let on. Once we found the beach, the ocean air melted some of the stench away.

We showered, stopped at the motel office for restaurant information, and took the clerk's advice. Megan resumed the teasing as soon as the waiter took our orders.

"Do you really like my shaved pussy, or were you just saying that you like it?"

"Megan, I'm known you for over nine months, and I never guessed that you were a tease."

"Does that mean you don't like it?"

"How could I not like it? It's a work of art."

"What's a work of art, my pussy or the shave?"


"Sammy, you fucked me five times that first night. Not once did I hear you say my pussy was a work of art."

Our wine arrived, and I used the interruption to plan what I was going to say in retort.

"One or two of those times was the next morning. I didn't know your pussy as intimately back then as I've come to know it since that night."

"I must be mistaken. I thought you got to know it pretty well as soon as you introduced yourself that night."

It was plain to see that she was not going to stop until she embarrassed me. I was just as determined not to let that happen. She watched me pour the wine. We touched our glasses and took the first sip before trying to out-barb each other.

"Yes, we got off to a good start, but we became closer after you put the razor to it. It's much easier to get to know someone after they take off their clothes."

Megan toyed with her wineglass before asking me to describe it.

"Describe your pussy?" I asked, just as the waiter arrived to take our orders. Megan had not looked at the menu, but settled for the same thing I was having, explaining later that she didn't want the waiter to come back and eavesdrop on me as I was describing her pussy.

"Your pussy is like a flower in the early morning, before the sun evaporates the dew. As the breeze gently flows over the petals, they open, exposing a full range of pink blossoms. The fragrance is captivating, and the nectar is delectable."

Same as 1993
Chapter 4: Reaching Florida Videos

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Reaching 2 Morning After

This story is a follow on from Reaching, happening after my wife and I first opened our marriage up.I woke up the next morning in my bed.  At first I was a little hazy on the details of what happened the night before.  As I laid there on my back, I started remembering more details, my mind started to try and convince me that none of it had happened, that it was all a dream.  There’s no way that Chelsea wanted to sleep with other women.  And then I heard a sound that made me turn my head....

Office Sex
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Reaching Her

Tomasz is cold. He shouldn’t be. It’s mid-morning, summer, and the city is in the middle of what the voice on the radio had described as a heat wave. On top of that, the air conditioner mounted on the bedroom window had conked out two weeks earlier. Yet. a creeping chill trickles like icy fingers up and down his back. Despite how cold he feels, he wishes that he had been able to fix the air-conditioner. He sits in the corner of the bedroom, hidden in the dull shadows beyond the reach of yellow...

Love Stories
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A Friend in Need Part 14 Reaching for the Stars

A Friend in Need Part 14. Reaching for the Stars March 2013 I fed my baby and said good bye to my gorgeous husband, as he was going to London today. Picking up a cup of coffee and Chloe we went out onto the terrace overlooking the clear blue sea off the Cornish coast (where we now live) and thought more about when we first met July 2011 CJ was dressed in a Tuxedo and looked as if he was born to wear one, I was getting more besotted with him, as he entered the limo, he...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 7 Reaching the Peak

March 25, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “What time do I need to have you home?” “8:00pm will be fine,” Misty replied. “My parents are in Normal visiting my brother at Illinois State. They aren’t supposed to be home before 10:00pm.” Misty and I were in my car on the way to the NIKA apartment which, fortunately, was not being used. With our expansion, it was in more or less regular use, and that meant I didn’t have access to it as often as I would have liked. I was glad there had been a delay in...

1 year ago
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Reaching 5 Reckoning

The first step of treading the new post-fucking-Sara-with-my-wife-watching world was to find out how Chelsea felt about what happened.  I could have called on the way home to find out, but I was too nervous.  It probably would have saved me some time if she wanted me out of the house as work was closer to hotels than we were in the suburbs, but it was too late now.  I was home and walking into the unknown.  I unlocked the front door and walked in. “Chelsea?” I called before closing the door.  I...

Oral Sex
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reaching the sissygasm

this is the follow up to my previous blog entry:" it's something that looks so hot..and i want to try it so much..i bet it's an amazing experience..i haven't touched my tiny dick for 3 days now and i'm planning on try to achieve a sissygasm(anal orgasm) tonight..any good advice?"it did happen.i took my time and it wasn't easy..my biggest turn on in porn are big black cocks so i've put on some long bbc hypno videos,a chastity device and new batteries in my vibrator.after like the first 45...

1 year ago
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Reaching the Summit Ch 01

Author’s note: This has truly been a labour of love. It’s an adaptation of something I wrote for a different audience, long before I first posted anything on Lit. If you recognise it, you were in the same class as me! My thanks as ever to my partner and editor for her help, and to another friend for her help with the original version. And my thanks to my faithful readers for sticking with me through the vicissitudes of my writing explorations. I don’t seek to be popular, though it’s always...

3 years ago
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Reaching the Summit Ch 02

Author’s note: My thanks to my partner and editor for her help with this, and to all of you who commented so generously on Ch 1. I truly never expected it to get a red ‘H’, thought it was too inaccessible for most Lit readers. I’m delighted that you’ve proved me wrong! This is the second chapter in a story. It will make more sense if you read the first. Julie has spent the day introducing John to the joys of winter mountaineering in Scotland. They ended up at her Glasgow flat and fucked. She...

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 4 Reaching Understanding

Ashley jumped behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. I reached up with my right hand to stroke her right arm. "Ashley, I don't think that's helping," I said. Ashley's mother glared at me, but quickly turned to concentrate on her daughter. "Ash, why are you hiding behind Mark? You came here to get tested. I'm not going to punish you for your score." "I agreed to have Mark take me," Ashley said. "My score isn't good enough, but his is." "What?" Beatrice squawked....

1 year ago
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Increasing Desire Chapter 1 Reaching Out

How It StartedI must say that I was surprised when my husband of some fifteen years said he thought that our marriage and our sex life lacked the youthful enthusiasm we once enjoyed. Then he suggested that we contact a local couple for instruction in light bondage and submission to spice things up a little.He was right about our relationship of course, but I thought it was just the nature of getting to our late thirties and forties together. He said he had found out about a middle-aged couple...

2 years ago
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Reaching an Understanding

Communication can be difficult, especially when it's easy. As he stood up from the limousine, the first bellboy pounced. "Welcome, sir. Please follow me. Joseph, help them with the bags." (You look rich. So let Joe do the work, and give me the tip.) The young man introduced himself as he led them across the lobby past the front desk. "I'm Peter. Anything you need, just let me know, sir." (Keep the cash flowing, and I'll suck up just as much as you like.) He provided the essential...

1 year ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 24 Reaching a Bottleneck in Life

“Sticky Digits” is not an inexpensive spell at 50 gold, but the utility of it is worth the price, Ki Jung decides. “Thank you for your business, Master Lee,” the merchant says with a bow as the sale is completed. “Thank you for your kind service, Mr. Han. It is a pleasure doing business with you. “I was wondering, would you have any suggestions for spells, concoctions, or such for me,” Ki Jung asks. “Hmm, that would depend on what your needs are, Honored Master. What are your needs, known...

3 years ago
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Reaching the Teacher

Carol Anne Anderson taught history and social studies. The job, the profession for her had placed her in the midst of a life time love. She loved teaching. She was fairly laid back with the high school kids in her classes and around the school but she was, for all of her basic niceness a ‘no nonsense’ type of teacher and was treated that way by her students. She was popular and was the advisor of the year book committee and the student council. At a lovely 28, Carol Anne was not particularly...

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Reaching the Summit Ch 04

Author’s note: Sorry folks, this has been a very long time coming. Sometimes life gets in the way of writing. John and Julie are now a week into a relationship of searing sexuality, and it will help you understand where they are if you read the first three chapters. I’m Scots and they are both Scots, so they speak accordingly. My thanks to my sweet muse and editor, and to all the readers whose support and interest has helped sustain my writing. ***** Julie wasn’t there when he entered the...

3 years ago
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reaching new lows as a cum slut continued

I was cleaned and ready for some fun before my guests arrived. I decided to go downstairs and watch some porn on the big screen while I got my cum bucket ready for some fat dicks. Switching on a favorite shemale seen with kendra, I first used Vaseline to cover myself from waist to knee inside and out. I found using Vaseline first then a water based lube made it easier for any object to force its way in me. With my ass in the air prelubed I watched the porn while preparing a larger black dildo,...

2 years ago
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reaching new lows as a cum slut

I had just finished posting an add on Craigslist looking for some jumbo sized cocks to split my sissy gash open. I had said i wanted at least 2 meat hammers before i would take the ad down. There wasn't a lot of detail in the ad except that i wanted to try double anal and had few to no limits. I included a picture of me spreading my boy cunt. It was still farely tight I could take 4 fingers but wasn't able to take a fist yet, so i specified that they needed to take there time with me. I...

3 years ago
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Reaching Heaven With My Friend8217s Hot Sister

Hey, all sexy iss readers. This is your Suraj from Bangalore with a fantastic story with a sexy shy friend’s sister. My contact details and kik username suraj2030. .Her name is Liya. Me and my her brother is very close friends since 4th class, he had one elder sister and one younger sister who was 2 years younger than me. In school days she was not so attractive and I never had any feeling on her. But when she entered 10th her breasts started growing and her nipples were always poking out from...

2 years ago
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When i was reaching my house

This is amji all the girls mail me ’ she was 3 years younger than me my uncle was very poor that way they are not give her. Because he is given only 60 thousand for dowry. I had lot of intension to fuck her before her marriage. I had several times asked to her she is always ignore to my wish. She told me If you are given assurance to marrie me i can cooperate with you. She married three months ago. She came to my house because some ashadamasam coming in that time both are living seperately that...

3 years ago
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Reaching Out

It wasn’t Rick’s intention to go to a movie but he was so pissed off with a ‘fucked up’ marriage that he just wanted to be out of such a toxic environment and although his wife had gone on a ‘religious retreat’ for the weekend, the atmosphere in the house, reeked of her hostility. He hoped by the time he returned later that night for the movie was the last for the day, starting at nine in the evening and he had gone to the local club for dinner the reek of hostility on the home front would have...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 346 Reaching My Returns PointofNoReturn

Friday, April 27 (Continued) to Friday, June 1, 2007 All the family members gathered in the Adults' dining room and the girls started putting together a celebratory breakfast while we called our lawyer. Unsurprisingly, he took our call right away. I knew the most about what had been in the van and the conversation between Paul and the police chief, so I did most of the talking. It was a good way of bringing everyone else up to date too. At the end of the conversation, our lawyer said,...

1 year ago
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Uber Driving Slut Reach Back HandJob

Hi Y’all,A story of a very exciting adventure I had just this morning as I was driving for Uber. I was wearing a sundress that went to just above my knees, had shoulder straps and showing plenty of cleavage from my wonder-bra. I also had on sandals and an anklet on my right leg (with a small BBC charm on it) and no panties. I was ready for some fun if any presented itself or at least some good tips from those who enjoyed such an open display of sexuality. I’d been sitting outside the Denny’s...

1 year ago
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Out of ReachChapter 04

On a Friday afternoon just before the mid-year holidays of the following year Ernie skips most of the cheerleader practise for the first time, ever. Melissa is now a few months over eighteen and Ernie is a few months over seventeen. Melissa is worried because he’s never missed one of her practises since they met; never, until today. Adding to her worry is the fact no one has seen him since lunchtime, and he didn’t mention anything to her about being away. It’s clear her concern is affecting...

3 years ago
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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 1

As they exit Riverside Outpost for one last time ( at least for the foreseeable future), Brandon and Tracy head to their nest, where they cultivate, non-stop, for nine days and nights while immersed in their tub of HCSE. This is made possible by having reached the Yellow Earthen Temple stage of cultivation, which allows them to cultivate/meditate for three days, without the need for food, water, or rest, per stage obtained. At the end of the nine days of cultivation, the amount of Běnzhí...

1 year ago
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Reach Out For The Sunrise Ch 01

A Rayne Wylde & Xavier Gavrilov story) by Sadie Rose Bermingham & Bellora Quinn © 2008/9 Reach Out For The Sunrise has vampires, and other supernatural goings on. It also features a heck of a lot of M/M sex so if neither of those things float your boat, go read something else and don’t complain to me about it. This story has been a long time germinating. We wrote the seed of it last year after having so much fun together collaborating on Dark Paths. Reach Out… is the sequel to that story arc...

3 years ago
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Sarah doesnt reach her destination

This is the story of my vacation last year to West Virginia. Well, I should say that it was the beginning of my vacation because I didn’t get very far. I was supposed to go up to a cabin my family owned to clean it up a bit and while I was at it I was going to spend a few days relaxing. I was in the mountain region when I left the interstate to fill up on gas. Me being my usual self had allowed my car to get down to nearly empty before pulling over, so when I saw a single sign for a gas...

3 years ago
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Fall of Reach

-Cristina wakes up from a dream. Her hand reaches her forehead and wipes the sweat. She feels her bed is also soaked from her sweat and sighs.- “Same nightmare?” Cristina turns to the voice and sees her roommate, Qamar, facing her. “Oh no, did I keep you up again? I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I just wish I could share some of my dreams with you, give your mind a rest from that experience. No one should ever have to experience that.” -Cristina has been having the same nightmare for 20 years. It’s...

1 year ago
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Reach Out For The Sunrise Ch 13

EPILOGUE ‘Well, ladies and gentlepersons, our holiday tale of boys, sex and bloodletting, like all good holidays, is finally at an end. We’ve had so much fun writing this story over the past couple of years and we hope that you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have. We try to thank people individually for all the comments and adds but for those of you that we’ve missed (and I’m sure there must be some) thank you again, for your patience, your suggestions and your boundless enthusiasm. We could do...

1 year ago
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Reach Out For The Sunrise Ch 05

REACH OUT FOR THE SUNRISE By Sadie Rose Bermingham & Bellora Quinn © 2010 Happy New Year, dear readers. We’ve had a little break, but rest assured we’ve been busy writing in spite of the brief hiatus in the publication of this story. What are we to do with our traumatic lovers? Both denying the one thing that will bring them happiness. Only time will tell. Read on… (PS>, the usual warnings apply, boys fucking boys, lots of angst and a little bit of bondage. If you don’t like it, don’t...

2 years ago
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Butterfly Beach XII Discoveries or Must the Stars be Ever Out of Reach

Strangely, Prel’s reluctance rekindled the spirit of motivation in me. I’d become complacent, losing myself in the haze of sexual desire and that of the potent berries that were so easily obtainable.  The Kintinku provided me with a challenge – not only that of learning to communicate with the cat-man, but to seduce him as well.  At first it was difficult.  I had, in a true sense, become addicted to a heady mix of heightened sexuality and sensuality that the fruit induced.  However, I soon...

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