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A Journey The train finally arrived at the station, John had been looking forward to visiting his Aunt. Mum and Dad were off on a cruise and he was to spend the summer in the Lake District. The sky had darkened on the spring evening and rain was in the air, standard Lakes weather. He left the train and stepped onto the deserted platform of the unmanned station, he'd done this journey before and knew there was a local bus from Staveley to the valley where his aunt's house was. He carried a sport bag with all a teenage lad needs for six weeks away (not much!) and went down to the bus-stop. The bus would be along in 10 minutes, there was no shelter and as it started to rain gently he was annoyed but not too bothered his light jacket keeping most of the wet at bay. The rain intensified and became torrential he could not leave the stop as the bus was due. He was now getting very wet, but hey he'd be at Mary's soon. The bus finally arrived 10 minutes late by which time he was thoroughly drenched. The driver smiled at his bedraggled state as he threw his wet bag into the luggage rack and himself the only passenger onto the bus. The big advantage with these country buses was that they'd stop wherever you wished so he told the driver to drop him at Skilthwaite Crag and settled down for the Twenty-minute journey. It was nice and warm on the bus after the cold rain and he dozed while the bus meandered down the dark lanes. The driver called to him as they stopped outside his aunts' and he jumped up and off the bus toward the welcoming lights. The house a small villa was up a short drive and built of Lakeland slate it fitted into the landscape so well and held many happy memories for him. The door opened as soon as he reached it, he was welcomed in by his aunt who gave him a big hug and immediately said, "Oh my dear you're soaking wet let's get you out of those wet things and beside the fire, I'll make a hot drink." The logs crackled and spit their warm glow he felt much better but the rain had soaked him right through and his hair was matted down. "Finish your drink and then we'll get you into a hot bath. Where are your cases?" asked Aunt Mary. "Oh no! They're still on the bus" he cried. "Oh well don't worry we'll find you something to wear, get upstairs and have your bath, I'll put something out for you." He enjoyed the hot soak in the old-fashioned bath on legs with huge taps and fittings and after about 20 minutes he dried off and put on the towelling robe his aunt had left out. She heard him leaving the bathroom and called-up, "Go into the bedroom opposite, my dear, which will be yours for your stay." He remembered it was his Cousin Cynthia's room, he had played with her here when they were younger. Now she was away on a British Council scheme in Africa. Aunt Mary had left clothing on the bed but... On the bed were a pair of cotton knickers, a girl's cotton vest and some knee socks and beside them a medium length blue knitted dress, like an extended jumper. His initial shock gave way to amusement; he appeared to have little choice, as his things couldn't be recovered until tomorrow. What he hoped his aunt didn't know was he occasionally 'borrowed' his sister's things but was sure he had never been discovered. What an opportunity, justified dressing-up! As he quickly dressed he realised that the dress did not hang correctly, as there wasn't anything padding out the chest department. Then he had the idea, let's do this properly. Stripping off to only the knickers, he rummaged around in the bedside drawers until he found the things he wanted. First a bra which he filled with some rolled up socks, then some dark semi-gloss blue Lycra tights and a black full-length slip which felt gorgeous. Now he replaced the dress and on zipping the neck found it following his new curves. His aunt had left out some wool-fleece slippers so he slipped them on and replacing the towel, in a feminine turban style on his wet hair went downstairs. "I see you've enhanced the outfit," said Mary smiling. "You don't mind do you?" He replied, "Not at all." "I didn't know whether or not you'd go for it, but you've done a good job, it is just until we get your things back on Monday. Come here and I'll dry your hair." He was tired and sat back on the chair as Mary smiled mischievously as she brushed and curled his hair as she dried it. "There dear, time for some food I think." As she removed the casserole from the oven, he devoured the tasty treat. As he sat down after the meal the food, the long journey and the warmth of the fire caused him to fall fast asleep. He awoke later to the sound of his aunt talking to another older lady. "Oh yes she's beautiful, we'd be delighted to come for lunch." He tried to appear asleep but his heart was pounding, he was on display to a neighbour and had been invited for lunch! Later, after the woman had gone his aunt re-entered the room. "What have you done Auntie, what have you agreed to?" he said. "Oh it was just Mrs. Bean she often pops in to chat. She never bothers to knock just walks in. She had come to invite me for Sunday dinner after church, and as soon as she saw my 'lovely niece' you were included. Don't worry she's half-blind and a bit batty but is kind and cooks a lovely roast." "But I can't go like this," he cried. "It was just a bit of fun between you and me." "Oh don't be silly, you've nothing else to wear, you look marvelous, and most importantly I was going to take you out for dinner tomorrow so I've nothing in!" "But I'll be a laughing stock, people will point and stare at a boy in girls clothes." "Not if you believe in yourself, tonight you look like a girl, if you feel like one you'll pull it off no problem." That night they drank a few beers and relaxed to the extent he forgot/accepted what he was wearing until it was time for bed. At bedtime he found a full-length silky nightie laid on the bed. Slipping it on, it felt gorgeous against his soft young skin and again he fell into a deep sleep. Sunday dawned and he woke to sound of birdsong and his aunt clattering in the kitchen downstairs. The silky finery wrapping his young body brought him around, 'So it wasn't a dream', he thought. A matching robe was laid across the chair, so he put it on and went down the stairs to get some breakfast. "You look so lovely," she said, and he smiled, this dressing-up game felt so nice. After they had eaten, she ushered him upstairs. "Come on now we'd better get you ready." He pretended to protest but accepted his fate with nervous anticipation. "Now we've got to do this right for your sake, I know she's an old lady but we'll have to pass people in the street, and you will have to 'pass'. She had him shave his face closely then his legs, they weren't very hairy and he was blonde but she was being thorough. Then after a basic manicure she painted his toe and finger nails a dark pink. Next the make-up, she was very sparing just hint of colour on his soft cheeks and a matching pink lipstick. "Now for some clothes young lady," she smiled at the girl that she was creating. A pair of light control briefs helped to maintain a smooth silhouette then she handed him a lovely lacy Warner's bra and matching suspender belt. They filled the bra with rolled up pantyhose and then she showed him how to pull on the cream gloss stockings. Electricity ran through his body as he touched the finery around his body. Finally a full slip and a floral print summer dress with long sleeves was slipped over his head. A pair of low-heeled cream shoes completed the ensemble. Still he had not seen himself, the anticipation was making him faint, "I'll just do your hair dear, then you can see." She combed his long hair back and styled it into wavy curls then some sprayed some lacquer to hold everything together. "Just one more thing" and after rooting in a small box she clipped on small diamond earrings and hung a necklace with a single stone on a fine gold chain upon him. He saw a figure in the mirror. The figure was beautiful. The figure was a young girl demure and innocent. The figure was he. "I'll just let you get used to this new look, practice walking in those shoes, it's not as easy as you think but you'll soon get the hang of it." She then left him alone while she got herself ready. When she returned he asked, "Why get ready so early?" "Well my dear our invitation was for Sunday dinner after church, so we're going to the service first. I wasn't sure before but you look so good there is no need to worry." He was worried but reasoned that few young people go to church these days so there would only be a few old fogies to worry about. He really didn't have much time to worry as they left for the short walk to the little slate church soon after coming down from the bedroom. The weather was warm and fine there was no need for coat but he felt completely exposed when the breeze wafted around his stocking tops. He clung tightly to his aunt and whispered in her ear, "Should we really be doing this, what if I'm found out!" "Relax dear, I know what you are, I dressed you and even I can't see the join, just relax and have fun fooling all these people." They reached the church and both smiling politely entered and sat down the congregation was much as he'd expected, old. They looked for Mrs. Bean but she had not yet arrived, then a really beautiful young girl dressed in a similar summer dress him sat down beside his aunt and a lady he recognised as Mrs. Bean beside her. "Hello Mary may I introduce MY niece Karen. Karen this is Mrs. Williams and her niece Susan". He was stunned into silence but mumbled a greeting, he had forgotten they'd agreed on the name Susan and he didn't know how he was going to handle this gorgeous girl who would surely see through his disguise. Susan (John) spent the service worrying about the decorum of kneeling for prayers, sitting down and standing for hymns while wearing such unaccustomed clothing. Karen had looked at him once, very shyly, as they were introduced and had not looked his way again. She was either very, very shy or had 'made' him. He suspected the former. The service finished and the congregation began to leave. Karen smiled at Susan as they got up. "I'm so pleased there's another girl to share the holiday with, it can be very dull up here on your own." The vicar was meeting and greeting in the churchyard and as the two girls and as their Aunts paused he came up to speak with them. "I presume these delightful young girls are your nieces ladies?" "Oh yes vicar aren't they a picture. Karen was worried that she would be on her own but we've found Susan has come to stay with her aunt this summer so they can be companions for each other and not have to put up with us oldies all the time." replied Mrs. Bean. Susan missed the significance of 'all summer' he/she was thinking, 'this is the last time in a dress except on my terms' thank-you very much. "Well it's a pleasure to have some young, and I must say pretty, faces in the church today. Karen and Susan may I ask a favour from you? We are having a Victorian fete here on Wednesday and I would appreciate it very much it you two would agree to help out. We have some maid outfits that would fit, don't decide now but do let me know if you are interested." "That sounds a lot of fun, of course we'll do it won't we Susan?" replied Karen. Susan was silently horrified Karen had suddenly come to life and was making plans for them both, this charade had gone too far. Karen was beautiful but HE didn't want to be HER girlfriend. "Well I don't think I will be able to. I've got to get back home as I've lost my clothes and I think I want to ..." "Now dears what's all the fuss?" called Susan's Aunt. "Susan was saying she must leave already!" cried Karen. "But I would like her to stay. The Vicar has just asked us to help at the fete, I don't want to do it on my own, please persuade her to stay Mrs. Williams." "Well we'll have to see Susan did lose her bag on the way here. I will have to speak with her later to decide what is to be done. We are going to Kendal tomorrow to see if the Bus Company can find her things. If not we will have to make new plans," replied Susan's Aunt. "Oh! But that's lovely we were going there tomorrow as well, I have an appointment at the hairdressers on Stramondgate. We seem to be about the same size, she can borrow some of my clothes. I've brought loads." Karen's Aunt nodded. "An awful lot of clothes, there'll be no problem." "Over to you then Susan," said her Aunt with a wicked glint in her eye. Susan was trapped for the time being and she knew it. Ok then, a week in frocks. At one time the boy had fantasized about such a thing, reality was harder to cope with. "I'm sorry if I appeared reluctant, I was worried about my things. It's a very kind offer to share your things, thank-you," said Susan. "That is decided then. We will go look for your things while you girls have your hair done. Then we can do some shopping and have lunch at the coffee shop," said Mrs. Bean. "Now you two go and tell the vicar and then we'll have some dinner. Catch us up dears." Susan was trembling, events appeared to be completely out of control. Go with the flow seemed to be the only way out. Just one week then I'm out of here. They went over to the Vicar and agreed to visit the vicarage on Tuesday to find out what to do and try on the costumes. "Oh Susan my dear you're shaking, are you cold?" asked Karen. "Here take my cardigan, let's get on the walk will warm you, our Aunts will be waiting." With that she put her cardigan around Susan's shoulders, put her arm around her waist and set off to Mrs. Beans. Susan realised they weren't taking the direct route as Karen chatted animatedly to her new friend. It felt very strange to be the delicate girl arm in arm with this girl who was so happy to be with her. Karen told her she had few friends and had never been out with a boy as she was too shy. She asked Susan about the boys she knew and she decided to project the same image. It seemed easier that way. What Susan did know was that the boy inside was falling for this girl big time, she was gorgeous in looks and nature. What a problem! Staying near to her by whatever means became the most important thought. The meal was served by the time they arrived home and after they had helped to clear up they all took tea on the terrace with it's beautiful views down the Winster valley. Eventually the meal and the relaxing atmosphere caused the two older ladies to drop off in their chairs and the girls were freed from polite conversation. "I know let's try you in some of my things for tomorrow. What do you like to wear?" "What have you got?" asked Susan. "Let's go and see." Replied Karen. "These Sunday frocks are all very well but I'm more comfortable in a denim skirt and blouse. Where did you get the clothes you're wearing today?" "Oh these are my cousin's clothes, I know they don't quite fit but they're not bad, I haven't worn a dress like this for years," replied Susan truthfully. Now she was worrying about undressing and being discovered. She decided to play very shy. They went up to the room and Karen rummaged about in her wardrobe, producing a knee length denim skirt for Susan to try on. She also found a white cotton blouse and Susan went behind a screen in the room to change. She had just slipped the dress over her head when Karen poked her head around and said. "Oh you're wearing stockings how lovely can I try them I've never worn them before?" "Oh 'er yes just a minute." She said holding the dress against herself. "Oh I am sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you." "No I'm sorry. It's just that we've only just met and I am a little shy." "That's OK, tell you what, I'll pass you some blue opaque's they'll look better with the skirt and you throw me the stockings when you're ready. I've got some blue shoes that will go too." Susan hurriedly changed. The blouse and skirt fitted perfectly and the tights felt safer than the stockings. She slipped on the shoes and again a perfect fit. She felt a lot more comfortable. She emerged from behind the screen and Karen had put on the stockings with a white cotton skirt and a white blouse much the same as Susan was wearing. "These stockings are lovely, so cool. I always avoided them as I thought they were a male fantasy thing. I must buy some of my own tomorrow. Keep what you're wearing for tomorrow, we'll pick you both up and go to Kendal. My appointment is at 10am." "Now girls, what are you up to?" Karen's Aunt called from downstairs. "It's time for some tea." They came downstairs to find tea and sandwiches prepared by their Aunts. "We're so pleased that you are going to be friends. I'm sure we'll have a lovely time this summer." The evening passed by as they finished the afternoon tea then played cards and board games, the girls were indulging their Aunt's who were enjoying themselves immensely. Finally as it started to go dark Susan and her aunt left for the short walk to home. "Now dear that wasn't so bad" "Wasn't so bad! I've never been so embarrassed I don't know how we got away with it!" "I think overall you rather enjoyed it. She is a very pretty girl." "There's no doubt about that Aunt, but she thinks I'm a girl. There's no mileage in it." "Oh you! Enjoy a different view of the world. You will understand women better and it will make a better man of you. Let's have a night-cap and go to bed." After the drink he went to his bedroom, his aunt had laid out another silky night-dress. He had to admit these clothes did feel wonderful. He carefully laid out the clothes he was to wear tomorrow and, after cleaning up, went to bed and slept soundly. The following morning the 'girls' and their Aunts set off for Kendal. Susan was still worried about carrying on this deception but Karen was insistent about the day out. Susan hoped to get his 'boy' clothes back from the bus depot so he could return to normal. What he didn't have was full control over the events of that day. Karen directed her aunt to drop her and Susan at the hairdressers and sent off the two aunts' to the bus depot. Susan who had thought he was just going to stay with Karen found that an appointment had also been made for himself and instructions given to the hairdressing staff. So it was that Susan and Karen found themselves in curlers and receiving blonde highlights. This wasn't in the plan. The salon also did a manicure and pedicure on both 'girls', finishing with a makeover to match. They were now looking more like sisters, Susan suspected that was how Karen thought of him/her. The aunts reached the depot and retrieved Susan's bag, which having been wet for several days was somewhat pungent. They agreed to take it away but didn't think that much would be salvageable. By the time the aunts and the 'girls' met at the coffee shop on Stramondgate there were two new hairdos and Karen's credit card had taken a battering in JR Taylor's. Susan had lost whatever hope he had of getting out of the situation. "There's still M&S yet," said Karen. "I'm sure we need some more frillies." After their lunch they swept through M&S and several other retailers, Susan & Karen were left carrying all the best designer bags. They returned to the valley and realised that the charity event for the church was coming up. The costume fitting was to be the next day. Now Susan saw the purpose of the hairdo as Karen demonstrated. The curls would give a pleasant appearance even when pinned up under a servant girl's hat. -------- "I'll see you after tea we can go out for a walk," called Karen as Susan and his aunt got out, "I'll call at 8-00". "OK" said Susan " see you then. Dressy or not?" "And waste this pampering we've had? Dressy!" After they had taken in all the new shopping bags and the bin-liner containing his original clothes, they flopped down. " Go into the kitchen Susan and make us both a cold drink and we'll put our feet up for a few minutes. Then I want to see all of your purchases." John now Susan was so into the part by now he didn't object and showed off all of the new dresses, tops, skirts, shoes etc. that they had bought today. Finally he changed into a summer dress in almost transparent patterned material, it suited and fitted him perfectly. "Are you planning to wear that tonight?" Susan nodded. "I think John has gone for the summer. Susan you are quite beautiful. I thought it when I first saw you dressed up and the professionals have made you perfect. Please dear, if at any time you are not happy with this, tell me straight away. The bag you brought originally, all the clothes are ruined. I think we can save a pair of trainers with a wash and some of your tapes and toiletries. I managed to buy you a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt top and I'll put them away in case you need them. Go carefully my dear don't do anything at all silly, stay with Karen and have fun I promise I will never tell anyone it'll be our secret." "Oh, Aunt I'm happy but confused. I love the dressing up, the feel of the clothes, being treated as a girl it's all quite thrilling. Once they'd finished with me in the salon today how else could I feel, no one would take me for anything other than a girl. Being with Karen is great fun, but sometimes I wish I was a real boy and could kiss her. Don't worry about me Aunt I will tell you if anything is going wrong and thank you for keeping the confidence. For now I am enjoying myself, but I will return to being John. I might not look it but I am a boy not a girl and I want to love girls as John." "Well maybe this experience will make you a better man. You will understand we women better." "I'm sure you're right, I can see some men as stupid and ignorant in their behaviour already, it's a great education perhaps all men should try it!" "Now dear go upstairs and slip off your dress, I have a present for you." He sat in his room after taking off the dress, he was wearing a matching set of bra, panties and suspender belt, and with some cream stockings that had a light sheen. "Now take off your bra dear and lie back on the bed." He removed the bra, now an expert with the hook and eye fastening. The fillings of cotton wool he had been using fell on the floor and he stooped to pick them up. "Leave them, now lie back and close your eyes." He could hear a package being opened then a cold liquid on his chest. A few moments later he felt two objects placed on his chest, They were flexible and had weight. "Now lie still for 5 minutes, keep your eyes closed." He thought this must be some beauty treatment, after a few minutes he felt his aunt lift his hips and pulled his panties down to his thighs, he then felt his member being inserted into what felt like a rubber sheath and tied back between his legs. She then replaced the pants. After a further few minutes she re-fitted his bra and clipped it behind his back. "Now keep your eyes closed and stand up. I'll support you." She guided him to the full-length mirror. "Now open your eyes." At first he did not realise the change, the girl that stood before him had a pleasant body perhaps B cup breasts and her lace panties barely hid a woman's sex, then the weight on his front and the absence of a bulge down below made him realise. His breasts bouncing on his chest and no sign of his member, this was the final crossover. "I was sure you had decided to continue, and once you had I thought we should do the best for you. Like this you could almost be naked and no one, not even another girl would know." "Auntie thank you, it sets my mind at rest as well as being quite amazing. They look so real!" "And they'll stay on until we remove them so don't worry. They'll probably take a bit of getting used to, in bed for instance, but it will make life so much easier for you especially at the fitting tomorrow. You're used to having a breast shape now you'll have the correct weight and your posture should improve too." Susan dressed again and they went down, watched some TV then had tea. At 7-30 Susan went to her room and freshened up her make-up, put on the new sandals that matched the dress and came down to wait for Karen. Karen arrived slightly late and then they set off walking down the lane arm in arm. "I had a lovely day today," said Karen. "Auntie is sweet but would have been a drag when shopping today, you made it all such fun, having someone of my own age to compare notes with, thank-you very much." "I think I should be thanking you," replied Susan. "How much did all this cost today?" "Don't worry, Daddy will do anything for his little girl particularly if she's happy!" "I am still very grateful and yes, I enjoyed shopping with you too." Susan thought, It's a dream come true for me although not in the way Karen might think. The lane led through the wood and came out at the Strawberry Bank pub. "I think they will serve us soft drinks, we can sit outside, it's such a lovely night." Said Karen. "OK, sounds good," replied Susan. It amused her to think that last time in here her father bought her first pint of bitter, now she heard her heels clicking on the flagstones and Karen ordering two lemon & limes. They went back outside and found a table. "You know that dress looks even better on you tonight than this morning, It hangs so well," said Karen, "have you changed anything?" "Oh my Aunt gave me a bit of help," replied Susan. More help than you'd realise she thought. After another drink, and plenty of admiring glances they decided to return home. Again they strolled arm in arm occasionally Karen resting her head on Susan's shoulder. As they reached Susan's Aunts house it was just going dark, the curtains were closed but the porch light had not come on. The two girls stood awkwardly and were saying goodnight when Karen stepped forward and kissed Susan full on the lips. She then stepped back, almost in shock at what she had done but in the next moment had thrown her arms around Susan's neck and kissed her again. Susan was shocked as well but the easiest thing to do was reciprocate and she put her arms around Karen's waist. Their tongues met and their young bodies pressed against each other through the delicate fabrics they were wearing. Breast against breast and legs entwined they stayed kissing for what seemed like an eternity. Then the porch light came on. It was on a timer but the surprise made them spring apart in shock. Karen looked at Susan tears welled in her eyes and said, "I'm sorry, oh I'm so sorry, forgive me, what have I done?" and ran down the path. Susan was too stunned to do anything. She watched Karen run away, she wanted to follow her but couldn't move. She decided to sit for a moment. Where was this all leading? It was two days later when Susan was asleep that she heard the gentle tap of a stone upon her window. She awoke and looking down saw Karen. "Can we talk?" "Of course I thought you'd never speak to me again! Just a moment." She was still wearing girl's things, she had no other clothes available. She found a dressing gown and went down through the house and quietly let her into the conservatory where they could talk quietly. She kept her distance for fear of disturbing her. "I had to come and see you. I couldn't cope with the feelings inside, what I did was wrong I'm sure, I've never felt that way for a girl, I've never kissed a girl like that. What's wrong with me? Can we still be friends." "You've done nothing wrong, it's me who should apologise." "No you've been the best of friends, having another girl my own age has been marvellous fun and now I've spoilt it, what must you think of me?" "Did I say that I minded or was upset?" "But you must be! I mean it's not right." "I still want us to be friends, on whatever basis you wish but there is something I must tell you..." "And what are you two up to?" said her aunt as she opened the door. "We can't have Karen out at this time of night." "Err we were just making up Mrs. Bean, I'm sorry to have disturbed you." "Well I'm very glad to see you two are friends again. I don't know why such a lovely friendship had to have problems but it's too late at night for such matters. Karen you can sleep over here tonight there's a spare bed opposite Susan, I'll ring your aunt. Now bed both of you Susan will lend you some nightwear. Karen" Susan gave Karen a nightdress and showed her to the spare room, as they parted held Susan's hand and then gave her a peck on the cheek. "Thank you I know we can be friends." Susan retired to her own room quickly tidying things to make it a bit more ladylike. Not long after the lights went out Susan heard her door open and then felt Karen slip between the covers and cuddle her from behind. There seemed no point in protesting, Karen needed the comfort, Susan was enjoying it. Explanations could wait until the morning. In the morning they awoke in each other's arms and once they had shaken off their sleep they kissed and embraced. This time the feelings were even more intense as there was only the flimsy nightwear between them. They heard a knock on the door. "Time to get up 'girls'." Karen waited until Susan's aunt had gone downstairs then returned to her room to change. Susan was now very confused. She had meant to confess all last night, she didn't want to deceive Karen any more but she was happy, she was happy, why spoil it for the moment, soon the summer would be over and they may never see each other again. Karen knocked and entered Susan's bedroom. Susan was still in her underwear and decided at that moment to match to the tracksuit Karen was wearing. They could change after breakfast. "Girls, I am going into Windermere today, Mrs. Adams is taking me in her car. Would you like to come? I'll be at the WI until 3pm so you can do what you wish." "Thank-you Mrs CCC, but what about my Aunt?" "It's alright I have already agreed with her that you can spend the day with us." "Thank-you again that will be great." "Now go and freshen up the pair of you, but I think tracksuits will be fine remember Mrs. Adams only has a Mini." The girls when back to Susan's bedroom freshened their makeup brushed their hair and were ready. The journey through the narrow lanes in the back of a Mini was not comfortable but Mrs. Adams knew the shortcuts and they came out by the fire station avoiding all the holiday traffic. They dropped them off by the library. "Now you two buy yourselves something nice and have a good time, pick you up here at 3:30," said Susan's aunt and she gave them ?50 to spend. "Do you need anything?" asked Karen. "Well I have been thinking about getting some exercise but I've nothing to wear," replied Susan. "Good thought, that's something we could do together. There's an exercise class at the village hall and we could go for a run on the green lanes. Let's shop!" Fortunately Windermere is well stocked with sports shops and soon they were trying on leotards and matching tights and those lovely glossy running tights. Karen insisted that they required sports bras and new T-shirts to match. They would have spent all the money but Karen had brought her bag and again her father's credit account was raided. They also decided on some new trainers for the running and after an hour or so were very satisfied with their choices. They left their bags with the last shop and set off to walk down to Bowness and the lakeshore. It wasn't too busy and they browsed the shop windows as they walked down the hill. "Why don't we get some sandwiches and cross on the ferry to Claiffe, I've never been over there I believe it's very pretty." Said Karen. The ferry ride only takes 5 minutes and they walked around to the quiet bay looking back at Bowness. There were tables available and they sat down to enjoy the picnic they bought in town. There were few people about but eventually two young men walked by and smiled at the two attractive girls. Shortly afterwards they returned and after asking politely if they may sit at their table joined Susan and Karen. Francoise and Phillipe were French students on a touring holiday in England. Their English was not perfect but they could make themselves understood, and it was clear that they were very happy to be sat with two pretty girls. There was no pressure, they just wanted some company and the four chatted and shared their meal. The girls revelled in the attention of the two handsome Frenchmen. Eventually the girls said they had to leave and the boys jumped up to help them clear up and to give them a farewell kiss. Susan had never been kissed by a boy before, but it happened before she had time to react and it wasn't unpleasant, she did prefer kissing Karen though. The boys were staying in Hawkeshead and they set off over Claiffe Heights waving back to the girls as they climbed the hill. The girls returned to Windermere via the ferry and up the hill through Bowness. They collected their purchases and met Susan's aunt at the library. As they drew up at Karen's aunt's house she asked Susan to go in and have a coffee. Susan's aunt said all right and to get home in time for tea. "So you two are alright again." Said Karen's aunt. "Yes thank-you." said Susan. "It was just a misunderstanding." "Well I'm very pleased to hear it, you are both lovely girls." She replied. After their drink they went up to Karen's room and separated her purchases, she was so excited she decided to try on the leotard and tights immediately and shed all her clothing straight away. Susan was a bit taken aback by the sight of her naked friend but feigned shyness and agreed to change in another room. When Susan returned they could see and admire each other's choice. There is something about the shiny Lycra that sets off a fit young body. They were both quite beautiful, and they were drawn to each other again. The thin cloth heightened the feeling as they embraced and entwined their young bodies until they were called down, as it was time for tea. Susan now felt that she could not tell Karen about the deception, she seemed to have overcome her inhibitions about kissing a 'girl' and they were now great friends. Susan would still prefer not to have to deceive her and to have a boy/girl relationship, but she was now comfortable with the situation. The next day they had an appointment in the morning to meet the vicar about the Victorian fair. "I'm so glad you two young ladies offered to help." Said Rev Green, "There are so few young people in this community. Mrs Green has obtained two original maid uniforms and I wondered whether you would consent to wearing them and serving afternoon tea at the event?" Karen said immediately "of course, we would be happy to." Susan was amused by the idea and as Karen seemed so keen went along with it. They made a note of the times they would be required then went upstairs to meet Mrs Green and try on her outfits. The dresses were original full-length maid's uniforms and had been handed down through her family from her Grandmother. She had everything including period underwear and corsets! "I think you have to go the whole hog or they just won't look right, it's years since I wore these with my sister for a similar event, you'll find it interesting! Is that OK" Soon they were stood in the petticoats and pantaloon knickers and Mrs Green was fitting the corsets to them. After measuring they realised they would need to them to fit the narrow waist style of yesteryear. The first pull on the corset threads was the worst. After that they both got down to a low 20's waistline and prepared to try on the dresses. Firstly though they pulled on black stockings and then ankle boots with tiny buttons up the side. The corsets meant they couldn't bend properly and Mrs Green showed them how to use a little hooked tool for the buttons. Finally the black dresses that fitted perfectly to their corseted bodies. Lots of buttons, no zips and then a long white apron and to finish a lace trimmed mop cap. They looked at each other in delight, Mrs Green also smiled broadly. "There we are, a perfect fit, just see that you can move about easily. Take care with the stairs, lift your skirts up." They went into Rev Green's office. "Oh perfect, just perfect, it's a long time since you've had those out Sylvia. Ladies thank-you this will be perfect. Come out into the garden I'll get my camera. Sylvia will make us some drinks, please dear." "I think he's happy," whispered Karen "Perfectly happy," replied Susan He took photos on the front step to the (Victorian) rectory. "I'll use these for my posters," he said. Then they sat in the garden for a coffee, Susan and Karen noticing how the corset forced them to sit very straight and their other movements were restricted. After the drink they changed back and felt relief, as the corsets were undone. They agreed when they would arrive before the fete. The day of the fete dawned and Karen came to collect Susan, they had decided that tracksuits would be the most suitable wear and they were soon on their way. Their Aunt's were very pleased about their helping out and had promised to attend to see their girl's costumes. There was a bit of chair and table shifting to do once they got to the vicarage so the tracksuits were a good idea. Finally they were ready to get into their dresses and associated corsets, stockings and of course those boots. They went carefully down the stairs and presented themselves ready for work. The event started at 10:30 and people gradually began to arrive. The girl's were complimented on their appearance and began serving drinks to people on the lawn. They were surprised at the attention they received. Many of the older ladies were reminiscing about their days in service and how the youth of today wouldn't stand for such things. Their aunts arrived and were very complimentary about their uniforms and stood proudly admiring the girls and pointing them out to their friends. The vicar had swings and a roundabout at the end of his garden and the smallest children were playing there while the adults enjoyed the stalls selling home-made cakes and sewn and knitted items. The girls had been on their feet for two hours and were beginning to get stiff from the unfamiliar clothes especially the boots. "These clothes, how did ladies stand them?" asked Karen "I know, I'm constantly short of breath, and I feel like I'm in a cage," replied Susan, although she didn't mention that she was still getting used to wearing conventional female wear. "I can see you are a bit tired ladies, take a five minute break. I'll cover for you," said the vicar's wife. So they sat down at the end of the garden and watched the children play. "You look absolutely gorgeous today," said Karen. "Not looking so bad yourself," Susan smiled as she replied. "I'd love to give you a big kiss right now, but I don't think it's the done thing between serving wenches!" "No I think the master and mistress would chain you to the range and whip you to save your soul!" replied Karen. "Ooh! What a delicious thought. Perhaps we can try that later." "Where are your Victorian values my girl? I think it's you that needs the scolding!" The vicar came down to see them with a large happy looking gentleman in tow. They had stood up and curtseyed before they realised what they were doing. "How lovely you two are getting into the part aren't you! May I introduce Mr Greatorex, he owns Winster house just up the valley from here." Again they curtseyed smiling giggling at the way they were behaving. He took each of their hands and kissed them in a very gallant manner. "Such charming young ladies," he said "Mr Greatorex is having his own party this week and was wondering if you two would be free this Friday to wait-on while wearing these uniforms? My wife has agreed to loan them, you will be well paid and I'm told a donation to the church funds will be forthcoming. I'll leave you to think about it, let us know later." With that the two men left to talk to some of the other guests. "Well what do you think?" asked Karen. "I'm not sure, I don't know this man. I presume the vicar thinks he's OK so that's good." "Oh yes the family are well known around here. Stinking rich and he has two gorgeous sons. I'm prepared to share them with you!" Susan thought for a moment and felt a little sad. Her friend couldn't see her as the boy who loved her and she couldn't bring herself to tell her the truth. She felt she would lose her if she did. "Susan what's wrong?" "Oh nothing, yes lets do it, it will be fun." "I'm sorry did you think I would prefer the boys to you? You are still my most special friend but I do still like boys, we both do, remember the French boys. Is that OK?" "Yes fine," replied Susan. It wasn't fine at all, how could she resolve this situation? They had had their five minutes and as they stood to return to work there was some agitation in the crowd. "Has anyone seen my little boy," cried one of the ladies. "He's only 3, I can't find him anywhere!" Just then Susan saw the boy who had climbed over a stile at the end of the garden and was on the road. "I'll get him don't worry," she called as she hitched up her skirts and ran as fast as she could in this get-up. She reached the road and started to catch up with the toddler, who was laughing happily at the game of chase. Only as she picked up the excited child did she see the van coming around the corner. Susan screamed, then everything went black. Susan/John awoke as the bright light shone in her eyes. "Good morning John how are you feeling?" He slowly opened his eyes. He felt awful, his body felt numb and he had a splitting headache. At first being called John didn't register, he had allowed the Susan persona to take over. The doctor was shining the torchlight into his eyes. "You had quite a bump yesterday, you are mildly concussed and your right leg is broken. Take your time." "How is the little boy?" "He's fine thanks to you. Not even a scratch, you were still holding him even though you were unconscious." "Who knows about. You know, that I'm not Susan?" "Your Aunt came with you in the ambulance and explained everything. I know and the nurse knows but that's it. I can't pretend to understand what you were doing dressed like that. I never use a corset myself." "What?" "You're not the only one to enjoy a bit of femininity!" "Oh right, thanks." "Now that's settled, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Dr. Keith and you have a big problem." "What's that?" "Well are you Susan the heroine or John the boy who dresses up in girls clothes so well his girlfriend doesn't even know?" "Why worry?" "Well you have some very grateful parents of a small child just itching to thank you, a girl friend desperate to have you better, the parish priest saying prayers for you and your Aunt who has spent two days with you. To say nothing of the gentlemen of the press." "Ahh." "Yes Ahh. I think we will have to rapidly ensure that you are Susan until all this blows over, I can control the medical staff who will attend you, your injuries are recoverable with rest. I think you will be back to normal in about four or five weeks." "Is my Aunt here?" "She's on her way, I sent her home to get some rest. She will bring all the 'attachments' you had used to create Susan. We had to remove everything to check you over, very convincing I must say." "I'm tired now and I've got a belting headache." "That's Ok. Take these tablets and sleep." He awoke later or did he? He could hear voices, his Aunt for definite, was it Karen as well? He was sure he could feel hands moving his body. He felt a kiss, then a more passionate one, then the mists closed and he fell unconscious again. The next morning he awoke, a slow groggy awareness came to him. As he moved he realised his 'attachments' had been restored and he was now Susan again. His aunt must have come while he was drugged, but he was sure he had heard Karen or was it a wishful dream. Later after breakfast his aunt and Karen came to visit. They didn't stay long, the doctors had further tests to do. As they left Karen called, "See you soon 'Susan', love you!" The emphasis on the name alarmed him, she knew, he was sure she knew.... Susan awoke again in the hospital and realised that the weight was back on her chest and matters were tucked away down below. Then she remembered the gentlemen of the press were coming today. As she began to stir she heard her aunt's voice. "Hello sleepy head, let me rinse your face and then we'll get some war paint on you so you look good in the photo's." Then Susan noticed that Karen was sat at the foot of the bed. Immediately Susan burst into tears and she came to comfort her friend. "How can you be here? I'm a liar, cheat, and deceiver..." "And I love you. I love you however you appear." "But!.." "Shhhsh. Your Aunt had to tell me when we went in the ambulance to the hospital. Just in case there were any complications, you were very poorly. I was so shocked by the accident that another surprise like that didn't really hit home until afterwards. I was angry. I was very intrigued. I knew that the love we have wouldn't go away. You never hurt me, you were my friend and I enjoyed our time together." "I'm glad you still can bear to see me, I felt so ashamed by the deception, it just sort of happened. I even tried to tell you once." "I realise that now when I sat down with your Aunt and discussed I realised certain things were said and now see the significance. She explained how what started as a bit of fun on her and your part got out of hand. Do you think that you as a boy would have come to church and have done all the other things we shared?" "I doubt it." "There you go, I probably wouldn't have met my best friend in the whole world." "Neither would I!" "Right now to business, here's what will happen today. The Fosters whose baby you saved will be here in an hour. The press will be in half an hour later. They will do a quick interview, if it gets too personal then come over all tired and we'll send them away." "Will you be here?" "Yes your Aunt and I will stay with you don't worry. I've met the Fosters, they are lovely people and are so grateful. You did save their son's life there's no doubt about that." "I'm frightened by all this attention." "I understand, but if we do this it will be finished. Your Aunt and I have created a history for you so it won't get back to people you know. You will make a full recovery before you return to your parents so don't worry." "Now you lie back and let us doll you up!" said her Aunt. The Fosters were as Karen said lovely people and had brought their son to see Susan. The poor mite had a few cuts and bruises but seemed unaware and had to be restrained from jumping on Susan. They chatted and after saying thank-you for the umpteenth time had a request to make. "Johnny is being christened this autumn, we would be honoured if you and Karen would consent to be his god-mothers, we can't think of a better couple to look after him." Susan was quite stunned and looked at Karen, she shrugged her shoulders, this was the first she had heard of this. "We're very privileged to be asked," said Karen. "I'm sure Susan will have recovered by the autumn. Thank-you very much." Then the photographer and report from the local paper arrived and after a group photo, then one of Susan holding the little boy, the Fosters were leaving. "I hope you have your own children one day you're a natural," said Mrs Foster. If only you knew thought Susan. The reporter was gentle, just adding Susan's comments of what she remembered and soon left them alone. The main thing the paper wanted was the photograph for the feel good section. They then noticed the envelope the Fosters had left behind. Thinking it was another thank-you card Susan's aunt opened it. There was a card but there was also a cheque for ?5,000, Karen and Susan's Aunt were shocked and pleased but felt it would be too much for Susan to cope with right now. Susan now wanted to sleep, they cleansed the makeup and then left her to sleep and dream. Her girl had returned to her and more importantly bore no ill will. Over the next few days as Susan got better Karen visited regularly and they talked over their new relationship. Karen relieved that the confused feelings of love for another could be returned within a conventional relationship even if your boyfriend did look better than you did in your own dresses. Susan relieved that the relationship he thought was doomed looked to have a future. Susan was initially embarrassed by the large sum of money gifted as a reward but accepted it as the will of the Fosters, she decided to spend a little and save a lot. Once she was discharged they were together always, Karen initially wheeled Susan around in a wheelchair although she was soon up on crutches eager to get mobile and independent again. At least a skirt is convenient when you're wearing a plaster cast thought Susan. So passed the next few weeks, their summer holiday curtailed in mobility but not less enjoyable. Then there came the day both were dreading, when Susan would return to being John and they would both leave the valley and return to their parents. Their Aunts decided to take them out to dinner in their best frocks and generally make a big fuss, they never did tell Karen's aunt the truth. Susan and Karen spent the night together afterwards as girls for the last time this summer. They talked and kissed and pleasured each other. They promised undying love for each other and looked forward to their next meeting in October at the Christening. The next day Susan left with her aunt and after staying a night in Kendal where a more boyish cut was made to her hair John reappeared and some appropriate new clothes purchased before he returned home. * * * * * * * October soon arrived and although they had exchanged e-mail, letters and innumerable phone calls they were desperate to be re-united. John repeated the deception by meeting his aunt on a Thursday night in Kendal to change clothes and hairstyle. Friday was Susan officially arrived in Skilthwaite, Karen arrived late the same day. The Christening was to be on the Sunday at Near Sawrey leaving them Saturday to choose something suitable to wear and get their hair done. They met after breakfast at Susan's aunt's, she knew they needed a few private minutes. Later the proud Aunts took their nieces back into Kendal to find suitable suits and allow the girls to get their hair and nails done, Susan's of course needed most work. While the girls were in the hairdressers the Aunts shopped for themselves then met them in JR Taylor's for coffee. They were looking for something smart/formal and they had the reward money to spend. They decided to go for a complete ensemble, inside to out, so after selecting knitted dresses with matching jackets from the Basler range they found suitable stockings and new lingerie ensembles. There were some funny looks from passers by and assistants at the giggling and squeals as the 'girls' took great delight in modeling their new clothes for each other. They were going to have fun in private tonight. Finally everything was acquired and they returned to the valley. Karen's aunt invited them to have tea and they went home to hang up their purchases. "You and Karen, feelings just as strong?" asked Susan's aunt. "Stronger if anything. We've both had time to think. There were elements of deception in the relationship. She thought she'd fallen for a girl and was in conflict with her emotions, I wanted her but felt I couldn't make a move as a girl. I don't think I would have got close to her as the sloppy teenage boy that I was. We achieved a closeness that boys and girls our age rarely encounter. I love her from the inside out and I think, in fact I'm sure, she feels the same." "That's lovely, you are right she is a lovely girl and I'm so pleased you are together but do be careful, you are a boy and she's a girl make sure she want's the boy as well as Susan." "I'm aware of that. After the Christening I'm going back to being John for the rest of the week, we'll see where we go from there." "Wise move, I really hope it all works out." That night after dinner Karen and Susan went upstairs while their Aunts sipped sherry. They both slipped into nightdresses and lay on the bed in each other's arms. The feeling of the thin silky fabrics produced electric feelings in both of their bodies. They kissed and cuddled quietly just enjoying the intimacy. "Will you love me as a boy?" asked Susan. "I love the person, the fact that I can enjoy that person as boy or girl isn't important. Maybe I should try being the boy for a change!" Replied Karen. "I still have worries that our relationship is based on the girls we are today." "No. No wait I couldn't have a relationship with a real girl, I just couldn't. I know who and what you are. If we are to continue it will be as John and Karen and Susan popping in for a bit of fun sometimes. Is that alright with you?" "That is perfect, just perfect. If you never saw Susan again would it matter?" "No. But it is a special secret we share and I do enjoy the fact that we can relax like this, it's like having a special girlfriend. I'd like you to keep the clothes and let Susan visit every now and then." "Anyway I'll have to be a godmother on occasion too!" "Oh yes I'd forgotten that. It's a long-term commitment. It seemed so right when I agreed on your behalf." "Don't worry, after tomorrow there won't be much to do just birthday and Xmas cards." "And when you get invited to his wedding?" "Do you know your godparents?" "Err." "Enough said." Their Aunts found them asleep on the bed cradled in each other's arms. There seemed no point in disturbing them so they covered them up and left them for the night. The next day they awoke early and were quite surprised, and yet pleased, to find themselves together. Susan left after breakfast to go and get ready. The Christening was to be part of the Sunday service at Sawrey church followed by a reception at the nearby Salutation Hotel. They were all ready by 10 o'clock and set off for the short journey to Sawrey. As they were on the car ferry across Windermere the girls had got out of the car and stood looking at the mountains in the distance flecked with the first winter snow. Karen's Aunt took a picture, which in later years they realised showed them in a state of contentment, happiness and most importantly love. They arrived in the church car park and being unfamiliar with the layout were pleased that Mr Foster and the vicar were there to greet them, they ran through the actions and timetable of the service. It was beautiful clear autumn morning when the Lake District looks it's best, and although there was a chill in the air their suits and the sunshine kept them warm. People were milling about and they were introduced to friends and relatives of the Fosters all of whom of course had heard of Susan's bravery. Later the little boy and his mother arrived, of course he was to old for a christening robe so he was in a little sailor suit. His wanderlust had not been checked and as soon as he was out of the car he rushed to his father and the girls asking to be picked up. Susan gathered up the little boy then seeing that everyone was moving inside handed him back to his father. The vicar led them to the reserved pews and the service began. The vicar included the Christening within the main service, which meant Karen and Susan had to go forward to the font at this point the attention and consequences of being found out in this company made Susan start to get nervous and she held onto Karen's hand. Holding a candle the vicar mesmerised the young boy and the ritual began, each godparent giving his or her vows. After the service the godparents and family gathered for photo's, a beautiful church with a superb backdrop. The party then walked the short distance to the Hotel. Two older cousins of the little boy escorted Karen and Susan, they were about the same age as Karen and Susan and were very keen to walk with them to the reception. Mark and Kevin had also managed to ensure they were sat with the girls on the table-plan for the meal. "I think we're in here," said Karen. "That's what I'm worried about," replied Susan. "Just go with the flow, I won't be envious if you won't." "I'll be polite that's all. It's you I want." "Well I'm going to be polite but I'll have some fun as well. Enjoy being treated with some courtesy by the young gentlemen." A waiter offered them sherry and their escorts were given a beer. 'One of the downsides of femininity,' thought Susan 'I could murder a pint.' As they circulated Susan had to repeat the story of the rescue several times, Karen added the parts that Susan still couldn't remember. Mark had by now attached himself to Karen while Kevin favoured Susan. Susan had now relaxed and seeing how Karen allowed Mark to hold her arm or direct her with his arm around her waist felt why not and when Kevin did the same she did not resist. The boys took this as a good sign and felt very pleased with themselves as they stayed with the girls all the time. Finally the meal was ready and the boys were perfect gentlemen assisting Karen and Susan with their chairs and getting them another drink. Karen smiled as she noticed Susan accepting the female role, she knew she didn't really like this but felt she should get the full experience of what it is to be a girl. Mark and Kevin were getting bolder now and both girls noticed 'accidental' touches under the table. Their dresses were both above the knee in length and sat down there was plenty of exposed thigh for wandering hands. Eventually the boy's hands were resting on the girl's legs and now fingers were straying further. Karen smiled as the imagined Susan's discomfort and to relieve matters she took her beau's hand in hers and raised it to the table as if to say enough, Susan noticed and did the same. They kept the boys busy during the main course allowing them to serve their meals, which they gladly did. "Shall we just powder our noses?" asked Karen before the sweet course was served. "Was Mark doing to you what Kevin was doing to me?" enquired Susan once they reached the safety of the ladies room. "I think he was doing exactly the same, a bit of retaliation is called for." She then whispered what she wanted Susan to do. Susan had a look of horror but Karen laughed, "just don't go too far." When they returned to their places another drink had been provided. Both smiled, 'they think they're plying us with drink' thought Susan. They sat down but when the sweet trolley cam around they declined but insisted that the boys have their choice. Karen and Susan now finished their drinks and while the boys hands were occupied allowed their hands to stroke their inner thighs, they then worked towards their target causing both boys to blush slightly and become very aroused. They didn't go too far and as soon as they had achieved a reaction they stopped and asked for another drink. This left the boys in some discomfort as they tried to conceal their excitement while appearing macho and in control. Karen and Susan laughed and the boys smiled as they realised how the girls had retaliated. The boys didn't return immediately, Susan smiled realising they had gone to obtain some 'relief'. They were a little deflated when they returned with the drinks but still good company. Now Mr Foster stood up to thank everyone for attending and proposed a toast to his little boy for a safe, healthy and prosperous life. Mrs Foster then joined him with their son in her arms and proposed another toast to Susan and Karen 'without whom we wouldn't be celebrating today'. Susan and Karen were quite embarrassed but sat and accepted the congratulations. Mark and Kevin loosened up and after patting them on the back felt brave enough to kiss them both on the cheek. As the party began to break up and Susan and Karen went to say goodbye to Mr & Mrs Foster, the little boy was fast asleep, he'd had another exciting day. As they were leaving Mark and Kevin moved to cut them off. "I'm sorry if we were a bit forward, I'd really like to see you again." said Mark. "Me too!" said Kevin. "I'm sorry but we're both spoken for, almost engaged in fact," said Susan with a smile towards Karen. "Oh that's a shame, err sorry I mean congratulations, could I just have one kiss before we leave." "Me too!" said Kevin. "I don't see why not, OK Karen?" "It's only fair," she smiled. They took their girl and starting gently kissed, then encountering no resistance opened their lips for a passionate embrace. Susan felt the power of Kevin's arms around her and as she went weak at the knees, he felt the need to steady her. "They're pretty good at this," said Karen coming up for air. "May I?" said Kevin to Karen, Mark looked at Susan, the girls nodded and repeated the experience. "Well thank-you gentlemen, but now we must go, our Aunts will be waiting to take us home," said Karen. The boys looked disappointed but helped them with their jackets and wished them farewell. They noticed the obvious affection between Susan and Karen as they walked away hand in hand. "You don't think they're..." "No couldn't be, well maybe, you never can tell." That night once they were back in Winster Susan and Karen walked hand in hand down the lane where they first were alone together. They found a bench and when Karen was sat down Susan went down on one knee. "I was going to wait until I was back as John but I can't hold myself back any longer. Will you marry me? As John as Susan as anybody you wish." "Oh yes my love, I love the person in front of me, in a dress, a suit or preferably nothing at all!" "Thank-you. I'm sorry I haven't got a ring yet." "Don't worry, we've got each other that's the important thing." They kissed, and then they returned to Karen's aunt's and once again fell asleep in each other's arms. Karen and John (introduced as a cousin of Susan) were married in the little slate church in Winster, there was surprise in the village that her great friend Susan couldn't make the wedding but she had sent a card and present. Susan did make occasional visits to her Aunt, Karen's husband would be 'away' and she would join her friend in the beautiful valley. Susan was godmother in absentia to John and Karen's little girl whom they had Christened at Sawrey a few years later. And they all lived happily ever after.... Fin.

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Brit cried out in ecstasy, her body tensing up. Her hips raised right up off of Jeff's lap as her body straightened. She held that position for a few seconds, not even breathing, then finally collapsed back onto him. "Oh god!" she exclaimed. "What just happened to me?" Jeff was stunned. Had she really just climaxed, right there? And did she not know what it was? He had a momentary temptation to tease her about it, then realized that that would be too cruel, even for him. She would run...

3 years ago
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Relief after school

When I was young and slender and the local girls in my village used to giggle and wolf whistle and shine their torches up to my bedroom as I was doing my homework,I would wave at them and there would be a huge squeal of excitement,then they dispersed.I was the local ‘looker’.I had the long blonde wavy hair,blue eyes and sun tan from working the local farm with just my shorts on.I always had a sun tan in the summer. I was still at school and got extra money working on the local farm during...

1 year ago
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A Goth Boys Hot Tranny Fantasy

So, dude and dudettes, rock on. Well, your boy BigBabyBrett has one hell of a fuck story for you. Well, as you know, my band The Ministry of Evil was touring the states, and we came to the hellraising community of Waterloo. So, we set up shop in McElroy Auditorium, which was on the ground of some cattle congress bullshit, oh and trust me, with what i am gonna tell you, a lot of beefsteak was shared. So, we rocked the place out. During one of the Ministry's hit songs, as i was rocking to the...

2 years ago
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The transplant

As a result of an accident or incurable illness, you wake up to find a part, or even all of your body, replaced. Whether the procedure is the work of responsible medical professionals or of a modern-day Frankenstein there is no easy way to reverse it. You must learn to live with your new parts and the changes they will bring to your life.

3 years ago
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The Good YearsChapter 49

Cindy and I were out the door early the next morning. The first part of the actual remodeling of the offices was getting underway, and she was wanting to get in early enough to be there to oversee the work being done. I had already fielded twenty complaints from various people, mostly about them being told they needed to relocate. I wished I had an extra dollar for every time someone had told me things weren't done this way at Macklinson's. I told all of them the same thing, that Cindy was...

1 year ago
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Lust Crazed Fools Part 2

Nikki's car rushed down the interstate towards Trent. She knew he was waiting for her. They only had 24 hours stolen away together. A few short hours stolen from their everyday lives. For a day they belonged to each other. No question. No phone calls. No explanations. Solely to each other. Nikki and Trent had spent quite a bit of time together but not uninterrupted and not overnight. She looked forward to laying in his arms all night and feeling his body pressed against hers, feeling his breath...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Turned by Tiffany Scott 97' After five years of marrage Kathy knew her husband, Rick, quite well. In fact she knew things about him that he thought no-one would ever know. She got him to admit these things to her by teasing him sexualy. She would get him on the verge of comming and then keep him there until his penis and balls actually ...

3 years ago
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After Season Inventory

I was never much of a sportsman and at 17, in our small farm community, if you did not play ball something or run track, there was not much room for you. I did swim and enjoyed that almost as much as the locker room. At 17 I stood 5'5" had hazel eyes and bleached blond hair. I also knew I liked boys more than I liked girls. I lived with my brothers on a bit of acreage close enough to my grandmother's farm to say I lived on a farm, so I usually sported a nice tan, at least from the waist up....

4 years ago
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SteffiChapter 1

I was sitting at a table in a private dining room at 21 in Midtown. "Well?" my tablemate asked. "Denny -- this one's going to be a challenge." "I have every confidence your abilities. You've worked miracles before." "Frankly," I replied, "that's what it'll take. And it won't happen overnight." "What do you figure?" "Eighteen ... twenty-four months before we turn a corner," I replied. Denny shrugged. "I didn't say it was hopeless." "So it's a go?" "I'll give...

3 years ago
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Barbie 3

This is the final chapter of Barbie. It is dark and contains non- consensual sex between minors. If this offends you, please do not read it. All characters are products of my imagination and any resemblance to people living or dead is mere coincidence. KJ Barbie 3 I watched as Lisa walked away from me. I was alone and scared. It was already dark and I knew it wasn't safe for a young girl to be out on the streets alone. I suspected it might be even worse for me if I were caught. I...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 447

The Retreat When Jeff eased out of bed and practically tiptoed across the bedroom floor toward the bathroom, Arlene and Kayla were only a couple of steps behind him. “Morning, Husband,” the women said as one while stepping into the shower, both wives trying to stifle yawns. Arlene put her head against Jeff’s shoulder and closed her eyes as the water came on. “I’m still sleepy,” she whined. Kayla let out a giggle as she soaped her sister-wife’s back in an effort to help wake her. “Well, if...

2 years ago
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The New Guy

The New Guy Kimberli Nicole McCarthy [email protected] "Have you heard about the new guy yet?" "Dude, there are over one hundred attorneys in this firm, and we just hired another twenty. Which new guy?" "The tall guy on the third floor. You know...the swishy one." Oh, that guy. Johnny knew exactly the one he was talking about. Tall, skinny, walked with a bit of a sway in his hips. They usually...

4 years ago
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The Spiral

THE SPIRAL For years my cross dressing had become more and more sophisticated and risqu?. Every time I reached a new level, something else would occur to me and I would be off into new territory. How I managed to keep my wife, Coleen, in the dark about my little hobby is beyond me. Particularly, as I had made several slipups over the years, even though I had never actually been caught in my female clothes by her. About five years ago I had been demoted as my boss Tom's d...

3 years ago
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The phone call came at 18.00 hours "Are you ready slut!" "I think so" I replied. Don't think! You are or your not Master shouted down the phone. "I'm ready then Master" I answered quietly feeling very nervous. "When you get in the car you keep your eyes lowered and your head turned away and have you your list of orders I mailed you" Then Master hung up.The orders had arrived the day before by e-mail no panties under your skirt, no bra either but wear your nipple clamps I bought you, black...

3 years ago
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New Girl in Town Chapter 2

Introduction: Sam begins his journey to fame playing baseball and he realizes the benefits that come with it. If anyone has any suggestions for stories please PM me and let me know! Its been a while since Ive written and a while since Ally and I have started dating, about 3 months. Baseball season is going really well, Im 5-0 with a .98 era and our team is undefeated. To say the least its been fun, and now that our team is on the radar, more and more women are starting to notice us when we...

1 year ago
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Fan service

Female celebrities will go on a show will live with their fans to fuck their brains out and there haters to be there submissive slut

2 years ago
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Sex With My Friend And Coworker In Office

Hi, I am Jay, 40 years old, single man from south India. I and Sneha have been working together for about 10 years now. Sneha is 38 years old, Married, no children, and slightly on the heavier side, fairly beautiful, simple woman. She always dressed modestly and the only time I got a glimpse of her ample breast and side of her stomach was when she wore a sari. We are very close friends and we used to discuss almost everything under the sun. She even used to tell me about her sex life with her...

3 years ago
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Carree Loves Billy AwakeningChapter 2

Jenny took my question to heart. "Sometimes a guy just wants to see 'how much he can get off you' before you stop him. But, when you have a relationship where you really care about the other person, it's wanting to make them happy. As well as satisfying your own urges, that's natural. But, if someone tapped him on the shoulder to cut in, like on a dance floor, you couldn't just continue. There is definitely a connection, a bond. Like when we went to New York and were alone on that...

2 years ago
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The doctor hEr nurse

I am Jules again, and hoped you have liked my experience with Miriam-Maryam – My Nurse-Maids, but I would now like to tell you about the Doctor who initiated me and guided me when I was 17. I had not studied and told my Dad I was not well. He told me that he would send our family Doctor, Dr. Indira to check me out. She was 48years, slender. When she came she was wearing a flowery dress, and as she checked me, I started to get aroused, and her hand brushed against my penis, which was hard and...

2 years ago
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Becky was born

Hello everybody, my name is Becky, this is the story of how I was born.I was 16 when I first started cross-dressing back in the seventies. I had been accosted by a man and masturbated him in the men’s washroom in the park. I still remember what he said about me. He said I looked so much like a girl even though I was a boy. After that happened, that statement stuck in my head. A little time after that, with that statement still floating around up in my head, I decided I would dress as a girl and...

3 years ago
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Montania The Chronicles of Alyssa

Vines hung from the branches and ocelots raced through the undergrowth as she made her way through the shrubbery. The sun bounced off of her glossy, black hair. Her eyes swooped down the valley to a small body of water at the bottom. She scanned the surrounding area, looking for a way down into the canyon. Moving to the edge for a better look, she noticed a thin green thing on a ledge just below her. It looked up at her, its jet black eyes staring into hers, and began to hiss. Smiling, she drew...

2 years ago
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Meeting Their Match

He was nervous as he'd ever been. He sat at the bar constantly looking at his watch. "Was it 7:30 yet?" he thought. The last few days had been amazing. They'd talked every night so far. It had started off just another username on a website. Robert had been single a while. He'd tried bars, but never felt comfortable enough meeting new people like that. Late night TV had given him his answer. Commercials for websites were constant after 11pm, just like infomercial. Each sold their own...

1 year ago
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In The Rain

Ronald Casey sighed and endured the verbal abuse being laid on him by his wife, Janice. She was complaining that the house wasn't clean. It was but not to her satisfaction. Ronald did his best but it wasn't good enough. For him, all of this was getting old.They lived in Pensacola Florida. He had been unemployed for the past month and a half and he was desperate to get back to work. Ronald had been working as a customer service rep at a telecommunications company until a recent realignment...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Bonnie Dolce Getting What I Need

Bonnie Dolce slips out of the bedroom she shares with Jimmy Bud apartment and makes herself comfortable. Grabbing two coffee cups, she brews up some caffeine. She has hers complete with some whipped cream. Just as she’s enjoying her first few sips, Jimmy leaves the bedroom, too. When Bonnie hands Jimmy his coffee, she adds some whipped topping to his as well. She adds a bit of whipped cream to Jimmy’s nose, a move he immediately does right back. That of course leads to plenty of...

1 year ago
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NaughtyBlog BBW

Do you enjoy BBW porn? You do? Great, I have just the perfect website for you: Naughtyblog is among the best platforms that provide users with the finest BBW porn on the internet today. Why? Well, two reasons. One is that the website offers incredible quality and genuine BBW porn videos. The pornos you find on this platform, in their BBW section, features babes absolutely bigger than the regular video whores you see in other porn videos. And two is that all of the content you...

BBW Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Getting Away From It AllChapter 2

Franks and Mason walked me out to their car and put me in the back. Franks got in on the driver's side and Mason took the shotgun seat and then turned to me and said: "What the fuck did you come back for? We gave up looking for you a year ago." "Just stupid I guess" I said and then I turned my head and looked out the window. "Just stupid" pretty much summed it up. I had loved the bitch and the entire time I ran around the country she was never very far from my mind. I let that love...

2 years ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 21

Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor, Mark and Simon...

4 years ago
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My Girlfriends Younger sister by loyalsock

It has been awhile since I have had a really great sexual experience. I do have a steady girlfriend but she is the type of girl who will have sex but does not like it that much. It is not my fault, she just has some motional problems and is not a very sexual person. Don't get me wrong, she is an extremely beautiful girl with golden blonde hair and an amazingly fit body. She is also great to be with but sexually, she is very frustrating. I have been with her for almost two years and have got to...

2 years ago
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Tuttut and Nylomn have drinks

Nylomn took the crystal whisky tumblers from the drinks cabinet. Hubby powered up the wall mounted 32" flat screen and loaded up xhamster via the Samsung tablet. He loaded up a cuckold scene in which the cuck hubby cleans up the BBC bull's load from the wife's arse. Tuttut had seen it before and the background sound of sex reminded him of how he got to know this sexy couple and made the journey across the Irish sea. He would spend evenings scrolling through pictures of Nylomn gorgeous pussy and...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 55

We sat outside on a deck at a long picnic-style table. It was the eight of us and the fourteen members of Yann's family who were still in town. "Ianto is in Strasbourg and Clarice is Montpellier." Inez informed us. "But they send their love. Uncle Renee -" She paused, "- was busy." "In other words, he's with his lover." An older woman at the far end of the table said. "I don't mind. He's always much more pleasant when he comes home after being with him! I told him, the men, I...

1 year ago
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The chubby run

I've always had a thing for thick girls. So at my floor party in college. I went straight over to Denise. She was short, 5'4", dark hair, big glasses, she was wearing a low cut top showing off some nice cleavage. I introduced myself and asked if she wanted to dance. Denise agreed and we worked up a good sweat. After a few songs, we got to do a slow dance. Denise didn't hold eye contact very well....which was good because I could look down on her sweaty breasts. Afterwards we went outside to...

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Nightblade Pt 1 Discovery

The black wall of darkness disappears as men with guns climb out of the smashed black van. The girl looks over her shoulder at me with those dark glowing globes. All of a sudden I feel this intense pressure around me as darkness wraps around me and pushes me behind a car. The sound of gunfire fills the air. As soon as the darkness disappears I glance over the car to see if she’s okay. A shield of darkness surrounds her as bullets disintegrate as they come into contact with it. She then covers...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Kaiia Eve Lydia Black Tattooed Girls Get Their Asses Pumped

Lydia Black and Kaiia Eve are real-life friends who love to share a cock. This blonde and brunette combination is hard to beat. Today Lydia is ready to get her ass pumped with cock and Kaiia is excited to suck it clean. Watch as both their pussies get plowed and the orgasm over and over. Kaiia cannot contain herself continuously squirting throught it all. And after draining this cock for a huge load of cum they aren’t done. These tattooed know to have to warm each other touching and kissing,...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed fiancee 2

That night after I got home I cried about what had happened I never dreamed I would do such a thing,I was also mad at my fiancee for putting me in that situation,however I was also angry with myself because I had enjoyed it never had I sucked a mans cock before,but this was a blackman and his huge cock touched me in places I had never been touched before.The next day which was friday was supposed to be Leons last day he was only supposed to help us for a week.My fiancee was supposed to be home...

4 years ago
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Unexpected sex

From the first day I met my wife, I have always had a wonderful relationship with one of her three sisters called lavanya. Shavanthi and her sisters are very different characters and their relationship can be very difficult at times, but Lavanya and I have always seen eye to eye and never had problem getting along. Lavanya is 12 years younger than myself and I think she has always seem me as her big brother, probably because she lived in a family dominated by women. I always saw it my duty to...

2 years ago
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Tempting Hot Cousin Sister

Hello, guys, I m a regular follower of Indian Sex Stories dot net and myself Sam (Nick name) working in a reputed company in Chennai. I am basically from Karnataka. I m just 24yrs old, this is my first sex story on this site. Kindly adjust for any mistakes I make in writing this sex story. Coming to the sex story, this started when I was in my 12th class. As I was treated like a kid at home, it was my dirty mind always thinking of boobs of the girls and always staring at hard nipples of all...

2 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 12

I was showered, shaved and escorted out so they could get ready for dinner. I transferred everything from the pockets of my old pants into the new ones which included the rings. Then I went downstairs and poked around. Someone had taken pains to restore this house or build it to look like a turn of the century house. The woodworking was distinctive, I knocked on the walls and there was no hollow sound that came from drywall. They had lathed and plaster walls and a craftsman who cared about...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Jade Amber Biker

My stepmom has never understood my taste in guys. I guess when it comes down to it, I just really like bad boys. When she meets my latest man, she’s appalled by his tattoos and his bad manners. But I know something about him that she could never understand. When he shoves his giant cock inside my extra tight pussy, it stretches me out and makes me cum harder than I ever have in my life. I can’t keep my hands off him, so I suck him off right at the dinner table! Then, my stepmom catches him...

2 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 5

I got up and put the DVD in the player, and lay back down on the bed, to see what my darling wife had to say to me that she couldn't say to my face. I pushed 'play' and after a few seconds, Elizabeth appeared on the screen. I pushed 'pause' right away and just looked at her. My God! I know it had not been long, and I certainly hadn't forgotten what she looked like, but I was stunned at seeing her beauty on the screen once again. Tears stung my eyes as I just looked at her. I doubted...

4 years ago
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The temple of desire

Hello all ISS readers, I am 33 years old, settled in Trivandrum, Kerala, A Good looking successful Business Man who has traveled widely and with rich experiences , I have been reading through the ISS site for a year now and found it quite exciting, and the thought of sharing some of my experiences with so many readers itself so scintillating. I am writing about a true story which happened in New Delhi a few years back. I am not a great narrator, but I am trying to do my best here. I had taken...

2 years ago
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Welcomed VisitorChapter 7 The Competition

All three of us are shocked awake promptly at seven AM by the alarm clock. The girls groaned and snuggled closer to me not wanting to get up yet. I told them "It's time to get going so we can get to the stadium on time." More groans followed by susie grabbing my morning wood with her hand and a sly grin on that angelic face. I begrudgingly told her "We can't do anything this morning so you two will be doing your best today being all rested up. Besides, you guys will give a better...

1 year ago
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Mary had a Hot Ram

by David Crane --------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Mary Wilson had a little lamb. His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram. The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver haunches. He remained white except for a black face and black rings around his legs just above the nimble cloven...

1 year ago
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My first infidelity

18 years ago, at the age of 18, I became pregnant, and got married, three months before the birth. Two years later, I had my second son. Six months after I had my second baby, my elder sister, Jenny, told me that, instead of sitting around, looking like an old woman, I needed a few nights out. I knew that she went, with five or six friends to the local social club, every Friday night, to see local rock bands, but she had never invited me, before. When we met, in a pub, I felt a bit dowdy,...

3 years ago
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The Wolf and the Boy

Tyler had just gotten his first girlfriend, was finally in with the popular crowd, and now he would die. His parents never knowing what happened to him. How utterly pathetic and sad. The beast sniffed his hair, and used its paw-like hands to flip him over, exposing his now naked ass. The creature licked his asscheek, tasting his flesh. Tyler's breath caught in his throat, the creature, it wanted THAT from him? He shuddered as a hand with calloused paw pads stroked his limp, half inch...

4 years ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 35

The next morning, Kelly rose early and packed several items in a backpack and walked back up to the cabin. Entering quietly, she walked up the stairs just enough so that her head just surpassed the floor ... Jill and I were still fast asleep; Jill curled up in my arms. Smiling, she went back down and, unpacking the supplies she had brought, started preparing an elaborate breakfast. Kelly usually ate vegetarian and, when the three of us ate together, the meals had most often been vegetarian...

1 year ago
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Doctor Story

Part IBy: Q12(m/m ass play anal)===========================================================================I had to go to the doctor's office to have an examination for life insurance. I figured it would be a routine check-up because I'm in good health for 43 years old and I lift weights to stay in shape.I had never been to this doctor before and I didn't know his name or how old he was or anything. Naturally I feel a little uncomfortable with a new doctor when I know I'm going to have to be...

3 years ago
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Couples Life Altering Cruise

ashful or shy is not a word that could be used to describe either of us. Being nude outdoors is one of life's real enjoyments. When I am planning a vacation or a work trip I try to work in some nude activity. Although it is not encouraged at home it is accepted. Thirty years ago Susan did nude modeling for art classes while in graduate school in California and a small amount of freelance nude modeling during the same time period. I think her Scandavian heritage brings this trait to life. We...

2 years ago
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Cousin Joe Pimps Cousin Emma

“Hi Joe! I am coming to Detroit for an internship interview, can I crash at your place?” I said on the phone. “Definitely!” replied Joe, “When are you coming?”, “I will fly there this Friday afternoon”, “Sure, send me your flight info and I will pick you up”. After I landed, I grabbed my carry-on and headed out, cousin Joe was waiting by his white BMW. “Emmaaa, welcome to Detroit!” said Joe, and gave me a big hug. He stepped back and looked at me head to toe, “Wow, you look like a Barbie...

1 year ago
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Ladies group picnic

My neighbors wife asked me to drive her to her ladies group meeting on a Thursday afternoon at a local parkway. She and her husband (48/52 respectively)are good people who've been known to throw some lively parties in our neighborhood. They only had one car available as her husband drove to work and her car was in the shop. I am on disability so I agreed to drive her. I picked her(Jeanie)up at around 12:30 p.m. and we set out for her picnic. Jeanie is a drop-dead gorgeous long-haired...

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