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Lake By Connie W (aka ponygirlTS) Chapter One: Another E-mail from Wilson Well here it is, another of Wilson's, "get the old fire-team back together," schemes. So why can't I go this time? You would think that they would realize, that after 20 years, we needed to get on with our lives. Maybe I should just tell them the truth. We don't have anything in common anymore, except those tired old war stories that they always seem to drag out when we are together. I mean look, they golf, I bowl, they have expensive cars and I have an old 1974 pick-up truck (that I can't even afford to put gas in most of the time). They have their clothes tailor made and I often find mine at a local thrift store. All they talk about is corporate high finance and the closest I can come, is talking about the newest version of Windows. But you know we haven't been together, as a group, since we all made the pilgrimage to New Mexico, for Staff Sargent Miller's funeral. Cancer was not the way a man like him should have gone out. So I took the time to re-read the E-mail. It seems that Wilson has this four bedroom time share in LA for two weeks and everyone has agreed to be there, on the condition that I go. Wow, a lot of weight on my shoulders. Smith and Andrews want to bring along their sons but they are leaving that up to me as well. So how did I get so popular? The only time they ever came up here, was when their wives threw them out. One by one, it seemed like clockwork. Every two years, one of them seemed to wander in, dump his expensive luggage on my floor and sleep on the couch for a week or two, wandering around town, helping me fix computers or toilets or whatever else someone needed fixing. It seemed that I was a flop at graphic design (the one thing that I did have a degree in) but I was good enough at almost everything else. They each tried to get me to go back to civilization with them and they had each promised to set me up big. Well, I had only been out of the hills once in the 20 years, since I left the army and maybe it was just the right time to do it again. So I accepted. It wasn't ten minutes later, that I got another E-mail from Wilson, telling me that he would send me a plane ticket but I quickly declined. I decided that I'd take the bus and just make this a really slow relaxing trip. I'd get off in LA and then backpack it to the resort. You know, get back in the old Army spirit. Sometimes, the old ways are just the best ways. Well, it seems that corporate types don't have much imagination themselves and so I quickly found that I wasn't going to be walking alone. In fact, we were all going to be meeting at and then walking from the bus station. Chapter Two: Santa Monica Greyhound Bus Stop If you ever feel the need to be humiliated, just hang out with your old army buddies. As we walked, they brought up all of the most embarrassing moments that I'd spent 20 years trying to forget. Yes, they all seemed to be directed at me. There was the time that Andrews and I had gone to a bar. We were already blind drunk and he had picked up two girls. After quickly loading them into my 67 Mustang convertible, we took them to a local motel for some fun. I can still remember sitting in the front seat chatting with one lady, when Andrews threw his jacket and shoes over the upstairs walkway rail and he ran down the stairs as his clothes floated into the back seat of the car. He was yelling something the whole time. A moment later, he was at the passenger door and pulled Inga (I'm pretty sure that was her name) by the arm and dumped her on the asphalt. Okay, I've done some low things but I tried to play the gentleman and got out to defend her. I'd pulled her almost half way up, when he finally got his breath. "It's a guy damn it," Andrews had been trying to yell at me and finally got out. I was still holding her there as I asked her, "you're a guy?" "Well, I haven't had my surgery yet," was all I remember, hearing her say. I dropped her dead on her bum again. You just can't imagine how bad I felt about the way I acted that night and to hear it again as if I was some kind of a hero, didn't help at all. It was funny just how many of these memories I had suppressed and just how impressed they seemed to be with them. In all, this was not the most dignified way to meet their sons, David Smith and Martin Andrews. They must have thought that I was a complete jerk by then. Chapter Three: Ready to go Home We finally arrived at the resort and I was long ago, storied out. If this was the way things were going to go, then I was ready to go home. I noticed something was wrong when we first entered the townhouse. It just looked too "Wilson." Then I picked up his backpack and found that it was full of wadded up newspaper. We'd been scammed. This was Wilson's place with his front door right on the beach. While Smith and I gave him hell, Andrews (maybe I should start using first names or this is going to get hard), Mike and his son Martin walked out on the patio. They chatted for a long time and after we got an apology out of Wilson, (oh yes) Jerry, I wandered out to see how they were doing. It was not a conversation meant for my ears. So I wandered further into the grassy common use area of the complex. This was a large grass area, with walkways and pine trees between the two rows of townhouses. Along the middle, there was a long line of crochet games set up. It looked like they were having some kind of a tournament. I checked them out with binoculars and it seemed that all of the players were young people and families. A young blond girl threw something at me and I caught it. It was the size of a golf ball and it had a little weight to it but it was really soft and spongy as well. I threw it back and so did she. After a couple more times, I threw it past her so that I could go back inside. I walked back in as Jerry was talking about how he had just bought the place and about how he was finally getting back on his feet after his divorce and bankruptcy. I'd listened to this for about an hour when David came in. He's Allen's son (Okay Allen is Smith's first name.) and he had just received the third degree from the girl that I'd played catch with. It seemed that her name was Lake. Jerry overheard and warned me that Lake used to be a boy. But I'd grown past worrying about that. She was too young and perfect for me. I wasn't going to have sex with her but she did interest me. After a little razzing, I went out to see her. "Hi Lake, I'm Jeff," I told her. "I know, Jerry told me all about you. Did he tell you that I was born a boy?" she seemed to have too much confidence and at the end, she paused to pout for a moment. "Yes, does that bother you?" I asked. "No, does it bother you?" she replied. Then she kissed me on the cheek. God, I haven't felt so close to someone in a long time, she just had this weird hold over me. I tried to move my lips over to hers. "No Jeff, you must never kiss a whore on the lips. It's like giving a blow job to all the boys that I've ever slept with," she said. "Is Jerry paying you, then?" I asked. "No, Jerry is sweet but he is way too corporate for me. We talk a lot and he talks a lot about you. Even the bad parts," she really knew how to press my buttons. She pulled my hand and put it in through a slit in her dress, all the way to her naked pussy. "I'm a ponygirl Jeff. Do you know what that is?" she asked me and I guess I gave her this kind of blank stare because I didn't have a clue. "Ask Jerry, he'll tell you all about me," then she walked back to her croquet game, only looking back long enough to blow me a kiss. I was dreaming, right? This only happens in the movies and only in dream scenes but Jerry said no. She was the one that talked me into trying one more time to get you fools out here. It was all her ploy and she seems to have known what she was doing. Chapter Four: Ponygirls "So what is this ponygirl stuff that she was talking about or should I ask you that privately," I asked Jerry but it was David that answered. "Ponygirls are really cool. It seems that they set back women's lib about a million years," David started snickering for a moment. "I had an English teacher in high school that preached on them one day, for the whole class period. She got so mad that her face was red and it was all because she found a ponygirl magazine in a student's backpack." "You're kidding me right," Allen chimed in. "I mean this is what they are teaching in school? So what's so different about a ponygirl anyway?" "Well, they've gone back to when women were considered chattels. You know, property. They sign these contracts that take away all their rights and accept a life as livestock," he grinned for a moment. "It is kind of silly but I've heard that they're cleaner than most women, to tell you the truth. But they aren't allowed in restaurants, churches or anywhere that is religious or were food is prepared. They can't even go into a grocery market." I had to ask, "so what makes them ponygirls?" "They have a lot of training and go through a lot of surgeries." David said. "So why is Lake interested in me?" I asked and David shrugged. "They do have multiple partners. I mean that they fool around. Hey, what can I say? Try it, you may like it," David really seemed interested. "Why don't you go out and have sex with her? She is closer to your age," I was really confused at this point. And the more they told me about ponygirls, the more confused I got. Like, ponygirls dress as Moslem women when out in public but then they turn around and pose naked for this ponygirl magazine. What was up with that? Lake was wearing a short summer dress and short sexy high-heeled boots when she was playing croquet. The more I listened, the worse it seemed to get. But in the end, I was more interested in who Lake had become and not what she had become. It was that question that helped me regain my interest in spending time with her. Chapter Five: Larry to Lake "I'll come clean Jeff. She was the person that got me off skid row. It was about a year ago and I was working as a bank teller. She wandered in one day and offered me lunch," Jerry confessed. "She knew all about us. She gave me a business plan that she'd worked out and a hundred dollars for listening to it. To make a long story short. It worked, I've paid off all my debts, paid cash for this house and I have a lot more in the bank. Oh, and I also bank at the same place that I was a teller. I really get a kick out of it." "So what's her story?" I asked. "Well, she used to be a boy until her father found a pair of her mother's panties, between her mattresses. He took her to a ponygirl farm and sold her. It seems that he was a truck driver and wasn't home much. But one of my friends, used to take him fishing and spend time with him," it seemed that the haze was starting to lift as I listened to Jerry and I thought that I knew who he was talking about. "She had been sold twice and when her last owner died, she decided to put the ponygirl stuff on hold for a while and look me up." "Why you? I mean, yeah, why you?" Allen asked. "Because she looked you all up and I was the only one that was really failing," he paused for a moment. "So anyway, as a ponygirl, she isn't allowed to own any property or even have a bank account. She can go on her own anytime but she still has to live by certain guidelines." "Okay, so are the two of you married?" Allen asked. "Nope, I did buy her contract but I don't even own her," he looked at me for a moment. "You do Jeff, she's all in your name and that's what she wants. Look, she has put in 15 hour days for the last year to make the company work and her contract cost me $400,000 but she's more than worth it." Jerry floored me with that one and I started to get really pissed. "Look, this sounds like slavery and I thought that was one of the things that we served in the military to prevent?" I just couldn't see any other point of view. "What do you what me to tell you? You're right but it's what she wants and it's what she says that she's wanted since she was very young," Jerry told me. "Talk to her and see if you can understand her point of view. Personally, I think that you'll like her a lot." So Lake had been Larry; that skinny kid that lived in a studio apartment with his mother. I'd picked him up often and taken them out. It was kind of like a big brother thing. I just felt so sorry for them and I remember when his father left with him. His mother came over and cried all night. She never saw either of them again. She moved in with me for a while. I had an extra bedroom but soon she moved back in with her parents. Now, she's married and lives in a big house on the lake. It is on the same one that Larry and I used to fish at. What would she think of this and what am I going to do about it? I think that in the end, those are the real problems. Chapter Six: Lake It was nightfall before I went back out. I really hoped to see Lake again, as I walked toward the beach to sort things out. "Jeff, Jerry called to let me know that he told you everything. He also said that you didn't take it so well," she said but I could tell that she was hoping that I would be willing to talk to her. "I'm not upset with you. I'm just trying to understand it all. It's just so different," I told her. "Perhaps, but it works well for me. Oh, there are a lot of hard rules but I can accept them as well," she said watching me and I had my mind out into space, somewhere around the moon. "So how do I fit into all of this?" I asked her. "That's easy, you just enjoy it. Did Jerry tell you that you own half of his company? Jeffery, you are a very wealthy man." She sounded excited. "That company, brought in, one and a half million dollars in profit in its first year. And that wasn't ripping off the employees either." She seemed really proud of that. "Look, I'm a ponygirl and I can't own my own contract. So if you don't want me, then you can sell me or I can go back to working for free. That's right, I'm not allowed to get a paycheck or open a bank account either. So what do you want to do?" she paused with that question. "Would you like to see me naked," she finally said with a smile. I slowly shook my head and I could see it in her eyes that she'd hoped that it would go easier somehow but I wasn't ready for that yet. *** "Look, when my father found the panties, he also found a copy of "ponygirl magazine" as well. First, I got the belt, then he packed me up and dragged me around in his truck for about a year, "to help me regain my manhood." But eventually, we had a heart to heart and he asked me if I really wanted to be a ponygirl? "He'd heard of a ponygirl that was dancing at a strip club in Denver, Colorado and we were on our way there next. We got into Denver early on Thursday and I waited in the truck while dad went in to talk to her. He had scheduled us to leave on Monday so that he might convince her to spend some time with me and show me the horrors of what I wanted to get into. "She made a phone call and introduced dad to a man that ran a ponygirl stables just outside of town. Dad said that they talked for a while and he didn't feel that dad had anything to offer him. "He had asked dad point blank, 'Why should I expose my ranch and ponygirls, to an outsider?' "But it seemed that dad's pleading soon paid off and we were invited to spend the weekend at the ranch in the guest house, for a fee. "We got there on Friday morning about 8am and the ponygirls were already in training. It wasn't like an organized ponygirl training ranch where ponygirls had classes and everything. This was more like a working horse ranch, where a few ponygirls went to play and quietly hone their skills but I got to see a lot and talk to some real ponygirls and their owners. "When I told one that I wanted to be a ponygirl as well, one of the trainers talked to dad about taking me under his wing for the afternoon. Dad thought that was a great way to finally scare the idea out of me. In the end, it only cemented my resolve. "Dad was given the address of a real ponygirl stables in LA before he left, since that was where we were headed next. But dad still wasn't ready to give up on me yet. "'Look, how about we settle down when we get to LA? You can't start ponygirl classes until you're 18 anyway and that's two years away. But if you get good grades, I'll get a really nice car for you,' he told me on the road after a long silence. "I knew that he'd give it to me anyway because ponygirls aren't allowed to drive and it would mean that I'd have to give up my new car, to do it. "The next day, dad sold his truck and got a job with the trash company. We settled down to a normal life, except that I went to my ponygirl classes every weekend. Dad sent me to a private school to catch up on my schoolwork but he registered me a year behind, since I'd missed a year of school while being on the road with him. I spent the year working hard and made up the year thanks to a counselor and teachers that looked after me. "So I got my new car (a red Mustang convertible) and I soon talked dad into letting me go to the ponygirl classes during my senior year. After he called the number that he'd been given, we went to a large house in the hills. We simply lied a little about my age and dad was given a little class on how to treat a ponygirl. "Jeff, it was really wild. The guy had two ponygirls and one spent the night with dad. I spent most of the evening with dad, watching a video on what a ponygirl really was, in the family room of the stable owner. After I went to bed, they talked more about me. "By that time, mom had moved in with you, dad was going nuts but I told him that you were only a friend and that he should be happy that you were looking out for her. After all, he never suggested that she should come down and live with us. "After about six months of ponygirl classes, I was put up for sale on the Internet. Dad had already signed my contract at that point but nothing had happened. I'd check everyday to see if I'd been bid for but nothing happened. "It had been suggested that having my sex changed would increase my value. So dad took a month off work and they arranged for me to have the genital surgery during the Christmas vacation. I was so excited but it wasn't easy and I did a lot of second guessing. Even after the surgery was completed. I was still wondering if I did the right thing. "It was a hard two weeks recovering but life got much better when I got back to the stables and then back to school. By January, I was back in the groove but dad insisted that I still live as a boy in public, so I wouldn't get beat up. "Soon, I was over 18 and my year of training was up. I also had a buyer and Dad took me to the stables on a school day to sign my contract. I had to give up my brand new car and driver's licence, since ponygirls aren't allowed to drive and they tattooed me, as well as pounded in the stables that would hold my toes to the shoes. "I was so excited, I'd worked a whole two years for this and now I was really going to be a ponygirl. *** Now I had a question, "so you did all of this because you saw a copy of ponygirl magazine?" "No silly, I'd always wanted to be a girl and I saw this as a way of paying for it. That's how it started and to tell you the truth, it is a lot better than hooking on the street," she paused for a moment. "I'm happy with who I am and I'm hoping that you'll be happy with me too. I never thought of sex when we were out on the boat but I have thought about you a lot since I became a ponygirl." I had to ask, "why?" "You looked after me when dad was away and I'd always felt safe with you. That is important in life," she told me. "I'm yours body and soul if you want me. Or at least keep me for a little while and see if it works out, please." How could I resist her? Chapter Seven: Judy Lake was so much like her mother. I'd met Judy (what, 8 years ago now) working at a fast food joint. She was the closing assistant manager and she'd taught me the ropes. Judy often talked about her son Larry. She'd been worried that his father had always been on the road and never spent any time with him. They'd never married and he just stopped in now and then to have sex with her. All the joy had been out of that for years and she'd only tolerated it, to keep him in Larry's life. I'd liked her from the start but I never tried to start anything. Then one night, she asked me if I'd spend time with Larry, "I came home early to change and he was wearing one of my dresses." She was really in a panic and so I agreed. We were almost like a divorced couple. I would pick him up a couple of weekends a month and we would go do things together. He was a good kid and just liked having someone around to talk to. "I can't talk to mom, she just never has the time and she doesn't understand when she does," he once told me but now, I realize that there were things that he couldn't tell me as well. I suddenly had another question to think about. How was Judy going to react to having Lake in town? I suddenly felt the need to call her and ask. "What are you thinking?" Lake suddenly asked. "I was thinking about you and your mother. How's she going to react to you?" I said frankly. "She has seen me, she used to come to some of the ponygirl shows that I was in. I was always kept away from her and we've been talking on the phone about my coming back for about a year now. She likes the idea and she says that I couldn't have made a better choice. She told me that she wishes that she could have landed you herself," Lake told me. "So you think that you've landed me?" I teased. "Yes, I do. I think that we will have our problems. For instance, I've been sleeping around. Oh, I won't do it if you keep me but as a ponygirl, I've never been the exclusive sex partner for anyone before. That will be weird for me when it happens but until then, I hope that you understand that, I'm still community property, in that respect," she was serious.

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Deepa Aunty In Blue Saree 8211 Part 2

This is Ashok back again, I earlier submitted a story deepa aunty in blue saree. This story narrates what happened after that. As in the end of first part I was seeing the sex video I shot in my handy cam. I got two more sleeping pills from my fathers drawer for today and went to deepa aunty house. She had come already from shopping. After lunch she went to sleep,may be tired due to my fucking sessions yesterday. I had same plan make her sleep at night and fuck. I felt bored and started seeing...

1 year ago
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Chapter Five Feminzer disease take over my body over

Feminzer disease takes my body over By Terry Hansay Chapter Five The next morning, Friday was a slow day. Cathy suggested we stay home and try to "digest" all that has happened over the week. I agreed. After breakfast, Cathy suggested we go upstairs and she would teach me the ins and outs of shaving my legs and "other parts of my body". The estrogen must really be getting to me because all I said "OK, lets go upstairs and...

4 years ago
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Cuckolded by Andrea

Around the age of 25 I was working in Sarasota and I was living in a shared house with 3 guys and 2 girls.One night me and the guys were having drinks on the patio when we got interupted by this gorgeous skinny redheaded girl,whos was in the mood the party with us. We kept on drinking and by 4 in the morning it was me and a friend of mine who stayed with her ,and she was kind of hitting on me so my buddy said he's out.She told me if I want to walk her over to her house for more drinking and I...

1 year ago
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The sun, weak and pale, was sinking slowly through gathering clouds toward the waiting earth. It cast a faint rose color over the black, bare branches of the forest waiting just beyond the edge of the village. Already she could hear the excited laughter of the gathered members of her clan.Suddenly a break in the clouds shot a brilliant shaft of light straight where she stood. A path! A sign? No. As that warming orb sank toward the horizon, the beams ducked under the graying skies. She smiled as...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Moving friendship to next level

It was a very warm and plesant late spring day,I was on my way back from my daily walk and decide to drop in and see my neighbour Bob. I do not usualy like to interrupt my walk , but his wife was away in Peterborough visiting their daughter, so I thought I would see how he was doing.Bob and I had been neighbours for a number of years but, it was not until we both retired a few years ago that our friendship stated to build, as there was more opportuniy to see each other. One day last winter, Bob...

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Liar Ch 05

She watched him anxiously, her green eyes dark with unbridled lust. She hadn’t moved from where he tossed her effortlessly onto the bed. Now she was propped up on her elbows watching him as he watched her. Heavy anticipation coursed through her as she watched him shrug out of his jacket. Finally getting it off, he tossed it onto the floor before pulling his black tee-shirt off and tossing it next to it. He had been clothed the last time they were together, so the sight of his bare chest had...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 15

“Where did you say they were?” Tanya asked, surprised. They were supposed to be in New Mexico. “Bolivia, of all places,” Frank replied. “Seems there’s a ski resort down there that’s one of, um, what’s ‘er name ... oh, Tabatha ... her favorite spot. She won a car at some offshore casino in Miami on their honeymoon and she took it out for a test drive.” He laughed, then continued; “When she landed they were in South America. She hijacked him all the way from Miami!” He laughed, again. “So...

2 years ago
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Yesterday I had driven down to the nearest mall and sat on a bench right outside of Macy’s and placed my purse on my lap and rammed my fingers down the front of my pants and went to town. It was a busy time of day and I figure the security guard who kept circling me like a hungry hawk knew what I was up to but I finished in record time and was off the bench and out the door before I was thrown out of the mall for lewd behavior and into the county jail. Fuck that. I had to find a job. I...

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Another Chance The Shattering

February 25, 2012: "'Cause love's such an old fashioned word, and love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night, and love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves-" My phone pierced the silent blackness of my room which caused me to jump out of bed to shut it off. Even after I had silenced the ring it insistently blinked that there was a new text message from Tina. This was the first that I’d heard from her in what felt like a lifetime, though in reality...

2 years ago
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A masochist flasher gets lucky Part 1

A masochist flasher gets lucky Part 1 I am a flasher. I love being naked, wanking and spunking in front of women and young girls. I often go to parks and forests, strip naked and walk around wanking until come across women then I stand and come in front of them. I love all their reactions, some are shocked, cry out and run away, others laugh and watch, others get angry and insult me but they also stay to watch. I have often been attacked by women that I flash to, punched, kicked and slapped as...

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Blowjob Queen at the local disco

Janelle was an expert at giving head by the time she was 18 years old. She had learnt all through the previous year doing local guys in the Wellington public toilets and down by the railway station. She was not only a great cocksucker, she was a striking young woman – though short, she carried her frame in an elegant upright manner, her legs had the shape and strength of the dancer that she was, but the thing that everybody first saw in Janelle was her generous 40 inch pair of melon-breasts....

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 25

NUWAROA HIGH COVEN SPACE He remembered the pain. The pain of the High Lord crushing his insides and the pain of dozens of lacerations as he was smashed through the window. He remembered the fall, thirty stories to think briefly of his life and what he had failed in accomplishing. The impact on the surface of the water had caused a momentary deluge of pain that pierced his entire being and then the pain overloaded even his rigidly trained mind and blackness took him. He remembered the...

3 years ago
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Hot Summer Friends

Hi ! I live in the Netherlands and previously published the story underneath in Dutch. It was sooo exciting to translate it to English... I hope the feeling of tension does translate too.Hugs, BibiMy husband, Mike, and I decided to go for a couple of ideas to the Ardennes in Belgium. The weather forecast looked great and we were looking forward spending some time just the two of us (without any nagging kids). We arrived on Friday afternoon at our lovely traditional hotel and Mike suggested me...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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It Takes a Girl to Show a Girl

Twenty years ago, I left home for the first time to go to Uni and I found a flat that I shared with a third year student called Amy. We had a bedroom each but shared everything else.Amy was lovely. She was friendly with a bubbly and chatty personality and a curvy figure. She was the complete opposite to me because I was extremely shy and quiet and with a figure that could pass for a fourteen-year old boy. She took me under her wing to get me up to speed with student life.At that time I had...

4 years ago
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Sumathis Fantasy 8211 Part 3

Sumathi’s bold experiment and adventure in the last few days only increased the desperation to get some action going. A new day and Sumathi was keen to explore which dick would come first. If it’s the vegetable vendor, so be it. If it is the fruit seller – let that be too. She was super excited about the entire day. She got all her domestic chores completed on time for any of these folks to visit. Again, on that day, she wore a dark blue saree and a contrast white blouse. No bra, no panty and...

2 years ago
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The Sauna

The SaunaMy girlfriend had always been keen on sex, often instigating lovemaking and suggesting new things to try even asking if we ever had a threesome with another guy would I want to share him with her. These conversations either ended up in fabulous sex or if we were already fucking then an extra special hard on for me. After she asked if I could be persuaded to make it with another guy and share him with her that I told her of the gay sauna I’d been to before we met. She kept questioning...

3 years ago
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Bahaghara Aagaru Mamu Jhia Bhauni Ku Gehili

Samita Amitya ra mamu jhia bhauni.Dekhibaku jetiki sundara ta sarira gathana madhya setiki manalobha.Dudha duita gol gol hoi emiti mansala hoithae je dekhile rushi madhya jata chhindai deba aau pudii cake pari fuli kala kala baal re bharpur hoithae Taaku dekhi kie dharya dhariba.Puni ta picha duita mansala hoi jepari thal thal karuthae Taaku dhari muhare ghasi ghasi jibh ku purei chatibaku mana na laagiba kemiti. Bhabuthae Aau ta bhagyaku dine samita gadhoilabele bagicha patu samita ku bathroom...

2 years ago
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iSummer chapter 7

"What's up Carls?" Sam asked as she came into the door.Carly was sitting on the couch. She turned to face Sam and patted the couch where she wanted Sam to sit.Sam took a seat next to Carly."Mel keeps changing the subject to just making up some excuse and leaving whenever I try to talk to her about her and me." Carly blurted out."Oh." Sam said. "So?""So?" Carly asked as she quickly stood up. "Sam, I'm trying to talk to her about something serious.""Maybe Mel doesn't want to talk about it. Think...

4 years ago
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We had just finished making love, but Amy was still not satisfied. “I wasn’t done,” She complained. “You came too soon! Let’s go at it again.” “You know that I can’t get hard again this quickly. It will take me a couple of hours to recharge my batteries before I can fuck you again.” I replied. “That is completely unacceptable.” she pouted. “There must be something that we can do. I know!” With that she jumped out of bed and began rummaging through the clothing strewn across the floor. “Here...

1 year ago
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Displeasing the Boss

She sits on the leather chair fidgeting. Her boss has called her into his office clearly upset about something. "Diane," his boss started. "I heard that you were doing something of the questionable nature during office hours." "Sir?" "Have you been sending personal emails during office hours instead of doing your work?" "I-I'm not, sir." "I heard otherwise," his boss said raising a brow. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." "Oh it's not. You're fired." "Sir, please. I promise it won't happen...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Bill N HaleyChapter 21

Haley’s turn: So as college students, Deena and I can FINALLY end up in some of the same classes. It was suggested that we take an elective or two, so we conferred and decided on biology. It’s a science, so there are right and wrong answers, not opinions, and both of us are interested and it’s already in progress. The professor starts to balk until Doctor Seavers explains why it is that she’s getting two students starting a semester in progress and neither of the students is old enough to...

4 years ago
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Sex Life With Girlfriend

Hi tiz is Gautam hailing from Hyderabad age 22, m gonna narrate a true incident which has taken place when i was in my engineering… It was when i was in my engineering 1st year and obviously in that age we r desperate about gals n all, so i got a call from a friend (gal) who asked me to bunk.. N tiz is my 1st bunk in my life, and it’s obvious that we would nod our heads as a gal asks for hand(guys don’t be serious as it is a true even we know).So my friend introduced her gang & i found a gal...

2 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 20 Sunday August 8 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake shuddered and then lay still, smiling. Jan slumped down onto him, laying her head on his chest, breathing heavily. Jake had always felt privileged when he was with her. It was not just because their relationship had started with her being an unobtainable object of desire, or because of their easy camaraderie, or because of the respect and admiration he felt for her. It was also because she made him feel wonderful when they were together. She loved him ardently,...

3 years ago
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The Majors DaughterChapter 2

There were a full twenty years between the mother Renata and the daughter Heidi, but in all honesty, they both had similar tight pussies and I would have to say the mother had a tighter ass hole than the daughter because the daughter had been doing it with a well-endowed black soldier for almost a full year, only in the bum, because of his religious convictions about not impregnating a female of another race. The mother’s posterior fields of glory were absolutely pristine at all times...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 3 Party time

We harvest all day. Not just the corn, but all the ripe vegetables that need be eaten right away or they will go bad. So, to celebrate this ending of harvest season the Kindred have a party, why not, harvests are traditional party times. The Kindred being descended from a group of historical re-enactors, then maybe they have experience with this celebration thing. As the day draws to a close, the rest of the folks who have been in conference come out and join us. Gwen's face lights up at...

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My Love of BBC Started at a Party

A friend of mine told me this hot story! It began at a New Year’s party given by a close friend. I was 28 and married and lived in an apartment. Les and Sharon who used to live next door to me in the apartments were hosting the party. It was well past midnight and we had all toasted the New Year with champagne. We were all drunk and Les and Sharon retired to the bedroom in their new three-bedroom home.Les and Sharon along with me and my wife and three other couples were white. There was one...

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The Case of the Dragon ToothChapter 3

The Watcher cleared everything out of his room. It didn't take long. He didn't have many possessions. He wiped down the room. It didn't take long and it never hurt to be careful. He left a note on the table saying he had to leave because of a family emergency and would not be back. He also left money for an extra week for the trouble. He knew no one would be complaining to the police. Things were packed away in his van and he was on his way out of town by 3 PM, carefully staying within...

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Lockdown with Daddy Ch 3

The drive home did nothing to calm Ann, her brain was whizzing at one hundred miles an hour. She couldn’t believe she had done what she had done with Julia. More to the point, she couldn’t believe she had lain back and allowed Julia to do what she did. As she parked the car in the drive she suddenly had a flash back to how she had felt when Julia’s fingers had made her cum, it was the first time in years that she had cum other than the few times she had masturbated. She felt a warm surge...

1 year ago
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Female AnimalChapter 5

That night they talked about visiting the pride. "I want to see them, Evan. And I want another taste of a tiger fuck. It was absolutely incredible." Gina had said that about five times, and he was getting a little jealous. "You don't have to come if you don't want." But he had to see this. Both beauties getting it on with those animals. Shit. They turned in early, and Tawny made them both wear their pants and long sleeved shirts when they set off into the jungle the next morning,...

3 years ago
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It Was a Bad Day

It had only been six months since Betty and Billy were married, and now Billy was standing on the courthouse steps divorced. The good side was that they had a prenuptial agreement and she didn’t try to break it. Billy paid the attorney’s fees and court cost just to keep his records and accounts from being looked at. For all intents and purposes he was between jobs, but his bank accounts would have shown a steady income in the six figures a month range. The fifteen minutes in court on the...

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Well hello to all the readers of ISS. I have been reading a few stories here and found them really hot and interesting. I am really drawn to narrate a real life experience which I encountered when I was just 15 yrs old. Let me tell you about myself. I am 40yrs old and now live in Bangalore. I am into my own business and live a pleasant live. Well this incident was also my first experience with sex.I lived with my parents in Calcutta. We had a full time maid named Veena who was nearly 22-23 yrs...

2 years ago
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Changing Room Adventure with Clara

“See, isn’t this fun?” asked Clara with an armful of clothes and a smile on her face.I laughed and showed her the single shirt I had found ”you’re k**ding me right? This is all I’ve found in twenty minutes, I don’t think I’m as good as you at this whole shopping thing.””You’re such a guy!” laughed Clara brushing her hair back over her ear, “It’s a good thing you bumped into me here, you need expert advice.” Clara scanned the giant clothing shop were we had recognised each other through the...

1 year ago
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The reunion weekend more fun with Jane

My wife, Maureen and I decided to go to our 35th High school get together. We live in the same small town we grew up in and normally, our High School reunion is boring and held in town during homecoming weekend. This year, it was suggested that we all do a get together weekend at a resort in Virginia. So, Maureen said that it sounded like fun and made the hotel arrangements. As the weekend approached, she told me that she had invited Jane to go along and share a suite with us. If you recall...

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Model FantasyChapter 7

I surprise you for Christmas and visit you with your family. You decide to visit your grandparents and ask me to come and join you. Your grandparents don't like visitors from outside the family to stay over so you decide to sneak me in. You wait until the prearranged time when your grandparents will be asleep and open the door for me. Taking my hand you lead me quietly upstairs. We find our way to your room and we start to undress. You are wearing black stockings and underwear. Removing...

2 years ago
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Caught Xeroxing My Tits

Caught Xeroxing My Tits As I sat at my desk that Monday morning I felt like throwing a party. That weekend would work out well too. My husband would be out of town with his hunting buddies. I could invite probably ten girls. I even thought about inviting eleven guys too but I wasn’t sure whether I would or not. So anyway I gave some thought to my invitation or invitations. Anyway I got the bright idea to Xerox my tits and my ass. I figured that I would need at least twenty-five copies...

2 years ago
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The Witch and the Dragon Part 12

Chapter Nineteen  Alluna gaped at the beautiful dark winged angel at the foot of the long table. The end of a thick, golden braid had slid over his waist to rest at his hip as he bent over in a reverent bow. More wisps of gold curled around his face. His shoulders and arms bulged with muscle. The soft, brown woven leather encasing his thighs strained over the impressive girth there. The reaper was enormous and breathtaking. Her heart pounded a frantic staccato against her ribs, and she...

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Surprise at the beach

We were on a cruise along the coasts of South America with a few other couples, friends from our hometown, when we had a “land” stop for a week in a beach resort in the North of Brazil. Our group was hanging out at the pool, blasted and lazy from the many pina coladas with lots of rum. My wife was also sleeping (passed out) but I was still close to sober and decided to go for a walk by myself to explore the beautiful beach. The beach was really very beautiful: very soft white sand and very...

3 years ago
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Irandam Naal Iravu

Pothuvaaga thirumanam aagi muthal iravil thaan suvarasiyam athigam endru ninaipaargal aanal naan en manaiviyai irandavathu naalil thaan muzhu inbathai adainthen. En manaiviyai epadi sex seithen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren, vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar vinoth, vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Muthal muthalil enaku ponu parka sendru iruntha pozhuthu en manaiviyai naan parthen, aval sexiyaaga irunthaal. Innum sola poginaal avalin suuthu perithaaga sexyaaga...

1 year ago
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Fuck you highschool

(Everyone in this story is over the legal age of 18) Everyday I wake up and have to go to a place that drains both my mental and physical energy, what’s my compensation? Looking at the beautiful babes that walk past me, looking is all I can do though. Most just don’t even acknowledge my existence, besides who wants to be lovey dovey to the weird kid? That was all gonna change after last nights dream. I’m not quite sure who or what spoke to me in my dream but they promised me when I woke up I...


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