Birds Of Prey - Bisexual EditionChapter 15: Reaching Consensus free porn video

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When they arrived back at the flock’s dwelling, Jaeger lay Baker down on the shag carpet in the main dome, putting a cushion beneath his head and leaving him to sleep off his overindulgence. He couldn’t blame him too much, they had been celebrating, and Baker had spent months on the Rorke where his consumption of alcohol was strictly moderated. He would be comfortable enough here while Jaeger and the flock occupied the bedroom...

“So ... how does this work?” he asked, turning to the flock. They were all bunched up together, save for Coza who was off to one side with Yaotl. She had pushed him against the wall and was already nibbling at his neck again, the little male squirming as she put the moves on him. She was downright ravenous, sliding her hand beneath his floaty tunic, shooting Jaeger a sideways glance as if to say ‘you’re next’. The rest of the flock craned their long necks to peer at him, talk about being put in the spotlight...

“What do Earth’nay usually do?” Maza asked.

“What do Valbarans usually do?” he replied.

“I think we should take your advice and just follow our guts, or our hearts,” she chuckled. She took his hand again, her grip like iron, and guided him over towards the door to the bedroom. He ducked under the low doorway, feeling the plush surface of the room-spanning mattress beneath his feet. She released him in the center of the domed room, her flock following behind them, Coza closing the door as she was the last to enter. She had the male in tow, practically hurling the poor creature down into a nearby rat’s nest of cushions, pouncing on him like a velociraptor. The room was plunged into a vaguely red gloom, much like the lounge, and once again the hanging curtains that decorated the walls gave him the same vibe.

Jaeger felt like he was being surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves, the aliens forming a circle around him, peering up at him as their violet eyes reflected what little light there was. They whispered and warbled in their native language, indecipherable to Jaeger, flashing their feathers and scheming as he waited for them to make the next move. The females were the dominant sex in their species, the way that Coza was currently making Yaotl her plaything really hammered that fact home, and so he should probably let them take the lead. When in Rome, as Baker liked to say...

“I want to see what you look like,” Maza said, stepping closer to him. She was so short, he had to look directly down at her as she rested her hands on his stomach and pressed her snout up against his chest. She reached up and gripped the zipper on his suit between her thumb and one of her two fingers, pulling it down slowly until it reached his waist. He shrugged it off, then kicked off his shoes and stepped out of the lower half, standing before the aliens wearing only his white shirt and his shorts.

She wanted to pull his shirt over his head, but she couldn’t reach, Jaeger doing it in her stead. He tugged it off and discarded it with a little difficulty, it was stuck to his skin due to the heat and humidity. Before the garment had even hit the mattress, Maza’s small hands were back at work. She traced the contours of his muscles beneath his damp skin, Jaeger flexing and twitching at her touch.

“When you took us into the shower back on your carrier,” she began, her eyes fixed on his belly as she stroked it with her hand. Her skin, or rather scales, were soft and smooth. They weren’t like the armored, overlapping scales of a Krell, which were arranged like medieval armor. These were made up of a tiny mosaic of shiny scales, minute, irregular squares and hexagons that interlocked perfectly to create a surface that was as flush as varnished wood. “I thought that you were propositioning me,” she laughed. “I didn’t know much about your customs yet, I saw that all of the alien races on the Rorke lived together, male and female alike. Sordid thoughts ran through my head. What if this was how the rest of the Galaxy behaved, what if they expected the same of us? Had this vessel, packed with strange and exotic aliens, jumped into our system with the expectation that we would all make love as if that was their way of greeting us? I quickly discovered that I was wrong, of course,” she continued, her warm breath blowing on his skin and her hands crawling down towards the bulge in his shorts. “But for a moment, I was ready for that to be the case, I was willing...”

She hooked a finger beneath the elastic waistband of his shorts, Ayau and Xico flanking her and leaning closer to get a better look. Tacka was lounging on the cushions nearby, observing them from a distance, while Coza was too occupied with her new bedmate to pay him any mind. Jaeger didn’t know if her sexual aggression was a result of the drink, the weed, or if that was just how she behaved even when sober. She was a beast of a woman, and he thanked his stars that she was too small to give him the same treatment, the breathy cries and lustful warbling of the male echoing in the room.

Maza slid his shorts down to his thighs, slowly exposing his member, already swelling and heavy with blood as it bounced free. Their eyes widened, apparently surprised by what they saw, Maza glancing up at him as she gently lifted it in her palm.

“There’s only one!” Xico exclaimed, her eyes fixed intently on his growing member. “It’s covered in skin, it’s so large and ... vascular...”

“It’s getting heavier,” Maza whispered, “swelling with blood. It’s beating like a heart in my hand.”

“What’s this?” Ayau asked, reaching below and cupping his balls in her palm. Jaeger twitched, the fluffy Valbaran grinning at his response. “It’s sensitive.”

Their explorations caused him to reach full mast, rising out of Maza’s hand, his organ standing erect in front of them and twitching softly with every pulse of blood that rushed through it. It was almost as long and as thick as Maza’s forearm, her eyes slowly crawling up its length as her feathers flashed in a shade of deep pink.

“Is it ... okay?” Jaeger stammered. “I mean, can we ... will it fit?”

“I guess we’ll find out,” Xico said, smirking as she looked pointedly between Jaeger and Maza. His would-be lover rested her head just below his chest, looking down at his member as she played with it in her hand. She ran her fingers from the base to the tip, pushing it down gently, then letting it spring back up again.

“It’s so smooth,” she muttered, transfixed. Every touch of her fingers brought with it a jolt of electrical pleasure that coursed up through his body, his breathing growing heavier as she inadvertently teased him. Ayau combed her fingers through his pubic hair, cocking her head.

“It’s course and curly,” she said, “nothing like the fur on his head.”

Maza stepped back, a distinctly eager look in her eye as she stared up at him, fumbling with the clasps on her tunic. She loosened the collar just enough that she could get it over her large head, the sheaths that extended out of the back of her skull getting in the way. Beneath it, she was wearing what looked like a black tube top, the same color and style as her impossibly form-fitting shorts. Jaeger had been wondering if the aliens had boobs or not, and as she pulled the elastic material away, he got his answer.

Two firm, pert breasts fell free of the material as she pulled it over her head, bouncing gently with the motion. Her pink nipples stood erect, and she covered the globes with her forearm as she let her top fall to the floor, the soft flesh deforming around her limb enticingly. They were perfect handfuls, covered in the same green scales as the rest of her body, which gave them a waxy sheen under the light. They were slightly discolored, as was her stomach, the scales there a lighter shade like the underbelly of a lizard.

Twin rows of chiseled abdominal muscles protruded from beneath her skin, firm and tight, shifting as she moved. Now he could get a better look at the hourglass shape of her inhumanly wide hips, the anchors that attached her powerful legs to the rest of her little body. She was still wearing her shorts, the thin, black fabric clinging to her like a second skin. It almost looked like the material that one would use to make swimwear. Her thighs were longer and proportionally thicker than those of a human, joining to digitigrade legs, bony and sinewy below the ankle joint. Despite her obvious physical fitness, she was still plump in all the right places, her curves drawing his gaze and seeming to guide it across her voluptuous figure.

Maza angled her thick tail downwards and then slid off her shorts, stepping out of them to reveal that she was wearing nothing beneath. Now Jaeger could see that the discoloration of her scales extended to her inner thighs and down the underside of her tail, almost as if designed to draw his eyes to her most sensitive regions. Between her legs, she had a mound as smooth and as polished as the rest of her, a pair of subtle lips that were tinted a familiar pink just visible.

She released her breasts, standing before him with everything on display, as if waiting for his approval.

“Do you ... like me?”

As if the incessant pulsing of his erection wasn’t enough of an answer for her, he took a step forward, reaching down to grip her comely hips. His fingers immediately sank into her yielding fat, the span of his hands large enough that his thumbs very nearly met across her belly. What had looked like muscle was actually flesh as soft as melted butter, her scales smooth like the most exquisite silk. His member brushed up against her abs, her small boobs pressing against his torso as he pulled her short frame into him. She angled her face to look up at him, her snout only just managing to brush his chin.

He slid a hand down to cup her ass, taking a generous handful of more of her delicate fat, the alien cooing in a blend of surprise and delight. Beneath it lurked muscle so springy and perfectly rounded that if he were to lift her up and drop her on her butt, he felt certain that she would bounce like a basketball. His fingers roamed lower, her stout thighs just as firm, muscles like steel cables sheathed in a layer of plumpness that he found impossible to resist. His digits sank down to the first joint, it was like kneading freshly-baked dough.

“I didn’t realize that Earth’nay males would be so ... assertive,” she whispered, standing on her toes and reaching up to gently nibble at his neck. He felt the points of her needle-like teeth, but she had scaly lips too, mouthing and sucking as she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled herself tighter against him. It sandwiched his member between the two of them, the bumps of her sculpted abs rubbing against the sensitive underside.

He slid his hands up her back, exploring her, tracing the furrow of her spine with his fingertips. Her scaly skin was so inviting, it was as smooth as polished metal and slightly moist, likely due to the humidity in the air. The contrast between fat and muscle made her irresistible to the touch, he wouldn’t have been able to keep his hands off her if he had tried, it was like she was wrapped in a layer of soft velvet. He would have assumed that scaly skin would be coarse and dry, but that wasn’t the case at all.

“Is this how you kiss?” he chuckled, her pointed teeth tickling his neck.

“Does it not feel good to you?” she asked, pausing for a moment.

“It feels good,” he whispered. He cupped his hands under her rump, lifting her off the ground like she weighed nothing, Maza’s feathers flaring in yellow and pink as she laughed excitedly. He brought her up to head height, the alien crossing her arms behind his neck and closing her powerful thighs around his waist like a vice. Her long, serpentine tail coiled around him too, giving her enough purchase that he scarcely needed to support her weight.

He buried his face in the nape of her neck, feeling her grip on him tighten and hearing a sigh escape her lips as he planted a kiss on her shoulder. He crawled slowly higher, nibbling and mouthing softly as he roamed up her long, flexible throat. It seemed to tickle her, and she squirmed in his arms, her dull claws scratching at his naked back. He could feel the details of her tiny scales beneath his tongue where he dragged it across her skin, her taste was neutral, but she had a pleasant wet leather scent about her.

Jaeger reached down and pulled his shorts all the way off, Maza clinging to him as he walked her over towards the nearest wall, where the cushions were piled high. He knelt and released her onto the pillows, the little alien lying spreadeagled beneath him, the rapid rise and fall of her chest making her breasts wobble. He reached down and enclosed one of them in his hand, it was small enough that he could encompass it entirely, her hard nipple pressing into his palm. He kneaded and squeezed, her flesh as malleable as cookie batter, the pert globe springing back into its original shape when he released it. She arched her spine, squirming on the mattress as he teased her, his fingers seeking out the sensitive breast tissue beneath the layer of buttery fat.

He planted another sucking kiss on her neck, then began to crawl his lips down towards her chest, pausing to catch one of her nipples in his mouth. He mauled the adjacent breast with his fingers as he drew on the firm nub of flesh, sucking and chewing gently, pinching it between his lips and his teeth. Her tail waved back and forth on the mattress beneath him, batting his thighs, her small frame writhing as he circled her nipple with his tongue.

“Like that,” she gasped, sinking her fingers into his hair and taking desperate handfuls. “That feels good...”

After lingering for a moment, he roamed downwards, dragging his tongue across her six pack and following the deep channels that they carved in her abdomen. Droplets of moisture from the humid air around them clung to her shining body like beads of sweat, but there was no taste of salt, it was simply water. Her taut muscles bulged and flexed where his lips roamed, the alien tensing and shuddering as he drew shapes on her belly. Her scales were even softer and more delicate here, nearly indistinguishable from human skin, and she seemed more sensitive too. He slid the tip of his tongue into her navel, then realized that she had a navel.

Breasts, a navel, all features that suggested live birth. Could they be placental reptiles, or birds, or whatever animal group they most closely resembled? Warm-blooded reptiles with feathers that lactated and gave birth to live young? It was like discovering the Platypus all over again.

Maza was shivering like a leaf, perhaps their sharp teeth and long snouts precluded a lot of the sex acts that were par for the course in human lovemaking. She still had her hands in his hair, combing it softly, he could feel her dull claws raking his scalp as he continued his journey downwards. She seemed to enjoy the texture, tugging on it as he took a firm grip on her hips. He lifted her butt off the mattress, she was so light that she was trivial to hold up, Maza practically hanging upside-down with her shoulders and head resting on the cushions as he brought his lips towards her thighs. He doted on them where the scales were lighter and softer, peppering them with sucking kisses and gentle bites, deliberately avoiding the plump lips that lay between them as he teased her. Her clawed toes curled, and her tail whipped back and forth, her fingers gripping the mattress beneath her.

He finally relented, Maza looking up at him imploringly, and he turned his attention to her loins. They were not dissimilar from those of a human woman, puffy and swollen with arousal, the same pale color as her belly. Here, however, there was glistening, pink flesh peeking out from between the folds. He watched as a trickle of clear fluid escaping to slide down her tail. He had been expecting some kind of cloaca, but there was a pink bud further down her tail, indicating that she was arranged more like a mammal.

Unable to resist, he dragged his tongue between her puffy labia, her juices making her flesh wet and slippery. She tasted sour, tangy, it was an oddly pleasant flavor. His mouth was large enough that he could get it around her entire mound, sucking as he raked her loins with his roving organ, coating every crease of her burning vulva. Her spine arched again, her thighs trembling and her tail coiling tightly around one of his thighs as a high pitched whine slipped past her pursed lips.

“There!” she gasped, “don’t stop!”

He needed no encouragement, pushing his tongue deeper, tracing her delicate folds as he drew softly on her lips. He could feel the heat that she radiated, almost hot enough to scald his tongue, her muscles flexing and twitching with every glance and stroke. He pulled back, parting the fleshy labia with his fingers, looking down to examine her intimate anatomy as she covered her face in embarrassment. Her slit was small compared to what he was familiar with, and her twitching, winking opening was tiny enough that it looked like he would struggle to get two fingers inside her. It leaked a steady stream of colorless, syrupy fluid that made her rosy vulva glisten, dripping down her tail in a way that made it look like droplets of dew. It made his mouth water, her wet leather scent goading him on. There was no clitoris that he could see, but it didn’t seem to diminish her sensitivity at all.

He dove back in, licking and mouthing, the small size of her loins meaning that he could cover more of them with every stroke. Her vulva was smaller than the flat of his tongue, Jaeger lapping at her like an ice cream cone as his saliva blended with her tangy fluid. It almost tasted like citrus fruit, but a little weaker, he felt like he could keep this up all day.

Xico and Ayau hovered nearby, watching intently as he turned their friend into a moaning, shuddering mess. Xico was chewing absent-mindedly on one of her claws, while Ayau had snuck a hand between her legs, rubbing slowly as Maza thrust her hips against Jaeger’s mouth.

She doubled over as he pushed the tip of his tongue inside her, feeling her silken walls grip him tightly, her abs bulging from beneath her skin beautifully as they tensed up. She let herself fall back to the mattress, groaning as he buried his organ deeper, parting her insides as they spasmed around him.

The flesh that lined her tunnel was so pillowy and slimy, moving ceaselessly, writhing and contracting violently as if trying to tear his tongue from his skull. Her clenching passage felt like satin that had been soaked in honey, the taut muscles massaging him in waves.

Maza seemed to be in a state of pure bliss. Her eyelids drooped as she lay on the cushions, her scaly lips pulling back to expose her teeth in a kind of snarl, her brow furrowing when he dragged his tongue across her sensitive walls.

When he drew back, his lips were linked to hers by a sagging web of clear fluid, which fell to slide down the underside of her tail. He brought a finger up to her opening, circling her spasming entrance and wetting it with her slimy emissions.

“Tell me if this gets uncomfortable,” he said, pressing it inside her. It sank up to the first joint, then the second, Maza whining as her slick muscles seized around it. He wouldn’t have been able to slide any deeper had it not been for her copious fluids, spilling around his digit and glazing his skin in a slippery sheen. He reached the knuckle, burying his entire finger inside of her, Maza shivering as he brushed what felt like the reaches of her tunnel. It would have been painful for a human, but Maza didn’t complain or pull away.

God, she was tight. He didn’t know if sex was going to work between them, he might simply be too large for her. He began to slide his finger slowly in and out, her loins sucking on him, sticking to his skin as they created a vacuum. The feeling of her silken walls gliding against him was wonderful, a twinge of disappointment flaring in his belly as he considered that he might not be able to feel these luxuriant muscles wrapping around his cock.

“On the roof towards the back,” she mumbled through her haze of arousal, “you should feel a firm knot. Rub it...”

Jaeger changed the angle of his finger as he searched for it, probing the roof of her tunnel, feeling her tighten and tremble when he located it. There was a firm bud of flesh inside her, almost like an uvula, the little dangling thing in the back of your throat. Judging by the drawn-out moan that she uttered when he rubbed it, it was rich in nerve endings. Was this the Valbaran equivalent of a clitoris? It was so far inside of her, evolved perhaps to encourage deep penetration, increasing the chances of successful insemination.

The backs of her knees were resting across his shoulders now, and her tail had a tight grip around his midsection, leaving both of his hands free as he no longer needed to support her. He placed one hand on her belly just above her mound and began to thrust his finger in and out of her, brushing her sweet spot in a way that made her clench her fists and buck violently. She was warbling in her own language, it sounded like bird song, but whatever she was saying it seemed to be drawing in her flock. Xico and Ayau were close enough that he could feel their breath on his forearms, watching intently as his alien digit splayed Maza’s delicate flesh. Even Coza was looking up from her respective pile of cushions, giving Yaotl a moment of respite, her feathers flaring in pink as she watched her friend squirm in his grasp.

A violent tremor passed through Maza’s small frame, every muscle in her body seeming to tense up, her grip on his finger becoming so tight that it was almost painful. She bared her teeth, her eyes snapping shut and her plumes rising in a rainbow of seemingly random colors and patterns. It was like he had short-circuited her, her feathers shifting and fluttering in waves of color, her spine arching and her tail constricting around his waist like an anaconda. Jaeger kept up the pace as he drew out every last throb of her orgasm, her insides gripping him like a fist as the tingling pleasure forced adorable mewls and whines from her lips, her syrupy juices flowing around his buried digit and hanging from her loins in glistening strands.

He slowly lowered her down onto the mattress as she relaxed her hold on him, her little chest pumping like a pair of bellows as she rode out the last wracking pangs of her climax. She seemed exhausted, and he had to remind himself that these aliens didn’t have the stamina that humans had, she would probably need time to recover before they could continue.

She looked up at him, her eyes unfocused, laughing giddily as she slowly ran her hands across her chest and belly. She seemed more drunk now than she had been back at the lounge, high on a far more powerful drug than any plant fiber could produce. He considered lying down beside her, holding her, running his hands across her still receptive body as she recovered the strength to go again. But before he could do so, he found himself on his back.

Ayau and Xico had pounced on him like a pair of lions bringing down a zebra, the little aliens incredibly strong and fast when they needed to be. Ayau was holding his wrists in her hands, pinning his arms above his head, the tentacle-like feather sheaths on her forearms coiling around them to tie them together. Even the slim muscles contained with the sheaths were like steel, he couldn’t have freed himself if he had tried.

Xico, meanwhile, was crouched between his parted thighs with her eyes fixed on his prominent erection. She cocked her head at it curiously, reaching down to run her hands across his exposed glans, and feeling him twitch. As he watched, she shed her loose-fitting tunic and slipped out of her shorts, her body nearly identical to Maza’s save for the darker shade of her scales.

She began to stroke his member, running her fingers up and down his shaft, her scales so smooth and fine that it felt like she was wearing silk gloves. Jaeger relaxed, letting her do her thing, her violet eyes fixed on his organ as she examined it intently. Ayau peered over his prone body, watching her friend as she held Jaeger’s arms steady. It was a little unnecessary, he wasn’t going to try to escape, but whatever made the willful creatures happy...

“A single shaft,” Xico said, perhaps trying to mask her arousal by feigning a kind of clinical detachment. “Large ... obviously, with no external channel for the, uh ... semen to flow through. It looks like the channel is situated inside the organ, judging by the small opening at the end...”

She ran the tip of her finger around his glans, making him shiver, her warm breath blowing on the head.

“Sensitive, smooth. Judging by the way that it ... throbs, it can be assumed that it inflates with blood, unlike the eversion process used by Val’ba’ra’nay reproductive organs. There seems to be a covering of nerve-rich skin that protects the underlying flesh.”

“Uh ... what are you talking about, exactly?” Jaeger asked.

“I’m making some ... observations,” she replied hesitantly, still holding his pulsing shaft in her palm. It was massive in comparison to her, she could barely get her hand around it. “The reproductive organ of a Val’ba’ra’nay male is made up of two shafts, it’s housed inside the body, everting during arousal.” She ran her finger from the base of his shaft to the tip, making him buck. “There’s a channel on the outside of the organ where the emission flows, and there’s no covering of skin.”

“So ... they have two cocks?”

“N-no, it’s a single organ, but it has two shafts.”

“This is an odd kind of foreplay,” he mumbled.

“As the first Val’ba’ra’nay with any kind of technical expertise to examine an Earth’nay so ... closely, it’s my duty to make observations,” she said. “To make a record of your ... anatomy...”

“And what technical background do you have, exactly?” he asked.

“Uh ... flight engineer...”

“I see.”

She pulled back his foreskin to expose his glans fully, gazing at his shining head with what could only be described as lust. She bit her scaly lip, then wet them with her pink tongue, beginning a slow and rhythmic stroking. He didn’t know what a Valbaran penis looked like exactly, but the shape and texture of his member seemed to encourage the alien to run her hands up and down it, tracing the protruding veins with the tips of her dull claws. She was focused on it so intently, her nose not an inch from the tip as she watched it jump and pulse. A bead of his excitement leaked out, and she opened her mouth, her flexible tongue snaking out to lap at the clear fluid.

It was like wet velvet, a shiver running up his spine and making his head spin as her damp flesh dragged across his tender glans. She noted his reaction, her feathers puffing up in a rosy shade of pink. It could be the Valbaran equivalent of a blush, or it could be a more overt display of arousal, he wasn’t entirely sure yet.

“The subject responds strongly to stimulation,” she whispered, “his fluids taste salty...”

“He likes it,” Ayau chimed in from somewhere above his head, “lick him again...”

Her tongue was not very wide, but it was long and agile, the tip tapered into a point. It was about the same length as her snout, maybe eight or nine inches long and scarcely one inch wide. As she opened her jaws to reveal her rows of needle-like teeth, he felt a pang of apprehension. That toothy maw was not suited to oral sex, not even slightly. As she lowered her snout down towards his member, she was careful to keep her teeth clear of him, coiling her slippery tongue around his shaft as she breathed warm air on it.

Xico couldn’t suck, but she could certainly lick, her dexterous tongue flicking across his glans and painting his shaft with her viscous saliva as he struggled to keep from bucking. It was death by a thousand cuts, every glance sending a jolt ecstasy tearing through him, fireworks exploding in his brain. She kept up her stroking all the while, pumping her little hands up and down his length, her touch made slick and warm by her spit.

“Does it feel good?” Ayau chirped, her eager face appearing above him as she looked down at his reddening cheeks. “You’re going all pink.”

“Yeah,” he said, his eyelids drooping as Xico swirled her tongue around his tip.

He felt Ayau release him from her grasp, the excitable alien quickly stripping off her clothes and draping herself over him, giving him a kind of upside-down hug as she rubbed her scaly cheek on his belly. Her thighs were to the right of his head, her arms wrapped around his chest as she nuzzled and giggled.

“You’re so big! So smooth!”

Her entire body was coated in downy proto-feathers, save for her hands, her lower legs, and her face. It was so fluffy, it really did feel like fur, tickling his naked skin as she brushed against him. He could feel her breasts as they squashed against his chest, those too coated in a layer of feathery down the same beige color as her exposed scales. He felt her nibble and lick softly, their version of a kiss, her tongue flicking into his navel as Xico kept up her maddening ‘investigations’.

Ayau swung one of her legs over his face, the base of her fluffy tail resting on his forehead as she pushed her loins up against his chin, her upper body still lying on his chest like he was a giant inflatable pool animal.

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Chapter 15: Reaching Consensus Videos

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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 8 Yilgarn

Jaeger took off his helmet and set it on his seat as his canopy slowly rose, then he hopped out of his cockpit, his boots hitting the ground with a thud. Immediately, the heat hit him like a wall. It was hot, humid, like a summer’s day in a swamp. His flight suit already felt stifling, and so he shed it, stripping down to the Navy uniform that he wore beneath it and stowing it alongside the helmet. Baker was exiting his Beewolf behind him, and he heard the hydraulic hiss of a landing ramp...

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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 13 Night on the Town

After a short debriefing back at the spaceport, they were dismissed, Jaeger and Baker returning to Maza’s domed house on one of the mag-lev trains. Several of the probes had been destroyed, but a few had been recovered, and as had been expected they were packed with transmitters and sensory equipment. They were spies, sent to assess the defenses on the ground. You didn’t have to be a master strategist to guess that it was the precursor to a full-on invasion. The Bugs had moved up their...

2 years ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 14 Loosening Up

They ordered another round of drinks, Maza and Jaeger trying to steer the conversation in a more lighthearted direction as the night went on. The group discussed everything from exopolitics, to the presence of bathrooms inside human dwellings, their jokes increasing in volume and decreasing in complexity the more alcohol that they consumed. Ayau engaged Baker in a long conversation about the Krell, the pilot telling her everything that he knew on the subject, fascinating her with stories...

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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 16 Invasion

The chemical vats in the bowels of the ship had finally generated enough electricity to charge the superlight drive, the Queen could feel the stores of energy growing through her neural link to the living ship. She only needed enough to carry her from the outer solar system to the planet’s gravity well, there was no retreat. If she should fail here, then her hive would perish either in combat or from starvation. The great vessel turned slowly towards its target as it prepared for the jump,...

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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 17 Last Line of Defense

Baker and Jaeger ran into the hangar where their ships were parked, quickly donning their flight suits and helmets as the Valbarans made their way over to their camouflaged lander. By the time the two humans were climbing into their cockpits and running their engine checks, the Valbaran spaceplane was already taxiing towards the runway. Jaeger taxied outside, his HUD flashing as it showed him the system status. The Beewolf hadn’t been refueled, but they had more than enough gas to get into...

4 years ago
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Birds of Prey Bisexual EditionChapter 18 Extraordinary Heroism

“One collapsed lung, a fractured tibia, and compression injuries to the spinal cord,” Doctor Evans said as she circled Jaeger’s bed with a tablet computer in her hand. “All things considered, you’re lucky that you didn’t sustain more severe injuries, ejecting at the speed that you did.” “Thought we lost you there for a while, buddy,” Baker said as he leaned against a nearby bulkhead. “I saw your Beewolf go down, but I didn’t see your chute pop.” “Am I ... on the Rorke?” Jaeger asked,...

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Worthy Prey

“Too quickly.” She growled, frustration rumbling in her deep authoritative voice. “What was?” One of her two Seconds, Tryi, queried, moving up to stand beside her First, Gatt-Rifle slung over one bare shoulder and her battle-armour already discarded to reveal the almost eight foot tall hulking beauty of her red-skinned body, all muscle, strength and power, the vision of primal dominance only enhanced by the sleeping giant of a cock resting plaintively between her sculpted thighs, though she...

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Predator 1 Prey 0

She is a caring person.? She believes in the golden rule, and tries to do her part in making the world a better place.? But she also has a strong capacity for compartmentalization, and a deep craving to have a man in her life that she can hurt as intensely as she wishes, without worries about her safety or going to Hell.? She wants to do far more than merely hurt him, for hurt is usually temporary, disappearing all too soon.? She wants to permanently harm him, his mind, his essence, to...

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Bisexual Playground

BisexualPlayground! Are you the kind of horny dude that swings both ways? Do you enjoy both dick and pussy? Do you wish that you could meet other people who are like you? Well, if you answered yes to these questions, holy fucking shit, do I have the social network for you! Oh yeah, you know where I’m getting at!Bisexual Playground is a platform where you can discover bisexual men, women, and couples that want to get their freak on just like you do. Here, you will find all kinds of people in...

Hookup Sites
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The Prey

Marie walked into the club, casting her eyes around to assess the place. Hot, dark,crowded, the music playing just too loudly for comfort. Perfect. She felt the firststirrings of excitement at the thought of the adventure she was about to embark on. Sheconsidered herself a predator, and this was an ideal hunting ground.    She drew no shortage of stares as she made her way to the bar. As a rule Mariedidn't consider herself to be an especially beautiful woman - she had no real troubleattracting...

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The Huntress and Her Prey Under Moonlight

Melanie and Fiona had been together for three years. Fiona surprised Melanie with a weekend stay in a very expensive hotel beside the sea. They had a spa, a very highly rated restaurant and a beach of soft white sand that ran for miles with the soft waves of the Atlantic lapping at it. Melanie squealed with excitement and danced around happily.When the day came for their special weekend away, Fiona drove them along the narrow winding country roads, the top was down, the sun was shining, the...

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A Bisexual Arab Man in America

September 11, 2011 is upon us. The day feared by countless Americans and Arabs worldwide. Will some religious nutcase from the Muslim world try something crazy and finally push the United States toward the complete obliteration of the Arab world? Will Arab-Americans be rounded up like Japanese-Americans were during World War Two after the Japanese Imperialists stormed Pearl Harbor? I’m glad the day went peacefully, for more reasons than you can imagine. My name is Djamal Adul-Muqaddim and I...

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Her Boyfriend really is Bisexual

I didn’t write about it at the time because I didn’t have the consent of the people involved and I didn’t think it was appropriate to ask at the time either. After posting some bisexual threesome photos last week, I thought maybe I should seek permission to write about it and permission has been granted and I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did..... Last night Kip and I hosted a wonderful dinner party here in Breckenridge (Colorado). The guests were; a gay couple from Denver, Kip,...

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Wife enjoys Indian husbands bisexual side

This is not a fantasy, nor a story. It is a series of events that happened in the last few months and has changed my life so completely. I do not expect all readers to understand or appreciate since it involves a willing adulterous relationship within my marriage. For those who are looking to experiment and take it further, the rewards are simply fantastic. I have tried to cover the details as well as the bigger picture in this story. Hope to enjoy reading. Natasha, Mumbai 2021 The Genesis of...

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My first bisexual experience

I am bisexual. I'm a 26-year-old woman now. There were plenty of times that I questioned my sexuality. At first, like everyone, I thought it was a phase that most women go through. Looking back at it, I thought wrongly. It all went back to my first bisexual experience. It was November 2004 and I was being ready to be sworn into the United States Army. It was the night before I had to go to the MEPS station (Military Enlistment Processing Station). There were a group of people just like me...

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Bisexual Black Fatherhood

There is much to be said about one’s origins, that’s for sure. My name is Solomon Rashid Joseph. I was born in the City of Detroit, Michigan, to a Haitian-American mother and Lebanese immigrant father. My father, Rashid Ahmed, met my mother, Nicolette Joseph, while attending Wayne State University in the 1980s. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, he died while visiting his parents in Beirut, three months before my birth. My mother married a guy named Harold Jacobson three years later, and...

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Predator Prey The Revivification by Millie Dynamite

by Millie Dynamite Civilization did not end in a fiery, violent, flash on the surface that rivaled a star’s birth. Rather a slow, violent descent into anarchy. The chaos flowed into everyday life worldwide in a sluggish, inevitable drip and drab. Something happened to the men in the world, their natural aggression exploded inside their brains, in that deep, dark recess of the primitive, hormonal, driven subconscious part called “The id.” It bred inside them dividing, and subdividing, until...

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Prey or Predator Interview with a TV

Prey and Predator By Malissa Madison This is a work of fiction and fantasy, no humans were harmed in its writing. It is only for the purpose of entertainment and I urge you not to seek out those who stalk the night. You might run across the wrong kind who will not be as kind as those in this purely fictional though shorter story than usual. "I opened the old fashioned Envelope made of heavy yellowish brown paper that seemed more in keeping with the Seventeen hundreds...

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INTERNET RELAY CHAT When Predator Becomes Prey

I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the...

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Internet Relay Chat When Preator Becomes Prey

I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat?When predator becomes prey.?? drkfetyshnyghts 2009ForewordIRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that can participate in...

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See and Play Predator and Prey

“Please, Lisa, please,”  begged Shelby, “even a little bit, please tell me.”Lisa laughed then took another sip of her coffee.  She looked at Shelby and smiled, enjoying the attention, sexual tension, and the pouty look from her friend.“Why do you want to know so badly?”  asked Lisa.Shelby looked around the coffee shop to make sure no-one was close enough to hear.  She leaned into Lisa while grabbing her free hand and squeezing it tightly.“Because, while I was watching you two the other night,”...

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Instincts Prey Part One

Instincts. As human beings, we all have urges that must be satisfied, or else we risk our sanity. Regardless of our statuses as apex predators, supreme beings atop the world’s food chain, we’re sophisticated animals all the same. So, it’s okay to relax, to let loose every now, to release. Relieving ourselves of all the pent-up stress brewing inside our beings is practical, even if society has programmed us to think otherwise. Immoral, disgusting, illegal; these are all words we’ve heard to...

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Gay and divorced or bisexual and married

My wife and I are both bisexual although I lean closer to being gay than anything resembling bisexual. When we’d have sex with another guy, if it wasn’t a time when we picked a guy up while we were out at a bar or someplace it was when I’d meet a guy I was interested in and hooked up with him and then invited him back to have sex with us at another time. I usually checked the guys out first, make sure my wife would like them and all, then if it seemed cool, I would invite them into a...

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A Bisexual Summer

I am a mature widower having lost my bride of fifty-four years, ten months and fourteen days days due to complications from pancreatic cancer. Since becoming a widower I have been dabbling in my bisexual side more and more. I had some minor experience during my youth but have been much more active recently.My uptick in activity can be traced to me joining a swinger’s web site called Swing Lifestyle (SLS). There are many bisexual couples on this web site looking for bisexual men to join them in...

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Bisexual Fantasy Fulfilled

Not my Story, but a great read.Bisexual Fantasy Fulfilled # 1 (mmf)bisexual – mmf – threesome - creampie – clean upIntroductionMy wife Lisa and I have been happily married for 14 years, and I still think she's the hottest woman in the world. She's a petite, fiery red-head with a beautiful round face and a little button nose. Making love with Lisa is one of my greatest pleasures in life. She is absolutely fantastic in bed. I love the feel of her ample breasts, and the firm roundness of her...

2 years ago
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Old Friends Uncover and Exploit My Bisexual Hunger

My name is Ed, and I grew up in a small town outside of Montgomery, Alabama. I was fortunate to have a lot of friends, and I married my high school sweetheart, Olivia, who we all call Liv. We went to college in Montgomery, like many of our friends did, and were fortunate to be able to find jobs in our hometown.Liv is a petite, but buxom, lady, only five feet and three and a half inches tall and weighing one hundred and thirty pounds, with 34DD breasts that look huge on her. She’s beautiful too,...

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Slave Hunters Slave Preys

Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch.? 01 by Nikita and Wolff     Synopsis: In a phantasmagorical tale of sexual slavery, a mysterious man and woman, a generic sheik, twin submissives, and even some celebrities, come together in a story exploring submissive and dominant needs.? Just for fun, there are many references and allegories to pop culture.? It is surreal at times but it is not fantasy or a spoof. The story begins with a dance of dominance and submission...

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Bisexual The Life of Stefano

Stefano Jenkins comes home. He’s a twenty-year-old black guy who attends the nearby state college. This buff stud has caramel-colored skin, curly black hair and golden brown eyes. He’s the stuff dreams are made of and he’s really popular with the girls. The fact that he’s also the star of the men’s basketball team also had something to do with it. Stefano wants to become a police officer someday, like his father before him. What Stefano doesn’t know is the fact that someone was waiting for him...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 14The Final stage Part 1 I Tell My Husband That Im Bisexual And More

I am writing this final chapter of my journey sitting on the balcony of our apartment that is halfway up the Peak in Hong Kong. Hong Kong spreads below. A soft warm tropical trade wind brings the smell of frangipani. I am relaxed and reflective. Tomorrow is my forty-third birthday.It is almost three years since, just after I turned forty, my sexual awakening—journey as I like to think of it—began in an incense laden room in Phuket, Thailand. Now, as my husband and I settle into Hong Kong, my...

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Bisexual widower

I’m a bisexual widower that only gets semi-hard these days. To say that impacts ones sex life is an understatement. My late wife would never suck my cock, so I sought out men that would suck me, and that eventually led me to sucking. She never knew. During my early days of bisexual activities, I visited a masseur who used a vibrating dildo on me and I loved it. So much so, that when a Navy Doctor wanted to fuck me, I agreed. The Navy Doctor was on temporary assignment at Camp Lejeune Marine...

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A Bisexual Jock And His Tomboy

I think that love and friendship really shouldn’t mix. Seriously. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or woman, black or white, straight or gay. If you are friends with someone and madly in love with them at the same time, you’re going to end up doing or saying something really dumb. You might succumb to the urge to tell this special man or woman how you feel and it might prove disastrous for your relationship. How else would you explain what almost happened between me and my friend the other...

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Which bisexual gay acts do you think about M

Which (bisexual / gay) acts do you think about, anFantasy or Real Life?Which (bisexual / gay) acts do you think about, and which have you done?There are a lot of straight (or formerly straight) guys out there who have watched forced-bi clips, humiliation videos, gay porn, or have fantasized about a bisexual or gay experience. This could be a recent thing, or it could be something that you have been thinking about for a long time. I know that I am not the only one out there who has had these...

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Bisexual Fantasy Fulfilled 1 mmf

bisexual – mmf – threesome - creampie – clean upIntroductionMy wife Lisa and I have been happily married for 14 years, and I still think she's the hottest woman in the world. She's a petite, fiery red-head with a beautiful round face and a little button nose. Making love with Lisa is one of my greatest pleasures in life. She is absolutely fantastic in bed. I love the feel of her ample breasts, and the firm roundness of her perfect ass. My biggest turn-on is giving her orgasms, and she has an...

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Sissy8217s Bisexual Experience With Mom

Hi, I’m aju and this is my bisexual group incest experience. This is a long indian sex story and will have multiple parts. I’m 18 years old and have a very sexy feminine body. I have well-rounded chests and a girl like abs and also have a big juicy ass. My mother’s name is Vaishnavi and I have known her to be a very traditional conservative woman. Her figure is 34 25 36. She normally wears sarees while going outside and maxis in the house. She has milky white skin, long hair that she ties up...

Gay Male
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28 year old bisexual Japanese Female

So, I have this friend who is also a colleague that is bisexual.If you a looking for a story with me fucking her with another girl or guy you should skip this because I never fucked her and never will.There is no sexing or erotic about this story but I thought it was interesting to share with you all.I have been working with her for few years now and she is one of the closest colleagues at my work place.She is intelligent, beautiful, funny, outgoing etc.She stands about 5ft 6 (168cm) nice...

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My beautiful bisexual slaves and I

        This story is intended as entertainment for adults onlyHaving become fabulously wealthy from my vast real estate, and other assorted ventures,  I decided to fulfill my deepest sexual fantasies, and to enjoy the fruits of my years of labor.  My assets totaled about thirty five billion, and I constructed a very large and special estate in Mexico, with surroundings quite conducive to peace and solitude, and to the pursuit of my vocation as a male dominant to willing women, and researcher...

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Thoroughly Enjoyed Falling A Prey For Lust

Hi Friends. This is Arun. I’m 27 years of age and I’m here to share with you my unforgettable experience on bed with a super hot chick, Radha. She is 36 years of age, oval shaped face, brownish complexion, very slim figure but a disproportionately huge boobs that attracted me the very first time I met her. She did her schooling and college in USA and was also working there till her father passed away where she came to India to takeover her father’s business last year. Few months after she...

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The Jaguar Stalks Her Prey

The Jaguar Stalks Her Prey By Nora Page Chapter 1: The Stolen Idea Jon Adkins paced the front of the boardroom with all the confidence of a man on the move. At only 26, Adkins was considered Brunswick's fastest rising young executive. Since graduating Yale at 21, he had taken the marketing firm by storm and the Board of Directors expected very big things from him. At 5'9" with the lean body of a runner, a youthful face, and a bit of a renegade style with hair more befitting...

4 years ago
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Which bisexual gay acts do you think about an

Fantasy or Real Life? Which (bisexual / gay) acts do you think about, and which have you done?There are a lot of straight (or formerly straight) guys out there who have watched forced-bi clips, humiliation videos, gay porn, or have fantasized about a bisexual or gay experience. This could be a recent thing, or it could be something that you have been thinking about for a long time. I know that I am not the only one out there who has had these thoughts.But, which of these bisexual / gay acts...

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Graduating from bi curious to bisexual and Hedo Ja

Never in my mind did I think I would be bisexual.The first experience in kissing a woman was the first time I went to a swing club. I was riding my mans cock and a female started to kiss me and feel my tits. It was something I never experienced at all in my life. Riding a cock and kissing a woman for the first time.We would go to another swinger second time. This time I had another new experience. We met a couple and the female eventually are my pussy. First time I had a female go...

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How I became bisexual Part 3

How I became a bisexual guy (Part 3). My story. For those who read my previous true story (titled: How I became bisexual - Part 2), that event happened on a Saturday. This part of my bisexual experience is what transpired during the early morning hours on Sunday. This part of my experience was the closest I've ever come to being caught in the act. My best friend Jerry and I had the hottest sex I've experienced with another guy, just hours prior. Both of us fell asleep in a spoon position on his...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 7 An Unexpected Surprise

This is a continuation of the series "Memoirs of a Bisexual." I recommend reading chapters 1-6 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. The following is based on true events.I returned to school from Winter Break a few days before classes started. I always like to get there a few days before the start of a new quarter so I can learn where my new classes are and plan my route through campus. The University of Georgia is a big campus, so the more I know on the first day of...

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Delhi Tales Liberation 8211 Pt 1 Exploring The Bisexual Side

Hi everyone! Recently, people in India have been talking about how there life has been difficult just because they are from the LGBT community. But I am here to tell about how it has been a bliss to be a Bisexual in Delhi. You will know this through the series of stories which I would be telling during the course of our journey. So, first, something about me. I am a 22-year-old bisexual guy basically from Haryana who lives in Delhi now. God has blessed me with a sweet face and a talkative...

Gay Male
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Dominating A Bisexual Couple

Hello all, Firstly thanks for all my readers for giving great response to my previous story,received great feedback from many readers and now I am going to post my second incident, hope you like it and give me a great response again. About me – I am a decent, good looking, educated bisexual(versatile switch) guy from Mumbai.I like to have fun with couples and women and enjoy with them. So I was just surfing on internet watching porn and reading stories on iss , I use to watch master/slave...

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First Bisexual Threesome Complete

I've been curious to try being with a guy, I wouldn't classify myself bisexual: I would never kiss a guy or cuddle romantically , but i have always had this urge to feel what its like to be sexually serviced by a guy. I had been watching bi-porn for a while on the web and have chatted with a couple of guys fantasizing about all the things i've watched.I finally gave in to my urges and bit the bullet- I logged on to the personals section on craigslist. clicked on the MF4M section (Couples...

3 years ago
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Nightout Become Bisexual

Hello friends , These is vishal from mumbai . I am an regular reader , I decided to post my own story and share with you guys . I am an bisexual guy I have an gf her name is vinita , we have regular healthy sex with each other . I have an childhood friend name raj . Me and raj fuck each other from our childhood , and I have share these with my gf vinita and she has no problem with .Vinit is also interested to have sex with an girl , vinita has an friend name priya and me and vinita have helped...

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My first Bisexual Experience MMF Part 1

I've been curious to try being with a guy, I wouldn't classify myself bisexual: I would never kiss a guy or cuddle romantically way, but i have always had this urge to feel what its like to be sexually serviced by a guy. I had been watching bi-porn for a while on the web and have chatted with a couple of guys fantasizing about all the things i've watched.I finally gave in to my urges and bit the bullet last saturday evening- I logged on to the personals section on craigslist. clicked on the...

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A Bisexual Surprise

A Bisexual?s Surprise?OMG!? (Oh, My God) I thought to myself.  ?How did I get myself into this mess?  A giant cock in my mouth and my ass is on fire.?  Well, to be honest, I was in this mess because it?s what I wanted.  For, you see, I am a middle-aged kinky guy who loves bondage games.  And, I just discovered the joys of bisexual sex.  Enjoying both cocks and pussies in a m?nage-a-trios scene.  Nothing could be finer.  Here I was:  Living out a kinky dream.  I was naked in a strange hotel room w...

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Slut Daughter and Bi Dad bisexual story

100% fictional! My name is Bill and I'm a 50 year old bisexual man. I was married for 11 years and have a 26 year old daughter named Tonia, that lived in another state. The reason I left Tonia's mom 7 years ago was because I was bisexual and she was a slut. Tonia and I remained close and 2 years ago she asked if she could come live with me. She settled into my house and soon went back to being a daddies girl. Tonia's very pretty like her mom with a slightly plump bubble butt and big tits. She...

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The Bisexualizing Effect of Erotica Its Implicatioins for Writers

The Bisexualizing Effect of Erotica and It's Implications for Writers By Cal Y. Pygia Our enjoyment of erotic or pornographic images may start with the simple desire to see naked people. However, before long, poses of even the most beautiful woman or the handsomest men becomes relatively boring. Where singles may be sufficient, as it were, to whet our appetites, we soon want to see couples, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or transsexual, coupling. In a similar vein, regardless...

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The first part of this tale was outlined in my earlier tale "A Very Hot Tub" but for ease I have compiled them into the full saga. Enjoy. We did!!My wife Sarah and I had seemed to get more risqué with our sex life as we moved into our early 50’s. Sarah had hit the menopause a couple of years earlier and had put on a little weight, although on a plus note her magnificent breasts had swollen from a 38C to a 38D, but standing at 5 feet 8 inches and having a broad swimmers body she carried it well...

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