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THE PONY RACES I led a sheltered childhood. My father died when I was only seven years old, and my mother became what I now know was a recluse, rarely leaving our main home, a large manor house with stables set in around fifty acres of land. The other side of our boundaries were mainly fields and our nearest neighbour, apart from the Estate Manager's cottage, was a farm nearly three miles away. We had other homes, which before I reached double figures in age, I just assumed everyone had. My Mother told me that our staff were poor, but I really believed that they must be exceptional, and that it was actually quite normal for a family to measure their wealth it billions, or even tens of billions of pounds (or dollars, euros, yen, or any other currency held in the Bartlett family name in investment banks round the world). Mother never talked about money. It was just there, and she didn't need to spend it or display it, to reassure herself that she'd still got it. We had staff, of course, but until my Mother died when I had just turned eighteen, I didn't realise how many. Top of the pile were the money and legal men, no women, my Father didn't believe they could cope. They were based in our office in London (and New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, Tokyo and a few others). Then there were the Estate staff. They came under the control of the Estates' Manager, who was based here but seldom slept in his house in the grounds. He was forever travelling round the world to our other houses, ensuring their smooth running, but to what end I couldn't fathom. We never travelled to them, ready as they were for us to arrive, but with the very rare exception of our penthouse in the West End of London, when my Mother attended a theatre, or was forced to chair an occasional 'Board Meeting', I didn't even know what that was at the time, we never moved home. I had no playmates. My education was by a succession of tutors, the longest one stayed was two and a half years, they couldn't stand the isolation. Not that I was an unhappy child. I had the cooks, housekeepers, maids, and grounds men for company, and my first sexual experience were some very enjoyable romps with one of the maids in a bedroom on the other side of the house. I was given a very interesting education by that young lady, from the day I turned sixteen, and I became quite accomplished in various positions and techniques during the eleven months before we got caught. The bedroom we used was remote, but not far enough for her vocal appreciation of me, not to be heard by the head housekeeper, who had come looking for her. I tried my best to keep her employed, but I was overruled, although at my insistence she was given a good severance package. I must have been fairly bright, or perhaps I just didn't have the diversions that most young teenagers have. I found that I could pick up languages easily, and became fluent in French, German and Spanish. I also had a good understanding of Romanian, but that was another benefit I received from the maid, whose native language it was. We found it especially useful for arranging a rendezvous, without anyone else being able to understand. I may have been na?ve, but don't confuse that with being thick. In spite of my relatively small stature I also became a more that adequate horse rider, we had a number of horses when I was young and the stable staff taught me how to handle them. As I got older so did the horses, so the number of them reduced gradually, until I had to have the last one put down just after my Mother's death. I didn't bother to replace him, firstly because I had decided that I wanted to travel, but mainly I admit through a degree of lethargy, that's usually a posh word for laziness. For the next year I fulfilled my wish, travelling the globe, but nothing could satisfy me until I'd found Jude. Judith was gorgeous. Only five feet four inches, she was one of the few woman that looked up to me in two ways. I'm only five feet six inches myself, so it was nice to date someone shorter, and, this is a big and, she wasn't after my money. Like I said, I was na?ve, but well aware that my, shall we say, shortness of stature, didn't make me high on the list for attractive females. That being the case I had to be suspicious of any girls that came onto me, where they just attracted to my money? Judith was a bank clerk in a local high street bank in Bath, and was totally uninformed as to my real identity and hence my fortune, so I told her that I was clerk in the city. Her attraction to me was purely on what she could see, not what I had hidden. Our courtship consisted of modest dates, sometimes going 'Dutch', concentrating on talking to each other and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. She was just a couple of years older than me, but very mature and sensible for her age. After dating for about a year I asked the question: "Jude I love you so much, will you marry me?" I was down on one knee in the middle of a country walk. "Oh, Yes, Daniel." "Before you finally agree, Jude, I have a confession to make. My surname isn't Daws, it's Bartlett." "I don't understand Daniel," she looked mystified, "why would you change your name?" "Jude, I have to explain something that is rather embarrassing. Since I've been old enough to start dating I've had to be certain that the girl isn't just after my money. That's why you may change your mind about accepting my proposal. It's not that I didn't trust you, I couldn't trust anyone, so I've maintained the appearance of someone, not exactly poor, but not flush either. The fact is that I'm one of the Bartletts. Can you forgive me for deceiving you?" "You mean that your one of that very rich family?" "I'm afraid so, Jude." "I can't marry you." "Oh, please Jude, please tell me why not." "For the same reason you were careful. I'm a simple bank clerk, my Father was a labourer, my Mother used to clean other people's houses. They both died young, I've often thought they worked themselves to death to put me through university. If we were to marry, no one would believe that I hadn't done so because of who you are, or rather what you have." It was weeks before she would finally say yes, and then she agreed to sign a pre-nuptial agreement that my family trustees prepared, in fact she jumped at the chance. It was partly that which persuaded her, she felt that she couldn't be accused of being a gold digger. But before that there was one more thing I had to tell her, embarrassing as it was for me. "Darling," I had to phrase this correctly, but I couldn't think how I could sugar coat it, "you know I told you that I was in part brought up by the maids in our household? Well, just for a game, when I was very young, they used to dress me up in their uniforms and tell me I was a junior maid. The problem is, that as I got older, I began to enjoy being dressed up. I still do." I hung my head at this shameful disclosure and waited for her outburst. "Why, darling," she replied, "that is really hot, would you dress up for me?" I thought I must have misheard at first. "Pardon?" Was all I could muster. "Dress up. Show me what you look like, I'd love to see." Having got that clear, I had to explain that I got rid of all my dressing up clothes when we started dating seriously, vainly hoping to loose the urge, but it hadn't worked. She told me that she had the solution which, as we were in her apartment at the time, was to sort through her own clothes and dressed me in a business like grey straight skirt and frilly blouse. The undies were fairly plain, a white bra with little pink rose buds and matching briefs, nude tights and three inch heeled pumps. She noted with surprise that all her clothes, even her shoes, fitted me. First, she looked at me critically, then made up my face with her own cosmetics, remarking that we were the same pale skin colour. "Not bad," she remarked looking at my bra stuffed with socks, "we'll have to do something about getting you a more realistic set of breasts, and your waist needs more definition, otherwise you're pretty passable, and I do mean pretty." I blushed even more than I was already, then explained that I had bought myself some gel breasts but they had gone out with my clothes. Jude told me to leave everything to her and she would buy in what I needed. "It just so happens that I have two school friends that are nurses in a big London hospital, I know that they've talked about patients having gender dysphoria. Before you say anything, I know that's not the same, but they'll be able to help us to get you dressed convincingly." My misgivings about her telling anyone else about me were dispelled when she assured me that, as healthcare professionals, they were bound to treat the matter confidentially. With her accepting my proposal of marriage, with all that my baggage entailed, I suggested that she immediately give in her month's notice at work, but I set things in motion for the wedding straight away. I transferred a sum to her personal bank account which I told her she could use as spending money in preparation for our wedding. She told me, when she saw that it was a quarter of a million pounds, that she couldn't possibly spend that amount of money. "You have to get used to that sort of thing," I explained to her, "money is no use unless you use it, and that is really just a drop in the ocean. I've set up a provisional allowance for you of a hundred thousand a month, but let me know if you need more for anything special." As much as anything it was to drive home the point, I took her to the jewellers that my Mother used to use, the next day. She came out with a five carat diamond engagement ring. As much as the price stunned her, it was that I didn't have to pay for it then and there. It was just stated that it would be put on my account, and at the same time, I gave them to understand that in future, anything that my bride to be wanted, she could use the same account. My poor dear nearly died of shock. "How am I going to explain this to the girl's at work?" she wanted to know. This was made even more of a problem for her later on that Saturday when I took her to a very exclusive couturiers where she bought almost two full wardrobes, one for delivery to my estate, the other to the London penthouse. "How much have I spent?" she whispered in my ear. "Don't worry," I replied, "it won't be coming out of your account, we have another just for clothes." "I should have paid for this out of the money you gave me." "I told you to stop worrying about it, but if you really insist, I'll tell you that you that you wouldn't have had enough in your own account." "But there's nearly three hundred thousand in it, isn't there?" She was getting agitated. "That's not enough, your bill here came to a little more than that." I explained that designer dresses and bespoke lingerie didn't come cheap. The reason they don't give each item a price tag, is if you have to ask, you can't afford it. In the coming weeks she paid me back handsomely. She bought me several French maid's outfits and corsets in several colours, with all the sexy accessories, including shoes with four inch heels, in colours that matched each costume. With the help of her nurse friends she got me replacement gel falsies, and, because there were no live-in staff there, we kept everything at the London home. I played the part of her personal maid, she called me 'Daisy', and we terminated the cleaning service I used, so that I did the cleaning myself, dressed in my finery. At the same time, our sex life was great, Jude was just as turned on as me, especially when she took the lead and straddled on top of me. I'm glad that the apartment was soundproofed, neighbours would have thought I was torturing her, instead of giving her pleasure. She loved playing the dominant partner. Eventually the wedding day arrived. It was held in the grounds of the country estate, with about six of Jude's friends and about a dozen of my distant relatives as well as our now elderly estate staff. My new wife expressed sadness that I didn't have a single friend that I thought close enough to invite, but privately I reminded her that my dressing meant I tended to lead a solitary life. Her friends I got on with extremely well. They all seemed to have a terrific sense of humour, and we spent much of the reception laughing with them, much to the annoyance of my rather clinging relatives. We honeymooned in the States, spending a month touring many of the places on the tourist trails, staying a couple of days in the family apartments in New York and L.A. In spite of the fun we had, we were both glad to get home. Once back, I explained to Jude that she was now the mistress of the house, and she should take over the running of it by the staff. Within days, she came to the conclusion that there was an incipient problem. "Do you realise that the youngest of the house staff well into her fifties, and your cook is nearly seventy?" She was obviously concerned. "What can we do?" I asked her. "They're all staff that have worked here all their lives, we can't just get rid of them." "I have an idea." Jude came straight to the point. "If we only had people here that you knew had already kept your secret dressing up, you could do it a lot more often. Why don't we retire the old retainers on good pensions, and recruit some of the people I know who are already in on your little hobby?" "But isn't it only the nurses that know? They wouldn't want to give up their jobs to work as servants, and what about a cook?" "Don't worry darling, I've got it all worked out." She counted out the various positions on her fingers. "At the moment we have three maids that clean the house and help serve meals plus two in the kitchen. One would be Tanya the nurse with Patsy, her girl friend who works in the sex shop where I bought your costumes, they would be housemaids, then Becky, my other nurse friend, has her Aunt Carol, who works as one of the hospital chefs, who can be cook here with Becky helping when required." "But at the moment we have three housemaids not two," I pointed out. "Are you forgetting that we already have one?" I looked puzzled. "Daisy of course, although she would be a junior housemaid, just like she was when she was growing up." "What about James Stuckland, my Estates Manager, he's got the cottage in the grounds? We've got outside staff as well." "I've already had a chat with James," my wife was obviously more organised than I had given her credit for, "he told me that he wants to retire to Perth in Western Australia. He's got family there apparently. We've got a home there, and I checked, there's a house going begging in the grounds. It's where he stays when he inspects there, so we could let him retire on that estate. For years his post has been redundant, most of the properties haven't been visited since before your father died. As for the outside staff, there are only two now, and their workplace can be controlled so they only come within sight of the house on certain dates." Over the next two months my wife put this plan into action. I knew three of the newcomers from when they attended our wedding, and I was soon introduced to Becky's Aunt, who turned out to be a tough, heavily built lady in her early forties, who soon made the kitchen her own. All the live-in staff had rooms on the top floor of the house, with access to two bathrooms two shower rooms and a communal room with a large television, a modest bar and even a library. Their dining room, with a large communal table, was just off the kitchen, downstairs. There were four bedrooms, but I gathered that two of the girls wanted to share anyway, so one was vacant. I heard from Jude that they all seemed very happy with this arrangement, together with some very good salaries. Stuckland was the last of the old staff to leave, and no sooner than his taxi had pulled out of the drive on the appointed morning, Jude 'ordered' me upstairs to change into the clothes in our bedroom. She came up with me to help. In preparation I hadn't had a haircut for months, only having it tidied and put in an elastic band, low on my neck for the wedding, and my body was devoid of hair. At Jude's suggestion I'd had my facial hair lasered off. The first thing was for her use adhesive to stick the breasts forms in place, and more glue to attach false nails extending well beyond my fingertips. Neither of these things would I normally do as they would have been to difficult to remove in a hurry, now, thanks to my wife I had no such concerns. She then surprised me with a pair of latex panties, which were not all they seemed. There was a hole in the rear, and a sort of tube inside the front, but made of the same thickness latex, which I had to roll up my penis and which had a small opening in the base of the panties for urination. Thus with the panty in place, it meant that I could attend to any toilet business without having to take them off, although I would of necessity have to sit down to pee. With the panty pulled up hard, I had the appearance of having a flat crotch. She then helped me on with a heavier boned corset than I was used to, and as she tightened the laces, my waist shrank and my breast forms pressed against my chest in an upward direction, giving me quite a womanly cleavage, rising and falling with my gasping breaths. With lace panties to match the corset and a pair of sheer black, seemed stockings on, she gave me a pair of bedroom slippers with three inch heels and took me to the en suite, where Tanya joined us. She took over to wash my hair then coloured it a platinum blonde. When she saw a look of dismay on my face, she told me that Judith had suggested this, in case someone should accidentally see me they wouldn't recognise me. Anyway, it could always be died back to my natural colour. This she followed with a light perm which gave my hair bounce. During periods of waiting for chemicals to work, Tanya did my make up, not overly heavy, but stunning none the less, with bright red lipstick that matched my nails. The final stages were to fit my black satin dress which was trimmed with buckets of white lace, an obscenely short skirt, held out almost horizontally by a multitude of petticoats. The uniform had matching wrist bands and collar, and a little, pinned on, flat cap, black with lace edging and two white ribbons hanging down my back. All this was finished with a frilly white apron that tied with a big bow at the back and had a small extension up towards my bust in the shape of a heart, and which attached with pop studs. Last, but not least were the shoes, black patent leather with five inch heels and an ankle strap which fastened with a small lock. Jude explained that as I was a new maid and not used to such heels, there would be a temptation to remove them when I was out of sight. While, in an emergency I could obviously cut the strap, the lock was to encourage me to get used to them. I found the extra height difficult to start with, but I thought that the idea of towering over my wife very attractive. "Daisy," my wife spoke seriously to me, "I felt that you would really most enjoy yourself if we could make your experience as close as possible to the real thing, don't you agree?" "Oh, yes Mistress." I curtsied as I spoke, but with a big grin on my face. "In that case, girl, start by wiping that silly grin off your face when you talk to your betters. That's an improvement, now listen carefully. You have a room in the servants' quarters and you'll find all your other uniforms and everything else that you need up there, Tanya and the other girls will help you with dressing, make up and your hair, until you get proficient. Remember that you are only the junior maid, so all the others can tell you what to do, and be warned. I've told them that as the most junior member of staff in an exacting household, any mistakes on your part could result in your punishment. This isn't designed to be cruel, but it is designed to make you an efficient and disciplined member of the team. The only duties you will do that would normally be carried out by a more experienced maid are those of serving me at table and in the bedchamber, but don't let those go to your head. Do you understand all that, Daisy?" "Yes Mistress." Another quick bob. I was on cloud nine, so much, my penis was trying desperately to expand in its rubber prison, not improved when I saw myself in the full length mirror in the entrance to the kitchen. "Stop staring at yourself and get in here." Carol the cook shouted at me. "That mirror is there for you to check your appearance before you serve at table, not for you to admire yourself in." I noticed that all the staff were here. "Ground rules, girl." Carol set herself up as spokesperson. "You've been told that you're the most junior maid, so you will treat all the other staff as your superiors. That means that you call the ladies here Miss Tanya, Miss Elizabeth or Miss Patricia and you will refer to me as Mrs Wedlock. You will curtsey to each of us when spoken to or when you ask permission to speak, it need only be a bob curtsey, not a full one that you give Mrs Bartlett. You will never speak to anyone unless given permission. Is all that understood?" "Yes Mrs Wedlock." Quick curtsey. "One more thing, whenever you have completed your tasks, you will come to this kitchen and stand in that square there, waiting for more instructions. There is no need to ask or say anything, once you stand there, you are on duty until you are told to go to your room." "Yes, Mrs Wedlock." Bob. There, in a corner of the kitchen devoid of equipment, was an area of about one foot by nine inches marked by black gaffer tape stuck to the floor. The staff were really entering into the spirit of our game. I quietly walked over to my place, turned to face everyone, and waited with my hands clasped in front of me. I had been standing there for about ten minutes, when Mrs Wedlock called to me. "Daisy! Take Mrs Bartlett's lunch to the dining room, serve her, then stand in the square next to the grandfather clock, in case she wants anything." I took the silver platter with my wife's lunch on it through to find her already seated. I carefully placed her plate in front of her, standing to her right, gave a curtsey, then found another oblong of tape on the thick carpet, in which I stood attentively. Not saying a word and she didn't look round. "Pour me some more wine." No please or thank you, I just stepped forward, poured the wine from the bottle already on the table, curtsied, then stepped back to my place. Once she had finished eating, I stepped forward, collected the plate and returned with it to the kitchen. Her dessert was ready, I placed it on the tray and returned to repeat the service. "I'll take coffee in the drawing room today." Was all she said when she was done, so another curtsey and I was off to the kitchen with the coffee order. I didn't have to ask for it, all I had to do was load it and take it as ordered. Once that was drunk, and I had taken the empty cup back, I was told to place a large, very practical overall apron on top of what I was wearing, so that I could clean up in the kitchen. That meant all the equipment and placing the cutlery and crockery in one dishwasher, emptying the other machine and putting away the utensils used for breakfast. Don't forget that I had done most of these things to help the maids when I was young, so it wasn't difficult for me to do the jobs properly. The only thing was that my long nails didn't help. It was only on completion of these tasks that I was allowed to receive my meal from Mrs Wedlock, and eat it in the staff dining room next door. Dinner at eight in the evening was largely a repeat of lunch, the main difference was that Jude didn't ask me for more wine, she simply raised her empty glass to indicate her wish. Once she had finished her port and cheese, then coffee, I was released back to the kitchen, where I had my own simple meal, then resume standing in my square. At ten thirty, there was a single ring on the servants' bell and I was told to leave any cleaning up after dinner that was still to do, and attend my Mistress in her bedroom. "Undress me, girl," my wife ordered, and I duly complied, my hands shaking by the time I pulled down her panties and slipped a baby doll nightie over her head. "Now do a sensuous strip tease for me, while I lie on the bed watching you, girl." My wife lay back, her breasts clearly visible through her flimsy nightwear, only stirring to unlock my shoes. By the time I was naked, except for my breast forms bouncing on my chest, she could wait no longer. "Come here Daisy, I need you." We indulged in a session of love making that seemed to last through most of the night and again in the very early morning, after which she wanted to know how my first 'shift' as maid Daisy had gone. I explained to her that I loved it, and her, and that my life could hardly be any better than it was at that moment. She also mentioned that, just to keep Daisy in her place, she wouldn't invite me to bed every night. "In any case, I don't think I could survive sex like that every night." She grinned as she joked. "And certainly when it's that time of month, it's a good reason to stay in character." "The only thing I worry about a little, is that you may get bored here without my company?" I stated my concerns in the form of a question, as I started to get my scattered clothes together, preparing to get ready for the day. "I was going to mention that to you," Jude looked seriously at me, "while you're dressed , you do want me to stay in character, don't you?" I confirmed that I did. "Well, I've been thinking about company for me, I've missed being social with my friends, Becky, and Tanya who now comes as a pair with Patsy. If they are not in uniform, we'll pretend that they are my friends visiting, then you can serve all of us. It's occurred to me that sometimes I could take one or all of them up to the London apartment from time to time, if we went up and stayed two nights at a time, we could get in a full day of shopping or even take in a show." I agreed, anything for my lover. "Also, while we're talking about what we like, I'd love to really spank you, if I can find any fault with your work. Would you like me to? Perhaps the others could as well, it would help them stay in character? I did mention the possibility of punishments yesterday, but then I hadn't thought it through." "I wouldn't mind if you or even the other servants could find it helpful or even fun, they're certainly very convincing actresses." I used to get the occasional swat on my bum from the maids years ago, and I must admit that I quite enjoyed it. I suppose it was part of my generally submissive nature. "Right then, Daisy, I know it's still early, but you mustn't be late for work, what are you thinking of? Get back to your room and make yourself presentable for Mrs Wedlock. I'm going back to sleep for at least another hour." By the time I'd showered and put a clean latex panty on, the other servants were stirring, so I had them tighten my corset until it was as tight as I could bear, I was then able to dress with the rest of my uniform and do my make up and hair which only needed minor adjustments before they declared me ready for the day. After all that I still managed to report to my small oblong station markers in the kitchen by my seven thirty starting time. I expected the heels to be uncomfortable when I was working, what I didn't expect was that five inch heels hurt most when you're just standing still. I suppose I didn't have anything else to think about. It was a half hour before I was told to go and clean the staff showers and bathrooms, I had been delayed waiting until everyone else was up and about and finished with them. They didn't need a great deal doing to them, they were all kept in the same high standard as the rest of the house, so by just after nine I had just arrived back in the kitchen when I was told to take Mrs Bartlett's breakfast tray up to her bedroom. "There you are girl, about time." My wife was showing inpatients. I placed the legs of the tray on the bed over her lap as she sat up, and stood by while she ate. I must admit that I was feeling pretty peckish by then and her appetite wasn't helping. When she had finished I took the tray, curtseyed, and was about to leave the room when she told me to place it on the floor. "Now, stay like that, just touching the tray, girl." She ordered me, then she picked up one of her slippers. "I ordered breakfast for nine o'clock, not fourteen minutes past. I want you to remember that for next time, and to help you, I'm going to give you a spank for every minute you were late." She then counted "one" and hit me harder than I was expecting, I yelped. "Don't be a baby, Daisy," she said. "You have some thick latex panties that cover most of your behind, even if your dress doesn't, so it can't hurt that much." She wasn't on the receiving end, but I was able to control myself, until she reached double figures, by then she had hit each area, lots below the panty level, two or three times, and it was really starting to hurt. However, I managed to stay fairly quiet until she had finished, when she lay back on the bed and told me that she needed my personal services, and made it clear she wanted my mouth. Now bear in mind that when we had sex the previous night, I had recovered at least three times during that period, and she hadn't done anything other than eat her breakfast. "I thought you looked hungry, Daisy, are you enjoying your breakfast?" She got the giggles as I was obviously licking up, shall we say, a rather large amount of spillage from her? "You might like to know that my husband was with me last night, but after he'd finished I used a tampon to keep his seeds fresh for you this morning." Her laughter was interrupted by rather loud shriek as she came for the first time, then she kept me working at her for two more. "That's enough girl, go and get on with your work, and don't wash your face until this evening before bed. I want you to think of those fourteen minutes all day." The day progressed with me cleaning downstairs rooms until lunch time, when I was again serving in the dining room. I was told to lay two places, and was surprised to find that she had Becky, in her normal clothes not uniform, eating with her. "Tell cook that I shan't be in for dinner tonight, in fact I won't be here until I arrive for dinner, the day after tomorrow, I'm away for two nights and that applies to Miss Martin as well." I was left to assume, after the conversation we had earlier that she would be taking Becky to London with her for a full day shopping etc., tomorrow, so they would leave this afternoon. "Yes, Mistress." I curtseyed and waited for my next duty, which was, in fact, clearing the main course plates and serving dessert. Later that afternoon, I happened to be cleaning a room at the front of the house, when I saw Jude and Becky leaving, in my Aston Martin, off away down our drive in a cloud of dust. I could still smell her on my face, and when I licked my lips, I could still taste her from that mornings oral adventure. It was the first time I would have preferred to be her husband, going with her, and not in service in the big house. Then I realised that this was almost a reality of life for a lowly maid, and I couldn't complain. Because of the Lady of the House's absence, there was no formal service to do, and with Becky away, I was mainly seconded to cook's helper for the forty eight hours until she returned. For me, it wasn't a wasted time, I picked up quite a few tips on cooking on a larger scale than the normal household. Although there were only four of us here to cater to, Mrs Wedlock proved to be more friendly than my first impression, when she laid down the rules. We talked quite a bit while we worked, and she told me a little about her late husband, who was killed on active service in the Middle East. I was surprised to learn that she didn't feel as close to her niece, Becky, as I would have expected, she even inferred that she thought that she had not made the right choice by getting so involved with Tanya and Patsy. That aside, she let me be lead on preparing four full meals, for up to ten people, to put in the freezers for emergencies. "Being the only real cook here," she told me, "it's best for me to get a few meals in hand, in case I'm ill, or when I need a day off. I love cooking, and I like the peaceful atmosphere here, so I'm very content, but when your in a responsible position, you have to prepare for the unexpected." "I thought Miss Becky cooks?" I queried. "Oh she can do the odd simple things, but I think you're going to make a better cook than her. By the way, it's up to you, but when we're on our own like this you can call me Carol, and refer to the others just by their names, but I'll understand if you want to keep the way you call us consistent, otherwise you may slip up at the wrong time. I ought to warn you that if you do, in front of anyone else, I have orders to spank you and the way I spank won't be enjoyable, in spite of me liking you as a person. I'll be frank, when I was first told about you, I formed the wrong opinion which wasn't changed when I met you the day before yesterday. Frankly I thought you would probably be a spoilt brat, who would just play at cleaning and not do any real work, but now I realise that you know what you're doing at housework, tell me, has someone trained you?" I explained that in my youth my entertainment was often helping the staff here, and told her a little of my background, I was finding her extremely easy to talk to. Then she told me something that was rather odd: "Don't tell anyone, and I mean anyone, what I'm about to say. You won't find working here is always going to be easy, but if you need someone to pour out your troubles to, come and see me, but not when anyone else is around." All things considered, I spent a more pleasant time while Jude was away, than I thought I was going to. I passed the time until it was time to serve her dinner when she had promised to be back. "I'm tired tonight girl, so get cook to fix me up with a hot chocolate and bring it up to my bedroom when it's ready." With that she retired. When I served the hot drink to her, now dressed in her sheer baby doll, I remained in character, but she had something to tell me. "While I was up in town, Becky introduced me to a plastic surgeon she knows, who had an interesting proposition. Hear me out to the end before you make up your mind, will you?" I nodded. "She actually has someone with similar proclivities to you that he deals with, you know, not interested in changing sex, but wanting to pass as a woman in order to wear nice clothes and the other things. This other person has had breast implants, which are obviously just like the real thing, but she has a way, whenever her patient needs to present as masculine, she releases the gel inside using just a hypodermic needle, then pumps it up again afterwards. Obviously the man has some loose flesh when they are empty, but it doesn't show under his clothes and in the case of necessity that can easily be removed surgically. It would make it difficult to repeat the procedure, but this man has had his breasts reduced then increased five times so far over two years, and he's very happy with the arrangement. What do you think? Would you fancy some real breasts? They're not cheap, that's the reason it isn't a common operation." "What a brilliant idea," I jumped at it, "I'd love them, but where would I meet this doctor, and where would I have to go to have it done?" "Well, that is the part that is so good, her clinic is this side of Swindon, so it's only about an hour's drive I think, to get there, but she offered to come here in the first instance to meet you and take blood tests and so on, if you decide to go ahead. Do you want me to set it up?" I agreed to a consultation, among other things I wanted to know how she could easily get a gel down a narrow needle, so Jude would make the appointment. That settled, I expected to be invited into her bed, and I was getting really randy, looking at her semi-naked body. Disappointingly, she then told me that she really was tired after her London trip, so Daisy the maid was dismissed for the night. When I returned my wife's dirty cup to the kitchen, Cook was surprised that I wasn't staying the night in the marital bed, and told me I was dismissed for the night. She suggested that I join the 'other' girls in our common room, but I saw she still had some cleaning to do, so I stayed for a while, helping her, until we both sat down with a hot chocolate ourselves to drink it before retiring. The next day followed the usual routine, with Jude acting as if I wasn't there and Mrs Wedlock ordering me about, but in the evening, I got an invitation from my wife to stay the night. Between bouts of passion, she told me that she had made the appointment with the surgeon, a Doctor Ester Peel, for the following Monday morning, and then being Friday I wouldn't have long to wait. The weekend passed slowly for me, in a small way made worse by Jude taking the three other maids to the theatre in Bath on Saturday evening, followed by a dinner out in one of the city's five star restaurants. I stayed up in case I had an invitation to bed, but they were not back until the small hours, so no such invite was forthcoming either then or Sunday night. Mrs Wedlock, Carol, told me that she had an invitation as well, but 'gallivanting about' wasn't her thing, so we spent a quiet evening in, cooking then eating a really special meal with duck breasts and an Eton mess for dessert. We chatted on like old friends, quite the reverse of our respective seniority positions in the staff hierarchy. Monday morning at nine, after I had delivered breakfast and dressed Jude, she called me to the library, where Dr Peel was already with her. There the Doctor answered my questions in honest sounding layman's language. It seemed that the implant filling was liquid going in and out, it being turned into a gel by the addition of a thickening agent, then being removed using a different agent that turned it back into a liquid. It was all done on a one off basis, most people who had implants didn't need the flexibility that these gave, hence the high price. The Doctor also gave details of a second advance she had made, this time to the genitals. It seemed that she could make my testicles stay up in my body, and place an implant that would prevent me having erections, indeed my penis would shrink quite a lot. However, it wouldn't affect my ability to have intercourse, because I would be given a supply of pills that acted a bit like Viagra, they would take about twenty minutes to work, and last around twelve hours. She told me that both 'interventions', as she called them, were the by-product of medicines used for other things, so had been tested and approved. Again the initial operation could be reversed if I wanted, and it would give me a much smoother panty line. Once Jude was convinced that it wouldn't affect our sex lives, which she pointed out were very important to us both, she was keen on the idea. When I was assured that left alone, my balls would drop back of there own accord, and my penis would recover, if the implant wasn't renewed every year, I asked her to go ahead. She offered to take me back with her, as she had an opening today, with the only proviso that my blood test came back OK. All settled, I picked up an overnight bag, and after kissing my wife goodbye, we set off. On the way Ester, as she had asked me to call her, told me that I was a very convenient patient, as she lived only a fifteen or twenty minute drive away herself, hence the early arrival. She told me that normally, she insisted that anyone having these procedures would have to stay in overnight, but in view of my having two trained nurses at the house, she would bring me back herself that evening. She had told me to bring clothes to stay, just in case they were worried about anything. I was worked on or monitored most of the day at the very modern and well equipped clinic, I wasn't fully anesthetised, just made very dopey, so for me, the day passed quickly and there was no pain. I was back at the house, fully alert and with a surprise for Jude, by seven that evening. After Jude was served dinner, not by me, I was just resting, I received a summons to the bedchamber. Jude had me strip off completely, and marvelled at my new body. I could only briefly show her my 36D boobs, as they had to be supported for a few days, then she laughed at my groin. My balls looked as if they had been removed completely, just the crinkled remains of the empty sack could be seen behind what should have been my penis, but now looked not much bigger than my wife's clitoris and was also very crinkled. I needed no latex panty now to hold myself flat, so that in just an ordinary pair panties I presented myself as totally feminine. Jude gave me a couple of pairs of g- strings, with the promise of more to follow, so I could appear bare bottomed. "Have you lost a lot of weight?" She suddenly noticed that I hadn't been wearing a corset. I pointed out to her that, while I was there, the Doctor had given my waist a sort of liposuction, where she was able to redistribute the fat to my backside and hips. I was going to have, once everything had settled down, a 36D-20-36 figure. I also pointed out that my nipples were rather inflamed. She had given me a very localised hormone treatment that wouldn't affect the rest of my body, but would enlarge and make my nipples much more sensitive. I had gone ahead with that, even though she warned me that, unlike everything else she had done, this would not be totally reversible. I'm jealous." She told me, as I left her. I was told that it wouldn't be wise to have full intercourse, taking the tablet, for seven days, so that my body had fully recovered. This was doubly disappointing as by then it would be my wife's time of month, so we would have to be patient for eleven or twelve days. Even then, my wife would be restricted to only gently playing with my new girls, so that the implants weren't displaced. Over the next days I was hyper-aware of three things. One was not so significant, and that was I found that I had a very pronounced wiggle of my bum in my walk which everyone noticed and teased me about. Very disturbing were my nipples, which were so sensitive that a couple of times I actually yelped when something touched them a little roughly, once for example as I entered a room, I rubbed them against the door as I passed. The other became a little irritating, as the other women in the house now noticed that my backside was bare except for the this cord of my g- string, hidden in the crack. This led to every one that I passed or stood close too, either pinching or slapping me as my skirt and petticoats were too short to offer protection. On the Wednesday, two days after my operation, my wife asked why I wasn't wearing a corset, and I said that I felt I now had a small enough natural waist. She obviously must have disagreed, because on the Friday, I received a delivery of new, tighter corsets, which brought down my waist to under eighteen inches. Until I got used to it, these corsets were quite uncomfortable, as I had little padding in the way of fat round my waist, and they pushed my breasts up so they looked quite suggestive, bouncing almost out of the top of my dress. At about this time, knowing that I was getting sexually frustrated, the three girls started lounge around the maids' common room, in their underwear, and my wife didn't help with her demands of oral from me most nights. I found that I had to change my g-string at least once a day as I was making them wet from, I presumed, leaking pre-cum, although Jude joked that I was getting wet like a randy girl. On the Sunday following my operations, Jude, as she had feared, started her period. She was always a little irritable at that time, contrasting with her normal calm personality, and I made the mistake of dropping her breakfast tray as I was removing it. She told me to stand at the end of the bed, and rang her bell to summon another maid. It was Patsy, and once she entered the bedroom, I was ordered to lie my body on the bed, keeping my feet on the ground, and reach as far as I could with my hands, each side of the bed. My wife then produced a heavy wooden paddle with some holes drilled in it, out of her bedside drawer, and handed it to the girl. "Spank her until I tell you to stop," she ordered, and Patsy swung the paddle with a vengeance. When the first stoke landed I screamed with more pain than I could ever remember. That stroke was across both cheeks, but subsequent ones were directed at alternate left and right. I was pleading with my Mistress to say that I'd had enough, but for some time she just looked at me, smiling. I'd never dreamt that she could be so cruel. I don't know how many times I was hit, I only know that I was a blubbering wreck by the time she ordered Patsy to stop, and as I tried to get up, I collapsed on the floor. When she realised that I wasn't even capable of walking, let alone picking up the tray from the floor, she ordered me to go to my room and Patsy to clean up the mess. I literarily had to crawl from the room and all the way upstairs. I laid face down on my bed and cried myself to sleep. I was woken by a gentle hand massaging a cream into my wounds, soothing the terrible burning just a little. I opened my eyes to find that my ministering angel was Carol Wedlock, who smiled gently, and told me not to worry about coming to work for the rest of the day. She had brought me up some sandwiches and a coffee that she told me she'd put some brandy in it. When I tasted it I decided that it was a large mug of brandy, coloured with a little coffee. By the time that I'd drunk that and taken a couple of the painkillers that she'd also left, I quickly fell back to sleep and missed the rest of Sunday, only waking in the early hours of Monday. In almost as much pain as the day before, only then it was more an aching bruise, rather than a burning sensation, I hobbled to the toilet, took some more painkillers, then slept a little more. By seven thirty the next morning, I had made my slow and painful way to the kitchen and my waiting spot, but Mrs Wedlock gave me a cushion and told me to sit in the dining area. At eight thirty I delivered my wife's breakfast tray, and stood back while she ate. "You made a lot of fuss over your spanking yesterday," she commented. "I thought you enjoyed it." I said nothing but turned round so she could see my backside. I knew that it was nearly all black with purple patches and several areas where the skin had been broken showing blood red. "Oh my God." She had a look of genuine horror on her face. "I didn't think it could possibly be anywhere near as bad as that Daniel." Having used my proper name for the first time while I was in costume, I felt able to talk to her. "I do believe you," I replied, "I wouldn't have thought a paddle could do that much damage myself, my love." "Here, lie on the bed beside me and have some of my coffee, darling. You do know that I didn't intend to hurt you that badly, didn't you?" "I know. Perhaps we could have a 'safe' word in future?" "That would set my mind at rest, shall we have 'Aunt Mary'? That was both my Mother's sister's name and the name of your Great Aunt, that you told me about, so it should be easy to remember." We agreed this and I had to tell her that although Patsy should have known the damage she was causing, through her work in a sex shop, she may not have done and she should be given the benefit of the doubt. She reluctantly agreed with this, but Jude spoke to Mrs Wedlock, and arranged that I had only light duties for the next two days. We had a pleasant conversation, while Jude ate her breakfast, and I asked her if she bought anything nice in London, we had been so wrapped up in talk of the operations when she came back, I never thought to ask her, As she finished eating, she had another matter to discuss. "Darling, we have all those empty stables out there, I was wondering if we could get a few calm horses, then we could ride in the grounds sometimes. It would certainly give our staff and me something more to do?" "You've forgotten one thing," I pointed out, "you don't just go out and expect to ride horses, they have to be fed, mucked out, shoed and exercised regularity, especially through the winter, when they have to be in. They're a lot of work." "I do know that, but couldn't we employ a stable hand to take care of all that sort of thing?" "I suppose so, but I wouldn't be able to go out to the stables myself, and they wouldn't be able to come to the house." "Oh Darling," she giggled, "you don't honestly think that anyone is going to recognise you, do you?" "No, I suppose not," I conceded, "Give Charlie Watson a ring, his number's on the phone memory. He's a trainer friend of mine, so tell him I'm out of the country. On second thoughts I'll take a chance and set it up, and I'll tell him to deal with you as I'm just leaving on a long business trip abroad." "Oh thank you darling." She gave me a kiss. "You'll have to sort out a stable hand, better get two actually, then they can cover for time off. They can bunk in Stuckland's old cottage, then they won't have an excuse to come in here." Over the next five days I gradually recovered and by the following Saturday I only had the feint remnants of the bruises to show what had happened. That night I spent with my wife in the most fantastic sex of my life. I had all my own erogenous zones plus my breasts and nipples and Jude took full advantage, swearing that she hadn't realised that she had lesbian tendencies. "But no lesbian I've ever heard of has a lovely warm, living dildo." She told me as she laughed as maid Daisy went back to her duties. On the Monday some papers arrived from the legal officers for the family for me to look at, I was then to take them to London to sign them in front of a notary. I thought it was very inconvenient, so asked Jude, if we could arrange the necessary authorisation, could she go to their office and sign on my behalf. She wasn't sure at first, until I explained that it would be very inconvenient for me to arrange the doctor to reduce my bust, sign routine papers, then increase it again. It wasn't standard practice, and I know the legal eagles weren't keen on it, but I explained that I was leaving for the Far East the next day, so they had to find a way to do it or wait several months for me to return. After that arrangement it would not be essential for me to sign these stupid papers, Jude could do it on my behalf and have a day shopping at the same time. Later that week Jude commented that I was still only small clip on earrings, so had Patsy, who was trained in such things to pierce each ear in two places. Small gold keepers were inserted until I could use more interesting earrings. The following Friday, Mrs Wedlock gathered the staff in the afternoon, to say that we were going to extra busy as Mrs Bartlett had invited some guests to stay for the weekend. Of course, I went into panic mode. Having established that my wife was in the library, I knocked and entered as soon as she allowed me. "Mistress, may I ask if I am required to work this weekend?" "Why wouldn't you, Daisy?" "I'm sorry Mistress, but I understand that you have guests this weekend." "My dear girl, what makes you think that anyone is going to notice a maid? If you're concerned that your uniform is, shall we say distinctive, I have arranged that all maids are to be dressed in a similar fashion, so you won't stand out. In any case, no one you know is coming, I have agreed that a group of friends of Patsy can be entertained for the weekend." "Are you sure that's a good idea?" "I have no intention of discussing this any more with a maid, you will get your instructions, all you have to do is follow them. Now go, and don't speak to me again without being invited or I'll have you thrashed." She said that with such conviction that she almost seemed to make it real, I couldn't say I wasn't worried sick. I even thought of invoking 'Aunt Mary' but decided to let things ride for the time being. About an hour later, we were all issued with new uniforms, all seemed to be the same, in a lilac satin material, including matching corsets. The four of us maids took them upstairs and helped each other dress as we were warned that the guests would start arriving after six o'clock, we were to take their luggage and show them to their rooms that would be allocated by Patsy. I discovered that, yes, all the uniforms were almost identical, except mine was the only one that didn't cover my behind. Mine was also far tighter round the waist than the others, my corset pulled me in to under seventeen inches. Needless to say, I could hardly breathe. Patsy also fitted two pairs of new earrings in my ears, replacing the studs I had been wearing. These were really irritating as from each one hung a bell and they were designed in such a way that not only did they have their own clappers, to ring, they also hit against each other to make more noise. I tried complaining but was told to be silent, ironic really. Once we came back down, we were set to work laying the table in the dining room, from this I saw that twenty three places were set. The first arrivals were some extra staff, three for the kitchen, who wore practical long dresses and white aprons, the same as Mrs Wedlock. Three more maids turned up as well, they were issued with the same uniforms as my colleagues. The guests started to arrive, they seemed to be all couples of various ages, but none that I recognised. The only exceptions were two rather large men, one some six feet three, the other only slightly shorter, and both muscular, who seemed to be something to do with Becky. By seven thirty we were told that all who were expected, had arrived, and we should go to the kitchen to prepare for serving of dinner. For the first time since my childhood, our huge dining room table was fully occupied, well, all but one place next to my wife, who sat at the head of the table. Opposite her, at the far end, sat the two men, with couples down each side. I was ordered to act as sommelier, pouring wine and keeping everyone topped up, with the regular three maids, and the extra three brought in, handled the plate service. I was in great discomfort, as almost every time I leaned over to pour, one or more of the guests would assault my bottom, either pinching, slapping or having a hand run up the inside of my thighs. I thought that the men's companions would have done something about stopping them, until I realised that the women were just as bad. Everyone, including Jude but excepting me, thought this was a great joke, and it caused laughter whenever someone caused me to jump or yelp. I was also the butt of jokes and filthy innuendos, and when someone, in a very loud voice, asked whether the shortness of my uniform had any significance, my wife set out to humiliate me by telling everyone that my uniform started out the same as all the others. It was my own choice, she told them, to alter mine so that my 'cleavage and rump' were displayed to get everyone's attention, and I wore the little bell earrings for the same reason. She didn't mention that the damn noise was driving me crazy. By the time the meal was over, everyone was well lubricated with fine wines and port from my cellar, and the party was moved into the sitting room only to start quaffing cognacs, which I again had to go round topping up. That was when a puzzling thing happened. Tanya and Patsy appeared in there, hand in hand and in evening gowns, and Becky likewise, but she on the smaller singe man's lap, all with brandies in hand. My wife stood up and called for quiet. There then followed the most extraordinary sequence of events. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen," she spoke so that all could hear, "and welcome to the inaugural Bartlett Manor Pony Trap Racing Weekend." What the hell is that about? I asked myself. I didn't know that any ponies had been delivered to the stables. "We will hold the first race at eleven thirty in the morning, and further 'offs' at three and six o'clock. That should give you all plenty of time to book your ride. For the benefit of those who may not be at their best in the morning, you can all now have a preview of our fine collection of mares, before they are stabled. Bring the ponies in." I was absolutely confused, I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. Then two shocking things happened. Firstly, my wife sat very close to the larger of the two strangers, he wrapped his arm round her neck and ran his hand into the top of her dress then she turned and kissed him. Before I could think what action I should take, Tanya, who had slipped out without me noticing, re-entered the room leading a line of naked girls eventually followed by Patsy bringing up the rear! Each 'pony' had their arms secured behind their back, each hand on the opposite elbow, held there by wrist and armbands fastened together with padlocks. Every girl was wearing a leather head harness arrangement, complete with mouth bits, except they were 'O' rings, holding their mouths open, and they were connected to each other by chains from their necks, making a procession of them, each about three or four feet apart. To complete the picture, each of their lower legs were tightly encased in black leather boots, the feet of these were almost vertical, there being no heel at all, just a small horseshoe shaped toe. They had to be murder to wear. What I couldn't understand was that each of them were looking quite calm, until I realised that they probably had masochistic tendencies and if that were the case, had almost certainly volunteered for this. Bizarrely, I couldn't help wondering if they were perhaps paid for their services. "As you can see, ladies and gents," my wife stood up again, "we have good and shapely thoroughbreds and I'm sure that any one of the ten is capable of giving you their best performance in the races." Someone pointed out that there were only nine in the line. "Oh dear," my wife counted them out loud "we seem to have ten traps raring to go but only nine ponies. Would someone like to volunteer to make up numbers?" Too late, I realised that Becky was behind me and with a hard push, sent me sprawling on the floor at my wife's feet. "My, my, it would be Daisy, wouldn't it? She loves to show off I'm afraid, I find her completely incorrigible," Jude was laughing in my distraught face. "Well, as she's so keen, you'd better place her in the paddock." With that, my three fellow maids, Tanya, Patsy and Becky, grabbed me and proceeded to strip me naked in front of all the guests. Of course I tried to struggle, but it was an impossible ask, and once I had had no clothes, I attempted to cover myself, but my hands were pulled behind my back and securely padlocked. Then I was fitted with the head harness, it only taking them seconds to pinch my nose, and when I opened my mouth to breathe, the 'O' ring was slipped into place. I attempted to cry 'Aunt Mary' but I was too late, I could only make undecipherable noises. At the other end my feet were forced into the horseshoe boots, which were then tightened so my feet wouldn't slip about in them, I was thereby forced to walk virtually on tiptoe. I was still struggling as I was locked on to the end of the chain that was hanging from the back of the neck of the last pony in line. I must have pulled on it, because I received a dirty look from her, which made me realise that trying to break free would only result in everyone's discomfort. I resorted to pleading to Jude with my eyes, which by now were streaming with tears. She just looked like the cat that got the cream. "As Daisy hasn't raced before, I claim her for the first and last races. I'd like to see what improvement she makes." Four clip boards were then passed round, each with ten names, and as I watched, Tanya wrote 'Daisy' on the top of my left breast, with a marker pen. It was then that I took in that all the girls were similarly marked, I saw 'Randy', and 'Titsy' on the breast of an especially well endowed young lady. I worked out that the guests were making bids to drive the trap behind particular girls, and I soon realised that biding for me in the second race was very competitive. In order to encourage bidding, Patsy proceeded to join the back of my harness to the front of the leading girl with an additional chain, so that we formed a circle. Then we had to parade round a slash of a crop that each maid carried, encouraging us to lift our knees high with each step. I soon had red wealds rising on the back of my upper legs and was crying uncontrollably. Out of the corner of my vision, I saw Jude from time to time, but she had obviously lost interest in me, and was chatting and joking with various guests. After, I suppose fifteen or twenty minutes, although it seemed longer, the pony behind me was unlocked, and once again led the group, turning out of the door and down the corridor. I had no option but to follow the girl in front, and was reminded every now and then, that Patsy was behind me, by her whacking me with her crop, to keep me concentrating on where I was going. To my dismay, we were led out of the main door and passed the side of the house to the stable block. As we walked we were allocated individual stalls where the floors were covered in a thick layer of straw. As I was led into the one allocated to me, I noticed a painting on the stall door, it was daisies and the name 'Daisy' printed over it. The chain from the back of our harnesses was unlocked, and each of us was led by the front chain into our stall, where the other end of the chain was padlocked again, this time to a ring in the wall opposite the door. Thus we were locked in the stable block, our stall door was locked, and we were locket by our chain to the far wall. There was no way any of us could gain our freedom. "You're new to this," remarked Tanya to me, "I suggest you pee and do anything else you need to, away from where you're going to lie down. Someone will be along to feed and water you shortly. You're lucky, this block is heated and it's not too cold at night at the moment, come winter you'll be given a rug." She walked away laughing. Some time later, it wasn't very long but I had no way of judging time, the smaller of the two lone men at the dinner opened the stall door. He had a bucket, containing a semi-liquid grey mush with him, and in the other hand a pink rubber tube with a rubber ball on one end. He dipped the tube into the mush, pressed the ball, and watched as he released it and some of the mush was sucked up into the tube. As he pointed it towards me I realised that the tube was in fact large and phallic shaped, like a bigger than life dildo. He pushed it into my mouth, it just fit through the 'O' ring, and squeezed the bulb, sending the lukewarm substance sliding down my throat, it was as much as I could do to swallow it before it choked me. Two more loads followed and he laughed as I desperately swallowed to keep up. "Get used to it Daisy," he told me, "it has all the nutrients you need, including a nice large dose of female hormones, so you'll be good and re

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My Pony

MY PONY By Betty Noone For reasons that will become obvious later on, I have changed my name and location for this story. For anyone to find out who the real me is, would make me vulnerable to possible criminal prosecution, even though I don't think that I did anything wrong, as the person to whom I did it to was already legally dead. So while my country of origin is not the United States, I will use the U.S. as the location for my story. Since I am the only one left who knows the...

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Miley and pony play

First time I had a pony play experience with Miley Cyrus was at a BDSM club in Orlando Fla. I was in my best pony tack, bridle and tail tack from Firebird Leather with a black mane and tail, and a nice horse cock sheath from Pegasus Equine sex toys over my hard 10" cock. I was looking my best pony stud mare as I could and the guys and girls were loving it. So my handler takes me over to a nice breeding stall at the club and ties me up in the stall like a good little pony mare I am, and let the...

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Beth Pony girl 2 Saturday

There have been several weeks preparation leading up to yesterday when my boyfriend and one of my best girlfriends (Best….I may need to redefine that), treated me like a real pony while I pulled them around the old western town on a sulky built for two, I was naked. Today is day two of a three day weekend in the old western town. Today I hear the stable door being unlocked, I am naked except for the permanent fixtures attached to my body, Joe (the blacksmith) puts some food and fresh water...

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The Secound Annual Pony Girl Race Chapter IV Committee Meetings

CHAPTER IV - THE SECOUND ANNUAL PONY GIRL RACE COMMITTEE MEETINGS At the next Pony Girl committee meeting, I presented my finding of the location for the next race in Las Vegas. I then listed the major reasons for the decision. The vote was unanimous for Las Vegas. Then I suggested some changes in the race structure. The first was to run the first series of races in "heats", or preliminaries. In other words, we would hold 3, 4, or 5 "heats" of 6 to 8 participants depending on the total...

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The Training Of A Pony Girl 1

THE TRAINING OF A PONY GIRL CHAPTER 1 This story is about a "she male" being trained to enter and run races as a pony girl in Ballet Boots. These are her trials, tribulations, and experiences during her training and while competing in the races. There is a lot fetish gear worn in the story, and spiced with a little XXX rated sex every now and then! The flight to the west coast was long, and I was able to catch a short nap on the flight. Upon landing Mistress Ann and Dr. Tom...

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The Slave and the Pony Boy

The small search party peered over the edge of the rock outcropping at the western end of the rapids on the Colombia River and looked down at the small encampment below. A pirogue of a fur trader was stretched out above the river line, having been portaged around the rapids earlier in the evening. It would go into the river in two days after the two men by the campfire below had recovered fully from having taken it out of the water above the rapids and carried it around the obstruction. Mighty...

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A Pony For Daughter al sex stories

visit here to see full story www.papahaxx.comChapter 3Ellen and Ben Hudson smiled benignly at Priscilla who was wolfing downher lunch."Riding Beauty sure gave you an appetite, didn't it, Priscilla?" Mrs.Hudson said. She was tall, blonde, and blue-eyed an older version ofher teenage daughter, Tammy.Priscilla glanced up sheepishly. Her cheeks were flushed pink. Herbrown eyes sparkled. "Yes, it did, Mrs. Hudson." She swallowed the resther food. "It's so beautiful around here. Much nicer than the...

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Pony Girl Races Chapter 3

SECOND ANNUAL PONY GIRL RACE CHAPTER III Fun Week-Ends in Las Vegas Synopsis: This is a continuing story of the Pony girl races. This story is about GG's and TG's in a "family" that enjoys erotic sports, and adult sexual entertainment. Since we were now getting most all of the arrangements for the race completed, we did have a little more time for personal pleasures and relaxation. On our next week end visit to LV, we met with the general manager of one of the most prestigious...

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Jessicas Pony Ride

Jessica's Pony RideChapter 1Around eleven pm Jessica had finally finished the third book of Ann Rice's Sleeping Beauty erotica. She reached over and snapped off her night stand lamp pitching her bedroom into darkness. She slipped her hand under her covers and reached down between her long lean legs, she spread them apart and used her right hand to cup her mons. She used her fingers to stroke her inner thighs and then slowly moved closer towards covered sex. She pulled the gusset of her panties...

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Jessicas Pony Ride

Chapter 1 Around eleven pm Jessica had finally finished the third book of Ann Rice's Sleeping Beauty erotica. She reached over and snapped off her night stand lamp pitching her bedroom into darkness. She slipped her hand under her covers and reached down between her long lean legs, she spread them apart and used her right hand to cup her mons. She used her fingers to stroke her inner thighs and then slowly moved closer towards covered sex. She pulled the gusset of her panties aside and...

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A Pony For Daughter al sex stories 2

Visit here to see real homemade porn www.papahaxx.comChapter 2She stepped back, glanced down at her tits. They were soaked with ponyspit and flushed pink from his nuzzling. Her plump tits felt swollenand heavy."Do you lick Tammy's tits, Beauty?" she asked him.At hearing his name, Beauty waved his head in the air as if to answer.He brought his slobbering lips back to the creamy flesh of tittie meat.She tasted sweet, just like Tammy. His rubbery lips gnawed gently."Ah ... ahhh ... ahhh! Don't...

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Santas Reindeer Pony girls

Santa’s Reindeer Pony girlsBy Sarah        I bet you are all familiar with Santa’s reindeer.  Their names are Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, Donder and Blitzen.  And on those stormy nights, Rudolph joins as the lead reindeer.  But those are just the names of the regular magical creatures Santa keeps at the North Pole.  Santa and his elves also keep a herd of enslaved pony girls at the North Pole, to help deliver presents to the fetish community.  And believe you me,...

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Bijoux The Pony Girl

Billy Joe is transformed into Bijoux and trained to become the newest addition to Mistress Margo's stable of pony girl maids Bijoux, the Pony GirlBy Missy Crystal Billy Joe is kidnapped, transformed into Bijoux and trained to become the newest addition to Mistress Margo's stable of pony girls. My name is Billy Joe or at least it was up until five years ago, when I answered an ad in the newspaper. The ad said: "Young man wanted for domestic service. No experience necessary. Uniform and...

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Beas PonyChapter 3

It was in the middle of the day. I was seated at a vanity in Helen's bedroom brushing my hair. I hadn't had a good chance to brush it out since arriving, and the brisk strokes tugging at my scalp felt good. My hair was longer than it had been in years, the thick brown tresses reaching down to just below my shoulder blades. It seemed like an awful lot of hair as I watched it move with my head in the mirror. I picked the mass up with both hands and held it atop my head for an instant. The...

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My Electric Pony Ride

MY ELECTRIC PONY RIDEByPiacereI almost got bucked off last night. I rode the electric pony until I don’t remember getting off—figuratively and literally.My friend Q is very good with his hands. He also can build and make some very imaginative toys and ‘furniture’. Last night we debuted his latest creation—a wooden pony with an electric mane. I’ve ridden the pony many times before so I know the dread, and secret anticipation, that swell in the pit of my stomach from the time, usually a couple...

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Pams PonyChapter 6

Pam hurried home from school the next day. She turned down a girlfriends offer of a double-date in the local drive-in where, her girlfriend assured her, they could both get fucked. "No thanks, Diane," Pam cooed with a secret smile. "I'm going home." On her way home, she turned down two more offers, these made by horny young studs who wanted to "give her a lift." She laughed them off and wiggled on, cock-teasing a little just for the fun of it. She let the boys whistle and howl and...

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Patrsquos Electric Pony Ride

I was almost bucked off last night. I rode the electric pony until I do not remember getting off—figuratively and literally. Our friend Bob is very good with his hands. He can build and make some very imaginative toys and special furniture. He is one of the single Masters in our group. Last night we debuted his latest creation—a wooden pony with an electric mane. I have ridden a wooden pony many times before. The say familiarity breeds contempt. When it comes to the pony, familiarity breeds...

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Teacher Rides a Pony

Teacher Rides a PonyAn original story by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])This is adult fantasy including gang rape, torture and beastiallity. All of the characters or actions are imaginary. Do not read if you are under 18 or offended by violent non-consenting sex.? My name is Sue. I’m writing this out at the suggestion of my therapist. It’s the story of a horrible ordeal I went through some years ago when I was 24.Back then; I was a teacher at a primary school in a small town in Idaho. Of...

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Hung Like a Stallion Part 1 The Shetland Pony

Introduction: A young woman has sex with a pony in front of an audience! Authors Note: Although this story can be read independently, it was created as a follow-up to the Doggy Style series. For full enjoymentand to avoid spoilersplease read Doggy Style (Parts 1-5 + Bonus). *** It was the middle of the night and the city was asleep. Only the occasional light ruptured the blanket of darkness of a quiet neighborhood. Inhabited by less-than-upstanding citizens, the district was nonetheless home...

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Sex between a pony and a farmer8217s wife

Background: During the late sixties and early seventies I was Barbara’s lover. She was a beautiful and free spirited woman some twenty five years older than I. A small, red haired and voluptuous woman with large breasts, a narrow waist with a slightly plump belly, a well rounded backside and shapely legs, she turned heads where ever she went and I loved her dearly. There were women of her generation whose totally uninhibited lust for life led to extreme unhappiness because of the strict...

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Pams PonyChapter 10

Pam got up early on Saturday morning. She rolled out of her bed wide awake and tingling with anticipation. She glanced at the small clock on her nightstand and felt a little disappointment to see that she would have to do some waiting for the big event. Her uncle said he'd be over around eight. Pam had almost two hours to wait. She wondered if she could stand the strain! She also wondered about her parents. She had heard them come in very late last night. In the wee hours of the morning...

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Beas PonyChapter 2

The drive to Denton the next day took us about an hour. It was a warm October day, the temperature well up in the seventies. My appointment with the breeder was at ten o'clock, and we had allowed for plenty of time. Helen had taken my suggestion and not worn a bra. As I watched her at the wheel, I could see how the material of the jersey she was wearing hugged the firm shape of her breasts. The least little rocking motion of the car caused them to bob deliciously. I had worn a skirt and...

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A Quirk of fateVIIa pony girlJ13part1of1

A Quirk of fate-VIIA pony girlPart-1-of-1 I’m Samantha Cunningham, Sam to my friends. I’m a hot looking 33 year old MILF who writes porn under the pseudonym, Dorothy… A Quirk of fate-VIIA pony girlPart-1-of-1 I’m Samantha Cunningham, Sam to my friends. I’m a hot looking 33 year old MILF who writes porn under the pseudonym, Dorothy Norwood. My son Frank. And my husband Charles both think I write Harlequin romance novels of which they have no interest. Neither has...

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First time Pony Girl

I was a nineteen year old virgin with money in the bank. I don’t think I’m shy, I can talk to anyone, but I never seemed to have much joy with men. If I threw myself at them it seemed to scare them away, if I played hard to get I didn’t get got. This man was different. He seemed happy to simply chat; he was a lot older than me and I guess I treated him more like an uncle. It was at least a month before we discussed sex at all and then what with one thing and another I started to tell him how...

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A Pony For Daughter al sex stories

Visit here to see new real homemade porn video www.papahaxx.comChapter 1"How are my folks treating you, Tammy?" Priscilla asked over the phone.The young girl was sprawled out on the bed, the phone propped againsther ear."Your parents are real nice," Tammy replied. A hint of unhappinessrevealed itself in the girl's voice. She was sitting at the bedroomwindow, looking at the street below. The city traffic and peoplebothered her. She wished she were back home on the farm in her ownroom."Your...

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Pony Girl

It was mid-afternoon Saturday. Suzy and Maggie, partners for five years, had just gotten home from an excursion to their favorite mall. Each carried bags containing the new lingerie they’d purchased. It was a favorite pastime, trying on and buying revealing and pleasing new intimates for their visual and tactile pleasure. They had planned it as a warmup for the night’s visit to their favorite private club, Paddles.After leaving the bags on their bed they both turned to leave. “Wait here a...

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Daughters Pony UrgeChapter 8

"C'mon we'll go out to the barn, and I'll introduce you to Champion and Brownie." Tracy, her palms sweaty, nervously followed Christine to the stable. Laddie jumped and played beside her. "This is going to be the best two weeks of our lives," Christine promised. They stepped in the barn, out of the summer heat. "No more pretend stories, just real fun." She giggled, tingling all over. "C'mon." Christine stopped at Champion's stall and rubbed her hand soothingly down the...

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Pony for DaughterChapter 3

Ellen and Ben Hudson smiled benignly at Priscilla who was wolfing down her lunch. "Riding Beauty sure gave you an appetite, didn't it, Priscilla?" Mrs. Hudson said. She was tall, blonde, and blue-eyed an older version of her teenage daughter, Tammy. Priscilla glanced up sheepishly. Her cheeks were flushed pink. Her brown eyes sparkled. "Yes, it did, Mrs. Hudson." She swallowed the rest her food. "It's so beautiful around here. Much nicer than the city." Ben wrapped an arm around...

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The MiniPony Pleasure Plan

Taylor Dewey did her best to keep up with her older, faster girlfriend as they burst through the barns big doors and charged across a wide central floor space to where a stack of crisp, new hay bales, formed a conveniently private hidey-hole at its rear. Sandra Orrick scaled a single bale which formed a low, concealing barrier to a cozy little nook between the towering bundles and the rear wall of the barn in an easy leap and Taylor scrambled over it after her. They were both panting...

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Jean loves her two doggies and with the arrival of Sampson her new pony what happens next is one of her wildest fantasies comes true

As a young girl, I learned how good it felt to have a doggie licking me. It began one day as I was sitting on a curb licking my ice cream cone with my dog, Lassie. I was about 9 at the time and had on a very short little dress. As I sat there eating my ice cream, some of it dripped off my cone and fell between my legs. My short dress was way above my thighs, exposing my panty clad pussy as the ice cream dropped. I spread my little thighs as I looked down to see the sticky ice cream had landed...

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Pony durch Lotto

Meine Freundin und ich hatten schon lange unsere Vorliebe für Gummi und Rollenspiele im Ponyplaybereich entdeckt. Nur waren unsere finanziellen Mittel leider eher bescheiden, sodass wir die aufwändigen Anzüge, Hufschuhe und Masken nur sehnsüchtig im Internet betrachten konnten. Zu einem einfachen selbstgebauten Zaumzeug und einem Pferdeschweif zum Anhängen hatte es dann doch gereicht. Doch ein Tag sollte alles ändern.Christina (meine Freundin) hatte im Lotto gewonnen und dabei ganze 30.000 Euro...

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Daughters Pony UrgeChapter 6

Christine grabbed her jeans off the floor and hauled herself up, sliding the faded denim up her long legs. Swaying slightly, she stood on wobbly legs, stiff from being on her knees for so long. Moaning and sore-muscled, she bent over and grabbed the shirt. As she slipped her arms through the sleeves, she staggered out the bedroom. Having been fucked by Laddie had unleashed the full fury of her passion-she wanted more. She knew where to get it. Outside on the porch, her shirt open, her jeans...

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My Little Pony of Mares and Donuts the Holes That Need Filling

The tawny coated Earth pony slept deeply. Her fiery red mane was spread all over the pillows and her lengthy tail emerged from the rumpled bedding. A gentle whinny of a snore sounded regularly as the bedroom door slowly opened. "This will never do." said Sunflower Meadows as she entered her friend and employer's bedroom. "Wakey-wakey!" she called as her horn glowed. The curtains parted, letting in brilliant mid afternoon sunlight. Pay Dirt groaned. "You're fired!" she said for perhaps...

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The Training Of A Pony Girl 2

THE TRAINING OF A PONY GIRL CHAPTER 2 The next day. Monday morning, Ann woke me up at 7 Am and told me, "It is time to get up sleepy head". "We need to start your training, but first, I have your breakfast ready!" I threw on a pair of shorts and a flimsy top. Pushed on my slippers, and headed down to the kitchen. Sure enough, there was a hard boiled egg and one piece of dry toast. I asked, "Where is my breakfast?" Ann just smiled and pointed to the plate with the egg and one slice...

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Pams PonyChapter 7

Pam's declaration almost knocked her uncle for a loop! He stopped finger-fucking her cunt and playing with her tits. He leaned back and peered intently at her. She was serious! Concealing more astonishment, Ben Forbes kissed his niece's forehead and mouth. "Have you tried to fuck him?" He tried to sound nonchalant, as if her revelation wasn't so surprising, but there was an unmistakable horniness to his voice. At least it got a smile out of pam. "That excites you, huh?" she...

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A Victorian Pony Girl part 3

A vision in White stood before him, long limbed slim, but entirely clothed in white silk, His mother Marjorie Lady Acheron soon to be the Dowager Lady Acheron explained. "It's May, I lent her some clothes, I feel you can have no qualms about her suitability now, and even if you do I do not care, you will marry her and provide an heir." her voice became more strident, "Do you hear me?" He looked relieved, "Oh, gosh, sorry, I didn't recognise you with clothes on." "May...

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Pony for DaughterChapter 2

She stepped back, glanced down at her tits. They were soaked with pony spit and flushed pink from his nuzzling. Her plump tits felt swollen and heavy. "Do you lick Tammy's tits, Beauty?" she asked him. At hearing his name, Beauty waved his head in the air as if to answer. He brought his slobbering lips back to the creamy flesh of tittie meat. She tasted sweet, just like Tammy. His rubbery lips gnawed gently. "Ah... ahhh... ahhh! Don't bite me," she gasped heatedly. Warm cunt juice...

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Pony for DaughterChapter 7

Tammy tossed and turned on the small cot. It had been a frightful night. "Damn," she muttered under her breath. She kicked off the covers. Moonlight lit up the bedroom. A quick glance across the room told her Tammy was sleeping peacefully. She frowned and silently slipped her panties off. Deft fingers combed through the curly brown hair of her cunt. She moaned, riding a quick surge toward orgasm. It eluded her. "Damn," she hissed. She climbed out of bed as quietly as possible. Having...

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The Pony Stables

The pony stables Whilst visiting the Arabian nights virtual world I felt I just had to revisit the slave market, before I returned to the mundane real world. I had had a hoot inside the virtual world, saving princesses, fighting various battles and making something of a name for myself. I had been rather arrogant on entering the world, choosing to use my own name of John Lemure, rather than a more native sounding one. It of course increased my notoriety. The slave market was housed...

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Weekend Pony Ride

When I was about 20, a college buddy of mine invited me to spend a weekend with him at his folks' farm, not far from the school. I didn't grow up on a farm, and I was never really comfortable in that environment. However, my buddy Rob and I got along famously, and I appreciated the invitation. I also didn't want to hurt his feelings, so even though I was skeptical, I accepted. As it turned out, his folks' place wasn't really a "working" farm, anymore, in that they raised crops for...

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Pony Summer

Pony SummerCopyright 2011 by RubberHTight?too damn tight! He moaned into the gag. The initial discomfort was now far more intense. His hands were encased in steel mitts which were attached to chains. These chains were connected to winches which pulled the mitts and his arms wide apart. His ankles were tethered in a similar fashion, his legs spread wide apart. What was worse was the steel helmet that was locked on his head and which also was attached to a chain and winch set into the rafters. ...

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The Pig Races

The Pig RacesBy  Jake OliveThis is a work of fiction that came from a place that exists only in my mind. Please send your comments to: [email protected] knew very well that she was too old to still be living like this.At 29 years old, Stacey lived very much like she had lived when she was 23. She was still a waitress working nights at the Rib Crib Bar and Grill, she was still occasionally being set up on dates by her friends and she still had no idea what her future would one day look...

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The pony girl

Ann was walking down the street late at night returning home from a girl's night out. She was very upset about the fact that she had had a huge argument with her friend Beth about a guy. Beth thought John was so cute and so did Ann. However, Ann had seen him first and felt that she has first claim to him. They argued and Ann stormed off. Now she was walking down a dark street, alone because Beth had driven them to the bar. Ann heard a vehicle coming up behind her, and she turned and saw it was...

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Penny's Promiscious "Pony" Ridebyslitlicker69©My daughter was driving me nuts. All during high school we couldn't get her to wear a dress, even if we paid her. It always had to be blue jeans. But not just any blue jeans, mind you, no, they had to have huge gaping holes in the knees and patches on the backside as if her mom and I were too poor to buy her real clothes. Then, all of a sudden after she hit 18 she started wearing skirts, but not the conservative, respectable knee-length or longer...

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Beas PonyChapter 8

Jack had been furious. He had stormed out of the house swearing never to come back. Before that he had threatened to shoot the dog, shoot the pony, carve me up into strips of bacon. His ultimatum before leaving was, no dog, no pony, and no sister. Until then, goodbye! Out he went into the night. Helen was speechless. She had not been able to get a word in edgewise while Jack was there and after he had gone could not find the words. I was at a loss as to how to console her. There was no...

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMSunny Manor Pony Farm and Pet Grooming Facility

“If where we are going next is something for Lucy, then we probably ARE going to the FART FACTORY!” Lindsay teased her little sister as we walked back to the golf cart. “They will make you head of production in no time!” “You fart too!” Lucy pouted. Lindsay was once again making the joke that the Fun Center was a Fart Center because in her opinion it was dumpy while at the same time getting a little dig in on her sister. “You seem obsessed with farts,” Eddie said to Lindsay, “sounds like a...

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After my first mating with Dromano I knew that I must have more of that pony cock

After my first mating with Dromano, I knew that I must have more of that pony cock, so I contacted Jim and the date and time was set. I had a hard time concentrating on work on the days before my next encounter. Saturday finally arrived and Jim had requested that I not bath, remove all makeup and no perfume as he wanted his pony to get used to natural scents. Under my clothing I wore a full fishnet body suit that left my cunt and ass totally exposed. I donned my boots and collar, finished...

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Janie the reluctant Pony Girl

Janie looked up and down the street. She chewed on her ball gag to relieve the pain in her jaw. Her hands hurt where they were bound behind her back. The dildo in her pussy chafed and the butt plug in her ass hurt. “How do you like working in advertising?” Sam asked. Janie stamped her foot in frustration. Sam laughed. Janie didn’t think it was funny, being contracted to stand outside a downtown brothel with signs saying “Dolores Discount Whores” strapped to her front and “Whores from $25 a...

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Pams PonyChapter 2

Pam was halfway out the back door with another carrot when her mother objected. "Pam," the woman complained, "that's the third carrot this afternoon! we need some for supper, you know!" "Just one more," Pam pleaded. "Please, Mom?" Anna Forbes smiled at the excitement sparkling on her young daughter's eyes and couldn't refuse her ardent request. "Well... all right... one more. But tomorrow you go to the store and make sure to buy more!" "Oh, I will!" Pam promised. She...

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Pams PonyChapter 5

Pam's blue eyes went wide as she stared at the huge puddle of thick white horse-cum on the ground. Then she gasped as her pumping hand produced burst after burst of creamy cum from Theo's prick. "Oh, my God!" she gasped. Then laughed, because this was her god! This was her Theo. Her beloved pony. Overwhelmed by feelings, she pumped the pony's prick with loving strokes, urging Theo on to ever more spurts of jism. Cum splashed noisily all over the ground, and still Theo's enormous boner...

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Pony for DaughterChapter 6

"What was all that noise I heard upstairs?" Tammy's mother asked. "Nothin', Mom," Tammy said. She glanced at Priscilla, stifled a giggle. "We were having a pillow fight." Priscilla was embarrassed. "I hope we didn't disturb you," she said. She didn't return Tammy's glance. "Not at all," Ellen said. "I'm glad you two are getting along. It's going to be a nice two weeks and I'm glad Tammy has made a friend." She hugged her daughter, kissed her on the forehead. "I'm...

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