Can't Pick Your FamilyChapter 26: Breaching Barriers free porn video

Maureen heard the doorbell but she was busy changing Carla's diapers,
"Numi, can you open?" she called.
A minute later, Joey stuck his head through the half open door. "Hey, how are my two favorite women?"
"Don't let Tess hear that," Maureen answered. 'Or Deirdre, ' she wanted to add, but she bit back the impulse. Then her eyes widened a bit. "You've grown a beard."
Joey grinned back. "Yep. Forgot my shaving kit. Tess says she likes it."
"It certainly gives you a ... let's say unusual look," Maureen smiled. "You're going to keep it?"
"I may. I'm over the itchy phase already, and it keeps the cold away."
"It'll keep the girls away, too," Maureen smirked. "By the way, Fabiana didn't come back. Something about having to take care of a relative. You guys had a fight, didn't you?"
Joey nodded, turning sombre. "Yeah. I kinda lost it when she ... She said something about Deirdre."
"The girl liked you, and I thought that maybe you could like her, too."
Joey looked at Maureen steadily. "She wasn't meant for me. It's too bad, though. Carly liked her." He looked at his daughter. "Oh my God, did she grow again? She's what, 34, 35 inches?"
"We haven't measured her but I'd say 35," Maureen agreed. "Oh, how was your flight?"
"Do you know why the Pope John Paul kissed the ground each time he arrived some place? He was flying Alitalia."
"That bad?"
"No, I'm kidding. Better service than most American carriers I'd say. The only problem was that they all spoke Italian to us and it embarrassed the hell out of me that I don't speak the language. Well, Tess and I got a quick course for our iPods and we practiced some, but still. Sicily was great! We want to go there again when it's spring and the blossoms are out. We saw some pictures: it must be the most beautiful landscapes then. We saw all those old Roman ruins and we made a trip to Naples and Pompeii. That was awesome! I almost wished I'd taken more Latin at school."
"Met any relatives while there?"
Joey made a face. "We had to visit a cousin but it was awkward. They hardly speak any English, and we speak only a little Italian and no Sicilian dialect. I think they were glad when we left. Tess had a ball. I think she received at least three marriage proposals."
"Well, she is beautiful, Joey."
"Don't tell her! And how was your trip?"
Maureen sighed. "It was a little of everything. Deirdre and I made up for real. She really fell in love with Carla, too. We had a great time in that lodge. The downside is: she's still a basket case. She's afraid of men, she's still having nightmares, and she's a bit overworked and stressed out, much like you were before Christmas. She's a complete loner again. She's got a great roomy, but apart from that she has little social life."
"Shit," Joey said softly.
"I've arranged for her to have therapy again. When she walked out on me and refused to take my calls, she lost her therapist. She's been carrying around all that baggage without any help."
"Maureen, I really wish I could help."
"I know, Joey. Don't blame yourself, okay? You saved her life back then; you did all you could. Deirdre and I talked about all that. Believe me: she doesn't blame you for anything."
"Why'd she leave then?" he almost snapped.
"It's not logical. She couldn't believe that you still wanted her. Apparently, she felt that you could not cope with the rape."
"But I told her that all that counted was that she was still alive!"
"She read something into your body language, Joey, and I agree with her. You were different, hesitant around her."
Joey closed his eyes, recounting those days. "That wasn't about her, it was about me," he said in a low voice.
"Joey, the abduction wasn't your fault. I know you were at the hospital that day. Even if you had been with her, you'd likely be dead now like Karen."
"It was something different."
"I can't tell you, Maureen."
"Joey, what was it? You can tell me, whatever it was."
"No, I can't, Maureen. It would tear you apart if you knew."
Suddenly, Maureen became very pale. "Joey, what did you do?" she whispered.
"Please, Maureen, let it be."
Maureen sank down on a stool. "Oh my God! It's all clear now! That's why they were never ... Did your family make you do it, Joey? Did they force you? What is part of the deal you struck with your uncle?"
Joey stubbornly shook his head. In a low voice he asked, "Do you want me to leave?"
"What? No. Why?" Maureen was confused.
Joey just smirked for an answer.
Maureen understood. "Oh, because I'm..."
"Yes, because you are what you are."
Maureen rose from the stool and before Joey could react her lips were pressed on his mouth in a fierce kiss.
"There! I wish I could love you the way you deserve, Joey. Those animals almost killed my Baby. They killed her soul and left her empty body. Whatever you did, I don't want to hear it and I'll never ask again. I only wish their end was painful and slow."
Joey shook his head, not committing himself and Maureen let it be.
"Are you guys okay?"
Numi's voice came from the door, laced with concern. Maureen kept her composure.
"I was telling Joey about Deirdre. We got a little emotional."
"I can see. Joey, will you stay for dinner? I made oven potatoes, and we have sour cream and scrambled eggs."
"Stay, please," Maureen added keeping a firm hold of his arm.
"Okay, thanks. Tess has her friends over, so I'll better stay out of her hair."
They had dinner together but they talked very little. When Joey left however, Maureen gave him another hug and a kiss.
"Thank you, Joey. For everything, whatever it was."
"Please, Maureen, be careful and don't..."
"I'm not completely stupid, Joey. I need you to help me raise Carla. Carla needs her daddy, and ... Enough of that. It was pure conjecture on my part and I have no knowledge whatsoever. Only, one day you'll have to somehow tell Deirdre about your secret."
"She still lives in constant fear of those men, Joey. Knowing that they can't hurt her anymore might bring her a long way towards healing."
Joey closed his eyes. He heard Numi in the kitchen sorting china and silverware into the dishwasher.
"How can this work, Maureen? It's not that I really know her anymore. We where together for less than six months, and that was over three years ago. You're asking a lot here."
"Joey, I'm not asking you to tell her anything. It would be great though if some bodies would turn up so she'd know they're dead."
Joey shook his head grimly, realizing that he was on thin ice. "I have no idea. Maureen, please, let's stop talking about this!"
"Okay! I promise, Joey. This will be for you and only for you to tell, if at all."
"Thanks. You're a great woman."
Maureen smiled at him and hugged him once more. "Joey, don't get me wrong, but I really love you. I love you as much as I can ever love a man."
"I know, Maureen. You know I love you too."
During the next week and into February, Joey was back in Professor Harland's lab doing the last control experiments. Things were really playing out as they had hoped and now he was busy creating the figures for the manuscript. Harland would not let him write beyond the draft stage but included him as they went along writing the manuscript. Then, by March 3, Joey and Harland spent two hours submitting the manuscript text, the images, and accompanying information to the editorial office of a major publication.
Joey kept his fingers crossed for the next days, and a week later they were notified that the editors had deemed their manuscript promising enough to start the peer review process. They had a chance.
A week later, at Vincent Di Rosa's house, Joey was able to pull Felix to the side.
"Hey, you said back then that you stashed away you-know-who where they might be found at some point."
"You saw the girl again?" Felix asked.
"No, Maureen did, over Christmas. She's still a nutcase and afraid of returning to the East. I mean, not that it will do me any good, but would you consider having them pop up?"
Felix made a face.
"Let me check. No promises, Joey. If we do that we must stage it just right to avoid any leads that might bite us in the ass. It's not like we have local reps down on the Border. That's a trade down there where we don't want to mingle. I'll call you when I know something."
"Thanks, Felix. If there are any costs..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. For a guy who isn't interested in her anymore you sure act funny."
Joey blushed deeply. "It's for Maureen's sake, too. I mean, maybe she can have her daughter back."
Felix raised both hands and laughed. "Okay, okay, I get you! Don't go talking to Pops. I'll give it a shot."
Joey's face showed his question and Felix laughed even harder.
"You don't know? Pops thinks the world of Maureen. Anything for her! She's had it so tough. Hell, he twisted arms so bad to get her that partnership I thought we'd have to off a lawyer or two, to make his point."
Joey swallowed. "I didn't know. I thought she was good enough."
"She is, but sell a lesbian, single mother to a bunch of stuffy old boys! Halloway was having fits at first. A queer in his hallowed firm! He crapped cinder blocks! Washington was the reasonable guy. He'll be the next managing partner anyway when Halloway retires next year."
"Does Pop have that much pull?"
"Sorry, Cuz, need to know and all that," Felix grinned. He switched topics. "What are your plans in the fall?"
"The place where I did some of my work before Christmas, Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, the lab chief wants me to apply for their PhD program."
Felix whistled softly. "Nice! You'll be the science big shot one day, no doubt."
"Yeah, well, I have to get accepted first. I'm also flying out to St. Louis next week for an interview. It's a bit far away, but they have a great program, too. Still, Johns Hopkins would be closer."
"Good luck and keep us posted. You know how it is: a little donation to the faculty can work wonders."
Joey shook his head firmly. "No, Felix! I want to get in on my own merits. Besides, if our manuscript gets accepted soon I won't have to worry much."
They left it at that, and Joey went to find Tess. She was with Uncle Vincent, and they were talking in a serious manner he could see. He made a face. Tess was heading for a future with the family. Already a pre-law student at Drexel she would go to law school in two years, and from what Felix had hinted, Uncle Vincent would get her into one of the best.
Again, Joey shrugged. The Di Rosa were making large strides to solidify their legit business interests and divesting themselves of the last remnants of the more shady side. The security firm would always remain as a safeguard against the violent outside world, but even now Uncle Vincent had acquired ownership of a generic drug production plant. They were producing all the prescription drugs for Citrus Drugs, their own growing drug store chain, cutting out the supplier and wholesale level. One of his older cousins, Peter Salieri, was in charge, and Joey was already hearing good things about their bottom line. If Tess would work in the legal affairs of the Di Rosa empire that was nothing to worry over.
Deirdre Darling entered the School of Biology's main building with a beating heart. She had an interview with Professor James Parker. She was hoping for his endorsement to get into the school's PhD program.
He was busy typing on his computer and Deirdre sat silently in the visitor's chair so she would not break his train of thought. He looked up from his writing a minute or two later and gave her a false smile.
"Oh, here you are. Always so quiet, Deirdre. What can I do for you today, or rather, what will you do for me?"
"Umh, Professor Parker, I came to ask if you are willing to endorse my application for the PhD program. Also, I would really love to pursue a PhD under your supervision."
"You flatter me, my dear Deirdre, but of course, where else can a gifted student such as you want to work in this dismal place?"

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