Brad And Ashley, Part 5 free porn video

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Earlier that morning, while wearing only a worn dress shirt and panties, Ashley had sat down to breakfast with her stepbrother Brad. From there, things had progressed rapidly. Before the morning was over, the shirt was unbuttoned, the panties were gone and she had danced, nearly naked, with Brad and two other guys.

It was now almost noon and Ashley was alone in her room. The way she had started the morning, wearing nothing more than a shirt and panties while having breakfast with Brad, was not really all that unusual. She was eighteen and had pretty much gotten over the modesty issues she had had in earlier years. With her preference for lounging around the house in her sleep wear, as well as the bikinis she wore at the backyard pool, it had become almost normal for Ashley not to be wearing a great deal when it was just the two of them at home.

But then Jarrad and his cousin had shown up, and instead of putting on something more suited to hanging out with three eighteen year old guys, Ashley had allowed herself to be talked into remaining as she was. Sure, it was a bit on the naughty side, especially so since she had never before even met Jarrad's friend from Cleveland, but after all, as she told herself, she was still wearing more than she would be on a public beach.

If it had stopped there she might have been able to chalk it up to expanding her horizons, but then they had gone into the den and once again, she had allowed herself to be talked into something she knew she shouldn't be doing. She danced for and with the guys, wearing only the panties and the worn dress shirt.

She loved the attention and encouragement she got, even from her stepbrother, and it wasn't long before the panties were gone and the shirt was unbuttoned. In hindsight, she realized how fortunate it had been, that Jarrad and his cousin got a phone call from home and had to leave before things went even further.

However, she had gone well beyond anything she had ever done before, and well beyond anything she thought she should be doing. She really did need to slow things down.

It was nearly noon and Brad would be expecting her in the kitchen to help with lunch. She couldn't pretend that the morning hadn't happened. “My god,” she thought as she recalled dancing with him while wearing only an unbuttoned shirt. There was no way she could allow him to think that would be the new 'normal'.

Brad, guessing that Ashley was probably embarrassed over what had transpired earlier in the day, expected there to be a noticeable change in how she dressed and otherwise behaved. At lunchtime he expected to find her dressed as modestly as she had been when he thought her to be so innocent.

When he got to the kitchen however, the sight that greeted him was a shocker. Ashley was already there fixing soup to go with sandwiches, but... she was not dressed as he had expected.

Instead, Ashley was dressed in only her underwear – a bra and panties. Granted, it was probably the most conservative underwear she owned, but it was still her underwear.

Yes, Ashley had been embarrassed by the morning's happenings, so much so that she had even considered not showing up for lunch. She had instead chosen to pretend that what had happened that morning was okay, of her own choosing, and not something Brad and his friends had talked her into. Besides, she wasn't so sure that wasn't the truth anyway.

Ashley turned to greet her stepbrother and saw that he had stopped in the doorway, staring in her direction. She felt it necessary to say something about how she was dressed. “You got to see plenty of me earlier in the day, without underwear, or much else either.” Ashley smiled, painting a cheery mood over her embarrassment. “I hope you don't mind if I dressed up a little for lunch.”

“Uh no... Of course not... it's very nice. I was afraid you might be planning to join a nunnery.”

“Probably not a bad idea,” thought Ashley. She was determined, however, to hide her discomfort. “No way,” she responded cheerily, “I'm having too much fun to even think about that. Now get the sandwich stuff out of the fridge.” Ashley turned back to the stove where the soup was about to boil over.

“Oh yeah, right.” Brad turned and opened the refrigerator. He got out the tuna salad, cold cuts, mustard, mayo and cheese. From the pantry, he retrieved a fresh loaf of bread and put all of it on the table, while Ashley busied herself ladling the soup into bowls, attempting to hide the self-consciousness she was feeling.

Seated at the table, she buried her concerns in the business of eating lunch, nervously noting however that her stepbrother's gaze was fixed on her near naked body. Her embarrassment was waning however. She was just beginning to enjoy his attention when he said, “The uh... bra and panties... I like it. Am I going to be seeing more of them?”

Ashley stopped abruptly with a spoonful of soup in mid-air. She turned bright red as she stammered to find the words she hoped would be the right ones. “Uh... uh... since you like it...” She strained to show a confidence she did not feel, pausing long enough to shovel the soup into her mouth and get it swallowed.

She doubted quite seriously if she'd ever have the nerve to dress this way again but she didn't want Brad to know that. “Well,” she continued, “uh, not every day, but yes, maybe, once in a while.”

“And uh... this morning then... you sort of enjoyed yourself. It wasn't just something we talked you into.” Brad put the glass of milk to his lips.

Ashley choked on her sandwich. How was she going to respond to that? What she had done that morning - well it certainly wasn't the way a “good” girl was supposed to behave. On the other hand, they hadn't exactly forced her into it either. “Uh, yeah...” she allowed sheepishly, “I guess that's right...” Ashley had a strained look about her. “But I was also scared,” she added quickly. “It was all like way too much, and I don't think I want to talk about it anymore.”

“Sorry,” Brad said, returning his glass to the table, “but let me at least say, that whatever, I am still your stepbrother and I uh... well, I do love you.”

Ashley had finished her lunch and was looking at Brad as he spoke. She was genuinely relieved by his apparent acceptance of the morning's events. But she was also quite taken back by his profession of love, even if it was, as she was quite sure, of the familial type. “I am so glad that I have a stepbrother like you,” she said, then added hurriedly, “and I love you too.”

“So what are you going to do for the rest of the day?” Brad asked, perusing Ashley's delectable form as they began clearing the table.

Ashley admitted to herself that she liked the way Brad was looking her over, but after this morning she needed to put a little distance between them, at least for a while. “Your mother brought me a new Cosmo from the city. I thought I might spend the afternoon in my room, reading that.”

With Ashley's body covered by only a bra and panties, Brad was disappointed that she was going to hide in her room. Still, he had promised Morgan, Ashley's father, that he’d help clean up the garage this week. Maybe he could get started on that.

As Ashley headed for her room, Brad quipped, “You might want to change before our parents get home. I doubt they would like seeing you in your underwear as much as I do.”

Ashley flashed bright red at the remark but wanted her response to sound confident. “I'll keep that in mind,” she said cheerily. Then grinning she added, “Especially the part about you liking it.”


Although Brad and Ashley each had a TV in their room, it had become the custom after dinner each night, unless they were going out, that they joined their parents in the den. There the family watched television together or otherwise engaged in some common activity. It was also customary that the family's together time ended between ten and eleven when they drifted off to their own rooms.

This evening, Ashley was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a button-up blouse over the underwear she had worn at lunch. Over dinner, and later while watching television, she noticed Brad sneaking peeks in her direction. She took it as a compliment that even when dressed for a family gathering, she still looked good enough to get his attention.

Tonight, the folks were the first to leave. After the news, they said their good-nights and departed, leaving Brad and Ashley alone to watch the late night talk show. “You wanna go for a swim?” she asked after their parents were out of the room.

Brad was surprised by Ashley's suggestion but hastily replied, “Well yeah, sure, of course.”

Ashley sensed that Brad had probably been miffed at her spending the afternoon in her room. She had offered an olive branch but was afraid he might be reading too much into it. “With suits,” she clarified.

She was right, Brad had assumed she meant skinny-dipping, but he knew he couldn't let her know that he had been thinking that. He pretended that that was understood. “Oh sure,” he responded, “With the grownups home, that's a must.”

“See you in ten,” Ashley said cheerily, as she got up from her seat.

“Right,” said Brad as he picked up the remote and turned off the television.

In his room, Brad shucked his clothes in favor of a pair of jams. “I don't know what she is afraid of,” he mumbled to himself, “As long as we don't turn on the pool lights or make too much noise, there is no way our parents are ever going to go to the window and look out at the pool.” He continued talking to himself as he opened the sliding glass door and headed for the pool. “And even if they did, there wouldn't be enough light for them to see anything.”

Brad was first to arrive. He lowered himself slowly down the pool ladder, careful not to make unnecessary noise. In her room, Ashley picked out a bikini she was sure her dad would approve of, if he happened to discover her taking a late night swim with her stepbrother.

Ashley arrived at the pool with a towel wrapped around the bikini, or at least Brad assumed she was wearing one. Although Ashley had been skinny-dipping with Brad before and had even found it fun, she was glad that tonight she wouldn't have to deal with the temptations that a sans-suit situation produced.

She loosened the towel, letting it drop, forcing both of them to accept reality. Brad noted that the bikini Ashley wore was not as revealing as some she owned, but neither was it terribly conservative. The bottom was more on the full side than she had been wearing since graduation. The top however was a bit more daring, a string type, but she had it tied in such a way as to provide maximum coverage.

Ashley climbed cautiously down the ladder to the pool. At the bottom she paused, her feet on the bottom of the pool but her hands still gripping the ladder. She looked over her shoulder at Brad. “I need you to help me,” she said.

“Sure, what is it?” Brad responded as he waded toward her.

“I need you to retie my top,” she explained, “I couldn't get it tied right by myself.”

Brad took the last couple of steps necessary to reach Ashley's backside. He grasped hold of the string holding her top in place and undid the knot. Holding the ends of the strings in his hands he suggested, “You know, you don't really need this.”

“Yeah right,” Ashley said, as if he had been joking, “Now quit fooling around and retie it.”

“No I'm serious. You don't need it.”

“Uh huh, sure, and how do I explain being topless if Daddy decides to come out here?”

“There is no way he's ever going to come out,” Brad rebutted, “He and Mom are sound asleep and don't even know we're out here.”

Ashley really did want to be talked out of her top. She had even deliberately mis-tied it to give Brad the opportunity to suggest it. Nevertheless, she wanted it to sound like his idea, not hers. “You're pretty sure they won't come out here?”

“No way. Like I said they're most likely already asleep.”

“Promise me you won't tell Jarrad.”

“I promise.”

“Oh... and of course we'll abide by the rule.”

“The rule? What rule? Oh... You mean the one that says I can't do this?” He dropped the ends of the string and reached his hands around to cup Ashley's breasts.

She gasped, taking in a lungful of air, and exhaling it noisily. “Uh, yeah... That's the uh...,” Ashley sucked in another deep breath, tilted her head back and gripped the ladder tightly. Continuing to hold her breath she pleaded, “Please, Brad, please...” He toyed with her nipples. “Oh jesus...” Her voice went up an octave, “Please Brad, we shouldn't be doing this.”

Brad abruptly turned loose of Ashley's breasts and swam away.

“Oh my god,” Ashley exclaimed as she exhaled the air from her lungs, “Promise me please, we can't be doing that.”

From the other side of the pool Brad declared, “I promise.”

Still breathing heavily, Ashley turned loose of the ladder, lifted the loose top over her head and tied it to the ladder, just below the water line. “I'm leaving it tied here in case some one shows up.”

She turned to face Brad, her bare breasts jutting out proudly, but almost immediately, let herself sink into the water until they were hidden from view. With her arms over her head, she once again clung to the ladder.

“You alright,” Brad asked from the other side of the pool.

“Uh yeah... However, for a few seconds there, when you had hold of me, I wasn't so sure. You just have no idea what having your hands on my breasts was doing to me.”

“I've got a little idea. I'm sure you know it was having some effect on me too.”

“That's why we need the rule. I mean like, this is nice. I could do this every night, but we've got to be careful. After-all, we do still have to live together.”

“So you don't have a problem with us being naked then, just so long as we're not touching.”

“Yeah, well, something like that.”

“So it won't bother you if I take my suit off... I mean as long as I stay on my side of the pool.”

“No... I guess not... But I'm keeping my bottoms on...”

Brad dropped his jams and deposited them on the pool deck. “And tomorrow night?”

“You mean about the bottoms?”

“Uh huh.”

“Well... Daddy and your mother will be gone, so maybe... we'll have to see... no promises.”

“They'll be gone? But it's the middle of the week.”

“Right, but they've got some fund-raiser or something they've got to go to. They're leaving first thing in the morning and won't be back until after dinner the next night.”

“Holy shit. That sure creates some possibilities. Hey, how about if I ask Jarrad to spend the night? How would you like that?”

“Uh, yeah... I was kinda hoping you might come up with that one.”

“So, then... Does he sleep in my room? … Or with you?”

“In your room of course, doofus. I've only been on one date with him and I'm certainly not ready to sleep with him. In fact I might never be ready.”

“Well after this morning, I wasn't so sure. But I guess we're not supposed to talk about that.”

Ashley stood briefly, exposing her bare breasts, but immediately crouched down, enough to cover them again, and duck-walked her way toward Brad as she talked, “Yeah, well I guess I did kinda lose it this morning... no thanks to you... but if Jarrad stays over, you've got to make sure nothing happens. Nothing like this morning for sure.”

“Right,” Brad replied, “I think I can be protective if I need to be.” Ashley was half way across the pool. He spoke again, his eyes glued to the waterline in front of her, hoping she would straighten up a bit and bare her tits, “I guess that means we won't be doing any late night swimming.”

Ashley came close enough to put her hands on either side of Brad's face, but not close enough to feel the erection she was sure he had. “That probably wouldn’t be a good idea.” Ashley responded. Then, after a short pause, as if she had been in deep thought, “On the other hand... if I thought you guys would behave yourselves... well... I might be persuaded. We'll just have to see.” She pressed her lips to his, and forced her tongue into his mouth.

Brad reached to encircle Ashley's waist but she broke the kiss and slipped away. From the other side of the pool she said, “Thanks for understanding me.” Brad looked on in stunned silence as Ashley reacquired the top to her bikini, climbed out of the pool, picked up her towel and headed for the house.


The next morning Brad was awakened by the garage door opening and closing. He brushed his teeth, pulled on a t-shirt and shorts and headed for the kitchen. He saw from the kitchen clock that it was only seven-thirty, not the usual time of eight, when he and Ashley normally met. He had arrived a half hour early, probably because his parents had also left a half hour earlier than usual. Alone, he fixed himself a cup a coffee and sat down to wait for his stepsister.

The freshest thing in his mind was the events of the previous night with Ashley at the pool. She had suggested that he invite Jarrad to stay with them, and then tongue-kissed him while the only thing being worn by either of them was her bikini bottom. He wondered how she reconciled that with the 'look but don't touch' rule.

“I guess you were awakened by the garage door too,” Ashley said as she came into the kitchen and took the chair opposite him. “I see there isn't any leftover breakfast, so I guess we'll have to make our own. The folks must be planning to stop for something on the road.”

“I made some coffee,” Brad said while surveying Ashley's dress for the day. She was wearing a camisole and panties, both made of black lace. Although he couldn't tell for sure, he supposed that was all she was wearing. After yesterday morning, he had expected Ashley to retreat to more modest apparel, but a bra and panties for lunch yesterday, a topless swim last night, and what she was wearing this morning - well it wasn't much of a retreat – it might even be a slight escalation.

Ashley had gotten up to get herself a cup of coffee, but was again taking a seat at the table as she said with a smirk, “So this is a repeater too.”

“Huh?” Brad grunted with a puzzled look at her.

“It's a repeater. You haven't taken your eyes off me since I came into the kitchen... so this outfit, it must be a repeater. I should wear it again.”

“Oh yeah, definitely... A repeater... for sure,” he murmured as his eyes roamed over the flesh being exposed by the 'repeater'.

“You call Jarrad yet?” Ashley asked.

“Huh...?” Brad was still looking. “Jarrad, no, still too early for him.” He looked up. “Let's have breakfast. I'll call him when we're done.”

“Okay,” said Ashley, “I'll make sausage and eggs. You make the toast and get out the juice. Unless you want more, this is plenty of coffee.” Each jumped up to begin the effort and collided with the other at the refrigerator, he to fetch the juice and she for eggs and sausage. From no more than a foot away, Ashley looked into Brad's eyes but they weren't looking back into hers. They were fixated on where her nipples were pushing against the lace. “Oh yes,” Ashley remarked, “A repeater for sure.”

Brad finally looked up, managing to eke out a “Huh?” once more.

“With the way you're staring I should be embarrassed, but I'm not. After all, you are family, well sort of anyway. Still, I wish you didn't stare quite so much. Makes me think like maybe I don't have enough on.” She smiled.

Brad's face turned crimson and it wasn't from the cold air coming out of the open refrigerator. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry...” he repeated. “I'll stop looking.”

“Oh no, don't do that,” Ashley protested, “I did wear this because I wanted you to look.” Ashley paused while the last sunk in. “Just not stare.”

“I'll try to be more careful.”

“Well, not too careful,” Ashley said as she took the eggs and sausage from the refrigerator.

Brad pressed on, “You like me looking then.”

“Okay, I admit it,” Ashley snapped, “Now get the juice out and make the toast. I'm starving.”

Neither said much of anything more until they were done eating. “I'll clean up,” Ashley offered, “You call Jarrad.”

“You’re sure anxious for me to get him over here,” Brad teased.

“I seem to remember it wasn't so long ago you were pushing me to invite a certain girl for a sleepover.”

“That was different.”

“Different? How?”

“Okay already, I'll call him,” Brad responded, knowing he had lost. He tapped a button on his phone, the one reserved for Jarrad. Jarrad was jolted out of a deep sleep by the ringing of his phone. He looked at the caller-ID and saw it was Brad. “Good morning, Brad,” he said sleepily, “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Sounds like I woke you,” Brad said apologetically.

“Oh no,” Jarrad snapped back, “I had to get up to answer the phone.”

“Very funny, ha, ha.” rebounded Brad, “You aren't supposed to be sleeping this time of day anyway.”

“Apparently not, but you still haven't told me why you had to spoil a perfectly good dream.”

Ashley could only hear Brad's end of the conversation. She guessed from what was said, Jarrad had been awakened. Now she heard her stepbrother say, “Dream? Anybody I know?”

“Yeah, that hot chick you live with.”

“Hot chick I live with?” Ashley heard. Brad looked in her direction as he added, “You were dreaming about Ashley?”

“Uh huh.”

Ashley heard Brad ask, “Was she wearing clothes?” She rolled her eyes back and slid down in her chair, pretending to not like them talking about her.

Ashley didn't hear Jarrad's response, which was, “Way more than yesterday morning.”

Brad ignored the response and said, “A black lace camisole and panties?”

He looked at Ashley while he waited for Jarrad's response. “Huh, black lace what? I didn't say anything about black lace.”

Brad pretended amazement. “And that's the way she was dressed in your dream?”

Ashley turned crimson. She understood she was being talked about. Jarrad on the other hand had not caught on yet. “What? What are you talking about? You're not making any sense...” The picture suddenly got clear. “Hold it a second. Where is Ashley?”

“Across the table from me.”

“And you're describing what she's wearing?”

“Right,” Brad replied as Ashley leaned across the table, struggling unsuccessfully to hear what Jarrad was saying.

“Can she hear me?” he asked.

“No, I don't think so,” Brad replied, looking at Ashley.

“And what did you say she was wearing?”

“Uh... I think you call it a camisole,” Brad said looking at Ashley with eyebrows raised. She nodded. “Yeah a camisole and panties... in black lace.” Ashley covered her face with her hands.

“Are you shitting me? I hope you called to invite me over.” Jarrad said.

“As a matter of fact, Ashley wants...” Brad stopped in mid-sentence. Ashley was waving her arms furiously and shaking her head. “Uh, I... was wondering if you wanted to come over and spend the night. The folks have gone to the city.”

There was silence on the line while Jarrad tried to piece it all together. “So I'm supposed to spend the night at your house... probably in your room. Am I understanding correctly?”

“Yeah, that's the plan. Can you do it?” Ashley spread her hands on the table, her fingers crossed.

“Yeah, that sounds cool, but not till early afternoon. I'm still finishing stuff for Mom. That okay?”

“Yeah, fine. You'll probably have to settle for a bikini by then though... I doubt the black lace thing will last past noon...” Brad ducked and raised his elbow in defense as Ashley faked a wind-up to slug him. “But maybe you can go back to sleep and dream it.”

“Bastard,” Jarrad mumbled as he tapped the off button.

“You son of a bitch,” Ashley shouted as Brad set the phone down. “You didn't have to tell him what I was wearing.”

Staring into a wide toothy grin, Brad knew Ashley was actually pleased and only faking anger. Two could play at that game. “You’ve got to understand, it's not your mind he's interested in.”

“Yeah well...” Ashley dropped the angry act. “But he is coming?”

“Uh huh, said it'd be early afternoon.”

“Not till after lunch?” Ashley had expected that the phone call, particularly the part about how she was dressed, would put Jarrad at their door in a few minutes. “So that's what you meant about the black lace not lasting. I guess he had something else to do.”

“Yeah, helping his mother.”

“Oh,” Ashley said, with relief at knowing it was a parent that had more priority than she.” So what do we do till then?”

“Well,” Brad beamed, “We could go to your room and make mad passionate love.”

“I like the sound of that,” Ashley replied jokingly, “But I was thinking that you and I were somehow related. Oh yeah, now I remember, we're brother and sister.”

“Not really,” Brad fired back, “just stepbrother and stepsister.”

“Yeah, well, that's still kind of a no-no.”

Brad's tone became a tinge more serious sounding. With his eyes scanning the lace camisole and panties, he said, “Yeah, well with the way you're dressed I was thinking I might be willing to ignore that.”

Ashley, realizing that Brad might actually mean what he was saying, quipped, “That's nice to know. I'll keep it in mind in case I get really desperate.”

“Well then, I guess I can forget about that ever happening.” Brad hoped his comment would relegate the whole conversation to the 'joke' category. Ashley got up from the table and headed for her room, wondering how much of what had just been said was really a joke. Brad looked after her wondering the same.


By noon, Ashley had changed into a bikini, but before heading to the kitchen for lunch, she added a modest cover-up. She didn't want Jarrad, or Brad, to think there was going to be a repeat of the previous morning. Nervous and excited about Jarrad coming over, she didn't feel like eating much and finished well ahead of Brad. As she got up from the table, trying to sound disinterested, she announced, “I'll be out at the pool if you and Jarrad want to join me.”

Jarrad arrived as Brad was finishing lunch. Brad pointed him toward the bedroom so he could divest himself of the few things he had brought. Then Jarrad joined Brad in the kitchen. “Where's Ashley,” he asked.

“At the pool. I'm sure she wants us to join her, but there is no way she is going to admit it.”

Brad and Jarrad found Ashley stretched out on a recliner near the pool, face down, reading some fashion magazine. Although the guys had hoped she might be sunning topless, such was not the case. As Brad and Jarrad approached, she turned over and sat up in greeting. The guys pulled up chairs on either side of her.

Jarrad gave Ashley a quick once over then let out a long low whistle. “Wow,” he said, “I think I'm in love.”

Ashley looked at Jarrad and broke a mile-wide smile. “A little skin is all it takes, huh?”

Ashley was wearing a top unlike any Brad or Jarrad had seen at the local beach. Instead of having a triangle or bandeau type top, such as was usual with a bikini, this one was a flouncy crop top type of style, definitely unstructured, and offering an incredibly tempting sight.

The material, though opaque, was so brief that either the upper or the lower portion of the breasts was going to be exposed. There was not enough material to cover both. Ashley had chosen to keep the upper part covered and had adjusted the shoulder straps until the lower edge of the top was only an inch or so below her nipples, leaving the lower curvature of her breasts sexily exposed. With nothing holding the bottom edge in place, a gust of wind might even expose a nipple.

The bottom was cut exceptionally low, even lower in front than it was in back. While Jarrad's eyes continued to roam over Ashley's body, Brad was making his own inspection. Speaking to Ashley he said, “I know I haven't seen this outfit before, and I'm betting that your father hasn't either.”

“And he never will,” Ashley said. “If Daddy ever saw me in this, I'd be grounded for life.”

“So where did you get it?” Brad quizzed while Jarrad continued his detailed inspection.

“At Victoria's Secret and before you ask, I bought it with cash. I wouldn't want Daddy to know I even go into that store, much less that I actually bought something there.”

“Do they have a lot of “hot” stuff like this?” Jarrad asked.

“You would probably think that everything they have is 'hot'.”

Jarrad thought briefly about that remark, and then observed, “So, all I have to do when checking out a girl is ask her if she shops at Victoria's Secret. If she does, I'm bound to enjoy myself.” He continued as if he were a lawyer examining a witness. “Well, Miss Adams, you have admitted that you bought this suit at Victoria's Secret. Have you bought anything else there?”

“I'll say she has,” Brad blurted.

“You don't know that,” Ashley challenged.

“I've seen some of the things you wear when your father is not around and they sure didn't come from Penny's.”

“I'll have you know Penny's has some very sexy stuff, especially in the underwear department.”

Jarrad lit up. “You going to show us?” he asked.

“In your dreams,” Ashley snapped.

“Watch out,” warned Brad, “He's been know to have some pretty vivid dreams.”

“Oh yeah, right,” Ashley said quietly, “I think you guys were talking about one this morning.” Blood rushed to her face, giving it a reddish glow.

“Oh bro, you didn't tell her about that now did you?” Jarrad asked, addressing his question to Brad.

“No, I promise... But she was listening to my end of our conversation and might have guessed what we were talking about.” Brad had started out offering his explanation to Jarrad but ended with an accusatory look in Ashley's direction.

“Hey, I was just listening is all. I can't help it if I guessed what you were talking about.” Ashley turned and looked at Jarrad. “Was it really me you were dreaming about, or some other girl?”

“After yesterday morning, you have to ask?” Brad responded with disbelief.

Ashley raised her knees protectively and wrapped her arms around them. “Well, I hope I was being good,” she remarked sheepishly.

“Oh yes,” Jarrad replied in a confidential tone, “You were being good – very good in fact.”

Ashley turned loose of her legs and stretched them out on the recliner. She clasped her hands behind the back of her head, tightening her stomach and causing her breasts to nearly break free of the little crop top.

“Like I said, in your dreams.”

“Oh my god, bro. Quick, run and get your camera. I want a picture of this,” he said, tilting his head in Ashley's direction.

“Oh no you don't,” Ashley snapped, dropping her arms to grip the edge of the recliner. “There are already enough pictures of me on the Internet, I don't want any more.”

“Huh?” Brad grunted, looking puzzled.

“Tell him, Jarrad,” Ashley demanded, “Tell him what that son-of-bitch Rob did.”

Jarrad explained about the partially clothed pictures he had seen of Ashley on the Internet, and how he and Ashley had figured out that the poster, ‘Ex-Boyfriend’, was actually Rob.

“Did he ever post the uh, naked ones?” Ashley blurted, noticing her stepbrother's eyebrows raise.

“I don't know, I never looked again,” Jarrad responded.

“Liar,” Ashley accused.

“Okay, so I looked,” Jarrad admitted, “But I never found anything more.”

“Promise?” Ashley asked, noticing that Brad's eyebrows were still raised.

“I promise,” responded Jarrad, “The naked ones never appeared.”

“Tell him, Jarrad,” Ashley directed resignedly, “Tell Brad what I told you about the other pictures.”

Jarrad explained to Brad how Ashley had posed for a bunch of pictures, some of them without clothes, never expecting them to be seen by anyone other than Rob, but how he had posted them on the Internet when she broke up with him,

Brad's face grew more serious as Jarrad related the story. When Jarrad finished, Brad addressed his stepsister.

“So Ashley,” he began with an ominous tone, “If we promise never to show them to anyone, can we take pictures of you too?” His face broadened into a grin as he finished the question.

“Yeah, can we?” Jarrad added excitedly.

Brad continued, “We could start with you just taking that top off. I mean, it's not like we haven't seen your tits before.”

“That was a one-time thing,” Ashley snapped, “and it's not going to happen again.” She blushed mildly and continued patiently as if she were talking to fifth-graders. “Besides, we're going to be spending the better part of the next twenty-four hours together, and as persuasive as I know you both to be, I'm not about to give you any crazy ideas by sitting around with my top off.”

“Yeah, but...”

“C'mon guys,” she begged, “Can't we please talk about something that's not related to my body?”

“Of course... I'm sorry,” Jarrad said apologetically, “Brad... what did you think of the men's high-jump competition last week?”

“Okay, smart-ass,” Ashley said with a smirk.

“What did you expect us to talk about with you dressed like you are?” Brad asked.

“Yeah,” Jarrad added, “That's not exactly a nun's habit you're wearing.”

“You want me to change?” Ashley teased.

“Now you know we wouldn't want that, would we Brad?”

The sexual banter continued throughout the early afternoon. Occasional gusts of wind flipped the top around, threatening to expose a nipple or two. Ashley carefully readjusted the top after each gust of wind, but not until after the wind had subsided. No one could have told you who had the most fun. Ashley clearly loved to tease and the guys couldn't get enough of it.

Ashley did not want to admit to herself how important a role her attire played in keeping their interest. Nevertheless, she was certain that covering up, even a small amount, would be met with severe opposition. And so, around four o'clock, with the tanning rays of the sun already gone, she felt it necessary to retreat to her room.

Ashley painted a picture in her mind of what she thought would happen that night. She had been skinny-dipping with Brad and nearly naked that time on the beach with Jarrad. She thought it might be kind of fun going for a night swim with both of them, especially if she let them talk her out of the top.

Ashley stood and announced she was going to shower and cleanup for supper. She suggested they get together again in the backyard around seven and grill steaks.

“Are we going swimming after?” Brad asked, thinking about the carrot Ashley had held out the night before.

Ashley grinned as she looked at both Brad and Jarrad. “Never can tell,” she replied musically.

'This could be an interesting evening,' Jarrad said to himself as he watched Ashley walk toward the house.

Same as Brad and Ashley, Part 5 Videos

4 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 7

“Brad, I need some help,” Ashley hollered from the door of her room. She was wearing a towel, open down the side, with, quite clearly, nothing under it. She hastily sat down at her dressing table and awaited her stepbrother's arrival. “Shit,” Brad mumbled aloud, “Done something wrong with her computer again.” He was in the kitchen playing a game on his iPhone. “Yes,” he shouted, “I'll be right there.” He reluctantly ended the game and headed off to see what she needed. It was the day after the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 8

George had seen her topless, even kissed her while Jarrad had his hand between her legs. Brad had been there too, his fingers playing with her bare nipples. She had been in the backyard pool with her stepbrother and two of his friends. The bottom of a string bikini was all she had been wearing. Ashley and Brad had been thrown together a few years earlier when his mother had married her father. They were now in the den awaiting the arrival of George. Ashley was finally going on an actual date...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 3

Ashley was lost in her own excitement and likely would have continued on, were it not for Tony's pronouncement, which served to remind her of the total situation. "In your dreams, maybe," she snapped at Tony and hastily pulled the shirt down to cover her panties. "Now look what you've done," Billy chided. "Yes, I think you guys have seen enough of me for one day," Ashley added as she looked down at her mostly unbuttoned, flimsy shirt and bare legs. "And I've had enough of dancing alone." "We...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Armand and Ashley

Armand's eyes flew open as the birds chirped outside, It was 8:00 AM.  “ Time to get ready for school.” Armand thought. He walked into the bathroom to take a piss, so he could get rid of his morning wood. Armand looked into the mirror and stared at himself. He was 17 years old, he had light brown skin, he was 6'2, he had short black hair and brown eyes, he was also quite muscular with an almost perfect 6 pack. He walked back into his bedroom so he could do some push ups and work towards the...

First Time
3 years ago
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Armand and Ashley Part 2

Ashley looked at Armand unable to say anything. "I'm sorry,” she whispered.Armand got off the couch and got dressed.“I think I should go home,” she said as she did the same.“I shouldn't have said anything,” he mumbled.Just as Ashley was walking to the door, there was a roar of thunder. Armand looked over at her and thought about her driving home in the storm. "Ash, you should stay until the storm's passed.”“It's okay, I'm just going home.” She put her glasses on as she reached for the doorknob...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 5

Earlier that morning, while wearing only a worn dress shirt and panties, Ashley had sat down to breakfast with her stepbrother Brad. From there, things had progressed rapidly. Before the morning was over, the shirt was unbuttoned, the panties were gone and she had danced, nearly naked, with Brad and two other guys. It was now almost noon and Ashley was alone in her room. The way she had started the morning, wearing nothing more than a shirt and panties while having breakfast with Brad, was...

2 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 2

‘The parents are gone for the weekend, are we going for a swim tonight,’ Brad asked anxiously. ‘I’ve got a date,’ his step-sister replied apologetically. It was Saturday morning. Brad and Ashley were alone at the breakfast table. Brad gave her an accusatory look. ‘I had one too, but I blew it off.’ ‘Blew it off… why?’ Ashley demanded. ‘I thought we were going for a swim tonight. I didn’t want the date to interfere.’ ‘I think I said maybe. You should have talked to me before canceling your...

1 year ago
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Trish and Ashley vs candice and Torrie

Trish and Ashley are backstage,Ashley you ok Trish asked Ashley looks at Trish iam ok but I can’t believe Candice and Torrie did that to me last week Ashley is blushing. I no Trish giving her friend a hug, Ashley whimpering they stripped me to my bra and panties then spanked me in front off everyone Ashley sobbing. It’s ok I will deal with them both later Trish says. Candice is in the ring a mic in hand well you all saw what happened to that jumped up loser Ashley last week but just in case...

3 years ago
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Ashley and Amanda

Ashley had always wanted a lover. She would see all the girls in school hooking up with hot guys but it was always the same for her when Valentine's day rolled around. She would spend the day alone and without anyone to share the joy with. Her only friend who seemed to always be around was Amanda; the girl who lived next door to Ashley. Amanda had moved in over the summer and now it was closing in on the winter months. Ashley kind of missed the summer months but not because of the warmth. She...

4 years ago
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Ashley and Amanda Part 2

Part 2: Excuse me but I have to use the bathroom. Ashley and Amanda, had been playing it safe since the night alone together in Ashley’s house. The two girls didn’t want to alert their parents to their relationship. They had only managed to squeeze in a kiss here and a playful ass slap there because of it. This had been all they had did since that one night and the two of them were growing restless as more time passed. The two girls couldn’t stop thinking about each other and the next time they...

3 years ago
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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

3 years ago
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Brad And Ashley Part 4

Jarrad’s hands were between Ashley’s legs. His fingertips had found their way inside her panties, and she felt her pussy lips being parted. She brushed Jarrad’s hand away and weakly said, ‘Wait, let me get some of these clothes off.’ She struggled to stand and then stepped behind Jarrad. As she was undoing the remaining buttons of her skirt, Jarrad turned to watch. Ashley stopped, took Jarrad’s head in her hands and gently turned it back toward the lake. ‘I would like a little privacy. You...

3 years ago
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Brad and Ashley Part 3

Ashley was lost in her own excitement and likely would have continued on, were it not for Tony’s pronouncement, which served to remind her of the total situation. ‘In your dreams, maybe,’ she snapped at Tony and hastily pulled the shirt down to cover her panties. ‘Now look what you’ve done,’ Billy chided. ‘Yes, I think you guys have seen enough of me for one day,’ Ashley added as she looked down at her mostly unbuttoned, flimsy shirt and bare legs. ‘And I’ve had enough of dancing alone.’ ‘We...

4 years ago
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Armand and Ashley Part 2

Ashley looked at Armand unable to say anything. ‘I’m sorry,” she whispered. Armand got off the couch and got dressed. “I think I should go home,” she said as she did the same. “I shouldn’t have said anything,” he mumbled. Just as Ashley was walking to the door, there was a roar of thunder. Armand looked over at her and thought about her driving home in the storm. ‘Ash, you should stay until the storm’s passed.” “It’s okay, I’m just going home.” She put her glasses on as she reached for the...

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The Twin Cheerleaders Ashley Comes Back to Our Apartment

The end of the reunion was now here. I drove back to our apartment. It was about eleven o' clock at night. The children should be asleep by now. Claire was a great babysitter, and her having a child herself for the kids helped a lot too. "Hey Claire.. How were they tonight?" I asked her as she opened up her apartment door. "They were great Jeffrey!" Claire said energetically. Claire was a single mother. Her child's father ran out on them after their child, Victor, was born. I walked...

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Ashley My Step Granddaughter

I never thought I had it in me to become an escort but sometimes you have to do things you never thought you would do to succeed in life. Even selling, or giving my services every now and then to keep up with bills. To get started, I searched the Internet and found an escort service web site used by many girls in my area. I liked the looks of it so I thought I’d give it a try. I’m a 25 year old woman and I have confidence in my looks. My profile photo show’s me lying on my back, legs bent...

2 years ago
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Ashley and Amanda

Ashley had always wanted a lover. She would see all the girls in school hooking up with hot guys but it was always the same for her when Valentine’s day rolled around. She would spend the day alone and without anyone to share the joy with. Her only friend who seemed to always be around was Amanda, the girl who lived next door to Ashley. Amanda had moved in over the summer and now it was closing in on the winter months. Ashley kind of missed the summer months but not because of the warmth. She...

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Andy Ashley Chapter 1

It’s probably better that I start this story with an introduction, my name is Andy and I’m 17. I’ve never had a girlfriend and I’m known at school for being a bit of a nerd. My sister Ashley is 16, and has had several boyfriends. She’s the popular girl at school. I looked out the window, my sister and her boyfriend John were standing there out the front of the house on our driveway holding hands and talking quietly. I didn’t know what she saw in him, he was just another dumb jock. I heard...

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Brad and Ashley Part 1

Ashley Adams entered her bedroom and went to the closet. She picked out some sleep clothes in preparation for her nightly shower. Exiting the closet she took a couple of steps toward the bathroom, then froze. She looked with disbelief at the wall of glass separating her bedroom from the backyard. The drapes that usually provided her privacy were gone. ‘Daaa… deee!’ she hollered loudly enough to be heard throughout the house. Her father, Morgan Adams, was in the living area at the other end of...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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Team Pink Take Out Trish and Ashley

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Brad and Ashley Part 1

Ashley Adams entered her bedroom and went to the closet. She picked out some sleep clothes in preparation for her nightly shower. Exiting the closet she took a couple of steps toward the bathroom, then froze. She looked with disbelief at the wall of glass separating her bedroom from the backyard. The drapes that usually provided her privacy were gone. "Daaa... deee!" she hollered loudly enough to be heard throughout the house. Her father, Morgan Adams, was in the living area at the other end of...

Straight Sex
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Ashley at the Annex

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The Beardsley School for Girls 7 Ashley and Bran

Ashley was nervous, but not Brandy. Brandy seemed to have enjoyed herself too much with the Chancellor. It had been only a week ago, but Brandy's sexual appetite for girls seemed to have increased and Ashley was her number one target. She knew that both of them would have to "perform," as Headmaster Michael had told them, for two of the Board members, Dr. Lenox and Mr. Van Dorn. They had heard about Dr. Lenox, rumors of what Elizabeth had to endure as punishment for hitting Delyssa. Brandy was...

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My Sister Ashley The Birthday Bash

“Well, don’t you sound excited. Happy birthday to you too Tim,” my sister purred over the phone. “Hold on,” I held out the phone and nodded to my wife, who herded our two kids closer to the phone. As one they sang “Happy Birthday Auntie Ashley”. When they finished I handed the phone to Ari, our youngest at four years old, and watched her and Nathan scurry off to talk my sister’s ear off. Nathan was five and a half, and damned be those who dared call him five. “When is she...

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Ashley Madison

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It was just after 8.00 a.m. on a sunny Thursday in early June, with the promise of a warm day ahead, when Ashley left her small apartment in the outer suburbs of the city. She was twenty-six years old, and worked in the central business district at the offices of a shipping and storage company. In the summer months, when the city often got stuffy and humid, she liked to dispense with wearing panties – she loved to feel the relative coolness of the circulating air on her pussy, and it made...

2 years ago
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Ashleys Spring Break Captivity

As long as she kept reminding herself that it was a joke, she was fine ????????  As long as she kept remembering that it was all a joke, she was fine; she was just another girl on stage in shorts and a tee-shirt. But it was getting harder to treat it as a joke when all these other people were telling them what to do and where to go; how to stand and how to walk, and smile, smile, smile. It was they started taking it seriously that she got nervous.?Because? it was a joke, and it had been...

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Ashley and Jason Part 41

Ashley let out a sigh and looked at him. "look at me" She said with her hands still on her hips. "Jason look. at. me" She said again. Jason nervously looked up and saw that Ashley's expression had changed. "I know it's hard but it'll only get harder as you stay here. I understand you're scared right now" Ashley said as she sat down on the bed and held Jason on her lap bringing his head into her chest. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I just...I can be a bit parental inside a...

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Lucky Night with Ashley Revised

She was obviously Latina, kind of tall, had long brown hair with blonde highlights, and even though she was thinly built and flat chested, she had a great figure, especially in jeans. She wore glasses that I think added to her allure a little, and even though she still had braces, “What an inviting smile,” I thought. Ashley had great lips, I think accentuated by her braces and as she walked past me and headed down the hallway with her friends, I couldn’t help but turn to watch. Long legs,...

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The Incomplete Story of Ashley and Geoff

Cliff had been single his entire life. Married women were particularly attracted to him. He had many affairs and most of those affairs had ended with the husband and wife divorcing. It was obvious that married couples were having problems and some women were just seeking something they were not getting at home. Cliff was not looking for married women on purpose; many of the women did not tell him they were married until he figured it out.Ashley and her husband, Geoff, were hoping Cliff would...

1 year ago
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My Sister Ashley chapter 8

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Sister Ashley

I live in a town (Richland) of just over 3,000. There are 3 other small towns around us. Being the biggest of the 4, we have the post office and school house, for the area. The school houses all the grades K-12. Being a small town everyone knows what everyone else is doing. My name is Jimmy Parsons, I'm 13 years old. I live just out of town with my dad and 2 sisters. We get up early to help out around the house, then catch the bus to go to school. I've just started to look at girls. But...

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Ashleys nudist afternoon

Title:  Ashley?s nudist afternoonAshley happily drove along the expressway to the beach. It was a clear sunny day and great for outdoor activities. Today was Saturday and the sporty girl had the whole afternoon to relax at the beach. The location was Rose Beach ? a nudist beach, far away from the city. Not many people knew of that beach and Ashley enjoyed the peace of the secluded location. She was pleased to see the almost empty car park upon reaching. She parked her blue Beetle, crossed the...

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Ashley and Jason1

Jason bounced off of her like he had walked into a padded wall, falling back into his room, and losing his grip on his towel he sat down on the floor fully exposed to this hot senior. Ashley was equally surprised but was unshaken by the impact. When she saw Jason on the floor she stifled a laugh and stepped into his room closing the door behind her. Jason looked up at her, He noticed he could see up her skirt and saw a small like bulge and something long going up Ashley's white panties. his...

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18 Year Old Ashley Gets More Than She Bargain For

Tim and his wife Ann had decided to go out on another date night together. They had been on several date nights lately since they had found Ashley to watch the kids for them. Ashley was a bright 18 year old who was the head cheerleader at her high school. She was an extremely gorgeous looking girl who had a very petite body. She stood 5’2 and about 110 pounds. Her tits were very firm and above average in size. Her butt was fantastic as it was very firm and small. She had no problem getting men...

2 years ago
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Calebs Date with Ashley gone wrong0

“I thought it was great!” Ashley giggled. “I’m so glad I got to see it with you, I wouldn’t have wanted to see it any other way.” She laid her head on Caleb’s shoulder as the young couple made their way out of the movies. Both Caleb and Ashley were thirteen and had begun dating at the start of middle school. They had known each other for three years during elementary and had been friends, but as they grew older, Caleb had begun noticing how pretty Ashley was and how her body had begun...

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Ashley Fulfills Hubbys Desire

Ashley Fulfills Hubby's Desirebycrax1976© Ashley and Andrew have been together for ten years. Though married for five, they have no k**s, preferring their freedom. When Ashley and Andrew met sparks flew. They have spent as much time together as possible considering their opposite hours and are still deeply in love today. Ashley works at the neigborhood pub, while Andrew is a chartered accountant and works from home.Andrew was spending a Sunday evening in the pub watching football. A shy quiet...

4 years ago
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The Beardsley School for Girls Part 3 Ashley and

Professor Doyle watched Ashley and Brandy in the back of the class as the two talked and did their nails, deliberately trying to provoke him. They were the most popular girls in the school and very attractive. Especially, Brandy. She brushed her long blonde hair from her face, hair that hung down to partially conceal her breasts. While she didn't have the largest breasts among the girls, they were so pert, abundant cleavage always showed. Half of the time her nipples were hard and jut out her...

3 years ago
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Ashley And The Offer

As Ashley Mendes again sashayed for what she thought was a mundane day into the paralegal office known as Bagwell and Associates, she said to the secretary in front of her who was on the phone, “Good morning, Kathy,” in her most cordial voice.“Good morning, Ashley,” The older lady said. “Mr. Bagwell wants to see you,”“Yes, ma’am.”“You’re welcome,” The secretary named Kathy said. News (among other things) traveled fast around the firm. Kathy knew exactly what was going on. Kathy said nothing....

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Ashley Blows the Pizza Guy

Ashley could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she hurriedly rushed toward the door. She took a deep breath, hoping that it would slow her heart rate just a little. Her palms were sweating, but not because of the heat of the warm spring evening.In the five days she had been living in her friend's apartment, she had ordered pizza from the same restaurant on a number of occasions. Each time, Hector would appear at her door wearing his baseball cap and a blue shirt emblazoned with the...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Ashleys Angelic

I'm Jay, a young, twenty-something business professional. At the risk of sounding a little conceited, I consider myself to be a good looking guy. I'm fairly athletic and work out at the gym to stay in good shape. I am a recent university grad, so I have just started my climb up the corporate ladder; I'm not exactly raking in the big bucks yet... even though I'm working like I am!. To help make ends meet I'm renting a downtown condo with two friends of mine, Geoff and Ashley.Geoff is my best...

1 year ago
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My Sister Ashley chapter 7

“Ashley.” I whispered. My sister hung from the ceiling by a pair of silver handcuffs strung over a large hook screwed into the concrete. A thin streak of dried blood ran from the corner of her mouth. Her toes were about an inch from the ground and she seemed either asleep or unconscious, her naked body hanging limply. Sasha reached out and ran a hand up my sister’s hard stomach, between her large breasts and caressed her face. She said something in what I was now assuming was...

2 years ago
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Cheating With Ashley

She was thirty and her name was Ashley. Her mother and I had dated back when we were much younger and I was in college. I had wanted to marry Dorothy, but she had designs on someone else. Looking back on things, it was probably best that we didn't’t get married. Husband number three of five for Dorothy produced Ashley. I managed to stay in contact with Dorothy through the years, through phone calls every now and then, but what was in the past, remained in the past. Dorothy often told me about...

2 years ago
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Lucky Night with Ashley

Ashley was a thin Latina with long blonde highlighted brown hair, and she was tall for her age. She wore glasses, and even though she still had braces, she had an infectious smile with big lips. Ashley was very young, but she really had a great figure, and looked great in jeans. As the time went on, my feeling for her grew and being that she was kind of tall, I tried to justify my feeling subconsciously for her but, deep down I knew she was too young to pursue. As I said, she wasn’t in...

3 years ago
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About Ashley Chapter 2

The silence that followed Delia’s unlikely slip-up was deafening. The air felt saturated with discomfort the likes of which Delia had never before experienced. “Um, I mean,” Delia’s eyes darted all across the room, looking anywhere but at Ashley as she fumbled for words, “I—I know we literally just met. But I think you’re kinda cute, so, um…” Increasingly flustered, Delia tried to take a deep breath to calm herself only to realize she’d broken out into a slight sweat. Biting her lip,...

4 years ago
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Ashleys anal wishes finally come true

"Hey there," she said, stopping short with her black Labrador."Hi," I muttered, pausing, trying to keep my dog from lunging towards hers."Are you new to the area?" her eyes batted. Her voice was raspy like that of Kim Carnes or Bonnie Tyler. Such a sexy voice drove me absolutely crazy with interest."Nope. I've lived here for about two years or so," I smiled."I don't think I've seen you before.""I've seen you," I responded, giving her a once over, "You're not someone I'd soon forget," I...

4 years ago
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Night with Ashley

It was a new school year, one that I was looking forward to and even though I had a full class, there was one particular young lady that I wanted in my class, but unfortunately she was not assigned to me. Ashley was a thin Latina with long blonde highlighted brown hair, and she was tall for her age. She wore glasses, and even though she still had braces, she had an infectious smile with big lips. Ashley was very young, but she really had a great figure, and looked great in jeans. As the time...

1 year ago
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Ashley chapter two1

Jax_Teller©2016 By Jax_Teller From Chapter One We watched the video, smoking drinking nice cold beers, and discussed the play session. Janis said she's never topped before and Ashley said wow really because she was so natural at it. Janis asked Ashley if she wanted to try it and she quickly said no, she'd been mommy to too many “lovers” before. She went onto say she enjoyed playing safely like this with no expectations beyond the playrooms' door. She went on to say she wanted to try...

3 years ago
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My Sister Ashley chapter 5

“Hi Tim!” Oriana greeted me brightly when the door opened to reveal her standing on the stoop in a light blue spaghetti strap tube top and a pair of tiny white shorts. She was standing with her arms down behind her back and rocking back and forth on her tips of her toes. “Why hello, come on in.” I said making a grand sweeping gesture with my hand beckoning her enter. She bounced into the living room and pulled her shirt away from her chest rapidly a few times attempting to...

4 years ago
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Ashley and Antoinette

“Oh my fucking god is that Jim?!?!” Jim turned around to see Antoinette. She was on the short side and was carrying just a little too much extra weight but was still somebody he’d always considered fuckable. She had this habit of dying her hair a different color every couple months and even though he hadn’t seen her in a while she was currently rocking her naturally brown with what looked like purple highlights. “Shit, Antoinette, I thought you’d moved for work. What are you doing back here?”...

3 years ago
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Alluring Barista Ashley

Like I said, I could tell she had a slight frame under that green apron, but the way she carried herself was attractive. She had hazel eyes and dark brown hair that she always had in a ponytail, and whenever she would French-braid it, I found her very sexy. She had a nose piercing and I could see she had a few tattoos on her arms, which only exemplified that she probably had a wild side. From the first time I saw her, I was curious, and tried to visit this particular Starbucks whenever I...

2 years ago
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Ashley 1

Jax_Teller©2016 By Jax Teller Ashely was a person who I'd met through a friend and we always seemed at odds with each other. We never argued or fought but our speak to each other was always confrontational. She was not run way beautiful but the wholesome girl next door beauty. She would never have been a fashion model, but she never lacked for attention. It wasn't intentional in the way she dressed or acted but she did exude a sexual energy. I was ten years older than her twenty eight...

1 year ago
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Ashleys first time

I had dated my girlfriend, Lorry for over 5 years. She was divorced and had two k**s, her son James lived with her until he left for college and her daughter, Ashley lived with her father in a different town. Lorry was always very protective of her k**s and it took a couple of years before I got to meet them. I got a long great with James and even though our relationship wasn't like a father-son relationship, we were close and felt like family. James had no problem when I moved in together with...

2 years ago
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Ashley part 8

"Come on," George whispers, looking every bit as terrified as I am. "Mr. Jackson has said we can go into form early so that we- well, you- don't have the rest of the form staring at you." "Okay," I whisper. "Mr. Jackson your form tutor?" Megan- who has joined the 'convoy' of myself, George and Priya- asks. "Yeah," I say as I take step after step on my quivering legs. Despite the protection of three of my closest friends surrounding me, the walk to form is still the most...

4 years ago
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Ashley and MiloChapter 4

"Wake up Daddy and see the sun. It's like a big red ball." I could smell coffee. I guess I overslept or didn't want to let go of the dream I was having. Ashley brought out a cup of what she had brewed and sat next to me. The kids watched with us until the sun was completely sitting on the horizon. I made my excuses and headed out back to the outhouse. Ashley had put the washbasin out with a jug of water. I came in asking, "Does anyone want a bath?" Ashley snickered. "Not me, the tub...

1 year ago
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Ashley and Jason Part 31

Jason could hear Ashley humming as she was in the shower. As she turned around she saw Jason standing naked. Ashley gave a small smile and she opened the shower door letting him in. "You really like being with me don't you?" Ashley asked as she began to help Jason wash his body. Jason grabbed Ashley's cock with one hand and started stroking it making it hard. Ashley began kissing Jason got down on his knees and began sucking Ashley's cock slowly as he felt her cock grow in his mouth. "I...

4 years ago
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Harold and Ashley

19 year old Harold "Harry" Buchanan was a bright young man with all kinds of potential. He got excellent grades in all his classes and was not anywhere near ugly, with short black hair, broad shoulders and a slim 5'11" frame. He came from an upper middle class family, so he was always well supported. He was considered to be funny, well read, and likable. However, among all of Harry good qualities were his quirks. He had barely any friends, no job, and no girlfriend, he had never even been...


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