Anniversary Ch. 01 free porn video

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Chapter 01: All Just a Game

Aurora knew Bob had forgotten the seventh anniversary of their first date. It didn’t matter, as husbands weren’t supposed too. Nevertheless she had decided to make it a surprise evening, and something for him to really remember. She had been twenty-one and eager to learn what he wanted, but for the last few years he had neglected his role as teacher. Some weeks ago she decided to make it a special night just for him. He was always home for six on a Friday, then out to the squash club after a hurried snack. This Friday he would stay in.

Giving up smoking had been difficult, but now it was going to provide the means of a surprise. The hypnotist had been reluctant at first, until eventually relenting to her insistent request, which became a nagging demand. Over the past three weeks an intensive course of hypnosis had concentrated her mind, not on smoking, rather, on a different form of control. She was planning to give her husband complete control of her body for whatever he wanted to use it for. The thought of him using her without limits was a tremendous turn on.

While hypnotised she would be completely helpless to resist whatever he wanted to do with her. Over the weeks the hypnotic suggestion went deeper, becoming ever stronger with each session. Eventually it overcame her inhibitions, leaving her completely available to him. The therapist reminded her again that she was very vulnerable in this state, and should take great care to whom she gave such power.

When she asked the inevitable question, he told her it would take a long time to overcome this state, though with help, it was possible. Until then she would become highly susceptible any time the trigger phrase was used. Ignoring the therapist’s advice, she practised for an hour each day deepening the hypnosis. It was exciting pushing herself further, while daydreaming over what he might do to her. During each session she instructed herself to obey. It was a frightful thrill knowing someone could walk into the house to find her in this defenceless state.

She wondered at her own daring, often having to goad herself into carrying on. When they had first met they had acted out naughty games, but of course she had moral limits preventing her from going too far. Now those limits had been removed, she would go as far as he wanted her to. She would be a puppet under his control, with him pulling her strings, acting out his fantasies.

At last the day had arrived. It wasn’t too late. She could back out of this dangerous game at anytime. Besides, it may not be so completely effective in reality. There would always be that little part of her subconscious that held back from complete submission. With the sound of the clock chiming six, she would go under and not come round until hearing it strike an hour later.

As the hour approached the intricate plan now seemed like a silly idea. Telling herself it was last minute nerves, she sat to await the impending hour. A note was on the fridge door, with another stuck to the microwave, both pointing to an envelope on the kitchen table. The envelope held the explanation why there was no evening meal ready as usual. Instead, it told him she was waiting in the lounge as this evening’s special treat.

She was patiently waiting for her master. Plainly written in the note was that he could do anything he liked with her, once the trigger phrase had been spoken. Anything! He could demand anything of her, and she would have to carry it out.

She began to fantasise over what naughty things he might do to her. Nothing evil of course. What if he sent her to a mall dressed like a prostitute? She shivered with fear at the thought of meeting friends while lewdly dressed. Would she be able to tell them she was on her way to a fancy dress party? The daydream was terrible, yet it turned her on.

As a matter of safety she would come round on hearing the clock strike seven, leaving the hypnotic state behind, to once more be in control of her own fate. She looked up to see the clock about to strike six. If she stood and left the room now, it would be over before it began. He never need know of the silly idea. Nerves prevented her from standing, then it was too late, the clock struck six chimes.

She must now simply sit there waiting for him. Unable to move without a command, she must await her fate. Five past and she began to worry he will not come home, leaving her there for a full hour. Anything could happen in that fateful hour. Why did she not think of this until now? Anyone could walk in, with her unable to resist their every demand!


‘There you are, I thought you would be in the kitchen. No time for food, I’ve got to catch a flight to head office. Sorry, Aurora. This is Daren, he’s a new boy. I’ve kept him busy all day, so he hasn’t had lunch. Look after him Aurora,’ Bob said, making it sound like an order.

Her husband was in the shower, and she just sat on the sofa looking bemused.

‘Is he always like this, all rush and work? What’s the matter? Are you all right?’ Daren asked.

The trigger phrase still hadn’t been spoken yet, so she was relatively safe. He must think I’m angry and not talking because Bob is messing up my Friday night plans. She watched the young man walk into the kitchen. Damn! He’s seen the note on the kitchen table. She watched him walk in to nonchalantly stand before her. He was opening the envelope to reveal her secret!

Aurora wanted to cry out, to stop him, but it was too late. A knowing look passed across his face. She became frightened, from knowing he would be in command of her until Bob came to the rescue. Why didn’t she command herself to specifically obey her husband? The answer she knew was that it was part of the excitement. If this young man spoke the trigger phrase, he would be in control her! As though from a great distance, she heard the doomsday words, exactly as phrased on the piece of paper. The phrase had been spoken, so now she was primed to obey his every word as a command!

‘You will not tell your husband anything I tell you to do, or anything that you do, unless I specifically tell you to. Do you understand?’

‘I understand.’

‘Good. Lift your dress up to your waist.’ he simply said.

Obeying the young man was expected, but the erotic thrill was unexpected, and shocking. It coursed through her body leaving her reeling. It was very bad to give in, but safe, because her husband would soon be downstairs to rescue her. Therefore, she rationalised, it was alright to give in to the fear and excitement.

Aurora felt her whole body tingling from this rude and sudden intrusion of her privacy. Standing before him, displaying the sexy underwear meant for her husbands delight, she felt a wave of passion emotionally and physically take her over. Knowing she would have to please this young man in any way he wished, was outrageously stimulating. Of course, she wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what this rude young man made her do, and he obviously worked this out. He was prepared to take advantage, but fortunately he couldn’t get up to much before her husband came downstairs.

That he knew she would do anything he asked was stimulating her to distraction. Could it possibly be releasing her from any remaining inhibitions? Knowing time was on her side allowed her to give in to the wave of emotion swamping her inhibitions. There was no fight left, as any remaining reservations evaporated, allowing her to be completely dominated.

As though descending a shaft, she felt herself sinking further and further into nothingness, to be left looking down at an insignificant self. It was another person, so she could be indifferent over whatever happened to that body. It no longer mattered that she was no longer in charge of her own body. What was he going to do with it was a curiosity, rather than a fear. Her thoughts were distant, and her body was being driven wild by the rich mixture
of hormones coursing through her veins. Her body was vibrating with sexual arousal.

‘I’m sorry Aurora, I’ve got to leave right now, to catch that flight,’ he told her.

The young man knew this and had instructed her to respond.

‘I’ve booked a table at a restaurant. That’s why nothing is ready,’ she complained, sounding perfectly normal.

Inside she was confused, wondering what was to happen next.

‘I’ll accompany her if you like,’ Daren offered.

Bob hesitated, but she had been primed to add to Daren’s offer.

‘No, you go and enjoy your weekend, I’ll cancel!’ Aurora said, sounding disappointed.

‘Daren hasn’t eaten all day, as we’ve been working hard on a report. He’s new, so let’s show him we look after our employees. Thanks, Daren, the offer is accepted. Aurora can drive you home, and you can get a taxi to the office in the morning to pick up your car,’ Bob instructed.

He turned to her, and she dreaded what he would say next. At that moment the arousal left her feeling flat and fearful, knowing he was about to repeat a set of favourite phrases.

‘Do as you are told, Aurora. Now take Daren and make sure he has a good time. Both of you have a good time. That’s an order Aurora,’ he said, with a big smile.

It was easy for him, as he didn’t know he was leaving his wife in the hands of a young stranger. He enjoyed his work, and was looking forward to presenting a report to the company owners. He looked at his watch and dashed out. The usually harmless phrases were ringing through her head.

‘Do as you are told. Make sure he has a good time. That’s an order.’

Her husband hadn’t rescued her, he’d handed her over more firmly to this stranger. She was now under orders to please this young man. All she knew about him was that he worked for her husband, think on his feet, and take advantage of a situation. Oh! One more thing. He had complete control of her.

He was looking at the outline of her breasts through the dress, almost licking his lips in anticipation.

‘What do you have to say for yourself?’ he asked.

‘Please. Just say the phrase to release me. I won’t say anything to anyone. Release me and forget about this,’ she awkwardly said.

She knew instinctively he wouldn’t just let her go, so hoped to persuade him to slow down long enough for the hour to pass. Once she heard the clock chime in an hours’ time, she would be free. Just thirty minutes to go.

‘Lift up your dress,’ he said.

Perhaps he would just tease her. Trying to stop her hands from moving was useless. They lifted the hem around her waist, showing off a pair of black stockings with a matching suspender belt. She was thankfully wearing a decent pair of panties.

‘Take the dress off,’ he intensely spoke.

‘Please, don’t make me do this,’ she pleaded.

Standing before a young stranger, in frilly underwear, she felt so much more vulnerable than if she were naked. Why did it seem so awful to be doing this in the lounge?

‘Take off your bra. Smile. Give me a great big smile,’ he said. ‘That’s it, a lovely nice smile. Shoulders back. Push them out. Show me you’re proud of those breasts,’ he told her.

‘Please, don’t do this to me, Daren,’ she pleaded.

It was all she could think of saying with her head in a whirl of emotion. She hoped he didn’t notice her voice didn’t sound fearful, rather, it sounded husky from arousal.

‘Call me, Sir,’ he ordered.

She’d brought this terrible situation upon herself. It was all her fault for not building in some protection, and for putting herself under so thoroughly. She dare not upset him, from fear of what he might do to her if he became angry. At the moment it was just a naughty game for him.

‘Yes, Sir,’ she obediently replied.

‘Don’t tell me you don’t want to show off your beautiful body. It’s no good denying it, you’re turned on. You only need to feel those panties,’ he said.

It wasn’t a demand, just a comment, yet she went ahead and felt the crotch of her panties. She was curious as to what he meant, and found them wet from her sex juices. In consequence she became aware of a pungent musky odour. Her sex was on fire!

‘You can’t wear those, they’re soaking wet,’ he smirked.

She immediately pulled them down, awkwardly one leg at a time, embarrassingly aware he watched every move.

He was surprised. There had been no order to remove her panties, yet she had just assumed there was. He concluded she was as excited as she looked, and was ready for anything.

‘Gather your things off the floor. We’ll go upstairs and get you ready for this restaurant. What food do you like?’ he asked.

In a panic she looked at the clock. If they left the house now she wouldn’t hear the chimes at seven. He must be delayed at all costs! Bending over to pick up her clothes, displayed her naughty bits to him, though she was more concerned with not leaving the room.

‘Please, let me go, Sir. You’ve seen everything, Sir. What more do you want, Sir?’ she pathetically asked.

As the words left her mouth, she realised it wasn’t wise to ask him what more he wanted. Or was it? If he tried it on with her here, at least she could stop him when the chimes struck seven. A horrible thought struck her, and she gasped. What if he was taking her while the chimes struck? Would she be so sexed up she would have to see it through to an orgasm? Or worse, would she have to fake it until he was finished with her? That would be awful, and in either case, afterwards it would be horrendous.

‘Stop it now before things go too far, please, Sir!’ she whined, with a throaty whisper.

She just refrained from getting on her knees to beg, before it struck her this might inspire him to use her mouth. She never liked the idea of giving head, so it was lucky she hadn’t inspired him.

‘I’ll make a deal with you,’ he said.

She looked at the clock with only a few minutes to go.

‘Don’t speak unless you have to, and I won’t order you into silence,’ he said.

She thought about it a moment, then nodded agreement. If she couldn’t speak at all there wouldn’t be a chance of talking him out of something nasty. She wouldn’t be able to scream for help. That was a frightening thought.

‘Upstairs now. Quickly!’ he commanded.

Running into her bedroom, she felt defeated from knowing the chimes would ring unheard. Standing by the dressing table she wondered what was in store next. The bed looked neat and tidy, as though it had been freshly prepared.

‘Dump those things on the floor, while I look for something more suitable for an evening out,’ he told her.

Watching him rummage in the wardrobe, she was surprised that he really meant they were going out. She was convinced this was a rouse to get her into the bedroom, though of course he didn’t need one. It was difficult to know whether to be disappointed, or fearful of going out in this state of vulnerability. A dress was thrown onto the bed.

‘Try that on,’ he said.

In haste to cover herself, she pulled it on. Glancing in the mirror out of the corner of her eye, confirmed what she suspected it looked like on her. It had been worn when single, and it had been daring even then. Just a glance told her all she needed to know, and his lascivious look defined it.

Her breasts were bigger now, so it hugged her tight, pushing them up to flow over the top in a deep cleavage.

‘Very nice,’ he said. ‘Come on, let’s go,’ he added, taking a hold of her hand.

This was the first time he’d touched her, which seemed funny somehow after being naked.

‘Please, Sir. Can I speak?’ she humbly asked.

He held both her hands fixing her before him, so as to admire her body. ‘You may speak,’ he laughed.

‘Thank you, Sir. I need panties, Sir,’ she said.

Feeling ridiculous at the sound of such demean
ing words, she nevertheless had to ask, for the dress was far too short. The neckline was bad enough, but to go out without underwear was impossible.

‘No you don’t,’ he leered, and smiled indulgently at her.

She wanted to tell him it was too short and too light to keep down. Last time she’d worn a tight pair of shorts as well as panties, so how could she possibly endure going out naked.

He didn’t give her a chance to protest, ordering her, ‘No more. Leave the dress alone. Just come with me.’

In the car it was difficult to concentrate, watching the traffic, wanting to pull at the hem yet unable to, and listening to his instructions on where to go. Ordered to leave the dress alone meant she couldn’t hold onto it, or pull it down if it rode up. Had he thought it through for when they got out of the car? Once seated in the restaurant, perhaps she would feel more protected with her legs safely tucked under a tablecloth.

Keeping her head down in case recognised, it was difficult to see where he was taking her, but it didn’t matter, for all she wanted was to get there and sit down. Feeling a little less uncomfortable when seated, she looked around, and let out a groan. Of all the places to be, this was the worst place in town. Waitresses were scantily clad, meaning it could only be, ‘The Saucy Café’, a restaurant she would never want to be seen in. There was an additional reason why it was out of bounds. With a bit of luck no-one would notice her, with all these voluptuous women roaming around in skimpy outfits.

Aurora let him order, while keeping her head down so as not to be noticed. Not wanting to call him, Sir, before anyone, even a stranger, was another reason to be quiet. At least compared to the waitress, she was well covered. The young woman was wearing a cowgirl outfit, comprised of a thong under a buckskin loincloth. While they worked through the menu she lifted it to write down their order, showing bare thighs, revealing a tiny triangle of leather between them. Aurora had to admit it was distracting.

‘Hi! Daren, how you doing?’ a large beefy man asked.

He placed two huge hands on the partition of their booth.

‘You like what you see? She’s a new girl, but I’m sure the word has got around about your new venture,’ he added.

Daren lifted a hand to stop the guy from revealing too much about his latest business idea. He wasn’t Bob’s employee, but Aurora didn’t need to know that.

She was right, no one was noticing her with all this flesh on display. What surprised her was that there were quit a few women customers with their partners, when she thought the place would be exclusively male.

‘My, who have we here?’ he asked.

‘No!’ she silently exclaimed.

Daren was introducing her.

‘You’re welcome as usual Daren, but not that bitch!’ he said with venom. ‘Her husband blocked my planning permission for a cafe in town. I lost a bundle on the property, everyone knew I had to sell up to buy this place. You had better get her out of here,’ he warned.

His big red face looking mean.

‘Do you want to leave?’ Daren asked her.

Knowing how she was going to answer left her cringing.

‘Yes, Sir. Please, Sir,’ she said.

The tremor in her voice coupled with the words used, stopped the big man in his tracks. He slid into a spare seat.

‘What are you up to? Is this really who I think it is?’ he asked.

He continued to stare at her, examining every inch of bare flesh, as though it would reveal what game they were playing.

She sank lower in the seat, trying desperately to avoid the intense inspection.

‘You’re not trying to put one over on me, are you lad?’ he asked.

Daren laughed. He sent her to the bathroom.

She sat in a cubicle, wondering why in hell she got herself into this terrible mess. This was a rare establishment where there was no queue for the ladies bathroom, even when busy. With astonishment, she reasoned if he had ordered her not to speak she wouldn’t be able to ask him to go to the bathroom. What then? Would she have peed her panties?

‘Oh! No! I’m not wearing any!’ she remembered.

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At one time in work life I had a job that required me to travel. My territory included the entire western US, Canada and the east coast as needed. I was on a trip to Edmonton in the provenance of Albert Canada. I was visiting a client to install software, and train staff. I arrived on a bright Sunday in July. Drove my rental from the airport to my down town hotel. My room is on the tenth floor and looks out over the plains. A town down would have better, but I though ah what you are going to...

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Cheating wife makes it with several of husband8217s coworkers

Hi, my name is Jed. I’ve been married for two years to Julie who is without a lie one of the loveliest creatures upon the planet. Because of the fact we’re both young, as well as we are working on establishing our careers we’ve decided to wait a few more years before trying to have children. Although it often drives me crazy I’ve agreed to use a condom until we’re established and financially able to adequately provide for a child. Julie’s had a strict...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 37

I left the office and went into the bathroom and found myself alone again, I showered and crawled into bed and was immediately swamped in female flesh. I thought ‘It’s good to be the king, ‘ straight out of a Mel Brooks comedy. I tried to be a good husband and made love and or fucked each of my women depending upon their needs and cuddled up with as many as I could and drifted off to sleep with pleasant dreams. I awoke and saw several of my wives coming from the bathroom already. Barbara...

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A Mother Son Marriage Story 8211 Part 5

Thanks for all the response and I am sorry for delaying, here the final part of the story. The mother and son reach their home after their holy fucking pilgrimage where as in home ramegowda waiting for both of them, in ramegowda’s mind lot of things are going on whether he as to left them having this kind of affair or else stop them from having sex with each other, suddenly the doorbell rings ramegowda went to open the door. Ramegowda opens the door he saw both his wife and son looking so...

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Saturday Night Sunday Morning

I’m Doug the husband. I coach division one college baseball for a University located on the west coast of Florida, I’m not saying which one but you’ll probably know after reading my story. I’m married to my beautiful wife Sandy. Both she and I turned thirty last summer. I never thought I could fall in love at first sight but with Sandy that was the case. She had a body that most women would die for. At five foot four her tiny waist and hip’s only accentuated her luscious 34c breasts. Her long...

1 year ago
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Another MILF Blacken

"That's it, baby, roll that fat ass. Work my black cock. Make me cum in your pussy," Ray told the white married woman moaning beneath him, her hands on his dark ass, urging him to fuck her deeper and harder. He tried recalling the middle-age slut's name. Yeah, she was that easy. The first time he'd ever really talked to her was less than an hour ago.Ray had seen her before though. She shopped at the grocery store where he worked. Most of the time she came in by herself, but occasionally her...

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Double Cuckolds

Even before we got married, Candy ran my life. She controlled my money, made my decisions, and trained me to obey in the bedroom. By the time we were wed I was -- as she once said -- her "foot kissing, pussy licking, ass worshiping little wimp". All that was true, especially the part about me being little. I'm slender, and shorter than her by several inches. She's full figured, with a jumbo bust, massive ass, heavy thighs and thick muscular calves. Next to her I look like an immature...

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Random Images

Random Images by Deena "I thought they would never leave! God, don't these people ever sleep?" The blonde behind the cell bars groused loudly enough so that the female cop slammed the door to the holding cellblock and strode over to her cage. "What's the problem, babe? Didn't take your hormones today? You wanta wake up the computer geeks?" "Furthest thought from my mind. In fact, that's what I was griping about. You know, it's hard to have any fun out here in...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 16 Monday March 7 While The Cats Away

It was after bowling and I was lying on my bed awake with my eyes closed waiting for the next vision to start. They were so regular now they were becoming a constant part of my life. Beside me Anne was asleep, a state of affairs that was definitely unusual considering how randy she was feeling earlier in the evening. It seemed to me that only one person could be responsible for that state of affairs. 'Naturally! And don't worry she won't wake up until we're finished. Better for both of...

1 year ago
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Truck Stop

This is a short story that took place, when I was on my way back from a short visit to Cincinnati, Ohio, to see some old friends of mine. This really happened, and I still find myself remembering what took place over and over again.I got a late start getting on the road to get home, so by the time I started getting close to Ft. Wayne, Indiana, I was getting tired. I found myself pull into the rest area, just south of Ft. Wayne. It was after midnight, and there were only a few trucks in the rest...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Murder

Detective Mike Corrigan couldn't believe his luck. After three days of tramping through a deep, dense forest he finally found his quarry. He was plodding up another endless hill and getting tired of fighting his way through tangled bush while contending with hordes of mosquitos and bugs when he spotted something out of the ordinary. A flash of color or a sudden movement? He wasn't sure which, but something caught his eye. He focused his attention on it. Yes, definitely something down there...

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The Professors Ruin

It's Tuesday afternoon, the last lecture of the day. You're wrapping up a lecture about style guides, how to use them and which guide you recommend for the class. One of the students in the back row is snoring, but at least you can hear the front row furiously taking notes. But then you hear a different sound. A quick little repeated buzzing sound. Like someone's phone going off, but not quite. You look up, confused. None of the other students seem to have noticed, but you see Sara staring at...

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Ek Anokhi Sex Ki Ghatna Part I

By: Aamit Pusham Hi friends I’m Amit I am from Balaghat my age is 20 years old. Haa to ab mai apni story shuru krta hu 3 month pehle ki baat hai mai our mera dost vikas apni hawas bujhane nagpur gaye the suna tha waha ganga jamuna is kaam ke liye famos hai hum dono waha karib sham 5 baje tak pahuche hum dono bahut khush the ki aaj humare tadapte lawde ko shaanti milegi lakin jab humne waha ki chinalo ko dekha to hume utna maja nhi aaya lakin phr b humne plan bana liya Ke inko chodna hai lakin...

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To keep things uber simple, everyone only had a single outfit to wear. My idea was the old KISS system, ‘Keep It Sweet, and Simple’. No special effects, except the Kite, which Stuart made as low tech as it could be. I stood in front of my multi-talented orchestra, and the show began... LINUS I really don’t think you have anything to worry about, Charlie Brown. After all, science has shown that a person’s character isn’t really established until he’s at least five years old. SALLY...

1 year ago
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Catteni HeatChapter 1

I awoke to the sound of low rumbling and soft moaning. I could feel the rumbling almost as much as I could hear it. I went to move and found I was stiff. I remembered what happened; I was rounded up by the Catteni that had taken over my planet and was being sent off to who knows where. This was not a new thing for my home world of late. It seemed that every time someone started a fight or got rowdy in some way the Catteni would gas everyone in the area and take them away. Now I remembered, I...

3 years ago
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The Girls of Western High Football

Western High School is an exclusive private school where all the students live right on campus. Students that attend Western receive a unique educational experience. The governing board has always tried to provide an ever evolving education experience for the students of the school by using some of the innovations developed in the school's laboratory on the school's student population. For example, Years ago, some female students developed a pill that changes a person's DNA structure....

2 years ago
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Changing Jobs

You hated to leave your old job.  You’d made some good friends and had worked there long enough to be sincerely sorry to leave it behind.  Things had changed, and it just wasn’t the same anymore.  A few shake-ups, some conflicts with new staff who just didn’t get it, and other issues made it feel like it wasn’t where you wanted to be anymore.  As things got worse, you were able to stay sane by chatting with your cyber boyfriend, Romeo4U, whenever it got to you, and it never seemed so bad when...

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Force or Love 5

Jack felt an intense satisfaction fucking Becky. He muttered something about cleaning up and left shortly after getting dressed. But Garrett hung around. He felt a tug at his heart. He didn’t want to be parted from Becky. Garrett went closer to Becky. Her body was still warm from the fuck fest. He sat next to her as she lay on her bed, smiling with satisfaction. Garrett knew that the more he fucked Becky, the more he was falling in love with her. Yes he was in love with her. His mind was clear...

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Girl Fridays

Girl Fridays Belladonna The car came to a stop as Vern Lowry pressed down the brake and put the vehicle in park. He pulled off his black sandals and slipped his black, opaque tights covered feet into the pair of 3? inch high heeled pumps he had placed into his pocketbook that morning. Vern smiled at the shoes as he buckled their thin ankle straps. Once he finished buckling the shoes, Vern lifted his wife's black aviator sunglasses off his nose and checked his appearance one...

4 years ago
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School Teacher Merlin 8211 Part 7

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil merlin teacher kama thodarkathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, merlin ennai aval soothile ooka vitu enaku sugam koduthaal, en manam muzhuvathum merlin matum thaan irunthaal. Ennal sola mudiyaatha alavirku naan sugathai muthal muraiyaaga anuba vaithen, sola varthaigale ilai. Naan merlinai oru nimidam kuda pirinthu iruka thondra vilai, naanum merlinum amanamaaga kati pidithu paduthu irunthom. En sunniyai yoro adithu potathu pola...

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Mothers Forbidden PassionChapter 7

When Debbie Mason and Ken Clark reached his bedroom, the lovely black-haired teenage siren immediately pulled her blouse over her head and unfastened the buttons on her hot-pants, letting both garments fall at her feet. She wasn't wearing any panties or bra, and she stood completely naked, the black, sparsely growing curls of her pubic hair glistening wetly with her arousal and her large, firm young breasts quivering in proud anticipation as she stared at the sweating, lust-incited older...

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Ultimate Fun With A Married Lady

Hi everyone, I am back with a new story, for those who don’t know me. I am Hiren a 24 years old average collage going boy. I don’t have heroic looks nor do I have a perfect shaped body. I don’t even have a 8 inch long huge dick……… but I do know one thing. The secrete to a women’s ultimate orgasm. So I made a point to use my secrete to help other unsatisfied women to fulfill their desires by becoming a professional escort. So any girl, bhabhi or aunty from Mumbai looking for some fun time do...

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Make Me Over

Make Me Over by Kelly Newman Allow me to introduce myself - I am, or was, Peter Newman, 28 year old school teacher of English at a minor private school in Oxford. I am slim (actually skinny), fairly good looking, 5'10'' tall of Anglo- Indian stock and I am bored. To start with, I have a girlfriend, Tina, who I have been seeing for a year and a half and with whom I am in the process of splitting up with. She is nice enough: a 21 year old student, curvaceous, with lovely blue eyes and...

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Young Bull Fucks My Wife

My wife Jen had just turned 53, and we had been married for almost twenty five years. We are your typical middle class family with k**s off to college. Over the last few years we had talked about sharing Jen with another man, or at least I wanted to see her with another man. Jen was a bit hesitant at first, but after talking it out, and careful consideration did she finally agreed to try it on a one time basis. She wasn't getting any younger, and I knew if we didn't do something soon our window...

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Muslim Didi Ne Chudwaya

Hi friends this is my first story and its 100 % true mujhe lagta tha ki yaha pe mostly stories fake hoti hai but jab mere sath aisa hua jo maine socha bhi nhi tha to mujhe yakeen hua ki sari stories galat nhi hoti mera naam aman hai aur me pune me rehta hu meri age 24 hai and I work in an IT company ye story kuch saal pehle ki hai jab me engineering kar raha tha bhopal se. I’m basically from Bhopal uss samay meri age 19 thi. Mere pados me ek didi rehti thi jo ki MTech kar rahi thi unka naam...

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Memory of a friend

Memory of a friend with a dog aunt true story -1Once when in my early twenties I had some “domestic” problems with my partner, David.I walked out and went to spend summer with my Aunt on a smallholding in a remote part of South Wales. Meg was a widow aged around forty living on her own ever since my Uncle Dylan had been killed in a mine accident ten years earlier. I think the Miners Union obtained a decent compensation amount for her, she now seemed quite well off and she and Dylan having had...

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George Part 3 The End

Young Mrs. Anna Dustin sits in a baby nursery, decorated in pinks, yellows, and whites. She’s only twenty seven, but everything is falling in place for her, finally. As Anna stares into the small delicate face of her newborn daughter, she reflects back on her life before little six point nine pound Demi Alice Dustin came along. As for most teenagers, high school is a rough time, it’s when you are trying to discover who you are, what you want your life to be. At the time, Anna wasn’t thinking...

Love Stories
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Blood of the Clans Ch 33

Malcolm MacDougall stood in Dunollie, looking at the brilliant display lighting up the early morning sky. The sun broke the horizon and lit the morning in golden brightness, but the brightness on Lismore outshone it, making those in and around the castle take note of it. What bothered Malcolm about it, was the closeness to where the birlinns were hidden. After dressing, he made his way down the steep, stone steps to the hall and called the men together. Since the massacre of the Fraser’s, the...

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Mauka Dekh Mara Behno Ka Chaaka

Hi friends ….what’s up? me Alenn(nick name) from Katak, a fan of Iss from since 2 year .me roz iss padhta hu ..ab me kar raha hu .aur me 5’6” ka hu.dikhne me average looking hu.aur lambi bal he jishe bahat ladki mujpe apni jan c hitkti to mera  deta ho. To ap ko born na karke kahani suru karta hu. me jab 10th class pass out hua to hamre ghar ke pass ek nai marwadi family aa kar rehne lage aur unke family me 4 log the unke papa ,mom, and 2 sister those looking like super...

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LuciChapter 3

I walked back into my office a few minutes later, laptop in hand. Luci was sitting on my couch, legs tucked up under her looking very vulnerable. She started to open her mouth, but I held up my hand, similar to what she had done last night. At least I got a small smile out of her. "I have to do my job and Paul's at the moment. Can it wait?" I added a silent please. I do not know if she was still angry with me, but I really did have to get the database up and running. I was surprised when...

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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 15

We stared at each other for a long moment. We understood each other pretty well. We ended up chuckling as we climbed out of the car and went across the street to the bar. But that didn't mean we weren't nervous. We were excited. But we were nervous. The first thing we noticed when we entered the bar, aside from the large crowd of men, was that a row of folding tables had been added down the center of the narrow room to increase the seating capacity. There were six tables squeezed into the...

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Being Kept

This is it. After what you estimate to have been weeks upon weeks of being sold and resold, endlessly shipped around space and thoroughly examined by countless alien slave-vendors and buyers, you've ended up at what seems to be your final destination, a banquet of sorts? From the small, covered cage you're situated in you can't see much, but the buzz of conversation in a language you can't yet decipher, the clanking of utensils and the extremely foreign yet intoxicating blend of smells from...

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Wedding Night With My Son

After being alone for 12 years since my ex-husband left me with our son, I was getting no sex.  By the time my son Rocky was “old enough”, I had noticed how much of a young man he was turning into. The fire in my pussy built with each passing day. Things changed when Rocky turned 19. I began to tease him. He looked so sexy, tall and muscular. I  was in lust with my own son and my day came when his girlfriend dumped him. That night I he came home drunk and I comforted him. He put his arms round...

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Camping Trip Chapter 1

I just graduated from college with a kindergarten to twelfth grade physical education degree. The pressure was on to find a job before the next school year. I had been to nine interviews all in the Chicago suburbs with no luck. They all told me that I was what they were looking for except I lacked experience.I asked in the last interview, "How do I get experience if you do not hire me?"The principal told me that I would find a job before the start of the school year. That did not make me feel...


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