What Happened On Holiday free porn video

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One of the best holidays I ever had was with my ex-girlfriend C, several years ago. We went to the sunny island of Tenerife, and the weather was fantastic. For the whole two weeks we didn’t see a drop of rain, or even a single cloud! But it was what happened during the holiday that made it so good.
At the time I was 27 and C was 24. We had been together for three years and had hit that ‘comfort zone.’ Sex was still great, but we had started to share our fantasies. C thought my fantasy of seeing her getting screwed by another man was difficult to understand. She thought I should be angered by such a thought, but I wasn’t. I had been in threesomes and all sorts with my previous girlfriend, who was a complete slut and the thought of something similar happening with C really turned me on. C was cross at first, but soon admitted that her fantasies also involved her being with other men, but she stressed that these fantasies were just that. Fantasies. They would NEVER actually happen, not if we were to stay together. I was okay with that. I was madly in love with her, anyone would be. She was a great girl, if a little bit prudish at times.
C was only short, about 5 feet tall total, and a natural blonde with hair down to just past her shoulders. She had a cute and pretty face with bright green eyes. Her body was curvy without being plump. Her breasts were 36D, but looked even bigger on her short frame. Her hips were accentuated by a small waist, and her curvy bottom stuck out and looked fantastic along with her tits in her bikini. She considered herself ‘chubby’ though and hated her curves, despite me loving them and assuring her so. She had only slept with two men before me, and even then only been in brief relationships with them, so she had never really developed any confidence in her body. This all started to change though with our holiday encounter.
Upon arrival in Tenerife we found we were on the top floor at our hotel, in a corner room with a great balcony which was only joined onto one other balcony. The room to that balcony was vacant so we had fantastic privacy which allowed the normally shy C to sunbathe topless as she daren’t get them out around the pool or on the beach.
We had been there almost a week when the room next door became occupied by two young lads in their late teens. Luckily C had her top on when they first came strutting out into the sunshine, and said “hello” over the low rail which separated their balcony and ours. They introduced themselves as lee and Chris, and asked us about the resort; where the best bars were and such. We got talking to them, they were from Manchester and they seemed a nice pair of kids, only 19 years old although you would have thought them older with their choice of conversation. While C and I were chilling out we would listen to them waffling on about the many girls they had been with and what they had done with them. C and I shared a grin at their obvious exaggerations but we didn’t say anything. The lads would often bring beers up from the bar and throw some over to us which was really nice.
The day after they first arrived, C and I had been drinking for most of the day in the bar around the pool before retiring upstairs to carry on sunbathing on our balcony. The lads were there drinking beers they had brought up from downstairs and threw us a pack over which was very welcome as the weather was scorching. The lads looked slightly the worse for wear and C and I were slightly drunk too, when suddenly the lads turned their subject of talk to women again. They started discussing a girl who they had seen the day before on the beach topless and who had enormous breasts. Lee said they were almost as big as C’s! My girlfriend blushed and stuttered and the two lads asked her why she didn’t go topless as it was really private up as high as we were. She said because they were there, and they both exploded that she should get them out. They didn’t mind! I laughed and C glared at me, saying ‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you?’ – that only made the two lads laugh even harder, and they started to call her chicken. C responded to that by saying it was ok for men, they didn’t have to get their tackle out, but that only provoked the two lads further. Chris promised to sunbathe totally naked if she went topless and after a moment Lee agreed the same! C told them to prove it and after they shared a brief look, they shrugged and took their shorts off. Lee was only of average size downstairs, but Chris had quite a thick, heavy looking and very veiny cock. I tried not to look, and chuckled at both their young hi-jinks and at C’s obvious embarrassment. I did see her have a good look though, before she got up and walked back into our apartment. For a moment I thought she had done a runner from the situation, but she came back out a new bottle of sun cream and laid back down on her front. Unknotting the ties on her bikini top, she carefully pulled it off, making sure not to expose so much as a nipple. Then with a massive grin on her face, she asked me to put rub some cream into her back and laughed at the two lads on the other balcony. ‘There you are. I’m topless.’
The lads knew they had been done, and I knew that C was far too shy to get her boobs out, so I should have guessed what she was about to do. The two Manc kids were obviously disappointed, but didn’t put their shorts back on. Instead they started to argue about whose dick was the biggest and just carried on drinking. I continued to watch C, and saw her keep sneaking glances at the two lads’ cocks. I figured she was curious, as she had only seen a few knobs before mine.
After a while, C got up and rolled over, pulling her bikini top with her to keep her modesty, to which lee and Chris moaned in dismay. They urged her to go topless saying there was nothing worse than white lines, but C told them to keep dreaming. The drinks we had downed were obviously starting to take effect on her, because as she rubbed some more cream into her stomach and shoulders, she piped up that they should put some on their privates before they got burned balls! The lads laughed and agreed, and I realised that we had just given them something else to be lary about. I knew what was coming next so I wasn’t surprised when Lee climbed over the low railing and into our balcony.
C jumped at first her hand jumping to her bikini top, which wasn’t fastened at the back, but then laughed when he held his bottle of sun lotion and asked her if she wanted to rub it in for him. She politely declined, and he shrugged and sat on the reclining chair next to C, on the other side of her from where I was similarly laid, enjoying the sun and the beer.
Lee lay out on his side facing us, pointing out that C had missed a spot on her belly with the sun cream and squirting some of his lotion in to his hand, he offered to put it on. Again C declined , calling him a cheeky git, but told him seriously he should put some on his willy before it did burn. Lee shrugged off the rejection, but Chris shouted over the railing daring Lee to rub the cream into his dick. Lee looked over at me and I shook my head chuckling to myself, and pointing out that my shorts were staying on! I think he took this is an okay to do what he was about to do in front of my girlfriend, and said “ok” before standing up and starting to massage the white suntan cream into his dick, which immediately started to stiffen.
When Chris saw this and pointed it out – “he’s getting a stiffy!” – we all burst into hysterics but Lee just carried on rubbing the lotion in before waving his proud erection around and bragging how big it was. It wasn’t really huge, probably about 6 inches or so, in fact was very similar in length and girth to my own although his pubes were trimmed very short where mine is fairly hairy. I glanced at C and saw her having a good look at his dick. She saw me watching her and turned bright red when she realised I had caught her gawping. I pointed out that Lee was embarrassing my blushing girlfriend and he told her it served her right and waved his now fully-hard dick right in front of her, no more than a few inches from her face! C flinched away, closing her eyes, very embarrassed but still laughing at the situation.
Lee sat back down, and I told him that he deserved a beer. Chris called over that they had run out, and I offered to go downstairs and get some more bottles. The two lads said ‘yeah – cheers!’ but C looked at me slightly alarmed. I mouthed silently to her that she’d be ok for two minutes, wouldn’t she? and when she nodded reluctantly, I slung on a t-shirt and left to restock our alcohol supplies.
I deliberately took my time, walking down the stairs instead of using the lift and when I got to the bar, I stood chatting to the barman for a few minutes before eventually setting off back to our room with the drinks. I wanted to give the lads as much time as possible with C before I returned, just to see what would happen.
I was probably gone for about twenty minutes in total, just about long enough for something to happen and so I was slightly disappointed to see that nothing too untoward seemed to have developed while I was downstairs. C was sat relaxed in the bright sunshine and had her bikini top still lain loosely over her breasts. Lee was laid out on his back next to her, still with everything out for all to see, although his erection had now diminished. Chris was also now on our side of the balcony, but now had some shorts on and was leaning over the outer railing and watching the people splashing around in the pool some five stories below. He turned as I approached and caught the bottle of beer I tossed him. Lee accepted one as well as did C, and I took my t-shirt off and laid back out on my sun lounger to enjoy the nice cold drink.
I asked them what they had been up to while I was gone, and C told me not to worry, the boys had been behaving themselves. “Although they’re still going on about me going topless!” Lee looked across C at me, pouting in disappointment and I told her she should just do it and forget about them. “Let them have a gawp. After all, I saw you looking at their bits.” As soon as I said that C went bright red again, and both the boys immediately started to cry out about how unfair she was being. “Busted!” Lee said happily and got up, waving his dick around again. C told him to sit down – “Forget it, it’s NEVER going to happen!” she insisted, still giggling at his clowning around with his dick swinging around. Lee sat back down, still groaning in mock disappointment and for the rest of the afternoon we sat and finished the beers with a relatively decent conversation about music. Well, as decent as could be when your party includes a half-drunk, naked, young male.
Once the sun went down, and the weather cooled down a bit, the two lads hopped back over to their side of the balcony and into their room for a sleep. We did the same, and went downstairs for a drink around the town that night. I hoped to bump into the lads again to see what might happen as C was well and truly sozzled by 10 o’clock but we never saw anything of them. I did however get one hell of shag when we got back to our room just after midnight. C was very horny and despite my protestations about the rooms to either side hearing us, she was much more vocal than usual and practically screamed her head off when she came!
The next morning we rose much later than usual, C in particular suffering from the after-effects of the night before. We decided not to hit the beach or pool that day, but rather to spend the day on the balcony until we both came around a bit. The lads were nowhere to be seen.
After a couple of hours of dozing in the heat, and rehydrating ourselves with bottled water and pop, we felt quite a bit better so C suggested we have some cocktails. Hair of the dog and all that, so I went downstairs to the bar to order us some pitchers of something really nice.
As I was waiting for the waiter to mix them up, Chris tapped me on the shoulder and said “Hi.” He asked me what we were doing today and I told him we were spending the day outside the room, so he asked if they could join us again as we all had such a laugh yesterday. He started to apologize for Lee’s behaviour, explaining that his mate often got a bit daft with too much beer inside him, but I told him to relax and not worry. They had made us laugh, and besides C could do with ‘loosening up’ a bit. He looked at me quizzically while ordering himself and Lee two pitchers of cocktails to add to ours. I explained that C was a bit shy, so all the messing around might bring her out of her shell a bit, and help her confidence.
Chris nodded his understanding, and as we caught the lift back up to the rooms I jokingly suggested we should do a bit of naked sunbathing again. He laughed out loud, and said that he was up for it if we were, but he seriously doubted C would go for it. “Well, we can try!” I winked at him, and he gave me that quizzical look again. “I don’t mind.” I assured him, “It’s all a bit of holiday fun isn’t it? And it might boost her confidence a bit.” Chris shrugged his shoulders as we entered our rooms; the doors were next to each other. “I have to admit mate,” he said, “I wouldn’t mind seeing her topless. She’s got a cracking pair on her.” I winked at him and went into our rooms with the pitchers.
Lee was already on our balcony when I got out there, taking C and I two full glasses of drink. He was sat next to C again and they were chatting away about Manchester. C had studied there when she was younger. He had his shorts on for a change, and C was wearing a black bikini which was slightly too small, making her boobs bulge out at the sides. He waved at me and asked where his drink was as I plonked myself down on the other side of C. “I’ve got it over here!” shouted Chris who had also stepped out into the sun holding two long drinks. I called for Chris to come over to our side again, saying we were going to do some naked sunbathing again. C looked at me and said “Well you lot can, but I’m happy as I am.” This time, we all let out a sad moan and she started laughing and calling us all desperate perverts.
Chris insisted he wasn’t desperate at all, in fact he had spent the night with some girl last night, and Lee backed him up, saying he had spent the night all alone in their room. Poor Lee! Although he did get to listen to someone getting a right good seeing to in the early hours. At this C went that shade of beetroot again, the colour she always goes and Lee started laughing and telling Chris what he had missed out on. “He must have a cock even bigger than yours” he said to his mate, pointing at me. I shook my head, but Chris rose to the bait looking over with a twinkle in his eye and using what his friend had said, he had obviously decided to see if we could get the party moving a bit. “Let’s see then Paul,” he challenged me, and proceeded to whip his own shorts down again.
Again I shook my head, saying mine wasn’t as big as his, but with Lee egging me on and what I had said as we came upstairs I had no choice. Reluctantly, I took my shorts off and lay out on the sun bed, quickly raising my cocktail to my face to hide my awkwardness. The two lads whooped in approval. Lee took his shorts off, and a laughing C was now completely surrounded by naked men. It was at this point that I thought something might really happen here. C had never been this comfortable with other guys before, especially naked ones and with the mixture of the booze, the sun and the feel-good vibe of the place, my hopes were definitely rising.
Chris dragged a lounger from their side of the rail, and we all slid ours up a bit, so that we could fit the four beds in a row. Lee practically begged C to take her top off, and she teased him by removing it and laying on her front again, which only wound him up even more. She passed me the sun tan cream and asked me to put some on her back, but I told her I needed to pee and tossed the bottle to Lee, who offered to do it for her. She took a moment but agreed, with it only being her back.
I did need a pee, but I wasn’t that desperate. I was just eager to try and jog things along a bit. When I returned, they were all laughing and I asked what the joke was. Lee was still rubbing cream into C, now doing the backs of her legs while C pointed at Lee’s painful-looking erection. The kid wasn’t bothered at all, and was telling C it was her fault for having such a nice body. C blushed again at the comment. She reached for her drink and took a long pull, handing me the glass for a refill.
Dutifully I went and got us both a top-up and when I came back Lee sat down, but was now rubbing the sun-tan cream into his fully-hard member. This time there was no doubt about, he was definitely stroking himself. Basically he was having a slow wank in front of my girlfriend, and she knew it too. “Tell him to stop being rude!” she asked me as I gave her drink. “I’m rubbing sun-tan cream in!” he protested, all innocence and gave me a wink. I grinned at him and Chris chimed in that C had better watch out. With her body being so sexy, and with Lee not getting any last night, she might end up with some special sun-tan cream splashed across her back at any moment.
Lee took that as a cue to stand up and start stroking himself right over C and she reacted by practically jumping off the sun-bed in alarm. She was frantically reaching around for her bikini top with one arm, while the other one barely managed to keep her bare breasts covered. Puzzled at the top’s disappearance she looked up to see Chris wearing it as a hat. I howled with laughter, we all did, except for C who scowled and demanded it back. I told her to sit back down, Lee wasn’t going to cum on her really. She looked at him with suspicion in her eyes, but she still wanted the bikini top back.
“Only if you let us have a look at those fantastic tits of yours first.” Chris said. He was waving the black top around his head. I was creased up in laughter and C gave me a very dirty look when I refused to help her. She got up and chased Chris around, being careful not to trip over. There wasn’t much space between the lined up loungers, but being rather tall Chris easily held the top out of her reach even when she caught up with him. Again C looked at me for help, but I just laughed along with the two lads and shrugged. She sighed and sat back down on her sun bed with a resigned look on her face. “One look – that’s all you’re getting,” she whined and then quickly, with her eyes screwed shut, she lowered her arm and let her boobs swing into full view for the first time in front of the two lads, who immediately applauded.
After about five seconds, she covered them up again and held her hand out for the top, but Chris refused saying that was only a flash. Lee agreed and said she had to leave them out for at least ten minutes. She countered with five and they agreed. With an absolutely glowing-red face, she lowered her arm again and laid back in the sun, her eyes tight shut in embarrassment.
Again the lads cheered, and to my surprise she just lay there, not making any move to cover herself. She really was going to give them five minutes! The lads quietened down and we all laid back down where we were, supping our drinks. The only item of clothing any of us were wearing now was C’s black bikini bottoms! After a minute, C opened her eyes and looked at me and then at the lads. “You’ve all got hard-ons, you pervs.”
I was surprised to notice that I had and I looked over at the other two, both grinning like Cheshire cats. I told C she couldn’t blame us, they were an excellent pair of tits, to which Lee and Chris agreed. I saw C look over at Chris’s erection, and she raised herself up on one arm to look again in a sort of double-take. I looked over too and saw why. His dick had been impressive when it was soft, but now it looked frightening! It dwarfed mine and Lee’s, being both very long and thick and the vein down the side looked fit to burst.
Lee broke the silence, saying Chris was a jammy bastard to have a dick like that, wasn’t he? C burst into fits of laughter, but never took her eyes of it as Chris got some sun-tan cream and started to rub it in just like Lee had. C asked how big it was, had he ever measured it? Chris replied that he hadn’t himself, but girls did all the time. The girl last night couldn’t even fit it all in, he joked. C pressed him for a definite answer and he replied that it was 9 inches long, but sometimes it got to 9 and a half.
C patted me comfortingly on the arm first and then did the same to Lee, telling us not to worry, it was what you did with it that counted. Chris pointed out that he knew how to use it too. C just raised her eyebrows, laughed and took another long drink before giving me the glass to refill again which I did, leaving them to talk. I heard Lee wishing his dick was bigger, while Chris was saying he wished his was smaller sometimes.
I refilled our glasses, finishing off the two pitchers I had bought and returned to find C sitting up now, still topless but watching Chris still stroking himself, pulling the skin right back. His helmet was really pointy, I noticed for some strange reason. C took the drink off me and hurriedly explained that she had asked Chris to try and make it even bigger, to the 9 and a half because she didn’t believe him. Did we have a ruler, she asked. When I gave her a funny look she added “Just for the laugh?”, looking at me slightly apprehensively. I told her it was all right, but we didn’t have a ruler. I must have forgotten to pack it! Who takes a ruler on holiday?
Well over five minutes had gone by now and I told her so. Chris offered her the top and she thought about taking it, and then said she wasn’t bothered. The boys had seen her boobs now, so there was no point in covering them back up. Besides, no-one liked white lines, she pointed out, as the boys had said the day before. Chris and I both shrugged and he put the top back down and carried on teasing himself. It was obvious that she was quite tipsy, and the cocktails had given her some ‘Dutch courage.’
C pointed out to Chris that it didn’t seem to be getting bigger, and he passed her the lotion, suggesting it might get bigger if she rubbed some in for him. All three of them burst into fits of giggles, but C said he had no chance. That wasn’t touching that ‘thing’ and as she looked at the pair of them sat there toying with themselves, she said it was unlikely their knobs were going to burn in the sun today with all the lotion they had rubbed into them. Maybe they had put enough on now?
I realised something and jumped into the conversation. C was a natural blonde, but also quite fair skinned. She had caught plenty of sun so far on the holiday, but her boobs were still very white and I told her she needed to put some cream on them if she wasn’t going to put her top back on. She agreed and went to spray some onto her boobs and then turned bright red. “I can’t do it. I can’t rub my…” she tailed off and the 2 Manc lads laughed at her shyness. I told her not to be silly, and she put her hands to her breasts and started to rub it in, but she was too aware of the lads watching her. “I can’t, will you?” she asked me, and turned away from Chris and Lee, towards me with an imploring look. Both the lads offered their services and she told them to forget it.
I agreed and sitting up, motioning her to lie back. As she did, C told the two youngsters not to get off on this. She closed her eyes, in embarrassment again I think, and I squirted a liberal amount of the lotion across her boobs and began to massage it in. Lee was sat directly next to C and turned to watch the proceedings, then I noticed him trying to mouth something to me and I quickly got the idea he was trying to get across. I had both hands on her boob nearest me, and I lifted my right hand and winked at him. He deftly replaced it with his right hand and together we rubbed the lotion in. Both Lee and Chris were trying hard not to laugh as he had a good feel and then I motioned for him to do the breast nearest him on his own as I sprayed some cream onto it.
I was waiting for C to open her eyes at any minute and scream, but all she did was tell me to hurry up, while unbeknown to her it was Lee who was rubbing the lotion into her left tit. He even deftly circled her nipple with his thumb and forefinger, causing it to stand to attention before stopping and removing his hand just in time. C opened her eyes and thanked me, then looked at Lee suspiciously for a moment when she noticed how close he was sat, almost on top of her.
“Having a good time, watching that?” she asked and Lee nodded. I think if he had said anything he would have collapsed laughing. Chris was obviously struggling to hold back his laughter. “Don’t they ever go down?” she asked next, gesturing towards Lee’s knob which was straining towards his belly-button, it was that hard. She declared she was going to have a nap, and closed her eyes again. As soon as she did, Lee started punching the air in celebration, while Chris cursed his luck. He pointed at himself, telling me he wanted to cop a feel next time.
For a while we all just lay down and caught some rays, C rolled over to do her back for a while and I went downstairs with Lee and got some more cocktails. When we came back, we drank a little more and napped until C rolled over onto her back again. She tossed me the spray, and asked me to do her front, legs and all. I put some on her arms and face first and then told her I was going to do her boobs again. She nodded, her eyes stayed closed. I think she was half asleep, enjoying the sun and the sensation of having the cream rubbed in. “No watching,” she mumbled sleepily to Lee.
I looked over to Chris, giving him a nod, and he switched beds with a reluctant Lee. Again, I sprayed the cream on but let Chris have all the fun from the start. He gently rubbed the cream in, enjoying a good feel. I hardly dare breathe the entire time. He mouthed the word ‘wow’ at me as he daringly held both her tits in his hands for a moment before he finished, and I grinned back at him.
C yawned, and he jumped back, but she didn’t open her eyes. Instead she just dreamily asked me to do her belly and legs. Chris looked and me and I nodded so he did her shins and tops of her thighs. He was biting his lip as his hands ran close to the edges of her bikini and between her legs but he didn’t try anything. Then he moved to her stomach and rubbed cream right down to the waist band of her bottoms. I saw him stop and think about what he was doing, then with a quick glance at me, he gently lifted the edge of her waistband and slid his hand under rubbing the cream into the area just underneath, but no further down than was appropriate.
I always did this, so C didn’t object, but then he got a little more daring, and with Lee now sat right next to him and elbowing him to go for it, he lifted the front of her waistband and the 2 of them ducked their heads to look down her bottoms. C opened her eyes and yelled at them while shoving Chris’s hand away. Both lads were curled up laughing on the bed next to her as she tried to regain her composure.
“I can’t believe it. Did you…? Did they…?” she looked from me to Lee to Chris and once I realised she wasn’t really furious, but rather shocked and embarrassed, I told her that while her eyes were shut Lee had put the sun cream on her boobs the first time, and Chris the second time. She went completely tomato red in the face and swore at them while taking a massive drink of her cocktail. Then she glared at me, asking me how I could let them do such a thing. I could tell she wasn’t really angry and told her how funny it was, and after a minute or so she saw the funny side toom, saying to the two hysterical lads that she hoped they had enjoyed a good time at her expense, but told them off for looking down her bottoms. It was one thing to rub sun lotion in to her boobs, men did that all the time, but to go downstairs was pushing it a bit far.
Chris apologized, admitting he shouldn’t have done it, but C said there was no harm done and after all they hadn’t really seen anything, had they? Lee admitted that he had seen everything, and Chris said he had too and that she had a ‘fuzzy’ one. If it was possible for C to go any redder, she did. She was naturally blonde down there too and shaved it most of the time. However, since we had come away, she had only trimmed her bikini line, so her pubes had grown back a little bit, leaving just a fine growth of fair hair across her pussy. She stammered that she normally shaved it, but it needed doing, and we all practically collapsed laughing at the mortified look on her face. If it was possible to split your sides laughing, we would have that day, it was that funny.
Somewhat contrite now, the two lads resorted to laying out on their loungers for the rest of the afternoon, but just before they left, Chris asked if I was going to give her a good seeing to again tonight. I told him I hoped so, and he promised to come back tonight for a listen. C just rolled her eyes as we retired indoors for a nap.
That night we enjoyed a lovely meal, before C asked me to take her back and ‘give her that good seeing to’ which I mentioned, so I did. Again, she was very vocal, but this time even though she was drunk, I knew she was doing it deliberately to wind up the lads next door who we could hear cheering back appreciatively through the wall when she finally came. We both went to sleep with huge smiles on our faces that night.
When C came out of the shower the following morning, I pointed out how tanned she was, and she admitted that she looked a bit better for going topless yesterday. Her breasts were still paler than the rest, but definitely had caught some colour and looked better for it. We decided to hit the beach and she said she might even go topless there to try and even out the white bits. I also noticed that she had completely shaved downstairs too, following the events yesterday, but I didn’t comment.
When we got to the beach, bright and early for us (before noon), C did actually take her top off for a while which was unusual for her. However we didn’t stay there too long as the heat was incredibly hot, almost unbearable and so we retreated back to the hotel. C also wanted to sun her boobs a bit more, and felt more comfortable doing it on the balcony than around the pool.
Once again, we stocked up on drink, plenty of beer this time and with only a few days left before we went home C was determined to get a great tan, so the bikini top came straight off. Even when Lee and Chris came onto their balcony an hour or so later, she didn’t make any move to put it back on, despite them giving her wolf-whistles. I asked her if she was bothered and she replied they had both had good look and even a feel yesterday so what was the point?
I told the lads we had got some beers if they wanted to join us, which they did but Lee said he had to keep his dick under wraps today as somehow, despite the all the sun cream, he had burned it yesterday! That really tickled C and she asked him to show us. He reluctantly lowered his shorts to reveal a rather pink and sore-looking willy. We couldn’t help but laugh. Lee asked how mine was and I told him it was fine. I hadn’t even put any lotion on but then again I’m one of those lucky people who tans really easily and never burns. C asked him if he’d put any after-sun on it and he replied that he hadn’t got any. She tutted at him, went into our room and brought some out. “I’m not putting it on for you though,” she said as she lobbed it to him.
The poor lad sat down next to us and put some on, once again eliciting a bit of an erection as he did so. He complained that it hurt, so C told him to stop playing with it already, and to put some sun block on top if he was going to be sitting there with it out again. He said he wasn’t, and pulled his shorts back up. C actually looked disappointed and moaned and pouted, so Chris and I volunteered to sunbathe naked and she said “yippee” as we both undressed.
Chris pointed out that she didn’t seem as bothered about going topless today, so why didn’t she go totally naked too? C gave him a scathing look and said she was topless because they had already seen and felt her boobs so it seemed silly to be shy about them, but Chris interrupted saying they had seen her pussy too, so why be shy about that? As per usual C blushed and said nothing. I butted in, telling Chris that he hadn’t seen it as it was now though. He asked me what I mean and I told him (despite C’s protestations) that she had shaved it totally bald this morning. “Really?” he asked and C covered her face with her hands in embarrassment. She said nothing though, just gave him a wide smile every time he asked her if I was telling the truth.
That afternoon we did some serious drinking and relaxing. A pack of cards was produced and we played a few various games. At one point I suggested strip poker but there wasn’t put point seeing as there was only 2 items of clothing being worn amongst 4 people! That discussion did lead to a game of spin the bottle however. Whoever the bottle stopped on had to flip a coin. Heads – they had to do a dare, tails was truth – they had to answer a question truthfully.
The game got underway and I managed to avoid the bottle for the first 3 spins. C, Lee and Chris all got it in turn. C got truth, so Lee asked her how many men she had been with, and blushing she admitted that she had only slept with 2 men before me, although she had done minor things with 2 or 3 others when she was younger. When Lee asked what ‘minor things’ included, she said he would have to ask her that on the next spin. Lee got a dare, so C demanded he take his shorts off again which he did. Chris got truth, and I asked him how many women he had been with to which he replied honestly that he had lost count at around 50!
I got the next spin, and C made me rub some lotion into my cock which I did hesitantly, trying not to get too excited. The whole thing of C being topless amongst three naked, horny blokes was incredibly erotic, but I managed to avoid shooting my load. Then C got the next spin, and this time it was a dare. We conferred about what to get her to do before Chris told her she had to take her bottoms off. I had told the lads I didn’t think she would and I was right. She refused, saying she was too embarrassed just yet. She took a big swig of her beer and asked us to think of something else or she wasn’t playing.
The lads were disappointed, but Lee asked her if we could just see if it was really shaved and after thinking about for a minute she shyly agreed and pulled the front of her bikini bottoms down so we could almost see the beginning of her crack. The 2 lads could easily see that her mound was completely bare and Chris reached out for a feel but she quickly pulled away. “Satisfied?” The lads nodded and the game continued.
Lee and Chris both lost a round again, and got dares to which they both had to rub some sun cream into their knobs. Chris had no problem, once again showing off his impressive tool but poor old Lee had a bit of an issue with it, saying it was quite sore and having to be rather gentle with himself. It didn’t seem to be impeding his hard-on though.
I was due the bottle landing on me, but I managed to dodge it again. Instead it got Lee twice, who copped for two truths in succession. The first question C asked was how many women he had fucked (her language was turning blue, a sure sign of the alcohol having an effect on her) to which he replied a lot less than Chris. She pushed him and he admitted to only sleeping with 4, because he had been in a relationship since he was 15, and had only just split up with her. He was only 19 and I told him not to worry about it. For the second question Chris asked him if he would like to shag C and he said of course he would! C shyly asked him if that was true and said definitely – it was a no-brainer! I could tell she was flattered, but she pointed out that it wasn’t an invitation – there was no chance, she wasn’t a slut!
We all laughed and Chris hopped over the balcony saying he had an idea. When he returned it was with a bottle of sambuca. Whoever lost the next rounds had to neck a shot as well as having to do the truth or dare. Sounded good to me! C was already well on her way, so a little more alcohol might just liven things up even further…
C lost next and downed a shot which brought a spot of colour to her cheeks, as did the question she got for a truth. Lee asked her what the ‘minor things’ were she had mentioned earlier. She kept her eyes averted from mine as I didn’t know much of this stuff. She admitted to wanking two blokes off in a nightclub (not at the same time) when she was just 15. When she was 16 she had almost lost her virginity to a guy in a car. She had gone down on him, and wanked him off until he came. She said quite a few guys had fingered her, including a couple of lads at school as well as the men in the nightclub and the one in the car. She didn’t actually lose her virginity until she was 17. Chris probed her further asking about that time but she refused to tell us anything more until her next question.
Unfortunately for C it came straight up when the bottle landed on her again, so along with another shot she had to spill the beans. I knew all of this, but the lads wanted all the gory details so she had to explain how she had lost it to a 40 year old guy who had blagged her into sleeping with him by telling her he was going in prison the day after! He didn’t disappoint though she said, he was much better than the 19 year old she went with afterwards who had a tiny dick. “Not like mine?” Chris brandished his weapon and C shook her head, indicating with her little finger. “How about the 40 year old?” Chris said and C shook her head again, saying his had been quite big though, about 7 inches or so. Lee asked her if she thought she could manage Chris’s dick and she turned bright red again, refusing to answer. Chris said she wouldn’t be able to handle it! If she screamed as much as they had heard last night with my 6 inch she would scream the place down with his cock up her!
C asked them what they had heard last night, and Lee said they could hear every little moan, groan and creak of the bed, let alone when she came like a steam train! She covered her face in shame, though I knew she was loving all the attention really.
I finally lost a round, and after downing a Sambuca I got a truth. The lads asked me for an honest rating on how good a shag C was, out of 10. C grimaced as I pretended to think about it, until I finally gave her a (truthful) 9 out of 10. The 2 lads raised their eyebrows, but I told them it was true. C wanted to know why it was only a 9 but I ignored her and Lee asked me if I’d ever had a 10. For C’s sake I lied and said no, to which I got an arched eyebrow off my girlfriend but no further questions.
After a couple of tame dares where me and the lads downed flaming sambucas, and even tried to snort it to much amusement, C ended up with a dare again and the lads weren’t going to let her out of doing something rude this time. She pleaded with them not to make her remove her bottoms or do anything too rude, and so they dared her to play with her boobs and tossed her the sun cream. C said okay and rubbed some cream in, but when she tried to play with her nipples seductively she collapsed laughing and said she couldn’t do it. The lads cried forfeit but I rescued her by offering it to do it for her again. I sat behind her and cupped her boobs, playing with them for a good minute or so, squeezing them together for the ogling lads but they said it wasn’t good enough. This failure meant a really bad forfeit.
To my complete disbelief, C tried to get out of it by offering them a feel again like yesterday. Lee and Chris looked at each other for a split second then practically dived over to C’s side of the loungers. “Both of us?” Chris asked and she agreed, telling them to hurry up and get it over with. I went back into the room and got more beers. The sambuca taste was clogging my throat.
When I came back, Lee was finishing having a good grope with both hands from behind like I had. C told him that was long enough, and that his dick was sticking in her back! Chris told her to lay back for his turn and then straddled her, sitting on her lap and giving her tits a good squeeze. C squealed and screamed at the fact that his naked balls were touching her belly. His dick was sticking straight out and he commented to Lee that he could almost have a tit-wank if he wanted. C was just laid there squealing and laughing nervously, but she didn’t try to push him off as he had squeezed some more lotion into his hands and gave her boobs a thorough massaging for quite a while.
Watching my pretty drunk girlfriend having her boobs openly groped by these two young studs was making my dick ready to burst and I think C noticed. “This is really turning you on, isn’t it?” she complained, and I nodded. Chris said it was turning all of us on by the looks of all our dicks, and she laughed. “Is my forfeit over now?” she asked and Chris reluctantly got up off her, then handed her the bottle of lotion. “Any chance of you putting some me yet? I’ve done you twice now!”
C rolled her eyes, and punched him in the leg playfully, but he pleaded with her and Lee egged her on. She chuckled nervously and tried to push him away, but he begged her – “Please? Pretty please?” and I told her that I don’t think he was going to let up, she might as well – “For the laugh?” I repeated her words of the day before. “You wanted to see if it got even bigger!” Still she said no, but with all 3 of us now telling her to ‘do it for the laugh’ she eventually consented and squeezed some lotion into her hand.
I saw her take a deep breath, obviously nervous despite the alcohol, before eventually taking hold of his cock. It dwarfed her hand as she rubbed the cream up and down it, and Chris closed his eyes and tossed his head back in pleasure. “You’re not supposed to enjoy it,” she chuckled but she put some more lotion into her hands, and started to massage it up and down with both hands. I watched in wonder as she basically wanked him off for a few minutes. “Tell me when to stop, I’m not making you cum,” she told him and he laughed at the sky, saying he wasn’t far off so she better stop now. She gave him a couple of quick pulls more and then lifted it up with 1 hand and had a close look at it. I had never seen her more brazen! “Haven’t we got anything we can measure it with?” she asked me.
I had an idea. We had an A4 sized brochure in the room, and I knew A4 paper was almost exactly 12 inches long, so I went and fetched it and told C to compare it to the long edge of the brochure. 9 inch should be exactly 3 quarters of the length of the brochure, so I first marked it at the halfway point and then at the quarter points and she put it against his dick. The tip rested almost exactly on the 9 inch mark.
“You’re almost ready to cum and it’s still not 9 and a half?” she pointed out, but Chris said if she touched it anymore to get it harder he would end up giving her that special sun tan cream they had spoke about yesterday!
Now C was in trouble though. Lee immediately took Chris’s place when he went to get another beer and calm down a bit. C told him to forget it, but he still asked for some sun cream rubbing on. She looked to me for support but I told her she had got herself into this mess, she could get herself out of it. Lee told her Chris always got all the fun, it wasn’t fair! He added he would pester her until she did it, all holiday if necessary and she rolled her eyes and sprayed some cream into her hands. He told her to be gentle with his sunburn and C began to rub it in for him, basically slowly wanking him off as Chris returned with 2 more beers and clapped him on the back in congratulations.
“Oh god…” Lee said, “I’m so horny.” and told us it kind of hurt but felt good at the same time and C said he better not cum either. “Oh go on…” he begged her saying he hadn’t cum in ages, unlike his luckier friend. “I’m almost there now!” C looked at me and said he better not. Lee tried to convince her by saying he would aim away from her, but still C told him to forget it or she would stop right now. Lee shut up but then after a moment started to plead with her again.
I was laughing but once again C surprised me by rolling her eyes, and sighing in resigned agreement. “Tell me when, so I can point it away,” was the deal and Lee agreed. She was stroking him a bit faster now, but after a couple of minutes he still hadn’t got there and she told him to hurry up, her arm was starting to hurt. He reached down and felt her tits while she carried on, and then asked her to take her bottoms off, that would do it for him. She refused, telling him to hurry up or she was going to have to stop.
Lee was standing next to C while this was going on, she was sat on her propped up lounger, with her knees bent and slightly apart. Chris was sat at the bottom of C’s sun lounger, and was looking between her legs at her covered crotch. I watched him reach between and gently tug at the hem of her waistband to pull it down. C looked at him and told him he had already seen that, and she had proved it was shaved now, but he asked if they could have another little look. After all it would get Lee off. Her hands were still busy stroking Lee, one hand massaging his balls now to try and get him to cum so she couldn’t really stop him as he pulled the front of her bottoms down, low enough to see her most of her bald mound.
“There you go. Look at that! Beautiful!” Lee did look, but Chris didn’t stop there, stretching them a little lower so I could see the top of her clit. She objected at that, and Chris let the waistband snap back into place. He didn’t move his hand away though, and I guessed what he was about to do right before he did it. He stroked the line of the bottoms where her groin met her leg, making out he was tickling her and she giggled, and then he worked a finger underneath the gusset and eased the crotch to one side, completely exposing her bare, pink pussy lips to full view.
“Oh wow!” he exclaimed. C objected again, but Lee said “no, don’t – I’m going to cum in a minute,” and so she kept on playing with him while the lads had a good look at her exposed pussy. I could see that she was uncomfortable, a look of indecision on her face when suddenly Lee came, catching C off guard because she was looking down and watching Chris to make sure he didn’t try anything. Hot streams of cum shot out of Lee’s cock and landed all over her one of her breasts and she recoiled in horror, letting go of his still twitching dick.
“I told you to tell me when!” she screamed at Lee but he pointed out that he had, and pushing Chris’s hand away and adjusting her bikini bottoms she stormed back into our room, grabbing her bikini top on the way, and complaining that she needed to have a shower now.
We all looked at each then Chris started to have a go at Lee, who defended himself by saying it wasn’t his fault, so I told them to shut up and not worry about it, I’d go have a word with her. She was obviously upset, and I felt guilty that I shouldn’t have let this all go so far. I went into the room, leaving the 2 lads on the balcony still arguing, to find C turning the shower on in the bathroom and getting ready to go in. She jumped when she saw me in the doorway, then got stuck into me saying I should have stopped it when they started with the forfeits. I apologised but she told me to get out, shouting and screaming that I was just standing there enjoying it the show. She told me to get some shorts on and get back out to ‘my friends’. I couldn’t get a word in edgeways, she was pretty mad and I figured that the drinks we had consumed that afternoon weren’t helping her mood, so I left her to it.
I went back to the balcony and the 2 lads started apologizing to me, as I put my shorts back on. They had heard the shouting from out there and asked if we would be ok. I said of course we would. She was a bit steaming with all the drink and I knew it was mostly embarrassment about what had happened more than anything else. If she had really wanted them to stop she would have said so at the time. I don’t think she knew quite how to cope with it all, and so ran away. Now she was blaming it all on us, but I was sure she had enjoyed it really, but felt guilty.
They looked at me with a doubtful look in their eyes, and Chris said he an idea to calm her down. I said it was probably best to leave her on her own for a bit, but he said he would like to go and try to apologize to her anyway. Lee said Chris was good at this sort of thing, so I shrugged and told him to go for it. He walked into our room and Lee and I sat there waiting for the inevitable shouting from C, but there wasn’t any.
“Sorry for cumming on her, man” Lee said to me while we waited for him outside. “I really didn’t mean it to go on her tits. She said she was going to point it away.” I told him it was fine and not to worry. We had all got a bit carried away, and besides I bet he fucking loved it, didn’t he? He admitted it was pretty cool, but he insisted again he didn’t mean to do it. We sat chatting for a while, finishing off our beers when I suddenly realised that five or ten minutes must have passed and we still hadn’t heard anything from inside, so I said I should go and have a look to see what was happening.
I walked in and C was just stepping out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around her. Chris was stood in the doorway as I had been, and he looked over his shoulder at me. “Everything’s fine, now” he assured me and I looked at C to see that she was smiling. To my amazement, she said sorry for shouting at me and pushed past us back into the main room/bedroom to get dressed.
I gave Chris an impressed look and asked him what he had said. He told me he had used his special charm! I raised one eyebrow and he laughed, explaining he had just apologized for everything. He remembered what I told him about C being shy and unconfident about her body, and realised it was true and why, when C admitted to not having a lot of sexual experiences, and even then the two shags she had before me were both screwed up for various reasons.
So he had complimented her on her body, saying that Lee hadn’t meant to cum on her and that she should take it as a compliment to her body that seeing it had got them all so excited and carried away. How would she have felt if nobody had got a hard-on when she went topless, or if she couldn’t make Lee cum? I asked him what she had said back to that, and he said she seemed to think about it and calmed down, although she did tell him off for pulling her bottoms to one side and he had said sorry again for that. “I’m not sorry really though,” he winked and nudged me. “She’s got a lovely pussy!”
I looked over my shoulder and saw C sat on the edge of the bed with her towel still wrapped around her, and she was drying her hair with another while talking to Lee who must have followed me into the room. Chris was still stark naked talking to me, but at least Lee had the decency to put his shorts on. Then I realised that if her hair was wet she must have actually had a shower, and I asked Chris if she was in the shower when they were talking. I wondered how much he had seen because the shower screen was clear glass.
He grinned that Cheshire cat smile again and said yes. She was already in when he walked through, but she had left the door to the bathroom open. At first she had covered herself up, and then turned her back to carry on washing while he talked to her through the screen. He told her she had a lovely arse while he was complimenting her, and she asked him “Really?” and he said it was amazing! As they were talking he said she got more and more confident, and actually turned all the way around while she was washing her hair, although she was blushing and couldn’t look him the eye.
I couldn’t believe it! C had let him see her completely naked! Chris went on to say I was really lucky to have a girl like her, and he had said so to her. Then, as a clincher he had offered to take us both out tonight for a meal, drinks and the lot and that he and Lee would pay. She had accepted and that was when she stepped out the shower and wrapped herself in the towel, just as I walked back in.
I thanked him for talking to her, and said we’d love to go out with them tonight. Chris told me it was nothing and we went back to the bedroom to join C and Lee. She was back in her bikini now, top and bottoms on and I wondered how much Lee had seen of her while we had been talking. She started to tell me about the meal tonight, and I nodded and said Chris had told me. She was back to her normal self now, full of beans and smiling, which was a relief.
We went back out to enjoy the last of the sunshine, all decently covered up now, including Chris who had put his shorts back on. The guys wisely kept the conversation nice and clean and when it cooled down we arranged to meet the lads that night at a local bar, before going for a nap.
C was excited as we got ready. The nap had sobered us both up a little, but she was still in a good mood and so I decided to ask her what Chris had said to her in the shower, and how surprised I was at her letting him see her in there. I thought she would have kicked him out, like she did to me! C said Chris was a really nice bloke, and had put her mind at rest. She said sorry to me again for losing her temper, and admitted that she had just been really embarrassed when Lee came on her. The drink had made her spout off a bit, she was a bit drunker than what she realised.
The drink was also why when he was telling her how sexy she was, she had turned around to look at him. C said she couldn’t believe she had done that, but she had thought ‘what the hell – he’s seen it all already’. She laughed and said it was funny, his eyes had nearly bulged out of his head and it made her glad she had shaved herself that morning! “And then you got changed in front of Lee too?” I asked her, but she told me she had turned around while she got dressed although she had caught him staring at her bare bottom!
C looked gorgeous when we went out. She didn’t normally wear short skirts. She would often buy them and never wear them but Chris’s words must have taken effect, because decided to wear short denim one that night. It wasn’t REALLY short, sort of mid-thigh length, but that was short for my normally quite conservative girlfriend. We all met up in the bar as agreed and had a couple of drinks in there before moving on to a nice Italian restaurant. The lads both told C she looked great and I had to agree. True to their word they paid for a slap-up meal for us and we moved on from bar to bar, really making a night of it. We finished up at a nightclub, having a good dance until the early hours before we staggered drunkenly back to our hotel.
Because of the late hour, the hotel bar was closed but we managed to convince the guy on duty to open it up and sell us some beers and a bottle of wine for C, which we took up to the lads’ room, deciding to having ‘a nightcap’ before we all went to bed.
It was a lovely warm night and we all went at sat out on the lads’ balcony. I climbed over and fetched the loungers from our side to theirs and we all flopped out on them, drinks in hand. Earlier, during the night as we got more and more inebriated the subject of conversation had inevitably led to sex, mainly stories of Chris’s many conquests, but also a little bit about Lee’s ex. It turned out she was quite plump, and he loved girls with ‘a bit of meat on them’. I had always told C I felt the same way and didn’t like my women too skinny, but I think she was surprised that to find that some other men had similar tastes.
Now, back at the balcony, C went up to go for a pee and almost fell over, she was that drunk. She kicked off her heels, and we all laughed at her as she staggered into the glass patio doors, laughing at herself as she did so, before finally finding her way through the open bit and into the room. “She’s bladdered!” I commented, and Chris laughed. Lee was just as drunk to be fair, like C he obviously couldn’t hold his drink well. He started singing, and we had to tell him to shut up because we didn’t want him waking up everyone else in the hotel!
When C came back she was just in her bra and denim skirt, pointing out it was really hot in their room. Chris said he had forgot to put the air-conditioning on, and he went inside to correct his mistake. She had refilled her glass of wine as well, and I wondered just how drunk she was planning to get. Lee looked at C in her lacy black bra and said to her with a grin “Have I told you I really fancy you?” C replied that she already knew. “I seem to remember you cumming on my boobs earlier?” Lee apologised again, and C told him to forget it, she didn’t mind at all, and they both collapsed laughing.
I went inside for a pee, leaving the two of them still giggling about earlier, and found Chris struggling to get the air-con working. With a bit of fiddling about we eventually got it working, and I went to the toilet beating Chris to it, who banged on the door while I went, telling he to hurry up or he was going to piss himself. I came out and Chris barged past me (he really was desperate) and when I returned to the balcony I found C now just in her bra and knickers, and Lee completely naked! “We’re moon-bathing” he joked, which the two of them found absolutely hilarious.
I chuckled and shook my head at state of the drunken pair. Chris joined us on the balcony and I explained what was going on. “Very nice!” he said to C’s underwear, which it was. It was a lovely black set, both very lacy and very see-through. You could clearly see her nipples through the bra, and that she was shaven downstairs. C pushed her boobs together, gave them a wiggle and stuck her tongue out at Chris, before falling about laughing again with Lee.
“I cum on those earlier” Lee showed off to Chris, pointing at C’s cleavage and the pair of them burst into giggles again. Chris told him to shut up, which only made the pair of them laugh harder. C teased Chris, asking him if he was jealous, but he just looked at me and rolled his eyes. Chris and I were more than merry, but nowhere near as hammered as the other two. “I’ve finally got one over on you!” Lee spouted off at his mate, but Chris just told him to get lost, so C went and sat next to Lee and put her arm around him. “We’re in love, you know!” she slurred to me. I decided to leave them to it as they cuddled and messed about on the sun lounger they know shared. They were muttering something to each other quietly and laughing, but Chris told me to ignore them, they were drunk, which we did.
Chris and I sat and talked and when our subject matter turned to women, and how many I had been with, I pulled our 2 loungers away from where Lee and C were chatting, so I could talk without being heard. We spoke quietly, and I told him that I had been with almost as many as him, which was true, but that C didn’t know. Most of my conquests came during the time I worked in Spain as a holiday rep, which C didn’t know about either. He nodded in understanding and I looked over and C and Lee to see if they could hear us.
C was taking her bra off, and I asked them what they were talking about. “Nothing!” C slurred innocently, and then explained that she was taking her bra off coz she didn’t want to get white-lines from moon-bathing. Lee threw his head back and laughed. They were laid next to each other, their loungers pushed together and when they went back to their quiet little chat, I turned back around and carried on talking to Chris.
I went to relieve myself again and when I came back Chris went and did the same. While he was gone, I could just hear what C and Lee were saying, although they were talking really quietly and I listened to their conversation for a few minutes. C said “Was your last girlfriend really bigger than me?” Lee said she was a lot plumper, but he didn’t mind. Her tits weren’t as big as C’s though. C giggled. “Did you love her?” Lee said that he did but that she had cheated on him, so he had dumped her. C said “Aww, poor baby” but Lee said he was well over her now, and been with a few girls since then, but nobody special.
I slitted my eyes, so it looked like they were closed and laid back pretending to be dozing while I watched them. “Do you always go for curvy girls then?” Lee nodded and I heard C whisper really quietly. “Would you go for me? If I was single, I mean.” I saw Lee nod again. He had one arm around her, and was staring at her sleepily. “You really fancy me – aww.” C leaned across and kissed him on the cheek lightly and he beamed at her as she resettled in his arm. As they shuffled position slightly, the hand on the arm around her shoulder fell on to her breast and I saw him stroke her nipple then curl his hand around her boob.
C looked down at the hand cupping her boob but made no move to shift it. Instead she giggled and then looked over at me. I immediately closed my eyes properly and hoped they couldn’t tell I was spying on them. It was quiet for a moment, and I wondered if they had seen me, but then I heard them giggling again and I dared to open my eyes slightly again. I was getting really horny now, and I noticed Lee was too. He was stroking and squeezing her breast still, and the effect it was having on him was obvious from the erection he was now sporting.
C was looking at his cock. “Do you shave it?” I heard her whisper. Lee’s pubes were very short and sparse whereas C was used to my hairy one. He was fair-haired like C too, so what pubic hair he did have was very pale and fine. “I do sometimes” he confessed. “It makes it look bigger.” Again they giggled and I could just make out C telling him that it was plenty big enough and not to worry. “It looks bigger than his.” As she said this she looked over at me, and I closed my eyes again and just listened.
It was quiet for a minute then I heard “How’s your sunburn?” and Lee replied “It’s still a bit sore but okay.” A quiet moment followed and then C said she thought I was falling asleep and another round of giggles. Lee said something to C about her being really drunk and C agreed, but pointed out that he was too. Then she said “It’s all fuzzy, like I was the other day” and I opened one eye enough to see that she was stroking her fingers through his pubic hair and up and down his shaft. They were giggling at each other the whole time and Lee was whispering that it tickled.
Chris came back then and C moved her hand. Chris looked at them, chuckled and told them to ‘get a room.’ I cursed silently to myself at his badly timed return, as things had just been getting interesting. Chris nudged me and pushed a beer into my hand as I pretended to wake up. “They’re getting cosy,” he pointed over his shoulder. I nodded and said they would end up shagging if they get any cosier. Chris shook his head, his voice low again. “No way mate, Lee hasn’t got the bollocks for anything like that. He’s a complete pussy when it comes to girls.” I shrugged and took a swig of the beer.
Chris looked over his shoulder at them and must have seen Lee’s hand still feeling her breast because he asked me if ‘that’ was bothering me and I shook my head. “They won’t, but what about if they did end up shagging?” he asked and I shrugged, saying that we were on holiday and it’s not like we were married or anything. Besides it might do her some good confidence-wise, and us long term relationship-wise if she were to experience a couple more blokes before we settled down. He tilted his head as though thinking and then said he probably agreed.
Our conversation turned to women again and he admitted that he didn’t want to settle down yet. I agreed with him that he shouldn’t, he was too young, and he said he wanted to screw as many women as he could before he met ‘the one’. Then he jokingly suggested that he would screw C for me if I wanted him to. I laughed and told him he was welcome to try, but even though she had ‘loosened up’ a lot, I doubted she was ready for any of that.
There was a little squeal from C and a lot of laughing and we both looked to see Lee trying to edge down her lacy knickers. C saw me watching, and said they were just messing around, but Lee slurred that he wanted to have a look at her ‘shaven haven’ and C had to pull his hand away again laughing as he switched it to tickling her sides instead.
Chris shook his head and we carried on drinking, leaving them wrestling about while we talked about the various women we had been with until a few minutes later, Lee cried “Yes!” and when we looked over, C was pulling her knickers back up. “I got them down and got a flash! Got another one over on you Chris!” Lee taunted his mate, but Chris smugly pointed out that he had already seen it earlier when C was in the shower talking to him, and it wasn’t just ‘a flash’.
Lee asked C if that was true and she broke into giggles, saying she was a bit drunk earlier though but Lee pointed out that she was even more drunk now, and she said “Me? Drunk?” and their wrestling continued. We watched as Lee finally overpowered her and managed to pull her knickers down and off her ankles, and a resigned C finally stopped fighting, and they laid back down as they had been before, with his arm around his shoulder, and a hand casually stroking her boob. They went from fighting to talking quietly again, much too quiet for me to hear what was being said.
I have no idea what time it was, it was very late but the party continued. Lee got up to go to the toilet and bring more beer and wine for them, and he staggered indoors with the empties and C’s wine glass. C looked over at me with a very drunken expression and said we were being boring, just talking. “Why don’t you take your clothes off and we’ll all be naked!” she slurred happily.
It might have been late but it was still fairly warm and pleasant, so I didn’t see the harm. I stripped off, followed by Chris and C cheered and clapped. This time it was her we had to tell to be quiet because of the hour. She said “oops” and put her finger to her lips drunkenly. Lee wobbled back with a beer and a glass of wine in hand, to find us all naked and he cheered too. C put her hand on his arm as she took the wine from and said “shhhhh” still with her finger to her lips. Again, they collapsed laughing on to the sun loungers and returned back to their little private conversation.
Chris looked at me and told me not to worry, they might fool around a bit, but he wouldn’t shag her. I repeated that I wasn’t bothered, even if he did and we both laughed. “I might be bothered if you did” I said to him quietly, “you’d completely ruin her for me or anybody else with that thing!” pointing towards his cock, which even when flaccid was as big, if not bigger than mine when hard. “I’m lucky” he admitted looking down at himself.
C piped up suddenly, asking where our suntan cream was as Lee and Chris had run out. I said it was in our room somewhere but asked what she wanted it for and she giggled at me, saying she didn’t want to get moon-burned. As usual, much hilarity followed from the pair. I couldn’t be bothered to get up and find it, so Chris offered to go and get it if it made them happy. I gave him our room key and he clambered over the balcony and into our room to try and find some.
Again, while he was gone I pretended to nap and listened to them talking. I couldn’t hear much but I heard Lee say “Do you think he’ll mind?” to which I couldn’t hear C’s reply. I did hear Lee ask her if she spat or swallowed, and amid much giggling she confessed that she always swallowed, which was true. I wondered if she was going to go down on him, I certainly hoped so.
I chanced a glance across at them, and was shocked to see how they were now laid. Lee had removed his arm from around her and was now laid on his side right next to C, who was still on her back. His head was on her shoulder, whispering into her ear and she was giggling at whatever he was saying. What was shocking though was that C now had the leg nearest me bent, so that her foot was flat to the lounger, and her knee up. Her legs were apart a little way, and Lee’s uppermost leg was curled over C’s flat leg in a loving fashion. I couldn’t see much else, but the way his body was up against hers meant that his dick must be pressing right into her hip. Also her raised knee blocked my view to her tummy and pussy and I couldn’t see where Lee’s hand was. Whatever he might be doing though, she obviously wasn’t complaining, and was still giggling at whatever it was he was saying to her.
It turned out he wasn’t doing anything though because just then Chris climbed back over the balcony. Chris tossed her the sun cream and as C lowered her leg to catch it I could see that Lee’s hand had just been resting on her tummy, much to my disappointment. I asked C what she was going to do with the lotion, and she said “Put some on, of course! Moon-burn?” She asked if I wanted some putting on, pointing at my dick but I said “No, thanks” and she shrugged her indifference.
Chris said he was getting a bit cool, and so put his shorts and t-shirt back on. Peals of laughter made him turn around to see Lee rubbing some cream into C’s boobs. She grabbed the lotion off him and squirted a load of it all over his groin area. “You’d better rub that in now” Lee growled at her, and she told him to lie back then. He looked over at me, and I turned back to Chris as though I hadn’t seen them. Chris was telling me he was tired, and I have to admit the late hour was beginning to get to me too. He asked me when we were going home, and I told him we flew the day after next. I looked over at C and she was sat up rubbing the cream into Lee’s cock while he was laid on his back enjoying it.
Chris turned around to see what I was looking at, and swore under his breath. “For fuck’s sake, you two! If you’re going to shag just get on with it!” C turned around at that, a surprised look on her face. “We’re just messing around” she said and Lee sat up and looked at us with an equally innocent expression. “Sorry” he mumbled but Chris told him to stop being a pussy and fuck the girl. Lee told him to get lost, C was a nice girl and they were just playing around. Lee asked me if I was mad with them and I shook my head trying to play the situation down.
C butted in again, asking Chris what he meant. Was he trying to make out she was a slut or something? I sensed it all going a bit wrong, voices were getting raised and so I told them all to pipe down. “Everything’s fine,” I said to both C and Lee, so Lee asked Chris what his problem was. Chris apologised, saying he was just drunk and a bit tired. “Carry on…’ he mumbled. “I’m going to bed…”
I heard Lee mutter “Jealous, more like” under his breath, but thankfully Chris didn’t hear and he trooped off to bed, switching off the light inside the room and casting us all into darkness. “Uh-oh” I heard C giggle, but a few minutes later our eyes adjusted to the gloom. There was just enough light for me to see the stash of beers by the open patio door and I went and got a fresh one.
I offered Lee one and he accepted. As I passed it to him I saw C looking at me with concern on her face and Lee asked if everything was really all right. I told him everything was fine and to stop worrying. As I sat back down on my lounger, I heard C quietly speak to Lee. “Honestly, he’s fine. He’s always wanted me to be a bit naughtier.” Lee didn’t say anything, so she carried on. “We can just talk if you want. I’m not tired.” Lee said “Me neither” but I was, so I laid back and rested my heavy eyes for a bit. I didn’t want to fall asleep, but I wanted them to think I was.
They were just talking for a while, and I did drop off a couple of times. Only for a few minutes I think, because the first time I woke up and looked over at them, they were still just talking. Whatever they were saying was very quiet, so I looked over to see them both laid on their sides now, facing towards each other so that C’s back was facing me. I could see her bare arse, and Lee’s hand resting on her hip. Their faces were very close and they were whispering something. Then I heard a little kissing sound, but I couldn’t see anything so I closed my eyes and strained my ears to try and hear what was being said.
I briefly heard C say “36DD” so Lee must have been asking how big her breasts were. The voices turned inaudible and I dozed off for a few minutes. When I woke and looked over again they were still laid in the same position but now nothing was being said and while Lee’s hand was still visible on her hip, I could see C’s elbow moving rhythmically up and down. She was wanking him off! Their faces were close still, and I wondered if they were kissing as I dropped off again.
I don’t think I was asleep for very long, maybe half an hour altogether, but the third time I woke up things had progressed a bit. What woke me up was the sound of C giggling and then I clearly heard Lee say “It’s so smooth!” and C say she had only shaved it this morning, so what did he expect? I risked a look through slitted eyes and saw that C was on her back now, her legs parted quite widely with the leg nearest me hanging off the edge of the lounger. Lee was laid on his side still, propped up on one elbow while his other hand was stroking her pussy. It looked like he was rubbing sun cream into it.
I had a great view from where I was, as I was laid with my head at the opposite end of my lounger to the way they were laid, so I could see right between C’s legs. Lee was rubbing her mound, and then slipped his fingers down and ran them up and down the outside of her lips, eliciting a giggle from C, saying it tickled. She didn’t try to stop him though and he kept feeling her while he talked.
“Did you do anything with Chris while he was in the shower?” I couldn’t take my gaze off the hand stroking my girlfriend’s most intimate area, but his question caught my attention. C said “Of course not, though he had a good look”. She repeated what she had told me earlier that evening. “His eyes almost bulged out, and he never stopped staring the whole time. His willy was absolutely massive, it was that hard!” Lee looked down at his own cock, which was also pretty hard and C reassured him that his might not be as big, but it was fine for her and they both giggled.
Suddenly C sat up and swung her legs off the bed. I thought she had seen me and I pretended to suddenly wake up. I opened my eyes, and after my most convincing stretch I reached down and picked up my beer. I looked over at C and she smiled at me, announcing she needed a pee. I think she must have forgotten about Chris because she tottered, still naked, into their dark hotel room, leaving me and Lee alone.
I asked him if he was all right and he said he was fine. He was still drinking and when I looked at him I saw his eyes were glazed and his face was flushed. His dick was fully hard and I pointed at it with my bottle and asked him if C had rubbed all the cream in. He grinned cheekily and started to go on and on, like you do when you’re drunk; about how great C was, and how lucky I was. It went from her being such a great girl, to how amazing her tits were and he even confessed he had felt her pussy. “It’s completely shaved” he told me, as though I wasn’t her boyfriend and didn’t already know.
Then I think he sort of realised where he was and who I was and started apologising, saying he shouldn’t have done felt her pussy – that was mine – and then he said sorry (yet again) for cumming on her tits earlier. I told him to shut up and he repeated how lucky I was to have a girlfriend like C. “I’d do anything to shag her” he confessed and then immediately turned crimson red as though he hadn’t meant to say that out loud. He stared at me and opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him before he could say anything.
“If you want to shag her, be my guest.” I couldn’t believe I was saying this, but there it was – I had said it. He had a look on his face as though he was trying to work out if I was joking with him, so I said it again. “It’s not like we’re married or anything. We’re on holiday to have a good time and besides, I think she’d like some more sexual experiences with other men before we settle down. It might do us some good, long-term.”
Lee shook his head. “She wouldn’t be up for it anyway” he said and I agreed probably not. “You’re welcome to try though, mate” I told him. “You might even improve her a bit, who knows? She could be a bit wilder in bed. She only got a 9, remember?” Lee smiled but still shook his head, and said I was a really good bloke and C was lucky to have me, too. He sat next to me and we chinked bottles and said ‘cheers’.
C appeared in the doorway to the balcony, wearing a dressing gown which she held closed with one hand. The other hand held the half-empty wine bottle. “Hello boys” she slurred and let the robe go so that it fell open, exposing her pussy and the inner slopes of her tits. She laughed at herself and then tripped over the bottom of the long man-size robe, landing rather ungainly on her lounger. Lee howled laughing at her and she grinned drunkenly at me as she refilled her wine glass. She was going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow morning, I thought.
“You were a long time” I pointed out. She had been at least ten or fifteen minutes I realised and she replied with a shocked expression “I know. Can you believe it? Chris tried to get me into bed with him!” Lee’s face dropped, but I felt excitement building up inside me and asked her what had happened.
“I came out of the loo and was looking for the wine. I picked up this robe and I must have woke Chris up because he whispered my name and then asked me to get in bed with him. I didn’t but I did sit on the bed and talked to him, asking him why he had stormed off. I thought we had upset him but he said he was just tired. I was going to go but then he asked me to get in bed again.” C held up her hands in amazement, sloshing some of her wine. “Anyway, I didn’t because I’ve got a boyfriend and I’m not a slag, you know. He said you -” she pointed at me “- said he could shag me if he wanted.”
I cursed inwardly, but I thought fast and corrected her. “No, I said he could try to shag you, because I knew you would say no.” C took a mouthful of wine and then tipped her glass at me. “I might shag Lee though” she said and moved and sat on his lap where he was sitting next to me. “Just kidding!” she giggled at me, and I laughed along, although I was really laughing at just how drunk she was. Lee moaned in disappointment when she said she was kidding and tapped me on the shoulder, saying he knew she wouldn’t be up for it. C was sat on his knee and the robe had flapped open, but she made no move to close it. “Have you two been talking about me?” she asked, but we never got chance to answer.
Chris stuck his head out of the open doorway, and told us to go to bed, or at least be quieter. He was trying to sleep, as was everyone else in the hotel but us. C said sorry, but Lee told him to stop being so grumpy. Chris suggested we go over to our own balcony, and disappeared back inside closing the patio door after him. I thought it was a good idea to go over to our balcony as did the others, so Lee and I carried 3 loungers over the railing, and then had to practically lift C over as she had no chance of getting over it on her own with the drunken state she was in.
Once on the other side, C and Lee pushed their loungers together again, at the side furthest from Lee and Chris’s room, but I placed mine in the opposite corner, to give them a bit of room. Before they settled down, Lee asked if he could use our toilet. C said yes and for the first time that night me and C were alone.
She came and sat next to me for a minute and I asked her if she was all right. “Yes, I’m really horny though” she purred to me quietly, “but you’re not are you?” We both looked at my cock which was limp now, despite me actually feeling quite horny. “I’m drunk and tired” I explained, which was true, though I’m sure I could have got it up had I wanted to. “I really want sex,” she confessed, “shall I get rid of Lee and we’ll go to bed?” I looked at her and said I really wasn’t up to it. “It’s really late, I’m sorry. I’m just too tired.” She pouted in disappointment for a moment, and then changed the subject slightly, asking me if I was really okay with everything.
“Of course I am” I said, trying to reassure her because she had that concerned look on her face again, as though she was trying to figure out if I was telling the truth. “I’m just having fun,” I nodded and she carried on, “It’s exciting! He really fancies me, you know?” I said I did know, he had told me as much when we talking about her, in fact, he had said he would love to shag her. Her eyes lit up. “Really? What else did he say?”
I told her everything I could remember, his comments on her body and how lucky I was, and she sat listening with a shocked look which eventually turned to huge grin. C asked me if I thought she was being mean, leading him on, and I asked her if that was what she was doing, leading him on? She laughed, and changed the subject again, complaining that she really was horny. C grabbed my hand, put inside her robe and pushed it down between her legs. I looked at the room but Lee hadn’t come back yet, so I slipped it down and felt her pussy. She giggled as I gasped at how wet she was. “Come on,” she whispered to me, “get rid of Lee and let’s go to bed, I really want sex!” Her hand slipped down to my cock and she fondled me and kissed my neck. I was really tempted, but I resisted.
“I’m honestly really tired. Have sex with Lee if you’re that desperate,” I suggested but she punched me playfully on the arm and told me to forget that. “You’re my boyfriend,” she pointed out, “it’s your responsibility!” I shrugged and she gave me a level look. “I am not having sex with Lee. I might be messing around a bit, but I’m not a complete tart.” I said I knew she wasn’t and made out I was just teasing. She punched me again and tried to cajole me into bed one last time, teasing my cock and putting hand back between her thighs, but I said I really wasn’t up to it. “I’ll make Lee cum again. Will that make you horny?” said C, playing her final trump card but I said there was no way I was going to be up for sex tonight whatever she did, and apologised. She sighed and finally gave up, just as Lee walked back out on to the balcony.
He looked at me, and must have seen that C was playing with my dick, and I had my hand in her robes still, because he said he would leave us to it, and picked up his beer to leave. Both C and I told him not to go yet, me because I was going to have a sleep, and C said she wasn’t tired. When she heard what I had said, she looked at me with a really upset expression and said she hoped I wasn’t going to bed, and I said “No, I’m going to have a little sleep out here,” and patted the lounger, which made her stand up so I could lay down. Lee looked at C and smiled, so she said that they were going to stay up for a bit talking, but they would be quiet, if that was okay with me. I said of course it was, and rolled away from them onto my side and shut my eyes. I heard them go and sit back down on their loungers, and they resumed their quiet little chats.
I dozed off again, and woke up desperate for the toilet. I rolled over and looked at C and Lee. They were laid down side by side again, but this time Lee’s back was towards me, blocking out any view of C or what they were doing if anything. I got up and tried not to look at them as I went into the room to relieve myself. I wanted to give them a bit of time without me there, and I thought about lying down on the bed for a kip, but I might end up sleeping through it all and missing something. I didn’t rush back, instead I stopped and picked out a t-shirt and some long shorts to keep me warm, and put them on in the room. I left the toilet and room light on, so the balcony would be lit a bit better. I had a drink of water, and splashed some on my face to try and wake myself up a bit, and after a few more minutes of time-wasting I went back out.
When I did, I caught them kissing, though they stopped the instant I stepped back out. C was on her back, Lee was leaning over, half-way on top of her and their legs were intertwined again. C smiled at me as I walked past and asked if I was ok. I mumbled that I was, pretending to be half asleep and flopped back down on my sun lounger, pretending to fall asleep instantly. I heard whispers again, and wondered what they were doing. I had also noticed that although C still had her robe on, Lee’s hand was inside it, down below her waist. He was still naked.
It was very quiet, but I was laid rolled away from them so I couldn’t have a look. Then I heard C say “Do you want to cum?” though I didn’t hear Lee’s reply. I could hear a rustling sound, maybe C’s robe being removed, and faint kissing noises then quiet again. I was desperate to know what was going on, but I daren’t roll over and stop them. Then I heard another noise, a kind of wet noise, and although I couldn’t identify exactly what it was, something was definitely happening. Unless they were playing with the sun cream again, but I hadn’t seen them bring it over the balcony with them and there wasn’t the obligatory giggling.
I laid there for a moment longer, and then I heard C say “Stop it” in that little voice I knew so well. The voice that really meant ‘carry on’ and then I heard her moan softly, and the words ‘oh god’. Was he fucking her? I decided I had to see and I rolled over as quietly as I could, but didn’t open my eyes yet. I knew me turning over would alarm them, and I wanted them to think I was still asleep so they would carry on. I gave it a few minutes, and when I heard C moan again under her breath, I risked a look through slitted eyelids.
They were laid in much the same position, but her robe was thrown open. Lee was kissing her breasts, and his hand was moving between her legs. I heard the wet sound again, obviously him fingering her and I watched them for a few moments. His head would rise up to kiss her lips, and then sink back down to her breasts, his hand pumping between away between her legs the whole time. C’s head was tilted back, her eyes were closed and she was moaning softly, lost in what Lee was doing to her. Lee stopped kissing her, looking over towards me and I rolled on to my back instinctively.
After a moment, I heard whispers again and again I heard C say “stop it” and then “I can’t.” Another moan, this time from Lee and then a wet noise again. I listened as C moaned softly for a few minutes, and then all I could hear was some very heavy breathing, I presume from Lee. What was happening? I really wanted to turn my head and look, but just as I was about to, I heard Lee say he was a bit cold, and then a bump and a scraping noise. I kept my eyes closed, and I heard more movement sounds, this time coming from the direction of the room. When I did open my eyes and look, I saw C leading Lee by the hand into our room. I saw them both climb on to the bed, but because I could only see the foot of the bed from where I was laid, I could only see their legs from the knees down. Then the light in the room went off and I couldn’t see anything!
I cursed under my breath at first, but then while I was wondering what to do, my eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness again. I remembered leaving the bathroom light on inside, and while they had switched off the bedroom light, they had left the bathroom light on. The door to the bathroom must have been open slightly as it was casting just enough light inside the bedroom for me to make something out. I quietly got up, and moved the sun lounger much closer while still keeping out of their direct line of view. My heart was thudding in my chest as I now could see what was going on. I was hoping they would be doing it, but it was the next best thing. Lee was laid on his back, and C was knelt between his splayed legs, still in her robe, but she was going down on him! Being careful not be seen, I watched her head bobbing up and down. I desperately wanted to have a wank but I knew if I touched myself I would explode!
I wished I could see actually see his cock going in and out of her mouth, but if I moved any further across the patio windows they might see me. I watched transfixed as she lifted her head and said something to him, I couldn’t hear what, and then I heard them both laugh. For some reason, C got off the bed and I quickly scuttled back and laid back down on the sun lounger. I heard feet cross the patio, and then go back into the room. I opened my eyes again just in time to see her walk back into the bedroom, now with her bottle of wine in hand. She had just come out to get another drink!
She had her back to me, so I watched as she stood at the bottom of the bed, picked up her glass and refilled it. Then she downed it all in a couple of big gulps, and slipped the robe off. Leaving the it on the floor, she climbed back on to the bed at the side of Lee. Laid where I was, I could only see their feet again now, so once I was certain she wasn’t going to jump up again, I crept back to the window and looked through.
They were laid side by side, kissing again, quite passionately now. Lee had his hand between C’s thighs again, and she had her arms around his neck. I could just see the back of his head as he broke the kiss and said something to her. I clearly heard her say “I can’t” again, and then she moaned again at what he was doing between her legs. She moved her legs wider apart and thrust her hips towards his hand and I could see that he had a couple of fingers inside her. I watched transfixed as this carried on for a few minutes. The way she was moaning, and her hips were bucking it looked like she was close to cumming!
Then what I had been waiting for all night finally happened! The kissing stopped again and Lee said something to her. I couldn’t hear exactly what C said, but it sounded like “hurry up” and Lee eased his body over hers, and lay on top of her. I don’t think he was actually inside her at this point. Her hands were on Lee’s back but their bodies were still, and his head was raised away as if they were speaking but I couldn’t hear what was being said. Then he lifted himself up, and reached between their bodies, down to between C’s legs. I assume he was guiding himself into her, because as he lay himself back down on her, I heard C moan out loud, and her hands slipped down and clutched onto his backside.
I couldn’t believe it! My shy, young girlfriend who protested so strongly that there was no way she was going to have sex with anybody else but me was letting another man fuck her! They went back to kissing again and his buttocks started to bunch as he slowly pushed himself into her. It was slow at first, his backside rising and lowering as he made love to her. It was incredibly intense, watching them. Gradually he speeded up, pumping into her with a little more force and her legs wrapped around his, pulling him in.
C was moaning and breathing very heavily now, and Lee was fucking her more and more urgently when suddenly he rolled off her. I darted away from the window, and quickly laid back down. Was that it? He had only lasted 10 minutes or so and I felt a bit of disappointment that he hadn’t fucked her better. Then again, the way she had teased him all night, I suppose I couldn’t blame him for shooting his load so quickly. As I lay there wondering what to do next, I heard C say “I shouldn’t be doing this.”
Doing what? Then I heard her moan, quite loudly and Lee hushed her, telling her to be quiet. She moaned (quieter this time) and then again and I looked up. They hadn’t finished, they were just changing position! She was knelt up now, near the bottom of the bed and I could see her legs and her backside. Lee was stood on the floor at the foot of the bed behind her, doing her doggy-fashion.
I couldn’t get up as Lee would see me if he turned around, but I watched them from where I was, safe in the knowledge that it was darker outside than it was in, so he wouldn’t be able to see me very well. Although C was trying to be quiet, I could hear her little moans and grunts as he shagged her and I could see the shaft of his cock sticking in her as he pulled away and then shoved it back in. I could even hear his balls slapping against her pussy when he speeded up.
It was the most erotic sight I had ever seen. I had been in a couple of threesomes with one of my old girlfriends, but this was different and so much hornier because C was normally so shy and reserved. They kept fucking for a good ten minutes or so, and I heard C try to stifle a cry as she came. I could tell she had cum, because I saw her hand go back to stop Lee, and her thighs were shaking for a moment. Then she put her hand back down and slid back onto him again, and Lee resumed pounding her. The way he was going at her now I could tell he was about to cum, and I wondered if she was going to let him cum inside her. She was on the pill, but she still rarely let me shoot in her as she didn’t like the feeling.
I heard Lee say he was going to cum, and I heard C say “No” to something. Lee gave C a couple more really hard, fierce pumps which made her moan quite loud, before he pulled out. I saw his cum jet out over her bottom and onto her back. He stood there for a moment, and then climbed onto the bed and she rolled over next to him as they both lay down.
My cock was absolutely throbbing, urging me to get it out and let it cum, but I lay there watching their feet for a moment. I could hear low voices and whispers again, and I realised the show was over for now. The voices stopped, and their feet weren’t moving so I guessed they were having a sleep. I rolled onto my side, and despite the tingling in my cock I managed to fall asleep too.
C woke me up sometime later. The sky was beginning to lighten, and she told me to come and get in bed. I staggered up and got in bed alongside her. The bathroom light was off so it was too dark to see if there was any cum stains on the covers. Lee was nowhere to be seen, so I assumed he had gone to bed in their room, and I snuggled up close to C who was already going to sleep. I said nothing about what I had seen, but as I drifted back to sleep I was trying to think of what to say to her in the morning.
The following morning, I woke up to the smell of hot, buttered toast. C was sat on the bed next to me, with a breakfast tray. “Morning!” she beamed at me and I grinned back as I took a bite out of the toast and a swig of the fresh orange juice next to it. She was wearing her pyjamas.
I asked C if she enjoyed last night, and she said “We had a laugh!” I decided not ask her about what had happened. She and Lee had thought me asleep, so I wondered how much C would tell me. Would she wait until I asked, or would she confess all without being prompted? If I did ask, would she tell me the truth about actually sleeping with him anyway, or would she lie? I wanted to know what had happened after I fell asleep too. By the time C had woken me up and dragged me to bed, Lee was already gone.
I wasn’t too hung over considering the amount of drink I had supped the night before. I think the water I had drank helped, because the toast and orange went down fine. I felt a bit fuzzy-headed, but that was all. I asked C how she was, and she said she didn’t feel too bad, all things considered. She had been sick and then downed a pint of water in the middle of the night, and ate some toast and orange when she first woke, an hour or so ago. She informed me it was almost noon, but climbed into bed alongside me.
I put the empty tray on the floor at the side of bed, and C rolled on top of me and started kissing me, quite passionately. My unsatisfied hard-on of the night before immediately returned, and she felt it against press against her and giggled as she removed her pyjama bottoms. “I never got to sort that out for you last night, did I? You fell asleep!” she said and she slid down on to me. She was pretty wet.
There wasn’t anymore talking for a while. I grabbed her hips and started to fuck her as vigorously as I could, while she rode me with an equal display of energy. Halfway through I almost tore her pyjama top off as I rolled her over on to her back. Throwing the covers back, I lifted her legs up and fucked her as hard as I could.
I lasted quite a while, considering my close-to-bursting hard on. All I could think of was the vision of Lee’s buttocks bunching as he fucked my girlfriend, and I wanted to out-perform him. The look on C’s face was fantastic, both surprised and ecstatic, and when she finally came, screaming out my name, I allowed myself to pull out and cum all over her belly, before collapsing exhausted on the bed next to her.
“What came over you?” C asked me when we had both got our breath back. “Last night,” I admitted, “What came over you? Oh, I did!” I joked and she laughed, but she didn’t answer my question. She did initiate sex quite often to be fair, but it was rare for C to ever ride me, let alone screw me with that much abandon. She said she needed to shower again now, looking down at her cum-covered stomach with distaste, but she blew me a big kiss as she closed the bathroom door.
We always liked to see a bit of wherever we go on holiday, and we had booked a trip around the island for today. I wished we hadn’t now, as I wanted a repeat of yesterday and we only had one more day after today before we flew home. I asked C what she wanted to do and she said “Haven’t we got that trip today?” I told her we could cancel it if she didn’t feel well enough, but she said we had to go. I told her we didn’t HAVE to, but she said we definitely did with some authority. I asked her if she was trying to avoid the lads next door and she shrugged, but looked uncomfortable.
It was obvious she wasn’t going to say anything, so I asked her what had happened after I fell asleep. She looked at me for a minute, before replying that her and Lee had messed around, and that she got really horny and wanted to shag me but I had fell asleep! She wasn’t lying, but rather omitting the truth. I was going to tell her I saw them fucking, and reassure her everything was fine, but she changed the subject, pointing out that we would miss the trip if we didn’t hurry up and set off. She was right, the trip left in less than fifteen minutes from reception so we got a move on.
In the lobby, we bumped into Chris and he said “Hi” but C tried to drag me off. I stopped though, and she gave him a worried smile. I told him we were going on a trip, and he looked disappointed when I told him we didn’t get back until really late. He told us the hotel was having a barbecue the day after, and I promised him we would have a drink then. I asked him where Lee was and he said that the idiot was still in bed with a massive hangover! As we left he gave me an exaggerated wink and asked us to be a bit quieter tonight if we were going to shag again. At one point last night, he thought our headboard was going to come through the wall into their room! I realised he didn’t know yet that Lee had shagged C.
As we left to get on the coach, C went from looking confused to relieved and then to worried, as I asked her the question she must have known was coming. “I thought you said we didn’t do it last night?” She shrugged and said “We didn’t. If we did I don’t remember. Maybe he heard someone else?” We got to the coach then, and once we boarded she changed the subject again. We didn’t speak much about last night during the long trip, and whenever I did she deflected my questions.
It was late when we returned from the trip and when we got into bed, she avoided any questions by kissing me and saying she was really horny. Once again, I asked what had got into her. Maybe I should have asked ‘who’ had got into her! She told me that she was trying to make the most of the remaining couple of days – that was all. I pulled away from her, saying I knew her better than that. She chewed her lip, and admitted that the stuff she had done last night with Lee had got her turned on and that she had been thinking about it all day.
I called her a ‘dirty girl’ and asked her which bit had turned her on most. I sensed that she was coming to a decision about telling me, as she kept pausing before answering my questions. I tried to appear relaxed and not at all angry, to encourage her to tell me everything. C was slightly evasive, admitting that ‘everything’ had got her really horny, but I pressed her, asking her again what had happened after we crossed to our balcony and I fell asleep.
She reluctantly said that she had played with Lee and that he had fingered her and when I pressed her further, she admitted that he had ‘licked her down there’ as well. I made it obvious that I wasn’t mad, in fact I told her it was getting me horny and I asked her if she had made him cum. She paused before nodding, saying that he had asked her to go down on him, and because it was getting a bit cold they had gone inside onto our bed and she had sucked him off there.
I tried to put an expression of disbelief on my face as I said “Wow!” Her hand felt my stiffening cock, and she said “This really is turning you on, isn’t it?” I nodded, and my hand found her pussy too. She was soaking wet and she moaned a little as I played with her. “So did you let him cum in your mouth?” I asked, still pretending I didn’t know anything. C shook her head, but nodded when I said “But you did make him cum? How?”
She didn’t say anything but pulled me on top of her and started kissing me as I shoved myself into her. There was a look of anxiety on her face, so I begun to screw her slowly and told her everything was okay. I repeated what I had said to both the lads. “We’re on holiday. You can do whatever you want, okay? Even screw someone if you want. I think it would do us good if you did, long-term, you know?”
She didn’t say anything, but I saw her take a deep breath as though she was going to say something, but I interrupted. I tried to look confused, before appearing to cotton on. I used what Chris had said earlier, to pretend I was working it out as I spoke. “Hang on, what Chris said earlier about us making loads of noise last night… Did you fuck Lee?” I stopped fucking her for a moment, because a tear leaked from her eye and down her cheek as she nodded. She was upset!
“I’m sorry…” She said and more tears followed, but I kissed her long and hard, and told her it was fine. She asked me if I was going to finish with her, and I told her to stop being so silly. “I’m so turned on,” I told her and proved it by starting to fuck again. I was rock-hard!
“Really?” she asked in-between moans as I gained momentum. “Yes,” I told her. “Did you enjoy it? Fucking him? Fucking someone else?” She was pushing up onto me, screwing me right back – obviously talking about it was turning her on too. “Yes!” she confessed, “It was so different.” We didn’t say anything more, until I came inside her, which she didn’t even object to like she usually did.
We talked for a while after, and she told me everything that had happened that night. She had just wanted make Lee cum, and hadn’t meant to screw him. He had kept asking her to go down on him and then he asked if he could cum in her mouth, but when she came out to get the wine (as she was a bit nervous) and saw me fast asleep, the mix of alcohol and horniness took over and she thought ‘What the hell?’ and decided to let him shag her. She apologised again, but said she was really horny and desperately needed to cum and when she asked me I had turned her down, saying I was too tired.
After her and Lee had finished shagging, they had indeed fallen asleep before Lee woke her sometime later, and asked her if she had enjoyed it, and she told him she had. Lee said she had been fantastic, before kissing her and going to bed. C said that was when she had got up and been sick. She had a long drink of water, woke me up and got me into bed.
I asked her if Lee was any good, and she nodded and said he had been quite rough with her at the end, which she enjoyed, as that was a bit different to me. She told me that his dick was just like mine though, which surprised her as she thought it would somehow feel different. I told her I was disappointed with that, as I wanted her to experience some different shapes and sizes before she settled down with me, so she wouldn’t be curious later on. C reassured me that it had made her feel a bit better about her sexual past though, as she was a bit embarrassed about only sleeping with 3 blokes. It was 4 now, which was still a bit low, but better than 3.
I asked her if she would sleep with Lee again, but she shook her head, saying she had enjoyed it, but she preferred me. I told her I thought she needed a few more experiences though, before I would be satisfied that she had been with enough guys to not be curious later on. She asked me if I ‘wanted’ her to sleep with someone else, and I told her only if she wanted to. C said she might think about it again in the future, but only if it was with the right person, someone she really fancied. I suggested Chris, but she looked at me levelly and asked “Have you seen the size of his thing?” I told her it might be good to experience a really big one, so she could say she had ‘Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.’
C laughed and told me to forget it, then asked me if I still loved her. I reassured her that I did and we fell asleep in each others arms. The tension that day had been difficult, and I wasn’t quite sure how to handle it, so I was glad that it was all in the open now. I was also pleased that she had found the experience so liberating and enjoyable. I also knew I had to see it happen again one day.
The next day I got up first and showered, telling C to stay in bed as I would bring her breakfast in bed like she did for me yesterday. I saw Lee in the bar downstairs and asked him if he was over his hangover. He nodded but looked really uncomfortable and wouldn’t look me in the eye. I told him to wait for me so we could go back upstairs together, which he did although he looked like he might run away at any moment.
As we ascended in the lift, I said C had told me everything and not to worry. I even thanked him for fucking her, explaining that since that night C had been a complete wildcat in bed, and he admitted he had heard us at it yesterday morning and then again last night. I asked him what he thought to her, and he admitted she was a good fuck, saying I was a lucky guy, getting to bang her every day!
Lee knew we were leaving the next day, and he said he would love to have another crack at her, maybe when he wasn’t so drunk. I said I would see what I could do. Lee also told me that Chris knew too and apologised for telling him, but he said he couldn’t help but show off. He said Chris was gutted, because he really wanted to screw her. I said they were both welcome to try, but I didn’t think there was much chance. He asked me if we were going to the barbecue tonight, and I said we would see them there. He suggested spiking C’s punch, and I laughed as I left him at his door.
Back in our room, C was delighted with her breakfast but even happier when I told her how Lee had just complimented her and said she was a great fuck. I told her that Chris also knew and wanted to shag her too. C told me she knew that already and reminded me of how Chris had tried to get her into bed. I mentioned the barbecue and she said it would be a nice way to finish off the holiday, but to forget Chris shagging her.
That afternoon we went around the pool for a bit, and the lads joined us. C was really embarrassed in their company at first, but neither Lee nor Chris said anything about ‘that night’ and she was soon back to her normal self. Soon, the pool area cleared so there was only us four around, and Chris winked at C and asked her if she was going topless today, to top up her tan as it was nearly the end of our holiday. She replied “Not here, but I’ll probably go upstairs in a bit.”
It was a blatant invitation and sure enough when we went up to our balcony for C to sun her breasts, the lads followed a few minutes later, with armloads of beer and a pitcher of some cocktail. Within 10 minutes of C’s top coming off, the lads were on our side of the balcony and we were all drinking just like old times. Still nothing had been said about Lee and C sleeping together; it was almost as though it had never happened, so C was completely at ease and relaxed in the lads company. We all sat around talking, drinking and joking quite happily.
But then everything changed. Two things happened; one – I had to go to the toilet, and started with the dreaded runs, and two – a new guy turned up on their balcony who Lee introduced was his elder brother Tony. Tony was supposed to be coming with them from the start, but couldn’t get the time off work and so was just joining them for the second week.
I knew C would fancy Tony the moment I saw him. He was shorter than his tall brother, and where Lee was fair, he was dark with almost jet-black hair and the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen on a bloke. C couldn’t take her eyes off him as he joined us on our side of the balcony, and while she was a little apprehensive at first, before long she was laughing at his jokes and chatting away to him as though they had known each other ages. She had covered up when he first appeared but eventually she took her top off again, and appeared to enjoy the attention when Tony blatantly stared her tits, saying they were far too big for a shorty like her. She positively lapped up the string of compliments he put her way during the afternoon, mostly about her breasts and her body.
I was having to visit the toilet quite frequently now and was starting to feel a bit ill. C was concerned for me and got me the stomach-upset tablets we had brought with us. I went for a lay-down inside, out of the sun and C joined me for a bit while the lads went for a walk-around to show Tony around the resort. Before they left, we agreed to meet up at the barbecue, as long as my guts were feeling better.
The barbecue party was being held around the pool and the hotel restaurant, starting at 5 and it promised to go on until the early hours. Despite the draining effects of sitting on the toilet all afternoon, I managed to summon up enough energy to go as I knew C really wanted to. She looked fantastic in a white bikini top and shorts, wrapped in a translucent pale-blue sarong, and the guys all complimented her when we met up, grabbing a table next to the pool.
The drinks were flowing, and they all got stuck into some barbecued kebabs, although I couldn’t face any food. I did manage a couple of drinks, but then switched to non-alcoholic cocktails to be on the safe side. The guys all jumped in the pool, and were encouraging C to get in with them but she was reluctant to ruin her hair and make-up. I started to feel worse and told C I had to go back upstairs again, and she looked upset at having to leave the party so I told her to stay with the boys. She refused at first, but I told her I would be fine so she agreed to stay for a little while, and said she would come and check on me soon.
Back in the room I leaned over the balcony, and though we were high up I could identify C because of what she was wearing. The lads dived in the pool again, and eventually C jumped in too. I watched them frolicking around for a bit, and then went for a lie down and nodded off. C woke me up to check on me, Her sarong was stuck to her wet skin and bikini, and the bikini top itself was also made transparent by the water, and I could see the dark circles of her nipples. I pointed this out to her, and she said she knew already from the lads downstairs. She wanted to change into a different top, but I convinced her to keep it on and give the lads a bit of a thrill.
She refixed her hair and make-up but before she left again, I asked her how she was getting on with the new bloke, Tony. She had a twinkle in her eye and said she thought he was nice. I asked her if she fancied him and she turned red and told me to stop teasing her, giggling in embarrassment but admitting she thought he was ‘cute.’ She was satisfied I was okay and I let her go back downstairs while I tried to get myself a bit better by having another sleep.
A soaking wet C woke me up again not long after with a fruit smoothie drink which she thought might do me some good. I thanked her, and asked her if she was having a good time, commenting on her soaked sarong. She said she was but the lads had pushed in the pool so she had stormed upstairs. She said she wasn’t really cross, but it might teach the lads a lesson and even get a few free drinks out of it too, if she made them feel guilty. She thought they were trying to get her drunk, and were all trying it on with her and kept grabbing her bum. Chris had even sneakily untied and pulled her top off in the pool. “It’s all harmless fun though,” she reassured me and told me not to worry about her. She was really buzzing, so I could tell the drinks were getting to her, along with all the attention she was getting. As she went back downstairs, I felt I might be in for a really good screw later on, if I had the energy.
The sun was setting when she came back up a bit later, dry this time. She still had the beaming smile, but her eyes were a little bit glazed now and she was definitely well on the way to being as drunk as the other night. She had brought me a beer and some nibbles from the party downstairs, and she proceeded to tell me that the lads were getting very cheeky, so she had come upstairs for a bit to escape them. Plus the party was getting a bit boring now, the food was more or less all gone and a lot of people were going out into the town now. I told her she could go out round town with the lads for a bit if she wanted to, but she repeated that they were getting a bit too forward.
I asked her what ‘too forward’ meant, and she said “You know… They keep trying to feel me up and things.” I pressed her as to what ‘things’ she was referring to and she blushed. “Grabbing my boobs and bum and trying it on. Chris thinks because of what happened with me and Lee the other night that I’m easy, but I keep telling him that I was drunk that night and that I’m not just some common tart to shag in an alleyway…” She stopped there, having said a little bit too much, but the way she was blushing made me wonder as to the exact depth of what they had said or done. I didn’t want to push her too hard, so I let the matter drop.
C asked me how I was feeling and I said I was a bit better. Well enough to have the drink and the nibbles, and she told me to come and sit on the balcony while I ate, so we could enjoy the sunset together. I sat down and C left me for a moment, going back into our room and then came and sat back next to me. She didn’t say anything for a minute or two and I saw her smiling at me. It took me a double-take style second glance to realise why. The white bikini top had gone and with the sarong being translucent I could see her breasts clearly through the fabric. She laughed when she saw my shocked face. We sat and ate in peace for a little while, listening to the music drifting up from downstairs and despite what had happened two nights ago, I felt closer to C than ever.
Our domestic bliss was suddenly shattered though when Lee hollered from their side of the railing and we turned to see the three of them walking out with their arms full of beer, food and a small hi-fi which Tony set up on a table and put some dance music on. Chris tossed me a beer and Lee handed over some barbecued sausages on a plate for me and C. “We felt sorry for you, up here all on your own, mate!” Lee smiled and dragged a sun lounger over the balcony to sit with us.
“And the party’s getting a bit dull down there, so we brought it up here!” Chris said as he joined us. “Plus there’s no decent women down there now,” added Lee. Tony was sitting on the railing, beer and kebab in hand and looked at his little brother. “You mean C’s not downstairs, more like?” he said and Lee shrugged and laughed.
They all asked how I was, and I told them I was struggling a bit, but at least it had happened at the end of the holiday rather than the beginning. They told me to get ‘my medicine’ down me (meaning the beer and grub) and I would be alright. “I thought you were going around the town?” C asked them, but they said that Tony was a bit tired, and they wanted to spend our last night with us. I asked them what they had been up to downstairs, and they told me about throwing C in the pool.
“The water turns that bikini see-through!” Chris told me, and then he suddenly noticed that C had no bikini top on. “Oh my god!” C cried realising and quickly covered up. The lads all laughed and I joined in. “Oh come on – relax,” Tony begged her. “We’ve all seen them already.” He told me that Chris had managed to get her top off in the pool earlier and they made her down a shot of whisky before they let her have it back.
I told C to relax and she put her arms down and then waited patiently until they all finished clapping and hooting at her tits, exposed through the sarong for us all to see. She told them to enjoy it as it was all they were getting tonight, pointing specifically at Lee. Chris burst out laughing, as did I and then C joined in when she saw Lee’s disappointed face. Tony looked non-plussed and asked what the joke was.
Chris suddenly looked at Lee with alarm on his face, and Lee told him it was okay, I knew all about it. Tony asked “He knows about what?” and I realised that they hadn’t filled him in on the events of the other night. Lee, Chris and I all looked at C who had covered her face in embarrassment. We all laughed and I elbowed her gently. “The cat’s out of the bag now. Do you want to tell him, or shall we?” C peeked at me through her fingers. “You might as well tell him. He’s not going to let it drop now, is he?” she replied.
Chris said to Tony that C had got VERY drunk the night before last, in fact we all had. Tony nodded for him to continue, and Chris explained that we all ended up naked, drinking until the early hours of the morning. He and I both fell asleep when it got late, but afterwards things had got a bit ‘jiggy’ between Lee and C.
Tony looked at C, who was now curled up almost into a ball in shame. Her face was covered, but her ears were bright red. Tony looked at Lee and asked him what ‘jiggy’ meant. Lee looked at me, and I answered for him, by pumping my arms and groin in a humping gesture. Tony’s eyes lit up, and he came over and clapped his little brother on the back. “You shagged her?” When C saw me doing the humping movement, she punched me on the shoulder and told me to stop it.
Lee stuck up for C. “She was really drunk. We were both drunk, weren’t we?” C lifted her chin up defiantly, despite her cheeks and ears glowing. “Yes, we had sex, so what?” she said and Tony looked at me.
I shrugged my indifference, “I didn’t mind. It was a fun night actually, wasn’t it?” I asked Chris and he said “Yeah, until Lee came and tried to climb into bed with me!” We all nearly pissed ourselves laughing. Tony asked exactly how it all started and Lee gave him a blow-by-blow account of the evening while we cracked open more beers. When we got to the bit where Lee cum on C’s tits, she covered her face again in shame when Tony howled laughing, but after that she did quite well, sticking up for herself every time Chris or Tony made fun of her. I was quite proud of my usually shy, conservative girlfriend – she had turned into quite the independent woman!
At C’s urging, Lee hurried through what had gone on after Chris and I fell asleep, but told us that C was an excellent shag, and he jokingly agreed with me on her rating of a 9 out of 10! It was his turn to get thumped now, and C demanded a 10, but he wasn’t giving in. “10’s are a very rare beast, aren’t they?” he asked me and we laughed at C, who crossed her arms across her breasts in annoyance.
Tony told C to get her own back, and give me and Lee a rating. She looked at us for a second, and then awarded me a 5 and Lee a 4. I was outraged – 5 out of 10? She joked and said she would only give us a higher rating if I gave her a 10, but I told her it didn’t work like that and Lee agreed and wanted to know why I scored higher than him. C said she wouldn’t change her mind unless we gave her a 10. We still refused and she tried to bribe us by saying she would take her sarong off and go topless. I pointed out that because it was see-through anyway.
She got the huff on but Lee and I stuck to our guns. Lee said that if she went naked, and showed his big brother her lovely shaven pussy he would give her a 10. C shook her head, and said she wasn’t changing her scores. Lee turned on me saying I got only got a higher score than him because I had more practice on her, but Chris said the low scores were probably because of our needle dicks, which elicited a roar of laughter from Tony.
“That’s easy for you to say,” I grumbled to Chris, and Tony asked C what she thought to Chris’s infamous ‘monster.’ C said it was too big for her and so Tony asked her if it was true that the ratings were low because of our needle-dicks. C said “No”, defending me by saying my dick was just the right size for her. She pointed at the lump in Tony’s own shorts, asking him what he had in there, if he was criticising her boyfriend and his own brother.
Tony said he wasn’t letting her see anything unless she showed him what she had got. After all, everyone else had got to see it! C said he was trying to trick her, that she would strip and then he wouldn’t. The way she was looking at him and flirting with him betrayed the fact that she fancied the arse off him. It was easy for all to see and Tony knew it. It was made even more obvious because she was quite merry, and she wasn’t protesting quite as when in a similar situation two days before.
Tony gave his word that he would take off his shorts if she did the same. She took off the sarong and lowered her arms so she was topless, and said that was as far as she was going so he had to strip off, but Tony shook his head, saying he had seen her tits earlier up here, then at the pool and had also been staring at them for the last half-hour. While they were pretty nice, he wanted to see this supposedly shaven pussy that Lee had been raving about.
C countered that he was just chicken and that he probably had a shrimp dick. “Well, I’m not as big as Chris” he confessed, “but I put my baby brother to shame.” With a bit of egging on from Lee and Chris (I didn’t want to push her) she reluctantly and shyly pulled the front of her bottoms down a little bit as she had done the other day, showing Tony her bare mound. He leaned forward and had a good look, as did Chris, but that wasn’t enough.
“Come on,” he insisted. “Let’s all get naked.” Chris agreed, saying it was our last night and we should do it for old times’ sake. Lee agreed and dropped his bottoms as did Chris. Lee had a hard-on, and Tony rolled his eyes, saying Lee was always getting boners at the slightest thing. C still refused though, and when her eyes strayed to Chris’s cock, long, thick and veiny even when soft, Tony saw her looking and called her a ‘closet slut.’
C denied that and whacked me on the back of the head when I laughed. Tony asked what he had to do to see her pussy, and C said “Strip!” He finally gave in, and pulled his shorts down to reveal a decent sized cock. Not as big as Chris’s, but it was really thick and I noticed he was circumcised too. C didn’t take her eyes off him as his semi-erect dick sprung into view, and then her eyes bulged as she looked at it. When she asked him about the circumcision, Tony said he had to have it done when he was little because his foreskin was too tight or something.
“It makes it look bigger,” she commented. “How big is it?” Tony shrugged and said he hadn’t measured it, but Chris told him to answer. “All men measure it at some point.” Tony smiled at him and told him to stop showing off. “It’s about 7 and a half, 8 inches on a good day” and admitted to measuring it a few times.
C shook her head, commenting on men and their ‘good days’ while looking at Chris, obviously referring to the ‘9 and a half’ discussion they had the other day. “I’m not as horny as the other day, if you want to try to get it to the 9 and a half today?” Chris replied, offering to go and get the sun tan cream.
Tony said it sounded like he had missed out on all the fun, and wished he had come a couple of days earlier. C said something like “I wish you had too,” and I spat out a mouthful of beer when I heard that. Several days ago, C would never have flirted like this. Tony chose not to react straightaway to her flirting, though he chuckled at me wiping the beer off my chest.
“Time for those pants to come off then” he said patiently, nodding at C, but she shook her head and got up to try and run. Lee grabbed her and she screamed giggling and asking me to help her as Lee and Chris pinned her down on the sun lounger. I said she kept getting herself into these predicaments, and she stuck her tongue out at me and said “Some boyfriend you are!” At that even I got mad, and I helped Lee and Chris subdue her until she stopped wriggling. Tony took hold of the bottoms at both hips and eased them down, producing a ‘wow’ from Lee and an ‘oh yes’ from Chris as her bald pussy came into view.
“Well, well, well. That is nice!” Tony said as he pulled the bottoms over her ankles and clean off. She giggled and fought against us again as we pried her legs apart, and Tony and Chris got their first good look at her pussy lips. Lee reached down and stroked a finger between them, and C told them that was enough now. I agreed, I didn’t want to see my girlfriend get gang-raped, but Lee pointed out how horny and wet she was when a string of pussy-juice stretched from his finger tip as he withdrew it from her puffy folds.
We all laughed, and they let C go went she went bright crimson again at the comment. “What do you expect?” she said, “You’re all horny too,” pointing at Tony’s and Chris’s growing erections. I noticed that Tony’s dick was REALLY thick, even thicker than Chris’s although it might just have seemed that way because it was a bit shorter. His end was really bulbous too, although again that might have just been an illusion caused by the circumcision.
C reached for her bottoms, but Chris stole them as he had done with her top the other day. Again she chased around the balcony until she caught him, but then he picked her up and sat down with her on his lap, asking her to stay naked for the night like before. She tried to get the bottoms off him still and they wrestled around on the sun lounger. I watched intently as several times C was crushed against him and I noticed that Chris seemed to be deliberately manoeuvring her so that their groins were together. A couple of times, his dick was pressed flat against her groin area, though she didn’t squeal like she had the other day, when his dick rested on her belly as he rubbed sun-cream into her boobs.
She finally wrestled him flat on to his back and sat straddling his stomach, but he laid back holding the bottoms away over his head, so that C had to lay flat on top of him to reach them. This only resulted in her breasts being pushed into his face, and he grabbed one with his mouth, causing her to laugh and move downwards, so they were out of his mouth’s reach, while she still scrabbled with her hands towards the knickers. From where I was, resting on the outer balcony, I could see that his cock was fully hard, and that the way she was laid straddling him, the end of it was no more than an inch or so from her pussy.
I heard her begging him for the bottoms, but he still refused and tried to wriggle upwards from underneath her causing C to slide downwards a little. His dick end was now pushing against her fanny when they both stopped. Tony looked at what I was staring at and laughed out loud, saying C had better watch out because she was going to get killed if that thing went in there. C seemed to realise what we talking about and she yelped and jumped up, much to the disappointment of Chris.
C staggered a bit as she stood, and I realised she was a bit more drunk than I initially thought. She picked up and wrapped her sarong around her, although it hid absolutely nothing. She admitted defeat about her bottoms and Chris threw them over to their side of the balcony so she couldn’t get them. C opened a beer and took a huge gulp of her drink, informing Tony that ‘it’ wouldn’t kill her actually. She had been with a guy once, who had a quite big one. Chris asked if this was the 40 year old that she lost her virginity with, and she nodded. Chris said 7 inches did not count as ‘a big one.’ C said it was ‘quite big’ but Chris and Tony said it didn’t. .
Tony asked her about losing her virginity, and how many men she had been with, if she didn’t mind him asking. C told him about the 40 year old conning her, and that she had only been with 3 men, including me. I corrected her, saying “4” and Lee put his hand up in the air. She laughed, and changed it to 4 but Tony said if she had moved an inch further down two minutes ago, she would have been with 5. We laughed as Chris offered to make it 5 for her if she wanted and Tony said he would make it 6, but C told them to forget it. “This” she said, drunkenly parting her sarong and touching her pussy provocatively, “belongs to my boyfriend,” and then she sat next to me and pulled me into a kiss before breaking away and sticking her tongue out at the three guys sat opposite us. Chris pointed out that she had said the same thing the other night, just before she shagged Lee. C just laughed and stuck two fingers up at them as she kissed me again.
It was dark now, so I excused myself and I left her alone for a moment to turn the balcony lights on. While I was in the room, I paid a much needed visit to the toilet, calling out to them that I might be a while. I was right. I felt a bit better in myself but my guts were still all over the place and I was sat there for some time. I wondered what was going on outside, but I couldn’t get up. At one point, Lee came and knocked on the door, asking if I was okay.
When I finally did vacate the toilet, some fifteen or twenty minutes later, the party was still swinging. I heard C and Tony laughing at something Chris had said, and I peeked out at them. Chris, C and Tony were all laid out on the loungers and it looked like they were still having a good time. The balcony was littered with empty beer bottles. I didn’t know where Lee was.
I was about to go out and ask where Lee was, when C got up and walked into the room, jumping when she nearly bumped into me. She was now minus the sarong, and so was completely naked. Chris and Tony were still talking outside as C put a finger to her lips before pushing me around the corner of the room and out of sight of the two lads. I asked her quietly what she was doing, and where Lee was. “He’s getting some more beer for the lads” she slurred and then asked if I was okay as a kind of afterthought. I nodded and she drawled to me that those boys were being very rude with me not being there, trying to take advantage of her because she was drunk.
I encouraged her to tell me more, but she said hadn’t DONE anything, but they had asked if they could take some photos of her to remember her by, and she had agreed as long her face wasn’t in them! I immediately realised what she kind of pictures she was talking about. “Did you let them?” I asked and she nodded shyly, saying they had took some of her ‘privates’ and everything! “They made me open my legs,” she giggled and then fell into me. I managed to catch her and I kissed her. Then I told her how much this was all turning me on. She felt my erection through my shorts and said “So I see!”
With that she undid my belt and pulled my shorts down. Her hand curled around me and she started to wank me off. “You’re not getting away with it tonight. I want this,” she said and I promised her she could have it any time she wanted. C ducked her head around the corner, checking to make sure the lads were still busy talking, then dropped to her knees and started sucking me. I put my hands on the back of her head and enjoyed one of her fantastic blow-jobs but sensing that I was going to cum fairly quickly, I stopped it and promised her some action later.
She stood up, licking her lips at me and then giggled and hugged me, telling me how much she loved me and that this had been the best holiday ever. “I’m so horny” she declared, “and Tony’s so fucking sexy!” The sudden swing of subject matter was typical of C when she was drunk and I pushed her away to arms length as she grabbed my cock again and said she wanted it now. I told her I was too horny and would only last about 10 seconds and she gave me her pouty face again. “But I need some cock,” she pleaded and so I told her to go and shag Tony if he was so ‘fucking sexy.’ “Don’t tempt me,” she said with a naughty smile before walking back out onto the balcony.
I heard Chris ask C if I was okay, and she said I was fine, but that I was going to have a sleep for a bit. I had never said that! I realised she must want me to stay indoors, so I switched the light off inside, but left the outdoor light on and laid down on the bed. From where I was I could now see and hear everything. Chris and Tony were still stark naked, as was C as she laid down between the two of them.
Lee returned then with the beers which he handed out. Then he went back over and reappeared with a big bottle of something else and a ruler, and C burst out laughing asking where he had got that from. He passed the ruler to Chris, who put a digital camera down on the floor. The display was lit up with a photo, but I couldn’t make it out from where I was.
Lee sat on the fourth lounger, on the far end from me, next to his brother, saying he found it in the local corner shop. They were just closing, so he was lucky to get it. C said “Come on then, let’s do it!” and Chris stood up and offered her his cock for measuring. The fully-dressed Lee made no effort to join them all in the nude, but he poured some of the clear liquid into a glass and sniffed it, pulling his head away quickly and grimacing at the smell.
C grabbed Chris’s knob and started wanking him off, telling him to say when it was at its full size. It looked pretty huge to me already, but he let her get it harder and eventually to go ahead and measure it. She put the ruler to it, and declared it to be exactly 9 inches. Chris told her it could still get bigger, and so she shrugged and wanked it off some more. Chris said the only way to get it to its full size was to give him a blowjob, but she told him “No way!” and said sorry but he had lost the bet. Lee passed him the glass and Chris said okay, and necked the lot, almost coughing his guts up afterwards.
I couldn’t believe how naughty C was being, but there was more to come! It was Tony’s turn, and Lee’s brother replaced Chris at the foot of his lounger. “So this has got to be 8 inches or you have to down a glass,” said Chris and Tony said that was fine. C took a moment before she took hold of Tony’s cock and began to stroke him off. The difference here was C was looking straight into Tony’s eyes the whole time, and I could tell she was enjoying what she was doing. Tony was obviously enjoying it too, and told C that if she sucked it, it might even make 8 and a half. C ignored that, saying it felt strange with no foreskin. Tony replied that women always said it different when having sex too – different and better. I saw that have an effect on C. She swallowed and tensed as he spoke, but she didn’t reply.
He told her he was ready, and she measured him. “8 inches!” she said, looking amazed at the other lads. I wasn’t amazed though; his dick did look big from where I was. It looked really red and angry, and it bent upwards with quite a curve. “Here you go C,” Lee said and passed C the glass of whatever spirit it was. C took a sniff, and said she couldn’t drink that, but the lads insisted that a bet was a bet, and she had lost this time. She took a little sip and spat it straight back out, so Lee said she could do a forfeit again if she wanted. C asked what the forfeit would be this time, and after a small conference, Chris announced that she had to let one of them cum on her tits, one of them in her mouth and one on her pussy.
She said definitely not, and tried to drink the shot again, but again spat the mouthful straight back into the glass. “I can’t do it,” she wailed. “Forfeit then!” cried the lads in unison, but C said she would make them a deal. “Double or quits. I will suck your knob,” she offered to Chris, “and if it still doesn’t get to 9 and a half then you have to drink it.” Chris asked what would happen if it did get to 9 and a half, and she replied that it wouldn’t, he was just lying.
Chris looked at Tony and Lee, and they told him to go for it, so he stood next to C. She could hardly fit his long, thick cock in her mouth but she did her best, working her lips around the end and puling away to lick up and down the length of it with her tongue as I had taught her. She even flicked the end with her tongue, another trick I had taught her during our time together, and I just knew that Chris would be loving it. After just a few minutes, he told her stop before he came, and that she had to measure it quickly. I was worried for her, because as she did his cock looked massive. The vein running down the side was really prominent, and my fears were confirmed as she started to say ‘shit’ over and over, and put her head in her hands. It must have made the 9 and a half!
All three of them started laughing, but C still refused the forfeit from before, saying she couldn’t let them all cum all over her, it was disgusting. They all offered alternatives, all of which involved them fucking her or worse, and so she picked up the glass and after a moment to steady herself, held her nose and downed it before collapsing back on her lounger, coughing her head off. Lee had undressed now in anticipation of a forfeit of some sort, and he said he would go in and get her some water. All three lads were saying how impressed they were with her drinking the firewater, but I think they were really disappointed at her getting out of the forfeit.
Lee came in and I played asleep. He went and filled the glass with water, and then I felt him sit on the bed next to me give me a shake, so I pretended to wake him up. He told me to come outside, they were all having such a laugh and explained about the bet. “She had to drink the firewater or do a forfeit, but that stuff will have her on her back, so it was a win/win thing.” I felt a bit of worry about her again, but Lee told me she would be fine, they wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want them to and told me to come out for a bit. I thought I should, just to make sure everything didn’t get too out of control, and that nothing happened which C might later regret.
Whatever this firewater was, it was having a very quick effect on both C and Chris, both of whom had very glazed eyes, and stupid grins on their faces. Lee poured three (smaller) glasses of the stuff and he and Tony necked it to even things up. I said I would save mine for later, patting my stomach and Lee nodded his understanding. C had the ruler in hand, and was holding it against her lower tummy. I asked her what she was doing, and she said she was looking how far inside her a willy like Chris’s would go. It reached almost up to her belly button! Tony said he had told her it would kill her, and Chris told him to stop being stupid. Women’s stretched inside to accommodate big cocks, didn’t he know anything? I butted in, saying that that small women like C wouldn’t be able to take it though, because surely if the woman was smaller, her pussy would be smaller too.
C’s speech was so slurred I could barely understand her, but I figured she was trying to say she thought she could manage it, after all she had took a 7 inch one before – 9 inch wasn’t that much bigger. Chris laughed and said she couldn’t even take the end. C looked at him with drunken-deadly serious expression and asked him if he wanted to bet again. He said sure, and she took the ruler and before we could do anything, she put it inside her, shoving it slowly but deeply into her pussy. When it went in as far as she could manage, she asked us to have a look how deep it was and Tony took a look bending low and close to her pussy to see the numbers in the dim light.
“She wins!” he told Chris, saying it was in up to the 10 inch mark, and C laughed in delight as she pulled it out. Lee poured another glass for Chris, but he objected, saying a ruler was one thing, but big cocks were all about the width as well as the length. The ruler, he pointed out was only thin and flat. He told C she should do the bet properly and let him put his dick in her. He wouldn’t actually fuck her, he promised, he would just put it in as then take it out. C looked me and I told them to get on with it. C told Chris to go slow, and reminded him – no sex!
He told her to move down to the edge of the lounger and he positioned himself, kneeling up between her legs and then put the tip of his cock against her pussy lips and pushed gently. C had her arms out, braced against his chest to slow him down, but he eventually eased inside her, until his bell-end was completely in. “My god!” C slurred, and Tony told her she was on 5 now. C laughed and said this wasn’t actually sex, so it didn’t count.
We all watched transfixed, as Chris pushed into her a little deeper, getting maybe half of his cock in her now, and she had to push his chest and slow him again. His cock looked almost twice as thick as mine and Lee’s and I looked at C’s face. Her mouth was open in a silent ‘O’ as she looked down at his dick entering her. After a moment, she relaxed her arms again, and Chris took the cue to push a bit deeper. He had to pull it out a little bit and then pump it in again, in little fucking-like movements to get more and more of it in. Then he lifted her legs up, and pulled her further onto him, so that her backside was lifted off the edge of the lounger. Then he parted her legs again, so that we could see that he was in right up to the hilt of his cock.
“Well done!” Lee said to C, but she couldn’t reply. Her face was still fixed in the ‘O’ look, and she had her eyes closed. Lee bent down and kissed her, and she responded by kissing him back. Chris started to pull out, and then stroked it back into her, making her gasp out loud, and then he thrust into her a little harder while Lee kissed her and moved his hand to her tits.
There was a click and a flash of light, and I turned to see that Tony had taken a photo with the camera. Unfortunately this seemed to jolt C out of the moment, and she pushed away first Lee and then Chris, his cock emerging with a plopping sound. “No sex!” she said, but the look on her face betrayed that she had come close to not stopping.
They both apologised to her as she sat up, but she shook her head and then looked at Chris’s cock. “Did I really take all that?” she asked, and we all nodded. She was rather pleased with herself, and I insisted that she had now taken her man-count to 5. She shrugged and picked up the beer nearest to her, taking a long swig. She was now completely drunk and she spilled half the drink down her front then looked down in confusion at the beer dripping from her breast. Tony offered to clean that up for her, and bent forward and started sucking on her breast, while she just laughed.
I said to Chris that I couldn’t believe what she had just done, and that didn’t he have to take a drink of that stuff again now? Lee passed him his glass and he necked it. Lee took another drink too, and told me to down mine. I picked it up and had an idea. I threw it all back into my mouth, and then indicated towards Tony, who was still sucking C’s tits, and she wasn’t stopping him. While they were distracted, I casually walked back to the toilet inside and spat the firewater into the sink. I decided to stay in there and empty my guts again, meanwhile giving the guys a bit of time and space with my paralytic girlfriend.
After 10 minutes or so, I came back out to find only Lee and Chris sat on the balcony, looking at the photos on the camera. When he saw me Lee pointed over the balcony and said C and Tony were changing the music. I looked and saw C standing next to the hi-fi, looking through his CD collection. Tony was stood right behind C with his arms around her. One hand was squeezing a breast and the other one was around the front feeling between her legs. She wasn’t pushing him off at all, in fact she seemed to open her legs a little to give him better access as she picked a disc and put it in the CD tray. Then as I watched, she turned her head and started kissing him over her shoulder.
Chris, Lee and I all looked at each other and Lee said quietly that we should ignore them and let them ‘get on with it.’ Chris agreed, and he told me to sit with them and offered me a beer, which I gratefully accepted. I asked to see what was on the camera and they hesitantly passed it to me. The first picture was C’s breasts and the second one too, although she was pushing them together on that one. There were a couple of photos of her naked body full length, laid out on the sun-lounger, and then a load of photos of her pussy. The first few were with her legs closed, then with legs open so you could see everything. Chris said they had great fun taking them, and I said I bet they all did! “There’s more,” he told me and there was.
The next series of pictures had a guy’s hand holding her lips apart, and were close-up and pretty graphic. Chris told me the hand was Tony’s. Lee left us and climbed over the balcony to their room saying he needed a pee. He was staggering all over the place, and Chris laughed at how he couldn’t take his drink. It was very quiet over the other side of the balcony but I heard Tony say something to his brother, and Lee repeated that he was just going to the toilet.
They had been true to their word with C. None of the photos had her face in shot, although the next couple of pictures had the back of her head and her blonde hair in them, as they featured her kneeling up and showed her pussy from behind in great detail. “I can’t believe she let you take these,” I breathed and Chris said she was pretty drunk and asked if I was really cool with all of this. “Tony’s gonna fuck her over there, you know?” he said and I nodded and told Chris I wanted him to.
The last few pictures had one of Lee sucking on her tit, and one of Chris’s face right next to her pussy with his tongue stuck out as though he was going lick her from behind. The final one was raunchier, with C bent over again and Tony’s cock pressed against her lips. The circumcised end of his cock was just about pushing into her, and then we came to the final one, which Tony had taken while I was there.
It was a little blurry, but it showeed C on her back with Chris knelt between her legs with his dick inside her. Lee’s hand was on her breast, and luckily his face obscured hers as he kissed her. It looked like something from a real porn shoot and I said so to Chris. He nodded but said he was really gutted because if Tony had not taken the picture just then, he might have got to properly fuck her.
“At least you got it up her” I consoled him, but he shook his head and said he really wanted to screw her, but Tony had beaten him to it now. “With how drunk she is, you might get a chance to later,” I said and Chris looked at me incredulously. “You can’t let her fuck two blokes in once night!” he said, but I asked him “Why not?” He studied me for a moment. “Well, okay. I’ll try, if you’re sure?” he answered and I winked at him and put the camera down. “To be honest,” I said quietly, aware that C wasn’t far away, “her face was a picture earlier when you shoved it up her. I’d love to see what state you could get her in if you really fucked her properly.” Chris just grinned at me and said he’d try to oblige, but didn’t think he would be able to prise her away from Tony now.
Almost on cue, I heard a whimper from C on the other side of the balcony, and then a low moan. Chris said he wondered what was happening and where Lee was and together we sneaked to the railing and peered over; trying not to disturb what was going on. Tony was on top of C and was slowly screwing her. She had her legs locked around him and her hands were gripping his back as he ground himself into her slowly but deeply. I couldn’t see her face because it was buried into his shoulder, but every time he pushed into her, we could hear a small moan escape her lips.
Something caught my attention in the corner of my eye and I tapped Chris on the shoulder and pointed out Lee, who was watching through the glass door from the inside of the room. He waved a greeting then returned to watching Tony and C. Tony got a bit harder and faster, and the moans from C became a little louder and more frequent but then she opened her eyes and she saw Lee in the doorway. She tapped Tony on the back and said something in his ear. Chris and I ducked down out of view, but we heard Tony tell Lee to get lost and say he couldn’t do it with an audience. Lee mumbled something, and then Tony told him to “Go away” and a moment later Lee was clambering over the railing to our side.
“Damn it. I’m going to sleep” Lee slurred to us and he walked straight past us and into my hotel room. I was going to object but I was more interested in what was happening with Tony and C, so I risked a look over the railing. They weren’t anywhere to be seen and then I saw the patio door close. They had gone inside, the spoil-sports! Chris said she was going to get properly fucked in there now, and sure enough we heard a moan come from the room, muffled by the glass. I agreed with Chris and figuring that was it for the night, I went inside too and laid on the bed next to the stretched out Lee.
It was then I found out how thin the walls were. I could hear C groaning and moaning quite clearly, and I suddenly realised how clearly Lee and Chris must have been able to hear everything we had been up to! Chris had laid down on one of the loungers outside, and I tried to ignore the sounds coming from next door and get some sleep. After a while, the noise went quiet and I thought they had finally finished, but then it started up again. Something, presumably the headboard, banged on the wall several times quite loudly, and Lee grumbled something and pulled a pillow over his head to stifle the noise.
I heard C giggle, and then moan really loudly. It was killing me, listening to them and not knowing exactly what was going on and what he was doing to her. I could hear the bed creaking and as the sounds got quicker and quicker, C’s moans got louder and louder. There was no way I could sleep, unlike Lee who was snoring softly despite the rhythmic banging.
Finally I heard a low wail from C, and then several more frenetic bangs and a grunt from Tony which signalled the end. A period of blessed silence ensued, followed by some low talking and then C’s laughter. I got up and walked out on to the balcony, careful not to disturb Chris and I waited for C to come out.
After about 15 minutes of waiting, I presumed she must have fallen asleep in there with him, and briefly wondered if I should go over and into the room. I decided against it, knowing C was okay from her laughter just before I came out. Slightly disappointed, I went back to the bed and managed to fall asleep for a bit.
I woke up a little later, sometime after midnight because the streets were silent outside. Shadows moving on the balcony caught my eye, so I got up to see what it was. Chris was still asleep on his sun-bed and no one else was on our balcony, but I heard a very quiet giggle from C over the other side. Standing inside the room doorway, I leaned out far enough to see across the railing. C was leaning over the lads’ balcony, with a bottle of beer in her hand. She took a swig from it as Tony came up behind her. She didn’t say anything or even look around as he took her by the hips and started fucking her from behind. Even though she was rocking forwards as he pumped into her, she kept taking drinks from the bottle, looking around at the streets below as though it were perfectly normal.
She drank the last bit from the bottle, and then turned around towards Tony, looking over at our balcony as she did so. I ducked back out of view, but I had seen the look on her face. She was completely drunk, her eyes only half-open and her grinning face was giddy. When I leaned out again they had gone back inside and I heard the patio door close again. I retired back to bed and listened to several minutes of grunting and groaning, but this time they faded into silence rather than with a yell or a scream. I feel asleep.
The next time I was woken up, it was by a hand on my shoulder and C’s voice quietly saying my name. I opened my eyes and she was sat next to me on the bed, still naked and with a drunken smile on her face. “I got shagged again,” she whispered as though I didn’t already know. I told her I heard and she said “Fucking best shag ever. Big fucking cock,” she slurred holding her hands out in front of her, about a foot apart. She couldn’t even focus on them.
I laughed at her, and so as not to wake Lee, guided her into the toilet, where I took a much-needed pee. C stood watching me, and when I finished and was about to put my cock away, she grabbed it and said she wanted me – now! “It’s your turn,” she said and bent over the sink, spreading her legs. I was hard in a second and didn’t hesitate. I pushed into her from behind, realising too late that Tony had cum inside her. “I’m a bit messy,” she confessed. She was all slippery inside, but I put the thought out of my head and banged her as well as I could in the limited space. Her pussy had taken some hammer because it didn’t feel quite as tight as usual, but it still felt good. “You can cum inside me too if you want,” C slurred and I was almost about to, when the toilet door suddenly opened and banged painfully against my hip.
I cursed at Chris who was standing there with his mouth hanging open. He apologised and she he just wanted a pee. I moved out of the way and let him through, but C just turned around and stood leaning against the sink as he pulled down the shorts he had put on at some point. “Are you going to watch?” he asked her and she nodded and laughed. “I got shagged,” she repeated to him drunkenly, and asked me for another beer. I told her she had drunk enough for one night, and she moaned and watched Chris pee.
Chris told C he had heard Tony and her at it earlier. “You heard too?” she asked, “Oh well. Worth it for a good fuck.” Then Chris said he had come in here and seen her getting it again, so it seemed she was getting shagged twice. C said it was three times actually, because Tony had shagged her twice. “Wanted more of his fucking big cock,” she was swearing in a dirty drunken way, like she did sometimes when she was drunk. Chris finished his pee, and then waved his semi-hard dick at her. “Not as big as this one though,”
C tried to focus on Chris’s dick. “Yours is a big cock too. I got it all in though didn’t I? Told you I would.” She moved forward and told hold of Chris’s dick, then looked at me. “I like big cocks now,” she told me and laughed. As she did, she nearly fell over and Chris had to catch her. He looked at me, and I winked at him, giving him the okay to try it on. “Let’s get you laid down somewhere,” he said and lifted her up and carried her outside, but as he laid her out on a lounger, she didn’t let go of him. Instead, she pulled Chris closer and kissed him.
Chris kissed her back for a minute or so, and then C let go of him and laid back on the lounger, opening her legs and holding her arms out invitingly. Chris ignored her arms and moved downwards to lick her pussy, but I warned him that Tony had cum inside her. C said “Only once! The other time it went in here,” and she pointed down her throat and chuckled to herself. Even so, Chris pulled a look of distaste, and instead just kissed the inside of her thighs, put his fingers inside her and played with her clit, making C sigh and close her eyes.
While he had a good look and play with her pussy, he was wanking himself off with his other hand, getting his cock hard which didn’t take long. Then he got up and laid on top of her, his cock slid inside her sopping pussy quite easily this time. C’s eyes opened wide when he slowly shoved himself all the way into her, and I heard her ask him if it was all in again. Chris nodded, and C let out a low ‘oooooooh’ as he began to fuck her. As he got into it, he lifted himself up on his hands so their bodies were apart, and looked down at himself going in and out of her. I still couldn’t see it though, so I moved to the foot of the sun bed, where I could see better. His balls slapped against her arse as he started to bang her hard, and as C started to say “Oh yes, go on – fuck me!”
I had my cock out and was stroking it slowly. I had never heard her talk dirty like this before, and it was driving me to distraction. It must have been having the same effect on Chris, because he started pumping into her with some force, and C managed to say “Fuck me with your big cock,” but then she was reduced to just grunting and moaning, because he started to pull right out and then hammer it back in as hard as he could. Her face contorted as she came with an ‘oooooh’ and Chris had to pull out for a moment while she tensed up, her back arched and she shuddered to climax.
Once she had stopped shaking, Chris grabbed her and turned her over onto her knees. She willingly complied and he started fucking her roughly from behind. I just stood there watching as he pummelled her with his big cock. I couldn’t believe my cute little girlfriend was taking his 9 inch cock, but she did. She was even rocking back to meet him as he banged it in. Her face looked like she was in pain, but she was moaning in pleasure with every thrust. I had a good view now of his cock sliding in and out, glistening with the mixture of Tony’s cum and her juices.
After a good few minutes, Chris flipped her on to her back again and lifted one of her legs over her shoulder, then shoved himself in to her again, doing her deeply and at a bit of an angle. C yelped at first as he drilled her this way, but then returned to her low groans, and moans of ‘fuck me, fuck me…’ I decided to try and get in on the action, and shoved my cock in her face. She didn’t even open her eyes to see who it was; she just opened her mouth and started sucking me.
I think the sight of her sucking me off turned Chris on because he suddenly sped up between her legs, pushing his cock right in and instead of going for long thrusts, started to fuck her with fast, short, stabbing movements keeping most of his cock in her and after a minutes of that, C came again, loudly. I stepped back out of the way and bumped into Lee, who I hadn’t seen come out of the room. He was stood wanking himself off at the sight before him, watching as C’s back arched. She tried to shove Chris away but he stood his ground, keeping his cock thrust right in as she moaned deeply.
When C had relaxed again, Chris told me he was going to cum, but pulled out of her and straddled her chest. He told her to push her tits together and she did, so he shoved his cock between them and started to tit-fuck her. Each time his cock went right up, she opened her mouth and sucked or licked the end for a second until after a few moments he stood up and shot his load all over her tits and upper chest.
C let go of her breasts but didn’t move from the lounger, instead just turning her head to look at me as I got on top of her and fucked her for all I was worth. I felt her legs wrap around my back and her nails digging into my backside as I gave it to her as hard as I could. Her pussy had been well used, it was very open and soaking wet and as I was on the verge of cumming anyway, within a minute or two I added my cum to Tony’s already inside her. Again she didn’t object, and as I got off her, Lee offered her his cock and she started to suck him off as I sat next to Chris on the lounger next to her and got my breath back.
Within about a minute, Lee grunted and came as she sucked and wanked him off into her mouth, and swallowed it when he pulled away. He joined me and Chris for a sit down, while C just laid on the sun lounger with her eyes closed. I realised C was that drunk, she didn’t even know where she was or what she was doing, and with the rush of lust out of my system, I felt a bit guilty at letting her get that way, and letting her be used by us the way she had.
She reached down and rubbed her pussy, slurred the words ‘big cock’ almost unintelligibly then laughed to herself. After that she was very still, and I figured she had fell asleep or passed out. Probably a mixture of the two. Lee didn’t say anything about what had just happened, he was dead drunk and the exertion of cumming had probably finished him off. He just got up, climbed over the railing and went into the room where Tony was sleeping. Chris put his arm around my shoulder, and commented on what a great night that was. He thanked me, and said he hopes C wasn’t too hung-over in the morning. Or sore, he added as an afterthought. As we both laughed, he said goodnight and followed after Lee, leaving me alone with C.
I tried to wake her up, but she pushed me away and I had to carry her to bed. Her chest was covered with cum, and it was leaking from her pussy too. She looked a complete slut laid there, but I loved her. She was my little slut. I curled up next to her and went to sleep.
The next day C was a complete mess. She went and got showered, but I heard her throwing up the whole time and it wasn’t until mid-afternoon that she could face anything to eat or drink. I had spent the entire morning packing the cases, and I went out on to the balcony for the final time as she got ready. Chris was laid on one of their sun-loungers, and he called out when he saw me. I said “Hi” and he told me to wait there for a second as he disappeared back inside.
He came out a few seconds later, and passed a huge box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne to me over the balcony. I told him that was really nice, and he said it was a pleasure to have known me and C over the past week, and that he was sorry to see us go. I asked him where the other two were and he pointed off into the distance, saying they had been feeling hung-over and sorry for themselves, so had hit the beach to sleep it off. They had asked him to hang around and say goodbye for them.
C followed me out, and gave him a kiss on the cheek as thanks when she saw the chocolates and champagne. Chris asked her if she was okay, and she said “A little hung-over, but I’m okay.” He asked her if she was alright with last night and she said she couldn’t remember much of it. I said that it was probably a good job she couldn’t, and C laughed and asked me if it had really been that bad. Chris and I both nodded and she laughed and turned bright red. Because we had been so busy that morning, me and C had hardly spoken at all, let alone had chance to discuss last night.
C looked at Chris and said she was a bit sore down below, which was his fault. Chris objected saying it wasn’t just his fault. C nodded and said he had the biggest willy, so it was. “I took it all though, didn’t I?” she said shyly, and Chris said she had been the best shag he had enjoyed for ages. C told him to stop it, he was embarrassing her. “You were really drunk,” Chris reminded her and she nodded that she had been way too drunk, but what was done was done. Plus, she had enjoyed it!
She was glowing red at that admission, and I told her we really had to go. Chris gave her a kiss and she let him kiss her on the lips, telling him to say goodbye to the other two lads for us. I shook his hand, and we left to get on the coach to the airport. We still didn’t discuss what had happened until we reached home.
When we did get back, we talked about it properly for the first time while we unpacked together. C had been quite happy on the flight back, and we even thought about joining the mile-high club, but we chickened out as the plane aisles were never clear enough for us to go for it. I started the conversation saying I was sorry I had let her get so drunk on the last night, and that I didn’t mean for it all to go as far as it did.
C smiled at me and told me not to worry about it. She had thoroughly enjoyed it, from what she could remember. I asked her if she knew she had slept with me, Chris and Tony, and nodded and added that Lee had cum in her mouth too. She knew what had happened, though some of the memories were a bit hazy. She remembered cumming really hard twice though, first with Tony in the bedroom. He had made her lie on her side and he scissored with her, which got him in really deep. Then he had pinned her down on her back and made love to her really rough and hard, which really got her off. She remembered doing it from behind with him on the balcony, and then she giggled saying that if anyone had been looking up at that moment, they would have seen her boobs hanging over the balcony!
When they went back inside Tony had tried to have anal sex with her but she stopped him. He was doing it to her from behind on the bed and just shoved it in, so she had to push him off. It really hurt! She said she wouldn’t do it with him after that, but she let him cum again, this time in her mouth. Then she remembered having a little sleep then coming into our room and being naughty with me in the bathroom. Then it was Chris she said, and he had been the best. She couldn’t believe how different his willy felt, it was so big. But it was more the thought of how big he was, and how dirty she was being, that really made her cum so hard.
Her man-count was up to 6 now, she proudly announced, a much more respectable number. I told her she could add more to it if she wanted, but she said she was happy with 6. Besides, she would always have the memories. Lee’s frenetic pumping, Tony’s rough man-handling of her and Chris’s sheer size and skill. Plus we had some great pictures to look back on, she said much to my puzzlement.
“Pictures?” I said and she nodded and reached into the case she was unpacking. When she pulled her hand out it held Chris’s digital camera, and she admitted she had nicked it without them knowing. There was no way she was letting them go home with the photos they had taken. She told me to see it as payment for services rendered. We laughed for a while, and then sat together to look through the photos together.
When we reached the last one, the photo that Tony had taken, she said that she was getting all horny and we forgot the unpacking for a while, making love right then and there on the bed between the suitcases. C was pretty wild with me, and she stayed that way for the duration of our relationship. That experience opened her eyes to sex, and to this day, even though I’m happily married now, I can honestly say that C was the best fuck I ever had, after that holiday. Just don’t tell my wife I said that!
The wife and I have had some pretty dirty times, but I’ll tell you about those another time. And then there’s my slut of an ex I mentioned. Now that is a story…

Same as What happened on holiday Videos

3 years ago
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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.************************************************* Long HolidayAs it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the...

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Sophies Summer Holiday

Today the girl sat at the seat in front of Julia, who watched as the routine continued – the girl shuffled the skirt of her school uniform up an inch or two, so that she displayed just a little more black nylon-encased leg, and ran her fingers through the long dark ringlets of her hair, tousling and teasing them into what she obviously hoped was a more street-wise and sexy look. Julia smiled to herself, all the girl’s actions reminded her so much of herself as a schoolgirl twenty years...

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Sophies Summer Holiday

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Theft on Holiday

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Mr Coxs Holiday

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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 5 The Extension Starts and They Go on a Holiday

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Family Holiday to Turkey Amys holiday

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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Long Holiday As it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the coffee...

3 years ago
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The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...

1 year ago
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The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...

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My mums holiday

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A Wonderful Holiday

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Mature BBW I met on holiday

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1 year ago
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Mature BBW I met on holiday

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Life changing holiday

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Happy Holiday

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Working Holiday

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It was the final day of what had been our best holiday so far. Never had we wined and dined and fucked and sucked so much. We had been at it from the moment the plane landed and taken our love making to new heights and destinations. From the beach to tree lined woods and from our hotel balcony to the back seat of taxis we had reignited the flame between us and tried many a new position along the way. Tonight, for our last night we were going back to our favorite restaurant where the manager...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Making Friends On Holiday

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I Want a Holiday

It had been a long hard winter in Cornwall but finally the first hints of spring were appearing. The sun was breaking through the clouds for a few hours each day and there were no longer icicles hanging from trees past midday. A few brave green shoots were appearing and even the odd bud was beginning to open. Instead of rabbit tracks in the snow there was the sounds of birds singing again. Indeed, the season had turned. As dusk began to fall one evening, an old tramp came trudging down a...

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Our Second Incest Holiday

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Our walking holiday

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Family holiday to Turkey Dads holiday

At breakfast that morning they all discussed their plans for the day. “Well I think we’ll lie by the pool, what do you think Amy”. “I think that sounds like a plan” she chuckled back. “I don’t know how you do it girls” Dave said, “I need to register at the golf club and get familiar so I’ll probably just do 9 holes today and then see you later for a swim and a drink”. While the girls sunned themselves, Dave was enjoying a beer after his round of golf. He met up with a two older guys who were...

1 year ago
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The Coach Holiday

Karen Lister was a sixty-year-old lesbian who, a few months previously, had suffered the break up of a long term relationship. In the time that followed she had quite a lot of lesbian sex but did not meet anyone that she felt that she wanted to have a serious relationship with.As part of her recovery from the end of the relationship, she had booked herself on a six-day/five-night coach holiday in Scotland.She was onboard the coach and she had a window seat but she knew that the coach was fully...

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A Brother And Sister On Holiday

Their parent’s holiday in Spain is ruined when their father breaks his leg. So 18 year old Ryan and his 17 year old sister Clare go instead. Although they intended to enjoy the holiday in their own way, the two find that they want to spend all the time with each other. (MF-teens, inc, 1st, mast, oral, anal, rom) *** “Wow, Clare, this is some apartment,” gasped Ryan as he unlocked and pushed open the door of the timeshare apartment, between Malaga and Marbella on Spain’s...

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A Much Needed Quickie on Holiday

She watched her husband with an air of disbelief as he lay on the bed of the hotel room in the most unsexy underwear imaginable; the TV remote control in his hand as he flicked through the channels, never stopping on one longer than to recognise it as junk and move on to the next.Melissa just stood there and stared at him.  A pout formed on her lips as she imagined a young virile man in place of her husband; his cock hard and erect, just waiting for her to lower herself upon him. When she...

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We have a holiday home, we go on holiday. It is a beautiful place, by the sea and mountain views. Pool on the terresen.It is a great place to relax.After Christmas my boyfriend has had a new girl to fuck one day a week. Normally he comes home after having sex, but lately he has more often stayed. After becoming a father, his dick has become harder, leaking more sperm during the act and making it horny. He invites this girl on holiday this summer. It's a sweet, kind, Spanish girl, pretty much...

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Aunt in law on holiday

I had fucked my wife’s aunt while on holiday it all began when my wife and I had booked a holiday to Singapore and decided to invite her Aunt and her husband. She wasn’t much older than us the age difference was one year. She was married shortly after our wedding. My wife and her aunt were very close from c***dhood as the age gap hasn’t that big and they were more like sisters than aunt and niece. They had always planned a couples holiday and it was finally going to happen. We had booked...

1 year ago
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deepest darkest descent holiday

hi its maria if your up to date with my story youll know that my husband is back very easily he accepted my new lifestyle but we felt we needed a holiday to discuss a few things especially what to tell the c***dren i spoke with jerome about our issues and he said fine you can go away but im going to tell you where to go and what to wear and remember what you are a black cock slut so dont be suprised if i dont pop along for the odd day or send some of the guys from the bar around to keep you in...

2 years ago
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Better than any holiday

It was holiday time, but not for me anyway. I live only with my father in a small town with not much to really do and usually me and him would go on holiday as families do. This year was different. He would be off to the fascinating world of Australia while I was off to stay at my Aunt's a few miles away. I have nothing against my Aunt, she is a lovely woman but I felt betrayed by my father as he originally said that there was not going to be a holiday that year. I asked many times if I could...

3 years ago
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Catching Mum Having An Affair On Holiday

HiI'm Kyle.......My Mum Is Called Debbie , she is 48 years old she is about 5 ft 7 ,slim decent figure she has blonde hair and natural 38d tits This is how I caught her cheating on my dad on holiday ......Recently my dads been working away a lot and a few weeks back he had to fly over to dubia for a week or 2 with work They have also been arguing a lot more when my dad is actually home.When my dad went to dubia my mum suggested we went on holiday ourselves , just me my mum and my younger...

3 years ago
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On Holiday

The moon shone over the ocean, casting it's light over the small beach. A girl, walking slowly in the dim light, her face casting a beautiful picture. Lisa had been on the island for a few days, but was already feeling very at home with the gentle pace of life there. And now, strolling along in the moonlight she wondered if she could be happier than she was right at that moment. It hadn't been a good start to the holiday. Nothing like an airline to bring the excited mood of a holiday right...

2 years ago
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On Holiday

In May 2006 on my 41st birthday I went to Lanzarote on a cheap holiday i.e self-catering. I was lucky because where the complex was there was a large bar/restaurant next door so the majority of food and drink was bought here, also the back door of the bar went into my complex, ideal for going back and forth. I had an apartment with a roof terrace so I could sit or lie in the sun instead of going to the beach. the second day there I met the 'neighbours', they were two women, Anne and Yvonne,...

3 years ago
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On Holiday

In May 2006 on my 41st birthday I went to Lanzarote on a cheap holiday i.e self-catering. I was lucky because where the complex was there was a large bar/restaurant next door so the majority of food and drink was bought here, also the back door of the bar went into my complex, ideal for going back and forth. I had an apartment with a roof terrace so I could sit or lie in the sun instead of going to the beach. the second day there I met the 'neighbours', they were two women, Anne and Yvonne,...

2 years ago
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Lady Anns Extended Holiday

LADY ANN'S EXTENDED HOLIDAY Original Story by Eric - Expanded Edition by Emma ENGLAND 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. His job was to muck out and groom the horses and perform manual labour around the estate. He was forbidden even from entering the manor house. He scraped an existence in the...

3 years ago
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an unexpected holiday

An unexpected holiday As a 40 year old man I have had a good life with sexual activity being one of my main pursuits from which I have had both great pleasure and a frustrating lack of My desires being achieved .As a married man I found the ?normal ?sexual   pleasures quite easy to find but my true desires had to be hidden away which occasionally made me feel quite low and unsatisfied. From being a quite young man I did stray from the straight path with the infrequent slight detour from normal...

3 years ago
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Summer Holiday

Summer Holiday pt 1 By Ashtree The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. It is not meant to condone orencourage forced sexual acts between females. Hello again, it's Jenny here with more tales of my favourite sexual pastime;raping other women. These ones are from the best holiday I ever had in my life,and the first episode, which is what I'm going to tell you now, was a strangeone, but as they say never look a gift horse etc. Normally I've always targetedwomen my own age or older, young...

3 years ago
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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xThis story isn’t related to our swinging exploits as it happened way before I even knew Ted however we have been reflecting on our sexual past as...

3 years ago
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Abby Abby Matt and Jim on a Holiday

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby, Matt and Jim on a Holiday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This episode is the continuation of Abby, after getting fucked by her teacher, Mr. Davis. After Abby’s teacher, Davis fucked her doggy style and came in her. She went home and cleaned herself up without telling her daddy, Matt about it. It was past midnight, shadow of a man could be seen ramming his hard cock in and out of a girl’s pussy with her butt arching upwards and her chest and hands planted on the...

2 years ago
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Abby Abby Matt and Jeff on a Holiday

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby, Matt and Jeff on a Holiday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This episode is the continuation of Abby, after getting fucked by her teacher, Mr. Davis. After Abby’s teacher, Davis fucked her doggy style and came in her. She went home and cleaned herself up without telling her daddy, Matt about it. It was past midnight, shadow of a man could be seen ramming his hard cock in and out of a girl’s pussy with her butt arching upwards and her chest and hands planted on the...

1 year ago
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Jades Holiday

Jade grinned as the heat overwhelmed her. It was so hot! She loved it. She gave a little skip of delight as she made her way across the concrete apron of the runway towards the terminal building. I am free... Free... FREEE! She felt like screeching in delight. The first time in her life she was having a holiday on her own. Paid for by her parents as a present for 4 grade A passes in her A levels. In three weeks she would start university at Oxford. But for now study was the last thing on her...

1 year ago
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 34 Holiday

We were through! No more classes for a month. It seemed like the entire town emptied out in twelve hours. The campus was deserted. The house next door was empty. The guys had carried suitcases out to their last exams and didn’t come back. I saw all three blonde bimbos from two doors down load into a Ford Focus that looked like it was dragging bottom under the weight of everything they packed with them. I didn’t know where they were headed, but I hoped they made it. I got out of my final in...

3 years ago
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First day of our Holiday

The two hour drive was finally coming to an end, mom and dad were taking me to the same place we always holidayed at for as long as I could remember. Since I was able to walk we always came to the same apartment in a villa in the hills. The four apartments surrounded the swimming pool. Each apartment had a private terrace, and if there was anybody else staying at the villa, the only time we saw them was at the pool. What made this place so attractive to them was the fact they could go nude for...

3 years ago
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My Friend MumChapter 6 Just Friends on Holiday

Over the next few days she showed me the joys of using the vibrators and it was wonderful having the ability to put the toys deep in me and be fucked properly. With all the excitement I had forgotten my period was due until I got the tell-tale cramps. Mum gave me some tampons and showed me how to insert them. I didn't want to use them while I was a virgin but now I was free! Our love just got even better now I had thrown off the shackles of the hymen and it became harder to switch back to...

2 years ago
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The Broken Holiday

K-BAY 92.3 FM started sprinkling Christmas songs into their playlist in November, starting on Thanksgiving. For the first week or two thereafter, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Burl Ives, and Gene Autry made casually rare appearances, surfacing between Huey Lewis and The News, Madonna and Depeche Mode. By the time The Big Holiday was actually at hand, airwaves were so saturated with holiday cheer that even Top 40 pop songs were festooned with jingle bells. On this Christmas Eve night, the fop...

1 year ago
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A Misty Holiday

Misty left her third department store frustrated. The advertised sales weren’t really as great as she thought they would be. She hoped that this late November shopping trip would get her holiday season off on the right track, but it was beginning to look like this year was going to be another holiday disaster. To top off her miserable trip, the weather was lousy. The wind blew sheets of rain onto the pavement. They weather forecast was calling for snow, but so far it was just this unforgiving...

1 year ago
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Sue gangbanged on holiday

Introduction: How Sue was gangbanged whilst we were on holiday in the south of France. My wife Sue and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper...

3 years ago
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Angelicas first holiday

Hi everybody, this is my first try in writing stories. Excuse my english, it’s not my native language. Hope you enjoy reading it. There is much more to come. Comments are welcome. Angelica’s first holiday Introduction (F/M/MM) This is the true story of my reunion with my first girlfriend Angelica. We broke up after a 10 year relationship. We shared everything, she even was singing in my band, where I played the guitar. She kicked me out, because I was not willing to marry her. Shortly after...

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