Lake District Holiday (part 5) free porn video

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It was way too early in the morning. Saul had called up from the lobby at 6:30; Jen and I were supposed to be ready to go, but we were far from it. I told Saul we’d meet him, Mike and Lisa in the restaurant. We got down there by 6:45, wolfed down some tea and toast and off we went. We all piled into Mike’s car (Lisa in the front with Mike, me and Jen either side of Saul).

Mike claimed that the walk we were doing today was a stroll in the park. What a joker! It was a short drive to Ambleside, which is a few miles North of Windermere at the head of the lake. Once we parked, he showed us where our walk began: up a steep track. “Honestly,” he said, “The views at the top are magnificent. You won’t be disappointed.”

If I hadn’t spent so much of the previous day wet and naked, I might have enjoyed the walk more but the sun was out and there was hardly a cloud in the sky, so at least I was warm. We followed the steep track until we came to a step stile set into a wall to our left. Then we followed a trail (no less steep) up through a field and past another dry stone wall. There, the terrain flattened out a little and Mike pointed out where we needed to go.

“Just up there,” He said. “We’ve broken the back of the walk now.”

“Thank God,” panted Jen. My sentiments exactly. Looking back on it, the remaining climb really wasn’t that bad, and from the rocky outcrop at the top, the views down to Ambleside, and its Roman fort as well as the magnificent view down the lake were worth it--but neither Jen nor I were about to let on to Mike and Saul. Lisa (we told Blackthorn she was having the day off) was quiet and apparently much fitter than me or Jen.

We all sat down to admire the view. Because we had set off so early, we were the only people there. Later on, in an hour or two, there’d be many more hikers taking in that same view, according to Mike. Saul got out his camera and took a picture of the view down the lake. Then he invited me, Jen and Lisa to have our pictures taken. He took one or two and then Jen, in playful mood, pulled up her fleece, T-shirt and bra. “Well, if you won’t stop taking pictures, let’s give you a more interesting subject.”

Saul was only too happy to oblige. “Come on girls,” said Jen. “Going to join me?” Lisa looked a little wary and stepped away from us. But I unzipped my top, and pulled up my bra giving Saul a nice big smile for his flashing snap.

“Come on,” said Mike. There’s somewhere else I want to show you. We retraced our steps back down our final assent, and then Mike lead us the short distance to a tarn--the Cumbrian word meaning small lake--it had a small island in the middle. “Fancy a swim?”

Jen was in a sarcastic mood, “Oh no!” she said, “And I forgot to bring my swimming costume.”

Mike laughed, and pulled his shirt over his head. “No worries,” He replied as he pulled off his boots. “So did I.”

“I thought as much.” said Jen.

Saul joined in and started to take his clothes off too, but Lisa and I were the slowest. “Last one to the island is a rotten egg,” called out Mike just before jumping in to the waist high water.

Jen was just jumping in when I turned to Lisa and Saul. “Grab their clothes.” I whispered. We gathered all their clothes and boots as quickly as we could and ran.

“Hey,” shouted Mike. “Come back.” But given how they had treated me, he must have known that was unlikely.

“Bitch,” shouted Jen as we started running down the hill.

When we were out of sight of the two of them Lisa, who was slightly ahead of me and Saul, slowed to a walk. I slowed down too and she turned to me, “Will they be all right?”

“Heh. Not sure they worried too much about me when they left me tied to a tree the night before last. They should have seen this coming.” I grinned broadly at her, but in response, her smile was a little more reluctant. I turned to Saul, “You’ll get your comeuppance another time.”

He looked worried.

We carried on down the hill; I smiled to myself as I realised how little cover they would have--much more open space between themselves and the car than I had to deal with on my way back to the hotel. When we got back to Mike’s car, I stuffed the clothes onto the back seat. Making sure that no one but Saul and Lisa saw me, I put the car keys on top of the driver’s side front tyre. If they made it this far without the police getting involved, and saw their clothes in the car, maybe they’d look for the keys.


Lisa, Saul and I walked on into Ambleside and found a lovely little tea shop where we had something to eat (it was too early for lunch) and a nice cup of tea. If we were leaving the car for Mike and Jen, we needed to decide what we were going to do.

“They might wait for dark before they try to get down the hill,” Saul suggested.

“Perhaps. But I think they’re going to have to get out of the tarn soon, or they’ll freeze their arses off.”

“They must already be out, or they’ll be blue with cold,” agreed Lisa. She took a sip of her tea, and Saul did likewise. I broke a piece of cake off and popped it into my mouth with a smile.

Lisa smiled back. “Nicki was very cold when she got back to the hotel yesterday, you know. Very cold.”

I nodded, looking sternly at Saul. I was enjoying making him feel uncomfortable. I reached under the table and patted him on the knee. He really wasn’t expecting it, so it made him jump.

“So! Lisa!” I said. “What did you think of what I did to Mr Bastard Blackthorn yesterday? I bet he’s not been fucked in the arse before.” Though I addressed Lisa, my eyes didn’t leave Saul. He shuffled in his seat and I gave his knee a squeeze.

“What are you so nervous about, lover?” I asked, with a smirk.

Saul just cleared his throat, but Lisa replied: “It was certainly humiliating for him--but I think that was because he had an audience. When it comes to a bit of arse-play, I think he actually quite enjoyed it.”

“Mmm. I think you might be right. What do you think Saul?”

He just shrugged, still looking very uncomfortable. I broke off another piece of cake and ate it slowly. I was enjoying myself. After another sip of tea, I gave Saul’s leg another squeeze, and then slid my hand up his thigh. He shuddered. We were at a square table, with Saul in the middle--Lisa and I sitting opposite one another. “Ooh Lisa. Feel how firm Saul’s thighs are.”

With a smile, she slipped her hand under the table and gave his other thigh a squeeze. “See what I mean?”

She nodded and smiled.

My hand slid further up his leg and came to rest on a significant bulge at his crotch. “Oh my,” I whispered, “Guess what I’ve found.” I stuck the tip of my tongue out between my teeth. Lisa leaned forward and her fingers brushed mine as she found the same bulge in the top of Saul’s trousers. She and I exchanged smiles. Saul had gone strangely quiet.

I fumbled one handedly for his zip, and slid it down. I slipped my hand inside and fished out his semi-hard penis. It was a real handful. Lisa withdrew her hand a little when she first made contact with Saul’s cock, but then her curiosity got the better of her and she wrapped her hand around his growing member. With her hand and mine both wrapped around his pole we had its length covered, but only just. Sweat was breaking out on his shiny black forehead.

Lisa and I exchanged smiles. “I’m impressed,” I said.

“Me too.”

Saul shuddered when I slipped my hand into his flies and cradled his balls in my hands. I could feel that Lisa was now stroking his cock under the table. I glanced around the tea shop. No one else would notice what we were doing as long as we didn’t draw too much attention to ourselves. We just appeared to be chatting in whispers as we leant forward across the table.

I gave Saul’s lovely, hairless balls a squeeze, which made him jump. His knee came up and hit the underside of the table, spilling a little of my tea. “Tut, tut,” I said. “That was careless, wasn’t it?”

I’m sure Lisa was still stroking Saul’s cock, but I released his balls, and mopped up the spilt tea with a napkin. “What are we going to do?” I whispered to Lisa. “I don’t think that will fit back in his trousers now.”

She smiled, biting her lip. “You might be right.”

“Oh please.” Said Saul, though it wasn’t at all clear what he wanted.

“Please what? Stop? Go faster? Try to stuff your enormous cock back in your trousers?”

He coughed. “Please stop. I mean… stop for now. I would love to… But not here... Please?”

In response, I slowly licked the palm of my hand, then slid my hand back under the table and once more gave his balls a squeeze. “But I don’t want to stop,” I whispered. Turning to Lisa I mouthed, “Faster.”

Her eyes were twinkling now, and I could sense that her stroking was faster. Every so often one or other of us would have another sip of tea, but her stroking and my squeezing continued unabated. “Oh fuck,” moaned Saul.

“Don’t worry lover boy.” I responded. “We’ve got another napkin.” With one hand still on his balls, I wrapped my other hand around Lisa’s and tightened her grip on Saul’s lovely throbbing cock. With a last few strokes I felt his body tense--he did his best not to make it too obvious, but Lisa and I could both feel his spunk trickling down over our hands. “There now,” I whispered, “That wasn’t so bad now, was it?”

Lisa withdrew her hand and wiped Saul’s cum from her hand with a napkin. When I pulled out my hand, I lifted it to my mouth and licked my fingers clean.

“Holy shit.” Groaned Saul. Lisa and I looked at each other and giggled. A few minutes later, Saul's cock had shrunk enough that he could stuff it back into his trousers. I sent him off to pay for our tea and cakes. We decided that the walk of a few miles back to the hotel would be a nice leisurely way to spend the day, with various places along the route where we might stop for lunch. With the sun still rising in the sky, we set off along the road back towards the hotel.


Just as you’re leaving Ambleside to the South East, there’s a woodland walk signposted, that shows off a variety of different trees, planted in Victorian times. When we reached it, we turned off the coast road and up a track to the footpath. It was quite steep at first, but offered some nice views over the lake, and some of the trees were quite spectacular: Sequoias and Douglas Firs amongst them. When the path levelled out and seemed to be heading back around in a loop, I suggested we carry on climbing for a while, off the path and into the woods. Before long we were out of sight of the path and surrounded by trees.

The three of us sat down on a fallen tree, the trunk of which was free from branches for a good ten feet. “This is lovely,” I said. “A perfect spot.”

Lisa smiled and hummed her agreement.

Turning to Saul, I said, “I hope you’ve recovered.” I lifted my finger to my mouth and licked at it, as if there was still the remnants of his orgasm sticking to it. “Because you know what they say about a taste of honey.”

I put my other hand on his thigh and gave it another squeeze. “I feel like fucking.” When I slid my hand up Saul’s thigh once more, I could feel his cock rising in his trousers. “Lovely.” I continued. “It seems like you do too.”

Lisa seemed a bit nervous as I looked over at her. “What's the matter?” I asked.

“He’s very big.” She replied. “Much bigger than…”

“Don’t you worry, sweet Lisa,” I said. "I won’t let him hurt you. And trust me, you’ll love it.”

I knelt in front of Lisa and helped her take off her boots and then pull her leggings and knickers off. She sat back down on the log, wincing as she felt the rough bark against her arse. Then I leant forward and slowly licked along her milky white inner thigh. Her bush was neatly trimmed; my nose nestled there as my tongue licked and flicked at her clitoris. That made her gasp.

Saul, sitting next to her leant across to kiss her. I could see his tongue snaking into her mouth as my tongue slipped between her lips. She gasped again and grabbed handfuls of my hair, surrendering to the two of us.

Reaching over, I pulled at Saul’s zip and pulled out his already semi-hard cock, as my tongue slid up and down Lisa’s sweet slit. Then I was stroking Saul’s ever growing cock while I listened to Lisa’s breathy response to my caresses. Lisa’s pussy got wetter and wetter as I licked. Every so often my nose would nudge her clit and she would moan and shudder.

Soon, Saul's cock was throbbing and twitching. He really was very big and I could understand Lisa's nervousness. While I gently stroked Saul's length I slipped a finger, then two inside Lisa's dripping wet pussy. "You're so wet, my sweet, you'll be fine."

As I knelt in front of Lisa, still fingering her and flicking my tongue over her clit, I let go of Saul's cock and pulled down my leggings. Then I slipped my other hand between my own legs and slipped two fingers into my already wet and very willing cunt.

Looking up at Saul, I growled, "Fuck me, lover. Fuck me."

He didn't need telling a second time. In moments he was kneeling behind me and the tip of his cock was rubbing between my labia. I groaned and leaned forward to suck on Lisa's clit as I felt Saul push the tip of his massive penis into my tight wet pussy.

I rocked forward as he thrust into me, and started to lick up and down along Lisa's sweet slit. I felt Saul's hands at my waist and though he started off slow and steady he soon built up some speed. I felt his balls slapping me with each stroke. Since I first felt Saul's cock in his trousers two days previous I had been looking forward to this. And it was worth the wait. Over and over again he rammed his huge member deep inside me. God, he was good.

I lifted my head to take a breath; I was feeling light headed and tingling with the pleasure of this al fresco fuck. Suddenly my field of vision filled with light and my orgasm exploded. I collapsed forward in a heap, hugging Lisa's waist to avoid falling onto the needle strewn forest floor.

Saul wasn't done yet, but his cock slipped from me as I fell forward. I looked up at Lisa and whispered, "Your turn." After I rolled over onto my back I was out of the way enough that Saul could shuffle forwards between Lisa's legs. She looked at him with a combination of desire and consternation. She wanted him--that was clear. But she wasn't convinced she could handle him. Saul was gentle. He rubbed his cock up and down her glistening slit; she moaned, her head flopped back and closed her eyes. Slowly he rocked forward slipping the tip of his cock just between her lips, teasing her. When he rocked forward again his magnificent cock's glans was inside her and she looked straight at him, her mouth a capital O.

"Oh my God." She rasped. "Oh my God."

Saul rocked back and forth slowly teasing his cock head in and out of Lisa's pussy. Her head flopped back again and she moaned as he rocked. Almost imperceptibly, with each forward motion, Saul's massive tool slid slowly further and further inside Lisa. Every so often a thrust would go a little deeper than she expected and she'd open her eyes, look up and stare at him, biting her lip in an effort not to scream.

I raked my fingernails along his muscular thigh then slipped my hand between his legs and once more cupped his hairless balls, this time squeezing them as he thrust into Lisa. That got Saul groaning too. Saul held onto Lisa's legs and started thrusting more powerfully, letting her feel the full length--and girth--of his cock. Lisa's head rocked from side to side like she was in a trance. When she came it was amazing--it was as if I saw her orgasm ripple through her body like a wave. She was tossing her head from side to side moaning and panting before she slumped back, completely spent.

But Saul had not come a second time. Perhaps because of what had happened in the tea shop. After his cock slipped from Lisa's gaping cunt, I took it in my hands and, as I knelt in front of him, I licked and sucked the tip of his cock, stroking it with both hands. His shaft was slick with the juices from Lisa's pussy. She tasted wonderful. With one hand stroking, the other squeezing his balls and my mouth and tongue working him too, it wasn't long before I felt Saul's body start to tense. I pulled his cock from my mouth just in time to feel my face sprayed with jet after jet of hot salty cum.


Half an hour later the three of us were walking back along the coast road towards Windermere and our hotel. We hadn’t gone more than a mile before we saw Mike’s car passed us, with Jen and Mike waving and honking the horn. Mike pulled over and we jumped back into the car.

“Hi there,” I said. “Thanks for the lift.”

“You’re welcome.” Replied Jen.

“So--are you going to tell us what you’ve been up to?”

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Dream Holiday

Dream Holiday Synopsis Connie enrols on a specialist, virtual reality, Dream Holiday where she is taken back in time to an era where debauchery is commonplace amongst the aristocracy. Read also Virtual Punishments (2006) and Chamber of Horrors (2006) Dream Holiday by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...

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Sex Holiday 3 Caribbean Experience

This is again only FANTASYIt wasn’t long after we returned from Florida that the thought of the next year’s holiday came up. My wife still didn’t want to try any swinging outside of our main holiday time (afraid she might meet someone she knew if we tried it in the UK) but after the last 2 year’s holiday she said she loved the freedom she got for a week or so each year. The last 2 years had opened her up to naturism and being around naked people so she said that all future holidays had to have...

2 years ago
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Beyond Humiliation Chapter 1 Holiday Planning

BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...

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My much needed Naturist holiday

As my open hands caressed my body, my mind wandered, thinking they were my husband’s hands, my nipples beginning to harden, my lou-lou began to get warm and wet. Thinking I would put my pumps on and pump more milk. Malcolm always loved suckling me when I was full of milk, giving us both a terrific orgasm. Oh, how I miss him still. I got my pumps out placing them on both nipples, setting the suction to medium. Stripping off I leant back on the sofa, I placed my feet on the edge letting my legs...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 09

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 09 DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 ************************ After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through...

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What happened on holiday

One of the best holidays I ever had was with my ex-girlfriend C, several years ago. We went to the sunny island of Tenerife, and the weather was fantastic. For the whole two weeks we didn’t see a drop of rain, or even a single cloud! But it was what happened during the holiday that made it so good. At the time I was 27 and C was 24. We had been together for three years and had hit that ‘comfort zone.’ Sex was still great, but we had started to share our fantasies. C thought my...

1 year ago
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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 9

DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through but the material is very thin and it hugs my tits like a second skin. My nipples were doing their best to bore holes in it. I’d had the bullet on charge all night and when I was getting dressed to leave I...

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Emilys Second Solo Holiday Part 01

by Vanessa Evans If you haven’t read ‘Emily’s First Solo Holiday’ and ‘Emily’s Home Life Changes’ I suggest that you read them before reading this. Part 01 Before I tell you about my second solo holiday I think that it’s best that I tell you about some of the things that Jack has been making me do since I wrote about how my home life has changed. I think that it’s right to say that I am VERY happy living with Jack and being his submissive exhibitionist. We’ve even talked about us being...

3 years ago
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Lake Tennyson Part 2 New Rules The Original

“Mom, Dad?” “Yes, Fern?” “Could Matt and I continue sleeping in the same tent?” “I don’t see why not, Honey,” answered Dad. “Thank you.” Paige had a frown starting to grow on her young face, which, mothers naturally and instantly take notice of. “What’s wrong Paige? Don’t you like the food?” “No, no… the food is fine…” “Then what’s the matter? Tell us, we don’t want anyone to be upset on this trip.” Paige put down her spork and stared into nothingness, obviously fighting with herself....

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Lake house 1

I was driving up highway 41 toward the Sierra foothills on my way to a lake where I sometimes went camping and fishing.   My plan was to spend a few days fishing and unwinding from 2 weeks of intense contract work for a client.   I was alone because I had made the decision on the spur of the moment and I knew none of my friends would be able to get free on short notice.   That was ok, I was looking forward to being alone.   I reached my favorite spot on the lake, a small clearing on the...

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Lake house 1

I was driving up highway 41 toward the Sierra foothills on my way to a lake where I sometimes went camping and fishing.   My plan was to spend a few days fishing and unwinding from 2 weeks of intense contract work for a client.   I was alone because I had made the decision on the spur of the moment and I knew none of my friends would be able to get free on short notice.   That was ok; I was looking forward to being alone.   I reached my favorite spot on the lake, a small...

Straight Sex
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Lake Romp

My wife had these friends who scheduled girls' weekends when the various sports had their play-offs and stuff. I didn't really follow any of that astroturf stuff, but I always encouraged Anna to go along and blow off some steam. Have some innocent fun. They'd travel to a famous old spa, or the gambling boat. I didn't mind the odd empty weekend to just kick around the house alone. After all, when Anna returned, it was always with the full understanding that I'd drag her into the bedroom...

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Chris and Mark Go on Holiday

Chris and Mark Go on Holiday by DKB What I Did On My Holiday by Chris Burns For my holiday I went for the first time on holiday without my mum and dad. I stayed with my friend Mark and his parents in a cottage in Cheadle near Stoke on Trent. We saw people making pots and we played football a lot and ate ice cream a lot and the best bit was going to Alton Towers and going on as many rides as we could. My favourites were Oblivion, which was really scary, and also the...

4 years ago
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Great holiday party

Introduction: My slut wife gets some action at a holiday party So my wife Ann had a holiday party three years back. It started at two in the afternoon so I knew she was going to get drunk but not everything else. Ann called me and let me know that she was on her way I asked her that she not get to drunk as we had plans after. Ann has a great body by the way 5 foot 9 inches, B-sized tits, slim waist, and a great 40 inch ass. At the holiday party she had started drinking and then double fisting...

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12 days 121 dicks Holiday tinder frenzy part2

In January this year I went on a holiday. My Daddy thought it was a great opportunity to train His slut. I had a car to my disposal, lots of time and tinder at that place worked like crazy. I could get a new dick in a matter of minutes. Daddy set a goal for me to fuck 10 dicks. He was so proud that I exceeded that objective! I love to please my Daddy by being more and more slutty and using my cunt like it supposed to be used: getting all the dicks I can!Holiday dick #127Slutty, Polish 30-yo...

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Teasing Holiday to Mykonos

I've recently booked a holiday back to Mykonos which has brought back some rather vivid memories of my last trip there. This is a repost of what happened some time ago now - I wonder if this holiday will be as memorable!The tale concerns a holiday I once had with my now ex-wife Wendy, I've changed her name - though now divorced it was on the whole a pretty amicable split and as we remain good friends I'd still like to keep it that way.In true Lit fashion I suppose l should now describe Wendy;...

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My wife Sarah and I have been including others in out sex lives for nearly 10 years now and during the Covid restrictions we have been reflecting and remembering some of the most exciting encounters we have had. However we also got on to discussing each others sexual adventures from before we met, which wasn't until our mid thirties. It’s amazing what you remember when you start to recall events from the past and when Sarah asked me about my first ever MMF threesome this happy memory came...

1 year ago
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Holiday with Sister

It all started a year ago when my sister and I decided to go on holiday together. I got married about 10 years ago to a long- standing school friend, we were both 29 at the time and the relationship produced 2 kids, boy and a girl. My wife was a good woman but not too adventurous in bed, during the marriage we just got in a rut, then started to argue a lot, not enough money and the usual family things, so in the end we just split up went our own ways and got divorced, with both our kids living...

4 years ago
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Sex Holiday 2 The Lifestyle Friendly Hotel in Fl

Another FantasyAfter our holiday experience in Maspalomas I was interested in finding out if wife had really meant it when she had agreed to maybe having sexual experiences during overseas holidays. After dinner one night at home I suggested we look online for a venue for our next holiday. I asked if she was up for some new experiences and she said yes. I told my wife that we could go to Florida as I had been reading about a lifestyle friendly hotel just north of Miami. We could do some...

2 years ago
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Holiday of a lifetime

I'd finally done it. I'd saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I'd always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...

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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.************************************************* Long HolidayAs it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the...

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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 3

Although this could be read as a standalone story, it may be easier if you read the previous chapters. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. Thanks to Mfan and others for helping proof read ------------------------- Two nights running Bob had returned to his wife Sue late, she being bedridden with a migraine in their holiday apartment. So far Bob had successfully managed to convince her that he befriended some lads on a stag weekend that got him into a...

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The Exhibitionist Girls Solo Holiday Part 1

by Vanessa Evans A girl goes on holiday to find ways to live her exhibitionist fantasies. Part 1 Hi, my name is Sadie and I’m and exhibitionist. No, I’m not at a meeting of exhibitionists anonymous I’m at home, my own small apartment typing this story. It starts about six months ago when I broke off my relationship with a young man that I’d been going out with for nearly a year. Why did I break up with him? Well basically he turned out to be a prude. We’d been making love in all sorts...

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Holiday adventures a new beginning

HomeDartmoor, in the winter as rugged and rough as the thorny gorse bushes that thrive on the hillsides, in the summer as beautiful as the woodland that nestles along the banks of streams that trickle into the rivers.It is my home of choice outside the bustling city of Exeter, where I’ve worked for the past 10 years. My job is a high salaried, its high-profile stressful working for the city council. Big budgets, hiring and firing people all the daily problems all add to the stress, but I love...

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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

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Sophies Summer Holiday

Today the girl sat at the seat in front of Julia, who watched as the routine continued – the girl shuffled the skirt of her school uniform up an inch or two, so that she displayed just a little more black nylon-encased leg, and ran her fingers through the long dark ringlets of her hair, tousling and teasing them into what she obviously hoped was a more street-wise and sexy look. Julia smiled to herself, all the girl’s actions reminded her so much of herself as a schoolgirl twenty years...

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Sophies Summer Holiday

Introduction: This is my entry for the second writers competition on the forum. I apologise for the length as its nearly 20,000 words, but Im quite pleased with it, and I hope you take the time to read it. Thank you x The bus lurched to a halt at the stop. From her seat, Julia looked on as the petite pretty young girl impatiently waved goodbye to her mother at the stop, and got on board. As ever, the daily routine took place the girl paid the driver for her fare, and marched down the aisle, sat...

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Holiday Fun Pt 3

HOLIDAY FUN 3Not read parts 1 & 2 yet? You need to ?Holiday Fun part 1 Fun Part 2 next morning we were woken to the buzzing of Deb’s phone somewhere in the room. Deb jumped out of bed naked and started searching for her purse, her ass pointed in my direction as she bent over to pick her purse up from the floor, her tight puckered ass looking fantastic and her...

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Lake Cabin Part 1

Last year my wife and I had just returned from our annual trip. About a week later she woke up with a great pain in her abdomen and severe nausea. She occasionally had some small pains and occasional nausea for several months, but it was never severe enough to concern her. Today it was different. I took her to the emergency room. I called into work to take the day off as she waited to see someone. After several tests and a few days they discovered she had advanced cancer in her liver and it...

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Lake Tannin

Alan found himself alone and with enough money at the age of twenty four that he didn’t need to work at a regular job. He remodeled the club house into a home with four bedrooms, three baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, and recreation room. The master bedroom was at one end of the building and the other bedrooms were at the other end for privacy reasons. The master suite had its own bath room and there was another for the other bedrooms. The third bath was off the recreation...

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Lake Superior Love

Lake Superior has never looked better. Years ago I had heard about a little chunk of land the was seven miles out of the nearest town, and right on the water. I was unable to get it at that time, but I always kept it in the back of my mind. Now I am alone again and looking to make a new life, so I looked into if that land was still available. It was, so I bought it and opened a log lodge style get-away. I cater to families, but every now and then a single person would come and stay for a while...

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Lake Showing

My, my name is Michelle and I want to tell you what I was forced to do last weekend. I had made a bet with my boyfriend and the looser had to give a day of being a total slave to the other. I thought it would be fun no matter who won or lost. Well, I lost the bet. My boyfriend, Chris, told me to be ready on Saturday as that would be the day I had to be his slave all day long. Well, Chris didn't know it but one of my fantasies was to have somebody control me and make me do things I didn't...

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