Athena Ch.02 free porn video

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“You ready sweetie?”

He blinked, as if coming out of a stupor and looked back to her, to Athena, her expression playful, but her body language pressing. It hadn’t been so much of a question as it had been an order.

Meekly he looked back at the window, looking through his own reflection to the street outside. They didn’t have far to go, but the short walk from her limo to the Hotel’s lobby was lined by an eager group of camera-toting men, the dreaded paparazzi.

“But… The photographers, they’ll see us together.” He said, voice soft and he heard her knock on the partition with the driver, a signal that he was to come open their door for the two of them.

He looked at her, his eyes going wide as any chance of a reprieve from this limelight was stolen away from him, but she just smiled wryly, “Don’t worry about it, once we get inside and I tweet out who you are and the pictures you’ve drawn they won’t think a thing, promise. Now just smile and act natural.”

He opened his mouth to protest but, as he did the door before him opened and without a moment to compose himself he felt Athena’s hand on his back, pushing him outside.

Robin, at the very least, didn’t fall over, though as he stood there, stunned, the world around him exploded with bright flashing lights, each spark coming at him accompanied by a hail of desperate shouted questions;

“Who’re you!”

“How do you know Athena!”

“What’s your name!”

He stood there, a deer in the headlights, at least until he felt Athena’s reassuring and confident hand on his back, pushing him forward once again, this time towards the lobby.

In an almost trance-like state and with Athena’s guiding hand resting on his lower back he stepped forward as she smiled and waved so calmly and well practised, only offering the oppressive wall of similarly directed questions with, “You’ll find out on my twitter soon!”

Robin wasn’t sure if it was ten steps or a thousand, but before long he found himself in the hotel lobby, Athena’s guiding hand taking him as far as the lifts before she let him go, laughing lightly.

“Oh my god, you were so perfect, I thought it would take you a while to get used to the paparazzi but you took to it like… Well, like you took to my dick.” She grinned and he looked up at her, baffled. In his mind he had had to be all but shoved along by her, his movements wooden his expression a grimace.

As they waited for the lift she pulled a smartphone from her pocket, pursing her lips as she opened an app and scrolled through it.

He put his hand to his own pocket, reaching for his own smartphone and, as his fingers dipped into his pocket felt a moment of panic before remembering he had had it confiscated by Athena’s assistant back at the arena, and at no point had had it back, or even seen her.


She looked over at him and raised an eyebrow.

“Can I have my phone back?”

She eyed him for a moment, then smiled sweetly, reaching out to run her fingers through his long black hair, “Aww, sweetie, no…”

She winked and lowered her hand from his face, looking back to her phone as he stood there feeling oddly alone. His phone was his connection to his family, his friends, and though it wasn’t that they were waiting to hear from him, but without it he felt like a lifeline had been severed.

They stepped into the lift together as it arrived along with one of Athena’s suited men, though Athena paid as much attention to their presence as she did to the pattern on the carpet beneath their feet.

“Here, look.” She said with a smile, holding her sizable phone towards him, which he took, looking at what she offered. It was from Twitter, with #AthenaTour prominent in the caption beneath the photo that dominated the screen.

It showed Athena smiling with one arm up waving midstep, wearing her casual outfit, no longer in her stage dress, her limo behind her and her arm around a boy, his body slender, especially when compared to her curvier form, his expression a little uncertain but his smile warm and surprisingly charismatic, his long hair giving him a very feminine appearance, a book clutched in one hand.

Robin swallowed as she took the phone back from him, “That was me?” He asked uncertainly and Athena gave him an incredulous, 'duh', look before returning her attention to her phone.

He looked up at the suited guard, a tall man with dark skin and an even darker expression that, thankfully, wasn’t pointed his way and Robin looked away again, inspecting the pattern on the carpet.

He felt the elevator slow and the doors before him open, he let Athena step out first and, with a crook of her finger, was bid to follow. He didn’t object, following Athena as she slipped her phone back into her pocket, her suit going ahead to open her hotel room door, allowing them both to slip inside before closing it, sealing them both in the room, alone together.

“Mm,” Athena sighed deeply, putting her phone down on a table and looking around. The room was exceptionally well furnished and, Robin noted, led into a couple of different rooms. He’d stayed in hotels before, but never one that was more than just a bedroom and adjoined bathroom. As he looked around he could see several of her possessions lying around and, he assumed, she must have stayed here the night before too.

“What do you think?” She asked, looking over at him and smirking as she walked over to a pair of sizable couches.

“It’s... Impressive.” He said, honestly and she shrugged.

“It’s okay I suppose,” She paused, glancing towards the door where, he assumed, the bedroom was, “come on, I really want a shower but we’re going to have to do that photo shoot first. Your pictures, I mean.”

He nodded some as she turned towards the room, stepping forward to follow but she hesitated, smirking, “Oh, and take off your shirt.”

He stopped and looked up at her, eyes wide, “W-what? Why?”

“Shy?” She teased, knowing he was. “Look.” She hooked her thumbs under the base of her shirt and lifted it up, his cheeks flushing crimson as her curvy plush form was revealed to him, bare and perfect, her stomach smooth, her breasts full and rounded on her chest, bigger than he had thought, her perfect nipples, for now at least, soft atop their mountains of flesh, “Now you.”

He swallowed, staring at the beautiful blonde, the object of so many of his fantasies and desires stood there, topless, hands on her hips as she waited expectantly for him, him of all people, to partially undress too. He had to keep reminding himself that she wasn’t all the goddess that he saw before him, that she was manipulating him, using him, but his awareness didn’t stop him from obeying, albeit after setting down his sketchbook.

Athena bit her lip as she got her first look at the bare skin of her cock sucking little gem. She had been worried that with his pale skin and dark hair she’d have to shave his body, as any little patches of masculinity would stand out like a beacon against his fairness, but to her delight, his lithe feminine body was as silky smooth as her own.

“Ooh everything I learn about you just makes me want you more baby… Come on, pick up your book.” She winked, eying him briefly up and down before stepping away towards one of the side rooms.

Despite himself, he followed eagerly with his book, if just for the opportunity to see the front side of Athena again, in all its glory.

He stepped into the bedroom hot on her heels and, looking past the figure of her back saw the large four post bed that dominated the room with its king size splendour. At the foot of it, against the wall, sat a large set of vanity mirrors on a table, all centred around a low backed chair that, judging by the number of open makeup kits strewn around, Athena had used earlier that day.

She sauntered over to the foot of the bed with her phone in one hand and turned to face him again, smiling at his blush and patted her lap, “Come sit here… Open your book and let me take some pictures for Twitter, put those wondering who you are online at ease, hm?”

He bit his lip and took a couple of timid steps forward before pausing, realising her game, “You… Just want to feel my ass against your thing, don’t you…”

She eyed him for a moment then laughed, shrugging innocently, “Okay, yeah you got me, I just want to feel your ass on my dick. But you’ll get to feel my tits on your back,” she pursed her lips and pressed her chest forward enticingly, “sooo... Is it that bad of a deal?”

He parted his lips, then hesitated, his eyes drawn to the swelling of her chest. Sitting down topless emphasized the curve of her stomach, but even then he could only imagine the softness of her full curves pressed against him.

Without another moment's objection he stepped towards her, reasoning that while her breasts to his back would be skin to skin, his ass to her cock would have to contend with at least two layers of fabric, giving him the better end of the deal.

“Good boy,” she cooed, smirking as he sat himself down on her lap, one of her arms snaking around his waist to hold him in place, her other holding her phone, “and I’m very impressed you saw right through my plan, shows you’re smart as well as pretty…” She said softly, pulling him tighter to her and leaning forward, letting the softness of her breasts spill out against his back, hugging his light form to her, indulging him in the sensations her body had to offer.

“Feels good?” She asked, her breasts pressing into the back of his shoulders, glancing to the side she could see the swell of her chest above his shoulders in the vanity mirror, giving them the same effect as a tight dress, she smirked, it was perfect.

“Y-yes…” He admitted, feeling a little shiver go down his spine and a definite tightening of his pants.

“Perfect… Now open your book and hold it up a little, I want to get the best light,” she said, voice low.

He did so, flicking through the pages until he found his best one of her and she smiled, holding up her phone and sighting the camera on it.

“Mm, a little to the right darling…” She said gently and he moved it where she indicated. The phoned blipped and, after inspecting the result, she smiled, “Perfect, thanks... Mm, it’s about time I had that shower.”

Robin blinked a little and turned his head, looking at her curiously, “Just... The one photo?” he asked, reluctant to leave the comfort of his ‘seat’.

“Mmhm, now come on. You didn’t think I’d be showering alone did you?” She grinned, squeezing him around the waist before letting go and moving to stand up, forcing him to rise with her.

“You… You want to shower with 'me'?” He asked, looking up at her with wide beautiful eyes.

“You bet, you can wash my tits and everything… I won’t even make you touch my cock… Unless you want to, of course.” she grinned, and gave him a nudge, “go get the shower turned on and get it a good temperature, I’ll just post this picture…”

Robin, blushing brightly nodded quickly and stepped away into the ensuite, her eyes on the bubbliness of his ass the entire way.

She grinned and watched him go before looking down at the phone in her hand, typing out a short innocent caption, ‘The fan you all saw me with before is just a fan, but a talented one! Look at this amazing drawing he did of me in LA! #AthenaTour’.

She hesitated, holding her finger over the send button and, for the first time in a while, felt uncertain about herself. Was he as perfect as he seemed? She bit her lip. There would be no going back from this. It would set them both down a path even she, in all her power and influence couldn’t take them back from. He was beautiful yes, and talented too, that wasn't a lie. His figure was to die for and his dedication to her couldn’t be denied. But she didn’t know a thing about his family, if he had any, or anything else about him for that matter. She heard the shower running and for a moment felt her heart skip a beat.

She hit send, posting the tweet and the attached photo to the internet for all to see.

Taking her phone with her she stepped through to the bathroom and smiled as she saw him, standing by the shower unit a little anxiously, still starstruck with her presence, or maybe just stuck staring at her tits.

“Not undressed?” she asked, her phone buzzing in her hand as she received a message, which she ignored.

“I’m a bit…” He bit his lip.

She smirked some and eyed him over, her prey.

“Hey don’t worry about it… Tell you what.” She opened an app on her phone and soon music, her own, started to pour out, quite loud to be heard over the patterning of the rain shower unit, “how about I close the door, turn off the lights and then you won’t have to be shy, because you won’t see Athena the idol and I won't see you nude…”

After a moment's consideration, he nodded slightly, a small smile touching his lips at her consideration and she noted his expression of relief. It took effort, but she managed to keep the grin off of her own expression for the time it took to shut the door and switch off the light.

It was odd, she thought, how much safer he must be feeling, now he was alone in a tight space with a predator like her.

To the tune of her own music, she undressed and heard him doing the same, listening for the gentle patter of feet that indicated he’d stepped into the shower unit that, while certainly big enough for the two of them, would be very intimate all the same.

She stepped in after him and slid the door closed behind them both, feeling him gasp a little in surprise as she accidentally brushed her arm against his skin.

“Come here…” she said softly, holding her arms open to the blackness feeling hot rivulets of water trickling down her skin, beginning to wash away the fatigue of the evening's event.

It took a moment, but she felt a figure, small and hesitant step into her arms. She smiled and wrapped her arms around Robin, drawing his body to hers, the silkiness of their skin enhanced by the water between their bodies.

“Athena…” He said, voice soft, shy but pleasant, “I... I don’t think I could do that celebrity thing… All those people taking my photo, having to worry what the whole world thinks all the time…”

He was so beautifully gentle and sincere. She was so glad she’d made the right decision. She let out a soft sigh and held him close, one hand caressing his hair almost lovingly, “Oh, Robin, sweetie, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want it... It’s your life now, you belong to me.”

She felt him tense a little against him, his voice hardening, the darkened shower giving him a sense of anonymity and with it, some confidence against her will.

“You… You won’t be in this city forever. And you can’t take me with you when you go.” He said, trying to push a little of that confidence into his shaky voice.

“Yes, I can. Oh, my precious little toy… The world is blowing up right now, everywhere but in here…” She smirked to herself.

Robin looked up towards her, but could see nothing in the absolute dark of the room. That had sounded like a lyric of hers as opposed to anything of meaning, “I... I don’t understand?...”

“The photo I took of your art, cutie. In the bottom corner you can quite clearly make out a reflection, something I could very innocently have missed while taking the photo… In the vanity mirror you can see us, see you sat on my lap, both of us topless, the swell of my breasts, though, not my nipples," she giggled, "had to keep it decent you understand.” She paused for a moment, but he didn’t say anything. “Of course my team would’ve taken the picture down as soon as they realised, but it would’ve been too little too late. The whole world is probably speculating what you are to me. Boyfriend? Lover? I can only guess, but the fact is they know it’s not all that innocent.”

She waited for her words to sink in, something that seemingly took a while as it was a full minute before he spoke, his voice quivering.


“To leave you with no options." she laughed softly, "You can become my boyfriend, official, we can laugh off the embarrassment of being caught like this and you can travel the world with me. You can dine with me in the worlds finest restaurants, meet celebrities all around the globe, get the best seat in every single one of my concerts and spend every single night cuddled into me as my one and only. You can draw me and have your art become famous, recognised globally…” she paused for a moment, she’d gone this far, she might as well tell it how it was, “ and you’ll keep me relaxed and happy, you’ll suck my dick when I tell you to and ride me with that thick pale ass of yours whenever I want, and be happy to do so. You’ll beg for it and you’ll worship the ground I walk on, more than you already do. I’ll own you and I’ll make you love being owned.”

“...Or else?” he ventured, the defeat already radiating in his voice.

She smiled, “Or… Oh, I don’t know, I have so many options. I know how to work the media after all. If you walk away from me I will make your life and the life of everyone around you a living hell… Friends, family, the media will stalk and harass them all, I’ll deny everything, of course, just to spin them into even more of a frenzy. They’ll stalk you and everyone around you. Harass them for information they won't even know... You’ll eventually have to take me to court to make it stop. You’ll win, eventually, maybe, but by then you’ll be bankrupt and the whole world will know your face thanks to the news, and know it as the one that made the beautiful, innocent Athena break down in tears in court because of all the anxiety the rumours had caused. But we don’t have to worry about any of that, do we?"

“N-no.” Came his muted response, almost drowned out by her own music, his head resting against the swell of her bust.

“Good…" she said with brightness, "Now we can put that behind us and you can start your new life, with me as your girlfriend. And you know that comes with certain privileges."

Dumbly Robin felt his hands taken by hers and led up the curves of her body, brought around front as she leaned back slightly, her hands guiding his up the slickness of her skin to pause briefly under the swell of her breasts.

She released his hands and moved hers down to his hips, “Go on…” She urged, wanting him to enjoy himself, to help accept his own fate in all this.

Robin swallowed some and felt the softness of her midriff under his hands, the fullness of the underside of her breasts resting against his fingertips tempting him as his mind still tried to process what she had said.

This was everything he’d wanted, wasn’t it? To be with Athena? To spend his days as hers and no one else's? He raised his hands, gliding them up her body and heard as she let out a low moan, his hands lifting and cupping her breasts, pushing them high on her chest, his fingers digging into their softness as he squeezed them.

He felt his cock twitching between his thighs as he groped freely at her breasts, so heavy and full against his palms. He thought back to all the times he’d seen her and drawn her, imagining them. In the darkness they were bigger than he thought they would be, though that was likely just a result of his small hands.

“You like them?” She asked, knowing he did.

“Y-yeah…” He said softly and she giggled as he again squeezed them tight to her chest. She loved the feeling of his exploratory hands, so cautious but eager.

Robin swallowed and tried to suppress the feeling of wrongness. The whole world was his. The price being it was his now whether he wanted it or not, whether he wanted to be her bottom bitch or not.

“You’ll learn to love it…” she said softly, as if reading his thoughts, “Being my boy… Here, let me show you something new…”

For a moment Robin wondered how she could show him anything in the darkness as hot water streamed over their bodies, but then he felt her hand on his head, tilting it back, he parted his lips to speak, but felt her mouth find his.

They kissed. Or, rather, she kissed him, her lips full and pressing, her tongue aggressively searching out his own as she moaned into his mouth, cupping his head in her hands, his own relaxing from her breasts, which now rested on his chest, to hold her hips.

He whimpered cutely into the kiss, unsure what to do, but trying his best for her, their tongues mingling together, the two of them feeling hot and wet in the shower as she writhed her body against his.

He wasn’t sure how long the kiss lasted before she broke it, but when she did and his senses returned, he heard her quickened breath and felt something hard and all too familiar pressing into the softness of one of his pale thighs.

She felt him tense as he realised she was hard again and she kissed at his cheek, trying to relax him.

“Don’t be scared… I just think you’re so fucking hot, I can't help it…” she giggled a little, her voice more than a little breathy as steam curled around them.

“You… Really think that?” He asked, voice a whisper.

“Yeah, I really do… Go on, touch it for me…” She whispered back, keenly but didn’t feel him relax. She bit her lip, he was still frightened and cornered, telling him commands was only making him close up all the more, to get what she wanted she’d have to use soft kind words, lure him out, “please?... I won’t make you but… I really want you to…”

He bit his lip softly, afraid of what she wanted to do to him with that monster but, as before in the limo, he found himself unable to disappoint the idol, Athena.

“Ah!” she gasped, a little surprised with just how quickly he’d responded to her baiting, his hand, so small and soft, more feminine even than her own wrapping around her length, not squeezing or stroking, but holding, “O-oh fuck Robin, that feels so good…”

“Do you really want to fuck me with this?” he asked, voice incredulous as his small fingers traced around the veiny girth of her twitching length.

“Mmhm.” She smirked chewing her lip as she took a half step forward, pushing his back to the wall and crowding him in, stuck between the cool hard tiles and her soft warm body, “It’ll be difficult to start with but in a few days, and the years after that you’ll love it, you’ll become a real slut for my cock…”

She bit her lip and pulled his hand from her cock, guiding her length instead with her own hand between his soft thighs, moaning softly as she did so, feeling it press up under him, his small balls and cock resting on top of her length, displaying her superiority, “You’ll love it, trust me…”

He didn’t trust her, but he didn’t have any other options either. Biting his lips he squeezed his thighs tighter around her length, just to get a better measure for her size but she let out an eager little moan, “Ooh see? You already want my cock….”

“What… What should I do?”

“Mm, first things first, there should be some soap somewhere…” She said in a casual tone, taking a step back away from him, her cock sliding free and leaving him no longer pressed against the cold wall or her warm supple body.

Robin remembered when he’d been fiddling with the shower temperature that he’d seen it tucked into the corner at the bottom, “Ah, I know where it is…”

He leaned down and reached forward, his hand closing around the soap bottle around about the same time as his cheek pressed against the hardness of her cock.

They both let out a surprised little noise and she laughed, finding his head with her hand and, as he tried to stand again, keeping him knelt, “Mm, you can stay down there, at least until you’ve cleaned that half of me, then you can come up here and clean my tits as a reward… Make sure you’re thorough, though.”

He blushed in the darkness and found the idea of obediently washing her cock while kneeled before her like a servant left a less bitter taste when he considered the reward when he was done, he'd just have to get it over with.

She smiled as, without complaint she felt his hands, slick with lather begin working into the muscles of her calves, then her thighs, his fingers pressing into the softness, a little harder than they needed to.

“Mm, you really enjoy your girls plus-sized, don’t you…” She purred low as his hands, reached around her dug into the soft pillows of her ass cheeks, squeezing them.

“I er, y-yes… I like the softness,” he admitted shyly, his hands moving from her body as he relathered his hands, the hot water rinsing away his efforts in the dark.

She hesitated for a moment, waiting for his hands to find what she was waiting for, his slick fingers once again closing around her cock, this time stroking her length, albeit under the pretence of cleaning her.

“And what about the hardness… Do you like that too?” She asked, mirth in her tone as she ran her fingers through his long slick hair.

“Sucking it was okay… I guess…” He said softly, blushing as he ran his fingers along her length, drawing a soft moan from her before his hands moved to her heavy balls, washing them too.

“You think so? Would you like to do that again? Instead of getting fucked?” She asked in a cute little voice.

“C-can I?”

“Mmhm, kiss the tip and ask me again, but nicer this time…”

He swallowed meekly and leaned in, using his hand on her cock to know where he was going and, after a moment, pressed his full soft lips to the hard cherry tip of her cock, feeling the familiar heat and size, “Mm, please, Athena, let me suck your cock?”

She grinned a little and bit her lip, genuinely considering it for a moment, even though it had just been a ploy, “Mm, no, but that was super cute.”

He flushed crimson, and slowly moved to stand, something that she let him do now, keeping her word in that at least.

“Oh don’t pout…” she laughed a little, unable to see him, but able to guess, “Come on, keep washing.”

He did so, though he pouted defiantly, his hands travelling over her stomach and waist, then in no short order up to her breasts, his hands once against massaging her full chest, hands tracing around the heavy natural orbs, then pressing them tight to her before cupping them and repeating the whole process.

“Mm, you can play with these whenever you want baby, that feels so good…” She urged, feeling his slippery soaped fingers tracing and pressing over the springy flesh of her chest.

He bit his lip as, a little reluctantly, he finished playing with her breasts, washing the rest of her torso as she rested her hands on his hips, “Mm, all done?” she queried.

“Y-yes,” he said softly.

“Good… Now, turn around.”

He did so, expecting to feel her hands against his back and he bit his lip expectantly, wanting to feel her touch, but instead of her hands he felt her body, first her breasts against his upper back, then her stomach against his lower, her cock nestling between his thighs again, “Mm, good boy…” she said, gently looping on arm around his waist, holding onto him as he leaned against the wall, “I’m really worked up so, once I’m in, I won't last too long, probably.”

He blinked and suddenly felt trapped, once more between her and the wall, “Y-you’re going to fuck me here? I thought... The bed…”

“Oh sweetie, after a show like that and a shower like this, the second my head hits the pillow I’m going to be lights out, but there's no way I’m falling asleep without busting a nut in you first.” She explained, smirking as she used one hand to guide her cock between his cheeks, letting him feel as the wide hard head of her cock kissed his little star.

“A-ah! I’ve, ah, never had anything up there before, s-shouldn’t I like, start with a finger or something smaller?” He squeaked, chest pressed to the wall, Athena's to his back.

“Usually, yes, but you’re a good boy, you’ll do fine…" she said dismissively, "Reach back and spread your cheeks for me, do that and relax and it’ll help, promise…” she lied easily, then smirked as she felt his bubbly cheeks that had been hugging her cock relax their grip as he obeyed.

“Such a good boy, I’m lucky to have you…” She praised, gently, keeping one arm around his waist to hold him in place as she started to apply pressure.

“Mm! It, ah! It hurts Athena!” He whimpered, squirming against her.

She continued to push, feeling herself making no gains, “You need to relax more baby, come on, give me what I want…”

“Ah! Nn, please, please wait, just a second!” He gasped, the pain exquisite.

Athena bit her lip and relented, feeling impatient as she leaned back, “Fuck, you’re tighter than I thought, what are-...”

She went quiet as he reached away with his hands for a second, then she felt a hand reaching back around, a cool liquid smearing into her cock, the soap which he applied both to her length and to his little hole.

“Good thinking…” She purred softly putting her hands back in place as he once against spread his cheeks.

“Q-quick, before it washes off…” He insisted and she couldn’t help but giggle.

“Oooh? Now you’re begging to take it in your hot little ass? Cute.” She bit her lip and again applied pressure, again he whimpered and complained, but this time she felt his perfect little star start to spread open, reluctantly welcoming her.

“It’s too big!” he whimpered adorably, shuffling his feet as he held himself spread for her, feeling the tip spearing her, opening him wide and trying to gain access, “It, ah! It’ll never fit!”

“A-ah, you’re just saying that because nothing ever has, come ooon…” She groaned and, with more pressure and less care, the tip of her cock pressed inside him, the tight ring of his ass settling behind the crown of her cock.

“A-ah!” He cried out and she drew in a sharp intake of breath, feeling the pleasure wrap around the head of her cock as she took the first step in his final corruption.

“Oooh fuck, there, there it is, see, not the worst thing in the world, is it?” She grinned, moving both her hands to his hips.

“Y-yes, it is!” He gasped out, whimpering loudly.

She bit her lip, “Mm really? Then the rest of this should be a breeze.” She quipped, tightening her grip and forcing her hips forward.

He gasped loudly, his hands moving instinctually from his cheeks to her stomach, palms pressing into the softness of her curves, trying to push her away as she fed the rest of her cock into him, her cock angling upwards, Athena having to part her legs slightly and lower her body to make it work as he writhed and struggled.

Athena, panting softly, pulled him back away from the wall some, keeping him hilted on her cock which twitched and throbbed deep within the squirming boy, enjoying the tight embrace his hole had to offer, squeezing down on every inch of her sensitive length.

“There, there, see? It all fit… Just stay still, let your ass get used to being my pussy…” She cooed softly, hugging him to her, his hands pressing against the wall again as he focused on his breathing, the insistent pitter-pattering of water against his skin and her curves against his back, pretty much trying to think about anything that wasn't the massive cock shoved up his tight virgin ass.

After about ninety seconds, around when Athena was starting to grow impatient again, he spoke up, “O-okay… Okay.” he whimpered softly, knowing the sooner they got it over with the sooner he’d be able to sleep.

“Okay…” she confirmed, voice soft and reassuring and he bit his lip, expecting her to start moving.

“S-something wrong?” He asked, uncertainty in his quivering voice as nothing happened.

“No… I’m just waiting for you to start bouncing back against my cock, slut.” She explained and he could hear the jovial edge to her voice.

He blushed crimson and swallowed hard, hating her, hating himself, but beginning to rock his hips.

“Oooh fuck Robin you’re such a fucking gem.” She moaned as she felt him begin to move his ass, actively taking part in his own defloration.

He whimpered and gasped, voice breathy as he inched his ass up and down her cock as slow as he dared, feeling every ridge and vein of her cock as he rode her with his thick bubbly ass.

“Shit baby, I knew you’d be good but, ah, this is amazing, I’m in love…” she laughed and he blushed crimson, whimpering and moaning too, the conflict running deep in his mind as he loathed himself for giving into her so easily, while at the same time grateful for the darkness, so she couldn’t see his expression, the pleasure that was written across it mingling with the pain, as well as the throbbing erection between his own thighs.

Athena tilted her head back and felt the water streaming down her face in little rivulets. Right here and now, she was at the top of the world. And she didn’t just think that in some meagre way, the world was hanging on her every word, fame, fortune, it was all hers. And while, sure, others held that status, the chance that they too were in a position like hers, here and now, in a state of pure bliss, their dream lover willingly giving their body and soul to them as Robin was to her, hot rain playing against her tan skin and her own record-breaking music echoing around her.

After the thought passed she let her head hang down, focusing once more on the sex as she moved her hands to his hips, gripping him and taking the decision of their tempo from him, claiming it as she claimed him, increasing their pace.

His voice mingled with her music like a backup singer, his moans so genuine she wondered if they were all show for her, or actually real, not that it mattered, all that mattered was her pleasure.

“F-fuck…” She growled as time and time again she bounced his ass off her body, wishing she had gone ahead and taken him out of the shower to use him, just so she could see the way he was throwing his fine pale ass back against her cock like a bitch in heat.

The intimate sound of their bodies colliding sounded through the small confined space, the rhythm in keeping with the bouncy high tempo song of hers that was currently on, the sensations surrounding her cock so perfectly euphoric that, despite her climax just a short while ago in the car on the way here, she could feel herself quickly building to another.

“Yeah, fuck... You want it don’t you, want my cum in your ass, say it!” She panted, gripping his pale waist so tightly she was sure she was bruising it, not that she, or by the sounds of it, he, cared.

“A-ah! Please! Please cum in me Athena! Please!” He begged in delight and shame, head bowed, long black hair falling about his face as he panted hard, feeling each stab of her huge cock with him, her heavy, cum-laden balls bouncing against his own smaller ones again and again in a sign of her born superiority.

She couldn’t resist that, and, panting hard, gripping him in a vice-like hold, she felt her cock begin to twitch and throb, her balls tightening in their smooth sack as she felt her load churning, desperate to be spent inside this boy, her lover, her toy.

“Fuck, fuck!” She gasped, ramming herself as hard as she could into the boy, feeling his body shake and shudder with the ferocity of her thrusts, his ass repurposed as her new pussy, gripping and squeezing her length as she came, a powerful surge within him, a torrent of white that threatened to overflow as she continued to thrust into his milking hole, using him to sate herself.

Robin gasped and whimpered like a girl as she came within him, the pleasure from her cock overtaking the pain as the sensation of soreness within him was overwhelmed by the flooding heat of her cum pouring out deep within him, a viscous liquid that touched upon every nerve ending inside him sending so many mixed signals to his brain that he couldn't even think straight.

After a moment her thrusts slowed, though her climax continued, the fireworks going off in her mind lasting longer than her tired muscles, her body resting against his even as her steel hard cock fired off the last of her impressive load into her tight slut of a boyfriend.

“W-wow… Robin… That was the best fuck I’ve ever had…” She panted hard, holding him tight as her cock began to flag.

“M-me too…” He panted softly, forgetting himself for a moment and blushing furiously as he realised what he’d said.

She laughed, “Oh fuck, really?”

“W-well…” he stammered, “I-it was my first t-time so…”

“Pff…” she smirked and, biting her lip, slowly withdrew her cock from his ass with a moan, her cum flowing freely from his ass, unnoticed by them both as it trickled down his pale thighs. “I’m abso-fucking-lutely exhausted… Ah… I’m going to dry off and get into bed… You probably uh, wanna clean up… Come join me when you’re done, huh?”

“O-okay Athena, I will,” he promised softly and felt her hand squeeze into the plushness of his butt before he heard the shower door open and heard her step from it.

He kept his back turned as she opened the door to the bathroom, finding and taking her phone as light poured in for the time it took for her to grab it and go closing the door again behind him, leaving him once more in the dark, this time alone, this time in silence.

He washed himself as best as he could in the shower, soaping himself down twice, feeling a little dirty in the afterglow of what had happened and feeling the conflict once more rise within him.

Did he want to go home? Did he wish today hadn’t happened? He stood in the shower and let the minutes tick by, lost to his own mind, an internal struggle without an answer.

It was some time before he finally stepped from the shower, turning it off and turning on the bathroom light, catching sight of himself in the mirror. He looked strange, like a different person almost. Turning away and quietly he towelled himself off, spending quite some time on his hair, not wishing to get the pillow wet when he went through and joined her.

Briefly he turned around, looking over his shoulder as he spread the cheeks of his ass, curiously looking at the little well-bred hole between the big cheeks and blushing, the colour obvious on his pale face in the white light of the bathroom as he recalled how it had gotten so pink and used.

He stepped from the bathroom, turning off the light behind him and found himself once more in the dark, though the bedroom at least wasn’t absolutely pitch black, with a few electronic LED’s and the light from the outside world partially spilling in between the cracks in a curtain, he could make out the shape of Athena in bed, fast asleep he supposed.

BHe stepped cautiously towards the bed and slid under the covers, laying on his back beside her, not touching her, not disturbing her, just staring up at the ceiling. He couldn’t change this, that wasn't his choice anymore, but he could make the most of it, that decision was the only power remaining in his life. And maybe, after all, she was right, maybe the doubts would fade and he would learn to love this. Learn to love her. Though didn't he already? Hadn't he since he first laid eyes on her?

“A...athena?” He whispered softly, then again a little louder, “Athena?”

“Mmm…. What….” She said, her voice dull, heavy with sleep and muffled by a pillow.

“...Want to spoon?” He asked, though his question was met by a long moment's silence.

“...Mm… Fuck yes I do, you cutie butt… Get over here…”

He heard her moving and he moved towards her, her arms wrapping around him, holding him to her soft luxurious body and he closed his eyes, comfortable in her embrace.

As Athena let out a soft sigh, about to fall asleep again, she noted, with just a little spark of victory, just how closely he nestled his bubbly white ass back against her thick soft cock.


Same as Athena Ch.02 Videos

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FANTASY My wife lending more than a hand

Fantasy (Some Background)Ever since I got engaged I have been having these thoughts of my wife Amber doing things I would once consider taboo, I'm not into her actually banging somebody else, but I wouldn't mind if she jerked someone else off or even sucked em off & allowed that same stranger to ejaculate on her face, ass, hands, feet or tits whatever she would like!!! My wife is a petite Latina with a great body and amazing ass, she is very pretty in the face, very feminine, small hands...

2 years ago
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Tbh they don't fuck until like chapter eight, and this one is definitely the least sexy chapter. Also, please feel free to add your own chapter. ~ ~ ~ "Today is when our nation's war ends," my captain hissed in elvish. "Decades later, we will finally put an end to the South World. Kill the King at all costs, killing the Prince is secondary." I swallowed. My white-to-lavender hair blew in the breeze, practically glowing in the moonlight, two feet long even in a ponytail. My horns were shorter...

3 years ago
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Sierras First Timerape

Sierra, bored out of her mind, texted her best friend: 'Hey, what r u doin?' A second later, Gia responded back. 'Bored. Babysitting. Want 2 come over?' Sierra, excited, texted back: 'Thank god, yes! Dad has some new slut over.' After her mother died of childbirth (in which the baby, who she decided was a boy and named Cole, died too) it was just her and her dad. And a different woman almost every night. Right now, he had a new one- Jade- saddling him in his bedroom. 'I'll walk...

3 years ago
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Kavya Encounter

Well jashan is coming back after a long time with some new original stories n frnds 100 per. Reals stories hai bs name alag hai. Bt aap ne meri kavya wali story jarur padhi hogh, Mere bare mein aap jante he hain.. name jashan dekhne mein itna smart to hu k koi ladki patt he jati hai. Mera dick size 6 inch long n 2.5 inch thick Normal size hai but maza full deta hai.. well aur time na lete hue meri story pr ata hu. So story start krta hu, kavya ek sexy figure wali simple ladki hai jisne apni...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 304

Protons have mass ... I didn’t even know they were Catholic. All I ask is a chance to prove that money can’t make me happy. What is a “free” gift? Aren’t all gifts free? They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them. Teach a child to be polite and courteous in the home and, when he grows up, he’ll never be able to merge his car onto a freeway. Two can live as cheaply as one ... for half as long. Experience is the thing you have left when everything else is gone. What if there...

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Sexcom Facials

What a treasure trove of porn is, hmm? It's a website packed with porn videos, gifs, pics, and boards. If you're unfamiliar, I'll be going into some light details about each one considering all of's areas of content are straightforward. However, what I'm focusing on this time around is's Facials category. Facials are an interesting sex theme. The joy that comes from splattering a pretty girl's face with your load and her just enjoying every single shot. What makes it...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Unicorn at a swingers club

Hump day was going better than planned Melissa thought as she found a parking spot directly in front of the sex club. She had been member for five years now and regularly attended the mid week day of operation. Curious people attended the weekend openings, but serious swingers came on Wednesday to play with like minds. Melissa exited her German luxury sedan in her white gown that she purchased from a store specializing in exotic dance wear. The white garment clung to her well toned body, thanks...

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Mistaken Identity 2

I was a little anxious this was the last day of my training with the company, it was the very first call that I was doing on my own. If I passed I would get the uniform, and the company van. I had been given an identity pass just in case I had any problems. My Supervisor stayed in the car talking to his wife on his mobile. I knocked on the door o number 22, and a very attractive blonde young lady answered the door. “Hello…. I am here ………….” “Yes honey I know why you are here!” She said with a...

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The DilemmaChapter 8 Gareth Chancelor Saturday

I moved from sleeping to waking in that easy way that happens when it’s a Saturday and your alarm is switched firmly to the off position. The warm body cuddled up against me was still and relaxed which meant she was still asleep. I lay still for a moment until the idea percolated into my head that Estelle was sleeping in the other room so therefore I should’ve been on my own. I carefully rolled until I was lying face to face with Jen, my elder daughter. Her arms had allowed me to roll and...

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Farm Wifes PetsChapter 3

Sissy's lewd and luscious thoughts about Rex kept her in a steady state of the hots. At sunset, when Jed and Cal drove away in their pickup and her husband trudged into the kitchen, her cunt was buzzing. As Hollis stood by the door, slapping dust and hay from his overalls onto the kitchen floor, Sissy looked at his chunky crotch and licked her lips. when he looked at her, she gazed into his eyes with longing. Oh, Hollis, she thought as he peered at her, if you ever wanted to fuck me,...

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The Booty Call

I inhaled nervously as I debated whether to send the text. “You up?” it said. I know, literally the most cliche booty call on the planet, but I couldn’t help it. It was two in the morning, I was a bit drunk, we’d been broken up for about four weeks and, quite frankly, I was horny as fuck.Oh, it hurt at first. It hurt worse than anything I’d ever felt in my life. Getting dumped. There’s a reason they call it ‘dumped.’ He was the first boy I’d ever really had feelings for (maybe it was love, but...

College Sex
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Its Cuckold Outside

“I don’t even know where we are. I can barely see through this snow,” Amy muttered.We were on our way to our friend Tim’s house for Christmas Eve. Tim lived deep in the Mountains of Colorado and the trip from New Mexico was a treacherous one. My girlfriend Amy was becoming irritated with me as the car ride seemed to be taking longer and longer. The further we drove into the Colorado Rockies, the more our car slid back and forth on the thick ice glued to the road. Snowflakes the size of quarters...

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Ms Marca When Tim Is Gone

    'It's crazy, I know it is, but I can't explain just how much it excites me. It's my sexual needs, loving it so much that turns me on as well; I’m not wanting to have an affair or long-term relationship with another man, but just desiring a man for sex. I think many women wouldn't say no to another man if there was no chance of their husband ever finding out. But like all willing cuckolds' wives, being honest about my love of sex, my sensuality, being turned on by knowing other men...

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Comforting Friend after Job Loss

Lynn just returned from the shower. Her skin is cool and still a little damp. She is laying on her side... her right side. Naked. Freshly shaven. I lay behind her. Rubbing her neck and shoulders. Pressing firmly with my large, spread hands. Applying pressure with my thumbs. I press up against her – completely – from her feet to her hips. Our bodies molded together. Her thighs are squeezed gently around my semi-sleeping cock. Legs crossed at the knee. This is nice... But nice is not quite...

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Sarahs Secret Part 2

Startled, sitting in the chair with one leg still propped up over the arm, my panties on the floor and two fingers in my dripping wet pussy, I was shocked to see my husband standing over me. I had made so much noise panting and moaning whilst watching Sarah that I didn't hear my husband come home and make his way up the stairs. As he leaned to kiss me ever so lightly, a wave of embarrassment washed over me. Of course he had watched me play with myself before, of course he had heard me moan with...

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