My much needed Naturist holiday
- 3 years ago
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Dream Holiday
Connie enrols on a specialist, virtual reality, Dream Holiday where she is taken back in time to an era where debauchery is commonplace amongst the aristocracy.
Read also Virtual Punishments (2006) and Chamber of Horrors (2006)
Dream Holiday
by obohobo
Please take note!
The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.
MF NC Spanking
If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.
This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental. The ideas and thoughts that follow are pure fantasies. In real life, at the very least they would be unpleasant and probably illegal. Fantasies are like that; daydreams where we can contemplate and imagine the sensations without suffering or inflicting the pain, despair or humiliation.
© obohobo 2008
Dream Holiday
“Are you going on a real holiday this year Connie, or a virtual one?” Debbie asked.
“A virtual one, of course. In two days I can cram in as much as two weeks on a real holiday and get far more excitement without the risk and without the crowded travel. Only need to take the hover coach to the entertainment complex in London. It will probably take me a day or two to recover but that will still give me a week or more at home afterwards to catch up on some of the house jobs that need doing.”
“Going somewhere nice and warm with lots of hunky men around?”
“No… I’m thinking I’ll try one of the specialist scenes.” I hesitated to tell her.
“What, one of THOSE specialist scenes? You?” She tittered and then grinned, “A scene with lots of sex?”
“And why shouldn’t I?”
“No reason, it just didn’t seem like the sort of thing you’d go for. You’ve not had a boyfriend since Mark and that finished eighteen months ago. Any idea what sort of scene you’d like?”
“Well I don’t want to be some downtrodden slave or a whore in a brothel that takes on all comers in any way they desire, rather I’d prefer being the lady of the house but I’m going to log-on and have another look tonight to see what’s available and see if there’s anyone wanting to share part of the cost. You get a third off the individual price if two of you do a scene and it’s half price if three or more do the same scene.”
“I dare you to write it up and put it on the holiday web site.” She grinned.
“What so that you can find out what I did and with whom?”
“I doubt you’ll let me see the remembrance disc.”
“Too true. I may just write about it but I will use a pseudonym and it would have to go on the adult holiday site. They pay very well for articles so that may offset some of the cost.”
After more banter as to what sort of scene I might opt for and how explicitly I should write the review, we wandered back to our work desks.
Dear Readers,
I found it very difficult to graphically put into words, the sensations and emotions I experienced during the short, but cram-packed holiday. They ranged from pleasurable to frightening, from love to hate, with the whole gamut between. Even the remembrance memory stick barely does it justice so words, particularly mine, may seem very inadequate. Nevertheless, I will do my best and hope that you will get some pleasure from them and perhaps lead you to consider a similar holiday for yourself. For those of you who have not been on a virtual holiday before, I am including details of the set-up and the attention to the detail the programmers put in to make the scene realistic and authentic. The sexual part will therefore be several pages into the report.
‘Welcome to Dream Holidays’
You have entered the adult erotic section of the holiday brochure. If you are not an adult or do not wish a holiday with a sexual theme, please leave now. We instantly check your age against your National Identity No. We also check your credit rating against this number.
I clicked the ‘Continue’ link.
Please scroll down and fill in the form and attach a recent hologram of yourself, lightly dressed or naked.
Name: Connie Hellier
Character name (can be your first name or fictitious): Constance Wellbourne
Age: 25
National Identity No.: 2001473 4975 8023
Attach a recent dated hologram
I had a good look at the hologram before answering the remainder of the questions. In my opinion, it made me look younger than my real age. At 63 inches, I’m fairly short, but with 32 inch tits, curly black hair and a slender physique, I’m not unattractive and the main reason I don’t have a new boyfriend is my unwillingness to go through the courting process again only for it to end in disaster.
Of the long list of sexual preferences which I could tick if I wanted, put a question mark if I wasn’t sure, or a cross against if I definitely didn’t wish to do them, I ticked or put a question mark on most but definitely crossed, anything where I might be whipped or forced into some kind of slavery or tortured. I was willing at least to try most of the others, including spanking and sodomy.
Are you willing to share the scene with another?
I ticked ‘yes’
Check your selections and if correct click ‘send’
Several choices came up but the one I fancied was a period scene.
“You will be a debutante attending her first adult party at the country mansion of Lord and Lady McCormack. The period is 1750. You will be one of the aristocracy and have servants at your command who will attend to all your needs including those of a sexual nature. One male and one female have already booked. The male as the son of a nobleman who is attending the party, and the female is your aunt with whom you will be staying and who will attend the party as your escort and patron.”
Click on the links to view the holograms of the other participants.
I did. ‘Ralph Hallenby’, the nobleman actually looked the part. In the hologram, he stood tall and wearing only shorts, revealed an athletic and muscular body. “Quite hunky, hope he’s well equipped under those shorts and I get to fuck him.” In the scene it would only be a virtual fuck.
‘Gertrude Canning-Hyde’, my forty year old, slightly overweight, ‘aunt’ stood naked with her hands cupping her large tits and her legs akimbo, revealing a mass of black pubic hair, in her hologram. At first I was slightly repulsed by her too but the smile on her face looked genuine and friendly and they way she was offering her tits started to arouse me. I don’t consider myself a lesbian but I’ve had a few experiences with women.
By hitting the ‘I agree’ button, I committed myself.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please remove all your clothing, jewellery and watches and place them in the lockers at the back of the room. They have codeable thumbprint locks so your stuff will be safe until you open them at the end of the scene.” I knew from the brochures this was to happen but the hostess went on to explain why and to give further instructions when we were reclining in the special seats.
“Those seats are your home for forty-eight hours and during that time you will need to eat and use the toilet. In your scene, you may be enjoying a banquet with roast grouse and red wine or scavenging scraps and drinking dirty water but whatever it is, the actual food you consume will be nutritious, finger food, and the drink is pure spring water. Likewise you may be using a toilet with gold fittings or a hole in the earth, but here you will actually be using the biological commode there.” She pointed to a low box at the side of the room. “The virtualisation will create the illusion of the toilet you are using. The control staff will do the necessary mental guidance.”
I looked around and caught Ralph looking at me and noticed his prick had started to harden. “Nice one,” I thought but the hostess continued. “This scene is a sexual one and we anticipate that the men and women here will have emissions that we cannot control but the absorbent, recyclable covering to the seats will take care of that. You will not be having sex with each other except in virtualisation mode.”
I heard Ralph mutter, “Pity,” and saw he was still looking at me, and his erection had hardened. “Maybe afterwards,” I thought. We’d hit it off in the coffee room get-together earlier. Gertrude, on the other side of me, sat up and looked at it too, which made me a little jealous but she was much older than either of us.
“This plain featureless room, will look different to each of you, especially in the beginning when you are in different locations, and even when you are together, your eyes will see it differently to the others. When you are together you will be able to see and communicate with each other in a seemingly normal way but in fact you will be seeing and talking through the programme and not with speech. None of it will be real although it will appear very real in your minds. Certain points in the programme are decision-making points and the choice you make, will alter the direction the scene goes. You will not know when these points occur and the scene will flow as though you had no control over it.
You all filled in the questionnaire regarding your sexual preferences and the controllers, as far as possible, will observe these. However, as this is a multi person scene, if the preference for one person is at variance with that of another, the controllers will make the decision as to which one to allow in the light of the story line. So, if for example, you have put down for no anal sex, and the story is of a gang rape, you may find yourself having to submit to having a prick up your bum, but as far as we can we will observe your wishes.
The official safe word is “beetroot” but as there are three players you have all to call the safe word at the same time and you will be so into living the life as it is there, you will not remember that it is only virtual, so for practical purposes, the safe word is non-existent. In any case you will not be harmed even though it may seem like it. There are sensors which monitor your actual health which will alert us if there is a medical problem.
I think that’s all the info you need for now so lie back and let the technicians fit the electrodes and brain sensors, and in about fifteen minutes we should be ready to begin.”
Slowly I opened my eyes and gradually became accustomed to the movement of the carriage as we bounced along at a surprising speed. Through the small windows on either side, the trees and hedges flashed by but the sight left me feeling a little sick so I turned my attention to my companions. An elderly woman sat by my side and two well dressed men, one I guessed was her husband, sat facing me. All were silent for the moment, which gave me time to review the instructions mother and father gave me the evening before.
“As you know Constance, in former times our forebears were very wealthy and when wool meant money, they built this house and acquired the land around us. Now that the wool price has dropped, we are still well respected landowners, but there is little enough money to keep the place going and for us to live the lifestyle we would wish. You are now eighteen and should be ready to seek a husband but in order to find the right sort of man, one with the means to keep you in a style that befits your station, you need to be seen in higher class circles than in this rural area. Your mother and I have therefore arranged to send you to your aunt Gertrude in London where she will introduce you to her elite circle of friends and the aristocracy of the town. She and her friends are moving to Lord and Lady McCormack’s residence for a coming out party in a few days so we’ve arranged for you to travel on the coach to London in the morning.”
I tried to object to the shortness of the notice but they were abruptly swept aside. “Your mother will explain what is likely to happen at the parties you will attend.”
The hour I spent in her room, both shocked and excited me. From gossiping with other local girls and ladies and seeing the mating of animals on the farm, I knew enough about sex to understand what happened, but I was totally inexperienced; I was a virgin. Mother seemed embarrassed to speak of these things at first, but this wore off later as she explained in some detail, the acts I might be asked to perform and the liberties I should allow a suitable man to take with my body, should I decide he was the one I wished to marry. “You will be competing against all the other fine ladies and therefore you must ensure you give the man of your choice, greater love and affection than the others, and you will need to use your attractive young body to do it.” Needless to say, I didn’t sleep well that night.
I must have dozed off (in reality the programme cut or fast-forwarded to the next scene. I found it did this many times during the holiday, rather like the TV seamlessly cuts from one scene to another) and when I woke, we’d arrived at the coach staging post at Victoria.
The driver opened the door with a friendly, “This is as far as we go, ladies,” and the gentlemen courteously allowed me to alight first. “I’ll get your trunk out of the back in a few moments, Miss,” the driver said as he helped me down. I stood close by, somewhat bewildered by the activity around me and unsure what to do next.
“Miss Wellbourne?” Turning I faced an attractive man in the splendid uniform of a footman and when I nodded he went on, “Mrs. Canning-Hyde sends her regards and would be pleased if you will accompany me to her carriage which awaits nearby. I have arranged a porter to bring your trunk, Miss.” So we made our way through the hustle and bustle of Victoria to a quieter street where a closed carriage waited. The footman assisted me into the carriage and it was a relief to get away from the noise and the unpleasant smells that pervade that part of London.
Aunt Gertrude greeted me effusively with a close hug and a wet kiss on both cheeks and then held me at arms length to have a good look at me. “You’ll do when we have you fitted with the right dresses,” she observed but I wasn’t too sure which way to take the remark. Was I just about good enough for the company or was I actually good enough and only needed the right clothing.
Seeing me blush and turn my head at the sight of her voluptuous breasts so openly displayed and thrust up by her chemise, she laughed. “Get used to it child. You’ll be seeing far more shortly and showing more of yourself too.” The sight would have appalled the locals in rural Suffolk but I had little time to dwell on it before she knocked on the carriage roof and we were again on our way, this time for the short journey to Kensington.
Soon we arrived at a smart row of three storey, terraced houses with steps leading up to an imposing front door flanked by two Grecian columns. Almost simultaneously, the footman opened our carriage door and a maid opened the entrance door to the house. I was most impressed with the service especially when we entered the maid curtseyed and greeted us and then took our hats and outside garments. Aunt Gertrude proceeded to give me a quick tour of the ground floor and I could but contrast it with my meagre, and by her standards, very frugal home.
CRASH!!! A boy had slipped on the stairs and dropped my trunk.
My concern was for the boy’s welfare but Auntie vehemently castigated him for trying to carry it alone and for damaging the trunk. “If anything inside is broken, your hide will pay the price,” she told him.
“Sorry Ma’am, Miss, but the others were seeing to the horses and the carriage.”
“We told him to wait Ma’am. We said we wouldn’t be many minutes.” Another boy arrived.
“So William, you thought you would show-off and do it by yourself, and this is the result. I expect you wanted the girls to notice how strong you are. Maybe they’ll notice more when you start to squeal.” Auntie continued to vent her wrath on the lad. “The pair of you, take the trunk to the room we’ve prepared for Miss Constance and then William you can fetch the strap while we examine the contents to see if anything is broken. Rest assured that if there is, you will not sit comfortably for a week.”
William stood by the door, holding the strap and looking disconsolate while Mary, the maid assigned to me, carefully laid my clothes on the bed. All seemed in order until she held up my beautiful silver and tortoiseshell inlaid hand mirror, a present given me by my grandmother a little while before she died. The glass was shattered. Instantly, my sympathy for the boy turned to anger as I showed him the result of his carelessness, and explained the heirloom value as well as the monetary value of it, to my aunt.
“You know what to expect now, William. Lower your breeches and bend yourself over the back of that chair,” she ordered him crossly. William begged and apologised to no avail and in front of me, quietly dropped his breeches. His pego jutted out slightly and I wondered if looking at me had caused it to start to harden. Until then, I’d only had occasional glimpses of a man’s genitals, now I had a full frontal view but it was quickly hidden as it took only moments for him to hand me the strap and shuffle with his breeches around his ankles to the chair and bend over.
“Lay it on good and hard Constance,” Auntie urged.
“Of course. Have you never used a strap on servants?”
“We’ve only two elderly ladies inside the house and they’re more likely to spank me,” I admitted.
“You’ll soon get used to it. Here let me give him the first half dozen and you can carry on until he’s had sufficient to pay for being an exhibitionist.” Swinging the strap widely, she brought it down hard on the unfortunate lad’s bottom. He cried out in pain and I winced at the crack it made when it landed. An equally hard second stroke soon followed and when the lad cried out again, she abruptly told him to quieten and be the man he tried to be when he carried my trunk. I had some sympathy for him but that evaporated when I thought of the damage to my beautiful mirror, damage he would never be able to afford to repair. By the end of the six strokes he was howling like a baby and I hoped that I would never be on the receiving end of Auntie’s anger.
“Feel that. It’s beginning to warm up nicely.” Tentatively I followed her example and rubbed my hand over the boy’s bottom and in doing so accidentally touched his testicles. It caused my aunt to smile when I looked down to see what I’d touched that had moved. “Give him another couple of dozen and perhaps that will cure him of trying to be the man he isn’t.” That seemed an excessive amount but I supposed auntie knew best.
My swinging of the strap didn’t have nearly the same impact as hers and she kept encouraging me to hit harder, which I did, and by the time I’d finished, the boy was a sobbing wreck and I glowed with perspiration that beaded my forehead.
“You need a bath,” Auntie declared in a tone that brooked no argument. The statement puzzled me because it was only a week or two ago that I had a thorough wash and my clothing wasn’t exactly dripping with the sweat. Later I guessed that having a bath was only an excuse to get me naked and that they’d have found some reason for it had not William needed some correction. “Donald go and check if there is hot water enough for Miss Constance to bathe.” The boy who’d helped carry my trunk up the stairs departed and quickly returned to say there was.
She led me to a well-appointed bathroom. A large, centrally positioned pink slipper bath with a high back, took pride of place in the room and already there was a little water in it. In a corner at one end of the room, steam rose from a large copper attended by a boy and a girl both of whom looked about fourteen years old but it that period, fourteen was old enough to marry. Under the copper a fire blazed, making the room almost unbearably warm and me to perspire even more. “Mary will help you with your dress while they fill the bath. I may join you in a few minutes when I’ve checked the dinner arrangements.”
“But there’s all these people…”
Auntie left before I completed the sentence and Mary started to unlace my dress. No one seemed the least bit concerned that I would soon be naked; they all continued with the work they were doing although I knew they glanced surreptitiously in my direction. The girl ladled hot water into a bucket that the boy carried to the bath. My dress came off, then my underclothing revealing my smallish breasts and finally my dark pubic hair, to them all. I blushed a deep red and sort to get into the bath to hide my embarrassment, but the boy, kneeling to check the water and directly facing my mound, looked up and said, “Not yet Miss, it needs more cold water.” When he stood to get it I noticed his breeches were pushed out in front and I guess for the first time, I realised my body could have an effect on a man. When he deemed the water ready and scents had been added, I’d stood there naked for five minutes and everyone in the room found an excuse to pass in front of me. Mary too stripped off her dress and, clad only in her chemise and under things leaving her breasts and arms bare, stood unashamedly in front of everyone. From her lack of attire, I rightly guessed that I wasn’t to bathe myself.
Mary washed my body most thoroughly, particularly the parts I normally deemed private and to my dismay, my nipples stood out hard when Mary washed my cunnie and her fingers toyed with my clit. She smiled at this, pleased with the effect her ministrations had induced. Finally the girl poured warm water from the bucket over me, to rinse the soap from my hair and body. Never before had I experienced so many people around with I bathed, at least not since early childhood.
About this time, Auntie returned with one of the footmen who proceeded to undress her. She treated it as an everyday occurrence and carried on a conversation with me, asking if Mary had performed to my satisfaction, then asking the boy to add more hot water to the bath. “Would you wish me to wash you Ma’am?” the footman asked.
“Of course, Hedges, and make sure you do everywhere.” He removed his tunic and washed her just as conscientiously as Mary had me and with much the same result. In a way I admired her large breasts even if they did sag when unsupported. Hedges, though, took a great delight in moving them around and massaging them until Auntie gave a little cry and I guessed she had an orgasm.
Mary had more or less finished drying me when her husband, my Uncle Henry, strode in and immediately clasped my naked body to his and gave me a kiss, “Constance my dear, welcome to London and our humble abode, I hope you will enjoy your stay and learn something of the ways of us town folk.” If having a man walk in on you and hug and kiss you while you are naked and while a footman washed and played with his wife and others stood watching, was the way of town folk, I wasn’t sure I wanted to be part of it. Even so I felt a twinge of excitement when his body pressed against mine and one hand slid down my back and squeezed my buttocks.
“Constance, you know that in a week or so you will be expected to give yourself to a man, at least you will if you expect to win the man you want to marry, or find a man that will make a suitable match for you, then it is important for you to know what to do and to make the right noises at the right time.” Auntie, naked and with her breasts swaying, came through the adjoining door from her bedroom just as I prepared to settle down for the night. I certainly wouldn’t have slept, not after all the excitement of the previous few hours. The strapping, the bath, the revealing dress I wore to dinner and the risqué comments my Aunt and Uncle made during dinner and afterwards, precluded that, but I was looking forward to being alone with my thoughts for a few hours. “I doubt you’ve seen a man’s pego in a fully aroused state or seen a woman being rogered,” I nodded nervously and she went on, “Well, come through into our bedroom and we’ll educate you. Take that nightdress off, you won’t be needing it and we’ll want to see your responses to what we do.”
Once more my skin went a livid red at the sight of Uncle Henry standing by the bedside with, what seemed to me, an enormous hard pego jutting out from his loins. “Would my lover have a pego that large?” I wondered, “Will it hurt went in goes inside me?”
They gave me little time to ponder but made me kneel in front of Uncle so that his erect pego was only a short distance in front of my nose and I could smell its musty odour as well as see it clearly. Auntie showed this weapon, and the ball sack below, to me and bade me handle them. For reasons that I didn’t fully understand at the time, I felt moisture flowing from my cunnie and my nipples were embarrassingly hard. Auntie noticed and smiled and rubbed them between her fingers and I began to enjoy the sensation but her next words filled me with disgust. “Open your mouth and give it a nice long suck.” I hesitated and looked at her with disbelief. “Yes,” she pinched my right nipple hard to emphasise her words, “Take it into your mouth and savour it like a sweetmeat.” Still I made no move to comply. “If you are going to be an uncooperative student, then I shall have to send for the strap and perhaps ask William to apply it. I’m sure he would welcome the opportunity to redden your lovely white buttocks.” The threat was enough for me to tentatively kiss and suck the end until another hard pinch to my nipple and a curt, “Put it all the way in,” made me open my mouth and engulf as much as I was able. To my surprise, there was no real taste and in fact, its firm softness felt nice to my tongue and in a way I was sorry when Uncle removed it. “Many men will wish you to go further and take their seed into your mouth, maybe Henry will do that another time but I wish you to see him roger me. You know the meaning of the term? Or do they use the crude term, fuck, where you come from?” I answered that I knew both terms and knew the process well enough from seeing the farm animals.
“Here most men use the term ‘fuck’ between themselves but ‘roger’ when we talk to the ladies, unless we want to sound really crude,” Uncle added as we stood and Auntie climbed on the bed and spread her legs obscenely wide. Again I felt the wetness from my cunnie but now it was dribbling down my thighs, a fact that Uncle noticed when he bade me climb on the bed too, so that I had a good view of Auntie’s hairy cunnie. He ran his finger along my slit and held it in front of my face and then showed Auntie. Both were pleased that I was receptive to what I had seen and he also pointed out that Auntie’s cunnie was in a similar state. “When a woman is wet like this, she’s ready to take a man inside her.” With that remark he entered his pego into my aunt’s opening and thrust all the way in. She gave a little groan but it was one of pleasure.
I watched with avid interest, as uncle rogered my aunt. Sometimes he took long steady strokes and at others, they were short and fast, and soon Auntie cried out with her climax. Uncle carried on for a little longer and then withdrew and finished himself off with his hand until he spurted his seed on Auntie’s stomach. “Normally a man will send his seed inside the woman but I wanted you to see what actually happens when a man climaxes. If that seed goes inside a woman who is fertile, then she becomes pregnant, as you probably know, that is why at breakfast each morning you will be given a glass of a liquor to drink that will keep you from being fertile. I doubt you do that with farm animals.”
To my astonishment, Auntie scooped some of the seed with her finger and sucked it. “You can have the honour of sucking his pego clean,” she informed me. I looked at the messy, fast deflating pego and decided that was something that I couldn’t do.
“No, please don’t ask me to do that. In fact I won’t do it. It’s an awful thing.” Tears fell down my face and I hardly noticed her pull the bell cord but I did hear her tell the maid to send William with the strap. My pleas were ignored, as was my offer to suck it there and then, but I guess they actually wanted me to get a foretaste of a strapping I might receive at the party.
“Come in William,” Uncle called as the boy arrived. His eyes opened wide at the sight of the three of us naked but he tried to keep a straight face, no doubt fearing further punishment if he made any remark. “Over the bed with you Constance. No nonsense girl, you have to show the peasantry that you can take it as well as they.” Auntie and Uncle grabbing me by the shoulders and holding me down, cut short any further pleading.
“Six good ones William, please. Remember how she laid them on your bottom.” The first one caused me to yelp but it wasn’t too painful. “That one doesn’t count. William, unless you want to bare your bottom to the butler, do the job properly. I said six good ones. In this instance, good means, hitting hard.” Uncle reprimanded the boy.
He must have heeded the warning because the next one bit viciously into my tender buttocks and I cried out with the pain. Five more followed until my bottom felt like a furnace. Only then did they dismiss William and give me a kerchief to dry my eyes. “Now let’s get back to what we were doing Constance.” Uncle’s pego was now partially erect again and I wondered if seeing me punished had caused it. This time I didn’t hesitate although it was still sticky from his and Auntie’s juices. Again I was surprised at the lack of taste.
In my mouth, his pego began to harden again. Auntie noticed. “Make her go all the way, this time Henry. I doubt she’ll want another visit from William.”
From my previous experience, I knew this was no idle threat and I also knew that she wanted me to suck Uncle’s pego until he spurted in my mouth, something they said I’d have to do with other men. It wasn’t worth objecting and receiving another hiding and then being forced to do it anyway. I sucked. Henry for his part, moved in and out of my mouth in a similar way to I’d seen him do in his wife’s cunnie but, even so, it took a long while and my mouth became sore before he spurted his seed and I had to swallow it. Both of them cuddled and kissed me before we pulled the curtains around the bed and settled beneath the sheets.
It took me hours before I fell asleep and when I woke, Uncle was gone and a nipple of Auntie’s large breast was at my lips. Almost automatically, I sucked it in, which pleased her.
I lay back and enjoyed the sunshine, the rhythmic clip-clop of the horses and the gentle bouncing of the open carriage as we drove at a fast speed on a good road to Lord and Lady McCormack’s mansion at Little Havering. Whilst watching the pastoral scenes as they flashed by, I had time to reflect on my stay in London. Although I hadn’t experienced the two weeks, by virtue of the wonders of virtual reality, what had happened was imprinted in my brain as surely as if I had spent the time there.
Fast paced and hectic, my days were filled with meetings with various ladies and gentlemen of nobility, visits to dressmakers where I bought, or at least, Auntie bought, dresses that would have shocked the inhabitants of my home village, and several afternoon soirees where I began to learn the art of holding a conversation on sexual subjects without blushing, or at least I didn’t blush as frequently. It wasn’t in my make-up not to blush at any little embarrassment. Several unattached men called and left their cards, but none caught my fancy and I resolved not to make any choice until after the party.
My bedroom education continued with demonstrations of the many possible positions used when rogering and several of the staff performed for me. I wondered that they could do it without embarrassment with partners that were not their spouse but I learned later they earned a few coppers more for educating me. With so much sexual activity going on around me, I began to get blasé about the whole thing and hoped the much flaunted party would soon be over and I would either find a man who would sweep me off my feet or I would return to my village and spinsterhood.
Thinking of the party brought back memories of the spanking I’d received from William. Having or seeing a bottom deliciously warmed, had been the subject of many conversations and I’d even witnessed two well-bred ladies being spanked in front of a gathering, once by hand and the second time, with a carpet beater. I was sure this was extremely painful but the woman appeared to derive pleasure from it and indeed she climaxed under its ministration. I didn’t see that any pleasure could be obtained from such a painful procedure and remembered how I had protested to Auntie the morning after my chastisement. My bottom was still tender and the bruising showed clearly. “Do you not feel a little warm between you legs because of it? Is it not making you think about your cunnie and is that not getting you a little aroused Constance?” she asked. I had to admit that it did but I was sure there were other, less painful, ways of achieving the same purpose. Even as a child, a mild hand spanking seemed unduly painful and brought forth loud wails and floods of tears.
A horseman, approaching from the rear and fast overtaking us, interrupted my reverie. Ralph Hallenby, or Ralph Beaumont as the nobleman was known in the scene, quickly drew alongside us and our carriage slowed to a walking pace so that we could greet the man. He greeted us and Uncle introduced me and I knew at once that was the man I would set my sights on. We talked pleasantries for a short while before he doffed his hat, bade us good afternoon and expressed the wish that he would be able to see more of me at the party. The way he stared at my half exposed breasts when he spoke, caused me to blush and when he’d resumed his journey, Aunt Gertrude remarked, “Try for him if you wish Constance, but there will be easier fish to catch. He’s taken many girls and women to his bed but married none.”
Little Havering Manor was just as large and grandiose as I had been told and the furnishings inside spoke of extreme wealth. Gorgeous chandeliers hung from the ceilings and tapestries and paintings decorated the walls. “Close your mouth girl and don’t look like a country bumkin,” Auntie chided me when they introduced me to Lord and Lady McCormack. They were pleasant enough but had a superior air about them, an authority that evoked an instant submission to their orders. His Lordship seemed genuine enough but I felt that his wife said words that weren’t reflected in her eyes.
Servants showed us to our rooms where a maid of about my own age awaited me and her dress provided the first real insight into the nature of this party. For a moment or two I stood agog. I thought our breasts were displayed obscenely but at least the nipples and areolas were covered, hers were completely open to view, upwardly up-thrust and supported by cups on her black chemise. The front, cut like a normal dress, reached to a little above her knees but the back was cut away completely to show her bare bottom. I later found that most of the female servants, who attended us at the party, were similarly attired.
“Good afternoon Miss Constance, I’m Rebecca and I’m your personal maid and it’s my job to help you dress and prepare you for the festivities. You haven’t been before so it may seem a little strange but you should soon get into the way of things and enjoy yourself. Please allow me to unlace your bodice and then we can get you into a suitable dress. Please don’t make it difficult for me as I have no wish to receive the strap for not doing my job properly.”
With deft fingers she soon had my dress off and standing completely naked in front of her. A fortnight previously I would have been completely humiliated but having servants to undress me at Auntie’s house, it didn’t bother me too much, not even when I used the commode in front of her. Rebecca chatted incessantly. “They tell me you are the lady who they are going to do for the first time tonight. Who will you pick Miss? Lord Bredfield’s son? Or Mister Beaumont? He’s got a good size one Miss and knows how to use it. He don’t take no nonsense though. No use trying to be coy otherwise you ends up across his knee and your bum’s being warmed… and he wallops something hard. All of us servants knows what he’s like coz he comes here often for the hunting and fishing, but some of the fancy ladies try to dangle him a bit and ends up blubbering.” I wondered if I would do the right thing by choosing him for a suitor. Still he was rich and handsome.
The dress she chose was similar in style to her maid’s uniform, but pale blue in colour and with more decorative embroidery. The thought of having to wear it in front of a gathering of aristocrats appalled me and I said so. “Don’t you fret none, Miss. All the ladies will wear something like this. No one will have all the fancy frills and layers and layers of petticoats and stuff coz the men want to see what the women are really like and it makes it easier to have their way with them. I often wonder Miss, why us ladies have to put everything on show whilst the men keep themselves covered. We ought to take a pair of scissors and cut a big circle out of the front of their breeches.” She giggled and I did too and found her chatter relaxing. “Breath in Miss so I can get these laces a bit tighter and I’ll try and tuck in some of the material that’s hiding part of your bosoms. These cups were made for bigger ones.”
Seeing myself in the mirror, I almost didn’t leave the bedroom but at Rebecca’s insistence and her pulling on my hand, I finally entered the drawing room to be greeted by about twenty others. Auntie Gertrude was already there and quickly came to me. “I see you’ve already learned the art of making a fashionably late entrance,” she commented and I noticed they were all staring at me. At first I thought it was my dress and blushed profusely but, as Rebecca foretold, they were all similarly attired. “You’re a new face,” Auntie explained, “An unknown so you’ll be the centre of attention for a while. Make the most of it.”
From my training in London, I remembered I had to circulate around the groups but, not wishing to be eagerly seeking his company, I studiously avoided meeting with Ralph Beaumont although I spoke with all the other gentlemen and ladies. He obviously noticed and linked his arm in mine when dinner was announced. “A hunter knows when to wait and when to strike,” he smiled and led me to a place alongside him.
Apart from the ladies’ dress, or lack of it, and the uniform of the servants, dinner was a decorous affair with only a minor hiccup when I turned to speak to Ralph for the first time and he lightly kissed the top of my breasts, causing me to blush deeply. Oh, how I wish I could stop doing that and I should have been inured to it by then, but it was something I couldn’t control and it made Ralph smile knowingly.
“So what brings a innocent country girl from the wilds of rural Suffolk to the debauchery of the London aristocracy?” he asked.
Having been brought up to tell the truth, I told him honestly, “My parents said I needed to find a husband who would lessen the burden on their resources.”
My blunt answer caught him by surprise but he again smiled and replied, “And you think I would fit the bill?”
“Look around you Sir, the only other eligible gentleman here is Roger Bredfield and he’s an overweight, idle fop.”
“So by default, I am your choice of husband. You’ve no doubt been informed that many ladies have tried to capture me and failed.”
“Auntie said you wouldn’t be an easy fish to hook.”
“And you are going to use your virginity as bait?”
“Not really. That is more to placate Auntie and Uncle for all they have done for me over the past two weeks. You see, my thoughts on a husband’s qualities might well exclude you. You are a handsome man so that has attracted me, my servant here tells me that you perform well in bed and I may get an indication of the truth of that a little later, but are you intelligent enough to keep my mind stimulated? Will we be able to converse on a wide variety of subjects for the next fifty years or so? Some might call this ability of minds and bodies to meld, love, and maybe they are right but I can assure you, Sir, despite my parents wishes, despite my Aunt’s manipulations, I will go into spinsterhood rather than marry someone who I will despise in a week or a month.”
If Ralph was shocked by my little speech, he didn’t say but he did squeeze my hand and whisper, “You may have set your standards too high for an immoral mortal man like me, but we’ll see how things progress.”
The scene cut to the drawing room. I felt replete after consuming an excellent meal and a little light headed from the wine and we sat around waiting for the party to begin. Ralph stood by my side and we continued to the banter we’d started at the dinner table. Another attractive young girl with large breasts, who I only knew as Caroline, came and tried to insinuate herself into our company and I knew she was a rival for his affections and that she had more bodily assets than I, but I could at least keep him interested with witticisms until Lord McCormack rattled on a glass and in the silence that ensued, announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this the fourth party of its kind that we’ve held here. On the programme tonight we have the birching of a maid who stole money from a guest, the deflowering of a young lady and the game of chance where one of the fine ladies present gets her derriere warmed by the birch.” There was polite applause and I wondered at the emphasis on the birching of ladies.
“First we have Kate, a housemaid who stole a shilling from a hunting party guest two weeks ago now. Normally she would have been birched and dismissed but we agreed to keep her on if she allowed her birching to be administered publicly before you and she be rogered by at least two men afterwards. Further, we agreed that she would administer the birching to whomever is lucky or unlucky in the game of chance later. Please bring in Kate and the birching bench.”
We cleared a space in the centre of the room and two men carried the heavy, padded bench and placed it so we all had a good view. Kate, a woman probably in her early twenties, stood naked by its side. Tears streamed down her cheeks when a footman turned her so we could see her attractive body, her well formed breasts and her dark hair covered mound. It must have aroused most of the men, and it certainly did the footman because it was obvious to all, that he was having trouble confining his erection.
Without any haste, Kate was fastened to the bench with her bottom raised and her thighs spread so he cunnie was easily visible. Remembering my chastisement by William, my heart went out for the girl. “Twenty-four strokes if you please, Benson,” his Lordship ordered the butler. From a tall tub, the butler withdrew a neatly bound bundle of wet twigs, shook them to remove excess water and then smartly brought the birch down across Kate’s well-rounded bottom. She gave a little cry, which I thought was very brave of her, knowing that I would have screamed much louder. Everyone around shouted “One!”
Her cries became much louder as the birching continued and the poor girl’s bottom rapidly became criss-crossed with livid welts and small droplets of blood. I couldn’t watch and turned my tearful face into Ralph’s chest and was comforted when his arm closed around me. “What a baby, Ralph, I thought farm girls were tougher than that.” I opened my eyes to see Caroline grinning and I would gladly have seen her on the whipping bench but I took comfort in the thought that I was the one enveloped in Ralph’s arms.
Eventually the count reached twenty-four and the butler restored the birch to the tub, undid his codpiece and inserted his mammoth size pego in the wailing woman. I’ve no doubt the computer avatars were all unnaturally well endowed but, at the time, all the characters were very real to me. He thrust into Kate with long, hard strokes and came quickly. One of the footmen followed without a pause and then an elderly guest decided he was hard enough to perform, at least with the encouragement of the other guests. Two maids helped Kate out of the room.
I knew it was my turn next but they kept me waiting while they had a short intermission during which, several of the ladies shed their dresses and inhibitions and copulated openly with the men. Caroline wanted to take Ralph but he excused himself by saying he needed to be able to perform with me shortly.
My turn came and I wished it could have been less public. I would have much preferred it to be in my bed chamber alone with Ralph but I knew I couldn’t go back on my word to Auntie. Ralph led me to a chaise longue and slowly removed my dress. Without the uplift of the cups, my breasts looked decidedly small, a fact that did not go unnoticed by my rival. “If it wasn’t for the slit between her legs, she could be mistaken for a boy,” she remarked cattily and loudly enough for the other guests to laugh. I put it down to jealousy. I had Ralph and she didn’t.
Of course, I blushed profusely but that only added to the amusement of the onlookers. My mind wanted me to run and get away but I knew there was no way I could get out of it and in any case, I wanted to give myself to Ralph; I wanted to find out if he was the one for me. “Unfasten my breeches, Constance,” Ralph ordered and with trembling fingers, I did so. His pego, although of goodly size, was relatively small compared to the butlers but it was hard and ready. I gave it a little suck to make it wet, as I had been instructed in London and this drew a little applause.
To give everyone the best view, they nominated Roger Bredfield to hold my ankles by my head and wide apart so both my holes were on open display. Fortunately, although the sights of Kate’s thrashing and the women being rogered, were loathsome to me, I had become aroused and my cunnie was very wet and ready for the pego that was to make me a woman. Carefully Ralph entered it until it came to the barrier of my hymen, he paused and pulled back a little. A chant went up, “One, two, three push!” Ralph thrush broke through the membrane and I shrieked with the pain and the sensation of my poor virginal cunnie being split open. It wasn’t, but it felt like it. He did wait a short while for me to recover slightly but then thrust vigorously. As the pain ebbed, so my feeling of pleasure increased and I was able to thrust back and wrench my legs free of Roger’s clasp so I could rest them on Ralph’s shoulders like I’d seen in demonstrations at Auntie’s. I had much to thank her for and the audience delighted in my move. I climaxed noisily and a little later, Ralph did too and filled my womb with his seed, fortunately due to the morning cordial, it entered a barren pasture and I had no fear of carrying his baby. He collapsed on me and I remember little of the next few minutes except for being cleaned by one of the maids.
We lay side-by-side entwined for a while. Around us, others were sating their lust. Uncle Henry and several men were busy rogering the younger staff and Aunt Gertrude had a boy’s pego in her mouth. No one appeared to be with their wife or husband but in the afterglow of my first sexual intercourse, none of this worried me. I was content to lie still and cuddle into Ralph. Lord McCormack and several other men came by, all naked, and suggested to Ralph that they adjourn to the smoking room for a pipe of tobacco. Not wanting him to go, I clung on but be gently disentangled himself and left with a kiss on my cheek. Only a few men remained and two of them wanted to have me but I pleaded soreness. “Don’t worry Richard,” Caroline called out, “You’ll be able to have your way with her shortly and she won’t be able to do anything about it.” The statement puzzled and annoyed me but I kept any answer to myself.
“I don’t think we need to wait any longer for the men to return,” Lady McCormack stood and looked around, “We might as well see who is the lucky or unlucky winner in our game of chance.” She held up a velvet bag and asked another elderly lady to shuffle the cards around inside and while this was happening, she sent a servant to fetch Kate. I wasn’t unduly worried, as I did not have a calling card so I knew mine would not be pulled out. “Constance Wellbourne!”
“No!” I screamed, “That can’t be! I didn’t have a card.”
“Gertrude used one of hers dear, and wrote your name on it.” She showed me the card and it did indeed have my name across it in large bold letters.
“No, you are not going to whip me, I won’t allow it. I didn’t come here for that and I’ve done nothing wrong.” I made to flee but the butler caught me and although I struggled and kicked I was no match for him and his helpers and soon I was fastened to the bench, my pleas and screams ignored.
“Now we will see if you are really a woman or still a baby girl,” sniggered Caroline.
“Ralph!!” I yelled at the top of my voice but Caroline smirked, “Even if he was here, he wouldn’t come to your aid. Now that the farm girl has given all she has to give, he’ll want someone with more breeding.” Had I been free I would have shown her what a farm girl could do to her face but I was helpless and I had no idea how far Ralph was away.
Kate arrived and was given the birch and questioned whether she really had to beat me. “Use it as hard as the butler did on you. Get your own back and make her squeal like one of the pigs on her farm. Get on with it girl.” Those words from Lady McCormack surprised me and I wondered what I had done to deserve her wrath.
“No, no! Aaaaaaaagh!” My scream must have been heard all the way to the next village. Kate might have tried to be stoic but I wasn’t going to emulate her.
“One.” Applause
Another scream and pain so severe I thought I would faint but I didn’t.
“Two. Twenty-two to go. Lay them on good and hard Kate.”
“Three.” Laughter. As my howl died my bladder erupted and sent urine across the floor but that only delayed the fourth stroke.
By the eighth stroke my screams were becoming hoarse and there was a short break during which I saw Aunt Gertrude speak to her Ladyship. Whatever was said, it made no difference to my plight and Kate was ordered to continue. At the twelfth stroke I did faint and it took some time before smelling salts revived me. Again Kate was ordered to carry on although I was barely conscious. How Kate withstood her punishment I know not. Perhaps I had a lower pain threshold but I knew I wouldn’t be able to withstand much more of this punishment.
“Fourteen.” There wasn’t as much fervour in the counting now and some wanted the beating stopped. My eyes closed as I awaited the next but the scream came from Kate. Ralph arrived and wrenched the birch from her and the flung her to the floor where she landed on her sore bottom.
“If this was an honest game of chance, I might have been tempted to let it continue but it was organised by a lot of cheating women. I hate cheats,” Ralph fumed. I opened my eyes and through the tears saw him grab the velvet bag and empty its contents on to the floor and then turn it inside out. “I thought it remarkable that the last two times I attended one of these parties, the youngest and prettiest girl was drawn but they only had ten strokes apiece. Now I know why none of the older ladies were picked.” He put his hand in a pocket inside the bag. “The girl they wanted thrashed, had her card placed in this pocket and the drawer knew exactly where to find it. Now regardless of what you say, I am taking Constance to her room and will see that she is tended to in a proper way.”
“And I will see that the perpetrator or perpetrators are tended to in a proper way. I too hate cheats. My wife, I’m sure had to be the organiser especially as she was the only one with the authority to start the game without our presence. She will get fifteen strokes and each and every one of the rest of you will get ten. All the men here can take a turn at wielding the birch. You first Francis dear, it’s about time I warmed your arse again.” Lord McCormack’s voice showed his anger that he’d been made to look a fool and that his party has been brought into disrepute.
Meanwhile Ralph unfastened the straps and carefully carried me over his shoulder and my last vision on leaving the room, was of her Ladyship protesting and being dragged to the bench.
Laid on the soft bed with Rebecca and Ralph tending me with salves and some foul tasting medicine that eased the pain, I had time to ask how he knew about the bag. “It was Rebecca here. She slipped out from the party when she saw what they were doing to you and came to find me.”
Rebecca took up the tale. “I ran to the smoking room and entered even though I knew I wasn’t supposed to. Mr. Beaumont? I asked in a loud voice so as to make myself heard above the conversation. One gentleman pointed outside. I found him answering a call of nature and told him what happened. He came in directly. The other gentlemen must have known something was amiss from my manner and my question and followed us.”
“We will need to leave in the morning,” Ralph stated, “None of us will be safe here. You will have to come too, Rebecca, otherwise they will take vengeance on you. First though, I will move my belongings into this room, including my sword, although I hope that will be not necessary.” He made other plans and then climbed into bed alongside me and Rebecca slept on the other side. I didn’t sleep at all well and know I disturbed the others but they didn’t complain and several times Rebecca soothed more salve on to my welts.
In the dim early morning light, Ralph and I kissed and cuddled for a while until the sun started to climb above the horizon. The pain in my bottom was still bad and it hurt to move but I knew we had to. I wondered how we were going to travel because the grooms would soon raise the alarm if we tried to steal Auntie’s carriage and I would not be able to walk far, but that was resolved when, after a soft knock on our door, Auntie appeared, red-eyed and distressed. “Constance, please believe me when I say I knew nothing of the way the cards were hidden in the bag and yet I too suffered the wicked birch. We need to get away from this place before some of the others arise and seek you and us for bringing you. Henry is ready and packed.”
So we left with only a few servants knowing of our departure. Gertrude and I found it difficult to sit on the carriage seats even though they were upholstered but we made good progress and stayed at an inn that night.
The final scene in the virtual video, cut to Ralph and I living together and making love in a big bed at his estate in the north-east of Essex. Rebecca brought us cordial and some food. I suppose, it was then a case of, ‘They lived happily ever after.’
Well, Debbie, I hope that satisfies your curiosity as what I did on my two-day virtual holiday. You have a preview of it before I send it to the Holiday Web site. You cannot make me believe a real holiday on the beach would be half as exciting even if it was painful at times.
I know you are also curious as to Ralph Hallenby, one of the other participants in the scene. Yes, we have met up since and exchanged video sticks and viewed them together. We’ve been on three dates now and it could be the start of a real friendship. Perhaps the most embarrassing part of the holiday was when the lights came on at the end and we came back to reality. We were still naked of course, but seeing each other’s bodies and knowing what we and others had done to them, caused me to blush for real but then Ralph grinned and I noticed the drying semen on his thighs and the crustiness around my vagina, and I had to grin too.
“Showers for everyone,” the hostess exclaimed.
“Together or separate?” Ralph asked.
“As you wish.”
I did shower with Ralph and we washed each other without saying very much but I’m sure his mind, like mine, was replaying some of the scenes.
We met again for coffee and agreed to meet up later and watch the videos together. Gertrude said she enjoyed her holiday too and would like to have a young girl to train or even be rich enough to have servants she could use.
It took several days for me to come down from the high peaks of the holiday and actually recover mentally from the thrashing. I looked in the mirror many times to reassure myself there were no welts and no scars.
Will I go on another Dream Holiday? Probably, if I’m not married or committed to Ralph.
Copyright Oggbashan September 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.************************************************* Long HolidayAs it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the...
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SpankingAuthor’s Note. This story is dedicated to ChrisM. Thank you for your generosity. I sat at my desk looking out over the London skyline. It was July and the rain was pouring down. I sighed and drank my tea. I was a coffee man but after three months in England, I had been hooked on the tea. It wasn’t my office I was sitting in but one that was provided to me by the company who had contracted my services. I’m a marketing consultant and travel the world helping start-up companies to find...
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She’d been to a hotel close to the one we were staying at (i’d planted the seed of where to go with my parents) and had given me the number of a guy she’d kept in contact with who was local. She didn’t give me a lot of information but couldn’t stop smiling and her only comment was “be careful what you wish for”! I pushed her for more but she refused and said I’d have a holiday to remember. I took his number and wrote several messages that I deleted and didn’t send. Did I really want this? I...
I have known Allison ever since we were very young and we're close; more like sisters than best friends. Allison's older sister was not going on the family summer holiday last year because she had plans with some friends for a skiing trip to the Alps. Therefore, Allison's mum asked if I would like to accompany them on holiday to Spain. Before we went, Allison helped me choose a new bikini, a black and white mini Shorty that went up in my bum just a little. Allison said it looked sexy so I...
MasturbationCopyright Oggbashan September 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Long Holiday As it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the coffee...
The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...
The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...
I usually phone my mum about once a week to see how she is. On this occasion I was quite nervous, considering what had happened between us the previous weekend (see stories: My Mum's Birthday, and parts 2 & 3). I thought she might be quite stand-offish, or even blame me for taking advantage of her when she was so drunk. But to my relief she seemed quite her normal self, and didn't even mention what had gone on over her birthday. Either she can't remember, or she's too embarrassed, I...
We’ve been in Puerto Rico for a week now, we are both very chilled out and nicely tanned, we both look healthy and fit. We’ve been on the beach for most of the day catching up on our tan’s and playing in the sand and sea, so we decide it’s time for a slow walk back to the apartment and to call in and have a couple of happy hour cocktails in a bar we like on the way back.We grab a couple of drinks in the bar, which is quite quiet as its change over time for the holiday makers, people going to...
When I retired we started taking more holidays each year and some of those we went on were organized by our local over 50s group. The holidays tended to be in early or late season when the hotels weren’t full and the owners wanted to fill their bedrooms and charged a lower than normal rate to a large group.We always selected a holiday at an hotel that had an indoor swimming pool. There were two reasons for this, the first being I find older women in one piece swimming costumes very attractive...
Hello to all my regular readers, sorry I haven't posted a story in a few weeks, I've been on holiday! What an eventful holiday that was! As ever, all these events are really, and this did happen. However, the names of characters have been changed so that no one gets in trouble ;) My family and I went to South Africa for a bit of a fall getaway, and we booked this beautiful luxury hotel in the capital, Johannesburg. We arrived about 1pm local time, and the heat hit you instantly...
My Family Holiday by Kathy. ( Gangbang, WS, Whipping, Objects, Bondage, Public Sex, Beastiality, Humiliation, Slutwife.) I had not really had a holiday this year except for a few days away with my husband Chas earlier in the year. So when my mum said did I fancy going with her and my aunty to Cephallonia the end of September for ten days I jumped at the chance especially when she said she would treat me to it. My mum is in her mid to late fifties and her sister in her late forties. My mum had...
“It’s a fantastic idea, Beth, they’ll love it!”My younger sister had just explained her idea of taking our parents away for a holiday in the sun to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary, and as usual with her, I thought it was a great suggestion. Although she was only twenty-three, Beth had always been the star c***d in our family, the one who worked hard and really achieved – she’d got a good job straight from university and could probably afford to treat the folks like this, but the nice...
IntroductionThis is the story of the amazing holiday I took earlier this year with my girlfriend and her family. It was a one week stay at a little island off southern Spain. Let me introduce the cast. I’m Jack 32 from Yorkshire and this is my story. My girlfriend Kelly is 27 really pretty, long blonde hair, fit and toned from her 4 nights a week gym visits with very pert and firm 34c boobs. I was lucky to pull her as I would class her above my league but my wit and charm (and bank account)...
Bridget had grown up on a small holding in Ireland in a Roman Catholic parish and had enjoyed her sister's company through their teens. They were told to leave the small holding when the stallion visited their mares but of course they always found a covert way to creep back close enough to see the mating.Bridget had been a bright young girl and encouraged by the parish priest's sponsorship she had been sent to boarding school and then she won a place at University and trained as a pharmacist....
We chose Turkey because it has the best golf courses within our budget, or at least that’s what hubby thought. We chose Turkey because I find Turkish men attractive so I would also have some eye candy, and a bit or harmless flirting! The journey out was a bit of a nightmare but after a lengthy delay we eventually arrived just in time to go to sleep!! From the next morning I was proven right as hubby went off for a round of golf straight after breakfast and by the time I’d finished my coffee...
"So where have I gone wrong?" "You have not gone wrong Jane, its just that we are not going anywhere in this relationship" "Graham, I gave everything in this relationship, I gave up promotion opportunities,hobbies, you name it". Tears were now in her eyes, there was also a pause. She thought about the holiday in Spain she had booked for them both. "Jane we have both tried, but I find it hard now." He did not want to say it, but before he could even think about it, Jane asked...
Me again with another true story, I've told a couple of story's now but none with my partner james as the star and i think its time to change that. I often feel so sorry for him, because he is a fucking great shag, yet i still fuck others and he's non the wiser. It isn't because he is shit or treats me bad its just because i love sex so much i just cannot help myself.Now this Particular story happened when a few weeks after mine and James's 1st date which was in my previous story. Now me and...
It all started back in the summer of 2017 in Fuerteventura while me and my girlfriend enjoyed our long awaited holiday abroad. We had a great 1st week there in the beaming sunshine among beautiful views and beautiful people. We soon realised we had booked ourselves into a predominantly German hotel. It soon became aparent that this holiday would probably be a very pirvate affair with there been a language barrier between us and the other guests. So we went about having a good time and enjoying...
It all started back in the summer of 2017 in Fuerteventura while me and my girlfriend enjoyed our long awaited holiday abroad. We had a great 1st week there in the beaming sunshine among beautiful views and beautiful people. We soon realised we had booked ourselves into a predominantly German hotel. It soon became aparent that this holiday would probably be a very pirvate affair with there been a language barrier between us and the other guests. So we went about having a good time and enjoying...
Some years ago when I was around my mid 30's, married with a couple of k**s. My family and I were on holiday in Cyprus. We had a ground floor 3 bedroom apartment on a quiet part of the complex. It was just off peak season so the place wasn't too busy. The apartment had a patio overlooking large grassed area dotted with small shrubs and trees where people would sit during the day to sunbathe. This area had a path running round the perimeter and it ran past the patios of the apartments.One...
When I was around 16 my parents decided to take me and my sister on a family holiday to a resort on one of the Spanish Islands. The day before we were due to leave, something came up in my father’s job and he had to stay behind. Ten days of sun, sea, sand and my sister and mother nagging me, and dragging me around the shops.We arrived late in the evening and had a quick look around the resort. It seemed to be your standard holiday resort, a group of buildings surrounding a large swimming pool...
Just back for a works tip to Spain, 11 days in a place i wont name as I dont want to give the game away, but I had a great time.Last time I was there was a lads holiday 9 years ago, this time I ended up with a house to myself because the guy who was supposed to cover the job was planning on bringing his wife and k** so the house was booked, when he dropped out I said I would do it.Ended up in a nice house with a little pool, was not too busy around there so no neighbors to complain. Good...
It was the final day of what had been our best holiday so far. Never had we wined and dined and fucked and sucked so much. We had been at it from the moment the plane landed and taken our love making to new heights and destinations. From the beach to tree lined woods and from our hotel balcony to the back seat of taxis we had reignited the flame between us and tried many a new position along the way. Tonight, for our last night we were going back to our favorite restaurant where the manager...
Oral SexThis is my first story... I yawned and stretched as the barman left my pina colada on the small table beside my sun lounger. 'Thank you Paulo' I said as he lifted my empty glass, smiled and walked away. I watched as he walked back to the bar, he was wearing white, lightweight linen trousers and I could easily see that he was wearing nothing beneath them. Damn his bum looked fine!. I stretched again, sat up and reached for my cool drink. I could get used to this life I thought, too bad I...
It had been a long hard winter in Cornwall but finally the first hints of spring were appearing. The sun was breaking through the clouds for a few hours each day and there were no longer icicles hanging from trees past midday. A few brave green shoots were appearing and even the odd bud was beginning to open. Instead of rabbit tracks in the snow there was the sounds of birds singing again. Indeed, the season had turned. As dusk began to fall one evening, an old tramp came trudging down a...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The farmer couldn't wait to see us again,after we'd arranged to go down and stay in his fields again. As the time got nearer,my wife couldn't contain her excitement,knowing that being in the nude for two weeks,would allow our son to fuck her whenever her tits and cunt caused his cock to rise and show it's head! The previous holiday had seen us be nude for the whole two weeks,and our good friend,the farmer,also had the pleasure of getting into her...
IncestWe rented a house for a week in September near a coastal path so that we could explore sections of the coast. We chose late September as the weather would still be fine and the schools had returned for the autumn term. On our first day we woke up to a clear blue sky and thick dew on the grass. We planned to walk along the coast path for about two hours, have our lunch at a bay we wanted to explore and return by some of the inland paths. We weren’t in a rush and stopped to look at the views as...
At breakfast that morning they all discussed their plans for the day. “Well I think we’ll lie by the pool, what do you think Amy”. “I think that sounds like a plan” she chuckled back. “I don’t know how you do it girls” Dave said, “I need to register at the golf club and get familiar so I’ll probably just do 9 holes today and then see you later for a swim and a drink”. While the girls sunned themselves, Dave was enjoying a beer after his round of golf. He met up with a two older guys who were...
Karen Lister was a sixty-year-old lesbian who, a few months previously, had suffered the break up of a long term relationship. In the time that followed she had quite a lot of lesbian sex but did not meet anyone that she felt that she wanted to have a serious relationship with.As part of her recovery from the end of the relationship, she had booked herself on a six-day/five-night coach holiday in Scotland.She was onboard the coach and she had a window seat but she knew that the coach was fully...
LesbianTheir parent’s holiday in Spain is ruined when their father breaks his leg. So 18 year old Ryan and his 17 year old sister Clare go instead. Although they intended to enjoy the holiday in their own way, the two find that they want to spend all the time with each other. (MF-teens, inc, 1st, mast, oral, anal, rom) *** “Wow, Clare, this is some apartment,” gasped Ryan as he unlocked and pushed open the door of the timeshare apartment, between Malaga and Marbella on Spain’s...
She watched her husband with an air of disbelief as he lay on the bed of the hotel room in the most unsexy underwear imaginable; the TV remote control in his hand as he flicked through the channels, never stopping on one longer than to recognise it as junk and move on to the next.Melissa just stood there and stared at him. A pout formed on her lips as she imagined a young virile man in place of her husband; his cock hard and erect, just waiting for her to lower herself upon him. When she...
CheatingWe have a holiday home, we go on holiday. It is a beautiful place, by the sea and mountain views. Pool on the terresen.It is a great place to relax.After Christmas my boyfriend has had a new girl to fuck one day a week. Normally he comes home after having sex, but lately he has more often stayed. After becoming a father, his dick has become harder, leaking more sperm during the act and making it horny. He invites this girl on holiday this summer. It's a sweet, kind, Spanish girl, pretty much...
I had fucked my wife’s aunt while on holiday it all began when my wife and I had booked a holiday to Singapore and decided to invite her Aunt and her husband. She wasn’t much older than us the age difference was one year. She was married shortly after our wedding. My wife and her aunt were very close from c***dhood as the age gap hasn’t that big and they were more like sisters than aunt and niece. They had always planned a couples holiday and it was finally going to happen. We had booked...
hi its maria if your up to date with my story youll know that my husband is back very easily he accepted my new lifestyle but we felt we needed a holiday to discuss a few things especially what to tell the c***dren i spoke with jerome about our issues and he said fine you can go away but im going to tell you where to go and what to wear and remember what you are a black cock slut so dont be suprised if i dont pop along for the odd day or send some of the guys from the bar around to keep you in...
It was holiday time, but not for me anyway. I live only with my father in a small town with not much to really do and usually me and him would go on holiday as families do. This year was different. He would be off to the fascinating world of Australia while I was off to stay at my Aunt's a few miles away. I have nothing against my Aunt, she is a lovely woman but I felt betrayed by my father as he originally said that there was not going to be a holiday that year. I asked many times if I could...
IncestHiI'm Kyle.......My Mum Is Called Debbie , she is 48 years old she is about 5 ft 7 ,slim decent figure she has blonde hair and natural 38d tits This is how I caught her cheating on my dad on holiday ......Recently my dads been working away a lot and a few weeks back he had to fly over to dubia for a week or 2 with work They have also been arguing a lot more when my dad is actually home.When my dad went to dubia my mum suggested we went on holiday ourselves , just me my mum and my younger...
The moon shone over the ocean, casting it's light over the small beach. A girl, walking slowly in the dim light, her face casting a beautiful picture. Lisa had been on the island for a few days, but was already feeling very at home with the gentle pace of life there. And now, strolling along in the moonlight she wondered if she could be happier than she was right at that moment. It hadn't been a good start to the holiday. Nothing like an airline to bring the excited mood of a holiday right...
In May 2006 on my 41st birthday I went to Lanzarote on a cheap holiday i.e self-catering. I was lucky because where the complex was there was a large bar/restaurant next door so the majority of food and drink was bought here, also the back door of the bar went into my complex, ideal for going back and forth. I had an apartment with a roof terrace so I could sit or lie in the sun instead of going to the beach. the second day there I met the 'neighbours', they were two women, Anne and Yvonne,...
In May 2006 on my 41st birthday I went to Lanzarote on a cheap holiday i.e self-catering. I was lucky because where the complex was there was a large bar/restaurant next door so the majority of food and drink was bought here, also the back door of the bar went into my complex, ideal for going back and forth. I had an apartment with a roof terrace so I could sit or lie in the sun instead of going to the beach. the second day there I met the 'neighbours', they were two women, Anne and Yvonne,...
LADY ANN'S EXTENDED HOLIDAY Original Story by Eric - Expanded Edition by Emma ENGLAND 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. His job was to muck out and groom the horses and perform manual labour around the estate. He was forbidden even from entering the manor house. He scraped an existence in the...
An unexpected holiday As a 40 year old man I have had a good life with sexual activity being one of my main pursuits from which I have had both great pleasure and a frustrating lack of My desires being achieved .As a married man I found the ?normal ?sexual pleasures quite easy to find but my true desires had to be hidden away which occasionally made me feel quite low and unsatisfied. From being a quite young man I did stray from the straight path with the infrequent slight detour from normal...
Summer Holiday pt 1 By Ashtree The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. It is not meant to condone orencourage forced sexual acts between females. Hello again, it's Jenny here with more tales of my favourite sexual pastime;raping other women. These ones are from the best holiday I ever had in my life,and the first episode, which is what I'm going to tell you now, was a strangeone, but as they say never look a gift horse etc. Normally I've always targetedwomen my own age or older, young...
Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xThis story isn’t related to our swinging exploits as it happened way before I even knew Ted however we have been reflecting on our sexual past as...
The Chronicles of Abby: Abby, Matt and Jim on a Holiday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This episode is the continuation of Abby, after getting fucked by her teacher, Mr. Davis. After Abby’s teacher, Davis fucked her doggy style and came in her. She went home and cleaned herself up without telling her daddy, Matt about it. It was past midnight, shadow of a man could be seen ramming his hard cock in and out of a girl’s pussy with her butt arching upwards and her chest and hands planted on the...
The Chronicles of Abby: Abby, Matt and Jeff on a Holiday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This episode is the continuation of Abby, after getting fucked by her teacher, Mr. Davis. After Abby’s teacher, Davis fucked her doggy style and came in her. She went home and cleaned herself up without telling her daddy, Matt about it. It was past midnight, shadow of a man could be seen ramming his hard cock in and out of a girl’s pussy with her butt arching upwards and her chest and hands planted on the...
Jade grinned as the heat overwhelmed her. It was so hot! She loved it. She gave a little skip of delight as she made her way across the concrete apron of the runway towards the terminal building. I am free... Free... FREEE! She felt like screeching in delight. The first time in her life she was having a holiday on her own. Paid for by her parents as a present for 4 grade A passes in her A levels. In three weeks she would start university at Oxford. But for now study was the last thing on her...
We were through! No more classes for a month. It seemed like the entire town emptied out in twelve hours. The campus was deserted. The house next door was empty. The guys had carried suitcases out to their last exams and didn’t come back. I saw all three blonde bimbos from two doors down load into a Ford Focus that looked like it was dragging bottom under the weight of everything they packed with them. I didn’t know where they were headed, but I hoped they made it. I got out of my final in...
The two hour drive was finally coming to an end, mom and dad were taking me to the same place we always holidayed at for as long as I could remember. Since I was able to walk we always came to the same apartment in a villa in the hills. The four apartments surrounded the swimming pool. Each apartment had a private terrace, and if there was anybody else staying at the villa, the only time we saw them was at the pool. What made this place so attractive to them was the fact they could go nude for...
Dreamscape Conclusion By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 5: Dream Walker Fear, confusion and fraud. These were the three words, which had dominated my existence since I died in a car accident. Through cosmic happenstance, I emerged from a coma in the body of Lucy Maya. My second chance at life, so to speak, was not one of wonderment at the miracle of being given another crack at life, as one would expect. Quite the opposite. I tip toed through this life fearful more people...
Over the next few days she showed me the joys of using the vibrators and it was wonderful having the ability to put the toys deep in me and be fucked properly. With all the excitement I had forgotten my period was due until I got the tell-tale cramps. Mum gave me some tampons and showed me how to insert them. I didn't want to use them while I was a virgin but now I was free! Our love just got even better now I had thrown off the shackles of the hymen and it became harder to switch back to...
K-BAY 92.3 FM started sprinkling Christmas songs into their playlist in November, starting on Thanksgiving. For the first week or two thereafter, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Burl Ives, and Gene Autry made casually rare appearances, surfacing between Huey Lewis and The News, Madonna and Depeche Mode. By the time The Big Holiday was actually at hand, airwaves were so saturated with holiday cheer that even Top 40 pop songs were festooned with jingle bells. On this Christmas Eve night, the fop...
Misty left her third department store frustrated. The advertised sales weren’t really as great as she thought they would be. She hoped that this late November shopping trip would get her holiday season off on the right track, but it was beginning to look like this year was going to be another holiday disaster. To top off her miserable trip, the weather was lousy. The wind blew sheets of rain onto the pavement. They weather forecast was calling for snow, but so far it was just this unforgiving...