Lake House Virgin
- 3 years ago
- 38
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The trip down to the lake house was long. Two cars, three people per car, including my sister and I were all going down for my 18th birthday. My sister, Haley, was turning 17 the following month, so the birthday party was both for me and her.
My friends Kyle and Seth were in one car with Haley’s friend Jenna and I was driving the other with my sister and Kyle’s girlfriend Virginia. We were packed tight with food, luggage, sleeping bags and lots of alcohol.
I looked over at Virginia sitting in the passengers seat. Her black hair blowing back in the wind gave the illusion she was flying. Haley, in back, was listening to her old Sum41 album on her ipod.
‘We’re almost there. Just one more hour to go.’ I said.
‘I can’t wait. We should really get wasted tonight!’ Virginia replied, her head turned towards me.
I looked back at her. Her face was covered by her sunglasses, but it was pretty much well known that she was a good-looking girl.
‘No doubt. A trip this long deserves a celebration. Well, that and my birthday.’
‘Good.’ She said, ‘That means we can get wasted twice this weekend.’
We finally arrived, 2 and a half hours later around 7:30 P.M. and immediately unpacked both cars. As soon as we were settled in, Kyle and I started preparing a bond fire while Haley and Virginia prepared some food and Seth and Jenna were probably gone to make out in the woods.
A few hours went buy and just the right buzz of alcohol had settled in. The fire was nice, the marshmellows were good and the jokes seemed quite funnier than they actually were.
I was sitting on a lawn chair and Haley was lying in front of me, her head settled against my legs I had put up in front of me.
‘What are the sleeping arrangements for tonight?’ She asked.
‘Well, I thought about it. We only have 3 beds, so Jenna and Seth can sleep in the Queen, Virginia and Kyle can have the small mattress downstairs and we can sleep in the other bed across from them.’ I answered back.
‘What, you mean us together? In the same bed?’ She asked.
‘Well, yeah. Why, you have a problem with that?’
‘Aw, gross! I don’t wanna’ sleep in the same bed as my brother. That’s just weird.’
‘Oh God! Take it easy, there’s nothing weird about it. I won’t fondle you for Christ sakes!’ I later regretted saying that. It was quite innapropriate, I know, but I just thought she was over-reacting.
‘Oh my God!’ She shouted, ‘I’m not fuckin’ sleeping in the same bed as you, and that’s final!’
I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes.
‘What do you propose, then?’
‘I don’t know. Why don’t I sleep with V?’ She suggested.
V was the nickname we had given Kyle’s girlfriend, Virginia.
That’s when Kyle interrupted.
‘No way, there’s no way in hell your brother and I are sleeping in the same bed.’ He said.
I didn’t mind him saying that at all. There was no way in hell I was gonna’ sleep in the same bed as my best friend either.
‘Dude, if you don’t mind’, he said, ‘why don’t you just sleep with V and I’ll sleep in the same bed as your sister?’
My heart suddenly stopped and I prayed to God they didn’t notice my sudden change of facial expressions. I had had an eye on Virginia ever since I was 16. Unfortunately, I had fallen into the infamous ‘friend’ zone and I guess she never realized I had feelings for her. I never had a problem with my best friend dating her, however. They had been going out for a year and to me, it was just nice to finally have the chance to get over her. There were just no chances of us ever coming together, so it was a good chance to move on.
But now, I had the opportunity to sleep in the same bed as her and I wasn’t sure if I could ever pull off a whole 9 hours alone with her without doing anything stupid… especially under the influence of alcohol (although I wasn’t anywhere close to being poor-judgementally drunk and neither was anyone else).
Everyone was staring at me, waiting for my response, but I was still undecided. I had been trying so hard to forget about her and move on, I didn’t want to throw all that effort away. But at the same time, a big part of me wanted to spend the night alone with her. I knew the chances of anything happening were infinitesimally small. She was quite loyal to Kyle even though their relationship together was in the middle of a rough spot. And besides, Kyle was my best friend and I didn’t want to risk losing that too.
‘I don’t know. You and my sister?’ I asked reluctantly.
‘Well it’s better if HE fondles me rather than you, don’t you think?’ Replied Haley.
As soon as she said it, it was easy to notice she wished she hadn’t. Virginia’s head turned straight towards Haley and she gave her ‘the look’.
‘Don’t worry, dude,’ Replied Kyle, ‘She’s your sister and I’m your best friend. Nothing’ll happen. And I trust you with V, and her with you. Besides, you’ll be right next to us, if anything happens, you’ll know.’ He added with a laugh.
‘So it’s settled,’ Virginia said, ‘Haley and Kyle sleep together right across from me and him.’
She was looking at me, the light from the fire lighting up her green eyes. My head was racing with thoughts and I was filled with mixed feelings and emotions.
‘Why don’t we all just sleep downstairs?’ Seth suggested, ‘Like that we can all chat and whatnot before going to bed.’
‘And how do you plan on bringing the Queen-sized bed downstairs?’ Kyle asked.
‘We can just get two of us to grab the mattress and bring it down. No need to bring the whole bed.’ He answered.
So it was decided, we were all going to sleep downstairs. I felt a little reassured but I was still nervous and reluctant about sleeping with Virginia.
The night ended a few minutes later and we all started heading inside. While Kyle and Seth brought the mattress into the basement, Jenna and I made the beds. Jenna was a cute girl. She had been dating Seth since just last week but they were both madly in love which got on Haley’s nerves. Jenna was her best friend but it seemed she was always off with Seth.
When we were done making the beds, Jenna went upstairs and I slipped my PJ pants on and put on another t-shirt. The collar was still a little wet from left over water that was on my neck after taking a shower. Jenna and Seth were outside doing whatever (I didn’t really want to know anyways), Kyle was upstairs making food, Haley was watching TV and chatting with Kyle and Jenna, and Virginia was taking a shower. Myself, I was now sitting quietly on my bed in the basement thinking everything over. I was still confused and nervous.
I got up quickly when I saw someone was coming down. It was Virginia. She was wearing a white tank top and pink pajama bottoms. Her wet black hair had made a see-through stain on her shoulder, just missing her right breast. I immediately turned away as to not look at it. She came over to me.
‘Well, this’ll be a first, eh,’ she said, ‘Me and you sleeping together.’ She smiled and was looking straight up at me.
I laughed a little, nervous laugh.
‘Yeah, it’ll definately be a first.’ was all I managed to get out. Her beautiful green eyes felt like knives to my heart and the butterflies in my stomach seemed to be flustered.
‘I think I’ll go to bed, I’m getting pretty tired.’ I said.
‘Ok, I’ll try not to wake you up when I get in.’ She replied.
I woke up some time after that when I heard commotion upstairs. The whole room was dark. It was past 2:00 A.M., I had been asleep for almost forty minutes. It was Virginia and Kyle having another arguement.
Kyle had told me some time ago, when he and V had first split up that he had the desire to be free. He told me had had so many chances to sleep with other women since he had been going out with V that he couldn’t bare being restrained to just her. Two days after they had broken up, he ha
d had a threeway with an ex-girlfriend and her best friend in his shower and he had slepped with another girl at a club 3 days later. After that week, he had started going out with V again but had sworn me to secrecy. Unfortunately for him, Virginia suspected something had gone on after finding a make-up kit in his room that wasn’t hers.
I could overhear Virginia telling him she couldn’t believe he could be so cold-hearted, that she felt so betrayed, and all Kyle managed to relpy was ‘Quiet, you’ll wake everyone up.’
A few minutes later, Kyle came down slowly and went straight to bed, being careful not to wake Haley up. Virginia stayed upstairs and I fell back asleep. I woke up again when I felt Virginia getting in. I could tell she had been crying. I could hear her still sniffling and her breathing seemed a little heavy. I asked her if she’d rather sleep alone. I offered to go upstairs and sleep on the floor with covers and sleeping bags under me. She said it was ok, that she’d rather not be alone. I turned my back to her to at least give her the most privacy possible. She was curled up in a ball and I could still hear here sniffling.
She turned her head around over her shoulder and quietly asked me if I could scratch her back to help her fall asleep. My eyes shot open and again, my heart started pounding, but I turned over towards her and started scrathing her back. When I thought she was asleep, I stopped and fell back asleep.
Again, I woke up and realized Virginia was no longer next to me. I guessed she was probably upstairs talking things out with Kyle when I realized Kyle was still in bed. I looked at the time. It was 3:20 A.M. and everyone seemed to be fast asleep. I got out of bed and went upstairs to get a glass of water. When I put my cup next to the sink, I noticed V was on the wharf down by the lake, sitting alone, her feet in the water.
I felt really bad for her. Every single boyfriend she had ever gone out with had cheated on her. I had assured her that Kyle wasn’t like that when they first started going out. I was wrong, but I really didn’t expect Kyle to have a sudden change of heart. He had been madly in love with her almost a year before they finally ended up together.
I debated for a few seconds if I should leave her alone or if I should go down and talk to her. I always seemed to have a good friendship with V in the past. She would easily open up to me and, in fact, that’s how I ended up finding out she too had feelings for Kyle, almost a year ago. So I decided to go down and see her.
I brought a big blanket with me and a hoodie so I wouldn’t be cold and we could sit on the blanket instead of one the cold, wet wharf. When I got there, I noticed she was surprised to see me.
‘You wanna’ talk?’ I asked her.
She tapped the wharf with her hand, signaling me to sit next to her. I put the blanket down and sat.
‘What’s up?’ I asked her.
‘It’s Kyle. He fuckin’ cheated on me.’
I looked down. I felt even worse. I had known about this for almost 2 months but hadn’t ever said anything. I was caught between two of my best friend’s at the time but had promised Kyle I wouldn’t say anything.
‘I’m really sorry. I never would’ve thought-‘
‘No, me neither,’ she said, crying, ‘I was surprised when he broke up with me last month, but I never thought it was to go out and fuck some dumb whores.’
‘Listen, V. I know this is hard for you. If you want to, I can always bring you back home.’ I assured her.
She nodded gently, closed her eyes and bit her lower lip.
‘Thanks,’ She said faintly and looked at me. Even when she was crying, she was still beautiful, ‘Thanks for everything. You’ve been a great friend in the past years.’
Friend. That single word had cursed me for the last three years. It resonated in my head.
‘I’m glad I met you,’ She continued, ‘You’re always there when I need you and I’ve never properly thanked you.’
‘Hey, it’s my pleasure. You’re my friend and I care deeply for you.’ I told her.
I gently rubbed her back to comfort her.
‘You’re a great girl and you’ll make a good guy happy one day. Don’t worry about Kyle, I’ll have a talk with him. You deserve better than that.’ I told her.
I took my hoodie off and put it around her. She slipped into it and I helped her zip it up.
She looked at me and gave me a hug. Her head rest on my chest and I hugged her back. She thanked me again.
‘You’re hearts beating really fast,’ She said, lifting her head away, ‘Why?’
I tried to think of an excuse, but couldn’t seem to say anything, so I just put my head down and stared at my legs.
She just stared at me.
‘Listen, V…’ my head started spinning. I was about to tell her how I felt about her but just couldn’t seem to get the words out.
‘What? What is it?’ She asked.
I sighed, then looked up at the stars.
‘I’m glad I met you too.’ I said, and placed my hand on top of hers.
Our eyes connected and I suddenly felt I could look at her without my heart racing or having angry butterflies in my stomach. No, now the feeling was different. I still had butterflies, but they seemed pleasant now. My voice wasn’t shaky anymore and I could look at her without having to look away.
She looked at me with a curious look in her eye, as if she was unsure about something.
‘Do you like me?’ She asked.
Confused and somewhat unsure why she was asking this, my head stepped back.
‘Well, of course I like you, you know that.’ I said.
‘No,’ She continued, ‘Do you LIKE me?’
I suddenly realized what she was asking. Every instinct in my body was too answer ‘No, not like that.’ But I couldn’t lie to her.
‘Listen, Virginia. I like you. I like you as a friend, as a person and as a buddy, I always have. You’re smart, you’re funny, you’re beautiful, gorgeous, even. And even though you’ve always been popular at school, you’re not as superficial as others, you care about people. You’re a great girl, V. So to answer your question…’ I looked up at her and stared her straight in the eyes, ‘Yes, I love you.’
As soon as the words came out, things seemed to have gone dead silent. She kept looking at me, still with that unsure look in her eyes.
‘So is that why you care so much for me?’ She asked.
‘Oh no! Don’t get me wrong, even if I didn’t have those feelings for you, I’d still care about you. Like I said, you’re a great person inside and out and you deserve more than what people give you.’ I assured her.
She was still looking at me with the same look. I couldn’t bare it much longer, it was killing me. Why did she seem so curious or unsure?
Suddenly, without expecting it at all, she leaned towards me and kissed me. My immediate response was to kiss her back, but when I came to my senses I gently pulled away.
‘I’m sorry,’ I said, ‘I shouldn’t have done that.’
‘It wasn’t you, it was me.’ She said.
I looked at her, confused.
‘V, you can’t play with me like this.’ I said.
‘What? What do you mean?’ She asked, obviously confused.
‘You can’t make me believe there’s something between us if there isn’t. You just broke up with Kyle, how do I know you’re not just getting back at him or something?’
‘So that’s what you think of me? You think I’d toy with people just to get back at my ex-boyfriend?’ I had evidently insulted her.
‘No, I don’t think it would be deliberate. But love’s a strong emotion and can make people do things they might not ordinarily do.’ I said.
‘You’re thinking of alcohol.’ She replied.
‘No, I’m not,’ I said, ‘Love and alcohol can both make you feel great or can both make you feel like death. And they can both cloud your judgement. So I have to know. Please don’t do this if you don’t really want to.’
She smiled and just looked at me for a while.
‘Look… I’ve never pr
operly thanked you for all you’ve done for me. And maybe because you’ve always been like the great friend I never had, I never realized how I really felt towards you,’ She answered, ‘But I see now how much you’ve always been there when I needed you. There’s no reason why I couldn’t love you back.’
As she said this, she leaned towards me and kissed me again. I was in ecstacy. It felt like time had stopped and our kissing was the only thing happening. For that moment, I saw nothing else around me but her. I gently put my hand on the side of her face and kissed her. I then slowly leaned toward her and as I did, she leaned back until she was on her back. I leaned over on top of her and kissed her some more, caressing her waist and thighs. She wrapped her arms around my neck. We kissed for what felt like hours on the big blanket on the wharf as I caressed her thighs and ass. She had a perfect figure. I don’t mean to be judgemental of others when I say this, however, she had a really nice ass.
As I caressed her fine bottom, she started tugging at my pajamas. Knowing what she wanted to do, I started taking my shirt off and she took my hoodie off. We kept kissing and I slowly took her pink pajamas off as she took mine off too. She was wearing nothing underneath so I started to rub her clit and play with it. Her breathing got a little bit heavier and she started gently stroking my cock. We masturbated each other for a little while until I took her white tanktop off, revealing a beautiful pair of firm breasts. Perfectly shaped. They weren’t huge, but nor were they tiny. She probably wears a size B cup (I later found out she wears 32B). I fingered her and played with her clitoris with one hand and massaged her breasts with the other.
Her breathing had now started turning to soft moans and I knew she was starting to get hotter and hotter so I started going down her body, kissing her breasts and her belly on my way down until I reached her clit and started eating her out. She immediately responded with a hip thrust and her moaning suddenly got louder. I fingered her as I licked and sucked on her clit, her hands pushing my face deeper into her as she raised her hips.
‘Oh God! Oh God fuck me! Right now! Fuck me now.’ She said, breathing heavily and moaning.
So I came back up, kissing her belly and sucking on her beautiful, average-sized tits, and then french kissed her.
I grabbed my cock and slowly pushed it into her. As soon as I penetrated, I started fucking her faster and faster in the missionary position. Her legs were raised in the air and she wrapped them around me. I kept fucking her with hard thrusts. I worried for a second that I might have been a little too rough, but my worries were cast away when she started crying ‘Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Harder!’
So I kept pounding her beautiful self until she asked me to stop. I got off of her and she turned around so she was lying on her stomach and told me to take her from behind.
I got on top of her again, put my cock in her pussy and started fucking her from behind. She was lying flat on her stomach, her legs straight and I was ramming her beautiful pussy. I leaned on top of her completely and grabed her hands with mine, wrapping my fingers around hers and kissed her back, then her neck, then the back of her right ear, still pounding her. We were no longer being careful to stay quite as to not wake anyone up. It seemed as if the rest of the world didn’t exist. She was obviously too pleased to stay quite anyways. Her moaning was almost turning into screams.
I kept fucking her when I felt I was about to cross the point of no return. I quickly realized that it may not be safe to come inside her and I didn’t have time to rush to the lake to spray my load, so I pulled out and somewhat paniced.
‘It’s ok, I’m on the pill! Fuck me! Keep fucking the shit out of me!’ She said.
So I stuck my cock back into her and kept fucking her and sank my whole dick inside her when I blew my load of cum into her beautiful pussy. Still towering over her, panting heavily, just as she was, I kissed her back. She turned her head to look at me over her right should and I kissed her, our tongues caressing each other.
I got off of her and collapsed to her right. I stared into her beautiful, green eyes. She smiled back at me and just seemed to stare at me. She pushed her head forward and kissed me.
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Alan found himself alone and with enough money at the age of twenty four that he didn’t need to work at a regular job. He remodeled the club house into a home with four bedrooms, three baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, and recreation room. The master bedroom was at one end of the building and the other bedrooms were at the other end for privacy reasons. The master suite had its own bath room and there was another for the other bedrooms. The third bath was off the recreation...
It was way too early in the morning. Saul had called up from the lobby at 6:30; Jen and I were supposed to be ready to go, but we were far from it. I told Saul we’d meet him, Mike and Lisa in the restaurant. We got down there by 6:45, wolfed down some tea and toast and off we went. We all piled into Mike’s car (Lisa in the front with Mike, me and Jen either side of Saul). Mike claimed that the walk we were doing today was a stroll in the park. What a joker! It was a short drive to Ambleside,...
ExhibitionismMy, my name is Michelle and I want to tell you what I was forced to do last weekend. I had made a bet with my boyfriend and the looser had to give a day of being a total slave to the other. I thought it would be fun no matter who won or lost. Well, I lost the bet. My boyfriend, Chris, told me to be ready on Saturday as that would be the day I had to be his slave all day long. Well, Chris didn't know it but one of my fantasies was to have somebody control me and make me do things I didn't...
We had spent the morning at an outdoor festival. It was October, but still very warm and sunny out, an absolutely gorgeous day to be outside. Even so, my intense dislike of crowds got the better of me, so he suggested that we drive over to the lake nearby to get away from everyone for a while. We could always come back later if we wanted. I felt a little bad about making him leave, but agreed, almost desperate to be away from the crush of people. He drove us the twenty minutes to the lake, but...
Oral SexIt is the first day of the vacation. Me and my wife are staying in a cabin by a lake from friends that we can use for two weeks. While my wife is doing some grocery shopping I decide to go for a run around the lake. While I run in my shorts and tank top I look around and see a lot of couple walking towards the lake to enjoy the sun. When I am half way the run I hear some moaning from behind some trees. Curious as I am I stop and try to peek to see what is happening. To my surprise I see two men...
LAKE ONTARIO Part One BY Lauren Westley Let me introduce myself. My name is Loren. When I was 22 years old I had a job similar in some respects to the Shining. I was working on a novel and found a job that had all the right characteristics. There was a small resort on Lake Ontario. It was only open from May through October. The first day in November it was closed and only needed a caretaker during the winter season. I had spent last year doing it and knew the routine. The...
Carol nervously looked out the window at the storm rolling across the lake, the weatherman had called for thunderstorms and she hated to be alone when one rolled through. Since her divorce, she had spent a lot of time alone, although she did have the occasional date and acquaintance to bring home with her. The kids were grown and gone and she found it increasingly harder to go to the bars, not wanting to feel desperate, but at the same time, not wanting to be alone. The power went out, 'Oh...
Finally, summer vacation was here! Six whole weeks of doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. The minute I got through the door at home I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs, turning the shower on and tossing my bag down onto my bedroom floor. I unzipped my skirt and it dropped to the floor, I kicked it towards the laundry bin and began unbuttoning my shirt. I wasn't sure what was with Miss Chapman today, considering it was supposed to be the last day I would have thought it would...
Samantha and Hannah borrowed Rich's 32' Bayliner Conquest for a day of water fun and culminating with an evening cruise on the lake. Tubing, sunning and swimming, they just had fun on the lake today. Having been on the water all day they decided to have an evening meal and wine in the cabin of the boat.After finishing the meal, they lay on the deck; gazing at the stars, laughing, talking, and so enjoying each other's company as a cool summer breeze engulfed their warm bodies. Samantha wore her...
I like to act as a teenager enjoy. But Not At the Carnival Like Mom Thought Ok, Here it is, fresh off the printer and the ink is still wet. Well, OK, so I am typing this and there is no ink, but damned if my panties aren't soaked! LOL hope you enjoy.! It was June 17th. I remember it very well as that day (a saturday) became my Daddy's and my anniversary of sexual adventure. It was the day I gave him my virginity. Where to begin, where to begin... Well I guess the story really begins...
The next morning I was standing on the deck with a cup of coffee looking out over the lake when Linda came up beside me and linked her arm in mine. We stood there is silence for a moment, sipping our coffee and dwelling on our own thoughts. “Linda”, I said, “These last couple of days you’ve shown me that it really is possible to find the happiness that I’ve been seeking. I’d like to spend more time with you, but I need to get back to my place and wrap up a few things. I’ll spend the...
I was in my bedroom, all alone. In front of me was my mirror. I took some time to admire my body. The Malayali features were prominent in me. My eyes were big and smoky. My slender pink lips complemented my dusky skin complexion. I had my hair cut up to my breasts. As I had just taken a bath, a portion of my hair curled and sat on my left breast. I pushed it behind to bring my breasts into view. They were big and round. They looked like chocolate cakes topped up by a chocolate chip. My curves...
INTRODUCTION My wife and I had gone on vacation to a lake cabin for 20 years. Since our last vacation she died from cancer. She made me promise to go at least one last time without her. I arrived on a Saturday after strongly debating whether I really wanted to do this. My wife and I had so many memories from these trips. We had made so many friends at the resort and had gotten to know many of the staff by name. I had helped 2 high school/college girls (Sarah and Sammy) with their basketball...
Just a warning: There is a time and perspective jump, to an event that happened during Part 1, from Paige's point of view which was not included in the Part 1 Story. Paige was constantly shooting me seductive looks from across the campfire. She had her legs spread with one draped over the arm of her chair. She kept lightly rubbing her erect nipples whenever I looked at her. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to get me horny again so that we could have some more alone time. And let me...
Before I knew it, I was gently hunching my hips against Pandora’s warm body. I did remember the horrific guilt I’d felt after I’d finished doing what I did the night before, but I was always so horny in the morning, I couldn’t help myself. I heard Pandora groan, as I moved my mid-section against her back and a second later, I felt her stubby, little tail wagging, right against my morning hard-on. Logic was fading, as lust began to take over. One of my arms was wrapped around Pandora’s neck,...
When I was 36 I took a temporary assignment (8-12 weeks) outside of Midwest city to open a new business development office. The firm put me in an extended stay hotel / condo. It was late July. After the first couple of days, my routine became fairly boring – work, go exercise room and order fast food or go out for fast meal, sleep. Weekends were more boring since I was not into the bar scene. Did some tourist things but I was generally bored. Three weeks into the assignment, I am going crazy...
Newark Concert Saturday, November 5, 2016 Paul & Paula 21 performs in Newark, New Jersey as the opening act for Michiko Takahashi. This concert is recorded in another document. The Treehouse Tour Friday, November 14, 2016 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI The cameras were in place, and the television crew was in a shady spot of lawn with a tire swing visible in the background. It looked as if only reporter Cynthia Benet and the two singing ten-year-olds, Paula Akron and Paul...
1 A two part story of a man whose lucrative business evolves into a true vocation. As with most of my stories it develops slowly, and I hope readers will stick with it into the second part.Houseboy For Hire, Part One Rory retrieved the key from under the third flower pot and let himself in the back door. He had a similar working arrangement with most of his clients, so that they wouldn’t have to be bothered letting him in every time, or even have to be home when he was there. ...
Michelle was still reeling from the encounter she had just had with a perfect stranger named Stan. He was the fireman that had given her first aid for the blisters on her feet, followed by an intense sex session right in the firehouse living quarters! She had just lived out one of her fantasies, and several more were swimming through her head as she waited for her ride home. After a few minutes, the fire engine returned from a blaze somewhere in the city. She was waiting patiently in the...
Pete and Devin stood atop a temporary platform which allowed them to look down through the hollow. The men smiled as they saw water draining away. Pete’s cell phone rang. As Pete answered it, Devin got a knowing look on his face. “Hello?” Pete answered. “Yes, this is Pete Nelson. Yes, Nelson Treehouse and Supply. Your treehouse ... hurting the tree? The side of a cliff!? Uh, yeah, that’s not something I’ve come across before.” The head of NTAS glanced around the work-site. “Um, yeah, I’ll...
My name is Lucy, and I own the Roadhouse. So, what's the Roadhouse? Basically, it's a bar, although we also have a not bad kitchen, so we do meals in the evening, and snacks all night until about an hour before closing. I'm ex-military, although you might not guess it to look at me. I was actually a Special Forces commando, in armies that allowed women into combat roles. I can certainly handle myself in a fight, as more than one man has found out at the wrong moment. While I do love a...
My jaw ached and it was worth it for the exhilaration I felt. I looked up at Xavier and caught the beads of sweat resting just below his hairline. He was panting, flustered perhaps in the manner to which I responded to his rushed announcement.At the point of climax, I was sure that Xavier’s knees weakened. Clasping his thighs, I felt his body tremble leading up to his release. His bucking hips stilled as I struggled to suck his swollen meat. Hot and with a tensile velvet, I eased it from my...
BisexualI had watched Misty from afar for as long as he could remember. We grew up next door to one another, but she was everything I wasn’t, cool, popular, and athletic. I sometimes thought I was invisible, I did well in school, but no one but the teachers knew I existed.Misty was a quandary though, she was so popular in school, but I never saw any friends at her house. In fact, I never saw her leave her house once home from school. I had a cool treehouse that overlooked both our back yards, and on...
MasturbationSRU: The Roadhouse by Corvus corax (Raven) Comma and Asterix looked at each other and sighed. Both of the deliverymen were hot, sweaty and very, very tired. On days like today, when it was 100 degrees in the shade, with 90 % humidity, it didn't pay to be moving around large pieces of magical equipment. Asterix continued to gaze over from the passenger seat of the SRU van to Comma, who was behind the wheel. He slumped down a little further into his seat. "Man! I sure could use...
The HouseboatThe small inflatable boat glided up to the big Gibson houseboat that was anchored out in the back country of the lower keys. The houseboat had been there for over a month now and a young couple lived on it full time. They had made ever effort to find a home in Key West, but no luck. There just never was anything available in the area that met their price range. The husband, Harry Adams, had equipped the boat with enough solar panels and a wind driven generator to furnish all...
It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...
CuckoldI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILF[My last story was too sweet, so I wanted to do something dark and gross. Well, dark and gross for me at least. Enjoy!] Snowflake and the Oatmeal Switch by Rohmer Fan Everyone told me that Philip was a bad influence on me. I knew that they were right and that he was mostly just using me for rides, but he was funny and I had a good time when he was around. We had been hanging out now for a little over a year. Today was just like any other day after school and we were heading back...
I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFAUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. ***** PRELUDE I woke up in the queen size bed on Saturday morning and looked over at the lovely person sound asleep next to me. It was a beautiful sight. We were both still naked from the marathon of sex from the night before. In spite of that however, I had a raging morning woody and I was ready for more. The bed sheets covered the lower...
‘Hey! HEY!’ Marcus yelled at the retreating form of Alice, trapped behind the plexiglass, he banged his tiny fists futilely against the surface. The sound reverberated within the room of the darkened dollhouse, but he had no doubt it was too quiet to be heard outside of that see-through wall. Not that there was anybody out there to hear it anymore, anyway. The bedroom door had closed, and Marcus was left alone inside of that dollhouse. Once the shock and embarrassment of what had happened...
My wife Megan and I were born and raised in the Atlanta area, and got our degrees from the University of Georgia. We got married right after graduation and moved to Baltimore for my civil engineering job and Megan got a job in finance there. By the time we were 32 years old, we had two children, and my company promoted me to a management position back in the Atlanta area.Megan was able to quit her finance job and stay home with the kids, due to my big increase in pay. I had a little more free...
OccupationsI shut off a table saw and heard the faint sound of crying coming from the treehouse. Concerned, I quietly climbed the ladder. My head poked over the edge, where I found Jodie, holding her phone and sobbing into her knees. I climbed the rest of the way into the treehouse and pit my hand on her shoulders. She looked up at me in surprise. "Daddy! Wha-?" "It's okay, sweetheart. What's wrong?" I asked, as gently as I could. Through her broken crying and restarting her sentences several...