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Rich looked out over the mirror-like water. The air was still and the heat from the sun was almost unbearable. He wiped some sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and then pushed up his sunglasses which had slid down on his nose. The beach was busy but not overcrowded. Mostly families with a splatter of single people baking in the sun. A child laughed and then began to cry as it fell head first in the water. Rich smiled, it had looked funny.
A movement to his right made him turn and out of the water came a man who took off his diving mask with a snorkel attached to it. He sat down in the sand and then took off his flippers. When he stood Rich’s eyes were drawn to the enormous bulge on his Speedos. Most men on the beach wore shorts but this one apparently preferred the skin-tight version. Rich could understand why he had something to show off. Rich was not gay, not even bisexual but he could appreciate another man’s cock. He himself had a decent size seven inches to make the ladies happy. This guy had at least ten if not more and that was when it was limp.
The man nodded as most people do when he passed and then stole a glance at the person lying on her back next to Rich. The man’s eyes took in her body, he winked to Rich and then walked off.
“Honey, you missed something,” Rich said to his girlfriend Nina.
She slowly rolled over onto her back covering her eyes from the sun with one arm. Her round full C cups pointed at the sun with their tiny pink nipples.
“Pass me my sunglasses.”
Rich did and when she had put them on she asked, “What did I miss?”
“The biggest cock I have ever seen.”
Nina sighed. Not again. Rich, who she loved, had a bit of an obsession about other men’s dicks. Not that he would ever admit it though.
“Baby, yours is just fine, trust me.”
Rich glanced over at her and took in the swell of her pussy under her bikini thong. Above it her flat stomach and then her boobs. For only being sixteen Nina had an amazing body, and he was so lucky he got to fuck her every night or day. She was such a nympho.
They had met at his work. He was a barista and she went to the school around the corner. A week of flirting had led to a movie followed by a blowjob in a dark alley. Nina had gone down on him in a heartbeat after making out first. Rich was a happy camper and since that day they had been a steady couple for a year. It was his idea to take her on vacation to one of the smaller Greek islands. He was a bit nervous asking her parents permission since he was only eighteen himself. They needed little convincing since they knew Rich was a responsible young man and their daughter never got into trouble.
And here they were, on a lovely beach, Rich doubting the size of his cock, and Nina thinking about lunch.
“Baby, I’m hungry, let’s get a burger or something,” she said and sat up.
After collecting their beach towels and other items they began the walk up along the track that led to the beach. Halfway to the main road Rich again saw the man from the beach.
“Hey, there he is,” he said and pointed.
Nina took him in. He was in his fifties, well built and was watering his garden. When he saw the young couple he smiled and waived.
“Did you have a nice time?” he said in English.
“Yes, thank you. You have such a wonderful island. Were you born here?” asked Nina.
The man put down the hose and walked up to them. “Yes, my entire family are islanders. My father was a fisherman but I have a small bar in town. Please, come by this evening and I’ll invite you both to a drink.”
“Thanks, we will,” said Rich and he and Nina walked on.
Eros watched the young couple for a moment. The girl was just perfect he thought. Under the thin see-through top she wore he could clearly make out her ass which looked like someone had stuck half a football to her backside. Round and firm. He licked his lips, it had been a long time since he had had such a young woman, and the thought made his cock grow.
Eros had had many women in his life, maybe his name had given him luck. It was the god of love and he had made love to hundreds of girls over the years. Almost all tourists who had come to the island on vacation. Some single, but many married had found themselves in his bed with his cock deep inside them. Some had left with a grin on their faces others had left with an aching and stretched pussy. Especially the young ones would have some trouble walking after a night with him. Eros went back to watering his plants while whistling.
Nina put her hands on Rich hips and pulled him closer. They stood under the shower head in their hotel room kissing. She felt his hard cock against her tummy and she slid a hand down and grabbed it. This made Rich moan a little.
“I want you here and now,” she said.
Rich gently turned her around so she was facing away from him. She bent a little while widening her stance. Rich caressed her ass cheeks and then angled his cock so the head was rubbing her swollen pussy lips. Nina was shaved and when he slid inside her it almost pulled him deeper. She let go of a drawn-out moan when he began to fuck her deeply.
His balls smacked into her and she reached back and teased them with her long nails, something she knew he loved.
“Oh, that feels so good,” he said.
“Yeah? Do you want to come inside me?”
Rich loved it when Nina talked dirty. “Yes!”
“Fuck me harder and the shoot your cum deep inside my pussy.”
He grabbed her hips and fucked her as hard as he could. When he came his nails dug into her soft flesh and she whimpered. When he pulled out some cum ran down her inner thigh mixing with the water.
Afterward they helped each other with after sun lotion. By the time Nina had reached his cock Rich was rock hard again. With a giggle, she straddled him and rode him until she came. Their slick bodies rubbed against each other as they made out in post orgasmic bliss.
Rich lay on his side. His hand caressed Nina from her shoulder down to her thigh. She lay with her back to him and said. “That was nice.”
“Yeah, but now I’m all sweaty again. This heat is almost to hot to fuck in.”
She laughed and guided his hand to her right boob. “You are right, just feel how wet my tit is.”
She was right, and the wet boob in his hand responded to his caress by the nipple going hard.
“Honey, I know I was your first guy but have you ever, before or after we met thought about having sex with another man?”
Nina rolled over so she was facing him. “Why on earth would I do that?”
He kissed her on the nose. “It’s okay if you have. I know you love me and if you did it would be normal curiosity.”
She looked into his brown eyes and said, “Sure, of course, I have thought about other men, and I sometimes comment on men we see while we are out.”
“Okay, and have you ever thought about one of them fucking you?”
She was quiet for a moment. “Yes, I have. What about you and other women?”
Rich blushed. “I guess I have.”
“Well then, we have both cheated on each other mentally.”
He laughed. “Yes, we have.”
She pulled him closer and whispered in his ear. “Even if I look, I love you. Just so you know.”
“And me you.”
Later that evening they made their way along the tiny streets. The man in his garden had not said the name of his bar but there weren’t many in town so Nina and Rich figured they would just walk around until they found it.
It took the three places until they got the right one. “Hi,” said Nina when she walked up to the man who stood outside.
“Hello again, I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce myself earlier. My name is Eros, please have a seat. What would you like?”
“I’m Nina and this is my boyfriend, Rich. White wine for me, and a beer for him.”
Eros left and the young couple sat down. The sun had settled and they had had dinner in the hotel. Their vacation packaged included breakfast and dinner.
The street was narrow and in a part of the town away from the tourists. A window opened on the opposite window and an old woman with a black headscarf looked down on them. Nina waived and the women closed the window without waiving back.
“Friendly,” she said and they laughed.
“Oh, that old hag. She is just a rude old widow,” said Eros who had seen what had happened.
He placed the drinks on the table. “How long are you here for?”
“A week, we arrived two days ago,” said Rich.
“Have you seen the sights yet?”
“Not really, but we will. I hear there are a few old villas?” said Nina after trying her wine.
“Yes, yes, there are. The thing is, it’s easier to reach them from the water than on land. I guess the original owners wanted to be close to the sea.”
“Crap, we might have to rent a boat then,” sighed Rich.
“I can take you,” offered Eros.
“That is so kind of you, thank you,” said Nina.
“What about tomorrow? Come to my place around ten.”
A few couples that looked local walked in from the street and waived to Eros. “Sure, see you then,” said Rich.
Eros attended the people while Rich and Nina relaxed.
“Do you know what I think?”
Nina raised her eyebrows.” What?”
“Eros has the hots for you.”
“Oh come on, please, Rich. Not now, we are having a wonderful time.”
“Trust me, I can feel it. He was undressing you with his eyes when he spoke.”
Nina looked down at her white summer dress. Her cleavage was deep and it had ridden up on her sigh showing off almost her entire leg. She blushed.
“Maybe, but so what?”
“Would you fuck him?”
There was a silence where Nina stared into Rich eyes trying to read him if he was serious or joking. She decided he was joking so she said, “Sure, there is nothing more I would love than having his old man cock in me.”
Rich grinned. “It might come true tomorrow, you know.”
“Honey, I love you, but that will never happen.”
The following morning when Rich and Nina arrived at Eros house he was already standing outside waiting for them. In one hand he held a basket.
“I thought we could have a light lunch on-board and go for a swim.”
Nina wore the same thin top as the day before but her bikini was white and showed of her boobs and the mound of her sex. Eros had a hard time not staring at the spot between her legs.
“Sounds, great let’s go,” said Rich.
They made the walk down to the marina next to the beach where they had been the day before. Along the trail sat little white houses with the classic Greek blue frame around the windows. They saw mostly old people puttering around or sitting in the shade under a tree talking.
When they reached the marina Rich thought they would turn right towards the fishing boats that were tied to the stone dock. Instead, Eros turned left towards where the pleasure boats were tied up. He stopped at a 32 foot Sunseeker. Its white hull shiny it the sunlight. It was not what Rich or Nina had expected.
Eros smiled. “This is my pride and joy. Her name is Aphrodite.”
“Pretty name on a pretty boat,” said Nina and let Eros help her on board. She went to the front deck where she sat down and Rich helped Eros untying. The engines growled to life and Eros deftly navigated out of the little harbor. Once out on the open sea, he increased throttle until the boat was planing along.
Nina felt the vibrations from the engines through the hull and smiled at their power. They flew across the flat sea and Nina actually giggled.
Rich stood next to Eros at the helm and he too had a big smile on his face. “I wish I could have a boat, but there is no water close to where we live,” he shouted over the noise.
“The sea is in me. When I was a small boy I would help my father pull in the nets. It was hard work and always up before sunrise. I prefer this type of boating these days.”
They came around a point of land and there it was, one of the first ancient villas. It was easy to spot, white against the green background. As they came neared Eros slowed down until they were gliding through the clear blue water. Nina looked down and saw a school a fish and wondered how deep it was. Because of the clarity of the water, it was impossible to guess.
Eros watched the young women, the curve of her hip as she bent over the railing and for a second he could imagine how it would be to stand behind her with that perfect ass of hers.
“Who built it? Does anyone know?” asked Rich when they had anchored as close to the villa as they could.
Eros shook his head. “It’s been lost in history, but whoever it was must have been very wealthy. It has a pool.”
“What? It must be over five hundred years old,” said Nina.
“Sure they did. Some used rainwater but this one is filled by sea water.”
“Doesn’t it go stale?”
“It does now because the water system doesn’t work, but back then fresh water was circulated.”
“Amazing. Can we go and see it?”
“No, its protected. This is as close you can get by sea and from land, you are even further away.”
“Too bad.”
Nina pulled her top off. “I’m going for a swim!”
She didn't wait for an answer and dove head first into the water and swam away under the surface. She came up some twenty yards away. “It’s so warm. Come on in, Rich.”
“Go ahead, I’ll get some wine for us,” said Eros.
When Rich reached the spot where Nina was treading water she said, “I can imagine how it must have been here so long ago. So peaceful and quiet.”
“Not anymore,” Rich answered as two speed boats drove by.
Nina swam back to the boat with Rich right behind her and when they reached it Eros helped them up. On the table in the aft sat for glasses a bottle of white wine with no label and a bowl of grapes.
Eros poured. “Wow, this good, what is?” said Rich after trying the wine.
“It’s my own. I have a small vineyard at the back of my place. I only get around ten bottles a year.”
Nina took in the older man as he spoke to Rich. His skin was dark from time in the sun and his body was lean and muscular. Broad shoulders and a square jaw made him look very manly. Her eyes drifted down but since he wore cargo shorts she couldn’t see what Rich had seen the previous day.
They talked and laughed while drinking wine and eating grapes. Rich and Nina told Eros about their life back home and he about living on the island. After a couple of hours, he got up.
“I’m going for lunch, and will be back in a while.”
Rich and Nina looked at each other surprised. Eros saw it and laughed while taking off his shorts. “I’m going fishing.” from under his seat he took out a long harpoon. He then grabbed a mask, snorkel, and fins from the same place.
When he turned Nina gasped, loudly. “Oh shit.”
Eros smiled. “Don’t be embarrassed. That’s the usual reaction I get from women.”
Without another word, he jumped into the water.
Under water, Eros cocked the harpoon and then took off towards a reef nearby. His strong legs kicked hard and he moved easily through the water. There were fish all around him and even a jellyfish bobbed by. His mind was on Nina and how her eyes had threatened to pop out of her skull and her jaw had dropped. Her eyes, green as grass and then her raven black hair she wore long. She was like a Greek goddess, maybe even Aphrodite.
Back on board, Nina tried to get her act together. “I’m sorry, Rich, it was such a shock.”
He laughed. “I told you the man was enormous. Now, do you believe me?”
“Jesus, that’s not a cock, it’s a damn weapon of pussy destruction. I bet I couldn’t take him.”
Rich cocked his head and leaned back in his seat. “So, now you think about it.”
She slapped his leg. “Of course, stupid. When you asked me yesterday I was thinking about regular size dicks, not missile sized.”
“Okay, I repeat the question. Would you fuck him?”
Nina thought long and hard. “I guess, but only out of curiosity and if you agreed to it.”
Rich shot forward in his seat. “Hell, yes!”
“When did you become a voyeur?”
“Not sure, but the thought of you being fucked by a large cock has always excited me. Maybe it’s because you have such a perfect body and I know you love sex.”
Nina undid her bikini top and then pulled down her bottom. Standing up she cupped her boobs in her hands and rubbed her thumbs against her nipples who went hard. “C’mon, let’s fuck.”
Rich was on her like a panther on a rabbit. He gently lay her down on the seat where she had been and then put one of her legs over his shoulder. He grabbed his cock and rubbed the head along her slit until it was glistening from her juices. Her swollen clit poked out and he knew she was ready. In one swift thrust, he was inside her and she moaned. “Oh, that is so good, baby.”
“Yeah, you think you can take that giant cock after I warm you up?”
Nina looked into his eyes. “Yes, I want Eros’s giant cock in me, and I want you to see when a real man fucks my tiny pussy.”
“Oh, shit, I love it. More!”
“His cock will stretch me so far my pussy will be all loose and I wouldn’t feel you inside me.”
“Yes, go on!”
Rich was fucking her hard and her words made him go crazy with horniness.
“His cum will fill me up so my pussy will be close to exploding.”
“Shit!” Rich gave her a few more thrust and Nina closed her eyes as she felt him empty his nuts inside her.
Eros was lucky and caught an octopus after only a minute at the reef. When he had hung it on the metal ring under the harpoon he saw a lobster on the rock and grabbed that too. Then he kicked his legs and he began the journey back to his boat.
When he poked his head above the water the first thing he heard was Nina moaning loudly. He quietly used the platform above the propellers and looked over the riling. Rich was licking and sucking at her pink pussy.
“Well, well, I’m gone fifteen minutes and when I come back it’s Sodom and Gomorrah on my boat.”
The couple didn’t seem to hear him because Rich continued to lick and Nina pressed his head hard against her. She had both legs over his shoulders.
Eros put down his gear and the lobster who tried to get a grip on the plastic floor but couldn’t. Eros then pulled down his Speedos and walked naked over to the couple.
He took his erect cock in his hand and let the head caresses Nina’s cheek. Her eyes fluttered open and when she saw him all she did was to smile. Then she reached for his cock.
Nina watched in a mix of horror and pleasure how her fingers didn’t touch around Eros’ cock. There was a good inch between the fingertips. The dark red cockhead had a drop of pre-cum on it that she licked away. Then she opened her mouth as wide as she possibly could. Meanwhile, Rich was happily licking away.
She couldn’t get the cock inside and it was frustrating. She licked around it and along the shaft but she wanted so much to take it inside.
Eros placed his hands on the back of her head. “This might hurt a little,” he said before pulling her sharply towards his cock.
There was a jolt of pain and Nina tried to yelp but with her mouth full of Greek cock she couldn’t. The corners of her lips threatened to rip as the older man began to thrust in and out. Rich had stopped licking and stared at the scene above him.
Nina had a wide lush mouth that he loved to kiss and see around his cock. But now her lips were thin, drawn out by the girth of the cock sliding in and out between them. Drool hung from her chin like a porn queen.
“Don’t worry, she will be fine. It looks much worse that it is,” said Eros casually. He showed no signs of coming any time soon which was the opposite of how Rich felt.
He thought he would squirt his load right then, just by what he was seeing. But at the same time it was difficult to see his lovely Nina having another man’s cock in her mouth and enjoying it. Then Eros pulled out his cock with a plopping sound and Nina gasped for air. It took her a few seconds to collect herself and then she turned to Rich. “Honey, baby, I love sucking your cock, you know that but this, this is something god like.”
She turned back to Eros, hoping he would stick his cock back in her mouth but instead he helped her up and then took out a rolled up plastic mattress he laid her down on.
“Nina, this won’t be easy for you and it will hurt, even though you are not a virgin, just try to relax.”
She was on her back and Eros pushed her legs up so her knees touched her boobs. Rich took a large drink from his wine glass and scooted forward in his seat. He had to see this.
Nina looked between her legs where she made out the curve of her pussy mound and beyond that the giant cock. Now, she had watched porn with Rich and previous boyfriends so she had seen big cocks before. The difference was, they were on film. This one about a foot from her tight pussy.
Eros moved in and when she thought he would push inside her she was wrong. Instead, he lay his cock on her tummy. The base where her clit was and the cockhead was passed her navel.
“This is what is going inside you. Ready?”
Nina slowly nodded, tried to be brave but scared at the same time. She thought about closing her eyes but instead, she leaned forward as much as her legs let her. Eros moved so his cock was lined up with her pussy and then he pressed against it. At first, nothing happened. But then her pussy lips parted.
No pain, great thought Nina and smiled. But then the cockhead slid in and it began, like a dull ache that began in her bones. She could see Eros’ cock slide inside her and she gasped for air.
“Oh, oh, no, no, I can’t, it’s too big,” she moaned.
Rich stared at his girlfriends stretched pussy. If he had known it could stretch that much, he would have tried fist fucking her. When Eros was halfway inside Nina he stopped and let her rest.
“Baby, are you okay? You look pretty fucking stretched from where I’m sitting.”
Nina tried to laugh but she couldn’t. “Yeah, and let me tell you. It fucking hurts but it’s so hot at the same time.”
To his amazement Rich actually saw Nina’s pussy relax a little and like a miracle, Eros cock slid in all the way.
“Holy shit, that was so cool.” Rich and jumped out of his seat.
“Yes, yes, oh god, he is so big inside me.”
Eros began to move, at first slowly but building speed.
“Oh, oh, yes, yes, fuck my little pussy you dirty old Greek, fuck me!”
“Yes, baby I love it.”
She turned to her boyfriend and in gasps said, “Your cock, is, nothing, like this. You will never give me pleasure, again.”
“I bet I won’t. I will call you flabby pussy from now on,” said Rich and laughed.
He knelt behind her and angled his cock so she could suck it.
Nina was happy to have Rich in her mouth. She loved him dearly and it was only the dirty talking, she hadn’t meant any of it.
Eros began to breath harder and held her legs while fucking her. Her pussy was so tight and he knew he wouldn’t able to hold back for much.
“Come inside her, Eros.” said Rich.
“Uh, okay.” was all the answer he got before the man tensed and with a growl came deep inside Rich’s girlfriend’s pussy.
The sensation was like having a hose up her pussy when someone turned on the water. Not that she ever had it, but in her mind, it was the closest to an explanation she could give. At first, there were the throbs from Eros’ cock and then her pussy filled with cum.
When he pulled out of her Rich was quickly there to see the damage.
“Wow, it’s just a gaping hole. I could throw a kitten in it,” he said and laughed.
Nina lay with her legs up like if she was going to give birth. “God, I can feel the breeze in my pussy!”
Eros finished his glass of wine and then poured another which he took a sip from. “So, there, now you have been fucked by a real man.”
Nina slowly got up and then gently sat down on her seat. “Oh, shit, tell me about it. I’m going to be sore for a while.”
Eros shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing to worry about, a young pussy like yours, it will be nice and tight by tonight. If you had been forty, then, well, let’s say that Rich wouldn’t be enough for you.”
They laughed and Eros went to cook the lobster and octopus on a small grille he took out of the cabin.
Rich and Nina stayed naked, not worrying about Eros glances at her. “He wants you again,” noted Rich.
“He can have me, trust me.” Nina was massaging her pussy that now looked normal again.
“Can I try?” asked Rich holding up a finger. She nodded.
When he put it to her pussy it just slid in, there was no resistance what so ever. “Wow, you are really loose baby.”
“What, is your finger inside me?”
Rich laughed. “Yes, all the way.”
“Fuck, my pussy is messed up.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
After a delicious lunch with more wine, the three of them lay in the sun. Nina wanted dessert so she lay her head on Eros' stomach and then stuffed her mouth with his limp cock. As it grew inside her, her jaws threatened to break but she soldiered on until Eros was moaning and squirming. Rich had rested his head on his hands and lay watching them. When Eros finally came he noted that Nina swallowed five times before she spat out the cock.
“Wow, that was a big load,” she said wiping some cum off her lips and chin.
“Tasty?” asked Rich.
“Not bad, but so much of it.”
Eros was now snoring and Rich and Nina took that as a sign they should also rest and soon they were sleeping. Nina’s pussy hot and stretched slowly began to go back to its old self. But it had caught the taste of large cock and it wanted more. In her sleep, Nina dreamt of having Eros inside her every day.
They left Eros at his house and then began walking back to the hotel. They walked hand in hand as young lovers do, Nina leaned her head against Rich shoulder.
“I’d like to stay longer. It’s summer break so I don’t have to be back in school any time soon.”
There was a silence before Rich answered. “It’s Eros and his cock, isn’t it?”
“Don’t be stupid, I just like it here,” she said and punched his shoulder but then continued, “well, maybe a little bit is about his cock.”
Rich put his arm around her and pulled her close. They kissed and he said, “let’s call your parents and my job. I bet they have nothing against us spending a few more weeks here.”
“I love you, baby!”

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