Hunters Ch. 06 free porn video

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Read, review, and rip it apart. Most importantly have a merry holiday whether you’re Christian or pagan or whatever your religious or cultural affiliation may be.

I highly recommend going back and reading the first 5 chapters if you have time, this will make better sense if you do.

The Darkness

* * * * *

The sequin studded crimson gown hugged the singer’s curvy body. Max’s well-trained eyes could see that even before the spot light hit her. Her head was down and her hair draped over her face, falling in two thick curtains on either side. The spot light irised open quickly on her and her head came up, her midnight blue hair fell into place like a silken drape. There wasn’t a smile on her face, and her steel blue eyes were molten pools of lust, chilled by contemptuous boredom, and lit by a wondrous excitement.

Her sultry voice started wafting out over the crowded room, mingling with the cigarette smoke in the unlit house seating. Max was trying to listen to her, but a crackle came over his ear bud and Anders’ voice broke his concentration.

‘He’s moving, Morgan. He’s coming straight for you at your 4.’

Max listened carefully and he heard the man’s boots sliding across the floor, trying to be quiet as he navigated the maze of tables and chairs and patrons that were concentrating on the soft lyrics of the crooning singer. Max heard him step up behind him and heard something being pulled out of a heavy leather coat pocket, the leather creaking softly.

‘You should probably sit down, and at least enjoy the show,’ Max said quietly, grabbing the pack of cigarettes from next to his half full glass of scotch and rocks. He put on in his mouth and then he felt the barrel of the gun press against his neck. ‘Rounded slide and frame, heavy barrel, thick slide. Feels like an old 1911…’ Max thought and slowly grabbed the lighter from beside where his pack of cigarettes was sitting. ‘Only two hunters I know use 1911’s anymore,’ Max thought, striking the lighter. ‘And one of them…’ his thoughts continued and he inhaled the smoke deep into his lungs.

‘Hi there, Maxy,’ said a sultry female voice, the voice’s lips tickling his ear right as the sound tantalized him to the core.

‘Is a real bitch,’ Max’s thoughts finished. Max exhaled thickly, the cloud of his breath mingling with the haze of cigarette smoke already in the room. He pulled the cigarette from his mouth and set it in the ashtray, watching the thin trails of smoke twist and writhe as they became phantom wisps in the air.

‘Sit down Gillian, you’re blocking the view of the people behind you,’ Max said softly. Gillian giggled and pulled the gun from Max’s neck and set it on the table. She pulled the chair out and Max raised his hand. A waitress was over before Gillian had her jacket off.

‘Two scotches, one on the rocks, the other straight,’ Max whispered to the waitress. Max saw her nod out of the corner of his eye and then stop. He’d guessed her eyes hit the .45 sitting on the table. ‘Don’t worry about that, there won’t be trouble,’ Max said non-chalantly.

‘Morgan, what the hell is going on?’ Anders said softly in his left, a high degree of concern in her voice. It almost sounded like she was trembling. Max had told Anders about Gillian Vallemara and that she was a person to be avoided at all costs. Now he had just welcomed her to sit down with him and she wasn’t even the guy that was supposed to be after Max.

‘Anders, get back to Mars,’ Max said softly as he took a drink from his scotch. Gillian sat down. If she had heard Max speak, she didn’t make any notice of it. Max noticed the leather long coat she was wearing had a hole in it and a dark stain on the inside liner. She sat down and snuggled into Max’s arm, listening in silence for a second to the sultry tones of the singer.

‘Nice coat. I take it Sakura won’t be needing it anymore?’ Max asked. He brought his cigarette back to his mouth and inhaled slowly, savoring the taste of the smoke mingling with the taste of the scotch. Gillian giggled.
‘I don’t know about a coat, but he could definitely use a sheet,’ she responded. Max couldn’t say he was sad. Sakura had chased them to Venus from Earth and fully intended on cashing in on the bounty that was on both of them. Sakura was one of the worst hunters to have tracking you, too. He was trained by the Syndicate to track down their members who had felt they could simply leave. But even good hunters could be surprised, and if it was Gillian who killed him instead of finding him dead, Max couldn’t help but feel a little twinge of pity for him. The waitress brought their drinks and quickly walked away.

‘So what are you going to do with me then? Simply march me out of here and down to the police?’ Max asked after a moment of silence. He took the last pull of his cigarette and Gillian slowly reached up and grabbed her gun.

‘I would like to, but there’s a special bonus on you now,’ Gillian said sitting up. The singer finished her set and most of the rest of the room clapped. Gillian took a drink of her scotch and drained most of it. Max like wise drank most of his fresh glass. ‘If I get you and your new little pet Marine, there’s a 2 million dollar bonus offered for turning both of you in.’

‘So that’s 15 million for me, 750 for the girl, and a 2 million bonus? That’s pretty tidy,’ Max said and drank the rest of his scotch. Gillian giggled lightly.

‘That’s what I was thinking. But I can’t take you to the police for the bonus, Maxy. I have to take you back to Earth. Seems that the men you took your new little playmate from are very angry with you. Something about blowing up their head quarters and killing 30 of their men,’ Gillian said. Max turned to look at Gillian and he set his glass down beside its empty partner. Gillian’s eyes were twinkling in the dim lights ‘Here I thought you were against killing, Maxy. From the sounds of it, they didn’t even stand a chance.’

‘Unavoidable. They had guns and I was delivered into a trap,’ Max said softly.

‘Uh huh. From what I heard you walked right in and blew the place to hell. Sounds more like the old Major Morgan than this new little scrap of man I see before me. Like it hardly matters. We’re gonna go get your new little friend and we’re going back to Earth,’ Max nodded and pulled the last drag off his cigarette before putting it back in the ash tray to finish burning out. Gillian started to stand and Max stood up as well, scanning the room quickly. He seemed to quite accidentally knock over what was left of his scotch and then dump the ashtray over near it. The scotch quickly soaked into the floor and the fire lit the fumes.

‘Ready?’ Max said smiling. He pulled his coat on and someone screamed behind him.

‘FIRE!’ a waitress screamed and Max turned, looking at the floor. The flames were spreading quicker than he thought they should, but then this was a bar, and God only knew how much of what had been spilled and soaked into that carpet after all these years. The sprinklers kicked on and the place was in even more of a panic.

Max stepped back closer to the table and a throng of people erupted around him, pushing Gillian out the door.

‘Morgan, damn you!’ Gillian screamed above the din of the panicking patrons Max smiled back, and he knew he could see her as her head bobbed up and down in the crush of people heading for the door. Max waved and blew her a kiss before running for the back, jumping over a stretch of carpet that was engulfed in flames that were rapidly headed for the back of the little jazz dive.

‘Anders, I need you outside at the back of Sal’s and I need you back there like you’ve been there the whole time,’ Max said calmly as he shouldered the back door open. He was extremely happy to be blinded by the landing lights of the Twilight and by the snow that her engines were kicking up as Anders hovered her a few feet off the ground. Max felt the cold rip through his snapping clothes, carried
by the thrust of the Twilight’s engines.

‘Never left,’ she said. Max saw the passenger door open and he didn’t even break stride as he jumped up onto the Twilight’s forward landing gear and hopped inside.

‘Well, Sakura’s dead,’ Max said and fastened his harness.

‘Well that’s good, I guess,’ Anders said and piloted the craft up into the dark Venus sky.

‘Yes, I suppose that it is,’ Max said, still feeling a pang of sorrow for the hunter. He knew Gillian probably shot him in the knee from where the bullet hole in the jacket was. He could only imagine what she had done to him after that, but he was sure he didn’t want to.

‘But?’ Anders said after just a second’s lull in the conversation. ‘There was a ‘but’ there, even though you didn’t say it,’ she added cutting of Max’s inevitable question.

‘Gillian’s here, and she said there’s a bounty bonus on us if we’re both brought back to Earth. That’s bad,’ Max said and very badly wanted a cigarette.

‘Wait, you said ‘us.’ Morgan, is there a bounty out on me?’ Anders asked, stopping the craft by one of the floating terraforming islands that were manufacturing a breathable atmosphere for the planet.

‘Yes, yes there is,’ Max said in a sigh.

‘But why, I haven’t done anything! Just because my government tried to…oh I see,’ Anders said, her voice trailing off. There was a moment of silence. ‘How much?’ she asked calmly and quietly.

‘750,000,’ Max said softly.

‘Oh. How much is this bonus?’ she asked meekly. It almost looked to Max like she was shrinking into her seat.

‘2 Mil,’ Max said softly. There was another very pregnant pause and Max started staring out over the Sea of Athena, waiting for Anders to react.

‘How much are you up to?’ she asked quietly. The ship’s chronometer clicked by over 2 minutes before she had spoken.

’15 Million if Gillian was right,’ Max said softly. His index and middle fingers started unconsciously tapping his knee quickly. He wanted a cigarette really badly now.

It had been a week and a half since Max had broken her out of Rotterdam. They stopped in New York for a quick afternoon to get a few supplies and to let Max go to church. They hadn’t heard any news and they were running low on ideas. The Consortium knew they were on Earth and the military would be watching the gates back to Mars. Consequently, the only place they could go this time of the cycle was Venus, and it wasn’t much better than their other choices. But, the Consortium wasn’t already there and the Martian Military would be looking for them, but it wouldn’t be a full-scale operation. Mars and Venus didn’t always see eye-to-eye, and landing teams on each other’s soil had always been a sticking point between the two governments.

Max was broken out of his thoughts by Anders chuckling softly. His head whipped around and he looked at her, with a confused look on her face. She was looking at him and there was a twinkle in her eye and a little smirk on her face.

‘Looks like I have a ways to go if I want to catch you, Major,’ she said playfully and gently pushed the Twilight into movement again. Max half smiled at her and shook his head. For the first time in a week and a half, Max turned the viewer on and switched it to Channel 237.

The screen came on and that horridly cheesy western music started playing.

‘AMIGO!’ said the black man in the cowboy get up. Max felt like less of a bounty hunter and more of a clown every time he watched these two. ‘How y’all doin’!?’ His voice came on loudly over the speakers.

‘God I hate those two,’ Max breathed quietly.

‘We have a special treat for you today, and we have a show jam packed with bounties for you!’ the dizzy blonde said, her shirt almost flopping all the way open under the weight of her braless cleavage beneath. She made a gun with her fingers and pointed it at the screen. ‘PaChoo! PaChoo!’ she said and cocked her hand back after firing each imaginary shot. The screen switched to the ‘Today’s Menu’ screen and it quickly dissolved into a side-by-side of Anders and Morgan, both wearing their dress blacks from the Marines.

‘Maxwell Morgan is still at large and was last seen around Earth! He’s worth an amazing 15 Million Woolongs since we last had him on the show and he’s been a very naughty boy since then, too. His new accomplice is Erin Anders, another Marine from Mars! These two blasted their way out of a government building on Earth. IF you catch both of them together and get them back, the government in Rotterdam will pay out a 2 Million Woolong bonus!’ the man said again and the words ‘Bonus Pay!’ flashed on the screen a few times before the screen dissolved to the faces of 3 men.

‘These 3 desperados are the Colton Clan from Mars!’ the man started out. Max perked an eyebrow and Anders stopped the ship. ‘They are wanted for bio-terrorism and were broken out of custody before their trial! They were last seen in the area of Earth, but have not been spotted for some time. They are each worth 1 and a half million, but if they are brought in all at the same time, Double Bonus!’ the man shouted, staring into the camera waving little victory signs around as ‘Double Bonus!!’ flashed up on the screen.

‘Oh shit,’ Max said. He switched the screen off.

‘What? I know I’ve heard of them before, but I can’t remember anything about them,’ Anders said and kicked the Twilight into motion again.

‘Remember all that heat that Biotech Intersystem got into about a year and a half back?’ Max asked, his face slack and the color drained from it slightly.

‘Yeah,’ Anders responded.

‘Ray Colton was one of their chief scientists in bio weapons. He’d take toxins and allergens found in nature and amplify them, purifying them and making them thousands of times worse than what the substance alone was capable of,’ Max said plainly and started looking out the window. It looked like it was snowing, but it was almost always too warm on Venus for that except at the high altitudes. The plants used for the terraforming were dropping their cottony seedpods and their flowers were blooming and bursting with pollen. It would have been a beautiful sight for Max, especially since he hadn’t seen snow since being on Titan, but now it just filled him full of dread.

‘I still don’t get what the big deal is, Morgan.’

‘See all this fluffy crap that we’re flying through? Those are the seedpods of the plants in the terraforming platforms. That means the plants are starting to pollinate again,’ Morgan said.

‘I thought plants dropped seed only after they had been pollinated,’ Anders said, a little confused.

‘Not these. These plants had some sort of weird-cross pollination mechanism built into them. Some of the plants are male and some are female. What happens is the seeds are dropped and a day or so after they start dropping, the air floods with pollen from the male plants. That’s what causes Venus Sickness, all the damn pollen,’ Max said patiently. ‘And if Colton and his brothers are here…’ Max let his voice trail off.

‘Then they could be messing around with the Venus Sickness and making it worse,’ mumbled Anders. She brought the Twilight around in a graceful arc. ‘But wait, they’re still on Earth!’

‘So are we,’ Max reminded. Anders grunted softly, she almost growled. ‘So basically, we just sit around and wait for something to happen. They’re not really terrorists, they’re mercenaries. If they were gonna do something like what we’re thinking, there’d be a statement made. There would be a demand and a timeframe.’

‘How would we know about it?’ Anders asked as Max watched the twinkling lights in the distance draw closer as they neared the city.

‘Well, they’d put it on the…’ Max said, cutting himself off and switching the TV back on. Big Shot was just ending and the news was starting. The view of a news anchor at his desk appeared and the channel 237 logo splashed on and then disappeared into the upper righ
t hand corner of the screen, just over the reporter’s shoulder. The reporter was an older man, fairly pale, with white hair that was combed neatly to the sides and a thick beard that had some gray in it still. He wore what looked like steel rimmed glasses and he picked up the newssheets and looked at the camera.

‘Good evening, I’m Donner Blitzer, and this,’ he started and then held for a dramatic pause, ‘is the news. Tonight’s top story come from the Venusians capitol city of Mithridates. A fire broke out in Sal’s, a club on the lower east side of town that’s famous for it’s performances of early 20th century jazz, blues, and big band music. Though the cause of the fire was determined to be accidental and no one was hurt, the building and half the adjacent block were razed before the fire department could respond. We now go live to our correspondent, Betty Koric. Betty?’ An overhead image of the block that Sal’s sat on was shown in the window over the correspondent’s shoulder. Betty was standing there and on cue the image switched to the main image and she walked through the devastation and the maze of rescue equipment.

‘Thanks Don. What you see behind and around me is what remains of the historic lower east side of Mithridates. The city itself started out from humble beginnings, despite its regal name, and this area was the first to be built as soon as the terraforming project had enough of a stable atmosphere to breathe outside the first bases on Venus.’

‘I should have known you started that fire,’ grumbled Anders.

‘Got out, didn’t I?’ Max shot back and Betty started to talk again.

‘The start of the fire is not known, and Sal’s had no surveillance system, though at least one witness said that this was the work of the fugitive Maxwell Morgan. The witness refused to be interviewed on camera and took off after giving a hasty statement to police,’ Betty said

‘Betty, did any of the other witnesses place this Maxwell Morgan at the scene?’ Donner interrupted from the studio.

‘Don, there are conflicting reports of the presence of Mr. Morgan. However, the club owner and the wait staff all firmly deny that Mr. Morgan was present. A few of the patrons have said that they saw him there, but due to their degree of drunkenness, it is doubtful that the police will follow up on that lead. Instead the police are now looking for this woman,’ Betty responded and flashed a picture of a very angry red head in a long leather jacket. She had a black eye and soot on her face, her mascara was also less than perfect and her lipstick was smeared slightly. Max recognized her immediately as Gillian.

‘The police say that this is the first and only eye-witness to come forward and say that Maxwell Morgan was present, the other reports coming through only after questioning. This woman, however, had no Identicard on her and submitted a false name to police. If anyone has any knowledge of this woman’s identity or whereabouts, the police would like you to call them at the number listed at the bottom of the screen,’ she said as the number for the Mithridates Police Department flashed up on the screen. ‘The woman is wanted in conjunction with questioning in the matter of this suspected arson. Anyone who gives information leading to her arrest and conviction will receive an award of 25,000 Woolongs. Don?’ Betty finished. The scene moved back to the small display over Donner Blitzer’s left shoulder and the studio was once again in the picture.

‘Ha! Take that, bitch!’ Max shouted. He’d have jumped in his seat if he weren’t strapped in it. Anders laughed a little.

Donner started blabbering on about some cookie drive for the Venusians Bear Scouts or something to that extent, Max wasn’t really paying attention. Then he heard gunfire in the background and the muffled shout of ‘Nobody Move!’

‘Here we go, Anders, get to the Channel 237 tower,’ Anders kicked the Twilight into high gear and she arched across the night skyline of Mithridates. The channel 237 tower wasn’t hard to find, it was one of the taller buildings in the city and it had a big 237 in red on all four sides of it.

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A hot shower after soccer practice

Robin is a guy from North of Sweden, moving all the way to Hustonville, KY after a guy he talked online to, Lance, suggested he would join their newly started soccer team. But Robin is in for many new experiences and will discover new sides of himself ;) This is a Reading F1lth original. Listen to part 1 on Spotify! My name is Robin. I moved from the north of Sweden to the small town off Hustonville, Kentucky. Why? To play soccer of course! It all began when I was playing FIFA on Xbox....

2 years ago
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Fringe Benefits Part 1

For the last two years of my undergraduate education I worked in my school’s gym as a Fitness Attendant. I cleaned equipment, played good music, advised patrons when they needed it.  It paid minimum wage, and we never got very many hours, but the fringe benefits were amazing. When I went in for a shift at certain times of the day I could look up to the 2nd story where the treadmills and ellipticals were and get a pick-me-up that was the sight of a sexy patron’s sports-bra low-cut-shirt clad...

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On My Seventeenth Wedding AnniversaryChapter 8 Suzie

For the next couple of weeks, things were uneventful. I edited the video recording down to a manageable length, and attempted to maintain some flow of events. That, work, and convincing Marie that she was the center of my romantic universe (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) occupied my time nicely. Around the time I was beginning to wonder if Annie had forgotten the entirety of my demands of her, I received another email. While it seemed the snarkiness typical of her communications with me had been...

2 years ago
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Its A Good Day To Die Chapter 2

Introduction: This is a long chapter that couldnt be helped as it all tied in. Writers Notes: Hawk here Chapter 38 will be out once I get it revised. Now a few words from my partner in crime lol. Hey everyone Tazonda here.‭ ‬Here is the second chapter of Its a Good Day to Die.‭ ‬This chapter was written when Hawk had writers block.‭ ‬During the second round of writers block he finished it and resent it.‭ ‬If we had timed it right we could have put it out‭ ‬for Labor day.‭ ‬I know the chapters...

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Meri Mast Bhanji Mastani

Hi, Mera naam hai Mayur Teli. Mein do saal se Dallas, Texas men medical practice kar raha hun. Mein 32 saal ka hatta katta javan hun. Heightt 5’8”, weight 160 lbs. Color fair,baal aur aankhen kale. Lund 8” lamba aur dhai inch mota, uncircumcised. Hobbies: physical fitness, sports aur kamashastra. Meri patni mere sath hai. Us ke aagrah par mein mera ye anubhav aap ko suna raha hun. India men mera gaanv taluka town hai, abadi kuchh 50 hajar ki. Pitaji prakhyaat vakil the. Office men pandrah...

5 years ago
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Daddy ill do it again

You and your Step Daddy live together in a apartment and I have a date tonight and you think you will be home alone. So my date shows up and we leave. This is what you have been waiting on! You watch tv and are getting bored and you start to think about watching some of your daddy's porn he has in his room! You look and why your looking you come across his sex toy collection . So you find a good movie and put it in and start to watch it. Its call Deep Throat Teens . You have never seen stuff...

3 years ago
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Mortgage Loan Consultant

She enjoyed the compliment but blushed again at the sexy reference. she replied awkwardly, " Thanks for the compliment John. I like to stay in shape for my husband. He is a good husband and we enjoy each other's company. Yes, this loan has caused stress between us. I did not understand or expect there would be strings attached." Lynne liked me as an individual, she knew I was determined and a very successful businessman, but a player that seduced single, married and divorced women. I...

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SuperSister 8 Cheer Cheer For Old Smallville

Super-Sister #8: Cheer, Cheer for Old Smallville By Heather St. Claire "In Smallville one day, the people blink in disbelief as they see a girl dressed in the super uniform of Superboy, patrolling in his place! You will be even more amazed to enter the privacy of the Kent home to find a daughter living with mom and dad! Yes, the most freakish twist of fate imaginable changes the boy of steel into a lass of steel, when Clark Kent becomes...Claire Kent, alias Super-Sister!" September...

3 years ago
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Shaynas LifeChapter 6 I Finally Lose My Cherry

My intention in writing this tale is not to detail every sexual experience I have had, but to concentrate on those events that were either first-times for me or significant in forming who I am today. So in that light, I will just summarize my last two years of high school: Junior year - boys dated - 3 serious relationships - 0 hand jobs given - approximately 10-12 blow jobs given - 5 (some of the hand jobs ended up as bj.s, so there is some overlap. I wasn't as much of a slut as it seems....

4 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 33 What Is Happening to Me

She sat on the park bench, her back to the vast, sunny field where dogs ran, kites flew and a bunch of boys played baseball. There were also families barbequing, lovers kissing and early bikini girls tanning. Her eyes were on the entrance of the park, where tall trees created a pool of shadows. Angique just started wondering when the girl would appear, as she and her companion walked into the light. A dash of emotion hit her at the sight of Alicia's vulnerable nakedness and her almost...

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Daddy Makes Me Cum in Front of Strangers

I met him on the internet. After months of chatting, I was convinced we were in love. He liked it when I called him Daddy, so that’s all I called him. I just wanted to please him. When he asked for pictures, I buried my hesitation and sent him photos of me. In some of them I was at least wearing underwear, but they were all very compromising. I just wanted to please him. Finally the day came that we would meet. Daddy asked me to meet him at his work, because even though I was 18, I still...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Ch 01

Chapter 01: All Just a Game Aurora knew Bob had forgotten the seventh anniversary of their first date. It didn’t matter, as husbands weren’t supposed too. Nevertheless she had decided to make it a surprise evening, and something for him to really remember. She had been twenty-one and eager to learn what he wanted, but for the last few years he had neglected his role as teacher. Some weeks ago she decided to make it a special night just for him. He was always home for six on a Friday, then out...

3 years ago
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Submission Therapy

Wendy Vierre looked at her first appointment for the day. Well, her only appointment for the day. Her first appointment for the month since she got her own practice, after getting fed up with her coworker's inability to experiment. They kept on using the same, tired methods even though they weren't working. They even had the nerve to accuse her of "trying to indulge her deviant fantasies in the work place." Now she had the chance to prove that she knew better than them, and it all began with...

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Undercover RoseChapter 71

Lisa most likely made it to her car before I began to regret having had sex with her. There weren't enough places to eat in town for me to avoid seeing her again. She was literally meant to be a one night stand. I sure hoped that she understood that. For the next few days I worked on the images from the old farm shoot. I really did like that kind of thing. Saving small bit of a lifestyle almost lost. I couldn't do much to preserve it, but I planned to do my best. Saturday before the...

4 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 28 Paying Their Dues

Suddenly, all smiles in the limo disappeared, except for one. Tom Millerd felt the color rush from his face as he stared at the man who had all but promised a contract that would put his company on the map, “But if you back out now, I’ll be ruined. I put everything...” Mr. Cox’s smile suddenly grew even more sinister as he held up his hand, “Then you need to make sure I don’t.” At the restaurant just minutes earlier, the Millerd family was consumed with the excitement of new opportunities....

2 years ago
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MyFamilyPies Angelica Cruz My Step Sister Sat On My Dick

Angelica Cruz is sleeping when her stepbrother, Seth Gamble, sneaks into her room to borrow her laptop so he can do a report. When Seth opens Angelica’s computer, he sees that his little sis has been busy posting naughty pictures of herself all over the Internet. He has to admit that it’s pretty hot. As Seth is stroking his boner through his pants, Angelica rolls over so that he also gets an eyeful of her ass in a nice thong. All those visuals get Seth nice and hard when his sister...

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Cabin Fever

The kitchen floor was so goddamn gross I decided to mop it. After bashing at it with a broom. A guy living alone, that's when things got cleaned. I reminded myself, yet again, to do it more often, so that it wasn't such a fucking chore when I finally got around to it. I'd just sat down on the sofa, exhausted by my efforts, when the phone rang. The floor was now spotless, and all the cleaning crap was put away, and I wouldn't have objected to sliding into a little nap. I picked up the...

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Mind Swapping Chapter 18

Mind Swapping Chapter 18 Thursday morning classes had gone without incident. Afterward, Barbara drove to the shopping mall where Linda had her lingerie shop. I hadn't informed Barbara that Lisa had told me about them knowing each other. I had figured that Barbara had made arrangements with Linda to seduce me before she and Carol had taken me to the lingerie shop the first time. However, Barbara and Carol had said that they wanted me to experience every form of sex as a woman during...

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Bena Adventures 3 The Slutslave working as a worthless prostitute

I had prepared a special look for her tonight. She had to wear a small black bando top with her nipples cut free. It had a text written on it: "Slut for every perversity. Try me for just 5 $ an hour!" In addition to that she got a tight mini skirt which was made of black latex. She wasnt allowed to wear any kind of underwear. So her totally shaven pussy would be visible to the every customer that is interested to look under her skirt. Her flappy inner labia were hanging out of her whore...

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       The Mistress slowly stepped over to the basement door, and the sound of her four inch heels clicking on ceramic tiles was deafening. She reached the door of the basement and stopped to listen to the gale outside. The sound of the rain beating on the tin roof of the shed sounded like the devil wailing to raise the dead. There was a wind howling through the trees, and the sound was only adding to the coldness of the winter night. A wisp of a smile was on her lips as her mind acknowledged...

2 years ago
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The Urge

THE URGE It is funny how the urge strikes you. Mostly it occurs early in the morning just as I am waking. The day is still dark but the sun hints at peeking over the horizon. The room is quiet, the bed is soft and warm, and the cotton sheets have a luxurious feel. I drift toward consciousness slowly and begrudgingly The clock radio dial on my bed table glows with a soft green luminescence, a sentinel to the hours. It is preparing itself to begin chirping at the appointed time. I...

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Trick or Treat

TRICK OR TREAT? by enduringshades I am feeling self-conscious. I am wearing a cocktail dress in a red shiny material covered in sparkles. It has modest three-quarter length sleeves and a round neckline, but the dress is incredibly short. It is only by keeping my legs together under the table that my knickers are out of sight of the restaurant patrons and staff. I am wearing, what to me are, very high heels. But I have been told not to be silly, they are only three inches high. My...

5 years ago
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Sex With Cousin Sister

About my cousin Swetha [name changed]- she is very strict and sensitive girl. She never showoff her assets to boys. She slapped many boys for proposing her. Abt me- you will know through the story. Coming to my story Swetha is daughter of my uncle. We r gud frnds from childhood, as we r of same age group. We have bro-sis relationship, not little more than that. One day morning i visited to my uncle’s home (which is 2km frm our home) to take digital camera from my uncle. Where i found that my...

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Nathalies Makeover Chapter one

Nathalie's Make Over Where to start? My name is Nathan and I am a married man, wed to my beautiful wife Vivian for three years. I work as a software engineer for a local manufacturing plant. Vivian works as an office administrator at a local paint distributor and in a word she hates it. Vivian has always been obsessed with fashion and everything there is to do with it. All she ever wanted was to be a beautician. Unfortunately that opportunity was stolen from her by circumstance....

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Life Less LivedChapter 10

Christmas Day Once the turkey was washed, stuffed with sage and onion and wrapped in foil, and all the veg prepped, the four had sat around chatting on the sofa until just after midnight, when Daniel noticed that Marina was getting tired. “Come on, it is time we all went to bed,” he said, “I’ll turn the oven on now, on a low setting and let us get some sleep after all the excitement this evening. Giles finishes at six in the morning, so when does he normally get in, Ginny?” “We are only...

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fantasy 3

by ME (PART THREE) It's been a year, Victoria and I are still together. I still work for the school. Linda and Frank seems to be happy. Mary and Phil got a divorce for some reason. Maybe it was meant to be. Mary still goes to Frank and Linda's for threesomes. So does Phil. Victoria had the second baby and decided to have her tubes tied. She is still loving sex, sometimes I think she is getting wilder. She...

4 years ago
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Play to lose

Play to lose By Denise This should be a story in Spanish because I'm Mexican, but I want comments from everybody so I did my best effort please forgive and correct my grammar mistakes. Denise 1. You bet your ass on this Bets are always an illusion whether you win or lose the risk is the reward, you risk to play because of the adrenalin, that rush you feel every time a challenge is issued and you know you want to be a part of it. It is widely known that you should only...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 50 We Interrupt This Story

Looking out on each side of the seaplane, Darren and Chuck watched the islands pass below them. Darren’s arm was around a busty, tanned blonde that no one on earth would recognize as Melissa Turnbull. “It’s surreal,” Darren said, turning to face his new friends. “I feel like I’ve seen more action since Larry brought me back around than I saw in a year in Afghanistan. I’m sure that’s not true but...” “If it is, count your blessings,” Chuck said, his nose stuck in a PC, as usual. “Until my...

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Princess SaraChapter 8

The day had come to say goodbye. It had taken longer than Sara, the vagrant Princess, would have wished once she had resolved to send her friend, the once bewitched, but now restored, Countess Martha back home. They had worked hard in the fields for three weeks, the Princess still naked, of course, and Martha dressed in a rough peasant's smock and working boots, before sufficient gold pieces had been earned to buy Martha a fine horse and provisions for her homeward journey. Her friend had...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 8 Unexpected

-- NOVEMBER 2005, THANKSGIVING BREAK -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. Now as you...

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How Sweet It IsChapter 4

We headed down in the elevator. We’re alone in the car and I had a moment to take a deep breath and prepare myself. The guys are waiting in the lobby for us. Their faces really lit up when they saw my slutty outfit. It’s obvious they very enthusiastically approve. They don’t yet know I’m not wearing panties. But I’m pretty sure they will soon. They also didn’t realize at first that my nipples are visible under the top. From across the room they only see the sides of my breasts and the gaping...

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Couples First Swingers Club Experience And It Was A Good One

My wife, Kate, and I are a white couple in our late 20's. I'm a pretty big guy at 6' 290lbs. She's 5'5" 120lbs with perfect b cup breasts. We were high school sweethearts and have been married now for several years. Being that we started dating when we were fifteen years old, neither of us has ever had any form of sex with another person and we have a very healthy sex life. Recently we’ve become more and more kinky and for months, we'd talked about visiting a sex / swingers club to...

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I Will Take You There Someday

I’ll take you there someday. We’ll pick a campsite, set up a tent and get all of our camping and hiking gear out, all the while touching and playing with each other, whispering naughty things into each others ears. You want me to take you right there at our campsite, but I want to wait until we get there. We pack some fruit, sandwiches, water, and a blanket and we start to walk down to the river. I let you lead the way, but tell you where to go, so I can watch you as you walk. You are so...

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The Beginning Part 21

How things can change. The k**s just loved their new swing set. Their mother just loved the owner of the swing company.I just loved the idea of my wife swinging with black men. Crazy how a swing set could bring smiles on everyone in the family. Karen bought me a brand new large flat screen tv for our bedroom. One of those 4k screens with internet capabilities. I thanked her for it. Great picture and all but I am not much of a person to watch tv in bed. “You thank me later for the other...

4 years ago
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The Great Adventure with Regina

Regina and Sam were great next-door neighbors and over the years we developed a great neighborly relationship. It was platonic in nature and none of us ever crossed over the line of mutual respect. One day, when Brenda, my lovely wife of four years, was gone to Walmart, Regina popped by and asked if she could get a cup of sugar.Instinctively, I invited her in and asked where Sam was.“Oh, he went out with some work buddies for a game of golf,” Regina replied as she followed me to our...


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