Cousin fuck 0
- 4 years ago
- 43
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The moment I stepped off the plane the crushing humidity hit me. No matter how many trips I make to Puerto Rico, the moist heat is always a bit of a shock. No matter; as I made my way up the jetway I quickly acclimated, and my response transformed to pleasure at another break from the Philadelphia winter.
My partner Tom and I had been shuttling back and forth for nearly six months now, trying to impress our most important client – Tom's father-in-law – with our energy and talents.
As the song says, "Puerto Rico is America", but it is a very different America from the one you probably know. As a former Spanish colony and a Latin land through-and-through, to me its most striking difference is one of class. The vast majority of its citizens are what can only be called "lower class", living in poverty, at least by North American standards. A small minority makes up what is properly described as an "upper class". The middle class is relatively small, so that if you are like me, a scion of the vast American bourgeois, you might be surprised to learn of the family wealth or background behind your average San Juan lawyer, doctor, or department store manager (or department store clerk for that matter).
Don't get me wrong - I don't mean to suggest that this upper class is particularly exploitive or repressive. Many of its members work very hard at improving the lot of the average puertorriqueño. However, the current distribution of wealth can be astounding to a Middle American.
Take Tom's father-in-law. Señor Arnulfo Montez is a rich man by birth, both an engineer and a lawyer by Ivy League education, and an extremely successful banker, developer, importer, and shipping magnate by profession. In fact, he is so influential on the island and throughout the Caribbean that I've had to disguise his name here, and I'm afraid I cannot disclose much more about him or our business together. I fear that the details of the story I am about to recount may easily be traced to him, and thereby, inevitably, to me. Suffice it to say, however, that although I make a very good income, nearly three hundred grand last year, I often feel like at poor man among the people I work with in Puerto Rico.
However, the opportunity to move in these circles does seem to have it rewards. But perhaps I should back up a bit.
About five weeks prior to this current trip, Tom and I had made the pilgrimage together. We'd spent three days on the island and, as usual, Tom stayed at the home of his in-laws while I stayed at a local hotel. Hurricane Georges had recently rent a path of destruction across the island, so hotel rooms were hard to come by. I was staying at the El Convento in Old San Juan – not my usual digs, and a little out of the way for most of my business activities, but a first class establishment nonetheless.
On the second day of that visit, Tom and I had attended separate meetings. I met with some bankers in Hato Rey, while Tom inspected a development property in the Condado. I had just made my way back to my room at the end of the day when the phone rang. It was Tom, asking if I'd like to join him and his wife's sister, Angela, for dinner somewhere.
I agreed immediately.
Angela (which she pronounced as "AHN-heh-lah" when speaking Spanish and as "ANJ-eh-luh" when speaking English) was Tom's fifteen-year-old sister-in-law. Like all of Arnulfo Montez's four daughters, she was a lovely girl. Ever since I had served as Tom's best man in his black-tie society wedding the year before, I had developed a keen appreciation of the sisters' charms, and I always tried to take any opportunity to spend some time in the company of one or more of them. Most often, this meant joining Tom and his wife Soledad for dinner when one of the older, college-aged girls was in Philadelphia. I hadn't seen young Angela, who was the only girl still living at home, since Tom and Soledad's wedding.
We agreed to meet at the Parrot Club at eight o'clock. In the meantime, I took a stroll around Old San Juan. I wandered down past the Polo boutique, the Coach shop, and several other upscale outlets which all lay within a few blocks of my hotel. I wasn't really shopping – it's just that I've found browsing though this area to be a great way to enjoy the local scenery.
San Juan girls love tight-fitting, midriff-baring, breast-displaying fuck-me-wear. Without Puerto Rico, I don't know if the spandex and tube-top industries could survive. In the early evening, the sidewalks are always full of nubile babes, beautiful girls from fourteen to twenty-five, and none are too shy to return your glance with a sultry, doe-eyed one of their own if the spirit takes them. I don't know why it is, but that tiny island seems to produce some of the most beautiful women in the world.
If I have any complaints, it's that the Puerto Rican physique usually leads to a girl with big tits and a generous backside. I realize that this form sends many a man into convulsions of lust, but I have always preferred my girls to be "built for speed". Happily, there are always a few flacas in the crowd to trip my trigger, and the tight local fashions further accentuate their lithe bodies.
As eight o'clock approached, I made my way back to my hotel, only to find myself trailing a trio of teens whose Lycra hiphuggers, platform shoes, and latina hip swings sent blood flowing to my loins. Perhaps it was this stimulating prologue that kept me in overdrive all night.
At the Parrot Club, the three of us enjoyed the bar while waiting for our table. Even fifteen-year-old Angela was throwing back the drinks. The bartender didn't hesitate in serving her: her family name and general Latin 'laissez faire' made a mockery of puritanical "legal drinking ages", regardless of the letter of the laws on the subject. While she enjoyed her vodka tonics, I enjoyed the changes that had come over her since I had last seen her.
I remembered a sweet, almost shy fourteen-year-old, serving as a bridesmaid nearly a year before. Tonight, when she'd greeted me with a cheek-to-cheek kiss, I almost hadn't recognized her. Gone was the demure little girl I remembered.
She still looked incredibly young; with her tiny body and pixie face, she could have passed for twelve or thirteen in the right circumstances. But dressed as she was, the signs of adolescence were apparent. Her little sleeveless top gave witness to a pair of budding breasts, the mere sight of which, I swear, instantly brought saliva to my mouth.
Her bare midriff exposed a belly-button ring in a light-brown, flat tummy that might have transfixed me for a several moments longer had her breathtaking boyshorts not dragged my attention southward. At first, it appeared that she had left them unbuttoned, and the fly undone, until a second glance (leer?) revealed that they were designed to look that way.
The top of a pair of white cotton panties just barely managed to peek out between the artfully spread flaps before they closed in, joining just in time to hide her most precious treasure. There was no hiding the form of her distinct pubic arch, however, nor could the tight synthetic material disguise the camel toe shape of her youthful vulva. The legs of the garment extended snugly a good two inches down either leg before giving way completely to the bare flesh of her skinny brown thighs. This girl had grown up, and was damn sure trying to prove it!
"You ... you look great, Angela," I had managed to spit out, and she giggled at her obvious shock effect on me.
A drink and a half later I had recovered sufficiently to play it cool. The fifteen-year-old fuckmagnet was perched on a barstool between Tom and me, crossing and re-crossing her slender smooth legs. First she would lean forward coquettishly, then she would sit up and pull her shoulders back to thrust her apple-titties outward, and then she would lean forward again. Throughout the conversation, her hand periodically grazed my shoulder, my arm, or even my thigh, and each such contact was electrifying to me in my heightened state of alert. I had no idea what was going on, but I managed to contain my response, at least on the surface. My prick was thickening in my trousers throughout this episode, but by dint of great concentration, I pretended to be wrapped up in the discussion Tom was trying to carry on.
Finally, Angela excused herself to the ladies' room, and Tom leaned toward me conspiratorially.
"Angela's going through a serious rebellion phase," he confided. "She'd driving the family crazy, and they're doing their best to ignore it. Lately, she's basically been pretending she's a total slut. All a put on, of course. But she sure plays the part well, don't you think?"
I looked at him sharply, but no, he was grinning like an indulgent adult when discussing the wiles of youth. He didn't suspect a thing about the condition of my glands, nor about the unwholesome thoughts that had been beating at my brainstem.
"Yeah, she's way too young for that outfit!" I replied. "It's kind of cute to watch her try to act so grown up. In a few years, though, she really will be a heartbreaker!"
"You're not kidding. Her parents have her on a tight leash these days. She can only really go out when one of her older sisters is back from college, or with one or two of her more responsible, older cousins. That's why she was so eager to come out with us tonight – it's one of her few chances to act like the hellion she pretends to be. In any case, don't let her bother you, she's all show."
"It doesn't bother me," I assured him with a chuckle. Hell no, she was making my dick hard, but I certainly wasn't going to volunteer that.
"No one in the family thinks she's really wild at all – hell, she's barely been out of the house unchaperoned in months. But for some reason, she likes to pretend to be the town slut, just to get their goat I suppose. She claims to be very sexually active, which seems impossible, probably just to outrage her mother. Soledad says not to worry, it will all blow over. In the meantime, she sure is cute to watch! Look out, here she comes..."
That night, back in my room at the El Convento, I found myself gasping in an incredible self-induced orgasm, jerking my shaft to the mental image of myself ripping those whorish boyshorts off Angela's slight form and pounding the shit out of her fifteen-year-old box. It took me three tissues to mop the resultant scum off my bare stomach and chest when I was done.
That was my previous visit to San Juan, and its memory had been fueling my masturbatory fantasies periodically for the past five weeks. The images had only recently begun to fade by the time I had to return.
On this occasion, I was alone – Tom remained with Soledad in Philadelphia, on vigil for the birth of their overdue child.
When I got to my hotel, the El San Juan in the Condado this time, I called Arnulfo Montez. He asked me to join him for dinner at "his" restaurant. He didn't really own the place, but he was such an important patron that the proprietor actually maintained a good part of Arnulfo's personal wine collection on the premises on his behalf. This was just another one of the perks of this relationship – our client actually took us out to dinner most of the time.
I was surprised and delighted to discover, upon my arrival, that Arnulfo had brought Angela with him. She was only slightly less sluttishly garbed than she had been on my previous visit, and her behavior in front of her father supported Tom's prior assertion: she was apparently attempting to needle, irritate, or alarm her family through at least the appearance of loose and wanton behavior. Her father had obviously long since settled into his response, as well. He studiously ignored her antics.
"This is my daughter, Angela," he presented, apparently not realizing or remembering that I'd already met her. She picked up on his mistaken notion, and greeted me as a stranger.
"'Encantada, " she offered, and leaned in to press her cheek against mine and "kiss the air".
"'Mucho gusto," I replied, seeing no reason not to play along.
"Daddy, I'm surprised you've brought me out to meet a man, especially since it looks like he's single. I'd call that fair game!" Never mind that she was fifteen, and I was thirty-four!
"Of course, we've already met," she continued, "at Sol's wedding. Say, didn't you feel me up during a slow dance, Robert?"
When, at this shocking falsehood, my eyes darted nervously to her father, I detected his only involuntary reaction to her behavior I was to witness that night. He winced, ever so slightly, in embarrassment at such a ludicrous outburst in front of me. But he did not respond to her. I made a nervous laugh and said something like "Not me, I'm afraid," and an uncomfortable silence ensued.
The restaurateur, Manuel something-or-other, chose that instant to lead us to our table, which allowed us all to escape the awkward moment.
At the table, Arnulfo and I talked about our various projects and what I intended to accomplish during my visit. We also talked about the impending arrival of his first grandchild, and how he and his wife hoped to fly up to Philadelphia as soon as Soledad went into labor. This was the only point at which Angela interrupted us, in order to stand, turn around, and ask me whether I thought her miniskirt made her ass look sexy, or just slutty.
I was astounded at this outburst. Embarrassed as I was in front of her father, I muttered something like "you look fine", and she sat back down with a smug smile in her father's direction. Something in the back of my mind suggested that perhaps this was the clue to the changes in Angela's behavior. Perhaps they stemmed from jealousy over the attention her pregnant sister had been getting. Having long been the baby of the family, she had probably grown comfortable in being the center of the family's domestic attention.
At one point, Angela got up and headed, I presumed, for the restroom. The real purpose of her errand, however, appeared to be to display her best "fuck-me" walk to the assembled patrons as she made her way across the room. I must say, for a fifteen-year-old, she seemed to have it down pretty well!
While she was away from the table, I thought for a moment that I was experiencing déjà vu, for Arnulfo began to recount for me, just as my partner Tom had done, the particulars of Angela's recent behavior and the family's intention to ignore it. He described his opinion that her act was all just "for-show", but he also told me that he and his wife had decided to keep her pretty restricted until it blew over, just in case she decided to try to act out the slut bit for real.
Acting on my earlier hunch, I piped in as though I knew something about it.
"My younger sister went through a similar stage," I lied. "She was so used to being the baby of the family, and getting all the attention, that she started acting up when our older sister had her first child. You see, no one seemed to be paying her any attention anymore."
"Did she pretend to be a loose woman, your sister?" Arnulfo asked, in his accented but perfect English.
"For her, it was a different form of 'bad-girl-itis' – she pretended to be into the drug crowd in high school, the whole bit. But it turned out, as we suspected, that it was all a show. The worst substance she was involved in was bubblegum!"
"So she eventually got over it, you say?"
"Yes, she did. We ignored her, just like you are trying to do with Angela. Say, would you mind a little advice from someone who's been there?" I had the inkling of a plan.
"No, I'd welcome it. What can you tell me?"
"If you're being too strict with her, grounding her or tracking her too closely, you might in fact be encouraging her. She's actually getting the very attention from her behavior that you're trying to deny her. See what I mean?"
"That's a good point. You may have something there. Although I'd like to have some confidence that this really is just an act – I'm afraid that if I totally ignore her, and give her the same freedom I always gave her sisters, she might make a big mistake she'll regret."
He spent a few moments in thought, with a pensive look on his face, while I spent some mental energy hoping that Arnulfo never met my little sister and asked her about my entirely fictional morality play. Or for that matter, told any one else about my prescription. I was no parent, but hell, even I knew that the story about my sister was ludicrous – to ignore claims of drug use in a child would be outrageous, just as ignoring claims of sexual promiscuity would be nearly as foolish. However, I was beginning to have other loyalties in this matter – loyalties to my basest instincts.
Finally, he rescued me from this line of thought, in exactly the long-shot manner I had hoped for.
"Hmmm ... say, can I ask you a favor?"
"Sure, what?"
"With your permission, I'll suggest that Angela take you out on the town after dinner. That should indicate that I'm not overly worried about her, and perhaps help depressurize this situation. But just in case, you can be on the lookout. You'll be with her, so she can't get too friendly with any of the young fellows who likely frequent the places she'll take you. What do you say? I realize this is completely outside the bounds of our professional relationship, and you can refuse me, I assure you."
"Well," I temporized, trying to contain any appearance of joy at the suggestion, "I suppose I could do that. It's been a while since I've had a night out here, and it will help her get over her, shall we say, overly flirtatious streak?"
"That would be great. She'll probably want to stay out quite late – what do you say we reschedule our nine o'clock meeting until eleven, just in case you don't get to bed until late? Hold on, here she comes – we don't want her to know we're talking about her."
During the dessert course, Arnulfo made his suggestion, and Angela leapt at the chance to get out again. She was so delighted, she almost forgot to taunt her father with the obvious innuendoes the proposal so readily prompted. Not that it mattered; in accordance with his policy, Arnulfo simply ignored them anyway.
Two hours later, at the Blue Noise, a small club featuring live Puerto Rican Jazz (which is a genre all its own, I promise you), I had again worked myself into a full lather over the little teasing cunt. From the moment we walked in, she'd been flirting with me and with every other guy in the place. She'd pressed her sweet little ass back into my groin as she ordered her first beer at the bar, only to scamper off to hug some twenty-year old guy named Alejandro she knew from God-knows-where. And then, just as I began to relax, she was back to drag me out on the dance floor and charge me up again. She continued this on-again, off-again toying until I found myself very irritated, and very primed.
I resolved that I wasn't going to let this little girl play ME the fool. I was the adult here, and things were going to work MY way. When she next returned to tease me, I pulled her into the dark corridor leading to the restrooms. We were alone back there, and the jazz ensemble's sound was muted enough for us to speak.
"Angela, I should warn you that during this trip, and for the foreseeable future, I am your only ticket out of the house. Tom won't be travelling down here for a while once the baby arrives, and your father isn't likely to let you out on your own, now is he?"
"Oh ... so you know about that, huh?" she asked, her English enlivened by the cute singsong cadence of her accent.
"Yes, I do. Apparently, you like to pretend that you're the town floozy. What is it? A cry for attention?"
"No! I'm fifteen years old! If I want to sleep around, I will. It's nobody's business but my own."
"Yeah? Well I think it's all a big act. You're no slut. You've probably never even kissed a man!"
"Yeah, right," she replied. As she tried to walk away, I stopped her, placing my hands on her shoulders.
"Well, I'll know the difference. Let me see." Leaning down, I captured her heart-shaped mouth with my own. Her eyes widened in surprise at my advance, and after contact, she attempted to pull away, but I held her firmly, and instead of relenting, I wormed my tongue past her tender lips into the sweet confines beyond.
She hesitated in her response, perhaps in surprise, or perhaps in indecision, but soon her arms reached around my neck, and her tongue attempted to duel my own. Apparently, she was determined to prove her experience to me. Her efforts weren't bad – a little stumbling at first, but she soon warmed up to it. This girl had been kissed before, and somewhere along the way she had picked up the essentials. Time to push it a little further.
My hands slid down off her shoulders, to her hips. Her top, although not belly-baring, was short and loose, so my hands easily slipped up under it encircle the naked flesh of her slender waist. My thumbs were almost touching each other, probably not far from her hidden navel ring, and my extended, gripping fingertips reached well around her back as I drew her into and under me. Our height difference was such that at these close quarters, Angela had to crane her neck back and tilt her face almost straight up into my own hovering, predatory mug. My lips never left hers.
I gently shuffled her further back into a corner, to better avoid interruptions from the likely restroom traffic, and went to work. My right hand slid down to cup her delicate, taut little ass, while my left slid up under her shirt along the smooth skin of her back, to stop along the line made by the strap of her completely unnecessary bra. She made some noise in her throat, perhaps of protest, but I kept her mouth locked down with my own throughout the assault. We were both breathing heavily now, a harmony of nasal panting. I was not entirely alone in this effort – her tiny hands slid around my neck, my shoulders, and my face as she participated in the mashing herself. I didn't know whether this was because she was enjoying it or because she was trying to prove her sexual sophistication, but frankly, I didn't care.
I heard another muffled utterance, perhaps in surprise, as I drove my straining, steel-hard crotch-knob up against her belly, while pressing her body to the wall. I ground my turgid, confined prick against her slight form, and devoured her mouth ravenously. I was almost over the edge now, already committing the most despicable and hazardous act of my life.
It has always amused me that the Spanish word for the verb "to bother" is molestar. I was definitely molestando, or bothering, this fifteen-year old girl. But the true hazard lay in the fact that I was pretty much molesting her in the English sense of the word, as well. Even if I escaped without any legal repercussions, however, there remained the fact that the father of this naughty little teen was my partner's father-in-law, my business's make-or-break client, and one of the most powerful individuals in Puerto Rico. And knowing all that didn't slow me down a whit. I had to have this little cunt.
I could hold back my next move no longer. I forced my mind to elevate itself from the reptilian cortex for just long enough to make a strategic decision. Should I encourage her by complimenting her supposed expertise, or should I challenge her by mocking it? I made a snap decision.
I finally released her from my oral assault, pulling my head back while staring hard into her wide and somewhat glassy eyes. "I guess I was wrong, Angela. You do know your way around a healthy grope session. You're not a little kid after all!"
While she was hearing and processing this, my right hand slid under her short skirt to cup her panty-clad mons. The timing was perfect, for the shock of the contact hit her just as she had absorbed my statement and, apparently, she had indeed just decided she must maintain the sophistication act. Her fleeting look of alarm was replaced with a tentative smile. I again kissed her, and concentrated my attention on her youthful box.
She was enjoying this episode physically, as the heat emanating from her tidy little muffin seemed to attest. The cotton of her panties was moist, or at least humid, at my first contact, but as I kneaded her vulva through the fabric, and pressed the material up into her slit, it quickly became sodden.
It wasn't long before her pelvis was responding to my manipulation, pressing her little mound into my busy hand. In response to this, I slipped through the leg hole of the panties, in order to toy with her naked cunt, and was delighted to find that she was still almost completely hairless.
My fingertips slid through her smooth crease, wiggling and tapping around, upon, and between her puffy, compact outer labia. When I worked my way up to her clit, I was rewarded with a very lewd pelvic thrust from my young student.
I plied her little clit for a few minutes, during which time I felt the passage of at least two bar patrons on their way to the bathrooms. Neither Angela nor I reacted in any way, and they seemed to take no notice. Angela, whose tender age might have elicited some reaction in these circumstances, was completely blocked from their view by my six-foot frame, and a little mashing in the dark corners was completely within the norm here.
My fingers were soaked from their efforts, so I paused to bring them up to my mouth. Angela watched me and almost choked as I slowly licked them clean before her eyes, and moments later, after I'd re-flavored them in her seeping crease, she mastered her initial reaction and dutifully licked them clean herself. "Ha! I thought, "Many a more experienced girl would have balked at that move. This little piece is sure trying hard to convince me she knows what she's doing!"
That hand returned to its labors at her schoolgirl cunt, while the other slid up under her top again to push aside her underemployed bra and to massage her little lemon-sized tits, caressing, kneading, and pinching them as I felt her level of arousal grow.
When I was sure she was past the point of no return, I abruptly stepped back from her, grabbed her hand, gave her a terse "let's go", and pulled her through the back door at the end of the corridor into the dark alleyway behind the bar.
She didn't say a word as I again backed her against a wall, then knelt, lifted her skirt, yanked her panties down, and attacked her little snatch with my hungry mouth.
She placed her hands on the top of my head, running her fingers through my hair, as I enjoyed the sloppy, buttery treat of her leaking teen cunt. With my lips, I felt just a light patch of sparse hair above her slot, but other than that, nothing but naked flesh entered my maw.
I would later discover that as I administered this treatment, small bits of gravel on the alley surface were ruining my trousers and driving into and bruising my knees. However, I had no sense of it as long as my hands were gripping those tight little buns and pulling her succulent crotch into my slobbering, chewing, tongue-lashing face.
Who would have thought my personal heaven could lie in a sweltering, humid alleyway, next to a stinking trash bin, all pride abandoned as I groveled on my knees, burying my face between a young girl's thighs?
But heaven it was, especially when she started to softly moan my name, to clutch at my hair, and, finally, to convulsively thrust her lolita hole into me in an animalistic reaction to her climax. She groaned out loud, and then almost doubled over me as the release washed through her body. All the while, I continued my efforts, bringing her through and down from what I can only assume, from her actions, was a most delicious orgasm.
As her shudders quieted, I arose, my cock screaming for its own satisfaction in the depths of this carefully prepared and ready fuckhole, but I mastered myself and thought of a better plan. I wanted to first take her sweet cunt in a slightly better environment, in order to maximize my chances for a repeat. For the time being, I chose another avenue to my own gratification.
I pulled my tool from the confines of my trousers, its angry seven inches pointing directly at my young charge. I placed my hands on her shoulders, and applied pressure to push her to her knees. She resisted, at first.
"What are you doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing, Angela? You surely know how to suck cock, don't you?"
I'm sure she didn't, but, apparently, she didn't want to make any admissions after doing so well up till now. She knelt before me, tentatively reaching for, then lightly holding, my aching shaft. She cautiously leaned forward and planted a light kiss on the head of my prick. I gasped. She licked it gently. I groaned. Fearing she didn't really know how to proceed, I instructed her, but tried to maintain the fiction that she was an old hand.
"Angela, baby, I know you know how to really tease me, but right now, I can't stand any foreplay. Let's save that for next time – then you can show me all of your tricks. Right now, I just need you to wolf down my cock, ok?"
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Xmas eve 1pmMy wife and myself was busy looking in the shops and we were almost done on gifts for the family when my wife suggested that we took a break and went for a coffee.We found this little coffee shop that was not to busy and decided to go inside,the atmosphere seemed relaxed and the people were of the more clasy type if you know what i mean.As we were chatting about the stuff we bought that day sitting at this tiny round table in the corner of the shop i had noticed to my left that an...
We anchored in deserted coves and bays as we worked our way south, pulling into marinas in Brisbane, Sidney, and Melbourne. Dannie wanted to see the animals that only live in Tasmania, so we sailed down to Hobart and spent a week in a marina there while we took tours and looked at Tasmanian critters until Dannie was happy. We sailed north, to Adelaide, investigated what South Australia had to offer, and then we needed to decide where to go next. We all agreed that sailing along the coast of...
Vickie Arbuthnot woke to find herself in the middle of a tangle of feminine arms and legs, having slept in the brothel's massive second-floor bedroom, or playroom, or whatever you'd call it, along with an indecent number of unclad and currently unconscious 13-year-olds, all classmates of her promised future sponsor, Samantha Redburn. Quite a few of her fellow Filles du Roi were also snoozing next to the just-slightly-underage girls. Over in a bed in the corner her two charges, Mickey and...
Dog sperm overflowed Jacqui's pulsing cunt hole and ran down the backs of her legs. Slower and slower Trooper fucked his prick into the soggy, reeking mess of her pussy. She squealed and grunted and rolled her butt around to sample more fully the hardness of the small canine cock. Finally the jism stored in the Doberman's dangling ball sac exhausted itself into the woman's cunt. He pulled his prick out and dropped to all fours. A long quavering moan escaped Jacqui's lips. Her sides and...
She had always wanted to be a teacher. Maybe it was all the great experiences she had with teachers as a kid. But Jessica Anderson had always wanted to be a teacher. People would always say she was too beautiful to be a teacher though, too sexy. They also thought she was too wild, and they were probably right. She became a teacher though, and she taught for almost a whole year until something happened. She taught two classes, math, and health. A little out of the ordinary, but she was a great...
NovelsCopyright 2013 by EFon **************** Short: At my large family gathering for the 4th of July I finally lose my virginity to one of my slightly distant relatives during the fireworks display. Tags: first time, virgin sex, voyeurism **************** My name is Michael Lawrence have a huge family. Not in my own house, as I only have an older sister, but my dad had three younger sisters and my mom was a twin with an older brother. That gave me four aunts and an uncle with over a dozen...
On stage was a young 14 year old boy. Two broad men sorrounded him. One held up his face for the crowd to see, the other held open his legs for them people in the crowd to become arroused. You could tell by the distant look in his eyes that he was well sedated. It was even possible that Evan didnt know the he was being sold as a profit he just sat there dazed. The man spoke on clearly and entergetically. "Evan is, of course, a virgin, as well as his tender front. The man holding open...
Adjustments By Starson Daly **** This is my second story, and it's taking longer than the first, so any help and suggestions would be helpful. *** [email protected] *****ICQ 85215431****** I guess it was convenient, I mean after all, it's not like anyone would REALLY notice. Well, my friends would, but they are my friends so I think I could get them to understand, not matter how bad things seemed. I mean, as long as I was happy, isn't that all that mattered? Ah, but I'm...
Rich looked out over the mirror-like water. The air was still and the heat from the sun was almost unbearable. He wiped some sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and then pushed up his sunglasses which had slid down on his nose. The beach was busy but not overcrowded. Mostly families with a splatter of single people baking in the sun. A child laughed and then began to cry as it fell head first in the water. Rich smiled, it had looked funny.A movement to his right made him turn and...
Cuckold(Bet you all thought I had died. I’m still alive, I swear! The scene that involves the fire crackers is from real life. A lot of our troops come home messed up and they don’t get the help they need. They deserve our respect and our admiration.) Otis looked to the side at the beautiful woman driving him home. She looked absolutely stunning, and he wanted to say so, but was too shy to do it. She always looked lovely, but tonight it was like she had set her looks from stun gun to the heart to...
Anthony / Antonia I stood at the half open door to the room and gazed at the amazing sight that met my disbelieving eyes. The room was my own bedroom and my own son was indulging in what was, to any other eyes but mine, a terribly, unnatural, if not perverted. game. To others it would certainly seem so but I found it thoroughly fascinating and definitely exciting. He was dressing in my own clothes and very definitely getting an enornous sexual kick from the experience as his jutting...
A Mother and Son deal with a trying time. Well, of course, I had another great night's sleep, and another the night after, till it became a whole week of us masturbating together before kissing on the lips at the end. While in the daytime, we both acted as if nothing happened the night before. Only, I guess you can call me selfish for wanting more of this sexual game we were playing. Yeah, it was great masturbating with Mom every single night. Still, truthfully, it was becoming harder just to...
IncestMy mother went to the psychiatrist last month because she had been feeling quite depressed. I couldn't blame her for feeling that way. My father passed away last year and it's been really difficult for my mom ever since. I'm only 18 and my job is part-time but I still try to help out with the bills. My mother is 42 and has a beautiful body. After dad died however, I noticed a change in her. She became a shadow of her former self. She never stopped grieving, it seemed.My mother used to be...
Jo knew she was about to die. She could see no way out of this situation. She was strapped into an aircraft below the surface of the Pacific Ocean more than one hundred miles off the coast of western Tasmania. The cabin was filled with water and if there were any pockets of air, she couldn't see them or reach them. Her seatbelt harness was jammed shut and, while ordinarily a cognate's basic physical strength was enough to rip your average seatbelt right out of its mounting, both of her...
Johnny The Kid cheated on Valentina Jewel’s sister. When he shows up to apologize, Valentina tells him to go away and that her sister is not even home. Johnny begs to come inside and wait for her. Valentina eventually lets her in. Inside, she asks him for the reason as to why he cheated on her sister. Johnny explains that booty is his ultimately weakness. He’s unable to see a phat booty and not try to fuck it. At this moment, Valentina gets a naughty idea. She starts showing him her huge ass,...
xmoviesforyouIt was a write-off, she was sure of it. There was surely no way the car could be driven ever again, the front end had a huge dent in it and engine parts and various dark fluids continued to fall onto the road as the pick-up truck hoisted the mangled wreckage onto it's back."Honestly." she asked, turning to the pick-up driver, "How bad does it look?"He raised an eyebrow at her and removed his baseball cap."Little lady, you're lucky you're still breathing."'Little lady?' She hated that...
“It would have been easy- he wouldn’t even have needed to become invisible, because it was so damn dark out.” We were preparing for a another ascent into the ruin. Voss was sharpening his spear, while Katriana mended a popped rivet in her splint mail with a bit of twine. Having been awake the longest, I was already set to go. Voss shrugged at me. “Well, at least we know he probably is still in there, and if not, he’s close.” “Either way, it’s going to be a tough fight,” Katriana stated,...
Finally, Brianna thought, looking at Frank as he sank his cock into her. She closed her eyes and felt his cock go deeper and deeper. She had waited long enough for this moment. For the last few weeks Brie had been on a roller coaster ride with this guy, and finally it had led up to this moment. She opened her eyes again and watched as Frank began to fuck her. Slowly he pulled his cock out, waited a few seconds, and pushed it slowly back in. She was glad he was not ramming it in right from the...
NovelsI wasn’t always this kinky, it just sort of developed over time. My high school sweetheart and I were just recently married. She was just 17 and I was 18. I was due to ship out for the war in Afghanistan and I was afraid to leave her home single, and she was afraid I’d never come back so she wanted to get married before I left. This didn’t really make a whole lot of sense since I was living with my ten years older brother at the time, sleeping in a large closet on an air mattress. But, Mona...
Hi friends, en peyar Vasanthi. En kanavar iranthu irandu varudangal aagugirathu. Ipppozhuthu naan veetil thaniyaaga thaan irukiren, en pakathu veetil oru paiyan irukiraan avan peryar arun. Arun vayathu 22 irukum, ippozhuthu kalluri padithu varugiraan. En vayathu 26 aagugirathu, en siru vayathile en kanavanai izhanthu viten. Ennal ippozhuthu oru aan thunai ilamal iruka mudiyaathu, appozhuthu enaku therinthathu ellam vayathil siriyavanaaga irunthaalum arunai usar seiya mudivu seithen. Arun udan...
I'm so glad that we decided to walk to the local park to see some 4th of July fireworks. the local TV station said that it should be a fantastic show - they even have live music! Now it is dusk, and the large crowd is filled with anticipation. we are sitting together on a soft blanket in the middle of the crowd and I have brought a second blanket to cover up our laps. As the first fireworks whistle skyward, every person there is looking up. boom! BOOM!! sparkle! crackle! BOOM!! the big show is...
EroticStation jokhon garita thamlo tokhon raat ekta ekta hobe. Ekta buro lokke dekhlam station ek dhare dariye chilo. Amader namte dekhe amader kachhe aste laglo. Baba loktake dekhe chechiye uthlo-“rabi kaku!”. Burota dhukte dhukte elo ar bollo-“sunil baba taratari cholo” ebong sutkesh ta hate niye egiye chollo.amra or pichon pichon jete laglam.baba bollo-“train onek deri koreche aaj!”.rabi bollo-“sabsamay kore” ebong mar buke bonke suye thakte dekhe bollo-“khuki ghumachhe!”.ma muchki heshe...
Last seen: Seven families, the Brown family, the Graham family, the Andrews family, the Patrick family, the Peters family, and the Woods family, all dining at the Yale Club to celebrate their children's graduations from the Patricia Loyalton School for Girls and the Kingston School for Boys, as members of the Class of 2005. All eight kids will be attending Yale University in the fall, as members of the Class of 2009. Emma carefully cut out the pages, and added them to her scrapbook. When...
Hi everyone, mera naam Rohan hai, aur main 26 saal ka hu. Aur main haldwani ka rehne wala hu. Mere lund ka size 6.5 inch hai, aur kaafi mota hai. Ye baat 2019 ki hai, jab main meri friend ke bhai ki shaadi mein Chandigarh gaya tha. Shaadi Delhi mein thi, lekin meri friend ne hum sab ko Chandigarh bulaya tha. Kyuki waha pe bhi functions the, aur unke khatam hone ke baad hame Delhi ke liye nikalna tha. Main Chandigarh pahuncha aur mere kuch dost waha pehle hi aa gaye the. To maine pahunchne ke...
We’ll need a little genealogy: My uncle Robert, born in 1935; my mother, 1938; my brother Terry, 1961; me in 1963, and my Jeremy, 1986, and Rochelle, the year following. Jeremy says the odds of three generations being boy-girl are 1:64. I didn’t learn anything that interesting when I took biology from Mrs. Thornton, though I read about this lady who had nine daughters in a row. I’ll bet the last one never got a new anything. So here are three pairs of siblings in our family tree, one line per...
This very short story is my entry in the Literotica 2008 Earth Day Contest. I hope you enjoy it. ********* ‘Remember that?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Who knew how big it would become.’ ‘You did, as I recall.’ ‘Told ya so.’ He smiled. They watched the Earth Day coverage on holovision. ‘God that was a long time ago.’ ‘Wasn’t it? Just think. We wouldn’t even be around if it weren’t for the aging decelerators. And with the rejuvenators you don’t look a day over 40. Well, maybe 45.’ She giggled at her...
Mera naam Waseem hai aur yeh true story mujhay meray friend Aqeel ne sunaai thi jo khud bhi aik Gay male hai. Agar yeh story publish ho kar aap tak pounch gai aur aapnay isko pasand kiya toe mein aur bhi buht si stories sunaaoun ga. Umeed hai aap maza lo gai. Aap yeh story Aqeel ki zabani sunye. Mera naam Aqeel hai mein ne chachoo ko pehli dafa koi 8–9 saal pehlay dekha tha aur us waqt meri umar sirf 4 saal ke qareeb thi aur chachoo shadi ke liye Australia se aaye thay. Baad mein pata chala keh...
Thunder in the distance and a steady rain lulled us to sleep the night before. We’d opted to sleep in the king bed on the screened back porch where the cool, crisp night air assured peaceful sleep.Morning broke with blue skies and the promise of another pristine day in the mountains. Cloudless skies allowed the sun to bathe the mountain top with bright warmth. Yes, it would be a day to whatever we wished, or nothing at all.With my eyes still closed and my mind debating whether to wake or drift...
SeductionShort Story #24 From the imagination of Chase Shivers July 10, 2018 Main Characters: Meadow, Female, 18 - Nursing assistant and nursing student, granddaughter of Grandpa Clark - 5’6, 135lbs, tanned beige skin, dirty-blonde hair usually worn in a loose bun Grandpa Clark, Male, late 60s - Grandfather of Meadow, widower George Barnes, Male, late 60s - Terminal patient in a care facility Meadow had gone into nursing to help people. At least, that was her goal, anyway. Only eighteen, she’d just...
Ok so I have been reading stories on here for a while and I figured that I would share mine...So me and my best friend were gonna go out and party for my brithday...but seeing as I was only 16 we had to be sneaky about it...So me and my friend decided that we were going to say that we were spending the night at my other friends house. My mom said that was fine until my brother was stupid enough to tell her that he was going to get me drunk...after that my mom said I had to be home at...
LesbianThe two burly security guards of BimboTech threw Willow into a transparent plexi-glass cell. It stood in the middle of a large and luxurious room. Willow got up at once to pound the glass with futile fists. She could tell that this was a prison. And that she needed to escape from it. But the men pulled her away from the wall. They forced her into a peculiar looking chair. Her hands and feet were secured. Her neck was latched with a collar. All she could do was look forward. And cry. "Now...
Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself, my sister and a bit of family history. Well, she's only my half sister. We both were orphans for awhile before a wealthy and caring couple from the United States adopted us.We were born in Vietnam and have the same mother but different American fathers. Apparently, our birth mother survived those terrible years with the help of a few soldiers from the U.S. We, of course, were the unplanned result.I'm Misha and my sister, Svetlana, is a couple of years...
IncestKali just started dating a clerk at the local video store. Not her first video store clerk either. She has a bit of a secret. She’s been dating video clerk after video clerk, trying to hunt down the “holy grail” of perversions….the elusive…Gloryhole! Until recently, she hasn’t been successful. This new boyfriend just so happens to work at a video store that has one. Kali decides to stop by the store for a surprise visit. Her new boyfriend gets pre-occupied...
xmoviesforyouI suppose I was in my late teens or early twenties when I first came across some stories in porn mags of girls drinking piss. The stories were rare and I found the idea really turned me on. Of course it never seemed to me to be something that would at all be likely to happen. After all, at my age then I considered it remarkably good fortune just to find a girl willing to swallow something as comparatively innocent as sperm. A girl so weird and depraved who would willingly drink someone’s piss...
The tiny blonde wore her favorite jeans and a t-shirt for a local band that hadn't made it more than two shows. At sixteen she'd never even been to a concert but the shirt was really comforable. She had the classic blue eyes and fair skin, just like her mother. In fact, she looked so much like her mother the two were frequently mistaken for twins at the store. Which wasn't an insult to Kelly, she knew her mother had aged very well. They were both the same height, five-foot three, and...
Over the next five years, they were regular times when John would imagine his wife in certain circumstances being made love to by other men, and it always made him excited but also curiosity made him wonder what her cunt would feel like full of other men’s semen. Joyce for her part was determined never to let John forget about the incident on their honeymoon, even John had to admit he had noticed a difference in Joyce’s willingness to take part in sex. However, to try to emulate this he would...
October 12th, 1995, 4:40 PM MST, SeaGuard Trucking, LLC, Phoenix, AZ John now knew with a distinct amount of certainty that the derailment of the Sunset Limited was accidentally planned and executed by Charlie Croker of SeaGuard Trucking. He had no truly distinct proof of it, but he didn’t need to convince a jury. His son had looked at the facts available to him and drew an outline of what had happened. Investigation of the puzzle pieces of the actual facts put together a picture that almost...
I was recently away from home for a few weeks, however, I was able to complete my task ahead of schedule and come home early. I didn’t want to tell my wife as I wanted to surprise her, but it turned out that I was the one in for a surprise. As I turned onto my street after a long drive home, I noticed a strange vehicle in my driveway. At first I didn’t think anything of it, however, I decided at the last minute to drive by and park the car around the block. I got out of my car and walked over...
CuckoldShe had lived with her parents all her life in their very small apartment. They had only one bedroom so they all slept in the same bed. Every night since she was a baby, she had sucked her moms tits. Some nights she would suck one while her dad sucked the other. She had always watched her mom and dad fuck each other even tho at the young age she did not understand what they were doing. She loved watching her dad put his cock in her moms mouth and the mom suck on it till the dad screamed and...
“You didn’t tell her?” I asked. “Hell no!” he said, “I wanted to live long enough to get you back.” “Maybe I don’t wanna go back.” I said. “Grace ... don’t do this to me.” “You did it to me!” “I had no idea you’d be left behind. I shut the lid to my box ... and you weren’t there. I’ll tell you one thing. Wendy Stage manager took one week to kill the rabbit. I never worked so hard at sex in my life,” I said. “I didn’t even dally with Val ... and she was pissed about it. “As it was ... I...
I met my future wife through a good buddie. I was moving into an apartment back in my old town. I met up with my friends and was introduced to a couple. Mary-ann was 30 and Mike was 18. Well, I needed help with hauling a bit of my stuff into my new apartment so I set out to find Mike to help me. I discovered that they were married in the past week so naturally they were inseparable. I felt this was good since she would be there and I could let her get to know me. We had only 1 or 2 heavy things...
SwingerThe First Valentine: A Historical Story This is a historical fantasy that is hardly original. Saint Valentine is credited with the first Valentine’s Card, among other intriguing works during his life in Imperial Rome. This is a work of fiction based on the life of Valentine. It is a romantic story and as such the eroticism is more subtle, please consider this if you are looking for harder fare. We sincerely hope you enjoy this (lengthy) tale… * * * * * It was near midnight when the hooded...
The big man grabbed both of her small flailing fist in one of his much larger hands and pulled her arms over her head, "NOOOPLEEZEPLEEZEPLEEZE.." Sobbed the poor girl as the trucker now, shifted his large frame between her petite legs. Strong hips once again began their grinding motion, pressing his hard manhood against her soft mound. With her arms held over her head, his other hand was free to m***** her flesh without inference. He obscenely licked his lips as he watched his hand first wrap...
Black Wolf was well aware of the advantages to be found in shooting down, while forcing your enemy to shoot up. He was also well aware that his biggest successes had come when he had been able to trap his enemies in a narrow cut. That forced them to be in predictable places during the attack, which made it easier to plan the attack and assign the various jobs. One of the reasons for choosing this particular outpost for the attack was that the road to it had a cut which was ideally suited to...
I came out to my best friend recently, he was so cool about it. It took a lesbian to make me do it, I owe her a lot. My friend is so sexy, pro cyclist, good looks and a great body. When I told the lesbian I had just come out even she admitted that he his so good looking, wow. She suggested I turn him but he is a friend first and foremost. We will see, if he treats me just the same as before, gets in touch just as before, then I will try. I think he will respond to the gentle approach, knees...
Tim never regretted his life; he looked back on his youth with fondness but never once wished to go back. Sure, those were the glory days, the days of the bathhouses, multiple tricks, and hard-ons that lasted all night. But life was still good for Tim. He’d been successful in business, he was retired now, at age 52 and living on the beaches of Monterrey. He was over his tramping self and enjoying the fruits of his youth. Every afternoon, a group of 6 or 7 surfers would stop by for an hour or...
GayGloryhole with JoOne Saturday afternoon at a loose end with the k**s at their grandparents and Paul at the football with his mates, and not knowing how to fill my spare time….. then I remembered Jo had said she was coming to John’s this weekend and I had some holiday stuff she wanted to borrow. I thought I can walk the dog round to John’s house, take the stuff with me, kill two birds with one stone and have a natter with Jo. So grabbed everything and set off Twenty minutes later I was at John’s...
Christie frowned as she sat with the others from the honeymoon week on St. Croix. “Damn, I’m getting hate mail.” “Hate mail?” Mark asked. The others turned to listen into their conversation. Alice said, “What for?” “Oh, a few days ago some campus jerk-off put two-and-two together. He knew me on campus as Christina Lee, but he also discovered my numerous porn movies on the Internet under the name Christie Lee. He ratted me out on social media, and now I’m getting hate mail from the loving...
A few lines about how it all started before I tell you my story.My son, Tom and I accidentally became lovers a little over 18 months ago, it all started when we went camping and we had to vacate the campsite because of flooding. Managing to acquire one of the last B&B rooms left in the village we had to share the double bed. I foolishly had a little too much wine that night when we were out for a meal and seduced my son later in bed by giving him a hand job. The next day when we got home I...