L'?ducation De Dominique 2 free porn video

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Le conseil de famille ?tait unanime, cela devait cesser et, je dus citer les filles avec qui je parlais. Elles s'?tonn?rent du nombre ?lev? de filles diff?rents que je c?toyais. Elles allaient durant ce cong? veiller ? m'apprendre ? ne parler qu'? bon escient ou quand cela m'?tait demand?. Je voulus parler et ma m?re se leva, prit un ba?llon boule noir qu'elle me pla?a car mon avis n'?tant pas requis, le silence ?tait de bon aloi. Le dimanche tant attendu arriva, Marie venait nous rendre visite. J'?tais tellement heureux que voulant profiter pleinement de tous les moments, je fis le maximum pour ne contrarier personne. A 14H pr?cise, la sonnette retentit, ce fut Anne qui alla ouvrir pour accueillir notre invit?e. Tout le monde se retrouva au salon et ces dames se mirent ? converser. Mes s?urs avaient mille et une question mais habilement Anne r?pondait et leurs montraient qu'elle avait du caract?re, de l'?ducation et de la r?partie. Profitant d'une pause, nous sort?mes toutes les deux pour profiter du jardin et de lui faire d?couvrir la propri?t?. A notre retour, une collation nous attendait. Les discussions reprirent sur l'?cole et l?, Marie pensait que je travaillais bien mais que j'?tais un peu trop bavard et dissip? par les autres. Donc, mes cotes pourraient ?tre meilleures si je rem?diais ? cela. Tout le monde ?tait d'accord avec cela et, avec une moue r?probatrice, Beth lui dit qu'elles veillaient ? ce que cela change. La journ?e passait vite et en voyant ma chambre, elle me dit que j'avais beaucoup de chances d'avoir des s?urs aussi pr?venantes et attentionn?es pour moi car elle, fille unique, ne connaissait rien de tout cela. Vers les 18h, Marie prit cong? et ma m?re lui dit, qu'elle ?tait la bienvenue, qu'elle pouvait venir autant qu'elle le voulait. Marie la remercia chaleureusement et partit en me faisant la bise. La soir?e fut consacr?e ? ce qu'elles discutent de Marie. Elles ?taient unanimes sur un point, c'?tait une fille parfaite pour moi voire m?me peut ?tre trop bien. J'eus du mal ? m'endormir ce soir l? tant mes pens?es n'allaient que vers elle, mes ?rections furent p?nibles car ma ceinture de chastet? comprimait s?v?rement mon p?nis. La semaine de cong? fut longue sans Marie et comme pr?vu, je passais la majeure partie du temps ba?llonn? et, quand je ne l'?tais pas, ce fut pour r?viser mes cours. C'est avec une joie non dissimul?e que je retrouvai Marie mais celle-ci me par?t distante, r?serv?e, voire pr?occup?e. Je cherchais ? savoir pourquoi mais rien ne venait. Paradoxalement, sa jalousie avait elle aussi augment? et supportait de moins en moins mais discussion avec les autres. Une dizaine de jours apr?s la rentr?e, l'attirance ?tait toujours bien pr?sence mais la distance continuait ? me perturber mais c'est ce jour l? que tout bascula. Par distraction car perturb?, je ne fermais pas la porte de la toilette et au moment de me rhabiller, Marie entra et me vit ? moiti? nu portant ma ceinture de chastet?. Elle fut tr?s surprise mais au lieu d'?tre choqu?e, elle se mit ? sourire et sortit radieuse sans mot dire. Tr?s inquiet par le fait qu'elle ait d?couvert mon secret, je voulus la rejoindre pour lui parler mais elle ?tait d?j? de retour en classe. Juste en partant, elle me susurra ? l'oreille, je t'aime. Je n'osai, ?videmment, le mentionner dans mon cahier le soir?et c'est avec une certaine appr?hension que je me rendis ? l'?cole le lendemain. C'est une Marie rayonnante que je retrouvais, la distance qu'elle avait install?e, ?tait disparue. Nous avons peu parl? mais elle me demanda s'il y avait longtemps que j'en portais une et pourquoi. Je lui expliquai et elle me dit qu'elle comprenait pourquoi ma m?re avait pris cette d?cision, que c'?tait une bonne chose. Egalement, elle comprenait maintenant l'attirance qu'elle avait pour moi car elle n'avait jamais ?t? attir?e par une autre fille. Je lui demandai alors si cela la g?nait que je sois habill? en fille. Elle me r?pondit, au contraire, que j'?tais parfait, tellement diff?rent des autres hommes et qu'elle ne voulait surtout pas que je change. A la sortie, d?s qu'elle vit la voiture de ma s?ur Anne, elle se dirigea vers elle afin de lui demander si elle pouvait venir ce week-end. Anne voulut savoir pourquoi mais elle se contenta de r?pondre qu'elle voulait juste s'entretenir avec nous. Je restai muet et m?me si ma s?ur voulut en savoir plus, je ne savais pas pourquoi. Samedi, 14h, Marie arriva et s'installa parmi nous dans le salon. Elle s'exprima directement en leur annon?ant qu'elle ?tait au courant que j'?tais un gar?on. Devant l'?tonnement de toutes, elle se retourna vers moi en me demandant pourquoi je ne les avais pas mises au courant. Elle dit alors voil? bien ton probl?me, tu parles trop et trop souvent mais fait des cachotteries importantes ? ta famille. Devant les regards r?probateurs de ces 5 femmes, je bredouillai quelque chose d'inintelligible. Elle dit alors pour dire cela, tu ferais mieux de te taire. Ma m?re prit alors la parole en expliquant alors ? Marie, l'?ducation qu'elle avec l'aide de ses filles, elle tentait de me donner. Elle expliqua le pourquoi de la ceinture, les entraves et les restrictions qu'elles m'imposaient afin de m'?duquer. Je voulus dire quelque chose mais Marie se retournant vers moi, que l?, je n'avais pas le droit ? la parole et demanda si elle pouvait s'entretenir avec nous toutes mais sans que je puisse entendre ses propos. Sur ces paroles, Beth se leva, me demanda de la suivre et me fit asseoir sur une chaise, me menotta, m'enfourna un ba?llon-boule blanc et me mit des bouchons anti-bruits. J'assistai donc sourd et muet ? une tr?s longue conversation entre elles. Je sus juste qu'elle leur avait avou? son amour pour moi et qu'elle partageait totalement leurs visions de l'?ducation d'un homme. A la fin, on me retira seulement mes bouchons anti-bruits et ma m?re m'annon?a qu'elles encourageaient et soutenaient notre relation. Que dor?navant, en pr?sence de Marie, en dehors de l'?cole, je continuerais mon ?ducation, mes entraves et, que m?me si au d?but, c'?tait elle 4 qui gardaient le contr?le, Marie pouvait m'en imposer d'autres. Toujours entrav?, je raccompagnai Marie ? la porte, elle me donna un bisou sur la boule de mon ba?llon et me dit ? l'oreille, je t'aime et toi ? Je ne pus qu'hocher affirmativement de la t?te et elle partit radieuse. De retour au salon, toutes me firent part de la chance que j'avais d'avoir trouv? une fille comme elle mais que j'allais devoir la m?riter. Le lundi ? l'?cole, Marie se montra tout ? la fois tendre et vindicative. Tendre quand je lui parlais, vindicative quand je parlais ? d'autres filles. Nous ?tions maintenant en d?cembre et un jour, ? la sortie des cours, il avait tellement neig? que Marie re?ut un appel de ma m?re sur son GSM. Elle me dit qu'elle ?tait emb?t?e mais que personne ne savait venir chercher Dominique pour le moment et si elle pouvait s'en occuper. Marie ?tait heureuse de la marque de confiance que ma m?re lui t?moignait. Je voulus savoir ce qui se passait et Marie me dit juste que je devais repartir avec elle. Je vous lus en savoir plus mais elle sortit un journal de son sac et me demanda de la suivre. Nous nous rend?mes aux toilettes et l?, elle prit une double feuille du journal et me l'enfourna consciencieusement dans la bouche, elle releva ma cape, pris mes mains dans le dos et je sentis des menottes se refermer sur mes poignets. Si je pensais avoir une soir?e de libert?, voil?, c'?tait illusoire mais j'?tais heureux car j'?tais pr?s de celle que j'aime. Elle me dit alors de la suivre car elle avait un bus ? prendre pour rentrer ? son domicile. Je la suivis alors docilement car j'allais enfin conna?tre son univers de vie. Arriv?s ? son domicile, une grande demeure bourgeoise de la p?riph?rie, elle me fit entrer, me d?barrasse de ma cape, de mes bottes humides et arriv? dans le salon, m'?te mon ba?llon et elle m'embrasse langoureusement. Ce premier baiser dura longtemps et j'en savourai pleinement toutes les secondes. Nous nous installons dans un divan et l?, ses baisers reprennent et elle me caresse. Je grimace car la douleur que me cause ma ceinture est assez forte. Cela fait rire Marie car, comme elle le dit, au moins elle sait que je ne le suis pas insensible. La sonnerie de son GSM, nous interrompis et, c'?tait ma m?re pour m'annoncer qu'elle serait l? dans 15 minutes. Marie me r?ajuste mes v?tements, attache une corde ? mes poignets afin de r?cup?rer ses menottes et lie ?galement mes coudes, ce qui m'oblige ? redresser le torse. Ensuite, elle reprend une double feuille de journal mais avant de me l'enfourner, me donne un dernier baiser. Chose faite, elle me colle plusieurs bandes de collant transparents sur les l?vres. Elle me dit alors que si elle le pouvait, elle me garderait comme cela pr?s d'elle et qu'elle n'aimait pas quand je parlais avec d'autres filles. Sur ces paroles, la sonnerie de la porte retentit, elle me passa une ?charpe pour dissimuler le ba?llon et me raccompagna jusqu'? la voiture. Ma m?re remercia Marie d'avoir pris soin de moi aussi bien en voyant mes entraves. Elle lui r?pondit que c'?tait bien normal mais que mon attitude ? l'?cole laissait ? d?sirer et qu'il faudrait en parler car elle ne voudrait pas que cela d?g?n?re. Ma m?re et elle, convint que durant les f?tes de fin d'ann?e, elles se verraient afin d'en discuter. Sur le trajet du retour, je pensais que jamais je ne pourrais vivre autrement mais que, maintenant, cela m'?tait ?gal si j'?tais pr?s de celle que j'aime. Les jours suivants, je discutai beaucoup avec Marie et, je lui avouai que j'avais tr?s envie d'elle. Son regard changea et elle me dit, tr?s s?rieusement, qu'elle ne l'envisageait que si on se mariait. Elle souhaitait me pr?server et qu'elle trouvait cela terriblement romantique d'?tre puceau jusqu'au mariage mais aussi que c'?tait une forme d'amour. Comme nous ?tions ? la fin des cours, elle m'entra?na aux toilettes, pris une double feuille de journal me l'enfourna sans autre forme de proc?s et me dit, que c'?tait pour m'?viter de dire des b?tises. Un peu vex? par sa r?ponse, je d?cidai de lui montrer mon m?contentement en m'occupant d'autres filles de ma classe. Cela ne fit pas plaisir ? Marie qui, dot?e d'un caract?re fort, n'abdiqua pas et vint me dire le vendredi, avant de partir, que j'avais ? faire un choix entre elle et les autres. Cette proposition, elle ne me la ferait qu'une fois et c'est ? moi de d?cider. Soit je l'accepte elle comme elle est avec ses exigences et sa fa?on de voir les choses mais avec tout son amour soit, cela s'arr?te l? compl?tement. Elle m'annon?a aussi qu'elle annulait sa visite du week-end ? la maison car dans de telles conditions, elle ne pouvait venir et qu'elle me laissait le bonheur de l'annoncer ? ma famille. Le soir, ma m?re lut avec stup?faction que Marie ne venait pas et elles se retourn?rent vers moi pour m'en demander la raison. Je leur r?pondis que c'?tait simplement par jalousie. Elles ?taient r?ellement f?ch?es et ma m?re dit simplement, ce week-end va te servir ? r?fl?chir et nous allons t'en laisser l'opportunit?. En effet, hormis le temps de mon travail scolaire et des repas, je passai le reste des deux jours entrav?s, ba?llonn?s, aveugl?s et priv?s de l'ou?e. Sur le trajet de l'?cole, le lundi, Lise me dit simplement qu'elle esp?rait que j'avais bien r?fl?chi et que j'avais pris une d?cision car mon avenir ?tait cette fois en jeu. En fait, j'avais effectivement pris une d?cision mais je ne voulais pas le dire directement ? Marie car cela m'avait fait mal et donc, je voulais la faire un peu patienter. Voyant que je faisais l'indiff?rent, elle ne m'adressa pas la parole et ne s'occupa pas du tout de moi. Cela me fit plus mal que je ne l'aurais imagin? mais je finis la journ?e comme cela. Le lendemain, je voulais lui annoncer la d?cision mais elle ne vint pas, nous appr?mes qu'elle ?tait malade jusqu'? la fin de la semaine. Je me portai volontaire afin de maintenir ses cours en ordre mais, durant le reste de la semaine, j'errai comme une ?me en peine car je craignais de la perdre. Le mercredi sachant que quelqu'un allait venir prendre ses devoirs, j'aurais d? mettre un mot pour elle, mais je n'osais pas. Durant, le week-end, j'ai beaucoup pleur? mais personne ne vint me consoler car elles me dirent que cette situation ?tait de ma faute. Le lundi arriva, j'avais le c?ur serr?, une boule dans le ventre et enfin, je vis Marie mais elle passa pr?s de moi sans me jeter un regard. A midi, je lui demandai si l'on pouvait se parler. Elle me suivit dans un endroit un peu ? l'?cart des autres, je lui demandai de ses nouvelles et elle me r?pondit, pourquoi cela t'int?resse ? Tu n'as pas pris la peine de t'en inqui?ter la semaine derni?re. Je bafouillai, elle m'interrompit en demandant si je n'avais rien d'autre ? me dire car si c'?tait le cas, elle avait d'autres occupations. Je lui dis alors, tout doucement, que j'avais fait un choix. Elle me regardait alors fixement dans les yeux, sans sourciller, elle ajouta et?? Ce choix c'?tait elle. Elle ne fit qu'un petit sourire et elle dit, tu as mis beaucoup de temps avant de te d?cider. M'aimes-tu r?ellement?? Sais-tu la peine que m'as faite?? Je r?pondis oui plus que tout et non mais je m'en excuse. Elle ajouta, il va falloir que tu prennes la pleine mesure de ce que cela entra?nera comme choses, comportements et attitudes que je devrai changer car elle ne voulait plus jamais vivre cela. Je lui annon?ai que j'?tais pr?t ? faire ce qu'elle voulait. Elle termina par nous en reparlerons bien vite et que je suis en p?riode probatoire, si je ne l'?coutais pas, elle m'abandonnerait du jour au lendemain sans plus jamais ne m'adresse la parole. Est-ce clair?? J'hochai affirmativement de la t?te et nous rejoign?mes notre classe. Ma famille ne put que lire avec attention et une certaine joie mon journal. Le lendemain, je ne pus m'emp?cher d'all? parler avec d'autres filles, Marie vint me chercher dans le groupe et, ? l'?cart, me dit voil? une premi?re chose ? laquelle tu dois rem?dier. Arr?ter d'aller faire du charme aux autres, les ?changes pouvaient exister mais uniquement d'ordre scolaire. Je voulus objecter mais son regard me montra que je devais plut?t me taire. Dor?navant, je veux qu'? la fin des cours, je puisse te ba?lloner moi-m?me et que pour venir, tu ne retireras ton ba?llon qu'en ma pr?sence. Est-ce clair?? Je pense que ta maman et tes s?urs n'y verront aucune objection. C'est en vigueur d?s aujourd'hui. A la fin de la journ?e, apr?s m'avoir plac? mon ba?llon journal, elle me posa un petit baiser sur les l?vres comme pour me r?compenser. Dans la voiture, Anne s'?tonna que j'?tais d?j? ba?llonn? mais ajouta souriante, apparemment Marie a repris les choses en main. Ma m?re lut ? voix haute, les recommandations que Marie m'avait faites et toutes ne purent qu'approuver totalement. Elles ajout?rent, nous constatons que tu as fait le bon choix et qu'elles esp?rent que je m'y tiendrai. Le lendemain, pendant le trajet, Beth me faisait r?citer ma le?on, arriv?, j'allais sortir qu'elle m'arr?te et me demande si je n'avais rien oubli??? Je la vois prendre une double feuille de journal et me la place dans la bouche. Je sors et vait rejoindre Marie. Je croise plusieurs filles qui me disent bonjour mais je suis dans l'incapacit? de r?pondre et donc je passe en les saluant du regard. Marie qui n'a rien perdu de la sc?ne, me fait la bise et me dit, alors, c'est bien mon amour. Juste avant de rentrer en classe, elle m'autorise ? ?ter mon ba?llon. Ayant l'habitude de marcher vite, je suis toujours en avance sur Marie dans les couloirs, les escaliers et, elle me dit que cela n'est pas tr?s courtois, elle me sugg?re alors que dor?navant, je porte le syst?me ? lani?re avec une sangle de 25 cm maximum. Je ne dis mot et n'ose la contredire. Pendant la pause de midi, elle s'absente et d'autres filles viennent alors pour me parler, j'en suis content mais pas Marie qui ne manque pas ? son retour de me le faire remarquer. Le lendemain, j'arrive sangl? et ba?llonn?. Nous sommes dans la derni?re semaine avant la p?riode de fin d'ann?e et elle me dit, heureusement, bient?t les cong?s, cela nous permettra de mettre certaines choses au point. J'essaie d'en savoir plus mais elle ne dit rien et m'emm?ne vers les toilettes, m'embrasse goulument et amoureusement. Ensuite, elle me ba?llonne avec une triple feuille de journal car elle veille ? ce que ma bouche soit totalement remplie. Ensuite elle soul?ve ma cape et me lie mes poignets solidement ensemble. Je la suis vers la sortie et sur le trajet, elle me dit qu'elle est heureuse et qu'il est bon d'avoir un petit ami aussi bien ?duqu? que moi. Nous attendons ma m?re et vu qu'aujourd'hui, il pleut beaucoup, elle lui propose de la d?poser ? son domicile. Marie accepte volontiers et dans la voiture, elle demande si elle peut me placer les entraves. Maman lui tend et Marie s'applique, me retire mes liens des poignets pour les remplacer par les menottes et se sert du lien pour mes coudes et demanda ? ma m?re si elle ne trouvait pas que cela me permettait de mieux me tenir droite. Elle prend du tape transparent et coupe plusieurs bandes, qu'elle applique consciencieusement sur ma bouche. Elles discutent alors durant le trajet sur la vision que Marie avait de l'avenir et des relations qu'elle esp?rait avoir avec moi. Marie lui r?pondit, ne vous inqui?tez pas, j'aime ?norm?ment Dominique et j'aimerais faire ma vie avec lui. Je souhaite plus que tout poursuivre la rigueur qu'elle avait inculqu? ? son fils et que pour elle, les entraves et le reste lui paraissait normal. Elle trouvait juste que nous ?tions encore trop laxistes avec moi et qu'elle avait d? intervenir si elle ne voulait qu'il devienne volage. Elle demande alors si ces demandes des deux derni?res n'ont pas ?t? mal per?ues. Au contraire, r?pondit ma m?re, elle trouve, ainsi que ses filles, que je suis parfaite et que toute nouvelle suggestion sera appr?ci?e. Marie la remercia beaucoup pour cette confiance et que justement, elle aimerait que durant les f?tes pouvoir venir et parler un peu de tout cela avec elle et mes s?urs. Par ailleurs, elle aimerait aussi pr?senter Dominique ? sa m?re maintenant que leur relation ?tait s?rieuse.

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Ana fucked while she passed out

I had gone with my sweet wife to a Christmas party at her office.A while later, I started flirting with one of her girlfriends and lost track of Anita. The party was fine and I got several drinks hearing the loud music, before I noticed my sexy wife was out of sight there.As I began looking for her, one of her mates told me he had seen Ana at the upper floor. I went up and finally found her own office.My wife was there inside, passed out onto a couch.She was sprawled out with one leg on the...

3 years ago
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Alices Daughter was rough

As I was sat out on a beautiful warm day, the wife had gone to a meeting, Alice was sat out a couple of houses away, you remember Alice I told the story - look in my stories. Anyway we were sat out and Alice asked if she could come round with her daughter, I said "Ok", as they both came round, her daughter was 19, single, and lived in a rough part of town.She looked rough, her blonde hair was unkemp, bordering on dirty, she had tattoo's up her arms, she was wearing an off white blouse top thing...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 14 Curveballs

February, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Joyce’s words rang in my ears, and I felt dizzy and nauseated. “I had a Pap smear that came back abnormal. I think I might have cancer.” I was glad I was sitting down because my knees were weak. My hands were shaking as well. “Joyce, I apologize for everything. I mean that. Why didn’t you tell me?” “I was going to, and then I found out about you and Connie and I just got so angry I couldn’t think straight.” “You said ‘might’. What does that mean?” I...

2 years ago
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NCLA Days A Fab Foursome0

Naked City Los Angeles, or as it was known NCLA, was a nudist/swingers resort nestled in the hills of Riverside County near Hemet, California. In its heyday of the late 1980’s and 1990’s it was frequented by local nudists, swingers, and even a few adult film stars. There were even a few permanent residents. This story is about an encounter that I was lucky enough to be a part of and is part fact and part fiction. The names have been changed to protect the perverted. Out of all the...

4 years ago
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Shivani And Rahul 8211 Part 1

Hello to everyone from Rahul. I hope you are reading this, have taken their vaccine shots, and are doing well. I pray for a quick end to the pandemic. Hopefully, the year 2022 will be a great one for all of us without COVID. Keep reading my stories, and keep pleasuring yourself and sharing the love. Tragedy struck Shivani after 3 years of her marriage. She and her husband were lovers in college who married each other straight out of college. She was 7 months pregnant and was traveling from...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 14

The weather this day was unbearably hot. Kelly trudged up the path that was described in John’s hiking journal. Sweat ran down into her eyes. Her tee shirt was soaked and stuck to her. She knew that she was filthy. There wasn’t anywhere to bathe at the campsite. The insects were active and bothered her tremendously. She had to force herself to walk faster than she liked, but she had to be in the clearing by noon. She was tired, not having slept the night before. The woods were full of noises...

2 years ago
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Enterprise Shoal Leave

Lt. Christopher's personal log. August 10th, 2151. The Enterprise is due for a maintenance overhaul that will take three days. The maintenance will take place at Outpost 212. The Outpost is currently under expansion itself, soon to become a Starbase. Due to its proximity to the pleasure planet of Risa, Captain Archer has stated that any personnel that has any shore leave owed them may take it during the maintenance period. I have a few days saved up, but I'd rather hold onto it and use it in...

1 year ago
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I Saw Daddy Fucking

Hi my name is Tanya I am 22 years old now with a perfect shaped body of 34 28 36 and this story is about my dad and me, my family consists of me my little brother and dad my mom died when I was 10 and brother was 6 yrs old. My dad works in a govt. firm in Delhi. His name is Rudra Pratap Singh and he is H.O.D of the Dept. Now let me tell you the story and mind it it’s a real story not any fiction, but yes the names are changed when I was younger and I came home early dad use to drink even in...

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Finding Danielle

It was a typical August day in South Florida, 99 degrees Fahrenheit with 99% humidity, the air so hot and wet it seemed to shimmer in liquid layers above the pavement as my Honda powered up the ramp onto I-95, a first, small step in a 1400 mile quest to find my missing sister Danielle. 'Danielle, ' I whispered wistfully to the empty car, an indistinct, still blurry vision of a beautiful twenty year old girl drawing me inexorably northward. I hadn't even known she was missing twelve months...

1 year ago
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BadMilfs Cory Chase Jane Wilde Rocking My Stepmoms Rhombus

When she hears noise coming from her stepsons bedroom, Cory Chase goes to see whats going on. She finds her stepson, literally his head against the wall in frustration. Hes studying for a geometry test and no matter how hard he tries, he just doesnt get it. His stepmom doesnt know shit about geometry but she does have an idea of how she might be able to help suck the frustration right out of his dick. The next day, Cory feels a spike of jealousy when her stepson brings his girlfriend home.....

2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 14 Family

Spring Break was finally here. Today we had a baseball tournament, and then freedom for a week. Tomorrow was Easter Sunday. We were the host family because everyone wanted to see Mom, now that she was cancer free. Grandma Dawson and Uncle John arrived last night. Today Uncle Jim, Mom's brother, and his family were arriving. Mom had gone last night to pick up her parents, Grandma and Grandpa Felton. Today's tournament was being held at the park Dad used to supervise. They had four baseball...

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Spiritual UnionChapter 13

I'd like to dream that what happened next was an instant orgy with all three girls cuddling into bed with me. I'd like to, but it sadly wasn't what happened. The fear that Courtney had exhibited managed to put us all completely out of the mood. When sleep came to me finally, it was only in fits and starts, and I found myself feeling the edge of a dream only to have it snatched away by a nervous breath. "I didn't want to hurt her..." The voice was stronger now than it had ever been...

4 years ago
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My Brother Introduced Me To Gay World

Hello guys this is Naveen again, about me born in Tamil Nadu and we settled in Andhra now searching job in Bangalore, my age 24 with 5.7 high smart black guys has an horny seven inch black cock. This is my first gay experience which happens in my teenage, that too because of my brother (not my own brother). My brother name is “Mani” and he is 26 years old, till now i didn’t find how he know every bit in sex both in gay sex ,bi-sex, str8 etc. Basically we are from village that’s why i don’t know...

Gay Male
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My Wife is 54 PT2

Call him, tell him you have had a little to much to drink you are going to have your friend Dottie drive you to her house to stay the night ,you be home in the morning. My wife, being ever reluctant started to resist,but Dottie would have none of it. “Call him,cunt,or you will be sorry.” With that she called me, told me the story, and I told her ,”great,that I would see her tomorrow.” No that was not so hard was it baby,Dottie said to my wife, c’mon get into the truck,don’t bother...

1 year ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 18 More Marvels

Dramatis Personae: Frank -––– - Lead character, creator of Alpha Alpha - First Artificial Intelligence Mobile Copies of Alpha: Beta aka Bayonetta aka Elizabeth Alana Franks (cyborg, from Bayonetta) Gamma aka Jasmine aka Jasmine Marza (cyborg, from Aladdin) Delta aka Elisa Maza aka Elizabeth Marza (cyborg, from Gargoyles) Alphadroid Dorothy aka R. Dorothy Waynewright (android, from Big O) A-Ko aka Eiko Magami aka Epsilon (organic copy of Alpha, from Project A-Ko) Artificial Women (in order...

4 years ago
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She could feel the adrenaline start to close her throat. Every step echoed louder and crisper as she moved deeper into the massive concrete cave. She looked around for her lover feeling the tightness of her waspy over her skirt as she leaned to look past the pillars into the dim corners.  She took a moment to decide wether to call out or not before letting a nervious hello escape her lips. 

3 years ago
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Futa Keeps Girlfriend Fed

Amber: Kate, why do you wear shorts to the swimming pool? You know you can wear a bikini. Kate: I just don’t want anyone to see too much, you know? Amber: Well, I guess. What, afraid the boys will go wild? Kate: Actually, the girls. I’m packing. Amber: Wait, what do you mean? Kate: Well, this is what I mean. Kate stands up and lets her swim shorts stick to her body, revealing the outline of her giant futa dick. Amber: Oh my god, are you for real? Kate: Yeah. Amber: Does anyone else...

2 years ago
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What a Girl Wants

"Come on, Katie. Give in to your desires. You've gone this far. You're almost there. You're so close to your goals and dreams of being treated like a lady. Accept it. Embrace it. Give in and complete your journey. Tell me what you want." Todd and I had been friends for years and even co-workers at one point in our respective careers. It had been almost ten years since I'd seen him and it seemed like fate that after all that time, I ran into him the first night I finally gathered the courage to...

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El of a ThingChapter 17

FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. New York / Washington DC / Baltimore MD Andrew Sturdvent, Sanderson Miles and Homer Liggett only had one thing in common. They ran the United States of America. Not that they had been elected by any polity, or approved by any constituency, but by using the webs of power their families had developed over the years, they could reach out and touch anyone, anywhere, anytime. At first, the reports from the Illinois area had been interesting, then intriguing, but lately they...

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Her Naked Mystery Man

Helena slept soundly in her queen-sized bed at night. Outside from her house, the full moon had shined and the stars glistened in the sky. Then, she was awakened by the sound of moaning. She got up slipped on her black marabou slippers on her feet and black sheer robe over her satin corset and thong. She got a flashlight from her nightstand and carefully walked down the stairs. Helena went outside through the back door and there she saw a man. A naked man with a hot, ripped, lean body, blue...

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Ten YearsConclusion

Jana and Sandy had no sooner left when Katie excused herself. Ten minutes later, she appeared in the doorway to the patio in the bikini that had been sent to her. I stood, but she held her hand up. "No, I don't want you to touch me. Not yet anyway, and not like this. I did want you to see me." Blushing and smiling she pirouetted before me. There was no comparison between this girl, my wife or her older sister. Katie had nearly a perfect form. She was a goddess. I sat back down and she...

3 years ago
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My Wife got Blacked

It all stared, yes a typical opener, well yes it did all start when my Wife A** went on a ladies night out, some Birthday or whatever, I stayed at home, I knew one or two of the girls she went with were a little bit more than free with their favours, Come 1:00am A** was still not in, OK,it was a girly but so I could forgive a little latenes, well she finally arrived home about 2:30, I had fallen asleep on the couch, the door opening roused me, hello,I shouted, it's only me came the reply, A**...

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A Ride to Heaven and Back Pt 02 Ch 03

Author Note: Thanks for all the great comments and scores you been giving me for my stories lately and while i am running a little behind due to others things clogging my brain, i am working to get caught up. I would really love some serious feedback though, because i write these stories to be either liked or disliked and sometimes silence is nerve racking. Remembering 9-11 and hoping that it never happens anywhere again peace darkstone57 * Reni heard him come in and sat up on the couch...

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StepDads Rule Number One

"Bad news ladies," I said seconds after hanging up the phone. "Your mom is stuck out of town and won't be home in time to watch the ball drop. Looks like we'll have to ring in the new year without her." "That sucks," my stepdaughter Tracie said. "She's going to miss the party." "We can still have the party, right?," my other stepdaughter Jeannie asked expectantly. "We can't cancel out now." "No worries," I said. "You can still have your friends come over tonight for as much debauchery as you...

1 year ago
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The internet gets bigger every day, and despite my years of sincere effort, I still have not cataloged all of the sources of carnal entertainment on the web. But, hey, I love it, and I am sure that you do too, so without an unnecessarily long intro, I’ll get into my review of xBree.net.Well, The Design Is Uninspired, HonestlyThe color scheme of this website and how various elements are presented are not the most inspired. The background is a dark grey, and there’s nothing much to say about the...

Asian Porn Sites
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Transformations A Love Story Part 3

Month 5... Over the last month, Andy had made big strides to come to grips with his developing feminine shape. But during their private sessions, he admitted to Erin that he was still extremely self-conscious about hiding his shape in public... but around Dani he was more comfortable. While comfort at home around his loving and supporting wife was easy, from a psychiatric perspective, Erin knew that Andy had to progress outside of the house. The physical changes were increasing and...

2 years ago
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Twin Trouble II

Twin Trouble II Jake and Mary, twin sister and brother had fooled their grandparents by switching identities. Unfortunately for them the grandparents took them at their face value and enhanced their male and female appearances. Mary Before their parents arrived home the twins had gone to Mary's room. Mary sat looking at her brother for a moment, thinking how are we going to get out of this. For herself she was quite content, the clothes were comfortable. She was amused by...

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Floyds Fantasizes

Floyd’s FantasizesI am Floyd, a man of the world, 46 years old. I am married to a wonderful woman named Wanda. We have been married for all my adult life. I fell in love with her when I was 20, we got married at 21. She was only 18 then and beautiful. And boy could she fuck. She loved sex so much. We made love almost every night, collapsing in each others arms when we were done. But somehow life got into our way. Sex became less frequent, less fulfilling. I felt there had to be more in...

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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 16

It was small with Mitch and Dora and Missus Thornton. Missus Thornton was now considered family by all of us and expected and invited to all family celebrations. It was late but cheerful. As it ended, Britt and I walked Missus Thornton back to her house. She looked at me and said, "You look tired, Chad. Britt, take him to bed and be gentle tonight. You can love him half to death tomorrow night." I was catching flies from my open mouth. Britt said, "How did you find out? Who told...

3 years ago
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My First Encounter With An Other Man

I’m Shiksha, a 26year old married working woman. I’m 36-32-34, a shape from which a guy can’t take his eyes off. This is my first story about my first encounter with a man other than my hubby. I’m married for 2years.my hubby work for a corporate company. he is a busy man who can’t spare a little time with me. Mine is a boring life. This incident happened 2 months back. It was a weekday. I decided to take off as I was sick of working. I told my hubby to have food outside as I wanted to sleep for...

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Giving the BBC to the High Rollers wife in

If you are new to my stories, they are all real events that I participated in. A few details have been changed to protect the guilty. The purpose of all the stories is to document how I changed from a shy virgin to a dominant Bull.Now that I knew that I could find couples on Craigslist, I was hooked. I knew I was going to Vegas the next weekend so I posted an ad. A got a response from a woman who said she was part of a couple. Her and her boyfriend were going to be in Vegas for the weekend and...

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Sharing in Cabo Ch 01

We're just a normal every day couple. We've never talked about sharing or swapping or swinging or any of that stuff. In fact, I've had some fantasies, but my wife, Marti, is an evangelical Christian who I assumed was staunchly opposed to such thoughts. We've had some tough moments in our marriage, but we've resolved most of them. For much of our marriage, we had a pretty lack luster sex life. There were some years when things were so bad that we probably only had sex a couple of times in a...

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Amandas ChoiceChapter 16

Roquan uttered a snort of disgust as he picked up yet another Farviewing pearl from the hearth and dropped it back onto the velvet. Three clients now! Three! Three that he almost lost and had to convince not to terminate their existing contracts with him. Damn Lord K'garon! Thanks to his insufferable arrogance of sending Tanyee back to the Manor, other clients who had already heard rumors of obedience troubles with Roquan's slaves had taken that as a signal to reconsider their business...

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naughty boy

My name is Harry and I am the son of a very beautiful mother and sister. They have always teased me one way or another through my teenage years by walking around half naked or by saying suggestive things to me and leaving me all hot and bothered. I am now 18 years old with very short dark hair and now stand at 6 foot tall. Now that I am of age maybe the teasing will lead to more than just me getting all hot and bothered maybe it might lead to something more.My sister Jenny is almost a mirror...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 9

It takes more than an hour to buy a suit, usually at least two days if the place has any volume at all. When it’s necessary to get clothes for a funeral in a hurry, the only option is to purchase dress pants and a sports coat. Add a tie and a new shirt, and it’s possible to show up at a funeral and look halfway decent. Wandering alone and lost in a shopping mall, Ed had no clue as to what he was doing or where to go. There were so many stores here carrying all different kinds of things, that...

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Hot Mom

I had been dating Cassidy for about 3 years. She invited me to Thanksgiving Dinner with her family. I had only met her mother, Lena, a couple of times. She was a typical hot Latina mom, big breasts, large ass and sexy face. I got to their house at about 3 PM. Cassidy's dad, Michael, and Lena, were standing at the door. They let me in and Lena hugged me. My whole body tingled as her hot body was wrapped around mine. "Cass is upstairs, you can come into the living room if you want while she...

3 years ago
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Die Puppe Teil 2

Die Puppe (Teil 2) "Eine Begegnung" Nach einer ganzen Weile erreichten wir endlich unser Ziel. Madame deMontrose lie? mich wieder auf den Sitz zur?ck, damit ich die Gelegenheit nicht vers?umte die prachtvolle Allee und den Anblick ihres Anwesens zu betrachten. Der Wagen hielt vor einem riesigen Herrenhaus, wobei die Reifen ein knirschendes Ger?usch auf dem groben Kies machten. Auf der gro?en Treppe vor dem Haupteingang stand eine Gestalt, ich konnte aber nur deren Umrisse in der Abend...

1 year ago
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Jo and Me and Dave Makes Three

This story is the sequel of my “Boyz To Men In The RV”. In that story, I met Jo and her husband Dave for lunch near their home in Springfield , Pennsylvania . I hooked up with Jo several months earlier on an erotic literature site. She seemed to like the picture of my erect cock that I had posted on the site and commented that she would like to sit on it. But, commenting on another posted pic, she also offered to lick off the cum that was oozing out of my pee slit and running down the shaft of...

2 years ago
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My Uncle Edward Part 3

After many years of service  Edward's old jeep had finally given up the ghost. He'd had it for twenty-three years and went all over the estate in it. I was pleasantly surprised by his replacement mode of transport. A huge jet black stallion and he was quite magnificent. Edward called him Titan a most fitting name, I thought. We were moving steadily into the Autumn and the multitude of coloured leaves were falling from the trees. It was my favourite time of year.The decline in my mental health...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Vietnamese Girl Part 2 Aftermath

After Tim went back to Europe, I went back to work. My usual schedule is waking up at 6 AM, going to work at 7, working from 7:30 till 18:00, having dinner with my parents around 19:00, watching some television, praying around 21:00, then going to bed around 21:30. And that is six days a week, Sunday is the day to go to church.As you can guess, there is not a lot of time left for any romance.Tim was keeping me informed about his flights back home. It took more than twenty-four hours for him to...

4 years ago
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Chapter One. Gina was bored with the party, bored with her friends,and frankly, with her life. Her job was a relative dead end and the men she dated were almost all classified in her own mind as losers or just nonentities. She had no difficulty attracting lovers; she was beautiful by anyone's standards. But when they left her apartment after a night of post dinner sex, she was always relieved to see them go since their pitiful attempts to please her sexually only left her aching for...

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Girle Parts 3 and 4

From: Paul Wayman To: Paul1954 Subject: try gain Date: 21 November 2000 22:53 Girl-e (Parts 3&4) by Paul1954 The next two parts of the serial currently running on 'The Outside' http//:www.btinternet.com/~theoutside Part 1. Man On A Mission! Part 2. A Wolf In Ewe's Clothing Part 3. From Haven To Hell Part 4. A Voice From The Past Part 5. A Sheep in Sheep's Clothing Part 6. Currently in...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 14

Sunday passed in a bit of a fog. I chose not to do anything simply because I still wasn't quite right. I didn't do my drawing practice, because I just wasn't very creative in the fog. The first assignment was to draw with a number two black pencil. I had not done that since I was in high school, but I was looking forward to it. The idea was to do shapes before we moved on to shading and the more advanced techniques. I just hung out at home watching TV on the net. I caught up on several...

4 years ago
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Britney Teen Hypnotic Sex Slave

Writing these stories has given me a perspective on things sexual that I had not had previously. The thought that occurs to me the most is the ‘what if?’ questions. What if as a young adult I had the skill as a hypnotist that I developed over the years? This story assumes a young man of extraordinary intelligence. We pick the story up after he has completed thorough research into hypnosis and the related psychology. He is a virgin with no dating experience. Sam is small, about five feet six,...

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