Hunters Prey
- 3 years ago
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Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch.? 01
by Nikita and Wolff
Synopsis: In a phantasmagorical tale of sexual slavery, a mysterious man and woman, a generic sheik, twin submissives, and even some celebrities, come together in a story exploring submissive and dominant needs.? Just for fun, there are many references and allegories to pop culture.? It is surreal at times but it is not fantasy or a spoof.
The story begins with a dance of dominance and submission between two strangers on a plane, Wolf and Nikita, and moves on to unravel a sinister plot brewing in the bowels of the aircraft.? The intensity of events grows with each chapter.? The scenes include the sacrament of a sadistic communion between the generic sheik and The Catholic Girl, a female switch turned to slave, a pair of twins separated at birth, one who is Wolf's pet and the other is Nikita's slut slave.
This series is a work in progress because our perverted imaginations take us to unknown destinations.? We hope you enjoy the journey with us.
This chapter was written by Nikita and Wolff.
Hunters And Preys
? 2006 Nikita and Wolfwerks
The cabin was filled with familiar airplane drone.? Inaudible, yet powerful.
The tall, dark stranger was listening to something else.? He didn't need to close his eyes to hear the faint baying of the pack.? No matter how far they were, somewhere, the moon was rising over the horizon.? Ever so often, the gruff stranger pictured a thirteen-year-old boy with mischievous blue eyes that overwhelmed a face with high cheekbones.? The boy was a handful of bubbling energy as he dashed about with his slim, wiry legs, dreaming of the running with the wolf pack.
"Mr.? Wolf, care for a glass of Cristal??? said flame haired flight attendant.? Her nametag said Carleen.
His long legs stuck into the aisle.? The designer jeans had appropriately spaced rips and holes.? His face possessed deep, knowing eyes that held your attention despite the diamond stud that glinted on his earlobe.
"Mr.? Wolf, care for a glass of Cristal??? she repeated, her voice like clinking glasses, trying to hint at the pastime she could be.
"Yes, please.? By the way, why haven't we taken off yet?"
The Wolf had an eastern European accent that was hard to place.? His dark wavy hair was secured by a rubber band.? Still, he could have been traveling incognito or a lucky fuck who won the lotto.
"We have a passenger that was running a little late, but she just checked in,?? she said apologetically.
Her passenger captivated Carleen.? She was always a sucker for quiet, pensive men who wore an aura of mystery like an invisible shield.
What's more -- when he first saw her, his eyes had lit with recognition, and then he had stopped and obviously backed off mentally, closing like a lizard covering it?s eyes with nictitating membrane.? Her need to be taken by this man did not end with juices beading? her shaven pussy.
As he accepted the glass of Cristal from the red headed toy, a suitable diversion for the duration of the trip, The Wolf nodded and went back to his iPod.
The Late Passenger
Like a summer breeze, the tardy passenger gracefully slid into the seat across and several rows behind the Wolf and busied herself with being unobtrusive.? Although she wasn't tall, her presence added to her stature.? She wore an exclusive Chikgeneric two piece.? It was a subtle combination of business-like strictness and wantonness.? In profile, she looked mysterious, her dark hair cut into one of those messy, wispy styles.? However, when she turned to look at him, her face opened up to a warm smile.
Even before the woman entered, he felt the gentle wave of energy float down the aisle intermingled with her scent.? Then the wave became tangy and tangible. ?The baying arose in Wolf's head.? The smile that followed it was too warm, like the onrush of tropical butterfly, flashy and wide open.? Yet, she was sanguine and spirited.
As often before, a whistle of cold winds from the mountains of the moon redefined such smiles for him.? He almost performed the usual ritual of reaching for his mirrored sunglasses.? He knew what would silence the pack.? It will not be accomplished by the redirecting of the sheer power he felt emanating from the woman - he would handle that, suck it in like his distant cousins, vampires.? No, it would take domination of her sanguinity, the capture of ease with which she shed her cloak of power as she entered.
'Forget the vampires,' he thought to himself,? 'You never met any and do not believe in them anyway.? What you want is her kneeling at your cock, the worship pouring from the pores of her sweating whipped body.? You must have that.? That is why you arranged to have her board THIS plane.'
"Ms. Wilson, how nice to see you flying with us again.?? beamed Carleen, as she bowed her head to kiss the proffered hand.
"Hi yourself! Nikita.? Please.? At least for the duration of the flight,?? she insisted, squinting her eyes at the Wolf.
The cold reaction from this gruff stranger stung and she was about to extract payment from him.? But, this airplane was like no one she had flown before and various bills from her past were finally due.
The flustered Carleen nodded, displaying a familiar neediness for approval.? No signal was needed.? It was understood that their relationship be invisible in front of others.
The Wolf was disconcerted as he saw the exchange.? The flightslut was taken! But his eyes followed her curvy walk until she was out of sight.? As he looked at the woman, he thought about her strange name, Nikita.? 'Shall I keep that name? Have it engraved on silver dog tag?'
Nikita kicked off her shoes and settled back to look out the window with a glass of Chardonnay in her hand.? Once they were airborne, she took out her computer and started typing, in staccato, a pencil behind her ear.? Immersed in thought, she did not notice the Wolf shift.
When the ?fasten your seat belt? finally went off the Wolf motioned for Carleen.? She'd inhaled his scent when he boarded, a combination of cologne, expensive cigarettes, and testosterone.? It sent shivers up her spine and twitched her pussy.? She was ready to drop to her knees.
"Yes, Mr.? Wolf??? she asked.
"Who's she??? he whispered, pointing his head toward Nikita.
He knew the answer.? He knew all FACTS about that woman except he did not really KNOW her and did not posses her, yet.
"Oh.? Mistr...? uh, Ms.? Wilson.? She's a writer.? Perhaps you've read her books??? said Carleen.
Carleen's heart was singing to him.? He knew WHAT she was and WHO she was, or rather who she was NOT.? Finding out who the other woman REALLY was would be an interesting and rewarding pursuit.
Nikita smiled to herself as she listened to the exchange between Carleen and the gruff stranger and continued to peck at her keyboard as the story flowed through her fingers.
She loved to torment Carleen on these long flights, by teasing and playing with her.? She was allowed to orgasm at the end of the trip and only on Nikita's command.
Her laptop snapped shut, she turned toward the window and played with a wisp of her hair.? After awhile, she drew a blanket over herself and closed her eyes.
Ping Ponging the Attendant
The Wolf's finger traveled to the burning cheek of the cherubic flight attendant as he briefly contemplated taking this morsel for himself, right now, and damn that Nikita bitch! But, baying in his head became urgently threatening.
He gently cupped her chin upwards; his hands fondled her breasts.? She leaned toward the open palm, melting into it and buckled.? The Wolf caught her before her knees touched the deck.? She crouched to steady herself as he fixed his gaze on her violet eyes.
"You belong to her??? he asked.
Another flush enveloped her heartlike face.
"No sir.? I would...? but she...? no, sir I don't."
"You do,?? he said as he reached for the rubberband holding his hair.
He wound and rewound the rubberband around his fingers, considering, and looking at the little pawn.? Captivated with the rubberband, Carleen rode the bittersweet heat wave.
"Hands on the back."
When she complied he leaned over and wound the rubberband around her wrists.? The Wolf forced her to gaze at the power in his eyes and feel his will.
"You will go to this Nikita and sit beside her..."
"But sir, I can't do that.? Regulations..."
Sighing, the Wolf applied more of his will.? "You will sit with her, snuggle up to her, perhaps nibble on her ear...very gently.? When she notices you will ask, no, beg her, if I do you Americans say it? Stick my hot dog in your bun.? Those exact words, do you understand, Carleen?"
She nodded fearfully and said, "Yes sir".
"I'm not your sir.? It's Mr.? Wolf to you.? Now go."
Admiring how the rigid triangle of her bound arms contrasted with the sway of her hips, the Wolf watched her move off towards Nikita.
He had PINGED the attendant.? He will patiently wait for PONG.? Not too patiently though.? The phantom baying in his head was getting insistent as it usually did when the haunted hunter was in view of a kill.
The little flame snuggled against Nikita's sleeping form.? The little flame did not dare move under the blanket, but looked adoringly at Nikita's serene face.? He thought there was a glint beneath the irresistible woman's eyes, but he was not sure.
He settled down to wait and took his glass again.? It was empty.? The plane softly droned on.
Peeking through the thick fringe of her eyelashes Nikita had watched his strong hand play with the glass, then she had shifted her gaze, her lids like slits, to the bound Carleen, walking to her.
She loved the poise of the little wench, breasts thrust out, yet ready to fall at her knees at the slightest glance.
Nikita closed her eyes again and replayed the vision of the stranger.? 'Wolf, was that a name? A descriptive title of some sort or a joke?
It was almost hypnotic.? He was unwinding his rubberband, as if playing with a dangerous snake, and then quickly binding her sub's wrists.
He sent her to Nikita.? He was not someone who she could wind around her little finger, toy with for awhile, and then, discard.
She shifted her body so that Carleen, inching fluidly from adjacent seat could cuddle up to her, heated spoon to heated spoon.? Soft butterfly kisses tickled her neck as Carleen's tongue cat-licked Nikita's hot skin, cat like.? Pink earlobes anticipated wet nibbles mixed with warm breath and sweet words.
"He is wearing something in HIS earlobe,?? thought Nikita idly, "Is it a diamond?"
Nikita let herself open up, allowing the flame's attentive ministrations turn into barely controlled desperation.? Drowning in her need of acknowledgement Carleen intensified her efforts on Nikita's pussy.? Nikita greedily drank the submissive's offering.? Suddenly, she came to her senses and lifted the little slave's head from between her legs.? As she stared into the mournful Carleen's face her slim fingers pinched the slick cheeks and puckered wet lips.
"What are you up to, little weasel? My ear is all wet!"
Nikita's eyes flashed fire at the upturned heart shaped face.? Carleen gazed at Nikita adoringly, even when tears streamed down her cheeks while Nikita squeezed even harder, forcing her mouth into a desperate moue.
"Well? Speak up, ma petite...?? she said quietly, as her hand relaxed.
"He ordered me..."
"He? He ORDERED you? Since when do you take orders from...? strangers?"
"Mistress please...he made me...come to you and ...oh...please...I had to!"
Nikita grabbed little sub's rubber entrapped wrists, "These are not mine, are they?"
Biting back the pain, she wailed, "Ouch...ouch...? Mistress."
"What did he want with you? Taking liberties with my possession!?? she huffed.
"He said hurts...Mistress, he said to ask, beg you to let him stick his hot dog into my bun, please.?? she pleaded.
Her eyes widened with mirth as she repeated Carleen's words, "He did? He'd like to stick his DOG??? She lifted her eyes towards him.
The Wolf sat sideways, his long legs splayed in the aisle.? As he focused on the exchange, partially hidden by the seat in front, his hand was squeezing his knee in anticipation.? As she lifted her head, he sat upright and faced Nikita's green eyes squarely.?
Their gazes met.? Collided and SNAPPED together.
Carleen thought she heard the distinct crack of an electrical charge, the smell of ozone, and the brief fragrance of wild violets.
He almost flinched from the power surge that crashed on him.? Nikita's smile slowly widened, then stopped.? She felt a force emanating from him, pushing back.? Trying to resist she found out there was nothing to push back against.? It was like pushing against a hole; pushing against the inhaling abyss that opened and sucked her in it's blue-gray grotto.
She fell in the electricBLEU tunnel pulling her like a current, upwards and downwards at the same time.? It was moist, the heat overpowering.? She wanted to swoon, give in to it, go lie and bask in that heat, but there was nowhere to go.
Nikita lost her footing and there were no coordinates.
As heat rose from her throbbing pussy, it engulfed her by concentrating in the pulsing lump in her throat.? Feeling her weakness exposed, she wanted to die.? But first, she needed to get down on her knees.
She also wanted to grab him by the throat and squeeze.
"Is this the famous Dom look she's heard about??? she thought.? "Hogwash!"
The tunnel dissipated and morphed Nikita back into the airplane cabin.? She thought she heard the crack of lightning, causing the cabin to shudder.? As the tunnel winked out of existence, a vision was thrust on her: a series of wolf shadows on a mountain ridge, a cortege in search of prey.? The last wolf stopped and turned towards her.? It was a cut-out of complete emptiness on the starry bulk of endless night sky.
It's eyes flashed ultra violet and the voice drifted to her, like a heady night scent.
"DO IT."
Casting away this vision, she shuddered.? Nikita energetically pushed and twisted her hapless whelp of a sub sideways, so that her ass was facing Nikita while her head hung over the side, sweaty wisps of hair falling helplessly.
Carleen yelped as Nikita plucked the rubberband from her hands.
The Wolf watched Nikita hold up his hair band.? He nodded imperceptibly as she wound it around her fingers and severed it with a loud SNAP, acknowledging her outrage.? She put the rubberband in her bag as a trophy of sorts.
?Hey, that is MY BOND!? flashed trough his mind.? He felt sheared of his power.? Like Samson, his hand flew up, as if to check that his thick hair was still there.
The Wolf watched the American, mesmerized by her actions.? Nikita was tumbling the little flight attendant like a toddler, pushing her into the seat, keeping her hands pinned and her legs pushed up against her heaving breasts.? She pushed Carleen's blue skirt up around her waist revealing the pale thighs contrasting against the smoky stockinged legs.? The pants were pulled off, the elastic snapped against poor Carleen's ass.
Nikita wadded them up into a ball, sniffed, then flaunted them to the motionless Wolf.? He noted the dampness of the cotton and wondered if it was an offer.? Her fingers enveloped the panties, pushed them between her legs, and she rocked from side to side, holding them in place with her hand.? The honey scent of her sex wafted toward the Wolf's nose.
He watched her admire the slickness of her fingers and lick them wearing a smug smile on her face.? She looked down at Carleen and slapped the naked red-haired person's bum hard, leaving a distinct palm print.? Holding the Wolf's mesmerized gaze, she struck Carleen's rapidly reddening ass again and again.
The power level in the cabin rose by degrees with every whimper of the twitching sub.? The surges of damp heat emanated from Nikita with each throb of his cock bulging his jeans.? As the impudent sub's ass suffered a few more slaps, Nikita's hand snaked toward her back while the other explored Carleen's burning flesh.? She found her bag of toys, caressing them while she brushed the rubberband against her cheek.
With a mischievous expression on her face, Nikita shook her hair with wild abandon.? She whipped her fiery toy while the Wolf was straining to feign disinterest in what Nikita was going to do.
He got a glimpse of dull metal and watched as Nikita worked on Carleen.? The Wolf was imagining all sorts of plugs, clamps, eggs and combinations thereof as he observed the sub twitching, twisting, and being forced into angles.
Nikita leaned over the panting girl and gently caressed her burning ass, her damp locks plastered on her face.? As she whispered in her ear, Nikita pecked at her cheeks and tasted a salty tear.
"Here baby,?? she cooed, "take these over to the nice man."
Then her hand went between her own legs, came back with the panties.? She meticulously stuffed Carleen' own panties intermingled with Nikita's pussy juice in the waiting mouth, patiently pushing the material in, overcoming resistance, keeping eye contact with the Wolf as she did so.
She pulled the whimpering waif's skirt down, helped the girl up, supporting her, waiting for her to find the balance.? Finally, giving her one more spank, she sent down the aisle their mutual Ping-Pong ball towards him.
The panty gag fascinated the Wolf as he wondered whose panties they were.
?Can he discern the difference between the scent of the two women?? flashed the thought through Nikita's mind.
As Carleen tottered toward him, Nikita held up one finger for the Wolf.
One hole only.
He smiled.? Yes, he could do that, and more than that.? 'Ok, one hole for starters.' She had PONGED the attendant back! The irreversible game was ? ON!
He looked at the strange woman, checking to see if she changed her mind and he noticed a glass that rolled on the floor.? He picked it up, wondering, 'which hole? '
The Wolf was standing expectantly as Carleen made her way to him.? He grinned at Nikita as he bent the girl over his knee.? Carleen wiggled like a puppy.? He was thinking with his cock while the pack was baying impatiently in the background of his mind.
With the impatience of a teenager, he unwrapped his living doll to find an unexpected surprise.? Dumbfounded for an instant, he resisted looking in Nikita's direction.? As annoyance welled up like slow sunburn, the Wolf used his instincts to adjust to the circumstances.? He looked up as if a light bulb went off in his head.
"Let me help you take those panties out of your mouth.?? he said sweetly, and tucked them in his pocket.
"If you want to, sir.? What can I do for you, Mr.? Wolf? Please tell me,?? she squeaked.
Although Carleen's face was streaked with tears and makeup, she didn't look unhappy.? Her eyes moved furtively from Nikita and then to the Wolf.? She was about to swoon in ecstasy of their confrontation.? Carleen twisted uncomfortably from the metal of the chastity belt.? But that wasn't as bad as waiting for the Wolf to decide how he was going to use her.? She leaned closer to sniff his scent.
"Lay across the seat, your head on this armrest,?? he said, pointing to the aisle seat.? "Line your throat up, straight, like a chimney."
Carleen quickly complied and her hair fell like a curtain from the armrest.? The metal band of the chastity belt stressed her red asscheeks.? The Wolf had pulled out his veined member and waved it in Nikita's direction as if to say, ?this is for you?.
As Nikita observed the drama unfolding before her, she felt a twinge of sympathy for the Wolf.? 'He has no idea what he is playing with', she thought.
"Open up Carleen,?? he said mockingly.
The hungry snake dancer opened her throat to take the Wolf.? His body moved in a primeval rhythm while he looked at Nikita with hunger.
As she watched the girl shiver with his thrusts, Nikita was impassioned.? Her hand inched, ever so slightly, under her skirt.? Keeping her eyes locked on the Wolf, she slid lower, beyond his view, and dipped a finger into her warm juicy core.? He was seducing her with his craving.? Carelessly, she drew out her finger and licked the salty tang as the Wolf continued to see-saw.
She had felt his fire when she boarded the plane but did not want him to know.? The wild spirit restrained by the coat of self protection made the Wolf vulnerable.? A great reader of body language, her instincts rang true.
Both rebelling against control, they danced the rituals of power and domination.
The only thing louder than the spellbinding sound of heavy breathing was the subsonic drone of the plane.
Enter Captain Marks
Captain Marks was familiar with Carleen's antics at the hands of Nikita.? It would be unusual if he did NOT observe her being used in some perverted way.? This was one of the tamer situations he'd seen her in.
He was smart enough to negotiate a piece of the action for himself.? At the moment he was a little confused and worried about the last minute changes in flight crew and plane adaptations.? The flight crew looked forward to having Ms.? Wilson as a passenger.
However he was too focused on the certain flightslut now.? Tarty Carleen was a trollop with a penchant to tease until Nikita came along and flexed her pinky.
Although he tried to get into Carleen's pants for months, she turned them down flat.? She made it obvious she wouldn't give him the time of day if it weren't for the fact they flew together.? Every time her bouncy and behaving red hair flashed into view, he showed signs of distress.? Some of her more naughty escapades were off limits to him ? but he suspected her of serving the entire crew.
Finally he was about to get the redheaded treat.
The sight of the chastity belt caused him to emit a groan of disappointment.? Tipping his cap to Nikita, he approached to ask her if she was enjoying the flight.
Nikita smiled moonbeams at him and assured him all was well.? She'd just been given notice Carleen's services were required in the cockpit.
Pulling out the key to the chastity belt, she handed it to the Captain Marks.
"Be sure to thrash her soundly if she doesn't please you.?? she laughed.
A spunk covered Carleen raised her head to see the Captain and Nikita huddled together.? Needless to say, she hated the thought of having to service the two pigs in the cockpit.? She was relieved to be wearing the chastity belt.
Carleen felt the Wolf's power immediately.? His was heady and all consuming.? She would gladly roll over and play dead if the Wolf asked her to.
Although she loved her mistress, it would be a hard choice for her to make, if she was ever allowed one, between Nikita and the Wolf.
However, now she had to regretfully separate her lips from the pumping wolfdick ...and follow obediently Captain Marks.? It was her mistress' will.
Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch.? 01
by Nikita and Wolff
In a phantasmagorical tale of sexual slavery, a mysterious man and woman, a
generic sheik, twin submissives, and even some celebrities, come together in a
story exploring submissive and dominant needs.?
Just for fun, there are many references and allegories to pop
culture.? It is surreal at times but it
is not fantasy or a spoof.
story begins with a dance of dominance and submission between two strangers on
a plane, Wolf and Nikita, and moves on to unravel a sinister plot brewing in
the bowels of the aircraft.? The
intensity of events grows with each chapter.?
The scenes include the sacrament of a sadistic communion between the
generic sheik and The Catholic Girl, a female switch turned to slave, a pair of
twins separated at birth, one who is Wolf's pet and the other is Nikita's slut
series is a work in progress because our perverted imaginations take us to
unknown destinations.? We hope you enjoy
the journey with us.
chapter was written by Nikita and Wolff.
And Preys
? 2006 Nikita and
cabin was filled with familiar airplane drone.?
Inaudible, yet powerful.
tall, dark stranger was listening to something else.? He didn't need to close his eyes to hear the
faint baying of the pack.? No matter how
far they were, somewhere, the moon was rising over the horizon.? Ever so often, the gruff stranger pictured a
thirteen-year-old boy with mischievous blue eyes that overwhelmed a face with
high cheekbones.? The boy was a handful
of bubbling energy as he dashed about with his slim, wiry legs, dreaming of the
running with the wolf pack.
"Mr.? Wolf, care for a glass of Cristal??? said flame haired flight attendant.? Her nametag said Carleen.
long legs stuck into the aisle.? The
designer jeans had appropriately spaced rips and holes.? His face possessed deep, knowing eyes that
held your attention despite the diamond stud that glinted on his earlobe.
"Mr.? Wolf, care for a glass of Cristal??? she repeated, her voice like clinking
glasses, trying to hint at the pastime she could be.
please.? By the way, why haven't we taken
off yet?"
Wolf had an eastern European accent that was hard to place.? His dark wavy hair was secured by a rubber
band.? Still, he could have been
traveling incognito or a lucky fuck who won the lotto.
have a passenger that was running a little late, but she just checked in,?? she said apologetically.
passenger captivated Carleen.? She was
always a sucker for quiet, pensive men who wore an aura of mystery like an
invisible shield.
more -- when he first saw her, his eyes had lit with recognition, and then he
had stopped and obviously backed off mentally, closing like a lizard covering
it?s eyes with nictitating membrane.? Her
need to be taken by this man did not end with juices beading? her shaven pussy.
he accepted the glass of Cristal from the red headed toy, a suitable diversion
for the duration of the trip, The Wolf nodded and went back to his iPod.
The Late Passenger
a summer breeze, the tardy passenger gracefully slid into the seat across and
several rows behind the Wolf and busied herself with being unobtrusive.? Although she wasn't tall, her presence added
to her stature.? She wore an exclusive
Chikgeneric two piece.? It was a subtle
combination of business-like strictness and wantonness.? In profile, she looked mysterious, her dark
hair cut into one of those messy, wispy styles.?
However, when she turned to look at him, her face opened up to a warm
before the woman entered, he felt the gentle wave of energy float down the
aisle intermingled with her scent.? Then
the wave became tangy and tangible. ?The
baying arose in Wolf's head.? The smile
that followed it was too warm, like the onrush of tropical butterfly, flashy
and wide open.? Yet, she was sanguine and
often before, a whistle of cold winds from the mountains of the moon redefined
such smiles for him.? He almost performed
the usual ritual of reaching for his mirrored sunglasses.? He knew what would silence the pack.? It will not be accomplished by the
redirecting of the sheer power he felt emanating from the woman - he would
handle that, suck it in like his distant cousins, vampires.? No, it would take domination of her
sanguinity, the capture of ease with which she shed her cloak of power as she
the vampires,' he thought to himself,?
'You never met any and do not believe in them anyway.? What you want is her kneeling at your cock,
the worship pouring from the pores of her sweating whipped body.? You must have that.? That is why you arranged to have her board
THIS plane.'
Wilson, how nice to see you flying with us again.?? beamed Carleen, as she bowed her head to kiss
the proffered hand.
yourself! Nikita.? Please.? At least for the duration of the
flight,?? she insisted, squinting her
eyes at the Wolf.
cold reaction from this gruff stranger stung and she was about to extract
payment from him.? But, this airplane was
like no one she had flown before and various bills from her past were finally
flustered Carleen nodded, displaying a familiar neediness for approval.? No signal was needed.? It was understood that their relationship be
invisible in front of others.
Wolf was disconcerted as he saw the exchange.?
The flightslut was taken! But his eyes followed her curvy walk until she
was out of sight.? As he looked at the
woman, he thought about her strange name, Nikita.? 'Shall I keep that name? Have it engraved on
silver dog tag?'
kicked off her shoes and settled back to look out the window with a glass of
Chardonnay in her hand.? Once they were
airborne, she took out her computer and started typing, in staccato, a pencil
behind her ear.? Immersed in thought, she
did not notice the Wolf shift.
the ?fasten your seat belt? finally went off the Wolf motioned for
Carleen.? She'd inhaled his scent when he
boarded, a combination of cologne, expensive cigarettes, and testosterone.? It sent shivers up her spine and twitched her
pussy.? She was ready to drop to her
Mr.? Wolf??? she asked.
she??? he whispered, pointing his head
toward Nikita.
knew the answer.? He knew all FACTS about
that woman except he did not really KNOW her and did not posses her, yet.
"Oh.? Mistr...?
uh, Ms.? Wilson.? She's a writer.? Perhaps you've read her books??? said Carleen.
heart was singing to him.? He knew WHAT
she was and WHO she was, or rather who she was NOT.? Finding out who the other woman REALLY was
would be an interesting and rewarding pursuit.
smiled to herself as she listened to the exchange between Carleen and the gruff
stranger and continued to peck at her keyboard as the story flowed through her
loved to torment Carleen on these long flights, by teasing and playing with
her.? She was allowed to orgasm at the
end of the trip and only on Nikita's command.
laptop snapped shut, she turned toward the window and played with a wisp of her
hair.? After awhile, she drew a blanket
over herself and closed her eyes.
Ping Ponging the
Wolf's finger traveled to the burning cheek of the cherubic flight attendant as
he briefly contemplated taking this morsel for himself, right now, and damn
that Nikita bitch! But, baying in his head became urgently threatening.
gently cupped her chin upwards; his hands fondled her breasts.? She leaned toward the open palm, melting into
it and buckled.? The Wolf caught her
before her knees touched the deck.? She
crouched to steady herself as he fixed his gaze on her violet eyes.
belong to her??? he asked.
flush enveloped her heartlike face.
sir.? I would...? but she...?
no, sir I don't."
do,?? he said as he reached for the
rubberband holding his hair.
wound and rewound the rubberband around his fingers, considering, and looking
at the little pawn.? Captivated with the
rubberband, Carleen rode the bittersweet heat wave.
on the back."
she complied he leaned over and wound the rubberband around her wrists.? The Wolf forced her to gaze at the power in
his eyes and feel his will.
will go to this Nikita and sit beside her..."
sir, I can't do that.?
the Wolf applied more of his will.?
"You will sit with her, snuggle up to her, perhaps nibble on her
ear...very gently.? When she notices you
will ask, no, beg her, if I do you Americans say it? Stick my hot dog
in your bun.? Those exact words, do you
understand, Carleen?"
nodded fearfully and said, "Yes sir".
not your sir.? It's Mr.? Wolf to you.?
Now go."
how the rigid triangle of her bound arms contrasted with the sway of her hips,
the Wolf watched her move off towards Nikita.
had PINGED the attendant.? He will
patiently wait for PONG.? Not too
patiently though.? The phantom baying in
his head was getting insistent as it usually did when the haunted hunter was in
view of a kill.
little flame snuggled against Nikita's sleeping form.? The little flame did not dare move under the
blanket, but looked adoringly at Nikita's serene face.? He thought there was a glint beneath the
irresistible woman's eyes, but he was not sure.
settled down to wait and took his glass again.?
It was empty.? The plane softly
droned on.
through the thick fringe of her eyelashes Nikita had watched his strong hand
play with the glass, then she had shifted her gaze, her lids like slits, to the
bound Carleen, walking to her.
loved the poise of the little wench, breasts thrust out, yet ready to fall at
her knees at the slightest glance.
closed her eyes again and replayed the vision of the stranger.? 'Wolf, was that a name? A descriptive title
of some sort or a joke?
was almost hypnotic.? He was unwinding
his rubberband, as if playing with a dangerous snake, and then quickly binding
her sub's wrists.
sent her to Nikita.? He was not someone
who she could wind around her little finger, toy with for awhile, and then,
shifted her body so that Carleen, inching fluidly from adjacent seat could
cuddle up to her, heated spoon to heated spoon.?
Soft butterfly kisses tickled her neck as Carleen's tongue cat-licked
Nikita's hot skin, cat like.? Pink
earlobes anticipated wet nibbles mixed with warm breath and sweet words.
is wearing something in HIS earlobe,??
thought Nikita idly, "Is it a diamond?"
let herself open up, allowing the flame's attentive ministrations turn into
barely controlled desperation.? Drowning
in her need of acknowledgement Carleen intensified her efforts on Nikita's
pussy.? Nikita greedily drank the submissive's
offering.? Suddenly, she came to her
senses and lifted the little slave's head from between her legs.? As she stared into the mournful Carleen's
face her slim fingers pinched the slick cheeks and puckered wet lips.
are you up to, little weasel? My ear is all wet!"
eyes flashed fire at the upturned heart shaped face.? Carleen gazed at Nikita adoringly, even when
tears streamed down her cheeks while Nikita squeezed even harder, forcing her
mouth into a desperate moue.
Speak up, ma petite...?? she said
quietly, as her hand relaxed.
ordered me..."
He ORDERED you? Since when do you take orders from...? strangers?"
please...he made me...come to you and ...oh...please...I had to!"
grabbed little sub's rubber entrapped wrists, "These are not mine, are
back the pain, she wailed, "Ouch...ouch...? Mistress."
did he want with you? Taking liberties with my possession!?? she huffed.
said hurts...Mistress, he said to ask, beg you to let him stick
his hot dog into my bun, please.?? she
eyes widened with mirth as she repeated Carleen's words, "He did? He'd
like to stick his DOG??? She lifted her
eyes towards him.
Wolf sat sideways, his long legs splayed in the aisle.? As he focused on the exchange, partially
hidden by the seat in front, his hand was squeezing his knee in
anticipation.? As she lifted her head, he
sat upright and faced Nikita's green eyes squarely.?
gazes met.? Collided and SNAPPED
thought she heard the distinct crack of an electrical charge, the smell of
ozone, and the brief fragrance of wild violets.
almost flinched from the power surge that crashed on him.? Nikita's smile slowly widened, then
stopped.? She felt a force emanating from
him, pushing back.? Trying to resist she
found out there was nothing to push back against.? It was like pushing against a hole; pushing
against the inhaling abyss that opened and sucked her in it's blue-gray grotto.
fell in the electricBLEU tunnel pulling her like a current, upwards and
downwards at the same time.? It was
moist, the heat overpowering.? She wanted
to swoon, give in to it, go lie and bask in that heat, but there was nowhere to
lost her footing and there were no coordinates.
heat rose from her throbbing pussy, it engulfed her by concentrating in the
pulsing lump in her throat.? Feeling her
weakness exposed, she wanted to die.? But
first, she needed to get down on her knees.
also wanted to grab him by the throat and squeeze.
this the famous Dom look she's heard about???
she thought.? "Hogwash!"
tunnel dissipated and morphed Nikita back into the airplane cabin.? She thought she heard the crack of lightning,
causing the cabin to shudder.? As the
tunnel winked out of existence, a vision was thrust on her: a series of wolf
shadows on a mountain ridge, a cortege in search of prey.? The last wolf stopped and turned towards
her.? It was a cut-out of complete
emptiness on the starry bulk of endless night sky.
eyes flashed ultra violet and the voice drifted to her, like a heady night
away this vision, she shuddered.? Nikita
energetically pushed and twisted her hapless whelp of a sub sideways, so that
her ass was facing Nikita while her head hung over the side, sweaty wisps of
hair falling helplessly.
yelped as Nikita plucked the rubberband from her hands.
Wolf watched Nikita hold up his hair band.?
He nodded imperceptibly as she wound it around her fingers and severed
it with a loud SNAP, acknowledging her outrage.?
She put the rubberband in her bag as a trophy of sorts.
that is MY BOND!? flashed trough his mind.?
He felt sheared of his power.?
Like Samson, his hand flew up, as if to check that his thick hair was
still there.
Wolf watched the American, mesmerized by her actions.? Nikita was tumbling the little flight
attendant like a toddler, pushing her into the seat, keeping her hands pinned
and her legs pushed up against her heaving breasts.? She pushed Carleen's blue skirt up around her
waist revealing the pale thighs contrasting against the smoky stockinged
legs.? The pants were pulled off, the
elastic snapped against poor Carleen's ass.
wadded them up into a ball, sniffed, then flaunted them to the motionless
Wolf.? He noted the dampness of the
cotton and wondered if it was an offer.?
Her fingers enveloped the panties, pushed them between her legs, and she
rocked from side to side, holding them in place with her hand.? The honey scent of her sex wafted toward the
Wolf's nose.
watched her admire the slickness of her fingers and lick them wearing a smug
smile on her face.? She looked down at
Carleen and slapped the naked red-haired person's bum hard, leaving a distinct
palm print.? Holding the Wolf's
mesmerized gaze, she struck Carleen's rapidly reddening ass again and again.
power level in the cabin rose by degrees with every whimper of the twitching
sub.? The surges of damp heat emanated
from Nikita with each throb of his cock bulging his jeans.? As the impudent sub's ass suffered a few more
slaps, Nikita's hand snaked toward her back while the other explored Carleen's
burning flesh.? She found her bag of
toys, caressing them while she brushed the rubberband against her cheek.
a mischievous expression on her face, Nikita shook her hair with wild
abandon.? She whipped her fiery toy while
the Wolf was straining to feign disinterest in what Nikita was going to do.
got a glimpse of dull metal and watched as Nikita worked on Carleen.? The Wolf was imagining all sorts of plugs,
clamps, eggs and combinations thereof as he observed the sub twitching,
twisting, and being forced into angles.
leaned over the panting girl and gently caressed her burning ass, her damp
locks plastered on her face.? As she
whispered in her ear, Nikita pecked at her cheeks and tasted a salty tear.
baby,?? she cooed, "take these over
to the nice man."
her hand went between her own legs, came back with the panties.? She meticulously stuffed Carleen' own panties
intermingled with Nikita's pussy juice in the waiting mouth, patiently pushing
the material in, overcoming resistance, keeping eye contact with the Wolf as
she did so.
pulled the whimpering waif's skirt down, helped the girl up, supporting her,
waiting for her to find the balance.?
Finally, giving her one more spank, she sent down the aisle their mutual
Ping-Pong ball towards him.
panty gag fascinated the Wolf as he wondered whose panties they were.
he discern the difference between the scent of the two women?? flashed the
thought through Nikita's mind.
Carleen tottered toward him, Nikita held up one finger for the Wolf.
hole only.
smiled.? Yes, he could do that, and more
than that.? 'Ok, one hole for starters.'
She had PONGED the attendant back! The irreversible game was ? ON!
looked at the strange woman, checking to see if she changed her mind and he
noticed a glass that rolled on the floor.?
He picked it up, wondering, 'which hole? '
Wolf was standing expectantly as Carleen made her way to him.? He grinned at Nikita as he bent the girl over
his knee.? Carleen wiggled like a
puppy.? He was thinking with his cock
while the pack was baying impatiently in the background of his mind.
the impatience of a teenager, he unwrapped his living doll to find an
unexpected surprise.? Dumbfounded for an
instant, he resisted looking in Nikita's direction.? As annoyance welled up like slow sunburn, the
Wolf used his instincts to adjust to the circumstances.? He looked up as if a light bulb went off in
his head.
me help you take those panties out of your mouth.?? he said sweetly, and tucked them in his
you want to, sir.? What can I do for you,
Mr.? Wolf? Please tell me,?? she squeaked.
Carleen's face was streaked with tears and makeup, she didn't look
unhappy.? Her eyes moved furtively from
Nikita and then to the Wolf.? She was
about to swoon in ecstasy of their confrontation.? Carleen twisted uncomfortably from the metal
of the chastity belt.? But that wasn't as
bad as waiting for the Wolf to decide how he was going to use her.? She leaned closer to sniff his scent.
across the seat, your head on this armrest,??
he said, pointing to the aisle seat.?
"Line your throat up, straight, like a chimney."
quickly complied and her hair fell like a curtain from the armrest.? The metal band of the chastity belt stressed
her red asscheeks.? The Wolf had pulled
out his veined member and waved it in Nikita's direction as if to say, ?this is
for you?.
As Nikita
observed the drama unfolding before her, she felt a twinge of sympathy for the
Wolf.? 'He has no idea what he is playing
with', she thought.
up Carleen,?? he said mockingly.
hungry snake dancer opened her throat to take the Wolf.? His body moved in a primeval rhythm while he
looked at Nikita with hunger.
she watched the girl shiver with his thrusts, Nikita was impassioned.? Her hand inched, ever so slightly, under her
skirt.? Keeping her eyes locked on the
Wolf, she slid lower, beyond his view, and dipped a finger into her warm juicy
core.? He was seducing her with his
craving.? Carelessly, she drew out her
finger and licked the salty tang as the Wolf continued to see-saw.
had felt his fire when she boarded the plane but did not want him to know.? The wild spirit restrained by the coat of
self protection made the Wolf vulnerable.?
A great reader of body language, her instincts rang true.
rebelling against control, they danced the rituals of power and domination.
only thing louder than the spellbinding sound of heavy breathing was the
subsonic drone of the plane.
Enter Captain
Marks was familiar with Carleen's antics at the hands of Nikita.? It would be unusual if he did NOT observe her
being used in some perverted way.? This
was one of the tamer situations he'd seen her in.
was smart enough to negotiate a piece of the action for himself.? At the moment he was a little confused and
worried about the last minute changes in flight crew and plane adaptations.? The flight crew looked forward to having
Ms.? Wilson as a passenger.
he was too focused on the certain flightslut now.? Tarty Carleen was a trollop with a penchant
to tease until Nikita came along and flexed her pinky.
he tried to get into Carleen's pants for months, she turned them down
flat.? She made it obvious she wouldn't
give him the time of day if it weren't for the fact they flew together.? Every time her bouncy and behaving red hair
flashed into view, he showed signs of distress.?
Some of her more naughty escapades were off limits to him ? but he
suspected her of serving the entire crew.
he was about to get the redheaded treat.
sight of the chastity belt caused him to emit a groan of disappointment.? Tipping his cap to Nikita, he approached to
ask her if she was enjoying the flight.
smiled moonbeams at him and assured him all was well.? She'd just been given notice Carleen's
services were required in the cockpit.
out the key to the chastity belt, she handed it to the Captain Marks.
sure to thrash her soundly if she doesn't please you.?? she laughed.
spunk covered Carleen raised her head to see the Captain and Nikita huddled
together.? Needless to say, she hated the
thought of having to service the two pigs in the cockpit.? She was relieved to be wearing the chastity
felt the Wolf's power immediately.? His
was heady and all consuming.? She would
gladly roll over and play dead if the Wolf asked her to.
she loved her mistress, it would be a hard choice for her to make, if she was
ever allowed one, between Nikita and the Wolf.
now she had to regretfully separate her lips from the pumping wolfdick ...and
follow obediently Captain Marks.? It was
her mistress' will.
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ThreesomesAuthor note 1: A special thanks to Eric and BobH for reading this in beta and offering their advice. Author note 2: If you haven't read Bounty Hunters, I recommend that you read it first, since it sets the stage for this story. An Urban Fantasy Bounty Hunters Part 2 "Family Reunions" Magic has always existed and is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can...
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I gazed at Marva as our ship set down upon Nimbus Five. Both of us wanted Kotchman badly. Badly enough to cause two lone wolves to team up. Each of us had certain skills that placed up in the elite of the bounty hunter trade, still he had evaded us. The only bright side to his last evasion was that it swelled the price on his head so sweetly, that even dividing the pot in half, Marva and me would not have to ply our trade again for a very long time. We were using my ship because it made...
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‘Watch out!’ It was close to noon and the sun had been up seven hours at least. The field should have been safe enough: no visible shade for miles. Hearing Jex’s shout, the woman stopped digging, turned to see the lumbering beast approaching and ran. At the sound of the call, the abomination turned and began shuffling in Jex’s direction. He had his shotgun pointed at it just in case but there was no point in risking a shot when the sun was doing the work for him. Wisps of smoke were...
Sissy Hunters By Meganprincess I am writing this from the Grand-Hotel du Cap-Ferrat in the south of France. A few years ago, staying at a place like this would have been a mere dream. My husband was a policeman back then. What we had wasn't a glamorous life and we barely managed to pay our bills. Paul was usually unhappy and started to drink too much due to the stress of his job. I was frustrated and didn't know what to do with myself. And then one day I discovered Tumblr. What a...
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**This is a direct continuation of Chapter 1, please read it first so you have some idea of what’s going on. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to vote!** Max came back to reality, but he fought it the entire way. He was at home on Io and everything was neat and perfect. He had never joined the military, but instead chose to stay on Io and go to school for ship diagnostic and repair. He married his high school sweet heart and they had three kids together. It was a beautiful afternoon and...
Auction HuntersCh. 1 (no sex, all introductory material)The auction was not scheduled to begin until six in the evening, sharp, but the estate was opened up at ten in the morning to potential bidders. That’s when Christie and I got there. We had a lot of searching to do and not that much time. Unfortunately, many other bidders were there as well. I could only guess at how many of them knew what sorts of things Bob had been up to and what treasures might be hidden in the crumbling old Victorian...
In the kitchen he was seated on a chair, his hands tied behind his back and his legs to two sides of his seat. As he was surrounded by his captors he was scared for his life like never before in his young life. One of the men took out a gun and the woman started talking. „I am now going to remove your gag. If you scream, André will shoot you. Understood?” Joey nodded and the woman took the rag out of his mouth. „Joey can take whatever you want just please don't kill me” Joey started...
We hadn't gotten far into our thoughts, when the scanner hit pay dirt on channel three. First Voice, "Hey, Pete. I'm down on Twenty. Looks like a couple more days before the snow melts enough that we'll see many travelers. I don't see any tracks, not even snowmobiles." Second Voice, "Well, move on east a few miles and keep an eye out for tracks or smoke. Some of these farms and houses are sitting back a ways in valleys. Remember, with the snow and ice, you might not recognize a drive...
A suburban MILF submits to an internet master. 1) This is fantasy. These things don’t happen in real life… often. 2) This is in the ‘Dark Fantasy’ story category but it could certainly be classified as ‘Love/Romance’, especially the latter half. 3) The story contains strong elements of: BDSM; humiliation; reluctance; straight and lesbian sex; pain; and pet-play. 4) Rather long with no chapters, sorry. 5) I don’t describe the characters in detail. I think it is better the reader...
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Peaches was naked except for a black leather sleeve that held both her arms tightly behind her back, and her body was folded into the space beneath the Prince's chair. Her head alone protruded through a gap at the front of the chair, leaving her mouth in an ideal position for the Prince to feed her his cock as he spoke. As Peaches obediently slurped on his cock, trying not to gag as he pushed into her mouth, she struggled to listen to the plans being made around her. 'We'll drop the...
Jaq’ asked to play with Peaches several times a day, and sometimes, in a spirit of good fellowship, Sir Ross shared her with their host. Jaq’ was uninhibited and relaxed about the whole thing, accepting without question that they came from another part of his own world and that Peaches was simply to be treated as an object. It came naturally to him, she had to admit! On their return to Slaveworld, Sir Ross was debriefed extensively by the Prince and by his peers, and even Peaches was...
In the course of my life I have had many names and worn several faces. Some have called me a traitor, others knew me as a faithful servant. I have been ordered to compile my story here for the benefit and legitimate pleasure of the reading public. After interviews with myself and others who were there, my manuscript was handed over to a team of professionals who produced the document you are now reading. It is dedicated to my sister, Elizabeth. Chapter One: Early in the Autumn...
1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than that. It was the happiest day of my life, the day I received that pendant. I had not been serving Master for very long, just long enough for him...
Alan Goodman had never considered himself to be a cruel man. He never thought he'd be a slave owner, didn't really like the idea, not until he saw Adam. Alan's good friend Matt had dragged him along to a special slave sale. It was special because it was only the crème de la crème of slaves, those bred and cultivated for not only their beauty but their willingness, indeed love for pleasing their master's every desire. A good slave was hard to find. Great slaves were few and far...
Travis was a 19 year-old college student from Ohio, at 6"2 with broad shoulders, and a thatch of dark hair on his head, blue eyes and monster cock, he felt he was a pretty good catch. Well he did, no one else seemed to, He often masturbated at home while studying, pissed off and alone. Usually when he was meant to be studying physics. On this night Travis was doing that very thing, he had his cock in one hand, slowing massaging the shaft as he studied the book in front of...
My name of the game is this kind of non-consentual sex. The driving factor behind the urgent wish to being f***ed to do things which I never would be prepared to do under normal circumstances is humiliation. Already the thought that I might be f***ed to do something most humiliating against my own will, with no possibility to resist due to chains or other complete dependency at the mercy of the MISTRESS, turns me on. My MISTRESS should by nature be cruel, wicked, sadistic, evil, merciless,...
Introduction: Hi! Fourth chapter of my fanfic thing! Please comment? Peaches was attending another planning meeting for her next mission. Her original deal with Prince Samuel had been to attend every meeting and be allowed input, and hed agreed. He was true to the letter of his word, she reflected, but maybe it could be easier for her to talk… Peaches was naked except for a black leather sleeve that held both her arms tightly behind her back, and her body was folded into the space beneath the...
Slaveling Dungeon – Snatched The sun has already set as Lucy drives home from school. Practice ran really late today and she needs to get home soon, or her parents will surely be upset. Also, since Lucy is only sixteen, she is not allowed to be out driving past midnight. As she glides along the pavement at the hurried pace of 65 mph, she notice that the motorway is empty. Man, I hope mom and dad arent upset that Im so late. Its not my fault coach had us stay for that useless meeting. Says...
This is a BDSM story – male on male, later male on sissy – with some f***ed feminisation. Sorry it takes so long to get to the fem part! Part two will represent the pay off. Sissyslave By NancyBerlin Martin is, or rather, used to be, a totally straight looking guy, not so tall – 173cm – with a somewhat stocky build, but lean and lightly muscled from his years of swimming. You could say he had something of a rugby player’s build. He was not so young – 47 – but he kept himself in good shape...
In the first year of your relationship with Emma you were totally happy, but as time went on you found yourself increasingly sexually frustrated. The almost total lack of sex had been taking its toll on you and the relationship. You knew that if things didn’t change your relationship wouldn’t last. Using this logic, buying the Slave4U aphrodisiac off the internet was really in the interest of your relationship. You were basically doing it for your Emma… at least that’s what you told yourself....
Mind ControlCockslave / Feminization as told to me Story from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse.This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and...
Slaveboys...Washington 08/3/2003Gary Lomax carried the heavy file to his appointment with the sectionhead. He placed the file down and spoke to the man on the othis side of thedesk.'Sir I have noticed that the reports of young men going missing are rising'he said. 'And we have been getting nowhise with the investigations'.'Yes' replied his boss. 'But we don't actually think thise is anythingsinister about it. We don't have a system of identity cards in this countryand thise is no requirement to...
My name of the game is this kind of non-consentual sex. The driving factorbehind the urgent wish to being forced to do things which I never would beprepared to do under normal circumstances is humiliation. Already the thoughtthat I might be forced to do something most humiliating against my own will,with no possibility to resist due to chains or other complete dependency at themercy of the MISTRESS, turns me on.My MISTRESS should by nature be cruel, wicked, sadistic, evil, merciless, and byno...
This is a BDSM story - male on male, later male on sissy - with some forced feminisation. Sorry it takes so long to get to the fem part! Part two will represent the pay off.SissyslaveBy NancyBerlinMartin is, or rather, used to be, a totally straight looking guy, not so tall - 173cm - with asomewhat stocky build, but lean and lightly muscled from his years ofswimming. You could say he had something of a rugby player'sbuild. He was not so young - 47 - but he kept himself in good shape andalthough...
I have been watching him for hours tonight (Friday), at the “Taste of Beaverton” festival in Griffith Park, a yearly event that usually lasts the entire weekend. Listening to the sounds of Kool and the Gang I notice he is poised, self-confidant, he struts his bulge attempting to tease the ladies and he’s all male, the best part is, he is alone with no ring on his finger; fair game.I followed him all around noting the huge bulge in his jeans. I have to have him. He is going to be my sex slave. I...
Cockslave BruceStory from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse. This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and was straight in...
Alex turned to face the men as they started to enter. Cumbag wassuspended between two stalls by her wrists. Around her neck was the sign thatread 'FREE SLUT'. Cumbag smiled at the group of men, hungry for their abuse,hungry for their cocks. "Hi men... I'm Alex and this sack of shit is Cumbag. Cumbag, introduceyour stupid ass to these nice men who came all this way to gang-**** you, cunt."Alex pulled Cumbag's toy box in front of the hanging slut as she spoke. "Hi guy's... I'm the slut named...
Cumbag was in trouble. She knew it last night. Usually Cumbag slept withSteve's cock in her mouth. She would gently suck his cock until he fell asleep.Steve liked to have his slut handy when his cock would get hard as he slept.Cumbag loved to feel his cock swell in her mouth. She would always drink two orthree loads of cum each night as Steve slept. After the bitch ate his cum andcleaned his cock, Steve liked to have his ass licked. Cumbag would also be thereto be his toilet as he slept. There...
When Cumbag awoke it was night. She was leaning against a tree and everyone wasshouting at her."Wake up you stupid whore!" "CUNT!" "How long is the dumb cunt going tosleep""Hey BITCH!""Hey fuck-pig!...Get up!""Wake up SLUT!"Finally Cumbag held her head up and smiled at the boys. She flinched as she feltthe sharp rocks hit her stomach, legs and tits. But she didn't mind. She hadbeen rude falling asleep for the boys."Ooooh...Hi boys....Is it time to fuck the slut some more? I'm sorry. I...
"Construction is one of the things we teach the Scouts. Robert's troop hasdevised a little toy for you cunt...Something we think that you will enjoy.Well, frankly...We don't give a shit if you like it or not, cunt...but I'm surethat we will! Ha, ha, ha..." Richard said with a laugh.Cumbag turned her face to the boys and joined in with the laughter. Richardwaved his hand at Robert. With this signal, Robert pulled the sheet from theapparatus. Everyone started at it.It was a T-shaped table on...
Cumbag woke to more laughter...and a row of pissing cocks.Sometime during the night, as she slept, Cumbag was placed into a trench. Thetrees formed a canopy over her, blocking out the sun. In the cool shade, Cumbaghad no problem looking up at all of the cocks that were pissing on her. Boys ofevery age were aiming their young cocks down at the piss drinking whore."Wake up, bitch!""Here's your morning shower, cunt.""Drink that piss, slut!""She's really doing it!...The big-titted slut is really...
When awareness returned to Cumbag she was laying on a small bench. Cumbagnoticed she was tied into a ball. Her arms were free but her legs were spreadwide and her ankles were tied to stakes driven into the ground past her head.Her cunt and ass were spread wide. Her head hung off of the end of the tablewith her ankles by her ears. She looked up into the face of the little boy thatwas fucking her cunt. She noticed that he was around 9 or 10 years old. Shetightened her cunt muscles and rotated her...
Sissyslavenancy By Butchcd I am a totally straight looking guy, not so tall - 173cm - with a somewhat stocky build, but lean and lightly muscled from my years of swimming. I guess you could say I have something of a rugby player's build. I am not so young - 47 - but I keep myself in good shape and although gay there is nothing effeminate about me. I state all this to show that I am in no way what could be considered a suitable candidate for being feminised. And I must say nor did I...
Cumbag grabbed her tits and squeezed them together as she looked up at the mobof boys. She licked her lips as they started pulling their cocks from theirpants she got on her knees in front of the boys. Cumbag stared at their cockshungrily. They were boy sized cocks, but she didn't care. A cock was a cock."Ummmm...Such pretty cocks!...Just look at them!...So pretty and so hard!...Didthis slut make your yummy cocks hard?...Mmmmm...Give them to me!...Cram yourcocks in my fuck-holes!...Do...
"Hi Richard...Come on in. The stupid cunt will be down in a minute. How have youbeen?" Steve asked as he led his old friend into the den."I'm great. I really appreciate you loaning the cunt to us, Steve. It will begreat for the boys. You know how important it is to get k**s off to a good startthese days." Richard said."I agree. It's good for them. I remember when I was in the Boy Scouts. It surehelped me to become a man. I'm always glad to help. Well...Here's the dumb slutnow. It's about time...
i was in my cage , sleeping, when my master came in and said“ get up little one” then he unlocked my cage. i crawled on my hands and knees to his side the sat on my knees ,head down.he bent down and pated my head.“good slave” then he hooked a leash on the colar that was way to tight around my neck.and that colar was all i was wereing.“how may i serve you my great master?” i asked.“bitch you know how to serve me!” he said suddenly angrey.“now for your stupidity you will be punished!”he...
By: Raaj It’s all about Mistress and Slave sex story seekars stay away. Hello friend’s how are you all? I am back after long time Note: This story not about sex but it is about the foot fetish so jo sex ki story ki ummed rakhte hai wo ise na padhe taki apko pasand na aye to muje galat feedback nahi mile okey thanks mera naam jay hai me 22 saal ka hoon South Gujarat se hoon engineering karta hoon ab me sidha point par ata hoon ek din mere mail pe ek NRI lady (Himani) e mail aya out of country...
It had started as a pleasure cruise in the Arabian Sea, nobody expected the boat to sink so suddenly. All crew and passengers were presumed drowned but 6 american schoolgirls had managed to swim ashore, where they were found in an exhausted state by the Sultans men.Relief at being rescued turned to fear as they were paraded in front of the Sultan at gunpoint. "welcome infidel whores" said the Sultan "the authorities think you are dead so nobody will come looking for you.You are my slaves now so...
Brandy worked her head backwards and forwards, her mouth stretched wide around the big dick in front of her. She looked up meekly at her master as she did so. He looked down at her impassively, giving her no clue as to whether or not he was pleased with her efforts at fellatio, and whether or not he was pleased mattered a great deal to Brandy. The busty, curvaceous twenty year-old was tied securely on her knees. Her wrists were tied together behind her back, and her elbows were also...
jennaslave lay on the bed, feverishly masturbating while her JaredMaster watched. He was standing at the foot of the bed languidly stroking His magnificent cock while jenna thrashed and rolled about on the bed begging her body to cum again. her mind raced to count how many times today He’d made her masturbate to orgasm with no help from Him whatsoever. He must have called at least twenty times today? RING!?Hello???Kneel down.??Yes, Sir!??I want you to masturbate to orgasm.??Yes, Sir???Do it...
?? My Life as a Dog By Cager i am a dogslave., sold to a young skinhead Master who is heavily into humiliating guys by collaring and chaining them, and training them as dogs. How then are you reading this? As a dogslave, forced into the behaviour of a dog, with the risk of punishment hanging over my head for any show of human behaviour, how can I communicate to you my story? What were hands are now paws, encased in leather mitts, padlocked, unopenable, rendering my hands useless.? I...
The SPCP "Welcome to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Petslaves," Damian,the chief Investigator, said as he opened the door. Outside, on the step, wasa man with a microphone and two cameramen. "As you no doubt know, we're anoffshoot of the SPCA. This branch was formed when the overpopulation problemmade it necessary for the excess of slaves to begin performing the duties androles of certain animals usually considered pets. We take care of abused, neglected,and abandoned ponygirls...
Here I sat, at my computer doing nothing that could be considered constructive towards wider society. On my computer were at least 25 windows open, some were about various animes and mangas, others were Youtube videos I had yet to finish watching, various porn sites sprinkled here and there, and of course a few pages of this site I found not too long ago, containing lots of stories, many of which I took a liking to. Overall, absolutely nothing was going on, whatsoever. Nothing interesting would...
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Fetish Porn SitesThe story which you are about to read may, at times, may seem quite preposterous. I have often wished that it was an episode of a nightmare or something, but I assure you that it is not. In fact it is probably true that I am enjoying my new life.? I have done so on the explicit instructions of my mistress’s who hopes that in the recounting of my life story, that in the process of the telling of my story that I may come to more fully realise how happy I am at being able to satisfy and accept...
FetishWhereas Guenter H., Legally identified by passport no. … issued on … by …, Retired business executive, born on …, 1947 in …/Germany and living at … in D-xxxxx L…, Known in the net as slave gunnarsub and registered as Sklavennutte Guenter in The Slave Register under Registration Number 326-878-134, thereafter for purposes of this document, called "SLAVE" has agreed to give up voluntarily all legal, civil, and human rights in order to become the unlimited slave property of the OWNER and whereas...