L'?ducation De Dominique 2 free porn video

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Le conseil de famille ?tait unanime, cela devait cesser et, je dus citer les filles avec qui je parlais. Elles s'?tonn?rent du nombre ?lev? de filles diff?rents que je c?toyais. Elles allaient durant ce cong? veiller ? m'apprendre ? ne parler qu'? bon escient ou quand cela m'?tait demand?. Je voulus parler et ma m?re se leva, prit un ba?llon boule noir qu'elle me pla?a car mon avis n'?tant pas requis, le silence ?tait de bon aloi. Le dimanche tant attendu arriva, Marie venait nous rendre visite. J'?tais tellement heureux que voulant profiter pleinement de tous les moments, je fis le maximum pour ne contrarier personne. A 14H pr?cise, la sonnette retentit, ce fut Anne qui alla ouvrir pour accueillir notre invit?e. Tout le monde se retrouva au salon et ces dames se mirent ? converser. Mes s?urs avaient mille et une question mais habilement Anne r?pondait et leurs montraient qu'elle avait du caract?re, de l'?ducation et de la r?partie. Profitant d'une pause, nous sort?mes toutes les deux pour profiter du jardin et de lui faire d?couvrir la propri?t?. A notre retour, une collation nous attendait. Les discussions reprirent sur l'?cole et l?, Marie pensait que je travaillais bien mais que j'?tais un peu trop bavard et dissip? par les autres. Donc, mes cotes pourraient ?tre meilleures si je rem?diais ? cela. Tout le monde ?tait d'accord avec cela et, avec une moue r?probatrice, Beth lui dit qu'elles veillaient ? ce que cela change. La journ?e passait vite et en voyant ma chambre, elle me dit que j'avais beaucoup de chances d'avoir des s?urs aussi pr?venantes et attentionn?es pour moi car elle, fille unique, ne connaissait rien de tout cela. Vers les 18h, Marie prit cong? et ma m?re lui dit, qu'elle ?tait la bienvenue, qu'elle pouvait venir autant qu'elle le voulait. Marie la remercia chaleureusement et partit en me faisant la bise. La soir?e fut consacr?e ? ce qu'elles discutent de Marie. Elles ?taient unanimes sur un point, c'?tait une fille parfaite pour moi voire m?me peut ?tre trop bien. J'eus du mal ? m'endormir ce soir l? tant mes pens?es n'allaient que vers elle, mes ?rections furent p?nibles car ma ceinture de chastet? comprimait s?v?rement mon p?nis. La semaine de cong? fut longue sans Marie et comme pr?vu, je passais la majeure partie du temps ba?llonn? et, quand je ne l'?tais pas, ce fut pour r?viser mes cours. C'est avec une joie non dissimul?e que je retrouvai Marie mais celle-ci me par?t distante, r?serv?e, voire pr?occup?e. Je cherchais ? savoir pourquoi mais rien ne venait. Paradoxalement, sa jalousie avait elle aussi augment? et supportait de moins en moins mais discussion avec les autres. Une dizaine de jours apr?s la rentr?e, l'attirance ?tait toujours bien pr?sence mais la distance continuait ? me perturber mais c'est ce jour l? que tout bascula. Par distraction car perturb?, je ne fermais pas la porte de la toilette et au moment de me rhabiller, Marie entra et me vit ? moiti? nu portant ma ceinture de chastet?. Elle fut tr?s surprise mais au lieu d'?tre choqu?e, elle se mit ? sourire et sortit radieuse sans mot dire. Tr?s inquiet par le fait qu'elle ait d?couvert mon secret, je voulus la rejoindre pour lui parler mais elle ?tait d?j? de retour en classe. Juste en partant, elle me susurra ? l'oreille, je t'aime. Je n'osai, ?videmment, le mentionner dans mon cahier le soir?et c'est avec une certaine appr?hension que je me rendis ? l'?cole le lendemain. C'est une Marie rayonnante que je retrouvais, la distance qu'elle avait install?e, ?tait disparue. Nous avons peu parl? mais elle me demanda s'il y avait longtemps que j'en portais une et pourquoi. Je lui expliquai et elle me dit qu'elle comprenait pourquoi ma m?re avait pris cette d?cision, que c'?tait une bonne chose. Egalement, elle comprenait maintenant l'attirance qu'elle avait pour moi car elle n'avait jamais ?t? attir?e par une autre fille. Je lui demandai alors si cela la g?nait que je sois habill? en fille. Elle me r?pondit, au contraire, que j'?tais parfait, tellement diff?rent des autres hommes et qu'elle ne voulait surtout pas que je change. A la sortie, d?s qu'elle vit la voiture de ma s?ur Anne, elle se dirigea vers elle afin de lui demander si elle pouvait venir ce week-end. Anne voulut savoir pourquoi mais elle se contenta de r?pondre qu'elle voulait juste s'entretenir avec nous. Je restai muet et m?me si ma s?ur voulut en savoir plus, je ne savais pas pourquoi. Samedi, 14h, Marie arriva et s'installa parmi nous dans le salon. Elle s'exprima directement en leur annon?ant qu'elle ?tait au courant que j'?tais un gar?on. Devant l'?tonnement de toutes, elle se retourna vers moi en me demandant pourquoi je ne les avais pas mises au courant. Elle dit alors voil? bien ton probl?me, tu parles trop et trop souvent mais fait des cachotteries importantes ? ta famille. Devant les regards r?probateurs de ces 5 femmes, je bredouillai quelque chose d'inintelligible. Elle dit alors pour dire cela, tu ferais mieux de te taire. Ma m?re prit alors la parole en expliquant alors ? Marie, l'?ducation qu'elle avec l'aide de ses filles, elle tentait de me donner. Elle expliqua le pourquoi de la ceinture, les entraves et les restrictions qu'elles m'imposaient afin de m'?duquer. Je voulus dire quelque chose mais Marie se retournant vers moi, que l?, je n'avais pas le droit ? la parole et demanda si elle pouvait s'entretenir avec nous toutes mais sans que je puisse entendre ses propos. Sur ces paroles, Beth se leva, me demanda de la suivre et me fit asseoir sur une chaise, me menotta, m'enfourna un ba?llon-boule blanc et me mit des bouchons anti-bruits. J'assistai donc sourd et muet ? une tr?s longue conversation entre elles. Je sus juste qu'elle leur avait avou? son amour pour moi et qu'elle partageait totalement leurs visions de l'?ducation d'un homme. A la fin, on me retira seulement mes bouchons anti-bruits et ma m?re m'annon?a qu'elles encourageaient et soutenaient notre relation. Que dor?navant, en pr?sence de Marie, en dehors de l'?cole, je continuerais mon ?ducation, mes entraves et, que m?me si au d?but, c'?tait elle 4 qui gardaient le contr?le, Marie pouvait m'en imposer d'autres. Toujours entrav?, je raccompagnai Marie ? la porte, elle me donna un bisou sur la boule de mon ba?llon et me dit ? l'oreille, je t'aime et toi ? Je ne pus qu'hocher affirmativement de la t?te et elle partit radieuse. De retour au salon, toutes me firent part de la chance que j'avais d'avoir trouv? une fille comme elle mais que j'allais devoir la m?riter. Le lundi ? l'?cole, Marie se montra tout ? la fois tendre et vindicative. Tendre quand je lui parlais, vindicative quand je parlais ? d'autres filles. Nous ?tions maintenant en d?cembre et un jour, ? la sortie des cours, il avait tellement neig? que Marie re?ut un appel de ma m?re sur son GSM. Elle me dit qu'elle ?tait emb?t?e mais que personne ne savait venir chercher Dominique pour le moment et si elle pouvait s'en occuper. Marie ?tait heureuse de la marque de confiance que ma m?re lui t?moignait. Je voulus savoir ce qui se passait et Marie me dit juste que je devais repartir avec elle. Je vous lus en savoir plus mais elle sortit un journal de son sac et me demanda de la suivre. Nous nous rend?mes aux toilettes et l?, elle prit une double feuille du journal et me l'enfourna consciencieusement dans la bouche, elle releva ma cape, pris mes mains dans le dos et je sentis des menottes se refermer sur mes poignets. Si je pensais avoir une soir?e de libert?, voil?, c'?tait illusoire mais j'?tais heureux car j'?tais pr?s de celle que j'aime. Elle me dit alors de la suivre car elle avait un bus ? prendre pour rentrer ? son domicile. Je la suivis alors docilement car j'allais enfin conna?tre son univers de vie. Arriv?s ? son domicile, une grande demeure bourgeoise de la p?riph?rie, elle me fit entrer, me d?barrasse de ma cape, de mes bottes humides et arriv? dans le salon, m'?te mon ba?llon et elle m'embrasse langoureusement. Ce premier baiser dura longtemps et j'en savourai pleinement toutes les secondes. Nous nous installons dans un divan et l?, ses baisers reprennent et elle me caresse. Je grimace car la douleur que me cause ma ceinture est assez forte. Cela fait rire Marie car, comme elle le dit, au moins elle sait que je ne le suis pas insensible. La sonnerie de son GSM, nous interrompis et, c'?tait ma m?re pour m'annoncer qu'elle serait l? dans 15 minutes. Marie me r?ajuste mes v?tements, attache une corde ? mes poignets afin de r?cup?rer ses menottes et lie ?galement mes coudes, ce qui m'oblige ? redresser le torse. Ensuite, elle reprend une double feuille de journal mais avant de me l'enfourner, me donne un dernier baiser. Chose faite, elle me colle plusieurs bandes de collant transparents sur les l?vres. Elle me dit alors que si elle le pouvait, elle me garderait comme cela pr?s d'elle et qu'elle n'aimait pas quand je parlais avec d'autres filles. Sur ces paroles, la sonnerie de la porte retentit, elle me passa une ?charpe pour dissimuler le ba?llon et me raccompagna jusqu'? la voiture. Ma m?re remercia Marie d'avoir pris soin de moi aussi bien en voyant mes entraves. Elle lui r?pondit que c'?tait bien normal mais que mon attitude ? l'?cole laissait ? d?sirer et qu'il faudrait en parler car elle ne voudrait pas que cela d?g?n?re. Ma m?re et elle, convint que durant les f?tes de fin d'ann?e, elles se verraient afin d'en discuter. Sur le trajet du retour, je pensais que jamais je ne pourrais vivre autrement mais que, maintenant, cela m'?tait ?gal si j'?tais pr?s de celle que j'aime. Les jours suivants, je discutai beaucoup avec Marie et, je lui avouai que j'avais tr?s envie d'elle. Son regard changea et elle me dit, tr?s s?rieusement, qu'elle ne l'envisageait que si on se mariait. Elle souhaitait me pr?server et qu'elle trouvait cela terriblement romantique d'?tre puceau jusqu'au mariage mais aussi que c'?tait une forme d'amour. Comme nous ?tions ? la fin des cours, elle m'entra?na aux toilettes, pris une double feuille de journal me l'enfourna sans autre forme de proc?s et me dit, que c'?tait pour m'?viter de dire des b?tises. Un peu vex? par sa r?ponse, je d?cidai de lui montrer mon m?contentement en m'occupant d'autres filles de ma classe. Cela ne fit pas plaisir ? Marie qui, dot?e d'un caract?re fort, n'abdiqua pas et vint me dire le vendredi, avant de partir, que j'avais ? faire un choix entre elle et les autres. Cette proposition, elle ne me la ferait qu'une fois et c'est ? moi de d?cider. Soit je l'accepte elle comme elle est avec ses exigences et sa fa?on de voir les choses mais avec tout son amour soit, cela s'arr?te l? compl?tement. Elle m'annon?a aussi qu'elle annulait sa visite du week-end ? la maison car dans de telles conditions, elle ne pouvait venir et qu'elle me laissait le bonheur de l'annoncer ? ma famille. Le soir, ma m?re lut avec stup?faction que Marie ne venait pas et elles se retourn?rent vers moi pour m'en demander la raison. Je leur r?pondis que c'?tait simplement par jalousie. Elles ?taient r?ellement f?ch?es et ma m?re dit simplement, ce week-end va te servir ? r?fl?chir et nous allons t'en laisser l'opportunit?. En effet, hormis le temps de mon travail scolaire et des repas, je passai le reste des deux jours entrav?s, ba?llonn?s, aveugl?s et priv?s de l'ou?e. Sur le trajet de l'?cole, le lundi, Lise me dit simplement qu'elle esp?rait que j'avais bien r?fl?chi et que j'avais pris une d?cision car mon avenir ?tait cette fois en jeu. En fait, j'avais effectivement pris une d?cision mais je ne voulais pas le dire directement ? Marie car cela m'avait fait mal et donc, je voulais la faire un peu patienter. Voyant que je faisais l'indiff?rent, elle ne m'adressa pas la parole et ne s'occupa pas du tout de moi. Cela me fit plus mal que je ne l'aurais imagin? mais je finis la journ?e comme cela. Le lendemain, je voulais lui annoncer la d?cision mais elle ne vint pas, nous appr?mes qu'elle ?tait malade jusqu'? la fin de la semaine. Je me portai volontaire afin de maintenir ses cours en ordre mais, durant le reste de la semaine, j'errai comme une ?me en peine car je craignais de la perdre. Le mercredi sachant que quelqu'un allait venir prendre ses devoirs, j'aurais d? mettre un mot pour elle, mais je n'osais pas. Durant, le week-end, j'ai beaucoup pleur? mais personne ne vint me consoler car elles me dirent que cette situation ?tait de ma faute. Le lundi arriva, j'avais le c?ur serr?, une boule dans le ventre et enfin, je vis Marie mais elle passa pr?s de moi sans me jeter un regard. A midi, je lui demandai si l'on pouvait se parler. Elle me suivit dans un endroit un peu ? l'?cart des autres, je lui demandai de ses nouvelles et elle me r?pondit, pourquoi cela t'int?resse ? Tu n'as pas pris la peine de t'en inqui?ter la semaine derni?re. Je bafouillai, elle m'interrompit en demandant si je n'avais rien d'autre ? me dire car si c'?tait le cas, elle avait d'autres occupations. Je lui dis alors, tout doucement, que j'avais fait un choix. Elle me regardait alors fixement dans les yeux, sans sourciller, elle ajouta et?? Ce choix c'?tait elle. Elle ne fit qu'un petit sourire et elle dit, tu as mis beaucoup de temps avant de te d?cider. M'aimes-tu r?ellement?? Sais-tu la peine que m'as faite?? Je r?pondis oui plus que tout et non mais je m'en excuse. Elle ajouta, il va falloir que tu prennes la pleine mesure de ce que cela entra?nera comme choses, comportements et attitudes que je devrai changer car elle ne voulait plus jamais vivre cela. Je lui annon?ai que j'?tais pr?t ? faire ce qu'elle voulait. Elle termina par nous en reparlerons bien vite et que je suis en p?riode probatoire, si je ne l'?coutais pas, elle m'abandonnerait du jour au lendemain sans plus jamais ne m'adresse la parole. Est-ce clair?? J'hochai affirmativement de la t?te et nous rejoign?mes notre classe. Ma famille ne put que lire avec attention et une certaine joie mon journal. Le lendemain, je ne pus m'emp?cher d'all? parler avec d'autres filles, Marie vint me chercher dans le groupe et, ? l'?cart, me dit voil? une premi?re chose ? laquelle tu dois rem?dier. Arr?ter d'aller faire du charme aux autres, les ?changes pouvaient exister mais uniquement d'ordre scolaire. Je voulus objecter mais son regard me montra que je devais plut?t me taire. Dor?navant, je veux qu'? la fin des cours, je puisse te ba?lloner moi-m?me et que pour venir, tu ne retireras ton ba?llon qu'en ma pr?sence. Est-ce clair?? Je pense que ta maman et tes s?urs n'y verront aucune objection. C'est en vigueur d?s aujourd'hui. A la fin de la journ?e, apr?s m'avoir plac? mon ba?llon journal, elle me posa un petit baiser sur les l?vres comme pour me r?compenser. Dans la voiture, Anne s'?tonna que j'?tais d?j? ba?llonn? mais ajouta souriante, apparemment Marie a repris les choses en main. Ma m?re lut ? voix haute, les recommandations que Marie m'avait faites et toutes ne purent qu'approuver totalement. Elles ajout?rent, nous constatons que tu as fait le bon choix et qu'elles esp?rent que je m'y tiendrai. Le lendemain, pendant le trajet, Beth me faisait r?citer ma le?on, arriv?, j'allais sortir qu'elle m'arr?te et me demande si je n'avais rien oubli??? Je la vois prendre une double feuille de journal et me la place dans la bouche. Je sors et vait rejoindre Marie. Je croise plusieurs filles qui me disent bonjour mais je suis dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre et donc je passe en les saluant du regard. Marie qui n'a rien perdu de la sc?ne, me fait la bise et me dit, alors, c'est bien mon amour. Juste avant de rentrer en classe, elle m'autorise ? ?ter mon ba?llon. Ayant l'habitude de marcher vite, je suis toujours en avance sur Marie dans les couloirs, les escaliers et, elle me dit que cela n'est pas tr?s courtois, elle me sugg?re alors que dor?navant, je porte le syst?me ? lani?re avec une sangle de 25 cm maximum. Je ne dis mot et n'ose la contredire. Pendant la pause de midi, elle s'absente et d'autres filles viennent alors pour me parler, j'en suis content mais pas Marie qui ne manque pas ? son retour de me le faire remarquer. Le lendemain, j'arrive sangl? et ba?llonn?. Nous sommes dans la derni?re semaine avant la p?riode de fin d'ann?e et elle me dit, heureusement, bient?t les cong?s, cela nous permettra de mettre certaines choses au point. J'essaie d'en savoir plus mais elle ne dit rien et m'emm?ne vers les toilettes, m'embrasse goulument et amoureusement. Ensuite, elle me ba?llonne avec une triple feuille de journal car elle veille ? ce que ma bouche soit totalement remplie. Ensuite elle soul?ve ma cape et me lie mes poignets solidement ensemble. Je la suis vers la sortie et sur le trajet, elle me dit qu'elle est heureuse et qu'il est bon d'avoir un petit ami aussi bien ?duqu? que moi. Nous attendons ma m?re et vu qu'aujourd'hui, il pleut beaucoup, elle lui propose de la d?poser ? son domicile. Marie accepte volontiers et dans la voiture, elle demande si elle peut me placer les entraves. Maman lui tend et Marie s'applique, me retire mes liens des poignets pour les remplacer par les menottes et se sert du lien pour mes coudes et demanda ? ma m?re si elle ne trouvait pas que cela me permettait de mieux me tenir droite. Elle prend du tape transparent et coupe plusieurs bandes, qu'elle applique consciencieusement sur ma bouche. Elles discutent alors durant le trajet sur la vision que Marie avait de l'avenir et des relations qu'elle esp?rait avoir avec moi. Marie lui r?pondit, ne vous inqui?tez pas, j'aime ?norm?ment Dominique et j'aimerais faire ma vie avec lui. Je souhaite plus que tout poursuivre la rigueur qu'elle avait inculqu? ? son fils et que pour elle, les entraves et le reste lui paraissait normal. Elle trouvait juste que nous ?tions encore trop laxistes avec moi et qu'elle avait d? intervenir si elle ne voulait qu'il devienne volage. Elle demande alors si ces demandes des deux derni?res n'ont pas ?t? mal per?ues. Au contraire, r?pondit ma m?re, elle trouve, ainsi que ses filles, que je suis parfaite et que toute nouvelle suggestion sera appr?ci?e. Marie la remercia beaucoup pour cette confiance et que justement, elle aimerait que durant les f?tes pouvoir venir et parler un peu de tout cela avec elle et mes s?urs. Par ailleurs, elle aimerait aussi pr?senter Dominique ? sa m?re maintenant que leur relation ?tait s?rieuse.

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It’s a time-old tale: your man fucks you over by fucking another chick, so you fuck him over by fucking his best friend. But this time it’s with Vienna Black, and she just wants to confirm her suspicion. She’s pretty much known her boyfriend’s been banging another girl, but she busts down his buddy Tyler’s house and coaxes it out of him. When Tyler discovers that his so-called pal even threw him under the bus, he and Vienna collude in the nude by way at hot wet sex...

4 years ago
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Cyrus New Zealand Adventure Ch 11

In the penultimate chapter of his hedonistic saga, Cyrus finds himself in the farthest southern part of the country. Having impressed the team with his skills, he is certain of finding his new calling in life. He is now eager to get back home to meet his sweetheart, Priya, while still being a little sad to leave the beautiful country and his unbelievable experiences behind. Traveling through Southland, to the Catlins Cove, Stewart Island, Invercargill and Mt. Cook, they eventually land up in...

4 years ago
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pt 1 my conservative wife

It had been along time since we had done anything worth writing about.My wife marta was almost 40 years old now,And to dateshe has only touched two cocks besides mine.I had still been trying to get her to fuck another man so I could watch but Ihave been unsuccessful,We have gone out to dance clubs where I have seen her dance with other guys,but she would have to be tipsy just to dance with someone else,alcohol has an affect on her that makes her lose inhabitions and she will let loose and some...

2 years ago
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Casss Capture Ch 01

*Here is my first try on Literotica… I’ve been a long time reader, and though I’d give it a chance… Enjoy* * Cass stared at herself in the full length mirror that covered half the wall in her luxurious bedroom. A soft smile played over her lips as she looked at herself. Cass’ honey blonde hair was pulled up in a chignon, with a few tendrils left free to surround her face. Her blue eyes stood out like pools of water surrounded by her smoky eye make up, and her lips were pink and glossy. There...

3 years ago
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Signed First EditionChapter 5

I'm afraid that I'm going to have to make a small administrative note. The reader has been very patient with me thus far in my tale. However, to maintain accuracy with regards to the timeframe from this point forward, I must dramatically abbreviate some of my entries. As you notice the days flying by, please take note of the relative high points as I plunge recklessly toward the introduction and integration of one new major character in our little drama and a brief reintroduction of an...

1 year ago
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My Anal Wife and Girlfriends

When my wife Anne and I met she was 28 years old, and was just divorcing her first husband Keith. I had just returned from the U.S. where I had lived for two and a half years. In that time I dated four women, Anne had split with her husband six months ago when she found he had been unfaithful with a mutual friend. Anne had been with Keith since she was 19 and had only been with two other men besides Keith at the time. Anne and Keith lived downstairs from me for 3 years in the UK. I worked away...

4 years ago
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Sex with my elder widow sister

My name is bunny. I have three sisters and one brother. All got married except me. This is the story about one of my elder sister’s. We had a big house. When I was in 9th class, my elder sister is used to stay with her husband and one child in our house. Her son age is also same as mine. That was simmering so all of us used to sleep outside fro cool air. That was around 10pm. All of us went to bed and in deep sleep. Suddenly O woke up and went for bath room. I found that some was bathing in...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Bonus In My Mouth

“Close your eyes,” Kyle whispers to me. Sitting at a small table in a quiet corner of the fondue restaurant, we have just finished dinner and the dessert is sitting in front of us: a variety of fruits and a sinful pot of melted chocolate. The food was fantastic, and the company and conversation were even better. We have laughed and talked about everything and nothing for the last two hours. Now he’s looking at me intently, his face just inches from mine, his blue eyes smoldering, and I’m...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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TheFlourishXXX Eliza Ibarra Flourish Univ Ep 5

Flourish University Episode 05 starring Eliza Ibarra and Jax Slayer with guest appearance by Rory Knox has the group at the student lounge / pool. The girls are talking to each other wondering when professor Slayher will show up. Once he does he indicates that he only has room for one signee, Eliza. She immediately begins to suck his massive 10 inch thick black cock in the pool. Once they get going he waste NO TIME in fucking her doggystyle in the pool and standing up. He then takes her to the...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Victoria Daniels Cuck Husband Arranges DP Threesome for Cheating Slut Wife Victoria Daniels

Kristof knows his cheating slut of a wife Victoria Daniels is fucking Angelo, the neighbor, but he couldn’t care less. While Victoria is in the bathtub pleasuring herself, Kristof decides to call Angelo to tell him he knows what’s going on and invites him over so they can establish some ground rules. Minutes later, Angelo arrives at the flat and the two men walk into the bathroom to find Victoria with her fingers knuckle-deep in her asshole. Since she’s already warmed up and dripping wet,...

2 years ago
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Fucking Your Wife Epilogue

So, where does this story leave the five players? Jeff and his lovely wife Audrey have decided to recommit to their marriage but each realizes that they have kinks that are fundamental to their sexual selves. Audrey knows, and within more reasonable bounds, Jeff agrees that she and Donald may continue seeing each other. Their couplings are private but Audrey now delights in teasing her husband to a heightened state of arousal by telling him exactly what she is doing with and for Donald. As an...

Wife Lovers
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Anu My Mature Neighbour

Hello, guys and lovely girls and sexy woman’s out there this is Ashish from Hyderabad. I’m 21 years old and completed my B-tech, coming to my looks I’m quite a fair guy and have an athletic nod as I hit the gym my height is over 5 feet 10 inches. So girls woman in and around Hyderabad who are unsatisfied and need complete secret fun can email me () Coming to the story this story is between me and my neighbor named Anu ,her age is around 35 years and she doesn’t work her husband is around 40 and...

3 years ago
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Asian wife learns sexual exhibition

I was looking at my favorite porn site on the net; it had some of the best nude Asian women I had ever seen. As I clicked through the different thumbnails, I became very aroused. My cock was growing in my boxers, I loved to use the Internet as foreplay before having sex with my wife Kim. I looked at my watch, cursing the time I had again spent on the computer when I heard a shuffle on the stairs above me. I looked away from the porno site just in time to see a glimpse of someone darting her...

4 years ago
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Paying the rent

Simon was looking forward to the ring of the doorbell, and when it came he jumped with a start and looked around him hoping the flat was tidy and welcoming. He walked to his front door and opened it to reveal his landlord, Mr George Franks. ‘Well, are you going to let me in, or what?’ demanded Franks his wrinkled brow frowning and huge white bushy eyebrows arching over blue eyes that positively glowered. Pushing past the young man he strode purposefully into the sitting room and after...

3 years ago
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My Office Masturbation

God what happened last night. I never thought I could ever get that drunk.’Oh my god im gonna be late.I took a shower and was out the door. In the office I said hey to every one and I kept getting laughs and giggles from everyone. I went into my office and closed the door. That is when i noticed that i still had on my night gown. I had a mirror in my office so i looked in it. I looked so sexy in it. The silkyness swurved nice around my ass and up my soft flat stomach up to my nipples. I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Paris Palimpsest

All tales of her innocence are lies. I swear and always will, that all of it was her fault! Hers, and her idiot father's. Truly, he was the fool who left her too long alone, with too many books. It was too much to bear for the fragile sense of a proper demoiselle. The poor thing started to believe in all this modern foolishness about new morals, education and progress...She filled her head with naught but Voltaire, that deviant who moonlighted into philosophy. A talented fraud who, within...

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I originally wrote this story for another site that will remain nameless here. Although you cannot read what came before I think I have given enough information to enable any reader to make sense of the story. There’s enough in what I’ve written to make what I believe is a good stand-alone story. >>>>>> I rarely read cuckold stories. There’s something about them that makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially when the male is a totally accepting wimp, but I did find “A Willing...

2 years ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 31

I have responded to a status and location request from the Joint Chiefs directly. It was not coded for Fleet Pac Command. We have been under the thermocline in the East China Sea for over 9 hours, operating at half speed. This is 170 feet below our normal maximum operating depth, at 970 feet. We are still 10% above our emergency operating depth. Our zigzag course has added quite some distance to our true course, but I think we have finally evaded the Chinese submarine that dogged us coming...

4 years ago
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The Voice Chap 5

I was nervous and uncomfortable, but I had to give this a try. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing Michael. Maybe this life wouldn’t end up being for me. But if I didn’t give him a chance to show me this world, I’d regret giving up so easily forever.“Thank you, Jill, for trusting me,” Michael cooed seductively. “Sit in this armchair, darling, and spread your legs open. I want to show Anna what an incredibly sexual being you are.”I took a deep breath. I was trying hard to block out the fact...

4 years ago
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My ts fuck

Patong beach thailand a few years ago, a few drinhs at a bar with some friends on going to toilet at public loo which was next door to ladyboy bar. Standing and relieving myself in runs two lovely ladyboys from next door. Who proceed to do there make up and have a good look at my cock for good measure! Now at this point I hadn't any feelings one way or another, but now I was very curious indeed! So I made my way back to my friends at the bar finished my drink and with a lame excuse left in...

4 years ago
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The Courtship GiftPart 5

Act 3, Scene 1 (Male Ship Captain, Mistress, Toy) Male Ship Captain: My esteemed Mistress, praiseworthy and prosperous, whom I faithfully serve as the captain of one of your merchant ships, well built and kept in good repair, so that it may safely carry the goods that you trade with, to increase your wealth and to provide our island with all that we need. On our way back to our harbor, with a precious cargo of spices, rare stones, pearls and slaves, sailing not far past a Cannibal...

2 years ago
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Demon GateChapter 3 Love Letters

Hair like winter snow Tall and strong as cedar tree Love blooms from afar It had somehow taken him over an hour to compose his poem, but he finally felt that it was complete. Night had fallen, and his family was fast asleep. He would travel back up to the hidden pool and leave this note there for the Oni to find, nobody would even know that he had been gone. He folded the paper neatly, taking care not to smudge the ink, then blew out the candle on his desk. He waited a moment for his eyes...

4 years ago
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Twelve Lays of Xmas Ch 04

Part Four of 12 Lays of Xmas, the full novella version. Chapter Nine is finished, so I am keeping ahead of the game. The whole thing is almost 31,500? words long this far. Any similarity to any persons living, loving or otherwise – well – you know who you are. Four Calling Birds Jessica and I were in the guest shower, sometime around midnight, having finally staggered from the bed on which so much had happened in the last 10 hours or so. I held my lover against my breast as we allowed the...

2 years ago
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SisLovesMe Catalina Ossa Stepsis Can8217t Get Enough

Catalina Ossa gets off the phone with her mom and tells her stepbrother Johnny that since there’s mold in her bedroom, their mom ordered them to share the bed in their parents bedroom. Catalina is annoyed with the arrangement but Johnny says it won’t be too bad. Later that night, Catalina complains about not being able to fall asleep, so she tells Johnny that she usually masturbates when that happens, and since it’s a natural thing, it won’t be a big deal if they masturbate in front of each...

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The sexual psychic

Hello. My name is Ava. I know, not a very creative name. Blame my mother. She said she wanted me to have a plain name in the hope that I would avoid the family ‘curse.’ Turns out, even with my plain name, the ‘curse’ would strike me as well, at an even younger age then most. I guess I should explain the ‘curse’ before I go any further. You see, I come from a long line of psychics. We aren’t the lucky ones that can read the future. We can only see, talk to and generally be annoyed by spirits....

2 years ago
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Most Awaited Night With My Sister 8211 Part 1

Hey there…I am 23 male, studying in Bangalore. I am 6’2 tall and guess good looking too :p. I am a very open minded person and completely live and free. Coming to the experience which started 4 yrs back… I know her from high school. We studied together. She is damn cute and hot at the same time. We were very close as she was the singer of our band and gosh she sings so damn good. We became like brother and sister and it went on like that. Later I came to read about different type of sex...

4 years ago
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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 01

VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 1 Earliest recollections • An erotic maid • Ladies abed • My cock • A frisky maid• Cousin Fred • Thoughts on pudenda • A female pedlar • Baudy pictures My earliest recollections of things, sexual are of what I think must have occurred sometime. I tell of them just as I recollect them, without an attempt to fill in what seems probable. She was I suppose my maid. I recollect that she sometimes held my prick when I piddled, was it needful to do so? I don't know....

4 years ago
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MenagerieChapter 34

I woke up feeling energized again. Of course, waking up with two perfect asses pressed into your hips, and a handful of E-cup on each side probably helped. I kissed my pets on their heads before I carefully extracted myself from between them. Julia grumbled a bit then rolled over to spoon with Cadence as I pulled the cover back over them. I slipped my running gear on and headed out for my morning run around the island. I just had a small change of plans for today, as Mandy was going to come...

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My Neighbors Ch2

I was in our bedroom standing in front of the full length mirror. I was naked and was looking at myself. I was in my late twenties I thought I looked pretty good. I'm about 5'5” with shoulder length dark blond hair. I had put some highlights in it but I needed to get those redone. My waist is slim and my stomach still pretty flat. My hips have gotten a little wider but not too bad. My ass hasn't fallen and still looks good in jeans. My legs are and still have some tone in them from my...

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The Rocking of the Waves

Standing on the deck, breathing in the salt air, I gaze out over a perfect day. Calm seas, gentle breeze, not too warm, not cold at all, I smile contently. We really needed this vacation. I head down into the master bedroom to see if you’re out of the shower. You are lounging on the bed, looking perfectly clean without a single stitch of clothing. I smile as you look up from your book. ‘Can’t take a break from work, even in the middle of the ocean?’ I ask. ‘Ah, my work is never done, you...

3 years ago
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Young Master Ch 03

"That's a good little, sissy. I told you that you could take the whole thing." I feel a sense of ashamed accomplishment as her smooth balls rest on my chin and I smell her intoxicating mix of pomegranate and a hint of musk as my nose crushes into her flawless, taut torso. This was the last time. It had to be. We couldn't keep sneaking around waiting for a chance for a furtive fuck or speedy suck. And if I got caught...no, I didn't even want to imagine what it would be like to be stuck in that...

4 years ago
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Yes please

Suddenly, a knock at the door shakes me. "Oh, God, is this real?" My mind is racing with thoughts of who it could be. Initially, I think its Sir G back to prove I'm not at all worthy of being your slave. Or, maybe its the girls. Or, is it the guy next door? I try to concentrate on the noises that might be made by whoever is entering my space. But, it's as if no one is there. The stinging of the paddle across my tit both wakes me from my fantasy, and scares me! I scream out in shock! Again...

3 years ago
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3 cocks 1 wife

7 in morning, the alarm goes off. Jude and Kevin had some gardeners coming over that afternoon. Wonderful breakfast was made by the the lovely wife. The sweet smell of pancakes in the morning. Later on that afternoon, Kevin had to teach guitar for some students across town. "Bye baby, see ya when I get back.""I love you" she responded. It was 100 degrees and jude was working in the garage rearranging her books. She was completely covered in dirt, and of course sweat. Nice white bottoned shirt,...

2 years ago
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I was fucked by my computer teacher

I am Ahmed from Hyderabad India. I am 21 years of age medium built, tall dark. It was February 12 my brother has come from Saudi Arabia. The next two days went usually. Then one day he called me and said Ahmed why are u wasting precious time join computers he said to me. And I obeyed. So the next day I went to counseling to computer center for admission. There I met this gorgeous lady Asra who was just 24. She helped me in choosing the course. I was really happy that this lady counseled me. She...

4 years ago
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SargeChapter 41

I spent my time over that weekend between my bike rides, and being Addie’s unpaid handyman. I moved sofas six inches to the right then moved them back again. Her green plant, which I paid for, got moved from one corner of the reception area to another. I attached a toilet paper holder to the wall of the former laundry room. Addie and Lillian worked on where to put Addie’s many pieces of art, and her antique knickknacks. We did finish by 6PM Sunday, so I allowed Addie to take us out to dinner...

3 years ago
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Room Service

Someone was knocking at our door. Julie, my fiance, and I were enjoying our first night on the cruise ship "Horizon", about to set sail from Puerto Rico for other delightful destinations in the Caribbean."I'll get it," said Julie, sighing, as she lifted her head from my shoulder. Her beautiful brown-blond curls fell in front of her eyes as her head turned towards the door. She pushed herself up, and moved across the room.As I watched her do a cursory check in the mirror to ensure she was...

1 year ago
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The Tuesday luck Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The Tuesday luck part two here begins.... A couple of days passed and I had finally worked up the courage to approach Mom with my offer. Dad was still on his day shift, and Mom and I were alone. With my heart in my mouth, I heard myself tell Mom that I had a great new video that I thought she would like. She told me to get it and play it downstairs. I was trembling as I placed it in the VCR and pressed 'PLAY'. If you've ever passed a TV store in the...

2 years ago
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Julie Ch 03

A yawn shouldn’t be able to startle patrons of a popular bar, or so Peter had said years ago. But tonight was a crowd going against the rule. No baseball game, no football game, and no hockey game meant no one would be coming apart from the regulars and the depressed. Christmas had come and gone as had New Years leaving the depression the grey days January brought. He braced himself for the worst and couldn’t stop smirking when the best case scenario walked in mumbling about the damn Christmas...

3 years ago
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Brians Adventures Ch 10

Chapter Ten: The Wedding As I stood there at the altar I got the shakes I was so nervous. I still could not believe that this wedding was going to take place, that in a few hours Jealile would be my wife. It was an odd and fortunate turn of events that allowed the wedding to take place. Ordinarily it would not be that odd to marry the woman you love. However, on Tania most things you take for granted about weddings and relationships are unheard of here. However it happened or why it did was...

5 years ago
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Mary 1

Wendy and I were very happy living together. Even though I was more than twice Wendy's age, we seemed to get on very well together. During the summer months Greg and Ellie were living with us, and we got into a sort of a routine. Most nights Wendy slept with me in my bed and Greg and Ellie slept in Ellie's bedroom, but on Friday and Saturday nights, when nobody had to work the next day, we had some pretty wild parties. Sometimes it was just the four of us, sometimes Ellie and Wendy invited...

2 years ago
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JulesJordan Kenzie Taylor Big Tit Blonde Outdoor Anal Fun In The Sun

Buxom blonde Kenzie Taylor gets a hard anal pounding from Manuel! Kenzie’s wearing a sexy silver bathing suit as she teases by the pool and shows off all her perfect curves. She pulls her top to the side to expose her huge tits as she plays with them and pinches her nipples for everyone to see. Her bottoms come off and she gets in the pool to make herself all nice and wet. Kenzie pulls out a pink dildo, and after shoving it down her throat, she slides it right into her tight asshole....

3 years ago
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The Unkindest Cut of All

The Unkindest Cut of All By Cal Y. Pygia Darren's cock was huge, bigger, longer, thicker, harder than it had ever been, a living testament to Lindsay's beauty. The actress was even lovelier in person than she was on film, and Darren had seen a lot of her films. In fact, he'd been in two of them himself, the leading man to her leading lady. Lying behind her, now, with his cock wedged up her gorgeous ass, he squeezed first one, and then the other, of...

2 years ago
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Seduce And Enjoy My Friend8217s Sister

Hi friends, the story is between me, my friend Karthik and her married elder sister Vani. I am a good looking boy from Nagercoil. It is in the south side of Tamilnadu. I and karthik studied together till our engineering. Today I am 29 years old the incident happen 2 years before at that time I was 27 years old and vani is 2 years elder to us. All the names used in the story are not real. That is including my name sursh. Myself I am 65 Kg slim athletic body with good looking Morden boy. Most...

2 years ago
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Salesgirl comes calling

You are sitting at your computer looking at porn clips on a Saturday afternoon. The weather is perfect, a sunny day with mild temperatures and a slight breeze. You have your window open and as you look out you see a very attractive blonde haired girl in nothing more than a t shirt and jeans making her way to your door. You hurriedly close the porn windows and as you hear a knock at the door you wonder if this is your lucky day. You open the door to a smiling, slightly freckled and...

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